When consumers shop around, price is often the driving factor when making a decision about a merchant credit card processing provider. If value-added services really do take a back seat over price, how can merchant credit card processing companies survive with consistent margin erosion?
When Credit Card Processing Rates Rule
When it comes down to it, the industry is constantly competing on price. In the current market, small merchants can often get
become a credit card processing agent the same pricing as larger retailers that have more money behind them to negotiate. With a level playing field, rate cuts may work to get the sale in the moment, but what impact does that have on the industry -- especially when the next provider is willing to go lower? If price is not negotiable, are you willing to let the customer walk?
Standout in a Sea of Providers
Outside of price, people want good customer service. It's hard to put a price on the customer's peace-of-mind, knowing that when they have a problem it will be handled quickly and successfully.