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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/04/2015 14:47
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Respuesta  Mensaje 60 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/07/2015 01:55
El Alfa y Omega son la primera y última letras del alfabeto griego. La manera en que esto se diría en hebreo es "Yo soy Alef y Tav."

En Génesis 1:1 está escrito: "En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra." Si examina este versículo en hebreo, encontrará que la cuarta palabra hebrea es, Alef, Tav."

Por lo tanto, en hebreo, Génesis 1:1 dice, "En el principio (Be-reshit), Dios (Elohim) creó (bará), (Alef, Tav)…" De aquí podemos comprender que Jesús es ciertamente el Alef y el Tav, el principio y el fin.

En cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Como Jesús es el Alef y Tav, el principio y el fin, entonces todo el Salmo 119 está escrito acerca de Jesús. ¡¡De esto podemos comprender que Jesús es la Torá viviente!!

La referencia a TOMAS el GEMELO, es una referencia a la CONSTELACION DE GEMINIS, en el marco a la constelacion de SIRIO. LA expresion "alfa y el omega o el alef y el tav" justamente tienen esa referencia en el contexto a LA SEMANA DE LA CREACION. El termino BARA comienza justamente con la LETRA TAV y termina con la ALEF. ESTO EVIDENCIA QUE LA CREACION DEL PLANETA TIERRA ESTA FUERTEMENTE RELACIONADO CON LA CONSTELACION DE CAN MAYOR.
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5  
EL SALMO 119, INSISTO ESTA FUERTEMENTE RELACIONADO CON EL NUMERO 8 en el contexto a sus 176 versiculos. LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU ESTA EN FUNCION AL SALMO 119. Noten las sumas matematicas 8+8=16,88+88=176 y 888+888=1776 (año de la INDEP. DE EEUU).
The Alpha/Female Universal Pole is black. The Omega Masculine Universal Pole is white. Yet each pole has a little of the other within their core for ultimate balance. As you can see, Masculine and Feminine have nothing to do with gender but with attributes that reflect two sets of equally valid, complimentary yet opposing forces in our Universe. The Masculine Pole is not wrong or less than the Feminine. What is wrong is concentrating ONLY on one side and ONLY on a superficial, non-evolving form of it.
¿Puede aclararnos su interpretación del conocido verso «Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega»?
M.S: El valor de Alfa es 1, mientras el de Omega es 800. Sumados dan 801, un «anagrama» de 1080, y número que suma «peristera», la palabra griega que significa «paloma», símbolo del Espíritu Santo. El número 1080, además, es la Gematria tanto del Espíritu Santo como del Espíritu de la Tierra (el aspecto «femenino» o «inmanente» de lo divino). Las letras del alfabeto, desde Alfa a Omega, contienen todas las posibles permutaciones y combinaciones de la «Palabra de Dios». La letra A ( el uno) representa el principio creativo masculino, mientras el Omega tiene la forma de un útero. El sonido y la letra M están asociados a lo femenino en muchas lenguas: mater, mere, mother, madre, mammal, mare, todas palabras que tienen relación con el concepto de «madre», mientras «eg» (ak) significa «grande». El epíteto «Alfa y Omega» expresa al Sagrado Uno que es puro espíritu. La frase «Yo soy Alfa y Omega» suma en Gematria 2220, la misma cifra de la expresión «Portador de Cristo».

Respuesta  Mensaje 61 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/07/2015 02:02

World Trade Center

The new World Trade Center is loaded with secrets in plain sight. My previous post was on the Freedom Tower which is WTC 1 in the following site plan:

WTC Building Arrangement

Image courtesy MesserWoland under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Here’s a brief accounting of the WTC towers:

WTC Accounting

Yes, the sum of the WTC building heights is 6660 feet. See my post on 666.

Do you notice that there is no WTC6? There used to be a WTC 6 before 9/11 but they aren’t rebuilding its namesake. Don’t you wonder why?

Pleiades Elihu VedderThe Pleiades by Elihu Vedder (1885)

In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope.

However only six stars in the Pleiades constellation are distinctly visible to the naked eye. The Japanese name for the Pleiades is Subaru, which in Japanese translates into “to govern.” World trade and the corporations that centralize it truly govern the world.

The Subaru car maker uses the six visible stars of the Pleiades as its logo:


The ancient Greeks explained the sudden disappearance of the seventh star in various narratives. According to one, all the Pleiades were consorts to gods, with the exception of Merope. She deserted her sisters in shame, having taken a mortal husband, Sisyphus, the King of Corinth. Another explanation for the ‘lost’ star related to the myth of the Electra, an ancestress of the royal house of Troy. After the destruction of Troy, the grief stricken Electra abandoned her sisters and was transformed into a comet – everafter to be a sign of impending doom. –Source

The above reminds me of the PATH of Comet Elenin which reaches perihelion on 9/11/11 and whose tail will come closest to the Earth on 11/11/11. I recommend listening to Richard Hoagland on this subject.

Perhaps the 9/11 Memorial entitled Reflecting Absence symbolizes the missing Pleiadian sister?

There is more to the Pleiadian mythos that is worth understanding:

The Pleiades were the virgin companions of Artemis, to the ancient Greeks, the goddess of hunting and the Moon. Whilst stalking a hind [deer], the great hunter Orion crept into a sunlit glade, disturbing the innocent play of the sisters. They fled in alarm.

