Sirius Rising 2010 As Received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan July 2010 ===================================
On a silent morn in the steamy month of July, the star Sirius will rise before the daystar, our sun, issuing a declaration to all that the Atlantean- Egyptian -Sirian New Year had been birthed. This will create a doorway of opportunity to swim forward with the stellar surge of awareness that preceded the daylight. The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as a giver of life for it always reappeared at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. When the star sank in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden for 70 days before emerging in the east in the morning. This was viewed as a time of death and rebirth. Sirius known as our Spiritual Sun, is the heart and soul of our physical Sun. During the Dog Days when Sirius disappears into our Sun's light, our physical Sun is embracing our Spiritual Sun.
As the sun sends forth her rays of clarity, a personal and planetary sonic boom is heard throughout the land. Explosions of the old are nuclear (new clear) as they are cast off like dust in a dirt devil. Truth unfolds itself to be seen in the long and short of it. Narrating an internal bedtime story that can only be learned by heart. Sleep beckons but the energy shouts so loud and is so demanding that sleep is short and not so sweet.
The conjunction of Sirius and the Sun does not occur at the same time in all latitudes, and is never a constant. In 2010 Sirius rises before the Sun on the last day of July in some areas. When Sirius rises above the eastern horizon this heliacal rising occurs August 7, 2010 in the San Francisco area. Each place and time zone and continent is a little different. I think it is best to energetically tune in to the rising of the Star Sirius in your area. Trust your intuition on this. The heliacal rising is the first visible and brief appearance of a star on the eastern horizon before sunrise. ____________________
Sirius Spiritual Prototype ____________________
Since ancient times Sirius has been known and revered. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.
Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. It is said that all great Avatars originated from Sirius, the brightest star in our heavens. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played an important part in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy emanates forth from the star Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then makes its way to earth through the sun's blessing rays.
As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun pre-dawn the Christ seeds within each of us will be sent into a new quantum pattern. These Christ seeds are DNA encodings that have awaited this particular stellar emanation and configuration in order to open sealed records revealing truths that have been silent. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.
On August 8, 2010 we are given a rare opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening,' the 8:8 LIONS GATE. This Awakening will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular records are held within a crystalline code which exists within the each strand of DNA.
In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within the earth physically, under, above and around sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of Egypt with the Sphinx as the Stellar Sentinel. When the ancient skies were aligned in a specific stellar configuration an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred geometric encodings. We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever issued to earth from the beginning of time on earth through out time in our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our intention to receive these energies.
The only way earth can move forward is through the heart. Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Activating a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included without any effort. We are destined to become more than we know. This new mirror reflection will give to us what we have been seeking for eons.
August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded, nothing manmade Just a natural remembering initiating our dormant light codes. Lifting us up to a place where we can see the parade of light that is yet to come. TIME known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the timing chain of the universe pauses to calibrate itself. All that was hidden is seen, all that was seen is clear. ___
8:8 ___
As above so below. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning your nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.
August 8, is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It was a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sipped from each other's glass. It was a celebration beyond time that escorted us home through the Sphinx Lions Gate to the Stars. This was an unprecedented event that Took place last year. The very ends of our DNA opened as their telemere endings were unwrapped to expose a NU possibility. What comes to be has not unwrapped fully in time. August 8 ( 8:8) has always been experienced as the Lions Gate doorway opening up a time portal to ancient Egyptian encodings that are precariously balanced between the sphinx and the great pyramid of Giza. This center point of decision commands undivided attention and energy.
These time coded records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codex and codon of each strand of DNA, within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.
In ancient times Records of Remembrance were hidden deep within the earth physically within sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the great Pyramid of Egypt and the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a stellar configuration that opened a doorway the sacred sites with these encodings would then be used to download to earth and humans new levels of truth and wisdom. In this day and time we cannot all get up and zip across the ocean in moment's notice to align with the incoming energies, nor do we need to. We all carry within us every iota of every universal sacred site ever issued to existence. It is just a matter of tuning into these cellular records of truth to receive these energies.
The only way earth can move forward is through the heart (earth). Every toy, tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows we are a hardheaded stubborn bunch it has aligned some stars to shoot that cosmic cupid arrow our way. Not like a valentine's type of love but a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included within, without one actually knowing.
As the vibrations of the 8:8 Stargate come forth into materialization the human body bucks at the thought of housing more light, downloading more encodings, or receiving any more truths. If the truth be known the energies of the 8:8 Stargate are being birthed to smooth out the static cling of the personality. The tiredness comes to slow down the ancient angers that stir in the emotional layer of humanity.
The gravitational pull has increased not lessened as earth begins a new evolutionary spin. Centrifugal force fails as all that was within the spinning bucket falls changing scientific truths to a point beyond confusion.
The sun behind the sun (at the center of our galactic nucleus) is seen with a new eye. As the invisible light from the superior sun is felt and not seen our humanness explodes with untapped potential. Pathways of cortical transmissions (from the core projections) intersect with all of earth, challenging even those of devout faith. The invisible light from the sun behind the sun at galactic center spreads itself over our lives like softened galactic butter soaking into every pore and membrane of our person.
What was once hidden is seen, what was once seen is changed. The eyes of the soul see with a new clarity redefining what was once considered dark. The overlapping of the two suns creates a portal (vesica pisces) for all to enter or exit depending upon choice. Liposuction of the soul moves what had been weighty and dense into a placement of understandability. Deleting the need for repercussions or judgments. What is, just is, until you shift it. The 8:8 Stargate assists us in this knowing and portal preparation. ______________
Solar Lions Gate ______________
As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion (the month of Leo) we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past. Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive.
