the famous words of rik clay...stuff goin on here...rik would be in his eye holes with this stuff in this business you learn lessons. I learned a big lesson when I brought Diabolus Rex on my show recently and that is sometimes novelty and child like curiosity gets in the way of a topic that you really want to discuss.
Rex Church is a Magister Templi of the Church of Satan and has been a guest on my shows for nearly 10 years.
He has been on my national radio program, all of my local shows and he even appeared on my internet show. He teamed up with Freeman of the Freeman perspective and appeared at my Night Club show “The Ground Zero Lounge.”
His Satanist views have been welcome on my show, not because I am a Satanist myself, but because I would rather hear what Satanists think from the source and not from some Christian who has studied the “occult” at some mail order bible school.
Rex has been written about in books Like “Cult Rapture: Revelations of the Apocalyptic Mind” by Adam Parfrey and is well acquainted with Psychological operations, especially those that have their darker sides such as assassination by thought, telepathic communications and remote viewing.
When I wrote my observations about the movie Avatar I had asked Rex to appear on my show to take part in the conversation. Rex usually calls me back in a timely manner when I ask him to be on. This time it was different.
Rex had sent me an e-mail telling me that he was troubled because a girlfriend of his lived in Chile and was lost somewhere in the terrible earthquake that hit there. After a few days his worries were over because he told me that he remote viewed the area and found her. I was surprised to hear that he did this. Rex has never shared with me that he has this ability. I knew that he was involved in psy-ops for the military –but never a remote viewer.
Following the declassification of documents related to Project Stargate, a $20 million research program sponsored by the U.S. Federal Government, Remote viewing, became a topic on late night talk shows. The Military was literally training people in psychic phenomena since World War II. It mostly was used as tool to gather information about distant or unseen targets. It was also used for psionic assassinations.
Rex said he would do my show because he had something of great importance to tell my audience about the earthquake. He wanted to tell me that during his remote viewing session, he fell into something that he determined was not of this earth.
Something that he claimed seemed alien. Rex said that during his remote viewing over Chile he encountered a fiery ring in the sky. He told me that he wanted to share his thoughts on the experience.
He appeared on my show and unfortunately it was sidetracked by callers who had agendas to try and manipulate the “Satanist on display,” while others wanted to know just what a Satanist is. I tried desperately to get the show back on course… But I lost control of what I really wanted him to discuss, the Fiery Ring and what he saw in it above Chile.
The reason this topic was so pressing for me is because Rex and told me by phone about the ring – and I had hoped that someone would capture it on a cell phone camera or something. Days after his initial call to me a video showed up on You Tube.
I couldn’t believe it.
I posted it on my site as soon as I saw it. A few people told me they thought it was fake… a CGI effect… but Rex was the only person who told me the ring existed. He told me of the aerial phenomena a day before the video hit You Tube. He didn’t make the video. He didn’t know the guy who made the video so it was a strange coincidence.
When he came on the show – unfortunately we hardly discussed the ring. It came up off and on – as I tried to get back to the topic but it wasn’t until the end of the show that Rex spilled the beans and left my show at a cliff hanger of sorts.
He spoke about a very dark force that seems to have been activated by the programming of a death culture. He said it is a spirit that is far darker and more alien than anything else. He related that there are demonic forces afoot in religion and politics.
Many of them are recognizable and can be controlled; however he went on to say that what we have been witnessing with the earth is something else entirely. I had never heard Rex openly discuss an alien force before. Not at all like this.
He was literally talking about an “alien war machine” presence, an extraterrestrial mechanism or entity that has the power to destroy us. I was completely glued to every word.
What he saw and what he felt during the remote viewing session was something he could only describe as “alien” in nature. Something from space attacked Chile.
It had intelligence and it had the power to wipe out entire civilizations. In the ring were fiery serpentine entities that he said reminded him of the Ymir from the old Si-Fi movie 20 million miles to Earth. He said it resembled a Djinn or the image of Assyrian demons that have been drawn on ancient tablets.
