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ASTROTEOLOGIA-EVANGELIO EN LAS ESTRELLAS: Los apostoles relacionados con el zodiaco
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 22/12/2011 15:02

El Zodíaco de los Apóstoles

El interés de Leonardo por la astrología aumentó durante su estancia en Milán y se plasmó en varias pinturas, como el Busto del Guerrero, en la cual representó una personificación de Marte y la proyección del signo de Aries. Sus estudios le llevaron a profundizar en el tratado de Tolomeo. Tenía la convicción de que el hombre estaba compuesto por los cuatro elementos fundamentales antes mencionados, y que la diferente proporción de éstos determinaba los distintos caracteres o tipos psicológicos. En La Última Cena asoció a los doce apóstoles con las doce constelaciones zodiacales. El carácter típico de éstas se halla inscrita en el rostro de cada apóstol, siguiendo un orden antihorario. Además, los apóstoles están divididos en cuatro tríadas, como los signos del Zodíaco, agrupados en conjuntos de tres, cada uno de ellos presidido por uno de los cuatro elementos constitutivos del Cosmos.

En el centro del fresco, Jesús representa al Sol. Para descifrar esta obra hay que tener presente la llamada Ley de los opuestos, cuya primera regla establece que los signos zodiacales siguen una sucesión inversa al sentido de las agujas del reloj. El cuadro empieza con Simeón (Aries) y acaba justamente con Bartolomé (Piscis). Siguiendo dicha ley, a cada signo corresponde otro en una posición diametralmente opuesta. Simeón (Aries), calvo y con barba, es retratado de perfil mientras gesticula, en tanto que a Juan (Libra), se le representa encorvado en actitud de plegaria, con las manos juntas, cabellos largos y sin barba. Además de presentar estas correspondencias zodiacales, el Cenáculo tiene vínculos planetarios.

De hecho, si se observa esta pintura en “órbita”, o en una hipotética visión circular, se podrá leer la secuencia simbólica de los cinco planetas, más las dos luminarias mayores (Sol y Luna). La disposición planetaria aparece dispuesta de la siguiente manera: • Santiago Mayor- Leo (casa del Sol) • Felipe- Cáncer (casa de la Luna) • Mateo- Géminis (casa de Mercurio) • Tadeo- Tauro (casa de Venus) • Simeón- Aries (casa de Marte) • Bartolomé- Piscis (casa de Júpiter) • Santiago el Menor- Acuario (casa de Saturno).

El cielo

Esta unión entre un elemento celeste y una figura terrestre configura el Cenáculo: una suma del saber astrológico de la época y un poderoso símbolo de la comunión mística, al crear un todo armónico entre el cielo y su reflejo en la tierra, siguiendo las ideas mágicas difundidas en el siglo XV por Marsilio Ficino al traducir obras como el Corpus Hermeticum y Los misterios de los egipcios, de Jamblico, que recogían la cosmovisión de la Gnosis de sus fuentes originales, situadas en el antiguo Egipto. Otra obra de notable interés hermético, examinada por el investigador Luigi Pentasuglia, es San Juan en el desierto.

El “gesto de Juan” está prefigurado en el de su cuadro Baco. Es importante destacar la disposición en X de esta figura, que alude a antiguos simbolismos. Es una forma que se relaciona con el concepto de entrecruzamiento y con el simbolismo matemático. Todos los primitivos hacían sus cálculos ayudándose con los dedos y el número diez representa el conjunto de los dedos de las dos manos, que se expresa cruzándolas y formando una X (el diez romano). Este signo se encuentra representado ya como un símbolo recurrente en la parte más profunda y secreta de las grutas prehistóricas.

Posteriormente, el entrecruzamiento de dos triángulos invertidos (la estrella de seis puntas) evocó la unión de los dos aspectos de la divinidad, el masculino y el femenino, que regulaban el destino del universo.




De 1495 a 1497 Leonardo trabaja en su obra maestra "La última cena", pintura mural para el refectorio del monasterio de Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milán. Desgraciadamente, su empleo experimental del óleo sobre yeso seco provocó problemas técnicos que condujeron a su rápido deterioro hacia el año 1500. Desde 1726 se llevaron a cabo intentos fallidos de restauración y conservación y en 1977 se inició un programa haciendo uso de las más modernas tecnologías, como consecuencia del cual se han experimentado algunas mejoras. Aunque la mayor parte de la superficie original se ha perdido, la grandiosidad de la composición y la penetración fisonómica y psicológica de los personajes dan una vaga visión de su pasado esplendor.


La Cena de Leonardo está sembrada de detalles desconcertantes y para los amantes de la criptología la obra esconde un mensaje oculto sobrecogedor: no muestra el cáliz, ni a Cristo instaurando el sacramento de la eucaristía. Los discípulos son en realidad retratos de importantes heterodoxos de su época, los apóstoles, no tienen halo de santidad, los pintó deliberadamente humanos; Leonardo se autoretrató en la cena dando la espalda a Jesús, como posicionándose contra la versión oficial de la Iglesia; Jesús no está instaurando la eucaristía, no tiene el cáliz de la Ultima Cena delante, no es una cena pascual, como dicen los evangelios, no hay carne en la mesa, sólo hay pescado y algunos otros alimentos.

