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Message 1 of 190 on the subject |
‘True Cross’ Cathedral Lisieux, France
‘True Cross’, Baselique Notre Dame d’Ouvres La Delivrande, France
In churches, the four signs of the Zodiac often reoccur and are associated with ‘Judgment Day’ and the ‘End of Times’
Jesus portrayed at the Last Judgment can often be found in the Tympanium above the entrance of churches and cathedrals. Notice, the lion (Leo) on the left, the bull on the right (Taurus), the angel on the left (Aquarius) and the eagle on the right ( Scorpio).
The four evangelists Luke, John, Mathew and Mark likewise have been associated with these four Zodiac signs as well:
Mark = Scropio (Eagle), Luke = Taurus, John = Leo, Matthew = Aquarius
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Message 116 of 190 on the subject |
Marcos 10:1 Levantándose de allí, vino a la región de Judea y al otro lado del Jordán; y volvió el pueblo a juntarse a él, y de nuevo les enseñaba como solía. 10:2 Y se acercaron los fariseos y le preguntaron, para tentarle, si era lícito al marido repudiar a su mujer. (Paralelo a Mateo 19)
10:3 El, respondiendo, les dijo: ¿Qué os mandó Moisés? 10:4 Ellos dijeron: Moisés permitió dar carta de divorcio, y repudiarla. 10:5 Y respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Por la dureza de vuestro corazón os escribió este mandamiento; 10:6 pero al principio de la creación, varón y hembra los hizo Dios. 10:7 Por esto dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer, 10:8 y los dos serán una sola carne; así que no son ya más dos, sino uno. 10:9 Por tanto, lo que Dios juntó, no lo separe el hombre. 10:10 En casa volvieron los discípulos a preguntarle de lo mismo, 10:11 y les dijo: Cualquiera que repudia a su mujer y se casa con otra, comete adulterio contra ella; 10:12 y si la mujer repudia a su marido y se casa con otro, comete adulterio. 10:13 Y le presentaban niños para que los tocase; y los discípulos reprendían a los que los presentaban. 10:14 Viéndolo Jesús, se indignó, y les dijo: Dejad a los niños venir a mí, y no se lo impidáis; porque de los tales es el reino de Dios. 10:15 De cierto os digo, que el que no reciba el reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él. (Hay un obvio nexo ESOTERICO con el SANTO GRIAL. PARA ENTENDER EL GRIAL HAY QUE TENER LA MENTE DE UN NIÑO. ES UN BEBE EL QUE ESTA POR NACER. BABILONIA/BABY-LON/BABY/BEBE) 10:16 Y tomándolos en los brazos, poniendo las manos sobre ellos, los bendecía. 10:17 Al salir él para seguir su camino, vino uno corriendo, e hincando la rodilla delante de él, le preguntó: Maestro bueno, ¿qué haré para heredar la vida eterna? (MAESTRO ES UN NEXO CON EL SALMO 119. BUENO/GOOD/GOD/G-O-D/DOG/PERRO/SIRIO/BENJAMIN/D=4TA LETRA Y G=7MA LETRA/47/INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ESTA TODO EN CLAVE. ESTO EXPLICA EL PORQUE LOS EEUU E INCLUSO TAMBIEN LA ARGENTINA SE INDEPENDIZARON EN LUNA LLENA EN EL CONTEXTO A CANCER/CAN MAYOR/SIRIO. JULIO JUSTAMENTE llema ese nombre en funcion JULIO CESAR/C-SAR/C-PRINCIPE. EL MISMO VATICANO ESTA CODIFICADO AQUI)
10:18 Jesús le dijo: ¿Por qué me llamas bueno? Ninguno hay bueno, sino sólo uno, Dios. (Observen que Cristo hace referencia a que el UNICO BUENO ES YHWH) 10:19 Los mandamientos sabes: No adulteres. No mates. No hurtes. No digas falso testimonio. No defraudes. Honra a tu padre y a tu madre. 10:20 El entonces, respondiendo, le dijo: Maestro, todo esto lo he guardado desde mi juventud. 10:21 Entonces Jesús, mirándole, le amó, y le dijo: Una cosa te falta: anda, vende todo lo que tienes, y dalo a los pobres, y tendrás tesoro en el cielo; y ven, sígueme, tomando tu cruz. (EL ORO al que hace REFERENCIA en contexto a LOS NIÑOS, es un OBVIO NEXO CON EL GRIAL. LA CRUZ TIENE UNA FUERTE CONNOTACION ALQUIMICA Y ASTRONOMICA)
10:22 Pero él, afligido por esta palabra, se fue triste, porque tenía muchas posesiones. (El fuerte materialismo de esta persona no le DEJABA ENTENDER el MENSAJE DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. OBSERVEN QUE CRISTO NO ESTA DEMONIZANDO LA PROSPERIDAD ECONOMICA SINO que NUESTRO SEÑOR QUIERE QUE SE ENTIENDA EL VERDADERO MENSAJE DETRAS DE LA MISMA QUE OBVIAMENTE ES ESPIRITUAL. DESGRACIADAMENTE EN EL MUNDO PREVALECE EL MATERIALISMO Y POR ESO ES QUE NO ENTIENDE QUE HAY UN BEBE QUE ESTA POR NACER. EL MUNDO QUIERE DINERO, NO PARA ADORAR AL CREADOR, SINO PARA SUS PROPIOS PLACERES ALEJADOS DE YHWH) 10:23 Entonces Jesús, mirando alrededor, dijo a sus discípulos: ¡Cuán difícilmente entrarán en el reino de Dios los que tienen riquezas! 10:24 Los discípulos se asombraron de sus palabras; pero Jesús, respondiendo, volvió a decirles: Hijos, ¡cuán difícil les es entrar en el reino de Dios, a los que confían en las riquezas! 10:25 Más fácil es pasar un camello por el ojo de una aguja, que entrar un rico en el reino de Dios. (Aqui hay un nexo con la PARABOLA DEL RICO Y DE LAZARO. EL "OJO DE UNA AGUJA" en la antiguedad era UNA PUERTA, osea que no era imposible que el RICO ENTRARA)
