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Message 1 de 98 de ce thème |
- Mateo
12:2 Viéndolo los fariseos, le dijeron: He aquí tus discípulos hacen lo que no es lícito hacer en el día de reposo. 12:3 Pero él les dijo: ¿No habéis leído lo que hizo David, cuando él y los que con él estaban tuvieron hambre; 12:4 cómo entró en la casa de Dios, y comió los panes de la proposición, que no les era lícito comer ni a él ni a los que con él estaban, sino solamente a los sacerdotes? 12:5 ¿O no habéis leído en la ley, cómo en el día de reposo los sacerdotes en el templo profanan el día de reposo, y son sin culpa? 12:6 Pues os digo que uno mayor que el templo está aquí. 12:7 Y si supieseis qué significa: Misericordia quiero, y no sacrificio, no condenaríais a los inocentes; 12:8 porque el Hijo del Hombre es Señor del día de reposo. (HIJO DEL HOMBRE ES UNA REFERENCIA A LA PUERTA DEL HOMBRE/SILVER GATE/PUERTA DEL PLATA/ORION en el SOLSTICIO DE VERANO. LA REFERENCIA A SEÑOR DEL DIA DE REPOSO O SEÑOR DEL SABADO ES UNA REFERENCIA ESOTERICA A MARIA MAGDALENA, OSEA EL SHABBAT)
12:9 Pasando de allí, vino a la sinagoga de ellos. 12:10 Y he aquí había allí uno que tenía seca una mano; y preguntaron a Jesús, para poder acusarle: ¿Es lícito sanar en el día de reposo? 12:11 El les dijo: ¿Qué hombre habrá de vosotros, que tenga una oveja, y si ésta cayere en un hoyo en día de reposo, no le eche mano, y la levante? (La oveja es RAQUEL, en el contexto en que dicho nombre significa OVEJA. Este CODIGO tambien aparece en el CODIGO DA VINCI en el contexto a que se hace referencia que ROBERT LANGDON en su infancia cayo en un pozo/pozo de Jacob. HAY UN OBVIO NEXO ESOTERICO DE SHAVUOT CON LA LUNA LLENA)
Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
12:13 Entonces dijo a aquel hombre: Extiende tu mano. Y él la extendió, y le fue restaurada sana como la otra. (LA MANO TIENE UN NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON ESDRAS 7:9 (QUINTA LUNA LLENA) EN EL CONTEXTO A SHAVUOT)
12:14 Y salidos los fariseos, tuvieron consejo contra Jesús para destruirle. 12:15 Sabiendo esto Jesús, se apartó de allí; y le siguió mucha gente, y sanaba a todos, 12:16 y les encargaba rigurosamente que no le descubriesen; 12:17 para que se cumpliese lo dicho por el profeta Isaías, cuando dijo: 12:18 He aquí mi siervo, a quien he escogido; Mi Amado, en quien se agrada mi alma; Pondré mi Espíritu sobre él, Y a los gentiles anunciará juicio. (JUICIO=DAN en hebreo. EL juicio esta en clave con el linaje de ADAN.)
12:19 No contenderá, ni voceará, Ni nadie oirá en las calles su voz. 12:20 La caña cascada no quebrará, Y el pábilo que humea no apagará, Hasta que saque a victoria el juicio. (Aqui hay una referencia esoterica al RIO NILO que esta relacionado con el LAGO VICTORIA. ES OBVIO QUE LA REFERENCIA ES AL GRIAL. JUAN MARCOS PREDICO EN ETIOPIA/EGIPTO. OBVIAMENTE QUE NUESTRO SEÑOR SE EXPRESABA EN CLAVE DEBIDO AL FUNDAMENTALISMO "PATRIARCAL" REINANTE E INCLUSO TAMBIEN EN LA ACTUALIDAD. PATRIARCAL ENTRE COMILLAS PORQUE EN REALIDAD LA CABEZA DEL SISTEMA ES LA MUJER. EN ESTE MUNDO TODO ES MENTIRA.)
12:21 Y en su nombre esperarán los gentiles. 12:22 Entonces fue traído a él un endemoniado, ciego y mudo; y le sanó, de tal manera que el ciego y mudo veía y hablaba. (EL CONCEPTO DE ILUMINACION ESTA TOTALMENTE INTERRELACIONADO CON EL GRIAL. LIBERTAD ES IGUAL AL GRIAL) 12:23 Y toda la gente estaba atónita, y decía: ¿Será éste aquel Hijo de David? 12:24 Mas los fariseos, al oírlo, decían: Este no echa fuera los demonios sino por Beelzebú, príncipe de los demonios. (El arquetipo del hombre actual. DEMONIZA PORQUE LO UNICO QUE LE INTERESA ES EL PODER HACIENDOSE EL BUENITO. TODO ES HIPOCRESIA. LO UNICO QUE INTERESA ES EL $$$$$$$$) 12:25 Sabiendo Jesús los pensamientos de ellos, les dijo: Todo reino dividido contra sí mismo, es asolado, y toda ciudad o casa dividida contra sí misma, no permanecerá. 12:26 Y si Satanás echa fuera a Satanás, contra sí mismo está dividido; ¿cómo, pues, permanecerá su reino? 12:27 Y si yo echo fuera los demonios por Beelzebú, ¿por quién los echan vuestros hijos? Por tanto, ellos serán vuestros jueces. (Noten la relacion hijos con la justicia. ES OBVIO QUE CRISTO ESTA HACIENDO REFERENCIA AL GRIAL. DAN/DIANA / DINERO/ DINA / ADAN / LINAJE. En el mismo dinero esta en clave el GRIAL)
12:28 Pero si yo por el Espíritu de Dios echo fuera los demonios, ciertamente ha llegado a vosotros el reino de Dios. 12:29 Porque ¿cómo puede alguno entrar en la casa del hombre fuerte, y saquear sus bienes, si primero no le ata? Y entonces podrá saquear su casa. 12:30 El que no es conmigo, contra mí es; y el que conmigo no recoge, desparrama. 12:31 Por tanto os digo: Todo pecado y blasfemia será perdonado a los hombres; mas la blasfemia contra el Espíritu no les será perdonada. 12:32 A cualquiera que dijere alguna palabra contra el Hijo del Hombre, le será perdonado; pero al que hable contra el Espíritu Santo, no le será perdonado, ni en este siglo ni en el venidero. 12:33 O haced el árbol bueno, y su fruto bueno, o haced el árbol malo, y su fruto malo; porque por el fruto se conoce el árbol. (UNA REFERENCIA ESPIRITUAL EN CONTEXTO AL TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION en el contexto a los arboles y el fruto y obviamente con el TERCER DIA DE RESURRECCION en el contexto al GRIAL. EL ARBOL, SEMILLA/SEMEN/LINAJE DE SEM/PACTO DE NOE DE GENESIS 9:11 tiene fuerte connotacion el planeta MARTE/ROJO/SANGRE. En la semana actual el TERCER DIA tiene esa referencia. DOMINGO/SOL, LUNES/LUNA Y MARTES/MARTE. JUSTAMENTE FENICIA/PHOENIX/LIBANO/SIDONIA que incluso tambien tiene interrelacion con dicho planeta tiene referencia a la PRODUCCION DEL VINO. LOS FENICIOS ERAN LOS MAYORES PRODUCTORES DE VINO EN ESA EPOCA. ES IMPRESIONANTE, INSISTO, LA PROFUNDIDAD ESPIRITUAL DE CADA VERSICULO. ESTO ES IMPOSIBLE QUE HAYA SIDO ESCRITO POR EL SER HUMANO)
12:34 ¡Generación de víboras! ¿Cómo podéis hablar lo bueno, siendo malos? Porque de la abundancia del corazón habla la boca. (El arquetipo del POLITICO ACTUAL. SE DISFRAZAN DE SOCIALISTAS, pero se llenan los bolsillos. SE DISFRAZAN DE "DEFENSORES DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS" PERO IDOLATRAN Y PREDICAN A SISTEMAS Y LIDERES QUE ASESINARON A MUCHA GENTE. HABLAN DE JUSTICIA pero solo juzgan a los que ellos demonizan, osea no con un verdadero JUICIO. TODO ES MENTIRA, INSISTO. EN ESTE MUNDO PREVALECE EL DINERO. La vibora/serpiente es una referencia esoterica al signo peso. CRISTO JAMAS DEMONIZO LA PROSPERIDAD ECONOMICA. LO que nuestro Señor demonizo es EL BUSCAR DINERO PERO NO AL CREADOR.) 12:35 El hombre bueno, del buen tesoro del corazón saca buenas cosas; y el hombre malo, del mal tesoro saca malas cosas. 12:36 Mas yo os digo que de toda palabra ociosa que hablen los hombres, de ella darán cuenta en el día del juicio. (Aqui nuestro Señor esta haciendo referencia al YOM KIPUR. EL 911 fue en dicho dia. AQUI ESTARIA LA CLAVE SHAVUOT/DIA DEL JUICIO.)
12:37 Porque por tus palabras serás justificado, y por tus palabras serás condenado. 12:38 Entonces respondieron algunos de los escribas y de los fariseos, diciendo: Maestro, deseamos ver de ti señal.
12:41 Los hombres de Nínive se levantarán en el juicio con esta generación, y la condenarán; porque ellos se arrepintieron a la predicación de Jonás, y he aquí más que Jonás en este lugar. (Jonas, fish, tiene referencia al QUINTO DIA DE LA CREACION=JUPITER=JUEVES=SANTA CENA. JUPITER tambien esta creado en funcion al paralelo 19.47)
12:42 La reina del Sur se levantaráen el juicio con esta generación, y la condenará; porque ella vino de los fines de la tierra para oír la sabiduría de Salomón, y he aquí más que Salomón en este lugar. (Observen el nexo SABIDURIA/SOPHIA/SALOMON en el CONTEXTO A LA REINA DE SABA. SALMOS 45:9. HAY UN OBVIO NEXO CON EL NUMERO DE ORO PHI, OSEA EL GRIAL. Es impresionante la PROFUNDIDAD QUE TIENE CADA VERSICULO. ESTO ES IMPOSIBLE QUE LO HAYA ESCRITO EL SER HUMANO SIN AYUDA DEL CREADOR. LA REFERENCIA a SAL-O-MON O SOL Y LUNA es una referencia al CUARTO DIA DE LA CREACION, en el contexto a la CREACION DE LAS DOS LUMBRERAS. MIERCOLES/MERCURIO ES UNA REFERENCIA A LA PUERTA DE ORION EL 20 DE JUNIO. NUESTRO SEÑOR ESTA HACIENDO referencia a MARIA LA MAGDALENA.)
12:43 Cuando el espíritu inmundo sale del hombre, anda por lugares secos, buscando reposo, y no lo halla. 12:44 Entonces dice: Volveré a mi casa de donde salí; y cuando llega, la halla desocupada, barrida y adornada. 12:45 Entonces va, y toma consigo otros siete espíritus peores que él, y entrados, moran allí; y el postrer estado de aquel hombre viene a ser peor que el primero. Así también acontecerá a esta mala generación. 12:46 Mientras él aún hablaba a la gente, he aquí su madre y sus hermanos estaban afuera, y le querían hablar. 12:47 Y le dijo uno: He aquí tu madre y tus hermanos están afuera, y te quieren hablar. 12:48 Respondiendo él al que le decía esto, dijo: ¿Quién es mi madre, y quiénes son mis hermanos? 12:49 Y extendiendo su mano hacia sus discípulos, dijo: He aquí mi madre y mis hermanos. 12:50 Porque todo aquel que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que los cielos, ése es mi hermano, y hermana, y madre. (Observen el nexo MADRE con los HERMANOS. HAY UN OBVIO NEXO ESOTERICO CON EL SALMO 119)
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Message 9 de 98 de ce thème |
Arizona Orion Correlation (left) and constellation reversed 180 degrees (right).
The belt stars correspond to Third, Second, and First Mesas. The distance between Betatakin and Canyon de Chelly is stretched about 12 miles in relation to the constellation; the distance between Walnut Canyon and Homolovi is stretched about 10 miles--not bad, considering it's over 110 miles between Betatakin in the north and Homolovi in the south.
Solstice relationships between villages. Read more about the Arizona Orion Correlation in my book The Orion Zone.
Aries, Taurus, Orion, and Canis Major correlations in the American Southwest.
Arizona-New Mexico-California map with Star Hexagon. Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.
