For the record, I am not affiliated with any group, or religious organizations, nor have I been so in this life.
These following pieces, to the most pertinent ov historical puzzles, are relevant to the past, current, and future state ov this Earth, whether the established groups, and or religious organizations ov the world exist, or not.
Great puzzle pieces to ponder.
Sourse information is a compilation from past online conversations, and things collected from research.
33 degrees is associated with Mastery in Masonic symbolism. Very much relevant in connection with the 33 vertebrate ov the spinal column as well.
We measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The lunar calendar is said to have 360 days, also a perfect circle.
Found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book, it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio.
Exaltation was/is considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite.
In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.
The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Seven Pillars, Virgin of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.'
'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida (lucus, lucy?), then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years."
Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinoxthe Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line."
What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess?
According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was 'Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious One. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the 'Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed heavenward.
Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the center of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves.
Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead center, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier center. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that center is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs the universe.'
An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the center of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, center. Its meaning, center, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this center, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.
I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades'7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, "O" tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.
At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. There is a clue is in her title, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'. In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. So was Mary Magdalene a direct connection to a secreted Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus/John the Baptist might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the canary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light. The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra ( Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.
In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus/John the Baptist were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, a form of Jes-us.'
This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however had travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa. Isa's tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar, actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. 'Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves' Matthew 11:16 'Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.'
Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls. There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-terrestrials. ' Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades. [According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the 'sacred seven,' and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis.' This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene (Queen?) Alcyone, of Pleiadia, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.
Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke, 16 Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, 'This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren.' The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate and sworn to in Masonry. I believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees - the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun.
'Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades' archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Pillars ov Hathor (Ha Thor). (Matthew 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation)
The dead had to speak the names of the Goddess to pass her 'critical' examination and enter paradise.' (Reminiscent ov, "only by the confession ov the name.)
It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia/Maya/Mary/Mery when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.
The real name was/is imbued with magical powers and properties; to destroy someone's name was/is to deprive them of all individuality and all power. To perpetuate the name of the father, or mother was a childs earnest duty. According to the Egyptian traditions, one could do nothing better for anyone than to cause his, or her name to live with inscriptions and representations, and nothing worse than to allow his, or her name to perish, to not be named. As in, to speak not the wHolly Name, was considered one ov the wores things that could happen.
Calling a person's name was/is important in performing Egyptian chants and spells. Incantation and chanting are scientifically controlled sound waves, which generate sonar fields, establishing an immediate vibratory identity with the essential principle that underlies any object or form.
Ancient and Baladi Egyptians did/do not have the so called last (sur or family) "name". Each family lineage was/ is defined by its profession/trade. It was/is one's profession/trade name that determines the "family name title name." Generaly family trades were something encoded right into the DNA. Hence the tradition ov Birthrights.
The joint legacy of the serpent and dragon was symbolized by that of the prehistoric crocodile, the most sacred of all creatures, symbolizing circumcision, that was practiced in Egypt thousands ov years before adopted by the Hebrew peoples, after Sarah came back from EShip, and the traditionally identified serpent should not be confused with the cold and venomous image conjured by the English word 'snake'.
The holy crocodile was Draco the mighty dragon of kingship, the pharoah, whence were named the Pen dragons, being the same as King Authors, and Scribes ov the LORD.
Dragon was a word that meant seer. The >wicked< Dragon, or King, had been cast down for having committed high treason against the LORD. Hence, why the ancient inheritance had been passed on to the seed ov Jacob, who became YisRaEl = Yah Isis Amen Ra Elohim.
The Coronation
Here we make a connection that the Mery and David, both meaning beloved, are titles given to the spiritual headship that was known to come from Alcyon, to land eventually in Eship, or Egypt, the Queen & her King, or seer. The Kings that found pleasure in the sight ov the LORD.
The Mery, Mighty Tower, ov the order ov Doves, is the anointer, life giver, and maker ov the David (Proverbs 8:15), Mery, the LORD from Egypt. ( Hosea 12 & 13.)
More puzzle pieces coming soon.
ICR © by Sonyah K. D. GuStafson P. AO
ceremony of the King included, among other things, anointing him with the fat of the crocodile. This is the original source of the Hebrew word 'Messiah'. MeSSeH was the word for crocodile in ancient Egypt. http://sonyahsangreal.homestead.com/PertinantPuzzlePiecesPertainingtoPleiadesTheMasterov7.html
Solomon's given legitimate name was actually Jedidiah. His father's true name is uncertain, since the titular style of David, meaning beloved, has predominated (although never recorded as a personal name before that time). Mesopotamian texts from the palace of Mari refer, however, to the Diividum as might be the" Caesar" (Emperor) or Pharaoh. In reality, Solomon and his successors were all Davids
(Devi's, Diividums.or Messiahs).
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade GD Bouw - Artículos relacionadosHoly Bible, the nature of the Pleiades star cluster in particular. The. Bible has much .... The notion that the spirit of the earth, Gaia, will protect the earth is such a ... angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are ...
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7 May 2008 – The Heart, Fire and Blood are the Symbols of the Holy Spirit and the ... The Pleiades represent the Spirits of Seven Churches in Asia Minor, ...
