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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 22/11/2011 15:35
1 Pedro 5:13: La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi HIJO, os saludan.


16:1 Vinieron los fariseos y los saduceos para tentarle, y le pidieron que les mostrase señal del cielo.
16:2 Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles.
16:3 Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas! que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo, ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis!
16:4 La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada,
sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue.
16:5 Llegando sus discípulos al otro lado, se habían olvidado de traer pan.
16:6 Y Jesús les dijo: Mirad, guardaos de la
levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos. (¿fiesta de las levaduras? ¿Porque PEDRO APARECE A MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A LA FIESTA DE LAS LEVADURAS en contexto a HECHOS 12:12? ¿PORQUE JUAN MARCOS ES UN NEO-JONAS YA QUE NO FUE CON PABLO A MALTA en contexto a HECHOS 12, 13, 14 Y 15?)
16:7 Ellos pensaban dentro de sí, diciendo: Esto dice porque no trajimos pan.
16:8 Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis dentro de vosotros, hombres de poca fe, que no tenéis pan?
16:9 ¿No entendéis aún, ni os acordáis de los cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres, y cuántas cestas recogisteis?
16:10 ¿Ni de los siete panes entre cuatro mil, y cuántas canastas recogisteis?
16:11 ¿Cómo es que no entendéis que no fue por el pan que os dije que os guardaseis de la
levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos?
16:12 Entonces entendieron que no les había dicho que se guardasen de la levadura del pan, sino de la doctrina de los fariseos y de los saduceos.


16:14 Ellos dijeron: Unos, Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas.
16:15 El les dijo: Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo?
16:16 Respondiendo Simón Pedro, dijo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente.
16:17 Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de
Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. ("hijo de Jonas" tiene nexo con la "señal de Jonas")
16:18 Y yo también te digo, que

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción


Mas pruebas de que Marcos es Hijo de Cristo





eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)

16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.



El numero 5 en la Biblia es el numero de la gracia. Es el numero de la alquimia, la cuadratura del circulo simbolizada en la Biblia por la escalera de Jacob. En el mismo diseño del numero esta codificada en su parte superior el cuadrado y en su parte inferior el circulo. Concretamente en dicha cuadratura, esta la simbologia espiritual del SANTO GRIAL osea el linaje entre Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y Maria Magdalena. La gran piramide de Keop, construida con el mismo patron de la Nueva Jerusalen, esta diseñada en funcion a la CUBICACION DE UNA ESFERA en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033 Y AL MISMO NUMERO PI=3.14. DIOS MANEJA LA HISTORIA Y LA CIENCIA. LA LLAVE DE DAVID ESTA CODIFICADA EN APOCALIPSIS EN LA IGLESIA DE PHILADELPHIA, osea la sexta. PHI-LADEL-PHI-A (EN EGIPTO SIGNIFICABA UTERO DE ISIS) tambien era la ciudad de RABA/AMMAN que tenia 7 colinas al igual que la MISMA CIUDAD DE JERUSALEN (PLEYADES). OSEA QUE NUESTRO SEÑOR EN LA SEXTA IGLESIA DE APOCALIPSIS 3 (LAS SIETE IGLESIAS SON TAMBIEN LAS PLEYADES) HACE REFERENCIA A LA LLAVE DE DAVID.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.

3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:

The seven stars are not mentioned again until Rev. 1:16, 1:20, 2:1, 3:1 as the seven churches in Asia