10:26 Ellos se asombraban aun más, diciendo entre sí: ¿Quién, pues, podrá ser salvo? 10:27 Entonces Jesús, mirándolos, dijo: Para los hombres es imposible, mas para Dios, no; porque todas las cosas son posibles para Dios. 10:28 Entonces Pedro comenzó a decirle: He aquí, nosotros lo hemos dejado todo, y te hemos seguido. 10:29 Respondió Jesús y dijo: De cierto os digo que no hay ninguno que haya dejado casa, o hermanos, o hermanas, o padre, o madre, o mujer, o hijos, o tierras, por causa de mí y del evangelio, 10:30 que no reciba cien veces más ahora en este tiempo; casas, hermanos, hermanas, madres, hijos, y tierras, con persecuciones; y en el siglo venidero la vida eterna. 10:31 Pero muchos primeros serán postreros, y los postreros, primeros. (Una referencia al SALMO 119)
10:32 Iban por el camino subiendo a Jerusalén; y Jesús iba delante, y ellos se asombraron, y le seguían con miedo. Entonces volviendo a tomar a los doce aparte, les comenzó a decir las cosas que le habían de acontecer: 10:33 He aquí subimos a Jerusalén, y el Hijo del Hombre será entregado a los principales sacerdotes y a los escribas, y le condenarán a muerte, y le entregarán a los gentiles; 10:34 y le escarnecerán, le azotarán, y escupirán en él, y le matarán; mas al tercer día resucitará. (Lucas 19:47 es un obvio nexo con los sacrificios que se hacian en la parte superior de las piramides. La resurreccion de nuestro señor tiene un fuerte nexo PIRAMIDAL en contexto al SOLSTICIO DE INVIERNO cuando el SOL RESUCITA O VUELVE A NACER, el 21/22 de diciembre. UNA GRAN CANTIDAD DE PIRAMIDES A NIVEL MUNDIAL ESTAN CERCA DEL PARALELO 19:47. Aconsejo ver la pelicula APOCALYPTO.)
10:35 Entonces Jacobo y Juan, hijos de Zebedeo, se le acercaron, diciendo: Maestro, querríamos que nos hagas lo que pidiéremos. 10:36 El les dijo: ¿Qué queréis que os haga? 10:37 Ellos le dijeron: Concédenos que en tu gloria nos sentemos el uno a tu derecha, y el otro a tu izquierda. (Una nueva referencia al SALMO 119 que tiene fuerte connotacion con el PODER) 10:38 Entonces Jesús les dijo: No sabéis lo que pedís. ¿Podéis beber del vaso que yo bebo, o ser bautizados con el bautismo con que yo soy bautizado? 10:39 Ellos dijeron: Podemos. Jesús les dijo: A la verdad, del vaso que yo bebo, beberéis, y con el bautismo con que yo soy bautizado, seréis bautizados; 10:40 pero el sentaros a mi derecha y a mi izquierda, no es mío darlo, sino a aquellos para quienes está preparado. 10:41 Cuando lo oyeron los diez, comenzaron a enojarse contra Jacobo y contra Juan. 10:42 Mas Jesús, llamándolos, les dijo: Sabéis que los que son tenidos por gobernantes de las naciones se enseñorean de ellas, y sus grandes ejercen sobre ellas potestad. 10:43 Pero no será así entre vosotros, sino que el que quiera hacerse grande entre vosotros será vuestro servidor, 10:44 y el que de vosotros quiera ser el primero, será siervo de todos. 10:45 Porque el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos. 10:46 Entonces vinieron a Jericó; y al salir de Jericó él y sus discípulos y una gran multitud, Bartimeo el ciego, hijo de Timeo, estaba sentado junto al camino mendigando. (Jerico tiene fuerte connotacion con la luna)
10:47 Y oyendo que era Jesús nazareno, comenzó a dar voces y a decir: ¡Jesús, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí! 10:48 Y muchos le reprendían para que callase, pero él clamaba mucho más: ¡Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí! 10:49 Entonces Jesús, deteniéndose, mandó llamarle; y llamaron al ciego, diciéndole: Ten confianza; levántate, te llama. 10:50 El entonces, arrojando su capa, se levantó y vino a Jesús. 10:51 Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: ¿Qué quieres que te haga? Y el ciego le dijo: Maestro, que recobre la vista. (Maestro/Master/Mother of Star/Istar/Madre de una estrella/Star. La iluminacion tiene connotacion con que ISTAR DA A LUZ UN HIJO. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO. GLORIA A YHWH TODOPODEROSO, A JESUCRISTO Y MARIA MAGDALENA NUESTROS PADRES ESPIRITUALES)
Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.
10:52 Y Jesús le dijo: Vete, tu fe te ha salvado. Y en seguida recobró la vista, y seguía a Jesús en el camino.
