“Let no one destitute of geometry enter my doors.”
Symmetry breaking in physics describes a phenomenon where (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system which is crossing a critical point decide the system’s fate, by determining which branch of a bifurcation is taken. To an outside observer unaware of the fluctuations (or “noise”), the choice will appear arbitrary. This process is called symmetry “breaking”, because such transitions usually bring the system from a disorderly state into one of two definite states.
Symmetry breaking is supposed to play a major role in pattern formation.
How does this next image merge with the everything mentioned thus far?
Tian Tan Buddha – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of statues by height ~ most of which are Buddhist statues.
- The Tian Tan Buddha appears serene and dignified.
- His right hand is raised, representing the removal of affliction.
- The Buddha’s left hand rests on his lap in a gesture of giving dhana.
- The Buddha faces north, which is unique among the great Buddha statues, as all others face south.
- In addition, there are 3 floors beneath the Buddha statue: The Hall of Universe, The Hall of Benevolent Merit, and The Hall of Remembrance.
- There is a huge carved bell inscribed with images of Buddhas in the show room.
- It was designed to ring every seven minutes, 108 times a day symbolizing the release of 108 kinds of human vexations.
image on the left: The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Lévi.
The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together)
image on the right: Card V of the Rider-Waite Tarot – Hierophant is the high priest
We are presented with two interesting choices between what is RIGHT and what we have been led to beLIEve is a more sinister LEFT.
SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together)
It was suggested to me that we reverse the word Baphomet to arrive at “Tem OHP Ab” which are abbreviations for “Templi Omnium Hominum Pacis Abbas” meaning;
“The Temple of the Father of Peace Among Men”
or according to Google Translation
“The abbot of the temple of peace of all men”
And the word PHO or OHP maybe even HOP resonates with me.
“Omnium Hominum Pacis” which I believe would translate to something like peace among men.
Peace among men is a great reason to like the letters OHP, but why else do I like PHO, what was it that attracted me to these three letters?
Friend or Foe/Pho?
Words that begin with PHO
Data and inFOrmation or inPHOrmation reflecting the fractal environment.
I noticed a pattern regarding the prefix PHO
Do you see it?
- PHOenicians helped the Semitic languages go viral
- PHOnetics
- PHOnology
- PHOneme
- PHOsphenes
- PHOenix and pyre and fire
- PHOtons are light messages
- PHOnons are sound messages
- PHOsphorus DNA backbone
- PHObos is the god of FEAR
- PHObos is a moon of Mars
- PHOebus is a reference to Apollo
- PHOroneus
- tele-PHOnes
- i-PHOnes
- PHOnographs
- PHOtographs
- and finally due to a communication breakdown the PHOs get distorted and seem to become the FOEs (real or imagined) that slander/libel/gossip, who we do battle with, is this in itself a form of cosmic retribution a.k.a. karma?
A point defect appears in a two-dimensional material when atoms don’t line up quite right
as in the puckered pair of a heptagon and a pentagon seen at top.
In many materials, this disruption of regular six-atom rings (as seen at bottom)
would change the material’s electronic properties.
But Rice University theorists have determined that 2-D phosphorus
would not be affected by such defects.
Credit: Evgeni Penev
What other evidence exists for my galactic anagram telegram that arrives thousands of years later on our i-PHOne?
PHOroneus discovers fire
In Argos, Phoroneus was still remembered in historical times, and the Argives brought offerings to his grave as to a hero, keeping also a statue of him, next to which there was an ever burning fire, for according to the Argives, it was Phoroneus who discovered fire, and not Prometheus 1 as others think.
Now the Greek word [[Phoroneus]] is the rigid equivalent of the Sanskrit word bhuranyu (‘the rapid’) an epithet of Agni, considered as the carrier of the divine spark. Phoroneus, son of Melia or of the celestial ash, thus corresponds to a conception far more ancient, probably, than that one which transformed the pramantha (of the old Aryan Hindus) into the Greek Prometheus.
