Un número octogonal es un número figurado que puede ser representado por un octógono.
Un número octogonal n (siendo n > 0) se obtiene mediante la fórmula:

Los primeros números octogonales son:
1, 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176, 225, 280, 341, 408, 481, 560, 645, 736, 833, 936.
Los números octogonales alternan paridad.
 mathworld.wolfram.com A polygonal number of the form 507 × 95 - 6k - gif |
 en.wikipedia.org A centered octagonal number is 2000 × 2000 - 379k - png |
 archive.lib.msu.edu Octagonal Number 193 × 193 - 4k - gif |
 numbersaplenty.com Centered octagonal numbers are 402 × 150 - 12k - png |
 grahamflett.com octagonal number 450 × 125 - 30k - jpg |
 numbersaplenty.com Octagonal numbers are figurate 329 × 135 - 4k - png |
 numbersaplenty.com how many octagonal numbers 580 × 357 - 9k - png |
 smphillips.8m.com sum of octagonal numbers 186 × 124 - 2k - png |
 numbersaplenty.com octagonal numbers are 1, 479 × 60 - 2k - png |
 vkedco.blogspot.com 8th octagonal number 374 × 638 - 183k - png |
 thenewbiblecode.comuf.com of octagonal numbers are 253 × 280 - 39k - jpg |
 en.wikipedia.org The octagonal number for n can 250 × 52 - 2k - png |
 theburningmonk.com 4-digit numbers: 8128, 373 × 174 - 6k - png |
 smphillips.8m.com 496 hexagonal yods in octagon 1818 × 1764 - 79k - png |
 quadralectics.wordpres... 259 – A number of churches 1024 × 909 - 221k - jpg |
 en.wikipedia.org the n-th octagonal number. 160 × 43 - 1k - png |
 gamedev.stackexchange.com The only problem is that the 1024 × 1024 - 98k - png |
 gamedev.stackexchange.com Here is my basic idea as image 491 × 367 - 18k - png |
 quadibloc.com of the octagon follows the 624 × 280 - 12k - gif |
 graphicxtras.com 100 Octagon custom shapes for 350 × 353 - 23k - png |