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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 14/02/2012 19:33
"The Blazing Star in our Lodges represent Sirius,... the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun." - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma.

Hieroglyph representation
of the Sirius Star System.
Sirius was venerated by the ancient Egyptians, since its heliacal rising corresponded exactly with the start of the annual floods from the river Nile and the Summer Solstice, the Dog Days extending from July 23 through August 23. The star system was also known as the guardian star of departed souls and formed the cycles of the Egyptian calendrical system. Sirius formulated the great inverted triangle in the sky when aligned with the red Betelgeuse and Procyon stars. The ancient hieroglyphs represents Sirius as a a three-part symbol featuring a half dome, a triangle/obelisk and a star. The observance of the Sirian Trichotomy of Isis, Osiris and Horus respectively.

Horus, Osiris and Isis.
The Sirian Trichotomy hieroglyph takes us to Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, in the Bible, where Lucifer is introduced as the Serpent and where the occult agenda starts with the temptation of the woman Eve, into eating from the tree of knowledge.  A figurative resonance of mankind's genetic engineering with the birth of Sirius C (Horus, the star) from the union of Sirius A (Isis, the dome) and Sirius B (Osiris, the obelisk).

"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:4.

The narrative of the deception of Eve into the eating of the forbidden fruit or "red apple," constitutes the fundamental foundation of the deceptive primeval wisdom of gnosis, a new spiritual impulse of the incarnation of the Luciferian spirit, the illumination of knowledge, piercing through mankind's physical reality, affecting and influencing every culture, civilization and mythology through history. The descent or embodiment of a deity to the Earth in an incarnate form or some manifested shape - the incarnation of a god or avatar. The sexual relationship, DNA manipulation and genetic engineering of humans symbolized globally in the ancient and modern architecture of the obelisk and the dome. Where the obelisk represents the phallic/penis/rays of the sky/sun gods and the dome as the vagina/womb of the woman. The ultimate projection of the Luciferian spirit into messianic form. The ultimate realization of the transcendent marriage of the human and the divine. The carefully orchestrated deceptive symphony of the Apotheosis. Apotheoun ("to deify"), which was built from apo-("formed from, related to") and theos ("god"). "...you will be like God..." Mankind transcending the physical reality to becoming gods through methods of ascension, enlightenment, genetic enhancement and evolution, trans-humanism, reincarnation, transmigration of the souls, mind cloning and uploading, transplantation of cellular memories and singularity.

Obelisks and Domes around the world, from the Pyramids to the Washington Monument
to the Vatican Church State to City Skyscrapers to Church Steeples. 
These methods of genetic manipulation and engineering, ascension, transcendence and altered states of consciousness are not part of the divine creative mechanism for the ether-body, and will only serve to advance the Luciferian nature. All deities of the ancient mythologies are ultimately a reflection of Lucifer and Sirius, an enforced and reinforced  deception within the spectrum of consciousness keeping mankind in a perpetual state of blindness. All of the ancient religions, cults and mythologies are firmly rooted in Gnosticism of Lucifer, with the celestial objects of the Sirius Star System used allegorically as symbolic representations. Over many centuries, mankind's carnal focus on the elemental aspect of the world has enabled his controllers to implement this matrix. Constructs of control. So, we move from construct to construct (religion to religion, mythology to mythology), never quite understanding that we are living and reliving the choreography of one primary narrative structure.  A great deception that resulted in a progressive atrophy of the spiritual impulse governing mankind's relationship with the divine creative.

"Set: The prototype of Shaitan or Satan, the God of the South, whose star is Sothis. Set or Sut means "black," the main kala or color of Set is black, or red (interchangeable symbols in the Mysteries), which denotes the underworld or infernal region of Amenta. As Lord of Hell, Set is the epitome of subconscious atavisms and of the True Will, or Hidden Sun." - Kenneth Grant, Cults of the Shadow.

