This is definitely a brain-twister. Pass by and go to the next article if your IQ is under 150. However, if you’re able to hold quantum physics, astronomy, and a few dozen other sciences in your mind simultaneously, then you may enjoy this serious attempt to decipher the crop circles.
No harm will come from perusing the pictures! (But no refunds either!) No, this is not a cabal attempt to fry your circuits. Thanks to Janis.
Solving Crop Circle Puzzles
Two difficult crop-based puzzles from Milk Hill 2009 or Honey Street 2011 have now been solved: are visiting extra-terrestrials giving us IQ tests in English fields, before they try to make open contact?
“The sign of true intelligence is being able to solve a puzzle which your species has never encountered before”—a behavioral scientist on Earth, studying the intelligence of octopuses (see
English or European crop circles have been appearing regularly now each summer for the past twenty years, and no one knows exactly why. Governments worldwide have tried to cover up this amazing phenomenon by applying strict censorship in major news media. Yet whatever those governments or intelligence agencies do or say, such field pictures keep appearing (see WHAT DO MODERN CROP PICTURES MEAN).
Some crop pictures are visually attractive, and attract a lot of viewers in that way. Other crop pictures contain deep messages or codes, which can be hard to figure out. While studying two of the most recent codes from Milk Hill 2009 or Honey Street 2011, I suddenly realized that these field pictures do not represent “communication” in any conventional sense, as one might expect for a radio telescope message beamed to Earth from a distant star. No, the extra-terrestrial visitors are already in our solar system, yet they have chosen not to make open contact immediately.
Instead, while studying Earth from above or monitoring our activities, they have decided to send us a series of “intelligence tests”, just as some human behavioral scientist might lay out unobtrusively within the tank of a dolphin or an octopus. First you place a series of beautiful objects in the environment of the creature to be studied, so that they will take notice. Then you start mixing those beautiful objects with intellectual puzzles of varying difficulty, and see how they respond?
In my view, having studied this phenomenon for ten years, those are the “crop circles”. They do not expect us to reply with a “single voice”, but rather with “many voices”, so they can understand us better as a race. Some interpretations of crop circles may be artistic, while other interpretations may be spiritual, geometrical or mathematical. There is no “right answer” to a Rorschach test in human psychology (see Rorschach_test), and similarly there is no “right answer” to any crop circle!
My intent here will be to show likely solutions for several of their most difficult puzzles, in order to verify that such field patterns could not have been produced by local humans with rope and boards. Nor could they have been produced with microwave ovens and GPS, as the mainstream media have said recently (see or /crop-circles-explained-with-gps).
Two astronomical codes from Milk Hill of June 2009: what was the “mystery sky object”?
One of the most important crop pictures in history appeared at Milk Hill over three separate phases in June of 2009. In a previous article, we deduced correctly that its primary intent was to show a rare planetary alignment in June of 2011, two years later (see time2011b). Yet it also showed a “mystery sky object” in the middle of that “planetary array”, whose true nature has remained unsolved until now.
This particular crop-based puzzle is very difficult in an intellectual sense. We cannot know a priori whether the mystery sky object refers to something which lies in our future, that we cannot predict (for example an exploding comet). Or whether it refers to something which lies in our future, that we can predict (say another planetary alignment in 2012 or 2013).
The best fit to Phase I of Milk Hill on June 20, 2009 seems to be a rare planetary alignment which happened two years later, close to sunrise on June 16, 2011, as it might be viewed (hypothetically) with a “sextant”:

Three days later in Phase II of Milk Hill on June 23, 2009, those five “planets” were numbered specifically as Venus = 1, Mars = 2, Jupiter = 3, Uranus = 4 and Neptune = 5 or 6:

Pluto sometimes comes closer to the Sun than Neptune. Thus Neptune would count sometimes as “5”, while at other times it would count as “6”. Another possible assignment of planetary numbers might be Mercury = 1, Venus = 2, Mars = 3, Jupiter = 4, and Uranus = 5 or 6. For reasons cited below in the Appendix, that alternative solution seems less probable.
Now that is the primary code at Milk Hill 2009, but what could be the detailed nature of its secondary code? What could the “extra sky object” drawn between planets Jupiter and Uranus be meant to represent?

