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MATEMATICAS: Icosahedron
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/08/2012 23:35


The following Cartesian coordinates define the vertices of an icosahedron with edge-length 2, centered at the origin:
(0, ±1, ±φ)
(±1, ±φ, 0)
(±φ, 0, ±1)
where φ = (1+√5)/2 is the golden ratio (also written τ). Note that these vertices form five sets of three concentric, mutually orthogonal golden rectangles, whose edges form Borromean rings.
If the original icosahedron has edge length 1, its dual dodecahedron has edge length , one divided by the golden ratio.



Gold nanoparticle - monoatomic gold - alchemy symbolic transmutation


Luca Pacioli - gyroscope -borromean rings - hourglass


Luca Pacioli - icosahedron - Sem priest - Leopard skin


Earth grid - Phi - Icosahedron



Dali Tiger - The beast


William Blake Tyger poem

TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


The Lamb
William Blake

Little Lamb, who made thee
Does thou know who made thee
Gave thee life & bid thee feed.
By the stream & o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing woolly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice.
Making all the vales rejoice:
Little Lamb who made thee
Does thou know who made thee

Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee;
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek & he is mild,
He became a little child
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by His name,
Little Lamb God bless thee,
Little Lamb God bless thee.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2013 04:32
echanical and spatial determinants of cy... [Integr Biol (Camb). 2009] - PubMed - NCBI

Integr Biol (Camb). 2009 Feb;1(2):212-9. doi: 10.1039/b818874b. Epub 2009 Jan 6.
Mechanical and spatial determinants of cytoskeletal geodesic dome formation in cardiac fibroblasts.
Entcheva E, Bien H.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University, HSC T18-030, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8181, USA. emilia.entcheva@sunysb.edu
This study tests the hypothesis that the cell cytoskeletal (CSK) network can rearrange from geodesic dome type structures to stress fibers in response to microenvironmental cues. The CSK geodesic domes are highly organized actin microarchitectures within the cell, consisting of ordered polygonal elements. We studied primary neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts. The cues used to trigger the interconversion between the two CSK architectures (geodesic domes and stress fibers) included factors affecting spatial order and the degree of CSK tension in the cells. Microfabricated three-dimensional substrates with micrometre sized grooves and peaks were used to alter the spatial order of cell growth in culture. CSK tension was modified by 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM), cytochalasin D and the hyphae of Candida albicans. CSK geodesic domes occurred spontaneously in about 20% of the neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts used in this study. Microfabricated structured surfaces produced anisotropy in the cell CSK and effectively converted geodesic domes into stress fibers in a dose-dependent manner (dependence on the period of the features). Affectors of actin structure, inhibitors of CSK tension and cell motility, e.g. BDM, cytochalasin D and the hyphae of C. albicans, suppressed or eliminated the geodesic domes. Our data suggest that the geodesic domes, similar to actin stress fibers, require maintenance of CSK integrity and tension. However, microenvironments that promote structural anisotropy in tensed cells cause the transformation of the geodesic domes into stress fibers, consistent with topographic cell guidance and some previous CSK model predictions.

HARDI: High-angular-resolution diffusion imaging and Q-ball vector analysis

Diffusion MRI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early in the development of DTI based tractography, a number of researchers pointed out a flaw in the diffusion tensor model. The tensor analysis assumes that there is a single ellipsoid in each imaging voxel—as if all of the axons traveling through a voxel traveled in exactly the same direction. This is often true, but it can be estimated that in more than 30% of the voxels in a standard resolution brain image, there are at least two different neural tracts traveling in different directions that pass through each other. In the classic diffusion ellipsoid tensor model, the information from the crossing tract just appears as noise or unexplained decreased anisotropy in a given voxel. David Tuch was among the first to describe a working solution to this problem.[64][65]
The idea is best understood by conceptually placing a kind of geodesic dome around each image voxel. This icosahedron provides a mathematical basis for passing a large number of evenly spaced gradient trajectories through the voxel—each coinciding with one of the apices of the icosahedron. Basically, we are now going to look into the voxel from a large number of different directions (typically 40 or more). We use "n-tuple" tessellations to add more evenly spaced apices to the original icosahedron (20 faces)—an idea that also had its precedents in paleomagnetism research several decades earlier.[66] We just want to know which direction lines turn up the maximum anisotropic diffusion measures. If there is a single tract, there will be just two maxima pointing in opposite directions. If two tracts cross in the voxel, there will be two pairs of maxima, and so on. We can still use tensor math to use the maxima to select groups of gradients to package into several different tensor ellipsoids in the same voxel, or use more complex higher rank tensors analyses,[67] or we can do a true "model free" analysis that just picks the maxima and goes on about doing the tractography. We could use very high angular resolution (256 different directions) but it is often necessary to do ten or fifteen complete runs to get the information correct and this could mean 2,000 or more images—it gets to be over an hour to do the image and so becomes impossible. At forty angles, we can do 10 repetitions and get done in ten minutes. Also, in order to make this work, the gradient strengths have to be considerably higher than for standard DTI. This is because we can reduce the apparent noise (non-diffusion contributions to signal) at higher b values (a combination of gradient strength and pulse duration) and improve the spatial resolution.
The Q-Ball method of tractography is an implementation of the HARDI approach in which David Tuch provides a mathematical alternative to the tensor model.[68] Instead of forcing the diffusion anisotropy data into a group of tensors, the mathematics used deploys both probability distributions and a classic bit of geometric tomography and vector math developed nearly 100 years ago—the Funk Radon Transform.[69]

Buckminster Fuller

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Museo Dali

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Museo Dali - Duomo Buckmister Fuller

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Evolucion del icosahedro al domo geodesico

Algunas pistas ya revisadas

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Luca Pacioli con sacerdote Shem, piel de Leopardo al igual que Dali.

