Great Pyramid Prophecy
Cydonia Altar
The Cydonia Face on Mars and its two pyramids are too symmetrical and too perfect and correspond too much to the Lord’s Words and Designs to be by coincidence. SEE The Graphics and Read http://www.mt.net/~watcher/mars and http://www.mt.net/~watcher/pyramid.html. For the whole Martian complex of a sphinx-like face, a huge five sided pyramid, a complex of over 12 smaller pyramids resembling a city,and a strange mile wide, 500 foot high seemingly artificially mound or"tholus", complete with a peripheral ditch and central spiral groove relates directly back to the Giza complex of pyramids here on Earth. And as we found out, the Great Pyramid was not designed by mere mortals but was designed by Enoch, who had come from the very presence of the LORD. (SEE Enoch designed the Great Pyramid). So the concept of angelic beings, on Mars, is not foreign to Bible History. And them having biblical monuments and even a mound for an altar of sacrifice to their Lord and Master (Jesus), is very conceiveable and understandable. Why, because before the rebellion of Satan and his angels, they were giving thanks to the Lord and honoured them in their city of angels. But in case you have a hard time believeing this, let's first establish the biblical parallels for such a 500 foot Mound in Cydonia. For to start with, notice that the Majestic Mound is directly EAST of the city structures on Cydonia. This corresponding exactly with the Lord's Temple Designs (SEE Lord's Architecture) even as in Jerusalem and its Temple. And in scriptures Joshua, was even told to build a grand earthen 'mound' as a witness and a declaration for future genertaions. SEE Joshua 22:10. And this altar was designed after the specifications commanded by God in Exodus 20: 24 ..... You shall make an altar of earth for Me, and you shall sacrifice your burnt offerings and your peace offerings on it, your sheep and your cattle. In every place in which I cause My name to be remembered, I will come to you and bless you.
The martian mound, the altar of Mars soil, is built on a planet that is both a "placeof descent" of pre- rebellion Cherubim,the builders of Cydonia who were at the time giving glory to God and across from the planets which were"vanquished" after their rebellion the exploded planet Rahab among them. The builders constructed the martian altar as a witness precisely because they beheld a son who would distribute fortune and the forgetfulness of sin -- the Messiah. The martian mound has another peculiar characteristic -- a trench encompasses the perimeter. Once again, there is a scriptural correspondence to a feature built at Cydonia. Elijah built an altar to God during his challenge to the priests of Baal: I Kings 18: 32 And (Elijah) made a trench around the altar Elijah instructed the Israelites to pour four jars of water over the sacrifice three times. The water covered the sacrifice and spilled down off of the altar into the trench around it. When Elijah called to God, fire came down from heaven and burnt up the offering, the altar and all the water which was in the trench (I Kings 18: 38).
So it is not coincidence that the Cydonia Altar Mound has a trench around it, for it corresponds to biblical principles, just as Sidbury Hill Mound of Sacrifice also has a trench encircling it. SEE Photo to the Right ---------------------------
And when you check out the photo's, do note that there is a spiral pathway up to the flattenned ALTAR at CYDONIA and Sidbury Hill, as just as in the Holiest of All Temple Mounds, the Temple at Jerusalem, there has to be a level area where sacrifice to the true Lord of Lords can take place. In Jerusalem, there was the Altar of Sacrifice
And where does the entranceway of the Great Pyramid, the Temple of the Lord, start... on the North Face just as on Cydonia. Coincidence NO !! And just as the Christos Angler must be followed in climbing to the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, so a Christos Angle must be climbed externally to get to the Altar level of the Cydonia mound. One complete clockwise, ascent bringing a worshipper to the Altar of Sacrifice level. Wiith that in mind, how much of a slope would it be at, well if the ascending slope internally of Giza is 26.3 degrees, and the geographic slope to Bethlehem is also 26.3 degrees exactly, it makes logical sense that the external slope upwards to the capstone height of 55/56ths of the total height should be 26.3 degrees. Not too steep, not to flatly inclined. And amazingly at that slope if a walker, or searcher, or worshipper was to ascend to the top, moving clockwise, or sun wise with correct correspondences to the Sun and Son’s movement, then it would take just one complete cycle or revolution to reach the top. The walker having went upwards on all four sides of the phi portioned faces, with each face projecting to the three dimensional stars of the Universe. Do the math yourself and see this for yourselves. Coincidence, again I think not. The Christos Angle or slope is very important in His Service and is even evident on MARS.
