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Rispondi  Messaggio 1 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 03/02/2012 17:03
1. Génesis 49:9: Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
5. Deuteronomio 33:20: A Gad dijo: Bendito el que hizo ensanchar a Gad; Como león reposa, Y arrebata brazo y testa.

6. Deuteronomio 33:22: A Dan dijo: Dan es cachorro de león Que salta desde Basán.

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Rispondi  Messaggio 2 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 07/02/2012 18:21

Regulus , the Ruler or Lawgiver,
the Heart of the Lion


As the brightest star in Leo, Regulus has been almost universally associated in ancient cultures with the concept of royal or kingly power. The name Regulus actually comes from the Latin rex, or king. The star was known in Arabia as Malikiyy, the Kingly One; in Greece as the "Star of the King"; in ancient Babylon, as Sharru or the King; to the even more ancient Akkadians of Mesopotamia it represented Amil-gal-ur, the legendary King of the Celestial Sphere who ruled before the great flood.

The Hindu title Magha signifies the Mighty or the Great One. The Persian name Miyan means the Central One or the Star of the Center. The Latin Cor Leonis is the equivalent of the later Arabian Al Kalb al Asad, the Heart of the Royal Lion.

Regulus is known as one of the four Royal Stars of the heavens, the other three being Aldebaran, Fomalhaut, and Antares. Regulus, in the constellation Leo, is the northern Royal Star. These four Royal Stars are considered to be sentinels watching over other stars and form a Fixed Cross in the heavens. (There is hidden meaning in this configuration and the term Fixed Cross, worthy of contemplation.)

Regulus lies at the base of the sickle of Leo, resembling a reversed question mark some 16 degrees (1) high. To modern sky watchers this sickle outlines the majestic head and mane of the great westward-facing lion, crouched in the regal pose of the enigmatic Egyptian Sphinx.

Regulus is only half a degree (1) from the ecliptic, therefore a relatively common sight is to view the moon or other bright planet passing close to Regulus, and infrequently occulting it. Regulus was occulted by Venus, an exceedingly rare event, on July 7, 1959. According to modern computations, no other occultation by a first magnitude star will occur for several centuries. Remarkably, the planet Venus came within 1.1 degree of Regulus on August 6, 1992, however the sun blocked our ability to view this near-conjunction from the earth.

Regulus, a first magnitude star, is the 21st brightest star in our sky. Its estimated diameter is five times that of our sun (our sun is about one million miles wide), with a luminosity of 160 times that of our sun. It is 85 light years from Earth; this means it takes 85 years for the light which is emitted from Regulus, in present time, to actually be visible to us. What we see today is an 85-year old picture of Regulus!

Regulus is also known as the Ruler, the Lawgiver. When we think of the word Regulus it can be held as a regulator. In the dictionary, regulate means "to make regular; put in good order; adjust by rule." A regulator is "one who or that which regulates; a lever for regulating motion."

We know that the quality of the star Sirius is of freedom and liberation from all that hinders evolution. Every year the sun passes in front of the star Sirius at the Fourth of July, America's Independence Day. Bastille Day, France's independence day, and Canada's independence day all occur in the month of July as the sun passes through the field of the Dog, Canis Major.

There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised. (2)

Esoterically Regulus acts as a lens for Sirius. (3) Sirius is the star of Christ consciousness and we associate the Christ with the Heart center. As Sirius is known as the Dog Star (God Star), then the star Regulus (the Heart of the Lion, the Lawgiver), its "lens," serves as the regulator of Sirian energy to the earth, stimulating the response in humanity to express heart consciousness, the quality we call love. The Soul is synonymous with love; Christ, the Heart consciousness.

Love, indeed, is an action. Energy is simply energy, and we choose to react to its stimulation in various ways. Some could interpret this stimulation as the need to become free from restriction by forcing another to their idea of freedom, or they may rise up against that which attempts to impinge on their freedom of choice. Regardless of the reaction, CHANGE and LOVE do happen, as EVOLUTION occurs.

Regulus is imminently emerging from its position at 29 degrees of the sign Leo, into the sign Virgo (of course, regardless it is still in the constellation of Leo). The sun passes through this area of the sky every year during the month of August. We know the sun is the physical center of our solar system and amplifies the quality of the constellation it passes in front of in the sky, from the earth's perspective.

