APOCALIPSIS 22:16 (1 mas 6 es igual a 7), osea 22:7 (numero PI) se lo relaciona con ISTAR-VENUS, EL LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA
Apocalipsis Capítulo 22
Después me mostró un río limpio de agua de vida, resplandeciente como cristal, que salía del trono de Dios y del Cordero. 2 En medio de la calle de la ciudad, y a uno y otro lado del río, estaba el árbol de la vida, que produce doce frutos, dando cada mes su fruto; y las hojas del árbol eran para la sanidad de las naciones. 3 Y no habrá más maldición; y el trono de Dios y del Cordero estará en ella, y sus siervos le servirán, 4 y verán su rostro, y su nombre estará en sus frentes. 5 No habrá allí más noche; y no tienen necesidad de luz de lámpara, ni de luz del sol, porque Dios el Señor los iluminará; y reinarán por los siglos de los siglos.
Y me dijo: Estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas. Y el Señor, el Dios de los espíritus de los profetas, ha enviado su ángel, para mostrar a sus siervos las cosas que deben suceder pronto.
7 ¡He aquí, vengo pronto! Bienaventurado el que guarda las palabras de la profecía de este libro.
8 Yo Juan soy el que oyó y vio estas cosas. Y después que las hube oído y visto, me postré para adorar a los pies del ángel que me mostraba estas cosas. 9 Pero él me dijo: Mira, no lo hagas; porque yo soy consiervo tuyo, de tus hermanos los profetas, y de los que guardan las palabras de este libro. Adora a Dios.
10 Y me dijo: No selles las palabras de la profecía de este libro, porque el tiempo está cerca. 11 El que es injusto, sea injusto todavía; y el que es inmundo, sea inmundo todavía; y el que es justo, practique la justicia todavía; y el que es santo, santifíquese todavía.
12 He aquí yo vengo pronto, y mi galardón conmigo, para recompensar a cada uno según sea su obra. 13 Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.
14 Bienaventurados los que lavan sus ropas, para tener derecho al árbol de la vida, y para entrar por las puertas en la ciudad. 15 Mas los perros estarán fuera, y los hechiceros, los fornicarios, los homicidas, los idólatras, y todo aquel que ama y hace mentira.
16 Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana.
17 Y el Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: Ven. Y el que oye, diga: Ven. Y el que tiene sed, venga; y el que quiera, tome del agua de la vida gratuitamente. (FUERTE NEXO CON OSHANAH RABBAH, JUAN 7:39, Y CON EL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA)
18 Yo testifico a todo aquel que oye las palabras de la profecía de este libro: Si alguno añadiere a estas cosas, Dios traerá sobre él las plagas que están escritas en este libro. 19 Y si alguno quitare de las palabras del libro de esta profecía, Dios quitará su parte del libro de la vida, y de la santa ciudad y de las cosas que están escritas en este libro.
20 El que da testimonio de estas cosas dice: Ciertamente vengo en breve. Amén; sí, ven, Señor Jesús. 21 La gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea con todos vosotros. Amén.
Mateo 6:33: Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su JUSTICIA, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.
The Flag Of Islam |
Celestial objects were used by God to communicate with man his plan of salvation and redemption. For example in Joseph’s dream the sun, moon and 11 stars were bowing down to him. His father rebuked him and said, "What is this dream that you have had? Shall I and your mother and your brothers actually come to bow ourselves down before you to the ground". Genesis 37:9-10. Here we see the sun and moon representing the father and mother and the stars representing the twelve sons.
In Eastern astrological traditions, astrology is used to assure astrological blessings of success.
On September 11, 2001, The star Geminorum13, one of 48 stars of Gemini was inside the crescent moon at 1:11 a.m.
Gemini 's Castor and Pollux represents "The Twins" ... symbolizing the Twin Towers
Note how the description of Gemini matches the Flag of Islam
David: No ... I must have skimmed over it ...... my apology ... I did not catch it ...
JMason4557: There is Cliff's amazing dream of baseball, and the incredible story of "Roger Maris and Me," by Andy Strassberg. He was Roger's greatest fan. Near the end of Roger's career, he played for the St. Louis Cardinals. !!
Andy traved to Pittsburg on May 9, 1967 to see Roger play. He sat in seat 9, row 9. Roger, wearing number 9, hit a home run right into Andy's hand.
David: and of course ... the "Cardinals" represent the "ruling body" of the Catholic church .. a "man-made" religious construct WOW! That cannot be a coincidence !!
JMason4557: Yes, VERY unlikely, especially considering what happened prior. Andy had asked Roger for a home run ball when he was playing for the Yankees. Roger told him, "I don't have one, so you will just have to catch one yourself."
David: wow!
JMason4557: The 9-11-2001 desaster is part of this. Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. 270 days later, 9 miners were rescued from a mine near where the plane crashed. 270 = 70 x 3, like Danel's weeks type of symbolism.
David: YES
JMason4557: Flight 11 hit one tower, Flight 175 hit the other. 11 + 175 = 186. 186 / 2 = 93 again. ...
David: wow!
JMason4557: 93 and 186 are harmonics (x million) of the distance from the Earth to the Sun, and the diameter of the orbit of the Earth around the sun.
The old Gematria system of prehistic numbers are being given in the events, in dreams and in crop circle formations.
David: YES! I did not make the connection until you just told me ....
JMason4557: In 1965 there was a black out in New York on November 9. ....
This was 36 years prior to the 2001 disaster. 36 is the base number of the ancient system.
911 - 119 = 792.
David: also ... If I recall correctly .... the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second ... isn't it?
These numbers are absolutely staggering
JMason4557: Yes, about.
792 is a harmonic of the Earth's diameter of 7,920 miles. Gematria litterally means "Measuring the Earth." The number showed up in an important dream of Paul's around 1995.
The tangents of the Gematrian numbers, when multiplied, result in a number that is the square root of 5, which itself is the tangent of the speed of light in air!
CODE OF THE ANCIENTS http://www.greatdreams.com/gem1.htm
All the Gematrian numbers add to nine or a multiple of nine, and are divisible by nine. Biblical examples are 144,000 and 1,260.
David: It seems to me that "key events" are tied to dates and times in a "perfect synchronicity" similar to how the bible has been constructed by God ... and the Biblical number relationship
JMason4557: 666 is similar, but is an in-between number divisible by 18.
David: All we have to do is to be "aware" of this ....
JMason4557: Exactly. There is much more, but I'll give you some of the recent material, which is a timeline.
David: "key events" as defined by God NOT man!
JMason4557: Yes. Do you know the last appearance of Jesus in the Bible? [actually, one of the last]
David: I am embarrassed to say that I do not ... yet ...... although I have been reading the Book of Daniel as of late
JMason4557: In John 21, Jesus appears to Simon and the six fishermen at Lake Tiberius. He tells of the 153 Fish in the Net. Do you know of this?
David: I have read it a long time ago and I don't recall it .. but I will read it tonight ...... with new eyes!
JMason4557: Good. I will give you some links that explain it more.
David: I would like that :-)
JMason4557: The story is even older than the one in the Bible. It is a lesson in sacred geometry and numbers. 153 is one of the most special numbers of them all.
It is the 17th Triangle number...the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153.
David: OK
JMason4557: Twice 153 is 306 which is another in between number with the 666 tangent. This is because 306 + 360 (full circle) = 666.
David: OK
JMason4557: Hints of this are in the Great Pyramid. See the Code of the Ancient page later.
David: OK
David: also 3 x 3 x 17 = 153
JMason4557: That's right, and 9 x 17, like on September 17. Also, October 17 gives 170.
Some of the other numbers of the Biblical story are 1224 (8 x 153) and 2448 (16 x 153).
The "Net" has 16 little diamond shapes with the dimensions 265 and 153. This demonstrates the approximate square root of three as 265/153.
2448 is the diameter of Lake Tiberius in the story.
David: October 17th is JUST around the corner
JMason4557: Yes! That is why I want you to know this now. The most likely event is another symbolic earthquake! But, I would not predict that. Something symbolic may happen.
The geometry of the 153 Fish involves the Seed of Life diagram. Are you familiar with this?
David: Tree of life but not the flower of life [seed of life] is it the same thing?
JMason4557: They are related. The geometry of the 153 Fish also relates to the Tree of Life diagram. The Seed of Life is six interlocking circles in a ring, with a seventh circle in the center. Six petals are formed, giving the flower shape.
