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Réponse  Message 1 de 22 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 04/11/2011 16:26

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Réponse  Message 8 de 22 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/02/2012 20:15
The Druids, the Aryans, the Amenists, the Cult of Aton, the Shemsu Hor, the Culdeans, the Merovingians, the Zionists, the Knight Templars, the Davids, the Freemasons, the European Royal Bloodline, the Nazis, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Vatican Church State, the Presidents of the United States, the Federal Reserve and various other groups were agents of this spiritual desecration that perpetuated a war on the consciousness of humanity and the Earth. A pervasive phenomena of evil. Initiators and architects of the Luciferian spirit, exemplified in practically every megalithic structure, star map and religion throughout ancient civilization such as the Tower of Babel dedicated to the three Sun Gods Nimrod, Semiramisis and Tammuz, later duplicated with the large Ziggurat pyramid temples in Sumeria to represent Enki, Ishtar and Marduk; the pyramids and sphinx at the Giza complex in Egypt, the circular standing stones at Stonehenge; the orthostats at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey; the Moai human figures at Easter Island in Chile; the mausoleums and burial mounds in China, the pyramids and temples of the mesoamerican cultures at El Mirador, Chichen Itza, Cholula; the Lascaux Cave in France; the Sumerian Tablet Star Map; the Sacred Cosmic Puma of the Inca; the German Nebra Disc; the Cydonia Complex on planet Mars; the Star of David and the Solomon Key; the Menorah; the Freemason First Degree Tracing Board; the 'sacred lineage' on the Holy Grail; the Vatican city layout; the Washington DC city layout and the U.S. One Dollar Bill;... Symbols of one global megalithic culture that was further demonstrated on the star maps, showing SIRIUS.

Réponse  Message 9 de 22 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/05/2012 15:22






    Inti Raymi: fiesta del sol incaica. Celebrada por el pueblo andino constructor de Machu Picchu en el solsticio invernal del 24 de junio. Inti y su fervor solar aseguraban la continuidad y renovación de la vida; sus benéficos rayos propiciaban las buenas cosechas y la salud, por tanto, de hombres y animales. Festividad como comunicación entre lo humano y la divinidad bienhechora. Fiesta en las alturas montañosas de los Andes donde lo profano y lo sagrado se unen, reconcilian. Todas las fotos que se muestran aquí en una galería fotográfica para ampliar, fueron obtenidas por el periodista argentino Iair Kohn durante la última celebración del Inti Raymi en las explanadas de Sacsahuamán, cerca de Cuzco. Luego, en este momento de Fiestas populares de Temakel, un texto de Jesús Callejo, autor de Las fiestas sagradas, a guisa de breve recreación del espíritu festivo de la incaica adoración del sol. 

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     Los dos festivales primordiales del mundo incaico dentro de su calendario sacerdotal era el Capac-Raymi ( o Año Nuevo), que tenía lugar en diciembre, y el Inti Raymi. En la primera fecha se llevaban a cabo ritos directamente vinculados a las iniciaciones de la pubertad de los muchachos de noble linaje. Entre (ingestiones) de chicha, se realizaban competiciones, danzas y hasta una batalla simulada. Se ejecutaba una carrera ritual donde los atletas corrían en dirección al monte sagrado de Huanacauri.


    El otro extremo solsticial se celebraba cada 24 de junio el Inti Raymi ( o la Fiesta del Sol) en la impresionante explanada de Sacsahuamán, muy cerca de Cuzco. La ceremonias se dedicaba a la adoración del Sol porque era él quien hacía que los campos fuesen fértiles. Era una fiesta dedicada a la creación del fuego nuevo, con sacrificios de animales incluidos (en concreto, llamas). La efigie de Inti, la deidad solar principal de los incas bajo la forma de un disco de oro con rasgos humanos, era colocada en los templos frente a una puerta que se orientaba hacia el Levante para que reflejase los albores del amanecer. Justo en el momento de la salida del astro rey, el Inca elevaba los brazos al sol y exclamaba. !Oh, mi sol! !Oh, mi sol! Envíanos tu calor, que el frío desaparezca. !Oh, mi sol! En  medio de la expectación general, mientras el sol iluminaba las cimas de las montañas, la multitud entonaba a coro sus cantos de alabanza. De rodillas, con los brazos en alto, miles de voces se fundían en un excelso cántico acompañado con los acordes de cientos de instrumentos musicales.

Réponse  Message 10 de 22 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/05/2012 15:24

INTI RAYMI : Una Fiesta a Recrear y Recuperar

     Las fiestas para los pueblos andinos tuvieron muchísima importancia y significación, no sólo porque se cantaba, danzaba y bebía con gran algarabía, sino que también contenían un fuerte contenido ritual y simbólico que generaba comienzos, principios, culminaciones y donde se auguraba (a través de ritos) un futuro prominente o un fracaso catastrófico. Si este augurio era beneficioso el pueblo seguía con rituales de agradecimiento y si no lo era, los mismos se convertían en sacrificios o súplicas para la intervención de dioses y huacas llegando a transformar ese futuro catastrófico en productivo. Pero a su vez era la reafirmación de pertenencia, origen, descendencia, ratificando así las relaciones sociales y el establecimiento de ellas.


     Una de las Principales fiestas fue la del Inti Raymi que se realizaba en el Corazón del Imperio Incaico en el Cuzco y en las diferentes comarcas o lugares por donde había pasado el soberano Inca o en aquellos de gran importancia para el aparato estatal incaico como son los centros administrativos, producción, lugares sagrados etc. Todos estos sitios diseminados por todo el Tawantinsuyo o regiones incas tuvieron que rendir homenaje al gran astro sol o INTI, padre de todos los Incas y grandes señores.