The artistic renderings of the ancient civilizations such as on the tablets of the Enuma Elish, the papyrus of Ani, and the Zoroastrian articles of faith; depicts the arrival of the astral light of the Luciferian incarnations as iconic winged disc with serpent gods, serpents with wings, or serpent with feathers. Illustrations of the Luciferian consciousness mixed with the human DNA material. The Sun God RA is usually shown with a falcon/phoenix head symbolizing fire and rebirth; this representation was also seen with Isis and her gold serpent headpiece, Osiris as the green reptilian with two feathers at each side and his son, Horus as a light being with winged arms surrounded by serpents; and the Mesoamerican God Quetzalcoatl is often shown as a shining feathered serpent. This iconography is also used in the portrayal of Gukumatz of the Quiche, Kukulcan of the Mayan and Atlantis, Thoth of Egypt, Ea and Enki of Sumeria/Babylon, Kanobis of the Gnostics, Typhon of Greece, and a myriad of other deities - aspects and manifestations of the Luciferian spirit. The savior gods of the ancient religions that revealed knowledge to man. The instructors and genetic engineers that manipulated man with the wisdom of a new spirituality built on the divinity of the Sun, the Solar Logos, the Solar Trinity of Sirius. The initiation of mankind into a new essence of God through the apotheosis of Sophiology: the wisdom of Sophia, starting firstly with the corruption of the genes, the sexual relationships with women, the birth of the Nephilim, and the perverted instructions in the sciences of astrology, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, and metallurgy.

IMAGES of the Feathered Serpent - Cronus/Uranus Arriving On Reptilian Crafts, the
 Egyptian Gods RA/Osiris/Horus/Isis with Serpent Headdress, Quetzalcoatl, Serpent,
 the Gods Descending the Pyramids to teach Mankind, Lucifer tempting Adam and Eve
 Sons of God Mating with the Daughters, Gods Descent on the Freemasonry Tracing
Board, and the Feathered Serpent Symbolism in Popular Culture (example Cartoons
and Commercial Logos such as the ALFA ROMEO (same as Quetzalcoatl).
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever." - Genesis 3:22.

"And Azazel [the fallen angel] taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones... " - 1 Enoch 8:1

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2012 19:46
Artículo principal: Nombres de Japón

El nombre Japón (Nippon/Nihon 日本, significado literal: 'el origen del sol'), tiene un origen chino: pinyin rì běn, Wade-Giles jih pen, el oriente, el lugar desde donde sale el sol. El carácter 日 es la evolución de un círculo con un punto central que representa al sol, y 本 representa la raíz de un árbol y también tiene el significado de origen. La expresión «país del sol naciente» hace referencia a esta etimología del nombre en japonés.

“El arbol de la vida”

Pregunta: ¿Puede explicar Génesis 3:22? ¿Por qué en este texto
Dios no quería que el hombre comiera del árbol de la vida?
El texto dice, “Entonces el Señor Dios dijo, ‘He aquí, el hombre ha venido a ser como uno de nosotros, conociendo el bien y el mal; cuidado ahora no vaya a extender su mano y tomar también del árbol de la vida, y coma y viva para siempre.” (LBLA)

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2012 20:06
Artículo principal: Nombres de Japón

El nombre Japón (Nippon/Nihon 日本, significado literal: 'el origen del sol'), tiene un origen chino: pinyin rì běn, Wade-Giles jih pen, el oriente, el lugar desde donde sale el sol. El carácter 日 es la evolución de un círculo con un punto central que representa al sol, y 本 representa la raíz de un árbol y también tiene el significado de origen. La expresión «país del sol naciente» hace referencia a esta etimología del nombre en japonés.

Sirius A: Brightest visible star in the sky. Sirius B: Brightest X-ray source in the sky. Sirius A is the smaller image at the upper right.
Sirius A
Brightest visible star in the sky.
Sirius B
Brightest X-ray source in the sky.
Sirius A is the smaller image
at the upper right.

Their combined linear motion produces the nasalated M in the tone G,
completing the three sounds and tones of AUM.