Vamos al misterio: ¿qué hace un amenazante cuchillo en la zona izquierda y quien lo empuña?. ¿Por qué el segundo apóstol por la izquierda es idéntico a Jesús incluso en el atuendo? ¿Quién es realmente el personaje a la izquierda de Jesús? ¿No es demasiado femenino para ser un apóstol ?, ¿Es María Magdalena o el Joven apóstol Juan?.



La última cena no es el primer cuadro desconcertante de Leonardo, existe uno anterior: "La Virgen de las Rocas", que pintó en dos ocasiones, una de ellas se conserva en París (foto de la izquierda) y la otra en Londres. Lo curioso es que hay una tercera versión que se atribuye a un alumno de Leonardo (foto de la derecha), en la que se aprecian notables diferencias. El cuadro representa a la Virgen, Jesús, Juan el Bautista y un ángel. La virgen abraza a Juan con una mano y protege a Jesús con la otra, Juan se postra ante Jesús y éste le hace el gesto de la bendición y el ángel mirando a Jesús señala a Juan. A todas las interpretaciones que se le pueden dar al cuadro, se añaden preguntas: ¿Por qué el encuentro entre Cristo y San Juan Bautista niños?, cuestión que no se da en ninguno de los cuatro evangelios. ¿A qué obedece el ángel que señala con el dedo a Juan el Bautista? . La segunda obra, la atribuida al alumno de Leonardo complica todavía más cualquier interpretación, ya que cambia la identidad de los niños al darle la cruz al Bautista y retirar la mano señaladora del ángel, con lo cual el sentido puede ser inquietante.





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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 11 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:18

This again explains why "Fish symbology" which runs so characteristically through the entire Gospel story (miracles of the fishes, call of fishermen, fishers of men, etc.) and why Christ's disciples were largely fishermen. The Sun had entered the Constellation of Pisces and it was time for a new "interpretation" of God and His "Karst" and we have it in the Christ of Christianity and its emphasis upon Christ's followers being{short description of image} fishermen and "fishers of men". It is written that the Christ performed the miracles with fishes and sent his apostles out after his death under the leadership of St. Peter with the injunction to be fishers of men. It is for this reason that the mitre (hat) which the Pope wears is the mouth of the fish.

Now, according to Astronomy mankind is currently transiting into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water-carrier, the sign of universality, for water is a universal symbol. It is recorded for us in the New Testament that prior to his death Christ sent his disciples out to find the "water-bearer" who led them to an upper room where the communion service was instituted. All this was in the text is the recognition by{short description of image} the Christ (personified as the Sun) of the coming New Age which would succeed his dispensation and into which we are at this time entering. Leonardo da Vinci's great picture of the communion in the upper room is the great symbol of the Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ (the vehicle and agent (Logos) of Revelation of God to mankind) when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship. The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2,160 years slowly disappear. Ironically this picture was known by the Ancients to have astrological connections as it represented again the Sun and the Zodiac "personified". Take a close look at the picture and how it has been divided by modern scholarship who is aware of its Astronomical Symbolism: 4 groupings of 3 disciples corresponding to the 2 Equinoxes and 2 Solstices, each containing groups of 3 reflective of the months in each time period separating the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Answer for yourself: Is this another coincidence?

These "Spiritual concepts" have been with mankind since the beginning of time and this explains why in the worlds' religions we find unbelievable "common themes" and "overlap" of these "Celestial beliefs" at the heart of these various religions. And we should since mankind all sees the same things in the Sky and God's Heaven.

Understanding the above then we should know that regardless of attempts to make Mithraism the plagiarist of Christianity, the fact will remain that Mithraism originated long before Christianity and was well established decades before Christianity had any significant influence. If Christian apologists will not yield to the well-attested assertion that Christianity "borrowed" from Mithraism in specific, they simply cannot deny that both copied from Paganism in general, from one or more of the numerous religions, cults and mysteries of the pre-Christian world. Hence, the effect is the same: Christianity took its "godman" and religious beliefs and religious tenets attached to him from prior Nations and their understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes as it was later "personified" and "allegorized"!


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 11 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 17:00

 Now we can better understand that the sin of the children of Israel in the wilderness which so aroused the anger of Moses when he descended from the mount of the Lord and found them falling down before the golden calf was that they had reverted to a past and obsolete religion (Taurus-centered) which they should have left behind (since the Sun was now passing from the sign of Taurus into the sign of Aries historically in Egypt's Pyramid Age and 18th dynasty. Looking at Moses and his legacy we now understand how the Jewish dispensation itself was governed by the sign of Aries, the Ram, through which the Sun was passing for the next 2,160 or so years. Then we should expect a "Ram/lamb" centered religion in Israel and we find it in the appearance of the scapegoat in Jewish history (Yom Kippur, sacrifices, lambs offered in sin offerings, etc.). But even before Moses we find that we have the Bible story of the ram caught in the thicket and all this was due to the influence of the passing of the Sun through the sign of the Bull and into the sign of the Ram, etc. The "Ram-lamb" images of the Old Testament refer to the changing of the Zodiac due to the precession of the equinoxes and this influenced religion since it was God's Heaven and He was moving it around (Kosmokrator...which is later personified in the form of Mithra).A lot of religion can be created in 2, 160 years.