The red dot at the center of the Flower of Life is called the Tuuwanasavi, literally "sand-middle." It is is conceptualized as the Center-place, the spiritual heart of the Hopi cosmos. This sandy plain is actually located about 4 miles south-southwest of the village of Oraibi on Third Mesa. In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, a similar spot corresponds to the Primordial Mound rising from the Ocean of Creation, where the temple at Heliopolis was later constructed. This axis mundi housed the conically shaped, meteoric benben stone, upon which the Bennu bird (phoenix) perched. The inner rectangle (above) is comprised of four loci: (1) Betatakin / Keet Seel (Navajo National Monument), (2) Canyon de Chelly National Monument (which jointly form the base of the Orion projection on the Arizona desert and run along the northeastern escarpment of Black Mesa), (3) Sunset Crater National Monument (a volcano that erupted in 1064 AD), and (4) a point about 18 miles south of Homolovi Ruins State Park, which is located on the right arm of the terrestrial Orion as it reaches southward toward the ancient Hohokam territory in the Phoenix Basin. It's too bad that the Flower of Life doesn't pass through Las Vegas, as it would likely improve the luck of those taking advantage of Vegas vacation packages!
Overlaid on the hexagon / cube and the Flower of Life is Solomon's Seal (Star of David), composed of two interlocking equilateral triangles.
Winter solstice sunrise lines (parallel) extend from the Arizona Orion Correlation to both Roswell and Trinity Site in New Mexico. A summer solstice sunrise line extends from First Mesa, Arizona, through Canyon de Chelly and terminates at the Dulce site. Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.
Canis Major (Great Dog) superimposed on a Google Earth shot of New Mexico. Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, corresponds to Chaco Canyon, the largest Ancestral Puebloan ruin site in the American Southwest. Gary David's books contend that the Chichimecs (literally "Sons of the Dog") lived in Chaco Canyon and perhaps constructed the pueblos there, before they migrated southward in the 13th century AD to become the Aztecs in the Valley of Mexico. Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven. It's a great read the next time you're at all inclusive resorts in Jamaica!
About 45 miles south of Ajo, Arizona, on the U.S.-Mexico border is Vertex 17 of the Becker-Hagens "Earthstar" Planetary Grid System. This grid point is one of 62 major vertices of the mercator-based hexakis icosahedron projected on the Earth globe. With 120 faces, 180 edges, and 62 vertices, the hexakis icosahedron can be conceptualized as a giant earth-crystal. Coordinates for Cerro Cubabi: 31.72° N, 112°.80W. Two great circles enclose the Arizona Orion Correlation: an orange “Yang” great circle and a lime-green “Balance” great circle. This respectively represents Orion's characteristic male, or yang, energy and the Hopi ceremonial cycle that functions to keep the Earth in balance.
Articles by Prof. Bethe Hagens. |
This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Throat chakra located at Grand Falls, arcs through the San Francisco Peaks (home of the kachinas, or katsinam), sweeps by the Hopi villages of Oraibi, Shungopovi, and Walpi (the Belt), intersects Orion's right hand, circles into the Hyades horns, and passes through Gamma Tauri.
This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Sipapuni (Hopi "Place of Emergence"), arcs through Oraibi (oldest continuously inhabited community on the continent, settled c. A.D. 1100), swings through the Third Eye chakra of Orion at Walnut Canyon, then continues its sweep through the middle of the horns of Taurus.
For more on the Golden Mean Spiral, read "Spiral Gate: The Arc of the Covenant"
The Arizona Orion Correlation's upper part is oriented southwest. The left arm extends from Bellatrix/Wupatki Ruin toward Grand Canyon. It passes Hopi Point on the South Rim, and terminates within the canyon near a butte named Osiris Temple. It celestially corresponds to Pi 3 Orionis. The Sipapuni (Sípàapuni), or Hopi "Place of Emergence," is a travertine (limestone) dome located on the north bank of the Little Colorado River. Specifically, it corresponds to Pi 5 Orionis. However, the possible exoplanet status of Pi 3 Orionis and the wormhole nature of the Sipapuni jointly represent the general function of Grand Canyon in Hopi cosmology. The Hopi perhaps see the Sipapuni as the most sacred spot on Earth.
Looking towrd the southeast, we see the location of the ancestral Hopi ruin site of Wupatki National Monument (corresponding to Bellatrix, left shoulder of the Ari-zona Orion Correlation). The San Francisco Peaks, home of the Hopi kachinas from July until December, are a few miles to the south. The Hopi Mesas are over 50 miles northeast of Wupatki. The Sipapuni is located on the Little Colorado River 3.5 miles upstream from its confluence with the Colorado River. Osiris Temple (corresponding to Pi 3 Orionis) is downstream on the north bank of the Colorado River. The ancient Egyptians associated Osiris with Orion. Today some people believe that a "Lost City of the Dead," was once located in Grand Canyon. It was reputedly found in 1909 by G.E. Kincaid on an expedition for the Smithsonian Institution. He described it as being filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts, mummies, and hieroglyphics as well as some Asian artifacts. Other people believe the complex is still there, waiting to be rediscovered.
1. Base Chakra = Mesa Verde, the Sun (Orion) Temple in southwestern Colorado. 2. Sacral Chakra = Burnt Corn Ruins near the village of Pinon, Arizona (corresponding to the Orion Nebula). 3. Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra = Second Mesa and the Hopi village of Shongopovi. 4. The Heart Chakra = Kachina Points, a mesa southwest of Oraibi (also called Monument Point). 5. Throat Chakra = Grand Falls on the Little Colorado River. 6. Third Eye (Pineal) Chakra = Walnut Canyon Ruins in the foothills of the San Francisco Peaks. 7. Crown Chakra = Tuzigoot Ruins and the red rock country of Sedona in Verde Valley.
Orion Correlation and adjacent constellations projected upon the American Southwest.
Crown: Alexandria (Pharos Lighthouse) 29° 53’ E Third Eye: Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt 31° 09’ E Throat: Napta Playa, southern Egypt 30° 42’ E Heart: Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda 29° 57’ E Solar Plexus: Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe 30° 56’ E Sacral: Mapungubwe, South Africa 29° 22’ E Root: Boomplaas, South Africa 30° 24’ E
Prime Meridian: about 30° east longitude. Distance between Giza and Boomplaas: over 3,800 miles!
For a description of Napta Playa, the world’s oldest astronomical observatory, see Thomas G. Brophy, The Origin Map.
The Zulu sangoma (shaman) Credo Mutwa states that creatures from a certain star in Orion built an ancient subterranean city of copper in the Rwenzori Mts. ("Mountains of the Moon"), located on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Great Zimbabwe in southern Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) is 320 miles south of the Zambezi River, 1270 – 1550 AD, population c. 18,000. At this eponymous site the roofless oval structure of the "Great Enclosure" is 800 ft long. Its mortar-less granite walls are 30 ft. high and 20 ft. thick at the base. Small monoliths on top of the eastern arc of the Great Enclosure align with three stars in the constellation Orion: Bellatrix, Alnilam, and Saiph shortly before sunrise on winter solstice.
Mapungubwe on the Limpopo River in northern South Africa, 900 – 1300 AD, population c. 5,000.
For a description of Boomplaas (“Tree Farm”) Petroglyph Site in Mpumalanga Provence of South Africa, see Appendix 1 by Rob Milne in my book Eye of the Phoenix.
Read a chapter about South Africa in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.
This possible Orion Correlation is located in the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas. Tortuguero corresponds to Alnitak. (The Great Pyramid at Giza and Hopi First Mesa in Arizona also mirror this belt star.) Chilapa corresponds to Alnilam (the middle belt star), and Tepetitán corresponds to Mintaka. Comalcalco corresponds to Betelgeuse, but perhaps only symbolically so. This Maya city that burgeoned between 700 and 900 AD is unique because its pyramids are constructed of kiln-fired bricks. Moreover, many of the mud bricks had been inscribed with Mayan glyphs, but over 500 of them contain various foreign scripts, such as Phoenician, Egyptian, Libyan, Tifinagh, Chinese, Burmese, and even Ogam.
Jmetic Lubton, which corresponds to Saiph, was a ceremonial city with a carved sculpture of what in Tzotzil means “Our Mother Tired Rock.” The famous Maya site of Palenque corresponds to Rigel. However, even if that apex of the constellation is moved north to coincide with the actual site, we still have Tila/Orion Nebula at the center of the three Mayan hearthstones.
According to National Geographic photographer Stephen Alvarez, the Maya hold a ceremony at Tila dedicated to a black earth god, perhaps Ek Chuuah or God M/L. “Every June [solstice?] thousands and thousands of people crowd into the Chiapas town of Tila to see the Black Christ which hangs in the Catholic church in town. The town more than triples in size during the pilgrimage. Maya scholars have told me that the Black Christ is an embodiment of a Maya earth lord and that the blending of Catholic and Maya traditions is a prime example of syncretic religion.”
The stele known as Monument 6 at Tortuguero, Mexico, contains the only known reference carved in stone of the end of the 13th Baktun--that is, December 21, 2012 ! Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.
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Message 10 de 98 de ce thème |
Days of Creation
This report explores the astrological significance of the six days of creation in Genesis 1:2-2.4a. First, some terms need to be defined.
In astrological time, the Age of Gemini began around 6380 BCE. (See Dating Creation) An astrological Great Year takes 25, 920 earth years. An Age, the astrological equivalent to a month takes 25,920/12 or 2160 earth years. A House, the astrological equivalent to a day, takes 2160/12 or 180 earth years.
The definition of a day of creation contains some double meanings. If 180 years was 180 days, it would be half a year, six zodiac houses, or the amount of time when the sun is above the equator. Similarly, in a real day the sun is above the horizon for about half the time. So in biblespeak six days symbolize the six zodiacal houses when the sun is above the equator. On the seventh day when God is said to rest, the sun went below the equator. A creation day cannot be defined scientifically because it is not based on reality.
By definition, the zero hour on the astrological clock begins on the day of the spring equinox when the sun crosses above the equator. So the Age of Gemini began when the sun entered the House of Gemini during the spring equinox. When it was believed that the sun rotated around earth, the sun seemed to spiral around earth at about a 23 degree angle from the equator. In the Figure 1 below, the sun drifts closer to Taurus with each yearly spiral. The two red lines define the path of the sun at the beginning and end of the Age of Gemini.
In very ancient times, the astrological element air was assigned to Gemini. As explained in Elements of Creation, God's Spirit is biblespeak for air. In Figure 1, below Gemini, the constellation Orion is also synonymous with Spirit. In Jesus' Ghost, Jesus calls his Spirit the Son of Man. This stems from the ancient belief that breathing bodies are brought to life by spirits.
So when Genesis 1:2 says the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters, it speaks of a time before the sun entered the Age of Gemini when there was nothing but a formless mass of water and a sea monster called Deep. Note: God's Spirit is said to have existed before God.
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. (Gen 1:1-2)
In the Age of Aries, the spring equinox occurs in Aries and the summer solstice occurs in Gemini. When Jesus talks about the Son of Man sitting on his glorious throne, he is pointing to Orion when the sun is in Gemini. Gemini looks something like a crown, Orion is a man, and below Orion is Lepus which looks somewhat like a throne.
28"Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Matt. 19:28)

Figure 1. The sun was in the Age of Gemini approximately from 6380 BCE to 4220 BCE.

Figure 2. In the Age of Gemini, the spring equinox begins when the sun enters Gemini.
The pie chart above gives us a visual picture of how the six days of creation correspond to six houses of the zodiac between the two equinoxes.
First day-Gemini
On the first day when the sun rises above the equinox, He created light and separated it from darkness. And he saw that the light was good.
3And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. 4And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Gen.1:3-5)
God's Spirit does the creating. The light symbolizes his self created body and darkness was equated with evil. The analogy comes from the observation that a breathing body creates its own heat. The wind was believed to come from good or evil spirits, depending on how much light there was. Similarly, a person's breath was believed to be his spirit.
Second Day-Cancer
On the second day He created a firmament (metal shell) to separate the lower waters from the upper waters.
6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. (Gen.1:6-8)
To ancient minds earth looked like it was floating on water. The blue sky looks like water too. To account for the air space, they invented the idea of a metal shell.
Third Day-Leo
On the third day dry land appeared from the lower waters.
9And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so. 10God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. (Gen. 1:9-10)
Throughout the Bible, water symbolized birth and renewal. They imagined earth floating on water.
Earth gave forth vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees bearing fruit, each according to its kind.
11And God said, Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth. And it was so. 12The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (Gen. 1:11-13)
There is a faint trace from Mesopotamian religions that believed earth was the mother companion to the sun god. God claims that plants and trees came before their respective seeds and fruit.
Forth Day-Virgo
On the fourth day, He put the stars and planets in the sky to give us the signs and seasons for the days and years. The sun would rule the day and the moon would rule the night.
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, 15and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth. And it was so. 16And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, 18to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. (Gen.1:14-19)
Terms like "signs" and "rule" come from an astrologer's lexicon when it was believed that heavenly bodies either ruled or gave signs to what the gods were thinking.