David: OK lol ... very similar to your chit arrangement
JMason4557: Yes, quite! On the Tree of Life crop circle page, is a photo of the other crop formation that appeared with it. This one shows six crescents.
David: I recall that
JMason4557: This is the basic type of the design. It seems to be related to the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life, which corresponds to the Heart Chakra.
Do you know of the 2001 Mega Glyph crop formation?
Milk Hill Crop Glyph (chakras) by Steven Clementson http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/MilkHill/milkhill.htm
David: I have that link on my other computer ... I did see that last time we chatted ... that I recall reading
JMason4557: Okay. This is similar to the Seed of Life type pattern. This one had 409 total circles. The alphanumerics of the colors of the seven chakras add to 409.
David: I also believe God is sending us a message THROUGH these baseball playoffs ....... and it's something along the lines of "Please be very aware of me"
JMason4557: But, the number 408 is also important...all the circles except the central one. 3 x 408 = 1224 and 6 x 408 = 2448.
See the connection to the 153 Fish in the Net story?
David: Let me get my Bible .. John:21 yes?
JMason4557: Okay.This comes from 13 major circles in earch arm of the formation, and 55 small circles in each arm. 13 + 55 = 68, and 6 x 68 = 408.
Now the timeline. Jesus is associated with the number 13, as with the Tribes, King Arthur, etc. This is Jesus with the 12 Desciples, but has a correspondence with the 12 Tribes with Tabernacle in the center...and to the Zodiac with the Throne of God in the center of the Heavens...etc.
What is 13 x 153?
David: wow The year of the earthquake
JMason4557: Right...1989, the year of the World Series Earthquake! And the year that the movie, "Field of Dreams" came out!
DREAMS OF BASEBALL GAMES WITH INTERPRETATION http://www.greatdreams.com/baseball.htm
David: I just read John 21 ... my bible does not detail the fishing net
JMason4557: Coincidence? I think not!
David: I agree
JMason4557: Right. The Biblical story only has part of the whole thing.
David: NOT a coincidence at all
JMason4557: [the first link below is extra here, not included in the IM] Logos & Carmen Christi - 153 Fish with diagrams
The Riddle of the 153 Fish (John 21:1-14) (jesus8880.com)
The Original Ending to the Gospel of John (jesus8880.com)
David: I sense something significant will occur THIS month
JMason4557: When similar things have happened, and I expected something, it came out different than I expected.
Do you know of the crop formation this year of the Alien Face holding the coded disk?
David: I will readily admit that "guessing" is inappropriate .. I think it's more of an awareness as to the message God sends WHEN he sends it.
JMason4557: The 2002 'Alien Face' Formation, by Paul Vigay (153 Blocks of 7)
The disk seems to have 153 blocks in the message!
David: wow!
JMason4557: Right. But, we will keep awake and try to see the symbolic content. We may be the only ones on the planet with these insights. Boy, what an agrandizement! :-)
David: lol
JMason4557: I love this..it is so exciting!
David: It seems to me that God is speaking to us daily within the numerology and events .... I agree with you .. this is exciting, intriguing and enlightening It's the aspect of "heightened awareness" that intrigues me
JMason4557: Great. It is so good to share with one who understands. Do you know of the Feathered Serpent?
David: I also believe we are not alone in the universe AND God has created all of us From ancient Mayan culture?
JMason4557: Oh yes. I am just saying that not many know much about the baseball and related connections.
David: (The Feathered Serpent)
JMason4557: Yes, that's right.
David: It is VERY clear to me that a message from God is coming through Baseball right now .... let me elaborate a bit .......
The "upset" aspect .. that ALL four teams were upsets ... calls extreme attention to it as well as CGAT BUT CGAT is AMERICAN CULTURE BASED So is Baseball!
The message is meant for our nation Bush is also preparing to go to war against Sadam Hussein ... VERY SOON
JMason4557: Yes...and our nation is a microcosm of the world...we are meant to lead them into the New Jerusalem, and we will!
Rough going at the moment. Unity will come after a period of stress.
David: it could also be a simple message from God affirming that we are on the "right track" .... I don't know ......
JMason4557: Yes, it is hard to say what will happen in the near future.
David: We will be alone as a nation moving against Iran .... we will be leading ...
JMason4557: Iraq...perhaps Iran later.
David: I agree it is hard to say ... but I do sense SOMETHING of major significance will occur this month .... oops .. I meant Iraq
JMason4557: I knew you knew! :-) Not alone...the other Tribe of the Covenant, England, will be with us.
David: also ........... this curious D.C. sniper
JMason4557: We are symbolically the sons of Joseph, Ephrahim and Manasseh.
David: wow .... when I sent you that email a few days ago you had a sense that I was at least observant?!
we may be LITERALLY descendants of them!
JMason4557: Yes, at least on the spiritual level. These are the two olive trees of Revelation 11:11, who tormented the other nations...
David: I am fascinated with the scrpiture of the Old Testament where God allowed the first men to live 900+ years in order to "get humanity going"
and taken literally ......... it is very intriquing But if we are to have faith and believe ... this did happen! As "improbable" as it seems
JMason4557: Yes...gematiran numbers too. The covenant to Abrahim was passed down to the sons, coming to the twin Jacob, then to his 11th son, Joseph, and then to Joseph's sons Ephrahim and Manesseh.
I stick with the symbolic meaning. The litteral "truth" quest can take up all your time, with little result.
David: It fascinates me that the Bible ... and of course God .. makes it a point (and a major point) in detailing our lineage
JMason4557: In my philosophy, the events may or may not have actually happened, but they are very meaningful, none the less.
Yes. Ephrahem was to be a company of nations..and became Great Britian.
"Brit" means covenant.
From that comes his older brother, Manasseh, the great and powerful nation, i.e., the USA.
In Rev. 11, the two torment the other nations, and have power of the air and sea. ...
JMason4557: Right...it (the Bible) was by men, who are usually only part right. In the older story of the 153 Fish, the central circle represented the rock of Apollo, the hub of the world, where messages from the Divine came.
Rev. 11 tells how the two were toppled by their enemies...how the whole world saw it...how the enemies celebrated.
David: wow
JMason4557: If anyone harms these two (of the Covenant), fire comes from heaven to destroy them.
They lay dead in the Great City for three days and a half, as the enemies celebrate and exchange gifts. There bodies cannot be put into graves...
David: wow
JMason4557: Then, Revelation 11:11, after the three days and a half, a breath of God enters them, and they stand up on their feet...and a great fear falls on those who see them.
The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Manifest Revelation http://www.greatdreams.com/Events/9_11_01/Amtrgrev.htm
The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part One http://www.greatdreams.com/Events/9_11_01/Amertrag.htm
JMason4557: Check this out later:
Flower of Life Demo http://home.earthlink.net/~klogw/FlowerOfLife.htm
Flower of Life Graphic - Animated http://www.ind-tech.demon.co.uk/Adam's_Quest/Sacred_Geometry_Page/Flower_of_Life/Flower_of_Life_index.html
David: Number "33" is up for the Giants right now in the ball game
JMason4557: 33 + 120 = 153
David: Santiago .. who hit the winning home run yesterday
JMason4557: THE = 33 FORTRESS = 120 Tarot card 17
JMason4557: 120 is a tetrahedral point...related to the Trinity. The Fower of Life at one point shows two interlaced tetrahedrons and a cube.
David: I have to go out to those websites later tonight or tomorrow .. they are all .. very interesting!
JMason4557: Yes. Check this one too:
Crabwood Alien - Part 1 - Martin Keitel http://www.ioon.net/cropcircles/articles/alien1.html
Follow it to the third part, about the dream:
Alien & Code Formation, Crabwood, Part 3 (dream) http://www.ioon.net/cropcircles/articles/alien3.html
David: ok
JMason4557: The serpent relates to the Kundalini of the chakra system, and to the Feathered Serpent.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Quetzalcoatl 17 21 5 20 26 1 12 3 15 1 20 12 = 153 !!!
David: wow !!!!!!!
JMason4557: Quetzalcoatl or Kulkucan is the Feathered Serpent. He is related to the Morning Star, as with Jesus and Lucifer. He has a dark Twin. ...
David: I always thought that Quetzalcoatl was another name for Lucifer
JMason4557: The Twin Feathered Serpents are related to Venus, the Morning and Evening Star... When it sets with the sun, this is the dark tiwn associated with death. The Light twin with the sunrise.