Espera de los primeros rayos del Sol


Las festividades estaban regidas por un calendario de 360 días al año, doce meses en el cual el Inti Raymi ocupaba el sexto mes (hoy Junio) cuando se marcaba el solsticio de invierno, que generalmente cae los 21 de junio por estas tierras , estos solsticios y equinoccios eran registrados por un reloj solar conocido por INTI WATANA marcando las fiestas y los preparativos de ellas, pero a su vez cumplía un rol social de organizar el trabajo a través de faenas comunales conocidas como la Mita, la Minca y el Ayni organización del trabajo a diferentes escalas. Estos Inti Watanas se representan en forma de pilares o grandes ventanas de forma trapezoidal, por donde los primeros rayos del sol que crucen o peguen en el centro de estas estructuras darían comienzo a los ciclos de festividades y formas de trabajo.

     Esta fiesta no podría tener la importancia debida si no contaría con una bebida que exalte y mantenga estimulados a los participantes consumiendo grandes cantidades de Chicha, bebida alcohólica que se obtiene del Maíz que juega un papel importante en las ceremonias religiosas, fiestas y trabajo a gran escala.

     En el Sitio Arqueológico Fuerte Quemado, dpto Santa María, hay evidencias de su anexión al Imperio Inca, arquitectónicamente demuestra la división del espacio social andino: collana, pallan (a) y callao y una Aukaypata (plaza principal donde se celebraban todo tipo de fiesta). Era un lugar de administración y producción (de chicha e hilado). Asimismo, en lo alto del morro, se encuentra ubicada La Ventanita o Inti Watana, reloj solar que marcaba las fiestas y organizaba el trabajo en este lugar, por lo tanto, es muy posible que se haya celebrado el Inti Raymi en este lugar del Noroeste Argentino.

Puesta en escena de la celebracion del Inti Raymi


     El 21 de junio los primeros rayos solares pasan por el centro de la ventanita y tras de ella, a la espera, se encuentra el Inca con un disco donde se reflejará dichos rayos que llegarán hasta el Aukaypata y se dará por inicio la Gran Ceremonia.

Por: Edna Burgos - Tecnica y Guia de Turismo
Fernando Morales Morales - Arqueologo
Fotos: Hector Suarez


Réponse  Message 11 de 22 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/05/2012 15:25
  • Inti Raymi - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    Inti Raymi (en quechua 'fiesta del Sol') era una antigua ceremonia religiosa
    andina en honor al Inti (el dios sol), que se realizaba cada solsticio de invierno
    en ... - En caché - Similares
  • « Inti Raymi » fiesta del Sol

    Inti Raymi » fiesta del Sol. “Hubo un tiempo en que el sol vivía en Cusco, y la
    plaza aun sigue allí... “ Cuando el sol se alejaba totalmente de Cusco, marcaba
    el ... - En caché

    LA FIESTA INCA DE INTI RAYMI. Inti Raymi: fiesta del sol incaica. Celebrada por
    el pueblo andino constructor de Machu Picchu en el solsticio invernal del 24 ... - En caché - Similares
  • El Inti Raymi "La Fiesta del Sol" ::: Santa Maria - Catamarca ...

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    andinos tuvieron muchísima importancia y significación, no sólo porque se ... - En caché
  • Imágenes de inti raymi fiesta del sol

  • El Inti Raymi (Fiesta del Sol)

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    nuevo indígena. Se agradece a la Pachamama todo lo ... - En caché
  • Inti Raymi Festival del Sol - Cometa Mágico

    Inti Raymi era la más grande e importante celebración que se llevaba a cabo en
    tiempo de los Incas. Aún es celebrada anualmente en Cusco y el complejo ... - En caché
  • Definicion de Inti Raymi (fiesta del Sol) - ¿qué es Inti Raymi?

    1 Abr 2011 ... Inti Raymi, que significa en quechua "fiesta del Sol", fue una antigua ceremonia
    en honor al dios Inti (dios del sol entre los incas) que se ... - En caché
  • Inti RaymiFiesta del Sol – Jujuy at Argentina Folklore Blog

    4 Jun 2007 ... Para la Fiesta del Sol, de antigua tradición Aymará, las comunidades aborígenes
    se reúnen en Abra Pampa, más específicamente en el cerro ... - En caché - Similares
  • Argentina: Celebración Inti RaymiFiesta del Sol

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  • Argentina - Fiesta del Inti Raymi, Catamarca

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    representación del INTI RAYMIFIESTA DEL SOL “Una Fiesta ... - En caché
  • Noticias de inti raymi fiesta del sol

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    Autoridad local anunció que antes de las fiestas del Inti Raymi no retirará la ... el día 24 de junio, día central de la Fiesta del Sol o Inti Raymi.
    Radio Programas del Perú - 4 artículos relacionados »
  • Búsquedas relacionadas con: inti raymi fiesta del sol

    fotos inti raymi

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    fecha del inti raymi

    Réponse  Message 12 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 01/08/2012 02:53

    Réponse  Message 13 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/03/2014 03:05

    Réponse  Message 14 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/03/2014 03:07


    Article by Alice Smith 2013
    (Scroll down to the bottom if only looking for just the Inca fragmenting comet 'prophecy' fitting with comet ISON that was recently identified and published 11-11-2013 before the comet went behind the Sun).

    The greatest legends of the Inca are without doubt the magical way they cut stone as they did at Cusco and Machu Pichu and the mystery of the Golden Sun disc legend that showed the way to the stunning most sacred place of the Inca, a place called the Qorikancha and 'the golden star map'.

    When author of The Hidden Records Wayne Herschel in 2002 first started research on the Inca he had read many books on their obsession with star 'gods', but what surprised him the most was how strange it came to be that it was one of the leading enshrouded in secrecy ancient civilisations on record. So many inspiring stories that all begin with amazing clues then ended with dead ends. Was it a cover up? Were historical secret society involved with the Spanish invasion under Monarchy order or Vatican orders to hide the secrets? Has it continued to this day?

    This story has long evolved since his book publication so I will reconstruct it here with the updates and with more sequential flow and exactly how Wayne has pieced the story together for me. Starting from the basic clues and work through to the landmark breakthroughs he has made.

    First things first; the legend of the Golden Inti Punchaco sun disc artifact. The most sacred of all Inca artifacts is the massive and beautiful gold disc that went missing during the Spanish Invasion in 1532. It occurred just 3 years after their king Wayna ref died of Small Pox pandemic outbreak with the thousands of others infected from the Spanish invaders. The Inca realised at that very moment that they were in big trouble and that these Spaniards were after their gold. Would they hide their dearest treasure or were they too late? That's the big question.