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Pleiades-1. To summarize, here are the symbols: 1. seven lamp stands = seven churches 2. seven spirits = seven aspects of the Holy Spirit 3. seven stars ...
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We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit when we are infused with sanctifying grace, the life of ... What Are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church? ...
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The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are a medieval enumeration of seven spiritual ... bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. ...
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21 May 2003 – The Holy Spirit just will not allow me to leave the Pleiades, or "The ... Hoax Chart of the Pleiades next to correct chart of the seven churches ...
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The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the .... In the book of Revelation the Holy Spirit gives us the symbols of the lion, the calf, the man, and ...
www.gabitogrupos.com/DESENMASCARANDO.../template.php?...En caché
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6 Jul 2011 – The Heart, Fire and Blood are the Symbols of the Holy Spirit and the ... The Pleiades represent the Spirits of Seven Churches in Asia Minor, ...
books.google.com.ar/books?id=q_8NAQAAMAAJ...Edward Bouverie Pusey, John Keble, John Henry Newman - 1847 - Christian literature, Early But the Pleiades, which themselves are also seven, as we have ... all see, that by it the Holy Spirit enlightens His faithful ones with the light of the sevenfold gift. ...
books.google.com.ar/books?isbn=1410217272...James Hastings - 2004 - Reference - 340 páginas Church was occupied in AD 44-46 with the famine and the Herodian ... Silas, like Paul, was a Hebrew of Latin name and Roman citizenship (16*7), — a ' prophet ... But the travellers were ' forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia' ...
"...The Magdalene is not, at any point in any of the Gospels, said to be a prostitute. When she is first mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, she is described as a woman 'out of whom went seven devils'. It is generally assumed that this phrase refers to a species of exorcism on Jesus's part, implying the Magdalene was 'possessed'. But the phrase may equally refer to some sort of conversion and/or ritual initiation. The cult of Ishtar or Astarte - the Mother Goddess and 'Queen of Heaven' - involved, for example, a seven-stage initiation [the seven veils]. Prior to her affiliation with Jesus, the Magdalene may well have been associated with such a cult. Migdal, or Magdala, was the 'Village of Doves', and there is some evidence that sacrificial doves were in fact bred there. And the dove was the sacred symbol of Astarte."
- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail
Psalm 68:13 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.
Song of Solomon 1:15 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes.
Song of Solomon 2:14 O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.
Song of Solomon 4:1 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.
Song of Solomon 5:2 I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night.
Song of Solomon 5:12 His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
Song of Solomon 6:9 My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.
Matthew 3:16And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
Mensaje del Rabino Ginsburgh El Mes de Tamuz
Mensaje de Torá del Rabino ItzjakGinsburgh
La Aparición de Moisés En Cada Generación
El Zohar enseña que nuestro Maestro Moisés "aparece" en cada generación, y en cada una de ellas hay un único individuo que es su encarnación. El espíritu de Moisés emana a todo hombre sabio de la generación, y de él a todos los que viven en su época, iluminando el alma judía con la luz de las partes internas y ocultas de la Torá ("el 'alma' de la Torá"), confiriéndoles el poder del Conocimiento Supremo, el poder que le permite a uno conocer y aferrarse al que "Da la Torá", Di-s, Bendito Sea.
Luego de la entrega de la Torá, en el principio del mes de Sivan, Moisés ascendió al monte Sinaí, donde permaneció por "cuarenta días y cuarenta noches", hasta el diecisiete (tov - "bien" = 17) de Tamuz ( "no hay otro "bien" que la Torá" - Pirkei Abot 6:3).
Si no fuera por el pecado del becerro de oro (que se produjo como resultado de la decepción al imaginar que Moshé había muerto - Talmud Bavli, Shabbat 89a), hubiéramos sido meritorios de poder ver concretamente la esencial "benevolencia" de Di-s cada día (como es sabido que "Di-s es la esencia del 'bien'", "y por naturaleza, alguien que es bueno siempre desea hacer el bien").
Ese mismo día se dió testimonio de la consumación de la entrega del verdadero "bien" al pueblo "bueno", o como afirman los sabios: "Deja que el "bueno" (Moisés) venga y reciba el "bien" (Torá) de parte de "El Bueno" (Di-s), para el pueblo "bueno" (Israel), Talmud Bavli, Menajot 53b).
La Cadena de Transmisión de la Torá
Esos 40 días que Moisés permaneció en el monte (en un estado que trasciende el tiempo tal como es conocido en este plano terrenal... "Él no comió pan ni tomó agua" - Exodo 34:28), comparable a las 40 generaciones de la transmisión de la Torá desde Moisés, nuestro Maestro, (quien recibió la Torá Escrita [en forma completa, y también la revelación inicial de la Torá Oral]), hasta Rav Ashi (en cuya generación y a través suyo fue plasmada la Torá Oral) como fue aclarado por Maimonides en la Introducción de su gran tratado legal Mishné Torá.