They say that because of the Venus association...but his "light" sunrise aspect is very, very good, like Jesus..who is also compared to the Morning Star.
David: oic ....... OK Quetzalcoatl has this light/dark duality
JMason4557: BTW, Flight 175, with struck one of the Twin Towers, may be related, as 175 comes from each column, row and diagonal of the majic square of Venus, a 7 x 7 = 49 grid of the numbers one through 49.
This also relates to the 409 of the Mega Glyph, with "green" = Heart chakra = 49.
David: interesting ....
JMason4557: Yes, a Twin, like Esau/Judah, Phrez/Zerah, the sons of Judah and the pretend harlot, Tammar...and to the Egyptian brothers, TyphonSet/Osiris, or the Sumerian Enlil/Ea - Enki...etc.
It is interesting that the Twins were defeated by the Angels.
David: YES ... exactly But the TWINS are typically HUMAN dualities in he Bible!
The Angels are of God The "Giants" are of Biblical significance where the "Cardinals" are of Catholic significance again God vs Man
JMason4557: Yes. And, remember the movie, "Angels in the Outfield." ? The Giants relate to New York and perhaps to the Giants of the Bible, the Neflehim, sons of the Anunnaki, i.e., Enlil/Enki, etc.
David: With God ahead here too! or simply Goliath
JMason4557: LOL...that's good!.
I am a Giant's fan...I have lived most of my life in Northern California.
David: What is also interesting is that BOTH the Giants and the Angels are WILD CARD PLAYOFF TEAMS!
I like the Giants also I'm also a 49er fan :-)
JMason4557: Oh...interesting. I have not kept up with it. Me too. I had a dream of the 49ers in 1981...I think they may relate to the Mega Glyph 49 thing. 7 x 7 sons of Joseph.
Y.A., Joe, and Steve [49er Quarterbacks] fit with this.
David: lol ... last night's game had 16 total hits and 7 total runs in it Giants won 4-3
JMason4557: The 9-11 had symbolic number connections to baseball (9), football (11 & 11:11) and basketball (5 and 10), as the Pentagon...all American sports.
4-3 is chakra related...the upper four and lower three.
David: lol ... they lead the series against the Cards .. 3 games to one which I believe is the MOST common score in baseball ...... it used to be anyway ........ I am not sure about that now though
JMason4557: That is commanding...hope they don't blow it. Perhaps the Cardinals relate to the Catholics.
David: I believe so
JMason4557: Did you hear that on 9-11-2002, the lottery numbers were 9, 1, 1?
David: YES! The NY State lottery ....
JMason4557: And, the Yankees won in the 11th that day by a score of 5 to 4, i.e., the 5 and 4 (9) code?
David: I also believe that since baseball instituted the four- teams per league playoff schedule ....
There has never been a World Series where BOTH teams that played against each other were the wildcard teams The Non-first place teams If the Giants win .... that will be exactly who will play THIS World Series
JMason4557: That makes it all the more interesting! The 5 and 4 are also related to the pyramid. ... four corners and apex for the 5 and 4 sides.
David: and it looks likely!
JMason4557: Yes, an all California series "13" years after the all California series of
1989 (13 x 153). Seems significant!
Do you know of the DNA repair?
David: wow !!!! No I do not know of the DNA repair ... what is that?
Hammerwood Park - Hephaestus/ vulcan: the engineer (DNA) http://www.mistral.co.uk/hammerwood/hephaest.htm
On David's page, he has an e-mail from me, where I mention Jeff's dream of the DNA repair.
A scientist, J.J. Hurtak, had a vision in 1973 about a world change. Part of it is about a cange in DNA. ...
The Mayan daykeeper/shamen, Hunbatz Men, says that something went wrong with the DNA of mankind. Ancient sites are being activated, as the time has come for the repair of DNA.
David: !!
JMason4557: My pal at work, Jeff, did not know this, yet he dreamed of being on a spiral staircase with other matenance mechanics with their toolboxes. ...
David: fixing DNA?!
JMason4557: Yes. I have a theory about it. I sent this material to corp circle researchers in England in January 1996. Later that summer, the DNA crop formation appeared.
David: wow ....
JMason4557: In the helix, there were 89 little circles...but if two circles are counted where they cross each other, the total is 93!
DNA Formation, 17 Jun 96, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire (Lucy Pringle) http://home.clara.net/lucypringle/photos/1996/uk96ak.shtml
648 feet long...another Gematrian number. 36 x 18.
I mentioned that in my letter, as the number 666 is in between 648 and 684.
David: exactly inbetween .......
The number 666 is mentioned in Revelation 13:18. 13 x 18 = 234 (mirror of 432), which has the positive tangent of 666. This was the angle to the "moon" glyph in the 1991 Barbury Castle triangular crop formation.
JMason4557: The Masons may have invented baseball.
David: lol !!! Maybe!
JMason4557: I found a stie about it.
David: I don't know who invented it .... lol ... or at least who history writes as inventing it
THE DIAMOND WAY - Baseball as an Esoteric Ritual http://www.southerncrossreview.org/12/diamond.htm
La estrella y la media luna es el más conocido símbolo utilizado para representar el Islam y ocupa un lugar destacado en las banderas de muchos países en el mundo islámico, en particular, Turquía y Pakistán sin que se encuentre estandarizado (se representa en cada unas den forma diferente). Sorprendentemente, el símbolo es Musulman de origen. Más bien, fue un icono de politeísta, adoptada durante la propagación del Islam, y su uso hoy en día es a veces polémico en el mundo musulmán. Se dice a menudo que la media luna y la estrella son los símbolos islámicos, pero los historiadores dicen que fueron las insignias del Imperio Otomano, no del Islam en su conjunto. La Información sobre sus orígenes es difícil de determinar, pero la mayoría de las fuentes coinciden en que estos antiguos símbolos celestes estaban en uso por los pueblos de Asia Central y Siberia, en su culto del sol, la luna y los dioses del cielo. También hay informes de que la luna creciente y la estrella se utilizan para representar a la diosa Tanit cartaginesa o la diosa griega Diana. Es importante tener en cuenta que el Islam tiene pocos símbolos tradicionales, y la media luna y la estrella no son los que son reconocidos por los símbolos tradicionales de los musulmanes. La ciudad de Bizancio (más tarde conocida como Constantinopla y Estambul) aprobó la media luna como su símbolo. Según algunos informes, se eligió en honor a la diosa Diana. Otros indican que se remonta a una batalla en la que los romanos vencieron a los godos en el primer día del mes lunar. En cualquier caso, la media luna fue representada en la bandera de la ciudad incluso antes del nacimiento de Cristo. Durante cientos de años, el Imperio Otomano gobernó el mundo musulmán. Después de siglos de batalla con la Europa cristiana, es comprensible que los símbolos de este imperio se vincularon en la mente de la gente con la fe del Islam en su conjunto. • La comunidad musulmana de principios en realidad no tenía un símbolo. Durante el tiempo del Profeta Muhammad (la paz sea con él), los ejércitos islámicos y caravanas utilizaban banderas de color sólido (generalmente negro, verde o blanco) para fines de identificación. No fue sino hasta el Imperio Otomano que la luna creciente y la estrella se asoció con el mundo musulmán. Cuando los turcos conquistaron Constantinopla (Estambul) en 1453, adoptaron la bandera existente de la ciudad y su símbolo. La leyenda cuenta que el fundador del Imperio Otomano, Osman, tuvo un sueño en el que la luna se extiende desde un extremo de la tierra a la otra. Tomando esto como un buen augurio, optó por mantener la Media Luna Roja y la convierte en el símbolo de su dinastía. five pillars of Islam Se especula que los cinco puntos de la estrella representan los cinco pilares del Islam (Testimonio de la fe (Kalima), Oración (Salat), La limosna (Zakat), El ayuno (Sawm), Peregrinación (Hayy) muchos musulmanes en la actualidad rechazan el uso de la media luna como símbolo del Islam y se niegan a aceptarlo porque lo consideran esencialmente un icono pagano antiguo. |
Accadeic goddess, worshipped in Mesopatamia. One of the most important gates to Babylonia (Babel = Gate of the God) was the Isjtar gate. Her name means 'star' or 'womb'. She is a fighter, the goddess of war and of wisdom, destroyer of the land. She is an accadaic goddess, mostly known in Babylonia. She is also called 'Irninitum', meaning raging lion, as well as 'Iabattu' (Lyoness) and complainer. Isjtar is the wargoddess as the morning star 'Dilbah' and goddess of love as the evening star 'Zib' (=Venus). The Zodiak and the rainbow are here symbols. Her title is Erua, also known as Inanna. She chose the king for her sacred marriage and took care of babies being born. She is often mentioned as daughter of Anu, the god of the heavens. Her beloved dies and resurrects every year in the sheperd god Tammoetz or Adon Tammoetz, Adon meaning 'Lord'. The priestesses of Enheduanna, daughter of king Sargon, the founder of the city of Accad, made her equal to the Sumerian Inanna.