Sirius A and Sirius B are the origin of the Yin and Yang symbol Sirius A and Sirius B are the origin of the Yin and Yang symbol, they are the Yin and Yang. They are two parts of one thing, and the source of AUM, the sound that created the universe.
“El arbol de la vida”

Pregunta: ¿Puede explicar Génesis 3:22? ¿Por qué en este texto
Dios no quería que el hombre comiera del árbol de la vida?
El texto dice, “Entonces el Señor Dios dijo, ‘He aquí, el hombre ha venido a ser como uno de nosotros, conociendo el bien y el mal; cuidado ahora no vaya a extender su mano y tomar también del árbol de la vida, y coma y viva para siempre.” (LBLA)


The Tree of Life



Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2012 20:44
Sirius is identified with the pentagram or pentagon, the exterior angles between the points of a pentagram, and the interior angles of a pentagon are 108 degrees. It should be noted that the downward-pointed pentagram of the goat, is the unholy sigil of Baphomet and is used as the emblem of the Church of Satan. In the episode "Substitute," Jack is listed as 23 on Jacob's list of candidates. Further, in the pilot episode of LOST, Jack sat in seat 23A on Oceanic Flight 815 (8+1+5 = 14, 1+4 = 5, 5 = 2+3 (23)), which departed from Gate 23 at the Sydney airport in Australia. The 23rd Psalm in the Bible starts with "The Lord is my Shepherd." The numerical address for Jack is 23 and his cell phone number starts off with the digits 323 (323-555-0156) and the finale of LOST was aired on a Sunday (Sun's day, Sirius' day) - May 23, 2010.  In Episode 5 entitled "Lighthouse" from Season 6, Jack discovers that his number is 23, when the lens assembled at the top of the lighthouse is aligned to 23 degrees. Interestingly, the lighthouse bears remarkable similarity to the design of the classical lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt. Also, the lighthouse apparatus was set to 108  degrees. The lens atop lighthouse is concordant with the eye in the pyramid in the Great Seal of the United States One Dollar Bill - the symbol of the Illuminati. This harmonizes perfectly, since the Illuminati's number is 23. "Lighthouse" was the 108th produced hour of the series and was broadcast on February 23, 2010. As with the title of the episode, the lighthouse represents Sirius, the brightest light in the sky; Lucifer, the Lightbringer and transmutation of the spiraling "Serpent of Light" Kundalini of the chakra energy points of the human body. This brings us back to DNA engineering and manipulation since there are a total of 108 energy lines that converges to formulate the heart chakra, leading ultimately to the crown chakra where illumination, intuition, reason, wisdom, sexual awakening and cosmic consciousness. The magnification of the "Serpent Light."
Sirius symbolism in the Obelisk at the Washington Monument, the Oval Office at the White
 House, the Apotheosis of Washington at the Capital Dome, the U.S. One Dollar Bill
Washington D.C. Street Layout and at the Pentagon.
This "Serpent Light" represents the grand unifying formula, that was transformed symbolically into the mythical concepts and archetypes of the worshipful adoration of Sirius, arising out of the Atlantean and Babylonian/Sumerian dynasties to the Great Rift of the Lower Nile Valley of Egypt, extending over many civilizations. A solar theology that produced a rainbow of Sun Gods like Tammuz, Marduk, Hathor, Apollo, Amen/Amon/Amun, RA/RE, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Aten/Aton,... etc. Reflections of the singular enunciation of the exclusive divinity of Sirius/Lucifer and celestially aligned on every star-map to celebrate its heliacal rising. This veneration of Sirius is fully displayed at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. The Monument is constructed so that 20 percent formulates the supportive foundation below ground and 80 percent above ground. The foundation's measurement is 111 feet in length, the structure above is 555 feet in length. The combined total is exactly 666 feet tall. Further, the city layout of Washington D.C. constitutes 23 complete zodiacs with the incorporation of sacred geometrical designs of the pentagram in its monuments and streets. More resonance with Sirius, the 5-pointed Silver Star of the Freemasons. Like I said in my first article on Kanye West's "POWER," the representation of the obelisk and dome is all about the invocation of the red Aeon of Horus.

