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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 10/11/2011 17:24
Por encima de los versículos 12-16 se refieren a la descripción del "Hijo del Hombre", como la del medio de los siete candeleros de oro, brillante como el sol en su fuerza, [v. 16]. This identifies the Sun, personified as Christ, [ Mal. Esto identifica al Sol, personificado como Cristo, [Mal. 4:2 ] holding seven stars, shining in the center of the seven branches of the candlestick. 4:02] la celebración de siete estrellas, brillando en el centro de los siete brazos del candelero. These seven celestial luminaries are associated with the angels of the seven churches in Rev. Estos siete luminarias celestes están asociados con los ángeles de las siete iglesias en Apocalipsis 1:20 . 01:20. Here God's Word draws a direct comparison, first, between the Sun in the center of the Candlestick, embodied in Christ. Aquí la Palabra de Dios establece una comparación directa, en primer lugar, entre el Sol en el centro de la vela, encarnado en Cristo. This sets the context wherein we can understand the symbolism of the other branches of the Menorah. Esto establece el contexto en el que podemos entender el simbolismo de las otras ramas de la Menorá. Secondly, the angels of the seven churches are embodied in Seven Stars held in Christ's right hand. En segundo lugar, los ángeles de las siete iglesias están incorporados en las Siete Estrellas celebrada en la mano derecha de Cristo. At this point, we should be reminded of the mythological roots of planetary symbolism, and how the planets Mercury-Gabriel, Mars-Michael, Saturn-Satan and the Sun and light of the world-Jesus Christ, also called the Covenant Angel named Wonderful [ Judg 13:18 ],are associated with these archangels. En este punto, debemos recordar las raíces mitológicas del simbolismo del planeta, y cómo los planetas Mercurio, Gabriel, Miguel Marte, Saturno y el Sol de Satanás y la luz del mundo Cristo-Jesús, también llamado el Ángel del Pacto llamado Maravilloso [Jueces 13:18], están asociados con estos arcángeles. The following quote from VP Wierwille, regarding the ancient Biblical symbolism of planets, establishes the basic context of our investigation of Biblical planetary symbolism: La siguiente cita de VP Wierwille, en relación con el antiguo simbolismo bíblico de los planetas, establece el marco básico de nuestra investigación del simbolismo bíblico del planeta:

" Writers have dealt at length with the spiritual significance of the constellations and their respective stars, but little has been said of the significance of the planets from a Biblical point of view. Mercury , the planet closest to the Sun, has long been characterized as the messenger god…In Acts 14:12 Paul as the chief speaker is called Mercurius . This same characteristic of being a message-bearer is attributed to Gabriel , God's archangel, whom God sent to Mary in Nazareth in Luke 1:26 . Venus…is known in Astronomy as the Morning Star because of its prominent position and brightness in the dawn sky. Biblically it is associated with Jesus Christ the “bright and morning star” in Rev. 22:16. Mars , the first planet farther away from the Sun than Earth is in mythology associated with war. In its genuine spiritual light this characteristic is best seen in the Archangel Michael, whom God commissions to stand and fight for His people; [ Dan. 12:1 ], and is seen fighting the Devil in Rev. 12:7. Jupiter in mythology was the father of the gods, the ruler and king who reigned over all else. Jupiter was associated with royalty. Interestingly, the Hebrew name for the planet Jupiter is zedeq , meaning “righteousness.” The Messiah who would come from David's genetic line was to be the “righteous branch,” according to Jeremiah 23:5 , who would reign as a king and execute righteousness...thus Jupiter has characteristics that would associate it with the Messiah, the Christ. Saturn’s significant associations have been obscured more than others, although Saturn is identified as the god responsible for agriculture and the harvest. In astrological lore, Saturn is an evil star signifying death and darkness. Likewise in Judean tradition, its usual signification is negative, for its associated with death, destruction, weeping, and grief. It was felt to have a hindering and inhibitive force in its negative aspect, especially when in Conjunction with another planet. Perhaps here is a clue to its association with Satan, the fallen archangel. The similarity between the names Saturn and Satan points to a possible common etymological origin. No known ancient beliefs surround Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the three remaining planets in our solar system, because being invisible to the naked eye, they were generally unknown to the ancients. The above associations and meanings proposed for the planets cannot be affirmed with finality. However they are very interesting when viewed in a Biblical light ." 3 "Los escritores han tratado extensamente el significado espiritual de las constelaciones y sus estrellas respectivas, pero poco se ha hablado de la importancia de los planetas desde un punto de vista bíblico. Mercurio, el planeta más cercano al Sol, ha sido caracterizada por ser el dios mensajero ... En 14:12 Pablo Hechos como el principal interlocutor se llama Mercurio. Esta misma característica de ser un portador del mensaje se le atribuye a Gabriel, el arcángel de Dios, enviado por Dios a María en Nazaret, en Lucas 1:26. Venus ... se conoce en astronomía como la estrella de la mañana, debido a su prominente posición y el brillo en el cielo del amanecer. Bíblicamente se asocia a Jesucristo, el "la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana" en Apocalipsis 22:16. Marte, el primer planeta más lejos del Sol que la Tierra en la mitología asociada con la guerra en su luz espiritual genuina esta característica se ve mejor en el Arcángel Miguel, a quien Dios comisiones de pie y luchar por su pueblo;. [Daniel 12:1.], y se ve la lucha contra el Diablo en Apocalipsis 12:7. Júpiter en la mitología era el padre de los dioses, el gobernante y el rey que reinó sobre todo lo demás. Júpiter se asocia con la realeza. Curiosamente, el nombre hebreo para el planeta Júpiter es zedeq, que significa "justicia". El Mesías que vendría de la línea genética de David iba a ser el "germen justo:" de acuerdo a Jeremías 23:05, que reinaría como un rey y ejecutar la justicia ... Por esto, Júpiter tiene características que lo asocian con el Mesías, el asociaciones significativas Cristo. Saturno se han oscurecido más que otros, aunque Saturno es identificado como el responsable de la agricultura y la cosecha de Dios. En la tradición astrológica, Saturno es una estrella del mal que significa la muerte y la oscuridad. Del mismo modo en la tradición Judea, su significación usual es negativo , por sus asociados con la muerte, destrucción, llanto y dolor. Se consideró que una fuerza de obstaculizar y de inhibición en su aspecto negativo, especialmente cuando está en conjunción con otro planeta. Tal vez aquí hay una pista de su asociación con Satanás, a los caídos arcángel. La similitud entre los nombres de Saturno y los puntos de Satanás a un posible origen etimológico común. No se conoce las creencias antiguas rodean Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, los tres restantes planetas de nuestro sistema solar, porque el ser invisible a simple vista, generalmente eran desconocidas para los antiguos. Estas asociaciones y significados propuestos para los planetas no se puede afirmar de forma definitiva. Sin embargo, son muy interesantes cuando se ve en una luz bíblica "3.