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Message 117 of 190 on the subject |
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Message 118 of 190 on the subject |
21 DE SEPTIEMBRE=REGOCIJO EN LA TORA=22 DEL SEPTIMO MES (EL SALMO 119 TIENE FUERTE NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON EL "RECOCIJO EN LA TORA", osea el 22/7 (22 del septimo mes hebreo). Recordemos que 22/7 es una buena aproximacion del numero PI.
7 DE JULIO DEL 2004= 6 DE AV
Compare estas graficas con el movimiento de la luna.
El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:
- Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
- Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
- Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
- Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.
Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.
Las cosas nunca suceden sin una mano que las mueva, y en este caso la mano es evidente. Las monedas de los países que fueron agredidos son la clave para la solución de este enigma. Al girarlas toman su ubicación en el pentagrama y anuncian además las fechas de los atentados, pero es solo el comienzo. Todas las investigaciones anteriores han llegado hasta aquí, esta sin embargo comienza en este punto.
Aquí los signos monetarios toman su lugar en el pentagrama a 0, 90 y 180 grados. Al ser girados las fechas de los crímenes aparecen claramente.
“The golden ratio, φ = (1+√5)/2 ≈ 1.618, [...] plays an important role in regular pentagons and pentagrams. Each intersection of edges sections the edges in golden ratio: the ratio of the length of the edge to the longer segment is φ, as is the length of the longer segment to the shorter. Also, the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the 2 intersecting edges (a side of the pentagon in the pentagram’s center) is φ. As the four-color illustration shows:
The pentagram includes ten isosceles triangles: five acute and five obtuse isosceles triangles. In all of them, the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is φ. The acute triangles are golden triangles. The obtuse isosceles triangle highlighted via the colored lines in the illustration is a golden gnomon.”
It appears we have a pentagram embedded into the design of Washington DC. It is important to note that the Whitehouse sits at the lower point of this. The origin of the pentagram or pentagon is believed to be derived from occult astrology.
(El 14/15 de septiembre o aparentemente tiene un nexo con el 15 de Tisri en contexto a Fatima y la secuencia lunar del 2012, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, primer dia del primer mes, fue en un 8 de Marzo. En este contexto el 15 de septiembre nos cae 15 de Tisri (cuasi anagrama de ISTAR). ¿PORQUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ALLI HACE REFERENCIA A LAS VIRGENES CON UN CANDELABRO, estatua de la LIBERTAD o COLUMBIA, en el contexto a la medianoche en MATEO 25? EL 15 de septiembre ORION (ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE) SALE POR EL ESTE JUSTO A LA MEDIANOCHE). LA SIMBOLOGIA DE LOS REYES MAGOS TIENE NEXO CON ORION (APARENTEMENTE ES LA ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE EN CONTEXTO A LA MEDIANOCHE-FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS)
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Message 119 of 190 on the subject |
Geometrically, the swastika can be regarded as an irregular icosagon or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi swastika were fixed based on a 5 × 5 diagonal grid.[5]
Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of swastikas that are each other's mirror image.
A right-facing swastika might be described as "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise".
The mirror-image forms are often described as:
- clockwise and anti-clockwise;
- left-facing and right-facing;
- left-hand and right-hand.
"Left-facing" and "right-facing" are used mostly consistently referring to the upper arm of an upright swastika facing either to the viewer's left (卍) or right (卐). The other two descriptions are ambiguous as it is unclear whether they refer to the arms as leading or being dragged or whether their bending is viewed outward or inward. However, "clockwise" usually refers to the "right-facing" swastika. The terms are used inconsistently in modern times, which is confusing and may obfuscate an important point, that the rotation of the swastika may have symbolic relevance, although ancient vedic scripts describe the symbolic relevance of clock motion and counter clock motion.[citation needed] Less ambiguous terms might be "clockwise-pointing" and "counterclockwise-pointing."
Nazi ensigns had a through and through image, so both versions were present, one on each side, but the Nazi flag on land was right-facing on both sides and at a 45° rotation.[6]
The name "sauwastika" is sometimes given to the left-facing form of the swastika (卍).[7]
[edit] Origin hypotheses
Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vinča culture of South-East Europe (see Vinča symbols).
More extensive use of the Swastika can be traced to Ancient India, during the Indus Valley Civilazation.
The swastika is a repeating design, created by the edges of the reeds in a square basket-weave. Other theories attempt to establish a connection via cultural diffusion or an explanation along the lines of Carl Jung's collective unconscious.
The genesis of the swastika symbol is often treated in conjunction with cross symbols in general, such as the sun cross of pagan Bronze Age religion. Beyond its certain presence in the "proto-writing" symbol systems emerging in the Neolithic,[8] nothing certain is known about the symbol's origin. There are nevertheless a number of speculative hypotheses. One hypothesis is that the cross symbols and the swastika share a common origin in simply symbolizing the sun. Another hypothesis is that the 4 arms of the cross represent 4 aspects of nature - the sun, wind, water, soil. Some have said the 4 arms of cross are four seasons, where the division for 90-degree sections correspond to the solstices and equinoxes. The Hindus represent it as the Universe in our own spiral galaxy in the fore finger of Lord Vishnu. This carries most significance in establishing the creation of the Universe and the arms as 'kal' or time, a calendar that is seen to be more advanced than the lunar calendar (symbolized by the lunar crescent common to Islam) where the seasons drift from calendar year to calendar year. The luni-solar solution for correcting season drift was to intercalate an extra month in certain years to restore the lunar cycle to the solar-season cycle. The Star of David is thought to originate as a symbol of that calendar system, where the two overlapping triangles are seen to form a partition of 12 sections around the perimeter with a 13th section in the middle, representing the 12 and sometimes 13 months to a year. As such, the Christian cross, Jewish hexagram star and the Muslim crescent moon are seen to have their origins in different views regarding which calendar system is preferred for marking holy days. Groups in higher latitudes experience the seasons more strongly, offering more advantage to the calendar represented by the swastika/cross.