Atomos de oro, final del proceso alquimico y la gran obra.

Anillos de borromeo( El Señor ) se forman sobre triangulos rectangulo del icosahedro.

The following Cartesian coordinates define the vertices of an icosahedron with edge-length 2, centered at the origin:
(0, ±1, ±φ)
(±1, ±φ, 0)
(±φ, 0, ±1)
where φ = (1+√5)/2 is the golden ratio (also written τ). Note that these vertices form five sets of three concentric, mutually orthogonal golden rectangles, whose edges form Borromean rings.
If the original icosahedron has edge length 1, its dual dodecahedron has edge length , one divided by the golden ratio.

Grilla de la tierra

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 03-ene-2013 a las 02:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2013 15:34
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La Alquimia codifica el paralelismo de las leyes fisicas cosmicas que acompasan proceso espiritual de la humanidad.

Robert Simmons : quote

Galena is a stone of the alchemical process of self transformation. As a lead based mineral, it carries the vibrational pattern of lead, which symbolizes the beginner in alchemy, the human being in the initial state of unpurified physicality.Yet Galena does not have a static energy.Just as a beginner has implicitly already embarked on the journey, so Galena is a a powerful stone for initiating the process of awakening. The long process of alchemical transformation of lead to gold, and from the beginner to master - carries within its initiating seed the ultimate pattern of perfection.

The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach - Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian, Hazel Raven - Google Books

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Shaping Nanocrystals

Argonne Photo: Lead Nanoparticles -- Scanning electron microscopy images of lead nanoparticles created with the electrodeposition technique. Shaped nanoparticles such as icosahedrons (a) and decahedrons (b) can be produced with voltages lower than 1.2 volts while elongated structures such as tripods (c) and nanobrushes (d) appear at higher voltages. The bar at the top of each image represents 500 nanometers (billionths of an inch).

galena « Appealing Environments

Galena and Avatar, what is the connection?


Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 05-ene-2013 a las 23:55

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2013 15:45
Dentro de estos avatares del mal se encuentra la familia Rothschild la cual paradojicamente controla el precio del oro, la perfeccion Alquimica.
O sea por mas que la humanidad ha evolucionado en material espiritual, el mal aun se esconde tras el poder politico y financiero que en definitiva es el que mediante la tentacion mueve a los titiriteros, la semilla del mal/caos perdura su existencia dentro de orden/bien puliendo esa piedra cuasi perfecta hasta el final del ciclo temporal.

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Recordemos el escarabajo de Rockefeller bajo el codigo 1111 en la revista Forbes.

Ahora tenemos esta curiosa asociacion, solo para Bondiologos.

The Real Skyfall? Would You Believe Brussels? - Forbes

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 07-ene-2013 a las 02:31

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2013 15:46

She sees dead people | Musical America Blogs

In Act-3 the colony of living-dead's becomes too large and too heavy a burden for Lulu to carry, and the ending is actually happening in her head. She is totally destroyed, abandoned and humiliated (only Countess Geschwitz will remain faithful to her -- and will die after her!) It's a payback time and the real and fictional world meet, the ghosts dress up in trench coats, put the melon hat and make a threatening crew armed with umbrellas -- just like in Magritte's painting:

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2013 15:54
Ya hemos tratado el tema de la glandula pineal, la piedra filosofal el zinc, los anillos de borromeo, el icosahedro, etc.

La matriz de grilla telurica de la tierra es un icosahedro.

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El esqueleto del icosahedro por decirlo de alguna forma esta compuesto por rectangulos aureos o por anillos de borromeo.

El quiebre de la molecula de zinc produce un microcaos en nuestra glandula pineal generando el vinculo con la singularidad.
El zinc tambien esta presente en la reproduccion, recordemos las semillas, abrete sesamo, el zapallo de Halloween, clave magia sexual, etc.

Digamos que el icosahedro es la cuadratura de la figura real redondeada, ya que el icosahedro solo llena espacio en su forma hiperbolica.

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El verdadero arbol de la vida con sus interaccion electromagnetica a traves de sus ramas o lineas ley fluye la singularidad.

Lluvia de hombrecitos con paraguas, donde estan los paraguas ?

Lluvia de hombrecitos con paraguas en el Museo Ralli - Diario EL PAIS - Montevideo - Uruguay

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El icosahedro paragua de arriba, o de abajo por ende el cielo.

El pinguino ( asociado al polo y centro galactico ) con su paraguas espiral 9.

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Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 09-ene-2013 a las 17:31

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2013 02:19

Metatron's Cube

Another thing that you notice is the nestedness of the hexagon/cubes. Here we see a tesseract, or the cube within a cube. The cube of four would show three nested cubes like this.


You also see other solid figures inside this image, all of the Platonic Solids as a matter of fact. Metatron's Cube serves as a drawing board for multiple symbolic figures.



The tetrahedron, 4 triangles faces.



The octahedron, eight triangle faces.



The Icosahedron, twenty triangle faces.



And the dodecahedron, twelve pentagonal faces.











Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2013 07:43

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/07/2022 03:55

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 10 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2022 00:51

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