His immoderate passions enflamed by their beauty and grace, he pursued them relentlessly, as was fitting for the greatest mortal hunter. In frustration, Artemis pleaded with Zeus for his intervention. With characteristic olympian sarcasm, he did.

As the hunter closed in on his prey, Zeus transformed the sisters into a flock of doves. They flew into the heavens, beyond the reach of their pursuer, but also removed from earthly companionship with the goddess! –Source

The word Pleiades comes from the Greek peleiades which means flock of doves. Speaking of, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub is nested between WTC 2 and WTC 3.

On September 6, 2005 Gov. George Pataki, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and other city, state, and federal officials gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony for the new World Trade Center Transportation Hub.

“This is a momentous occasion for the World Trade Center site and for the rebirth of Lower Manhattan,” Pataki said before a crowd gathered in the World Trade Center site.

Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, who also spoke at the ceremony, designed the building in the shape of a bird in flight. In January 2004, when he unveiled his initial design concept, Calatrava said that he drew his inspiration from the image of a child releasing a bird. That image — evoking freedom and rebirth — came to life at the end of the ceremony when Calatrava’s daughter, Sophia, released two white doves into the blue sky above the site where the Twin Towers once stood. –Source

Doves and pigeons constitute the bird family Columbidae, long used in magical rituals, which I explored in my Never A Straight Answer post.

Rock dove

Image courtesy Alan D. Wilson under the under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license

As I said in that post, “This casts a new light on things such as the Space Shuttle Columbia, the District of Columbia, Columbia University, the Goddess Columbia, the country of Columbia, and of course Christopher Columbus himself.”

“Santiago Calatrava’s awe-inspiring design of a child releasing a bird into the air represents the hope and promise of a World Trade Center reborn out of the ashes of September 11. –Source

What bird rises out of the ashes? The phoenix of course. See my post on Phoenixes. Calatrava is the same person who designed the Sundial Bridge which aligns perfectly with the secret architecture of San Francisco. See this post. Everything is interconnected.

Costs of Calatrava’s Bird Keep on Soaring at Ground Zero

What’s the priciest part of the new World Trade Center? Nope, not 1 WTC, which will be America’s tallest building. The answer is a train station that will be used by New Jersey commuters and Red Bulls soccer fans, at a price tag of $3.4 billion—and climbing! That’s according to the Bergen Record, which obtained a federal report that says the final cost of architect Santiago Calatrava’s WTC transportation hub—the PATH train station and underground connections to the Fulton Street Transit Center and World Financial Center—might be $3.8 billion. –Source

Herbert Muschamp, architecture critic of The New York Times, wrote:

“Santiago Calatrava’s design for the World Trade Center PATH station should satisfy those who believe that buildings planned for ground zero must aspire to a spiritual dimension. Over the years, many people have discerned a metaphysical element in Mr. Calatrava’s work. I hope New Yorkers will detect its presence, too.” –Source

Fellow researcher Chad Stuemke dug up the fact that The Discovery Channel had a special called RISING (Rebuilding Ground Zero), the name obviously suggesting the phoenix. Here are some quotes Chad pulled out of RISING:

  • This is Ground Zero’s new gateway.
  • Calatrava’s Transportation Hall is an iconic gateway that links subway, street, and sky.
  • Beneath the new skyscrapers an iconic gateway is filling the void.
  • Project architect Mike Garz said, “I just look forward to a time when that space opens to the heavens and I can see the angels coming to collect the souls.”

OK now this inter-dimensional gateway is really starting to creep me out.

Calatrava’s above ground structure is literally called Oculus, meaning eye. –Source

The Oculus structure measures 330 feet in length and connects 13 PATH trains underground. Calatrava says the design is inspired by the crown on the Statue of Liberty. Architecture critics have compared it to a winged dinosaur. –Source

Calatravas Oculus

Oculus is also the name of the art installation in the underground Chambers Street / WTC subway station. See my post on Ellipses for more on this.

Eye subway

Image from Oculus installation courtesy Grant Chamberlin

Calatrava’s Transportation Hub replaces a temporary PATH station that had to be built after the underground system was destroyed on 9/11. The temporary station put two uptown services into operation: Newark–33rd Street (red) and Hoboken–33rd Street (blue).

The underground part of the new PATH hall will look like this:

Path Hall

The RISING special says, “PATH Hall sits directly below Memorial Plaza and consists of a spine with 25 vertebrae connecting 275 extending ribs.”

Fellow researcher Mark Gray points out that Swans have 25 cervical vertebrae. And 275 / 25 = 11

In the name of security, Santiago Calatrava’s bird has grown a beak. Its ribs have doubled in number and its wings have lost their interstices of glass…. The main transit hall, between Church and Greenwich Streets, will almost certainly lose some of its delicate quality, while gaining structural expressiveness. It may now evoke a slender stegosaurus more than it does a bird. –Source

Most researchers now support the view that birds are a group of theropod dinosaurs. The Transportation Hub looks to me like a monumental reptilian eye. Check out the Reptilian Agenda for another deep dark rabbit hole.

The Wedge of Light

Daniel Liebeskind won the competition to be the master plan architect for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site. Liebeskind’s buildings include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Danish Jewish Museum in Copenhagen, the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, the Wohl Centre in Israel, and the Imperial War Museum North in the UK.

