A similar symbolic view occurs at the Vatican: viewed from the Vatican at the Equinox sunrise the obelisk aligns with the Sun over the Tiber River, again symbolizing the Sun on the Milky Way!
Equinox Sun over the River Tiber.
St Peter’s Square contains the eight-pointed cross symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction.
On the Key of Solomon website, Herschel presents an image looking east from the Vatican on the night of December 25th`. The Pope is standing on his balcony watching the night sky. Wayne has suggested that the Seven Hills of Rome represent the Pleiades, a sharp observation that both authors agree with. In his picture, Herschel has placed the Orion constellation, or his rendition and interpretation of the eight-pointed cross, exactly over St. Peter’s Square where the eight-pointed cross occurs. Orion now resides perfectly East. The problem, however, is that the Pleiades now also reside East instead of over the Seven Hills of Rome!
When Herschel’s picture is corrected and the Pleiades are shifted to their correct place in the sky over the Seven Hills, a completely different result is obtained. Now, the Silver Gate resides perfectly East! The Silver Gate is of course the place where Solstice Sun crosses the Milky Way.
Notice how all of the symbols of the Great Celestial Conjunction align: the Pleiades are now correctly found above their symbolic Seven Hills, and the eight-pointed cross of St. Peter’s Square aligns with the Tiber River and the Silver Gate!
St. Peter’s Square, when the Pleiades are placed correctly over the Seven Hills of Rome, the Silver Gate resides perfectly East and aligns with the eight-pointed cross on St Peter’s Square.
You know what I have been writing about lately Jlockest is about the sacred knowledge of the stars and geometry placed in the French kings and Castile bibles I think their was knowledge brought back from the crusades...its the precursor to Masonry
In St Louis Bible it talks about the Great Geometrist or the Great Architect
it isn't the only one this is also in Blanche Castiles Bible
when you think that the Capetians were the Great Builders of Notre Dame Chartres then you see the TREASURE of Blanche Castile don't you ...the sacred knowledge of Solomon I think Sauniere was well aware of this knowledge as seen in the chapel he wore the golden triangle on his regalia
the question is where did Blanche get it from and her father had connections to the Hebrew Scholars Lucky for us that the illuminated Manuscripts of St Louis were kept _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences http://andrewgough.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3596&start=175
Now just imagine St Louis and Blanche Castiles knowledge God the great Architect Science, and particularly geometry and astronomy, was linked directly to the divine for most medieval scholars. The compass in this 13th century manuscript is a symbol of God's act of Creation. God has created the universe after geometric and harmonic principles, to seek these principles was therefore to seek and worship God.
Title: God as Architect/Builder/Geometer/Craftsman From: The Frontispiece of Bible Moralisee Style: Gothic Date: mid-13th C. Location: France Codex Vindobonensis 2554 (French, ca. 1250), in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.
Rennes Chateau: Mary Magdalene the one Jesus loved the most
by Carolyn Shield
Mary Magdalene plays a major role this past week in the Easter story of Jesus's Resurrection. She is the first one that Jesus appears to after he rises from the dead. He doesn't appear to Peter, John, James his brother, or even his mother. He appears to the one who he loves the most Mary Magdalene. She followed him through his journeys and supported his cause financially. She is at the Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection. Pope John Paul II has called her the "Apostle to the Apostles". She is named fourteen times in the bible more than most of the apostles. Magdalene is mentioned more than Mother Mary in the bible. Jesus cured her of a serious illness and as a result saved her life. Her bravery is outstanding when compared with Saint Peter. It is Saint Augustine who said "it was the Holy Spirit who made Magdalene the Apostle of the Apostles." We are lucky to have the Gospel of Mary Magdalene which she tells the Apostles secret teachings Jesus taught her. Jesus teaches a woman and then this woman teaches his Apostles. It is another terrific part of the story. No more Magdalene carries the false label of the prostitute but not an equal to the Apostles. Many can debate if she is seated next to Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper. It is her actions that speak for themselves. She has earned the right to be seated with the Apostles.
At Rennes Chateau in France Mary Magdalene carries a cross and holds a urn. On the cross she bears is a five pointed star. The five pointed star is the symbol of Venus. Titian has a painting called Venus with Mirror. The two cherubs are there holding her mirror.