Fifth Day-Libra
On the fifth day, the waters brought forth swarms of living creatures. -Again, water was seen as a source of birth.
20And God said, Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens. 21So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. (Gen.1:20-21)
22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth. 23And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. (Gen.1:22-23)
Sixth Day-Scorpio
On the sixth day, earth gave birth to living creatures according to their kind like a mother gives birth to her children.
24And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so. 25And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. (Gen.1:24-25)
Just as children bear resemblance to their parents, God created man in our image.
26Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen.1:26-27)
28And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. (Gen.1:28)
29And God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so. 31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. (Gen.1:29-31)
Seventh Day
When God rested, the sun disappeared below the horizon.
1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 3So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation. 4These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. (Gen.2:1-4a)
Related articles
Seven Days of Creation for a detailed examination of other points.
Creation Myths
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Message 11 de 98 de ce thème |
The main point of this book is that we can no longer deny that a very advanced civilization existed at least 12,500 years ago, and possibly much farther into the mists of remote antiquity than that as well. The unequivocal proof for this case is now emerging in so many different directions simultaneously that to give even a brief overview of all the major pieces of sheer physical / archeological evidence would fill at least another entire book all by itself. For those who are interested in pursuing this knowledge and research further, the following contemporary books are a brief sampling of some of those that have demonstrated themselves as being quite academic, reputable and enlightening:
The Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited by Edgar Evans Cayce
Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
When the Sky Fell by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath
The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert
Message of the Sphinx by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval
From Atlantis to the Sphinx by Colin Wilson
The most common argument that one will encounter when reading the above books and others like them has been commonly dubbed as the "smoking gun" of the case for Atlantis. We are hereby referring to the observable fact that the Great Sphinx of Egypt, situated directly next to the three main pyramids on the Gizeh plateau, shows unmistakable signs of having been weathered by water. And since we all know that Egypt is now a desert, the Sphinx simply must have been built at a time when a lush, green jungle climate with abundant rainfall was in existence.
And even the most outrageously conservative geological estimates for these conditions existing in Egypt date back to at least 7,000 BC, and most would agree that 9,000 BC is a far more realistic figure - and that is simply the most recent time that there was any rainfall at all. You must then also factor in exactly how long it would take for such advanced water weathering to occur - certainly not a few hundred years but potentially many thousands.
This intriguing fact was originally pointed out by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, a brilliant scholar and thorough researcher who completely redefined humanity’s understandings of ancient Egypt and Atlantis through the mid-1900’s. A majority of his work focuses on the importance of understanding how the Ancients used symbolism to convey ideas and philosophies, through such things as hieroglyphics and architectural creations. And even though his work is not widely known, its effects continue to trickle down into modern society.
Contemporary author John Anthony West re-discovered this information, which was rather casually mentioned in de Lubicz’s book The Temple of Man, and realized that it was clearly something that was testable and provable that had been almost miraculously overlooked in the past. And after many, many failed attempts to gain the support of myriad geologists, West was able to find cooperation with Robert Schoch, a young but well-respected expert in the field, having already written four published books on archeology by his late 20’s.
Schoch was reluctant to investigate the matter until he was certain that he had secured tenure at his academic organization, but by the beginning of the 1990’s he was ready to proceed. West and Schoch then finally traveled to Egypt and realized that the case was even more powerful than had been previously thought- there were overwhelmingly redundant signs of water weathering everywhere they looked, both on the Sphinx and nearby temples made of huge stone blocks as well. Indeed, every "null hypothesis" or skeptical denouncement of the water weathering argument has been artfully dodged by West and Schoch as it has arisen. One simply cannot argue with nature. The Sphinx was carved out of limestone, which is a conglomerate of sandy particles that have fused together into a solid. Wind erosion produces stratified, horizontally ribbed surfaces in limestone that look like the pages on the side of an old book, as certain layers of the conglomerate rock will be thinner and weaker and certain layers thicker and stronger. The thicker areas of limestone will resist the power of the wind more strongly and thus erode less, whereas the thinner layers will disappear more quickly, thus producing an uneven surface.
On the other hand, water erosion produces smooth, sensuous curves that cut directly down into the rock regardless of its thickness, forming rounded corners, snakelike rivulets and crevices. The signs of this erosion are so obvious that when West disguised the Sphinx out of the pictures with tape, all geologists who he showed the images to could agree that it was a picture of a rock outcrop with water erosion. However, once West removed the tape and showed them where the picture was from, they immediately grew agitated and did not want to discuss it any further, for simple fear of losing their reputation. Schoch was the first geologist to face the facts and stake his own reputation on the obvious.
And so, even if one was to throw away the multitudes of other solid evidence that exists in support of an advanced ancient civilization, we can still come back to the Sphinx. Once we know what we are looking for, we will realize that this is only one of the more obvious means of proving that the historical "Atlantean" culture had a precedent in fact - and we will gather more and more of these clues as the book progresses.
The next major argument from recent history that is invariably discussed with the "Atlantis question" comes from Robert Bauval. The three main Pyramids of Egypt at Giza are arranged in close proximity to each other, and Bauval was curious about the apparent lack of symmetry or geometry in their layout. He knew that there had to be some reason for why they were aligned in the way that is now seen, but try as he might to draw different diagrams or connect them together with straight lines, nothing seemed to fit. Inspiration finally struck as he looked up at the constellation of Orion, which has three main stars that form the middle section, referred to as the "belt."
He realized that the Pyramids of Giza were configured in precisely the same manner as the "belt" of Orion, and he quickly proved his point by overlaying the site maps of the Pyramids and the star maps of Orion’s belt on top of each other. Not only was each Pyramid in the proper position, but even the relative sizes and colors of the Pyramids were directly proportional to the magnitudes and colors of the stars in Orion’s belt. (The Cheops and Khefren pyramids were both originally covered in white limestone and are approximately the same size, like the two main stars in the belt, whereas the Menkaure pyramid is significantly smaller and was originally encased in red granite, like the dimmer and redder third star.)
As Bauval continued to investigate the matter, he realized that the architects of Giza had created a perfect duplication of the starry heavens on Earth - an idea that fit in perfectly with their concept of the connection between the physical world and the Duat, or spiritual world. All of the land, including the nearby Nile River, seemed to have been harmoniously factored into the design. In other words, the position of the Nile River relative to the Pyramids was identical to the position of the Milky Way relative to Orion’s belt in the starry night sky. Further Pyramids near Giza seemed to suggest that several other significant stars of Orion and the nearby Hyades constellation were immortalized in stone on the Earth as well.
 Robert Bauval’s Comparison of Orion/Milky Way with Giza/Nile
By far, though, the most important aspect of Bauval’s entire argument was that the Giza complex was obviously built to be time-encoded, utilizing a natural, slow movement of the Earth known as precession. Later in the book we will be discussing the phenomenon of Earth’s precession quite extensively, which ultimately is nothing more than a long-term wobble in the Earth’s north-south axis that takes 25,920 years to complete.
The precession is observable here on Earth as an apparent shift of the positions of the stars in the sky by one degree every seventy-two years. What this means is that if you were to choose a set night each year such as the Equinox, when the Sun is perfectly aligned with the Earth’s equator, and measure the positions of all the stars in the sky for that night, after 72 years they will have drifted one degree out of alignment. Over a much longer period of time this creates an apparent circular motion in the heavens, which will gradually change the location of the North Star as well as all other constellations.
And so, by using a program known as Skyglobe, Bauval realized that the only "recent" time that the Milky Way would be perfectly aligned with the Nile River was roughly 12,500 years ago. At that time, and only at that time, (unless you were willing to go back to over 30,000 years ago,) one could stand on Earth and observe the Pyramids and Nile River at a distance, and watch the Nile connect directly into the Milky Way and the stars of Orion’s belt perfectly reflect the positions of the terrestrial pyramids. It was clear that Bauval had found a time capsule, an encoded matrix of information designed to show the exact time that the entire complex was first designed and planned.
Another recent breakthrough in the argument for a lost civilization with high technology comes from Christopher Dunn, whose main expertise is in drilling. He has definitively proven that certain artifacts, including the empty coffin or "Granite Coffer" that is featured in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, show signs of super-advanced drilling techniques that surpass anything now in our possession.
Dunn analyzed the Granite Coffer and found unmistakable evidence that indicated that it had been hollowed out with some form of tube-shaped drill that would core out a piece at a time. Even more amazingly, the spiraling patterns that were left behind in the granite showed that this drill was capable of boring through 1/10th of an inch of rock per second. However, granite is such a hard stone that even our most modern diamond-tipped drilling systems can do no better than 1/100th of an inch per second.
Another area of Dunn’s investigation which was also noted by Graham Hancock was the presence of carved vases and statues of diorite, which is dark-colored and considered to be one of the hardest forms of stone on earth. These vases have very long and thin necks, and are carved out from one single piece of diorite. The openings on some vases are not even large enough for a child’s finger to fit inside, and yet their inner contents were hollowed out perfectly. So now we must not only visualize a drill that puts our current designs to shame, but a drill that must have flexibility as well, in order to produce a tiny hole and then move around inside.
Dunn’s conclusion is that the Ancients must have been in possession of a drilling technique that far outstrips anything that we now possess. He goes on further to suggest that these ancient drills might have utilized ultrasonic sound somehow, thus working in a similar fashion to how the repetitive vibration of a jackhammer carves up concrete streets and sidewalks. But even then, he is at a loss to explain how they could have carved the diorite vases.
Another relatively new and interesting development in the proof for a lost technological society was recently pointed out by frontier scientist Richard Hoagland’s research team The Enterprise Mission. Among other things in this article, Hoagland et al. discuss the recent findings of German scientists Dr. Algund Eeboom and Mr. Peter Belting. Their discoveries concern several small gold trinkets that were recovered from tombs of the Incas that date back thousands of years. These trinkets clearly depict structures that appear to be workable flying airplanes. 
In order to prove that these tiny models represented real airplanes, Eeboom and Belting collaborated together to design perfect schematic diagrams of the objects. They then expanded the proportions of these blueprints large enough to build workable scale models.
And to their amazement, they found that by simply putting a propeller at the front and stabilizers on the wings, the planes not only flew but were capable of performing complex aeronautical maneuvers via remote control. See the above link for more details and photographs of their prototype in action.
Hoagland et al. also point out the far more well-known fact that working bird-shaped gliders have been found within tombs in Egypt. Since these gliders also possess remarkable similarity to working airplanes and are capable of long flights when thrown, we must assume that the ancient Egyptians were also well aware of this technology. With the evidence now seen from the Incan tombs above, we may suppose that the bird gliders were simply children’s toy models of systems that were in much more common use at one time.
And so, if we are seeing workable airplane models being built as small gold statuettes and wooden models in two different ancient cultures separated by the Atlantic, we certainly must assume that a large-scale technological society with full-sized, working aircraft was in existence at one time as well. And after a hypothesized 12,500 years of time passing, we should expect that any such structures made of wood or metal would have long since deteriorated.
The Atlantean lore states that almost the entire concentration of that society was on an island in the Atlantic that subsided under ocean waters. And if the modern toys of our society were suddenly subjected to a vast cataclysm and promptly left unattended for 12,500 years, the savage action of tidal waves, land subsidence, rust, tornadoes, hurricanes, rising sea levels, glaciers, natural disasters and all other forms of growth and decay would most likely completely wipe out all remnants of things such as wooden houses, hollow buildings and skyscrapers of glass, and metallic automobiles, trains or airplanes.
So therefore, despite their toy-like appearance, these tiny statuettes could well have been considered very sacred objects - some of the sole remaining fragments of a culture destroyed in the seas of Time. These precious models were held onto and possibly copied over and reduplicated for thousands of years by the survived "Atlantean" cultures of the Incas and Egyptians before being buried in their tombs. These were the direct symbols of a lost "time of the Gods" when humankind had conquered the skies and could fly around at will, with the gifts of advanced technology.
Contrary to what many might believe, even those who have been studying the subject for a long time, there do appear to be certain sources of literature that have survived from the time of Atlantis. The most informative material to provide an explanation for the airplane models that we discussed above comes from the Vedic scriptures of India. According to David Hatcher Childress in the book Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis,
The India of 15,000 years ago is sometimes known as the Rama Empire, a land that was contemporary with Atlantis. A huge wealth of texts still extant in India testify to the extremely advanced civilization that is said by these texts to go back over 26,000 years. Terrible wars and subsequent earth changes destroyed these civilizations, leaving only isolated pockets of civilization.