This foundational understanding of the Biblical symbolism of the five major planets in ancient Astrology and mythology has been corroborated from other independent scholarly sources, and authorities in the modern study of Astronomy . Esta comprensión básica de la simbología bíblica de los cinco planetas principales en la antigua astrología y la mitología ha sido corroborada por otras fuentes independientes de académicos y autoridades en el estudio moderno de la Astronomía . For example, much of the apparent value of Mayan Astronomy is found from our perspective, in how their tzolkin cycle correlates to the cycle of Venus , in her transit s and Morning/Evening Star cycles, and secondly to the other planets in their synodic returns. Por ejemplo, gran parte del valor aparente de Maya Astronomía se encuentra desde nuestra perspectiva, en la forma de su ciclo Tzolkin se correlaciona con el ciclo de Venus, en su tránsito s de la mañana / tarde ciclos de estrellas, y en segundo lugar a los otros planetas en sus declaraciones sinódico . We have already seen the relevance of certain aspects of Mayan Astronomy related to the Draconid Meteor Showers leading up to the birth of Christ, and we will consider other elements of the Maya in the section of our web-site dedicated to their expert Astronomy . Ya hemos visto la importancia de ciertos aspectos de Maya Astronomía relacionados con el Dracónidas Meteoro Lluvia previos al nacimiento de Cristo, y tendremos en cuenta otros elementos de los mayas en la sección de nuestra página web dedicada a su experto en astronomía . When correlated with the Solar cycle, we have a threefold spiritual witness of the Morning Star's dual aspects, first in relation to Lucifer the archaic Morning Star, and second in relation to Christ the ascendant Morning Star. Cuando se correlacionan con el ciclo solar, tenemos un triple testimonio espiritual de la doble dimensión de la Estrella de la Mañana, en primer lugar en relación con Lucifer, el lucero del alba arcaico, y el segundo en relación con el Cristo de la Estrella de la Mañana ascendente. Some additional background on the planets Mercury , and Venus will be helpful here for a fuller understanding of this symbolism. Algunos antecedentes sobre los planetas Mercurio y Venus serán útiles aquí para una mejor comprensión de este simbolismo.

Venus is the third brightest sky object next to the Sun and Moon, this bright and Morning Star , “ reaches its brightest magnitude as a Morning Star, in Virgo every 8 years . Venus es el tercer objeto más brillante del cielo al lado del Sol y la Luna, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana ", llega a su momento más brillante de magnitud como una estrella de la mañana, en Virgo cada 8 años. This signifies Jesus' birth, while as an Evening star , Venus reaches its highest degree of magnitude in Capricorn , signifying his sacrifice for all mankind .” 4 Esto significa el nacimiento de Jesús, mientras que como una estrella de la tarde, Venus alcanza su más alto grado de magnitud en Capricornio, lo que significa su sacrificio por toda la humanidad "4.
Here we find another illustration of the sufferings and glory of the ascendant Morning Star. Aquí encontramos otro ejemplo de los sufrimientos y la gloria de la estrella de la mañana ascendente. The sufferings are shown in his sacrifice symbolized in Capricorn , while the glory of the Morning Star in rising, is seen in the new birth of Venus' cycle of brightness in Virgo every 8 years . Los sufrimientos se muestran en su sacrificio simbolizado en Capricornio, mientras que la gloria de la estrella de la mañana al levantarse, se ve en el nuevo nacimiento del ciclo de Venus en Virgo de brillo cada 8 años. These truths come to light as we take note of the sign of the zodiac wherein the planet in question appears. Estas verdades salen a la luz a medida que tome nota de la señal de la zodiac en la que el planeta en cuestión aparece. When we associate the planetary symbolism with the Biblical significance of the celestial sign where the planet appears, we find a combined message contained in the separate symbols of the planet associated with the Constellation s and their star names , as in a star atlas. Cuando asociamos el simbolismo planetario con el significado bíblico de la señal celestial, donde el planeta parece, nos encontramos con un mensaje combinado contenida en los símbolos separados del planeta asociado con la constelación de s y sus nombres estrella, como en un atlas estelar. Unlike other planets in our solar system, Venus' 225-day orbit around the Sun is counter-clockwise , always showing the same face to the Sun. A diferencia de otros planetas de nuestro sistema solar, de 225 días de Venus alrededor del Sol es a la izquierda, mostrando siempre la misma cara al sol. This provides an important example of mirror-rotational Symmetry Este es un ejemplo importante de un espejo de rotación simetría in the interwoven orbits of the planets of our solar system. en las órbitas entrelazadas de los planetas de nuestro sistema solar. Like Mercury , Venus shows lunar like phases in its orbital cycle, as it transit s across the face of the Sun, which has reminded some of Revelation 19:17 . Venus also is seen to fit into the Galaxy alignment scenario foretold in Mayan Astronomy on the last page of the Dresden Codex . Al igual que Mercurio, Venus muestra lunares como las fases de su ciclo orbital, ya que el tránsito s en la cara del Sol, que ha recordado a algunos de 19:17 Apocalipsis. Venus también se observa para encajar en el Galaxy escenario de la alineación anunciada en maya Astronomía en la última página del Códice de Dresde. The graphic below depicts Mayan glyphs for the Sun, Moon and Venus attached to the body of a large crocodile which represents their 260-day Tzolkin Calendar. El gráfico siguiente muestra glifos mayas para el Sol, la Luna y Venus unidos al cuerpo de un cocodrilo de gran tamaño que representa el de 260 días calendario Tzolkin. As the last page of the Mayan Long-Count Calendar, this foretells the end of the world, or their 5th Age, on December 21st, 2012 . Como la última página de la maya de cuenta larga del calendario, este predice el fin del mundo, o su edad de quinta, el 21 de diciembre de 2012.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2012 20:37
Temple of WAR/MARS

