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رسائل 2 من 75 في الفقرة |
New Jerusalem is a Crystal Pyramid
In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 21, it says 'I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down, from God out of heaven, prepared as a BRIDE adorned for her husband (V.2) having the glory of God, and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like unto jasper stone clear as CRYSTAL. So obviously from this description New Jerusalem is crystalline and this most beautiful of gems has no need of the sun or the moon 'to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. (V.11). In other words, Jesus, the Lamb or Messiah of God, literally enlightens the city, because He is the light of life (Jn 8:12) And Jesus's light from within the city where He lives, comes through the city walls to the outside world and worlds.
For again, it says, 'The foundation of the city walls are garnished with twelve different types of crystalline gems, starting with jasper, to sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysopragus, jacinth and finally ameythst. Each layer diffusing its beautiful color both within and without the city of pure gold like unto CRYSTAL. (V.18). Everything is see through, and transparent and beautiful, radiating with the Lord's light.
Matter of fact, even the streets are made of pure gold like transparent glass (V21) and what is glass but crystalline in nature and composition I mean, there's even a river of water proceeding out of the Throne of God, clear as CRYSTAL and the Throne itself was described by Ezekiel (1:26)'as the appearance of a sapphire stone.' So it seems easy to see that New Jerusalem is a crystal even if we just stick to well recognized Biblical books without going to the Book of Enoch (Chapter 14) and more.
But let's consider the shape of New Jerusalem, do you think it was a giant CUBE as mentioned by John, being 12000 furlongs, by 12000 furlongs with a height of 12000 furlongs. A furlong is 660 feet, and 12000 furlongs is 1500 miles, so that's quite a bit higher than Mt Everest, which is only about 6 miles above sea level. So did John see the base measurements of the CUBE and the area it occupies in three-dimensional space? Because we must remember that if it is crystalline, crystals natural designed order by their Creator, the Lord as in a quartz crystal makes a PYRAMID. This pyramidal shape besides would be much more in conformity with the vast number of scriptures that depict the Lord's kingdom or house as a MOUNTAIN, which is why it is called the 'mountain of the Lord's house'
And again, wouldn't a pyramid be much more beautiful than a Cube sitting on the SPHERE of the Earth. Besides BEAUTY comes from the beautiful Golden Section also called 'the divine proportion' or "phi', this proportion (1.618..) is incorporated into the side slope of a perfect pyramid as seen in the Giza miniature model. Giza, is just a 1/10,000 counterfeit version of New Jerusalem that uses these sacred measurements and proportions. For it isn't any coincidental that Giza had base lengths of 792 feet in correspondence to 7920-mile diameter of the Earth. And it is no coincidence that its height 504 feet (Square root of 'phi' 1.272) correlates to Plato's sacred number of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 5040. We can get to these correlations later, but suffice it to say, the beauty of the divine proportion would make New Jerusalem not just a crystal but a CRYSTAL PYRAMID. For geometrically, a pyramid is the shape that brings together static and living geometry, straight lines and curves, 2 dimensional flat surfaces and 3 dimensional volumes in outer space (See Pyramid Power by Toth). Pyramids are a link between the physical realm and the spiritual realm, obviously a perfect choice for our ETERNAL HOME.
But then again, it's not just a beautiful place to live but it resonates like a crystal. For as we all know or should know we couldn't be using these computers unless there was a resonance or remembering property within pyramidal crystals, this resonance enables the Lord to bring back to our remembrance everything we need to know, and allows us to project any information wherever in the Universe it would need to go. For how more appropriate could the Lord's central headquarters be composed and shaped. (See Phi Pyramid Graphics). Maybe this is why artists have depicted in New Jerusalem as a Pyramid and why mathematically and esthetically and functionally it must also be a CRYSTAL PYRAMID.
What a beautiful place to send Eternity. Don't you agree ?
In His Service
David Jay Jordan
SEE also Phi-Pyramid projects to the Stars Comments welcome at Davidjayjordan@yahoo.com Respectful postings welcome at our Discussion Board |
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رسائل 3 من 75 في الفقرة |
Beautiful Location of New Jerusalem on Earth
Allow me to speculate according to some truths we know to some truths we don't know and maybe will never know until the Lord sets down his New Jerusalem exactly where He wants it, here on Earth. So don't get too upset if I get this wrong but it surely will put in your mind that mmaybe the Lord, our Creator, made the EARTH according to His specifications exactly, and even made the shapes of the continents and their positions exactly to match his personal and exact DESIGN. SEE Jesus is the Creator
So to start, why don't we find out first how large New Jerusalem will be. For it is written in Revelations 21: 15-16 And he (the angel) that talked with me had a golden reed (the sacred measure) to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
Great, so the sacred measure is a furlong or as we can find out 660 feet or as is said the number of steps it takes a man to walk if plowing an acre of field. And if we take eight furlongs we get a mile or 5280 feet, and that's why a mile is a mile because it related to our very basic divine beginnings, and was not just a secular random measurement without meaning. So do remember this as we go along, because you will be reminded of this very principle over and over again, as the numbers and measurement ratios start to repeat.
All right, so therefore if we divide 12,000 furlongs by eight we get 1,500 miles, making New Jerusalem base, 1500 miles by 1500 miles. So where is it placed on Earth? Right on top of the present Jerusalem site. Well maybe, as that was a very special location, even having the Universe's only Messiah and Creator being born a few miles north at 31.68 latitude in Bethlehem. And this being no mistake as the Lord's great Number is 72, taken straight from the value of his Letters that make up His Name, (YHWH), giving 792 (72 times 11) as a side, making a circumference, of you guessed it 3168, which correlates exactly to its latitude. SEE Jesus, Latitude and Bethlehem
Whoa, you might be saying, how can a latitude match up with the Lord's birthplace. Well, the simple answer is that if Jesus was the Creator, (and He was) wouldn't He make his birth place correlate to the Earth that He created. Yes, of course that's possible because He is Al-Mighty (Isaiah 9: 6) and all truths point back to Him. (John 14: 6).
And to think this same 792 side we just talked about correlates to the Earth's 7920 miles of diameter and the 792 feet of a side of the Giza Pyramid .... And are you ready, hang onto your loin cloths because the length of New Jerusalem is …… 7,920,000 feet … (1500 miles times 5280 feet/mile ).ust an amazing coincidence, No as proportions are all important in projecting and multiplying and is a basis for the Lord's Template of life called the Golden Section or PHI also called BEAUTY itself. SEE Magic Ratio's of Giza and Earth
But let's go on, where might the Lord place his Holy Bride, His Eternal City Hmmm, maybe the words of the psalmist have a clue Psalm 48:1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. (His New Jerusalem is called a mountain because it is a crystal Pyramid. SEE New Jerusalem is a Crystal Pyramid. Psam 48:2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. "Beautiful for situation" there might be our clue, as beautiful, relates directly to PHI SEE What is beauty And it says that New Jerusalem will be situated beautifully, in exactly the right place on Earth. Well isn't it said that the Giza Pyramid was situated in the very middle of all land masses, and that it's situation is exactly right. Why, because it was built by the fallen angels that stole the lord's information and truths for their own purposes.SEE Stolen Information
O.K. let's take this very special latitude of Giza as our starting point for the southern placement of New Jerusalem. For remember, Giza is just a smaller by 1/10,000 the size of New Jerusalem. Why, because they were trying to copy the power and proportions and design of the Lord's City. They wanted an Eternal City to send their Divine Ones to the Eternal whereas ours will be the real thing in all its strength.
And because every degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles here on Earth, hence if we divide 1500 miles by approximately 69 miles/degree we get the number of degrees northward the other lateral East-West side of New Jerusalem would lie along. The answer approximately 21.5 degrees added to our starting latitude of Giza's 30.03 latitude would make the northern latitude 51.53 degrees latitude.
So my speculation is that it ends up exactly at 51.43 degrees latitude, if our mathematics is correct. Why did I pick that specific exact degree, because that is the side slope angle of Giza's slope, and New Jerusalem's slope, 51'27" degrees. And this co-relates exactly to the Virgin Bride.
What, you've lost it, David ------ Not so, because the Lord's Number is 7 called the Virgin because it is un-enterable except by the Bridegroom. (Jesus) For notice, when you divide 360 degrees the total circle by 7, you get 51.43 degrees. Do the math for yourselves and find out. Do you catch the magnitude of this correspondence. --- that the Lord's PHI aligned city would be on a PHI latitude for obvious reasons of Harmony and Power. Stop a minute and think about it !!!
And if you don't this sufficient proof, let's go and see if there is any other confirmations in actual cities and spiritual sites that would confirm this spiritual latitude.. Ahaaaaaa, Avebury in England is exactly on this same latitude, and so is 1500 miles north of Bethlehem and it is a hub of spiritual and paranormal activity. SEE Avebury is on a Spiritual Latitude concerning Galaxy T.V.'s pyshic research project
Oh Yes and if that is not enough ----- Is not Glastonbury where the Lord's Grail was taken by Joseph of Aramithia and Mary Magdalene, also on this very same Latitude of 51 degrees. And wasn't this the starting point of expansion of the Lord's WORDS to all the world via the printing WORD SEE Holy Grail King Arthur and Church History
There's some other very significant specific sites and reasoning when you consider that this very latitude might be a pathway or crossroads. For the angles of the edges of the Earth's dodecahedron, if in fact the Great Architect of designed it this way the Earth and All the Universe do converge at some interesting places. But we may get to that later as well as the longitudes and some other significant cities of the North.
So there you be, for now, that's my speculation and guess as to what latitudes the Lord shall place His Holy Sacred and Divine New Jerusalem between. And whatever the truth is, it is permissible and honorable to think about His exact and precise and BEAUTIFUL CITY from above that will descend upon His Earth, that we can enter into if we love Him with all our hearts. For the first step is just receiving Him as our Messiah and as our Creator SEE Salvation SEE Jesus
For if we do this, and are truly obedient and faithful to follow Him, then there is absolutely no telling how far we can go and what wonders we will see.
Don't you agree ?
David Jay Jordan
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رسائل 4 من 75 في الفقرة |
Planetary & Space Relationships To The Great Pyramid
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:54:49 From: UFO UpDates Dailies - Toronto: To: ianr@global-data.com Subject: UFO UpDate: Planetary & Space Relationships To The Great Pyramid
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 07:26:29 -0400 To: ebk@nobelmed.com From: "Sphinx-L" (by way of SKovios ) Subject: planetary & space relationships to pyramid
From the files of Amargi....
- The information encoded into the Great Pyramid is repeated multiple times.
- With the mantle in place, the Great Pyramid could be seen from the mountains in Israel and probably the moon as well. It's polished surfaces would have reflected light like a beacon.
- Mean Earth Temperature: The average temperature of Egypt equals the average temperature of earth = avg. temperature of Queen's Chamber = 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
- With the original surrounding courtyards and temples in place, the pyramid was used as a sundial.
- The pyramid can be used to indicate solstices and equinoxes.
- The pyramid is located at 29 degrees, 58 minutes, 51.06 seconds north latitude, and 31 degrees, 9 minutes, and 0.0 seconds east longitude.
- Marks Spring Equinox: Due to the angle of the sides of the pyramid vs. it's latitude, it casts no shadow at noon during the spring equinox.
- Aligned True North: The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. The position of the North Pole moves over time and the pyramid was probably exactly aligned at one time.
- Center of Land Mass: The Great Pyramid is located at the center of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.
- Tropical Year or Calendar Year: The length of a base side is 9131 pyramid inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 pyramid cubits, which is the number of days in a year. {9131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits}
- Tropical Year: - The perimeter of the base divided by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. {9131 PI * 4 / 100, accurate to 5 digits}
- Tropical Year: The length of the Antechamber used as the diameter of a circle produces a circumference of 365.242. {accurate to 6 digits}
- Tropical Year: - The length of the granite portion of the floor of the antechamber to the King's Chamber times 2*sqrt(Pi) = 365.242
- Tropical Year: The ratio of the lengths of the Grand Gallery to the solid diagonal of the King's Chamber times 100 equals the number of days in a tropical year. {(1881.5985600 /51.516461) * 100 = 365.242200, accurate to 8 digits}
- Sidereal Year: - The length of the antechamber of the King's Chamber times Pi = length of a sidereal year { 116.26471 PI * 3.14159 = 365.25636 days, accurate to 8 digits}
- Sidereal Year: The length of a base side at sidereal socket level is 365.256+ pyramid cubits. {accurate to 6 digits}
- Synodical Month: The "unit dimension" for the Queen's Chamber is 92.173077+ PI. The number of days in the moon's synodical month can be found from: 10 * U.D. =10 * Pi * SM - 6, where SM is the days and 6 represents "man's" number. {921.73077 =10*3.14159*SM - 6, SM = 29.5305882 days = 29days, 12hrs, 44min, 2.76 sec, accurate to 9 digits}
- Synodical Month: Ten times the ratio of the lengths of the Grand Gallery to the Horizontal Passage equals the ratio of a tropical year to a synodical month. {10 * (1881.5985600 / 1521.31136) = 1.236826733; 365.2422 / 29.5305882= 1.236826702, the same to 8 digits}
- Synodical Month: - The ratio of the lengths of the Grand Gallery to the Ascending Passage is 1/10th the ratio of the day's in the Bible's prophetic year (360) to the days in the moon's synodical month. {1881.5985600 / 1543.46451 = 0.1 * (360/SM), SM = 29.53059357+, accurate to 8 digits}
- Mean Distance to the Sun: ] The height of the pyramid times 10**9 = avg. distance to sun. {5813.2355653 * 10**9 * (1 mi / 63291.58 PI) = 91,848,500 mi}
- Mean Distance to the Sun: ] Half of the length of the diagonal of the base times 10**6 = average distance to the sun
- Mean Distance to Sun: The height of the pyramid times 10**9 represents the mean radius of the earth's orbit around the sun, or Astronomical Unit. { 5813.235565376 pyramid inches x 10**9 = 91,848,816.9 miles}