The Seven Churches


The Seven Churches of Asia

2 Samuel
12:1 Jehová envió a Natán a David;y viniendo a él, le dijo: Había dos hombres en una ciudad, el uno rico, y el otro pobre.
12:2 El rico tenía numerosas ovejas y vacas;
12:3 pero el pobre no tenía más que una sola corderita, que él había comprado y criado, y que había crecido con él y con sus hijos juntamente, comiendo de su bocado y bebiendo de su vaso, y durmiendo en su seno; y la tenía como a una hija.
12:4 Y vino uno de camino al hombre rico; y éste no quiso tomar de sus ovejas y de sus vacas, para guisar para el caminante que había venido a él, sino que tomó la oveja de aquel hombre pobre, y la preparó para aquel que había venido a él.
12:5 Entonces se encendió el furor de David en gran manera contra aquel hombre, y dijo a Natán: Vive Jehová, que el que tal hizo es digno de muerte.
12:6 Y debe pagar la cordera con cuatro tantos, porque hizo tal cosa, y no tuvo misericordia.
12:7 Entonces dijo Natán a David: Tú eres aquel hombre. Así ha dicho Jehová, Dios de Israel: Yo te ungí por rey sobre Israel, y te libré de la mano de Saúl,
12:8 y te di la casa de tu señor, y las mujeres de tu señor en tu seno; además te di la casa de Israel y de Judá; y si esto fuera poco, te habría añadido mucho más.
12:9 ¿Por qué, pues, tuviste en poco la palabra de Jehová, haciendo lo malo delante de sus ojos? A Urías heteo heriste a espada, y tomaste por mujer a su mujer, y a él lo mataste con la espada de los hijos de Amón.
12:10 Por lo cual ahora no se apartará jamás de tu casa la espada, por cuanto me menospreciaste, y tomaste la mujer de Urías heteo para que fuese tu mujer.
12:11 Así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí yo haré levantar el mal sobre ti de tu misma casa, y tomaré tus mujeres delante de tus ojos, y las daré a tu prójimo, el cual yacerá con tus mujeres a la vista del sol.
12:12 Porque tú lo hiciste en secreto; mas yo haré esto delante de todo Israel y a pleno sol.
12:13 Entonces dijo David a Natán: Pequé contra Jehová. Y Natán dijo a David: También Jehová ha remitido tu pecado; no morirás.
12:14 Mas por cuanto con este asunto hiciste blasfemar a los enemigos de Jehová, el hijo que te ha nacido ciertamente morirá.
12:15 Y Natán se volvió a su casa. Y Jehová hirió al niño que la mujer de Urías había dado a David, y enfermó gravemente.
12:16 Entonces David rogó a Dios por el niño; y ayunó David, y entró, y pasó la noche acostado en tierra.
12:17 Y se levantaron los ancianos de su casa, y fueron a él para hacerlo levantar de la tierra; mas él no quiso, ni comió con ellos pan.
12:18 Y al séptimo día murió el niño; y temían los siervos de David hacerle saber que el niño había muerto, diciendo entre sí: Cuando el niño aún vivía, le hablábamos, y no quería oír nuestra voz; ¿cuánto más se afligirá si le decimos que el niño ha muerto?
12:19 Mas David, viendo a sus siervos hablar entre sí, entendió que el niño había muerto; por lo que dijo David a sus siervos: ¿Ha muerto el niño? Y ellos respondieron: Ha muerto.
12:20 Entonces David se levantó de la tierra, y se lavó y se ungió, y cambió sus ropas, y entró a la casa de Jehová, y adoró. Después vino a su casa, y pidió, y le pusieron pan, y comió.
12:21 Y le dijeron sus siervos: ¿Qué es esto que has hecho? Por el niño, viviendo aún, ayunabas y llorabas; y muerto él, te levantaste y comiste pan.
12:22 Y él respondió: Viviendo aún el niño, yo ayunaba y lloraba, diciendo: ¿Quién sabe si Dios tendrá compasión de mí, y vivirá el niño?
12:23 Mas ahora que ha muerto, ¿para qué he de ayunar? ¿Podré yo hacerle volver? Yo voy a él, mas él no volverá a mí.
12:24 Y consoló David a Betsabé su mujer, y llegándose a ella durmió con ella; y ella le dio a luz un hijo, y llamó su nombre Salomón, al cual amó Jehová, (SALOMON, ES TIPO DEL DISCIPULO AMADO, OSEA JUAN MARCOS, EL HIJO DE CRISTO Y MARIA MAGDALENA)
12:25 y envió un mensaje por medio de Natán profeta; así llamó su nombre Jedidías, a causa de Jehová.
12:26 Joab peleaba contra Rabá de los hijos de Amón, y tomó la ciudad real. (RABA/AMMAN es FILADELFIA perteneciente a DECAPOLIS despues de POMPEYO. FILADELFIA/PHI-LADEL-PHI-A ERA UNA CIUDAD QUE TENIA 7 COLINAS).

12:27 Entonces envió Joab mensajeros a David, diciendo: Yo he puesto sitio a Rabá, y he tomado la ciudad de las aguas.

12:28 Reúne, pues, ahora al pueblo que queda, y acampa contra la ciudad y tómala, no sea que tome yo la ciudad y sea llamada de mi nombre.
12:29 Y juntando David a todo el pueblo, fue contra Rabá, y combatió contra ella, y la tomó.
12:30 Y quitó la corona de la cabeza de su rey, la cual pesaba un talento de oro, y tenía piedras preciosas; y fue puesta sobre la cabeza de David. Y sacó muy grande botín de la ciudad.

Los siete montes identifican a Jerusalén no Roma: Jerusalén era una ciudad grande extendida a fuera de los muros y cubría los siete montes presentes durante el tiempo de Jesús y los Apóstoles: 1.) Monte Gared; 2.) Monte Goat; 3.) Monte Acra; 4.) Monte Bezetha; 5.) Monte Moriah; 6.) Monte Ofel; 7.) Monte Sion. Por cualquier razón, y por cualquier manos y manipulación, el Mt. Gared, Mt. Goath,

Rome star map

1. Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa, el Orión y las Pléyades,
Y los lugares secretos del sur;

2. Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades,
O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?

3. Amós 5:8: buscad al que hace las Pléyades y el Orión, y vuelve las tinieblas en mañana, y hace oscurecer el día como noche; el que llama a las aguas del mar, y las derrama sobre la faz de la tierra; Jehová es su nombre;

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Resposta  Missatge 37 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/01/2012 18:41

Resposta  Missatge 38 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/01/2012 19:27

Resposta  Missatge 39 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/01/2012 19:35

Resposta  Missatge 40 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/01/2012 17:49



Stemma Gendarmeria Vaticana.svg


File:Stemma Gendarmeria Vaticana.svg



1. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVES del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
 Lactantius declaró (De Morte 44) que el emperador vio a Cristo en un sueño en donde le ordenó que pintara en los escudos de su ejército “Chi-Rho” (primeras dos letras de la palabra Cristo en griego: Χριστός -ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ- (khristos)) las cuales forman el monograma cristiano;


Notice, The Mark of PISO, the Chi-Rho, And the Obelisk, The Egyptian monument to RA, the Sun God, notice the Triangle Roof and Circle upon St.Peter



Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.

3:15 Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.


387. Efesios 6:17: Y tomad el yelmo de la salvación, y la ESPADA del Espíritu, que es la palabra de Dios;

Resposta  Missatge 41 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/01/2012 18:44

Resposta  Missatge 42 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/01/2012 20:45

Gates of the Sun

On the freemasons website that Wayne Herschel is referring to on the Key of Solomon website, the freemasons speak of the wisdom of the ancient Philosophers who regarded the soul of man to have its origins in Heaven. The soul was believed to incarnate into the flesh after having descended from Heaven passing through the Gate of Man. Having lived another live on Earth the soul eventually left the body after death and returned to Heaven again this time passing through the Gate of God. The Gate of Man corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic at 5° Gemini (sidereal zodiac) while the Gate of God corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic in 5° Sagittarius.

The Greek writer Macrobius called these gates on the ecliptic, through which the souls ascended and descended to Heaven, the Gates of the Sun. This is because not only mortal man but also the Sun dies and is reborn in the precession cycle at the very same gates. When the Sun resides on the gates of the Sun at an equinox or solstice, it represents a Galactic Alignment and Great Celestial Conjunction.

What happens during the 39 year period of a Great Celestial Conjunction is that the Sun at the equinox or solstice slowly shifts through the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way.

Galactic Equator
Winter Solstice Galactic Alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator

On Earth, the River Nile was the reflection of this great river in the sky, in accordance with the Hermetic principle "as above, so below." Herschel's earliest ingenious research has demonstrated that all of the pyramids along the river Nile represent constellations along the Milky Way, not just Orion! There are more than 50 pyramids in total, and their true meaning can only be deciphered when one considers the whole of Egypt.

During a Great Celestial Conjunction, the Sun crosses that great river in the sky, the Milky Way. Egyptologists explain that the solar God Ra (and Horus) required a boat because they sailed the Heavens from sunrise in the East to sunset in the West. At night, Ra travelled the Netherworld to be reborn in the morning at sunrise. Egyptologists reject the idea that the Egyptians understood the Precession of the Equinoxes and that the Sun also sojourns along the zodiac in a 26,000 year journey corresponding with the Precession Cycle.

In the Book of the Gates, the travel of the Sun at night along with the deceased pharaoh into the Netherworld is described. The Sun enters the Netherworld in the first hour just after sunset to be reborn in the morning at sunrise after a twelve hour nocturnal journey. There are many parallels, however, with the precessional journey of the Sun along the twelve signs of the zodiac to be discovered in the Book of the Gates. The 12 hours in the Book of Gates are structured into four groups of three hours, denoting a cross in the face of the clock. In the 12th hour Nun raises the solar barque with the scarab beetle of the Sun God from the primeval waters (Milky Way?), this is the hour of the rebirth of the Sun.

Left: Nun raises the solar barque from the primeval waters at ‘sunrise’, the time of the rebirth of the Sun.

During Ra's travel through all of the twelve signs of the zodiac in the precession cycle, he will be requiring a boat to twice cross that great river in the sky, the Milky Way! It is probably the only reason why the Egyptian deities required a Sun barque in the first place. Boats are used to cross waters, not skies, so it was used not for their nightly ecliptic travel from East to West through the Netherworld, but for their travels along the zodiac in the precession cycle. It is during this journey that the Sun would be required to cross the waters of the Milky Way at least twice. The Book of the Gates may therefore have been misinterpreted by Egyptologists as the nocturnal journey of the Sun simply because they reject the idea that the Egyptians understood Precession! Keep in mind that only twice per year on the equinox the day and night will be exactly 12 hours in length. It is therefore far more logical that the 12 hours in the Book of the Gates are in fact the 12 zodiacal Ages of the Precession Cycle.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were buried with their arms crossed holding Ankhs in their hands. This posture of the deceased pharaoh can be found on sarcophagus and in statues throughout Egypt. The Ankh represents a cross symbol.


Tjel, major of Memphis under Amenhotep III Sarcophagus with arms crossed
Left: Grave statue of Tjel mayor of Memphis under Amenhotep III Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.
Right: Sarcophagus with crossed arms and X cross on chest, Dutch National Museum of antiquities, Leiden.

Since the Greek inherited much of their wisdom from the Egyptians, it's more than reasonable to suspect that the gate or portal mentioned in the Book of the Gates through which the pharaoh enters the Netherworld is, in fact, the Gate of God that the Greek writer Macrobius writes about. The Gate of God was also called the Golden Gate, while the Gate of Men was called the Silver Gate. The very same Egyptian cross symbolism used by the pharaohs associated with the Golden and Silver gates of the soul (and the Sun) can still be recognized in the coat of arms of the Vatican, consisting of two crossed keys; one Golden, one Silver.

Vatican Coat of Arms
Silver and Golden cross in the Coat of Arms of the Vatican

The Golden Gate is the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus on the zodiac while the Silver Gate is the Milky Way ecliptic crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The Silver Gate was represented by the horns of Isis and the associated bull Taurus.

The Silver Gate is also clearly depicted in the Narmer Palette (3100 BC) named after the Egyptian pharaoh. The Narmer Palette shows the celestial goddess bull Bat (Taurus) with her horns bent over pointing exactly to the place of the rebirth of the Sun, the Silver Gate. The two cow's heads on top of the palette also represent Bat. In-between the two cow goddesses a hieroglyph is depicted representing the rising of the Sun in between two mountains on the horizon. It's a hieroglyph that is very similar to the Akhet hieroglyph with the same significance.

Narmer Palette
Bat on the left and right with the 'Akhet' glyph in between.

Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden

Bat was the goddess of the Milky Way considered to be a pool of Bat's cow milk. Bat was also the goddess of the human soul, the "Ba" that incarnated into human life form. Since the soul incarnated into human life passing through the Silver Gate (crossing of Milky Way and ecliptic), it's not surprising that Bat was both the goddess of the Milky Way and the human soul. Ba is a derivative of Bat, whereas "Ka" represents the human light-body. "Mer" represents the light of the Egyptian light-body-soul complex, the "Mer-Ka-Ba." Bat was also called the "Ba of Two Faces." Egyptologists are in the dark about her name and don't seem to understand that she was called this way, because there are actually two portals both to and from the Netherworld for the Ba to descend into the physical plane (Silver Gate) and ascend from the physical plane (Golden Gate). Both Hathor, Isis and Bat are all cow goddesses and Egyptologists have often pointed out the similarities between these goddesses depicted with cow-horns suspecting that they may have the same origins...they all represent the Silver Gate.