    The most sacred artifact of the Inca was a large gold sun disc called the Inti Punchaco which means Sun disc. Note just like the Egyptians they call it a disc and believe this disc also came down from the sky. The golden disc has many theories attached to how it went missing. The most popular theory of historians is that it was saved by the Inca people and taken to an Inca city that is coincidently also missing today called Gran Paititi. The gold disc was even called the Inti Paititi by early researchers supporting the theory. But since there is no Paititi city discovered to date, Wayne believes that that claim is probably just a cover up story. One concocted perhaps to exclude this artifact from being melted down to be a part of the plundered well catalogued cargo to go aboard ships to Spain. Wayne believes it could have gone two possible ways. Firstly either secretly to the King of Spain or secondly, one now favored by modern researchers, that it went to the Vatican especially due to very revealing detail found on it.

    Wayne has been involved in a project reviving the lost star map artifact history of our past and the latest project, made possible by some very dedicated people involves rendering some museum quality replicas of the most controversial artifacts tied to the star map history of our world.

    Here Wayne is holding one of the largest artifacts reproduced and reconstructed for the 'road show ancient alien artifacts' expo referencing ALL the records of what the disc looked like.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    Wayne insists that to date there are no other reconstructed versions of this art work anywhere on the planet that are as accurate as this piece. He will be presenting these new renditions as a 'gift' to all those who donate above $500 to the film making project (click the image above for story). All the other previous attempts out there strangely avoided some of the main details, perhaps intentionally due to its connection to the Face on Mars. ref.

    The most obvious detail was that the face on it was oval and not round and the face had tapering 'goggle eyes' like that seen with their Sun deity Viracocha, ref It gets a bit confusing here because there are two Virachochas: One the deity and the other was the king ref at the time who named himself after this deity claiming he was 'son' of the 'Sun' deity.

    The King Viracocha of the Inca empire claimed he had encounters with the 'gods' and it was his son Inca Patchacuti ref was the builder of the advanced stone cutting empire of Cuzco ref of a special cosmic Puma geoglyph design plan (lower down on this page). For more background on the Incas and the treasure trove of clues on Cuzco, click this reference here



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    The detail illustrated above in green is the well known detail repeated in story upon story who speak of the Gold disc, all of which reference other books who then reference an 'inca elder' who Wayne was unable to trace historically. The detail in purple is the detail that the previous reconstruction artists chose to ignore, perhaps commissioned by elite who wanted such detail to be omitted.

    Oval Face: There is one carved in gold reference of the oval face and it cannot be ignored. The elders who spoke of the legend actually made a gold art piece decades after the Spanish invasion showing the secret of the Inca star knowledge. They made an art piece duplication of what the temple wall looked like before it was plundered and pillaged. The Inca star map piece Wayne calls it is shown lower down on the page where Wayne reconstructs for the first time in history the actual temple room itself.

    Tapered goggle eyes: Most reconstructed versions show oval goggle eyes but legend claims its Viracocha the Sun deities face. All Inca art work shows Viracocha with very slanted unnatural eyes as seen below in this earliest golden artifact example of the being. Wayne believes in this earliest example all the symbolism is clear. From this moment onwards the detail of Viracocha altered. Here Viracocha is the primary sun himself with its world and both apparently near Pleiades. He is holding the secondary and tertiary importance suns of a Trinity system. Wayne believes this eye depiction is unnatural logically since the being, if inspired by witnessing a real star visitor who came from above, then the being would most likely be wearing eye protection. Hence the version of the Inti Punchaco correctly altered following all clues.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades


    The rest of the detail is more simple, the entity was bearded as per the elders claim and because ALL Sun deity records found around the world show the Sun 'gods' bearded and oval faced and square forehead so this needs inclusion. ref

    The addition of seven emphasized sun rays is reasoned due to the fact the legend speaks of triangle decoration around the face and the common fact that the Dogon tribe have it as so ref as well as the legends of Helios and the statue of liberty history following the Freemason historical blazing sun with seven rays. ref. The rest of the detail completed a little further here is inspired by other ancient Sun 'god' records, for example the dot at the side of the mouth recorded by the Maya which Wayne believes appears like a communication microphone as we use today and as seen in all the Maya art.

    Speaking of Masonic history the legend of three Suns of the beings of the heavens is another typical shared issue the Inca have with Masonic history. Here is why Wayne proposed that three orbs in correct orientation are placed at the top of the disc with one on the forehead which was the important one. It is this important one that has a human form holding it which fits the Inca elder's claim. Wayne completed the star map here having Pleiades and Orions belt matching the Qorikancha artifact added to the bottom of the disc as it occurs on Sol Invictus in the Roman and masonic historical tradition. See this image below... click image below for full story.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    Its absolutely amazing how this next piece of the puzzle unfolds and it was reasoned by two interesting pieces of the legend. One detail left out on reproducing the Inti Punchaco was inclusion of the legend of emeralds being added around the edge of the disc. Firstly it's not only very intricate and costly changing fabrication design to have inlaid jewels around the edge of the rim but after long discussions it was decided to keep it similar to the common reproduced versions also because a plain gold artifact alone would still be stunning without jewels.

    The jewels around 'the rim' are another clue to add to the legend that this golden disc came down from the sky and landed! Something DISC SHAPED that shone like the sun that flies actually landed. The Jewels now speak volumes. It mirrors the biblical texts of Ezekiel's flying wheel on its side that had 'eyes' all around 'the rim'. ref.

    A strange thing Wayne realised when holding the disc and viewed it from a side elevation is that the design of this disc reproduces the dimensions and details of all historical accounts of flying discs... as in ancient alien flying discs.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    After the legendary visit of the Sun deity Viracocha who came from the stars, the man to record the secrets of the star visitor teachings and build Cusco ref was the Inca Patchacuti ref. Using what experts today are beginning to agree was the super technology of the 'gods' of stone moving, cutting and placement like nothing else seen on the planet to this day, he began his great task. Here we see some of the beautiful haphazard technique that screams out the obvious conveinient cutting and ease of placement stone building examples in Cusco:



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades

    Réponse  Message 15 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/03/2014 03:08

    Patchacuti probably started with the most sacred enclosure on the side of the hill where they could place what would be a collection of records and teachings from Viracocha and display them as priority as urgently as possible for all to see and admire.