Moisés, nuestro Maestro, vivió en la 26o generación desde la Creación. 26 es también el equivalente numérico del Nombre de Di-s Havaiá, asociado con la Torá Escrita (el secreto de la sefirá de tiferet - "belleza", como está argumentado en Cabalá). Rav Ashi es la 65o generación (26 hasta Moisés incluido, más 39 generaciones hasta Rav Ashi). 65 es el equivalente numérico de otro Nombre central de Di-s: Adnut, el nombre asociado con la Torá Oral (el secreto de la sefirá de maljut, "reinado", "maljut es la boca, también llamada la Torá Oral" [Pataj Eliahu]). En lo concierniente a la unidad esencial de estos dos Nombres, le fue declarado a Moisés cuando Di-s Se reveló en la sarsa ardiente: Este es Mi Nombre (Havaiá, tal como se escribe, comparado con la Torá Escrita) por siempre, y este es Mi recuerdo (Adnut, tal como se pronuncia, comparado con la Torá Oral) de generación en generación" (Exodo 3:15).
Es enseñado en la cabalá: "El final está comprendido en el principio" (Sefer Ietzirá 1:6). Por cierto, Rav Ashi está insinuado en el principio de la Torá Escrita, la Torá de Moisés: las primeras cinco letras de la Torá, de la palabra Bereshit), son la permutación del nombre de Rav Ashi!
Evolución, Investir, Morar
La cadena generacional en la transmisión de la Torá, no debe ser vista como que se produce sólo a nivel de "desarrollo" y "evolución" (descripciones usadas para entender el "desencadenamiento de los mundos" durante el proceso de Creación). En todo proceso de desarrollo y evolución, el "final" del "nivel superior" está incluido en la "cabeza" o "principio" del "nivel inferior" (como la sucesión de eslabones en una cadena). El "final" del que influencia (el maestro), puede revelar enseñanzas (en forma oral) al receptor. Esta instrucción entra y es aprehendida por la "cabeza" del que recibe.
Sin embargo, la transmisión generacional de la Torá es mucho más que un simple proceso de desarrollo y evolución. Más exacto es verlo como que el maestro se "inviste" dentro del estudiante-receptor, algo similar al alma que se "inviste" dentro del cuerpo, con el fin de traerlo a la vida y darle continua existencia. No sólo el conocimiento revelado del maestro pasa al estudiante de una manera evolutiva, sino que también el alma del maestro "impregnada" en el estudiante, causa el despertar del poder intelectual de este, que luego fluye como un "inagotable manantial".
Más aún, y más esencial por cierto: desde una perspectiva más profunda, el Rebe (el Moisés de cada generación) y el discípulo son verdaderamente "uno" completamente unificados. Este nivel de revelación es el secreto del "morar" Divino a través de la aceptación de la Torá en cada generación. El nombre hebreo Moisés, es un acrónimo de "lo que fue, es lo que será" (Eclesiastes 1:9). "Moisés es Verdad y su Torá es Verdad" (Midrash Tanjuma, Koraj 11), y como es sabido, la Verdad es una cualidad eterna e indestructible. Cuando Di-s llama: "Moisés Moisés" (Exodo 3:4), notamos que no hay ninguna nota de entonación que indique un corte o pausa entre los dos "Moisés". Ambos, Moisés y la Torá, participan de lo eterno, de lo inquebrantable, porque ambos reflejan la Verdad.
Durante los 40 Días desde la entrega de la Torá hasta el diecisiete (tov) de Tamuz, Moisés (y a través de él toda alma judía) recibió iluminación desde la Morada Divina. Esta inspiración Divina fue otorgada en la entrega de la Torá a Moisés, y por eso -y en cada generación hasta la llegada del Mashiaj- "Moisés es el primer redentor, y es el redentor final". El pecado del becerro de oro, fue causado por una falta de conciencia de este secreto. El avanzado nivel de percepción de Moisés en la montaña (behar es similar a la palabra behirut, denotando un entendimiento claro y cristalino) no trajo al pueblo judío a un nivel similar de conciencia Divina. Por eso, después del pecado, le es dicho a Moisés: "Ve abajo (de la montaña)", para conducir al pueblo judío hacia una percepción conciente de que en su interior mora algo Divino.
Para aquel que alcanza esta percepción Divina (y consecuentemente rectifica el pecado del becerro de oro, la falsa ilusión de que "Moisés murió" como fue dicho arriba), Moisés vive eternamente -un alma dentro del cuerpo- "Porque la tierra (el cuerpo) estará llena del conocimiento de Di-s (el alma de Moisés) como las aguas ("Yo lo saqué de las aguas" - Exodo 2:10) cubren el lecho del mar" (Isaias 11:9).
On the freemasons website that Wayne Herschel is referring to on the Key of Solomon website, the freemasons speak of the wisdom of the ancient Philosophers who regarded the soul of man to have its origins in Heaven. The soul was believed to incarnate into the flesh after having descended from Heaven passing through the Gate of Man. Having lived another live on Earth the soul eventually left the body after death and returned to Heaven again this time passing through the Gate of God. The Gate of Man corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic at 5° Gemini (sidereal zodiac) while the Gate of God corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic in 5° Sagittarius.
The Greek writer Macrobius called these gates on the ecliptic, through which the souls ascended and descended to Heaven, the Gates of the Sun. This is because not only mortal man but also the Sun dies and is reborn in the precession cycle at the very same gates. When the Sun resides on the gates of the Sun at an equinox or solstice, it represents a Galactic Alignment and Great Celestial Conjunction.
What happens during the 39 year period of a Great Celestial Conjunction is that the Sun at the equinox or solstice slowly shifts through the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way.