Emanations from the light behind the sun rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness. The giant sunspots and coronal mass ejections we are presently seeing are but a glimpse into the life force of this Superior dark Sun that extends her super magnetic vibration into all parts of our known and unknown solar system. Lifting us to a point of open eyes within all the seeing cells of our natural state. Just like celestial acupuncture we receive injections of knowing that cannot be explained away. We finally find the passion to do, to be, to believe to create without a shadow of doubt.
The solar system lines up celestial body by celestial body, stopping only for a moment to pay homage to earth and her inhabitants observing the shifts and changes within the evolving species that calls earth there home. All buried landmasses within our conscious-ness come to a place of buoyancy, circumnavigating our linear flat world thinking. Exposing on a stellar level that which lies beneath all of our longings and choices. We finally stand up for what we believe and what believes in us.
The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices. Stellar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing us to be lifted to a place of innate knowing. Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth.
It is time for the Solar Lion via the SPHINX to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction. A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males. Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge that will clear the mental shorelines of non-belief. Fractions of self and soul that had once been fluid through time and choice come running home with open arms and an open heart. Settling into all of the cracks of our personal universe filling them with what needs to be seen.
Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us. The light behind our Sun lifts her skirt of light exposing her Nubian body of light for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of time eternal cleverly keeps most of her concealed. Finally the children of earth have earned the right to see the truth of the Cosmos.
On August 8, Solar power will move into material form to be seen and felt. Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion. Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see. So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through you like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it. Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle and embrace you without trying to corral them and tie them to the fence of humanness. Just this minute action will shift the future into a place that can been seen and felt.
The 8:8 STARGATE is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate and secret purposefully. The symbiotic relationship that humanity has had with earth life will shift into direct alignment with a time passageway. This time passageway is allowing a new seeding to occur that increases mental capacities, IQ and the ability to remember (near and far). For some time now the human brain has been in the shop being repaired. Too much information has been painful and not received or digested properly. Seeming to have Teflon coating the brain has been resistant, not wanting anything to stick to it. Each new set of thoughts triggered dormant fears that needed to be released and replaced with new strands of awareness.
The star Sirius rises every midsummer this rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings. It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days. Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders as well as the Christ Consciousness. It is now time to come from a point of high solar vibrations and allow this new light to shine on places within the psyche and history of earth that needs cleansed.
We stand at the base of the mountain of Creational maturity on our sojourn home to the Light. Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on all of its shelves. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your evolutionary possibilities to heart.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 | Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation | www.theQuantumAwakening.com | thequantumawakening@hughes.net | Quantum Newsletters are lovingly translated into 'Spanish' by Margarita Lopez and Suzy Peralta, thank you dear hearts. Click here http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/boletin/despertar_cuantico.htm *
Heliacal Rising of Sirius Robert Tulip The day each year that Sirius is first visible in the pre-dawn sky, known as its heliacal rising, was used in ancient Egypt to mark the annual cycle of the heavens. In historical times, the heliacal rising is near the summer solstice. Sirius is invisible below the Egyptian horizon for about 70 days each year since its setting with the sun after the spring equinox. But these dates change, and the period of invisibility used to be much longer. This paper examines the change in the location and date of the heliacal rising of Sirius caused by precession of the equinox. The diagrams were produced using astronomy software SkyGazer 4.5. They show the approximate moment of dawn, with the sun at the left on the horizon, on the approximate day on which Sirius is first visible again on the south-eastern horizon. There is some variance between the diagrams which could be made more precise by using the exact moment when both the sun and Sirius are on the horizon, but this small error does not affect the overall result, which is to show how the heliacal rising point of Sirius, as viewed from Cairo, oscillates between the south and south-east horizon. The Egyptians used the heliacal rising of Sirius as a marker for the annual rising of the Nile. Due to their use of a 365 day calendar, comprising twelve months, each with three x ten day weeks, plus five epagomenal days, the heliacal rise of Sirius drifted around their year over a 1461 year period known as the Sothic Cycle. Egyptian knowledge of this Sothic Cycle shows that they understood the period of the tropical year as 365.25 days. Sirius 12000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 51.11 KiBIn the year 12,000 BC, a date well before historical records, this diagram shows the southeast horizon from Cairo, and all locations at the same latitude of 30° north, at just before dawn on 25 June. Here we see that Sirius, the brightest star in the diagram, crossed the meridian (the vertical green line), the most northerly point for all stars in their daily cycle, just below the horizon (the curved green line), and so was then never visible at that latitude over the course of the year. This diagram also shows the spring equinox point of the sun, marked by the meeting point of the celestial equator (white) and the ecliptic, the path of the sun along the zodiac (yellow). The equinoctial point was then in the constellation of Virgo, opposite its current position in Pisces. This diagram also shows the bright star Canopus, half way between the South Celestial Pole (the axis of the earth) and the South Ecliptic Pole (the axis of the sun). Over the slow 25,765 year period of precession of the equinox, Canopus and Sirius inscribe a circle around the South Ecliptic Pole. Apart from proper motion, the relative movement of stars in the galaxy, these stars have inscribed the same path for millions, even billions, of years. Each day all the stars appear to rotate around the celestial poles. In circling the pole, Sirius never rose above the horizon at Cairo in 12,000 BC. Over the slow sweep of the succeeding millennia, first Sirius, and then its southern bright companion Canopus, gradually moved into view from Egypt. Sirius 11000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 24.07 KiBIn 11,000 BC, the date of the highest northerly position of Sirius at dawn had moved back several weeks to 17 July. We see that Sirius was slightly closer to the horizon, but was still invisible at Cairo. The spring point, where the ecliptic crosses the equator, has precessed through the constellation of