We thought initially that it might represent some kind of “exploding comet”. Yet now after some time has passed, and no exploding comet has been observed, it could more plausibly mark the sky location of some important planetary alignment in 2012 or 2013. When we study this crop-based puzzle carefully, using an astronomy program called “Your Sky” (see, we find that the “extra object” is located precisely where our Sun, Venus and Uranus will join closely in Earth’s sky on March 28, 2013:

Planet Mars will not be far away. In fact, a 52-year Mayan Sun-Venus calendar is scheduled to end on that day, as the first conjunction of Venus with our Sun after December 23, 2012, when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends.
How did the Mayans use our Sun and Venus to construct a long-term yearly calendar?
How did the ancient Mayans use visible locations in the sky of our Sun and Venus to construct a long-term yearly calendar? Well, our Sun and Venus return to almost the same location in Earth’s night sky, once in every eight years:

By studying Venus at observatories such as El Caracol (see El_Caracol,_Chichen_Itza), they were able to construct a mathematically consistent calendar which lasted for 18,980 days, or slightly less than 52 solar years (see dresdencode or New_Fire_ceremony). Each 52-year period of their calendar included 32.5 sky cycles of Venus, relative to our Sun. Each of those Venus cycles lasted for 1.6 years or 584 days.
A Mayan-Sun Venus calendar as drawn in English crop pictures
The same calendar has been drawn or implied many times in English crop pictures (see time2007c). A Mayan Sun-Venus calendar was first shown explicitly in crops during 2005, to predict the conjunction of comet 17P Holmes with a bright star called Mirfak in Perseus:

There they showed 20 Mayan square-spiral symbols for time around the outside, to tell us that it was a “Mayan calendar with 20 days per month”. Next they showed two “broad arrows” and “16 wedges” close to the centre, to tell us in which direction to read a series of binary numbers in “base 16”.
Further mathematical explanation is beyond the scope of this text, yet two specific dates were provided as 13-10-7 = August 9, 2005 (when the crop picture appeared) or 14-5-11 = November 21, 2007 (when comet Holmes conjuncted with a bright star in Perseus). The calendar began on 0-0-0 = April 10, 1961, and will end on 15-15-15 = March 28, 2013 (see time2007g or
Is that enough of an “intelligence test” for you?
More recently, another Mayan Sun-Venus calendar was drawn in crops at East Kennett on July 22, 2011 (see comments). This time they drew 20 “Mayan pyramids” around the outside, to tell us that it was a Mayan calendar with 20 days per month. Their new binary code contains only standing crop, and reads simply 15-15-15 = March 28, 2013:

It marks when the 52-year Mayan Sun-Venus calendar will end. Such a calendar began on April 10, 1961, and will end on March 28, 2013. It is also the same date which was shown astronomically in crops by an “extra sky object” at Milk Hill in 2009.
Do modern “crop circles” represent IQ tests for humans on Earth, just as our behavioral scientists test the intelligence of dolphins or octopuses?
We seem now to have solved several crop-based puzzles, but they were certainly not some form of alien-to-human “communication”, as would be expected say for a radio telescope signal received from a distant star. No, they seem far more akin to the “intelligence tests” which behavioral scientists on Earth might give to a clever dolphin or octopus:

As another example, who knows what that ratchet-spiral puzzle means, shown at upper left in the slide above? If it is too hard for you to solve, don’t feel bad! Millions of people on Earth saw it for a whole week, before one man (a retired astrophysicist) figured it out (see Easy-pi-Astrophysicist-solves-riddle-Britains-complex-crop-circle).
Two mathematical codes from Honey Street of July 2011: “pi” and a hidden code for “Venus”
As a final example, we will discuss two different levels of mathematical coding within a remarkable crop picture which appeared at Honey Street on July 4, 2011. Initially no one knew what it meant, and a variety of diverse ideas were proposed (see comments). Only after several more crop pictures had appeared nearby, did its primary meaning become clear (see articles).
At a primary level, this crop picture shows seven different numbers in the order of 3, 2, 9, 5, 3 then 6 (reversed), 1 (reversed). Its first five numbers add up to 22, while its last two (reversed) numbers add up to 7. Now 22 / 7 is a well-known approximation for “pi”:

Yet why did the crop artist choose those seven numbers in particular? When we read them in reverse, the code says “1635” and “923”. That looks like a set of sky coordinates! By using an astronomical almanac from Jodrell Bank (see almanac), we can find precisely matching sky coordinates for planet Venus on the morning of August 11, 2011 of Declination = 16 35 or Right Ascension = 9 23.
Venus was the subject of four crop pictures during late July or early August of 2011: at West Woodhay (see comments), Furze Knoll (see furze knoll), Cooks Plantation (see commentsl) or Knoll Down (see commentsl). Venus is also one of the traditional symbols for “Quetzalcoatl”, a Mayan god-teacher who is thought by many people to be one of the extra-terrestrial crop artists.
More clever codes in crops during August of 2011: ternary base-3 messages or higher-dimensional cubes
Finally in August of 2011, we saw a ternary code in base-3 at Temple Farm (see comments or articlesl), followed by the projection of a five-dimensional cube at Jubilee Plantation (see comments or articles). In fact, a series of three crop pictures from mid-July to mid-August of 2011 showed a collection of 3-D, 4-D or 5-D cubes in succession:

Their 3-D version showed “Metatron’s cube” (see Metatron’s_Cube), while their 4-D version showed part of a “truncated tesseract” (see Truncated tesseract), and their 5-D version showed the projection of a “penteract” (see Penteract). If such “hypercube” crop pictures were not a test of intelligence for all humans on Earth, then what else could they be?
Two Mexican TV journalists, Jaime Maussan and Fernando Correa, have produced an excellent ten-part series to explain what it all means (see or or Anyone on Earth with a high-school education can watch those nice videos, and quickly achieve a reasonable approximation of the truth.
As of September 2011, the short-term future of our local human race seems to remain in doubt
Regrettably, many members of our local human race are too self-centered or dark-minded to care. What will those great extra-terrestrial teachers think about Earth humans as a whole, having laid out many wonderful field puzzles for us to contemplate or solve? Will they judge some of us to be less intelligent than the dolphins, whales or octopuses who swim in our seas? How useless will they consider our scientists to be, the vast majority of whom refuse to recognize their existence? “We have been given intelligence, but have used it unwisely” (see
Can they afford to make open contact, given the likely prospect that our military organizations or even ordinary citizens will try to attack and kill them? As of September 2011, the short-term future of our local human race certainly seems to remain in doubt. A small minority of people who follow “crop circles” will just have to respond to our extra-terrestrial visitors, as openly and helpfully as we can.
Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)
P.S. We would like to thank the photographers at Crop Circle Connector, who have kept an excellent photographic record of many field drawings for almost twenty years (1994 to 2011), and also Karen Alexander for the graphical overlay of a penteract, which was shown as part of the last slide.
Appendix. Other possible astronomical solutions for the “mystery sky object” at Milk Hill in 2009
The best solution seems to be a date of June 16, 2011 for the crop picture, and March 18, 2013 for its “extra sky object”, This would represent a superior conjunction of Venus with our Sun to end the 52-year Mayan calendar:

The next best solution would be a date of June 3, 2011 for the crop picture, and April 17, 2013 for a conjunction of Mars with our Sun. The “extra sky object” in this case does not lie exactly where Mars and the Sun will overlap in our sky:

The third best (or worst) solution would be a match to Venus transit across our Sun on June 6, 2012. It lies far from the correct sky location: