Nebulosa Ojo de Gato
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La nebulosa Ojo de Gato (NGC 6543) es una nebulosa planetaria en la constelación del Dragón. Estructuralmente es una de las nebulosas más complejas conocidas, en la que las imágenes de muy alta resolución del Telescopio Espacial Hubble han mostrado notables estructuras como nudos, chorros de material, burbujas y estructuras en forma de arco.
Fue descubierta por William Herschel el 15 de febrero de 1786 y fue la primera nebulosa planetaria cuyo espectro fue investigado, siendo esta labor realizada por el astrónomo William Huggins en 1864.
Los estudios modernos revelan una naturaleza compleja con intrincadas estructuras que podrían estar causadas por material eyectado por una binaria acompañando a la estrella central. Sin embargo no hay evidencias directas de la presencia de dicha compañera estelar. Además las medidas de las abundancias de elementos químicos obtenidas por diferentes métodos presentan una importante discrepancia entre sí, indicando que hay aspectos de esta nebulosa que permanecen todavía sin ser comprendidos.
Información general
NGC 6543 es una nebulosa planetaria muy estudiada. Es relativamente brillante con una magnitud aparente de 8.1, y también con una temperatura de brillo poco estructural elevada. Se encuentra en las coordenadas de ascensión recta 17h 58.6m y declinación +66°38'. La alta declinación significa que es fácilmente observable desde el hemisferio norte, donde la mayoría de los grandes telescopios han sido construidos. Curiosamente se halla en el polo N de la eclíptica del Sistema Solar, por lo que las representaciones que muestran cómo se vería éste desde "arriba" muestran cómo se vería desde allí[5]
Mientras que la nebulosa interior más brillante tiene un tamaño relativamente reducido de 20 segundos de arco de diámetro, posee un halo extenso con material eyectado de la estrella central durante la etapa de gigante roja. El halo se extiende unos 386 segundos de arco (6,4 minutos de arco).
Las observaciones muestran que el cuerpo principal de la nebulosa tiene una densidad de unas 5000 partículas/cm³ y una temperatura de 8.000 K 1. El halo exterior tiene una temperatura algo superior de 15.000 K y una densidad muy inferior.
La estrella central en NGC 6543 es una estrella de tipo espectral O con una temperatura en la fotosfera de 80.000 K. Su brillo es aproximadamente 10.000 veces más luminosa que el Sol con un radio de 0,65 el radio solar. Diversos análisis espectroscópicos muestran que la estrella pierde masa rápidamente por un fuerte viento estelar a un ritmo de 3,2×10−7 masas solares por año - 20 trillones de t/s. La velocidad de este viento de partículas es de 1900 km/s. Los cálculos y modelos teóricos indican que la estrella central posee actualmente una masa solar pero los cálculos de su evolución teórica implican una masa inicial de 5 masas solares2.
[editar] Observaciones
Mediante prismáticos de 9x63, con un cielo de magnitud límite aproximada de +5,2, este objeto se puede observar con un ligero efecto de parpadeo y un punto con forma estelar, quizás algo desenfocado, como toda nebulosa planetaria.
Con unos prismáticos de 10x50 posee un aspecto de una estrella desenfocada, siempre bajo cielos limpios y sin polucionar.
[editar] Observaciones infrarrojas
Las observaciones de NGC 6543 en longitudes de onda infrarrojas muestran la presencia de una polvo estelar y gas a baja temperatura. Se piensa que el polvo se formó en las últimas fases de la vida de la estrella progenitora. Este polvo absorbe luz de la estrella central reemitiendo la energía en longitudes infrarrojas. El espectro de emisión infrarrojo permite deducir temperaturas de 70 K.
Las emisiones infrarrojas revelan la presencia de material no ionizado como hidrógeno molecular (H2). En muchas nebulosas planetarias la emisión molecular es mayor a distancias mayores de la estrella donde el material deja de estar ionizado. En el caso de NGC 6543 la emisión de hidrógeno es más intensa en el límite interior del halo exterior. Esto es posiblemente debido a ondas de choque excitando el H2 a medida que impactan a diferente velocidad con el halo.3
[editar] Observaciones ópticas y ultravioletas
NGC 6543 ha sido extensamente observada en el ultravioleta y en las longitudes de onda del visible. Las observaciones espectroscópicas en estas longitudes de onda permiten determinar las abundancias de diferentes especies químicas, así como intrincadas estructuras de la nebulosa.
La imagen en falso color del HST resalta las regiones de alta y baja concentración de iones. Tres imágenes fueron tomadas en filtros que aislaban la luz emitida por iones de hidrógeno en 656.3 nm, nitrógeno ionizada en 658.4 nm y oxígeno doblemente ionizado en 500.7 nm. Las imágenes fueron combinadas en canales rojo, verde y azul respectivamente. La imagen revela dos capas de material menos ionizado en los límites de la nebulosa.
[editar] Observaciones en rayos X
El Observatorio de rayos X Chandra ha revelado la presencia de gas extremadamente caliente alrededor de NGC 6543. Se cree que el gas caliente es producido por la violenta interacción entre el viento estelar y el material expulsado anteriormente. Esta interacción ha vaciado en gran medida el interior de la nebulosa dejando un espacio menos denso en forma de burbuja.
Las observaciones de Chandra han revelado también una fuente puntual de intensos rayos X en la posición de la estrella. Ésta no debería emitir tan intensamente en esta longitud de onda por lo que el elevado flujo de rayos X resulta algo misteriosa. Una posibilidad interesante es que los rayos X podrían ser producidos en un hipotético disco de acreción alrededor del sistema binario4.
La expansión radial de NGC 6543 a lo largo de varios años puede ser utilizada para calcular su distancia.
Las distancias a las nebulosas planetarias no son tan fáciles de identificar como en el caso de algunas estrellas. Muchos de los métodos utilizados para estimar estas distancias se basan en hipótesis generales que pueden ser inadecuadas para el objeto específico bajo estudio.
El ritmo de expansión angular de la nebulosa puede ser utilizado para estimar la edad de ésta. Si la expansión ha procedido a ritmo constante, para alcanzar un diámetro de 20 segundos de arco a un ritmo de 10 milisegundos de arco por año, la nebulosa se habría formado hace unos 1000 años5. Probablemente esta edad es solo un límite superior ya que el material expulsado podría haberse desplazado a mayor velocidad en el pasado siendo frenado por su interacción con el medio interestelar.
[editar] Composición química
Imagen de NGC 6543 procesada fuertemente para mostrar estructuras en forma de anillo envolviendo la nebulosa central. También visibles son diversas estructuras lineales causas posiblemente por la precesión de chorros de eyección en el sistema binario.
Como la mayoría de los objetos astronómicos NGC 6543 está formada sobre todo por hidrógeno y helio, con elementos pesados tan solo presentes en pequeñas cantidades. La composición exacta puede ser estudiada mediante el análisis espectroscópico de la luz procedente de la nebulosa. Las abundancias se expresan generalmente relativas al hidrógeno, el elemento más abundante.
