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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 02/07/2011 17:17

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Resposta  Missatge 13 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 04/10/2011 00:14


Ciclo bautizado con el nombre del astrónomo griego Metón


El nombre del Ciclo Metónico procede del nombre del astrónomo griego Metón, del cual se tienen referencias de haber descubierto un ciclo de la Luna de 18'6 años.

Consiste en que la órbita de la Luna, dado que está inclinada 6 grados, hace un movimiento de oscilación que completa cada 18'6 años, es decir, al tiempo que la Tierra(y Luna) da 18'6 órbitas al Sol. Esto es comprobable desde la Tierra, pero tenemos que esperar 18,6 años. No hay que tener "mucha" paciencia sino sólo tener interés y paciencia.

Este ciclo es tan lento a nuestra percepción del tiempo que no podemos percibirlo, aunque si la aceleráramos y registráramos la posición de la Luna a una misma hora (por ejemplo las 12 de la medianoche) cada 29 días y medio (cada luna llena) la veríamos transitar por una franja de unos 12 grados a modo de Autopista cósmica. En el borde superior de esa región están las Pléyades, lo cual supone que cada 18 años y medio la Luna llega a eclipsar a las Pléyades. Durante el año 2008 ocurrió, pues la Luna transitaba por el límite superior de la Astropista y durante unos ciclos sidéreos las eclipsaba.

La Luna a poco de eclipsar a las Pléyades el 30 de junio de 2008

9,5 años antes transitaba por el límite inferior de la Astropista.

Por esa autopista dibujada por la Luna transitan los planetas, y el Sol marca la Mediana. La Luna es la creadora de esa astropista y es también el astro más rápido porque es el más cercano a la Tierra.

Este ciclo de la Luna está en directarelación con el Gran Ciclo de Bamboleo del Eje de la Tierra (que causa el movimiento de precesión de los puntos de los solsticios y equinoccios) de 25.920 años en el que se produce otro movimiento llamado "nutación", de 18'6 años. Así que el Ciclo de Bamboleo de la Tierra incluye prácticamente 1393 Ciclos Metónicos de la Luna.

Así mismo está en relación con el periodo de 260 días del Tzolkin maya, pues 18'6 años son 26 Tzolkin (26 x 260 días).

El Ciclo Metónico de la Luna es más amplio que los Ciclos Sinódico y Sidéreo, así que podemos crear una estructura de ciclos y subciclos lunares y hacerla sincronizar en números enteros, creando un nuevo ciclo mayor. Es la naturaleza de los astros.

Resposta  Missatge 14 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 04/10/2011 00:18


Ciclo del aspecto de la Luna .

Ver animación de los ciclos sidéreo y sinódico (de órbita y de fases).

Hace 29 días y medio, vimos la Luna en la misma fase en la que la vemos ahora.

la el

Si ahora viajamos a la Nave Luna y la aceleramos trasladándola en su órbita en torno a la Isla Tierra (y Agua) durante unos segundos mientras miramos al Planeta azul, también vemos en éste la secuencia de la sombra y la luz en sus fases correspondientes, pues también es semiiluminado por el Faro de la Isla "del Sol". En la animación podemos ver a ambos astros deteniéndose en sus fases nueva y llena.

La siguiente doble imagen muestra a la Luna, la Tierra y el Sol alineados, vistos desde detrás de la Luna, y -si pasas el cursor del ratón sobre la imagen- se ve a la Tierra, la Luna y el Sol. Es decir, la Luna en fase llena -vista desde la Sombra de la Madre Tierra- ha cubierto media órbita suya y ha llegado al punto en que está en fase nueva -ya vista desde la cara iluminada de la Tierra.

La Luna en fase llena y en fase nueva

Si ahora la "vemos" en fase nueva así es como la vimos hace 29 días y medio y como la veremos dentro de 29 días y medio. Bueno, realmente no podemos verla en fase nueva, a no ser que pase justamente entre nuestra línea de visión y el Sol, haciendo un eclipse y proyectando su sombra sobre la región de la Tierra en la que estamos y sobre nosotros, como si fuera una Nube oscura y redonda en el Espacio sin aire.

El Ciclo Sinódico de la Luna es su ciclo de fases y su giro o día

y es de 29'5 días

Durante la órbita de la Luna a la Tierra transcurren 27'3 días (Ciclo de órbita de la Luna) la Tierra (con la Luna) cubre unos 71 millones de kms de su propia órbita por una sección curva, lo cual hace que si empezamos a medir los días que tarda la Luna en dar su órbita a la Tierra cuando está justo entre la Tierra y el Sol, cuando completa la órbita a los 27'3 días ya no la vemos entre la Tierra y el Sol, sino 2'2 días después, a los 29'5 días.

Si un día transcurriese en medio segundo y miráramos siempre a la Luna, veríamos algo así durante unos 14 segundos a cámara rápida:

29'5 días definen el periodo llamado Ciclo Sinódico de la Luna. Se llama sinódico porque la palabra "sínodo" significa "encuentro", y es el momento en que la Luna se encuentra con la Tierra y el Sol en un punto (nodo del sínodo o encuentro) de la línea que los une. Es el ciclo de fases de Luna nueva a luna nueva o de cualquier fase a la misma siguiente. Y no sólo eso, sino que la Luna también da 1 giro sobre sí misma, y esta es la razón por la que muestra siempre la misma cara a la Tierra y vemos siempre la misma cara. Su día o giro es más largo que su órbita o "año". La relación proporcional es de 1'08.