At the bottom of the Narmar palette in-between the horns of the bull, the very same hieroglyph is depicted as the one shown between two Bat bulls on top of the palette. This Akhet-like hieroglyph symbolises the rising Sun on the horizon.

Narmer palette 2 Narmer Palette 3

The Narmar Palette, bull in close up on the right. The bull is leaning towards the Silver Gate near the Gemini-Taurus nexus depicted in between the horns. The hieroglyph in between the horns resembles an Akhet glyph and represents the Silver Gate.

Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden


On the other side of the Narmer palette two identical men, hence suggesting twins are depicted. They are both looking over their shoulders to a particular square over the left man’s shoulder. We surmise that the twins represent Gemini which would make sense since the actual ecliptic Milky Way crossing of the Silver Gate occurs in 5° Gemini (sidereal zodiac) and the square could therefore be suggesting the Silver Gate.


Narmer palette backside

Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden

The author Audrey of the website "Ancient Egypt" writes while referring to the Narmar Palette: "They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way."

At the Autumnal Equinox, the Sun was indeed at the Milky Way, however at the Golden Gate. At the Vernal Equinox of 4468 BC, the Sun resided at the Silver Gate. The author (Audrey) does not seem to realise that this moment represented a Great Celestial Conjunction when the equinox axis (Vernal and Fall) aligned with the Galactic Equator and the Sun resided at the Gates of the Gods.

Instead, while interpreting the hieroglyphs of the 10 decapitated figures near the Solar Barque, he writes quote, "The full meaning of the hieroglyph can therefore be interpreted as 'the Sun at a sacred gateway, opening or portal'..."

While Hathor, Isis and Bat are all cow goddesses, Egyptologists have often pointed out the similarities between these goddesses depicted with cow-horns suspecting that they may have the same origins. . . .   
We suggest that they all represent the Silver Gate.

There is an even older Egyptian goddess that later was associated with Isis and Hathor. Her name is Serket and she was the deification of the scorpion goddess who healed stings and bites. Eventually, Serket was associated with Isis and she was said to be just an aspect of Isis. Serket and Isis can therefore be regarded as the ‘Ba of Two Faces’. While Isis represents the Silver Gate at the Gemini-Taurus nexus, Serket is her counterpart and she represents the Golden Gate at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus. This is why she’s wearing the scorpion on her head while she joined Ra in his barque on his journey around the zodiac in a Great Year.


Left: Isis with the solar disk in between the horns representing the Silver Gate
Right: Serket with the scorpion at her head representing the Golden Gate.

The sacred Egyptian scarab beetle is a metaphor for the Sun in the precession cycle whereas the dung ball represents the Sun. The scarab beetle rolls its dung ball with his hind legs backwards, symbolizing the backward motion of the Sun through the zodiac in the precession cycle. Since the scarab beetle has many similarities with a scorpion, we surmise that Serket and the scarab beetle both represent the Golden Gate in Egyptian mythology.


Right: Scarab representing the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way
 near Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. The dung ball of Scarab beetle is the Sun.


On the left, the scarab beetle in a barque. On the right, the bull with the horns in a barque. They represent the places where Ra requires a barque to cross the Milky Way river in the precession cycle and thus represents the galactic equator.

Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.


The most interesting of female ‘horned’ Egyptian goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon is Seshat. She was the goddess of astrology mathematics architecture and keeper of the measure of time.


Seshat with the down turned horns and eight pointed cross.

Although interpretations differ what the cross above Seshat represents, some believe it represents a seven pointed star on a pole, other believe it represents a papyrus leaf, the authors of this article suggest that it represents an eight pointed cross, symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction. It is placed right below the down turned horns exactly at the place where the Sun will reside during a Great Celestial Conjunction at equinoxes or solstices. Seshat headdress was called Safekh-Aubi (Sefekh-Aubi) and meant ‘She who wears the two horns’.

Seshat helped pharaoh with the alignment of the temples in Egypt in a ritual called Pedjeshes which translates into ‘Stretching the cord’ (Pedj--"to stretch," Shes--"a cord").  Armed with two pegs connected by a rope, pharaoh was accompanied by a priestess representing Seshat and aligned the temple to the celestial’s Bull’s leg while Seshat connected the other peg to her ‘home place’.  

Since Seshat’s ‘home place’ is in between the horns of bull Taurus where the Sun resides at a Great Celestial conjunction and where also the eight pointed cross is depicted, the authors suggest that in the Pedjeshes alignment ritual the Pleiades as the ‘leg of the bull’ (Taurus) is being used to show the way to the place where the Sun would reside at a Great Celestial Conjunction. In this ritual the temple was aligned accordingly!

Pleiades as a way shower to the summer solstice Sun of 1998
(Great Celestial Conjunction era 2012)


See also Wicherink’s reinterpretation of Herschel’s conclusions on Stonehenge

Wayne Herschel mentions ‘the stretching of the rope’ ritual in his book ‘The Hidden Records’. The ‘Leg of the Bull’ (meaning the Pleiades) is mentioned in the temple of Hathor in Dendera where it is written:

“The living god Thoth – nourished by the sublime goddess in the temple – the sovereign of the country – stretches the rope in joy (align with it) – With his glance .. - ..towards the ‘ak’ of the bull’s thigh constellation.. – he establishes the temple house of the mistress of Dendera, as it took place there before”

(Wayne Herschel, The Hidden Records, pg 141)

Resposta  Missatge 43 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 30/01/2012 01:23

At the Vatican this understanding of the two crosses is displayed in a compelling way. At Saint Peter’s Square we find the obelisk at the centre of the square. Around the obelisk we find two circles. The inner circle contains a 4 pointed cross. The outer circle contains an 8 pointed cross. The obelisk at the centre of Saint Peter’s Square represents the Sun. The rotating Earth Cross (inner circle) is displayed here against the backdrop of the 8 pointed cross. The outer circle therefore represents the superimposed crosses of the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross.

