Minimum Monthly Fee: This is charged to ensure that your account generates revenue for the service provider even if there are no transactions or if they are below a certain limit. This is also known as 'monthly minimum not met' charge. Account is charged a minimum monthly amount.
Discount Rate: It is the primary fees charged by the card company as a percentage of each transaction processed. It normally lies in the range of 1.5-2 percent of each transaction. It could be higher for high risk businesses.
Chargeback Fee: This is applicable if a large
Credit card processing ISO programs number of transactions are charged back. Normally, a certain number of chargebacks are allowed in a month before this fee is levied.
Gateway Fee: This is charged to facilitate internet transactions. To enable transactions on the web, a credit card processing firm needs to have basic web infrastructure in place including a shopping cart function for the customer and/or a portal that allows customers to make and monitor payments. This fee is usually around $10 per month.