- Mean Distance to Moon: ] The length of the Jubilee passage times 7 times 10**7 is the mean distance to the moon. {215.973053 PI * 7 * 10**7 = 1.5118e10 PI = 238,865 miles }
- Sun's Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10**8 is the sun's mean radius. { 270.45378502 PI* 10**8 = 427,316 miles}
- Earth's Polar Radius: The sacred cubit times 10**7 = polar radius of the earth (distance from North Pole to earth's center) {25 PI * 10**7 * (1.001081 in / 1 PI) * (1 ft / 12 in) * (1 mi/ 5280 ft) = 3950 miles }
Radius of the Earth: The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.
- Precession of the Equinoxes: ] The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in PI = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (~25827 years)
- Precession of the Equinoxes: ] The distance from the ceiling of the King's Chamber to the apex of the pyramid = 4110.5 PI. Which is the radius of a circle whose circumference = the precession of the equinoxes. {4110.5 * 2 * Pi = 25827}
- Precession of the Equinoxes: ] The perimeter of the 35th course of blocks, which is much thicker than any of the other courses, gives a figure for the precession of the equinoxes.
- Speed of Earth around the Sun: - The pyramid inch times 10**8 = the speed of the earth around the sun, circa 2600 B.C.
- Mass of the Earth: The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10**8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth's mass.
Average Land Height: The average height of land above sea level for the earth is 5449 inches. This is also the height of the pyramid.
- The pyramid suggests a temperature system: 0 = freezing point of water, 50 = unvarying temp of Queen's Chamber, 250 = boiling point of water. Given this, then 1000 = temp of red hot iron, 4000 = temp that iron liquifies, and 5000 = temp of white heat and temp that platinum fuses. Nice round numbers.
- 5 cubic pyramid inches of earth of average density has the same mass as 1/(50x50) of the coffer's volume of water at a temperature that is 1/5th the difference between freezing and boiling.
- On midnight of the autumnal equinox in the year of the Great Pyramid's completion, a line extending from the apex pointed to the star Alcyone. Our solar system is thought by some to revolve around this star along with other solar systems much like the planets revolve around our sun.
- A line drawn on a map from the apex of the pyramid to Bethlehem = angle of the Ascending Passage and crosses the Red Sea at the most likely point that the Israelites crossed when departing Egypt (Parting of the Red Sea).
- A line drawn on a map south from the apex of the pyramid at the angle of the Ascending Passage crosses Mount Sinai (Ten Commandments).
- North Star Pointer: The Descending Passage pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis, circa 2170-2144 B.C. This was the North Star at that point in time. No other star has aligned with the passage since then.
- The 344 ft. length of the Descending Passage provides an angle of view of only +/- 1/3 of a degree. Alpha Draconis has not been in alignment for thousands of years. The next alignment will be with the North Star, Polaris, in about 2004 A.D. Polaris in Greek means "Satan".
- The southern shaft in the King's Chamber (45 deg, 00 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis) in the constellation Orion, circa 2450 B.C. The Orion constellation was associated with the Egyptian god Osiris. No other star aligned with this shaft during that Epoch.
- The northern shaft in the King's Chamber (32 deg, 28 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Alpha Draconis, circa 2450 B.C.
- The southern shaft in the Queen's Chamber (39 deg, 30 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Sirius, circa 2450 B.C. Sirius was associated with the Egyptian goddess Isis and is also part of a unique ceremony practiced by the African Dogon tribe.
- The northern shaft in the Queen's Chamber (39 deg, 00 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Ursa Minor, circa 2450 B.C.
- Pyramids mirror Orion Constellation: The pyramid positions on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,400 B.C. Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents: The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion, the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph, the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The only two missing star positions are for Betelgeuse and Rigel.
- The Light Equation: The height of the Great Pyramid, minus the height of the capstone represents one millionth the time it takes light to travel the mean radius of the earth's orbit around the sun (1 astronomical unit) using 1 pyramid inch equals 24 hours (mean solar day). { (5813.2355653 - 103.0369176) / 10**6 = .0057101986+ days = 493.36116 seconds = 8 minutes, 13.36 seconds}
- Pyramid as a crystal: If the pyramid were a clear crystal or glass prism, it would reflect sunlight at an angle of about 26.5 degrees. {the descending passing has an angle of about 26.30 degrees}
- The Velocity of Light: With distance of one A.U. known and the transit time of light for this same distance the velocity of light can be found. { 91,848,816.9 miles / 493.36+ seconds = 186,169.5 miles/sec }
- The Constant of Aberration of Light: - The telescope adjustment due to the speed of the earth as it moves through space when viewing stars. It is measured as an angle of tilt and is 20.2608+ seconds of arc. The difference in width between the upper Grand Gallery and Ascending Passage as measured from an axial line through the center is 20.26 pyramid inches.
- The Sun's Parallax: The size of the earth as viewed from the Sun and expressed as an angle and generally taken to be 1/2 the diameter at the equator (Solar Equatorial Parallax) is 8.9008091 seconds of arc using 91,848,817 miles as the mean distance to the sun and 3963.4914 miles as the equatorial radius. The distance between the mean socket level and the height of the leveled bedrock is 8.9008 PI.
- Earth's Volume: The product of the pyramid's volume and density times10**15 equals the ratio of volume to density of the earth. {10,339,823.3 cubic cubits * 0.4078994 * 10**15 = 4.21760772 x 10**21 cubic cubits = 259.93 x 10**9 cubic miles}
- Earth's Mass: Mass of the pyramid = volume * density = 10,339,823.3 cubic cubits * 0.4078994 earth density = 4,217,497. The mass converted to pyramid tons = 4217607.72 * 1.25 = 5,272,010 pyramid tons. Since the mean density of the earth was defined as 1.0, then the mass of the earth is 10**15 times the mass in pyramid tons = 5.272 x 10*21 pyramid tons = 5.99 x 10**24 kg
- Gaussian Constant of Gravitation (k): The reciprocal of the distance between the Coffer and the north or south wall of the King's Chamber, minus one ten-billionth the bottom perimeter of the Coffer. {(1/58.13235 PI) - ((89.6578860+38.67063162 PI)*2 / 10**10) = 0.017202100 radians = 3 degrees, 5 minutes, 46.96 seconds of arc}
- more can be found at http://home.earthlink.net/~boogienation/pyrdata.htm
Watcher does not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed on this page. We re-post conspiracy musings, gleaned from various internet, BB, and usenet sources, for entertainment and educational purposes...but not for profit.
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رسائل 5 من 75 في الفقرة |
So let"s start by realizing the basic relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon"s diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 + 2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance being the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)). But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the square root of the Golden Section , which is the "magical star template'.Got IT. Do the math, multiply 1.272 times itself what do you get 1.618, but that's PHI. So 1.272 is the square root of PHI. So the height of a phi pyranmid like the Lord's GIZA or New Jerusalem is 1.271 times its base length. The slope being 1.618 times its base length. SEE the graphics..... do the trianglular math, Yikes, this part might be Grade 11 Math, but what the heck go for it.. Otherise see the graphics again.. [ link to davidjayjordan.com] But if still having ttrouble with the basic concept... see this graphic.. [ link to davidjayjordan.com] Ha simple lines as the division of beauty that we humans pick is the Golden section, is 61.8 percent of the whole line or 1/1.618 Then see the cross section of the phi pyramid, there's the base, the height and the slope distances, and if the base is 1 then the height is 1.272, and the slope is 1.618 An dwait til you hear the measurements of Giza and New jerusalem exactly and wait til you see that the MOON and EARTH combined makes a Golden section united Temple, also called the squaring of the circle. But lets not get ahead of ourselves, as it is step by step.. OK everybody got the basic PHI RATIO down backwards and forewards. Do you see the height of a pyramid is the square root of 1.618 or 1.272. ?
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رسائل 6 من 75 في الفقرة |
THIS IS A MATHEMATICAL THREAD, AND FOR ONLY THOSE THAT HAVE A MATHEMATICAL LEVEL OF GRADE SIX TO A DOCTORATE DEGREE IN MATHEMATICS. IT IS NOT FOR THE SHALLOW AND THE FOOLISH, AS THEY WILL BE LOST AFTER THE FIRST POSTING, AND SHALL THEREFORE BE FRUSTRATED AND ATTEMPT TO DERAIL THOSE THAT ARE INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT THE BASIC TRUTH OF DESIGN IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. For it takes a little study and a little memory and a little conceptualization in your minds. Because we will be studying the ratio, the mathematical ratio of 'beauty and power' called the Golden Section. Study it and know it by heart and in mind NOW [ link to davidjayjordan.com] OK, lets go over FIRST, the basic diameters of the Earth and Moon before going any further. 7920 miles, and 2160 miles...... Got it. Remember this ratio, as you will need to know it later....792, 216. These are not by chance but by design, for together they add up to 10080. In other words, the Earth and Moon conjoined together add up to 10080. This should mean nothing to you, until you study the Golden Section design of a pyramid, a phi pyramid, the ultimate physical temple, whereas we are the ultimate living temple. Both PHI or GOLDEN SECTIONED DESIGNED. These graphics will make it easier to see and viusualise to cement in your minds that phi pyramids, us and the Earth/Moon are golden section designed. [ link to davidjayjordan.com] Then we shall proceed further and further rand further, so that your mind will whirl in confirmations and design in all areas of science...and you will know that our Solar System is special and divine aqnd divinely ratioed and 'Earth is the Center of the Universe' by DESIGN. Let the discussion and confirmations begin. (Mathematical intelligent people welcome..... as only the sincere ever seek and find) Last Edited by Davidjayjordan on 6/10/2011 12:10 PM |
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رسائل 7 من 75 في الفقرة |
OK have you got the basic phi ratio established mathematically in your brain... then you should be able to comprehend this easy to understand application to our Solar System. ********************************** Who made the Sun, Moon, and Earth Distances & Ratios ? (from [ link to davidjayjordan.com] ) If the Universe and more specifically our Solar System came about randomly and by chance through an undirected chaotic evolutionary "Big Bang" explosion, then there should be no rhyme or reason or ratio's involved in distances, diameters, speeds and times between heavenly bodies. But such is NOT the case. So allow me to prove it, for even though this was common knowledge among the - elite- secret mystery schools of the past, any searching seeking individual in the present can find out these truths NOT of "Mother Nature" or "Mother Cosmos" but of our common CREATOR. So let"s start by realizing the basic relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon"s diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 + 2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance being the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)). But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the square root of the Golden Section , which is the "magical star template'. Yet you might ask, "So what?" Well, the golden section is NOT only the template of design of our own bodies (See Golden Section class) but also the design principle involved in PYRAMIDS and the basic-building block of the Earth and computers, CRYSTALS. “You mean, its all connected ?" That"s right !, there was only One Creator, One Common Designer, that is logic, that’s math, and that"s scientific law. Slow down, many might say, "You can’t integratively join up all of life and all the cosmos on two numbers." Well, they would be right, but its Not two numbers but all numbers, all sizes and distances are exactly put in place for divine preciseness. "What dstances, and even times and speeds are SACRED ?" Yes, of course they are for they are interrelated as distance equals time multiplied by speed, etc. etc. And the Key to all their inter-relationships is the “Path of the Beautiful” as the physicists call it and the lines and shapes of Beauty called the "Golden Section". For is it by chance that the MOON is 216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size, and that the Moon"s radiant angle in the sky is the same as the Sun"s, meaning from our point of view they are equal, even though different in actual sizes. One being the greater or brighter light and the other being the "lesser light" (Genesis 1). Besides with this design, lunar eclipses are possible, so that when the moon gets between the sun and the Earth, their circumferences match, and the Moon radiates with the Sun"s rays. "Whoa - wait another minute, you are not saying this Creator person, put the Sun exactly in place or us exactly in place to correlate our sizes, even to achieve eclipses, are you ?" The answer is YES. For again it is no coincidence that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from us meaning it takes 500 seconds for light to reach us from there, or light 1000 seconds to reach across our orbital diameter around it. Because light speed is the set standard of the material world for below it, everything in the material world exists. Therefore as Einstein figured out and others have known intuitively, light has a "sacred speed" and because we have already shown that there are sacred distances, and now a scared speed, then of course time is "sacred" meaning every second of time. "But seconds are related to speeds are related to distances?" YES for similiarly if you have studied Pyramids, especially the Giza or Great Pyramid, you might realize that it also had a radius or height of 500 but this time in feet. (Correlate = a year British prophecy). And then when you realize that Giza with its golden capstone in place would with this height have a base of 792 because of its golden section design, you get right back to the Earth's number of 792 x 10 = 7920. "O.K. b why is 792 a scared measurement you should logically ask?" Because the Lord"s reed or rod carried by the angel was a furlong, and a furlong was 660 feet or 7920 inches, and when the Lord eventually materializes "New Jerusalem - the Crystal Pyramid Temple" for the Universe it is 12000 furlongs on its sides ( Revelations 21) or (12,000 x 660 feet =) 7,920,000 feet. The common denominater is 792, a very special number for very special reasons and it all points back to the Creator of the Universe….even where he was born. For isn"t the sum total or circumference of 792…3168 and wasn"t the Creator born on that exact latitude of 31.68 (Bethleham"s exact latitude) in the exact year He was prophesied to be born. (Daniel 9). ( So now I have given away the the clues as to the secret of who the Creator was, for it is verifiable by anyone that truly searches. For He was much more than a man, but the Sun of Righteousness. The Creator had and has a very specific Name, and is called the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and His Name is JESUS. In His Scientific Truth Jay
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رسائل 8 من 75 في الفقرة |

Yucatan Coincidence Cellular Communication Via DNA
A strange series of coincidences over a period of some twenty years brought a very big message -- that the psychic abilities of the human race will be greatly enhanced in the future through our DNA, as it functions like a radio tuning coil. Part of the story relates to the Code of Carl Munck. It began with this --
Prolog Yucatan, Mexico 1982
I am standing on top of the steps of the Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza, looking across the grass at the Pyramid of Kukulkan (El Castillo), with its double stone images of the great Feathered Serpent at the bottom of the stairway. I felt a stirring feeling, a special moment in time.
View from the Temple of the Warriors, looking at the Kukulkan Pyramid

Kukulkan Pyramid on the equinox, showing the "Serpent" on the stairway formed by light

Temple of the Warriors viewed from the Kukulkan Pyramid

I experienced two other special moments nearby, -- at the Ball Court and at the Sacred Cenote Well.
Ballcourt at Chichen Itza

Cenote Well at Chichen Itza

Map of Chichen Itza Ball Court on the left Temple of the Warriors on the right Kukulkan Pyramid (El Castillo) in the center path to Sacred Cenote Well at top center

I could not have recognized back then, that I was standing atop and within a revelation set in stone. The symbolism, the ancient numbers, and some of the meaning would find their way to me in the decades to come. I would learn that the apparent "end of time" itself was some thirty years hence, in 2012, after the DNA repair.
In 1990 I began to experience many dreams, that led to "coincidences" that seemed meaningful. Early that year, I had a dream in which a voice spoke, saying, "Human global link to Mexico found, like headline." Some months later I heard a news report about a perfect ring of circles showing up on a satellite photograph of the Yucatan.
The ring of circles are the Sacred Cenote holes, or natural wells. One of the Cenote holes is the one I saw at Chichen Itza back in 1982. The wells are now thought to mark the spot where the great meteorite struck 65 million years ago that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and other large species. Core samples revealed crystallized quartz 1,100 meters below ground.
In early 1991, I saw this map of the Yucatan in a book --
The Sacred Grid

The book was The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, by scientist, James J. Hurtak. Dr. Hurtak claims to have had a spiritual visitation in 1973. The book tells of a great evolutionary leap for mankind. The Yucatan map is called "The Sacred Grid".
Dr. Hurtak was told that this area had triangular grids of crystal and is a communication point with the heavens. It will be involved in a grid shift and alignment ,effecting the changes here.
The book contains new information about DNA.
When I first read the material, it seemed quite fantastic and farfetched. However, subsequent events and findings clearly confirmed that there are indeed messages coming about DNA. Some of the ideas could be symbolic rather than literal. In any case, it appears to be quite important.
On July 17, 1991, the Barbury Castle pictogram crop circle appeared --
I noticed that the triangular form was similar to the Sacred Grid at the Yucatan. The crop formation indicated various ancient numbers --
Excerpts from: The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day
In John Michell's article about the formation in The Cerealogist, No. 4, he pointed out that the total square footage of the circles in the Barbury Castle formation added to 31680. He continued:
"In traditional cosmology, 31680 miles was taken to be the measure around the sub-lunary world, and early Christian scholars calculated the number 3168 as emblematic of Lord Jesus Christ. The same number was previously applied to the name of a leading principle in the pagan religion."
The ratchet, or Mercury spiral in the Barbury Castle formation may also indicate a cycle of time of six steps, followed by a seventh. The angle from the center of the triangle to the corner touching the ratchet was at 120 degrees, a tetrahedral point. From that point to the center of the ratchet, the angle was 108 degrees. 108 is a Gematrian number, and is associated with time cycles of 108 x 4 = 432, or 1080 years. It is the number of names for the goddess in India. 108 x 120 = 12960, the number of years in half the precession of the equinoxes through the Zodiac signs. Divided by the six arcs, gives 2160, the length of one Age of the Zodiac. This may suggest the period of time between Leo through Pisces. The Sphinx may also indicate this by the head of a man and the body of a Lion. It was probably built in the Age of Leo, over 12,000 years ago, and it faces east, corresponding to the equinox points at that time. Directly behind, at 180 degrees, would be Aquarius.
The most significant number, above, relating to this article is 12960. Gematrian numbers are often investigated in a form where the zeros are ignored. In this case, the number 1296 is key, which is six to the fourth power (6 x 6 x 6 x6).
The Barbury Castle triangle may also symbolize the "consciousness unit," the smallest particle of consciousness and matter.
Decoding the Temple of the Warriors
Around 1994 I began to learn about the Code of Carl Munck. In 1996, I read Carl's decoding of the Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza.
There are 36 steps in front (which I climbed back in 1982). From a overhead view, the width and length of the steps are the same, indicating a square, giving the calculation --
36 x 36 = 1296
At the top of the steps are 20 columns, indicating the calculation --
1296 x 20 = 25920 (the precession number)
This indicates the longitude of 119 degrees 42' 05.18607443" West Giza
119 x 42 x 05.18607443 = 25920
1296 indicates the latitude of 20 degrees 41' 01.580487802" North
20 x 41 x 01.580487802 = 1296 (rounded up)
The Coordinate Intersect (CI) is 25920 / 1296 = 20
It seemed like a meaningful coincidence that the number 12960 was encoded in the Barbury Castle Pictogram, and one tenth of that value (1296) was encoded at the Temple of the Warriors, the spot where I had the stirring moment in 1982. The coincidence seemed magnified by the triangular "Sacred Grid" from the "Enoch" book having a shape similar to the Barbury Castle Pictogram.
Decoding the Kukulkan Pyramid
Carl's decoding of the longitude of the Kukulkan Pyramid is based on the numbers 9, 365, 4, and 4.
There are 9 terraces, 4 sides, and 4 stairways. The number 365 is derived from the 91 steps on each of the four stairways, plus the platform at the top. Then --
9 x 365 x 4 x 4 = 52560
After adjusting for the Prime Meridian offset, this figures as --
119 degrees, 42 minutes, 10.51620648 seconds 119 x 42 x 10.51620648 = 52559.99999
Early DNA Connections
In the early 1990s, I read a number of articles in crop circle journals about DNA theories (see Extra Data below). One theory is that DNA is shaped like a radio tuning coil, and therefore is sensitive to dowsable earth energies. This may be the basis of "cellular communication. According to Mayan Daykeeper, Hunbatz Men, there is going to be a "DNA repair," which requires "activating" ancient sites.
Dowsable "ley lines," form grids across the landscape of the Earth. Ancient sites and crop circles appear at crossing points of the gird lines. Crop circles often appear next to or aligned with the ancient sites.
The articles explained that the ley lines are related to naturally sited underground quarts. The claim was made that the dowsable energy was growing stronger over the years.
Quartz crystals, of course, are used as oscillators in radios. I began to wonder if the quarts within the Earth functioned like radio oscillators, effecting the energy grid. I wondered if our DNA tuning coils functioned like signal receivers of the Earth's energy, including coherent messages from it.
I also wondered about the upcoming "grid shift and alignment" regarding the "Sacred Grid" at the Yucatan, as a communication point with greater grids in the heavens. The image of a great seven mile wide underground crystal oscillator below the Yucatan came to mind.
The picture that seemed to be emerging was that a change will happen that will greatly increase our "cellular" communication, that is, our psychic or Gnostic abilities, often associated with the feminine aspect. I still have doubts about the "reality" of these "coincidental" messages, but I do think it has a symbolic truth of some kind.
Over the years, I noted that telephones are a common dream symbol. In recent years, I noted that people often dream of "cell phones." It is possible that dreams of these "phones" are attempting to deliver the same message.
Jeff's DNA Repair Dream
In late 1995, a work colleague, Jeff, dreamed of being on a spiral staircase with maintenance mechanics on every rung, each having a tool box. Jeff took a clip type hand gun out his toolbox and showed to it to one of the mechanics. It was a clip type pistol. He then showed the man another gun from his toolbox, a six-shooter type of revolver.
I was amazed by the dream and informed Jeff that the dream seemed to be about the "DNA repair." Jeff had never heard anything about the "DNA repair." I therefore I took the dream as a strong confirmation that there was some truth to the idea, even if only symbolically.
In January 1996, I wrote a letter to the Editor of the "Sussex Circular" magazine, telling of Jeff's DNA dream. I included information about Munck's Code and the ancient Gematrian numbering system.
The 1996 DNA Crop Circle Formation
Around 17 June 1996, a crop circle formation appeared at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire -
It was widely reported that the formation represents DNA, with its double helix. The formation was 648 feet in length, which is half of 1296, and another ancient Gematrian number. The base-ten harmonic, 6480, is one fourth of the precession in years.
In my January 1996 letter to the "Sussex Circular" magazine, I had mentioned the number 648. The number 666 is equally between the numbers 648 and 684. The primary Gematrian numbers are evenly devisable by 36, while the "in between" types, such as 666, are evenly devisable by 18.
The various "coincidences" involved here certainly seemed quite meaningful. The experience was actually common by 1996, in the sense of a related crop circle formation appearing after having experienced dreams and coincidences about a certain number and/or symbol.
The 2002 Mitochondrial DNA Crop Circle Formation
Around August 28,2002, tube torus type crop circle formation appeared at Crooked Soley , near Hungerford, Wiltshire --
I realized that the formation had that DNA look. The pattern of little diamonds reminded me of the skin of a snake.
Near the end of 2005, I learned that a book had been published about the 2002 Crooked Soley formation , called Crooked Solely - A Crop Circle Revelation, by Allan Brown and John Michell --
Crooked Soley (book cover)

I bought a copy of the book and was absolutely astounded by the information inside. The formation is said to represent mitochondrial DNA. There were a total of 1296 little diamonds making up the snake-like pattern! My Chichen Itza experiences immediately came to mind. I also recalled reading that an image of a coiled serpent was found in the water of the Cenote Well at Chichen Itza. It was thought to be based on a type of rattlesnake found in that area, which has diamond patterns --
Suddenly, I recall the serpent pattern on the hoops of the ballcourt at Chichen Itza --
Ballcourt Hoop at Chichen Itza

