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Rispondi  Messaggio 1 di 254 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 11/02/2012 17:49
La bomba nuclear tirada en Hiroshima el 6 de agosto de 1945 tiene un fuerte nexo con el GRIAL/ESTADO DE ISRAEL. El 6 de agosto de 1945 fue el ORTO ELIACO DE SIRIO con fuerte NEXO CON JACOB cuando le fue cambiado el NOMBRE EN GENESIS 32. Justamente JACOB es el SOL en funcion al sueño de JOSE de GENESIS 37. Recordemos que JAPON es sinonimo del SOL NACIENTE con un OBVIO nexo con HORUS (pequeño) CON FUERTE RELACION CON EL PLANETA MARTE. Tengamos en cuenta tambien la fuerte RELACION CON EL NUMERO 33 (numero del espiritu santo). El numero 33 tiene fuerte nexo con JUAN MARCOS.
Este suceso tiene fuerte relacion espiritual obviamente en un contexto satanico con JUAN 20 en contexto a la RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. (SOL NACIENTE). En Juan 20 tenemos la clave que es previa a la SALIDA DEL SOL con UN OBVIO NEXO CON LA ESTRELLA SIRIO EN SU ORTO ELIACO. EN EGIPTO SIRIO TENIA FUERTE RELACION CON ISIS. Es en este contexto del porque la aparicion de MARIA MAGDALENA EN JUAN 20 CON PEDRO Y EL DISCIPULO AMADO  que es JUAN MARCOS. El mensaje aqui es que la PRIMERA GUERRA MUNDIAL preparo la TIERRA PARA EL PUEBLO y la SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL preparo EL PUEBLO PARA LA TIERRA. La INDEPENDENCIA DEL ESTADO DE ISRAEL fue el 15 de mayo de 1948. EL ESTADO DE ISRAEL ES EL GRIAL en funcion a GALATAS 4:26,28 adonde la IGLESIA ES COMPARADA CON ISAAC. CONCRETAMENTE EL MENSAJE APARENTEMENTE ESPIRITUAL DE ESTE SUCESO, en funcion a ROMANOS 11, adonde PABLO (pequeño) de la tribu de BENJAMIN (Horus), NOS HABLA DE UNA RESURRECCION DEL ESTADO DE ISRAEL. ¿PABLO PREDICADOR DE LOS GENTILES ES UN TIPO DEL GRIAL? ¿Porque es en ese contexto que PABLO se declara descendiente de BENJAMIN (EL LOBO)? ¿Porque PABLO en ROMANOS 11 hace REFERENCIA A LA RAMA con un claro nexo CON JOSE segun GENESIS 49?
4:24 Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar.
4:25 Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud.
4:26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (Fijense que aqui PABLO dice que la JERUSALEN ES NUESTRA MADRE) 
4:27 Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido.
4:28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. (Pablo se esta incluyendo o igualando con ISAAC, OSEA EL HIJO DE ABRAHAM Y DE SARA. Pablo esta reconociendo que ISAAC ES TIPO DE LA IGLESIA) 
It is certainly curious that Japan, the first and only nation to be nuked - twice - in history is sometimes called 'the Land of the Rising Sun'. It can easily be rephrased as 'the land of Horus', 'land of the Sphinx', or 'land of Mars'. (Have you seen the Japanese national flag?) And if nuclear explosions are to be seen as artificial 'little suns', the two atomic bombs dropped there would even correlate with the 'double-lion'/'two suns'/'2-year cycle' theme. Further, it is interesting that the Sphinx/Aker is a form of Atum, which conjures up 'atom'.
We also find that the historic Hiroshima bombing (Aug. 6) took place on the day of Sirius' heliacal rising - i.e. the celestial event that used to herald the symbolic resurrection of Osiris!

Here we have reference to what the Japanese symbols are, the "Land of the rising sun.", ie connection to Horus, and the 2 nukes are the little suns, so the symbology for the binary twin star system. Theres more.

As the 33rd President, this 33rd degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site, (Almagordo) White Sands, New Mexico, at the 33rd Parallel. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.m. United States B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. This was "Day One" of a new age, the Nuclear Age. To understand the change that took place, we must back up and look at the importance of the number 13 from the formation of the United States to the atomic bomb's explosion in Hiroshima.

In 1935, Paul Foster Case wrote: "Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid [on the Great Seal], and since the number 13 has been so important in the history of the United States and in the symbols of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent thirteen time-periods of thirteen years each." The 13 time-periods of 13 years each equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1776 to July 4, 1945 equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 (Hiroshima) was 33 days.



Little Boy

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Little Boy

Little Boy (en español: Niñito o Niño Pequeño) fue el nombre con que se bautizó a la bomba atómica lanzada sobre la ciudad japonesa de Hiroshima el 6 de agosto de 1945. Little Boy fue lanzada desde el bombardero estadounidense B-29 llamado Enola Gay pilotado por el teniente coronel Paul Tibbets, desde unos 9.450 m de altura. El aparato explotó a las 8:15:45 AM (JST), aproximadamente, cuando alcanzó una altitud de 600 m., matando aproximadamente a 140.000 personas.[1]

Little Boy era un bomba de diseño sin probar el día del lanzamiento, ya que la única prueba anterior de un arma nuclear (prueba Trinity, realizada cerca de Alamogordo, Nuevo México) correspondía al diseño de plutonio, mientras la bomba que estalló sobre Hiroshima era de uranio, que no albergaba tantas dudas sobre su fiabilidad.

Presentaba un aspecto de bomba alargada de color verde oliva y chata, con alerones cuadrados de los cuales sobresalían sensores de radar y barométricos. Pesaba unas cuatro toneladas, se fijó al avión con unos ganchos especiales y tenía una potencia explosiva de 13 kilotones, equivalente a 13000 toneladas de TNT.

  • Little Boy - Atom Bomb - Hiroshima - YouTube Jul 2007 - 3 min - Subido por UsamahKH
    Little Boy was the codename of the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945 by the ...
  • Hiroshima - Atomic Bomb (Little Boy) - YouTube Oct 2009 - 3 min - Subido por RekahPL

    Romanos 11

    1. Digo, pues: ¿Ha desechado Dios a su pueblo? En ninguna manera. Porque también yo soy israelita, de la descendencia de Abraham, de la tribu de Benjamín. (PABLO (pequeño/horus) se declara de al tribu de Benjamin, EL LOBO, con fuerte relacion con la ESPOSA AMADA DE JACOB RAQUEL (LA LUNA) segun el sueño de JOSE DE GENESIS 37. Recordemos que RAQUEL muere y es enterrada en BETHLEHEM (CASA DE PAN)/VIRGO cuando nace BENJAMIN segun GENESIS 35)
    2. No ha desechado Dios a su pueblo, al cual desde antes conoció. ¿O no sabéis qué dice de Elías la Escritura, cómo invoca a Dios contra Israel, diciendo:
    3. Señor, a tus profetas han dado muerte, y tus altares han derribado; y sólo yo he quedado, y procuran matarme?
    4. Pero ¿qué le dice la divina respuesta? Me he reservado siete mil hombres, que no han doblado la rodilla delante de Baal.
    5. Así también aun en este tiempo ha quedado un remanente escogido por gracia.
    6. Y si por gracia, ya no es por obras; de otra manera la gracia ya no es gracia. Y si por obras, ya no es gracia; de otra manera la obra ya no es obra.
    7. ¿Qué pues? Lo que buscaba Israel, no lo ha alcanzado; pero los escogidos sí lo han alcanzado, y los demás fueron endurecidos;
    8. como está escrito: Dios les dio espíritu de estupor, ojos con que no vean y oídos con que no oigan, hasta el día de hoy.
    11. Digo, pues: ¿Han tropezado los de Israel para que cayesen? En ninguna manera; pero por su transgresión vino la salvación a los gentiles, para provocarles a celos.
    12. Y si su transgresión es la riqueza del mundo, y su defección la riqueza de los gentiles, ¿cuánto más su plena restauración?
    13. Porque a vosotros hablo, gentiles. Por cuanto yo soy apóstol a los gentiles, honro mi ministerio,
    14. por si en alguna manera pueda provocar a celos a los de mi sangre, y hacer salvos a algunos de ellos.
    15. Porque si su exclusión es la reconciliación del mundo, ¿qué será su admisión, sino vida de entre los muertos? (Aqui hay una interrelacion espiritual con la RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO. UN OBVIO NEXO CON JUAN 20)
    16. Si las primicias son santas, también lo es la masa restante; y si la raíz es santa, también lo son las ramas.
    2. Génesis 49:22: RAMA fructífera es José,RAMA fructífera junto a una fuente, Cuyos vástagos se extienden sobre el muro.
    17. Pues si algunas de las ramas fueron desgajadas, y tú, siendo olivo silvestre, has sido injertado en lugar de ellas, y has sido hecho participante de la raíz y de la rica savia del olivo,
    18. no te jactes contra las ramas; y si te jactas, sabe que no sustentas tú a la raíz, sino la raíz a ti.
    19. Pues las ramas, dirás, fueron desgajadas para que yo fuese injertado.
    20. Bien; por su incredulidad fueron desgajadas, pero tú por la fe estás en pie. No te ensoberbezcas, sino teme.
    21. Porque si Dios no perdonó a las ramas naturales, a ti tampoco te perdonará.
    22. Mira, pues, la bondad y la severidad de Dios; la severidad ciertamente para con los que cayeron, pero la bondad para contigo, si permaneces en esa bondad; pues de otra manera tú también serás cortado.
    23. Y aun ellos, si no permanecieren en incredulidad, serán injertados, pues poderoso es Dios para volverlos a injertar.
    24. Porque si tú fuiste cortado del que por naturaleza es olivo silvestre, y contra naturaleza fuiste injertado en el buen olivo, ¿cuánto más éstos, que son las ramas naturales, serán injertados en su propio olivo?
    25. Porque no quiero, hermanos, que ignoréis este misterio, para que no seáis arrogantes en cuanto a vosotros mismos: que ha acontecido a Israel endurecimiento en parte, hasta que haya entrado la plenitud de los gentiles;
    26. y luego todo Israel será salvo, como está escrito:
    Vendrá de Sion el Libertador,
    Que apartará de Jacob la impiedad.
    33. ¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la ciencia de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!
    34. Porque ¿quién entendió la mente del Señor? ¿O quién fue su consejero?
    35. ¿O quién le dio a él primero, para que le fuese recompensado?
    36. Porque de él, y por él, y para él, son todas las cosas. A él sea la gloria por los siglos. Amén.