    They named this place the Qorikancha ref and it is spelled in so many ways it was decided to use the spelling that is today on show at the site displayed in large gold lettering on the building cluster. Some spell it as Corichancha, Qurikancha, Koricancha and as such. The Spanish invasion established their hold by building their church of Santo Domingo right over the whole complex! They did however keep some of the building and enclosure intact. Now here is an amazing piece of the puzzle. The enclosure shape appears to be in the shape of the Leg of the Bull of Egypt ref the curved hoof part of the bulls leg shape protudes from the front of the Church complex as seen in the wikipedia image here. ref. Wayne is looking for more proof of the church plan but as per all research on this story so far, records are almost impossible to find. But here is a simple sketch made by one of the Spanish scholars who documented its history before it was transformed by the invasion. It is simplified perhaps hiding its secret under orders. But it was an enclosure of a 'cluster' of six buildings... seven rooms in total with the main center larger building has two rooms!

    This is where Wayne realised the collection of seven rooms and the layout was just like Angkor where the area of Rolous built the identical seven temples of the ancestors just like this! ref. Wayne believes this was the ground zero sacred place because it represented the Pleiades stars.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    UPDATED 2013. But there was more to the design plan around the Qorikancha. Patchacuti was inspired to build the city of Cusco as a giant geoglyph to be seen from space and it was to be in the form of a puma, the respected ferocious feline of their forests.

    The legend of the reasoning of why it was a puma acccording to the last great elders who told the story through word of mouth was because it was something visibly seen as a dark figure in a sacred part of the sky. Which part of the sky was sacred? Can we see it today?

    Sadly we cant see the clear shape of this dark cosmic puma today because of a continual pollution level that is far from perfect viewing, permanently. For it to be dark patch means it is in contrast obviously to a part of the sky where there is a cloud of stars... the Milky Way.


    Let it be said right here and now that what you are about to see is Wayne Herschel's discovery that places the REAL Cosmic Puma in its place unlike the ridiculous scholars claims of the confused Cosmic Puma. Scholars ignored the head part of the Puma and chose to try make its front leg become the face of the Puma. It sounds almost intentionally trying to hide the story. When tourists are in the area by the front paw the guides there point to the zigzag wall and say that the zig zag wall is the teeth of the Puma. Its actually the wet fur of the Puma!



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades


    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades




    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades




    Firstly, look at the inca art above for what a puma's head looks like with their important art style. Wayne insists he has found a match! It is accepted now by historians and researchers that the layout of the city of has been built to emulate a ‘cosmic’ puma. Although Wayne is in agreement with the general theory, his interpretation of the way in which this representation occurs is very different from theirs.

    Wayne believes he has discovered the true representation of the actual Puma head and front leg with fur hackels!

    He has added labels to the satellite image to show his own interpretation. What he finds interesting, is that the city is a mirror image version of the sky, and that the temple, which houses the Inca’s sacred Pleiades astronomical map, is positioned exactly in the area of the city that correlates with the Pleiades

    One of the most well-known cosmic myths of the Inca may be the definitive proof that they knew of the significance of the 'mystery' star that is pivotal to 'The Hidden Records'. This age-old myth speaks of a celestial puma in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere.

    Among the invaluable clues about this puma that the ancient Inca texts propose is: that it has a "bright eye"; that "its genitals are in a very sacred cosmic area"; and last but not least that it is a dark puma and can be found in the heavens where "the sky has no stars". Scholars have yet to identify this pattern in the sky.

    Wayne Herschel - taking as his vantage point the area in the night skies that he knew to be the most sacred to all the other ancient civilisations - set an advanced computer star program to mimic a very bright and clear ancient night sky.

    BREAKTHROUGH... the result is the remarkable image above. The dark area (further enhanced by the author for greater clarity) forms what apparently looks like the shape of a feline. In astronomy the darkness is explained as being formed from a dark Nebula cloud of dust in front of a very bright region of the stars of the Milky Way. Could this area indeed be the ancients' Cosmic Puma? The author believes there is no question about it. The Pleiades... and in particular the 'mystery' star.... form the puma's "genitals". The dark nebulosity truly resembles the shape of an animal, with the feline's eye correlating perfectly with a star, as the ancients had mentioned.

    A Milan professor has been doing his own research on the Inca's Cosmic Puma. Professor Giulio Magli mentions that the feline is mimicked in the layout plan of the city of Cuzco.

    Cusco is the city where the Inca's most sacred temple was located. It once held the secret of the golden star map shown below (reproduced by the last surviving Inca shaman) that the author deciphers in great detail in 'The Hidden Records'... but a summary on the interpretation follows in the next image.

    The ABC news release revealing Professor Giulio Magli's latest research although he was just like the others and insisted the paw was the head of the puma. It can be found on this link here


    In Qorikancha Cusco, where the Golden disc once rested was part of a large wall mural star map. It is time to see the complete star map and the obvious.

    The image here is the Golden star map which an Inca elder was told was a map of the sky where their ancestors and Viracocha came from. It has been investigated by scholars over the last 70 years and although they couldnt decipher the star map they did agree it was a real story. Its detail reproduced on one gold hammered sheet were one many large gold pieces placed as components on a full wall size rendition of the star map in the ancient temple. Note the wall and roof shape of the artifact.

    Here is the reference image source showing the original artifact in the Qorikancha in Cuzco which is almost a meter high ref.