Liebeskind’s concept for WTC2, called the “wedge of light,” states that no shadows shall be cast on the memorial park on September 11th. Lord Foster designed the top of the building like a wedge with four rhombi at the top.

Speaking of the Pleiades, shadows, and Lords:

Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name. -Amos 5:8

New wtc

Rendering copyright Silverstein Properties

The Transportation Hall was also supposedly designed so at the exact time the second tower collapsed, every Sept. 11th at 10:28am, the sun enters the transportation hub illuminating the building with light.

However Eli Attia, an architect who has been a frequent critic of the rebuilding process, published a study showing that 40 percent to 99 percent of the Wedge of Light would be in shadow cast by the Millenium Hilton Hotel during the times when Mr. Libeskind had said it would be free of shadows.

Mr. Libeskind won the enthusiastic support of both Gov. George E. Pataki and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg with his design, and Mr. Pataki ensured Mr. Libeskind’s selection for the ground zero commission when he overruled a committee of directors of the development corporation, which had recommended the selection of the other finalist, a group of architects known as Think. –Source

This situation reminds me of how I.M. Pei was selected for the Louvre Pyramid design without a competition and then how Mitterand stepped in and selected Johann Otto von Spreckelsen to be the architect of the La Grande Arche even though he wasn’t winning the national design competition for the megaproject. Sometimes competitions are a necessary sham when secret architecture has long been in the pipeline.

“Richard Meier, the eminent architect who participated in the ground zero design competition — and who therefore lost to Mr. Libeskind — disagreed [with the fact that shadows fall on the wedge of light]. ”How could you not take it literally?” he asked. ”He didn’t say that the sun would be reflected off buildings and that illumination would somehow create a wedge of light.’

Terence Riley, the chief curator for the department of architecture and design at the Museum of Modern Art, took a historical view. ”Given the long history of solar orientation in architectural design, I don’t suppose it is unreasonable for people to have assumed that the Wedge of Light would be illuminated by direct sunlight on Sept. 11,” he said. –Source

Light is obviously very important to this mega-ritual in the making. Mark Gray discovered one more timely piece of the puzzle:

On 9-11-11 at sunset, the famous “Tribute in Light” will return to the skies above New York City for the night. The tribute is comprised of “88” 7,000-watt xenon light bulbs, arranged in 48-foot squares inspired by the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers. The illuminated memorial reaches four miles into the sky and is visible from as far as 30 miles away. The two arrays cast the strongest shaft of light ever projected from Earth into the night sky. –Source

Tribute in Light

Image courtesy D L under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

The Tribute in Light ought to get the light bearer’s attention, don’t you think?

Grant Chamberlin pointed out in a comment on this post that the 88 light bulbs in the Tribute in Light might be significant. This is another dark rabbit hole, but if we are to be whole and healthy we must have the courage to look into our shadows.

The 8s stand for the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with ‘HH’ standing for “Heil Hitler”. –Source

The phrase “Heil Hitler” was inspired by a statement, 88 words in length, from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf:

What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.

Eighty-eight is used as code among Neo-Nazis to identify each other. –Source

Another such illuminist monument was called the Cathedral of Light:

Cathedral in Light

Image courtesy Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1982-1130-502 / CC-BY-SA

The cathedral of light was a main aesthetic feature of the Nuremberg Rallies. It was the brainchild of Albert Speer, who was commissioned by Adolf Hitler to design and organise the Nuremberg Parade Grounds for the annual celebrations. It is still considered amongst Speer’s most important works.

The effect was a brilliant one, both from within the design and on the outside. –Source

The primary aspect of the Nuremberg Rallies was to strengthen the personality cult of Adolf Hitler, portraying Hitler as Germany’s saviour, chosen by providence. The gathered masses listened to the Führer’s speeches, swore loyalty and marched before him. Representing the Volksgemeinschaft as a whole, the rallies served to demonstrate the might of the German people.

The visitors of the rallies by their own free will were subordinate to the discipline and order in which they should be reborn as a new people. –Source

The Cathedral of Christ the Light also resonates with this post:

Cathedral of Christ the Light

Image courtesy Skier Dude under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The worship space in Christ the Light is a vesica pisces shape, the shape formed by the intersection of two circles [symbol of the female generative organs]. The walls are composed of overlapping panels of wood and glass rising skyward to form the vault, much like the scales of a fish.

The Catholic Cathedral Corporation of the East Bay instituted a design competition for Christ the Light. Various designs were judged and the corporation announced Santiago Calatrava (architect of the PATH Transportation Hall and Sundial Bridge) as the winner. Calatrava’s design for Christ the Light was chosen before a site was appropriated for the project.

However, by the time a site was chosen, Calatrava’s design fell out of favor and instead replaced by a design of competition runner-up Craig W. Hartman, FAIA of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM). –Source

SOM designed WTC1 (the Freedom Tower) and the new WTC7.

Consider these provocative coincidences:

Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope. –Source

Pope Benedict prayed for “eternal light and peace” at ground zero on a black square pool on the 111th day of the year (2008 was a leap year).

On September 11th there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. The original Twin Towers had 111 floors if you count the roof. See my post on 110-111.

Pope Ground Zero

Mark Gray posted this on Facebook:


See my post on the Freedom Tower for more on the black cube and its encoding in the 9/11 Memorial.

Borg cube from bridge

Image from Star Trek The Next Generation

Resistance is anything but futile. Remember the Borg and the overt Nazis were defeated.