29'5 días / 27'3 días = 1'08

ciclo orbital Luna / ciclo diario Luna = 1'08

El Planeta Venus también tiene un día más largo que su año: su día equivale a 243 días terrestres y su año a 225. Y "casualmente":

243 días / 225 días = 1'08

día Venus / año Venus = 1'08

¡Es exactamente la relación que existe entre el día y el año de la Luna! (ver).

La distancia que la Luna recorre en 2'2 días desde que cumple su órbita a la Tierra (su año) hasta que cumple su ciclo de fases (su giro) es 386 veces menor que la distancia que recorre el sistema Tierra/Luna en 29'5 días. No es más que un reflejo de la proporción entre las órbitas de la Tierra y la Luna: 386. Esta cifra también la encontramos como número de pulgadas/seg² ( pulgadas a cada segundo al cuadrado) que definen la unidad de cantidad de aceleración que nos mantiene pegados a la superficie del Planeta: 386 pulgadas por segundo al cuadrado.

En 29'5 años u órbitas de la Tierra, la Luna cumple 365 días lunares o Ciclos Sinódicos. Y el Planeta Saturno tarda 29'5 años en dar su órbita al Sol. Esto significa que la Luna y Saturno mantienen una sincronicidad.

Y otra sincronicidad inevitable es la de la Tierra vista desde la Luna durante el ciclo sinódico de la Luna. Si ahora viajamos a la Nave Luna y la aceleramos para completar una órbita a la Isla Tierra (y Agua) en unos segundos mientras la miramos, también vemos ésta en sus fases correspondientes, pues también es iluminada por el Faro de la Isla "Sol". La diferencia es que la secuencia que vemos de la Tierra es inversamente simétrica a la de la Luna vista desde la Tierra, es decir, que lo que en la vista de la Luna es sombra, en la vista de la Tierra es luz; y lo que en la vista de la Luna es luz, en la vista de la Tierra es sombra. También, otra diferencia es que la Luna muestra la misma cara a la Tierra mientras ésta da 29 rotaciones y media. Y, por supuesto, desde la Luna vemos a la Tierra en el Espacio 3'6 veces más grande que a la propia Luna vista desde la Tierra (ver animación).

Esta es una forma de percibir una parte de la realidad física y espacial de nuestro Universo desde un punto de vista en el Espacio que nos permite ver dos esferas simultáneamente (sin olvidar a la tercera, que es la fuente de luz). Desengancha a nuestra mente de estar en un punto fijo -como aquella nave que leva y eleva anclas-, y la invita a recobrar conciencia espacial en la que unas esferas, unas luminosas y otras opacas e iluminadas, bailan entre sí en un simple juego geométrico, simétrico y armonioso de giros y rotaciones, de luces y sombras. La simplicidad y la belleza como dos aspectos de la misma unidad. ¿Quién no puede pensar ese Salón espacial, esas bailarinas y bailarines y ese baile, y bailarlo al compás 3/4 de formas de 3 dimensiones en la 4ª dimensión espacial, un Vals cósmico en Clave de Sol?

La secuencia que vemos de la Tierra en la animación anterior no es resultado de una rotación de la Tierra sino de la traslación de la Luna en torno a la Tierra, y además el aparente movimiento de la Tierra es en sentido contrario al verdadero sentido de rotación.

Durante un año, la Luna cumple un poco más de 12 ciclos sinódicos completos (12 lunas llenas, 12 lunas nuevas, etc.) simultáneamente a un poco más de 13 órbitas (ciclos sidéreos). En esta animación se ve el conteo de las órbitas de la Luna (ciclos sidéreos) a la Tierra simultáneamente al conteo de lunas llenas (ciclo sinódico de fase a fase).

Resposta  Missatge 15 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 04/10/2011 01:10

Resposta  Missatge 16 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 02:56

Nineteen - Prime Number of the Moon

The Earth - Moon - Sun system is a numerical contruction based especially on the numbers 18 and 19. The first, eighteen, is a canonical or harmonic number because it only contains powers of 2 and 3, the first two primes. The second, 19, is a prime number divisible by no lower number. As a prime 19 has the cache of being associated with Creation and indeed the Moon manifests 19 very strongly in a number of ways.

Known to the (classical) Greeks as the Metonic period, in 19 solar years the Moon's phase and its location in the stars repeats to quite high accuracy. Since the Sun illuminates the Moon to generate its phase, then the Sun also must be in the same relative position to the Moon, nineteen years later.

Also known to the Greeks (but demonstrably known also in prehistory)  there is a period of just over 18 years in which an eclipse of a given sort will recur. Thus, after 18 years of an eclipse (solar or lunar) one can make an important prediction of another, similar one. This "just over 18 years" is in fact the time it takes for exactly 19 eclipse years - bringing 19 in again - a type of year (346.62 days long) mentioned in the previous article and associated with the movements of the lunar nodes - the crossing points at which all eclipses take place.