Virgo. Sirius 10000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif [ 25.02 KiBIn 10,000 BC, Sirius reached the horizon from Cairo just east of due south on 25 July, so barely came into view. The path of each star across the sky forms a circle around the South Celestial Pole, so in this picture, Sirius rose just above the horizon for a few days each year. Interestingly, this epoch of the first visibility of Sirius from Cairo is sometimes coincidentally referred to as ‘the first time’ or Zep Tepi, in Egyptian myth, and is generally marked by the fact that the spring point was in the constellation of Leo. I am not aware of previous study of the movement of Sirius in this way though that would associate it with the Zep Tepi myth. By 9000 BC, the heliacal rising point of Sirius had moved to 165° east of north, still at about 25 July, and the spring point was in Leo. The millennial movement of the heliacal rising point now starts to accelerate eastward. Sirius 9000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 25.35 KiB By 8000 BC, Sirius rose at about 155° east on 12 July, while the equinox point had moved to between Leo and Cancer. Here, and above, we can also see Sirius’s neighbour, Orion, in its northward climb towards its current position on the celestial equator. The movement east of the Sirius heliacal rising point is also a move towards the celestial equator, which always crosses the horizon at 90° from north. Sirius 8000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 26.85 KiBIn 7000 BC, Sirius rose on 10 July at 145° east, while the equinox point was in Cancer. Sirius 7000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 26.45 KiBContinuing, we see that by 7000BC the heliacal rising point of Sirius had moved nearly halfway along the horizon from due south, where it first only appeared on one day of the year, to its present position close to southeast, where it is visible from Cairo for all the year except for 70 days. In 6000 BC, the rising point had moved to southeast on 12 July, making Sirius readily visible for several months low in the southern sky. The equinox had reached Gemini. Sirius 6000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 27.23 KiBIn 5000 BC, Sirius rises closer to east than south on about 8 July, and its companion Orion is about half way between the horizon and the equator. The equinox point is in Gemini. Sirius 5000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 24.77 KiBIn 4000 BC, approaching historical times, Sirius is now rising at 125° east on 6 July, as the equinox occurs in Taurus. Sirius 4000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 28.52 KiB3000 BC marks the approximate beginning of the dynastic age in Egypt. The position of the heliacal rising of Sirius has shifted only 5° in the last thousand years, compared to about a 15° degree shift over a millennium around 9000 BC. and the date has stayed about the same at 6 July. Sirius is moving towards its point of greatest distance from the south celestial pole, in its slow orbit around the south ecliptic pole over the course of the Great Year. The rest of the stars continue to precess, with the equinox now in the middle of Taurus, and Orion even closer to the equator. Sirius 3000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 29.32 KiBIn 2000 BC, at the height of Egyptian civilization, Sirius has barely shifted its rising point and date over the last millennium, moving only by about 3° and one day. Norman Lockyer, founder of the journal Nature, and co-discoverer of helium, made intensive study of how the Egyptians aligned their temples to the heliacal rising of Sirius. It appears that after many centuries when alignments no longer worked, new temples were built on old foundations, shifting the axis slightly to put them in line with the rising point of Sirius. The equinox now occurs in Aries. Sirius 2000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 28.03 KiBBy 1000 BC, still during the glory days of Egypt, the rising point of Sirius had shifted a further 5° north, and the equinox was in the middle of Aries. Orion is now astride the equator, with Betelgeuse having moved for the first time into the northern hemisphere. Sirius 1000BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 28.18 KiBAt the time of Christ, the moment still marking the turning point of our calendar, the great civilization of Egypt lay in ruins beneath the swords of the marauding hordes of Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome. The rising point of Sirius has barely moved over this time of upheaval, sitting at 110° east. The equinox point is now crossing the first fish of the constellation Pisces. Sirius 1BC Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 27.75 KiBBy 1000 AD, in the middle of the Dark Ages, observation of the stars had largely been forgotten except by the Arabs. The equinox point is now in the middle of the constellation Pisces. Sirius rises slightly later, on 10 July, at almost exactly the same place on the horizon where it rose at the time of Christ. Sirius 1000AD Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 30.61 KiBThe current situation, shown in this diagram from 2000 AD, shows the equinox nearly at the end of Pisces and just about to enter Aquarius. Sirius still rises close to the same point it has risen for the last 2000 years. Orion’s Belt has reached the celestial equator, near to its most northerly position in about 2300 AD. Sirius 2000AD Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 31.2 KiBOver the next twelve or so thousand years, as shown in the remaining diagrams below for 3000 AD, 10,000 AD and 15.000 AD, we see the rising position of Sirius reverse its northerly motion, returning to invisibility from Cairo again at the end of one cycle of precession, the 25765 year-long Great Year of precession of the equinox caused by the spin wobble of the earth. 3000 AD: After its heliacal stasis over the Christian Aion, Sirius has begun its movement back to the south. The equinox is in the middle of Aquarius. Sirius 3000AD Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 31.47 KiB10,000 AD: The heliacal movement over the Great Year cycle accelerates at its mid point. The September equinox is now shown, in Taurus, opposite the position of the March equinox in Scorpio. Sirius 10000AD Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 26.85 KiBThe year 15,000 Anno Domini: Sirius is back at the point where it becomes invisible from Cairo, with the March equinox shown once again in Virgo, and about to enter Leo, its position in the old Egyptian Zep Tepi. Sirius has returned to the heliacal point where it first appeared visible from the latitude of Cairo over the long sweep of the Holocene and the Anthropocene. However, the proper motion of Sirius, it actual shift relative to other stars, is among the fastest of all stars because it is so close to earth, only eight light years away. It appears from this diagram that over the next ten thousand years Sirius will shift to a more northerly actual location, so will not again become invisible from the north for as long as it used to. I hope humans will still be around to see it. Sirius 15000AD Heliacal Rising Cairo.gif 23.69 KiB |
This is from Norman Lockyer's The Dawn of Astronomy. He comments (p250) "There no doubt was a time when the Egyptian astronomer priests imagined that, by the introduction of the 365-day year, marking its commencement, as I have said, by the rising of one of the host of heaven [Sirius], they had achieved finality. But, alas, the dream must soon have vanished. Even with this period of 365 days, the true length of the year had not been reached; and soon, whether by observations of the beginning of the inundation [of the Nile], or by observations of the solstice in some of the solar temples when these had been built, it was found that there was a difference of a day every four years between the beginning of the natural and of the newly-established year, arising, of course, from the fact that the true year is 365 days and a quarter of a day (roughly) in length.