The lines of the crosses are set in travertine among the cobblestones of the Plaza. In 1817 circular stones were set to mark the tip of the obelisks shadow at noon making the obelisk a giant sundial gnomon with Saint Peter’s square perfectly aligned to the cardinal directions!





Above: the perfect alignment of the St. Peter's square to the cardinal directions.
Below: The 8 pointed cross on St. Peter's square, the obelisk is a pagan token of Sun worship. There is a 4 pointed cross in the inner circle and an 8 pointed cross in the outer circle, the obelisk represents the Sun!


Resposta  Missatge 44 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 14:50

Resposta  Missatge 45 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 15:21

Vatican city holds the solution. In all its glory, it spreads all the way across the great St Peter's piazza matching the circular key handle pattern, all the way down the causeway to the Castel Sant' Angelo. The Fortress is a giant five pointed star! Here is the first breakthrough:
.......Click here to learn more.

Here is a broader view of Vatican City

Here is St. Peter holding "The key to Paradise".

Interesting is the street layout of the Vatican City echoes the layout of cities such as Washington d.c, London, and Paris which their 'masonic' type geometry.

This is another great piece to the puzzle. What puzzle?

Happy hunting.

[edit on 30-12-2007 by IvanZana]

Resposta  Missatge 46 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 15:24
I have read the main page - lots more links to investigate!

But WOW! When I saw the picture of the Vitruvian man in the star of Castel Sant' Angelo, I immediately thought of the 10th chapter of Revelation:

1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:
7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.
9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

This may be a stretch, but to me, it seems as if the right 'leg' of the star is on land while the left is on the sea...which is the opposite of the stance of the seventh angel; which makes sense if one considers that Earth and Heaven are 'face to face' and therefore mirror images of one another. (in the likeness of our image)

I personally associate obelisks with Hashteput, and Senmut was her vizier...and I believe the sphinx (riddle box) to be a representation of a female pharaoh. The 'right paw' of the Sphinx (the roaring lion) = the right hand of Christ = the key to which St. Peter holds.

I don't know...my mind is reeling! I have a lot of reading to do!


Resposta  Missatge 47 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 15:31
10:1 Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el arco iris sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.
10:2 Tenía en su mano un librito abierto; y puso su pie derecho sobre el mar, y el izquierdo sobre la tierra; (Una referencia a la SEÑAL DE JONAS CON REFERENCIA AL TERCER DIA en que fueron creados el mar y la tierra)
10:3 y clamó a gran voz, como ruge un león; y cuando hubo clamado, siete truenos emitieron sus voces.
10:4 Cuando los siete truenos hubieron emitido sus voces, yo iba a escribir; pero oí una voz del cielo que me decía: Sella las cosas que los siete truenos han dicho, y no las escribas.
10:5 Y el ángel que vi en pie sobre el mar y sobre la tierra, levantó su mano al cielo,
10:6 y juró por el que vive por los siglos de los siglos, que creó el cielo y las cosas que están en él, y la tierra y las cosas que están en ella, y el mar y las cosas que están en él, que el tiempo no sería más, (El angel no jura por si mismo. Es curioso que el unico que puede JURAR POR SI MISMO ES DIOS)
10:7 sino que en los días de la voz del séptimo ángel, cuando él comience a tocar la trompeta, el misterio de Dios se consumará, como él lo anunció a sus siervos los profetas.
10:8 La voz que oí del cielo habló otra vez conmigo, y dijo: Ve y toma el librito que está abierto en la mano del ángel que está en pie sobre el mar y sobre la tierra.
10:9 Y fui al ángel, diciéndole que me diese el librito. Y él me dijo: Toma, y cómelo; y te amargará el vientre, pero en tu boca será dulce como la miel.
10:10 Entonces tomé el librito de la mano del ángel, y lo comí; y era dulce en mi boca como la miel, pero cuando lo hube comido, amargó mi vientre.
10:11 Y él me dijo: Es necesario que profetices otra vez sobre muchos pueblos, naciones, lenguas y reyes.

Resposta  Missatge 48 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 15:53
It starts with the Five Pointed Star. Leonardo Da Vinci was almost executed because of his work. Remember this painting?


The fingers, toes and head all form a perfect five-pointed star, with the genitals in the very center. The secret is that we are STAR-MEN and WOMEN and we come from a different part of the galaxy. St. Peter holds a key in the Vatican courtyard. Hiram Abif, the Mason's hero and Solomon's wiseman has a key. Solomon has a key. The Vatican courtyard is a giant key, and at the end of the key, at Castel St. Angelo, the literal design is of a five pointed star. This is why the star has been turned upside down to make it appear evil, because it was the most important secret to the mysteries, and only the elite were allowed to know the true origins of man. The Mason's recently publicized Hiram Abiff's map to the place we came from. There are 50 pyramids along the Nile, and they are in precise alignment with the fifty brightest stars along the edge of our Milky Way Galaxy! You look at Easter Island and it's a five-pointed star. You look at the face on Cydonia and the Five pointed pyramid, and you find seven structures also, like the seven candles and the seven hills of Rome. These represent the Pleiads. Where do these maps point? We have to align the stars in the map by 33 degrees to see the map. This is found all over the world in almost every ancient society. The arrow shoots past three stars to the Pleiads where there is a sun like star among the seven, then they came to our sun, and the third sun like star forms a pyramid, with the Pleiads representing the eye. The three sun like stars are on the one dollar bill. Simply superimpose the pyramid over the eagle and you will see that only three stars remain around the eye. A fascinating story that I'm surprised no one has mentioned. Of course I didn't discover this myself, I'm just trying to summarize it. You can read about it in Wayne Herschel's new book, and you can see lots of amazing pictures here:


This is the secret the church REALLY doesn't want you to know. All these ancient sites are STARMAPS, all over the world and on Mars, and they all point to the exact same place (Orion).