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Winter Solstice Galactic Alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator
On Earth, the River Nile was the reflection of this great river in the sky, in accordance with the Hermetic principle "as above, so below." Herschel's earliest ingenious research has demonstrated that all of the pyramids along the river Nile represent constellations along the Milky Way, not just Orion! There are more than 50 pyramids in total, and their true meaning can only be deciphered when one considers the whole of Egypt.
During a Great Celestial Conjunction, the Sun crosses that great river in the sky, the Milky Way. Egyptologists explain that the solar God Ra (and Horus) required a boat because they sailed the Heavens from sunrise in the East to sunset in the West. At night, Ra travelled the Netherworld to be reborn in the morning at sunrise. Egyptologists reject the idea that the Egyptians understood the Precession of the Equinoxes and that the Sun also sojourns along the zodiac in a 26,000 year journey corresponding with the Precession Cycle.
In the Book of the Gates, the travel of the Sun at night along with the deceased pharaoh into the Netherworld is described. The Sun enters the Netherworld in the first hour just after sunset to be reborn in the morning at sunrise after a twelve hour nocturnal journey. There are many parallels, however, with the precessional journey of the Sun along the twelve signs of the zodiac to be discovered in the Book of the Gates. The 12 hours in the Book of Gates are structured into four groups of three hours, denoting a cross in the face of the clock. In the 12th hour Nun raises the solar barque with the scarab beetle of the Sun God from the primeval waters (Milky Way?), this is the hour of the rebirth of the Sun.
Left: Nun raises the solar barque from the primeval waters at ‘sunrise’, the time of the rebirth of the Sun.
During Ra's travel through all of the twelve signs of the zodiac in the precession cycle, he will be requiring a boat to twice cross that great river in the sky, the Milky Way! It is probably the only reason why the Egyptian deities required a Sun barque in the first place. Boats are used to cross waters, not skies, so it was used not for their nightly ecliptic travel from East to West through the Netherworld, but for their travels along the zodiac in the precession cycle. It is during this journey that the Sun would be required to cross the waters of the Milky Way at least twice. The Book of the Gates may therefore have been misinterpreted by Egyptologists as the nocturnal journey of the Sun simply because they reject the idea that the Egyptians understood Precession! Keep in mind that only twice per year on the equinox the day and night will be exactly 12 hours in length. It is therefore far more logical that the 12 hours in the Book of the Gates are in fact the 12 zodiacal Ages of the Precession Cycle.
Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were buried with their arms crossed holding Ankhs in their hands. This posture of the deceased pharaoh can be found on sarcophagus and in statues throughout Egypt. The Ankh represents a cross symbol.
Left: Grave statue of Tjel mayor of Memphis under Amenhotep III Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden. Right: Sarcophagus with crossed arms and X cross on chest, Dutch National Museum of antiquities, Leiden.
Since the Greek inherited much of their wisdom from the Egyptians, it's more than reasonable to suspect that the gate or portal mentioned in the Book of the Gates through which the pharaoh enters the Netherworld is, in fact, the Gate of God that the Greek writer Macrobius writes about. The Gate of God was also called the Golden Gate, while the Gate of Men was called the Silver Gate. The very same Egyptian cross symbolism used by the pharaohs associated with the Golden and Silver gates of the soul (and the Sun) can still be recognized in the coat of arms of the Vatican, consisting of two crossed keys; one Golden, one Silver.
Silver and Golden cross in the Coat of Arms of the Vatican
The Golden Gate is the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus on the zodiac while the Silver Gate is the Milky Way ecliptic crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The Silver Gate was represented by the horns of Isis and the associated bull Taurus.
The Silver Gate is also clearly depicted in the Narmer Palette (3100 BC) named after the Egyptian pharaoh. The Narmer Palette shows the celestial goddess bull Bat (Taurus) with her horns bent over pointing exactly to the place of the rebirth of the Sun, the Silver Gate. The two cow's heads on top of the palette also represent Bat. In-between the two cow goddesses a hieroglyph is depicted representing the rising of the Sun in between two mountains on the horizon. It's a hieroglyph that is very similar to the Akhet hieroglyph with the same significance.
Bat on the left and right with the 'Akhet' glyph in between.
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden
Bat was the goddess of the Milky Way considered to be a pool of Bat's cow milk. Bat was also the goddess of the human soul, the "Ba" that incarnated into human life form. Since the soul incarnated into human life passing through the Silver Gate (crossing of Milky Way and ecliptic), it's not surprising that Bat was both the goddess of the Milky Way and the human soul. Ba is a derivative of Bat, whereas "Ka" represents the human light-body. "Mer" represents the light of the Egyptian light-body-soul complex, the "Mer-Ka-Ba." Bat was also called the "Ba of Two Faces." Egyptologists are in the dark about her name and don't seem to understand that she was called this way, because there are actually two portals both to and from the Netherworld for the Ba to descend into the physical plane (Silver Gate) and ascend from the physical plane (Golden Gate). Both Hathor, Isis and Bat are all cow goddesses and Egyptologists have often pointed out the similarities between these goddesses depicted with cow-horns suspecting that they may have the same origins...they all represent the Silver Gate.