In My Opinion David Jay Back to Home Page or Christian Architecture
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26 Nov 2011 – En 1968 se proyectó la misión Viking a Marte. Las dos sondas gemelas 1 y 2 se dividían cada una en un orbitador y un aterrizador. Este último ...
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Like the Mariners 6 and 7 missions, Viking was a twin spacecraft mission as well, consisting of Viking 1 and Viking 2, launched within a couple of weeks of each ...
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The Viking Spacecraft consisted of Viking 1 and Viking 2. Viking 1 was launched on 20 August 1975, and Viking 2 was launched on 9 September 1975.
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Ir a Los vikingos: El pueblo que terminó siendo conocido como vikingo habitó Dinamarca entre el siglo VIII y el siglo XI. Presentaban una estructura ...
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De la misma manera que los vikingos dejaron su imponente señal sobre la historia europea, también dejaron su señal distintiva sobre el paisaje danés, y un ...
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El museo de barcos vikingos de Roskilde. Este museo conserva los restos de cinco barcos vikingos rescatados a finales del siglo XX de las aguas del fiordo.
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6 Mar 2009 – Varios países están muy relacionados con los vikingos como por ejemplo Dinamarca, aunque Noruega y Suecia tienen una estrecha relación ...
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11 Feb 2009 – Pequeños fragmentos de historia danesa Ya en época de los vikingos, la palabra Dinamarca aparece inscrita en la gran Piedra de Jelling, ...
es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=2164990En caché
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27 Oct 2011 – Viaje por el pais de los Vikingos. Su nombre proviene del nórdico antiguo víkingr . Es el principal de los nombres dados a miembros de los ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7gmlORsAkM28 Abr 2011 - 3 min - Subido por VicioJuegosVideos Recreación de batalla, Vikingos en Rusiaby BaronSangre7775 views · Vickie el Vikingo - Episodio 78: El ...
deportes.publimetro.com.mx/.../dinamarca-los-vikingos-quieren-una-...En caché
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24 May 2012 – Una de las historias más increíbles del torneo continental tuvo como protagonistas a los daneses, quienes en la Eurocopa de Suecia 1992 ...
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Se les llama Vikingos a la población de Escandinavia (Noruega, Suecia y Dinamarca principalmente) que aterrorizaron el territorio europeo alrededor del siglo ...
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Un viaje a Dinamarca no estará completo sin pasar por Roskilde, en la isla de Zealand para visitar su famoso Museo de barcos vikingos. Vea cinco barcos ...
En contexto a Juan 11:24 Cristo hace referencia a que el es la RESURRECCION Y LA VIDA en contexto a OSHANAH RABBAH, septimo dia de la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS. Tambien en contexto a que RABA/AMMAN/FILADELFIA era una ciudad de 7 colinas, que fue tomada por el rey David, en contexto al nacimiento de su hijo Salomon es obvio el nexo BETANIA/OSHANAH RABBAH. MARTA/MARTE/HORUS/PEQUEÑO ES UNA REFERENCIA ESOTERICA CON REFERENCIA AL GRIAL. ES OBVIO EL NEXO MATEO 16:18 EN CONTEXTO A ROMA CON LAS 7 COLINAS Y SU FUERTE NEXO GRIALICO.
11. Juan 7:37: En el último y gran día de la fiesta, Jesús se puso en pie y alzó la voz, diciendo: Si alguno tiene sed, venga a mí y beba. 2719. Juan 11:24: Marta le dijo: Yo sé que resucitará en la resurrección, en el día postrero.
11:23 Jesús le dijo: Tu hermano resucitará. 11:24 Marta le dijo: Yo sé que resucitará en la resurrección, en el día postrero. 11:25 Le dijo Jesús: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el que cree en mí, aunque esté muerto, vivirá.
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In fact, not only did Pathfinder landed at 19.5 N, the longitude of the landing site was approximately 33 W - which is the very number of the longitude of the apex ...