In the 1990's, probably 1993, an amazing "fact" arose for me. If one builds an 18:19 right angled triangle, the third side is almost 6 in length. Conversely, if 19 and 6 are used then the base becomes 18.027 solar years long and the Saros period is 18.030 years long. It seemed to me that this near-Pythagorean triangle of 18:19:6 had been incorporated in the relative lengths of the solar and eclipse year and hence in 19 times these.


The Near Pythagorean Triangle that occurs with 18:19 when the third side is whole,
to accurately approximate the Saros Period of 18.030 years or 19 eclipse years.

The simplest thing to realise about the Saros is that 223 (a prime) lunations occur within it and that in 19 years, 235 lunations complete the Metonic. The difference is 5 + 7 = 12 lunations, the length of the lunar year. This is true because such cycles exhaust their variety in a symmetrical fashion, so that there is, in a sense, a lunar year (of 12 lunar months) at both the beginning and the end of the Metonic. An eclipse one lunar year (12 lunations) into the 19 years will result in an eclipse at the end - and the whole thing is continuous whilst, for the sake of understanding, we must measure starting points. In reality, continuously, the Moon's position is a repetition of where it was 19 years ago as well as where it will be in 19 years.


The actual triangle has the Saros period as 223 lunations and the Metonic as 235 lunations long giving an 18.030 year Saros period. The "unit" becomes 12 lunations and the third side 6 times 12 = 72. 235 divided by 19 is, of course, 12 and 7/19ths of a lunation or 12.36842105 rather than the actual of 12.36826623 lunations per solar year, yet accurate to 99.998748% which is why the Metonic is an accurate 19 year synchronicity.

The Paradigm of Number Field as Cosmic Generative Principle

Something needs to change about how we view co-incidences between such a triangle and the reality found in time. The geometry represents a property found within the number field itself and this is the credible explanation for such a geometry "being used", that the number field can do very special things when these special relationships between numbers can be embodied within dynamical systems. Rather like the strange attractors of chaos theory, such arrangements allow far simpler time relationships to occur that seem mystical to us but are in fact artifices of number.

I am not saying that this is a physical explanation (yet) for how the Moon could have come to have such relationships based around 19. Rather, that these relationships do work in the same sense that a machine allows things to be achieved that are otherwise impossible. Were such work associated with the number field, just as harmony is, then such structures in time echo to the fundamental structure of the universe prior to any Big Bang. In this sense, they might function like natural laws based on number rather than on physics, as in gravitation and the like.

The Golden Mean is already a perfect example of such an edifice since, it is the only real number proportion to one where the reciprocal and the square have the same fractional part (0.6180 = the reciprocal and 2.6180... the square). This artifice is found broadly in life but astronomically in the orbit of Venus through the Fibonacci series (see Matrix of Creation and Sacred Number on this).  Venus manifests phi just as the Moon manifests the properties of the number field relating to 19. Jupiter and Saturn manifest 18:19 in their synodic periods to give us the seven day week.

Mystifying numerical relationships, that appear regressive to modern science, probably belong to the number field, a field that few study in depth or with practical application. If these relationships are found, as I and others have shown, in the practical dynamics of the Earth's environment; then the association with prehistorical knowledge and then later mysticism has given a false impression of superstitious thinking when the facts speak for themselves - of a valid numerical not physical knowledge.

How this works can be shown using the triangle of the previous entry involving 18.618 and 19.618:


 The third side is quite interesting, apparently physically meaningless*, being just over 10 times the reciprocal of phi. I would like to work out an intermediate hypotenuse that is 19 long - the Metonic in years whilst the Draconic is 18.618 years (year of the lunar nodes) which period is 19.618 eclipse years long.

*The actual length of the third side is 6.1835265 which was rounded up in the diagram to 6.184. However, the number of lunations in half a year is 6.18413, two numbers within 99.99% of each other. There are 6800.076 days in a Draconic period of 18.618 solar years and 19.618 eclipse years in the same period making the form of the triangle correspond to the same period and the division of it by different units, the solar and eclipse years.

192 - (18.618)2 = 361 - 346.62 = 14.38 and the sqrt is 3.792. If we divide the third side above (6.1835) by this the result is 1.631. This is nearly 1.618 as if, with N:N+1 and N=N.618, the whole number hypotenuse is found near the golden mean point on the third side, as below:


One finds that as N has reached 1552.618:1553.618, that the ratio of this integer intermediate hypotenuse has reached 0.61800034. At 3472.618, the lower section is almost exactly 1/golden mean, to nearly one part in 500 million.

 In nature, such a working fact could generate an integer relationship where it would otherwise be highly unlikely.

Resposta  Missatge 17 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 03:04

The matrix of creation: sacred geometry in the realm of the planets - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

books.google.com.ar/books?isbn=0892811943...Richard Heath - 2004 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 148 páginas
Golden Year Relationships among Twenty Lunations, the Venus Synod, and the Practical Year (309/25 Lunations) (Drawn by Robin Heath) ...