Her texts date back to 2,300 BCE, they are the oldest known texts with an autobiograhpichal character. Isjtar is the goddess of het fertile fields and herds, she is the mistress of the souverain land. Her titles are 'Lady of Birth', 'Lady of the Bright Moon', 'Lady of the Morning and Evening Star', 'Goddess of Battle', 'Bringer of Justice and Law', 'Protector of the weak', 'Mother of fertile breasts', 'Happy Looking Lady of Passion and Desire'. She is also called Sharrat Shame (Queen of the Heavens). She is the goddess of war and blessing, compared with the Hindu goddess Durga. She is virgin and mother, goddess of love and sex.
Isjtar is identified as the star Sirius. On a Assyrian role dating back to 700 BCE she is pictured standing on a lion, with bow and arrow in her hands. She is surrounded by stars. The position of Sirius in conjuncion with the constellation of Lion in the monthe of July was the sign that the dry and hot season was coming. With her bow and arrow Inanna (Isjtar) destroyed the earth and the people. The month was named after Isjtars dead lover: Tammoetz.
To her the lions, dragons, griffins and the bull of heaven belong. She wore a eight pointed star on her shield. Her vulva is symbolized by objects made by lapis lazuli and gold. She wore the water, representing the rain she would send again after the dry season. As the planet Venus she represents a triade with the moon (Sin) and the sun (Sjamasj).
Isjtars' father is the god of heaven Anu. She was the patroness of Uruk, her anual marriage with the Lord of Uruk was meant to keep feritility safe. The ritual was held on newyears day with the following text: "My parts are well wetted lands. Who will drive the oxes?" Her story and that of Inanna are not completely similar. According to some versions the king is to be offered at the ending of his rule, just like in the story of Gilgamesj, who refuses to marry Isjtar. |
First, May happens to be the traditional Mary's month in many cultures. It's associated with an old tradition called Tricesimum, or 'Thirty Day Devotion to Mary', originally held from August 15 to September 14 (closely overlapping the period of the Athens Olympic Games this summer). Because of the central role the Venus-Isis-Mary (or Venus-Sirius) complex plays in the 'Lucifer Time Code', it is very fitting that this particular month should be dedicated to Mary (= Isis). No wonder I was already moving in this direction as I commented in the previous update on May 11: '...perhaps it's really the entire month of May...'
So this begins to explain why there appeared to be no overwhelming emphasis placed on the ~May 8 window with a high-impact event. The May-timing issue is turning out of be more of a 'month' thing rather than a 'day' thing. So it actually makes more sense to emphasize the beginning of May, for instance, just as the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal did... as did Schwarzenegger - by visiting Israel.
Venus, Mars & May 2004
In addition to being a 'year of Mars', 2003 was also the 'year of Mary Magdalene', thanks to the monstrous success of the novel The Da Vince Code which became a cultural phenomenon. By early 2002, actually, I had been fully anticipating this interest spike and the parallel development between Mars and Gnostic secrets (truth represented by Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, etc.), as I proclaimed in Endgame III (Nov. '02):
I'm sure this is the first time that all the different subject matters, especially Cydonia [or Mars] and the underground Gnostic tradition, have been put together and viewed as aspects of the same 'game'. Strange stuff, yes, but this is where the 'game' is going, so people should get used to it.
The Da Vinci Code, which is largely based on Holy Blood, Holy Grail (nonfiction), talks a lot about a secret society named the Priory of Sion. This semi-mythical group historically based in France venerates Mary Magdalene (as well as John the Baptist), who is also called the 'Black Madonna', and claims to possess or guard (a la the Knights Templar) the messianic bloodline/secrets stemming from the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. (Tradition has it that Mary Magdalene, along with the 'seed' of Jesus, moved to southern France some time after the Crucifixion.)
It is known that the Priory of Sion is closely associated with the number '58' (See for instance The Templar Revelation, p.52.) This is probably related to the fact that the apparent orbital path of the 'Magdalene planet', Venus, produces a pentagonal form (i.e. '5') over a period of eight years. So with or without the Priory Sion, Venus-Magdalene is associated with the numbers 8 and particularly 5. (This association was also expressed on 9/11 as one of the planes hit the Pentagon, the five-sided building of the Defense Department.) This is significant because:
The number '58' is prominently attached to the key Isis-Magdalene-Venus date, August 6, 2003 - the day of the 'rise of the Schwarzenegger'. It was the 58th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing.
The same number would pop up again when Bush visited the UN 'monolith'/Babel building, September 23, '03 - an event similarly associated with nukes via the attached Galileo/'2010' symbolism. The event happened to be the 'UN General Assembly 58th Session'.
The 'signal' becomes unmistakable when it is added that the Sirian 'Axis of Paris' (Champs Elysees), pinpointing August 6 (the Hiroshima date) through its solar/Sirius alignment, has been noted to pinpoint one other day - May 8, or 5/8! (Technically the precise timing of the alignment might be slightly earlier than 5/8, but at least calendrically the pinpointed date would be May 8 in 2004.)
There is another 'Venus number' that is equally compelling as '58'. This is '225' - the orbital period of Venus in Earth-days. We find that:
The fateful year 2001 was the 225th year since the birth of the United States (1776). Lady Liberty, a prominent US symbol, is a version of Isis/Mary the Magdalene/Virgin (thus also Venus).
The historic US east-coast 'Total Blackout' on August 14, 2003 coming just days after the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' was precisely the 225th day of the year. The significance of the date is underscored by the fact that August 27, when Mars was at its closest point to Earth in 60,000 years, was the 'August 14' of the Julian calendar.
Adding 225 days to the '2010 monolith' day of the 2003 autumnal equinox (Sept. 23) brings us to May 5, 2004. It does not exactly match the key Venus/Paris-axis date of 'May 8', but very close.
Mel Gibson's controversial film released earlier this year, The Passion of the Christ, which like The Da Vinci Code became a cultural phenomenon, depicts the final 12 hours of Jesus' life - i.e. the period corresponding to the Osirian death/resurrection, or Isis-Mary receiving and perpetuating the seed of Christ-Horus. The film was released on February 25 - that is, 2/25 (225).
The 225th day of 2004, August 13, is the exact day the Athens Olympic Games will begin! Historically the Olympics Games are held to honor the supreme Greco-Roman god Zeus/Jupiter. And as we saw Jupiter is to be associated with '2001'/'2010', 'monolith', 'Lucifer' (= Venus), and nuclear detonation. What's more, one of Schwarzenegger's nicknames happens to be 'The Olympian' (he won the 'Mr. Olympia' bodybuilding competition six times)...
Clearly the emerging picture here is that around May 8, 2004, along with August 13/the Olympics, is a symbolically momentous period that carries a lot of ominous themes such as 9/11, Iraq, Osirian resurrection, Schwarzenegger/Horus, 'Antichrist', nuclear, blackout, Lucifer, Isis-Magdalene, Mars, and such.
The final nail in the coffin, so to speak, comes from the position of Mars on/around May 8, 2004.
Mars will be at one of the 'stargate' points where the Milky Way (galactic equator) and the ecliptic cross just as was the case on the days of 9/11 and the beginning of the Iraq war (3/20/03). Only this time Mars is to be at the other 'stargate' point, 180 degrees away from the '9/11' position. Indeed, it will be marking the summer-solstice point - none other than the 'Sirian point' calendrically associated with the key dates August 6, September 11, etc.! (Note: Mars comes to one of these 'stargate' points every 9 months.)
On September 11, 2001, the above spot was marked by the Moon. This time, on May 7/8, the Moon is to be at the other 'stargate point' (winter-solstice point). In other words, an exact reversal of the 9/11-'stargate' configuration!
Venus doesn't miss a beat here either:
The 'Isis-Magdalene planet' Venus is to be very close to Mars and the summer-solstice 'stargate' point. But while Mars is crossing the galactic equator, Venus will be crossing the galactic meridian, i.e. the 'longitude zero' of the galactic grid!