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tetrahedral object on Mars at latitude 19.5 contains all the necessary ... When Mars Pathfinder bounced to a halt on its innovative airbags after it's ... would not be in their expected "ritual positions" (19.5° or 33°) above or below the horizon; or, ...
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In fact, not only did Pathfinder land at 19.5 N, the longitude of the landing site was approximately 33 W - which is the very number of the longitude of the apex of ...
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27 Aug 2003 – ... Otherworld (i.e. hyperspace) is prominently represented by the angle 19.5°. ... Mars Pathfinder lander on the Red Planet at 19.5 N and 33 W.!
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11 Jan 2007 – Earlier today, NASA released the first MRO images of the Mars Pathfinder landing site (19.5 degrees N by 33 degrees W). They show, among ...
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10 entradas - 3 autores - 24 May 2009
Los masones de la NASA en el 97 enviaron el Pathfinder tetraédrico a aterrizar en Marte a la latitud 19.5 Norte y 33 Oeste mientras la Tierra ...
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18 Abr 2012 – ESO Uranium: Drilling Returns 19.5 Meters of Strong Radioactive ... Reorder; Duration: 14:33; Published: 28 Jun 2011; Updated: 13 Apr 2012 ...... m || optical and infrared telescope || La Silla |- | Atacama Pathfinder Experiment ...
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25 Mar 2010 – Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees lat and a longitude of approximately 33 degrees West on Mars, July 4, 1997. This is also the exact ...
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This obsession with the "19.5" and "33" is most blatant when considering the landing coordinates of the Mars Pathfinder, which "touched down" on the surface of ...
www.oarval.org/mpfmarssp.htm - Estados UnidosEn caché
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9 Jul 1997 – Un sitio de aterrizaje para el Mars Pathfinder ha sido escogido en 19.5 N ... El sitio real de aterrizaje fue en 19,33 N, 33,55 W, está marcado por ...
...NASA's Mars probes/rovers Spirit and Opportunity [exploring the alien planet since] winter/spring ('04) are called Mars Exploration Rovers or 'MER'. It's... fitting that 'mer' relates to 'Mary' and water. The rovers just recently made headlines as it discovered evidence of past Martian water in March. [...] Further, 'mer' has the meaning of 'love' and... relatable again to the love-goddess complex of Isis-Mary-Venus... the mother of Horus.
It was in this overall symbolic context that Athens' opening ceremony was unveiled. Sure enough it was all about Mars, Panspermia, Holy Grail, messianic birth, Venus-Isis-Mary, and more. The message was surprisingly obvious - so much so that it seemed to suggest we are rapidly approaching a threshold of some kind in this period.
Here is my commentary from Aug 14, a day after the ceremony:
I just watched the pre-taped Olympics opening ceremony on NBC. Really beautiful. Great stuff Greece put together...
[T]he leaked information was very accurate. All the elements, including a comet, lake, pregnant woman, and DNA projection, were there...
[It's interesting that we had a bizarre mainstream news story] just prior to the Olympics, [stating] that fragments of an alien ship [were] found at the site of the famous Tunguska explosion (1908) widely thought to have been cause by a meteorite. The story certainly 'seeded' the idea [of there being a potential connection between] a space rock and ET life [as per my 'Martian seed' interpretation of the opening program].
As the Athens show progressed from the comet strike scene we were shown the god of love Eros overseeing the evolution of man and... civilization, sometimes giving a helping hand. [It was clear to me that] Eros was a replacement for Venus the goddess of love [probably because using] Venus here would have made it all too obvious.
'Face On Mars' & the Sphinx
There was no way we could ignore the giant face sculpture at the center of the Olympic stadium, notably accompanied by an intensely red centaur. My first reaction was 'maybe this is a stylized Face on Mars' - i.e. the anomalous face-like 'monument' in the Cydonia region of Mars, popularized by researcher Richard Hoagland, author of 'The Monuments of Mars'. (His group originally called itself 'Mars Mission'.)
My casual hypothesis was to eventually turn into something much more. The surrounding symbolism was indeed unmistakable...
Geometric shapes projected onto the Athenean Face... which together with the red centaur creating a wonderfully perplexing scene for the audience.
The mathematical diagrams were almost certainly meant to evoke - among other things on other levels - what makes Cydonia remarkable, i.e. the elegant geometric scheme encoded into the layout of the 'monuments' including the Face.