Resposta  Missatge 18 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 03:12

Resposta  Missatge 19 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 03:17
Imagen de la librería
Librería: AG Library (Malaga, MLG, Spain)
Valoración librería: Valoración 5 estrellas
Cantidad: 1

Descripción: Ediciones Obelisco 20100500, 2010. Estado de conservación: New. A lo largo de toda la historia se puede apreciar el uso ubicuo de ciertos números y proporciones sagrados: desde el arte y la arquitectura hasta en la aparición de las religiones y las sociedades secretas. En Los números sagrados y el origen de la civilización, Richard Heath revela los orígenes prehistóricos y el profundo significado de estos fenómenos numéricos sincrónicos, así como el modo en que quedaron impresos en nuestro entorno planetario durante la creación de la Tierra, la Luna y el sistema solar. El autor nos lleva a explorar la astronomía, la armonía, la geomancia, los centros sagrados y los mitos y señala el uso secreto del conocimiento numérico en la construcción de las catedrales góticas y la gran influencia de los números sagrados en la fundación de la cultura occidental moderna. Heath nos explica cómo el diseño templario de Washington, D. C. , representa la Nueva Jerusalén, e identifica el papel desempeñado por las sociedades secretas como depositarias de la sagrada información numérica. A través de un extenso recorrido histórico, este libro ofrece las claves para comprender el verdadero papel y significado de los números. Nº de ref. de la librería 2093263

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Resposta  Missatge 20 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 03:29

Nodos de la Luna

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La órbita de la Luna está inclinada 5° 9' respecto a la Eclíptica, a la que corta en dos puntos llamados Nodos ascendente y descendente. Si los nodos estuviesen fijos, el Sol los atravesaría cada medio año, y si coincidiese la proximidad del paso con una sicigia, se produciría un eclipse. Los eclipses ocurrirían siempre en las mismas constelaciones zodiacales. Pero esto no es así: los nodos retrogradan sobre la Eclíptica, dando una vuelta en 18,6 años.

Dicho movimiento no es uniforme, en unas épocas su velocidad es doble de la media y en otras es nula, y los nodos son estacionarios. Esto ocurre cuando el Sol está en el Nodo y se anula la componente de la fuerza que causa este desplazamiento. Se produce durante los eclipses que la posición verdadera del nodo coincide con la longitud media y es más cómodo durante los eclipses hablar del nodo medio. El año de eclipses es el lapso entre dos pasos del Sol por el nodo ascendente lunar. Su valor es 346,6074 días. Como los eclipses se repiten con el paso del Sol por uno u otro nodo, la ocasión se repetirá cada 173,31 días, periodo denominado estación de eclipses.

De una lunación a la siguiente el nodo avanza 1,5º arco no despreciable y equivalente a 3 diámetros lunares.

Se puede usar los eclipses lunares totales para calcular la retrogradación de los nodos lunares. Se basa en que durante los eclipses el Nodo verdadero coincide con el medio. Además, si el eclipse total tiene fase grande, la Luna y el Sol estarán muy cerca del Nodo y calculando la longitud del Sol se tendrá la longitud de uno de los Nodos.

Resposta  Missatge 21 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/10/2011 03:31

Resposta  Missatge 22 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 15/10/2011 02:26