    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades


    Réponse  Message 16 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/03/2014 03:09
    Starting at the top of the gold star map:

    This should have been easy for any astronomer to recognise but strangely no scholar ever managed to see this very simple piece of the star map. The detail of the top of the artifact below literally screams out the easy to recognise importance of identifying three stars in a row with two other stars on either side of it. A typical cross formation but with just the three joined with a line beckoning the observer to follow alignment to that which is below it. Orion... and its view as it occurs above a Western horizon

    It is no coincidence that it is a cross on top of a temple just like a Christian church. It is also no coincidence its detail itself looks like the Christian cross of early churches where it is shown as stars. Absolutely no coincidence here because Wayne discovered this star formation is measurably the secret of the cross of the churches and the Christ. A secret that Constantine encoded in his symbols and historical records of his encounter with a being that came from the sky that taught him about the Cross of the Christ. ref.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades


    The secrets of the Christian Cross Wayne has posted on this website bases its foundation on this identical star alignment knowledge following the way in the night sky of the 3 kings to the 'Bethlehem star'.

    Wayne adds... Follow through the big oval beneath it. Perhaps a way to say this is what the three stars will take you to, the sacred place of the sky 'ringed' with importance with this oval. Inside the oval a preview where it takes you ... to a crescent world of the 'gods'.

    There is even a title for this artifact to the side of it having the same repeating Orion's belt with stars and another smaller oval. Its literally titled pictographically saying:

    'Orion shows you the way to the place of the 'gods'.

    This star map is catagorized AA for good reason. It has virtually everything to proove the star map. There is a star and something that undeniably looks like a world associated with the star next to what scholars accept is the Pleiades. We have a cosmic orientation match with Orion above the western horizon and crossing the ecliptic also shown. A world with firmament (atmosphere) and what appears like continents and oceans. There is even a journey path of the ancient star travellers, our human ancestors. The Incas worshipped the same star secret as all other ancient civilisations... it was a global obsession!


    Wayne could not place any significance with the 'anomaly' not yet spoken about on the golden Inca star map labelled 'comet'. Up until October 2013 it remained something unsolved. Wayne was preparing a museum quality duplication of the artifact from the artifact expo for shipping to a project donor who kindly sent $100 to help it find a way to securing a film deal.

    He was dusting it off and gently wiping the 'anomaly' area while thinking why on Earth would they show a cluster of stars so weirdly and there are no stars in this position. Some have curved radiating light bursts and there were different styles for depiction. He was wiping more to the left of it and wiped the two streaks that were behind this anomaly.

    He suddenly realised something profound... this anomaly had a comet tail!

    But this was no ordinary comet... it appears to be one that looks like a large fragmenting comet!

    Since Wayne as a typical amateur astronomer was watching this very exciting comet for some months, designated 'comet of the century', he has been betting for some time this comet will fragment like Comet Shoemaker-Levy, but in a far more spectacular way. Scientists dont think it is likely to fragment as they give it just a 50-50 option of either surviving intact or crashing into the Sun.

    Wayne suddenly remembered something that swayed his belief that it would fragment long before figuring the golden star map anomaly. His near death experience memories. There were some vague memories he recalled on seeing the Earth with meteor showers and a meteor impact risk to the world if humanity had not changed its ways. One image recollection in memory was of a debris field somewhat similar to that rendered in this next image. It is discussed here on his spiritual experience website titled

    Will the comet under extreme heat and g-force explode into fragments? This remains a wait and see situation as this article was published 11-11-2013 but it will be updated later if it passes because then another interpretation remains. The importance here is about what the golden star map is suggesting and it will keep getting updated here as Earth events appear to match the golden tablet.

    RISKS IF IT FRAGMENTS: Comet ISON will pass behind the Sun during the last week of November. Scientists give two possibilities and ignore a third possibility. They say it could do two things:
    1) crash into the Sun
    2) stay intact and be a regular passing safe comet
    They seem to have dismissed the possibility it will be torn apart like Comet Shoemaker-Levy and the debris will now be passing with many new trajectories. If there is a mass of debris as depicted in the image that follows then there is a very slight but real risk of a large fragment coming our way. Will it be closer to mid January as we also pass though its tail, or a later date? Far too early to speculate. But the chances are very slim for now.

    If the comet does not fragment the depiction here could just be a case of a strange way the Inca artist felt a comet should be sketched. Then the return of Viracocha still remains a probability but with another risk that still needs to be evaluated. The risk being that on January the 12th when the Earth passes through the tail of this monster! Scientists believe a substantial meteor show will be possible but mainly harmless tiny particles at the most. wil there be larger meteors? We wait and watch.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    This is just a theory for now but important to cover if there is any truth to it so it will help all understand the magnitude of not just this prophecy but the other prophecies that all seem to record a similar thing. The article study on Prophecy here

    Time to look at the comet if it is a comet in context on the golden tablet that is found in the Qorikancha temple in Cuzco. The star map message depicts the identity of Viracocha as a star visitor entity. The Incas believe he is the great one of their ancient star ancestors. But something amazing now appears a lot clearer. The interaction between one from Earth speaking to this one with the title of 'Viracocha' the star visitor seen at the bottom of the gold tablet.

    The Maya and many other ancient civilisations claim a day in the future when the star visitor ancestors return and up to now the Inca have no public recognised records of prophecy due to no written records.

    Let's look at the golden tablet. Consider the main story feature here. This appears to be a story of star travellers showing their journey from their world on the left of the tablet near the Pleiades and a line that probably went right around the walls of the temple to touch the other side of the front of the temple. As depicted on the golden tablet here it is on the right side were a cosmic dragon opens over Earth because it teaches a dot connecting to the continent of what looks like South America according to Wayne's interpretation.

    Now... a whole lot of 'ifs' need to be considered as well as the very rare chance we make first official contact with alien life in the universe. If the comet fragments in the first week of December 2013 and if the unthinkable occurs, and we make first 'official' public contact with star visitors in our seen sky then consider this. If the star visitor event is a reality and if it qualifies as appearing a non evil visitor event, then the message given by such a visitor needs to be taken seriously and with trust. (See the logic and reasoning way to qualify with high probability if any star visitor is good or evil here)


    The first question needing an answer is the placement of the comet in the star map between Orion and Taurus. One needs to ask if Comet ISON has passed this area or has any unusual identification associating the comet with this area of the night sky.