With perfectly orientated temples they must have soon found that their festival at the Summer Solstice—which festival is known all over the world to-day—did not fall precisely on the day of the New Year, because, if 365 days had exactly measured the year, that flash of bright sunlight would have fallen into the sanctuary just as it did 365 days before. But what they must have found was that, after an interval of four years, it did not fall on the first day of tlie month, but on the day following it. ...
(255) We learn from the work of Biot and Oppolzer, then, that the precessional movement of the star caused successive heliacal risings of Sirius at the solstice to be separated by almost exactly 365.25 days—that is, by a greater period than the length of the true year. So that, in relation to this star, two successive heliacal risings at the 1st of Thoth vague are represented by a period of (365.25 x 4 =) 1461 years, while in the case of the solstices we want 1506.
Now in books on Egyptology the period of 1461 years is termed the Sothic period, and truly so, as it very nearly correctly measures the period elapsing between two heliacal risings at the solstice (or the beginning of the Nile flood) on the 1st of Thoth in the vague [365 day] year."
Lockyer discusses this topic of Egyptian knowledge of the Sothic Cycle at some length. I have posted a link to his book in the astronomy thread The Dawn of Astronomy: Norman Lockyer, and will summarize further corroborating material. If his argument is incorrect I would welcome refutation of it. |
Robert, silly question. How has the modifications to the current calendar affected the helical rising? Since the Julian, (and the modification to it by the Gregorian), don't the calendar changes assist in keeping the rising from moving a great deal?
For instance, from records, we know that Sirius was at the meridian at midnight on New Year Eve in 1582 (or one minute after midnight on 1 Jan 1583). But 10 days were dropped from the calendar in 1582 (at least among the Roman Catholic countries) during the change to the Gregorian calendar, so if that change hadn't occurred, Sirius would have been have been on the meridian on December 21st, not at midnight between Dec. 31 and Jan 1.
The days were dropped of course, due to the addition of days caused by precession. I'm using midnight on New Years here as I am not sure of the rising date during 1582. Since you are showing a rising date ~July, I would assume the rising date would jump back 10 days in 1583, correct?
 Originally Posted by Tensor 
Robert, silly question. How has the modifications to the current calendar affected the helical rising? Since the Julian, (and the modification to it by the Gregorian), don't the calendar changes assist in keeping the rising from moving a great deal?
For instance, from records, we know that Sirius was at the meridian at midnight on New Year Eve in 1582 (or one minute after midnight on 1 Jan 1583). But 10 days were dropped from the calendar in 1582 (at least among the Roman Catholic countries) during the change to the Gregorian calendar, so if that change hadn't occurred, Sirius would have been have been on the meridian on December 21st, not at midnight between Dec. 31 and Jan 1.
The days were dropped of course, due to the addition of days caused by precession. I'm using midnight on New Years here as I am not sure of the rising date during 1582. Since you are showing a rising date ~July, I would assume the rising date would jump back 10 days in 1583, correct?
Tensor, I'm pretty sure that the software I used, SkyGazer 4.5, uses Gregorian dates for pre-Gregorian period. I will check that and confirm. The deletion of ten days for the Gregorian calendar change was not related to precession, as I understand it, but was solely due to the fact that the Julian calendar wrongly included leap years on all the centuries. The difference between the Julian figure of 365.25 and the correct 365.2422 days caused the ten day drift of the solstices and equinoxes against the calendar over 1500 years. 2000 was a leap year, but 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be.
The Gregorian calendar will not stop the Sirius rising date from changing due to precession. Over the next ten thousand years the rising point will migrate back to due south, and will also move around the year. I need to make my analysis more precise by using Sun and Sirius both exactly on the horizon instead of the rough diagrams linked in the OP to calculate the speed of this drift. This use of both on the horizon does not give the observable heliacal rising though, which happens when Sirius is about 7 degrees west of the solar right ascension. At the latitude of San Francisco this now happens on August 7.
Alsor, I will check the answer to your question and revert.
When will Sirius reappear? Heliacal Rising
The conjunction of Sirius and the Sun does not occur at the same time in all latitudes, and is not constant in the same region for a long period, hence the variation in calendars regarding the limits of the Dog Days. Some say the period of the dog days lasts 20 days before and after the conjunction of Sirius and the Sun.