Diferentes estudios indican que la proporción de helio frente al hidrógeno en la nebulosa del Ojo de Gato es de 0.12, el carbono y el nitrógeno tienen abundancias de 3×10−4, y el oxígeno tiene una abundancia de 7×10−4. Estos valores son típicos dentro de las nebulosas planetarias con concentraciones de carbono, nitrógeno y oxígeno más abundantes que en una estrella como el Sol debido a los efectos de la nucleosíntesis que enriquece la atmósfera estelar en elementos pesados que son luego expulsados formando la nebulosa planetaria1,6.
El análisis más detallado muestra que la nebulosa contiene también una pequeña cantidad de material altamente enriquecido en elementos pesados.
[editar] Cinemática y morfología de la nebulosa
NGC 6543 es una nebulosa de gran complejidad estructural. Los mecanismos capaces de moldear todas sus formas no se comprenden con claridad. La porción más brillante interior está causada por la interacción del viento estelar con el material expulsado durante la formación de la nebulosa. En este proceso se emiten gran cantidad de rayos X. El viento estelar vacía de manera inhomogénea el interior de la nebulosa.7
Dado que la estrella central presenta signos de poder ser un sistema binario la interacción entre ambas estrellas contribuye también a moldear las estructuras interiores de la nebulosa. En este caso podría existir un disco de acreción con material fluyendo de una estrella a la otra y con fenómenos de eyección por las regiones polares de la estrella. Estos chorros de eyección estarían sometidos a movimientos de precesión que podría contribuir a formar las estructuras en forma de filamento presentes en la nebulosa.8
Más allá de la nebulosa interior el halo exterior envuelve el sistema en una serie de anillos concéntricos formados en etapas anteriores de la formación de la nebulosa planetaria, cuando la estrella interior estaba en la rama asintótica de las gigantes rojas del diagrama de Hertzsprung-Russell. Los anillos están uniformemente distribuidos por lo que tan solo habría un único mecanismo responsable de su formación a intervalos regulares.9 Más lejos todavía se puede apreciar un halo de material más tenue.
In ‘Les Archives de Rennes-le-Chteau’, published in 1988, Pierre Jarnac wrote: "His – Louis Lawrence’s – grandmother, Marie Rivarès, died on 28 November 1922, the year after moving to Les Pontils. In accordance with the wishes of the deceased, the body was…embalmed! It was there in the tomb [sépulture = burial place] prepared originally by the Galibert family that Louis Lawrence buried the body. Some time later, in 1931 or 1932, he did the same thing upon the death of his mother, Emily Rivarès, whom he laid to rest in the tomb [tombeau = tomb] with the remains of two cats, also mummified!It was then that there was erected, on this site, a tomb [tombeau = tomb] in parallelepiped form, surmounted by a truncated pyramid. The whole structure was covered by a screed of cement. Nothing therefore served to distinguish it from those numerous funerary monuments that, at this time, one could still see in large numbers along the roadside." So the tomb that once existed in Les Pontils was only built in 1933 by Louis Lawrence to contain the dead bodies of his mother, grandmother, and two mummified cats. Previously it had been a grave containing the corpses of the Galibert family. Pierre Jarnac obtained his information from Adrien Bourrel, the second son of Louis Lawrence. And the stonemason Bourrel who dug the first grave in 1903 was related to the common-law wife of Louis Lawrence. Quoting Pierre Jarnac from private correspondence: "As for the year 1903 it was not the 'tomb' strictly speaking that was constructed in that year but only the 'basic' tombstone [dalle funéraire] covering a grave. The actual tomb - in other words the parallelepiped that bore so much resemblance to the tomb of Poussin - was only built around 1933". The term Kilkenny cat refers to anyone who is a tenacious fighter. The origin of the term is now lost so there are many stories purporting to give the true meaning. To "fight like a Kilkenny cat" refers to an old story about two cats who fought to the death and ate each other up such that only their tails were left. There is also a limerick (with optional added couplet) about the two cats: There once were two cats of Kilkenny Each thought there was one cat too many So they fought and they fit And they scratched and they bit 'Til (excepting their nails And the tips of their tails) Instead of two cats there weren't any!Kil - k = 11 enny - any Interpretations of Schroedinger's Cat
Stephen Hawking is famously quoted as saying "When I hear about Schroedinger's cat, I reach for my gun."
_________________ E.T.A.E |
He is aware of the cat-a-clysm. Because of this and other reasons, lets find out why... Churchill as Crhist black sun - Gemini -Gem - alignment - dial as the 96 goat spirals - 7 mon-key Bracken House - London BRACKEN HOUSE This building (1955-1959) is named after Bernard Bracken, former chairman of the Financial Times, which was published here until the 1980s. The building was among the first post-war buildings in the City to be listed and its redevelopment retained the entire outside facade, including the elegant astronomical clock approximately 1 metre in diameter bearing at its centre a face of Winston Churchill, a personal friend of Bernard Bracken. The work of Philip Bentham in gilt metal and enamel, it has echoes of the formality and sophistication of a dial. Embellished with Roman numerals, it depicts months of the year, signs of the zodiac and a sunburst motif. V = bull horns British Occultist Aleister Crowley claimed to have invented the usage of a V-sign as a magical foil to the Nazis' use of the Swastika in February 1941. He maintained that he passed this to friends at the BBC, and to the British Naval Intelligence Division through his connections in MI5, eventually gaining the approval of Winston Churchill. Crowley pointed out that in his 1913 publication Magick a V-sign and a swastika appear on the same plate.[32] Black cat - black sun - spiraled tail K - A - SPAR 11- 1- CALCITE = SPAR Taurus - Aquarius - Calcite diamagnetic birefrigerence singularity effect - Bermuda triangle coral-calcite ingravity effect Adapeted from one of the three Kings code Gaspar, the 7 G mon-key changed for a K The Savoy Hotel and Kaspar the Cat Opened in 1889 by Richard D'Oyly Carte, the Savoy is one of London's finest hotels and is known for its Art Deco interior and the famous faces that have passed through its doors. It closed in December 2007 to undergo a £100 million restoration project and is due to reopen in May 2009. In 1898 Woolf Joel, a South African guest at the Hotel, gave a dinner party which, due to a last-minute cancellation, was attended by only thirteen guests. He laughed off the old superstition that tragedy would fall upon the first guest to rise from such a gathering, and so the dinner continued. There was consternation when Woolf was fatally shot following his return to Johannesburg. When the Hotel received news of the tragedy, steps were taken to prevent any chance of a repetition. It was decided that a member of staff would accompany all groups of 13 but this led to awkwardness, especially when confidential matters were under discussion. So, sometime around 1925, the architect Basil Ionides (who later directed the Savoy rebuilding in 1929) was commissioned to fashion a three-foot high figure of a cat (black cats have been associated throughout history with good fortune). He sculpted it from a single piece of wood from a London plane tree and the finished product was lacquered in black and named Kaspar. His home was a shelf with a mirror behind, high up on the wall of the Pinafore Room. Any dinner party of thirteen then found itself joined by Kaspar. He would occupy the thirteenth chair, have a napkin tied around his neck and be served each course along with the same complement of cutlery, china and glass issued to the other guests. 