    That answer is a resounding YES... not only has it passed this area but the way in which it appeared here almost tells a story in itself!

    The most amazing thing about the path of the the comet literally a few months after it was discovered late in 2012 was that it was heading for Taurus, then went retrograde right in front of the Bulls horns and created the illusion it did an about turn and then set off on its journey that the world began to watch. It is almost as if it just popped into say hello to the place of the 'gods' then set off on its 'mission'. Its destiny remains a mystery and will be updated here as it unfolds (see update below and revised position of this 'comet' on the golden tablet). Here is the on line image verification of the comets path ref.

    MAJOR BREAKING UPDATE 2 DECEMBER 2013... ISON has fragmented and has two tails. But there is something Earth shattering that has just been identified thats measurable on the comet depiction on the golden tablet. Not the twin comet tails (one dust of ions) following the debris patch which is an obvious match but its placement in the tablet. It shows where it is at the time of reunion with Viracocha... astronomically!



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    Now we have all witnessed that the comet fragmented as Wayne suggested, as it beat the odds against chance that all the astronomers insisted would disintergrate and fall into the Sun. Even the mass media ran the story in a hurry claiming it was lost as if trying to hide the fact when millions were watching the LASCO C3 satellite feed live on line witnessing that 'something' came out the other side of the Sun.

    Wayne laughed at the conspiracy theory of cover up initially as this comet is being spammed with absolute lies and Nibiru or UFO faked evidence. But watching as did many others, the live UStream feed of the live commentry by some of the best astronomers in the world, they kept showing the Sun view from another satellite where the comet should appear. We all saw the time frames changing so it was a live updating image. Well we all, including the astronomers missed the obvious... THE SUN ACTIVITY WAS SOMEHOW ALSO FROZEN!!!

    The Sun surface should be moving and although the time markers were showing new frames, the image was frozen. In other words the astronomers there all missed the obvious or ... THEY LIED.

    One viewer of the UStream feed was this guy here who made a video and captured the frozen Sun image with the faked time markers changing... ref.

    Were the astronomers or elite controlled media trying to hide the massive nucleus fragmentation to prevent cries of panic that our Earth orbit will soon be crosing a debris field? No chance to take this serious at all for now as the new debris trajectories are not measurable until the anomaly field moves away from the sun.

    Well, lets put conspiracy aside until there is more data, and consider something monumental that Wayne recognised a few days ago.


    At a second look, now the comet has passed and fragmented and survived, Wayne took a second look at the Inca golden tablet and realised a far better and more reasoned choice for its position shown. It was positioned perhaps not so much to show where it generally arrived in this part of the sky in a 'not too exact' cosmic area as suggested in the previous image, but more accurately now to show where its heading!

    Here is more clarity: Since the simple fact in going a little further on the path tracking calculation past January we arrive right next to the area where the mystery Sun star is position as it appears right next to the comet on the tablet!

    It also provides us with an approximate date we could expect the return of Viracocha according to the star map.


    According to the apparent position of the fragmenting comet near the Sol Star and world of the 'gods' postion, this path approximately suggests occuring sometime between late February 2014 to early March. (Also new tracking calculations need to be corrected with yet to be identified debris).

    Note the green path that tracks in the image below towards the place where it is almost exactly shown on the Golden Star map.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades 

    Réponse  Message 17 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/03/2014 03:10


    In the image below, comet fragmentation is defined and proposed as suggested in the Inca prophecy and it will be updated as the results unfold. It is currently reasoned here in advance as it might turn out as discussed with Wayne's private webring of home astronomers. These people are those who watch the sky with substantial tracking telescopes and people who are also able to reason the basics in calculating orbital paths of heavenly bodies and new sun orbit anomalies.



    INCA INTI PUNCHACO QORIKANCHA star map of the Pleiades



    Astronomers all around the world watched absolutely dumbfounded as they saw a whole new anomaly exit from the Sun. When they were asked to comment by media, all said they are not ready to comment. Why? What is so mysterious that they prefer to abstain to comment? The answer is quite daunting and no wonder it is something they would prefer not to put their name against.


    Let's first speak about fabrications and fantasy. The social media pages are absolutely crazy with claims by people presenting crazy fabrications inspired by all sorts of reasons, some for just entertainment and sensation and some to get people to click their adverts for profitable reasons. But let's jump the gun and address probability a little early, since we do have the critically important Inca prophecy, if it's real and what occurs with the comet to prepare ourselves for. This will not be a fear-mongering article, quite the opposite, unless you are a member of the secret elite cabal billionaire cartel.


    The probability of fragmentation discussion here is based on many astronomers estimates the comet nucleus was 5km wide and the visual deduction it had a substantially higher dust and rock mass compared to its water mass because it did not just disintegrate as expected as an average comet would if it had a higher hydrogen oxygen count which makes its potential high water mass.

    As the comet nucleus endured the last visible 48hrs approach of the Sun, it clearly stayed intact and vented a bright streak of a tail. What occurred at this stage was most likely where the outer layer of the comet surface possibly forms a crust that might just be some meters deep. A crust that has lost all water content and alternates in a cycle between a molten surface and cooling into a tough rock surface each time the nucleus spins between hot and cool side away from the Suns wrath. Many can remember images of this in the well-constructed science advised Armageddon movie as the characters tried to drill the surface of the comet. A crust of some sort would probably also have vents all over it releasing the heated water content that would expand violently into steam.

    Now. The obvious.

    What happens when the internal pressure builds close to the sun and it struggles to release it all as the heat becomes excessive?

    Boom! It explodes. How big a boom is the big mystery here?


    Here is one major math factor now that needs to be included measuring probability of every large fragment in new trajectories as it not only survives the gravity pull of the Sun, but each fragment would have its own new path. Smaller fragments have small mass and therefore will also have a smaller momentum and be quickly overcome by the Sun's gravity. Extreme gravity pulling against this smaller momentum is no contest and it will quickly fall into the Sun as shown in the image. but some of the larger pieces still retain momentum and these pieces are what we saw with a very faint re-ignited tail was what survived the sun.