In 2011 in the Pacific Time Zone, Sirius rises before the Sun on the last day of July, but remains hidden in its glare. When Sirius rises above the eastern horizon at an altitude of 7 degrees it can be seen. This heliacal rising of Sirius occurs August 7, 2011 in San Francisco.
... the heliacal rising: the first visible, though brief, appearance of a star on the eastern horizon before sunrise. On the previous morning, sunlight made the star invisible. When the rising of a star is spoken of, it is usually the heliacal rising that is meant. In ancient Egypt, the helical rising of Sirius coincided with the annual rising of the Nile at Memphis. Index to Time and Calendars / Rising and Setting of Stars
Sirius at an altitude of less 7 degrees [above the horizon] is hidden from our view by the Sun’s light. Heliacal Rising & Setting of Sirius
The heliacal setting of Sirius (last visible setting of Sirius) in San Francisco occurred May 23, 2011 hence, Sirius is hidden from view for 75 days in San Francisco during 2011.
On the first day of Sirius' reappearance the ancient Egyptians expected an abundant harvest, if the star appeared bright and clear. If Sirius appeared dull and red, a poor harvest would result. What color will Sirius be at its reappearance this year? When will you first see Sirius in the morning sky? Let me know!
rising and setting of stars
Certain types of rising and settings must be inferred instead of observed, because the star is obscured by sunlight. These are used only by astronomers.
- the cosmical rising: the star and the sun rise together. The star, of course, is obscured by the sun.
- the cosmical setting: the star sets as the sun rises.
- the true acronychal rising: the star rises as the sun sets.
- the true acronychal setting: the star and sun set together.
Perceptible risings and settings
These risings and settings can be observed directly, and it is these which have played a part in calendars.
- the heliacal rising: the first visible, though brief, appearance of a star on the eastern horizon before sunrise. On the previous morning, sunlight made the star invisible. When the rising of a star is spoken of, it is usually the heliacal rising that is meant. In ancient Egypt, the helical rising of Sirius coincided with the annual rising of the Nile at Memphis.
- the heliacal setting: the last visible setting of a star in the evening twilight. On the following evening, the star will pass below the horizon while there is still too much sunlight for it to be seen.
- the apparent achronychal rising: the last visible rising of a star in the evening twilight. On the following evening, the star will rise while there is still too much daylight for it to be seen.
- the apparent cosmical setting: the first visible setting of a star in the morning twilight. On the previous morning, the star didn't quite reach the western horizon before sunlight made it invisible.
Heliacal Rising & Setting of Sirius:
800 B.C. - 2000 A.D.

by Peter J. Clark
[Translated portions in Italic font]:
Sirius is a first magnitude star (HR 2491 HD 48915 Flamsteed Number: 9 Bayer Letter: Alpha) in the Constellation of Canis Major, with a visual Magnitude of -1.46. Sirius is also known as Canicula; the Dog Star and Aschere. Sirius is 2.01 times the size of the Sun and the brightest star in our heavens. The heliacal rising of the dog star signalled the most searing heat of the Summer, hence the term 'dog days.'. The star is most easily found by tracing the belt of Orion downwards. Sirius is a binary star with a white dwarf companion, Sirius B. This "pup" is an eight-magnitude star, separated from Sirius by a couple of arc seconds. This makes it exceedingly difficult to see in a telescope because of the great brilliance of Sirius.

Manilus writes of Sirius (the Dog) as one who "will fashion unbridled spirits and impetuous hearts; it will bestow on its sons billows of anger, and draw upon them the hatred and fear of the whole populace. (The impetuosity of the speaker causes him to utter words before he has time to adapt them to grammar or logic). Their hearts start throbbing at the slightest cause, and when speech comes their tongues rave and bark, and constant gnashing imparts the sound of teeth to their utterance. Their failings are intensified by alcohol, which gives them strength and fans their savage wrath to flame. No fear have they of woods or mountains, or monstrous lions, the tusks of the foaming boar, or the weapons which nature has given wild beasts; they vent their burning fury upon all legitimate prey. Lest you wonder at these tendencies under such a constellation, you see how even the constellation itself hunts among the stars, for in its course it seeks to catch the Hare in front." ( Liber V Astronomica, lines 206-233). See original Latin text.
Sirius has always been considered a very important star, and it was watched diligently. It is also one of the primary stars of navigation. The importance of calculating the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius was recognized in Ancient times and is still relevant today . The table below shows the anticipated times of the heliacal rise and set dates in three locations over a span of 2800 years.