Something apart from the findings of academic astrology, which even at present only touch a very few people, produced these natural reactions. Some influence, emanating from the sign of the Bull and the sign of the Ram produced the symbology which conditioned the religious life of the people of that era. This becomes still more apparent when the Sun moved out of one constellation into the next constellation, the sign of Pisces{short description of image} the Fishes. We should later expect when the Age of Pisces replaces the Age of Aries and do find at the appearance of "Jesus Christ" fish symbology which runs so characteristically through the entire Gospel story (miracles of the fishes, call of fishermen, fishers of men, etc.). His disciples were largely fishermen. He performed the miracles with fishes and sent his apostles out after his death under the leadership of St. Peter with the injunction to be fishers of men. It is for this reason that the mitre (hat) which the Pope wears is the mouth of the fish.

Now, according to astronomy we are transiting into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water-carrier, the sign of universality, for water is a universal symbol. It is recorded for us in the New Testament that prior to his death Christ sent his disciples out to find the water-carrier who led them to an upper room where the communion service was instituted. All this was {short description of image}indicative of the recognition by the Christ (personified as the Sun) of the coming new era which would succeed his dispensation and into which we are at this time entering. Leonardo da Vinci's great picture of the communion in the upper room is the great symbol of the Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ (the Revelation of God) when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship. The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2,160 years slowly disappear. Ironically this picture was known by the Ancients to have astrological connections as it represented again the Sun and the Zodiac "personified". Take a close look at the picture and how it has been divided by modern scholarship who is aware of its astronomical symbolism.

Regardless of attempts to make Mithraism the plagiarist of Christianity, the fact will remain that Mithraism was first, well established decades before Christianity had any significant influence. If Christian apologists will not yield to the well-attested assertion that Christianity "borrowed" from Mithraism in specific, they simply cannot deny that both copied from Paganism in general, from one or more of the numerous religions, cults and mysteries of the pre-Christian world. Hence, the effect is the same: Christianity took its godman and tenets from Paganism.

Answer for yourself: So why again is this important to know? The Ancients understood that the Creator was responsible for His Heavens and the orbs within them and was equally responsible for their movements. In these movements they saw and heard the message and voice of God to them as He wrote upon the blackboard of the Sky. It is for us to understand this "message" today for it contains:

The necessity for a new birth


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 11 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 03:17

The symbolism of Scorpio end with the Passover supper, Matt. 26:26-29.

Matt 26:26-29 26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. (KJV)

In the Jesus story we then have the Last Supper, where Jesus and his twelve disciples, a reference to the twelve zodiac{short description of image} months of the year, recline and eat the long awaited harvest. (Mark 14:12-26; Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:7-38). This is the natural time of year to have a huge feast. In America we celebrate Thanksgiving and have a huge feast of food. We eat the flesh of the fruit-figuratively the flesh of Jesus, who personifies the Sun which make the fruit grow; and we drink wine-the blood of the grapes, figuratively the blood of Jesus, who personifies the Sun which made the grapes grow. Without this food we would perish.

The "Jesus Story" goes tragically downhill from there, just like in the season of Autumn the year tragically winds down and comes to an end as the days become shorter and colder. In October the Sun enters Scorpio, the Scorpion, which figuratively stings the Sun to make it slowly die. The days begin to{short description of image} get shorter and colder as the Sun rises and sets lower and lower each day. In the Jesus story Jesus is betrayed by Judas, one of the twelve zodiac months of the year.

Judas represents Scorpio, the month of October. Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, representing the 30 days of the month as well as 30 degrees to each sign of the Zodiac. The month being one cycle of the phases of the moon. The moon was often thought by the Ancients to be little more than a piece of silver in the sky. The Sun (personified Jesus) was betrayed by one of his Disciples (zodiac signs). According to the dictionary, the word "betrayed" means "to deceive, to lead astray, to deliver into the hands of ones enemy." This clearly refers to the Sign (at the autumnal equinox) that leads the Sun (Jesus) into the hands of the enemy (below the celestial equator), where Darkness rules (where night is longer than day time). The Ancients wrote that the payment of Judas for his crime was thirty pieces of silver. They used the term "Silver" as a metaphor for Degrees. One sign of the Zodiac covers thirty degrees (thirty pieces) of arc. Thus we see that 12 Signs of the Zodiac equals 360 Degrees which is EXACTLY the total arc made by the twelve Signs of the Zodiac and encircles the globe exactly


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2023 19:51

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