Hit the link to see the Rennes Chateau image of Mary Magdalene carrying the cross below her feet are two cherubs. In the mirror the eye of the goddess Venus is older and more wrinkled. She will be crowned by roses which have thorns. In the mirror do we see the all seeing eye of the goddess peering back at her. The Egyptian all seeing eye of the goddess Wedjet known as green one and the Greeks called it "risen one".
Titian Pieta is his last painting. In the painting we see Mary Magdalene with two cherubs one above and the other below. A woman carrying the cross crowned with rose crown of thorns. She was a Cumaen Sibyl who predicted the coming of the savior.
It is interesting that the cherubs under Magdalene at Rennes Chateau are pointing down and one wonders if there is a crypt under the church. The cherubs are seen in many paintings dealing with the burial of Christ. Bourdon, Poussin, Titian, and others have placed the cherubs with Magdalene and the other women at Jesus grave. These women who came to Jesus's grave possibly had children. The cherubs in the paintings maybe a symbol representing the children of the Holy Family or children of Jerusalem. Luke 23:28-31 says
"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us'; and to the hills, 'Cover us'. For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
It doesn't surprise me that Venus the goddess of Love whose symbol is the five pointed star would be connected to Mary Magdalene. It could be the reason for the symbol on the tree cross that she carries. Venus symbol has a cross in it for its astrological symbol. It is connected to the Ankh. The key of life to the Egyptians connected to Isis and eternal life.
Venus retrogrades every 584 days (19 months) making five retrograde points around the Sun. After eight years, Venus forms a five-pointed star in the sky. Ishtar and Astarte carry the jar of life and so Mary Magdalene carries her jar . Mark 14:3 talks about the woman with the alabaster jar. The jar the Egyptians used for the funeral rites. It seems the symbolic connections with Magdalene and Venus makes sense. She loved Jesus with such passion and he loved her by showing his resurrected self first to her. It is all about the power of love and that is what Venus and Isis is all about.
At the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is a wooden panel which depicts the life of Christ. A panel depicts the Wedding of Cana. Three people have halos one is Jesus another is a woman who sits next to Jesus. . Is she Mother Mary or possibly Magdalene?One wonders who the fellow next to Jesus who has a halo too? Is he Jesus brother? Is he the bride's father? Is he the bride's groom? The lady next to him does not have a halo and she is darker skinned than the others. She does wear a gold crown and her hair is not covered. I'm interested to hear what other people think of this interpretation of the Wedding of Cana especially the saint next to Jesus. The French had a oral tradition which said Mary Magdalene came to France by boat with other saints. She brought with her the dark servant girl Sara the Egyptian. Napoleon made the Paris coats of arms the five pointed star and the ship who brought Isis to the city called Paris. It is interesting the similar story of Isis and Magdalene coming by boat to France. Napoleon created the Arch de Triumph as a symbol of Isis and her star Sirius. Isis was devoted and loved Osiris very much. I could see how Magdalene and the story of Isis could be similar. What do you think?
Pentagonal se refiere al Ciclo formado por 5 ciclos sinódicos.
Venus y la Tierra danzan en sincronía matemática y geométrica en el salón del Espacio, al son de la sutilísima vibración de la música de las esferas, pues esferas son. El milenario mito de la llamada "Música de las Esferas" es mito mientras no se comprende qué es o a qué se refiere. Es como si una persona no reconociera que los instrumentos musicales suenan y por eso concluye que la "música de los instrumentos" es mito. Sólo le basta escuchar, sentir, vibrar y comprender. Nosotros estamos en una de esas esferas: el Planeta Tierra, aunque si pensamos un poco comprenderemos que es normal que sea posible que no conozcamos la maravilla en la que estamos inmersos ni que participemos activamente en ella, como aquel espectador que está de gratis en un maravilloso concierto y él mismo es un instrumento y se queda dormido, pero no porque la música sea aburrida sino porque no sabe que está ahí.
Cada 8 años, que son 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus, ambos planetas se encuentran 5 veces en sus puntos más cercanos, al mismo lado del Sol, 5 puntos que son equidistantes y que forman los 5 vértices de una estrella de 5 puntas. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver la animación.