William Henry’s research goes into some fascinating areas I haven’t touched on and I’m excited to be interviewed by him tomorrow. I’ll post the link on my Interviews page when it’s online. Here is William’s fascinating take on the mysteries of 9/11/11.

On the flipside Mark Gray has made some great discoveries relating to the positive side of 88.

Mark Gray and William Henry wrote the book Freedom’s Gate together about the lost symbols in the US Capitol. I highly recommend it.

88 keyboard

Image courtesy Mark Gray

The distance from the center of the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customs House (built over the location of the original Fort Amsterdam) to the center of the Freedom Tower is exactly 1000 meters.

The distance from the corner of Reflecting Absence (former WTC North Tower) to the center of the Customs House is 888 meters.

CustomsHouse FreedomTower

The elliptical glass (see Ellipses) in the rotunda has 88 rays.

88 CustomsHouse

Image courtesy Mark Gray

Mark makes the following brilliant comparison, calling the Customs House Manhattan Gate:


Let’s also not forget the Wedge of Light itself (WTC2) has 88 floors and WTC1, WTC4, and WTC7 have numerical resonances with the keyboard.

Are we being played?

WTC Accounting

In addition there are 88 constellations in the sky:

88 constellations

Image courtesy Mark Gray

Eighty-eight (88) symbolizes fortune and good luck since the word 8 sounds similar to the word Fā (发, which implies 发财, or wealth, in Mandarin). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number of all in Chinese culture and prices in Chinese supermarkets can often be found containing many 8’s The Chinese government has even been auctioning auto license plates containing many 8s for tens of thousands of dollars. The 2008 Beijing Olympics opened on 8/8/08 at 8 p.m.. –Source

Thank you Mark for the reminder that in duality every symbol has an opposite. Every coin has two sides. The wise look at both of them.

This just in…

Jan Thulstrup uncovered an amazing connection in Psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the Bible.

119 is the mirror reflection of 911.

Psalm 119 has 176 verses. 176 = 88 + 88. 176 is an octagonal number.

Psalm 119 is divided into twenty-two stanzas, one stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza begins with the corresponding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Each stanza has 8 verses, composed as octaves (from the Latin octo meaning “eight”) in music.

Here a Jew reads Psalm 119 at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem:

Psalm 119 WesternWall

Image courtesy Brian Jeffery Beggerly under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.

Respuesta  Mensaje 62 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/07/2015 04:29

Día de π

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Día de π
Pi day.jpg
Tartas de celebración del día de π.
Día de celebración 14 de marzo
Lugar de celebración Día Internacional
[editar datos en Wikidata]

Se conocen como Día de Pi dos celebraciones en honor de la expresión matemática Pi; el "Día Pi" y el "Día de aproximación de Pi". Esta celebración fue una ocurrencia del físico Larry Shaw en San Francisco,[1] y ha ido ganando en popularidad, hasta el punto de contar en 2009 con una resolución favorable de la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos,[2] en la que se declaraba al 14 de marzo como día nacional de π.[3]



Día Pi[editar]

Por la forma en que se escribe en el formato usado en los Estados Unidos, el 14 de marzo (3/14) se ha convertido en una celebración no oficial para el "Día Pi", derivándose de la aproximación de tres dígitos de pi: 3,14.[4] Normalmente la celebración se concentra a la 1:59 PM (en reconocimiento de la aproximación de seis dígitos: 3,14159),[5] aunque algunas personas afirman que en realidad son las 13:59, por lo que lo correcto sería celebrar a la 1:59 AM.

Matemáticos y profesores de varias escuelas alrededor del mundo organizan fiestas y reuniones en esta fecha. La fecha se celebra de maneras muy diversas: algunos grupos se reúnen para discutir y comentar sobre la importancia de pi en sus vidas, intercambiar anécdotas o teorizar cómo sería el mundo sin el conocimiento de pi.[4] Otros grupos se reúnen para ver la película de culto, Pi, fe en el caos.[6] También es frecuente comer tartas con motivos sobre π; otro juego de palabras, pues en lengua inglesa, tanto pi como pie (tarta) tienen idéntica pronunciación.[7] [4]

Algunos entusiastas se apuran a señalar que ese día se celebra también el natalicio de Albert Einstein y se conmemora el fallecimiento de Karl Marx. Otro dato curioso es que el afamado Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussetts (MIT), reconocido por su inusual acercamiento a las matemáticas, acostumbra enviar las cartas de aceptación a sus futuros estudiantes para que sean entregadas en esta fecha.[4]

El momento Pi "definitivo" habría ocurrido el 14 de marzo de 1592 a las 6:53:58 (AM). Esto, escrito en formato estadounidense, sería 3/14/1592 6:53.58, que correspondería al valor de pi expresado en doce dígitos: 3,14159265358. Considerando que esto fue mucho tiempo antes de que se estandarizara la hora en el mundo y pi no era un concepto de uso general, lo más seguro es que la fecha haya sido cambiada a lo largo de la historia.

También se considera aceptable el 14 de marzo de 2015, ya que representa al número Pi al ser representado abreviadamente como 3/14/15. Concretamente a las 9:26:53 de la mañana se forma un conjunto equiparable al número Pi expresado con nueve cifras decimales: 3,141592653.