And the red centaur? Was it compatible with the underlying 'Martian' allusion?
Well, sure enough, yes. I recalled that: 1) like the centaur, the Great Sphinx at Giza is a mixture of man's head and a beast's body; 2) in ancient Egypt the Sphinx was a form of Horus (Horakhti or 'Horus of the Horizon') and so was Mars ('Horus the Red'); 3) like the centaur and Mars, the Sphinx was originally painted red; and 4) the name 'Horus', through the ancient Egyptian term heru, could mean 'face'.
And more along these lines (from Endgame III):
...according to Greek tradition, the sphinx - an alter ego of Horus/Mars - was a mixture of Leo's body and Virgo's head; or to use another terminology, the Sphinx is a combination of Horus and Isis, or Jesus and the Virgin! Complementarily, it just happens that Leo and Sirius/Venus, the star of Isis-Mary, were both associated with Virgo in ancient tradition... Note that Jesus himself, like Horus, is clearly a leonine figure in that he was a direct royal descendant of King David, the 'lion king' (the Davidic tribal symbol was the lion).
The Sphinx and Mars, therefore, represent the sacred union of Jesus and Mary, or Osiris and Isis. In other words, the Sphinx/Mars is the Grail, the Blood Royal, and the Shroud. Furthermore, in light of our foregoing discussion, the Martian counterpart of the Shroud, i.e. the 'Face on Mars', would become a monumental embodiment of the Jesus-Mary union.
And then on to the next level:
But here is a new discovery revealed for the first time [that] will begin the process of bringing the whole field of Cydonia investigation into a new dimension, and I think a lot of the researchers will not be able to keep up with the shift and will soon find themselves 'out of the game'.
This involved the mirroring of each side of the 'Face' to create two faces, one hominid and one leonine, a coding/decoding process first suggested by Hoagland.
Here we already have an echo of the Sphinx - a mixture of a man and a lion. (Mars is Nr-Simha, the 'Man-Lion', in ancient Hindu myths.) Then came the next revelation. From Endgame III:
I took another look at the image – and... there it was, a human torso. It was rendered with apparent nipples, a navel, and hands clasped at the genital area. What caught my attention next were the seemingly accentuated breasts and the swollen belly. I [had to wonder]: "Is this a depiction of a pregnant woman?"
Then it hit me. This was the body of Virgo, the Virgin, and it was pregnant with Horus-Jesus! Indeed, just as is the torso image, Virgo traditionally "is a headless constellation, the stars marking the head being very faint."
It was becoming surreal. I added:
...the 'Face on Mars' produces a lion head and the pregnant body of Virgo - i.e. the mirror image of the Sphinx, which traditionally has Virgo's head and Leo's body! (It must also be recalled that the cosine of the Giza latitude equals the tangent of the Cydonia structures' latitude – both equaling e/pi.)
A 'pregnant', Martian Sphinx/Grail... Well of course, the Athens story did feature a pregnant woman, giving 'birth' to a 'messianic' child or a perfected DNA, the Grail! (This was one of the most dramatic scenes of the opening ceremony.)
The parallel was reinforced when the Athenean Face broke apart, revealing a headless and legless human body inside (mimicking the left/torso side of the Martian Face).
As if these weren't enough, the head-body duality has another surprise in store - and this is from my 'black project'. For the 'lion head' created from the Cydonia Face to proportionally match the size of the 'Virgin body', the former has to be made smaller, and it's not to be done arbitrarily but in accordance with the underlying Earth-Mars connection. I discovered that the Earth-Mars diameter ratio, 1 to 0.53, is perfect for the Martian Sphinx!
But more importantly the contextual primer was the film Mission To Mars. Even though there are similar ones like Total Recall (1990) and Red Planet (2001), only Mission To Mars goes into the Panspermia/rock-seeding theme and also I found it telling that the official website for the Athena/MER rovers gives the title 'Mission To Mars' to all its webpages - see screenshot.)