13 Ophiuchus code - the hidden Zodiac key Constellation, completion of doomsday key 13 the serpent-dragon plus the cat The Savoy was also the home of the ‘Other Club’, founded by Winston Churchill and FE Smith (later Lord Birkenhead) in 1911 for the purposes of meeting political friends and foes away from the restrictions and prying eyes of Parliament. Even as Prime Minister in 1940 Churchill was reluctant to miss a club meeting and often used them to carry on discussions with cabinet colleagues, military men, visiting statesmen and many others. Where the assembly numbered 13 Kaspar was brought down from his shelf to take his place amongst them. However at some point Kaspar disappeared and his absence was noted by Churchill. What happened to Kaspar was documented by the Savoy’s historian, Stanley Jackson, but he does not record the dates, it may have been 1940 but if not is probably no later than 1941. Air Commodore Harald Peake, by then Director of Public Relations at the Air Ministry, had arranged a dinner for officers of 609 (West Riding) Squadron. He had been the squadron’s CO on its formation in 1936. He took no part in what followed. On leaving the hotel one of the officers placed some empty wine bottles under his tunic, making no attempt to disguise them. Another guest carried a bag in such a way as to make it appear stuffed with heavy items. Both were challenged by the head waiter and in the confusion Kaspar was easily spirited away under another guest’s raincoat. According to Jackson Kaspar was taken to 609’s base ‘in Lincolnshire’ (during the Battle 609 were based at Middle Wallop in Hampshire) where he sustained damage to his face and one ear. Air Commodore Peake continued to dine at the Savoy and when suspicion fell on his former guests he sent a message suggesting that Kaspar, should he be in their possession, ought to be returned. He was, after 609’s station workshop had repaired the damage. Meetings of the ‘Other Club’ were secret but word got out that Churchill was pleased to see Kaspar back in his usual place. So lets follow the Kaspar growth on the occult agenda Kaspar related with the Titanic baal-bull blood ritual 100 years before the event. Four Chimneys 1111 SS Waffen disulfur covalent bond of the fermented rotten egg humpty dumpty Michael Morpurgo is resident at the Savoy at $ 1600 night, seems as he has done a good job. http://michaelmorpurgo.org/houston_chronicle.htmlFrom here we jump to another interesting Titanic link with the cat Leonard Mlodinow is a physicist and author. Mlodinow was born in Chicago, Illinois, of parents who were both Holocaust survivors.[1] His father, who spent more than a year in the Buchenwald concentration camp, had been a leader in the Jewish resistance under Nazi rule in his hometown of Częstochowa, Poland.[1] As a child, Mlodinow was interested in both mathematics and chemistry, and while in high school was tutored in organic chemistry by a professor from the University of Illinois. As recounted in his book, Feynman's Rainbow, his interest turned to physics during a semester he took off from college to spend on a kibbutz in Israel, during which he had little to do at night beside reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics, which was one of the few English books he found in the kibbutz library.[1] While a doctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley, and on the faculty at Caltech, he developed (with N. Papanicolaou) a new type of perturbation theory for eigenvalue problems in quantum mechanics.[1] Later, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysik in Munich, Germany, he did pioneering work (with M. Hillery) on the quantum theory of dielectric media.[1] Apart from his research and books on popular science, he also wrote the screenplay for the film Beyond the Horizon (currently in production) and has been a screenwriter for television series, including Star Trek: The Next Generation and MacGyver.[1] He co-authored (with Matt Costello) a children's chapter book series entitled The Kids of Einstein Elementary.-2004 Titanic CatBetween 2008 and 2010, Mlodinow worked on a book with Stephen Hawking, entitled The Grand Design.[1] A step beyond Hawking's other titles, The Grand Design is said to explore both the question of the existence of the universe and the issue of why the laws of physics are what they are. _________________ E.T.A.E
15 April 1912 Fordicidia human sacrifice for the underworld Gods ? 15 = 1111 binary - quince - golden apples. Helios sun God Sol Invictus Titan - Xp - In hoc signo Vinces - 4 Chimneys 1111 code 100 years before 2012 event.
For the Greek sun-deity sometimes referred to as "Titan", see Helios. For other uses, see Titan. The equivalent of Helios in Roman mythology was Sol, specifically Sol Invictus.
In ancient Roman religion, the Fordicidia was a festival of fertility, held April 15, that pertained to animal husbandry. It involved the sacrifice of a pregnant cow to Tellus, or Mother Earth, in proximity to the festival of Ceres (Cerealia) on April 19.[1] On the Roman religious calendar, the month of April was in general preoccupied with deities who were female or ambiguous in gender, opening with the Feast of Venus on the Kalends.[2] Several other festivals pertaining to farm life were held in April: the Parilia, or feast of shepherds, on April 21; the Robigalia on April 25, to protect crops from blight;[3] and the Vinalia, or one of the two wine festivals on the calendar,[4] at the end of the month. Of these, the Fordicidia and Robigalia are likely to have been of greatest antiquity. William Warde Fowler, whose early 20th-century work on Roman festivals remains a standard reference, asserted that the Fordicidia was "beyond doubt one of the oldest sacrificial rites in Roman religion."[5]
Clearly anthropomorphic deities such as the Etruscan trinity of Juno, Jupiter and Minerva spoke well with the Greek deities such as Juno = Hera, Jupiter = Zeus and Minerva = Pallas and became conflated with them, therefore it was inevitable that the Romans took the Greek ideas' to clothe their own austere set of deities. By the same token it was also inevitable that Oriental cults got included, albeit reluctantly, into the pantheon; thus came Bacchus (Dionysus), Cybele and Isis. However, these did not come to corrupt a race of pious puritans. They had been beaten to it, the native gods such as Fortuna, Virilis, Flora and Anna Perenna had a licentiousness all their own. We should be aware that the simple rustic is seldom a puritan, blood sacrifices such as on Fordicidia, when a cow in calf was killed, were common and human sacrifice, although extremely rare [illegal after 97 B.C.], was not unheard of.
Wool was regularly used in Roman religious rites. At the Festival of the Lares of the Crossroads, woolen images of men and women and balls of wool--the images representing all free men and women, the balls representing all slaves--were suspended at night at the crossroads and probably also at the housedoors. These represented a substitute for an earlier human sacrifice to the spirits of the dead in the underworld who might harm the living. Festus says: 85 " . . . As many balls as there are slaves and as many effigies as there are freeborn men and women in the family are set up, that the spirits may spare the living and be content with these balls as substitutes." That human sacrifice prevailed in Rome up to 97 B.C. is proved by a decree of the Senate of that year which provided "that no human being be immolated. . . ." 86 In the rites of the Sacrifice of the Pregnant Cow (Fordicidia), Ovid represents Numa slaying two ewes, whose fleece he spreads on the ground, and on these he lies in worshiping Faunus. 87 _________________ E.T.A.E
9 + 6 SIAMESE = 15 = 1111 BINARY
Cat eye nebula in Draco constellation binary stars siamese fusion
By fire nature is restored in purity
Catharsis or katharsis (Greek: κάθαρσις) is a Greek word meaning "cleansing" or "purging". It is derived from the verb καθαίρειν, kathairein, "to purify, purge," and it is related to the adjective καθαρός, katharos, "pure or clean."