Have you noticed that during the month of August, our world has undergone great changes? Almost exactly as the sun came to the same degree as the star Regulus on August 21, 1991, the communist party in the Soviet Union launched a coup against its "king," Gorbachev. The symbol of the Soviet Union was the hammer and sickle, and remember, Regulus lies at the base of the sickle in the head of the Lion. Esoterically, a sickle is used to cut out or cut down that which hinders the application of spiritual law, and so hinders the flowering forth of the Soul.

An attempt was then made by a few individuals to cut out Gorbachev, who was promoting change, freedom and unity for the good of all. The soul of Russia was transforming under his leadership. The intention by the few to control the many initally failed, but it did further catalyze the Soviet Union into monumental transformation. The kings in the far east rose up against each other as Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Then in August 1992, Saddam rose up again.

That same August, the conflict in Bosnia-Hersegovina escalated into a world concern, as atrocities to basic human rights there were revealed. A draft treaty banning the use of chemical weapons in warfare was agreed upon by the United Nations on August 7, 1992; this treaty had been pending since 1968.

Mussolini joined forces with Hitler in August 1943, and the U.S. dropped the bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The freedom of so many was to be nonexistent under the rule of Hitler or Japan. It appears as though Regulus, the Lawgiver, may act as an emissary for Divine Will.


Prophecy from the Ageless Wisdom teachings:

A certain relationship or configuration of stars — of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo — will bring about a situation wherein the reorientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralized for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control. (4)

(Some of us may physically be here to witness the fulfillment of this prophecy!)


It would be presumptuous to believe Regulus exists only to influence humans and this planet. Our ideas on the qualities of the star Regulus are undoubtedly only a minute piece of the infinite influences this great sun has on our earth and the universe.


"As Above, So Below."


Besides Regulus, the other three Royal Stars in the heavens are
Antares in the constellation Scorpio the Scorpion, the Western Royal Star,
Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus the Bull, the Eastern Royal Star,
and Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish
(very close to the constellation Aquarius),
the Southern Royal Star.
[ return to place in main text above ]

Rispondi  Messaggio 3 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 16/07/2012 19:57
LEON (LEON de la tribu de JUDA)
Busqueda para NARDO

Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
1. Cantares 1:12: Mientras el rey estaba en su reclinatorio,
Mi NARDO dio su olor.
2. Cantares 4:13: Tus renuevos son paraíso de granados, con frutos suaves,
De flores de alheña y NARDOs;
3. Cantares 4:14: NARDO y azafrán, caña aromática y canela,
Con todos los árboles de incienso;
Mirra y áloes, con todas las principales especias aromáticas.
4. Marcos 14:3: Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de NARDO puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.

Rispondi  Messaggio 4 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 18/07/2012 16:09

Rispondi  Messaggio 5 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 23/07/2012 02:16

ORION – The Key To The Kingdom Of Heaven





Rispondi  Messaggio 6 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 02/08/2012 00:52

Rispondi  Messaggio 7 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 30/08/2012 04:26
A "lion sejant" is sitting on his haunches, with both forepaws on the ground.
According to the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, the Israelite Tribe of Judah had the Lion of Judah as its symbol.

This Lion capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four "Indian lions" standing back to back. It was originally placed atop the Asoka pillar at Sarnath,

Pliny the Elder wrote that the Egyptians worshipped the stars of Leo because the rise of their great river coincided with the Sun entering among them.

Sidereal and tropical are the terms for two systems of ecliptic coordinates used in astrology.

Both divide the ecliptic into a number of "signs" named after constellations, but while the sidereal system defines the signs based on the fixed stars, the tropical system defines it based on the position of vernal equinox (i.e. the intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator). Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the two systems do not remain fixed relative to each other but drift apart by about 1.4 arc degrees per century.

Tropical system was present in Mesopotamian astrology adopted by the Greeks probably during Hellenistic period and remains prevalent in western astrology. A sidereal system is used in Hindu astrology, and in some 20th-century systems of western astrology.

In tropical astrology, the Sun is considered to be in the sign Leo from July 22 to August 22

July 22 Mary Magdalene's feast day

Everything is Connected and there are no

Rispondi  Messaggio 8 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 30/08/2012 04:44
The origin of the symbolism for the constellation Leo was the Nile at that time of year where the lions gathered.