He made comparisons to the Movie Avatar, the location he spotted in Chile reminded him of Pandora. The blue aliens from the film shared the same attributes as the beings he saw. The beings he saw were not blue, but red and fierce.
He also indicated that the earth aligned with star clusters and the sun. It created a vortex or wormhole which gave the beings a kill shot that they used on Chile to move the earth and try to create chaos. He also speculated about CERN and the capability of the Large Hadron collider to open wormholes and doorways to other dimensions.
He then said that the kill shot was aimed at the lower southern chamber of the planet. The area that is located 33 degrees south of the equator. This was quite interesting because he used a phrase that can be found in the book of Job. It is in a passage of the Old Testament that talks about how the Stars and the sun affect the earth and that the “gods” use them to influence affairs on the earth.
The chambers of the south included southern constellations that were responsible for the cataclysms that the earth was subjected to at one time. He used the term Mazzaroth—a word that is another word for the zodiac, or the changing of time and fortune.
They are mentioned as Khima (Pleiades) and Kesil (Orion). In the Book of Amos, Khima is described as Archturus. I had interpreted that the beast is now influencing mankind and causing the gates of hell to be opened.
Rex claimed that the beasts of the fiery ring were creating a wormhole that swirled above the earth which formed a column of energy that was aimed directly at 33.3 degrees south latitude.
He said that the numbers and the choice of location was not a coincidence. According to Rex, the choice of location shows intelligence of an occult nature. The vortex formed, the ring was seen and the column which took energy from the sun created an earthquake that shook everything from the 33rd south latitude to the 35 degree south latitude. There were reports of flashes of light in the sky from a reporter and also video showed the horrific sight as well. There weren’t any reports in the mainstream about the ring of fire or the wormhole.
Santiago Chile is located at 33.30 south. The epicenter of the Chilean quake was first reported to be located at 34.3 degrees south latitude and 72.0 degrees west longitude. Estimated to be just south of Santiago.
Using numerology, 3+3+3 equals 9, the number of satanic completion. It is the ritualistic kill number of kings and initiates according to the late occultist John Shelby Downard.
It is also related in a way to something known as Mystical Toponymy. Mystical Toponomy is the notion that there are powerful and sacred places on the earth. There is a theory based on coincidence that many events on earth, those events that result in mass death, societal upheaval or change happen at the 33rd NORTH parallel.
Many occult scholars have created the notion that in the realm of dark forces, a bloody sacrificial ritual performed at the 33rd parallel has more power than rituals performed elsewhere. Throughout history, the 33rd degree parallel has been the place for what can be called “sacrifices” of human life.
The Atom Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Japan. It is situated very close to the intersection of 33°30′E longitude and 33°30′N latitude. Nagasaki is near the 33°30′N, as is the White Sands Testing Range New Mexico, where the atom bomb was first tested and detonated.
The Roswell incident in 1947 where it is believed an extraterrestrial space craft crashed is on the 33rd parallel. John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Texas near the 33rd degree parallel. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 near the 33rd parallel. The Waco compound where the Branch Davidians were murdered was near the 33rd parallel. David Koresh died at age 33 on that site. The space shuttle Columbia broke up over the 33rd parallel.
The “Heaven’s Gate” cult committed suicide from almost exactly the 33°30′N latitude in “Rancho Santa Fe,” North of San Diego. The group committed suicide after a number of strange events occurred. First the Hale-Bopp comet was said to have had a companion “ship” following it and at the same time a large UFO was seen over Phoenix Arizona at about 33.24 – 32.34 North latitude.
The cult also had ties to the Psy-op group the first earth Battalion the very same organization that utilized remote viewing techniques similar to what Rex talked about on my show.
If you wish to understand the secret rite and the possible satanic implications of what is happening to the population of earth, you may want to look into occult numerology and what it may imply.
