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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 07/02/2015 00:49
Avebury Henge crop circle on St. Mary ley line:


So, how is it that such precise design details of the Avebury Henge “ghost” formation, as we see in the Google Earth satellite image above, appear to have remained so sharply defined and firmly locked into the memory of this site, 18 months after the original crop circle occurred?

“Ghost” crop circles are relatively rare. I can identify exactly zero peer-reviewed, published scientific studies specifically addressing “ghost” crop circles. The sparse attention these enigmatic events have received has been only via occasional photographs and a few anecdotal reports. Clear satellite photos of “ghost” crop circles like this one, at least any available in the public domain, seem to be rare indeed!

Considering the Avebury Henge Crop Circle “Ghost”
http://cropcirclesresearchfoundation.or ... cle-ghost/

Glastonbury Tor:


50°3'0.82"N 5°41'39.20"W
52°32'17.24"N 1°43'13.75"E


Last edited by TCJ on 17 Nov 2014 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/02/2015 00:53
Avebury Henge crop circle on St. Mary ley line:


So, how is it that such precise design details of the Avebury Henge “ghost” formation, as we see in the Google Earth satellite image above, appear to have remained so sharply defined and firmly locked into the memory of this site, 18 months after the original crop circle occurred?

“Ghost” crop circles are relatively rare. I can identify exactly zero peer-reviewed, published scientific studies specifically addressing “ghost” crop circles. The sparse attention these enigmatic events have received has been only via occasional photographs and a few anecdotal reports. Clear satellite photos of “ghost” crop circles like this one, at least any available in the public domain, seem to be rare indeed!

Considering the Avebury Henge Crop Circle “Ghost”
http://cropcirclesresearchfoundation.or ... cle-ghost/

Glastonbury Tor:


50° 3'0.82"N - 5°41'39.20"W
52°32'17.24"N - 1°43'13.75"E


Fascinating TCJ
from your awesome link on Ghost Crop circle

BLT Research Team’s X-Ray Diffraction study of crop circle soil is a unique and important step forward in documenting changes in the crystallinity of specific clay minerals found in the soil of one Alberta crop circle. This well-documented alteration in soil may be associated with other, as yet undiscovered changes in the structure and/or composition of crop circle soils, particularly with changes in the composition of resident micro-flora normally found present in fertile soil. If confirmed, such alterations could be integral to the future appearance of a crop circle “ghost”.

The soil is never the same .....

Shipley to Arbor Ley Line

Michael and Mary Ley lines some say symbolize positive and negative forces .....

Maumbury Rings is a Neolithic henge in the south of Dorchester town in Dorset, England. It is a large circular earthwork, 85 metres in diameter, with a single bank and internal ditch and an entrance to the north east. The ditch was created by digging a series of funnel-shaped shafts, each 10 metres deep, which were so closely positioned as to create a continuous trench. Human and deer skull fragments were found in the ditch fill when it was excavated in the early 20th century.

Everything is Connected and there are no

Resposta  Mensagem 3 de 12 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/03/2017 01:22
is a Neolithic henge monument containing three stone circles, around the village of Avebury in Wiltshire, in southwest England. One of the best known prehistoric sites in Britain, it contains the largest stone circle in Europe. It is both a tourist attraction and a place of religious importance to contemporary pagans

archaeologists believe that it was most likely used for some form of ritual or ceremony

Within the henge is a great outer circle. This is one of Europe's largest stone circles,[29] with a diameter of 331.6 metres (1,088 ft), Britain's largest stone circle.[30] It was either contemporary with, or built around four or five centuries after the earthworks. It is thought that there were originally 98 sarsen standing stones, some weighing in excess of 40 tons. The stones varied in height from 3.6 to 4.2 m, as exemplified at the north and south entrances. Radiocarbon dating of some stone settings indicate a construction date of around 2870–2200 BC.[31]

The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, God ('God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere' (Hermes Trismegistus)).

http://www.arteworld.it/nicolas-poussin ... nografica/

Nicolas Poussin – “Ballo della vita humana

It's a circle and it's symbolism......symbol for infinity and speaking of infinity ....there is that number PI which is symbolized by π.....which resembles the character in the Tetragramaton's name 

Resposta  Mensagem 4 de 12 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2019 02:35
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/03/2019 23:33


"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand"

(Neil Armstrong)

Jewish Law

Rogier van der Weyden’s Deposition (15th Century)
Notice the "bump" on Mary Magdalene, under the waistline & the wording on the belt JESUSMARIA in Latin. She is also wearing a wedding ring! It was the norm of the time to wear a wedding ring on the right hand not the left untill it changed in the 16th century and went to the left hand.