Resposta  Missatge 49 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 15:58

Resposta  Missatge 50 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 16:00

Vaticano, Ciudad del


41 54' 7.73" N 12 27' 9.44" E

El Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano, con una extensión de 0,44 km² y una población de menos de 1.000 habitantes, es el Estado soberano menos extenso y menos poblado del mundo. Es tan pequeño que sólo la basílica de San Pedro ocupa un 7% de su superficie, y la basílica y la plaza juntas ocupan un 20% del territorio.

Alberga la Santa Sede, órgano de gobierno de la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana.

Ésta es la enorme Plaza de San Pedro. Es una explanada de forma elíptica y rodeada por una columnata balaustrada sobre la que se asientan las figuras de más de 100 santos, realizada por Bernini. En el centro destaca un monumental obelisco.

Arriba tenemos la Basílica de San Pedro, donde se observa la impresionante cúpula diseñada por Miguel Angel, con un diámetro de 42,5 metros y una altura de 132 metros.


Resposta  Missatge 51 de 411 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/01/2012 19:43

The breakthrough here leads to deciphering the Holy Grail...The Sang-real.

There is far more to this proposed Vatican secret than meets the eye. A two-dimensional star interpretation of Orion showing the way to a nearby Sun-like star is only half of the story.

What may also have some bearing on this secret are the positions of real ‘Sun worship’ Egyptian obelisks, which will be addressed in this article. Of equal importance, and yet to be mentioned, is that the geographical criterion may have inspired the site on which Rome was built.

Rome itself was built in close proximity to seven hills that have become legendary to the city.  So legendary in fact, that they are even known and referred to as “The Seven Hills of Rome”.

This was the last clue Wayne had been looking for. He had previously found many accounts of seven manmade hills/pyramids/mounds that were venerated as representing the stars of the Pleiades by most of the great ancient civilisations.

A friend of Wayne asked if he had checked a very significant possibility. What were the implications of the Vatican causeway’s alignment with the ‘star fortress’ when looking East, as viewed from the Pope’s balcony? Was it designed this way intentionally, as was the case in many of the other great cultures that celebrated the rising of important stars with the Sun on the horizon?

It was a very significant possibility that Wayne had not yet tested.

In ancient Egypt, obelisks became synonymous with solar gods and Sun worship. Or to be more precise, worship that was once associated with stars that were like our own Sun. It was a once-advanced civilisation that most likely built the monuments:
  • To celebrate their origins with the layout of the monuments
  • For spiritual ritual inside the monuments

Over the millennia, this knowledge was lost; perhaps disappearing in a huge cataclysmic event Earth had been subjected to. All records and libraries would likely have been annihilated in the mass destruction; and as a consequence, the remnants of the aforementioned knowledge would have degenerated into a primitive cult that worshipped our Sun.

Ostensibly, the significance that the Sun-like stars held for the ancients had been all but forgotten over time. No small wonder, since these stars are too tiny to be seen without optical equipment.

The Sphinx secret, which has been found to mirror a recently exposed Freemason secret, can now be tested at the Vatican. What we are looking for is an Egyptian ritual in Rome. If it can be found then conclusions can be drawn far beyond this story being merely a coincidence.

The age-old solar cult celebrating three Sun-like stars as solar deities on the 25th December is Greco-Roman. This date later appears to have been adapted to celebrate the birth of Christ. Ref - three solar deities – solar trinity origin – Sol Invictus click here.

Perhaps this is another clue as to the exact date when one needs to test what is seen in the sky in Rome.

Sun worship was a well-known obsession in Egypt at the time of Christ. It would therefore not be surprising at all if some crucial knowledge pertaining to this solar cult has been preserved at the Vatican in some way if Christ himself addressed the subject with more clarity. One has only to look at the prevalence of Egyptian obelisks at the Vatican to come to the conclusion they were sufficiently important to warrant their inclusion in the layout.  

After spending a few hours on his star program Wayne hit gold once again. In the image below, he has re-enacted an exaggerated perspective of the Pope’s view from his balcony and the view from Saint Peter’s statue looking down the causeway, specifically before the city of Rome became built-up. (The Sun-like stars and obelisks are magnified for clarity). The sky image has been reproduced from a computer star program. Here it is set at a little after 6pm on the 25th December. We seem to have discovered the meaning of the three great Magi in the East and importance of the cosmic bull of Taurus in the sky above the causeway. Given this extraordinary revelation, it is not in the least surprising that bull worship evolved from this very ancient secret.

It is extraordinary to note that on December 25th (Christmas) historically, the Pope stands at this balcony to address those gathered below.

If the Pope were to look at the sky in the direction of the causeway towards the East, (obviously at a time before city lights spoiled the view) he would be in the best position possible to get close to the visual experience you see in the image below where the sky mirrors the monuments on the ground:

 “As above so below”.

The Christmas evening sky in Rome is comparable to that of ancient Egypt and this fundamental image is contained in the foundational secret of the Freemasons… their first degree tracing board! It is a secret that reveals humanity’s unexpected connection… with the heavens.