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    Rispondi  Messaggio 120 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 05/11/2012 04:05

    Número 33, el poder de una conspiración esotérica


    Numero 33 el poder de una conspiracion esoterica e1350950128385 300x199 Número 33, el poder de una conspiración esotéricaA lo largo de la historia el número 33 ha sido totalmente un enigma. Para los ocultistas y las sociedades secretas como los Masones, el numero 33 tiene una gran importancia. Para muchos se trata de un número mágico que ha aparecido en los eventos más oscuros e importantes de la historia, desde los tiempos bíblicos hasta la era moderna. ¿Realmente que esconde el numero 33, o simplemente se trata de un número como cualquier otro? 


    La conspiración del numero 33

    En “El Secreto de los Illumintatis” de Elizabeth Van Buren, escribió:

    "En la numerología espiritual, los números 11, 22 y 33 son los denominados "Números Maestros", siendo el numero 33 el mas alto en la escala. Este número representa la edad de la Maestría en la Iniciación de Jesús (su muerte, resurrección y ascensión), a parte de otros detalles esotéricos. El “33” simboliza el grado alto de consciencia espiritual por parte del ser humano".




    En la masonería, la orden más alta son los 33 grados del Rito Escocés. El Rito Escocés de la Masonería fue fundado en 1801 con la creación del Supremo Consejo Supremo en Charleston, Carolina del Sur. Charleston fue el lugar de nacimiento del Rito Escocés, que está situado a tan sólo 24km al sur del paralelo 33. Curiosamente, es también el lugar donde se realizaron los primeros disparos de la Guerra Civil estadounidense. Otra organización considerada una sociedad secreta con ciertos enlaces a la doctrina luciferina también se encuentra un significado directo con el número 33. Algunos teóricos de la conspiración mantienen que los Illuminati controlan supuestamente la “Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)”. Un ejemplo seria la referencia a la bandera de la ONU, donde se observa un globo terráqueo dividido en 33 secciones, rodeado de ramas de olivo.


    El numero 33 a lo largo de la historia

    El paralelo 33 también ha tenido un papel fundamental en los eventos más importantes de la era moderna. Al iniciar la guerra civil americana en enero de 1861, el paralelo 33 también fue sede de la muerte del presidente de los EE.UU. Franklin D. Roosevelt, quien murió repentinamente el 12 de abril de 1945 de una hemorragia cerebral después de tener "un dolor de cabeza terrible". Murió en su casa, apodada "La casa Blanca" en Warm Springs, Georgia, cerca del paralelo 33. Después de la muerte de Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, un Mason de grado 33, se convirtió en el Presidente de los Estados Unidos número 33.

    Franklin D Roosevelt mason e1350950371624 222x300 Número 33, el poder de una conspiración esotérica

    Al finalizar la II Guerra Mundial en 1945, la Operación Paperclip ayudó a limpiar el pasado nazi de los mejores científicos Alemanes, de modo que pudieran continuar con su trabajo para los EE.UU. Muchos de estos científicos nazis terminaron en White Sands (una zona secreta del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para el lanzamiento de misiles tipo V-2), también conocido como, “Complejo de Lanzamiento 33”, además de estar situado no muy lejos del paralelo 33.

    La primera detonación atómica (supuestamente conocida) se produjo el 16 de julio de 1945 en el sitio de pruebas Trinity, cerca de Alamogordo, Nuevo México. El sitio Trinity también se encuentra en el paralelo 33. Al mes siguiente, las bombas atómicas arrasaron las ciudades de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, a pesar de no tener mucha importancia a nivel político o militar.

    Dos décadas más tarde, en 1963, el presidente John F. Kennedy fue asesinado en la Plaza Dealey, en Dallas, Texas, cerca del paralelo 33, el 22 de noviembre (22 + 11=33). Y justo después de la medianoche del 6 de junio de 1968, el hermano menor de John F. Kennedy, el senador Robert F. Kennedy, fue asesinado a tiros en el Hotel Ambassador de Los Angeles, California, aproximadamente a 2.000kms hacia el este a lo largo del paralelo 33 de donde su hermano fue asesinado.


    El numero 33 y los eventos extraterrestres

    Extranas luces en Phoenix e1350950623449 300x141 Número 33, el poder de una conspiración esotérica

    Uno de los eventos mas importantes del tema ovni es el ocurrido en 1947 en Roswell, Nuevo México, cuando supuestamente se estrelló una nave extraterrestre en el paralelo 33. Otro caso ovni que comparte más de un paralelismo con el caso Roswell es el de las misteriosas luces de Phoenix en la noche del 13 de marzo de 1997. El avistamiento de las extrañas luces de Phoenix fueron informadas por miles de personas, en lo que pareció ser dos diferentes eventos ovni. La primera oleada de avistamientos reportados fue desde las 20:00h. La segunda oleada, se produjo alrededor de las 22:00h, una serie de extrañas luces fueron capturadas mediante cámaras de video. Sin embargo, la Fuerza Aérea afirmó de qué se trataba de un vuelo de entrenamiento dirección a la base Luke Air Force. Como Roswell, Phoenix también se encuentra a lo largo del paralelo 33, y como en el caso Roswell, parece existir un nivel de secretismo por parte de los militares y el gobierno.



    Y por último Disneylandia. Que por su puesto está ubicado a lo largo del paralelo 33, donde algunos mantienen que se trata de una zona con un gran poder energético. En el interior del complejo, está el Club 33, el club de ricos, y el único lugar en Disneylandia donde puedes pedir una bebida con alcohol.

    Estos son algunos de los paralelismos sobre el numero 33, que muchos creerán que se trata de pura coincidencia, pero la realidad es mucho mas oscura que las simples coincidencias.

    Club 33 Disneylandia e1350950922986 300x164 Número 33, el poder de una conspiración esotérica


    Rispondi  Messaggio 121 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 05/11/2012 04:14
    He usado el buscador y sale como ya os imaginareis hilo de paralelos
    si ya esta hablado pues se siente.

    Al lio:

    Paises por el cual atraviesa el 33

    Estados Unidos

    Hechos ocurridos en el paralelo 33

    Algunas sorprendentes conexiones y descubrimientos relacionados con algunos de los sucesos y acontecimientos importantes que se han encontrado en el paralelo 33ª.

    El Triangulo de las Bermudas - vuelo 19.
    El Triángulo del Diablo.
    Hollywood California.
    Phoenix Arizona y las luces de Phoenix - 1993.
    Batalla de Los Ángeles en - 1942.
    Roswell Nuevo México - 1947.
    Asesinato de JFK - 1963.
    Cada Estado y país que atraviesa el paralelo 33ª permiten la pena de muerte!.
    Cristo nació, murió y resucitó, y por tanto, cualquier religión en esencia tiene una conexión.
    Mercado negro de órgano y su comercio ocurre en el paralelo 33 en China, India y Japón.
    Primera prueba de la bomba atómica en Nevada.
    La bomba atómica finalmente fue arrojada sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki.
    Reactores nucleares de Irán.
    El reactor nuclear más grande en los Estados Unidos, el Palo Verde.
    Baalbek, la piedra más grande del mundo que se encuentras en Líbano y el principal lugar de
    sacrificios humanos en el planeta.
    La gran pirámide.
    Imperio babilónico reinó desde 1704 BC - 1662 a. C.
    Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colón) navegó el océano azul en 1492 y entró en contacto I!.
    1756 Masones escoceses pisaron la costa estadounidense.
    La Guerra Civil comenzó en Charleston, Carolina del Sur en 1861.
    Operación Desert Storm (Tormenta del Desierto) comenzó el 12 de agosto de 1990.
    Taylor Loughner incidente 08 de enero de 2011.
    Terremoto japonés de 11 de marzo de 2011.
    Locación del Edén lo que es ahora Irak.

    Lo de arriba es un copia/pega lo siguiente lo aporto yo.

    Segun el libro de Enoc

    Descendieron 200 angeles a el Monte Hermón "La puerta de los ángeles caídos"

    y sabeis cual es la antipoda de este monte??????

    Pues es

    Rispondi  Messaggio 122 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 06/11/2012 00:04
    21.4225222672, 39.8261238221 Coordenadas de LA MECA ( MAKKAH )
    37 13 22.70N, 115 48 52.15W Coordenadas AREA 51
    40 42 38.01N, 74 00 58.02W Zona de de Nueva York
    37.82930581965008,-122.4243554010709 Alcatraz
    40 41 23.30N, 74 2 40.14W Coordenadas Estatua de la Libertad
    28 29 22.42N, 80 50.59W Cabo Cañaveral
    39.466581,-0.376314 La Plaza de Toros
    55.754186,37.618475 La Plaza Roja
    51.39294721838891,30.097381701104 Coordenadas Chernobyl
    34.39708129807727,132.4436864109491 Coordenadas Hiroshima
    32.73333333333333,129.8666666666667 Nagasaki
    33.304331,44.408380 Antiguo Palacio presidencial, Bagdag
    34 08 02.15 N, 118 19 17.00W Coordenadas Cartel de Holywood
    28.374139N, 81.549492W Epcot Center
    39.913791,116.392191 Coordenadas Ciudad Prohibida de Beijing
    38 53 22.84N, 77 00 46.66W El capitolio
    38 52 34.86N, 77 04 20.17W Las 3 tumbas de Kennedy
    40 44 57.90N, 14 29 09.13E Pompeya
    29.393113N, 91.65848 E Tibet. Lhasa.Residencia Dalai
    40 48 21.26N, 14 20 50.27E Herculano
    45 26 00N, 12 20 23E Góndolas de Venecia junto a Piazza San Marco
    18 1 10.95N, 76 46 47.29W Museo de Bob Marley
    36 11 1.90N, 6 1 57.15W Cabo de Trafalgar - España - El 21/10/1805 se enfrentaron Francia y España, contra la armada inglesa
    24.7833333, 141.3333333 Isla de Iwo Jima - Japon
    27 15 21.32S, 55 31 42.28W Ruinas de San Ignacio - Provincia de Misiones - Argentina
    19 23 01.44N, 99 04 47.78W Plaza oriente - Iztacalco - Uno de los centros comerciales mas populares en Mexico D.F
    37.502666, -122.033333 Pajaro exotico en su palmera, estilo cubista. Bahia de San Francisco
    45.523401,25.342840 ??? Montaña donde deberia estar el Castillo del conde Dracula, Bra, Rumania?