Everyone these days at some point must of heard about the bloodline story either through literature or films on the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a child which carried the bloodline to this very day.

As mentioned before on other pages in this website, the relationship between Jesus and Mary was a close one which cannot be ignored. My first question as to the possible reasons why we debate about if Mary and Jesus was married is why the silence of the New Testament regarding the marital status of Jesus as virtually every Jewish man in Jesus’ day did marry, especially those who were considered to be Rabbis.

Jesus was unquie to other men of his time but in turn was in many ways a normal Jewish man or could he have been a married man too?  In the bible itself it says "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary mother of James, and Salome had brought sweet spcies, that they might come and anoint him" (Mark Chapter 16 verse 1).  Jewish law says that only family members can anoint a man.  So what is Mary Magdalene doing, unless she is his wife.  Jesus himself is called a teacher on numerous times and yet by Jewish law, only married men may be teachers.  Also, unmarried men were considered to be a curse to Jewish society even though Jesus said he fulfilled the law and the prophets despite some people saying he was above Jewish law.  At the wedding in Cana, we see Jesus giving orders to servants, yet by Jewish law, only the groom or the grooms mother can give such orders.


Gnostic Perspective

Wooden carved statue of
Mary Magdalene and her daughter, Sarah
Magdalene Museum

Certain Gnostic circles of 2nd Century Christianity it was believed that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, enjoying a relationship which was both physically and spiritually intimate.  Gnostic Scriptures are significantly more straightforward with regard to the sacred relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  Their belief that Mary Magdalene was the wife and divine consort of Jesus does not damage him as the Christ-bearer. Rather, this Gnostic view includes her as Christ-bearer also, so that in the sacred marriage of Jesus and Magdalene we have an image of Messianic consciousness embodied in both male and female form.

In these Century Coptic Gnostic Gospels we find more information on the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  In the Gospel of Mary, Peter questions why Jesus would speak to Mary and not the other disciples and Levi speaks up and says "Surely the Savior knows her very well. That is why he loved her more than us."  In The Gospel of Philip we find a related text which says, “The companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on the mouth.”

Crucifixion & Saint Sarah

St Sarah, possible daughter of Mary Magdalene.

If Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married it is possible they had their own family.  Through my research I have found that Mary Magdalene was indeed pregnant at the crucifixion between 30-33AD and probably around the age of 30 herself.  For her safety and the unborn baby, she along with others fled to Egypt were the Romans did not settle in large numbers at the time and as a result largely remained Greek.

Mary with her compainions including Joseph of Arimathea, arrived in Upper Egypt, via the Red Sea, more likley arriving in the city of Thebes, modern day Luxor.  This is probably were a girl was born, named Sarah who spent most of her young years there.  It is worth noting that not too far away lied Chenoboskion, modern day Nag Hammadi were in December 1945 a farmer discoverd a bunch of Gnostic Gospels, some dated from 340AD.  Also noteworthy is that  Joseph of Arimathea was previously known as Joseph de Marmore as he lived in Marmorica in Egypt before he moved to Arimathea.   This would suggest that Joseph was familiar with Egypt itself and its culture.

As the persecutions of the Christians intensifed by the Roman Empire it became apparent that not even Egypt was a safe haven and so they began to travel to lower Egypt, eventually arriving at the port of Alexandria.  Once there, they boarded a boat and following the Phoenician trade route known well to Jospeh of Arimathea, they set sail to Gual, modern day France, arriving between 36/37 around AD on the french coastel town named Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

France & England

Old Holy Card from France showing Mary Magdalene arriving at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in the
Magdalene Museum.

From Marseilles, Mary Magdalene with her twelve companions followed the path of the tin traders and traveled to Narbonne on the southern coast of France.  They then probably traveled by horseback across central France up the route through Figeac, Rocamadour, Limoges and on to Morlaix on the western coastal peninsula of France, were Mary and her company were met by a British Druidic delegation.