Phoroneus is the (personified) bird, that brings the heavenly lightning to the Earth. Traditions relating to the birth and origin of the race of Bronze, and those which made of Phoroneus the father of the Argians, are an evidence to us that this thunderbolt (or lightning), as in the legends of Hephaestus or Prometheus, was the origin of the human race”
Source of the next image, Coptic Magical Texts SLIDE #13
The names given to the four living creatures, the cherubim, appearing in Revelation and Ezekiel, comprise a formula that is often repeated in early Christian charms and amulets.It has been referred to as the Alpha formula, since the first letter of each name makes a notarichon [acronym] of the first letter in the Greek alphabet.i.e. A L Ph AAlpha is the bull, derived from the Phoenician aleph
Leon is the Greek word for “lion”
Phone the eagle‘s name is the Greek word for “voice”
Aner is Greek for “man“-author Kieren Barry p. 151-2.
PHOne the eagle’s name is the Greek word for “voice” … AHA!
It appears that the Eagle/St John, the number 8 in the code 11258, and the number 3 in the code 13769 represents the PHOne!
And both codes can be found on any tarot card that depicts the 4 Evangelists positioned in the four corners assigned their various guises as the man/angel, bull, lion, and eagle, usually illustrated in the Major Arcana on Card X or Card XXI.
And by coincidence this early Christian ‘charm/amulet’ referred to as the ALPhA formula contains in ‘code’ the number associated with the fine structure constant coincidentally called alpha, 1/137.
please note: genes and memes, seems to default to efficient data transfer, from electrons emitting/absorbing photons/phonons, using them to navigate energy levels, and of course human ignorance at the same time on another level/dimension use their i-PHOnes to scale the ivory white Towers of Babel and Towers of Power?
Thomas Campbell’s My Big TOE or My Big Theory of Everything
A interesting theory that defaults to LOVE and Entropy
- http://www.disclose.tv/forum/my-big-toe-the-nature-of-conciousness-dr-t-campbell-t30753.html#p339085
Harmonic Resonance Theory:
An Alternative to the “Neuron Doctrine” Paradigm of Neurocomputation to Address Gestalt Properties of Perception
Faraday (1831) extended Chladni’s phenomenon by observing standing waves on the surface of liquids, which produces geometrical arrays of standing waves on the surface of the fluid in the form of concentric rings, parallel ridges, grid and checkerboard patterns, arrays of cone-like points, and even brick patterns. This work has been extended more recently by Cristiansen et al (1992), Kumar & Bajaj (1995), Kudrolli & Gollub (1996), Kudrolli et al. (1998) and others, who have demonstrated patterns of equilateral triangles, regular hexagons, superlattice, and quasi-crystal array patterns by driving the oscillation of the fluid layer with a controlled waveform. Figure 2 shows some of the patterns produced by Kudrolli et al.It seems that this work is only touching the surface of the full potential of this phenomenon for producing complex geometrical patterns by relatively simple driving oscillations.
In the 1st minute of this video Dr. Michael Persinger mentions the importance of the 4 basic micro-static patterns that have been listed below that are the ‘building blocks of ‘consciousness’.
What these videos are implying is very very profound.
Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena.
It is typically associated with the physical patterns produced through the interaction of sound waves in a medium.
A simple experiment demonstrating the visualisation of cymatics can be done by sprinkling sand on a metal plate and vibrating the plate, for example by drawing a violin bow along the edge, the sand will then form itself into standing wave patterns such as simple concentric circles.
The higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes produced, with certain shapes having similarities to traditional mandala designs.
The term cymatics was coined by the Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny.
It is derived from the Greek kyma meaning “wave,” and ta kymatika meaning “matters pertaining to waves.”
GREAT Cymatics website!
Note in above image that there is a direct correlation between cymatics patterns and the vowels.