"... assimilating the rays of the Sun God RA's essence and dispersing energy into the dome which would bring forth Osiris' seed through the head of the obelisk into the dome of Isis. Therefore, Osiris is reincarnated, resurrected or rebirth as Horus. The tradition of the Pharoah entering into the Holy womb or dome of Isis at the Temple of Luxor, where a ceremony is conducted. This ceremony is the same as that of the inauguration of each President of the United States. The transmogrification of the Pharoah into the deity Osiris. In other words, the transformation of Osiris or more accurately, the incarnation of Lucifer. Becoming the most powerful man on Earth..."

Assimilation that was also conducted by Pharoah Akhenaten in service of the Sun God Aten, a tradition carried out not only in the inauguration of the Presidents of the United States, but in the coronation of each Pope at the Vatican (the Holy See of Sirius/Lucifer) and in the initiation rites of the Masonic lodges. These occult rituals of deaths and rebirths really signifies the importance of the Sirius Star System to Earth, because Sol (our Sun) and the Solar System stemmed from the maternal and paternal stars Sirius A and Sirius B. According Dogon mythology, the "Great Mystery of the Ages" is that the Sirius Star System and the Solar System was really one star system. The mythos speak of a supernova explosion in the Orion Constellation, followed by a massive implosion of Sirius B. These stellar explosions resulted in widespread catastrophe in the nearby star systems and galaxies, causing the displacement of Suns and other planetary bodies. This traumatic experience was codified within the religious belief systems about the death and rebirth of the Luciferian essence of the Sun God, where stellar explosions are seen as Osiris' phallic ejaculations into the womb of Isis, the Queen of Heaven and depicted in the monuments of obelisks and domes and also with animal symbolism such as serpents, dragons, scorpions, winged angels, horns,... etc. Ceremonial and sexual rites synchronized with the stellar explosions, symbolized in the veneration of the Goddess Isis, and her husband Osiris, reborn as the infant child Horus.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/06/2012 18:10


Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2012 19:56
LEON (LEON de la tribu de JUDA)
Busqueda para NARDO

Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
1. Cantares 1:12: Mientras el rey estaba en su reclinatorio,
Mi NARDO dio su olor.
2. Cantares 4:13: Tus renuevos son paraíso de granados, con frutos suaves,
De flores de alheña y NARDOs;
3. Cantares 4:14: NARDO y azafrán, caña aromática y canela,
Con todos los árboles de incienso;
Mirra y áloes, con todas las principales especias aromáticas.
4. Marcos 14:3: Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de NARDO puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:14

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:16

June 24th 2010 – 66th DAY OF GULF OIL POUR GUSHER

The 1st anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson


Symbols Of Life-JUNE 24-St. Jean Baptiste Day


The Knights Templar, the forerunners of the Freemasons, were PIRATES. For this reason, choosing the SKULL and BONES symbol, which represents a symbol of LIFE to the entranced mind, was essential. The SKULL is the SCHOOL, that houses the BRAIN, which acts as a receiving dish for all thoughts implanted by the luciferian Thought Process.

BRAIN = Ba Soul Sacrifice – RAIN/REIGN/ORION

The Knights of Malta, also a Templar off-shoot secret society, were also PIRATES. This obsession with PIRACY is now being enacted in the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. On the chart immediately below, the location of SOMALIA coincides with the area from Northern California to the Baja. What’s being suggested, is that the SOMOLIAN PIRATES represent the Pacific Ocean Seismic Plates, and the subsequent tsunami which is meant to inundate the West Coast of North America.

The Bohemian Grove, which is located just north of San Francisco, and is patterned after the Freemasonic Skull and Crossbones Secret Society at YALE University in New Haven Connecticut, also coincides with the location of the SOMALIAN PIRATE events. To further implant this suggestion within our subconscious mind, on this day, June 17, 2010, the first European court case involving the Somalian Pirates, occurring in Holland, found 3 Pirates guilty, and will likely serve 5 year (JAIL/YALE/YELA/YELLOW) sentences. In addition to the chart just below, which demonstrates the coinciding aspects of Somalia and the California coast, when the North American Craton Rock map is placed under the borders of the 11 Western States, the SKULL and CROSSBONES located at New Haven, coincide very closely with the location of Bohemian Grove. All this is done by design, even though the participants have no idea what their role in this agenda is. The entranced individuals simply follow the inspiration of the Thought Process, which is the Hidden Entity, and like lambs to the slaughter, fulfill their obligations unwittingly.