    At the point of detonation all the source of the gas and dust would quickly be vaporised and then streak away with solar wind in an unrecognised pattern so wide it would look more like natural solar wind. For a brief moment the debris had no tail. This is what fooled the astronomers that it was completely consumed by the Sun.


    The comet orbit path was pretty accurate and it followed close to the prediction. The calculation involves ISON's apparent mass which was calculated with velocity measurement and there is mathematical formula that results in predicting its orbit trajectory. Here is the equation and without going into depth all readers should know this right now. The Sun gravity interaction with its mass is the deciding factor in angular momentum.

    In simple words... if the mass of a body were to suddenly diminish as it appears to in fragmentation in the period where it needs to slingshot around the sun, a small surviving mass WILL HAVE ITS TRAJECTORY ALTER by the gravity. Here is the calculation formula ref: ref


    Now... the daunting probability arises that astronomers will not officially speculate on. Earth impact risks are not something academia likes to do unless there were confirmed objects at hand. Mainly due to the risk of being mocked by piers it is also the risk ones name gets run through the mud if it was premature and incorrect. Also with respect to the public and avoid the risk of creating mass hysteria. It is better for them to wait and watch while we stew in frustration knowing nothing.

    This article is for those who want just an idea, a possibility of what if and then what follows. It is always great if one can prepare in case there is a disaster than not knowing at all. So this is also for all the 'Preppers' out there.

    For those wanting to calculate the odds against chance of a big chunk hitting the Earth, lets just say that the odds already are so unlikely it would be an Earth impact, like the odds of winning the lottery. A large anomaly would need to have the critical rare mass and trajectory... IF...the comet exploded substantially enough firstly which is just a theory. It then also needs to be at the right slingshot velocity to arc in the direction of the Earth at the right time the Earth passes it.

    The red lines in the image are the narrow window that the right mass debris with the right slingshot and the right velocity needs to be tracking if it were to be a risk to impact the Earth sometime between Mid January onwards.


    It seems there is now high probability of some large debris, but the problem it is coming from the direction of the Sun. Astronomers can't see a damn thing until the debris travels further away from the Sun. Note the purple line path at the top of the image which is pretty close to the old calculated trajectory path tracking far above the Earth millions of miles above the Northern Hemisphere.

    Perhaps as early as 15th December before Sun rise astronomers will be able to take images of the area. Then photo the same area hours apart. They then inspect the images as an overlay where all the stars are matched over each other and then only the anomalies that move will be seen instantly, ie... asteroids and comet fragments.


    Once they have been seen one imagines that due to the amount of astronomers competing to reveal the sightings will mean that many will make it known immediately on social media and set of stories that will attract one of the rare bigger media who are not elite controlled. Therefore this truth will not be able to be silenced.


    If the Inca prophecy of a fragmented comet is real and it is this ISON comet, then substantial fragments will be seen. But here is the thing. This prophecy does not involve doom and gloom in any visible way. It appears to be a time marker only.

    It is Wayne's opinion that this prophecy is not a cataclysm sign but more importantly a reunion of Viracoch the star visitor once again with his people at an important time in our future.

    But then one has to wonder why time it with such a unique thing like as a fragmenting comet unless a piece was expected to be a threat to the Earth.

    So lets reason the threat of an impact possibility. Yes if the prophecy is real and it deals with a fragmenting comet then yes, a piece of it is probably a threat impacting the Earth. But then is this prophecy is real then it probably comes with a little help from above... or not?


    Here is something Wayne discusses with deep concern as it has been something extremely daunting for him for many years, something frightening that has been hard to carry with him every day. He has written about this vision many years ago on his website where he believes he had an NDE 'near death experience' and had come back with more than he 'left' with. Wayne believes he had a God experience and part of what he saw was an answer to 'How are we doing here on Earth'?.

    His reply was returned as a vision and sensory 'download' - a shared experience with Creation at a time the world was in a crisis. An experience of what the Creation, God feels with over 3 billion souls suffering. This was an awakening experience to know that all souls connect to Creation in sensory emotion and if this is real one immediately is aware that Creation would not want this to continue. It was at a time where society was so manipulated from the elite billionaires in control profiteering from humanity that over HALF the world population was in absolute crisis suffering being homeless and starving.

    So how does Creation interact with such a thing? Strangely we are brought up taught that God can do anything and everything. Here I learned we expect far to much from Creation and it was our mistake. The truth seems to be that Creation inspires other advanced beings of the alien kind, mainly of those linked to our lineage to interact as messengers and teachers in times like this. On written record this is partly what we all see residual in holy books as angelic interaction. (But be aware most ancient paranormal testimony as text records are adjusted by human hand fitting the interests of the Monarchy controlled systems).

    But its not just as simple as that because the evil of the world has found a way after thousands of years of practice to avoid these angelic interventions that would expose their evil manipulating of society.

    We have seen a lot of this in Kingdoms where the monarchy systems were so emotionally attached to the advanced visitors that they tried to find ways to get the visitors to come back. They started to sacrifice their own people in evil ritual to try and make them come back. Historical record has shown that almost all monarchy systems seemed to twist the teachings to fit their profiteering need to rape pillage and plunder the foreign people for the treasury of the crown and their greedy family.

    It was absolute abomination they would adjust sacred records of the great things in life where we could be proven as equal importance to the kings family or treated decently as sacred people because since the records are identical on a global scale, it would be seen we are part of a sacred lineage of good people from one of three Sun star systems near the Pleiades. (The core work revealed in The Hidden Records book and website identify where ancient Monarchy appear to be the ones to hide these records of human equality). So it was seen by human records over time that angelic/alien teacher visitation turned out badly in such a primative society creating more harm each time there was interaction. But it is now more complicated than that even though time is right for all to see the truth with less monarchy type altered evidence.


    A cosmic messenger event was possible in our future to help the human crisis at hand. But the same moment this visitor event was shown to Wayne, it was made clear that even this visitation event might not be possible due to the threat our own powers that be would do the unthinkable.