Día de aproximación de Pi[editar]

El "Día de aproximación de Pi" puede ser señalado en cualquiera de estas fechas:

  • 22 de julio, 22/7 en el formato de fecha internacional. 22/7 simeq 3,14286 es una aproximación de pi. (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA) 
  • 26 de abril (o 25 de abril , dia de SAN JUAN MARCOS en años bisiestos), el día en que la Tierra completa dos unidades astronómicas de su órbita anual (es decir, dos radianes). La longitud total de la órbita de la Tierra dividida entre la longitud recorrida hasta este día es igual a pi.
  • 21 de diciembre (20 de diciembre en años bisiestos), que es el día 355 del año, a la 1:13 PM, coincidiendo con el valor aproximado de 355/113 simeq 3,141592; calculado por Zu Chongzhi.
  • 10 de noviembre (9 de noviembre en años bisiestos), que es el día número 314 del año de acuerdo con el calendario gregoriano.

Véase también[editar]


Respuesta  Mensaje 63 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2015 00:08

Día Pi (π)

El día Pi es una fiesta no oficial que celebra la constante matemática pi (π). Se celebra el 14 de marzo en los países que siguen el formato mes / día que corresponden con los dígitos 3/14.

En los países que siguen el formato de fecha día / mes, la fiesta es después, el 22 de julio y se llama El día Pi por aproximación. Esto resulta de que el 22 de julio, o sea, el 22/7 es el valor aproximado de π (22 /7 = 3,14). 

El día Pi el 14 de marzo también coincide con el cumpleaños de Albert Einstein. Otras fechas especiales del calendario del día Pi en 2015: Será la única vez del siglo que la celebración del sábado, será un Pi muy especial: Sólo se da una vez cada 100 años. Este año, no sólo el mes y el día de la fecha (3/14) corresponden a los dígitos de la constante matemática, los dígitos del año también lo hacen. Si se escribe la fecha en el formato mes / día / año, entonces los dígitos de la fecha  3/14/15 se corresponden con los 5 primeros dígitos de pi: 3.1415.

Pero eso no es todo. El día Pi de este año va un paso más allá. A las 9:26:53 am y las 09:26:53 pm, la fecha y la hora se corresponden exactamente a los 10 primeros dígitos de pi: 3,141592653. Muchas personas están llamando a este el segundo Pi. Aunque hay un cierto desacuerdo sobre si habrá dos o un segundo Pi. Los más "puristas" creen que sólo puede haber un segundo Pi el de las 9:26:53 am, considerando que a las 09:26:53 pm en el reloj de 24 horas son las 21:26:53. 
A este respecto Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, profesor de Estadística de la Universidad de Toronto ha propuesto la designación del instante Pi: El instante exacto en el que la fecha y hora incluyen todos los dígitos de pi.
Cuenta atrás para el Segundo Pi
Una constante antigua y universal Pi (π), es una letra ampliamente conocida y una de las constantes matemáticas más reconocida, el diámetro en el espacio euclidiano o la relación del área de un círculo con su radio al cuadrado. El valor de PI es aproximadamente igual a 3.14159265, pero es un número irracional y su representación decimal nunca termina.  

Día paléndromo
El día Pi fue fundado por Larry Shaw y se celebró por primera vez en 1988 en el Exploratorium de San Francisco.
El público y el personal del museo marcharon alrededor de un espacio circular y comiern pasteles de frutas.
Los estudiantes, los matemáticos y los entusiastas de las matemáticas de todo el mundo celebran el Día Pi participando en actividades y concursos alrededor de pi que incluye hacer y comer empanadas, convertir números tales como el tiempo o la edad de cada uno usando pi, y recitar los dígitos de pi o ver la famosa película en blanco y negro Pi (1988) de Darren Aronofsk

Días alternativos Pi y aproximación Pi se pueden celebrar en otras fechas del calendario como:
  • 22 de julio: Cuando 22 se divide por 7, resulta igual a 3.14.
  • 5 de Abril: Cuando han transcurrido 3,14 meses del año.
  • 26 de Abril: La Tierra ha viajado dos radianes de su órbita en el día de hoy (25 de abril en los años bisiestos). Esta se celebra exactamente en el segundo 41 del minuto 23 de la cuarta hora, el 26 de abril o el día 116. (En los años bisiestos, se celebra exactamente en el tercer segundo del segundo minuto de la hora 12 el 25 de abril o el día 116 del año.)
  • 10 de november: El día 314 del año (9 de noviembre en años bisiestos).
  • 21 de Diciembre, a las 1:13 p.m.: El 355 día del año (20 de diciembre en los años bisiestos), que se celebra a las 1:13 de la aproximación china 355/113.
  • http://elsoberadotecnologia.blogspot.com.ar/2015/03/dia-pi.html 

Respuesta  Mensaje 64 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2015 00:14

Día Pi (π)

El día Pi es una fiesta no oficial que celebra la constante matemática pi (π). Se celebra el 14 de marzo en los países que siguen el formato mes / día que corresponden con los dígitos 3/14.

En los países que siguen el formato de fecha día / mes, la fiesta es después, el 22 de julio y se llama El día Pi por aproximación. Esto resulta de que el 22 de julio, o sea, el 22/7 es el valor aproximado de π (22 /7 = 3,14). 