In the 16th Chapter of the book of Revelation, Megiddo or Armageddon is identified as the site of where the last great battle will be fought before the advent of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Many believe that the battle of Armageddon may have begun in March of 2003 with the bombings in Baghdad Iraq. Baghdad sits directly on the 33rd Parallel, and the ancient city of Babylon, which Saddam Hussein largely rebuilt, is nearly 30miles north.
In fact the land of Meggido the alleged area in which that battle of Armageddon is to begin also sits on the 33rd degree parallel. If this is the beginning of what biblical revelators call Armageddon it could be the slaughter of the ages and will validate the Christian view of what has been foretold. Christians believe that the greatest and bloodiest battle will be fought in the areas near Iraq.
Can anyone believe these things are happening? Can anyone see the ritualism taking place? What is it that we are summoning? Is this part of some covert attack from space? Is it natural or is there intelligence involved? If there is, then perhaps this can help us understand why we are getting predictive programming from movies and TV shows about disasters and alien arrivals.
As we move closer to that cosmically catastrophic due date of 2012, there are a number of ideas swirling around and are encouraged in the Zeitgeist about paranormal events set to occur in the near future.
We have been hearing about these events a lot longer than we can recall. Events that yield the same outcomes and that have been part of our cultural fears for thousands of years.
These events for the most part sound eerily biblical. Stories that include earthquakes, eclipses, planet collisions, visits from “angels”, “demons” “space elders” and of course the return of a messianic God.
All of these events are part of a universal core belief that exists in the three major monotheistic religions. This leaves the people of the world in very vulnerable position.
People in power are very capable of using the various prophecies from Nostradamus, the Koran, the Talmud, and the Bible as blueprints for control. They can be used to socially engineer true believers into a virtual Armageddon that would not be questioned now that we have been told that 2012 is the year of our reckoning.
The very thought of a rapture or even the return of a God from space would terrorize the world. Muslims and Christians awaiting the flashpoint of paradise do not know what turmoil this will cause.. And yet people all over the world are saying that it is coming and many are looking forward to the carnage of Armageddon.
79% of Christian Americans say they believe that Jesus will return to earth soon. The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its light, the stars of the sky will fall, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and then, in their place, a new brightness will appear.
The whole earth will see Jesus appear in a cloud with heavenly power and glory as he calls out all those who are his own. Jesus will then proceed to call upon angels to slaughter who he determines are wicked.
The majority of American Christians will tell you that The United States is a Christian nation, formed with Christian values. That the founding fathers created the Constitution based on the Decalogue of the Old Testament. They claim that they knew the Bible to be the word of god and took it quite literally. If that is the case then why do we not have a protocol or a drill in place to prepare for the coming of some extra terrestrial deity?
Using the logic of the Christian faithful we should have somewhere locked in a vault a writ of “instructions” or “protocols” that can be used to verify or prove that a being coming from heaven is a God or an Alien. When the being arrives, what happens to government? Which religious or political official says hello to
The Great “I AM?”
The Truth is that there is no protocol because it is assumed that if we are to come in contact with a returned messiah or an alien being with powers greater than our own we will submit to its wishes.
If it was able to produce technology indistinguishable from magic we would have no choice but to tremble in its presence and obey without question. If this god or these gods were able to harness the sun or steer an asteroid towards us we most certainly would be on our knees before them.
The Christians say that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is God when he arrives. This messiah will have to put on one hell of a show – It would have to be a huge spectacle seen around the world, or else no one would believe it.
It would have to be exactly the way the artists have framed it or no one will care.
But does it really have to be that way? Or should we pay attention to stories that may take God or even religion completely out of the equation. Should we just come right out and say that the whole second coming of Christ scenario sounds more like an alien invasion than a return of some half man half God that only 2.1 Billion people even care about.
Can we also tell another 1.5 billion Shiite Muslims and some Sunni Muslims who await the coming of the Mahdi and 14 million Jews who await the anointing of the king and the return of Elija that this whole magical appearance of the messiah whether returning or not smacks of an alien or extraterrestrial intervention?