It is quite like the Crooked Soley crop formation.
Later, I recalled Jeff's "DNA repair" dream. This part now seemed especially significant --
"Jeff took a clip type hand gun out his toolbox and showed to it to one of the mechanics. It was a clip type pistol. He then showed the man another gun from his toolbox, a six-shooter type of revolver."
The "clip type hand gun" compares to the 1996 DNA crop formation, while the "six-shooter type of revolver" compares to the 2002 Crooked Soley mitochondrial DNA crop formation --
revolver cylinder

I was reminded once again how amazing dreams can be. Again, the crop formations seem to follow the dreams of the people. Paying attention to numbers and coincidences helps to put the puzzle-pieces together.
Now I am wondering if there are other puzzle-pieces within ancient sites that will lead to amazing discoveries about the greatest mysteries of creation.
Not long after the Crooked Soley book was published, I found an article on-line, titled, The Soul in Crooked Soley, which reviewed the information in the book, and provided some additional information. Here are a few excerpts from the article --.
Excerpts From The Soul in Crooked Soley
There is now a great deal of research material that indicates a divine or creative intelligence in the DNA. There are the findings of the Russian molecular biologists, Dr Pjotr P. Garjajev and Dr. Vladimir Popinin, that the DNA has a mysterious resonance that continues to manifest even after the DNA sample has been physically removed. This has been termed the DNA Phantom Effect.(2) These same researchers have found that the DNA reacts to voice activated laser light provided the correct frequency is found.(2) Using these methods it is possible to actually communicate with the DNA, as well as change the information patterns in the DNA. The Russian researchers have concluded that the DNA acts as a solitonic/holographic computer, and that it acts as a superconductor at body temperature. In addition it is known that the DNA is emitting light photons, (3) and it has been concluded that this resonance and these emissions of the DNA are capable of interacting with conventional electromagnetic forces, the natural magnetic resonance of the Earth, as well as the brain waves of living creatures. [skip]
Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf in their book Vernetzte Intelligenz (2) describe the findings of the Russian molecular biologists, as well as the theories of Matti Pitkänen, and they conclude that at the level of the DNA there is hypercommunication amongst all sentient beings, a hypercommunication that effectively sets up a networked intelligence that underpins all life in the Universe. [skip]
As John Martineau subsequently pointed out to me, the Crooked Soley formation seems to be a depiction of mitochondrial DNA, which is the form of DNA that is passed down purely through the matriarchal line. It is distinct from the regular DNA molecule in that the open ends of the chain are linked together forming a complete loop. The mitochondrial DNA is an unbroken chain that binds us to the primordial Eve, the Goddess of All.� [skip]
The Crooked Soley crop circle is about 300 ft across, and the pattern is made up of 1296 �curved squares�. In 504 of those squares the crop has been left standing, and they depict the double helix DNA spiral. The other 792 curved squares are in fact flattened crop that enables the DNA pattern to stand out in relief. John Michell tells us that these are the numbers of sacred geometry. If you multiply 504 by 10 you get 5040 which is the number much favoured by Plato for the planning of his ideal city. The recommended number of citizens is 5040, and all the institutions in the city are based on that number, as is the physical radius of the city as well. Plato took this number to be the key for a divinely ordered creation.
5040 is a most significant and auspicious number in numerology and arithmetic. It is factorial 7 (7!), that is to say the result of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7. It is also the result of 7x8x9x10, and it therefore occupies a pivotal position in systems based on real numbers that impact on every facet of life. �The number Seven has unique qualities that make it the natural symbol of the universal soul. Philosophers call it the Virgin and the eternal feminine in nature. On the lower plain, where numbers multiply and grow elaborate, the archetypal Seven is represented by its factorial, 5040."(1) St John, as well, in his vision of the Heavenly City, describes its radius as 5040, this same number that Plato adopted as the key to a divinely ordered Creation, the �heavenly pattern.�
Both Plato and St John referred to a �squared circle� with the radius of 5040, which means that the circumference of their city would be determined by the ? relationship. The circumference of a circle is 22/7 times its radius, so the circumference of the ideal or heavenly city is therefore 31680. �The square has the same measure round its four sides, so the length of one side is a fourth part of 31680, which is 7920. That brings in the second number in the Crooked Soley circle."(1) We have seen that there were 792 flattened curved squares in the formation. John Michell goes on to explain that these same numbers or multiplications or divisions of them, figure in the mystical system of the early Christian Gnostics, as well as being the length of the circumference of the ring of lintel stones at Stonehenge.
The same numbers also reappear in the dimensions of the Earth and the moon. The Earth�s mean diameter is 7920 miles, and the sum of the two radii of the Earth and the moon is 5040 miles. �Thus, unnoticed by modern astronomers, the earth and the moon together demonstrate the squared circle – and in the same canonical numbers that appeared in the crop circle.
Many of the numbers within the article, such as 1296, 504, 792, 5040, 7920, and 31680, are the Gematrian types that we have had on our pages since 1997. Others, including Carl Munck and John Michell, have been writing about the ancient number systems for decades.
John Michell wrote extensively about the New Jerusalem plan, which incorporates the numbers 7920, 5040, and 31680 (see additional information about the New Jerusalem pattern below).
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رسائل 9 من 75 في الفقرة |
Apocalipsis Capítulo 21
Vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva; porque el primer cielo y la primera tierra pasaron, y el mar ya no existía más. 2 Y yo Juan vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén, descender del cielo, de Dios, dispuesta como una esposa ataviada para su marido. 3 Y oí una gran voz del cielo que decía: He aquí el tabernáculo de Dios con los hombres, y él morará con ellos; y ellos serán su pueblo, y Dios mismo estará con ellos como su Dios. 4 Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor; porque las primeras cosas pasaron.
5 Y el que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: He aquí, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas. Y me dijo: Escribe; porque estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas. 6 Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida. 7 El que venciere heredará todas las cosas, y yo seré su Dios, y él será mi hijo. 8 Pero los cobardes e incrédulos, los abominables y homicidas, los fornicarios y hechiceros, los idólatras y todos los mentirosos tendrán su parte en el lago que arde con fuego y azufre, que es la muerte segunda.
Vino entonces a mí uno de los siete ángeles que tenían las siete copas llenas de las siete plagas postreras, y habló conmigo, diciendo: Ven acá, yo te mostraré la desposada, la esposa del Cordero. 10 Y me llevó en el Espíritu a un monte grande y alto, y me mostró la gran ciudad santa de Jerusalén, que descendía del cielo, de Dios, 11 teniendo la gloria de Dios. Y su fulgor era semejante al de una piedra preciosísima, como piedra de jaspe, diáfana como el cristal. (La gloria tiene un fuerte nexo sabatico segun EXODO 24)
12 Tenía un muro grande y alto con doce puertas; y en las puertas, doce ángeles, y nombres inscritos, que son los de las doce tribus de los hijos de Israel; 13 al oriente tres puertas; al norte tres puertas; al sur tres puertas; al occidente tres puertas. 14 Y el muro de la ciudad tenía doce cimientos, y sobre ellos los doce nombres de los doce apóstoles del Cordero.
15 El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro. 16 La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales. (Efectivamente la GRAN PIRAMIDE ES LA CUBICACION DE UNA ESFERA)
17 Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel. 18 El material de su muro era de jaspe; pero la ciudad era de oro puro, semejante al vidrio limpio; 19 y los cimientos del muro de la ciudad estaban adornados con toda piedra preciosa. El primer cimiento era jaspe; el segundo, zafiro; el tercero, ágata; el cuarto, esmeralda; 20 el quinto, ónice; el sexto, cornalina; el séptimo, crisólito; el octavo, berilo; el noveno, topacio; el décimo, crisopraso; el undécimo, jacinto; el duodécimo, amatista. 21 Las doce puertas eran doce perlas; cada una de las puertas era una perla. Y la calle de la ciudad era de oro puro, transparente como vidrio.
22 Y no vi en ella templo; porque el Señor Dios Todopoderoso es el templo de ella, y el Cordero. 23 La ciudad no tiene necesidad de sol ni de luna que brillen en ella; porque la gloria de Dios la ilumina, y el Cordero es su lumbrera. 24 Y las naciones que hubieren sido salvas andarán a la luz de ella; y los reyes de la tierra traerán su gloria y honor a ella. 25 Sus puertas nunca serán cerradas de día, pues allí no habrá noche. 26 Y llevarán la gloria y la honra de las naciones a ella. 27 No entrará en ella ninguna cosa inmunda, o que hace abominación y mentira, sino solamente los que están inscritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero.
Vamos con las medidas de la Gran Pirámide. Pongamos que aproximadamente la base mide 230,30 metros, que la altura original era de 146,6 y la apotema de sus caras (la línea que recorre todo el centro de la cara) es de 186,3. Pues bien, si simplificamos estas medidas y consideramos que la base mide 2, la altura mediría 1,272 y la apotema sería 1,618. Es decir, un triángulo que tenga como base 2, como altura 1,272 y como los lados 1,618, tendría las mismas proporciones que la Gran Pirámide en su corte transversal. La altura divide a ese triángulo en dos triángulos rectángulos menores que tendrían como base 1, como altura 1,272 y como hipotenusa 1,618.
O sea, que la Gran Pirámide está edificada teniendo como armazón a un triángulo rectángulo que tiene como base la unidad de medida, como altura la raíz del número Fi (1,618). Por lo que queda demostrado que el número Fi está incorporado a la Gran Pirámide sin distorsionar ninguna medida. Por si acaso hubiera dudas, la secante del ángulo de 51 grados y 51 minutos (ángulo de inclinación de la Gran Pirámide) es 1,618 (Fi) y por ende el coseno de 51 grados y 51 minutos es el inverso de Fi (0,618).
Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cuadratura de la circunferencia. Demostración: La circunferencia que tiene como radio la altura de la pirámide tiene la misma longitud que la base cuadrada de la Gran Pirámide.
Radio = 146,6 x 2Pi = 921 Lado de Base = 230,30 x 4 = 921
Lo cual implica que si dividimos la base de la pirámide por el doble de la altura obtenemos el número Pi.
Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cuadratura del círculo. Demostración: un rectángulo formado por la base de la Gran Pirámide y su altura tiene la misma superficie que un semicírculo que tenga como radio la altura de la pirámide.
Superficie del semicírculo = Pi x radio2 /2 = 33.758 Superficie del rectángulo = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761
Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cubicación de la esfera. Demostración: según la geometría, la mitad de un círculo plano es también matemática y rigurosamente igual en área a la superficie esférica de un cuadrante de 90 grados. O sea, que un rectángulo cuya altura y base sean las de la pirámide tiene la misma superficie que un cuadrante esférico cuya altura sea la de la pirámide y su arco la base de la Gran Pirámide.
Superficie del cuadrante esférico = arco x radio = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761 Superficie del rectángulo = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761.
Otra demostración: la superficie del prisma generado tomando la base y la altura de las caras de la Gran Pirámide (una caja donde se pudiera meter la Gran Pirámide) tiene la misma superficie que la semiesfera generada tomando como radio la altura de la Gran Pirámide.
Base x altura 230,3 x 146,6 x 4 caras = 135.047 Superficie de la semiesfera = 4 x Pi R2 / 2 = 4 x Pi x 146,6 x 146,6 /2 = 135.035.
Ahora nos enfrentamos a un problema con dos posibles soluciones:
1. Los constructores de la Gran Pirámide adquirieron en tiempos de Keops el conocimiento de los números Pi y Fi e inmediatamente después se olvidó en Egipto tal conocimiento, en una absoluta pérdida de memoria sin parangón conocido en la historia de la ciencia.
2. Los egipcios, que desconocían estas proporciones, no pudieron construir ni siquiera el boceto arquitectónico de la Gran Pirámide. Pero esa es otra historia.
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رسائل 10 من 75 في الفقرة |
The Seed of Life and 153
The Crooked Soley mitochondrial DNA crop formation appears to be a six-fold design, similar to the geometry of the Seed of Life --
It is part of the Flower of Life series, which includes Metatron's Cube and the Tree of Life. Variations of the Seed of Life are one of the most common types of crop formations. It fits with the "Six-Part Wheel," mentioned above. The Star of David also fits with this geometry. Each segment of the Six-Part Wheel is 60 degrees, giving the sequence: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, etc. One of the numbers that locates on this wheel is 5280 (88 x 60), feet in a mile. Six miles in feet equate to 31680 (528 x 60), the sub-lunary measure around the New Jerusalem. These numbers tend to have a tangent that is equal to the square root of three.
The Seed of Life is part of the geometrical story of the 153 Fish in the Net, found in John 21. An interesting "coincidental" connection to the Kukulkan pyramid is in the form of English Alphanumerics (A=1, B=2, etc.) --
Quetzalcoatl = 17 + 21 + 5 + 20 + 26 + 1 + 12 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 20 + 12 = 153
The Aztec word for Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent, was Quetzalcoatl.
The distance across the New Jerusalem is figured by adding the radius of two of the small "Moon" circles, and the diameter of the big circle that represents the Earth --
1080 + 7920 + 1080 = 12240 Moon + Earth + Moon = 12240
The number has a 153 connection --
12240 = 80 x 153
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رسائل 11 من 75 في الفقرة |
The KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Head - CAPUT LVIIIm Decoded LVIII, 58 & Mars by Michael Joyce
Ancient Mayan Sacred Calendar & 8x8 Magic Square The ancient Mayan sacred calendar comprised of 260 days (13 'months' of 20 days). RECALL: gematria KNIGHTS is 88 & gematria of LVIIIC is 8 x 8 Intriguingly, the numbers 1, 2, 3, ......to 64 ( 64 = 8 x 8 ) can be used to make a magic square to reveal the Mayan number 260 when suitably arranged, SHOWN BELOW.
Mars "hidden" in Giza Peter Lemesurier writes in his book "The Great Pyramid Decoded that the line drawn at an angle of the pyramids' ascending or descending passages of 26 degrees 18' 9.7" in a NE direction, from the pyramid, passes through Bethlehem, and that this bearing is in 1.7 degrees error of the midsummer sunrise.
The highly significant number 17, also evident in John ch21 verse 11: when Jesus "materialises" himself to his disciples, demonstrating Life-after-death.
Chapter 21 verse 11 involves the disciples netting 153 fish; "and dragged the net to land, full of big fish, a hundred & fifty-three of them..".
153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +........................+ 17 153 = 9 x 17
17 is a special number involving "light", its fadic value 8, the "Jesus number" and "perfection/purification 7".
Number 17.
Its reflection 71 was found in abundance in CAPUT LVIIIm.
If the height of the pyramid is extended by 20 feet, a new height of 504 feet is attained (484 + 20), and the base is 760 feet.
The sides of the 2-D pyramid move to the new positions shown in the sketch, by an increase in angle of 1 degree 7(.27) minutes.
5040 is special number: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 or 7 x 8 x 9 x 10
Earth - Mars is 50.4 million miles or 7
It seems that the Knights Templar concealed from the Church & Inquisition, secret planetary & spiritual knowledge in CAPUT LVIIIm, because it differed from teachings of the Church and would therefore constitute heresy.
Michael's Metaphysical and Science Website - Arcane Ancient and Modern Wisdom
This page is maintained by Michael Joyce created March 2006
A magic square is one in which the sum of the numbers in any row, column or diagonal is exactly the same; in this case it is 260.
Implications are that the numbers 64 and 260 have special significance. The meanings of 7, 8 and 58 have alraedy been established.
I use 10 for our Creator - ONE who exists in EVERYTHING yet seems NOTHING).
The alpha and the omega in the bible is the beginning and end.
In the magic square, a beginning is 1 and the end 64; and afterwards a new start would be 65, or 1 again.
The sum of the four numbers in the centre is 260; vertical sums are 111 and 19.
The ancient Mayan vague year of 365 days (or haab) was composed of 19 months - eighteen months (uinals) of 20 days each and a closing month of 5 days, making a total of 365. There were 20 glyphs for the 20 Maya days and 19 for the months.
Number 111 could denote the Holy Trinity or Primary Three as in Light.
At the centre the solar factor 72 (59+13) for the material world and Mars 58 (52+6), the correspondence to the spiritual world, are evident. Also is 65, the number that follows 64.
So what information is esoterically hidden here? The alpha is at 1, at position 4 (Earth distance to Sun) numbers up and 5 (Earth distance to Moon) numbers down in the left hand column. After traversing to 2, there are two possible routes to reach 63, skirting the perimeter of the centre block of significant numbers: 31-24-35-44-25 and 40-45-30-17-34
The appropriate significant divine numbers can be seen in diagram below
In particular 24, 25, 44 relate to human - earth (2), spiritual vibration (4) & consciousness (5), chromosomes (44 + 2 sex ). Whilst 30, 31, 34, 17 relate to light.
Exit is via 64 on the right and the centre informs of two choices: route 72 (material) or 58 (spiritual) - either Reincarnation or Spiritual Perfection (God's Servant).
Routes possible for Omega of the human soul involve 10 (Creator), 8 (Messiah) or 65.
Number 65, equivalent to a new "1" starts the sequence of a further journey through the magic square.
If path to the Creator is chosen, the number alongside is 47 - a number found in Giza pyramids ( 470 feet height of Mycerin and 47 feet length of square plateau atop the Great pyramid ), meaning spiritual perfection - a vibrational increase from 4 to 7 (by attaining the primary 3 or trinity).
The sum of 10 and 47 make 57, the last number in the row, which leads to 58 (Mars).
Whilst the Messiah route, the sum of 8 plus 27 (earth & light) make 35, found on the corner opposite to number 2, indicating reincarnation via a choice of two paths, significantly either 2 or 8 numbers to travel to reach 63.
It seem the 8x8 Magic Square is a tool for understanding Incarnation, Reincarnation, Material and Spiritual Being.
Knowledge familiar to some ancients thousands of years ago.
Michael can be contacted at: michael_at_numberscience'dot'plus'dot'com
The Knights Templar thrived from 1095, until 1313 when Pope Clement abolished the Order of the Knights Templar, after papal proceedings instigated by king Philip IV of France.
According to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church during the 11th century until times of reason centuries later: "the Earth and man were at the centre of the universe."
An alternative belief that the Sun was at the centre of the universe would constitute heresy, when investigative procedures by the Inquisition, usually involving torture to obtain a confession, would result in burning at the stake of the victim.
A numerical study ( gematria ) of CAPUT LVIIIm, the name of the Templar's divine object of worship, reveals information about a different position of the Earth in the universe and more, which the Templars had to keep secret from the Church else suffer the dire consequences.
For centuries, the Hebrews used the principles of gematria to conceal esoteric knowledge, which the Jews could have imparted to the Templars during their occupation of Jerusalem.
INTRODUCTION. Numbers are a special kind of language - a precise language that loses nothing in translation. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, said circa 500 BC 'numbers are the language of the Universe and that all things are numbers'.
Indeed atoms, planets and distances of separation have specific divine numbers. Examples:
Earth = 11 (0),
MARS = 58 and LVIII is the Roman numeral for 58, present in CAPUT LVIIIm.
Each number in the macrocosm can be converted to a perceived size using the 'solar factor' 72 miles as a multiplier. Thus the diameters of Earth & Mars calculate to 7920 & 4176 miles. The distance between the Earth & Moon is 347, which has a correspondence with the types of coloured rays in white or invisible light.. Atomic & covalent 'diameters' of the hydrogen atom are 1074 & 331.
These 11 letters contain the Roman numeral LVIII, 58.
An emphasis on number 58.
Removing APUT leaves C LVIIIm Moving m to the beginning and changing to upper case gives MCLVIII. A further Roman numeral or 1158. The number 11 again, like the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm !
11 & 58 are the divine numbers of two planets: EARTH, 11 & MARS, 58
WHITE usually denotes PURITY, whilst the planet MARS is RED, & its NUMBER is 58. ( SOLAR FACTOR )72 miles x 58 = 4176 miles ( diameter of Mars ) 72 x 11(0) =7920 miles ( diameter of Earth )
LVIII is the Roman numeral for 58. MCLVIII, or 1158, is another Roman numeral we can obtain from CAPUT LVIIIm, by removal of APUT. Since 58 is already obvious as LVIII, our attention is guided to the number ELEVEN ( also the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm ), planet EARTH.
CAPUT LVIIIm can be split into two: Roman numeral MCLVIII and word APUT - 7 & 4 letters (74). Its reverse ( reflection ) is 47.
Numerical values: using A =1, B =2, C =3,............Z =26 :
K N I G H T S ( 11 + 14 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 20 + 19 = 88) T E M P L A R ( 20 + 5 + 13 + 16 + 12 + 1 + 18 = 85 ) 88 is Jesus or Messiah number; 85 is the reflection of Mars number 58. The gematria ( sum ) of the 14 letters in KNIGHTS TEMPLAR is 173. The digits of 173 add to 11, the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm, and Earth's number value.
173 is another form of 137 ( light discussed earlier ), when it relates to white/invisible light (the whole, spectral 7, primary 3 rays)
Gematria of the 7 letters, MCLVIII ( 13 + 3 + 12 + 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 ) = 77 ( 7 + 7 = 14) The 7 letters in Knights and 7 in Templar also constitute "77".
Thus there is a numerical connection 77, between MCLVIII and KNIGHTS TEMPLAR.
Now, the remaining 4 letters APUT ( 1 + 16 + 21 + 20 ) = 58. LVIII is also 58. 58 is Mars value and the reflection of 85 ( the gematria of TEMPLAR )
58 demonstrates an equivalence between LVIII and APUT. What then is the relationship between the remaining letters C and m. It is number 3 since gematria of C is 3, of m is 13.
It is likely that the Knights Templar would learn in Jerusalem about the principles of ancient Hebrew gematria, assigning numbers to letters of the alphabet.
Subsequently they could apply it to the English alphabet to hide information from the Roman Catholic Church, which would otherwise bring about their persecution, torture and burning at the stake as heretics.
At this time in history anybody who believed and openly admitted that "the Sun and NOT the Earth was the centre of the universe", would have been hauled in by the Inquisition for their heretical belief.
If we use the Hebrew-type gematria system, when A = 1, B =2…….I = 9, then J = 10, K = 20……..R = 90, followed by S = 100, T = 200……..Z = 800
K N I G H T S ( 20 + 50 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 200 + 100 = 394 ) T E M P L A R ( 200 + 5 + 40 + 70 + 30 + 1 + 90 = 436 ) their fadic values : 16 reduces to 7 and 13 reduces to 4 constituting 7 4
So KNIGHTS TEMPLAR = " 7 4 " and the letter count in MCLVIII APUT = " 74 " indicates an esoteric association between the Knights Templar and the Divine Head, CAPUT LVIIIm.
1 red cloth & 2 bones ( wrapped in the 2 white cloths ) indicate 12 (Sun) ( 1 ) red colour & ( 1 ) white colour denote the number 11 (Earth)
L is 12th letter of the alphabet and is at the centre of CAPUT L VIIIm. Just like the Sun is at the centre of our solar system. This idea in the 12th century would have been considered as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church.
1- CAPUT LVIIIm contains ELEVEN letters. 2- LVIII is Roman numeral for 58. 3- The gematria of APUT IS 58. 4- MCLVIII, present in CAPUT LVIIIm, is Roman numeral 1158. 5- The gematria of the SEVEN letters in MCLVIII is SEVENTY-SEVEN. 6- The number of letters in KNIGHTS TEMPLAR constitute the number 77. 7- The gematria of of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR is 88, 85 or fadic 7, 4, the number 74. 8- The number of letters in MCLVIII & APUT also depicts 74. 9- The gematria of LVIIIm is 74. 10- The fadic value of 74 ( 7 + 4 ) is ELEVEN. 11- L ( numerically 12 ) is at the centre of CAPUT LVIIIm.
INFERENCE Something denoted by " 12 " is at the centre of 11 letters, a number in abundance connected directly to 58. 12, 11, 58 are the divine values of the heavenly bodies Sun, Earth & Mars.