    Rispondi  Messaggio 123 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 06/11/2012 16:43
    Ruben1919 Enviado: 06/11/2012 12:38
    Lista de Presidentes de los Estados Unidos

    OrdenPresidenteInicio de mandatoFin del mandato
    1 George Washington 30 de abril de 1789 3 de marzo de 1797
    2 John Adams 4 de marzo de 1797 3 de marzo de 1801
    3 Thomas Jefferson 4 de marzo de 1801 3 de marzo de 1809
    4 James Madison 4 de marzo de 1809 3 de marzo de 1817
    5 James Monroe 4 de marzo de 1817 3 de marzo de 1825
    6 John Quincy Adams 4 de marzo de 1825 3 de marzo de 1829
    7 Andrew Jackson 4 de marzo de 1829 3 de marzo de 1837
    8 Martin van Buren 4 de marzo de 1837 3 de marzo de 1841
    9 William Henry Harrison 4 de marzo de 1841 4 de abril de 1841
    10 John Tyler 6 de abril de 1841 3 de marzo de 1845
    11 James Knox Polk 4 de marzo de 1845 3 de marzo de 1849
    12 Zachary Taylor 4 de marzo de 1849 9 de julio de 1850
    13 Millard Fillmore 10 de julio de 1850 3 de marzo de 1853
    14 Franklin Pierce 4 de marzo de 1853 3 de marzo de 1857
    15 James Buchanan 4 de marzo de 1857 3 de marzo de 1861
    16 Abraham Lincoln 4 de marzo de 1861 15 de abril de 1865
    17 Andrew Johnson 15 de abril de 1865 3 de marzo de 1869
    18 Ulysses Simpson Grant 4 de marzo de 1869 3 de marzo de 1877
    19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes 4 de marzo de 1877 3 de marzo de 1881
    20 James Abram Garfield 4 de marzo de 1881 17 de septiembre de 1881
    21 Chester Alan Arthur 20 de septiembre de 1881 3 de marzo de 1885
    22 Grover Cleveland 4 de marzo de 1885 3 de marzo de 1889
    23 Benjamin Harrison 4 de marzo de 1889 4 de marzo de 1893
    24 Grover Cleveland 4 de marzo de 1893 3 de marzo de 1897
    25 William McKinley 4 de marzo de 1897 14 de septiembre de 1901
    26 Theodore Roosevelt 14 de septiembre de 1901 3 de marzo de 1909
    27 William Howard Taft 4 de marzo de 1909 3 de marzo de 1913
    28 Woodrow Wilson 4 de marzo de 1913 3 de marzo de 1921
    29 Warren G. Harding 4 de marzo de 1921 2 de agosto de 1923
    30 Calvin Coolidge 2 de agosto de 1923 3 de marzo de 1929
    31 Herbert C. Hoover 4 de marzo de 1929 3 de marzo de 1933
    32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 4 de marzo de 1933 12 de abril de 1945
    33 Harry S. Truman 12 de abril de 1945 20 de enero de 1953
    34 Dwight David Eisenhower 20 de enero de 1953 20 de enero de 1961
    35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 20 de enero de 1961 22 de noviembre de 1963
    36 Lyndon B. Johnson 22 de noviembre de 1963 20 de enero de 1969
    37 Richard Nixon 20 de enero de 1969 9 de agosto de 1974
    38 Gerald R. Ford 9 de agosto de 1974 20 de enero de 1977
    39 James E. Carter 20 de enero de 1977 20 de enero de 1981
    40 Ronald W. Reagan 20 de enero de 1981 20 de enero de 1989
    41 George H. W. Bush 20 de enero de 1989 20 de enero de 1993
    42 William Jefferson Clinton 20 de enero de 1993 20 de enero de 2001
    43 George W. Bush 20 de enero de 2001 20 de enero de 2009
    44 Barack Obama 20 de enero de 2009







    Rispondi  Messaggio 124 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 12/11/2012 02:53

    Rispondi  Messaggio 125 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 23/11/2012 01:53


    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Para otros usos de este término, véase Siria (desambiguación). Para el artículo sobre la guerra contra Al Assad, véase Rebelión en Siria de 2011-2012.
    الجمهوريّة العربيّة السّوريّة
    Al-Ŷumhūriyya Al-`Arabiyya As-Sūriyya
    República Árabe Siria
    Flag of Syria.svg
    Coat of arms of Syria.svg
    Lema: Ninguno
    Himno: Homat el Diyar

    Syria (orthographic projection).svg

    Capital Damasco[1]
    33° 30' N 36° 18 E
    Ciudad más poblada Damasco[1]
    Idiomas oficiales Árabe
    ‎Gentilicio Sirio, -a
    Forma de gobierno República semipresidencialista[2]
    Primer Ministro
    Bashar al-Assad
    Wael Nader al-Halqi
    de Imperio otomano
    de Francia

    1 de septiembre de 1918

    17 de abril de 1946
    Superficie Puesto 87.º
     • Total 185,180 km²
     • % agua 0,06
    Fronteras 3.098 km
    Población total Puesto 55.º
     • Total 19.405.000 (2007)
     • Densidad 99 hab/km²
    IDH (2011) Creciente 0,632 (119.º) – medio
    Moneda Libra siria (SYP)
    Huso horario UTC+2
     • en verano UTC+3
    Código ISO 760 / SYR / SY
    Dominio Internet .sy
    Prefijo telefónico +963
    Prefijo radiofónico 6CA-6CZ, YKA-YKZ
    Miembro de: ONU

    Siria (en árabe: سوريا Sūriyā), oficialmente, la República Árabe Siria[3] (الجمهوريّة العربيّة السّوريّة Al-Ŷumhūriyya Al-`Arabiyya As-Sūriyya), es un país del Oriente Próximo,[4] en la orilla oriental del mar Mediterráneo,[5] que comparte fronteras con Turquía por el norte, Irak por el este, Israel y Jordania al sur, y Líbano por el oeste.[6] Siria es miembro de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas.[7]

    Siria posee una población de 19 millones de habitantes, la mayoría de los cuales hablan árabe. Además, la mayoría de la población profesa el islam, siendo el sunismo el grupo musulmán mayoritario. Entre los musulmanes no sunnitas en Siria están los drusos, alawitas y chiitas. Hay en Siria minorías de las etnias asiria, armenia, turca y kurda junto a miles de refugiados palestinos.

    Desde el año 1963, el Partido Baath Árabe Socialista, gobierna Siria bajo la declaratoria de estado de emergencia y desde 1970 el presidente de Siria ha pertenecido a la Familia Al-Assad. En la actualidad el Presidente es Bashar Al-Assad, hijo de Hafez Al-Assad, quien rigió los destinos del país desde 1970 hasta su muerte en el año 2000. La constitución de 2012 define oficialmente a Siria como un República unitaria semipresidencialista.

    Mapa de Siria.

    En el país se distinguen, de oeste a este, tres regiones: en el oeste se encuentra una llanura litoral, separada del interior por el Yabal Ansariyya, una doble cordillera en cuyo interior se abren diversos valles; el centro del país está formado por una accidentada meseta con varios picos volcánicos que está recorrida de noreste a suroeste por una cordillera en la que se distinguen diversas formaciones: Yabal Abd al-Aziz, Yabal Visir, Yabal Buwayda, Yabal Saar, Yabal al Sarqi y Yabal Garbi; la región del este está constituida por el valle del Éufrates. Este es el principal río que surca el país, que penetra por el norte y toma dirección sureste; también es importante su afluente Jabur y el Orontes en el oeste. En el extremo noreste la frontera con Turquía la forma el curso del Tigris. En la parte oeste del país el clima es mediterráneo, pero conforme se avanza hacia el este se vuelve más seco y caluroso. De sur a norte, en el tercio oeste del país, fluye el río Orontes.

    La población se concentra en los territorios situados en el oeste; la tasa de crecimiento vegetativo es muy alta. En cuanto a la economía, el país está en vías de desarrollo, aunque desde 1973, y debido a problemas políticos que le han hecho destinar parte de su presupuesto a gastos militares, la inflación ha frenado ese progreso.

    Su agricultura, favorecida desde 1978 por la construcción de la presa de Tabka, que permite regar amplias superficies, se dedica prioritariamente al cultivo de cereales, algodón, olivos y hortalizas. Cuenta con ganadería ovina, caprina y bovina. De su subsuelo se extrae asfalto, sal gema, petróleo, fosfatos y gas natural. La industria, también en desarrollo, es principalmente textil, alimentaria, cementera, de construcción y de refinado de petróleo. En los últimos tiempos algunos países, como Rumania o la República Federal de Alemania, han hecho inversiones en sus industrias azucareras, de cemento y de fosfatos y gas natural; las extracciones de petróleo, sin embargo, no han dado los resultados esperados.

    [editar] Ecología

    Los biomas presentes en Siria son, de noroeste a sureste, el bosque mediterráneo, la pradera y el desierto. El bosque mediterráneo está representado, según WWF, por dos ecorregiones, en función de la altitud: el bosque del Mediterráneo oriental en las tierras bajas, y el bosque montano de Anatolia meridional en las zonas montañosas; mientras que la pradera y el desierto corresponden respectivamente a las ecorregiones denominadas estepa de Oriente Próximo y desierto arbustivo de Mesopotamia.

    [editar] Organización político-administrativa


    Siria posee 14 gobernaciones o provincias, muhafazat (en singular: muhafazah), divididas en 60 distritos, manatiq (sing. mintaqah), que a su vez se subdividen en subdistritos o nawahi (sing. nahia). Los nawahi se componen de villas o ciudades, que son las unidades administrativas más pequeñas.

    1. Damasco (en árabe: دمشق)
    2. Damasco Rural ( ریف دمشق)
    3. Quneitra (مُحافظة القنيطرة)
    4. Dar'a ( مُحافظة درعة)
    5. Sueida (مُحافظة السويداء)
    6. Homs (مُحافظة حمص)
    7. Tartus (en árabe: مُحافظة طرطوس)
    8. Latakia o Latakia (مُحافظة اللاذقية)
    9. Hama (مُحافظة حماه)
    10. Idlib (مُحافظة ادلب)
    11. Alepo (مُحافظة حلب)
    12. Raqqa (مُحافظة الرقة)
    13. Deir ez-Zor (مُحافظة دير الزور)
    14. Hasaka (مُحافظة الحسكة, en kurdo: حسكة)
    3. Marcos 7:26: La mujer era griega, y SIROfenicia de nación; y le rogaba que echase fuera de su hija al demonio.
    90. Lucas 4:27: Y muchos leprosos había en Israel en tiempo del profeta Eliseo; pero ninguno de ellos fue limpiado, sino Naamán el SIRIO.
    1. Deuteronomio 3:9: (Los sidonios llaman a Hermón, Sirión; y los amorreos, Senir.)