As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words... Well, three pictures in this case:
Beyond this visual connection, Mission To Mars also contains a lot of allusions to Mary-Venus-Isis - prominently expressed through the 'M' symbolism, the esoteric shorthand for Mary Magdalene, related to her initials being 'MM'. It's likely no coincidence that in Roman numerals 'MM' denotes '2000', i.e. the year Mission To Mars was released. It was also insinuated by the semi-official shorthand for the film - 'M2M'. Some ad graphics were actually quite blatant in suggesting a genetic connection between Mars and 'MM'.
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Water on Mars is much less abundant than it is on Earth, at least in its liquid and gaseous states of matter. Most of the water known is locked in the cryosphere ...
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Here We Are Olympus Mons Mars Water Ponny Kosmas began writing a song a month as a solo project in 2011. The goal was to create 12 songs that he would ...
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4 Aug 2011 – An image combining orbital imagery with 3-D modeling shows flows that appear in spring and summer on a slope inside Mars' Newton crater.
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4 Aug 2011 – Striking new images from the mountains of Mars may be the best evidence yet of flowing, liquid water, an essential ingredient for life, says ...
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8 Dec 2011 – A Mars rover has found the best evidence yet that water flowed on the Red Planet long ago.
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4 Aug 2011 – An orbiting camera spies evidence of seasonal water on Mars' surface.
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9 Aug 2011 – The new discovery of salty water on Mars could prove significant for science and the search for life, scientists say.
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10 Dec 2011 – A Nasa rover scouting for signs of past water on Mars has found the strongest evidence yet - a vein of gypsum, more commonly known as ...
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4 Aug 2011 – Shifting dark streaks on the surface of Mars are signs that water is flowing there today, scientists said Thursday.
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4 Aug 2011 – New evidence for Mars water? A NASA probe, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, has imaged brown streaks on the slopes of craters -- which only ...
Anuncio relacionado con mars water¿Por qué este anuncio?Se mostró este anuncio debido a tus términos de búsqueda actuales.
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Tu idea. A 402 km de la Tierra. Para que todo el mundo la vea.
More on the Great Seal
Many companies use the pyramid within their logos. James Walker, a 32º Mason, shares some facts with us about the above symbols:
- 13 leaves in the olive branch
- 13 bars and stripes in the shield
- 13 arrows in the right claw
- 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon
- 13 stars in the green crest above
- 32 long feathers on its right wing representing the 32º in Freemasonry
- 13 granite stones in the Pyramid. (The 13 layers represent the 13 Illuminati bloodlines)
- 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis
It should also be noted that the Eagle has 32 feathers right wing, but 33 in its left wing. The 32 feathers representing the number of ordinary degrees of the Scottish Rite, and the 33 feathers representing the 33º of Freemasonry. The tail feathers number 9, the number of degrees in the York Rite. The eagle itself is a prominent icon of Masonry, being used extensively in the Scottish Rite.
Looking just above the eagles head you will see 13 pentagrams within a cloud. The pentagrams are arranged in the shape of a hexagram - or greater Seal of Solomon. The hexagram is a powerful tool used by pagans to invoke Satan. It is also the sign of Anti Christ with 6 points, 6 angles and 6 planes (666).
To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan, and is a sign of Antichrist. (6 points, 6 angles, 6 planes - 666) The 5 pointed pentagrams multiplied by the 13 stars equals 65, the same cabalistic number as mentioned above. This makes one wonder with whom or what, we are to dwell in unity!
The eagle replaced the Phoenix in 1841 as the national bird. The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt. The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers (Freemasons) for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress.
To the right of George Washington's portrait on the front of the American Dollar Bill you will see the Seal of the Department of the Treasury. It comprises of a key, the scales of justice and a square which is a very important symbol in Freemasonry. If you look at the square you will see 13 holes in it. There are also 39 green dots which surround the square, key and scale. Remember 39? Thirty nine divided by two is 19.5. The number 19.5 can be seen within the design of Cydonia, Mars, Avebury, England and Washington D.C.
There is a small owl just to the left of the "1" which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill. From time to time politicians like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush Jr. have been caught with a camera flashing the horned owl symbol with their hands.
George Bush flahing the horned owl
Bill Clinton
The Number of the Beast - 666
On a previous page you learned that the letters on the base of the Illuminati pyramid stand for certain numbers. And all those numbers when added up equal 1776, the year the Illuminati formed.