Babylon (+32°33 ') Invisibility 65-66 days
Athens (+37°58 ') invisibility: 76-78 days
Rome (+41°54 ') invisibility: 84-86 days
- Year
- Rise
- Set
- Rise
- Set
- Rise
- Set
- 2000
- 2-August
- 28-May
- 8-August
- 22-May
- 11-August
- 18-May
- 1800
- 31-July
- 26-May
- 6-August
- 20-May
- 9-August
- 16-May
- 1600
- 29-July
- 24-May
- 4-August
- 19-May
- 8-August
- 15-May
- 1400
- 27-July
- 23-May
- 2-August
- 17-May
- 6-August
- 13-May
- 1200
- 25-July
- 21-May
- 31-July
- 15-May
- 4-August
- 11-May
- 1000
- 24-July
- 19-May
- 29-July
- 14-May
- 2-August
- 10-May
- 800
- 22-July
- 17-May
- 27-July
- 12-May
- 31-July
- 8-May
- 600
- 20-July
- 15-May
- 26-July
- 10-May
- 30-July
- 6-May
- 400
- 18-July
- 14-May
- 24-July
- 8-May
- 28-July
- 5-May
- 200
- 16-July
- 12-May
- 22-July
- 7-May
- 27-July
- 3-May
- 0
- 14-July
- 10-May
- 20-July
- 5-May
- 25-July
- 1-May
- -200
- 12-July
- 8-May
- 19-July
- 3-May
- 23-July
- 29-April
- -400
- 11-July
- 6-May
- 17-July
- 1-May
- 22-July
- 27-April
- -600
- 9-July
- 4-May
- 16-July
- 29-April
- 20-July
- 25-April
- -800
- 7-July
- 2-May
- 14-July
- 27-April
- 18-July
- 24-April
The original table in Italian is @ 
As is true of any star, Sirius is only visible between the time of its helical rising and setting. Conversely, it is invisible from the time of heliacal setting until its heliacal rising. The "heliacal rising" is the first day when the star rises and the Sun is far enough below the eastern horizon to make it visible in the morning twilight. In the same way, the "heliacal setting" is the last day when the star sets and the Sun is far enough below the western horizon to make the star visible in the evening twilight. This in not to be confused with what is called “cosmic rising". In the latter case, it is not possible to see the star, due to the light of the Sun.
Because the magnitude and brilliance of stars differ considerably, their heliacal risings and settings occur with different altitudes of the Sun below the horizon (this is called in Latin "arcus visionis" of the star). For example, the Sun's altitude which makes Sirius visible (-7°) is quite smaller than the altitude (-11°) that allows Antares to be visible in the early dawn or twilight sky. This is because Sirius is brighter than Antares and can therefore be seen in a lighter sky.
The approximation in calculations of these heliacal rising and setting times over the centuries is unavoidable .(see J. Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Richmond, Virginia 1997, pp. 289-2960.) However, this table serves as a very close approximation of the periods of the first and last dates of the visibility of Sirius in relation to the horizon. It is oriented from the horizon (height 0°), with the Suns place to a negative height of 7°.
It may be difficult for many contemporary astrologers to understand the phenomena of first and last visibility of a celestial body. This is due to the unfortunate modern divorce of astrology from her sister science, astronomy. In ancient and Classical astrology, no such divorce had occurred and the heavens were watched very closely. The sky maps below are designed to help illustrate the concept of heliacal rising more clearly.

This sky map was generated using SkyChart software, set for sunrise in Rome, 08 August 2000. 6:19 am. The red line is the local horizon. The Sun is seen at the far left. Sirius is the bright star in the constellation Canis Major. Note that the Sun is on the eastern horizon, but Sirius is still not visible in the morning twilight.

The sky map above is for the same date and location, at 05:38:01 am, which is the precise time of the rising of Sirius. Sirius is seen ascending on the eastern horizon, but is still not visible due to the morning twilight.

Picture courtesy of Marco Fumagalli, using Starry Night Pro, with labels added in Adobe Photoshop.
This sky map is set for one day after the anticipated date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in Rome according to the table, on 12 August 2000 at 3h34m UT --- 4:31am LMT. This is the precise time of the heliacal rising of Sirius, seen rising on the eastern horizon. The star is visible because it has cleared the necessary -7 negative height of the Sun, for the first time after approximately 3 months of invisibility This is the true heliacal rising of Sirius for the date given. On the anticipated date of 11 August, the Sun's altitude is only -6°52’, and we cannot be sure of the visibility of Sirius.
http://www2.islandnet.com/~pjamesclark/heliacal_risings_and_settings_of.htm |
Mateo 16:1 Vinieron los fariseos y los saduceos para tentarle, y le pidieron que les mostrase señal del cielo. 16:2 Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles. 16:3 Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas! que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo, ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis! 16:4 La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue. 16:5 Llegando sus discípulos al otro lado, se habían olvidado de traer pan. 16:6 Y Jesús les dijo: Mirad, guardaos de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos. (¿fiesta de las levaduras? ¿Porque PEDRO APARECE A MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A LA FIESTA DE LAS LEVADURAS en contexto a HECHOS 12:12? ¿PORQUE JUAN MARCOS ES UN NEO-JONAS YA QUE NO FUE CON PABLO A MALTA en contexto a HECHOS 12, 13, 14 Y 15?) 16:7 Ellos pensaban dentro de sí, diciendo: Esto dice porque no trajimos pan. 16:8 Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis dentro de vosotros, hombres de poca fe, que no tenéis pan? 16:9 ¿No entendéis aún, ni os acordáis de los cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres, y cuántas cestas recogisteis? 16:10 ¿Ni de los siete panes entre cuatro mil, y cuántas canastas recogisteis? 16:11 ¿Cómo es que no entendéis que no fue por el pan que os dije que os guardaseis de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos? 16:12 Entonces entendieron que no les había dicho que se guardasen de la levadura del pan, sino de la doctrina de los fariseos y de los saduceos. 16:13 Viniendo Jesús a la región de Cesarea de Filipo, preguntó a sus discípulos, diciendo: ¿Quién dicen los hombres que es el Hijo del Hombre? (CESAREA DE PHI-LIPO ESTABA EN LA TRIBU DE DAN AL PIE DEL MONTE HERMON. DAN TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON LA VIUDA. EL CALENDARIO JULIANO NO FUE POR CASUALIDAD QUE DENOMINO A JULIO EL SEPTIMO MES Y EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO. EL OJO OMNISCIENTE QUE APARECE EN LA PARTE SUPERIOR DE LA PIRAMIDE TRUNCADA SIMBOLIZA A SIRIO/UN OJO EN EL CIELO. EL CALENDARIO JULIANO-GREGORIANO DE ORIGEN EGIPCIO ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO.