All this is occurring as the FIFA Soccer Tournament is being played out, along with the Gulf of Mexico Oil Pour Gusher. At thesame time, the CEO of BP OIL was called to a hearing before delegates from Congress on CAPITOL HILL to receive some chastising. Again, this hearing is further suggesting the subliminals attached to the Gulf Oil Pour, and the FIFA Cup in South Africa, which is the CAPE of the Phantom, the Hidden Entity in all of this.

The subliminal has to do with the word CAPE worn by the Phantom of the Opera.

The USCAP (United States Climate Action Plan) is an anagram to hide the word CAPE, or CAP.

CAP and TRADE, the swapping of greenhouse gas emissions.
Contaiment CAP to attempt to stop the oil leak in the Gulf.
CAPITOL HILL = CAP-T-OIL HILL = CAPPED OIL = the reason for the different spelling of the word CAPITOL going back to CAPITOLINE Hill in ancient Rome.

For centuries, and even these illusory millennia, the GULF OIL POUR was written into the luciferian agenda. Now we witness it unfolding, and the luciferian Thought Process, the egregore group of Thinking Entities, remains hidden … almost.

Keep in mind once again, there is no such thing as TIME or SPACE, and this is all simply appearing to occur on a linear, TIME and SPACE plane. When in Reality, it’s simply illusory images flashing before our sensory receptors, and what we only experience is the increasing INTENSITY, causing us to believe that TIME and SPACE is actually involved.


CHANGE = CHAINS You Can Believe In!


Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:18

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:19

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:19

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:20

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:22

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 74 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/07/2012 03:24

The Georgia Guidestones were erected, supposedly by a man representing a group who had considered this monument for 20 years. The Guidestones were erected on the date coinciding with the Skull and Bones logo number 322 in the year 1980. The owner of the Granite Quarry was Mr. Joe H. Fendley, Sr., a high ranking Freemason.

The year 1980 is symbolic of 9 and 11 from many simple mathematical perspectives:

1980 = 19+80 = 99 or 9-11′s
1980 = 1+9+8+0 = 18 or 2×9
1980 divide by 2 = 990
1+98 = 99
19-8 = 11

The coordinates of the Georgia Guidestones are:

34 degrees N and 82 degrees W.
34 coincides with 10 on the 3rd clockface.
82 coincides with 10 on the 7 clocface.
Adding the clockfaces 3 and 7 = 10.

The Georgia Guidestones were erected on coordinates corresponding to the City of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles – 34N / 118W
34 coincides with 10 on the 3rd clockface.
118 coincides with 10 on the 10th clockface.
California is 32N to 42N = 10 degrees high.
California is 114W to 124W = 10 degrees wide.

Deer Island – Skull and Bones 322 Retreat

The Skull and Crossbones Secret Society frequent Deer Island on the occasion of class reunions and other notable events. This island was purchased by the Russell Trust Association and is used by the Skull and Bones Secret Society as a retreat. The Russell Trust Association is related to the founder of the Jehovah’s Witness and Watchtower Society, Charles Taze Russell, who is buried under a pyramid monument, next to a Freemasonic Temple (see page 10 of this site for photographs).

Deer Island is located at 44.4 degrees N / 76 degrees W

44.4 corresponds to the symbolism put forward on this site, in regards to the Lion King, Lincoln, Obama, etc.
44 coincides with 8 on the 4th clockface.

76 coincides with 4 on the 7th clockface.
4+7=11, the number of Death

Deer Island is located in the St. LAWRENCE SEAWAY.
The name St. LAWRENCE is a reference to ALLAH REIGNING.
St. LAWRENCE also refers to the RAIN of ALLAH in the day of the Flood.