L is the Roman numeral for 50. L is numerically 12 or 50
VIIIm minus L = 62 ( 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 13 ) minus 12 = 50 (Roman numeral L).
Gematria of APUT = 58 Gematria of LVIII =61 and is Roman numeral for 58 These values of LVIII differ by 3 ( 61 - 58 ) 58 demonstrates an esoteric "link" between APUT & LVIII
It thus follows, what is the relationship between the remaining letters C and m, which enclose APUT LVIII ? And what esoteric information is hidden here ? Their values are 3 & 13, each a or one 3.
INVESTIGATION of Meaning of 3 C A P U T L V I I I m
FIVE upper case letters C A P U T before L FOUR upper case letters V I I I after L Depicts number 54. L ( 12 ) at the centre is associated with 4 & 5
Letter arrangement, including 'm' shows 5141 5 & 4 associated with 11
The number 5141 enables us to find a hidden number 3, for 5 -1 = 4; then 4 -1 =3. We arrive at a new number 51413, the reflection ( reverse ) of 31415. And 31415 is further found in CAPUT L VIII m read in reverse, for substituting 13 for m, we get 31 415 again.
You will probably recognise this number as the first 5 digits of the mathematical constant pi ( 3.1415… ), which is used in circular geometry. CIRCLES & ORBITS.
CAPUT LVIIIm contains pi and a THREE at each end ( a diameter ) of its 11 letters, implying circular or orbital movement.
By coincidence, or not, C (Roman numeral) = HUNDRED Gematria = 74 ( 74 again & fadic 11 ) Thus C, value 3, is again connected to 11.
Also the sum of numerical differences between the letters in HUNDRED = 58
We can now add to the earlier picture to show a '3' orbiting or circling an '11':