At the bottom of the Narmar palette in-between the horns of the bull, the very same hieroglyph is depicted as the one shown between two Bat bulls on top of the palette. This Akhet-like hieroglyph symbolises the rising Sun on the horizon.
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The Narmar Palette, bull in close up on the right. The bull is leaning towards the Silver Gate near the Gemini-Taurus nexus depicted in between the horns. The hieroglyph in between the horns resembles an Akhet glyph and represents the Silver Gate.
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden
On the other side of the Narmer palette two identical men, hence suggesting twins are depicted. They are both looking over their shoulders to a particular square over the left man’s shoulder. We surmise that the twins represent Gemini which would make sense since the actual ecliptic Milky Way crossing of the Silver Gate occurs in 5° Gemini (sidereal zodiac) and the square could therefore be suggesting the Silver Gate.
 
Narmer palette backside
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden
The author Audrey of the website "Ancient Egypt" writes while referring to the Narmar Palette: "They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way."
At the Autumnal Equinox, the Sun was indeed at the Milky Way, however at the Golden Gate. At the Vernal Equinox of 4468 BC, the Sun resided at the Silver Gate. The author (Audrey) does not seem to realise that this moment represented a Great Celestial Conjunction when the equinox axis (Vernal and Fall) aligned with the Galactic Equator and the Sun resided at the Gates of the Gods.
Instead, while interpreting the hieroglyphs of the 10 decapitated figures near the Solar Barque, he writes quote, "The full meaning of the hieroglyph can therefore be interpreted as 'the Sun at a sacred gateway, opening or portal'..."
While Hathor, Isis and Bat are all cow goddesses, Egyptologists have often pointed out the similarities between these goddesses depicted with cow-horns suspecting that they may have the same origins. . . . We suggest that they all represent the Silver Gate.
There is an even older Egyptian goddess that later was associated with Isis and Hathor. Her name is Serket and she was the deification of the scorpion goddess who healed stings and bites. Eventually, Serket was associated with Isis and she was said to be just an aspect of Isis. Serket and Isis can therefore be regarded as the ‘Ba of Two Faces’. While Isis represents the Silver Gate at the Gemini-Taurus nexus, Serket is her counterpart and she represents the Golden Gate at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus. This is why she’s wearing the scorpion on her head while she joined Ra in his barque on his journey around the zodiac in a Great Year.

Left: Isis with the solar disk in between the horns representing the Silver Gate Right: Serket with the scorpion at her head representing the Golden Gate.
The sacred Egyptian scarab beetle is a metaphor for the Sun in the precession cycle whereas the dung ball represents the Sun. The scarab beetle rolls its dung ball with his hind legs backwards, symbolizing the backward motion of the Sun through the zodiac in the precession cycle. Since the scarab beetle has many similarities with a scorpion, we surmise that Serket and the scarab beetle both represent the Golden Gate in Egyptian mythology.

Right: Scarab representing the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. The dung ball of Scarab beetle is the Sun.

On the left, the scarab beetle in a barque. On the right, the bull with the horns in a barque. They represent the places where Ra requires a barque to cross the Milky Way river in the precession cycle and thus represents the galactic equator.
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.
The most interesting of female ‘horned’ Egyptian goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon is Seshat. She was the goddess of astrology mathematics architecture and keeper of the measure of time.

Seshat with the down turned horns and eight pointed cross.
Although interpretations differ what the cross above Seshat represents, some believe it represents a seven pointed star on a pole, other believe it represents a papyrus leaf, the authors of this article suggest that it represents an eight pointed cross, symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction. It is placed right below the down turned horns exactly at the place where the Sun will reside during a Great Celestial Conjunction at equinoxes or solstices. Seshat headdress was called Safekh-Aubi (Sefekh-Aubi) and meant ‘She who wears the two horns’.
Seshat helped pharaoh with the alignment of the temples in Egypt in a ritual called Pedjeshes which translates into ‘Stretching the cord’ (Pedj--"to stretch," Shes--"a cord"). Armed with two pegs connected by a rope, pharaoh was accompanied by a priestess representing Seshat and aligned the temple to the celestial’s Bull’s leg while Seshat connected the other peg to her ‘home place’.
Since Seshat’s ‘home place’ is in between the horns of bull Taurus where the Sun resides at a Great Celestial conjunction and where also the eight pointed cross is depicted, the authors suggest that in the Pedjeshes alignment ritual the Pleiades as the ‘leg of the bull’ (Taurus) is being used to show the way to the place where the Sun would reside at a Great Celestial Conjunction. In this ritual the temple was aligned accordingly!
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Pleiades as a way shower to the summer solstice Sun of 1998 (Great Celestial Conjunction era 2012)
See also Wicherink’s reinterpretation of Herschel’s conclusions on Stonehenge
Wayne Herschel mentions ‘the stretching of the rope’ ritual in his book ‘The Hidden Records’. The ‘Leg of the Bull’ (meaning the Pleiades) is mentioned in the temple of Hathor in Dendera where it is written:
“The living god Thoth – nourished by the sublime goddess in the temple – the sovereign of the country – stretches the rope in joy (align with it) – With his glance .. - ..towards the ‘ak’ of the bull’s thigh constellation.. – he establishes the temple house of the mistress of Dendera, as it took place there before”
(Wayne Herschel, The Hidden Records, pg 141)
Left: Tracing board encoding both summer and winter solstice galactic alignment, the seven stars on the right represent the Pleiades. Right: Tracing board with the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary stands near the pillar and resides inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. Above her is the All Seeing Eye (mimicking the eye of Horus). The Tracing board symbolizes the birth of Sun God Horus on the Milky Way.