Gamma rays - purple - Latin Purpura
The Cat Pur - Pur - a-quarius
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A forgotten magic square Part 1: numbers and keys
Early Christianity is known to have reworked some of the pagan deities either into demons, or saints. Indeed, some of the early local saints should not be seen as historical characters, but largely as a mixture of a local pagan religion reworked into a saint, so that the people could be “Christianised”. Often, the names of these saints leave traces of their original alliance. In Southern France, it is now commonly accepted that places devoted to Mary Magdalene, were in origin devoted to the cult of Venus. Equally, place names are up for such analysis, and in the past, some analysis has not been limited to the local language, but has been used “imaginatively” to come up with all types of theories.
In the case of Salvaterra, we fortunately do not need – at first – to stray far to get an idea of how this plateau got its name. The Saviour – Saveur in French – is also Salvator, which enables for a nice alliteration with terra – land – Salvator-terra, or Salvaterra – and onwards to the present Salveterra. This, however, is but the “open reading” – visible to all. But the French language is known to have a particular predisposition to instil secondary meanings into most things. It is a type of hidden language, which can be used by using the same words, yet with a different meaning, which is only accessible to those who have an understanding of this “green language”, as it is sometimes known as. French is furthermore unique – at least when compared to e.g. English – in that it enables this phonetic “double entente” easily. Let us use the example of SOL – sun – and note it is SOLIS, in French Soleil – sun. But in French it is linked with seul oeil – one eye. Indeed, is it then not remarkable how we note that some depictions – e.g. in Freemasonry – have a single eye? How the sun is often linked with an eye, and has the appearance of a solar deity?
Today, we find that Salveterra is hidden by another name, the so-called “Chateau d’Opoul” – the Castle of Opoul – even though it never was the castle of Opoul. But using our “double entente”, we easily transform it into “chat eau de poule” – “cat water of hen.” Such “tricks” might appear foreign – if not totally unscientific – to the English mind, but the French have centuries of experience with them, either as a secret language, or as a source of fun. Indeed, whereas Freemasons sometimes need to refer to code words such as asking whether it rains or not – to find out whether someone can talk openly or not – the French have the “double entente” to sneakily achieve the same goal. “Tricks” such as “chat eau de poule” – “cat water of hen” – is also an almost alchemical, or esoteric, dissection, which will enable some to create another layer of understanding that goes far beyond the “double entente”. E.g. they will take each word – cat, water and hen – and transform it into something else. E.g. a phrase like “the cat threw water twice at the hen”, which might be a phrase through which the decodation needs to arrive at “chat eau poule” – to arrive at “Chat-eau eau-poul” – which orally is the same as “Chateau Opoul”. Indeed, who would ever guess that a phrase “the cat threw water twice at the hen” might be a code for a place name? But it is perhaps just such a leap of faith – though of course with a different system of decodation – that might one day make the “True Celtic Language” of Henri Boudet, or even the infamous verses of Nostradamus, understandable to all. — with Andrew Gough, Filip Coppens, Ben Hammott an
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The Alchemist Wash away the blackness with the silver rain Don't turn away - don't turn away Wash away the blackness with the silver rain Don't turn away - don't try to hide... Sulphurous and burning, spitting out the sun The beginning of creation, of the golden oneA window to the west, a blazing star above In Taurus we begin it and the ladder has begun9-11 Jacob Ladder - Birth of Christ Antichrist 6-6 -2012 Don't try and blame me for your sins For the sun has burned me black Your hollow lives - this world in which we live I throw it back Four-headed dragon for the four degrees of fire ( sulphur burning stage yellow, red, green, blue flame ) Purify the insane, bring the solution ever higher Bring me all the elements, spread them round my head Bring me mad men's bodies, I will break them all like bread Don't try and blame me for your sins For the sun has burned me black Your hollow lives - this world in which we live I hurl it back (ah-ah-ah-ah) (ah-ah-ah-ah) (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) (ah-ah-ah-ah) (ah-ah-ah-ah) (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) Don't try and blame me for your sins For the sun has burned me black Your hollow lives - this world in which we live I throw it back (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) Don't try and blame me for your games Your games are death My world is light - the angels fill my eyes With every breath... And so we lay We lay in the same grave Our chemical wedding day And so we lay We lay in the same grave Our chemical wedding day And so we lay We lay in the same grave Our chemical wedding day... long pause...> Spoken:> 'And all this vegetable world appeared on my left foot As a bright sandal, formed immortal of precious stones and gold' 'I stooped down, and bound it on To walk forward through eternity...' Full sight the dragon fire burning the sheeple Orthodox Crozier - Dragon vs Sheeple - Spiral Shamrock = Shem rock - Shem priest philosopher stone which is Zinc - three borromean rings of the Lord The Borromean Rings are three interlocking circles that symbolize the Christian trinity Molecular Zinc borromean ring and the hexagon embeded Sinc-Lair dragon code Sinc- chronicity from Kronos - Saturn father of time Two towers Jachin and Boaz and the eye of the cat - Lord of the borromean rings of fire - Belcebu the Lord of the flies - rotten egg H2S. Inside the octagonal hypercube 15 = 1111 - below right the spirals Lets go to the film minute 1.07 mon-key moon galactic singularity fractal code Watch out for me I am pure evil I am Christ-ine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JFxTlCsXrs&feature=related
_________________ E.T.A.E
Thanks Roscoe interesting lyrics... Don't interrupt the sorrow Darn right In flames our prophet witches Be polite A room full of glasses He says 'Your notches liberation doll' And he chains me with that serpent To that Ethiopian wall ( Cassiopeia 9 domain s-pira-l coming to us clockwise like Venus, our domain 6 Ursa Major - bears us ) Anima rising Queen of Queens Wash my guilt of Eden Wash and balance me Anima rising Uprising in me tonight She's a vengeful little goddess With an ancient crown to fight Truth goes up in vapors The steeples lean Winds of change patriarchs Snug in your bible belt dreams God goes up the chimney Like childhood Santa Claus The good slaves love the good book A rebel loves a cause I'm leaving on the 1:15 ( 1 = mon -singularity 15 = 1111 binary ) You're darn right Since I was seventeen ( 17 summation = 153 fish net of Arqui-medes 1-7 moon mon-key fractal ) I've had no one over me He says 'Anima rising- So what- Petrified wood process Tall timber down to rock!' Don't interrupt the sorrow Darn right He says 'We walked on the moon You be polite.' Don't let up the sorrow Death and birth and death and birth and death and birth He says 'Bring that bottle kindly And I'll pad your purse- I've got a head full of quandary And a mighty, mighty, thirst.' Seventeen glasses Rhine wine Milk of the Madonna Clandestine He don't let up the sorrow He lies and he cheats It takes a heart like Mary's these days When your man gets weak Modern European scholars beginning c. 1600[32] have considered the name to be derived from the Greek words aitho "I burn" + ops "face" Mythology Main article: Cassiopeia (mythology) The constellation is named after Cassiopeia, a queen (in Greek Mythology). Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, King of Aethiopia and mother of Princess Andromeda. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were placed next to each other among the stars, the King by his Queen and their daughter Andromeda. The arrival of the Queen of the Night. Stage set by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841) for an 1815 production The Magic Flute is noted for its prominent Masonic elements; Schikaneder and Mozart were Masons and lodge brothers (see: Mozart and Freemasonry). The opera is also influenced by Enlightenment philosophy, and can be regarded as an allegory advocating enlightened absolutism. The Queen of the Night represents a dangerous form of obscurantism or, according to some, the anti-Masonic Empress Maria Theresa.