Mosaic swastika in excavated Byzantine(?) church in Shavei Tzion (Israel)
Carl Sagan in his book Comet (1985) reproduces Han period Chinese manuscript (the Book of Silk, 2nd century BC) that shows comet tail varieties: most are variations on simple comet tails, but the last shows the comet nucleus with four bent arms extending from it, recalling a swastika. Sagan suggests that in antiquity a comet could have approached so close to Earth that the jets of gas streaming from it, bent by the comet's rotation, became visible, leading to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol across the world.[9] Bob Kobres in Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse (1992) contends that the swastika like comet on the Han Dynasty silk comet atlas was labeled a "long tailed pheasant star" (Di-Xing) because of its resemblance to a bird's foot or track. Kobres goes on to suggest an association of mythological birds and comets also outside China.
In Life's Other Secret (1999), Ian Stewart suggests the ubiquitous swastika pattern arises when parallel waves of neural activity sweep across the visual cortex during states of altered consciousness, producing a swirling swastika-like image, due to the way quadrants in the field of vision are mapped to opposite areas in the brain.[10]
Alexander Cunningham suggested that the Buddhist use of the shape arose from a combination of Brahmi characters abbreviating the words su astí.[3]
[edit] Archaeological record
The earliest swastika known has been found from Mezine, Ukraine. It is carved on late paleolithic figurine of mammoth ivory, being dated as early as about 10,000 BC. It has been suggested this swastika is a stylized picture of a stork in flight.[11]
In India, Bronze Age swastika symbols were found at Lothal and Harappa, on Indus Valley seals.[12] In England, neolithic or Bronze Age stone carvings of the symbol have been found on Ilkley Moor.
Swastikas have also been found on pottery in archaeological digs in Africa, in the area of Kush and on pottery at the Jebel Barkal temples,[13] in Iron Age designs of the northern Caucasus (Koban culture), and in Neolithic China in the Majiabang,[14] Dawenkou and Xiaoheyan cultures.[15] Other Iron Age attestations of the swastika can be associated with Indo-European cultures such as the Indo-Iranians, Celts, Greeks and Germanic peoples and Slavs.
The swastika is also seen in Egypt during the Coptic period. Textile number T.231-1923 held at the V&A Museum in London includes small swastikas in its design. This piece was found at Qau-el-Kebir, near Asyut, and is dated between AD300-600.
The Tierwirbel (the German for "animal whorl" or "whirl of animals"[16]) is a characteristic motive in Bronze Age Central Asia, the Eurasian Steppe, and later also in Iron Age Scythian and European (Baltic[17] and Germanic) culture, showing rotational symmetric arrangement of an animal motive, often four birds' heads. Even wider diffusion of this "Asiatic" theme has been proposed, to the Pacific and even North America (especially Moundville).[18
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Message 120 of 190 on the subject |
The Zodiac, Cherubim & The Sphinx
Myth and God's Message in the Heavens
The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks, but were in place perhaps as early as 4000 B.C. predating even the civilizations of Sumeria . These pictures were not merely arranged in haphazard order to aid in the tracking of the star movements, but with the purpose of depicting an epic narrative. Authors like Bullinger and Seiss have suggested that there is a deeper meaning, one that goes beyond even the most illuminated of occult interpretations. The zodiac is a pictorial story of God's plan of salvation on earth. The key to understanding the celestial zodiac is found in ancient depictions of a mythical creature called a sphinx.
Sphinx were often placed at entrances to palaces or temples of antiquity. This positioning implied power, authority and protection. The bodily form of the sphinx combines two to four animals, a lion, bull or eagle with the head of a human. The sphinx has remained an important symbol in our imagination and can be found in today's fantasy games and literature.
The combination of all four creatures in one constitutes what is described in Ezekiel and elsewhere in the Bible as a type of angel.
The word kerubim means "one who prays", or "one who intercedes." Cherubim or Kerubim are an order of angel described in the Bible and ancient texts as a combination of two, or more often, four creatures -- including that of a human. Both the mythical Sphinx and the scriptural cherubim are "hybrid" beings combining two to four creatures. The meaning of these creatures can be found in the zodiac narrative. |
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Message 121 of 190 on the subject |
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. The true meaning of the celestial zodiac and the symbols of the ecliptic, the course the sun appears to travel the heavens, seems to have been lost to the majority of mankind. The purpose of the zodiac symbols can be understood by connecting the sequence of pictures in story form.
But what is that connection? What point in the circle of heaven is its beginning?
Sphinx in Greek means to "connect or bind together".A sphinx combines the head of a woman and the body of a lion. This fixes the beginning and ending of the celestial narrative -- beginning with Virgo and ending with Leo.
What about the four creatures of a cherub?
Look to four of the brightest stars in the zodiac;
Fomalhaut in Aquarius (man)
Regulus in Leo (lion)
Antares in Ophiuchus (serpent holder, or eagle) and
Aldebaran in Taurus (the bull).
All four of these stars are arranged three signs apart, in the four corners of the heavens - the four fixed signs of the zodiac. These are the four creatures which combine to form scriptural cherubim.