The notion of 'reversal' or 'opposition' embedded in the above celestial configuration is now a recurrent theme and hints at the nature of the events that may come in May...
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/lucifer-timecode.htm |
Los ciclos del año de 360 días y del año de 260 días se combinan aun con otro ciclo, el de Venus, que dura 384 días. Este ciclo empieza con la salida helíaca de Venus, en el Este, como la Estrella Matutina. La Estrella Matutina sale durante unos 240 días, elevándose cada mañana más temprano y menguando su brillo a medida que se aleja cada vez más del sol. Si bien desaparece frente al sol durante unos 90 días, vuelve a aparecer como Estrella Vespertina durante otro lapso de unos 240 días, aumentando constantemente su brillo, y luego desaparece una vez más en el sol durante unos 14 días, cuando reaparece, elevándose helíacamente y comenzando el ciclo siguiente. El ciclo completo consiste en dos prolongados períodos: en el primero, la Estrella aparece sobre el sol matutino en el Este, y en el segundo aparece en el crepúsculo vespertino en el Oeste. Estos dos períodos de aparición están separados por períodos de invisibilidad. A diferencia de los demás planetas, Venus no parece moverse independientemente por la bóveda celeste sino que se desplaza como si el sol lo atara con una invisible cuerda elástica. Su relación solar concuerda con el mito que lo identifica con el dios que resucita de las cenizas del sol.
El ciclo de Venus se combina con otros ciclos en intervalos periódicos. Después de cinco años de Venus, su ciclo coincide con el ciclo solar, puesto que 5 x 584 es igual a 8 x 365 = 2.290 días. O sea, que 5 años sinódicos de Venus equivalen a 8 años solares.El mismo día-signo y el mismo número sólo ocurren nuevamente cada 65 ciclos de Venus, o sea, 65 x 584 = 37.960 días, la cantidad de días de 104 años solares, lo cual equivale a dos "atados" (o haces) de 52 años. El ciclo solar de 365 días, el ciclo sagrado de 260 días y el ciclo de Venus coinciden después de haber transcurrido dos "siglos" de 52 años.
Las desapariciones y reapariciones de Venus son las analogías estelares del mito de Quetzalcóatl-Kukulcan. El planeta Venus es Quetzalcóatl, "La Serpiente-quetzal" o "La Serpiente Emplumada", denominación cuyo significado puede también interpretarse como "los gemelos preciosos", con referencia a las dos apariciones del planeta que semejan estrellas gemelas. La Estrella Matutina es Quetzal, "La Preciosa". Una versión del mito de Quetzalcóatl cuenta cómo él se arrojó a una pira funeraria compungido por haber roto con su estado de castidad estando ebrio. Su corazón se elevó desde las cenizas, remontándose hacia el cielo hasta convertirse en la Estrella Matutina. Otra versión cuenta que, después de morir y antes de resucitar y ascender a su trono en el cielo, en el que reina como el planeta Venus, Quetzalcóatl permaneció invisible durante varios días mientras vagó por el averno. Venus, la Estrella Matutina que nace en el Este y después desaparece antes de reaparecer en el oeste como la Estrella Vespertina, cruza el universo tal como lo hace una nave por el agua. El paso a través del cosmos significa el paso de la muerte hacia el renacimiento. La salida helíaca de la Estrella Matutina en el Este es de mal augurio. Por ello, cuando Quetzalcóatl reaparece después de estar en el averno, arroja al cielo sus lanzas y sus rayos luminosos. Si atraviesa con sus lanzas a un dios, los dones que éste confiera se perderán por ese año; si atraviesa con ellas a la Diosa de las Aguas, habrá sequía; y si hiende al Dios de los Laberintos, entonces fracasarán las cosechas. Cada víctima significa algún aspecto de la vida diaria.Esto se halla ilustrado en la Tabla de Venus del Códex de Dresden, en cuyas páginas hay imágenes en las que Venus desaparece antes de su salida helíaca y en las que Quetzalcóatl atraviesa víctimas con las lanzas de sus rayos luminosos en el cielo del amanecer, y que tal como se lo presenta son de mal augurio. Adrian Snodgrass. Traducción: Héctor V. Morel |
El salmo responsorial invita: “Éste es el día en que actuó el Señor: sea nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo. Aleluya. Dad gracias al Señor porque es bueno, porque es eterna su misericordia”. El Apóstol exhorta a los Colosenses a poner su interés en las cosas del cielo: “Ya que habéis resucitado con Cristo, buscad los bienes de allá arriba”.
El Evangelio habla de la Magdalena. Para la tradición neotestamentaria y para los Apóstoles, Jesús y su obra no termina en la cruz, sino que inicia un nuevo camino en la Resurrección, el hecho más trascendente de nuestro cristianismo. El Mesías a quien vosotros crucificasteis (Act 2,23) ha resucitado. “La fe en la resurrección nunca puede ser una pura fe de autoridad; supone una experiencia creyente de total renovación de vida en la que se produce la afirmación personal” (J. Blank). El reencuentro con Jesús es lo que únicamente posibilita el fundamento de gracia y de fe.
Los cuatro evangelistas indican la existencia y la asistencia de María Magdalena y ninguno dice que fuese una pecadora, sino que la ponen como mujer virtuosa, un modelo de perfección. Su fama de pecadora, a nuestro parecer, se ha debido a identificarla erróneamente, con la pecadora de Lucas 7,36-50. Jesús la había curado librándola de siete demonios, que, en expresión metafórica propia del estilo literario, significa, no que fuera una pecadora, sino que su enfermedad era muy grave, expresada en el número siete que es símbolo de plenitud, de lo que está completo, abarrotado, ya que las dolencias, en especial, las psíquicas y epilépticas, eran atribuidas al diablo. Cuando se vio curada y restablecida, lo dejó todo, se hizo seguidora y discípula del Maestro y, entregando sus bienes a la misión evangélica, se dedicó a su servicio. Parece haber tenido una función destacada entre los discípulos, según distintos textos, canónicos y apócrifos, su significación y ejemplaridad se hacen notables. Es la única que citan los cuatro evangelistas en primer lugar; es a ella a la que primero se aparece Cristo Resucitado y la que lleva la noticia.
La visita de la Magdalena al sepulcro se relata en los cuatro evangelios, pero, con matices y circunstancias diferentes (Mt 28,1-8; Mc 16,1-8; Lc 24,1-12). El evangelista Juan (20,1-18) reelaboró la tradición de la Magdalena en el sentido de su “teología de la exaltación”. Al rayar el alba, María va a la sepultura; el primer día de la semana, en la terminología judía, significa nuestro domingo, es decir, el día primero es el que sigue al sábado.
Según los sinópticos la Magdalena va acompañada de otras mujeres (Lc 24,10). Antes de llegar, ya desde lejos, vieron que la piedra no estaba en su lugar. La Magdalena, sin esperar y mirar a ver qué ha ocurrido, concibiendo, a la ligera, la idea del robo del cuerpo, dejó a las otras que llevaban aromas para terminar el apresurado embalsamamiento del día anterior y salió corriendo a avisar a los Apóstoles. San Juan la presenta obsesionada por la desaparición del cadáver. Así lo repite en tres momentos sucesivos (Jn 20,2.13.15). En esta inquietud de María, late una polémica contra la maliciosa leyenda de que el hortelano, encargado de la finca, hubiera ocultado el cadáver de Jesús. Está preocupada por ver el cuerpo yacente. Únicamente la fe llevará a encontrar al Resucitado.
Varios hechos prueban la fe en la resurrección: Las apariciones a María, a los discípulos, a Tomás, a los de Emaús, el sellado de la piedra y los centinelas de vigilancia ante el sepulcro (Mt 27,62-66) que son, curiosamente, sobornados por los pontífices, soborno significativamente silenciado por muchos autores y por la historia (Mt 28,11-15). Y, en fin, el sepulcro vacío con las vendas tiradas y el sudario ordenado. Llama la atención el hecho de que estas mujeres que habían oído a Cristo decir que al tercer día resucitaría, no se les ocurriese ni, por un instante, pensar en ello: lo matarán y al tercer día resucitará (Mt 16,21; 17,23); debía resucitar de entre los muertos (Jn 20,9). Tal vez, no habían comprendido este anuncio profético del Maestro.