    Rispondi  Messaggio 126 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 27/11/2012 17:44

    The Message of Cycle 23

    Decoding the Mayan 'Double-Sun' Timecode

    By Goro Adachi
    May 24, 2002



    Final Countdown

    According to the incredibly sophisticated and accurate calendar of the Maya from Central America, one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations rivaling ancient Egypt, we are currently living in the 'fifth age of the sun' which began on August 12, 3114 BC -- a date designated the 'Birth of Venus'. According to Mayan tradition, the previous four ages ended in great cataclysms, leaving only a small number of survivors, not unlike the biblical tale of Noah. This arcane view certainly makes us curious and somewhat nervous about the projected ending date of the current, the fifth, age of the sun. When one finds out when this termination point actually is, the nervousness shoots up into the realm of worry. The Mayan calendar is now even beginning to enter the public consciousness at large, as this very subject was, for example, a key theme incorporated into the final episode of the popular 'paranormal' TV show The X-Files aired May 19, 2002. As we get closer to the ending date of the calendar, we are sure to hear a lot more about it from various sources.

    On '9-11', the world -- and especially the US, the New World -- has realized just how a seemingly stable and proud system or world view can be made so fragile and overwhelmed in one day. The possibility of the world crumbling into total chaos is no longer a farfetched movie scenario but a uncomfortably realistic prospect. And just in time for this paradigm shift, the world is to be made aware that 'the end of the world' as foreseen by the Maya is rapidly approaching us. On December 22, 2012, about ten years from now, the timeline of the 'fifth age of the sun' will terminate. The redden sun has reached the western horizon and is about to go under.

    What does this mean? Are we talking about a literal annihilation of human civilization or could it be more metaphorical? No one really knows. It is my view, however, and it is sensible, that the more insights we have into the situation/pattern, the more metaphorical the manifestation of the projected pattern will be. Or in simpler terms -- more preparation, less damage.

    I am not writing this article out of fear or survivalist mentality, however. (I am not one of those who animalistically think survival is/should be our highest priority.) Instead, I was prompted to write this piece because I detected a significant pattern that coherently links the underlying esoteric themes of today's events discussed in my previous articles and the Mayan calendar. While I had originally been viewing the projected ending date as something conceptually akin to the equinoxes/solstices -- in that they astronomically yield specific dates but only approximately mark the change of seasons -- the new findings have pushed me to reconsider my position and theorize that the calendar is counting down to a specific event of profound importance.

    The '9-11' event, it now appears, was only a part of the sequence of events leading up to a culmination in/around 2012.

    Two Suns, Two Years

    It was prophetic Quatrains X-72 and II-41 of Nostradamus, curiously enough, that helped me 'see the light'.

    As explained in depth before in my previous articles (The Labour of the Sun and Rex Deux), X-72's infamous line, '1999 seven months', could actually denote '2001 September' for certain calendrical reasons, and the whole quatrain, when decoded, would directly relate to the '9-11' attacks. (See Labour for detail.)

    Century X-72
    L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
    Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
    Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
    Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
    The year 1999 seven months,
    From the sky will come a great King of terror:
    To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
    Before after Mars to reign by good luck

    The curious 2-year offset between 1999 and 2001 observed here was found to be nicely reflected by various other aspects. For instance, we had the huge 'II' shape (i.e. '2') of the WTC twin towers, and the twin nature of Hercules, the mythological character associated with the antediluvian/'Atlantean' pillars which in turn were discerned to be analogous to the WTC towers. Hercules in particular was found to be of great metaphoric significance for 9-11 -- because just as '11' was a key number encoded in the whole event (i.e. an airplane Flight 11 crashing into a 110-story towers visually forming '11' on the 11th day of the month, etc.), it was during Hercules' '11th labor' that he directly interacted with Atlas (the first king of Atlantis) in Greek mythology -- thus reinforcing the view that the 'Pillars of Hercules' (= 'Atlantean' pillars) represent the archetypal WTC towers. Hercules being a personification of the sun, moreover, resonates well with the fact that the Egyptian death-god Osiris was both associated with the black sun and described as the 'Lord of Terror' as in the 'King of terror' of X-72. The correlation becomes stronger when added that there was a major total solar eclipse (i.e. a 'black sun') in August of 1999 (= '1999'+'7 months', as per X-72). Also, similarly, the Great Sphinx represented both the embodiment of the sun and the 'Father of Terror'.

    From these associations, it was inferred that Hercules was both a 'twin' and the 'sun'. And this brought us to the next phase of interpretation involving Quatrain II-41. First, it was determined that Hercules represented, at least in our context, a form of 'double sun'. This was supported by the sphinx, associated with Hercules, traditionally found in pairs -- thus signifying 'two suns'. And 'two sun' could be reasonably interpreted as 'two years' to corroborate the '2-year offset scheme' of X-72. After this, we were naturally led to II-41, one of the quatrains I had personally considered applicable to our own era, long before 9/11. Line 2 of the quatrain reads 'the cloud will make two suns appear'.

    Century II - 41 
    La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
    Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
    Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
    Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
    The great star will burn for seven days,
    The cloud will make two suns appear:
    The large mastiff will howl all night
    When the great pontiff changes his abode.

    Lines 1 and 2 complement the correlation as these strongly evoke the 'great star' (the brightest star) Sirius. It is commonly known as the 'Dog Star' as in 'the large mastiff' (Line 3), and in ancient Egypt the star was called Sept, which in turn would denote 'seven' as in 'seven days' (Line 1). Also, as explained in Labour, Sirius' heliacal rising -- an extremely important astronomical event for the ancient Egyptians -- signified 'the 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth', which was the New Year's Day of the ancient Egyptian calendar. During the early Christian times this special day took place on the Gregorian September 11th, and this caused the Coptic/Christian-Egyptian (as well as Ethiopian) calendar to fix its New Year's Day on September 11 (Gregorian), and this is the case to this day. Sirius, alluded to by II-41, is therefore very much linked to what has now become a date of infamy, '9-11'. This consequently implies that the initial 'double sun' correlation was indeed valid.

    As for Line 4 which indicates a change of the papacy, it was pointed out that the current pope, John Paul II, is given the motto 'De Labore Solis' ('From the Labor of the Sun') by St. Malachy's prophetic list of popes. (I personally tend to agree with the view that this remarkably accurate prophetic list was actually composed by Nostradamus.) Needless to say, the motto not only conforms to the underlying 'sun' theme, but it even resonates specifically with the aforementioned 'labor of Hercules' (since Hercules = sun) the 11th of which was found inseparable from the 9-11 event! Moreover, the motto has also been interpreted to denote 'Of the Eclipse of the Sun' (indeed, JPII was born during an eclipse) -- in which case, it would again congruently conform to the 'black sun' theme and the total solar eclipse of August 1999. So, it was confirmed on multiple levels that there was a strong connection between II-41, X-72, and the 9/11 terrorism.

    The prophetic implication of this was that Pope JPII would be replaced by a new pope in the very near future to coincide with the aftermath of 9-11. And seemingly as a foreshadow, the Church, especially in the US, suddenly found itself in serious trouble as we entered the year 2002 (i.e. the sexual abuse scandal). At first, I was just amused to see the apparent manifestation of the projected pattern and wondered how it would culminate in the exit of JPII. Then, something got my attention and it caused a shift in my perspective. I began to see a bigger picture as well a more focused context and pattern for the on-going world events.

    Seeing the Light

    The more I looked into the 9-11 event, the more 'prophetic' it became -- both in the sense that it strongly interacted with 'prophecies' made in the past and the sense that the event itself was a coded 'prophecy' for the future. And as I became more aware of the latter implication, I noticed something that I felt I should have noticed long time ago. This was that by adding '11' -- the encoded key number of 9/11 -- to the year of the event, 2001, one would get '2012', which is none other than the ending date of the Mayan calendar.

    Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But consider the following. Just as the number '11' is found to be inseparable from the sun, so is the Mayan calendar which, as ingeniously decoded by researcher Maurice Cotterell, essentially represents a time-keeping system for the sun, the sunspot activity, which is known to have an 11-year cycle! The fact that the Mayan calendar was also used to calculate and predict solar eclipses adds to the coherence as we have already noted the prophetic significance of the 1999 total eclipse.

    In The Mayan Prophecies (1995), Cotterell revealed his remarkable theory that the strange rhythm of the Mayan calendar, which had perplexed all other investigators, actually corresponded with the complex cycles of the solar magnetic fields which in turn would produce 'sunspots', the dark spots on the surface of the sun.

    It is scientifically known that those sunspots spew out a lot of ions (charged particles) and affect the magnetic field of the earth. More sunspots means more electrical stuff/'solar wind' (solar flares and coronal mass ejections) emitted outward to bombard the earth's magnetosphere. (The most visible effect of this would be the aurora lights). Every 11 years, the sun reaches a 'solar maximum', which is when the number of sunspots peaks, or when the sun is the most active. Presently, in fact, we are undergoing the solar maximum of 'Cycle 23' -- though the peak was 'officially' reached in mid-2000. This means that the next solar maximum will be around 2012, the Mayan 'end date'!

    What made the correlation even more satisfying was the fact that the Mayan calendar was intimately linked to the planet Venus -- as evidenced by the fact that the starting date of the Calendar (Aug 13, 3114 BC) is called 'the Birth of Venus'. In esoteric tradition, Venus (along with Sirius) is symbolized by a pentagram (five-pointed star). The pentagram is obviously related geometrically to the pentagon -- and the 'Pentagon' is of course none other than the third building hit in the 9/11 attacks.

    What about the 2-year/'double-sun' offset scheme that has been prophetically linked to 9/11? Remarkably, we learn that the nature of the current solar maximum perfectly echoes this strange theme. First, astronomers have noted that Cycle 23 active at the present has a rare double-peak maximum. It was initially observed that the solar intensity crested, rather prematurely, in April 2000 or so. And then, in early 2002, astronomers started to notice that the sunspots were increasing again seemingly to a equally (if not more) pronounced second peak, almost exactly 2 years after the first peak. So, not only is it a 'double sun' maximum, the twin peaks are even 'two suns' (2 years) apart! This is a strong sign that we are onto something here.

    Actually, as if these weren't enough, we also find that there was a clear 'spike' in the sunspot activity in the month of '9/11' as the graph (right) shows.

    The more we look, the more we realize that there is a close relationship between the 'prophetic' events of our time and the changing conditions of our sun.

    What could all this mean?

    It wasn't long before I began to see further patterns and specific implications. I was to be exposed to a very clear 'signal', a 'message', that could show us what would likely transpire in the immediate future.