More than one method exists for arriving at 1776. However, there is only one way to arrive at the following sequence. The Babelonian numbering system was used by the Masonic designers of the Seal. That numbering system was not based on ten, but on six. For example, "600" would be 1000, "60" would be 100 and "6" would be 10.
The Occult is Trinitarian, i.e. it's main teachings are grouped in three's. The Number Sequence "93 and 93, 93"; or 600, 60, and 6 is the "current" of the new age of Aquarius - the Water Bearer, which heralds the end of the age of Pisces - the Fishes (an early symbol of Christianity) in the teachings of the Order of the Eastern Templars or O.T.O.
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"Gary David had found the mirrored, proportioned locations of all the major stars of Orion exactly on the ground, centered at Anasazi and Hopi ruins and sacred ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MfpWDP_xyM4 Oct. 2011 - 6 min. - Subido por aReaganDesignee
A collection of clips about ancient civilizations and their fascination/tracking of the stars Orion & Sirius. See ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4KbkyxYs_g20 Nov. 2011 - 4 min. - Subido por lucianaoti01 PLEASE READ BELOW: I think we can now theorize that with the evidence at hand gathered from the Catholic ...
www.dailymotion.com/.../xbtxqr_the-hopi-nation-the-...12 Ene. 2010 - 8 min. Links to Pari's articles can be found at:http://globalbrahmakumaris.weebly. comThis video has to be seen ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGUMorQW3Oo23 Nov. 2011 - 98 min. - Subido por ResistNWOrder Gary A. David Interview ~ Ancient Hopi Starlore, Orion Zone, Prophecy Author of - The Kivas of Heaven ...
8. Mateo 16:18: Y yo también te digo, que tú eres PEDRO, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella.
A regular square pyramid is determined by its medial right triangle, whose edges are the pyramid's apothem (a), semi-base (b), and height (h); the face inclination angle is also marked. Mathematical proportions b:h:a of and and are of particular interest in relation to Egyptian pyramids.
Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres; Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir. SO-FI-A/SABIDURIA/S-OFI-A/FI-L-OFI-A
La referencia a Pedro/Piedra en Mateo 16:18 tambien es una referencia a PETRA/EDOM en un contexto a la CIUDAD DE LA ROSA/LUNA CRECIENTE. EDOM ES SINONIMO DEL COLOR ROJO EN LA TORA.
El Vaticano en su diseño en FUNCION A LAS PLEYADES/TAURO es un OBVIO NEXO CON LA LUNA CRECIENTE ya que los cuernos del TORO tambien son una referencia a la MISMA.
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El asentamiento de Petra se localiza en un valle angosto, al este del valle de la Aravá que ..... y gradas en tres niveles superpuestos en forma de luna creciente.
www.mitos.co/lugares-interesantes/110-petraEn caché
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El asentamiento de Petra se localiza en un valle angosto, al este del valle de Aravá que se .... y gradas en tres niveles superpuestos en forma de luna creciente.
visitandoelmundo.org/petra-ciudad-con-historia/En caché
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25 Abr 2011 – Petra se localiza al este del valle de la Aravá que se extiende desde el ... y gradas en tres niveles superpuestos en forma de luna creciente.
tiempolibreyturismo.blogspot.com/.../petra-en-jordania.html - EspañaEn caché
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7 Sep 2010 – El asentamiento de Petra se localiza en un valle angosto, al este del valle .... y gradas en tres niveles superpuestos en forma de luna creciente.
mogolik.mforos.com/459625/3828152-donde-queda/En caché
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7 entradas - 1 autor - 10 Nov 2005
... libro del doc jones lo localizaba, eraen el valle de la luna creciente. ... Es Petra . Capital de los nabateos (s. vi a. J. C.) Está situada entre el ...
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El Rodaje en Petra ... Irás por todo el corazón del mundo Nazi, los desiertos del oriente, el cañón de la Luna Creciente, y tendrás tiempo para disfrutar de lo ... pero viendolo desde esa perspectiva está excelente y vale la pena jugarlo.