The devastating wars of the (Hindu scripture known as the) Ramayana and particularly of the Mahabrata are said to have been the culmination of the terrible wars of the last Kali Yuga, (or cosmic cycle of time.) The dating process is difficult, in that there is no exact way to date the yugas because there are cycles within cycles and yugas within yugas. A greater yuga cycle is said to last 6000 years while a smaller yuga cycle is only 360 years in the theory expounded by Dr. Kunwarlal Jain Vyas. His papers said that Rama belongs to the twenty-fourth small yuga cycle and that there is an interval of 71 cycles between Manu and Mahabrata period, which comes out to be 26,000 years.
Clearly, if the smaller Hindu cycle of time is 360 years and their scriptures have diligently counted at least 71 of them, we are dealing with a civilization that is far older than we are currently willing to acknowledge. More importantly, within the voluminous Vedic scriptures are repeated references to vimanas, or flying craft, as well as the usage of what appear to be devastating nuclear weapons. Indeed, some of the Vedic descriptions of the vimana so perfectly match our modern concept of an airplane that scholars invariably use this word when translating them into English.
To elaborate a bit further on this point, we will cite a quotation from Dr. Richard L. Thompson’s book Alien Identities. Thompson is a Cornell graduate whose Ph.D. is in mathematics, and who also has a deep interest in Vedic studies and UFOlogy.
His book actually stands fast as one of the few genuine breakthrough texts in UFOlogy today, where an author made significant new discoveries instead of simply rehashing second-hand accounts of events such as the purported crash at Roswell. And so, from Chapter 7, pgs. 260-261, we read the following, with underlines and comments that we inserted:
[The ancient author] Bhoja’s [text, called] Samarangana-sutradhara, states that the main material of a flying machine [or vimana’s] body is light wood, or laghu-daru. The craft has the shape of a large bird with a wing on each side. The motive force is provided by a fire-chamber with mercury placed over a flame. The power generated by the heated mercury, helped by the flapping of the wings by a rider inside, causes the machine to fly through the air. Since the craft was equipped with an engine, we can speculate that the flapping of the wings was intended to control the direction of flight rather than provide the motive power...
[Note: The idea of the "flapping of the wings" could simply be an error in translation by successive Vedic authors, initially referring to the pilot’s utilization of the ailerons and stabilizers to steer the plane as it flew.]
I would suggest that the vimanas described by Bhoja are much more similar to conventional airplanes than to UFOs. Thus they are made of ordinary materials like wood, they have wings, and they fly like birds…
However these vimanas were actually powered, it seems likely that they relied on some conventional mechanical method that extracted energy from burning fuel and used it to produce a flow of air over wings. We can contrast this with the flight characteristics of UFOs which don’t have wings, jets or propellers, and seem to fly in a manner that contradicts known physical principles.
The Vedic description of a possible nuclear blast, culled directly from page 677 of the transcription of the ancient Drona Parva text itself, is enough to give us chills even now. Despite its horrific contents, we have inserted it here to remind ourselves of what we have done to each other in our own past:
The valiant Adwatthaman, then staying resolutely on his (vimana) touched water and invoked the Agneya weapon, incapable of being resisted by the very Gods. Aiming at all his visible and invisible foes, the preceptor’s son, that Slayer of hostile heroes, inspired with mantras a blazing shaft of the effulgence of a smokeless fire and let it off on all sides, filled with rage. Dense showers of arrows then issued from it in the welkin. Endued with fiery flames those arrows encompassed Parthie on all sides. Meteors flashed down from the firmament. A thick gloom suddenly shrouded the (Pandava) host. All points of the compass also were enveloped by that darkness… Inauspicious winds began to blow. The Sun himself no longer gave any heat…
The very elements seemed to be perturbed… The Universe scorched with heats seemed to be in a fever. The elephants and other creatures of the land scorched by the energy of that weapon, ran in fright, breathing heavily and desirous of protection against that terrible force. The very water being heated, the creatures residing in that element, O Bharata, became exceedingly uneasy and seemed to burn…
Huge elephants burnt by that weapon, fell down on the Earth all around, uttering fierce cries loud as those of the clouds. Other huge elephants, scorched by that fire, ran hither and thither, roared aloud in fear, as if in the midst of a forest conflagration. The steeds, O King, and the cars also burnt by that weapon looked, O Sire, like the tops of trees burnt in a forest fire.
Indeed, if this is not a terrifying description of the usage of a nuclear device in anger, then how do we explain all the connections that are so easily seen? Is it for this reason that Robert Oppenheimer, one of the fathers of the nuclear bomb, was quoted as saying upon the first test of a modern prototype,
"This is not the first time that mankind has exploded a nuclear device?"
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Message 12 de 98 de ce thème |
Sacred Space
Frater Centaurus
3°=8o A^A^
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A place consecrated to holy purpose removes us from the mundane experiences of day-to-day living. This is especially symbolized in our art by the Magickal Circle. But sacred space is as much the establishment of certain times of the day, such as with the performance of Liber Resh or the Sunrise and Sunset banishing rituals; even the Mass of the Phoenix. Sacred Space is also that which is physically set aside, such as a room in one’s home or an altar, placed in the yard, about the property outside one’s house.
Moving to a larger perspective, in the layout of a community, sacred space has traditionally been set aside with the construction of temples, churches, synagogues, mosques and other sanctuaries. Even, it has been suggested that the European Cathedrals of Notre Dame have been constructed in power spots, along ‘Lei Lines’ where it is presumed that certain natural energy sources are coalesced by the Earth herself. And certainly in a time when all of Europe was help under the aegis of the Vatican, despite the various nationalities, Europe was really one culture held together by this sacred power grid. Seen in this light, Europe itself was sacred space.
For the ancient Egyptian and Mayan cultures, the establishment of sacred space involved the connecting of the Earth with the heavens. Think of it as a pun, sacred space. To the ancients, puns were a sacred key to their mysteries. Here, we find a three-fold nature to this pun:
Take the initials of the phrase and re-write as ‘Silver Star.’
The Magick Circle as Saeculum Saeculorum.
Outer Space
The last two are more connected as they are each a reflection of the other, Microcosm and Macrocosm, respectively; sacred (the Latin translates as ‘holy of holies’) space (our reference to the heavens).
For this reason we find that all the great ancient civilizations, having this basic knowledge, centered their activities around a structure which embodied this knowledge, in as perfect a degree as they were capable of assessing. There was always a structure—a building, a temple, a pyramid, a complex sculpture or some such object—that captured this knowledge and served as a point of focus for the collective energies and a point of reception of the cosmic dynamic which needed to be synthetically absorbed into the Earth’s atmosphere—a ‘model of the universe,’ as they are sometimes called. These were microcosmic replicas of the beyond in relation to the Earth; above all, they held the key to the civilization’s being in Time[1].
More than a particular structure with its corresponding features, e.g. a pyramid with is shafts connecting the so-called King and Queen’s chambers to certain stars at certain times by pointing directly to them; a complex of such structures mirroring an entire constellation—particularly, the constellation of Orion on the lands of Egypt. For the ancient Egyptians, the construction was so accurate that the size of the various pyramids corresponded in relation with the intensity of the brightness of the individual stars in Orion. And more, the pyramids in this structural layout, corresponded in relation to the Nile as Orion was related to the stream of stars forming the Milky Way Galaxy. The entire country was a consecrated expression of sacred space.
…the Ancient Egyptians correlated the Nile with the ‘celestial river’ i.e., the Milky Way, and this was known even by the Greeks. From the time of Homer, the Nile was associated with the mythical sky river called either Okeanos or Eridanus. The Hellenic historian, A.B. Cook, was of the opinion that Eridanus (which today is a faint constellation formed by a strong of stars joining Rigel to Alchermor) was ‘at the outset none other than the Milky Way,’ and that in pre-Greek times, Okeanos ‘simply meant the Galaxy’ i.e. the Milky Way[2].
On the other side of the Earth, just as the last vestiges of the Egyptian empire had become but a memory preserved within Greek culture, the Mayan culture was poised to emerge; for them, the discovery of precession, simultaneously re-discovered by the Greeks. This would prove the North Star as a ‘false god,’ equivocated as the ‘demiurge[3]’ by the emerging Gnostic movement in Mediterranean culture. But it was in Mayan culture that this was expressed with greater clarity as the focal point moved to the dark rift in the Milky Way Galaxy that was calculated to be the galactic center and birth canal of the Earth.
This center[4] was not only located in the constellation of Sagittarius, who’s symbol in this manifestation is the cross[5], but was a part of a complex of three crosses. The rift itself forms a cross with the ecliptic, which was known as the ‘Black Road[6] of the Lord’ to the ancient Mayans. A lesser constellation, known as the ‘Thieves Cross’ is near it at the bottom of the rift and Aquila, the Eagle constellation, known to the Mayans as the Hawk, with wings spread in the shape of a cross at the top of the rift. Note that in New Testament symbolism, there are also three crosses with one of them holding a thief. Even, we might say that as a large part of the first aeon of this manifestation was stolen by the Black Lodge and now avenged of course, by the Hawk-Headed Mystical lord, we draw out an interpretation of these symbols that came to be at the start of this Manifestation.
The cross formed by the intersection of the dark rift with the ecliptic forms four cosmic roads, one for each arm; the Black Road, White Road, Green Road and Red Road. These defined four directions; north, south, east and west, respectively, and were reflected onto the Earth by the Mayans. But where on the Earth? While the Giza complex in Egypt is located just above the topics at 30° latitude and 30° longitude, all of Mesoamerica is within the tropics, below the Tropic of Cancer at 23°46’ latitude. Now, we could argue that Egypt as the center of Western civilization is therefore, centered by Giza, being the absolute center of the world. Certainly today, with oil and religion originating from this point, it seems to be playing a major role in world destiny.
But spherical geometry brings in another measure[7]. Within the topics at 19°40’ latitude, we find the base of a four-sided equilateral pyramid fitted perfectly into the globe of the Earth with its vertex at the South Pole. The four-sided pyramid itself is a Platonic solid, based on the Golden Mean, also employed by the Egyptians in the construction of their pyramids. So though at the Topic of Caner (23°26’) we have the latitude that gives us the Sun hitting the zenith on the Summer Solstice, we find significance in this lower latitude as it is a place where increased Earth energies are found along with increased geothermal, geophysical and magnetic energy[8].
At this latitude, the Sun hits the zenith, sixty days after the Solstice, where the pyramid at Kulculcan is located, depicting a snake’s rattle, which is also a symbol of the Pleiades[9] (the belt of Orion). The vertex of this pyramid, built around 800 ev points to the Zenith and only in this modern era, does the Sun and the Pleiades conjunct at the Zenith when reached, these sixty days after the Summer Solstice. This will occur exactly on 2012ev when the Mayan calendar ends and when the Sun is aligned perfected with the dark rift and for the Mayans, a new age is to begin. So though there is but one pyramid here, like the Egyptian layout, the Pleiades are the central focus…Osiris, the god of the Manifestation of Sagittarius.
What of the pyramids themselves? From the snake rattle at Kulculcan to the shafts of the King and Queen’s chamber at Giza, we have come to understand the pyramid itself as a sacred space where important events in the spiritual life of these cultures have taken place.
For the manifestation of a collectivity, which will express the higher realities of existence in its very structure and being, there is a house of the Spirit/Soul that is its focal point. All the great civilizations of the past have had such a structure, around which the principal city of the collectivity was built[10].
The sole purpose or such a structure is to create a bridge from one plane to another. If we speak of a Gnostic society, it is evident that the plane to be reached and with which a connection must be established is the plane of Truth, where forms are of the highest perfection and hold in their dimensions, the secret to the manner in which the power of those planes can be established on Earth and can serve as a means by which the new creation is assisted in its growth[11].
To the Mayans, the night sky and the Underworld were essentially the same and located under the Earth, rotating overhead to become the night sky. Likewise, for the Egyptians, the mystery play of the pyramids as depicted in The Book of the Dead involved a descent into the Underworld of which the pyramid was a gateway, with the Pharaoh reaching ‘Rostau’, the place of Osiris in the night sky.
In the Popol Vuh, One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu journeyed to the Underworld and when they come to a crossroads, they must choose the correct road. Of the four roads they encountered, only the Black Road spoke to them, saying, “I am the one you are taking. I am the lord’s road.” They ended up choosing this Black Road, which is another name for the xibalba be—the dark rift in the Milky Way. The point here is that the Black Road spoke—it either has or is a mouth[12]—which contributes to the veracity of our identification of the Hawk’s mouth with the dark-rift[13].
For the Egyptian ‘Horus-King’, one had to get to the Duat where Rostau as reflected on the Earth, existed. The pyramid had to become a ‘time gateway’ that existed because the shafts pointed to the appropriate stars, Sirius and the Sun (Ra) at sunrise on the Summer Solstice, when the Nile flooded the plains and the gods were reborn. The only time that this happened in perfect alignment with these shafts was in the Aeon of Leo, which is why the Sphinx is such an important monument. This was zep tepi, the time of the ‘First Ones.’ So that by entering the pyramid, one was traveling through time to this beginning and a completion of the cycle of life.