[6] Her antagonist Sarastro symbolises the enlightened sovereign who rules according to principles based on reason, wisdom, and nature. The story itself portrays the education of mankind, progressing from chaos through religious superstition to rationalistic enlightenment, by means of trial (Tamino) and error (Papageno), ultimately to make "the Earth a heavenly kingdom, and mortals like the gods". ("Dann ist die Erd' ein Himmelreich, und Sterbliche den Göttern gleich." This couplet is sung in the finales to both acts.) Cassiopeia Whitney Houston Queen of the night, sacrificed, 2-11-2012, 2 Capricorn 11 Taurus 2 = B -oaz tower base Light blue the heptagram fractal on the galactic center singularity, Cat Eye Nebula constructred from the vesica piscis. Light green the pentagram - Venus cycle fractal - the forbidden galactic apple. Nasa seal with Cassiopea and son Andromeda which http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFcnGLFGbL8Pillars, peacock, chains, God Mercury casque, the wheel of time, etc Ratzinger coat of arms - Cassiopea and Ursa Major with the singularity S-hell 96 spiral construction Bonfire Lyrics Performed by Third Eye Blind A little early in spring A bonfire ring, she's shivering alone I bumped into you somehow You can wear, my duct taped vest It's my party best, its really all I own Everything's changing now And I am high like a star thats flying CassiopeiaEverything's changing now She said it's alright She said no, don't die alone There's no goodbyes Lightning comes and lightning goes And its all the same to me Let it in Cuz I want you so I can hardly breathe, or release Into on thousand pieces I have broke in to, over you That shame will soon be gone but I keep burning on If nothing else I am myself It's all i have to give Everything's changing now And we could live like kings if we take the risk Or we could live with doubt Everything's changing now Oh now Come on, come on Lightning comes and lightning goes And its all the same to me Let it in Cuz I want you so I can hardly breathe, or release Into on thousand pieces I have broke in to, over you That shame will soon be gone but I keep burning on Some girls will break you down Just to see you come undone Everythings changing now Maybe you and I are cursed Or maybe you and I are one And thats the universe Spin round, keep changing Lightning comes and lightning goes And its all the same to me Let it in Cuz I want you so I can hardly breathe, or release Into on thousand pieces I have broke in to, over you That shame will soon be gone but I keep burning on and on and on Following the draconian Alan Parson Ammonia Avenue Cat keys Year of the Cat is the seventh studio album by Al Stewart, released in 1976 and engineered by Alan Parsons; it is considered his masterpiece,[3] its sales helped by the hit single "Year of the Cat", "one of those 'mysterious woman' songs,"[4] co-written by Peter Wood. The other single from the album was "On the Border". Stewart wrote "Lord Grenville" about the Elizabethan sailor and explorer Sir Richard Grenville (1542–1591).[5] THE YEAR OF THE CAT On a morning from a Bogart movie In a country where they turn back time You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre * Contemplating a crime She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running Like a watercolour in the rain Don’t bother asking for explanations She’ll just tell you that she came In the year of the cat. She doesn’t give you time for questions As she locks up your arm in hers And you follow till your sense of which direction Completely disappears By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls There’s a hidden door she leads you to These days, she says, I feel my life Just like a river running through The year of the cat She looks at you so cooly And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea She comes in incense and patchouli So you take her, to find what’s waiting inside The year of the cat. Well morning comes and you’re still with her And the bus and the tourists are gone And you’ve thrown away the choice and lost your ticket So you have to stay on But the drum-beat strains of the night remain In the rhythm of the new-born day You know sometime you’re bound to leave her But for now you’re going to stay In the year of the cat.
With the inquisitor's permission lets get into the Chinese draconian purple mysteries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Forbidden_enclosureThe Purple Forbidden enclosure (紫微垣) is one of the San Yuan(三垣) or Three enclosures. Stars and constellations of this group lie near the north celestial pole and visible all year from temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Hidden Virtue 陰德 2 Draco Hidden matters of the Emperor and prohibited to know Celestial Pillar 天柱 5 Draco / Cepheus Pillar of the local post decree, also responsible for supporting earth Canopy Support 杠 9 Camelopardalis / Cassiopeia The handle of canopy Canopy of the Emperor 華蓋 7 Cassiopeia Umbrella shelter used by the emperor Inner Steps 內階 6 Ursa Major The ladder to connect of Purple Palace The Emperor and also the Prince matters http://homepage.ntlworld.com/simon.quinn/rune.htmlThe illustration is the ancient symbol for the alchemic material soapstone.Alchemy is generally known to be the practice of turning metal into gold.This obviously yields comparison with the recent album The Gold Experience (along with the NPG's Goldnigga and the track 3 chains O Gold from the 0(+> album).The books introductory text on the origins of alchemy features the following: "In the Dark Ages the practice of alchemy was under ban. The church opposed it as a black and satanic art. Rulers suppressed it since they feared that the power of individuals to manufacture an unlimited supply of gold would undermine the fundamentals of their absolutistic reign." The substance Soapstone is compacted talc,and as an elixir it was believed it could help to cross "the veil of dimensions","Cross the Line"-Prince ,1988,"Together we'll love through all space and time"-7,1992.The outer layers of the Christ the Redeemer sculpture are made of soapstone. Rio de Janeiro Soapstone (also known as steatite or soaprock) is a metamorphic rock, a talc-schist. It is largely composed of the mineral talc and is thus rich in magnesium. It is produced by dynamothermal metamorphism and metasomatism, which occurs in the areas where tectonic plates are subducted, changing rocks by heat and pressure, with influx of fluids, but without melting. It has been a medium for carving for thousands of years. Magnesium ( /mæɡˈniːziəm/ mag-nee-zee-əm) is a chemical element with the symbol Mg, atomic number 12, and common oxidation number +2. It is an alkaline earth metal and the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's crust [2] and ninth in the known universe as a whole.[3][4] Magnesium is the fourth most common element in the Earth as a whole (behind iron, oxygen and silicon), making up 13% of the planet's mass and a large fraction of the planet's mantle. The relative abundance of magnesium is related to the fact that it is easily built up in supernova stars from a sequential addition of three helium nuclei to carbon (which in turn is made from three helium nuclei). Due to magnesium ion's high solubility in water, it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater.[5] Magnesium is a highly flammable metal, but while it is easy to ignite when powdered or shaved into thin strips, it is difficult to ignite in mass or bulk. Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish, being able to burn in nitrogen (forming magnesium nitride), carbon dioxide (forming magnesium oxide and carbon) and water (forming magnesium oxide and hydrogen). This property was used in incendiary weapons used in the firebombing of cities in World War II, the only practical civil defense being to smother a burning flare under dry sand to exclude the atmosphere. On burning in air, magnesium produces a brilliant white light which includes strong ultraviolet. Thus magnesium powder (flash powder) was used as a source of illumination in the early days of photography. Later, magnesium ribbon was used in electrically ignited flash bulbs. Magnesium powder is used in the manufacture of fireworks and marine flares where a brilliant white light is required. Flame temperatures of magnesium and magnesium alloys can reach 3,100 °C (3,370 K; 5,610 °F),[7] although flame height above the burning metal is usually less than 300 mm (12 in).