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15 Mar 2009 – Petra es, ante todo, territorio de los sentimientos. ... Petra se encuentra en un abrupto y accidentado valle, sobre uno de los bordes de la ... niveles y en forma de luna creciente) o la Iglesia Bizantina construida en el siglo V, ...
www.joaconde.net/viajes/jordania/petra.htmEn caché
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Los restos más célebres de Petra, la capital del antiguo reino nabateo, son sin duda sus construcciones labradas en la misma roca del valle, en particular, los edificios ... y gradas en tres niveles superpuestos en forma de luna creciente.
Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.
EXODO 14 Y 15
Capítulo 14
Los israelitas cruzan el Mar Rojo
14:1 Habló Jehová a Moisés, diciendo: 14:2 Di a los hijos de Israel que den la vuelta y acampen delante de Pi-hahirot, entre Migdol y el mar hacia Baal-zefón; delante de él acamparéis junto al mar. 14:3 Porque Faraón dirá de los hijos de Israel: Encerrados están en la tierra, el desierto los ha encerrado. 14:4 Y yo endureceré el corazón de Faraón para que los siga; y seré glorificado en Faraón y en todo su ejército, y sabrán los egipcios que yo soy Jehová. Y ellos lo hicieron así. 14:5 Y fue dado aviso al rey de Egipto, que el pueblo huía; y el corazón de Faraón y de sus siervos se volvió contra el pueblo, y dijeron: ¿Cómo hemos hecho esto de haber dejado ir a Israel, para que no nos sirva? 14:6 Y unció su carro, y tomó consigo su pueblo; 14:7 y tomó seiscientos carros escogidos, y todos los carros de Egipto, y los capitanes sobre ellos. 14:8 Y endureció Jehová el corazón de Faraón rey de Egipto, y él siguió a los hijos de Israel; pero los hijos de Israel habían salido con mano poderosa. 14:9 Siguiéndolos, pues, los egipcios, con toda la caballería y carros de Faraón, su gente de a caballo, y todo su ejército, los alcanzaron acampados junto al mar, al lado de Pi-hahirot, delante de Baal-zefón. 14:10 Y cuando Faraón se hubo acercado, los hijos de Israel alzaron sus ojos, y he aquí que los egipcios venían tras ellos; por lo que los hijos de Israel temieron en gran manera, y clamaron a Jehová. 14:11 Y dijeron a Moisés: ¿No había sepulcros en Egipto, que nos has sacado para que muramos en el desierto? ¿Por qué has hecho así con nosotros, que nos has sacado de Egipto? 14:12 ¿No es esto lo que te hablamos en Egipto, diciendo: Déjanos servir a los egipcios? Porque mejor nos fuera servir a los egipcios, que morir nosotros en el desierto. 14:13 Y Moisés dijo al pueblo: No temáis; estad firmes, y ved la salvación que Jehová hará hoy con vosotros; porque los egipcios que hoy habéis visto, nunca más para siempre los veréis. 14:14 Jehová peleará por vosotros, y vosotros estaréis tranquilos. 14:15 Entonces Jehová dijo a Moisés: ¿Por qué clamas a mí? Di a los hijos de Israel que marchen. 14:16 Y tú alza tu vara, y extiende tu mano sobre el mar, y divídelo, y entren los hijos de Israel por en medio del mar, en seco. 14:17 Y he aquí, yo endureceré el corazón de los egipcios para que los sigan; y yo me glorificaré en Faraón y en todo su ejército, en sus carros y en su caballería; 14:18 y sabrán los egipcios que yo soy Jehová, cuando me glorifique en Faraón, en sus carros y en su gente de a caballo. 14:19 Y el ángel de Dios que iba delante del campamento de Israel, se apartó e iba en pos de ellos; y asimismo la columna de nube que iba delante de ellos se apartó y se puso a sus espaldas, 14:20 e iba entre el campamento de los egipcios y el campamento de Israel; y era nube y tinieblas para aquéllos, y alumbraba a Israel de noche, y en toda aquella noche nunca se acercaron los unos a los otros. 14:21 Y extendió Moisés su mano sobre el mar, e hizo Jehová que el mar se retirase por recio viento oriental toda aquella noche; y volvió el mar en seco, y las aguas quedaron divididas. 