From: David Ulansey Biblical Archaeology Review, vol. 20,#5 pp. 40-53 Because the ancients believed in the real existence of the great sphere of the stars, its various parts-- such as its axis and poles-- played a central role in the cosmology of the time. In particular, one important attribute of the sphere of the stars was much better known in antiquity than it is today: namely, its equator, known as the "celestial equator."Just as the earth's equator is defined as a circle around the earth equidistant from the north and south poles, so the celestial equator was understood as a circle around the sphere of the stars equidistant from the sphere's poles. The circle of the celestial equator was seen as having a particularly special importance because of the two points where it crosses the circle of the zodiac: for these two points are the equinoxes, that is, the placeswhere the sun, in its movement along the zodiac, appears to be on the first day of spring and the first day of autumn. Thus the celestial equator was responsible for defining the seasons, and hence had a very concrete significance in addition to its abstract astronomical meaning.
As a result, the celestial equator was often described in ancient popular literature about the stars. Plato, for example, in his dialogue Timaeus said that when the creator of the universe first formed the cosmos, he shaped its substance in the form of the letter X, representing the intersection of the two celestial circles of the zodiac and the celestial equator. Thisc ross-shaped symbol was often depicted in ancient art to indicate the cosmic sphere. In fact, one of the most famous examples of this motif is a Mithraic stone carving showing the so-called "lion-headed god," whose image is often found in Mithraic temples, standing on a globe that is marked with the cross representing the two circles of the zodiac and the celestial equator.
One final fact about the celestial equator is crucial: namely, that it does not remain fixed, but rather possesses a slow movement known as the "precession of the equinoxes." This movement, we know today, is caused by a wobble in the earth's rotation on its axis. As a result of this wobble, the celestial equator appears to change its position over the course of thousands of years. This movement is known as the precession of the equinoxes because its most easily observable effect is a change in the positions of the equinoxes, the places where the celestial equator crosses the zodiac. In particular, the precession results in the equinoxes moving slowly backward along the zodiac, passing through one zodiacal constellation every 2,160 years and through the entire zodiac every 25,920 years.
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Message 122 of 190 on the subject |
Eze 1:1 - 1:19 As I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire. Within it there were figures resembling four living beings .
And this was their appearance: they had human form. Each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight and their feet were like a calf's hoof, and they gleamed like burnished bronze.[...] As for the form of their faces, had the face of a man; all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle.
Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two touching another and two covering their bodies And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go, without turning as they went. In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches darting back and forth among the living beings . The fire was bright,and lightning was flashing from the fire. And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning.
Now as I looked at the living beings ,behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living beings , for the four of them.The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship as if one wheel were within another. Whenever they moved, they moved in any of their four directions[...]
Please view the following books for further info: Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger The Gospel in the Stars by Joseph Seiss
Virgo, is depicted as a virgin in every ancient reference, holding in one hand abranch, and in the other a sheaf of grain, or seed, always associated with a child, "Shesh nu" in Egyptian, the desired son, the symbol of the incarnationof God on earth.
Libra, the scales or in the earliest zodiacs, an altar. Its meaning is the measuring of a price. One of its stars in Arabic means, "the price which is deficient",while opposite is a star whose name means, "the price which covers," or atonement. Libra symbolizes the price of the conflict, the deficient works of man compared to the perfect and finished sacrifice of Jesus accomplished on the cross.
Scorpio,with his claws reaching out to influence the scales, is crushed beneath the foot of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, who in earliest times was depicted as an eagle. Ophiuchus 's foot is stung (wounded foot, like Oedipus) by the upraised tail of the scorpion, his other foot is above the scorpion's heart. He restrains the serpent coiled around him from taking a crown.Ophiuchus depicts the earliest prophecy in the Bible, "I will put enmity between the serpent and the offspring of the woman, it will strike at his heel, and he will crush (the serpent's) head."
Sagittarius,in the oldest pictures of the zodiac is a cherubim. This symbol is situated 1/3 rd of the way around the zodiacal circle. It had the body of both lionand bull with wings of an eagle and the head of a woman. Sagittarius is the symbol of the incarnation, both God and man, animals representing the four corners of the heavens and symbolizing the aspects of God's redemptive work on this earth, he is poised with his arrow drawn and pointed at theheart of the scorpion. Underneath him is the southern cross.
Capricorn, the goat with the tail of the fish. To the Hebrews, the goat was the sin offering, Capricorn is posed with his foot under him and his head bowed,as if in death. The second half of this symbol is the tail of a fish, the most prolific creature in nature, the fish lives in the waters, symbol of life and God's spirit. Out of the son of God's death, comes everlasting life.
Aquarius,the water bearer, the one pouring out life giving waters that symbolize God's spirit, into the mouth of the fish.
Pisces, the fishes connected to the neck of the sea monster, one points to the center of heaven the other follows the ecliptic, the path of the earth around the sun. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Aries, the lamb prepared from the foundations of the world, the unblemished sacrifice for mankind. with his foot poised to strike off the tether attaching the fishes to the neck of the sea monster. "He (Jesus Christ), came to set the captives free".
Taurus, the Bull. His horns, symbolizing God's judgment, are pointed to the earth,one stabs the heal of a shepherd "Aquilla", who holds his flock, Christ the good shepherd, received in our place God's absolute judgment. In the bull's neck is the Pleiades, the congregating of the judges, who come back to earth after their resurrection to judge the earth with Christ at his second coming.
Gemini, the twins. Castor is the suffering redeemer, and Pollux is the king. Symbols of the first and second coming of Christ.