take note that "Arrius", is like "Ares", and its Roman form is "Mars", and its famine form is "MARIA" or "MARY".

Temples dedictated to Mars, had a specific design queue, They had DOME Temples

Temples of Mars

The Muslims, borrowed this "Temple Design" as well as the United States' White House.

(Mars is the God of WAR, and USA HAS THE biggest military IN THE World

Dome of the Rock is a Temple to Mars[Arrius], built over the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus/Golgotha

Islam, is a Religion designed to Program people into WAR, and there temples are modeled after the Temples to Mars [god of WAR] [Mars = Ares = Arrius Piso]

Here is a Dome,built by arabs

Here is a Roman Temple of Mars below that is still standing

4 Pillers, Triangle Roof like a Church

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/01/2012 16:52

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/02/2012 15:36

Seven Suns of Rome

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Kate McAlpine
Diagram of 1630 Halo by Christoph ScheinerA print of a diagram that was feared lost details the astonishing halo effects seen over Rome in 1630.Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel: (Graph. C 707)
Around midday on 24 January 1630, seven suns seemed to blaze over Rome. Many onlookers took the phenomenon as a celestial omen of good or ill fortune, but an adherent of the scientific revolution also took note of the kaleidoscopic sky.
Jesuit scholar Christoph Scheiner recorded the phenomenon, along with a similar one seen ten months earlier. His work helped to inspire seventeenth-century Dutch astronomer and philosopher Christiaan Huygens to develop the first theories of how such ‘halo effects’ might arise naturally, but the 1630 diagram was thought to have been lost. A librarian in Germany has now uncovered what seems to be a copy of the picture, and reports the find in Applied Optics1.
Halo effects are caused by particles of ice in the atmosphere refracting and reflecting light, and they often manifest as rings, circles or arcs around the Sun or Moon. Sometimes ‘mock suns’ known as parhelia appear at certain points along the rings. This is what Scheiner recorded in 1629 and 1630, although he didn’t know the cause.
Scheiner’s letters and diagrams depicting the halos passed among his contemporaries for interpretation, influencing luminaries such as French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes to try to explain similar atmospheric phenomena. But the originals of both diagrams had vanished by 1658, when Huygens came to the subject. He worked from a book by French astronomer Pierre Gassendi, which included a copy of the 1629 diagram and a written description of the 1630 display. Huygens drew his own reconstruction of the 1630 diagram.