Mary Magdalene and her companions arrived at the Isle of Ictus (St. Michael’s Mount) around 39/40AD before heading towards the small Celtic town of Marazion.  The group then traveled around Lands End in southern Cornwall and up the western coast in what was called the seven seas, weaved in and out of mounds of this mystical land.  In the distance they would of seen Glastonbury Tor and Avalon, their destination.

Glastonbury, Isle of Avalon

Glastonbury Tor from the Air postcard
Magdalene Vault

As far as sacred sites go, then Glastonbury has to be up there with the best.  The landscape of Glastonbury is full of sacred sites and Glastonbury Tor is usually the first to be noticed as it towers over the surrounding countryside and can be seen from miles away when travelling towards this historic site in England.

Mary Magdalene and her companians would of approached this sacred site of what was called Avalon, from the west and their first point of contact would of been Bride's Mound, a tiny mound to the west of Glastonbury, at Beckery, the supposed gateway to Avalon.  Excavations on the Mound have revealed the remains of an early chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene, This chapel was part of a Mary Magdalene hermitage and people would oftern come to worship her.

Past Bride's Mound they continued towards the their destination, resting at Wearly Hill, were tradition holds that Joseph of Arimathea planted his wooden staff into the ground and grew into a thorn bush.  Not far from Wearly Hill and what we know now as Glastonbury Abbey with it’s Mary Chapel is where the humble form of mud and thatch church which was founded sometime between 42- 48 A.D. by Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene amoungst others.

As seen on this website in the Gematria page, bulidings in Glastonbury were built by using this system of numerology and links in well with the gematria of the name Mary Magdalene.  Even the Mary Magdalene energy ley line runs through Glastonbury along with the Micheal Line.  Mary Magdalene stayed in Britian for quite some time and conflicting information makes it difficult on where she lived out her life.  Some people have said she went back to France at the caves of St Baume were her supposed skull is kept.  Other places include England, Scotland and even Wales but the most important part of Mary is the spiritual energy she left behind, the symbols which appear in sacred places and her encorgement for us to look beyond our own human senses in helping us on our spiritual understanding, expanding our horizons and thinking outside the box.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/09/2021 04:54

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/11/2022 17:45

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/11/2022 20:13

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/12/2022 18:49

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/10/2023 18:37

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/10/2023 21:28

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2023 17:24

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2025 14:11

By:  Andrew Rafuse

 Among historians there is a form of professional ignorance that immediately works to discount any new theories, new information which could change our views of modern civilization. This essay will explore one of these issues.

 Who was the first European in Nova Scotia? Where was the first settlement? Why were they here? This essay will seek to answer these questions and provide supporting evidence to back up the claims made in this paper.

 The Holy Grail is arguably one of the most prized religious items in the world. There has been debate among scholars for centuries as to what exactly the Holy Grail is. The generally accepted theory is that the Grail is the chalice that Christ drank from at the last supper, and the chalice used to collect his blood during the crucifixion. Another theory that has been gaining popularity recently is that the Grail is actually the bloodline of Jesus Christ, his descendants. A Biblical scholar who felt that Mary Magdalene was Christ’s wife first proposed this theory. (Bradley, P. 17)

 If we look at the most powerful families in the world we soon see a trend. They are, albeit distantly, related. The Rockafeller family can trace their lineage back to the Steward family. The Stewards can trace their family bloodlines back further to early Romano-Celtic rulers, who could trace their lineage to the “Holy Grail” and through this woman to Joseph of Arimathaea. If we are to believe that the Secret of the Holy Grail is that it was in fact a woman, the next direct descendant of Christ than these families can trace themselves directly back to him through the Grail.
After Christ was crucified the care of the Grail was given to Joseph of Arimathaea; he travelled west to the British Isles, arriving and settling in the area of Glastonbury. Evidence shows that he stayed there for several years. To further Substantiate this claim, in Glastonbury there is a tree, known as the “Glastonbury Thorn” the only known area where this tree grows is in the Middle East, near where Christ was crucified. The Legend of this tree is that when Joseph of Arimathaea arrived in Glastonbury, he stuck his walking staff in the ground. This rooted and became known as the Glastonbury Thorn, which was chopped down in the 1600s by a Puritan fanatic. (Bradley, P. 26)

In looking at the legend of the Holy Grail we cannot ignore role of Arthur in this legend. Evidence will prove that King Arthur did exist, and that there were in fact Knights of the Round Table. When looking at this one must be weary, and sift through the tales of magic and dragons to find the actual truth; this is a somewhat difficult task due to the nature of many of these tales.