Cancer, the crab. Originally it was the fortress, the impregnable enclosure of protection.In Egypt it was a scarab, the beetle that hatched from the ground and flew to heaven, the stronghold of the saved.
Leo, the great lion. "The conquering lion of Judah", Jesus Christ, who will come again. The king that the apostle John traced back to that tribe of Israel. In his heart is the star called Regulus.
This is the whole story of God's atonement work on earth, its beginning and ending are symbolized by the sphinx - combining Virgo and Leo.
At this point it will be helpful to understand some basic principles of the meaning of numbers in scripture. With insight into the symbolic meaning that numbers possesas they occur in the Bible one will understand the full meaning of the "riddle of the sphinx" The study of the meaning of numbers in scripture is called Biblical Numerics or Biblical Numerology. This study is intrinsicto theology and history of the Bible because of the language it was written in, Hebrew and Greek. These two languages share the aspect of using letters for words and also a system for counting. The spiritual meaning for numbers that continuously show up in scripture, intentionally put there by God,can be discerned. The following list is a brief description of the symbolic meaning of primary numbers.
One: symbol of unity, primacy and beginning, in all languages.
Two: first number that can be divided from itself, it symbolizes division or difference.
Three: Divine perfection. Trinity. 3 also refers to the necessary dimensions for physicality.
Four: The number of Creation, the 3 of God plus the 1, a new beginning.
Five: 4+1, Creation plus a New Beginning. 5 = grace or favor.
Six: The number of imperfection, the number of man. Creation plus division 4+2.
Seven: Completion. The number of spiritual perfection. Creation was completed, God rested on the7th day.
Eight: is the number of resurrection 7+1 completion plus newness.
Nine: Symbol of judgment. Akin to the number 6, 3x3=9 and 3+3=6, it can refer to the End.
Ten: Symbolizes completeness of order -- after 10 the numbers repeat.
Eleven: The subversion and undoing of 10 - a flawed addition to that perfect order.
Twelve: is the symbol of governmental perfection or rule 3x4 -- God's rule over His creation.
The Greek myth Oedipus Rex contains revealing symbology -- too much to address in this article. But for our purposes, let's examine the riddle of the sphinx. The monsterous Sphinx asked Oedipus: "What speaks with one voice, yet in the morning walks on four legs, walks at noon on two legs and in the evening walks on three legs?" Upon hearing the correct answer, the Sphinx left her lofty perch and fell to the rocks below. The symbolism alludes to the true identity of the sphinx as a rebellious cherub -- perched in the mountainous high places -- literally amongst the stones -- outsideThebes, the City of Light. The man who defeats this rebellious cherub will have a messianic name, Oedipus, literally wounded in the foot. The man who was named Wounded Foot, upon defeating the rebel cherub, redeems his promised bride at the end of Oedipus Rex, taking his place as king.
The sphinx or wrathful cherub, asked the question, "What speaks with one voice, yet walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon and three feet in the evening?" The question decoded using Bible numerics, would read: "What creature, spoken into creation by God, (one) walked before God in perfection at the beginning, (four) fell from grace and was divided from God, (two) and will be redeemed and made perfect by God, (three)? The answer: man.The real question couched ingeniously in the riddle was this, who will redeem man?
The earliest prophecy in the Bible concerning the messiah who will defeat the serpent, or the rebel cherub is in Genesis 3:15. Oedipus the Wounded Foot is symbolicof the coming Messiah, who would be born of the lineage of Adam and Eve. The defeater of the Greek Sphinx -- the defeater of death -- would speak the answer and the cherub would be destroyed. That is, The Word is Wounded Foot's weapon, and the means by which the bride, and all of the land, would be redeemed.
"From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your offspring and her offspring will be enemies. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Genesis 3:15
According to Menzel, author of A Field Guide to the Stars , "Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, may well be an alternative form of Hercules, for the giant frequently had to deal with snakes, beginning in infancy when he strangled the serpentin his crib. Ophiuchus bears Serpens, the Serpent, in his hands, and his right foot is almost touching the stinger of the Scorpion". The offspring of Adam & Eve, the prophesied Messiah, "Bears the Serpent" as a representation of sin, and redeems all man through his crucifixion and resurrection. Ophiuchusis the resurrected Asclepius [also, Esculapius ], the healer whose symbolis the serpent staff. The learned Greek hero Asclepius was killed because he was able to raise the dead. Here is a brief but illuminating account:
Orion (the blinded demigod who had regained his eyesight) journeyed to the island of Crete. There he met the beautiful Artemis, goddess of the Moon, also called Kynthiabecause she and her twin brother, Apollo, were born on Mount Kynthos. Apollo disapproved of the union between his sister the Moon Goddess and Orion. His sister was so involved with Orion that she forgot to carry the Moon across the sky. Apollo was disgusted with his sister and thought the only way to solve this problem was to kill Orion.
One day Apollo sent Orion to the sea to catch some fish. When Orion waded through the sea,his head just above water, Apollo called his sister and pointed out the unrecognizable black dot far away. He tauntingly told her that although she was good with her bow, even she had her limits, and it was highly unlikely that she could hit the tiny target. Artemis felt insulted, immediately fit an arrow to her bow, and shot the target. Her aim was perfect, as always.The arrow pierced Orion's head, killing him instantly. Artemis was horrified to discover her mistake. She took Orion's body to her nephew Esculapius (son of Apollo & Coronis), begging him to resurrect Orion. Before Esculapius could act, a thunderbolt from Zeus destroyed Orion's body, but killed Esculapius as well. Artemis the Moon Goddess set Orion in the heavens, and Zues, realizing that Apollo's son Esculapius didn't deserve his fate, set him in the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus.