 On the left is the first degree tracing board from Bradford University. My interpretation of the First Degree Tracing Board differs from that of Wayne Herschel. Here is why: While i agree that tracing board represents a star map, it has to be interpreted in symbolic way from a masonic perspective. In symbolism, the maps often are not drawn in scale. Wayne seems to interpret the star map in scale, rather than symbolically (IMO). And if you take that approach, you will see that the blazing star is in the center of the board represents Aldebaran, the bull's eye in the constellation Taurus.. In the posts above, I go through each of the five clues and their inter-relationships. There are probably more clues, and I will post as I find them.
Silver and Golden cross in the Coat of Arms of the Vatican
The Golden Gate is the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus on the zodiac while the Silver Gate is the Milky Way ecliptic crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The Silver Gate was represented by the horns of Isis and the associated bull Taurus.
So we seem to have May 20 as another significant date in May which could interact with May 8. And this happens to work well with one of the possible events projected for this period. May 20 on the Christian calendar is Ascension Day , coming on the 40th days after Easter to commemorate the ascension of Jesus into heaven. As it happens, NASA's Mars probes /rovers Spirit and Opportunity that caused quite an excitement this winter/spring ('04) are called Mars Exploration Rovers or 'MER'. It's certainly fitting that the term 'mer' relates to 'Mary' and water. The rovers just recently made headlines as it discovered evidence of past Martian water in March. But 'mer' ( MR ) in the ancient Egyptian language stood for 'pyramid' and had the meaning of 'the place of Ascension '!
So it could be viewed that the news of Martian water breaking in March signified Mary-Isis' water breaking - ie her 'pregnancy' coming to an end. Horus (= Mars) is about to be born. The coherence of the symbolism is remarkable, and this raises the possibility that on or around Ascension/MER Day - May 20 - we'll hear from NASA that the rovers have found... life on Mars. Mars/Horus, in other words, comes to life! Or it could be that there will be a NASA announcement saying that they have found evidence of present water on Mars, which too would be a significant enough and fitting development.
El 20 de mayo equivale al dia numero 140. Dicho dia esta muy interrelacionado con las `PLEYADES y LA PIRAMIDE MAYA.
ES CURIOSO QUE 365-227=138
13/8 O 13 DE OCTUBRE
¿que hay detras de estas coincidencias matematicas?
Solo DIOS lo sabe
1. Hechos 19:24: Porque un platero llamado Demetrio, que hacía de plata templecillos de DIANA, daba no poca ganancia a los artífices;
2. Hechos 19:27: Y no solamente hay peligro de que este nuestro negocio venga a desacreditarse, sino también que el templo de la gran diosa DIANA sea estimado en nada, y comience a ser destruida la majestad de aquella a quien venera toda Asia, y el mundo entero.
3. Hechos 19:28: Cuando oyeron estas cosas, se llenaron de ira, y gritaron, diciendo: ¡Grande es DIANA de los efesios!
4. Hechos 19:34: Pero cuando le conocieron que era judío, todos a una voz gritaron casi por dos horas: ¡Grande es DIANA de los efesios!
5. Hechos 19:35: Entonces el escribano, cuando había apaciguado a la multitud, dijo: Varones efesios, ¿y quién es el hombre que no sabe que la ciudad de los efesios es guar DIANA del templo de la gran diosa DIANA, y de la imagen venida de Júpiter?
Busqueda para ARARAT
1. Génesis 8:4: Y reposó el arca en el mes séptimo, a los diecisiete días del mes, sobre los montes de ARARAT.
2. 2 Reyes 19:37: Y aconteció que mientras él adoraba en el templo de Nisroc su dios, Adramelec y Sarezer sus hijos lo hirieron a espada, y huyeron a tierra de ARARAT. Y reinó en su lugar Esarhadón su hijo.
En Turquía han nacido grandes personajes de los cuales se derivan leyendas históricas, como el rey Midas, el primer historiado Heródoto, San Pablo, Homero y Platón.
La guerra de Troya descrita en la Iliada de Homero tomó lugar al oeste de Turquía alrededor del año 1.200 AC. Allí se encuentra el caballo de Troya, símbolo del fin de esta legendaria guerra.
Dos de las 7 maravillas del mundo se encuentran en Turquía en Anatolia, el Mausoleo de Halicarnaso (Bodrum) y el Templo de Artemisa/DIANA (Efesos), ambos situados en la costa del Mar Egeo.
El nacimiento del Cristianismo se produjo en Turquía, donde los apóstoles Pablo y Juan predicaron sus evangelios. La Virgen María pasó sus últimos años en una casita cerca de Efeso. El Vaticano declaró esta casa como sitio santo en 1967.
Las sietes iglesias mencionadas en el libro de las revelaciones se encuentran en Anatolia. En Antioquia fue donde San Pablo comenzó a predicar la palabra y fue aquí donde a los seguidores de Jesús se les llamó cristianos por primera vez. Hay una cueva en donde se cree que San Pedro predicaba cuando vivía en Antioquia. En 1963 el Papa la declaró como la primera catedral y es un sitio de peregrinaje.