The pattern of the stellar Duat was defined by the cluster of stars, from the Hyades to Canis major with Orion in between, all found on the ‘west bank’ of the Milky Way. On land, in the Memphis-Duat, this corresponded to the pyramid fields from Dashour to Abu Ruwash, with Giza somewhere in the middle, all found on the west bank of the Nile. With the three Giza pyramids sited in ancient Rostau and fitting the location of Orion’s Belt in the center of the sky-Duat, the implication that Dashour was correlated to the Hyades was indicated by the layout principle of the master plan. The Giza group had shown that the layout was based on the heliacal risings of the stars of the Duat and their projection to the ground, each represented with a pyramidal monument fixed on a meridian[14].
For the Mayans, though the Pyramid was an important place for religious rites, the pyramid itself was more a pointer. Along side the pyramid at Kulculcan is a ‘Ball Court.’ The internal structure of the pyramid along with the steps on the side all point to the snake rattle at the top of the pyramid. So the structural intent of the Mayan pyramid is quite different from that of the Giza pyramids. Why this is so is yet, for archeologists to discover. And I don’t know that this question is even being asked by the academic community.
The Ball Court itself was oriented to mirror the dark rift of the Milky Way. It symbolized the entrance to the Underworld as it was dug into the Earth and in much the same way as caves being dug into the Earth were thought to lead to the underworld[15]. A skull was placed at the center to represent the cosmic navel where the four roads of the cosmic cross met. This was also the intersection of the upper and lower worlds.
A side-view of the Ball Court shows a T-shaped design, clearly suggesting the Tau. And movements during the game reflected the three cycles of the Sun:
1. The Sun’s daily rebirth
2. The Sun’s annual rebirth
3. The Sun’s world age rebirth (2012ev)
The ballplayers wore a U-shaped Yoke that was a symbol for ‘mother’ and the entrance to the underworld. Interestingly enough, the Yoke is the meaning of the word, Aleph in the Hebrew alphabet. With the Tau, we have the Alpha and the Omega. On the side of the Yoke was pictured a deity with a knot-curl on his forehead, symbolizing the place of birth. The obvious correspondence with the Ajna Chakkra and Third Eye can’t be missed here!
The real mystery though, is figuring out who designed all this. The Theosophists and Madame Blavatsky explain this with the teaching on the ‘Hidden Mahatmas’ as in Thelemic doctrine, we have the ‘Secret Chiefs.’
According to the Edfu Texts, the Seven Sages and the other gods came originally from an island, the ‘Homeland of the Primeval Ones.’ As noted above, the texts are adamant that the agency that destroyed this island was a flood. They also tell us that it came to its end suddenly and that the majority of its ‘divine inhabitants’ were drowned. Arriving in Egypt, those few who survived then became ‘the Builder Gods, who fashioned I the primeval time, the Lords of Light…the Ghosts, the Ancestors…who raised the seeds for gods and men…, the Senior Ones who came into being at the beginning, who illumined this land when they came forth unitedly[16].’
Considering that Plato also knew of this and gives us our earliest reference to Atlantis, we can deduce that the Secret Chiefs originate from this time. And their losing fight to the waters that drowned them seems consistent with those Nephilim imprisoned in the lower astral of which we have connected with the Enochian entities[17]. |
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Message 13 de 98 de ce thème |
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Message 14 de 98 de ce thème |
La particularidad de esta línea de perihelio/afelio de Mercurio es que está alineada con la Línea fija formada por Orión/Sol/CentroGaláctico, y como la Tierra pasa cada 19 de junio entre el Sol y el Centro galáctico, eso significa que también en ese día pasa frente al afelio de la órbita Mercurio, y frente al perihelio el 19 de diciembre.
Si "eliminamos" la excentricidad y convertimos la órbita de Mercurio es un círculo racional perfectamente equidistante del Sol, resulta que la órbita de Mercurio inscribe a un pentágono (inscrito en la órbita "perfeccionada" de Mercurio), y este pentágono es la figura interior que resulta de la estrella de 5 puntas formada por la Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus (8 años), lo cual es el Ciclo Pentagonal.
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Message 15 de 98 de ce thème |
 goroadachi.com The Nile & 'First Time' 175 × 233 - 8k - gif |
 goroadachi.com ttr-logo.gif 392 × 142 - 19k - gif |
 watchermeetup.50.forum... Watcher Forum • View topic - Must Watch 2012 Code, Sign of the 150 × 83 - 7k - jpg |
 bibliotecapleyades.net The Nile Decoded - Revealing the Secret Message of the World's 272 × 240 - 33k - gif |
 starryskies.com Egypt's White and Blue Nile 250 × 249 - 8k - jpg |
 classicalastrologer.me Hermes Trismegistus | Classical Astrologer Weblog 615 × 348 - 84k - jpg |
 starryskies.com Egypt's White and Blue Nile 250 × 250 - 14k - jpg |
 bibliotecapleyades.net The Nile Decoded - Revealing the Secret Message of the World's 284 × 265 - 13k - gif |
 crystalinks.com August 2012 - "Wow! Signal", Sagittarius, Galactic Center, Annual 600 × 517 - 94k - jpg |
 creative.sulekha.com From Giza and Varanasi to the Milky Way galaxy | Sulekha Creative 400 × 346 - 51k - jpg |
 gabitogrupos.com Nile River.jpg 400 × 400 - 41k - jpg |
 libralion.com Johanna Ouwerling - Milkyway 131 × 147 - 2k - gif |
 luminati.net Dream of visiting Egypt? Travel to Egypt with Luminati Egyptian 320 × 242 - 9k - jpg |
 fourjandals.com Felucca Nile Cruise in Egypt 580 × 872 - 84k - jpg |
 vineoflife.net Three Rivers and Six Fingers Thrice « vineoflife. 370 × 501 - 41k - jpg |
 dominickamp.de Dominic Kamp Photography | nile river 940 × 587 - 74k - jpg |
 libralion.com Johanna Ouwerling - Milkyway 600 × 400 - 68k - jpg |
 williamhenry.net William Henry 400 × 396 - 29k - jpg |
 blogs.discovermagazine... Namibian quiver trees and the glow of a galaxy : Bad Astronomy 610 × 290 - 62k - jpg |
 luminati.net Dream of visiting Egypt? Travel to Egypt with Luminati Egyptian 160 × 216 - 5k - jpg |
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Message 16 de 98 de ce thème |
If you are new to this website... then this is where the story begins. But you will need to see the introduction and full story of Egypt... Click here. But if you would rather go straight to the sacred star pattern in brief then here it is. Focus on the star patern of the Pleiades and its important Sun-like star nearby... this is an obsession shared by virtually all ancient civilisations.
Wayne Herschel contends that all 50 pyramids in Lower Egypt replicate the prime stars on one side of the Milky Way. He also confirms Robert Bauval’s theory that the three main pyramids of Giza conclusively represent Orion, however he identifies a new scale interpretation very different to that of Bauval’s. If one were to look for clues as to why the ancient Egyptians only represented one side of the Milky Way in their pyramid star map, what becomes evident is that all the stars, except for one, are not Sun-like. Also, it hardly seems coincidence that all except for one monument do not display the distinctive pyramid shape. It is the obelisk shaped Sun Temple of Ra near Abusir that exhibits this very unique scenario. It turns out that the pyramids at Abusir represent the Pleiades and that this nearby ‘sun’ monument may explain the reason for the entire star map.
For the full story on this 'New and very complete Orion interpretation' seen here and the comparison to Robert Bauval's original 'partial' Orion interpretation... Click here. |
The Sun Temple of Ra at Abusir divides the entire pyramid field along the River Nile proportionately into two distinct halves on either side of it. With each side displaying an ingenious independent layout scale intentionally encrypted into it! The reason for this will be covered in the book. The Sun Temple itself forms the epicentre of the entire star pyramid field. Gauging by what so many of the Egyptian texts say and from an apparent global obsession with this particular cosmic area, the star represented by this unusual pyramid undoubtedly qualifies as the ‘x’ that marks the spot on the star map.
This monument correlates with one of three nearby Sun-like “G” classification stars in this the Pleiades star field area, appearing in this position at a very ancient epoch 17250 years ago. It is no coincidence that it was called a 'Sun' Temple… but it was not our Sun that was being revered in the beginnings of Egypt... it was the star of their 'gods'... our human ancestors! |
This is a close up of the Saqqara area compared with a more detailed star map of the constellation of Andromeda. Note how the smaller pyramids seem to have small star counterparts. At Giza the small pyramids also have smaller stars correlating like this. (See images in book).
There is more... Click Stonehenge... then Tikal... then Mars. The other links on the carousel follow thereafter.
http://thehiddenrecords.com/egypt.htm |
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Message 17 de 98 de ce thème |
The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown
On September 15th 2009, Dan Brown will release his next book entitled ‘The Lost Symbol’. The book will surely give his readers much to ponder. It has taken six years for his new book to mature and allegedly a lot of research went into this book to become the sequel of the ‘Da Vinci Code’. Although no one yet knows what the book will be about, it has been revealed earlier that the plot of the book will focus on the Key of Solomon, Freemasonry and the Capitol of the United States, Washington D.C. At the time of this writing, only the book release date and the covers of the US and UK editions of the book are known. Though it is easy to endlessly speculate about both the exact and general details to be revealed between its covers, we would however, like to share some insight into the very interesting clues Dan Brown has decided to share thus far. The most telling clues happen to be the covers themselves! Like many ancient symbols and traditions, the answers (or keys) are hidden in plain sight . . . . .
This article will delve into these subjects and share the obvious and factual encoded esoteric knowledge that Mr. Brown will likely reveal in his fictional work. The authors are fully aware that what is written here is fully speculative when comparing it to the contents of a yet-to-be released book. Even if our material is not fully-covered within ‘The Lost Symbol’, this article will still provide intriguing, thought-provoking, and eye-opening material supplementary or paralleling to what Dan Brown will be releasing. We will enlighten the reader as to the origins of Christianity, Precession of the Equinoxes, Freemasonry and the design of Washington D.C. and last but not least, the Key of Solomon. Lastly, we put forward that all data and discoveries are our own unless otherwise referenced and hence given credit. Unlike a fictional plot line, this material is factual, precise, and easy for anyone verify.
Why do we believe that Dan Brown will touch on the subject of the Precession of the Equinoxes and the esoteric knowledge embedded within Christianity? Firstly, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of the Sun is depicted on the cover of the US version of ‘The Lost Symbol’. This symbol is a dot within a circle and represents the solar deity ‘Ra’. This is a well-known symbol within Freemasonry. The dot within a circle can be found in the letter ‘O’ of DA VINCI CODE.
Secondly, the angle of the tilted Earth Axis, 23.5 degrees was encoded on the cover of the US edition. The title contains italic text and it so happens that the slant angle of this text is exactly 23.5 degrees. This also holds true for the slant angles of some of the capital letters of the title, such as the letter ‘V’ and ‘A’ in DA VINCI CODE.
These clues released in the US book cover makes us strongly suspect that Dan Brown may have been inspired by the work of Gary Osborn and will touch on the ancient esoteric and astronomical knowledge about the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ embedded within Christianity.
The phenomenon of ‘Precession’ is made possible by the tilt of the Earth’s Axis at 23.5 degrees from the Ecliptic Plane. Because of this axial tilt, the Earth has a slow ‘wobble’ (like a top winding down) that takes about 26,000 years to complete. This movement causes the equinox and solstice points to move along the path of the Sun, or Ecliptic. The repetition of this very specific angle on the cover of ‘The Lost Symbol’ seems to be hinting about Precession.
 All lines are slanted 23.5 degrees from horizontal or vertical
The slanted lines are measured at 23.5 degrees. The words ‘a novel’ and ‘author of’ are tilted 23.5 degrees. This same angle is also found in ‘A’ and ‘V’ of ‘DA VINCI CODE’. The latter may explain why ‘DA VINCI CODE’ was done in capitals. Circle with a dot in the word ‘CODE’ represents the Egyptian solar deity Ra.
‘The Lost Symbol’ will most likely be ‘The Key of Solomon’ since this was the initial working title for the book. We have extensively researched the entire Key of Solomon on this website, and you can find our more-detailed interpretation of its significance here .
Although speculative, we postulate that the most important ‘Lost Symbol’ is not only the Key of Solomon, but the eight-pointed cross encoded within the Key of Solomon. We propose that the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction occurring at the End of Times in era-2012. In Christian tradition, this astronomical event has become known as the End of Times …
The aforementioned ‘lost symbol’, the eight-pointed cross, can be found in Churches around the world in great abundance. Just recently, we discovered new compelling evidence to suggest this ‘lost symbol’ ties in with the Christian End Times doctrine as will be explained in this article.