What is known about Arthur is that he lived between 470 and 550 CE. A wound received at the Battle of Camlann in 542 left him crippled. After the battle he was taken to Glastonbury (then known as the Island of Avalon) to heal. Exactly how long Arthur lived after Camlann is unknown but some Welsh stories have him living on for a few more years as the crippled Fisher King of or near the Grail Castle.

 The title of King was something which Arthur never received; he was however a military commander who was responsible for protecting the border between England and Scotland as well as portions of the English coastline from invasion. It is a myth that Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were the Guardians of the Holy Grail. It is known that during times of peace in Britain Arthur’s Knights would get bored and restless. As a way to alleviate this boredom Arthur sent his knights on quests to find the Holy Grail. These quests became little more than an excuse for the knights to plunder, rape and pillage. (Boyles, Livingston)

Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote the first known legend written about “King” Arthur. He said the there were only a small number of Knights under Arthur’s command. This may be due in part to a mistranslation of the word “rotunda”. This is a roman word that means roughly, a large round building. Geoffrey may have miss-interpreted this when he was writing his story and thought that it meant a round table. Historical evidence will show that at times there were over 6000 Knights of the “Round Table”. (Bradley, P. 33)

These are the known facts about Arthur, as you can see his actual relevance to the Holy Grail is negligible. He was included in this essay to show his legendary connection to the Grail and to illustrate that his actual contribution was small.

The groups of people known as the Knights Templar may have had the most impact on the legend of the Holy Grail. This order began at the end of the first crusade with the mandate to protect pilgrims on their way from Europe to the holy land. The first Templar knights were poor, relying on alms from travellers to survive. The Order very quickly gained power in Europe as well as in the Holy Land. They changed their mandate slightly to include the protection and in some cases finding of holy relics such as the Shroud of Turin, Arc of the Covenant, and the Holy Grail.

Over the two hundred year life span of the Knights Templar they gained power in Europe on a massive scale, being exempt from all powers save that of the Pope himself. (Who Were the Knights Templar?)

Due to the immense power and wealth held by the Knights Templar they were feared and hated by almost all of the kingdoms of Europe; this would ultimately lead to their downfall. The king of France, Philip IV began making accusations against the Templars. They were subsequently arrested and tortured. Many of the knights confessed, through the use of torture, to things such as trampling and spitting on the cross, homosexuality and acts of sodomy and worshipping of the Baphomet, an alleged false idle (further research would later prove that this was in fact the Shroud of Turin.) (Griffin)

In 1307 the Pope Clement V, issued the Vox In Exelsco.  This document officially disbanded the order or the Knights Templar and ordered them all to be arrested and tried for heresy. Shortly after there was another bull issued by the Pope, the Ad Providum, which passed all property and assets controlled by the Knights Templar to their rivals, The Knights of the Hospital (Pope of The Templar Era)

A portion of the Templar fleet set sail for Portugal, where, they simply took on new names. The rest set sail north to Scotland. Where the Scottish independence movement gave them an ideal cover.

At the time the most powerful family in Scotland was the Sinclairs, who’s land provided a perfect hiding place for the fleet of the Knights Templar. The knights established a fortress in Rosslin, Scotland to house their remaining treasures; including the Holy Grail. The Knights Templar would soon be able to repay the kindness of the Scottish people by fighting alongside them at the of Bannockburn and other battles for Scottish independence. (Prince Henry Sinclair)

The Templars lived in Scotland for many years without fear that their secret would be discovered or threatened. This time of comfort came to an end as the English began pushing north back into Scotland. This push made the Templars uneasy and they began to look for a way to move their precious relics out of Scotland. This escape came in the 1390s in the form of a man named Henry Sinclair. Sinclair had employed Antonio and Nicolo Zeno, expert mapmakers and navigators to help him sail west on a voyage of exploration. (Cummings)

Sinclair arrived in what is now Nova Scotia in 1398, he then sailed around the southern tip of the province and to New England. While in Nova Scotia it is thought that Sinclair established at least one settlement. Was this settlement where the new haven for the Knights Templar?