El día Pi el 14 de marzo también coincide con el cumpleaños de Albert Einstein. Otras fechas especiales del calendario del día Pi en 2015: Será la única vez del siglo que la celebración del sábado, será un Pi muy especial: Sólo se da una vez cada 100 años. Este año, no sólo el mes y el día de la fecha (3/14) corresponden a los dígitos de la constante matemática, los dígitos del año también lo hacen. Si se escribe la fecha en el formato mes / día / año, entonces los dígitos de la fecha  3/14/15 se corresponden con los 5 primeros dígitos de pi: 3.1415.

Pero eso no es todo. El día Pi de este año va un paso más allá. A las 9:26:53 am y las 09:26:53 pm, la fecha y la hora se corresponden exactamente a los 10 primeros dígitos de pi: 3,141592653. Muchas personas están llamando a este el segundo Pi. Aunque hay un cierto desacuerdo sobre si habrá dos o un segundo Pi. Los más "puristas" creen que sólo puede haber un segundo Pi el de las 9:26:53 am, considerando que a las 09:26:53 pm en el reloj de 24 horas son las 21:26:53. 
A este respecto Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, profesor de Estadística de la Universidad de Toronto ha propuesto la designación del instante Pi: El instante exacto en el que la fecha y hora incluyen todos los dígitos de pi.
Cuenta atrás para el Segundo Pi
Una constante antigua y universal Pi (π), es una letra ampliamente conocida y una de las constantes matemáticas más reconocida, el diámetro en el espacio euclidiano o la relación del área de un círculo con su radio al cuadrado. El valor de PI es aproximadamente igual a 3.14159265, pero es un número irracional y su representación decimal nunca termina.  

Día paléndromo
El día Pi fue fundado por Larry Shaw y se celebró por primera vez en 1988 en el Exploratorium de San Francisco.
El público y el personal del museo marcharon alrededor de un espacio circular y comiern pasteles de frutas.
Los estudiantes, los matemáticos y los entusiastas de las matemáticas de todo el mundo celebran el Día Pi participando en actividades y concursos alrededor de pi que incluye hacer y comer empanadas, convertir números tales como el tiempo o la edad de cada uno usando pi, y recitar los dígitos de pi o ver la famosa película en blanco y negro Pi (1988) de Darren Aronofsk

Días alternativos Pi y aproximación Pi se pueden celebrar en otras fechas del calendario como:
  • 22 de julio: Cuando 22 se divide por 7, resulta igual a 3.14.
  • 5 de Abril: Cuando han transcurrido 3,14 meses del año.
  • 26 de Abril: La Tierra ha viajado dos radianes de su órbita en el día de hoy (25 de abril en los años bisiestos). Esta se celebra exactamente en el segundo 41 del minuto 23 de la cuarta hora, el 26 de abril o el día 116. (En los años bisiestos, se celebra exactamente en el tercer segundo del segundo minuto de la hora 12 el 25 de abril o el día 116 del año.)
  • 10 de november: El día 314 del año (9 de noviembre en años bisiestos).
  • 21 de Diciembre, a las 1:13 p.m.: El 355 día del año (20 de diciembre en los años bisiestos), que se celebra a las 1:13 de la aproximación china 355/113.
  • http://elsoberadotecnologia.blogspot.com.ar/2015/03/dia-pi.html 

Respuesta  Mensaje 65 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2015 01:04
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Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/07/2015 04:36

Phi and pi and the Great Pyramid puts us onto the same page as all of these thinkers and tinkers too!


Respuesta  Mensaje 67 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/07/2015 23:31

7 7 7 

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2015 00:36

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2015 01:29

Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2015 01:38

Swastika is the KEY


The Aztec calendar stoneMexica sun stoneStone of the Sun (SpanishPiedra del Sol), or Stone of the Five Eras, is a large monolithic sculpture that was excavated in the ZócaloMexico City‘s main square, on December 17, 1790.[2] It was discovered whilst Mexico City Cathedral was being repaired.[3] The stone is around 12 feet  or  3.7 m!!!  across and weighs about 24 tons.[4]

The exact purpose and meaning of the stone is unclear. However archaeologists and historians have proposed a number of theories and it seems likely that there are many aspects to the stone.[5]

Mexican anthropologist Antonio de León y Gama (1735-1802) remarked that the Sun Stone showed that the Aztecs had knowledge of geometry to be able to carve the stone symmetrically and it showed they also had knowledge of mechanics to be able to move the stone from its quarry to its final destination.[1]


Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2015 02:07
How many of these ‘ ~ ‘ notches can  we count on the circumference of this Celtic brooch?


source of image: Walter Russell

Recall that the two Platonic solids the octahedron and the cube share unique relationships with each other.


But in the Great Pyramid we encounter a 55 vs. 56 anomaly in the Grand Gallery.

Why 56?

The number 56 looks like it may have been significant to the architects:

1. 56 x 56 x 56 times the size of the Great Pyramid: Here the circumference of the earth = length of the pyramid base.
2. 1/56 of the pyramid is the size of the missing capstone described by several sources
3. 1/(56 x 56) times the size of the pyramid is the tiny one of Figure 1 with a base approx. 7 x 7cm.

Chamber and passage system of the Great Pyramid

Coinciding with the unprecedented height of Cheops’s Pyramid there is also an unprecedented feature in its inner layout,
the Grand Gallery.

The length of the Grand Gallery is 91.37 cubits or 47.877 meters.

The middle of the grand gallery is 13.79 cubits (7.22 meters) east of the pyramid’s centre axis.