The Pleiades appear to be an accurate orientation match with the Seven Hills of Rome’. The three nearby Sun-like stars (researched on this website) in the vicinity of the Pleiades appear to be an accurate orientation match with two of the solar obelisks on the ground in relation to Rome’s “star fortress”… the ultimate star correlation.

Given this remarkable revelation, it hardly comes as a surprise that the Pope appears on this night with a public event celebrating midnight mass. At midnight the stars are higher up in the sky and more visible.

All indicators are that the three kings (Magi) that follow from the East are the three ‘belt’ stars of Orion. This interpretation is as old as the secret itself. Freemason reference… click here

"The three kings come from the east and follow (three in a row alignment) to locate the star associated with the birth of Christ". (Gospel of Mathew).

It is said that a stellar observatory once graced the top of the Castel Sant’ Angelo “star fortress”. Therefore, a star-shaped fortress and the ritual of solar alignment and Sun-like stars seem quite appropriate, not to mention that the so-called ‘hidden records’ of the Vatican are also said to be stored there.

The obelisk at St Peter’s square seems to designate the star that is at the centre of the Orion ‘belt’ stars, as it were representing the Orion constellation as a whole. The same reasoning seems to be true for the obelisk at the Bernini fountain, found at the foot of the most famous hill of Rome, the Hill Capitole. In all likelihood it designates the other great constellation of relevance… the Pleiades located in Taurus. (The two smaller obelisks in the image).

Wayne proposes that it is these very same star constellations and sacred stars in the vicinity of the Pleiades that past civilisations originally revered! These stars seem to be associated with their gods who came down from the sky. But here is where this story will truly stand on solid ground:

It appears to be the very same star secret also shared by the following:
  • Egypt, as the ‘star of Ra’
  • Freemasons, as their “blazing star”
  • Christ, as the ‘Bethlehem star’
  • Stonehenge, as the ‘star of their gods’
  • Tikal’s largest monument in Guatemala, as the ‘star of their gods’
  • Mars anomalies, as the ‘star of their gods’ in conjunction with a second Sun-like star as the ‘human genesis star’
  • Angkor, the civilisation that celebrates the third Sun-like star in the vicinity of the Pleiades as their ‘star of their gods’.
Ref – click here

In Masonic tradition, the star with the inserted traditional beam of light/cosmic ladder is also synonymous with how the star of the gods has been depicted in Egypt’s Senmut tomb. It is most likely the star referred to as the “blazing star” by Freemasons long before they reinterpreted it as the star Sirius. The “star fortress” in Rome represents this critically important Sun-like star.

One could even further speculate that this secret originated from an Egyptian manuscript, and is now a hidden record that both the Vatican and the Freemasons share.

It is becoming increasingly evident that the Vatican once venerated the same Egyptian obelisks and pillars integral to the Freemason’s aforementioned tracing board. In both instances the pillars and obelisks are beacon markers celebrating star positions. Click here

It is the very same star theme mentioned in the biblical account of Jacob’s ladder coming down from the sacred star in the Genesis text where Jacob built a pillar on the ground to celebrate its position.

The “star fortress” encapsulates the Da Vinci Vitruvian man geometry thus suggesting that humanity is physically connected to the Sun-like star.

By now you must be wondering why ancient Rome, as a map of the heavens, was built so expansively that up until now no one has even noticed it due to its size.
Here is the twist to the story: The message appears to have been designed to be projected skywards! 

Even the Pope’s vantage point from his balcony in earlier days was not really high enough to see the vast and intricate layout in all its majesty.

If at this point you remain unconvinced of the proposed interpretation of Rome as a star map, we challenge you to take a closer look at all the other star map interpretations that Wayne has identified in almost every ancient civilisation. (Links shown below). Or if you are still sceptical about the sacred cross of the St Paul’s piazza being Orion’s ‘belt’ as the sacred PX (Chi-rho insignia) for Christ, then ponder on this unique sacred cross depiction seen on the Pope’s stole. Note the ‘coincidence’ of the gold pin in identical orientation, like the arrow effect of Orion’s ‘belt’… showing the way in the heavens. It looks remarkably similar to the piazza and causeway or the key of St. Peter… showing the way to the sacred place in the heavens.

It is becoming increasingly evident that humanity has been way off track in its interpretation of the meaning of the three Sun-like stars in a the age old habit of sun veneration.

In early civilisations our ancestors were very proud of these stars, but as civilisation became more destructive we began to adore the ancient depictions of these stars in what had slowly degenerated into a very primitive and meaningless solar worshipping cult.

In addition, humanity also began to worship the celestial bull of the heavens, in a misconstrued teaching that should have been about the rising Sun entering Taurus. Our many cultures foolishly preferred to venerate the place these star visitors (linked to our ancestors) came from rather than focusing on the invaluable teachings that transpired from their visits.

It seems even with the arrival of Christ, part of his great teachings would appear to have involved putting the records straight. Sadly however, after the Romans murdered him they probably also decided that the truth needed to be hidden. Ever wonder what happened to the original Aramaic or Hebrew gospels before they were conveniently ‘found’ written in Greek, the prime language of early Rome?

Equally baffling is why nobody seems to be bothered with the reason behind the messiah’s original Hebrew name of Yeshua having been changed to a Greek name, Jesus. His altered name is pronounced as “I” – “Zeus” which sounds too close for comfort like the Greek reference to “of Zeus” i.e. son of Zeus. Christ was added from the Greek word Christus, which most likely describes “criss-cross”. Inadvertently: Son of Zeus - Man of the sacred cross of the sky.