De acuerdo al antiguo testamento el Patriarca Abraham nació en Sanli Urfa, ciudad al sureste de Turquía. La cueva donde se cree que nació el patriarca, se ha convertido en un sitio de peregrinaje.
El Diluvio Universal mencionada en los antiguos testamentos de la Biblia y del Coran, El Arca de Noe se posó en el Monte Ararat, en el este de Anatolia, durante siglos muchas expediciones han tratado de encontrar rastros del arca. Los tulipanes fueron llevados por primera vez a Holanda desde Turquía.
Santa Claus o Papa Noel nació en Patara y fue obispo de Demre, en la costa Mediterránea.
El café fue llevado por primera vez a Estambul desde Yemen en el siglo 16. Los turcos crearon un nuevo método para preparar este brebaje a lo cual llamamos café turco. El beber café es parte importante de la cultura Turca
Cada viaje, cada cliente es único para nosotros. Por esta razón, por favor siéntanse libres de enviarnos un correo electrónico o contactar con nosotros por teléfono para encontrar su viaje a Estambul ideal, su tour a medida, a pesar de los itinerarios preestablecidos que puedan hallar en nuestra página web.
 
"11:11:11: Activating the Mayan Stargate" Full Moon in the Land of the Maya

La ubicacion alineada de CHICHEN ITZA, el 20 de mayo, en funcion a las PLEYADES aparentemente tiene un FUERTE NEXO CON LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA, ya que siguiendo la secuencia lunar de 1917 (luna nueva en luna llena), el 20 de mayo nos caeria 15 del tercer mes hebreo osea 15/3. Volvemos a tener un NEXO DE FATIMA CON EL NUMERO 153. En el año 2012 tenemos un eclipse en esa fecha. Osea que volvemos a tener un nexo esoterico con el 15/3 (15 de marzo), que es el dia de SAN LONGINO, el romano que le clavo la lanza a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la cruz. Otro detalle a tener en cuenta en este contexto es que el 11/9 (11 de noviembre) es el dia numero 315 del año gregoriano. El, 9 de noviembre del 2011 con ALBERADAN en LUNA LLENA aparentemente tiene este mensaje (11/11/11). En el calendario hebreo el 9 de noviembre (luna llena el 8 de marzo como sucedio en Fatima) nos cae 11 del noveno mes hebreo. Concretamente volvemos a tener un 911 pero en el calendario hebreo y el 5 de enero (Actualmente la Iglesia Catolica considera la fiesta de Reyes), tambien caeria un 9 del onceavo mes hebreo, osea otro 911. CONCRETAMENTE LA "VIRGEN DE FATIMA" TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON EL 911 E INCLUSO CON EL CALENDARIO MAYA. OTRO DETALLE CIENTIFICO A TENER EN CUENTA ES QUE EN 315 AÑOS SOLARES TENEMOS PRACTICAMENTE UN NUMERO ENTERO DE CICLOS LUNARES. EL SISTEMA LUNI-SOLAR ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A GENESIS 3:15. 1260 AÑOS ES IGUAL A 4X315. LAS MATEMATICAS SON EXACTAS PARA EL CREADOR EL UNIVERSO.
315 AÑOS=365.242256X315=115051.31064 dias
115051.31064/29.53059 (FRECUENCIA LUNAR)=3896.00447 (CASI REDONDO)
1260 AÑOS=1260X365.242256=460205.24256 dias
460205.24256/29.53059=15584.01 (CASI REDONDO)
964. Apocalipsis 11:3: Y daré a mis dos testigos que profeticen por mil doscientos sesenta días, vestidos de cilicio.
965. Apocalipsis 11:6: Estos tienen poder para cerrar el cielo, a fin de que no llueva en los días de su profecía; y tienen poder sobre las aguas para convertirlas en sangre, y para herir la tierra con toda plaga, cuantas veces quieran.
966. Apocalipsis 11:9: Y los de los pueblos, tribus, lenguas y naciones verán sus cadáveres por tres días y medio, y no permitirán que sean sepultados.
967. Apocalipsis 11:11: Pero después de tres días y medio entró en ellos el espíritu de vida enviado por Dios, y se levantaron sobre sus pies, y cayó gran temor sobre los que los vieron.
Calendario perpetuo con fases lunares
mayo de 1917 |
7 llena
21 nueva
Noah's Ark The Stars of Noah's Ark This is highly speculative - but a possible explanation.
. Noah's Ark in the Stars in Cubits - based on the Biblical Description
The building of the ark began with the setting of the star Aldebaran and the neighboring star cluster Hyades (= Noah). Aldebaran (and the Hyades) was the node to the first star of Scorpio (beta-Scorpionis) rising, representing the nodes of the ecliptic with the equator of the celestial sphere - hence, the "heavenly" water line, so to speak.