I wonder if their distances of separation ( orbital distances ) 'hidden' in CAPUT LVIIIm ?? The diagram below shows the numerical values of letters. CA & m are a reflected pair 13, 31. The gematria of CA is 4, of PUT is fadic 12. At the opposite end we have two 13s associated with L, value 12.
We can deduce that 4 & 13 are each linked to 12, the Sun. The fadic value of 13 ( 1 + 3 ) is 4. emphasis is on 13 since it occurs twice. 13 represents distance between Sun & Earth.
It is noticeable that the letter value of C and the letter counts APUT, L, VIIIm constitute 31415, the digits of the mathematical constant pi. The digits of 31415 can now be placed as shown in the diagram below.
3 can expand to 12, the Sun value, and if 4 & 5 are removed and placed as distances of separation, 11 remains for the Earth value.
We have another means of finding the value of 4 for the Sun - Earth distance, which expands to the real value 13, established earlier.
In the following diagram we can see that the gematria of the 5 letters CAPUT and of the 5 letters LVIII is 61 in each case. Another means of confirming that the Earth-Moon separation is also 5. The fadic value of CAPUT LVIII is also 5.
The letter count in L PUT shows 13, the real Sun-Earth distance. Similarly L VIII shows 14, an expansion of 5, indicating that the Earth-Moon separation is 14 ?
Both CAPUT and LVIII each have a fadic value of 7 ( 6 + 1 ). Two 7's or '77'.
The gematria of CAPUT LVIII is 122 or 119 when LVIII is taken as 58. '77' has been derived from 122. Now 119 = 7 x 17 ( SEVENs again !! ).
The gematria of APUT is 58, of LVIII is 61. But LVIII is also Roman numeral 58. An indication of an esoteric link between APUT and LVIII. The values of C & m are 3, 'a 3' and 13, 'one 3', and hence also esoterically linked.
Suppose we interchange C and m: m APUT LVIII C
the gematria of mAPUT is 71, of LVIIIC is 64 ( or 62 ) 17 or 71 ( fadic value 8 ) corresponds with light. 64 = 8 x 8. Here we are drawn to 8, the Messiah number and also 88, the gematria of 'Knights'.
MCLVIII, APUT & 77 are linked with 7 & 58, since 7 letters, MCLVIII has gematria of 77 4 letters APUT = 58
There is emphasis on number '7' as well as an indication of a link between 58 & 7, that the Earth-Mars link ( distance ) is 7.
RECALL: gematria ( LVIII + m = 61 + 13 = 74 ) whilst ( Roman LVIII, 58 + m = 71)
What then is the connection between 74 & 71 ? Their difference is 3. Light can be depicted as 71 or 31. Light contains 3 primary & 4 secondary rays. So 74 also depicts light.
Even the sum of the digits of the numerical values of the letters is 17 or 16 ( the reflection of 61 ) if '0' is excluded.
C A P U T L V I I I m the numerical values of its letters are: 3-1-16-21-20-12-22-9-9-9-13 consisting of 17 digits or 16 excluding 0
The sum of their constituent digits is shown: C A ( P ) ( U ) ( T ) ( L ) ( V ) I I I ( m ) 3 + 1 + (1 + 6) + (2 + 1) + (2 + 0) + (1 + 2) + (2 +2) + 9 + 9 + 9 + (1 + 3) Sum = 50 = Roman numeral L Total sum = 54 ( containing significant numbers 4 & 5 ) " 50 " & " 4 " indicate 504 FIVE letters C A P U T before L FOUR letters V I I I after L Sum of the capital (upper case) letters is 50 (Roman L) m has equivalence with A C; numerically CA is mirror of m.
5040 is special number since 5040 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 or 5040 = 7 x 8 x 9 x 10
Gematria, (numerical totals) of words or groups of letters: C A P U T L V I I I m C A P U T = 3 + 1 + 16 + 21 + 20 = 61 L V I I I m = 12 + 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 61 each comprise of 7 digits ( excluding 0 ), and 61 reduces to 7 61 mirrors 16 ( number 16 found above )
61 - 11 = 50 Roman numeral L and linked with 504 61 + 11= 72 what is its connection with 504? 504 divided by 72 = SEVEN ( that number again )
72 is the SOLAR FACTOR, used:
11(0) x 72 = 7920 miles is Earth diameter 58 x 72 = 4176 miles is Mars diameter 13(00000) x 72 = 93,600,000 miles is Sun - Earth distance 12(000) x 72 = 864000 miles diameters of Sun 3(0) x 72 = 2160 miles Moon diameter. 7(00000) x 72 = 50,400,000 miles Earth to Mars
The diagram can be enhanced:

Gematria of the 11 alphanumerics in CAPUT LVIIIm is 3 + 1 + 16 + 20 +..................+ 9 + 13 = 135 135 = 5 x 27 = V ( Roman numeral ) x III ( gematria )
Using Roman numerals V x III = 5 x 27 or 135. The gematria of CAPUT LVIIIm is 135. When LVIII = 58, then sum is 132 = 11 x 12 ( Earth & Sun numbers )
Using numerical values, V x III = 22 x 27 = 11 x 54 We see that numbers 11, 12 & 54 are revealed again.
Intriguingly C = H U N D R E D substituting numerical values 8 + 21 + 14 + 4 + 18 + 5 + 4 = 74 differences 13 ( 21-8 ) + 7 ( 21-14) + 10 + 14 + 13 + 1 = 58 LVIIIm =74, LVIII = APUT = 58 'hundred' conceals numbers 74 & 58, explained earlier, which have correspondence with LVIIIm & APUT.
Since APUT & LVIII are numerically equivalent, 58, then when letters are arranged: C - APUT - LVIII - m
letter arrangement depicts the number 1 4 5 1, again depicting association between 11 & 5 4 C =3 APUT = 58 = fadic 4 LVIII = 58 = fadic 4 m = 13 = fadic 4 1- 58, the value of APUT & LVIII, are enclosed by 3 & 4 2- The gematria of LVIII is 61, which reduces to 7
And 3 + 4 = 7, gives us the combination ("347"), a number which reduces to 14 then 5
We can now add further information to our 'sky map'.
Digital sum of letter values in LVIII = gematria of LV = 34 Gematria LVIII (61)& LV (34) each reduce to 7
Rearranging, beginning with the Sun, L, and keeping alphanumerics in order & grouping VIII and APUT ( because each 58 ) : L - V I I I - m C - A P U T
L = 12 = fadic 3 VIII = 22+9+9+9 = 49 = f 13 = f 4 mC = 13+3 = f 7 APUT = 1+16+21+20 = 58 = f 13 = f 4 The first THREE ( Moon number )words reveal another 347. The letter count of these is 1, 4, 2. 142 = 2 x 71 (relationship between 347 & 71 in light)
Since L is 4 ( 13 ) to Earth & gematria of 4 letters VIII is fadic 13, 4 then perhaps Mars is 2, letters mC, from Sun, L.
But fadic value of mC is 7, not 2. However Mars is 7 from Earth, so it is reasonably safe to assume that Mars is 2 from Sun. 2(000000) x 72 = 144 million miles.
Our sky map now becomes:

Consider the following:
Digits 4 &7 are common to both; 47 the reflection of 74 One contains a 5 the other 23, an equivalence since 23 = fadic 5
Strangely, when the numerical differences between consecutive letters are considered: C A P U T ( values = 3 - 1 - 16 - 21 - 20 ) differences = 2 - 15 - 5 - 1 ; SUM of digits = 23 L V I I I ( values = 12 - 22 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 13 ) differences = 10 - 13 - 0 - 0; SUM of digits = 23
Each has the sum 23 or fadic 5, like above.
Fibonacci series : 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144.......... next number is always the sum of the previous two ( eg. 8 + 13 = 21 ) Notice ( 1,1 ) ( 2,3 ) ( 5,8 ) in the Fibonacci series also prevail in CAPUT LVIIIm
The question remains: What is the connection between Earth & Mars?
Whilst Earth has a material correspondence, I believe Mars has a spiritual one.
The connection is birth & death or in- & re-carnation.
The number of days, 260, in the ancient Mayan sacred year, is contained in the 8 x 8 magic square, confirms my belief.
The Old Testament, in Hebrew, involved a dual character system involving a meaning of sound and of number. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a specific number and the system using it is called Cabala, Kaballah or Kabala. The Greeks called it Gematria when they applied number to the New Testament. Example: "El or God" l` is 31 ( the THREE in ONE, or invisible/white light also SEVEN in ONE, 71 ).
The diagram shows the relationship between white light (1), the red, green, blue primary rays (3), the spectrum colours (7) and the number 137. If white light (sun rays) is passed through a glass prism, first accomplished by Isaac Newton in 1704, it splits into seven colours (of the rainbow). Water droplets act as the prism in Nature to produce the same effect.

