The Myths About Cover Letter Writing
Cover letters are not as important as the resume.
This is a fatal error and one that occurs more often than you would think. Job seekers spend countless hours pouring their heart and soul into creating a resume that will hopefully land them the job of their dreams. They then attach a cover letter as an afterthought. The problem with this is that cover letters are as important, if not more so than your actual resume. The cover letter from resume writing services is your first impression, if they like it, chances are they are going to see your resume in a positive light. If they don't then your resume will properly be going out with the trash without a second glance. You should spend as much if not more time on your cover letter than you do on your resume. You resume will be easily transferable across roles but your cover letter will need to be individually prepared for each new application.

A generic cover letter will do the job.
Generic cover letters do more harm than good. Job seekers see value in this practice because it gives you exposure to a wider audience of potential employers. Sending out bulk resumes and letters gets you out there quickly and effectively. However, you may as well be sending them out into space for all the good it will do. Generic letters lack the personal insight, company awareness, positional knowledge and skill relation, such as cv writing service that a specific letter has. A generic letter sends a very distinct message to employers and it is not a positive one. In order to really create interest in your potential as an employee you need to show you have taken the time to get to know the role and the company. Show how you can help them specifically rather than generally. The best way to progress through the process is to make a connection with the employer. Build a relationship from the outset by personalizing your cover letter. You will be surprised how effective a targeted letter is compared to that of the generic variety.
The cover letter is just a summary of your resume
The cover letter and resume are complementary to each other, they work hand in hand but they are separate documents containing very different information. A resume is fundamentally generic; it outlines education, professional experience and references. The basics of your resume won't change too much from application to application. Your cover letter should change for every job you go for. While it contains highlights of your resume it is not just a recount of the information. It highlights these points with specific links to the job you are going for. It shows how the information provided in your resume is relevant to the job and it will also contain information your resume may not. It is common for job seekers to rewrite my resume in cover letter form; this is not an effective way to grab the attention of your potential employers. The cover letter is your chance to give a little personality to your resume. Instead of just giving information about you it gives information about what you can do for the company.
The cover letter is all about your past experience
Many people go into great detail about their past experiences and jobs in the cover letter. There is room for a brief look at how you're past experiences have helped you develop skills that are transferable to the new job. But the cover letter is not the time to go into depth about this. It is more effective to outline what you can do now in the present that will benefit the company. Draw on your past experiences to demonstrate how you have achieved results and how you will achieve results for them too.
Fancy fonts, creative color and big words will get attention.
Sure these factors will get attention but not the kind of attention you are after. A lot of people think that this is good way to stand out from the crowd. The best thing you can do in terms of your cover letter is focus on simplicity. Employers want easy to read, clear and concise copy. Avoid fancy fonts and color.
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