Resposta  Missatge 23 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/10/2011 17:24
Here we have the dragon’s head associated with its tail, since the tail always does what the head tells it to do. In the graphic above from "Apian"s Astronomicum Caesareum," [Ingolstadt 1540 AD] depicting the alternating head & tail of the dragon, we find 27 [9x3] points on the circle around the central dragon. This relates directly to the lunar calendar, or the Draconic Month, also known in Astrology as the Head & Tail of the Dragon. As we stop to consider the geometry applied here, we find an interesting dynamic. This is a shadow of the pattern we saw above in the nine full series of colored curtains of 27 cubits in the Tabernacle, referring to the Sidereal Lunar Month of 27.322 days. Geometrically, the numbers 3:9:27 reflect a relationship where 9 is the geometric mean between 3 and 27. Thus, 9 equals the square root of 3 x 27, or 81. The Mayan knowledge of this is geometry is indicated in one of their most accurate lunar calendars, based on 81 full moons occurring every 2,392 days. Here we find a celestial image of the spiritual hierarchy of the enemy’s kingdom of 1/3 of the host of Heaven, based on an aspect of the lunar sidereal cycle, counted against the backdrop of the stars. We should also take note that the common ratio underlying all of this, without variation is 1:3. This invariant ratio, can also be expressed as 1/3, which reflects the third part of the angels dragged down to Earth in the dragon’s tail in Rev. 12:4 above. Thus we find common elements in the order of Cherubim depicted on the curtains of the Tabernacle, with the 27 days of the sidereal lunar month, as they correlate to the Draconic month of the dragon’s head and tail.
This ancient connection with dragon and the lunar cycle, is also witnessed in the fact that in Astrology, a lunar Node, the point where the Moon crosses over the ecliptic, was also called the dragon’s head and tail, dictating the periods of the eclipse cycle, according to the phi ratio. The Eclipse limits for both solar and lunar eclipses are dictated by a 6 degree range within 12.5° to 18.5° of the lunar Node, wherein a New Moon or Full Moon takes place. The accuracy of the Maya lunar calendar is indicated in its 11,960 days [2392 x 5] or 405 lunations, [260 x 46 in tzolkin terms] when divided [11,960÷ 405= 29.5308] gives us a lunar synodic cycle of 29.5308 days. When this lunar synodic cycle is divided by the 69 groups or families of days when solar eclipses occur, [29.5038÷ 69=173.333] we get the average period of 173.333 days between eclipses. As the Sun links with a lunar Node when two of these 173.333 periods elapse, it gives us an eclipse year of 346.62 days, 18.6 days short of the solar year of 365.242. This reveals the basis of the phi ratio because 18.618 x 18.618=346.62 telling us that the lunar cycle relates to the eclipse cycle via the phi ratio of 1.618.
This parallels the connection made by Richard H. Allen [p.249], that Hydra’s “winding course symbolized that of the Moon; hence the latter’s nodes are called the Dragon’s Head & Tail. When a comet was in them, poison was thought to be scattered by it over the world.12
Since the six degree range of the lunar Node was formerly tied to Draco at the northern Celestial Pole, it indicates the time before the dragon was cast down to the earth with his spirit realm. However, after the dragon was cast down, its head and tail would be transferred from the polar regions, down to the ecliptic, where the Hydra is located. This powerful figure of casting down the dragon, with his 1/3 of the stars of heaven, [fallen angels] to the Earth with him, is symbolically depicted as a Meteor shower from the Constellation Draco, surrounding the period of Christ’s birth. For a deeper look into this topic, please review our website article: “Introduction to the Jupiter-Regulus Conjunctions.” Also noteworthy is the section on “Lunar eclipses and Occultations” under the study on the “Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs.” This verse [Rev. 12:4] also relates directly back to the first prophecy of the promised seed in Gen. 3:15, where the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head, while the serpent’s seed would bruise the man’s heel. As the dragon’s head directs the spirit realm in his tail, the desired acts of persecution and destruction against the woman’s seed are carried out by the serpent’s seed-those who follow the Way of Cain [Jude 1:11], in open rebellion against the true God. This reveals the overriding purpose of the serpent, devouring the promised seed of the woman, as soon as he was born. We saw an example of this in the actions of the serpent’s seed-King Herod, who murdered all the male children around Bethlehem under age 2, in an effort to devour the infant Jesus, as soon as he was born. Having failed at this, the enemy has turned his attention to the believers.This develops a fuller understanding of the link between the serpent’s seed and lunar symbolism, which we have referenced in other studies on this website.

(Rev 12:5) And2532 she brought forth5088 a man730 child,5207 who3739 was3195 to rule4165 all3956 nations1484 with1722 a rod4464 of iron:4603 and2532 her848 child5043 was caught up726 unto4314 God,2316 and2532 to his848 throne.

This verse encapsulates the victorious life, ministry & completed work of Jesus Christ, from birth to resurrection and beyond, in one verse of Scripture. This figure of speech is called symperasma, provides a summary and conclusion of the subject matter-the inevitable Coming and ultimate Victory of the Promised Seed. The emphasis here shows Christ’s ultimate victory over the serpent and its seed, despite all the enemy’s efforts to obstruct the purposes of the Heavenly Father. This emphasis is monumentally preserved in the Great Sphinx with the head of the Woman Virgo bearing the infant promised seed, who matures to fulfill his highest of calling, by defeating and destroying the enemy’s work, as shown in the other 10 zodiacal signs between Virgo and Leo. His final victory over the serpent is witnessed in Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah [Rev. 5:5], as the Lion’s extended claws are set to rend the Hydra to pieces. The Hydra is the longest of the Constellations, extending below Libra’s scales through Virgo and Leo to include the Crab of Cancer. These four signs; the woman, her seed, his sacrifice, and the altar, not only represent 1/3 of the entire circle of the 12 signs of the zodiac, but also reflect a carnal image of Christ’s righteous sacrifice, in the religion of human works, attempting to earn salvation while ignoring the completed work of Grace, given by God in His only begotten Son. Thus, as the Hydra [the serpent destroyed] slithers below these four signs of the zodiac, he represents the counterfeit and the deception of antichrist, leading away from, and denying the true work of Christ. This is an important aspect of the devil’s works that Christ came to destroy [John 10:10, I John 3:8].