    The Equidistant Sequence 

    I made a simple timeline on a sheet of paper and then drew in the two 'double-sun' schemes -- that is, the pair of X-72 (~Aug. 1999) and 9/11/01 separated by 2 years, and the Cycle 23 maximum peaks similarly separated by 2 years (Apr. 2000 and ~Apr. 2002).


    This helped me visualize better the chronological mismatch between the two periods. Although I had inferred that the two 'double sun' events were connected, these overlapping periods were offset by 8 months. Why? Was this some unintended distortion in the 'design' or was this a directive misalignment leading us to the next revelation? I had to explore the latter possibility as I knew from experience that this approach would often lead to productive results. It was warranted especially in this case as there was still a sense of intelligent design in the offset -- '8 months' was exactly one third of '2 years'. And so I studied the timeline closely to see if there was a further pattern just beneath the 'surface'.

    After some thinking, I recalled that there was another major event that I had already interpreted to be part of the 'double sun' theme. This was the 2000 US presidential election -- an event that produced two winners or two 'suns'. The designation of the 'sun' here was supported by the fact that, for example, the eye of the storm that was the 2000 election was Florida, the 'Sunshine State'. Also, in a previous article I identified Clinton as a version of Amenhotep III (historical Solomon) which made his successor a version of Akhenaten (the Egyptian king who followed Amenhotep III), often called the 'Sun King'. (The 'two presidents' therefore had become analogous to 'two suns'. See The Two Suns of Election MM for more details.)

    Subsequently, I realized that the timing of this event was right in the middle of the combined timeframe of the other two 'double sun' events. In fact, it was placed at the dead center. To visualize it better, I marked it on the timeline -- and immediately emerged a great sense of order. Then it hit me: this third 'double sun' event (Dec. 2000) was offset ~8 months from the nearest marked events on both sides. This meant, in other words, that all of the events in the combined sequence, five in all, were equally distanced, 8-month apart!

    What made this more remarkable was the fact that the rotation period of Venus, the planet intimately associated with the Mayan calendar, is 243 earth-days -- that is, almost exactly 8 months! (30x8=240.) Even Venus' orbital period around the sun turned out to be 225 earth days (7.5 months), very close to 8 months. [Update: the number '225'  reinforces the the 9-11 connection in that 2001 was the 225th year from the birth of US, 1776!] Additionally, there was the complementary fact that the 'tzolkin' cycle of 260 days was an essential element of the Mayan calendar -- actually corresponding to the cycle of the interaction between the polar and equatorial magnetic fields of the sun (as pointed out by Cotterell).

    These correlations strongly suggested to me that I was on the right track, and encouraged me to proceed further.

    Contextual Resonance

    To find more encoded patterns, I turned my attention to the first of the 'double sun' sequence composite taking place circa Aug. 1999. This was a conceptual 'preview' of its 'second peak' 2 years later, namely the 9/11 attacks. And this was not only in terms of X-72. Recently in May 2002, it was revealed that the first of the warnings about the coming major terrorist attack, i.e. '9/11', emerged in September 1999, exactly 2 years before 9/11.

    So I naturally wondered if this same concept could be applied to the twin peaks of Cycle 23.

    First, I had to refresh my memory regarding the world events at the time of the first solar peak in the spring/summer of 2000. Internationally, the major news around that time was the successive collapses of the critical Israel-Palestine peace talks in Israel and later at Camp David (US) mediated by Clinton and Albright (viewed as "the last chance for peace"). Semi-internationally, dominating the news in the same timeframe was the saga of the 'Cuban boy' Elian Gonzales in US who was eventually returned to Cuba. And Cuba was also a significant place esoterically in the summer of 2000 as it was then that the enigmatic underwater 'city' off the west coast of Cuba, widely speculated to be the ruins of 'Atlantis', was first discovered (investigation still continuing). So, it appeared that the first Cycle-23 peak was very 'Cuban' in nature and related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Now it was time to see if the second sunspot peak reflected, or actualized, the 'warning' of the first. Since the second peak is taking place right now (spring/summer of 2002), we can actually just look around to see if this may be the case. Though the time 'window' is still open as of this writing, we have already witnessed a political focus suddenly placed on Cuba in May. First, there was the historic visit of ex-President Carter to Cuba, which was then closely followed by President Bush addressing the Cuban-Americans in Florida, giving a speech on US-Cuba relations. And then the March and April of 2002 saw a major crisis in Israel, which was so severe that the rest of the world was also polarized and a lot of violence ensued. And we can also add that investigators are returning to the Cuban-"Atlantean" underwater city for more data in the same timeframe, and strangely the captured Taliban/Al Qaeda members are being held at 'Camp X-Ray' in Cuba.

    So, it appeared to me that there was indeed a conceptual echo effect between the two sunspot peaks. But what about the current crisis of the Church coinciding with the second peak? It turns out that this does have important 'prophetic' implications, as we will see.

    Extended Projection

    Based on the empirical observations, it may be inferred that the 2000 US presidential election will have an 'echo' exactly 2 years later and this is scheduled to take place at the end of 2002.

    What can this anticipated event be? Obviously, the implication is that there is to be some kind of election/voting that involves a major leader, or simply a change of leadership. One possibility is that the US will have a new president at/around the end of 2002.

    [Update: In December 2002, Republican Senate majority leader Trent Lott, i.e. the leader of President Bush's political party, stepped down unexpectedly amid a big controversy that erupted after he made a seemingly racist statement in the same month. By vote, Bill Frist was quickly elected as new leader of the Republican party.]

    Another possibility, which I consider more likely, is that we will see the exit of Pope John Paul II and the election of the next pope. This derives from the close parallel detected between US presidency and the papacy at this moment in history, as discussed in the Two Suns article -- after all, both are inseparable from Quatrain II-41. And especially because the last line of II-41 states: "When the great pontiff changes his abode".

    [Update: Indeed, in accordance with the suspected parallel, the same period of December 2002 also saw the resignation of Cardinal Law of Boston Archdiocese (who is specifically named in this article below). It is very interesting that although the US President and the Pope survived the 'December window', the leaders just below them (Lott and Law) did make their exit concurrently. Certainly, then, we did indeed experience "a change of leadership" in the US and the Church in this December.]

    It should also be pointed out that the prophetic motto assigned to Pope JPII, 'of the Labor of the Sun', directly associates him with the current solar maximum which indeed is a 'labored' state of the sun. Combined with the pronounced twin peaks of Cycle 23 (i.e. 'double sun'), it seems inevitable that JPII comes to be involved in the current cycle... probably by making his exit.

    There is another reason why the papacy/Church is likely to 'fulfill' the 2-year offset 'echo' of the 2000 presidential election. For this, we need to project the sequence backwards just one step toward the past. By subtracting '8 months' from the first event, Aug. 1999 (X-72), we arrive at December 1998. Importantly, this is exactly two years away from the presidential election -- thus effectively making it a 'reverse-echo' event. So what happened in December 1998? The answer is: the historic impeachment of President Clinton. Needless to say, there is strong resonance here; after all, the impeachment was conceptually close to the presidency ending. This was the little 'preview' of the succeeding events in the 2-year cycle.

    Now, what is important here is what led to Clinton's impeachment. It was, of course, the president's sexual misconduct (involving a young intern, Monica Lewinsky), the news of which broke in January of the same year (on Drudge Report). Therefore, if we are to expect an amplified 'echo' in/around December 2002 of the 'impeachment', it is reasonable to theorize that it is also to be preceded by a similar (but more serious) development, i.e. a serious sexual scandal. Could it be just coincidence that we are currently having the developing story of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests? The current scandal even began in January when Father Geoghan was convicted of sexually abusing a boy on January 18 (the news of Clinton's sex scandal broke on Jan. 19, '98). This strongly suggests that things are moving toward the 'impeachment' (i.e. the end) of the leadership of the Church, i.e. the Pope, near the end of 2002. (Although it is also possible to interpret the 'leader' as an American Cardinal namely Cardinal Law of Boston).

    [Update: As already mentioned, Cardinal Law, named above, did step down in December 2002, in precise accordance with the projection! In retrospect, it appears that the 'echo effect' in this December window was not an 'amplified' but downgraded (by just one step) event. Did the number of people aware of the pattern reached a critical mass to slightly alter the pattern?]

    Personally, I find it very unlikely that Pope JPII will stay in his office beyond 2002 (spring of 2003 at the latest), because as the 'Labor of the Sun'/'Solar Max' pope, it won't be symbolically very coherent for him to make his exit when the sun has become quiet. As he came into this world during a solar eclipse (another manifestation of the expression 'labor of the sun'), it would be symmetrically sound for him to exit in a similar symbolic context. My bet, therefore, is on the current development leading directly or indirectly to the pope leaving the office later this year. And it is very possible, as explained in my previous articles, that the subsequent papal election will produce 'two suns', either by ending up with two contenders claiming to be the pope, or something else similar in concept.

    'It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine.'

    Looking back, the controlled demolition of the Russian space station Mir in spring 2001 was eerily prophetic in that the name Mir means 'peace' and thus the end of Mir symbolically denoted the 'end of peace', which indeed was to be the case just several months later on 9/11. I was actually very much aware of this doomy symbolism of the planned destruction of Mir as early as 1999. In the Two Suns article, for example, I wrote: "since the name Mir means 'peace', the end of Mir has the ominous symbolic implication of the 'end of peace'". And I had also noted that "the name Solomon, deriving from salaam, [also] means 'peace'". This is important for in the same article I conceptually equated both Clinton and Pope JPII with Solomon (or Amenhotep III). Hence the 'end of peace' predicted by Mir and realized on 9/11 was also hinting at the imminent 'end of Pope John Paul II'. And congruently, we have earlier compared the pope's end to the 'end' (i.e. impeachment) of the other 'Solomon', Clinton.

    Even more ominously, the term 'Mir' can also denote 'world', which means that the destruction of Mir was also the 'end of the world'. Perhaps this implication is applicable to the next solar maximum (Cycle 24) in 2012, when the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. It may be inferred that the sequenced events of the Cycle 23 solar max represent the 'watered down'/metaphoric preview of what is take place with the next peak of the sun that will in effect end the world.

    My take on the coming 'end of the world' is this. Based on the 'message' of Cycle 23, it is possible to infer that what is to end in the next solar cycle, 24, would be the United States and the Catholic Church -- the two that have come to parallel each other in a prophetic context. In line with this interpretation, the pope list of St. Malachy has only two (possibly one) more popes to go after the current one. And as for America, I have other tangible data (which I won't discuss here) that strongly suggests that the United States' time is up at the beginning of the 21st century. Basically here is how I tend to look at the situation: the United States and the Church hit the iceberg during the peak of Cycle 23 (2001 +/-2 yr) and are now taking on water; and by the time of the peak of Cycle 24 around 2012, these titanic 'ships' will have gone vertical, sinking straight down to the bottom of the abyss. I'm not saying that these systems will cease to exist completely, but I would say at least their 'essence' will not be in existence soon after the end of this decade.