Si continúas observando podrás comprobar cómo Venus y la Tierra continúan trazando la figura pentagonal, aunque ya no desde el mismo punto que la anterior. De hecho, comienzan una nueva 2,33 días antes que la anterior. La actual la comenzaron el 8 de junio de 2004 y termina el 6 de junio de 2012. Esto significa que esa estrella de 5 puntas gira también alrededor del Sol hasta dar una vuelta en 1.252 años: un Ciclo mayor compuesto por 156 subciclos Pentagonales (1.252 órbitas de la Tierra y 2.035 de Venus). Así es como los planetas crean los Ciclos Cósmicos. 1.252 años son 457.457 días, que es prácticamente 676 x 676 ó 26x26x26x26 ó (13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13) días.
Aquí puedes verlo de otra manera comenzando desde el 8 de junio de 2004 (cuando se produjo un tránsito de Venus) hasta el 6 de junio de 2012 en que se produce otro tránsito. Puedes hacer click sobre la escena repetidamente.
Los números 5, 8 y 13 son números consecutivos de la serie Fibonacci en la que cada número dividido por su anterior tiende al valor del número Phi, el que marca la llamada "proporción divina" de ciertos elementos de la Naturaleza, por no decir muchos o todos, y entre los cuales están las propias piezas que componen el esqueleto de nuestros cuerpos: los huesos. En la vigésima división de la serie Fibonacci, entre los números 6.765 y 4.181, se obtiene un valor de phi afinado hasta el sexto decimal: 1'6180339. También se puede ver que los números de la serie Fibonacci 6.765 y 4.181 como días terrestres convertidos a Tzolkins son 26 y 16 Tzolkin, y mientras el año de la Tierra (365 días) es 1,62 veces más largo que el de Venus (225 días), siendo 1,62 el redondeo de 1,618 que es el valor de Phi, en el ciclo sinódico Venus da 2'6 órbitas y la Tierra da 1'6 (fracciones de 26 y 16). Y por fin, reproduciendo los tres números de la serie Fibonacci 5, 8 y 13 en el ciclo pentagonal resulta que 5 es el número de encuentros entre La Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus.
Viendo desde el planeta Tierra, desde el meridiano del mediodía, sin que gire el planeta (pero sí trasladándose) y acelerando mucho el movimiento de los astros hasta que en 20 segundos transcurrieran 8 años, podríamos ver a Venus realizar 5 movimientos retrógrados cada 8 años, 2 en forma de lazo, 1 en zig zag (cruzando la eclíptica) y otros 2 de nuevo en forma de lazo (casi simétricos a los dos primeros). Los trazos en forma de lazo los realiza por encima o debajo de la eclíptica según ande circulando por el nodo superior o inferior de su órbita (inclinada respecto a la de la Tierra). Empleando una expresión metafórica, son las Curvas de Venus.
También podemos verlas como las letras gráficas del lenguaje venusiano. Tales trazos derivan gradualmente en el cielo terrestre cada 8 años en sentido contrario al del Sol ante el fondo fijo de las estrellas y las constelaciones, de modo que desde hace unos 100 años, el movimiento en zig zag de Venus ha venido ocurriendo sobre la constelación de Orión.
El 13 es número basico en el Ciclo Pentagonal, pues es el número de órbitas de Venus, de modo que en 13 Ciclos Pentagonales Venus da 169 órbitas (13x13). Este ciclo de 13 ciclos Pentagonales es 37.960 días durante los que Venus realiza 65 ciclos sinódicos (o alineamientos con la Tierra) y en los que también intervienen 146 ciclos del Tzolkin 146 e incluso 104 del Haab (103,96 años de 365,2422 años). Vemos que el el 65 y el 104 son múltiplos del 13.
13 Pentagonales = 13 x 2920 días = 37.960 días
65 ciclos sinódicos = 65 x 584 días = 37.960 días
104 Haabs = 104 x 365 días = 37.960 días
146 Tzolkines = 146 x 260 días = 37.960 días
A su vez este ciclo de 37.960 días ó 13 Ciclos Pentagonales es una unidad de otros ciclos mayores.
"Three tables bore the Grail, a round one, a square one, and a rectangular. All three have the same surface and their number is Two One"
take a rectangle of proportions 2 units by 1 unit.
The diagonal from corner to corner is
2 squared + 1 squared = Root 5
Add the square
Root 5 + 1
divide it by 2
(Root5 + 1)/2 becomes 1.618 Golden section.
1.618/0.618 = 1 + 1.618 = 2.618
but we haven't finished yet.