Revelation 12:7-9
(Rev 12:7) And2532 there was1096 war4171 in1722 heaven:3772 Michael3413 and2532 his848 angels32 fought4170 against2596 the3588 dragon;1404 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 fought4170 and2532 his848 angels,32

(Rev 12:8) And2532 prevailed2480 not;3756 neither3777 was their848 place5117 found2147 any more2089 in1722 heaven.3772

(Rev 12:9) And2532 the3588 great3173 dragon1404 was cast out,906 that old744 serpent,3789 called2564 the Devil,1228 and2532 Satan,4567 which deceiveth4105 the3588 whole3650 world:3625 he was cast out906 into1519 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 his848 angels32 were cast out906 with3326 him.846

In verse 7 we have the Archangel Michael contending in spiritual warfare against the dragon and his angels even as we see below in Daniel 10. In verse 9 we find four names of the adversary [dragon, old serpent, the Devil, and Satan], referring to four different aspects of the enemy’s spiritual dominion over the darkness of this world. We also see a fifth name-deceiver, which is a common trait in the other four names of the enemy. The Devil must deceive people into following his ways, because nobody in their right mind would ever voluntarily follow him if they knew his true nature. Thus deception is a universal trait of the enemy’s kingdom, and his mode of operation. This shows how the enemy has marshaled his spiritual forces of fallen angels in direct Opposition to the Godly order, reflected both in the curtains of Moses’ Tabernacle, and in the symbols of the Cardinal Directions. We have just seentwo examples of how the serpentine aspects of the enemy’s spiritual dominion are celestially represented in the Dragon-Draco and the Hydra. We will now look at Serpens the serpent, followed later by Cetus the sea monster.

One aspect of Serpens that arrests our attention is the recurring theme of the dragon’s head and tail, which we discussed above in connection with the serpentine asterism of Draco. This alerts us to the idea that, as the 4D symbolism of the Cardinal Directions paints a picture of composite truth, so their shadows do also. Just as each of the enemy’s 4 names in Rev. 12:9, indicate different functions in how the adversary opposes God’s purposes, so these serpents in the sky indicate varying aspects of his activity, which when taken together, provide us a detailed picture of how he works his evil designs in his world kingdom. Therefore we should consider these four serpentine signs both individually and collectively, as shadows of the cardinal points, to glean the fuller lesson of their message. As Robert Burnham states:

Serpens is the only star group completely divided into two portions: Serpens Caput [head] to the west of Ophiuchus, and Serpens Cauda [tail] to the east.”

In support of this structure, the stars within this Constellation follow suit. Burnham points out that “the Beta star in Serpens marks the head… while the Theta star marks the end of the serpent’s tail.”14 [ppg.1764-65] He goes on to highlight an intriguing link to Roman myth, where “Serpens is a symbol of the divine healer Aesculapius who became the god of medicine, and who appears in the sky as Ophiuchus the serpent bearer.” 1


Resposta  Missatge 24 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 25/10/2011 19:12

Exodus 26:1-13

  Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them. The length of one curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: and every one of the curtains shall have one measure. 3The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another; and other five curtains shall be coupled one to another. 4And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the second. 5Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second; that the loops may take hold one of another. 6And thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, and couple the curtains together with the taches: and it shall be one tabernacle. 7And thou shalt make curtains of goats' hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make. 8The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: and the eleven curtains shall be all of one measure. 9And thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shalt double the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tabernacle. 10And thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain that is outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which coupleth the second. 11And thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and put the taches into the loops, and couple the tent together, that it may be one. 12And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle. 13And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.

   The same Hebrew word for "curtains" in Exodus 26 above, is used in Psalm 104:2 where the "heavens are stretched out like curtains," by God. This comparison of the structure of the heavens foundations with the Tabernacle's curtains draws a powerful celestial symbol related to the Tabernacle's structure, epitomizing the Creator's design of the heavens. It also says something about the modern scientific discovery of the "expanding universe" which is implied in the idea of heavens that were "stretched out" by the Hand of the Creator. The idea of Cherubim being depicted on the Tabernacle's 10 curtains, is intriguing, considering what we have already seen regarding the stellar significance associated with their four faces. As we have noted, their four faces correspond to the zodiacal signs at the four Cardinal Directions of the heavens, while also being a critical element in God's throne-room. This is important because the Tabernacle housed the Ark of the Covenant in the holiest of all, signifying the presence of Jehovah in a covenant relationship with His chosen people, as a central purpose for all Creation. The Cherubim also carry symbolic weight regarding the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes because these four signs function as precessional markers for the Age of Taurus, as seen in Numbers 23-24. Since the vast cycle of precession serves as the timepiece of the cosmos, this fits neatly with the integration of space with time in the Creator's Intelligent Design of His Creation.