We suggest that the release date of Dan Brown’s latest novel was not randomly chosen, but that the date itself is a very important clue that ties in with the subject of the book. In the modern Gregorian calendar, September 15th happens to be the the day of the ‘Exaltation of the Holy Cross’ (13, 14 and 15 of September). Earlier, we wrote on the significance of the day of the .Exaltation of the Holy Cross’ or the day of the ‘True Cross. In Latin, this day was called ‘Exaltatio Sanctae Crucis’ (literally, ‘Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross’). Later, we will demonstrate later what this raising of the Holy Cross means in astronomical terms. Officially the day of the 'Exaltation of the Holy Cross' starts at september 14th, but it it celebrated for three days. September 15th is officially the feast of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’.
The ‘true cross’ on which Jesus died was supposedly recovered by Helena Augusta, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She built the ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’ in Jerusalem to store the remains of the (wooden) cross she recovered. The day of the ‘True Cross’ was henceforth associated with the consecration date of the Church of Holy Sepulchre; September 13, 335 AD. The 13th, 14th and 15th of September are still being used today to celebrate the day of the ‘raising of the cross’ and to venerate the ‘true cross’ of Christ.
Both the ‘raising of the cross’ and the ‘true cross’ have profound astronomical connotations as we will demonstrate. We speculated before that, in reality, Helena (the mother of Constantine the Great) did not recover the original wooden cross Christ was crucified on, but instead found the pagan astronomical origins of the cross, including the origins of Christianity itself. Seeking to unite the crumbling Roman Empire under one religion, Her son Constantine then went on to establish and found the Catholic Church at the Nicean Council in 325 AD. Next, he systematically destroyed all pagan roots that could reveal the true origins of Christianity. Although the exoteric and tangible roots were destroyed, the esoteric roots of Christianity were preserved. Catholic churches still contain the secret, esoteric and occult information revealing the religion’s secret origins.
The truth is that Christianity originated from the pagan Sun-worshipping cults that it has vehemently been trying to destroy from the earliest founding. These pagan cults venerated Sun gods and were keepers of time (tracing the Sun’s movement along the 12 signs of the Zodiac caused by a phenomenon called the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’). Central in these pagan religions were Sun gods, all born from virgin mothers on the Winter Solstice, or around December 25th. Like Jesus, these Sun gods died on the cross at the Vernal Equinox, around March 21st. The authors Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy have revealed the striking similarities of the pre-cursor ‘Saviours’ (Osiris, Dionysis, Attis, Adonis, Mithras and many others) of Christianity in their book ‘The Jesus Mysteries, was the original Jesus a pagan God?’.
What the authors have found in their research supports the thesis put forward by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy; Christianity rose from the ashes of the pagan Sun worshipping religions, the pagan roots were destroyed such that a ‘new’ religion on the dawn of the Age of Pisces could emerge. Christianity far from original; it has borrowed almost every aspect of the Jesus stories in the New Testament from much older pagan myths as Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy convincingly prove in their book.
The authors therefore put forward the suggestion that the ‘true cross’ venerated on September 15th is not the cross that Jesus was crucified on, but is nothing less than the cross of the Zodiac formed by the four fixed signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio. Proof exists for this thesis since this ancient pagan knowledge is still displayed in churches today.
‘True Cross’ Cathedral Lisieux, France
‘True Cross’, Baselique Notre Dame d’Ouvres La Delivrande, France
In churches, the four signs of the Zodiac often reoccur and are associated with ‘Judgment Day’ and the ‘End of Times’
Jesus portrayed at the Last Judgment can often be found in the Tympanium above the entrance of churches and cathedrals. Notice, the lion (Leo) on the left, the bull on the right (Taurus), the angel on the left (Aquarius) and the eagle on the right ( Scorpio).
The four evangelists Luke, John, Mathew and Mark likewise have been associated with these four Zodiac signs as well:
    Mark = Scropio (Eagle), Luke = Taurus, John = Leo, Matthew = Aquarius
There can be no doubt that the cross is associated with sun worship, since it’s been associated with the Sun in many Christian occult symbols:
‘Cross in the Sun’, symbolizing that the Christian Cross is a zodiacal cross
Emperor Constantine the Great, who played such a fundamental role and basically shaped the modern Catholic Church, saw in a dream a ‘cross in the Sun’ and this symbol became Chi-Rho symbol in Christianity.

Jesus at ‘Judgment Day’ inside a Vesica Pisces (Age of Pisces) and surrounded by the four signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scrorpio (Eagle) with the Chi-Rho on top. Cathedral Lisieux, France.
The four fixed signs of the Zodiac found in Christian art form a four-pointed cross in the 12 signs of the Zodiac. We have postulated before that this cross is actually one of two crosses that merge around era-2012 to mark the ‘End of Times’ in the Precession cycle.
We have called the four-pointed cross formed by Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio the ancient understanding of the ‘Galactic Cross’. These four signs rise before the Sun during moments of Great Celestial Conjunctions. To be more precise, the Galactic Cross is formed by the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator. (for a clear explanation, see earlier writings on the subject see and http://www.keyofsolomon.org/part1.php).
In short, a Great Celestial Conjunction is the merger of two crosses in the Zodiac; the first cross is the aforementioned Galactic Cross (in ancient times denoted by the Leo-Taurus-Aquarius-Scorpio cross) and the second cross is the Equinox-Solstitium cross. Around era-2012, both crosses merge to become a single four-pointed cross.
http://www.keyofsolomon.org/The%20Lost%20Symbol%20Dan%20Brown.php |
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Message 18 de 98 de ce thème |
Although we have extensively written about the significance of the eight-pointed cross occurring in Christian occult symbolism, we have found new convincing proof to suggest that the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the ‘End of Times’, or Great Celestial Conjunction, that occurs when the two Zodiac crosses merge. Currently, we live in a time of a Great Celestial Conjunction and refer to it as era-2012 for it occurs between the years 1978-2017.
This latter fact is commonly misunderstood. It is termed ‘era-2012’ since this Great Celestial Conjunction corresponds with the ending of the Maya calendar on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Galactic Alignment is simply another perspective of the Great Celestial Conjunction.
In a small Baselique near the coast of France in d’Ouvres Delivrande, we discovered a very intriguing mosaic on the ground; it was in front of the alter. The four signs of the Zodiac forming the Galactic Cross were depicted at the corners of the mosaic. In the center, the Sun with its rays was depicted. Inside the Sun, there was what appears to be a Benu bird or phoenix.. The Benu bird represented the soul of the Sun God Ra in ancient Egypt and was associated with rebirth and renewal. Symbolically, it encodes the death and rebirth of the Sun in the Precession cycle at the ‘End of Times’. Whether the bird is a Benu bird or not, the bird in the mosaic can certainly be associated with self sacrifice, death, and rebirth. This symbolism is obvious since it feeds it’s offshoot with its own blood by killing itself (beak enters the heart of the bird) such that the offshoot may live. It is therefore beyond any doubt that this symbol represents the dead and rebirth of the Sun.

Baselique, d’Ouvres Delivrande, Benu bird inside the Sun sacrifices itself such that it’s offshoot can live. Iit represents the dead and rebirth of the Sun.
What we have been demonstrating in our work is that at the ‘End of Times’ when the Sun has completed a full precession cycle of 26,000 years, it will die only to be reborn in a new cycle as such was the belief system of the ancients.
What makes this imagery so fascinating is that the Sun is enclosed in an eight-pointed cross! The first cross is a blue cross with a kind of flowers-type trefoils; the second cross is a red cross in the form of a tree with leaves and branches. We suggest that the ‘tree cross’ represents the Galactic Cross since this cross aligns with the four ‘white-in-yellow’ crosses at the corners of the motif. The four Zodiac signs outside this motif next correspond with these four ‘white-in-yellow’ crosses (identical orientation on the floor, see picture below)
Four fixed signs of the Zodiac (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio (eagle)) at the outer rim and edges, with central Sun and Benu bird. The text on the rim around the eight-pointed cross reads: ‘Redemisti nos domine in sanguine tuo’ and translates ‘Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood.’ It is a text that appears in the (‘Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ’)
There is a far more compelling reason to associate the ‘tree cross’ with the Galactic Cross. There is a striking correspondence with the tree-like cross and the ‘World Tree’ or Yggdrassil in Norse mythology. Scholars in the past have associated the World Tree, appearing in several mythologies around the world, with the Milky Way. In our work and theory, the Galactic Cross has been defined as the cross formed by the crossing of the Ecliptic and Milky Way.
We therefore suggest that the Yggdrasil Cross, or tree cross, represents the Galactic Cross, since the World Tree can therefore be regarded to be symbolic of the Galactic Cross. As we have demonstrated consistently throughout our work, the eight-pointed cross is the combined cross of two four-pointed crosses, the Galactic Cross and the Earth or (Equinox-Solstitium) Cross that around era-2012 will merge to herald a New Age (End of Times).
We were not surprised to find Christian esoteric symbolism in the the Basilique de Notre Dame of Delivrande, since the church contained a statue of a black Madonna (black version of Mary). Several researchers have pointed to the fact that the Black Madonna esoterically stands for the Egyptian mythological figure Isis, the mother of the Sun god Horus. Christianity copied the concept of the virgin birth and conception of the Son of God from the Isis mythology. In the Baselique in Delivrande, we discovered a stained glass window containing the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Central in the window ‘Mary’ was depicted; however, she’s not Mary but the black Madonna Isis since she’s been adorned with the horns of Isis. In ancient Egypt Isis was depicted with two horns with the Sun in between. In Freemasonry Isis esoterically represents the Sun in Taurus.
Isis represents the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way in Gemini
What we have added to this observation is that in-between the horns of Taurus the crossing of the Ecliptic and Milky Way occurs in the Zodiac sign of Gemini. This happens to be the place where the Sun resides at the End of Times at the Summer Solstice in era-2012 at the time of a Galactic Alignment (Sun on the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way. This is the place of the Sun’s rebirth in the 26,000 year Precession cycle. So, Isis may esoterically represent the Sun at the crossing of Ecliptic and Milky Way at the Summer Solstice in Gemini at the End of Times.
We were not surprised to discover that in stained glass window the Sun was depicted in the sign of Gemini!
 Rose window Notre Dame Douvres La Delivrande, Mary with horns (Isis) in the center, Sun in Gemini, Place of the rebirth of the Sun at the Summer Solstice era-2012.
We surmise that Dan Brown will be revealing a lot of new things about the origins of Christianity and the Sun cult adoration upon which it was founded. We would be surprised if Dan Brown also touched the End Times doctrine of Christianity and the ancient belief system of the ending of a Precession cycle it is based on; however, he will most likely touch on the phenomenon of precession and how it played a key role in the religious system of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
Knowledge that secretly and esoterically entered into the domain of religion because the ancient Egyptian priests were not only the keepers of time but were in fact astute astronomers, a fact not recognized by most scholars today. This ‘secret’ science was only available to the initiated and not to the mundane. This is why the roots of secret societies such as Freemasonry trace back to Egypt.
The authors also support the work of Gary Osborn who in his research has revealed that a lot of Christian artwork secretly encodes the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth Axis. We have since discovered quite a rich collection of examples of Christian artwork ourselves that secretly encode this 23.5 degree angle.

Left: Zagreb cathedral, arms and head of Christ are tilted 23.5 degrees. Notice the cross itself is an eight-pointed cross. Right: Christ depicted as the Pantocrator, all white lines make angles of 23.5 degrees with respect to the Ecliptic. Notice how the eight-pointed cross on the bible is perfectly tilted to 23.5 degrees.
The tilt of the Earth axis with respect to the Plane of the Ecliptic is, in the first place, responsible for the four seasons and secondly responsible for the Precession of the Equinoxes (along with the wobbling of the Earth axis in a 26.000 year cycle)
Cathedral Bayeux
The cathedral in Bayeux contains an interesting statue of an angel on a globe holding a tilted cross, similar to the tilting of the Earth Axis. Since the cross she holds could esoterically encode a Zodiac cross as we have demonstrated before, we surmise that occult knowledge is conveyed through this statue about the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Remember that the same esoteric symbolism of the slanted 23,5 degree angles that can be found in Christian art was also used by Dan Brown on his book cover.