The sacred cross knowledge associated with Christ makes one wonder if the crucifixion itself on a cross, just like St Peter’s crucifixion, was punishment for those who believed the sacred cross lost knowledge.

It is also strange that the Vitruvian man mimics the stance of the Christ… a cosmic ‘teacher’, showing the way as Orion to the Bethlehem star in the sky. The next time you have a close look at the Vitruvian man image, have a close look at the three exaggerated marks on his waistline. Why would DaVinci make errors in depicting muscles like this on a man who had very little physical development?

For the Roman Emperor Constantine this cross of the sky was the most important reason for accepting the Hebrew man as a messiah.

The Bethlehem star secret would appear to show that human life was divine so to speak. This is exactly what Judas was told by Christ in the recent Judas codex that was discovered, and in which Christ said to Judas:

“This star is also YOUR star.”

In other words, Jesus was telling him in his last moments that we all come from the heavens by virtue of our ancestors. It is a truth that would confirm that we are all equal and that human life is sacrosanct. Not a very pleasing thought to a Roman dictator who was used to conquering new lands and enslaving its people.

To compare this star interpretation to other ancient civilisations click here

As already mentioned, the important Sun-like stars in the night sky are not visible to the human eye at all, so it did not take long for our ancestors to assume that the bright star Sirius, or our Sun was the answer to the cosmic mystery. Coincidently, Sirius also lay in a position that aligns with the three ‘belt’ stars of Orion. Our Sun aligns with the ‘belt’ stars in the month of May as it enters Taurus the bull. The Freemasons thus assumed the “blazing star” secret was Sirius… a star not conducive to supporting life, as we know it. But some ancient texts also spoke of important Sun stars and they were decorated with human faces. Perhaps this was their way of suggesting these star systems had human beings colonise their planets. (See star map on Mars and face anomaly).

Our ancient civilisations apparently cared very little about the great lessons the star visitors taught them. This was their greatest downfall. They did not ever consider the possibility of prioritising world peace or the equality of all people. They were quite happy to continue the habit of cruel dictatorships and extorting money from their people where tradition insisted:
  • You had to pay the church to have your sins forgiven
  • Men were to be given preferential treatment over women
  • New lands could be conquered and foreigners could be killed
  • Foreign men, woman and children could be owned as slaves
One has to consider the possibility that both the Freemasons and the Vatican would want to keep any mysterious and primitive records of Sun worship hidden, especially since their great secret did not make much sense at all.

And if you think that this is where the story ends, you are mistaken, for there is infinitely more. The earliest Hebrew parchment of King Solomon referred to as the Key of Solomon (from the Clavicular Salomonis manuscript) is about to mirror the story. No wonder Dan Brown at a recent press conference revealed that his next book would be based around this story.  Go to www.keyofsolomon.net for the story reveal and valuable references that is being timed in with exclusive magazines and periodical releases around the world. 


This could all just be a coincidence, but if it is not then we need to revisit history from a new angle. At the beginning of the story it was suggested that this secret might be forbidden to humanity because it could change the world. How would this story change the world? If it is proven as factual (and there is now enough new research material to test it) then one has to ask the following three earth shattering questions:

· What is the Christ star? · What did Christ mean in the Judas codex "This star is also your star"? · What would it mean if our ancestors all originate from another star system? Ref - click here

Are the star maps saying the entire human lineage is not of this Earth and we are all descendant from a divine lineage so to speak? If this were true it means we evolved somewhere else and there is always going to be a missing link in Earth evolution. The Shugburough monument had a similar claim. Ref - click here.

The big secret in hiding this knowledge is obvious.

If all humankind is of the lineage of 'angelic' visitation would it not be certain that the logic of this revelation would insist we are all equal, no discrimination whatsoever, be it between male, female, society, race and religion? This would end slavery and human rights violations? Would this be worth hiding at the time of Christ… or at the time of Leonardo Da Vinci? Understandably and very sadly… yes.

We have just reached the time in the journey of life where any form of human discrimination is now recognised as completely unacceptable so the time is right for appraising the star map secret.


Is there more on the secret Grail story? Was a secret disc like this given to Judas by Christ before his crucifixion and was Judas murdered by the Romans and the disc confiscated? Ref - click here

Now that you have clues as to how the Sang-real sacred lineage (grail) disc might look like, search codex archives for an ancient mysterious manuscript that looks like the image shown here. Look also for the stars inserted within the sacred cross and expect detail also of a human face in the position of the "x" star (like on Mars), and the extra detail of another cosmic pointer missing in the Vatican story… a line drawn from the Pleiades linking to it. Or.. go to the Grail itself right here...

Here is the release on the Holy Grail...The Sang-real.

It is important for those that feel uncomfortable about the star map theory that Wayne's new research fully supports the truth that the Creator of this universe spoke through Christ. The latest research is without doubt heading in a very new direction that will promote the value of the human spirit and promote peaceful living. It might even unite humanity, as all human races stem from this same lineage. The new research at the same time shows respect to those of firm traditional belief based on the original earliest texts that all religions refer to.

It is important for people to know in which direction the new research is Heading.


Click here for the spiritual direction the hidden records research will be heading

Click here for the cosmic human blueprint code reference

Click here for the link to secret symbols honouring the secret human blueprint code and those that desecrate it

Click here for the human blueprint code found in Da Vinci's paintings

Click here for the human blueprint code found at Rosslyn Chapel

Click here for the Egyptian star map

Click here for the Stonehenge star map and its shocking latest breakthroughs

Click here for the Lascaux 17 250 year old star map

Click here for the Mars star map

Click here for the astronomical star data and Orion page

Click here to see sacred cross on coins

Click here for what may simply be a coincidental 300-year-old Freemason star map and human code pattern match

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