3. Deuteronomio 4:48: Desde Aroer, que está junto a la ribera del arroyo de Arnón, hasta el monte de Sion, que es Hermón;
10. Jueces 3:3: los cinco príncipes de los filisteos, todos los cananeos, los sidonios, y los heveos que habitaban en el monte Líbano, desde el monte de Baal-hermón hasta llegar a Hamat.
14. Salmos 133:3: Como el rocío de Hermón, Que desciende sobre los montes de Sion; Porque allí envía Jehová bendición, Y vida eterna.

"After listening to you say Mt. Hermon was on the 33rd parallel AND 33rd meridian, I got on GoogleEarth and decided to look around the area to see what I could find. (You know, GoogleEarth is satellite pictures of the entire earth, and you can navigate to anywhere you want to go and zoom in on your target.) I was disappointed to find that it was out in the middle of the Mediterranean.
"Sometime later, I heard you say that the area was what is now the Golan Heights. So, I started scanning the area around the 33rd parallel in the Golan Heights area. Then I decided to 'refine' my search, so I scanned around until I was at 33° 33' latitude (33° 33')! As I was looking over the terrain from a fairly good height (about 13.5 miles eye altitude), I saw a small white 'dot' below... At that height, it was obvious that it was a very large structure!
"I zoomed in on the white dot, and it looked like a rather large building up on the very top of a mountain, with several roads going around the area. Wow! Then, a few days later as I was re-listening to one of your audios, I heard you say that the ancient longitude was from the Paris meridian, not Greenwich, and that there was a 2.5° difference, which would make the longitude 35.5° instead of 33° on our Greenwich meridian. I eagerly got back on GoogleEarth and found my white "dot" on 33° 33' 13"....and would you believe that the longitude was 35.5°!
Mateo 17:1 Seis días después, Jesús tomó a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan su hermano, y los llevó aparte a un monte alto; 17:2 y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz. 17:3 Y he aquí les aparecieron Moisés y Elías, hablando con él. 17:4 Entonces Pedro dijo a Jesús: Señor, bueno es para nosotros que estemos aquí; si quieres, hagamos aquí tres enramadas: una para ti, otra para Moisés, y otra para Elías. 17:5 Mientras él aún hablaba, una nube de luz los cubrió; y he aquí una voz desde la nube, que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien tengo complacencia; a él oíd. 17:6 Al oír esto los discípulos, se postraron sobre sus rostros, y tuvieron gran temor. 17:7 Entonces Jesús se acercó y los tocó, y dijo: Levantaos, y no temáis. 17:8 Y alzando ellos los ojos, a nadie vieron sino a Jesús solo. 17:9 Cuando descendieron del monte, Jesús les mandó, diciendo: No digáis a nadie la visión, hasta que el Hijo del Hombre resucite de los muertos. (Se confirma objetivamente el NEXO DE LA RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR EN CONTEXTO A LA SEÑAL DE JONAS Y LA RESURRECCION DEL ESTADO DE ISRAEL/GRIAL. LEER ROMANOS 11)
Harry Truman e Hiroshima y Nagasaki
El presidente de los Estados Unidos Harry S. Truman, siendo del 32° grado del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, fue acusado de haber cometido un crimen de guerra masónico por haber dado la orden de cumplir los bombardeos atómicos sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki, firmando su crimen en escogiendo ciudades cercanas al 33° paralelo. El número 33 hace parte de una numerología masónica común. En octubre del mismo año, fue elegido al grado 33°.[53] Otras fuentes añadieron el facto que las dos ciudades era las más pobladas de cristianos de Japón siendo el cristianismo un enemigo de la masonería.[54] El dia elegido, el 6 de agosto, es la fiesta católica de la Transfiguración de Jesús, el dia en el que los catolicos conmemoran la transfiguración del señor en estos términos: "y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz".[55] Asi a una transfiguracion divina oponian una de signo diabolico, la bomba atomica.
486. Hechos 12:10: Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la PUERTA de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
487. Hechos 12:13: Cuando llamó Pedro a la PUERTA del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
488. Hechos 12:14: la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la PUERTA, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la PUERTA.
HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2/3:3)
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
7 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
) |
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
16:14 Ellos dijeron: Unos, Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas. 16:15 El les dijo: Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo? 16:16 Respondiendo Simón Pedro, dijo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente. 16:17 Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. ("hijo de Jonas" tiene nexo con la "señal de Jonas") 16:18 Y yo también te digo, que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. (NUMERO DE ORO) (MARIA MAGDALENA SIMBOLIZA A LA IGLESIA/NUEVA JERUSALEM. AQUI NUESTRO SEÑOR INDUDABLEMENTE BUSCA UN NEXO ESOTERICO CON SU ESPOSA Y EL GRIAL-S-OPHI-A/SABIDURIA-ONE EN EL BILLETE DE UN DOLAR ES UN ANAGRAMA DE NOE)
El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción
Orion Rising Before Sunrise |
Friday, August 10, 2007 |
Long time readers of the Update know that Orion is our favorite constellation. Orion is one of the most famous constellations, with maybe the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross being more famous. Orion is certainly the most obvious constellation in the sky, well-placed to be seen from everywhere in the world, composed of some of the brightest stars, and having the conspicuous "belt" of three bright stars. Orion is mentioned in three verses of the Bible and turns up in folklore all over the world.