    It seems we have a modern record at hand and it has been made known through transmitted messages from our powers that be that if UFO's, i.e., cosmic visitors showed themselves in our skies trying to interfere with our ways, not only would our governments attack the visitors but they will make it look like we are being attacked. Even worse... at the expense of blasting millions of our own people as collateral damage claiming evil aliens did it.

    But it was also shown that we must never lose hope and that the visitation CAN occur without being seen directly occupying our skies.


    It seemed in the vision that the second coming prophecy of a cosmic messenger would occur with a takeover of some primary TV transmissions. Wayne is speaking about this now safely as the elite don't have the means to stop an over-ride of TV transmissions. They also would not have enough time to build a super blocking signal jammer due also to many alternative means a message could be delivered in our swamped media age. There is internet download... radio... even light messages in binary can be decoded in our modern era so a message should still be able to get through convincingly. So never lose hope.

    Who is the cosmic messenger? It's an unknown, no face shown and no voice heard. Just the contents of what was delivered. It was a one who had lived amongst us who was the messenger.

    One who had earned the right just like The Christ to be one born here on Earth and probably fitting universal law where its one of our own saving ourselves.

    Not Creation saving us directly so to speak but one who had God Creation connect through him so his words spoken were so ornate that it was probably God wisdom speaking through him.

    The One announced around 1000 evil people of the world were responsible for the suffering of the masses and events were about to unfold that would end the chance for the minority good in our world to continue.

    Wayne shared an experience of feelings and expression of great concern for the people on Earth. It was clearly an expression also with a tone of disappointment and sadness. The messenger asked how is it possible that humanity allow the rich to manipulate society as they have.

    The messenger called for a world vote on what people feel about current affairs and they must decide what to believe. They can chose to believe their powers that be that the messenger is evil or they can use reasoning and logic to figure out the truth for themselves.It was asked: Do people want to be left alone or do they want a different way of life with less enslavement and manipulation? It would need a show of what people felt unanimously that can't be manipulated as it is in most government votes. There is a way all can see the real vote outcome. It would not be manipulated by the powers that be.

    If people showed they wanted a different way to live with a resource shared economy with more human rights and far less daily work to fatten the elite, then they needed to show that this is what they really want. Or do they prefer to listen to their governments who are sponsored by the 1000 billionaire cartel who have increased the cost of living in the name of glorious profit.

    The changes would first be for the masses if they are a majority to demand peacefully the services from every lawyer, every police, military head and judge of law to action the arrest of at least 1000 of the worlds most opulent billionaires for fair trial. The message was they need to be held on trial for crimes against humanity for profiteering and catastrophic greed.

    If they are found guilty the charges some would say would be too lenient. Instead of the primative demands by the masses by tradition screaming for an execution, the charge would be a complete pardoning but merely return the billions they plundered back to develop society. A very human uplifting occurence while the monetary system is still active. These trillions will urgently feed and shelter billions of those suffering people while the economic system is beginning its changes.

    But this call for a stand against the top billionaires of the planet was one the people need to show loyalty to. They would be asked to do it peacefully WITHOUT violence and just show they want the changes by simply being calm and occupy any street near all main cities the following day.

    This show of vote was followed by a chance for those who want to be just left alone. It was a call for those who wanted the rich to stay in power as they are with our current ways by all showing their loyalty to their government to make a peaceful stand the next day after the first day of street occupation so all could see without manipulation which was the greater number easily witnessed by world populations and seen from space.

    Wayne was not allowed to see any further and he begged for more. It was followed with the answer that if one saw a possible outcome scenario one would mistakenly trust it was written in stone as truth. Believing it was unstoppable. Resulting in one sitting and doing nothing to try and get the hidden records out to the masses. The Hidden Records that Wayne was shown of who we are and where we came from the star maps of the place of our star ancestors proving we are all equal and sacred as well as identifying the statistical value of repeating records of the place of our souls... home... this place where the Tree of Life ... God exists.

    But here is what Wayne realised was another part of the vote ethics. There was an incoming asteroid the size of a mountain that was due to hit the Earth. Over the last 10000 years the advanced human visitors helped by small child like entities of great technology referred to as Cherubim in old records have altered the paths of all earth colliding events. This record of no impacts for a while has caused scientists even after looking at the moon Mars and Venus seeing they are like Swiss cheese blindly believing we hardly ever git hit. Its more like the elite want you to believe we hardly ever get hit and they manipulated scientists views.

    The fact of massive life saving interaction ethics is as follows.

    Since the Creation shares over 3 billion suffering souls pain on this world, it is ethical and humane to stop the suffering and bring those souls home and to choose not to intervene to prevent the meteor impact event.

    How sad is this statement? Its what we would do if a loved pet was suffering and there was no future hope to stop it suffering we would put it down.

    This sad result could occur if our elite can somehow filter the visitor messages if they had the chance. IF... and ONLY IF the world masses chose to believe the elite lies and believe the messenger was an evil alien scam and the masses did not want changes.

    As horrific as this sounds if we don't try and save ourselves with obvious reasoning and logic in the choice of vote then we will face our destiny of impact ELEE. Earth life extinction event. How will this affect the 1000 elite? Don't you worry about them; they would love this outcome with their opulent bunkers and stored wealth ready to start a year later with a rebelious poverty and slum eradicated new world order. They will quickly send ships to go south where the areas have had least devastation and hunt down the survivors to force them to work as slaves.

    PLEASE NOTE: Be aware there are massive scams and bizarre fake claims on Comet ISON that are created by individuals so you go to their pages and click their adverts or to provoke sensationalism on lies. It seems this topic is being bombarded with mass chaos at a time where clarity on unfolding paranormal events is paramount. This comet is NOT Nibiru... not a UFO. It is probably just a time marker comet, a sign used in many prophecies BUT during a cruicial time of our lives to make sense of the most important truth of life and the greater cosmos.


    ancient alien artifact expo

    ancient alien artifact expo

    This project is striving to release enlightening knowledge considered forbidden by many powerful institutions.

    Réponse  Message 18 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 04/06/2020 22:42

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/12/2021 22:09

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 17/08/2022 01:32

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 15/11/2022 05:09

    Réponse  Message 22 de 22 de ce thème 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/01/2023 17:11

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