Mankind awaits its Deus Ex Machina and doesn’t understand the consequences that come with such an arrival. It is as if people are playing dumb or that they think their belief systems are healthy and others who have apocalyptic thoughts are just plain crazy.
For example I was embarrassed at the way a report at Fox news was handled about Iran and their declaration that their nuclear capabilities would help bring to pass the coming of the Mahdi.
Near the holy city of Qum stands the mosque of Jam Karan which is just south of the 33rd parallel (roughly 34.7). This mosque allegedly holds the secrets of the Mahdi. Many people believe he is in hiding there and will soon emerge.
The reporters at FOX seem completely surprised that a leader of a country would even bring up the idea of the Apocalypse and a supernatural being that is supposed to return. It seems not out of the ordinary to hear about it now.
Sounds no different than an alien invasion, or the return of Christ and yet Mahmud Ahmadinejad is being treated like a lunatic and the reporters are all acting like this is UNHEARD OF in the United States!
George W. Bush once said that he talked with Jesus and many people think Obama is Jesus. Who is crazy here?
I have to admit that ever since the Vatican has shown interest in the connection between Extra-terrestrial life, God and man I have been having mixed feelings. When the Holy See speaks ex cathedra about alien life being real and the very real possibility of meeting our alien counterparts, I wonder what is really going on. Is this real or are we being set up for something in order to guarantee control over the world population?
I know that there are many people that are unaware that there are currently fragments of over 800 scrolls recovered from caves near Qumran that hold within them information concerning the relationship between man and ultra terrestrial gods or overseers. Institutions from the U.S., England, and the Vatican have all put up the funds for a small group of Hebrew scholars to decipher information that will literally damage traditional beliefs and dogma.
The churches will not care because they have given the warning that something is out there. Something far more powerful than the fairy tale God we all romanticize exists and it is going to send a powerful message to the inhabitants of the planet. We are now realizing that the message is quite clear that God is an extraterrestrial, there are extraterrestrial drones that do the bidding of this God and we are property that can be toyed with or even harmed if this god sees fit to wipe us out.
You may not believe in Aliens, but it is evident that religious organizations now believe, space agencies around the world do and that the United States Military, NASA and other black ops organizations have sensitive information that they have kept from the American people regarding strange anomalous activities in space.
It is getting to the point where NASA is no longer capable of keeping everything “top secret.” Some things cannot easily be explained by science.
NASA is finding it harder to hide the truth about an “alien” presence on earth and in the solar system. They are also finding it harder to hide the fact that the solar system is going through some abrupt changes.
Is NASA telling us everything about what is going on in the Solar System? Is there a massive cover up about the Sun, alien life, and the life span of the earth? Before you discount the possibilities there needs to be some evidence right?
Satellites have been showing signs of being pulled by some unexplained gravitational force. Science has yet to explain the anomaly. They are calling it the “Pioneer Anomaly” as spacecraft are being pulled out of their orbits and are causing erratic behavior.
There has also been a surge of UFO sightings since the year 2000. The national media has been doing reports on the sightings, but of course they still tend to ridicule the witnesses as whack jobs or delusional.
There are also those who believe that “disclosure” is at hand and that they will be vindicated when the US Government admits to the UFO phenomenon as being directly related to extraterrestrials. Even if the so called truth came out about UFO’s or aliens, there are people that are looking for and expecting the wrong answers, when the correct, but far less glorious, fulfilling, and even mundane answers may well be right under our noses.
The news will most assuredly not be what they are expecting because many have put faith in their discoveries and have made them spiritual and faith-based. These ideas sometimes are bordering on, or are fully, a delusional response to the phenomenon.
When our government or the world governments bring forth information on Aliens or UFO’s it will be on their terms. Any information will be permitted and most certainly will not appease the majority of those that have put their time and money into theories of known unknowns.
This would cause a schism and would most certainly become the first shot at developing a mix of science and religion for the ecumenical world order.