    There is, however, a little light of hope in all this. The function of Mir did not simply cease to exist; it was smoothly passed on to a new space station, the ISS (International Space Station) which is currently under construction and orbiting the earth. In other words, the symbolic message seems to be that this is a time when the 'old world' ends and the 'new world' begins. This is a time of transition, not the end. It is certainly fitting that the name 'ISS' is reminiscent of 'ISIS', the Egyptian goddess of rebirth and the personification of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Indeed, as already mentioned, the day of the 'rebirth' (heliacal rising) of Sirius would correspond to the symbolic 'end date', 9/11. Like the phoenix, then, from the ashes of destruction is to rise the next incarnation to usher in the new age. (Here we come, Mars!)

    Perhaps we are to learn from the 'message of Cycle 23' so that the 'end of the world' that the coming peak of Cycle 24 is scheduled to bring about will not necessarily have to be so literal. The more we become aware, the less physical/literal the manifestation of the pattern becomes. [Update: Was this concept demonstrated in December 2002?] Mankind, as is the sun, is in labor, and the best we can do is to properly prepare - mentally, physically, emotionally, and intellectually - for the inevitable. The pain will grow in intensity, but it won't have to be deadly. It's just that it's darkest before dawn.

    Rispondi  Messaggio 127 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 29/11/2012 06:20

    In pagan tradition, the reign of the Oak King begins on winter solstice and ends on summer solstice. The other half of the year is ruled by the 'Holly King'. (The Oak-Holly duality has a very interesting parallel to the Arnie-Bush duality.) It turns out that the peak of the Oak King's strength is said to come at 'Beltane' or May Day, which is May 1... the very day Schwarzenegger the 'Oak King' went to Israel! Beltane is also when the Holly King - or 'Shrub/Bush King' - is in its weakest state... perfectly reflected by the potentially deadly political mess Bush now finds himself in.

    In the Time Code article I emphasized that the 'rise of Schwarzenegger/Oak King' last year on August 6 was designed to coincide with the heliacal/dawn rising of Sirius and/or the alignment of the historical 'Paris axis' (Champs Elysees) with the angle of the sunset (which also matches the angle of the rising point of Sirius). And based on this I pinpointed the time around May 8 as a key period for Arnie and associated 'antichristic' themes because ~May 8 is another day that produces the same street-sunset alignment in Paris. It was something of an anti-8/6 point (i.e. the 'reversal/opposition' theme). It is the date 'May 1', however, that carries the same but greater symbolic significance.

    In addition to the Oak-King peak connection, May 1/May Day/Beltane represents the 'opposite' of New Year, as we learn:

    There are four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year and the modern Witch's calendar, as well. The two greatest of these are Halloween (the beginning of winter) and May Day (the beginning of summer). Being opposite each other on the wheel of the year, they separate the year into halves. Halloween (also called Samhain) is the Celtic New Year...

    What this means is that May 1 symbolically signifies the opposite point of August 6 in that the latter, viewed as the date of Sirius heliacal rising, would mark the New Year's Day as per ancient Egyptian tradition! So, while the 'Paris axis' Solar/Sirian alignment gives us ~May 8 as the 'anti-8/6' date, the combination of ancient Egyptian and Celtic traditions makes May 1 a more effective 'anti-8/6' day - and it was on that very day (May 1/2) that Schwarzenegger paid a visit to the biblical land of Israel.

    The Lucifer/Venus theme that figures prominently in the 'Time Code' is also present here since the term 'Beltane' (= May Day/May 1) means 'Bel-fire', or 'the fire of Bel' (the Celtic god of light). Bel is the Celtic Lucifer, the 'light bearer'.

    Lucifer/Bel also corresponds to Prometheus, the Greek god who gave fire to mankind. (Beltane is considered the 'day of fire'.) This then leads to the following... creepy connections.

    The event that shocked people around the world, associated with the other already-unfolding shocking development, the prisoner abuse scandal, was the release of a video on the internet (May 11) showing the beheading of a 26-year old American named Nick Berg in Iraq . He owned a communication tower maintenance company called Prometheus Methods Tower Service Inc. So 'Prometheus' pops up here again. Now add this to the coincidence: the Beltane/May Day festival originally involved animal and even human sacrifices. We learn:

    Supposedly, animal sacrifices would be made each Beltane to ensure the fertility of their crops, however, every five years the Highland Celts would sacrifice humans, the numbers being made up of convicted criminals and prisoners of war.

    Berg was a 'prisoner of war' indeed... So, this does smell like a 'Beltane ritual' that interacts with Schwarzenneger's Oak King ritual on Beltane/May Day.

    The 'Tower' part of Berg's job/company is also suspiciously relevant. Mary Magdalene, as a form of Venus-Isis/Sirius-Lucifer, is very much part of the Time Code themes underlying this period of May and beyond. And the name 'Magdalene' can denote... 'tower'. In particular it is relatable to the Tower of Babel as explained in the article.

    The Babel tower in the Bible represents mankind working as one using one language. God, seeing this, went down to earth and confused man's language - as a result they could no longer communicate well with each other. So the Tower of Babel has much to do with the idea of 'communication', just as Nick Berg's job specifically involved communication towers.

    Furthermore, the idea of decapitation is something very much attached to John the Baptist (this is how his life ended). And as mentioned earlier John is often considered the Christian version of the Oak King (= Arnie) and his feast day (June 24) marks/represents the summer solstice which in early ancient Egyptian times coincided with Sirius' heliacal rising and thus also with New Year's Day. In other words, John - and through him Berg - is very much linked to the 'antichristic' Aug. 6 date and conceptually an 'opposite' of Beltane/May Day!

    The date of the gruesome video's posting,  May 11, is also suggestive in that there are exactly 322 days from the last John the Baptist day (June 24, '03) to May 11, '04. You may recall that '322' is the numerical signature of Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society to which both Bush and John Kerry belong. The 'Shock & Awe' event of 2003 - i.e. the US air assault on Iraq - began on March 22/23 (i.e. 3/22 => '322'). And we had this year's 'Shock & Awe', i.e. the decapitation video, also coming with the signature number...


    Rispondi  Messaggio 128 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 04/12/2012 17:14

    Despegue del cohete Atlas V en la base espacial de cabo Cañaveral (Florida) con la nave Juno que se dirige a Júpiter. / NASA

    La nave interplanetaria Juno ha partido con destino a Júpiter y comienza un largo viaje de cinco años en los que recorrerá 2.800 millones de kilómetros para llegar al planeta gigante. El lanzamiento, en un cohete Atlas V, se ha realizado desde la base espacial de cabo Cañaveral (Florida, EEUU) con tres cuartos de hora de retraso retraso debido a un problema registrado en el último momento en la segunda etapa del cohete."Hoy, con el lanzamiento de la nave Juno, comienza el viaje hacia otra nueva frontera", ha declarado el director de la NASA, Charles Bolden. "El futuro de la exploración incluye [misiones de] ciencia de primera línea como esta para ayudarnos a comprender mejor nuestro sistema solar y ensanchar el panorama de nuevos destinos desafiantes".

    Esta sonda automática de la NASA debe colocarse en órbita polar de Júpiter el 4 de julio de 2016. Allí, y durante un año, con los ocho instrumentos científicos que lleva, estudiará el campo gravitatorio del planeta, su estructura interna, el campo magnético, las auroras y la dinámica y composición química de las nubes. Sólo una nave espacial hasta ahora ha estado en órbita jupiteriana, la Galileo, también de la NASA, que funcionó desde 1995 hasta 2003.

    La cuenta atrás se ha detenido al detectarse un nivel anómalo en el sistema de helio de la etapa Centaur del Atlas V. Una vez solventado, se ha dado luz vede a la partida, que se ha producido a las 18.25 (hora peninsular)."Estamos en camino y los primeros indicadores muestran que seguimos la trayectoria prevista", ha informado después del despegue del cohete Jan Chodas, jefe del proyecto Juno. "Dentro de un par de horas sabremos más acerca del estatus de la nave, cuando empiece a radiotransmitir y las señales sean captadas por las antenas de Camberra [Australia], de la Red de Espacio Profundo".

    Tras el lanzamiento y el despliegue de sus tres grandes paneles solares, la Juno debe prepararse para la denominada fase de crucero, que consta de varias etapas. En su trayectoria la nave dará una vuelta y media al Sol. En octubre de 2013, cuando habrá recorrido ya 1.600 millones de kilómetros, se acercará de nuevo a la Tierra para tomar el impulso gravitatorio que necesita para llegar hasta Júpiter.

    La misión, con un coste de 770 millones de euros, durará en total seis años. Los ingenieros calculan que, dada la alta radiación que recibirá en órbita de Júpiter, los instrumentos electrónicos estarán dañados en un año de funcionamiento allí, aunque los equipos más sensibles van protegidos dentro de un recipiente de titanio.

    "Júpiter guarda la historia del sistema Solar. Si quieres comprender los primeros pasos de cómo se pasó de la formación del Sol a la de los planetas, tienes que comprender qué fue a parar a Júpiter y cómo se formó éste", ha declarado Scott Bolton, investigador principal de la misión, informa The New York Times. Los científicos quieren retomar la investigación donde la dejó la Galileo e intentar responder preguntas que aquella misión abrió.

    "Júpiter es la piedra de Rosetta de nuestro Sistema Solar", ha destacado hoy Bolton tras el lanzamiento de la Juno. "Es, con mucho el planeta más antiguo, suma más materia que todos los demás planetas, asteroides y cometas juntos, y guarda en su interior la historia no sólo del Sistema Solar sino también la nuestra. Juno será allí nuestro emisario para interpretar los que Júpiter tenga que decir".

    la Juno será la primera nave espacial que podrá ver en detalle los polos del planeta gigante. Estará en una órbita de trabajo muy elíptica que completará cada once días y cuando haya cumplido 33 órbitas, habrá sobrevolado todo el planeta; habrá transcurrido entonces el año de trabajo previsto. Entonces tomara una trayectoria de impacto contra las capas altas de nubes del planeta para destruirse. Lo mismo hizo la Galileo, para evitar que en el futuro, descontrolada, pudiera impactar en una de las nubes de Júpiter y contaminarla.

    La Juno es una nave automática de tres toneladas y media de 3,5 metros de alto y 3,5 de diáemtro, desarrollada en el Jet Propulsión Laboratory (California), el centro por excelencia de exploración espacial interplanetaria en EE UU.