The numerical value ( gematria ) of a word or group of words often reveals esoteric meaning.
Notice that hydrogen's covalent number 331 prevails in the colour mixing of the primary rays in the diagram - 3 secondary rays ( yellow, cyan, magenta ) can be produced from the 3 primary ones, which themselves constitute 1 ( white light ).
331 connects light & hydrogen - Light is needed to illuminate objects ( molecules comprised of atoms, which originated from hydrogen ) of our perception.
Hydrogen, formed after the Big Bang, is the progenitor of all the other different atoms.
Thus one " SEVEN ", LIGHT, illuminates another ' SEVEN ', the atoms spawned from HYDROGEN ( 3+3=1 = 7 ). 7 is known as the FADIC ( resultant single digit ) value of 331. SEVEN is the fadic value of atoms of all the different chemical elements ( about 100 ) such as hydrogen, oxygen, gold, iron, sodium, chlorine……….
Intriguingly in Revelation in the Bible, the number seven ( light, hydrogen, atoms ) occurs 137 ( the number of light ) times.
Arranging the letter types in CAPUT LVIIIm into: different, like, lower case, gives CAPUTLV, III, m The letter count is 7, 3, 1 or 731, which is the reflection of 137 ( Light ).
The fadic value of 137 is 2 since 1 + 3 + 7 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2.
137 is the number 'vital' to LIFE on Earth: '137' is the fine constant in physics. there are 137 atoms in one molecule of chlorophyll ( green pigment in plants ). there are 137 atoms in one molecule of human haematin.
CAPUT LVIIIm: Author & Book references
1- In Keith Laidler's book "The Head of God, the Lost Treasures of the Templars", there is a chapter devoted to "The Head Cult", which stretches back to Akenaten. The severed Head symbolised Divinity, and was regarded as the essence of being, the seat of the soul, the symbol of evil-averting divine power. The Head was called CAPUT LVIIIm, and has a value of 58.
2- Ian Wilson, The Shroud of Turin - The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ? The Templars' stronghold in Jerusalem was finally overrun by the Moslems in 1244. Thirty-three years later the victorious sultan, baibars, inspected their castle and is recorded to have discovered inside the tower "a great idol", in whose protection the castle had been placed: according to the Frank who had given it its name [this is an unreadable word, made in diacritic letters]. He ordered this to be destroyed and a mihrab [Moslem prayer niche] constructed in its place."
3- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail"
"Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, in their well-known book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail"... the authors found indisputable evidence of secret ceremonies involving a head. …. its existence was one of the dominant themes running through the Inquisition records....Among the confiscated goods of the Paris shrine included a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, in the image of a woman. Inside were two small head bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it.
THE TEMPLAR HEAD: " a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, in the image of a woman. Inside were two head bones, wrapped in white linen with another red cloth around it. " On an attached label is written "CAPUT LVIIIm" - "HEAD 58".
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رسائل 12 من 75 في الفقرة |
29'5 días definen el periodo llamado Ciclo Sinódico de la Luna. Se llama sinódico porque la palabra "sínodo" significa "encuentro", y es el momento en que la Luna se encuentra con la Tierra y el Sol en un punto (nodo del sínodo o encuentro) de la línea que los une. Es el ciclo de fases de Luna nueva a luna nueva o de cualquier fase a la misma siguiente. Y no sólo eso, sino que la Luna también da 1 giro sobre sí misma, y esta es la razón por la que muestra siempre la misma cara a la Tierra y vemos siempre la misma cara. Su día o giro es más largo que su órbita o "año". La relación proporcional es de 1'08.
29'5 días / 27'3 días = 1'08
ciclo orbital Luna / ciclo diario Luna = 1'08
El Planeta Venus también tiene un día más largo que su año: su día equivale a 243 días terrestres y su año a 225. Y "casualmente":
243 días / 225 días = 1'08
día Venus / año Venus = 1'08
¡Es exactamente la relación que existe entre el día y el año de la Luna! (ver).
1080 es el radio de la luna
Compuesto: 23∙33∙5. Número místico y simbólico, opuesto y complementario al 666 en su significación. Si éste representa la fuerza cósmica fecundante, el principio solar, el mando, el dinamismo de masculino, el yang, el 1080 es la fertilidad fecundable, el principio terrestre o lunar, la sumisión, la estaticidad, lo femenino, el yin. Pero como el 666, también el 1080, abandonado a sí mismo, se degrada en lo estático lo abisal, lo estéril, lo tenebroso y es preciso el concurso de ambos integrándose en el principio fértil y procreador del 1746, su suma.
Es imprescindible confrontar algunas interpretaciones gemátricas dadas al 1080:
- to hagion pneuma, ‘El Espírítu Santo’: = 1080
- pêgê sophias, ‘la fuente de la sabiduría’: = 1080
- semelo, ‘Semele’, la diosa afín a la Tierra: = 1080
- Iêsous Mariam, ‘Jesús María’ = 1080
Hay que citar también hê abyssos = 1081, ‘el abismo’, el pozo sin fondo del Apocalipsis, donde Satán estará encerrado mil años, expresión del lado negativo del 1080. Y también he propheteia, ‘la profecía’ = 1082, cualidad específicamente femenina, que tan frecuentemente se halla asociada con mujeres en la Biblia.
Palabras del DRAE con número 1080:
جواب |
رسائل 13 من 75 في الفقرة |
Special attention should be given to the sub-divisions that follow.
a. 21.1 The Throne of the New Heaven and the New Earth
The old heaven and the old earth are passed away; now is there the new heaven and the new earth. There is no mentioning of a new sea. In Isaiah 65.17 God is recorded as declaring that He will create a new heaven and a new earth, but what follows after verse 17 actually refers to the millennial kingdom. The outline of Isaiah 65 is a contrasting of the blessed of God with other people. Verse 17 of Isaiah 65 is a declaration by which God declares that He will create a new heaven and a new earth. Verses 18-25 describe the conditions of Jerusalem in the millennial kingdom.
The new heaven and the new earth which are spoken of in 2 Peter 3.10,13 are the same as those mentioned here in 21.1.
b. 21.2-4 The Relation of New Jerusalem to the People
21.2 This is a holy city. Whereas in the past God had only a holy temple and not a holy city, nevertheless, on the earth and in that holy temple He did dwell; now, though, the holy city supplants the holy temple, and all its inhabitants are priests. The old Jerusalem was built by men and had become old; the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven and is wholly new. During the millennial kingdom the New Jerusalem is suspended in the air. It has not descended to the earth because on earth there is yet the old Jerusalem. When the New Jerusalem does come down from heaven it seems from the record here that she has not yet taken off her bridal attire. At the time of the marriage supper of the Lamb she is the bride. Now in eternity she is to be the wife of the Lamb.
21.3 “A great voice”—It might be the voice of the Lord Jesus.
“He shall dwell with them”—Hereafter there is no longer any distinction between Jews and Gentiles. Those whom God calls are just men.
“The tabernacle of God is with men”—The New Jerusalem is on earth like God’s tabernacle. Formerly, God’s tabernacle was set on earth among the children of Israel; now, there being no more distinction between Jews and Gentiles, the tabernacle of God is set among men. God is now with men.
“And they shall be his peoples”—Henceforth they shall belong to God and shall delight in His word. “And God himself shall be with them, and be their God”—He shall watch over them according to His good pleasure, that is to say, God will be gracious to them (see Jer. 24.7, Ez. 11.18-20).
21.4 “Tear”—Tears are the common lot of men on earth. But now, God shall wipe away their tears by eliminating their causes such as death, mourning, pain, and so forth. All these are the results of sin. When these are ruled out, there remains no longer any trace of sin.
c. 21.5-8 The Difference between the Saved and Those Who Perish
Even though this subdivision is closely related to the preceding one (vv.2-4), the people in verse 6b are nonetheless quite different from those in verse 3.
21.5 The one who sits on the throne is most likely God.
The word “write” means to have it written in this book. Such a command reveals the great significance of this subdivision.
21.6 “They are come to pass”—Whatever is recorded in this book must come to pass. God will bring heaven and earth to His original design. He is the Alpha and the Omega, therefore all shall be fulfilled.
21.7 The “overcometh” here is not the same as that of chapters 2 and 3, for in chapters 2 and 3 it is an overcoming by works, that is, an overcoming that involves a comparing of believers with believers; whereas here it is an overcoming that involves a comparison of believers with the unbelieving world (cf. 1 John 5.4 which mentions overcoming the world through faith).
In what respects are the people spoken of in 21.6-8 different from the people who appear in verses 2 and 3? Please note the following observations.
(1) From 21.3 we learn that John saw in a vision that the tabernacle of God is with men, that is to say, God is dwelling with the many peoples on earth. The people mentioned in 21.6b are said to be those who are athirst after they have heard the good news described above.
(2) The men shown in verses 2 and 3 are God’s peoples who dwell on the new earth, while those shown in 21.7 are God’s sons who live in the city.
(3) The men mentioned in 21.3 are simply those peoples on earth who share together the common blessings; but the men referred to in 21.7 are not only sons of God, they are also God’s servants and kings unto Him (22.3,5).
(4) “They shall be his peoples” (21.3) signifies something corporate and common; “He shall be my son” (21.7) represents something personal and intimate.
(5) “They shall be his peoples” (21.3) is that which appears to be spoken in the third person, whereas “I will be his God, and he shall be my son” (21.7) seems to be a direct way of speaking.
(6) The men spoken of in 21.3 dwell on God’s earth, but those mentioned in 21.7 live in God’s house.
Positional difference among Christians is limited to the time of the millennial kingdom. In the new heaven and new earth, all believers are equally positioned.
21.8 “The fearful”—these are those who know they can be saved if they believe, yet dare not believe for fear of men. “Unbelieving”—these are those who just do not believe. “Abominable”—a reference to not only those who worship idols but also to those who worship celestial bodies. “Sorcerers”—those who have communications with demons.
“The lake that burneth with fire and brimstone”—In the new heaven and new earth there is no sea, yet there will still be the lake of fire.
21.9 Now the name of the wife of the Lamb is given. Many people consider the church to be the wife of the Lamb since, they say, there cannot be a literal New Jerusalem in the future. Many are the proofs, however, that the New Jerusalem is a literal new city:
(1) At that time the church as we know it today no longer exists, for she now becomes only a part of all the redeemed.
(2) Being a book of revelation, its chapters 2 and 3 plainly point out the churches quite clearly and specifically; why then should the New Jerusalem mentioned in chapter 21 of this same book be something other than the clearly stated and specifically mentioned New Jerusalem?
(3) According to 3.12 the New Jerusalem is what the church hopes for. If New Jerusalem is indeed the church, how could the church hope for the church? It would be senseless and illogical.
(4) In 19.7-13 the New Jerusalem is seen as the bride whereas the church is a guest, thus showing that the church is not New Jerusalem.
(5) How can there be no new city in the new heaven and the new earth? Where will people stay if they come to worship God? Did not our Lord expressly say that “in my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14.2)?
(6) If the woman mentioned in 12.1 refers to Jerusalem and the great harlot cited in 17.1 points to the city of Rome, how can the wife of the Lamb spoken of in 21.9 not be a reference to an actual city?
(7) After the blowing of the seventh trumpet the kingdom has arrived and the mystery is fulfilled. Since New Jerusalem subsists in the new heaven and the new earth, it cannot be considered a mystery, and therefore it must be literal.
(8) At the time of chapter 17 when John sees Babylon, he cannot cease wondering because it is a mystery which must be explained by an angel to him. Here, though, John is not amazed at all, neither does he need an angel to interpret to him. Hence what is here before us must be an actual city.
(9) People deem the wife of the Lamb to be the church because they adopt a totally spiritual view of eternity. Who knows, though, but what in the new heaven and the new earth everything is real and substantial? If God chose to use gold and silver in the building of Solomon’s temple, why can there not be gold and silver in the building by God of a new city in the new heaven and the new earth?
(10) Since many at that time are to be resurrected bodily, that is, they are to have a spiritual body, will they not need a place to stay?
(11) Here we are told the structure, dimensions, and materials of the city of New Jerusalem. These can hardly be applied to the church.
(12) 21.27 plainly implies that many will enter the city. If the city is the church which is itself made up of people, how can people enter into people? Furthermore, 21.25 says that the gates of the city are not shut by day. How can this fact be something related to the church?
(13) Here in 21.9 the wife of the Lamb is shown to John. Now if the wife of the Lamb is a mystery and the New Jerusalem is an explanation, how can an explanation not be taken literally?
(14) The New Jerusalem is contrasted with the Old Jerusalem. As Old Jerusalem is a literal city, so New Jerusalem must also be a literal city. It therefore cannot be taken as the church.
(15) Galatians 4 distinctly tells us that “the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is our mother” (v.26). This Jerusalem is quite different from the church, so Paul says it is our (that is, the church’s) mother. Thus we cannot maintain that New Jerusalem is the church.
(16) Hebrews 11 says that Abraham “looked for the city which hath the foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (v.10). The New Jerusalem is a true city with foundations. Did Abraham look for the church? He could not have known the church at his time.
(17) Hebrews 12.22 mentions the heavenly Jerusalem and the innumerable hosts of angels. Verse 23 of the same chapter speaks of the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven (this means the church), speaks also of God who is the Judge of all, and of spirits of just men made perfect (the saints of old). There are altogether five classes enumerated here; namely, (1) God, (2) angels, (3) saints of the Old Testament time, (4) the church, and (5) the heavenly Jerusalem. The church and the heavenly Jerusalem are listed separately, therefore they cannot be the same.
[Translator’s Note: When Mr. Nee first gave these Bible readings on Revelation in the early days of his ministry he adopted a more literal interpretation of the holy city, New Jerusalem. In his later work, already quoted from earlier in this study and first entitled in Chinese as Holy and Without Blemish (but subsequently published in Chinese under the title The Glorious Church), the author took a more spiritual approach to its interpretation. What follows below are some highlights from this approach, translated directly from the first Chinese edition of Shanghai, 1953, pp. 133-155.]
21.10 “And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high”—If we wish to see the eternal vision of God we need to be brought by God to a great and high mountain. Unless we stand on a spiritual high mountain we cannot see anything. Those who live on the plain will not be able to see the New Jerusalem—the finality of God’s work.
“The holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God”—The wife of the Lamb whom John saw was the holy city Jerusalem. The description of the city is allegorical. By its description we are told of the corporate body which God from eternity has purposed to obtain.
This is a city which comes out of heaven from God. God pays attention not only to where this corporate man will go but from whence he comes out as well. Not only the destiny but also the source. The wife of the Lamb comes out of heaven, not from earth. God does not show us here the man who has a past history of sin but is now saved by grace. This does not mean of course, that we do not have a history of sin, therefore needing neither repentance nor salvation. This passage of Scripture simply reveals to us that portion which comes out of God, which is the glorious church of Ephesians 5 that is to be presented to Christ.