[8] Magnesium may be used as an ignition source for thermite, an otherwise difficult to ignite mixture of aluminium and iron oxide powder. The magnesium-bodied Honda RA302 of Jo Schlesser crashes and burns during the 1968 French Grand Prix. Schlesser was killed. The magnesium car body did not cause the fire or the death, but it greatly hindered attempts to douse the fire with water Supernovas detonate in Milky Way every 50 years 18:08 06 January 2006 by Kelly Young Gamma rays from a rare aluminium isotope produced by exploding stars appear to permeate our galaxy, the Milky Way. The new measurement has allowed astronomers to predict a supernova rate of two explosions per century in our galaxy, confirming the supernova rate seen in other galaxies. The researchers also calculated that about 7.5 stars are born in our galaxy every year. Massive stars and supernova explosions create a radioactive isotope of aluminium - aluminium-26. The decay of the isotope to magnesium creates gamma rays that astronomers are able to observe. The team used ESA's INTEGRAL spacecraft, launched in 2002, to examine the distribution of gamma rays in the disc of the Milky Way. Astronomers could see that the gamma rays were coming from the central region of the galaxy and not simply from local hot spots in the foreground, near Earth. Instant snapshot Matter closer the centre of the galaxy rotates faster than matter farther out, counterbalancing the increased gravitational tug at the heart of the Milky Way. This means the gamma rays are affected differently by the Doppler shift, and this can be detected from Earth: gamma-rays produced in regions closer to Earth would be shifted less. Gamma rays penetrate the dust and gas that obscures many of the star-forming regions of the galaxy. "This observation of aluminium-26 creates an instant snapshot of the galaxy for us," says Dieter Hartmann, an astronomer at Clemson University, South Carolina, US, and a member of the research team. "It has drawn us an accurate picture that we haven't had before." Based on the distribution of gamma rays, Roland Diehl, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, and colleagues estimated that the aluminium-26 in the galaxy has a mass equivalent to that of three suns. Aluminium-26 has a half life of 750,000 years, allowing researchers to track the number of recent supernovae. They inferred that one supernova explosion about every 50 years would be needed to generate the amount of aluminum-26 seen in the galaxy, though none have been recorded for a while: "We've actually been overdue now for 300 years," Hartmann told New Scientist. "Our galaxy isn't the biggest producer of stars and supernovae in the universe, but there's still plenty of activity," Diehl notes. "A sustained star formation rate of this magnitude is just what one needs to drive its chemical and dynamical evolution, which has led to life on Earth." Supernovas: Making Astronomical History Fusion and Building Chemical Elements Binding Energies http://snews.bnl.gov/popsci/fusion.htmlAs time progresses, a massive star comes to resemble a nuclear-fusion onion, with reactions progressing in layers. The very center of the star will be "burning" the heaviest elements, with lighter nuclei "burning" in successive layers, out from the center. We might find, for example, a core in which oxygen fuses to silicon and sulfur, surrounded by layers in which neon fuses to oxygen and magnesium, carbon fuses to neon and magnesium, and so forth.Fu Chinese blessing Trident - Satan - Kraft foods - Purple Cadbury - Cat eye nebula gamma rays Resuming
Manneken Pis (help·info) (literally Little Man Pee in Marols, a Dutch dialect spoken in Brussels, also known in French as le Petit Julien), is a famous Brussels landmark. It is a small bronze fountain sculpture depicting a naked little boy urinating into the fountain's basin. It was designed by Jerome Duquesnoy and put in place in 1618 or 1619.[1] It bears a similar cultural significance as Copenhagen's Little Mermaid. If you have been in the enlightened European and Belgium Capital Brussels for sure you have visited the famous Manekken Piss statue Bel-gium - Bel = Bull gium Latin given, Given by the Bull - Bel - Baal The Manneken is the Sun Christ figure pissing encoding galactic center Cat eye nebula Ammonia in Draco under the middle of the Arch-i-medes code and within the s-hell 96 singularity construction. Connect the dots ------------- Cat urine poses many health risks. Cats are cute, loving and independent with a range of personalities.They quickly become more than a pet; they are part of your family. Unfortunately, having a cat means dealing with its urine. Cat urine not only is unpleasant; it also can create a health hazard with both short-term and long-term effects. Why Is Cat Urine Unhealthy? Cat urine contains concentrated amounts of ammonia that becomes stronger over time. Ammonia is a compound made from nitrogen and hydrogen that has a pungent odor that can be difficult to remove. Typically, cat urine is not dangerous in small doses. Large quantities of urine can causes a slew of health problems for those who come in contact with it. Therefore, it is the ammonia in the cat urine that makes the urine dangerous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UrineUrine is sterile until it reaches the urethra, where epithelial cells lining the urethra are colonized by facultatively anaerobic Gram negative rods and cocci.[4] Subsequent to elimination from the body, urine can acquire strong odors due to bacterial action,[citation needed] and in particular the release of ammonia from the breakdown of urea. ------------ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmmoniaAmmonia has been detected in the Draco Nebula and in one or possibly two molecular clouds, which are associated with the high-latitude galactic infrared cirrus. The finding is significant because they may represent the birthplaces for the Population I metallicity B-type stars in the galactic halo that could have been borne in the galactic disk.[77] The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543, Caldwell 6) is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Draco. Structurally, it is one of the most complex nebulae known, with high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope observations revealing remarkable structures such as knots, jets, bubbles and sinewy arc-like features. In the center of the Cat's Eye there is a bright and hot star; around 1000 years ago this star lost its outer envelope, producing the nebula. ------------------------ Rotten egg H2S and Ammonia Keys of Belgium Bel-cebu lord of the flies During the early Middle Ages the territory where is located the city of Brussels was a swampy area with abundant streams forming islands in the highest of the islands was founded a chapel, around the shrine then formed a village. In medieval Dutch broek (pronounced [bruk]) means swamp and sell means sanctuary, that is, the etymology of the city of Brussels is "sanctuary of (the) swamp." Hydrogen Sulfide Chemical Information Sheet Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas with a rotten-egg odor. Some people can smell hydrogen sulfide at very low levels, as low as 0.5 parts per billion (ppb) in air. Most hydrogen sulfide in the air comes from natural sources. It is produced when bacteria break down plant and animal material, often in stagnant waters with low oxygen content such as bogs and swamps. The Brussels sprout is a cultivar in the in the Gemmifera group of cabbages (Brassica oleracea), grown for its edible buds. The leafy green vegetables are typically 2.5–4 cm (0.98–1.6 in) in diameter and look like miniature cabbages. Like other cruciferous vegetables, Brussel sprout also contains mustard oils called isothiocyanates, natural chemicals that break down into a variety of smelly sulfur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, when cooked. ------------------- Piscis - 153 Archimedes , Jesus fish net and Hydrogen Sulfide S-S covalent Waffen Nazi symbol Alchemical putrefaction code - Christ fermentation - bread and wine Hydrogen Sulfide is an extremely hazardous, toxic compound. It is a colorless, flammable gas that can be identified in relatively low concentrations, by a characteristic rotten egg odor. The gas occurs naturally in coal pits, sulfur springs, gas wells, and as a product of decaying sulfur-containing organic matter, particularly under low oxygen conditions. It is therefore commonly encountered in places such as sewers, sewage treatment plants (H2S is often called sewer gas), manure stockpiles, mines, hot springs, and the holds of fishing ships.