Lost and found
For centuries, Huygens’s reconstruction was the earliest known diagram of the 1630 halos. In the 1890s, an original print of Scheiner’s picture surfaced at the Munich University Library in Germany — only to be destroyed when bombs hit the building in 1943.
But earlier this year, Eva Seidenfaden, scientific librarian at the Trier Municipal Library in Germany, was browsing the digitized collection of Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, when she spotted an intriguing halo diagram in the Herzog archives. She recognized the picture’s Latin caption from her research into the subject with Walter Tape, a retired mathematician at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Günther Können, former head of climate analysis at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute in De Bilt.
Seidenfaden alerted Tape, who used the surviving Munich University Library records to confirm that it was a copy of the same diagram. The find “was a stunning surprise”, says Tape.
Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis, a historian of science at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, says that the diagram is particularly interesting “because it concerns one of the first well recorded observations of halos. Consequently it adds not only to our historical knowledge, but also to our scientific body of knowledge”. He compares it to finding old astronomical or meteorological data, crucial for reconstructing the past.
Making a preliminary comparison between the Scheiner and Huygens diagrams, Können says, “The halo displays on the two diagrams are very close — there are no halos in the original that are missed in Huygens’s reconstruction.” This is not so surprising, he adds, given that Scheiner was meticulous in his description.
In her announcement of the find, Seidenfaden proposes that more of Scheiner’s work might be uncovered by tracing how the diagram made its way to the Herzog library. She says that there is even a possibility, albeit remote, that further investigation might turn up a draft of Scheiner’s own interpretation of his observations. END OF ARTICLE
Everything in this world has been twisted by the powers and principalities with the help of humans who were taught that these false religions were of GOD. In fact, they are NOT of GOD, and the fallen sons of GOD have conducted many rituals within these religions to keep humanity believing it is real, the real truth BUT it is not!

The goddess Vesta was daughter of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea (Earth). As protectress of Humanity, she guarded the sacred fire at Rome, kindled by the Sun, which was never allowed to go out, upon pain of death. This Fire symbolized the hearth at the center of the household, at the center of the planet itself, or of a Sun. The Palladium or sacred image of Pallas Athene, protectress of Troy, brought to Rome by Aeneas, was kept with the sacred fire at the circular Temple of the Vestal virgins in Rome. The Twins Romulus and Remus were born of Mars and Ilia, a vestal descended from Aeneas of Troy. Ilia was buried alive for breaking her vows after bearing them, and they were left on one of the seven hills to die, but were found and suckled by a she-wolf until rescued by a local shepherd. What more perfect symbol for the founding of Rome than dog-star (she-wolf) SIRIUS (Isis suckling Osiris), in GEMINI (Romulus and Remus), during the Age of ARIES (brought up to age by a sheep-herd)!
Vatican Connections