    Busqueda para JUPITER

    1. Hechos 14:12: Y a Bernabé llamaban Júpiter, y a Pablo, Mercurio, porque éste era el que llevaba la palabra.

    2. Hechos 14:13: Y el sacerdote de Júpiter, cuyo templo estaba frente a la ciudad, trajo toros y guirnaldas delante de las puertas, y juntamente con la muchedumbre quería ofrecer sacrificios.

    3. Hechos 19:35: Entonces el escribano, cuando había apaciguado a la multitud, dijo: Varones efesios, ¿y quién es el hombre que no sabe que la ciudad de los efesios es guardiana del templo de la gran diosa Diana, y de la imagen venida de Júpiter?

    Rispondi  Messaggio 129 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 11/12/2012 15:40
    On the floor, in front of the Holy Sepulchre, is a mosaic figure of a double headed eagle - symbol of the Byzantine empire and the Greek Orthodox church.

    that is also the symbol used by
    NUMERO 33

    Rispondi  Messaggio 130 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 12/12/2012 15:26
    A video of the Tour Magdala at Rennes
    It is where Sauniere collapsed before he died
    It held the Library and his books
    the floor does have the look of Rennes les Bains
    The Star of Isis

    Both are based on the number 8 and it is found at Bugarach and it is found on the Devils Armchair

    the alignment of 'the Historical Axis of Paris' (the Champs-Elysees) with the Sun. This is an important time-marker
    the Egyptian goddess 'Isis', and Paris is traditionally an 'Isis city' (Paris is 'Par-Isis', or 'near Isis',
    Angled 26 degrees north of west, the world-famous boulevard is designed to align with sunset on August 6.
    While sunset is not sunrise, a setting Sun is still positioned on the horizon; and the idea of opposite/antipodal is a key theme anyway.

    It also take place on 8/8

    There is the number 8

    we take into account an optical phenomenon known as atmospheric refraction.

    This is the bending of light rays passing through the atmosphere, much like the bending of light passing through a lens. This effect is most noticeable near the horizon - where celestial objects like the Sun appear higher in the sky than they actually are.

    the staircase at the Arch is spiral just like Tour Magdala

    the Tower card is 16
    and that would be 8 +8

    Everything is Connected and there are no

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2012 12:15

    Rispondi  Messaggio 131 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 14/12/2012 01:25

    Pléyades / TAURO 




    Rispondi  Messaggio 132 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 16/12/2012 07:32

    Ian Fleming grave - obelisc - Imperial laurel - Seven key - lavender purple gamma ray key -well abyss key - dead d-well - Chris Black-well

    Sevenhampton is a small village in the ceremonial county of Wiltshire, England, to the north-east of Swindon. It lies at the bottom of a valley, with fairly steep climbs out of the village in both directions.
    The place-name 'Sevenhampton' is first attested in 1212 as 'Suvenhantone', and means [b]"town of the dwellers at a locality called 'seven wells' or the like"[/b].[1]
    Sevenhampton is the resting place of James Bond author Ian Fleming, whose grave is marked by an obelisk in the churchyard. Also buried with him are his son Caspar and his widow Anne.
    The village is not served by any public transport and is a two-mile walk from the nearest bus stop at South Marston.
    Sevenhampton is also home to Swindon United Churches Cricket Club.
    Also found in Sevenhampton is Roves Farm Visitor Centre. This family run farm park offers lots of hands on farmyard fun Including Tractor Trailer Rides, Animal Feeding and Handling and large Indoor and Outdoor Play Areas. They also run Special Themed events during all school holidays.

    Ian Fleming Son - Caspar - Kaspar - the Savoy's cat key Ka - spar - calcite diamagnetic and birefrigerent key

    The ancient Greeks called the lavender herb nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda (possibly the modern town of Dohuk, Iraq). It was also commonly called nard.[27] The species originally grown was L. stoechas. [28]
    Lavender was one of the holy herbs used in the biblical Temple to prepare the holy essence, and nard is mentioned in the Song of Solomon (4,14)
    nard and saffron,[29]
    calamus and cinnamon,
    with every kind of incense tree,
    with myrrh and aloes,
    and all the finest spices.


    Blackwell coat of arms - the underworld dog - Anubis - Aquarius symbol design

    K - 9 letter number 11 - 9-11 and Sirius code - Jacob's ladder



    A police dog, often referred to as a "K-9" (which is a homophone of canine) in some areas, is a dog that is trained specifically to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel in their work. The most commonly used breed is the German Shepherd, although now Belgian Malinois are also fairly popular dogs to use. In many jurisdictions the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog is a felony,[1] subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than those in the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws,[2] just as an assault on a human police officer is often a more serious offense than the same assault on a non-officer. A growing number of law-enforcement organizations outfit dogs with ballistic vests,[3][4] and some make the dogs sworn officers, with their own police badges and IDs.[1][5][6][7] Furthermore, a police dog killed in the line of duty is often given a full police funeral.

    Mead quotes an Egyptian magic papyrus, this being an uncontested Egyptian document which he compares to a passage in the Trismegistic literature:
    'I invoke thee, Lady Isis, with whom the Good Daimon doth unite, He who is Lord in the perfect black.'"

    'Others again are of the opinion that by Anubis is meant Time, and that his denomination of Kuon [the Greek word for 'dog'] does not so much allude to any likeness which he has to the dog, though this be the general rendering of the word, as to that other significance of the term taken from breeding; because Time begets all things out of itself, bearing them within itself, as it were in a womb. But this is one of those secret doctrines which are more fully made known to those who are initiated into the worship of Anubis.'

    'It is natural to make the Agathodaimon ("the Good Daimon") of the Papyrus refer to Osiris; for indeed it is one of his most frequent designations. Moreover, it is precisely Osiris who is pre-eminently connected with the so-called "underworld", the unseen world, the "mysterious dark". He is lord there . . . and indeed one of the ancient mystery-sayings was precisely, "Osiris is a dark God."
    'The Virgin of the World' is an extraordinary Trismegistic treatise in the form of a dialogue between the hierophant (high priest) as spokesman for Isis and the neophyte who represents Horus. Thus the priest instructing the initiate is portrayed as Isis instructing her son Horus.

    The treatise begins by claiming it is 'her holiest discourse' which 'so speaking Isis doth pour forth'. There is, throughout, a strong emphasis on the hierarchical principle of lower and higher beings in the universe - that earthly mortals are presided over at intervals by other, higher, beings who interfere in Earth's affairs when things here become hopeless, etc. Isis says in the treatise:
    'It needs must, therefore, be the less should give place to the greater mysteries.'
    What she is to disclose to Horus is a great mystery. Mead describes it as the mystery practiced by the arch-hierophant. It was the degree (here 'degree' is in the sense of 'degree' in the Masonic 'mysteries', which are hopelessly garbled and watered-down versions of genuine mysteries of earlier times),
    'called the "Dark Mystery" or "Black Rite". It was a rite performed only for those who were judged worthy of it after long probation in lower degrees, something of a far more sacred character, apparently, than the instruction in the mysteries enacted in the light.'
    Mead adds:
    'I would suggest, therefore, that we have here a reference to the most esoteric institution of the Isiac tradition . . .', Isiac meaning of course 'Isis-tradition', and not to be confused with the Book of Isaiah in the Bible (so that perhaps it is best for us not to use the word-form 'Isiac').
    It is in attempting to explain the mysterious 'Black Rite' of Isis at the highest degree of the Egyptian mysteries that Mead cited the magic papyrus which I have already quoted. He explains the 'Black Rite' as being connected with Osiris being a 'dark god' who is 'Lord of the perfect black' which is 'the unseen world, the mysterious black'.


    Dog days eve sacrifice

    The Romans referred to the dog days as diēs caniculārēs and associated the hot weather with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the "Dog Star" because it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog). Sirius is also the brightest star in the night sky. The term "Dog Days" was used earlier by the Greeks (see, e.g., Aristotle's Physics, 199a2).
    The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius rose just before or at the same time as sunrise (heliacal rising), which is no longer true, owing to precession of the equinoxes. The Romans sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that the star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.
    Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time "the Sea boiled, the Wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, and all other creatures became languid; causing to man, among other diseases, burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies." according to Brady’s Clavis Calendarium, 1813.[1]
    The modern French term for both this summer period (and for heat waves in general) "canicule", derives from this same term. It means "little dog", again referring to Sirius.

    In Ancient Rome, the Dog Days extended from July 24 through August 24, or, alternatively, July 23 through August 23. In many European cultures (German, French, Italian) this period is still said to be the time of the Dog Days.
    The Old Farmer's Almanac lists the traditional timing of the Dog Days as the 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11, coinciding with the ancient heliacal (at sunrise) rising of the Dog Star, Sirius. These are the days of the year when rainfall is at its lowest levels.
    According to The Book of Common Prayer (1552), the "Dog Daies" begin on July 6 and end on August 17. But this edition of the Book of Common Prayer (The 2nd book of Edward VI) was never extensively used and never adopted by the Convocation of the Church of England.

    Everything is Connected and there are no

    Rispondi  Messaggio 133 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 23/12/2012 08:10

    Magdalena Eternal


      • The holy grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.

        The blade and chalice guarding o'er her gates.

        Adorned in masters' loving art, she lies.

        She rests at last beneath the starry skys.




    Siguiendo estudiando el 17 del septimo mes (Genesis 8:4) es curioso que desde el 1 de enero hasta el 17/7 tenemos 198 dias (la misma cantidad de dias que hay desde el 1 de Nissan hasta el 21 de Tisri). Otro dato contextual es que en el 17/9/1787 (17 de septiembre o septimo mes) dia que se impuso la CONSTITUCION DE LOS EEUU, en el contexto a LUNA NUEVA EN LUNA LLENA CAYO TAMBIEN EL 21 DE TISRI, OSEA OSHANAH RABBAH.

    The Franciscan church is attached to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by the Magdalene chapel
    One of the most holiest churches, located in Jerusalem at the traditional site of Golgotha - the place of Jesus Crucifixion and burial.

    Matthew 27: 33, 60: "And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha....And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed"

    On the floor, in front of the Holy Sepulchre, is a mosaic figure of a double headed eagle - symbol of the Byzantine empire and the Greek Orthodox church.

    that is also the symbol used by

    Morals and Dogma by Pike and the Scottish Rites
    The first mention of a double-headed eagle in the West dates from 1250, in a roll of arms of Matthew of Paris for Emperor Frederick II of the Holy Roman Empire. Usually depicted black on a gold background, it replaced the earlier single-headed eagle, and was subsequently adopted in the coats of arms of many German cities and aristocratic families. After the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, the double-headed eagle was retained by the Austrian Empire, and served also as the coat of arms of the German Confederation.

    The double-headed eagle was part of the emblem of the Order of the Solar Temple. This cult was started by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984 in Geneva. It gained notoriety in 1994 when members of the cult committed mass suicide and murders in two villages in Switzerland, followed in 1997 by suicide/murders in Canada.

    The Greek Orthodox chapel has a circle floor with a sun and wavy rays coming from it
    there is a rock there which the crack goes down to the chapel of Adam below
    it is said that Jesus blood dripped down to reach the skull of Adam

    Magdalen's star has points and a green stone center

    The Franciscans
    he impact of the Franciscan Third Order Secular upon the feudal society of medieval Europe has been held to be considerable. Among its ways of impacting that era was the prohibition on the brothers of the Order from bearing arms. This stance of pacifism in a society with frequent feuds and wars was upheld by the authority of the Church, and limited the ability of the nobility and towns to demand that all men be subject to serving in battle.

    Also, the admission to the Order of members from all stations in life on an equal basis was a mechanism for promoting social change in a period of rigid social stratification.

    The Third Order has known many notables among its members. Outstanding among them is Saint Elisabeth of Hungary, though it is not established to all that she ever formally joined;[3] she is, however, Patroness of the Order. Additionally, she is traditionally paired with St. Louis, King of France, declared Patron of the Order.

    Among other notable figures were: St. Ferdinand, King of Castile; St. Elizabeth of Portugal, grand-niece of the first St. Elizabeth; St. Rosa of Viterbo; St. Margaret of Cortona; St. Thomas More; Blessed Umiliana Cerchi; Blessed Angela of Foligno; St. Ivo of Kermartin; Saint John Vianney, the famed Curé of Ars, France. Of names celebrated in history for literature, arts, politics, inventions, etc., Blessed Raymond Lull; Dante, Giotto, Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Galvani, Alessandro Volta, Garcia Moreno, Franz Liszt, and Lady Georgiana Fullerton. Popes Pius IX and Leo XIII were members of the Third Order, as also were Pope St. Pius X and the Blessed Pope John XXIII

    The Third Order of Saint Francis Canada
    The Third Order of St. Francis was established by the Friars Minor Recollects at Quebec in 1671, and some years later at Three Rivers and Montreal. Considering the sparse population of the country, it was in a flourishing condition. In 1681 a Recollect notes that "many pious people of Quebec belong to the Third Order".

    After the cession of Canada to England, the Third Order, deprived of its directors, the Recollect Franciscan friars, seemed to have disappeared gradually, only to flourish anew thirty years after the death at Montreal in 1813 of the last Recollect friar.

    The Third Order was re-established about 1840 by Mgr. Ignatius Bourget, Bishop of Montreal. Fervent fellow-labourers helped the holy prelate to spread the Third Order in Montreal, notably Canon J.A. Paré and the Sulpicians C. E. Gilbert and A. Giband. Mgr. Bourget established a fraternity of women, 6 May 1863, and one of men, 13 June 1866; both were directed by the Sulpicians till 1874, by Canon P. E. Dufresne from 1874 till 1881, by the Jesuits from 1881 till 1888, and by the Sulpicians from 1888 till 1890; since then by the Friars Minor. Mgr. Fabre, successor to Bishop Bourget, in a letter (3 September 1882) to the priests and faithful of his diocese, says: "We have in our midst the tertiaries of St. Francis, who are known to you all by the edification they give, and by the good odour of all the virtues which they practise in the world." The Third Order was reintroduced at Quebec almost at the same time as at Montreal. On 19 November 1859, Father Flavian Durocher, O.M.I., received the profession of two women, after a year's novitiate. These were joined by others, until in 1876 Quebec City alone possessed over 200 tertiaries, while in the Province of Quebec several parishes had groups of tertiaries.

    Saint Francis of Assisi rejected the urban materialism of his parents and local church. He established a mendicant, or beggar, lifestyle for the followers of his church-approved order—Franciscan friars for men and the Poor Clares for women. Many religious thinkers in the 1200s were influenced by the earlier philosophy of Christian Neoplatonism, a synthesis of Plato’s ideals and Christian mysticism. Under that influence, they rejected the Aristotelian focus on rationalizing religion and believed God's divine revelation could best be understood through experience. The Cistercian Bernard of Clairvaux, who died in 1153, feared that Abelard's scholastic logic would deaden true spiritual understanding. Later, Bonaventure, a Franciscan who lived from 1221 to 1274, developed a mystical philosophy guiding Christians toward contemplation of the ideal realm of God.

    Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, and John Duns Scotus, the "Doctor of Wonders" Roger Bacon, and the well-known mystic authors and popular preachers David of Augsburg and Berthold of Regensburg.
    as well as Anthony of Padua

    Everything is Connected and there are no








    La representación geométrica del número 33 es sin duda la unión de dos triángulos formando lo que se ha venido en llamar la "Estrella de David".

    Rispondi  Messaggio 134 di 254 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 24/12/2012 15:59




    La representación geométrica del número 33 es sin duda la unión de dos triángulos formando lo que se ha venido en llamar la "Estrella de David".
    NUMERO 33
    Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.
    1. Génesis 4:1: Conoció Adán a su mujer Eva, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Caín, y dijo: Por voluntad de Jehová he adquirido varón.

    2. Génesis 4:17: Y conoció Caín a su mujer, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Enoc; y edificó una ciudad, y llamó el nombre de la ciudad del nombre de su hijo, Enoc.

    3. Génesis 4:25: Y conoció de nuevo Adán a su mujer, la cual dio a luz un hijo, y llamó su nombre Set: Porque Dios (dijo ella) me ha sustituido otro hijo en lugar de Abel, a quien mató Caín.
    king and the queen of heaven in Simple Gematria Equals: 231 ( k





    A es igual a al COMPAS
    L es igual a la ESCUADRA
    En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
    Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
    que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
    de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
    y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados).
    Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
    (Mateo 11: 25-26).

    "¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
    y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
    ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"
    (Romanos, 11: 33).

    "Y esto ruego, que vuestro Amor (agape) abunde aun más y más
    en Ciencia (gnwsei=gnosis)
    y en todo Conocimiento, ("epignosis": Conocimiento (Gnosis) Pleno.)"
    (Filipenses, 1: 9).


    La Galaxia del Remolino (M51), de Ken Mackintosh muestra la Galaxia del Remolino lentamente devorando su vecino más pequeño 


    1. P’shat — Literal
    2. Remez — Una Escritura unida a otra Escritura
    3. Drash — Interpretaciones derivadas de la Escritura por medio de la exégesis y las aplicaciones espirituales.
    4. Sod — Significado espiritual más profundo (misterios y dichos oscuros) de la Escritura no visto según el significado aparente.


    En Hebreos 5:12-14, la Palabra de Dios nos dice que debemos crecer en el conocimiento de la Palabra de Dios. Al hacerlo, vamos a pasar de ser niños espirituales a la madurez espiritual. La madurez espiritual se describe usando la palabra griega "Téleios" que se traduce como "adultez". En Hebreos 5:12-14 está escrito:

    "Porque debiendo ser ya maestros, después de tanto tiempo, tenéis necesidad de que se os vuelva a enseñar cuáles son los primeros rudimentos de las palabras de Dios; y habéis llegado a ser tales que tenéis necesidad de leche, y no de alimento sólido. Y todo aquel que participa de la leche es inexperto en la palabra de justicia, porque es niño."

    En estos versículos debemos distinguir entre los niños cristianos que sólo pueden digerir la leche y los cristianos maduros que pueden comer la fuerte carne de la Palabra de Dios. La palabra niño en el griego es la palabra "népios". Es la palabra (3516) de Strong. La palabra griega "népios" Strong la define como "un infante, persona simple, un cristiano inmaduro". El Thayer’s Greek Lexicon define la palabra "népios" como "un niño pequeño, pueril, sin instrucción, inexperto".

    La palabra hebrea equivalente para la palabra griega, "népios", es la palabra "Péti". Es la palabra (6612) de Strong. La palabra hebrea "Péti" se traduce en el Antiguo Testamento como "simple." Por lo tanto, la Biblia hace una clara distinción entre los que son simples y pueriles en su fe (el cristiano carnal o inmaduro) y entre aquellos que son adultos, completos y maduros en su fe (el cristiano maduro y la Novia de Cristo).

    El principio bíblico del crecimiento de niños espirituales a la madurez espiritual lo podemos ver más adelante en Efesios 4:11-15, según está escrito:

    "Y él mismo constituyó a unos apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros, a fin de perfeccionar a los santos para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos lleguemos a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, a un varón perfecto ("Téleios" – maduro espiritualmente), a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo; Para que ya no seamos niños fluctuantes ("népios" – cristianos niños e inmaduros espiritualmente), llevados por doquiera de todo viento de doctrina, por estratagema de hombres que para engañar emplean con astucias las artimañas del error, sino que siguiendo la verdad en amor, crezcamos en todo en aquel que es la cabeza, esto es Cristo."

    Dios nos dice las características de un cristiano carnal que es un niño espiritual en 1ª Corintios 3:1-4. Un cristiano carnal es alguien que está todavía controlado por las prácticas y caminos de la carne. Podemos ver esta verdad en 1ª Corintios 3:1-4, como está escrito:

    "De manera que yo, hermanos, no pude hablaros como a espirituales, sino como a carnales, como a niños ("népios") en Cristo. Os di a beber leche (la característica de un cristiano que es un niño espiritual – Hebreos 5:12-14), y no vianda; Porque aún no erais capaces, ni sois capaces todavía, porque aún sois carnales; pues habiendo entre vosotros celos, contiendas y disensiones, ¿no sois carnales, y andáis como hombres? Porque diciendo el uno: Yo ciertamente soy de Pablo; y el otro: Yo soy de Apolos, ¿no sois carnales?"

    Por lo tanto, podemos ver por estos versículos en Efesios 4.11-15, que Dios desea que los cristianos crezcamos en conocimiento de Dios y seamos maduros espiritualmente "Téleios" y no seamos niños (népios) ya más. Los cristianos carnales practican la envidia, la contienda y las divisiones y siguen a un líder cristiano dejando a un lado a otros 1ª Corintios 3:1-4. Dios desea tener una Novia madura espiritualmente porque su recompensa será la mayor en el Reino de los Cielos. Los cristianos espiritualmente inmaduros estarán en el cielo pero serán los menores en el Reino de los Cielos (Mateo 5:19).


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