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That cats in Egypt were deified, worshiped, and mummified is common knowledge. And then there's this disturbing business below.
'Witch's cottage' unearthed near Pendle Hill, Lancashire Engineers have said they were "stunned" to unearth a 17th Century cottage, complete with a cat skeleton, during a construction project in Lancashire. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-la ... e-16066680
We can go forward into angled space and scary cats with Lovecraft too, but he saw the positive also. Cats and Dogs By H. P. Lovecraft
And one idol lit up by that flash, seen fair and lovely on a dream-throne of silk and gold under a chryselephantine dome, is a shape of deathless grace not always given its due among groping mortals—the haughty, the unconquered, the mysterious, the luxurious, the Babylonian, the impersonal, the eternal companion of superiority and art—the type of perfect beauty and the brother of poetry—the bland, grave, competent, and patrician cat.
That cats in Egypt were deified, worshiped, and mummified is common knowledge. And then there's this disturbing business below.
'Witch's cottage' unearthed near Pendle Hill, Lancashire Engineers have said they were "stunned" to unearth a 17th Century cottage, complete with a cat skeleton, during a construction project in Lancashire. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-la ... e-16066680
We can go forward into angled space and scary cats with Lovecraft too, but he saw the positive also. Cats and Dogs By H. P. Lovecraft
And one idol lit up by that flash, seen fair and lovely on a dream-throne of silk and gold under a chryselephantine dome, is a shape of deathless grace not always given its due among groping mortals—the haughty, the unconquered, the mysterious, the luxurious, the Babylonian, the impersonal, the eternal companion of superiority and art—the type of perfect beauty and the brother of poetry—the bland, grave, competent, and patrician cat.
There you have the cat and the borromean third ring of fire Well done, research and you will continue finding clues such as.. Cats and Dogs - Kitty Gal-ore sphinx cat - magnetic Gal-ena ore = lead = Saturn The pillar on her hand Cat-er-pillar the wormhole made on the galactic apple by the bug/Caterpillar Alpha Dog - Anu-bis Her confession - sold soul to the Devil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUxj0yCbkjUPurple - Gamma rays Kate Perry Cat - Dog spanish Perro The inclined cube just as in the rhombic dodecahedron on her head, purple hair and shirt, Pyhtagorean geometry - Pi and triangle The skirt with a chaos design - from black and white checkerboard balance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SphinxSphinxes in South and South-East Asia A composite mythological being with the body of a lion and the head of a human being is present in the traditions, mythology and art of South and South-East Asia[13] Variously known as purushamriga (Sanskrit, "man-beast"), purushamirugam (Tamil, "man-beast"), naravirala (Sanskrit, "man-cat") in India, or as nara-simha (Sanskrit, "man-lion") in Sri Lanka, manusiha or manuthiha (Pali, "man-lion") in Myanmar, and nora nair or thepnorasingh in Thailand.
Fernand Khnopff's symbolist version of a sphinx. Bast may refer to: Bast a slang term used as reference to the word Bastard Bast, or Bastet, a goddess in Ancient Egyptian mythology Bast fibre, a type of plant fiber Bast, Afghanistan Bast (Marvel Comics), Marvel Comics depiction of the goddess Bast, The Sandman (Vertigo) depiction of the goddessSharess, also known as Bast, the deity and leader of a beast cult in the Forgotten Realms fictional universe Bast Castle, an Imperial stronghold located on the planet Vjun in the Star Wars fictional universe Chief Bast, an Imperial officer from Star Wars Ørnulf Bast, Norwegian artist and sculptor the German BASt, or "Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen" (ie. Federal institution for road [traffic and engineering] issues) Sandman - Hourglass - time - Chronos - Saturn - Satan The Sandman is a mythical character in Northern European folklore who brings good dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto the eyes of children while they sleep at night.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Characters_of_The_Sandman#BastBast - Ankh B-last Bast-ard - no father son of the black widow hourglass Bast Bast, the cat-headed goddess of cats, is a fictional character from Neil Gaiman's comic book series, The Sandman. She is the DC Universe version of the goddess Bast of Egyptian mythology. She was once a major goddess, but the loss of her believers over time has significantly reduced her powers. She is quite flirtatious with Dream, and seems to have previously developed a mutual attraction with him which ultimately came to nothing. He sometimes goes to her for advice or companionship. Dream is almost affectionate with her, and in her own words she adores him. Bast has also appeared in issues of Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl, as well as in Gaiman's novel American Gods. She is one of the chief goddesses worshipped by the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall. The Presence/The Creator The Presence is the Sandman universe's equivalent of a Supreme Being figure, and he shares many characteristics with the standard Abrahamic God, such as almost never taking a physical form, being a Creator deity and having unmatched power. However, despite these indications that all the mythologies in the Sandman are ultimately subordinate to the Judeo-Christian God, Gaiman has on several occasions stated that he never intended the Creator to be any specific religion's god, just as he makes it clear in the first appearance of the abode of the angels, the Silver City, that it "is not Paradise. It is not Heaven. It is the Silver City, that is not part of the order of created things." However, the Silver City is very often referred to as "Heaven" in the Lucifer comic book series. In that series, one of the critical turning points is The Presence's abandonment of his Creation, which leads to a large number of problems, including struggles to claim the power that the Creator has abandoned, to make the destruction of the universe inevitable and to the slow unraveling of the universe due to the disappearance of the Name of the Creator written on every atom in existence. This is an ongoing storyline in Lucifer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bast_shoeBast shoes - rhombic net - X - 60 degrees key Bast shoes - cat Bast shoes are shoes made primarily from bast - fiber from the bark of the linden tree or birch tree: they are a kind of basket woven and fitted to the shape of a foot. Bast shoes are an obsolete traditional footwear of forest areas of Northern Europe, formerly worn by poorer members of the Finnic peoples, Balts, and Slavs. They were easy to manufacture, but not very durable. Bast shoes have been worn since prehistoric times: wooden foot-shaped blocks (lasts) for shaping them have been found in neolithic excavations. Bast shoes were still worn in the Russian countryside at the beginning of the 20th century. Today bast shoes are sold as souvenirs and sometimes worn by ethnographic music or dance troupes as part of their costumes. _________________ E.T.A.E http://andrewgough.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3596&sid=d6d5e91a51a8f94f03b97d773ee5e842&start=575