2.618 x 12/10 = 3.146. A close approximation to PI.
12/10 is the interval of a third in music the interval between the major and minor scale. The mason Cathedral builders knew this. This monophonic tone was first used by the Troubadours and continues with Gregorian Chants.
What did they use? A Calculator? Well sort of.
They used a Druids cord.
Put this into 4 x 4 x 5 configuration and the angle is that of the slope of the Great Pyramid. It's also the seven angles in a seven pointed star.
Tránsito de Venus: Alineación planetaria estrella luciferina de cinco puntas
El 5 de junio a las 23:00 Venus en todo su esplendor sorprendió a todos los espectadores con su singular belleza, aunque a decir verdad, el evento visual trae consigo repercusiones a nivel no físico bastante trascendentales.
Venus era muy importante para los mayas, tanto así que en sus movimientos basaron su calendario, esto hace que astrólogos, ocultistas y nueva era centren en Venus sus energías. Pero qué es lo que hace a Venus tan importante y trascendental para la humanidad? qué se esconde tras esos tránsitos de este planeta tan enigmático que hizo que hasta los propios mayas basaran en él su calendario en lugar de basarse en el sol que es en el astro que está basado nuestro calendario gregoriano? qué relación guarda Venus con el Nuevo Orden Mundial y los planes de la élite Illuminati?
Simple "casualidad" que la crucifixión de Jesucristo haya sido realizada junto a otras dos personas más durante un tránsito de Venus en el monte de la calavera? y que posterior a este hecho tan trágico se inaugurara un templo al dios Baal en Baalbek?
"Casualidad" que igualmente hayan "coincidido" con alineaciones con Venus o con el tránsito de Venus estos otros importantes hechos?
La instauración del I, II y III Reich (Hitler)
La instauración del calendario reptiliano gregoriano en 1582
La erupción del volcán Vesubio en 1979
El congreso ecuménico de Nicea y el nacimiento de la iglesia "universal" (Católica) en el año 325
En 1526 Magallanes "demuestra" que la tierra no es plana
La llegada del asesino en serie a Centro América, Hernán Cortés
En 1630 se "confirman" las hipótesis de Galileo Galilei que dieron una nueva visión del mundo
En 1760 coincidió con una gran actividad militar en Europa y América
En el siglo 19 coincidió con la invención del teléfono
Las apariciones de la "virgen" de Fátima en 1917
El mega ritual satánico del 9/11 las torres gemelas
El terremoto de Haití en el 2010
El accidente de los 33 mineros en la mina San José de Chile en el 2010
La beatificación del "venerable santo" papa ecuménico luciferino Juan Pablo II en la fiesta a Beltane
La muerte de Bin Laden en la fiesta a Beltane dios de la "luz"
El mega tsunami del 2004 que dejó miles y miles de muertos y damnificados
El tsunami de Japón del 3/11/11
El sacrificio ritual del número 2 de Alqaeda el 5 de junio del 2012 a manos de un avión "no tripulado"
La Eurocopa
Este evento es de gran importancia para esoteristas y ocultistas, ya que lo denominan como el "retorno de Cristo", dado que durante ese tránsito energéticamente es aprovechado por la élite para diversos fines como pudimos ver en algunos ejemplos que menciono sobre momentos coincidentes durante este movimiento astronómico y energético.
Desde la antigüedad siempre se asoció a Venus con Lucifer, la estrella de la mañana, la diosa Isis, la reina del Cielo. En Oriente a Venus se le llama Sukra que significa resplandeciente, un dios que "conduce" un vehículo tirado por caballos, señor de los asuras o demonios.
Ver Libro de Segunda de Reyes Capítulo 2 Versículo1 y 11 y mi anterior entrada sobre el dios del antiguo testamento para ver en qué se movilizaba!!!!!
Según la doctrina esotérica, la tierra está subordinada a Venus, a Lucifer, su Regente, y se enseña además que en ese planeta hay vida, más no física como la nuestra sino espiritual, donde hay maestros y seres dispuestos a "ayudarnos" a evolucionar.
Astronómicamente se le denomina a la tierra y a Venus, planetas gemelos, dadas las similares condiciones de ambos astros como tamaño, densidad, gravedad, composición química, una de las diferencias está en su presión atmósferica la cual es 90 veces mayor a la de la tierra, y su superficie, la de Venus, es literalmente "infernal", cubierta de azufre. Tal como describen que es el infierno, el hogar de Lucifer alias Satanás.
Entre 1970 y 1980 la Unión Soviética a través de sondas rusas, capturó en el planeta infernal, imágenes de objetos que tenían entre 10 y 50 centímetros de longitud que se movilizaban y luego desaparecían, según la revista Astronomicheskiy Vestnik. Entre esas imágenes están las de discos volantes y escorpiones
Cada vez que se registra un hecho potencialmente energético, muchas cosas suelen suceder a nivel electromagnético, talvez se abren portales, incluso podemos evidenciar según imágenes del sol de la NASA objetos volantes alrededor del sol mientras sucedía esta impactante y profética alineación, mera "casualidad"?????
“The golden ratio, φ = (1+√5)/2 ≈ 1.618, [...] plays an important role in regular pentagons and pentagrams. Each intersection of edges sections the edges in golden ratio: the ratio of the length of the edge to the longer segment is φ, as is the length of the longer segment to the shorter. Also, the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the 2 intersecting edges (a side of the pentagon in the pentagram’s center) is φ. As the four-color illustration shows:
Another key factor - perhaps the overriding factor - is that the 2005 Christmas window did not coincide with an Orange Alignment which is a celestial configuration considered to be a key time-marker in the 'Judgment' scheme.
All three zero/balanced points in the 2005 Equation of Time had produced major 'Sun-king Judgment' events and were highlighted by an Orange Alignment forming in the solar system - except the fourth and final one around Christmas. (The last OA in 2005 was around November 17-18.) This is an important deviation.
The next Orange Alignment will come on January 31-February 1, which happens to be the anniversary of the first hospitalization of John Paul II last year which was also closely marked by an OA, though not as closely as the date will be this year. There is a definite sense of 'intelligent design' here - indeed we have only scratched the surface - and Chicago's Damage Plan code when deciphered further underscores the point.
The next Orange Alignment coming up will even have the Sun in between Venus and Mercury, which is now considered a particularly powerful configuration, so I'm already looking deeply into this aspect of the overall time code (which extends beyond Feb. 1/Imbolc).
In fact, its significance has already been expressed through Sharon's stroke, because January 4th happened to be the exact midpoint between 2005 Damage Plan Day (Dec. 8) and February 1, '06. The timeline was 'balanced' on that date and as per the usual pattern it was a time of justice/judgment (symbolically speaking; no religious connotations intended).
Beast Day 6/6/6 was also an 'Orange Day' - a day marked by an 'Orange Alignment', or the lining up of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus (as seen from 'above' the solar system). It's the 'minute hand' of our Super Torch Ritual/Damage Plan 'clock'. If you see orange - watch out. Godfather knows it.
The most recent Orange Day was June 4th, 2007 - which was, again, the day of the first Paris incarceration and the 2012 Olympic logo!
The next 'Orange Alignment' will be around August 16-17, joined by Earth.
On August 16 heaven and earth collide... in the film 'Deep Impact' (1998).
It's also a Venus Transit echo, though no actual transit per se. It'll still the same configuration of an Earth-Venus-Sun alignment that we'll see around August 16-17.
The double impact - of an Orange Alignment and a VT-like alignment - is even STEREO-supported. Pretty powerful stuff. It's going to be something... Maybe the Pope should watch out.
"For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & 40 nights" - Genesis 7:4 ( the Bible's 1st use of the recurring #40)
Freemasonry's "G" stands for (1) God, (2) Sacred Geometry, (3) Sacred Gematria, (4) Genesis. But most importantly, (5) the G inside the square & compass stands for the 7th letter inside the 4-sided rectangle or GOD=7_4. 7/4=July 4th as many of the US Founding Fathers were Masons(47).
For a serious scientific explanation, see the NASA presentation Identifying 'True Earth-like Planets' - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4 [link to exep.jpl.nasa.gov
Perhaps the best-known of all Masonic symbols are the compass and square, shown interlocked with the letter "G" between them, as the traditional emblems of Freemasonry. During the granting of the First, Second and Third Degrees, the compass and square are placed upon the altar of the Temple in an interlinked fashion, representing the divine Light as it unites with the candidate and fills him with increasing knowledge. At the same time, this leads to his "rebirth" as its resurrected "offspring".