As we have mentioned before, the day of the ‘Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross’ most probably has an astronomical esoteric meaning. On the day of the ‘Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross’ or ‘Exaltation of the Cross’ (September 14th), the bishop stands in the center of the church, or cathedral, which is at the crossing of nave and the transept. He takes the holy cross and raises it above his head while the choir sings Kyrie Eleison. He then makes the sign of the cross three times with the cross in hands. Slowly, he bows down to the ground and stands to raise the cross again above his head. This is why the ceremony is called the ‘Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross’. The cross is erected from its horizontal to its vertical position similar to the erection of the cross on which Christ died before the crucifixion. This ceremony is repeated four times to all four cardinal directions.
The ‘Raising Aloft of the Cross’ under the eight-pointed cross intersection of the nave and transcept exoterically symbolizes the raising of the ‘True Cross’ of the crucifixion, while esoterically it may have an astronomical connotation. The exoteric meaning of the raising of the cross corresponds with the 12th Station of the Cross when the cross of the crucifixion is raised (erected) and Jesus is finally nailed to the cross. Is it a coincidence then that the 12th station of the Cross and the ensuing death of Christ on the cross echoes the death of the Sun in the Precession Cycle when it has passed through all of the twelve signs of the Zodiac? (the 12 stations so to speak) Is he to be reborn and resurrected for the next Precession Cycle after his death on the Zodiac, or true, Cross? Yes.
Most churches and cathedrals have nave and transept both forming one huge four-pointed cross. At the crossing the legs of this cross, the ceiling contains an eight-pointed cross. So churches and cathedrals are built of a four-pointed cross with an eight pointed cross at the intersection. This consistent symbolism. Cathedral Bayeux France.
During Great Celestial Conjunctions when the two crosses merge, either the Equinox or Solstice Axisstands perfectly erect with respect to the Galactic Equator. The astronomer Nick Fiorenza has termed this astronomical event that only occurs four times during a precession cycle of 26,000 years ( ‘The Erection of the Holy Cross’). It occurs again in era-2012 (in between 1978-2017).
The raising of the cross by the bishop under the eight-pointed cross on the ceiling may therefore esoterically encode the raising of the true cross (Zodiac Equinox-Solstitium Axis) at the ‘End of Times’ when the Equinox or Solistitium Axis also stands perpendicular to the Galactic Equator. |
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Message 19 de 98 de ce thème |
The Maya Scholar Linda Schele interpreted the Maya Creation myth as the myth that encodes the movement of the Milky Way across the skies of August 13 690 AD, the date of the dedication of the Cross at Palenque. Central in the Maya Creation myth is the raising of the sky or Wakah Chan (raised up sky). The Wakah Chan depicted in the ‘Tablet of the Cross’ at Palenque represents the World Tree and, according to Schele, it must not only be associated with eight partitions of the sky but also with the intersection of the Milky Way and the Ecliptic. At dawn on the morning of August 13, 690 AD; according to Maya myth, Creation was finally established when the Milky Way stood fully erect with respect to the horizon. The ‘raised up sky’ had dawned.
Coincidence or not, but the 15th of September is the only date that the Milky Way stands perfectly erect in Washington D.C. at dawn in our era! The day of the ‘Exaltation of the Cross’ coincides with the ‘raising of the sky’ that plays such an important role in the Maya creation myth.
Galactic Equator perfectly erect at dawn on September 15th in Washington D.C. The perpendicular axis is the Galactic Equator, the white line is the horizon (Starry Night Pro version 6)
There has been much debate about just how the Key of Solomon ties into Dan Brown’s latest novel. Though we have extensively written on the information found in this ancient text we will now provide a brief synopsis for those wishing a quick summary. It was our decoding of the following cipher within the Key of Solomon manuscript that initially affirmed our work being presented.

There are numerous symbols at play here, so we will simply list them for brevity. (It is again strongly recommended that the reader read the full analysis found at http://keyofsolomon.org/part2.php in order to fully understand the interpretation we offer.)
- The central star represents our Sun.
- The ‘beam of light’ beneath it is the Milky Way. (i.e. Sun on the Milky Way)
- The partial circle between slopes on the left and right sides is the Egyptian ‘akhet’ hieroglyph. It translates ‘horizon’. There are two of these, hence eastern and western horizons.
- The stars around the rim are actually a sequential puzzle, and when properly joined, form the Pleiades star cluster.
- The small cross-like symbol appears to be the final clue and relates to the astronomy of Precession.
So the clues thus far are, Sun on the Milky Way, eastern and western horizon, the Pleiades constellation, and the final small ‘cross’ symbol. When combined, the conclusion is quite clear.
There are four Great Celestial Conjunctions that occur during one Precession Cycle. Two occur when the Equinox Sun is on the Galactic Equator (Milky Way) and the other two when the Solstice occurs at the same nexus. Due to the Earth’s wobble, these only occur about every 6,700 years. The place of the Sun crossing has been referred to as the ‘Silver Gate.’
During the last Great Celestial Conjunction around 4,500 BC, the Vernal Equinox Sun (central star, akhet glyphs, eastern and western horizon) was on the Milky Way (pillar beneath central Sun) and the Pleiades (rim stars) were used to point to the place where the Sun would both rise and cross the Galactic Equator, a pointer.
The diagram below shows both the sequence for decoding the outer rim stars and the function of the Pleiades cluster to point the Sun on the Milky Way.
 (Taken From) http://keyofsolomon.org/Pleiades%20starmap.php
Further evidence of the Pleiades being used for this purpose can be found at Stonehenge
The decoding of the final ‘cross’ symbol is as follows:

- The small cross symbol appears to be a code for the axial tilt of the Earth itself. Notice the following important points:
- The central star or Sun falls on the Ecliptic Plane exactly where it should be. This would confirm our suspicion that this star is really our Sun.
- The symbol lines with the small ‘cross hatches’ line up perfectly with the Ecliptic Pole Meridian. (Perhaps the cross hatches themselves were alluding to the Poles . . . .)
- The symbol’s remaining two diagonal lines match up surprisingly well with the axial tilt (23.5 degrees) and the ‘Precessional Cone’ of the Earth.
If our interpretation is correct, then every symbol discussed points to and reinforces our overall thesis. This piece of the Key of Solomon parchment appears to be communicating knowledge of not only the last great Celestial Conjunction around 4,500 BC, but also to the cyclical nature of this phenomenon.
A brief timeline is required to better fathom the scope and details of the Capitol. Only then can you the reader (or initiate, if you will) better comprehend the meaning of the symbols. The question of where to locate the United States Capital was initially raised in 1783. Among the numerous sites to be suggested were New York City, Philadelphia, Annapolis, Princeton and Williamsburg just to name a few. Of the numerous disputed points was the fact that the Northern States did not want to recognize a capital in the South and vice-versa. There was even an agreement that provided for two separate capitals that was revoked the following year.
The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 and saw the drafting of the Constitution. The United States Congress was established upon ratification of the Constitution in 1789, and New York was the initial place of convening. With the Constitution's ratification, both the need and process for establishing a permanent and official Capital was in place. When Congress met in 1790, an agreement on the site had yet to be reached.
Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury at the time and was pushing Congress to pass a financial plan, or budget. One of the key components in the plan was in dealing with the debt still left from the Revolutionary War. The Northern States were still heavily burdened, and Hamilton's plan was to have the Federal government consolidate and assume the debt. An aspect of the plan included Southern States to help in the payment; they obviously were not that thrilled.
Thomas Jefferson encountered Alexander Hamilton at the home of George Washington later that year. Jefferson kindly (and wisely) offered to host a dinner to bring both parties together and adjudicate a solution to the stalemate. This proved fruitful and productive as a compromise was reached. The Northern delegates would approve of the southern (and current) Potomac River site, while the more prosperous and affluent Southern delegates would agree to the Federal government assuming War debts of the Northern States, and hence helping to pay those debts themselves.
The 'Assumption Bill' was thus narrowly approved by both houses, and the consequent 'Residence Act' gave the President George Washington the authority to select the precise location and hire the appropriate surveyor for the project.
Congress held its first session in the still unfinished Capital Building on November 17, 1800. It would be another 11 years before both wings were complete setting a model for both Federal budget and building miscalculations for two centuries!
Noted French architect Pierre L'Enfant first expressed his desire for the design of the Capital to George Washington in 1789. At that time, there was a hot debate about exactly where this new city would be located. L'Enfant's aspirations had to be put on hold until 1791 with the passage of the Residence Act. With his newly granted authority, Washington quickly appointed L'Enfant to begin design work on the new Capital.
Thomas Jefferson wrote letters to L'Enfant outlining his objectives and Pierre's task of designing the federal city and sites for the government buildings. Jefferson had quite modest ideas for the design.
 Thomas Jefferson’s sketch of the Capital, March 1791
When the architect’s draft design was presented to President Washington later that year........... it was obvious that Pierre L'Enfant had much more exalted plans for the Capital of the New World.
1792 Revision of Pierre L’Enfant’s Design for the Capital of Washington D.C.
Pierre L'Enfant was gifted French-born American architect and civil engineer. It should be noted that he left formal studies at the Louvre in Paris to enlist and fight in the American Revolution. Pierre L'Enfant could not help but be influenced by the baroque-style gardens of the Louvre as his father had been a court painter at Versailles.
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It cannot be overlooked that L'Enfant based his Capitol City designs on the work of Le Notre as used at Versailles and Domenico Fonatana’s plan for the re-design or Rome under Pope Sixtus V. The latter is most interesting for it was the peculiar re-design of Rome under Sixtus V that originally caught our attention last year! It was this monumental re-design of Rome and peculiar placement of bridges, fountains and obelisks which show a peculiar affinity for the Sun at specific times of the year.
We have demonstrated that in our article was that this re-design of Rome was to meant encode a very unique and ancient method of tracking the phenomenon of the Earth's wobble about its axis, or Precession. It is this distinctive movement, or wobble, of the Earth that allows us to observe the Sun traveling along its path in the heavens through the signs of the Zodiac, also known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Cultures throughout the ancient world knew of, and more importantly recorded, this phenomenon. It would appear that the actual layout and design of Washington D.C. encodes this knowledge as well.
Everyone knows of the Great Pyramid. Fewer people know of the actual precision of this pillar of human achievement. (For instance, The Paris Observatory is the most accurately aligned modern structure and varies a mere 6 minutes of a degree from true North . . . . . the Great Pyramid is off by only 3 minutes) Fewer still know or have heard of the Pyramid’s internal and external functions. For brevity, we will leave the reader to do their own research and focus only on one of purposes served by the Great Pyramid……. as the Prime Meridian.
The Prime Meridian is the line of longitude (runs North-South) that is defined as 0 degrees. It from this vertical line that makes it possible to ‘step-off’ and measure all other lines of longitude; without an understanding and accurate measurement of longitude, accurate navigation and mapmaking would not be possible. The choice for a Prime Meridian is purely arbitrary, and could theoretically be placed anywhere. Typically, a large terrestrial landmark is used. Our current Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England. This was not always so.
Thomas Jefferson even tried to get the Prime Meridian to run through the White House.
Though Pierre L’Enfant originally planned on it running one mile east of the Capitol, by the time final drafts were realized the plan had the new Meridian running through the Capital Building itself. Curiously, when Thomas Jefferson became President in 1804, he requested that a new Meridian be surveyed that ran directly through the White House. This point was marked by a small granite stone known as ‘Jefferson’s Pier’. Scholars are still perplexed as to why Jefferson desired the new Meridian to run through the White House when he himself directed the survey of a different one when he was the Secretary of State 11 years prior. We believe we can explain why. . . .
It has been suggested by many that the Great Pyramid was built by the survivors of Atlantis, and that it was built to store knowledge. We do not yet know, nor can prove, exactly who built this pillar; but one thing is for certain . . . . it does contain knowledge. The Great Pyramid has been slowly revealing its secrets over the last two centuries, and the sheer volume and combination of data and accuracy is almost . . . . . god-like. (This article alone will not suffice nor attempt to even touch upon the colossal amounts of data collected.)
The authors of this article are immensely indebted to the work of Gary Osborn who has logically and undeniably demonstrated that the Great Pyramid was, designed to point to itself on the Earth. It was the work of Mr. Osborn that enabled us to make the connections and reach some of the conclusions being presented in this article.
 The Earth’s Axis of Rotation inclined at 23.5 Degrees from the Ecliptic. (The River Nile is highlighted). (Taken From) http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/235degrees.htm
 The Great Pyramid’s Location on the Earth, Rotated 90 Degrees (Taken From) http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/greatpyramidandaxis.htm
(Compare this diagram with that decoding the ‘symbol’ from The Key of Solomon found above.)
 The Superimposition of both Diagrams by centering everything on the King's Chamber . . . a perfect match. Taken From http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/greatpyramidandaxis.htm
These images speak both volumes and for themselves. Astonishing as they may be, even out-of-context these diagrams do not do the entire research due credit.