Los discípulos, tras cerciorarse y comprobar los hechos, volvieron a casa. María Magdalena quedó fuera, junto al sepulcro, llorando…“Mujer, ¿por qué lloras?”, “Porque se han llevado a mi Señor y no sé dónde lo han puesto” (Jn 20,11-13). Estaba en total soledad al pie del sepulcro, no lograba marcharse, era atraída como por una fuerza ignota y misteriosa. Se han llevado a “mi Señor”, que es como decir, “al dueño de mi vida”. La Magdalena está convencida del robo; se siente despojada, se tiene por expropiada; y, a la vez, se declara absoluta pertenencia de Jesús. El empleo del posesivo “mi”, en su expresión, indica que se considera propiedad y propietaria, sujeto y objeto de posesión. Mi amado es mío y yo soy suya (Cant. 2,16). Amado con amada, amada en el amado transformada, dice S. Juan de la Cruz. Está completamente sola. Primero llora, después se asoma al monumento, y, al poco, volviéndose, allí de pie, muy cerca, tiene al mismo Jesús, que confunde con el hortelano, sin que Él portara tal apariencia y del modo más natural e ingenuo, llevada por su obsesión, le dice que, si él se lo ha llevado, le diga adónde lo ha puesto, para ella ir a recogerlo. Es entonces cuando oye pronunciar: ¡María! La emisión de su nombre evoca tono y timbre conocidos. Identifica recuerdos. Reconoce a su amigo. Hubo, en esas sílabas, resonancias dulces e íntimas, había sentimientos y añoranzas en aquella voz conocida y familiar. Ella, extasiada en la realidad triunfante, exhala su ¡Rabbuní! Es su expresión de emoción, de reconocimiento y de gozo.
El Señor sólo pronuncia su nombre: ¡María! y ella, sólo, responde también con una palabra en arameo: ¡Rabbuní!, que significa ¡Mi maestro amado!, ¡Mi querido Rabí! Lo normal era usar rabbí, pero más respetuoso es rabbuní. Las dos palabras pronunciadas ¡María!, ¡Rabbuní! del encuentro, según J. Blank, sirven a San Juan para describir la voz del “amado que llama a la amada y ella le responde”. Ciertamente, evocan el lirismo simbólico del “Cantar de los Cantares”:
Lo busqué pero no lo encontré.
Me encontraron los centinelas,
‘¿Habéis visto al amado de mi corazón?’
Apenas los había pasado
cuando encontré al amado de mi corazón.
Lo abracé y no lo he de soltar (Cant 3,2-4).
Y los bellísimos versos del “Cántico Espiritual” de San Juan de la Cruz:
¿Adónde te escondiste,
Amado, y me dexaste con gemido?
Salí tras ti clamando y eras ido.
La Magdalena, pronuncia esta palabra, y, en su sorpresa y emoción, abraza al Señor. Abrazo en el que es muy posible ver el entronque del matrimonio espiritual, la fusión mística del alma en el enlace con el amado que es el último peldaño en el camino de perfección hacia la unión con Dios. Lo encontré, lo abracé y no lo he de soltar, la Magdalena encontró a Jesús y se abrazó a él y ya ni quería ni podía soltarlo:
Entrado se ha la esposa
en el ameno huerto deseado,
y a su sabor reposa,
el cuello reclinado
sobre los dulces pechos del amado.
El mismo San Juan de la Cruz, en la glosa que hace a sus inspirados versos, añade: "El abrazo de la Magdalena con Jesús simboliza el estado espiritual más alto de que, en esta vida, se puede gozar; porque es una transformación total en el Amado en que se entregan ambas las partes por total posesión de la una a la otra con cierta consumación de amor" (C 22,3).
El ameno huerto deseado, simbolizado en el huerto, en que dieron sepultura a Jesús, es Dios mismo, “cuyo amor es tan inmenso que, como dice el libro de la Sabiduría, toca desde un fin hasta otro fin, y el alma que de Él es informada y movida, en alguna manera, lleva esa misma abundancia e ímpetu en sí”, de modo que el matrimonio espiritual con el Amado llega a sus cimas más altas. En la escena, se hallan solos. Los ángeles del sepulcro, cumplida su misión, han desaparecido, para que ninguna persona ni cosa ocasione perturbación al goce de la entrega mutua, "porque esta es la propiedad de esta unión del alma con Dios" (Ib 35,6).
El ímpetu del amor y la alegría de encontrar vivo al que creía muerto, la impele a abrazarlo y a quedar fusionada en el abrazo. Es el instante en que Jesús expresa la famosa exclamación del ¡Noli me tangere! (“No me toques”), que es una mala traducción del griego, Me aptou: “No me retengas más”, “no me entretengas más”. Y, como explicación, le brinda la causa: porque aún no he subido al Padre, esto es, seguiré aquí, tendremos ocasión de volvernos a ver. Cuando haya subido y esté con el Padre, le enviará su Espíritu y ese será el momento de disfrutar de su enlace espiritual, puesto que el Espíritu Santo actuará de “llama viva, de cauterio suave, de toque delicado que a eterna vida sabe”, dice el Santo de Ávila. Realmente, al resucitado no se le puede retener en este mundo, su contacto se realiza en otro plano, en la fe, por la palabra, en espíritu. Así pues, Jesús ha encumbrado a la Magdalena a la cima más alta de la perfección.
María Magdalena es nombrada Apóstol de los Apóstoles. La envía en función apostólica: anda y di a mis hermanos. Y obediente a la vocación recibida, dejándolo todo (Lc 5,11), fue a decir a los discípulos (Jn 20,18), a anunciarles el mensaje que Jesús le ha dado. El mensaje que ha de comunicar a los discípulos es la fundación de una comunidad escatológica de Dios por la vuelta de Jesús al Padre. El Señor la elige para que sea su mensajera y la divulgadora de la noticia, es la Elegida; y, en su persona, todas las mujeres creyentes, escogidas para altas misiones. Los cuatro evangelios coinciden en que ellas son las destinatarias de las primeras apariciones y los primeros testigos y mensajeras del hecho más trascendente y definitivo de la fe.
La mujer ha recibido del Creador hermosas facultades y potencialidades imprescindibles. El Maestro la sitúa, en su Evangelio, en un lugar de preeminencia. La mujer es elegida -el evangelio de Marcos afirma: se apareció primero resucitado a María Magdalena (Mc 16,9)- en ocasión crucial para el cristianismo y para la historia.
Camilo Valverde Mudarra
(Texto tomado de mi libro LAS MUJERES DEL EVANGELIO.
Edit. Esc. Bíblica. Málaga, 2001)
Venus and Earth reveal a phi relationship
Venus and the Earth are linked in an unusual relationship involving phi. Start by letting Mercury represent the basic unit of orbital distance and period in the solar system:
Planet |
Distance from the sun in km (000) |
Distance where Mercury equals 1 |
Period where Mercury equals 1 |
Mercury |
57,910 |
1.0000 |
1.0000 |
Venus |
108,200 |
1.8684 |
2.5490 |
Earth |
149,600 |
2.5833 |
4.1521 |
Curiously enough we find:
Ö Period of Venus * Phi = Distance of the Earth
Ö 2.5490 * 1.6180339 = 1.5966 * 1.6180339 = 2.5833
In addition, Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days while Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, creating a ratio of 8/13 (both Fibonacci numbers) or 0.615 (roughly phi.) Thus 5 conjunctions of Earth and Venus occur every 8 orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every 13 orbits of Venus.
Mercury, on the other hand, orbits the Sun in 87.968 Earth days, creating a conjunction with the Earth every 115.88 days. Thus there are 365.24/115.88 conjunctions in a year, or 22 conjunctions in 7 years, which is very close to Pi!
See more relationships at the Solar Geometry site.
http://www.goldennumber.net/solarsys.htm |
Venus: Blanco, muy brillante. Mercurio:: Rojizo. Jùpiter: Tambièn Blanco, pero no tan brillante como Venus.
