liveD wrote:
Back again
First Bruce Cathie's harmonic grid outlined with Raphs Lsd coral castle

What does this look like lee?
re: LSD, DMT, Solomon's Knot, auspicious lucky 4 Leaf Clovers, and BC* harmonics ... and now I want to bring Nassim into the game too?These fellas (Rodin, Nassim, Bruce, Fintan) are all quite clever.
So I will simply adopt what seems to fit, using my archetypal templates, and discard or file the rest?
The above image I took has been on my mind for some time now...and then when I heard Nassim mention that we reside (our galaxy) in a BLACK HOLE, I said "OF COURSE I knew that Nassim, and I have pictures to prove it!!!"
The above picture is one of them, taken from just above the event horizon...looking down into a BLACK HOLE!!
a simulation 
After seeing this image on Jeremy's (Code144) site I got an idea...which lead me the above image of the 4 Leaf Clover...This was quite some time ago...I was waiting for an 'expert' like NaSSim to step forward and make such a silly claim, placing us inside a black hole?
So Jeremy placing the pyramid over the FLYWHEEL of Fortune

got me into a playful mood.

backLIGHT OFF >>>>>>>>>> (backlight/hidden sun) ON?
So in following the pictures above it becomes clear ... I thought to myself...what if I WEDGED my pyramid (our galaxy) inside the BLACK Hole (a plastic beer glass) and turned the light in the base ON, what would I observe? (it was a gimmick beer glass bought at a neighbors garage sale for .25)
I was surprised to see LSD. Lucky 4 mi, I thought.
But I was not done yet playing or asking questions.
Would it work for a

Then my line of questioning, asked "ARE WE STUCK in the VORTEX, are we holding up the line"?
Hmm "what happens if we rotate the FLAT SPINNING MILKY Oy Vey galaxy perpendicular to its SPIN?"
flat universe indicated by black arrow)

So I thought this could be a fine analogy for how a reversal or flip in polarity could be perceived explained within a black hole...and please note...I had to clip one of the corners of the order to get the galaxy to spin freely.

A Black Hole Nassim?
I think our universe has expanded too much...we are stuck in the ewetube, the cattle chute (electron flow) is plugged?
Maybe our galaxy is tilted...similar to the third image on the right?

Two swastikas, one rotating clockwise and the other counter or anti-clockwise.
And on the other side of the flat universe coin, the swastika would appear to be rotating in the opposite direction?
Please note the
green swirling swastika shapes/shadows that are cast onto the sides of the glass, reflections caused only by the ambient light coming through the sides of the beer glass.
Very similar to the
third image below on the right that we find in Rome.
...or something like that?