   Exodus 26 continues in verses 15-30 with a description of the wooden boards constituting the Tabernacle's outer structure. This framework was assembled from 48 boards, each ten cubits high, and 1.5 cubits wide... This mirrors the structure of the 12 zodiacal signs including their 36 decans (12+36=48), divided into ten degree segments. This shows not only an evident celestial plan, but also marks the Tabernacle as the focal point of the celestial and spiritual light of God's presence on Earth during the early Old Testament Law period. As the 12 signs of the Hebrew zodiac embody the structure of the temporal order in Israel (12 x 4=48), with each tribe symbolizing one of the 12 sons of Jacob, whom God renamed Israel, after his spiritual inheritance, we would expect to see this symmetrical pattern in other aspects of the Creator's Intelligent Design of Creation. Such is the case when we realize that this priestly order of the Tabernacle was instituted in the Temple by Kings David and Solomon, 480 (12 x 40) years after the Exodus in 1446 BC. These two greatest Kings of Israel, each reigned 40 years, and Solomon began building the Temple in the 4th year of his reign, the 480th year following the Exodus [I Kgs. 6:1]. 
  This 480-year period allows 12 x 40-year generations, a generation for each of the 12 tribes, which Moses lead through the wilderness for 40 years, during the third 40-year segment of his life (40 x 3=120). This reflects the same base 60 number pattern seen in Noah's Calendar [refer this study on our website], of 360-days, (120 x 3 = 360). This holy pattern of the priestly order of service, instituted in the Temple is also reflected in the 24 courses of priests each serving two times during Israel's calendar year, totaling 48 weeks. When the three weeks of Passover, Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles are included, wherein all the priests served, we have the 51 weeks of Israel's luni-solar year, divided according to the sacred & the civil services.2 The sacred year began in Nisan with the spring Passover, and the civil year in the fall, started with Tishri 1, the Day of Trumpets, signaling the onset of the holiest 7th month. The separate weeks of this luni-solar year were ordered according to the fifty-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees, as we have previously seen, unifying the cycles of the Sun and Moon according to the key Symmetry of the phi ratio. We can see hints of this temporal order based on the number 50, in the fifty loops & taches that coupled the Tabernacle's curtains together, making it one tabernacle. [Exod 26: 5-6,10-11]. As the unity of the Hebrew Tabernacle is expressed in the coupling of its curtains through fifty loops, so the unity of the celestial cycles of the two great lights of the Sun and Moon is summarized in the Jubilee. This fifty-year cycle epitomized the ideal unity of the divine temporal order, symbolized in the details of the Tabernacle's structure. Thus the Tabernacle's sacred architecture & services embody the threefold light of Creation reflected in the celestial structure of the heavens, ruling over Israel's temporal order. Ultimately this pattern is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, as the King and High Priest after the order of Melchisedek.

Another important aspect of the Israel's Calendar is preserved in the description of the Jerusalem Temple pillars Jachin & Boaz found in I Kings 7. Notice the employment of the figure of speech polysyndetyn, or "many ands," emphasizing each element found between the connective "and."

1 Ki 7:13 And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. [14] He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work. [15] For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.

I Kings 7:16 And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits: 17 And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter.

"checker"- *H7639 [sebakah]- This shows a lattice work around the capitals of these pillars. The etymology of the word Balustrade [set of small pillars supporting a handrail] is from the Italian "balaustro;" a wild pomegranate flower,3 notable for its seven petals, as in the next verse. With each capital bearing seven chains of pomegranates totaling fourteen in all, the numerical symbolism of these pillars relates to the septenary blueprint of the Temple itself, comprised of 14 squares of 10 cubits each. We have seen prior evidence of the divine pattern of the number seven, as it highlights the temporal structure of the Creation week and the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost leading into the Jubilee.

Resposta  Missatge 25 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 22/12/2011 17:44
2. Levítico 25:9: Entonces harás tocar fuertemente la TROMPETA en el mes séptimo a los diez días del mes; el día de la expiación haréis tocar la TROMPETA por toda vuestra tierra.


1:1 La revelación de Jesucristo, que Dios le dio, para manifestar a sus siervos las cosas que deben suceder pronto; y la declaró enviándola por medio de su ángel a su siervo Juan,
1:2 que ha dado testimonio de la palabra de Dios, y del testimonio de Jesucristo, y de todas las cosas que ha visto.
1:3 Bienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y guardan las cosas en ella escritas; porque el tiempo está cerca.
1:4 Juan, a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: Gracia y paz a vosotros, del que es y que era y que ha de venir, y de los siete espíritus que están delante de su trono; (Las siete iglesias es una referencia a las pleyades) 
1:5 y de Jesucristo el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos, y el soberano de los reyes de la tierra. Al que nos amó, y nos lavó de nuestros pecados con su sangre, (Una referencia a la resurreccion de Cristo, con un obvio nexo con JUAN 20)
1:6 y nos hizo reyes y sacerdotes para Dios, su Padre; a él sea gloria e imperio por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. (Nexo con la esposa del cordero, con un obvio nexo con MARIA MAGDALENA EN JUAN 20)
1:7 He aquí que viene con las nubes, y todo ojo le verá, y los que le traspasaron; y todos los linajes de la tierra harán lamentación por él. Sí, amén.
1:8 Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso. (Alfa tiene nexo con el sexo masculino y omega con el femenino)
1:9 Yo Juan, vuestro hermano, y copartícipe vuestro en la tribulación, en el reino y en la paciencia de Jesucristo, estaba en la isla llamada Patmos, por causa de la palabra de Dios y el testimonio de Jesucristo.
1:10 Yo estaba en el Espíritu en el día del Señor, y oí detrás de mí una gran voz como de trompeta, (Noten el nexo con MATEO 24:31 tambien en contexto a la trompeta y al verano, CON UNA OBVIA RELACION CON PENTECOSTES) 
1:11 que decía: Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el primero y el último. Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: a Efeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea.
1:12 Y me volví para ver la voz que hablaba conmigo; y vuelto, vi siete candeleros de oro,
1:13 y en medio de los siete candeleros, a uno semejante al Hijo del Hombre, vestido de una ropa que llegaba hasta los pies, y ceñido por el pecho con un cinto de oro.
1:14 Su cabeza y sus cabellos eran blancos como blanca lana, como nieve; sus ojos como llama de fuego;
1:15 y sus pies semejantes al bronce bruñido, refulgente como en un horno; y su voz como estruendo de muchas aguas.
1:16 Tenía en su diestra siete estrellas; de su boca salía una espada aguda de dos filos; y su rostro era como el sol cuando resplandece en su fuerza.
1:17 Cuando le vi, caí como muerto a sus pies. Y él puso su diestra sobre mí, diciéndome: No temas; yo soy el primero y el último;
1:18 y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las llaves de la muerte y del Hades.
1:19 Escribe las cosas que has visto, y las que son, y las que han de ser después de estas.
1:20 El misterio de las siete estrellas que has visto en mi diestra, y de los siete candeleros de oro: las siete estrellas son los ángeles de las siete iglesias, y los siete candeleros que has visto, son las siete iglesias.