Tip: Mercurio y Venus, NO cruzan toda la boveda celeste porque son planetas interiores (cercanos al Sol, y entre el Sol y La Tierra) y por eso sòlo se pueden ver de 1 a 2 hrs. antes de la salida del Sol, ò despuès de la puesta del Sol (dependiendo en que parte de su òrbita se encuentran). En cambio, Marte (Rojizo), Jùpiter (Blanco opaco) y Saturno (Amarillo plomo) si se pueden ver de las 18:00 hrs. de un dìa hasta las 6:00 hrs. del siguiente dìa (cuando estàn en oposiciòn al Sol). Conclusiòn: Cuando estàn visibles Mercurio y/ò Venus, con otros planetas exteriores, aunque sus colores sean muy similares, no hay pierde. Todo depende de que hora sea; si menos de las 8 PM ò màs.ç
7:1 Se juntaron a Jesús los fariseos, y algunos de los escribas, que habían venido de Jerusalén; 7:2 los cuales, viendo a algunos de los discípulos de Jesús comer pan con manos inmundas, esto es, no lavadas, los condenaban. 7:3 Porque los fariseos y todos los judíos, aferrándose a la tradición de los ancianos, si muchas veces no se lavan las manos, no comen. (TRADICION/TRADE OF SION/MERCADERES DEL TEMPLO niegan a la MADRE. Para la tora TRADICION ES SINONIMO DE HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE)
TRADICION/TRADE OF SION/NEGOCIOS DE SION/MERCADERES 7:4 Y volviendo de la plaza, si no se lavan, no comen. Y otras muchas cosas hay que tomaron para guardar, como los lavamientos de los vasos de beber, y de los jarros, y de los utensilios de metal, y de los lechos. 7:5 Le preguntaron, pues, los fariseos y los escribas: ¿Por qué tus discípulos no andan conforme a la tradición de los ancianos, sino que comen pan con manos inmundas? 7:6 Respondiendo él, les dijo: Hipócritas, bien profetizó de vosotros Isaías, como está escrito: Este pueblo de labios me honra, Mas su corazón está lejos de mí. (El sagrado corazon de Jesus y el de Maria esotericamente tienen referencia al AMOR ENTRE JESUCRISTO Y MARIA MAGDALENA, NUESTROS PADRES ESPIRITUALES)7:7 Pues en vano me honran, Enseñando como doctrinas mandamientos de hombres. 7:8 Porque dejando el mandamiento de Dios, os aferráis a la tradición de los hombres: los lavamientos de los jarros y de los vasos de beber; y hacéis otras muchas cosas semejantes. 7:9 Les decía también: Bien invalidáis el mandamiento de Dios para guardar vuestra tradición. 7:10 Porque Moisés dijo: Honra a tu padre y a tu madre; y: El que maldiga al padre o a la madre, muera irremisiblemente. (Desgraciadamente la RELIGION TRADICIONAL ha NEGADO A LA MADRE)7:11 Pero vosotros decís: Basta que diga un hombre al padre o a la madre: Es Corbán (que quiere decir, mi ofrenda a Dios) todo aquello con que pudiera ayudarte, 7:12 y no le dejáis hacer más por su padre o por su madre, 7:13 invalidando la palabra de Dios con vuestra tradición que habéis transmitido. Y muchas cosas hacéis semejantes a estas. 7:14 Y llamando a sí a toda la multitud, les dijo: Oídme todos, y entended: 7:15 Nada hay fuera del hombre que entre en él, que le pueda contaminar; pero lo que sale de él, eso es lo que contamina al hombre. (Aqui NUESTRO SEÑOR niega la existencia del diablo o LUCERO/LUCIFER/VENUS. EN REALIDAD TODOS LOS PECADOS NACEN DESDE NUESTRO CORAZON. La creencia de un ser exterior que nos engañe es UN CHIVO EXPIATORIO PARA JUSTIFICAR NUESTRA EGOLATRIA Y NEGAR QUE EN REALIDAD NOSOTROS SOMOS LOS PECADORES. Segun APOCALIPSIS 22:16 NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO ES VENUS/SIRIO/LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA. Venus tiene un fuerte nexo CON LA ESTRELLA DE 5 PUNTAS en funcion a el ciclo de 13 años de VENUS que son igual a 8 años terrestres. 13 al igual que el 8 son numeros de la SERIE DE FIBONACCI interrelacionada con el NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033. EL UNIVERSO, EL TABERNACULO, EL TEMPLO DE SALOMON, EL ARCA DE NOE, LA NATURALEZA INTEGRA, EL SER HUMANO, ETC,ETC ESTAN DISEÑADOS EN FUNCION A DICHO NUMERO. PHI-LOSO-PHI-A.
279. Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana. 7:16 Si alguno tiene oídos para oír, oiga. 7:17 Cuando se alejó de la multitud y entró en casa, le preguntaron sus discípulos sobre la parábola. 7:18 El les dijo: ¿También vosotros estáis así sin entendimiento? ¿No entendéis que todo lo de fuera que entra en el hombre, no le puede contaminar, 7:19 porque no entra en su corazón, sino en el vientre, y sale a la letrina? Esto decía, haciendo limpios todos los alimentos. 7:20 Pero decía, que lo que del hombre sale, eso contamina al hombre. (7/20 O 20 de julio de 1969 fue en el dia que el hombre llego a la luna. Es curioso que con el VERDADERO CALENDARIO LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO dicho dia cayo un 22/5 o 22 del quinto mes en SABADO LUNAR. LAS FASES DE LA LUNA FUERON CREADAS JUSTAMENTE PARA SEÑALIZAR EL VERDADERO REPOSO SABATICO. 225 ES EL CICLO DE VENUS EN contexto a que la LUNA LLENAS FUERON EN 1969 el 4 de marzo, 2 de abril, 2 y 31 de mayo y 29 de junio. LA VERDADERA LUNA NUEVA ES EN LUNA LLENA y no en LUNA OSCURA O CRECIENTE. La expresion de ARMSTRONG "UN PEQUEÑO PASO PARA EL HOMBRE, UN GRAN PASO PARA LA HUMANIDAD" en contexto a PEQUEÑO/BENJAMIN TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON EL GRIAL. SAULO/SAUL-O/EDOM/ROJO/PABLO/BENJAMIN/PEQUEÑO ES UN TIPO DEL GRIAL)
7:21 Porque de dentro, del corazón de los hombres, salen los malos pensamientos, los adulterios, las fornicaciones, los homicidios, (CRISTO VUELVE A REITERAR QUE TODOS LOS PECADOS SALEN DESDE ADENTRO DEL CORAZON) 7:22 los hurtos, las avaricias, las maldades, el engaño, la lascivia, la envidia, la maledicencia, la soberbia, la insensatez. 7:23 Todas estas maldades de dentro salen, y contaminan al hombre. 7:24 Levantándose de allí, se fue a la región de Tiro y de Sidón; y entrando en una casa, no quiso que nadie lo supiese; pero no pudo esconderse. (TIRO y SIDON, en tierra fenicia que significa rojo. Los fenicios tienen un fuerte nexo con el paralelo 33 y la produccion del vino. En la ARGENTINA, tenemos que MENDOZA y en CHILE, LAS ZONAS PRODUCTORAS DE VINO ESTAN CERCANAS A DICHO PARALELO. VIÑA DEL MAR ESTA EXACTAMENTE EN DICHO PARALELO)
7:25 Porque una mujer, cuya hija tenía un espíritu inmundo, luego que oyó de él, vino y se postró a sus pies. (Esta expresion tiene un nexo con GENESIS 49:8,12 en contexto al COLOR ROJO)
7:26 La mujer era griega, y sirofenicia de nación; y le rogaba que echase fuera de su hija al demonio. (La expresion "echar fuera al demonio" esta en contexto a lo expresado anteriormente, osea significa sacarle la maldad que tiene ella adentro de su corazon. EL ALTER EGO ES LA PUERTA A LOS PECADOS. Lo curioso es el TERMINO SIROFENICIA tiene un fuerte nexo CON LA LLEGADA A LA LUNA Y EL GRIAL. EL AVE PHOENIX/EAGLE/AGUILA en el CONTEXTO A FENICIA/ROJO/VINO/PARALELO 33 ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON SIRIO/BENJAMIN .