In the folklore of the constellations, Orion is viewed as a mighty hunter, a man with extended club, facing to fight the raging bull Taurus. Orion is not alone in this battle, having his trusty Big Dog at his side. The latter constellation is identified by Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the sky, shining brilliantly in the southeast from Orion.
We are always sad in the month of May when Orion vanishes into the sunset. Orion cannot be seen during the months of June and July at any time of day or from any location on Earth. During these months, the Sun passing through the constellations of Taurus and Gemini, and Orion is invisibly above the horizon at the same time as the bright summer Sun shines onto the northern hemisphere.
While Orion is invisibly hidden behind the blue sky, the Dog Star Sirius is also invisible. This time has historically been called "The Dog Days of Summer." In ancient times, it was believed that Sirius was a very hot star and added its heat to the Sun's during this season, producing the hottest scorcing days of summer.
For those in the northern hemisphere baking under another hot summer, you'll be glad to know that the Dog Days are drawing to a close. The Earth has swung around its orbit all summer, and has now moved to a place where the Sun is lined up with the constellation Cancer. The Sun is no longer blocking mighty Orion behind its bright rays. This means that Orion is now becoming visible once again in the starry sky.
Depending on your latitude, Orion will become visible in the morning sky before sunrise. If you are up before the Sun, look to the east over the next few weeks and see if you can spot Orion rising above the eastern horizon. Once Orion gains some height in the morning sky, keep a close watch for the first appearance of bright Sirius. The first morning that Sirius is visible is the heliacal rising of Sirius, the time when the bright Dog Star rises just before the Sun.
In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was a great event, signalling the end of the Dog Days and the beginning of the Egyptian year. This annual event coincided with the annual flood of the River Nile, which saved the crops in time for the harvest. By observing the rising of Sirius, the Egyptians developed the world's first solar calendar. This calendar is the ancestor of the Gregorian calendar we use today to tell time throughout the world.

For more information about topics from Classical Astronomy, please check out Signs & Seasons, a homeschool astronomy curriculum!
Sirius and the Solar Calendar |
March 7 |
Egypt is a very dry, desert place that gets very little rain. Throughout history, only along the River Nile has there been enough water to allow farmers to grow crops. Egyptian farmers have always dug irrigation ditches from the Nile to water their fields. During the hottest days of Summer, the water level in the Nile would begin to run low. But each Summer, the Nile would flood, overflowing its banks, bringing water and nutrient-rich soil to save the crops.
The Annual Flood of the Nile was the most important event of the year for the Ancient Egyptians. In a land without rain, Egypt's very survival depended on the flood, for without it the crops would fail and the people would starve. In 400 B.C. the Greek historian Herodotus wrote:
When they (the Egyptians) learned that all Greece is watered by rain and not, as Egypt is, by the flooding of rivers, they remarked that the day would come when the Greeks would be sadly disappointed and starve - in other words, if God sees fit to send no rain but afflicts us with a drought, we shall all die from famine because we have no source of water other that the rain which God chooses to grant us.
Jesus said: He maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. - Matthew 5:45
While the LORD did not send much rain to Egypt, he did send the Annual Flood of the Nile.
The Flood of the Nile had produced many important contributions to our modern culture. Geometry was first developed in Egypt so as to measure the land after the flood, in the event that land boundaries were wiped out. But another great contribution was the development of the first solar calendar.
The brightest star Sirius was a special star to the ancient Egytians. The hottest days of the year occurred when the Dog Star was lost behind the Sun's glare. The ancients believed that Sirius added heat to the Sun. So the hottest days of Summer were called "The Dog Days" after Sirius.
The Nile Flood occurred right after the Dog Days, sometime in late July. And by a fortuitous circumstance the Flood always happened shortly after Sirius was first visible in the morning before sunrise. The Egyptians would watch the morning sky intently. On a morning when Sirius could finally be seen, they knew the Flood would soon happen, and save the crops for another year.
The first sighting of the morning rising of Sirius always happened every 365 days. Over time it was found that about every four years, Sirius would be sighted 366 days after the previous sighting. This day was celebrated in Egypt as "The Feast of the Opening of the Year," the first day of the Egyptian new year. And this was the first calendar in history to measure the Sun's annual cycle instead of the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases. In this manner, Sirius was the important "calendar star" for measuring the solar year.
While the solar year was well known in Egypt, the Greeks and Romans had used a type of lunar calendar. In reforming the Roman calendar, Julius Caesar consulted the Greek-Egyptian astronomer Sosigenes. As reported by the Roman encyclopedist Pliny the Elder in about 70 A.D.:
Caesar during his dictatorship, who with the assistance of the learned astronomer Sosigenes brought the separate years back into conformity with the course of the Sun.
The Roman historian Suetonius later added:
He (Caesar) linked the year to the course of the Sun by lengthening it to 365 days, abolishing the extra short month and adding an entire day every four years.
This was the establishment of the Julian calendar. As we saw in a recent Update, this is essentially the calendar still in use today. The calendar of Julius Caesar was revised in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Since that time the western world has come to adopt the modified Gregorian calendar. (For more on the Gregorian reform, see The Astronomy of Easter.)
Anyway, as you gaze up at the evening sky this month, observe Orion and his faithful dog Sirius. As you watch Sirius creep toward the sunset in the coming months, pause to consider that this little twinkle first taught people to understand the annual cycle of the Sun's motion.
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