Resposta  Missatge 26 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/12/2011 18:34

John F Kennedy, Jr disappeared on July 16, 1999


USA tested atomic bomb on July 16, 1945
Apollo 11 lifted-off on July 16, 1969
Kubrick's movie EYES WIDE SHUT released on July 16, 1999

To Orwell Today,

Hi Jackie,

I've been studying the Apollo program for the past two years so I'm very interested in that video DARK SIDE OF THE MOON*. You called it a "hoax of a hoax." From the things you wrote**, I get the impression that it's the government's answer to videos like "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and the Fox special that aired a couple of years ago.

From my research, I know that some people think Stanley Kubrick may have had some involvement in the Apollo presentations (either directly or indirectly.) I don't know if that's true or not. I learned that Kubrick wanted his movie "Eyes Wide Shut" released on the 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 (July 16, 1999.) And, the North American release of "Eyes Wide Shut" was July 16, 1999. (Kubrick died before the premier of that movie.)

-Scott Wenger

Hi Scott,

That is VERY interesting about Kubrick wanting EYES WIDE SHUT released on the 30th anniversary of the Apollo launch, ie July 16, 1999. That's the same day John F. Kennedy, Jr went missing. It speaks volumes in symbolism and it's eerie. The only other connection I'd made with that date (other than that it was in the year ending 666*) was that July 16 (1945) was when the powers-that-be tested their atomic bomb in preparation for dropping it on Japan. They were in a hurry because Japan had already been destroyed (except two cities, hmmmm, how convenient) and had surrendered but the war wasn't declared over until after the bomb was dropped (literally).

All the best,
~ Jackie Jura

Hi Jackie

I was born in 1959 and I remember watching the Apollo 11 presentation back in July of 1969.

I did not know that John Kennedy, Jr. was killed on July 16, 1999. Yes, that's very eerie that he died on the 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11. Coincidence?

I've seen other videos about Apollo but I haven't seen the DSOTM video yet.

-Scott Wenger



John Kennedy Jr Plane Missing. CNN, Jul 16, 1999

Physicist helped build first Atomic-bomb (admitted involved in Communist Party). Telegraph, Apr 29, 2005. Go to 13.Weapons & 6.Superstates & 35.Brotherhood & ATOMIC-BOMB SCIENTIST COMMUNIST



A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE MOON (site includes Moon Hoax of 1835)


JFK, JR'S CRASH STILL A MYSTERY, by Pat Shannan, Media ByPass, April 2000
...For decades it has been speculated that Bobby Kennedy was well aware of the faction which murdered his brother, but he needed possession of the Oval Office in order to expose it. He was murdered at the Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel, minutes after his acceptance speech for winning the 1968 California Democratic Primary. Contact magazine, among others, says that young JFK, Jr. also knew who killed his father and was willing to spill it to the American people, once he reached an ivory tower sufficient to be heard, in particular, the White House...[link to www.patshannan.com/articlejfkjr.html no longer connects]

Moon anniversary celebrated (APOLLO 11 commander Neil Armstrong, lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin and command module pilot Michael Collins made the rounds in Washington 30 years to the day after Armstrong and Aldrin descended to the lunar surface, leaving Collins to circle the moon alone...During the rare joint appearance, Armstrong repeated the first words he spoke on the moon: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."). MSNBC, Jul 20, 1999


Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com

Resposta  Missatge 27 de 117 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/12/2011 18:47

2. What are the origins of the 13 Moon calendar in Mayan culture?

The Thirteen Moon calendar was originally known by the Maya as the Tun Uc, the "moon count" or "count of seven" (7 x 4 = 28). The correlation date on the Gregorian calendar, July 26, is also derived from the prophetic tradition of the Chilam Balam or Jaguar Priests. This date on the Julian calendar was July 16, and was first correlated with the heliacal rising of Sirius at 19.5 latitude north in the Mayan temple site of Edzna in AD 692. This also corresponds to the dedication date of the tomb of Pacal Votan in Palenque , Chiapas , Mexico , whose prophecy, Telektonon, espouses the return to natural time through following the Thirteen Moon calendar.


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