That this symbolic rite was derived from a still older mystery, however, is suggested by an early Masonic catechism, which asks,
What did the 2 cherubim on the ark of the covenant represent?
The answer which it gives is: "The mystery of the Golden Altar" (Dumfries Ms., ca. 1799).
Thus, the union of "the two Cherubim" in the Jerusalem Temple would appear to be the ultimate source of the "mystery of the Golden Altar" in the Masonic Temple.
The letter "G" (signifying God's secret Name) appears between the intertwining compass and square and is paralleled by Philo's explanation that the union of the statues in the Jewish Temple represented God's "consorting" with the soul, and his "divinizing" of the recipient. Thus the compass and square are exact symbolic equivalents of the ancient Cherubim, i.e. the ancient "Male" and "Female," whose union was the central feature of the Wisdom mystery, and which brought about the candidate's deification. But we should also compare this unique symbolism with the Divine Image itself (Gen. 1:27), which teaches that God is male and female united; hence the sacred "G" appears only when the male compass and the female square are intertwined.
The association of these "male" and "female" symbols with solar and lunar iconography was also based on early Israelite and Semitic tradition, according to which the heavenly bodies represented various male and female deities. Their symbols were in fact still used by European alchemists to describe the union of "heaven" and "earth," taking the "Sun" as a figure of Christ, and the "Moon" as a figure of his Bride, the Church. These must again unite in order to "beget" the "Philosopher's Stone," i.e. eternal life.
Above, the celestial things, below, the terrestrial; by the male and the female the work is accomplished. Join the male and the female and you will find what you are seeking (Aphorisms of Zosimus)
But before they can complete this all-important work, both must die and pass through the "nigredo" state, i.e. the death and dissolution of the body. Zosimus appropriately characterized this stage of the mystery with the image of the "priest" who is torn to pieces and mutilated before he can be resurrected and discover the "Stone of the Nile."
Other alchemists described the marriage of the "sun-compass" and the "moon-square" as the bringing together of superius/inferius and externis/interius, which exactly mirrors the language of the ancient Gospel of Thomas ("You shall enter the Kingdom when the upper is as the lower and the outside is as the inside.") Both "Male" and "Female" will then be resurrected as the "gold" of eternal life, forever joined as a divine zakar wanekebah, or "Rebis" ("Two-in-One"). The "Sun" and the "Moon" are further referred to as the "King" and "Queen," just as the Jews referred to God and his exiled Shekhinah in the Kabbalistic mystery.
The ultimate origin of the compass and square as divine emblems is presently lost in the mists of antiquity, but their universal employment as builders' tools caused them to appear nearly everywhere as theological symbols for denoting creative power. In Greek iconography, for example, the nature of the gods Pluto, Bacchus and Mars was represented by the triangle (a three-sided, enclosed compass), and that of the goddesses Rhea, Venus, Ceres, Vesta and Juno by the square. In Egypt, the "amulets" of Osiris included two plumb lines, suspended from two compasses, as well as two squares. In pre-Christian China, one also found the Demiurge, Fu Hsih, and his female counterpart, Nü Kua, displaying the compass and square as symbols of their male and female creative powers. Even earlier, the I Ching (ca. 720-474 B.C.) had described the heavens as round (just as the compass delineates the horizon), and the earth as square (with its "four corners").
But these symbols were also employed by the Israelite Creator, who declares in the Old Testament, "I will set a plumb line in the midst of my people, Israel" (Amos 7:8). . . "Judgment will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet" (Isa. 28:17). . ."And thou shalt make an altar...(that) shall be foursquare" (Ex. 27:1). . . "When he prepared the heavens, I was there; when he set a compass upon the face of the depth." (Prov. 8:27) . . . "He has described a circle upon the face of the waters" (Job 26:10)
These references show that the ubiquitous builder's tools were also traditionally associated with his divine power and work. There was a legend that the veil before God's Throne in the Heavenly Holy of Holies was covered with the archetypal forms from which Creation would proceed. These forms undoubtedly included the basic round and straight shapes of nature, which the compass and square were used to mark out. It is therefore no surprise to find that medieval cathedral builders frequently depicted Christ with the plumb line, compass and square in his hands, as, for example, in the Cathedral of Santa Croce in Florence, where Jesus stands above the main portal holding the worker's square as a sign of his divine creative power.