The ARK of Noah in the Stars
The tip of the ARK were the two end stars of Monoceros setting. From thence the ark continued along Monoceros to the head of Hydra setting and from thence along the length of Hydra setting, with the door, Corvus (Latvian DURVIS = door, Caurvejs = opening), at the side of the ark, to Libra, then Scorpio (beta-Scorpionis and Antares) and from thence until the rising of the lower left corner star of the Great Square, Adam, noding with the first star of Capricorn setting, which is 300 days. The length of the ARK, as stated in the Holy Bible, was 300 cubits. Ararat is the lowest star on the keel (underside) of the ship, signifying the outer world. This is now a part of Hydra (from hydro- = water) the water serpent. The keel of the ship more or less marks the "water line" of the ecliptic to the celestial equator. The constellation Aquila is Noah's dove and the times given match those in the Bible. Here are the data in full:
According to the Bible, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."
In 2340 B.C. the celestial equator was marked by the star beta-Scorpionis at the tip of Scorpio and at the other side by Aldebaran and the Hyades (Noah). From the rising of Aldebaran to the rising of Scorpio and the setting of the chosen folk of Orion (Pleiades, Aldebaran, Hyades, Orion) below the waters, twice around, is 600 days. Beta-Scorpionis rising is the node star to Aldebaran and the Hyades setting.
The Waters Prevail 150 days
And the water prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. One hundred and fifty days from the rising of the first star of Scorpio to the rising of the star Aldebaran and the Hyades is 150 days. These are the stars of the upper ecliptic, when "dry land" is again reached.
Noah's Ark Rests on Ararat
And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountain of Ararat. From the rising of the lower left corner star of the Great Square, Adam, the first day of the first month, to the lowest star of the Ark, the "keel star" of the ship, which sits on the mountain of the space of the world (Ararat, Sumerian Aruru, Latvian ARA=outer, outside), thus nearly noding the star Arcturus , is 227 days. Seven months of thirty days (as in Chaldea and Pharaonic Egypt) plus seventeen days is 227 days.
The Waters Decrease to the Mountain Tops
And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains to be seen. From the rising of the lower left corner star of the Great Square, Adam, the first day of the first month, to the rising star beta-Scorpionis, noding with the setting of the folk of Orion (Pleiades, Aldebaran, Hyades, Orion and Sirius), i.e. the tips of the mountains, is 300 days. Ten months of 30 days is 300 days.
Noah Opens the Window of the Ark and sends out the Raven and Dove
And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark, which he had made. From the rising of the star beta-Scorpionis to Aquila, the bird of Heaven, is 40 days. Noah sends out a raven first (Cygnus) and then Aquila, the dove. The bird goes out three times for 7 days each. The two large stars of Aquila are separated by seven days. From Aquila to the extreme outer star of the Great Square is seven days. From there to the right upper corner star of the Great Square is seven days.
And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth.... The flood started in the 600th year of Noah's life and ends with the left lower corner star of the Great Square, the start of the 601st year. .
And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. From the left lower corner star of the Great Square to the star Aldebaran and the Hyades, Noah, is 57 days. One month of 30 days plus 27 days is 57 days. .
Noah lived 950 years. From the star Aldebaran and the Hyades, Noah, thrice around to the star beta-Scorpionis (by Antares) is 950 days. Beta-Scorpionis (by Antares) rising is the node star to Aldebaran and the Hyades, Noah, setting. This position of the stars defined the nodes of the ecliptic to the sphere of the celestial equator in 2340-2300 B.C. See Sumerian Stars. Since all but Noah and his family passed away in the flood, the major stars are now named anew. Go to the Biblical Patriarchs now starting with Noah's son, Shem by clicking Abraham.Sumerian-Akkadian Utna-pishtim "Noah,Gilgamesh" = Latvian Udena Puisitim Sumerian-Akkadian Ziusuddu or Ziusudra "Noah" = Latvian Zens-udena (Zens-udra) Both variants are synonyms in Latvian and mean "Son of the Flood" |
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade GD Bouw - Artículos relacionadosHoly Bible, the nature of the Pleiades star cluster in particular. The. Bible has .... Pleiades is found, with the flood of Noah, and they associate the. Pleiades with ...
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7 May 2008 – The Pleiades are also related to water and the start of the rainy season, a theme .... Noah, exhibiting his wrath in the grand tradition of his Old ...
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November, called the Pleiad month by ancient Greeks, ushers in the season of ... rebirth through Noah occurred when God pulled two stars out of the Pleiades, ...
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The Pleiades star cluster: In mythology - myths and legends of the star cluster. ... The biblical flood of Noah was the direct result. | Skip navigation - go to next ...
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1 entrada - 19 Ago 2008
While doing some research on the Star of David, I ran across some talmudic references to the Pleiades and the Flood of Noah. When I looked ...
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Taurus is composed of two main groups of stars; the Pleiades and Hyades. ... son of Æolus, grandson of Deucalion (the Greek Noah), and great-grandson of ...
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F. E. Fillebrown engraving of The Dance of the Pleiades by Elihu Vedder ... in fall marked the start and end of the summer sailing season in ancient Greece. .... son of Æolus, grandson of Deucalion (the Greek Noah), and great-grandson of ...
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28 Mar 2000 – The seven stars, the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, apparently symbolize the Adamic Family. The crop formation, along with the dreams, ...
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According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have ..... of Biblical Noah was the result of two stars falling from Khima (the Pleiades) ...
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade J Hartnett - Artículos relacionadosyear of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month ... The Pleiades is a cluster of seven stars that the Greeks called the. Seven Sisters.
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