14:22 Entonces los hijos de Israel entraron por en medio del mar, en seco, teniendo las aguas como muro a su derecha y a su izquierda. 14:23 Y siguiéndolos los egipcios, entraron tras ellos hasta la mitad del mar, toda la caballería de Faraón, sus carros y su gente de a caballo. 14:24 Aconteció a la vigilia de la mañana, que Jehová miró el campamento de los egipcios desde la columna de fuego y nube, y trastornó el campamento de los egipcios, 14:25 y quitó las ruedas de sus carros, y los trastornó gravemente. Entonces los egipcios dijeron: Huyamos de delante de Israel, porque Jehová pelea por ellos contra los egipcios. 14:26 Y Jehová dijo a Moisés: Extiende tu mano sobre el mar, para que las aguas vuelvan sobre los egipcios, sobre sus carros, y sobre su caballería. 14:27 Entonces Moisés extendió su mano sobre el mar, y cuando amanecía, el mar se volvió en toda su fuerza, y los egipcios al huir se encontraban con el mar; y Jehová derribó a los egipcios en medio del mar. (La resurreccion de Cristo fue al amanecer segun JUAN 20:1. ¿CASUALIDAD QUE APARECE CON EL MARIA MAGDALENA?)14:28 Y volvieron las aguas, y cubrieron los carros y la caballería, y todo el ejército de Faraón que había entrado tras ellos en el mar; no quedó de ellos ni uno. 14:29 Y los hijos de Israel fueron por en medio del mar, en seco, teniendo las aguas por muro a su derecha y a su izquierda. 14:30 Así salvó Jehová aquel día a Israel de mano de los egipcios; e Israel vio a los egipcios muertos a la orilla del mar. 14:31 Y vio Israel aquel grande hecho que Jehová ejecutó contra los egipcios; y el pueblo temió a Jehová, y creyeron a Jehová y a Moisés su siervo.
Capítulo 15
Cántico de Moisés y de María
15:1 Entonces cantó Moisés y los hijos de Israel este cántico a Jehová, y dijeron: Cantaré yo a Jehová, porque se ha magnificado grandemente; Ha echado en el mar al caballo y al jinete. 15:2 Jehová es mi fortaleza y mi cántico, Y ha sido mi salvación. Este es mi Dios, y lo alabaré; Dios de mi padre, y lo enalteceré.15:3 Jehová es varón de guerra; Jehová es su nombre. (MARTE/GUERRA)
15:4 Echó en el mar los carros de Faraón y su ejército; Y sus capitanes escogidos fueron hundidos en el Mar Rojo. 15:5 Los abismos los cubrieron; Descendieron a las profundidades como piedra.15:6 Tu diestra, oh Jehová, ha sido magnificada en poder; Tu diestra, oh Jehová, ha quebrantado al enemigo. 15:7 Y con la grandeza de tu poder has derribado a los que se levantaron contra ti. Enviaste tu ira; los consumió como a hojarasca. 15:8 Al soplo de tu aliento se amontonaron las aguas; Se juntaron las corrientes como en un montón; Los abismos se cuajaron en medio del mar. 15:9 El enemigo dijo: Perseguiré, apresaré, repartiré despojos; Mi alma se saciará de ellos; Sacaré mi espada, los destruirá mi mano. 15:10 Soplaste con tu viento; los cubrió el mar; Se hundieron como plomo en las impetuosas aguas. 15:11 ¿Quién como tú, oh Jehová, entre los dioses? ¿Quién como tú, magnífico en santidad, Terrible en maravillosas hazañas, hacedor de prodigios?15:12 Extendiste tu diestra; La tierra los tragó.15:13 Condujiste en tu misericordia a este pueblo que redimiste; Lo llevaste con tu poder a tu santa morada. 15:14 Lo oirán los pueblos, y temblarán; Se apoderará dolor de la tierra de los filisteos. 15:15 Entonces los caudillos de Edom se turbarán; A los valientes de Moab les sobrecogerá temblor; Se acobardarán todos los moradores de Canaán. 15:16 Caiga sobre ellos temblor y espanto; A la grandeza de tu brazo enmudezcan como una piedra; Hasta que haya pasado tu pueblo, oh Jehová, Hasta que haya pasado este pueblo que tú rescataste. 15:17 Tú los introducirás y los plantarás en el monte de tu heredad, En el lugar de tu morada, que tú has preparado, oh Jehová, < |
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