All of this is crucial to understand. For if we are only now beginning to understand this knowledge. . . . how was it that others have known throughout history? This (and other) information has been handed down and protected by secret societies (like Templars or Freemasons) for thousands of years. The knowledge has been passed to those initiated and deemed worthy, and it helps to explain some of the most curious artwork, actions and architecture in history.
The Founding Fathers were documented Freemasons and would certainly be privy to such knowledge.
Let us now take another look at the actual plans for the city of Washington D.C. This is the 1792 revision of L’Enfant’s plan for the city. The White House (then called the ‘President’s House’) and the Capitol Building have been identified with green dots. The red lines mark the point of intersection and more importantly serve as a square, horizontal foundation. (Notice the original latitude and longitude designations in the lower left-hand corner. The longitudinal number 0: 0. clearly shows that a new Prime Meridian running through the city was intentional all along.)
 1792 Revision of Pierre L’Enfant’s Design for the Capitol of Washington D.C.
The following diagram shows just what seems to have been the message of Washington D.C.
 L’Enfant’s City Plan with Model of Great Pyramid Superimposed
Credit to Gary Osborn who initially discovered this!
Voila! The green triangle is a model of the Great Pyramid. The slope angle of each side is 52 degrees. Notice how well it fits the city plan! There even appears to be an intentional reference street on the left side (New Hampshire Avenue) which matches the 52 degree angle almost perfectly! The main avenues in red are all at 23.5 degrees and converge at the central point of the pyramid, also known as the King’s Chamber. The King’s Chamber happens to be none other than the White House.
The New World’s Prime Meridian paying homage and reverence . . . . . to the ‘old’ one.
It is also no coincidence that the desired Prime Meridian for the New World fell in a narrow strip of land referred to as ‘God’s Longitude’ and is fundamentally tied to our modern Gregorian calendar.
Next is a satellite image of Washington D.C. as it was built and exists today. Take note of the similar street layout and positions of both the White House and the Capitol Building.
 Satellite Image of Washington D.C. (GoogleEarth)
Let us now take the same scale diagram and see how faithfully L’Enfant’s plan was realized.
 Washington D.C. with the Same Great Pyramid Model Superimposed (GoogleEarth)
The Great Pyramid model is not quite a perfect match but very close especially considering that the city covers over 70 square miles!
Note how well the angle of the slope again matches the left-most street, New Hampshire Avenue. All the major avenues leading to the White House are angled at 23.5 degrees. Even though both Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues do not run through the White House, observe how they too are angled at 23.5 degrees. Even Arlington Memorial Bridge in the bottom left corner spans the Potomac River at this angle!
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A keen eye will notice that the street running from the Capitol Building to the White House (blue line in lower right corner) is at a slightly more acute angle than 23.5 degrees as the other streets.*
*This apparent alteration to L’Enfant’s original plan also made possible an all-important alignment with the birth of the star Sirius on the horizon to be revealed in the following sections.
When comparing the images above, it appears the aforementioned detail was intentionally added to Pierre L’Enfant’s plans for placement of the Capitol Building. Objectively, the actual building site for the Capitol Building could have been moved in the planning stage for any number of reasons. (foundational, logistics, etc.) But what are the odds that the Capitol Building would just so happen to move. . . . to exactly where it would align the White House with the birth of Sirius?
It would seem that more than one of the architects was ‘in the know.’
Lastly, it is worthwhile to note that Gary Osborn has discovered a hidden mathematical code at the scale of 1/16th found and within the geometry of the Great Pyramid itself Can it be tallied as coincidence that the street that runs through the White House and the apex of our pyramid also just so happens to be . . . . 16th Street?
16th Street Code with Washington Street Plan (GoogleEarth)
There are two versions of ‘The Lost Symbol’ cover that have been made available to the public thus far. One is the United States version, and the other is the United Kingdom version. The first image shows the US version (See pictures above).
The obvious elements are the large wax seal, the diagonal tear, and the US Capitol Building.
 Overlay of Osborn’s diagram of the Great Pyramid with the US version of ‘The Lost Symbol’ (Taken from http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/thepyramidcode.htm)
The base of the pyramid sits atop the text and the ‘tears’ follow the slope of the Pyramid quite nicely, enough to hint at it anyway. Notice how the very apex of the pyramid is perfectly in-line with the top of the ‘33’ pyramid in the seal. Notice also how the red ‘Equator’ line runs through both King and Queen’s Chamber to the very top left corner of the cover. The red line bisecting the ‘33’ pyramid happens to point to the opposite corner. The blue lines highlight the obvious 23.5 degree slant of the font. There are more clues as well. This is an obvious allusion to the overall message being handed down and possibly in Brown’s book. . . . Precession.
We can tell that the building is the US Capitol, but from what side? There is the genius of Mr. Brown; the clues have been given but in two differing covers!
‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version
Now we can clearly see what side of the Capitol Building is being shown, the eastern side. Next we use our good friend GoogleEarth and match the perspective.
‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version compared to US Capitol Building from GoogleEarth
The match is not perfect, but pretty darn close. A perfect match is impossible given the 3D models employed by GoogleEarth, as they differ in both the scale and architecture of the actual buildings. But again, pretty darn close. . . .
Brown cleverly chose this perspective for several reasons.
First, is what he left off the cover. Below is the same GoogleEarth image, only not cropped.
Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
We can see that the left edge of the book cover just so happens to cut-off where the obelisk should be. That would place the obelisk on the spine of the book would it not? Wayne Herschel has cleverly found a source that seems to confirm this theory; and according to him, an image of the Washington Monument does appear on the spine of the book.
The second reason this perspective may have been chosen was just as intriguing. We know this cover photo clearly cuts off the Washington obelisk. It also hides something. . . . .
Look at what hides behind the Capitol Building if we nudge the building aside.
Capitol Building, nudged to the right
The Capitol Dome was totally obscuring Pennsylvania Avenue, seen just to the left of the dome. Do you know what also lies on Pennsylvania Avenue. . . . . . the White House. So the White House, Washington Monument and Capitol Building are all connected; but why hide the connection?
We have previously published work demonstrating that monuments in Washington D.C. that align with the Sun at solstices, just as in the Vatican. More have been found that are very thought-provoking. These clues help to lead us to the conclusion that these alignments were not only intentional, but obviously very well-thought-out.
Near the beginning of this work, we shed some light on the unique day of September the 15th. Dan Brown obviously chose that date for a very specific reason. Most importantly, it is the only day that the ‘True Cross’ of Christianity reveals its pagan and sun worshiping roots as the Great Cross will be fully erect just before the dawning sun veils the stars in the sky. This date is both unique to this location on Earth and, to this time. It can only occur every 6,700 years (1/4 Precession Cycle) during a Great Celestial Conjunction, as we are going through now.
The Freemasons have a long-standing tradition of venerating the star Sirius. Richard Hoagland has made an astonishing discovery that our modern Gregorian calendar was perfectly and timed and calcualted so as to have Sirius directly on the Meridian on January 1, 2000 AD to mark both the beginning and end of the Precession cycle!
This veneration dates back to ancient Egypt as Sirius was the stellar embodiment of Isis. (We again refer the reader to Hoagland for a more detailed history and analysis of this relationship ) This fascination seems to be hidden within the city as well. The first alignment relates to the birth of Sirius on the horizon. This day was so important to the ancient Egyptians that it compelled them to base their calendar around it as it heralded the annual flooding of the Nile. Sirius was the stellar embodiment of Isis who paired with Osiris (Orion constellation) to give birth to their son Horus.
A ‘heliacal rising’ is the day a heavenly body becomes visible on the horizon just before sunrise. The body in question (in this case, Sirius) was not visible before this special day as it was either below the horizon or hidden by the glare of the Sun. This heliacal rising of stars, as it is known, is how the Egyptians and other cultures measured and timed their calendars and is the basis for what is to be revealed next.
Earlier, we mentioned that the road connecting the Capitol Building to the White House did not conform to the overwhelming 23.5 degree pattern. (This latter discrepancy actually helps to make this alignment possible.) The angle, or azimuth as it is known, was measured by GoogleEarth to be 110.43 degrees.
Angle from White House to Capitol Building (GoogleEarth)
The following is a screenshot from Starry Night Pro version 6.2. The viewing point has been set as if one were standing at the White House. This precise location was entered as 38° 53’ 51.52” N, by 77° 02’ 11.52” W.
Screenshot from Starry Night Pro, Version 6.2
Sirius is labeled in red and can be seen at the eastern horizon. (Though it appears below the horizon, Sirius or any celestial body will appear to be rising due to refraction of light through the atmosphere) Here are the details: Target: Sirius Date: September 15, 2009 AD Rises: 2:09:13 AM Azimuth: 111° 12.981’ |
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Remember that from the White House to the Capitol Building is 110.43 degrees, or 110° 25’ 48”. Sirius rises at 111° 12.981’. (We will even round that up to 111o 13’) That equates to a difference of 47’ 12”.
47 MINUTES of arc!! That is a margin of error of LESS than 0.5%!
What all of this means is that from the White House, Sirius will appear to rise every morning (when visible) from behind the Capitol Building Dome. (Note the authors discovered that Robert Beaval and Graham Hancock have have discovered this alignment ealier and that it was published in 'Talisman: Gnostics, Freemasons, Revolutionaries, and the 2000-year-old Conspiracy at Work in the World Today')
Remember that Dan Brown’s book cover has the central seal seen rising above the Capitol Dome?
This gets even more thought-provoking when we see that the Egyptian hieroglyph for ‘Sirius” also contains a dome.

The dome is one of three parts of the solar Trinity of Isis – Osiris – Horus. It is this mythos that has a long-documented history from Masonic authors and scholars, among them Albert Pike and Manley Hall. It is also this Trinity mythos that takes us to the second symbol and its unique alignment.
The second part of the aforementioned Trinity is the male aspect. The generative force in the union is the pyramid symbol, meant to symbolize a phallus. There is only one pyramid or phallus monument in Washington D.C. . . . . . . the Washington Monument. First, we must determine the angle, or azimuth, from the White House to the Washington obelisk. The azimuth and distance were determined by GoogleEarth to be 172.61°, or 172° 36’36”. Distance between them is 2,989.26 feet.
Angle from White House to Washington Monument (GoogleEarth)
Let us fast-forward the sky on the star program until Sirius is at this precise azimuth as well.
Screenshot from Starry Night Pro Version, 6.2
Again, Sirius is labeled in red. The vantage was purposefully shifted to fit in the Sun (yellow dot on left), but obviously does not affect calculations. Here are the details. Target: Sirius Date: September 15, 2009 AD Time: 6:49:54 AM Azimuth: 172° 36.724’
Sirius is now located directly above the Washington Monument at 172° 36.724’, or 172° 36’ 43”. The Azimuth of the obelisk (as above from GoogleEarth) was found to be 172° 36’ 36”. (This was the greatest accuracy attainable and reflects an elapsed time difference of a fraction of a second.)
The height of the Washington Monument is known to be 555’ 5.125”, or 555.427 feet. We now use simple geometry to determine the perceived height of the obelisk.
From the White House, the Washington obelisk would appear to be reaching a height, or altitude of 10° 31’ 33.24”.
Here is the data from the same Starry Night image, only for now the Sun. Target: Sun Date: September 15, 2009 AD Time: 6:49:54 AM Altitude: 10° 46.631’
The Washington obelisk itself reaches an altitude of 10° 31’ 33.24”; and while Sirius is directly above the obelisk, the Sun is at an altitude 10° 46’ 38” in the sky. Subtract, and we have a difference of only 15’ 4” of arc. 15 MINUTES of arc!
The margin of error is LESS than 0.25%! This alignment is less than 90 SECONDS from mathematically perfect! Such astonishing precision and timing was obviously VERY well-though-out and calculated.
This means that while Sirius is in-line with the very center of the Washington Monument, the Sun itself is almost precisely at the height of the very tip of it!
This last alignment is most interesting as it may not only fulfill the second male aspect of the Trinity; it also directly relates it to the Sun. You may recall that Isis (Sirius, dome shape, Capitol Building) unites with Osiris (Orion, pyramid shape, Washington Monument) and they conceive and give birth to Horus.
The symbolism at play is thousands of years old, and we are living it right now. We are living in ‘era’ 2012 as the Sun is currently crossing the Milky Way/ Galactic Equator (during a solstice) only to be ‘born’ again on the other side. We are witnessing not only the birth of a ‘new’ Sun, but also of a new Age. This is the grand cycle of ‘Precession’ and what the ancients were passing down and recording.
It would seem that people have been passing this knowledge down all along though. . . . . . . . right in plain sight.

Read more: Washington Alignments
http://www.keyofsolomon.org/The%20Lost%20Symbol%20Dan%20Brown.php |
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