Along with DEER ISLAND, at 44 degrees N, are the islands of MARY and HEART, with the obvious reference to the Bleeding Heart of Mary, yet another symbol of the Flood/Moon Goddess. Just as Allah (Allilyah) is the name of of the Flood God/Goddess, symbolized by the moon.

Immediately below is a chart borrowed from page 25 of this site. Here we see the North American Craton Rock, reversed, and lined up in the closest possible alignment with the 11 Western States. The St. Lawrence / St. ALLAH REIGNS, enters California in the area from San Francisco (37N) to Eureka (40N). The St. Lawrence then continues to follow the Sacramento Valley before pouring into Lake Ontario, the first lake adjacent to the St. Lawrence Seaway. Lake Ontario (anagram for AT ORION) is located in the vicinity of ONTARIO CALIFORNIA, which is situated just to the east of Los Angeles County.

Lake Erie (ERIE=RE-IE, or WATER EYE), the 2nd lake just below the St. Lawrence Seaway, is located exactly over Los Angeles, and as its name suggests, this is indeed quite eerie. The 3rd lake in line after Lake Erie, is Lake Huron (HURON=ORUHN=ORION), and Georgian Bay (GEORGIAN=ROEY-YIAN=ROYAL ION=ROCK/ROSE), which pours into Lake Michigan (MY-K-ION=MY-Ka-ION), and Lake Michigan coincides with the Sultan Sea and the Baja California Mexico, the location of all the earthquake activity from April 4 to April 9, 2010.


THE 99TH DAY OF 2010

Symbolically speaking, the 99th day of the year should be of some significance to the luciferian agenda. And so it seems to be, as the earthquake in Baja California suggests. In the last 4 days, over 1,000 earthquakes of 2.5 magnitude and greater, have occurred in Baja and Southern California. This rash of aftershocks is not mentioned in the media. Immediately below are 2 charts showing the extreme activity, indicating a definite change in frequency and a slight change in direction, as the aftershocks are moving more north into southern California.

Of interest, on this 99th day of the year, is the signing of the Nuclear Arms reduction treaty by the USA and RUSSIA. This of course, has nothing to do with Nuclear Arms reduction, but has everything to do with a subliminal suggesting a massive explosion, such as volcanic and seismic activity would produce.

Also, it should be noted, that the falling out of the USA with the State of Israel and the loose cannon that Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan has become in recent days, is also suggesting something significant for the 11 Western States.

KARZAI = RAK-AIZ = ROCK-EYS as pertaining to the ROCKY MOUNTAINS of the 11 Western States.

The overthrow of the government in KYRGYZSTAN is also a significant subliminal, coinciding with the ones just mentioned, as well as many others occurring at this same time. The word ‘KYRGYZ’ is thought to mean 40 tribes, and the flag of Kyrgyzstan is a SUN with 40 RAYS. Symbolically, this corresponds to all of the number 4, 16, 40, 44, 80 and 88 symbolism previously mentioned on this site.

Even the mining disaster in Virginia, (the state that was visited by the Queen in April as well, just after the Virginia Tech Massacre, on the 400th anniversary of Virginia State), is now in a desperate search FOR 4 MINERS TRAPPED under ground.

The phrase being repeatedly in regards to this operation, are the words, ‘FOR 4 miners’.

4 FOR = 44

The EQ CHARTS below is what everything is corresponding to. All required to build the intensity of what is coming to pass in the days, weeks, months and years just ahead.


Immediately below is the list of aftershocks from the USGS site, showing the hundreds of tremors that have occurred since the Easter Sunday earthquake in Baja California Mexico. These tremors, or aftershocks are all 2.5 or greater. This is not reported on any major media network, but the frequency, plus the intensity of a lot of these aftershocks is peculiar. The list below is not meant to be read, but to quickly scroll down the page to see the huge volume of aftershocks. The Chile 8.8 EQ also produced a large amount of aftershocks, but nothing compared to the earthquake in the Baja and California.


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