Another reference to the man who is victorious over one the many manifestations of the rebel cherub is found in the typology of Orion. According to Bullinger's The Witness of the Stars: His name is given as Ha-ga-t, which means thisis he who triumphs. The hieroglyphic characters below read Oar. Orion was anciently spelt Oarion, from the Hebrew root, which means light. So that Orion means coming forth as light. The ancient Akkadian was Ur-ana,the light of heaven.
The constellationis mentioned by name, as being perfectly well known both by name and appearance, in the time of Job; and as being an object of familiar knowledge at that early period of the world's history. See Job 9:9; 38:31, and Amos 5:8 (Heb.Chesil, which means a strong one, a hero, or giant).
The picture presents us with "the Light of the world." His left foot is significantly placed upon the head of the enemy. He is girded with a glorious girdle,studded with three brilliant stars; and upon this girdle is hung a sharp sword. Its handle proves that this mighty Prince is come forth in a new character. He is again proved to be "the Lamb that was slain," for the hilt of this sword is in the form of the head and body of a lamb. In hisright hand he lifts on high his mighty club; while in his left he holds forth the token of his victory -- the head and skin of the "roaring lion" [ww - he has been victorious over the rebel cherub/sphinx] We ask in wonder,"Who is this?" and the names of the stars give us the answer.
The brightest, a(in the right shoulder), is named Betelgeuz, which means the coming (Mal 3:2) of the branch.
The next, b (in theleft foot), is named Rigel, or Rigol, which means the foot that crusheth.The foot is lifted up, and placed immediately over the head of the enemy,as though in the very act of crushing it. Thus, the name of the star bespeaks the act.
The next star, g (in the left shoulder), is called Bellatrix, which means quickly coming,or swiftly destroying.
The name of the fourth star, d (one of the three in the belt), carries us back to the old, old story, that this glorious One was once humbled; that His heel was once bruised. Its name is Al Nitak, the wounded One. * Similarly the star k (in the right leg) is called Saiph, bruised, which is the very word usedin Genesis 3:15, thus connecting Orion with the primeval prophecy. LikeOphiuchus, he has one leg bruised; while, with the other, he is crushing the enemy under foot.
It is no mere coincidence that the constellations and star names echo the messianic prophecy of the "man" with the wounded foot, who crushes the enemy.
And it is also no surprise that the narrative in the heavens would be twisted by those cherubs who, pre-rebellion, were present at the creation of the heavens.
Job 38:1-7 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said ... "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth ? ... When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy ?
The Bible describes a history of our solar system, and the ancient non-human occupants of the solar system. Popular culture seems to be obsessed with the ancient mysteries of the Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza, and at the same time, futuristic science fiction scenarios like those in Star Trek, Close Encounters etc. Recently, CNN featured photos of what seems to be a sphinx-face on Mars. NASA scientists have confirmed that Mars was once a more habitable planet, and legions of fans of the X-Files are convinced that the Truth is Out There -- the truth that there is life on other planets. Or perhaps the truth that is being discovered by researchers like Hancock and Hoagland -- that some other civilization of scientists and builders came before us, and as Hoagland suggests, "we are the Martians".
If there proves to be a giant Sphinx Face on Mars, the identity of these monument builders should not be a mystery: Genesis 6:4 These non-human builders populate the Bible, and are the progenitors of those beings of myth and legend, demi-gods, heroes and men of name.
The typology of the Martian Sphinx confirms that its construction is of angelic origin.
The Sphinx face on Mars unites Virgo and Leo, the human face and that of a lion.
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Message 123 of 190 on the subject |
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Message 124 of 190 on the subject |
Sheila always brings such wonderful things to the table Baptistère Saint-Jean is a religious edifice in Poitiers, France. It is reputed to be the oldest existing Christian building in France and one of the most prominent examples of Merovingian architecture. The Merovingians have that geometric and Jewish flavor There is the six petal rose and the square and triangle but most significant is Jesus holding his crystal ball ...the one the Merovingian kings like to be buried with surrounded by the four angels ....who represent the star systems Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 1:10 Revelation 4:7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. they possibly represent star systems Leo= Lion Ox Alderbaran Eagle= Scorpio Man= Aquarius There in the Book of Kells
In the Book of Kells the Man angel carries a cross ...a budding rod or it can represent the crosslet cross or Cross bottony A cross with the ends of the arms bottony (or botonny), i.e. shaped like a trefoil—and so it is sometimes called a cross trefly In early armory it is not always distinguished from a cross crosslet. The state of Maryland flag _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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Message 125 of 190 on the subject |
Mr Lincoln may find this of Interest It has to do with his pentagram theory of Rennes Chateau Rennes-le-Chateau. Blanchefort. Bezu. Serre de Lauzet. La Soulane. Five mountains, equal distances apart, they form the shape of a pentagram.