La llegada del hombre a la luna tiene un fuerte nexo esoterico y exoterico con el SANTO GRIAL. El numero 1969 tiene un fuerte nexo KAVALISTICO CON CANCER(CAN MENOR=69 E INCLUSO CON SIRIO) e incluso con el numero 19. El calendario MAYA comienza el 26 de JULIO O 26/7 con fuerte nexo CON VENUS/SIRIO)
7:27 Pero Jesús le dijo: Deja primero que se sacien los hijos, porque no está bien tomar el pan de los hijos y echarlo a los perrillos. 7:28 Respondió ella y le dijo: Sí, Señor; pero aun los perrillos, debajo de la mesa, comen de las migajas de los hijos. 7:29 Entonces le dijo: Por esta palabra, ve; el demonio ha salido de tu hija. 7:30 Y cuando llegó ella a su casa, halló que el demonio había salido, y a la hija acostada en la cama. 7:31 Volviendo a salir de la región de Tiro, vino por Sidón al mar de Galilea, pasando por la región de Decápolis. (GALILEA/GALO/GALLO/FRANCIA/PARAGUAY-La bandera paraguaya es similar a la francesa. FRANCIA TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON EL CODIGO DA VINCI. No es casualidad que ASUNCION DEL PARAGUAY, TIERRA ROJA, tiene 7 colinas. LAODICEA, CIUDAD DE LA ILUMINACION EN APOCALIPSIS 3:14 TAMBIEN TENIA 7 COLINAS. PARA LA TORA ILUMINACION ES SINONIMO DEL COLOR ROJO SEGUN GENESIS 49:12. En MATEO 15, en un capitulo similar a este, se hace referencia a MAGDALA)
1. Mateo 15:39: Entonces, despedida la gente, entró en la barca, y vino a la región de MAGDALA.
15. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como vid que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;Tus hijos como plantas de OLIVO alrededor de tu mesa.
Juan 15:1 Yo soy la vid verdadera, y mi Padre es el labrador. 15:2 Todo pámpano que en mí no lleva fruto, lo quitará; y todo aquel que lleva fruto, lo limpiará, para que lleve más fruto. 15:3 Ya vosotros estáis limpios por la palabra que os he hablado. 15:4 Permaneced en mí, y yo en vosotros. Como el pámpano no puede llevar fruto por sí mismo, si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco vosotros, si no permanecéis en mí. 15:5 Yo soy la vid, vosotros los pámpanos; el que permanece en mí, y yo en él, éste lleva mucho fruto; porque separados de mí nada podéis hacer. 15:6 El que en mí no permanece, será echado fuera como pámpano, y se secará; y los recogen, y los echan en el fuego, y arden. 15:7 Si permanecéis en mí, y mis palabras permanecen en vosotros, pedid todo lo que queréis, y os será hecho. 15:8 En esto es glorificado mi Padre, en que llevéis mucho fruto, y seáis así mis discípulos. 15:9 Como el Padre me ha amado, así también yo os he amado; permaneced en mi amor. 15:10 Si guardareis mis mandamientos, permaneceréis en mi amor; así como yo he guardado los mandamientos de mi Padre, y permanezco en su amor. 15:11 Estas cosas os he hablado, para que mi gozo esté en vosotros, y vuestro gozo sea cumplido. 15:12 Este es mi mandamiento: Que os améis unos a otros, como yo os he amado. 15:13 Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que uno ponga su vida por sus amigos. 15:14 Vosotros sois mis amigos, si hacéis lo que yo os mando.
Phi and the Solar System
The dimensions of the Earth and Moon are in Phi relationship, forming a Golden Triangle
The illustration above shows the relative sizes of the Earth and the Moon to scale.
- Draw a radius of the Earth (1)
- Draw a line from the center point of the Earth to the center point of the Moon (square root of Phi)
- Draw a line to connect the two lines to form a Golden Triangle (Phi).
Using dimensions from Wikipedia and geometry's classic Pythagorean Theorem, this is expressed mathematically as follows:
Dimension (km) |
Proportion (Earth=1) |
Mathematical Expression |
Radius of the Earth |
6,378.10 |
1.000 |
A |
Radius of the Moon |
1,735.97 |
0.272 |
Earth Radius + Moon Radius |
8,114.07 |
1.272 |
B |
Hypotenuse |
10,320.77 |
1.618 (Φ) |
C |
Hypotenuse / (Earth Radius + Moon Radius) |
1.618 (Φ) |
A²+B²=C² |
This geometric construction is the same as that which appears to have been used in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
Source: Hidden Nature by Alick Bartholomew. Thanks to Sathimantha Malalasekera for bringing this to my attention.
Certain solar system orbital periods are related to phi
Certain planets of our solar system seem to exhibit a relationship to phi, as shown by the following table of the time it takes to orbit around the Sun:
Mercury |
Venus |
Earth |
Jupiter |
Saturn |
Power of Phi |
-3 |
-1 |
0 |
5 |
7 |
Decimal Result |
0.24 |
0.62 |
1.0 |
11.1 |
29.0 |
Actual Period |
0.24 |
0.62 |
1.0 |
11.9 |
29.5 |
Saturn reveals a phi relationship in several of its dimensions
The diameter of Saturn is in a phi relationship with the diameter of its rings, as illustrated by the green lines.
The inner ring division is in a phi relationship with the diameter of the rings outside the sphere of the planet, as illustrated by the blue lines.
The Cassini division in the rings of Saturn falls at the Golden Section of the width of the lighter outside section of the rings.
Note: Phi grid showing Golden Ratio lines provided by PhiMatrix software.
A closer look at Saturn's rings reveals a darker inner ring which exhibits the same golden section proportion as the brighter outer ring.
Venus and Earth reveal a phi relationship
Venus and the Earth are linked in an unusual relationship involving phi. Start by letting Mercury represent the basic unit of orbital distance and period in the solar system:
Planet |
Distance from the sun in km (000) |
Distance where Mercury equals 1 |
Period where Mercury equals 1 |
Mercury |
57,910 |
1.0000 |
1.0000 |
Venus |
108,200 |
1.8684 |
2.5490 |
Earth |
149,600 |
2.5833 |
4.1521 |
Curiously enough we find:
Ö Period of Venus * Phi = Distance of the Earth
Ö 2.5490 * 1.6180339 = 1.5966 * 1.6180339 = 2.5833
In addition, Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days while Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, creating a ratio of 8/13 (both Fibonacci numbers) or 0.615 (roughly phi.) Thus 5 conjunctions of Earth and Venus occur every 8 orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every 13 orbits of Venus.
Mercury, on the other hand, orbits the Sun in 87.968 Earth days, creating a conjunction with the Earth every 115.88 days. Thus there are 365.24/115.88 conjunctions in a year, or 22 conjunctions in 7 years, which is very close to Pi!
See more relationships at the Solar Geometry site.
Relative planetary distances average to Phi
The average of the mean orbital distances of each successive planet in relation to the one before it approximates phi:
Mean distance in million kilometers per NASA
Relative mean distance where Mercury=1
Degree of variance
Note: We sometimes forget about the asteroids when thinking of the planets in our solar system. Ceres, the largest asteroid, is nearly spherical, comprises over one-third the total mass of all the asteroids and is thus the best of these minor planets to represent the asteroid belt. (Insight on mean orbital distances contributed by Robert Bartlett.)
2005 unveiled the discovery of a 10th planet called 2003UB313. It was found at a distance of 97 times that of the Earth from the Sun. Its ratio to Pluto would thus be 2.47224, much higher than any previous planet to planet orbital distance ratio. Could it be that this is actually the 11th planet and the 10th planet will be found at an orbit whose ratio is 1.52793 times that of Pluto, preserving the phi average? Time will only tell, but if it happens remember that you heard it here first.
The shape of the Universe itself is a dodecahedron based on Phi
New findings in 2003 based on the study of data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on cosmic background radiation reveal that the universe is finite and shaped like a dodecahedron, a geometric shape based on pentagons, which are based on phi. The the Universe page for more. |
I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:
On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming: There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11) “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28) This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20) The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. (Rev 20:1-3) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth...(Rev 9:1-3) (See the earlier post Tunguska, Pope Leo XIII, and the Opening of the Abyss, where I equate this "fallen star" to the Tunguska event of 1908) And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions). Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13). As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck). The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37: Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9) The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve. So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7. The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation. Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time. Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance. Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period. As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth: "The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all".(CCC 674 See full text here) We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture. So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012. Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible. We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20). |
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
9 de Noviembre: el día de la Libertad. La caída del Muro de Berlín.
El 9 de noviembre de 1989 caía el Muro de Berlín, un muro de unos 50 kilómetros de largo y 4 de alto que durante 28 años dividió a Berlín Occidental de la República Democrática Alemana (RDA). Su eliminación significó el fin del régimen de la RDA y de los regímenes comunistas en Europa Oriental. El muro comenzó a construirse el 13 de agosto de 1961.
13 DE AGOSTO ES EL DIA DEL COMIENZO DEL CALENDARIO MAYA. El dia 13/8 es el dia numero 225, numero interrelacionado con el CICLO DE VENUS. Esto tambien nos da un nexo con el 13/8.
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