The Grand Gallery has 7-step corbeled side walls, 2 RC wide at the top and 4 RC wide at the floor.

The floor has a central groove 2 RC wide, flanked by 1 RC floor-ramps on each side.
The Grand Gallery is about 18 RC high vertically, or about 16 RC high perpendicular to its floor.
It is about (200/sqrt(5)) = about 89 RC long.

The Grand Gallery contains two grooves, one in the east wall and one in the west wall. They are 7 inches high, 1 inch deep, and 5 inches up from the 3rd overlapping corbel. They run the entire length of the gallery. Click for a diagram

There are a total of 55 ramp-holes on both sides of the floor-ramps. 

Architectural Analysis of the Great Pyramid

Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid

by Piazzi Smyth (pdf)

Piazzi Smyth, Ramps, Ramps Holes, Well’s Upper Mouth

The absence of the twenty-eighth slot in the western banquette, whose place is now taken up by the opening of the ‘well’, serves to confirm the views expressed by Petrie; to wit, that the connection of the Grand gallery with the primitive shaft used by descending stonecutters, a hole drilled through the masonry, was a task undertaken after the pyramid had been built.


The details of the Grand Gallery are extremely important and have no parallel in any other structure on Earth*

Its geometric design predicts that sound originating within its space is focused through a passageway past the Antechamber and into the granite complex known as the King’s Chamber.
This phenomena has been noted by musicians, acoustical engineers, military scientist and laypeople alike.
Some of the more puzzling features of this architectural acoustical miracle, however, are not adequately explained by conventional literature or, indeed, in any other literature.

There are the 27 pair of slots that are cut into the ramps that traverse both side of the Grand Gallery.

* except this next image which contains 56 people of history.

School of Athens

In the center Plato (#1), holding the Timaeus and pointing to the heavens, speaks with Aristotle (#2), holding the Ethics and gesturing towards the earth. They are framed by the triumphal arch above as well as by barrel vaults and sky; they are also surrounded by the largest number of people (#3-10, 52-56). In addition, #11 is ascending the stairs, leaving the geometers and astronomers below, while #12 points out Plato and Aristotle to him. Figure #13 is intently writing while a friend (#14) looks on in interest. At the far right, others are coming in, the younger two (#17 and 18) looking curiously at those below. The old man (#16) is eagerly moving in a different direction, apparently towards Plato and Aristotle. Above the thoughtful old man (#15) who gestures downward like Aristotle, is the statue of Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war. She is dressed in military garb and on her shield is the terrifying face of the Gorgon. Below her is a relief of Virtue elevated upon clouds, holding one hand at her breast, the seat of valor, while extending the other toward the earth with the scepter of her empire.

* and except this well … and its accompanying myth regarding ‘CR’

‘Well of Initiation’, into the interior of the earth; picture shows also the Rose of the Winds over the Templar Cross, the Rose Cross, in “Quinta da Regaleira”,SintraPortugal (built ca. 1904-1910).

According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among TurkishArab, and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism) ; returned and founded the “Fraternity of the Rose Cross” with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or “The House of the Holy Spirit”, was built.

The legend presented in the Manifestos has been interpreted symbolically (as were all hermetic and alchemical texts of those times). They do not directly state Christian Rosenkreuz’s years of birth and death, but in two sentences in thesecond Manifesto the year 1378 is presented as being the birth year of “our Christian Father”, and it is stated that he lived for 106 years, which would mean he died in 1484.[5] The foundation of the Order can be supposed in similar terms to have occurred in the year 1407. However, these numbers (and deduced years) are not taken literally by many students of occultism, who consider them to be allegorical and symbolic statements for the understanding of the Initiated. The justification for this relies on the Manifestos themselves: on the one hand, the Rosicrucians clearly adopted through the Manifestos the Pythagorean tradition of envisioning objects and ideas in terms of their numeric aspects, and, on the other hand, they directly state,

“We speak unto you by parables, but would willingly bring you to the right, simple, easy and ingenuous exposition, understanding, declaration, and knowledge of all secrets.”

from the year of Our Lord 1378 (in which year our Christian Father was born)“, in Confessio Fraternitatis

The significance of 1378 and 147 is best understood if NOT taken literally, I agree … allow me to illustrate.

The metaphorical nature of these legends lends a nebulous quality to the origins of Rosicrucianism. The opening of Rosenkreuz’s tomb is thought to be a way of referring to the cycles in nature and to cosmic events; and as well, to the opening of new possibilities for mankind consequent on the advances of the 16th and early 17th centuries. Similarly, Rosenkreuz’s pilgrimage seems to refer to the transmutation steps of the Great Work.

Similar legends may be found in Wolfram von Eschenbach‘s description of the Holy Grail as the “Lapis Exillis“, guarded by the Knights Templar, or in the Philosophers’ stone of the alchemists, the “Lapis Elixir“.



Here comes the AHA!!!

Important to note the following: Especially since I have a habit of suggesting LEvIturned upside down becomes I^37

The word EXILLIS rotated 180 degrees appears as:

SI77IX3 or 51771X3

51771 X 3

What is the significance of those numbers 157?

Jesus Mihi Omnia 157

Some occultists including Rudolf SteinerMax Heindel[3] and (much later) Guy Ballard, have stated that Rosenkreuz later reappeared as the Count of St. Germain, a courtieradventurer, and alchemist who reportedly died on February 27, 1784. Steiner once identified Rembrandt’s painting “‘A Man in Armour’” as a portrait of Christian Rosenkreuz, apparently in a 17th century manifestation. Others believe Rosenkreuz to be a pseudonym for a more famous historical figure, usually Francis Bacon.