Believing there’s something else “out there” (where ever that may be) that is largely unknown is one thing, but faith in specific attributes about that unknown thing, especially relating to the typical cataclysmic model, is quite another. The cataclysmic model worked for our ancestors and a possible doomsday on the horizon seems to be working again for things like Global warming and the fear of Islam.
The cataclysmic model may be a response to powers that have been summoning an attack for some time. We have asked for the beings to show themselves. Perhaps the response isn’t all that pleasant. Perhaps the response is far more complex than an energy laser burst from a huge ship that fills the sky.
People seeking “disclosure” seem to think it is for our own good. They think that learning the truth will put us on the path to free energy machines, miraculous health cures and all sorts of other New age ideas that sound good in a pink fuzzy way, but end up dying when faced with the truth. The truth may be that the phenomenon is not easily put in a box and disclosure will most definitely not happen in the way we seem to think it will.
There are many things in Government that are known as “core secrets.” Allegedly Core Secrets are only given to the President on a Need to Know basis. That means that some Intelligence the President knows nothing about. From what is indicated in several intelligence reports The President does not know the “core secret” of the alien presence. He only knows what you and I probably know. There is no automatic clearance for access to any doomsday scenario provided to the President. If the President makes a speech or if he does disclose the alien presence, it will be disclosed directly from Intelligence and even then that information is highly suspect.
All core intelligence information is protected, even if it is bogus. The reason smacks of dark creepiness.
Core intelligence is always somehow linked to all “doomsday blueprint” Intelligence cores. Core intelligence that would reveal an Alien presence, possible alien intervention and alien attack and or invasion eventually arrives at the possibility of planetary annihilation.
It unfortunately seems like some pseudo-religious scorched earth scenario where civilization must perish to protect itself from an alien threat. This is one possibility as to why full objective disclosure cannot happen.
It is also pointed out in other intelligence resources that if there was an alien presence and if that presence was hostile, there would be no plausible way to protect planet earth other than to destroy it. The revealing of an alien presence, even a friendly one would alter our lives in such a way that we may find ourselves evolving and or disappearing as the alien presence takes over.
Let’s take an example of how an alien presence with good intentions could be a threat to the world. Jack Finney’s Invasion of the body snatchers paints a covert alien take over where panspermia, a phenomenon where alien life travels on a meteor or comet brings to Santa Mira California strange alien seed pods.
These pods release a chemical that create a euphoric state in the human brain.
Soon people are high all the time and then eventually become lethargic and without any emotion. Perhaps there was a good intention for this invasion and maybe not. In the meantime this euphoria and eventual ennui spreads like a virus throughout the world. It is later announced by the President that aliens have invaded and that this is an example of chemical warfare that has created an unstoppable chain reaction in human behavior.
Scientists realize that there is more to the story. People infected with the alien spore eventually feel the need to eat domesticated animals. People with no conscience or morality, no emotion and no sentience are walking the planet. There is no reason to continue life on earth. So the leaders of the world decide to destroy the planet. Perhaps drop nuclear bombs in strategic areas. The civilization disappears like several others in history. Would you want to have that disclosed?
Weeks before Rex Church came on Ground Zero to talk of the alien influences that may be at play on earth, there were many things that transpired that make us wonder if there may already be a reason to surmise that aliens or extra-terrestrial intelligence are using sacred geometry and mystic toponymy to indicate that they are here and are ready to make themselves known to us.
A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area of India discovered intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft. India sits at 33°.0 N, 76°.9′ E.
A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a space suit can be seen in one cave painting along with a classical flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario.
A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO. Also visible is another object that might depict a ring or a wormhole, explaining how aliens were able to reach Earth or in the case of Rex’s visions create a psychic howitzer that fires on the planet causing it to heave.
Now get this, in a previous article Called C.M.E. Target Chile I wrote that I believed that the earth was hit by a coronal mass ejection from the sun.
A documented solar fragment 1 million miles long snapped and sent a huge solar flare towards earth.
R.F. Burns who is the program director and creator of demonstrated on his site that what happened to the earth could have been a hyper-dimensional anomaly.