There is far more to the story than most people realize when it comes to the Rome connection to Orion. The fact that Sun worship was a favorite in the city of Rome is no secret but the connection of obelisks and others objects puzzle most. The actual proximity and geological criteria of Rome comes into account when we begin to see the correlations.
Rome itself was built in close proximity to seven hills that have become legendary to the city. So legendary in fact, that they are even known and referred to as “The Seven Hills of Rome”.
Were these hills/mounds/pyramids manmade? Are they a representation of the stars of Sirius in Orion? The implications of the Vatican’s causeway’s alignment with the ‘star fortress’ when looking East, as viewed from the Pope’s balcony is very significant! Also note that this same conclusion can be seen from the view of Saint Peter’s statue looking down the causeway, specifically before the city of Rome was built-up.
The Three Magi in the East
Were the Magi what we as believers thought they were?
Albert Pike:
The Syrians worshipped, with fear and dread, the Stars of the Constellation Pisces, and consecrated images of them in their temples. The Sun as Adonis was worshipped in Byblos and about Mount Libanus. There was a magnificent Temple of the Sun at Palmyra, which was pillaged by the soldiers of Aurelian, who rebuilt it and dedicated it anew. The Pleiades, under the name of Succoth-Beneth, were worshipped by the Babylonian colonists who settled in the country of the Samaritans. Saturn, under the name of Remphan, was worshipped among the Copts. The planet Jupiter was worshipped as Bel or Baal; Mars as Malec, Melech, or Moloch; Venus as Ashtaroth or Astarte, and Mercury as Nebo, among the Syrians, Assyrians, Phśnicians, and Canaanites.
Orion, with Betelgueux in his right shoulder, Bellatrix in his left shoulder, Rigel on the left foot, and in his belt the three stars known as the Three Kings, and now as the Yard and Ell. Orion, ran the legend, persecuted the Pleiades; and to save them from his fury, Jupiter placed them in the Heavens, where he still pursues them, but in vain. They, with Arcturus and the Bands of Orion, are mentioned in the Book of Job. They are usually called the Seven Stars, and it is said there were seven, before the fall of Troy; though now only six are visible.
The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star, (l’Etoile Flamboyante). The Sun is still symbolized by the point within a Circle; and, with the Moon and Mercury or Anubis, in the three Great Lights of the Lodge.
The three Kings in Orion are in a straight line, and equidistant from each other, the two extreme Stars being 3° apart, and each of the three distant from the one nearest it 1° 30′. And as the number three is peculiar to apprentices, so the straight line is the first principle of Geometry, having length but no breadth, and being but the extension of a point, and an emblem of Unity, and thus of Good, as the divided or broken line is of Duality or Evil. Near these Stars are the Hyades, five in number, appropriate to the Fellow-Craft; and close to them the Pleiades, of the master’s number, seven; and thus these three sacred numbers, consecrated in Masonry as they were in the Pythagorean philosophy, always appear together in the Heavens, when the Bull, emblem of fertility and production, glitters among the Stars, and Aldebarán leads the Hosts of Heaven (Tsbauth).
The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represents Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls. Our Ancient English brethren also considered it an emblem of the Sun. In the old Lectures they said: “The Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the Earth, and by its genial influence dispenses blessings to mankind.” It is also said in those lectures to be an emblem of Prudence. The word Prudentia means, in its original and fullest signification, Foresight: and accordingly the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun.

“…what we are seeing is that the magical rituals, incarnations and invocations of these beings extends to Freemasonry, to Solomon’s Temple to Egypt and to the rising of Atlantis. The ancient hope for the completion of the temple and full restoration of the Atlantean kingdom. The apotheosis. The incarnation of a deity through the underworld to the Earth’s surface in the embodiment of a man – Horus/Tammuz, through the union of the dome or the womb of Isis/Semiramisis and the obelisk or the erected phallus of Osiris/Nimrod. Reanimating DNA just as Isis did with Osiris’ 13 pieces to create Horus, the resurrected Osiris...”

One place on the Earth that exemplifies these rituals to the fullest extent is at the Vatican Church State in Rome. Where the obelisk, the dome and the star relates to the Aeon of Horus and the “occultification” of Sirius, since the three symbols are the direct represenation of Sirius. The Vatican’s role in this syncretism will be to move the Papal throne to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem under an agreed arrangement with the Roman Catholicism and Islam. In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI joined Muslims at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul in holy prayers in the direction of the Mecca. In May of 2010, he entered the Temple Mount with Muslims, in what was officially described as pathway towards the final solution and implementation of an agreement with the Jews and the Palestinians and to signify the unity of the faiths of Catholicism and Islam.

The Dome of the Rock, the Pope prays with Muslims towards Mecca and convenes peace
agreement meetings on the Temple Mount, St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican in Rome shows the
“occultification” of Sirius with the Dome, Obelisk and Star; and the Europa riding the Bull.

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. – Revelations 17:1-5, the Bible.

this deception is as diverse as the woman clothed in purple and the beast of Revelations 17, because tied into the monumental paradigm shift of economic collapse, wars and disastrous Earth changes is the intervention of the extraterrestrial presence as part of the acquisition of the ancient science and technology in the symbolic rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple. Monsignor Corrado Balducci of the governing body, the Vatican Curia, proclaimed on national Italian television that the extraterrestrial phenomena is real and that fundamentally, the existence of extraterrestrials is consistent with the Catholic Church’s understanding and philosophies of theology.