Jesus mihi omnia

It is described that on the Sarcophagus in the centre of the Crypt of Christian Rosenkreutz were written, among other inscriptions the words, “Jesus mihi omnia, nequaquam vacuum, libertas evangelii, dei intacta gloria, legis jugum,” (being in translation, “Jesus is everything to me, by no means a vacuum/a vacuum by no means exists, the freedom of the good news/gospel, the inviolate glory of god, the yoke of the law”) testifying to the builder’s Christian character. Rosenkreuz’s crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, seems to be located in the interior parts of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto VITRIOL: “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem

“Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone.”

157 sources:


The evolution of man is divided into seven Periods:

  • involution: the Saturn Period, the Sun Period, the Moon Period;
  • the Earth Period (first half still involution, second half towards evolution);
  • evolution: the Jupiter Period, the Venus Period, the Vulcan Period.

We are presently in the second half of the Earth Period: we have just passed the end of our involution and are beginning our evolution, or the spiritualization of matter and our return to God our Father.


Note the associations above given by Rosicrucian doctrine.

What happens if we add the magic squares associated with each planet listed?

  • 369 is related to involution: Saturn 3×3, Sun 6×6, Moon 9×9
  • 58 is related to the Earth Period and Caput 58 the head of St. John the Baptist
  • (note Rosicrucian doctrine does NOT mention Mars 5×5 and Mercury 8×8)
  • 4710 is related to evolution: Jupiter 4×4, Venus 7×7, Vulcan 10  

 The above Rosicrucian cosmology bears a close resemblance to how those numbers are divided by concentric rings on the …


Respuesta  Mensaje 72 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2015 00:23
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Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2015 01:21

This term “Pixel” which happens to be like the smoking gun in proving the artificial Matrix, is why we have “Pi” & “Phi” and “Patmos Island” as codes:

PIXEL      ~~~      the number PI  (3.14…)

PIXEL       ~~~       the number “PHI

PIXEL       ~~~       Patmos Island




Tetragrammaton and pi

Tetragrammaton (reads from right to left as YHVH in hebrew)

Pi and the Matrix

Number “PI” in the Matrix

Pi as to Phi

Number “PI” as to number “PHI”

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 149 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/08/2015 00:04
Busqueda para cerraduras

1. 1 Samuel 23:7: Y fue dado aviso a Saúl que David había venido a Keila. Entonces dijo Saúl: Dios lo ha entregado en mi mano, pues se ha encerrado entrando en ciudad con puertas y CERRADURAS.
2. 1 Reyes 4:13: el hijo de Geber en Ramot de Galaad; éste tenía también las ciudades de Jair hijo de Manasés, las cuales estaban en Galaad; tenía también la provincia de Argob que estaba en Basán, sesenta grandes ciudades con muro y CERRADURAS de bronce;
3. Nehemías 3:3: Los hijos de Senaa edificaron la puerta del Pescado; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos.
4. Nehemías 3:6: La puerta Vieja fue restaurada por Joiada hijo de Paseah y Mesulam hijo de Besodías; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y cerrojos.
5. Nehemías 3:13: La puerta del Valle la restauró Hanún con los moradores de Zanoa; ellos la reedificaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y mil codos del muro, hasta la puerta del Muladar.
6. Nehemías 3:14: Reedificó la puerta del Muladar Malquías hijo de Recab, gobernador de la provincia de Bet-haquerem; él la reedificó, y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos. (3:14=NUMERO PI=PI-RAMIDE =EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA= 22/7 (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA= PYRAMID= MARY)
7. Nehemías 3:15: Salum hijo de Colhoze, gobernador de la región de Mizpa, restauró la puerta de la Fuente; él la reedificó, la enmaderó y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y el muro del estanque de Siloé hacia el huerto del rey, y hasta las gradas que descienden de la ciudad de David.

3 curiosidades de Roma
308 × 400 - 31k - jpg

El elegante edificio situado
399 × 599 - 35k - jpg

el ojo de la cerradura.
2816 × 2112 - 1038k - jpg

El ojo de la cerradura de los
2000 × 1328 - 191k - jpg

cerradura sta maria priorato
602 × 401 - 189k - jpg

La cerradura misteriosa
373 × 300 - 16k - jpg

Información para visitar el
800 × 600 - 98k - jpg

la cerradura el vaticano
340 × 227 - 10k - jpg

Priorato de los caballeros de
768 × 1024 - 116k - jpg

El Vaticano visto desde arriba
847 × 514 - 105k - jpg

Vista de San Pedro desde la
230 × 170 - 6k - jpg

la cúpula del Vaticano
375 × 500 - 143k - jpg

800 × 1184 - 359k - jpg

Ojo de la cerradura en Roma
600 × 450 - 26k - jpg

Una cerradura «mágica»
644 × 362 - 21k - jpg

Tres países en una cerradura.
1024 × 768 - 86k - jpg

San Pedro en una cerradura
650 × 432 - 52k - jpg

Cerradura al Vaticano por
240 × 174 - 18k - jpg

827 × 859 - 254k - jpg

se ve el Vaticano desde el
1200 × 1600 - 144k - jpg

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