In the picture below you see the sun and the solar filament that was seen at the SOHO site. You see the column of fire that is protruding millions of miles from the Sun’s southern hemisphere.
Now we all know that we can put 1,300,000 earths in the sun. But what if the earth were the same size as the Sun and we laid it on top of it? You would see that the Solar Fragment or whirlwind would be roughly in the same area as Santiago Chile, 33.3 degrees south.
R.F. Burns says in an editorial on his site that research in Hyper Dimensional physics done by many credible scientists, suggests that events that take place at key points within a sphere in the cosmos, also take place on other bodies in space.
In effect, if there is some sort of disruption at a given point on one body in space, that can also happen on another body in space at the same location on its surface.
In the case of his animated diagram the coincidence is not scientific but fascinating because it sends out the message “As above so below” or the biblical “On earth as it is in Heaven.”
This message is familiar with many people who study the occult. It holds the key to all mysteries. The message is in essence telling us that man is the counterpart of God on earth; as God is man’s counterpart in heaven.
Therefore, it is a statement of an ancient belief that man’s actions on earth parallel the actions of the Gods in heaven. This again brings us full circle to what Rex was trying to tell us. What he saw was an alien attack that somehow was summoned by the dark doomsday energies that the consensus have espoused. The earth below is in discord and the universe responds in kind.
At this time I’d like to mention that the night that Rex appeared on my show, my website was blacklisted in some areas. People complained that they could not get to my site because they had been blocked by their ISP. At the end of the show I took a call off the air. It was a man troubled by what Rex had talked about. He said that Rex should die for what he tried to tell us. That he had a good mind to cut Rex’s heart out and eat it if it meant saving the planet from his evil.
I shook my head in disgust and hung up on the “armchair hero.” I guess some people don’t want to hear that their second coming is seconds and counting and not really all that pleasant.
The people of earth do not know what disclosure of alien reality really means. They can’t possibly fathom just how much trauma the earth has to go through to prepare for the arrival of a God or a Mahdi.
People eagerly await the return of a mystical being. They wait for him to set foot on a mystical rock, or a magical shrine. It won’t be that way at all. People tend to think that they will be saved no matter what happens. So they kill, eat, drink and act as if nothing will come for them when they lay in their beds at night.
I don’t feel that people are ready for a lot of the truth about the alien presence. It is not about free energy or miraculous cures. It is not about Jesus or the Imam or Mahdi, Djinn or some anointed King.
It is about the core secret of where we really come from and how we have forgotten just how powerful our thoughts are and how they are capable of crying out for death. The thoughts ascend from earth to heaven and descend to earth again. If we are told that death is on our doorstep. It shall come and quickly.
In Rex’s defense, the earthquake and the wormhole that he remote viewed above Chile was resonant with the numbers and symbols of what he works on earth. So therefore it must be the same in heaven if he is all that he claims to be right?
If the intelligence of the alien beings he sensed win out then perhaps as it is in heaven so shall it be on earth. Let’s take a look.
We pointed out earlier that the sun and earth at 33.3 degrees south coincidentally mirrored on each sphere by a vortex or wormhole.
33. 3 or 3+3+3= 9
The diameter in miles of the sun is 864000.
Which is 8+6+4=18= 1+8=9.
The diameter in miles of the earth is 7920. Which added up is 7+9+2= 18=1+8= 9.
The Obverse is 666.
I think we are beginning to see some interesting activity. That is, If you put any stock in numerological magic.
It appears that something from space is coming at us and it is making a big noise. No government disclosure is going to have to tell you what you already know.
I know it seems to be too good to be true but it seems like something major is about to go down. If we desire it, it can only appear out of nowhere with no explanation. You will observe it and apply your own set of core beliefs to it.
The faces of horror, the environmental collapse, the loss of life, and those we can pin the blame on, all evidence that our planet is slowly but surely starting to deteriorate.
This is our new evolution the refiner’s fire that shapes us into becoming components of God ourselves. That is if we choose to learn from the dark futures they are programming us to approximate.