 The site of the settlement is in central Nova Scotia, just south of the area known as “The Cross” or the crossroads in New Ross. The ruins were built in a style of architecture known as rubblework, which involved piling pieces of oddly shaped stone together so they lock together in a way and form a wall; after this was done than mortar may have been added. This type of architecture was consistent with fourteenth century Celtic architecture.

 One of the mysteries of the site that has baffled scientists and historians for years is the “Holy” well within the walls of the ruined castle.  This well has never run dry, even though it is on a hill and even when other wells in the area are completely dry. The New Ross fire department has this well on record as an inexhaustible water supply. Another curiosity about this well is the condition of the water. Deposits of heavy metals in the ground of New Ross causes the water to be very hard and have extremely high counts of heavy metals (ie lead, uranium). The water from this well is completely free of such metals; in fact it has the lowest count of metallic particles in the area.

 Small-scale digs on the site reveal several artefacts from fourteenth century Scotland; including a piece of a sword blade, a dagger blade and several farming implements. It should be noted that this has only been placed from this time period by the assessments of historians; there has never actually been any scientific tests on the items to prove their origins.

 If we look at the site on a larger scale we begin to see the significance of the area where the castle is located. It is in central Nova Scotia, near two rivers, the Gaspereau and the Gold. These rivers both flow from the same source but once they pass through New Ross they divide, the Gaspereau flows north and empties into the Bay of Fundy, while the Gold river flows south and empties into Mahone Bay. This made finding the site simple, if you knew what you were looking for.

 Medieval navigation was less than advanced. It was nearly impossible for navigators to find their position on an east-west plane, however they could determine where they were based on north-south. Because of this the preferred and most efficient form of navigation was to sail directly north or south until you were at the same latitude as the end location and then sail east or west from there. This would often place the navigator within about 200 miles of their desired destination. In the case of Nova Scotia, a completely unpopulated (at least by Europeans) land, there were no towns or ports that could be used as reference for location.

 Both Rivers emptied into bays that were on the same latitude, this made it confusing and almost impossible for navigators to distinguish between eh two. The Gold River empties into Mahone bay, near Oak Island; while the Gaspereau River empties into the Bay of Fundy, near and island- Oak Island.

 If we look more closely at these islands we start to see some startling similarities; the Gaspereau Oak Island was part of a land reclamation project during the 1930s and is now a peninsula. However, the comparisons are still relevant.

 Both islands are at the mouths of the rivers leading to the castle in New Ross. When you are sailing toward the islands the river is to the right of the island. Oak trees, something that doesn’t happen on any other island, populate both of the islands. The reason why they are not found anywhere else is simply, acorns don’t float. Were these islands markers that a navigator would use to find the castle?

 Upon further exploration of the Oak Island in Mahone Bay one will find several more clues that point to a major settlement in Nova Scotia. Tourist maps of the island will show so-called “Pirate walls” along the coast of the island. These walls were, as the name implies, assumed to have been made by pirates; even though permanent construction and that type of hard work were not typical pirate traits. The style that the walls are built in does however date back to fourteenth century Celtic Europe, the same as the castle in New Ross. (Bradley Pp. 45-80)

 The famous “money pit” as well fits into this theory. The construction of the money pit seemed to take place over about 500 years. Radio Carbon dating of boards found in the deepest part of the pit (approximately 200 feet) shows that the first part of the pit was constructed at the same time as the walls on the island and the castle. It was later built upon in the fifteenth and sixteenth century. This later construction may be when Pirates used it. No one has been able to successfully excavate the “Money Pit” as of yet so the question remains, what is in the pit? Was it a hiding place for treasures brought here by the Knights Templar? Was it a storage facility for gold mined in New Ross?

This essay has presented you with evidence, not concrete proof that there was an early settlement in New Ross, Nova Scotia. As well that there is a connection between the Knights Templar, an order charges with protecting sacred Christian relics and this settlement in New Ross. The problem inherent with this subject is that there has been very little official, professional research into the topic. When researching one must be careful to sift through the legends and faerie tales that all to easily become wrapped up in a topic such as this.


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