Given the extent of the cruelty and wickedness that the Priest Class of Magicians at the Vatican Church State has inflicted on the peoples of the Earth, through their various subordinate organizations – the American Corporate State, the City of London, the Illuminati, the Knights Templars, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the European Monarchies, the Club of Rome,… – from crusades to slavery to the utter destruction of native peoples to the world wars to the vast conspiratorial lies about religions; then wouldn’t it be advisable to apply a healthy dose of moral skepticism on the spiritual, technological and messianic significance of the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.

Kate Calpine



Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/02/2012 16:17

Rómulo y Remo

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Luperca amamantando a los gemelos Rómulo y Remo, la leyenda más difundida acerca de la fundación de Roma.

Según la tradición romana, los hermanos gemelos Rómulo (771 a. C. - 717 a. C.)[1] – y Remo (771 a. C. - 753 a. C.) fueron los encargados de fundar Roma. Finalmente sería sólo Rómulo quien la fundaría, constituyéndose en su primer rey. La historiografía actual considera falsa esta tradición, fijando el origen de la ciudad a finales del siglo VII a. C.[2]



[editar] El mito

Después de la guerra de Troya, Eneas, un príncipe troyano que sobrevivió a la destrucción de su ciudad, se refugió con su familia en la llanura del Lacio. Algunos años después su hijo, Ascanio, fundó la ciudad de Alba Longa.

Cuatro siglos más tarde, unos de los reyes de Alba Longa, Numitor, fue destronado por su hermano menor Amulio. Para garantizar su seguridad, el usurpador mató a todos los hijos varones de su hermano y obligó a su sobrina, Rea Silvia, a hacerse sacerdotisa. Pero el dios Marte la hizo madre de los gemelos Rómulo y Remo. Amulio, enfurecido, ordenó que los niños fueran arrojados a las aguas del río Tiber. Pero la canasta en la que habían sido depositados quedó varada en la orilla y una loba encontró a los hermanos y los amamantó. Más tarde fueron recogidos por el matrimonio de pastores Fáustulo y Aca Larentia. Se dice que fueron educados en Gabio -centro cultural del Lacio- y que más tarde fueron bandoleros.

[editar] Regreso y fundación de Roma

Los gemelos fueron criados por un pastor que los encontró con la loba y descubrieron su origen. Buscando venganza, volvieron a su ciudad natal para matar a su tío abuelo y reponer en el trono a su abuelo Numitor. Éste, en agradecimiento, les entregó territorios al noroeste del Lacio. Con 18 años (753 a.C.) decidieron fundar una ciudad justo donde la loba los encontró. Discutiendo sobre el nombre de la ciudad decidieron que lo elegiría aquel que avistase más pájaros, prueba que superó Rómulo y otorgó a la ciudad el nombre de Roma (muy similar a su nombre y en parte basado en la heroína Roma). Remo decía que era un augurio las seis aves que señalaban el monte Aventino, mientras que Rómulo entendió como otro augurio las doce aves que señalaron el monte Palatino. Este último, tras una discusión, decidió marcar los límites de la futura ciudad -Pomerium-, la Roma quadrata del monte Palatino- y amenazó con matar a todo aquel que los cruzase. Remo, ebrio, decidió retar a su hermano y los cruzó, argumentando que nunca llegaría a ser rey. Rómulo no lo dudó y acabó con su vida. Arrepentido, decidió enterrar a su hermano en la cima del Palatino y emprendió una nueva etapa como único rey de Roma.

Creó el Senado -compuesto por 100 personas conocidas como patres, cuyos descendientes fueron los patricios- y dividió la ciudad en 30 curias o congregaciones. Los primeros habitantes, por otro lado, fueron los asylum: refugiados, libertos, esclavos, prófugos.