One characteristic of this new Jerusalem is holiness. Among Christians, some look for greatness, some look for holiness. The former is the principle of Babylon, whereas the latter is the principle of New Jerusalem. What is holiness? We may say that only God is holy; therefore, all that comes out of God is holy: “For both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one” (Heb. 2.11).
21.11 “Having the glory of God . . . a jasper stone”—The God on the throne whom John saw was like a jasper stone (see 4.3). In other words, jasper means the God who is seen. The God whom we know as we stand before His throne is like jasper stone. Our knowledge of God today here on earth is at best termed “darkly” or “in a riddle” (1 Cor. 13.12 mg.); but in the city which has the glory of God like a jasper stone we shall then see Him as He is—“clear as crystal” (v. 11).
21.12-14 “Having twelve gates, . . . and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: . . . And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb”—Whom does this corporate man include? Having the twelve names of the tribes of Israel on its gates and the twelve names of the apostles on its foundations, this city includes all the Old and the New Testament saints. At the time of the new heaven and the new earth, all who have the life of God are to be included in the New Jerusalem.
21.15-17 “And he that spake with me had for a measure a golden reed to measure . . . the wall thereof”—Besides the glory of God, the next thing mentioned is the wall of the city. Separation—as depicted here by a wall—is an important principle in Christian living. Lack of separation devaluates the Christian’s worth. A line must be drawn between what is spiritual and what is carnal. New Jerusalem has its boundary, its wall of separation. From this we learn that whatever is of Babylon must be rejected and whatever is of God must be protected. Building a city wall is not an easy task; it is greatly hated by Satan. For example, when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to build the city wall, he was opposed vehemently by Sanballat and Tobiah. Consequently, with one hand he held his weapon and with the other hand he built. Let us ask God to teach us how to take up spiritual weapons against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies and how at the same time to maintain the principle of separation.
Having the names of the twelve apostles on the foundations means that everything in the city is based on the principle of the kingdom of God as proclaimed by the apostles. “Being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Eph. 2.20) simply means that the revelation which the apostles received from the Lord is the foundation of New Jerusalem.
Why are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on the doors? The answer is supplied by the words of the Lord Jesus himself, who declared that “salvation is from the Jews” (John 4.22).
The Bible employs gold to represent all that is of God. To measure with a golden reed suggests that this city is measurable by God’s standard, for it meets His standard.
“And the city lieth foursquare, . . . the length and the breadth and the height thereof are equal”—In the Scriptures we find that only the holiest of all things in the temple and the New Jerusalem are in perfect cubes. This is thus to imply that in the new heaven and the new earth the New Jerusalem will be the holiest of all to God.
“According to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel”—Why at that time is the measure of a man equal to the measure of an angel? In resurrection, men shall be equal to the angels (Luke 20.36). In other words, all that is in the city is on resurrection ground. That which cannot be bound and retained by death is called resurrection. Whatever comes out of us will be finished at the cross; that which is of God cannot be touched by death.
21.18-21 “And the city was pure gold, like unto pure glass”—One special feature of New Jerusalem is that the gold therein is pure. Everything is wholly of God; there is not a speck of mixture. Whatever is not of God is dross. No one can say to God that he has something in himself to give to Him. What God wants is nothing but pure gold.
“The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all manner of precious stones”—There is a basic difference between gold and precious stone. The first is a single chemical element, but the second is a compound. Gold is directly created by God, whereas precious stone is the result of the fusing together of several elements under the earth after they have gone through extremely high temperature accompanied by pressure. In other words, what the precious stone represents is not that which God gives directly to man, rather it stands for the refining work which the Holy Spirit has done in man. The life which God gives to us is gold, the life which God forges in us is precious stone. God does not stop with merely imparting the life of Christ to us; He goes on to incorporate or work into us that life in us.
“And the twelve gates were twelve pearls”—Pearl is formed by the secretion of a mollusk in the sea after it is wounded by a grain of sand or other foreign matter. Hence pearl signifies that life which comes out of death. It represents the life which the Lord Jesus Christ has released in His death on the non-atoning side.
“And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass”—A street is a place for fellowship. Inasmuch as the street of the city is pure gold, all who walk on it will never have their feet defiled. Today all who are bathed still need to wash their feet continually (John 13.10) in order to maintain their fellowship with God. For as long as we walk on this earth we cannot help but be contaminated by the dust of the earth, thus affecting our fellowship with God. But the day shall come when nothing will defile us nor hinder our fellowship with God. In eternity nothing defiles us, therefore our whole life shall be holy.
“As it were transparent glass”—Today many situations are opaque, but in the future everything shall be transparent before God. If that is the case, then we must begin to learn even today to be true and transparent, not attempting to pretend to be what we are not.
[Here ends the translated portion of highlights of the author’s spiritual approach to an interpretation of the holy city, New Jerusalem, taken directly from Mr. Nee’s Holy and Without Blemish (Shanghai, 1953, pp. 133-155).—Translator]
21.10 “And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high”—This is in contrast to the words “And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness” found in 17.3.
21.11 This city especially has the glory of God. Formerly, in the old temple, the glory of God was not too obvious since it appeared like a cloud.
“Her light was like unto a stone most precious, as it were a jasper stone, clear as crystal”—Crystal is transparent. Today even the light of the sun is opaque, but the light of New Jerusalem in the future will be transparent.
The Gates of the City
21.12,13,21 “Having twelve gates”—According to 21.21 the street of the city is singular in number. Since there are twelve gates we would naturally assume that there should be twelve streets. Why though, is there only one street? It may possibly be that the street is like a city plaza which is open to the gates on every side.
“And at the gates, twelve angels”—The angels here are guarding the gates of the new city, not reigning over the city.
“And names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel”—Israel represents the law of God. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls” (21.21)—Pearl stands for the righteousness of God. Together they show that the entry into the city of God is according to God’s law and righteousness.
The Height of the City
21.14-17 “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations”—According to 21.16 an angel measures the city with a golden reed: “And the city lieth foursquare, . . . twelve thousand furlongs: the length and the breadth and the height thereof are equal” (21.16); but then it is said that “he measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits” (21.17). How are these calculations to be reconciled? The total height of the city is 12,000 furlongs (1500 miles), while the height of the wall is 144 cubits (72 yards). The total height is measured from the bottom foundation to the throne of God. The figure of 12,000 furlongs is a multiple of 12 which is the eternally perfect number.
The wall of the city has twelve foundations. It is quite likely that they are built one upon another and that the upper level is smaller than the lower level, similar to the structure of the Egyptian pyramid. Hence all twelve layers are visible.
“And on them twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb”—The apostles represent the grace of God, therefore it is the grace of God which forms the foundations of the city wall.
City and Wall
21.18 “And the building of the wall thereof was jasper”—The city itself is of pure gold. Hence the gold is transparent, something quite different from ordinary gold.
21.19,20 “The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all manner of precious stones”—There are twelve precious stones with twelve various hues.
Some suggest that the colors of these precious stones are: (1) Green, (2) Blue, (3) Blue, (4) Green, (5) Red, (6) Red, (7) Yellow, (8) Sea-green, (9) Yellow, (10) Golden green, (11) Purple, and (12) Purple.
The blending of these colors must be of exquisite beauty. The merging of the colors from (5) to (12) above will produce a rainbow-like appearance.
21.22 There is no temple in the new city. During the Old Testament period only the temple was holy, the rest of the land was not reckoned holy. At the time of the Lord Jesus the temple was still on the earth. During the church period there is a temple in heaven but none on earth. In the millennium, however, there will be a temple on earth as well as one in heaven. In the new heaven and the new earth there will no more be a temple, since there will be no need to offer sacrifice for sin. The entire new city is most holy. Formerly, men communed with God through the temple; now, all who live in the city can commune with God directly because He and the Lamb have become the center of this new city.
21.23 It is said here that there is no need for the sun and moon to shine upon the new city. It does not say, however, that there will be neither sun nor moon in the new heaven and the new earth. Having the glory of God to lighten the city and the Lamb as its lamp, the new city certainly has no need for the sun and the moon to shine upon it.
21.24 “And the nations shall walk amidst the light thereof”—All who live in the city have a resurrected body, but those who dwell on the new earth still possess a body of flesh and blood. These are the nations dwelling on the new earth, though they are no longer divided by race or tongue or tribe. These are the people who live at the end of the millennium and who are not deceived by Satan at the last revolt.
The saved in the city include all who believe in the Lord and trust in His precious blood—both during the Old and the New Testament times; for the gates of the new city have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and the foundations of the city have the names of the twelve apostles.
All who live in the new city are sons (21.7), and they reign as kings (22.3). All who dwell on the new earth are those people who are transferred livingly from the millennial kingdom to be the peoples (21.3) of the new earth.
“The kings of the earth” are those who rule among the nations in eternity. They are higher in rank than the rest of the people, yet they are not the same as the kings in the city. Our Lord is the King of all kings, and we believers are kings of these kings of the earth.
“Walk” means travel. During the millennium the earthly Jerusalem will be deemed the capital of the world. The nations will travel to it once every few years. Now, in eternity, the nations will also travel to the New Jerusalem. They will be guided in their travel by the light of the city, thus they need no other guidance. (The light of the city will guide them just as the star mentioned in Matthew 2.9 guided the magi from the East.) The city itself needs no earthly light, yet the people on earth depend on the light of the city.
“And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it”—The “glory” mentioned here probably means, according to the Old Testament understanding, the best products of the lands. It is quite evident from Genesis 31 that the word “glory” there applies to property or good things on earth. In bringing their glory to the city, the nations bring in the best from their lands as offerings to God (cf. also Esther 1.4).
21.25 According to this verse there will still be night and day in the new heaven and the new earth. The kings of the earth may travel towards the new city in the daytime. In the new city, however, there is no night.
The conditions of the people in the new heaven and the new earth will be somewhat similar to the conditions of Adam and Eve before the fall. They still have a body of flesh and blood.
Five times in this book “day and night” or “night” is mentioned in connection with eternity (7.15, 14.11, 20.10, 21.25, 22.5). Therefore, there must be day and night in the new heaven and the new earth. Nevertheless, in the city there is no night, and hence the people who live there can serve God day and night. Since they have a resurrection body, they will never grow tired; thus can it be said that they are able to serve God day and night.
21.26 The peoples of the nations will follow their kings in bringing glory and honor to the city. Things work out most harmoniously.
21.27 “Anything unclean” can also be translated “anything common”, which means things that are worth nothing.
“He that maketh an abomination” refers to idol-worshipers. “A lie” points especially to witchcraft and sorcery. This does not mean that there will still be idol-worship and sorcery in eternity. It only reflects upon the fact of how clean, how solemn, and how noble is the city.
“They that are written in the Lamb’s book”—In the new heaven and the new earth dwell two kinds of people. One kind of people are those of us who have been saved through the blood of the Lord Jesus and are privileged to live in the new city; the other kind of people are those who are removed livingly from the millennial kingdom into the new heaven and the new earth, thus becoming the inhabitants of the new earth. Our names being written in the book of life, we may permanently live in the city. The inhabitants of the new earth have their names also written in the book of life, but they can only go in and out of the new city.
The style of living of these inhabitants of the new earth is very much similar to that of Adam before the fall (except that there will not be any sinning in eternity). This view of the similarity to Adam prior to the fall is backed up by the following proofs:
(1) “In the resurrection”, said the Lord, “they neither marry, nor are given in marriage” (Matt. 22.30). Only those with a resurrection body are not engaged in marriage. The inhabitants of the new earth do not have a resurrection body, therefore they will still be involved in marriage.
(2) The situation in the new heaven and the new earth is similar to that in the garden of Eden before Adam’s fall. Consequently, the inhabitants of the new earth will live and multiply as Adam did of old.
(3) Of the Ten Commandments one in part says this: “Showing loving-kindness unto a thousand generations of them that love me and keep my commandments” (Ex. 20.6 mg.). If mankind does not propagate itself over a thousand generations, how can God ever make such a promise? From Adam to the Lord Jesus there were only 76 generations (Luke 3.23-38 counts God in the genealogy, thus adding up to 77 generations). The time from Adam to Christ was about 4000 years, and in such a long period there were only 76 generations! How many generations can there have been from Christ to the present? Computing scientifically and taking 30 years as one generation, then in 2000 years there can only be 70 to 80 generations. During the millennium people will live long, hence there will be fewer generations. Now granting that there might be as many as 50 generations during the millennium, the total for these three periods will only account for 200 to 300 generations. Subtract 300 from only a thousand, we still have 700 left. How will these remaining generations ever be fulfilled? Doubtless the inhabitants of the new earth will continue to be fruitful and to multiply, except that there will be no more death.
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رسائل 15 من 75 في الفقرة |
Le nombre 666 étant défini comme nombre de la Bête, se trouve en Apocalypse 13/18!
666 =
[6] 3 + [6] 3 + [6] 3
216 + 216 + 216
= 648 |
648 =
[6] 3 + [4] 3 + [8] 3
216 + 64 + 512
= 792 |
792 =
[7] 3 + [9] 3 + [2] 3
343 + 729 + 8
= 1080 |
1080 =
[1] 3 + [0] 3 + [8] 3 + [0] 3
1 + 0 + 512 + 0
= 513 |
513 =
[5] 3 + [1] 3 + [3] 3
125 + 1 + 27
= 153 |
153 = |
[1] 3 + [5] 3 + [3] 3
1 + 125 + 27
= 153... |
2 a 15 de 75