This pentacle points at the North Pole. As it existed 10000 years ago. Precession _________________ The documentary nobody wants to address My forum Cromleck de Rennes is almost ready. |
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Message 126 of 190 on the subject |
The Rose Window at St Denis that Abbe Sugar created North transept Rose window, subject: The Creation, with God at the centre, the six days of Creation, the Zodiac representing the order of the heavens, the labours representing the order of the earth, Adam and Eve eating the fruit and being expelled from Eden.the Language of Angels? The Middle Ages use of Blues and Reds ...reflects again the negative and positive extremes on the light spectrum Now let us look at this Rose Window at St Denis Founded in the 7th century by Dagobert I on the burial place of Saint Denis, a patron saint of France, the church became a place of pilgrimage and the burial place of the French Kings, nearly every king from the 10th to the 18th centuries being buried there, as well as many from the previous centuries. Dagobert the I founded St Denis...Merovingian king He was the last Merovingian dynast to wield any real royal power. on the hill of Mountmarte Dagobert was immortalized in the song Le bon roi Dagobert (The Good King Dagobert), a nursery rhyme featuring exchanges between the king and his chief adviser, Saint Eligius (Eloi in French). The satirical rhymes place Dagobert in various ridiculous positions from which Eligius' good advice manages to extract him. The text, which probably originated in the 18th century, became extremely popular as an expression of the anti-monarchist sentiment of the French Revolution. This is a song the Cajuns sang in New Orleans Now for the window was designed in the 12th century... we see the triangle with the rays coming forth We also see the Zodiac surrounded by the 6 petal rose which is like the Star of Solomon the Hexagonthis is GeminiWhat is really interesting is that on the real the four fixed cardinal points are in their exact positions as if they were in the sky aboveAldebaran Aquarius Scorpio and Leothese are the symbols also for the lion angel eagle angel bull angel and man angel The whole Zodiac of 12 are involved in the tale of Genesis
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Message 127 of 190 on the subject |
It's okay we understand you are a member of the brotherhood. Solomon temple is sacred in Freemasonry and so also Solomon seal which is the well known symbol of Zion As always words are codes, SOL -O-MON SUN -15 -MON SUN -1111- MON-KEY MON - ARCH MON-KEY - ARCH It points the 4 Cherubims of Ezequiel's wheel which are signaled by the 4 Royal Persian stars, Gemini and Sagitarius the Mon-arch-er apocaliptic horse. Aldebaran (Tascheter) - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) Regulus (Venant) - summer solstice (Watcher of the North) Antares (Satevis) - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West) Fomalhaut (Haftorang) - winter solstice (Watcher of the South) Ara-gon Ara - Latin Altar gon - dragon Altar of the Dragon 4 bars = 1111 left below the mon-key _________________ E.T.A.E |
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Message 128 of 190 on the subject |
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Message 129 of 190 on the subject |
La constelación del Cisne también es llamada la Cruz del Norte. Es así para distinguirla de otra constelación que fue diseñada con forma de cruz, la constelación de la Cruz del Sur. Están situadas en sendos hemisferios norte y sur de la Esfera celeste de la Tierra y en la franja de la Vía Láctea.
En cuanto a su posición en la Esfera celeste de la Tierra con respecto al Centro del Círculo de la Precesión (trazado por el extremo norte del Eje de la Tierra cada 26 milenios y en cuyo perímetro está actualmente la Estrella Polar), la constelación del Cisne está tocando el perímetro. Desde el "Planetario" natural que es la Tierra la estrella que distinguimos más brillante tiene el nombre de Deneb, también llamada Acrux (como la principal de la constelación de la Cruz del Sur). Deneb, junto con Vega, la Polar y Thuban forman un rectángulo cuyo centro es prácticamente el propio Centro del Círculo de Precesión.
Realmente no es fácil percibir este rectángulo a simple vista, pero se puede intuir. Lo que sí es más perceptible es el llamado "Triángulo de Invierno" uno de cuyos vértices es la estrella Deneb, y los otros dos están señalados por las estrellas Vega (constelación Lira) y Altair (Águila). Aquí vemos al Cisne en plena Vía Láctea, al Águila en la frontera y a la Lira un poco apartada.
La línea azul es el ecuador celeste (proyección del terrestre) y la línea verde es el meridiano celeste que pasa por la estrella Polar (arriba a la derecha) que es el polo norte celeste. La línea roja es el trayecto del Sol (o el plano de la órbita de la Tierra).
A esta constelación se le suele representar gráficamente como un cisne, y de ahí que se le denomine así. También, tal como ha sido diseñada, tiene forma de cruz y por ello se le llama la Cruz del Norte. Incluso se puede percibir una forma que semeja a un cuerpo humano con los brazos extendidos de forma muy esquemática.
El día 24 de noviembre del año 29 a las 13:30 horas, la Cruz del Norte estaba justo en la cenital de la región de Palestina cuando al mismo tiempo se producía un eclipse de Sol con la Luna y el Sol justo encima del Centro de la galaxia. Tanto el Centro galáctico como la Cruz del Norte están en la franja de la Vía Láctea.
La Cruz del Norte en el punto cenital de la región de Palestina a las 13:30 horas del 24 de noviembre del año 29 al mismo tiempo que se producía un eclipse con la Luna ocultando al Sol sobre el Centro de la galaxia en la franja de la Vía Láctea.
La constelación del Cisne está en la franja galáctica de la Vía Láctea y es una de las más notorias. En relación con el Camino de Santiago, la Cruz del Norte aparece en la cenital de Galicia (y de Santiago de Compostela y de la catedral) hacia las 12 del mediodía desde el 20 de enero al 20 de febrero.
Foro de AsteRomiA
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Message 130 of 190 on the subject |
19 * 365.242256 = 6 939.60286
(19 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 234.997095
En el mismo periodo tenemos 235 ciclos lunares. Concretamente el numero de 19 años es practicamente un numero entero de ciclos lunares exactos. Observen el numero 235 en el contexto a la INCLINACION DEL EJE DE LA TIERRA.
Si consideramos 38 años SOLARES
(38 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 469.99419
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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