Titan in fiction From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. It has a substantial atmosphere and is the most Earth-like satellite in the Solar System, making it a popular science fiction setting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_in_fictionThe Rolling Stones (1952), novel by Robert A. Heinlein. The family Stone heads for Titan Base, colony. The Rolling Stones (also published under the name Space Family Stone in the United Kingdom) is a 1952 science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein. A condensed version of the novel had been published earlier in Boys' Life (September, October, November, December 1952) under the title "Tramp Space Ship". It was published in hardcover that year by Scribner's as part of the Heinlein juveniles. Plot summary The Stones, a family of "Loonies" (residents of the Moon, known as "Luna" in Latin), purchase and rebuild a used spaceship, and go sightseeing around the solar system. The twin teenage boys, Castor and Pollux, buy used bicycles to sell on Mars, their first stop, where they run afoul of import regulations and are freed by their grandmother Hazel Stone. While on Mars, the twins buy their brother Buster a native Martian creature called a flat cat, born pregnant and producing a soothing vibration, as a pet. -( ELF frequency - dark compressed matter ) In the Asteroid Belt, where the equivalent of a gold rush is in progress prospecting for radioactive ores, the twins obtain supplies and luxury goods, on grounds that shopkeepers are much likelier to be rich than miners. En route, the flat cat and its offspring overpopulate the ship, so that the family place them in hibernation, and later sell them to the miners. Subsequently, the family set out to see the rings. Heinlein and his wife Virginia spent hours in research, fiercely dedicated to getting it right for their readers. [1] Influences Heinlein later credited the 1905 Ellis Parker Butler short story "Pigs is Pigs" with informing the flat cat incident. A similar concept and plotline appeared in the noted Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles". According to screenwriter David Gerrold, the show's producers noticed similarities in the two stories and asked Heinlein for permission to use the idea.[2] Heinlein asked for an autographed copy of the script, but otherwise did not object, noting that both stories owed something to the Butler story "and possibly to Noah"[3]. The steampunk novel Starcross also included references to a 'flat cat', but whimsically described it as a terrestrial domestic cat flattened by an automatic laundry mangle. ( spinning gravitational inertia of neutron stars ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfDDI_SCarwKill-k-eny cats Connections to other Heinlein works This book makes reference to Hazel Stone as an influential figure in the Lunar Revolution. Fourteen years later, Heinlein published The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which tells the story of that conflict, including the small but vital role that Hazel Stone played as a child. Hazel, Castor, and Pollux reappear in The Number of the Beast and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. Hazel, alone, appears in To Sail Beyond the Sunset. Dr. Lowell Stone ("Buster") is quoted in interstitial material in The Cat Who Walks Through Walls and referenced as Chief Surgeon at Ceres General. In that same book, Hazel states that Roger and Edith are now living in the extrasolar colony known as Fiddler's Green (itself first named in Friday). The generic description of the Martian met by Lowell is similar to the description of the Martians depicted in Stranger in a Strange Land and Red Planet. Background The Cat Who Walks Through Walls may be regarded as part of Heinlein's multiverse series, or as a sequel to both The Number of the Beast and The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. During a meeting of the Council of the Time Scouts, representatives from every major time line and setting written by Heinlein appear, including Glory Road and Starship Troopers; and a reference is made to other authors' works as well. The title of the book refers to a cat by the name of Pixel, who has an inexplicable tendency to be wherever the narrator happens to be (see Schrödinger's cat). In one scene Pixel does, in fact, walk through a wall, and it is explained that Pixel is too young to know that such behavior is impossible. [edit]Connections to other Heinlein works Gwen Novak is eventually revealed to be Hazel Stone, a character previously featured in Heinlein's The Rolling Stones and who had played a small but important role in The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Col. Campbell is also eventually revealed to be a son of Lazarus Long, a Heinlein character originally introduced in Methuselah's Children and who reappeared in Time Enough for Love, The Number of the Beast, and To Sail Beyond the Sunset. Also appearing are Jubal Harshaw, a major character in Stranger in a Strange Land; Dr. Galahad, of Time Enough for Love; and Manuel Garcia O'Kelly Davis, the first-person voice of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Other connections Rupert zu Löwenstein Wertheim Rosemberg Prince Rupert zu Löwenstein - President of the British Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; London Based Merchant Banker; Manager of the Rolling Stones http://earbender.com/2009/01/22/prince-rupert-retires-made-in-the-shade-indeed/Löwenstein-Wertheim From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Löwenstein-Wertheim was a county of the Holy Roman Empire, part of the Franconian Circle. It was formed from the counties of Löwenstein (based in the town Löwenstein) and Wertheim (based in the town Wertheim am Main). The county of Löwenstein belonged to a branch of the family of the counts of Calw before 1281, when it was purchased by the German king Rudolph I of Habsburg, who presented it to his natural son Albert. In 1441 Henry, one of Albert's descendants, sold it to the Frederick I, Count Palatine of the Rhine, and later it served as a portion for Louis (d. 1524), a son of the elector by a morganatic marriage, who became a count of the Empire in 1494. The county was disbanded in 1806. The Löwenstein-Wertheim family is a morganatic branch of the House of Wittelsbach. The current monarchs of Belgium, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein, as well as the pretenders to the thrones of Portugal, Italy (Naples branch), Bavaria, and Austria–Hungary are descended (not in the male line) from the Rosenberg branch. Rupert zu Löwenstein, a financier to the Rolling Stones, is a member of the Freudenberg branch. Lowenstein Wertheim coat of arms with the bavarian rhombic key in the center and below Princess Maria-Theodora zu Löwenstein & Count Manfredi della Gherardesca Princess Maria Theodora (Dora) zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (*1966) married Count Palatine Manfredi della Gherardesca on September 26th 1998. The ceremony took place in Brompton Road (London). The bride is the daughter of Prince Rupert zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg and of his wife, Princess Josephine Lowry-Corry, while the groom is the son of Count Palatine Guelfo della Gherardesca. Prince Rupert may be better-known to some members as the London-based Business Manager of the Rolling Stones. Octagonal hipercube laberynth with the philosopher stone in the middle - it's here Madonna with baby dragon on her hands Above, Goddes Kali ( Yuga ) Tsunami and Volcano, above probably pomegranate seeds Saturn over the city - Satan
Zinc - Chronicity, was just going to post the same http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/CatsIt is said that in Ulthar, which lies beyond the river Skai, no man may kill a cat; and this I can verily believe as I gaze upon him who sitteth purring before the fire. For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle's lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. H. P. Lovecraft, "The Cats of Ulthar". We own a dog — he is with us as a slave and inferior because we wish him to be. But we entertain a cat — he adorns our hearth as a guest, fellow-lodger, and equal because he wishes to be there. It is no compliment to be the stupidly idolised master of a dog whose instinct it is to idolise, but it is a very distinct tribute to be chosen as the friend and confidant of a cat. H. P. Lovecraft, "Cats and Dogs".
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