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/02/2012 15:17

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 176 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/02/2012 15:59

Which is closer to earth the sun or mars

wiki.answers.com › ... › Planetary ScienceEn caché - Traducir esta página
Using some very approximate numbers, the average distance from the sun to Earth is 150000000 km while Mars is 227000000 km away. So when the two ...
  • Force of gravity on mars question? - Yahoo! Answers

    answers.yahoo.com › ... › PhysicsEn caché - Traducir esta página
    22 Feb 2011 – If We put a man at the same point where is Planet Mars and at the same distance from the Sun, about 227000000 Km, there'll be a gravitational ...
  • National Air and Space Museum

    terpconnect.umd.edu/~awafo/fieldtrip%203.htmlEn caché - Traducir esta página
    The third gallery I visited was “Exploring the Planets”, and the Planets I read about were Mars and Saturn. Mars' distance from the sun is 227000000 km. It has a ...
  • Field Trip Report I

    www.terpconnect.umd.edu/.../fieldtrip1.htmlEn caché - Traducir esta página
    Mars, with an average distance of 227000000 km away from the sun and a diameter of 6790 km, is just one of the planets analyzed. One Mars year is 687 Earth ...
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    58000000 km from the sun venus rotates in the opposite direction of most other ... mars thin atmosphere, colder than the earth; has two moons; 227000000 km ...
  • Planets

    www.kinderscience.com/planets.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Mars is named after Greek and Roman god of war. Mars is the third largest terrestrial planet. Mar is 141500000 miles or 227000000 kilometers from the Sun.
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    Mars was named after the god of war because it is red in color. Galileo Galilei discovered ... than that planet turns. Mars is 227000000 km away from the sun ...
  • planet project

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    Mars' two moons are Deimos and Phobos. 7.)Mars' average distance from the sun is 770000005 mi from the sun(227000000 km). 8.)Mars' escape velocity is ...
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    Mean distance from Sun: 1.524 AU (227000000 km/141500000 mi). Diameter ... Mars is orbited by two small, potato-shaped satellites, Phobos and Deimos.
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    books.google.com.ar/books?isbn=1402003757...Walter A. R. Peeters - 2002 - Business & Economics - 356 páginas
    ... DISTANCE (KM) ROUND TRIP DELAY (S) Low Earth orbit 500 3 x 10'3 Geostationary 35700 0.24 Moon 384000 1.28 Mars (average) 227000000 757 ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 176 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/02/2012 17:20

    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 176 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2012 02:18

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 176 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2012 19:20
    with the Red Sun.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 176 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/02/2012 21:36

    Myths and Legends - Rome, the Wolf, and Mars - Ancient / Classical ...

    ancienthistory.about.com/.../grecoromanmyth1/...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Myths and Legends - The founding of Rome by Romulus.
  • Romulus and Remus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulus_and_RemusEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Traditional scholarship says the wolf-figure is Etruscan, 5th century BC, with ..... as an originally Sabine war-deity, and thus to be identified with Roman Mars.
  • Mars (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(mythology)En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Mars' association with the wolf is familiar from what may be the most famous of Roman myths, the story of how a she-wolf (lupa) suckled his infant sons when ...
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    Ir a Mars, the Wolf, and the Woodpecker‎: The moons of Mars are named for these ... The Wolf is the symbol of Rome, and goes back to the story ...
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    God Mars was the Roman god of war, much more revered than his Greek ... and Mars sent a she-wolf to take care of them (the wolf and the woodpecker were his ...
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    The tale of the founding of rome. ... The twin-brothers were the supposed sons of the god Mars and the priestess Rhea Silvia. The story ... They were found by a she-wolf, who instead of killing them, looked after them and fed them with her milk.
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    22 Dec 2011 – Because of this, the wolf is a popular symbol of Rome. According to lore, the woodpecker also helped Mars' sons by bringing them nourishment ...
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    Mars was Roman god of war, the son of Juno and a magical flower (or ... His sacred animals are the wolf and the woodpecker, and he is accompanied by Fuga ...
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    ANCIENT ROME : ROMULUS AND REMUS FED BY THE SHE WOLF ... and the god Mars, who had seduced her in a sacred grove, where she was searching ...

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