Lions gathered at the Nile River in Uganda.

"Many civilizations over thousands of years have portrayed the constellation of Leo as a lion. One theory is that the Sun was among its stars in Midsummer, during which time the lions of the Egyptian desert left their accustomed haunts for the banks of the Nile, where they could find relief from the heat in the waters of the inundation. Pliny the Elder wrote that the Egyptians worshipped the stars of Leo because the rise of their great river coincided with the Sun entering among them. The constellation is referred to in an inscription on the walls of the Ramesseum at Thebes, which, like the Nile temples generally, was adorned with the animal's bristles. On the planisphere of Dendera, its figure is shown standing on an outstretched serpent. The Egyptian stellar Lion, however, comprised only a part of the modern constellation, and in the earliest records some of its stars were shown as a knife, whereas they now are as a sickle. Kircher gave its title there as Πιμεντεκεων."


The corn carvings of Rosslyn Chapel 50 years before the official discovery of America by Columbus.

Image Image

The Rosslyn carvings show groups of 4 cobs of corn. Display of blue, white, yellow, and red corn.

From the Borderlands -

Rispondi  Messaggio 9 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 30/08/2012 15:02

Símbolos de los cuatro Evangelistas:
 Hombre (Mateo), Aguila (Juan),
 León (Marcos), Novillo/Toro (Lucas).
© SCTJM: Tabernáculo de la Catedral de Washington DC  

Símbolos de los Cuatro Evangelistas

 Mateo: Hombre
 Marcos: León
 Lucas: Toro
 Juan:  Aguila

Los cuatro autores de los Evangelios (San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas y San Juan) han sido relacionados simbólicamente con los cuatro seres vivientes del Apocalipsis 4,7:  

"El primer Viviente, como un león;
el segundo Viviente, como un novillo;
el tercer Viviente tiene un rostro como de hombre; el cuarto viviente es como un águila en vuelo." Ap 4,7.

El Apocalipsis se inspira en los símbolos del Antiguo Testamento.

Ezequiel 1,10
En cuanto a la forma de sus caras, era una cara de hombre, y los cuatro tenían cara de león a la derecha, los cuatro tenían cara de toro a la izquierda, y los cuatro tenían cara de águila.

Ezequiel 10,1-22  Relata la visión del trono de los querubines con cuatro caras cada uno. 

Los Padres de la Iglesia recogieron este simbolismo pero su vinculación a los Evangelistas no siempre coincide. Con el tiempo prevaleció la siguiente: 

Ver también: Redacción de los Evangelios

Rispondi  Messaggio 10 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 01/09/2012 01:51


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.



We move on tracing the path of the Sun through the Zodiac and in so doing we now come to the constellation Leo. The Sun passes through Leo, the Lion between July 23- August 22. The zodiacal constellation Leo, the lion, is one of a handful of constellations that really does look like its namesake. Leo's brightest star is blue-white Regulus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Regulus rises almost due east, with the body {short description of image}of the lion following it into the sky over the next couple of hours. Once Regulus climbs into the sky, look to its left — toward the north — for a group of stars forming a backward question mark. These stars outline Leo's head and mane. Leo features in ancient Egyptian religion. The Egyptians worshipped the celestial lion, and the ancient scribes used it to predict the flooding of the Nile. Leo has always been associated with the Sun. Pliny wrote that Egyptians worshiped the stars of Leo because they knew that the Sun appeared to enter them during the time when the Nile flooded to bring fresh fertile soil onto the land. Because of this, it was thought that the Sun rose in Leo at the time of creation. Thus, Leo was the emblem of the fire and heat that nourished the land, intimately associated with all the blessings that rained down from the greatest of the gods that filled the world with light each day. In this regard, it has been suspected that the great Sphinx represents both the Sun and the constellation Leo. It is shown, however, with the body of the Lion and the head of the beautiful Virgo, the constellation next to the east along the zodiac. Not all scholars of Egypt agree with this: some say the Sphinx has the head of one of the early kings or, perhaps, one of the gods.

Some say that a strange mythological creature, half human and half animal, once represented the summer Sun. Summer was to the Egyptians the most important of the seasons, for the rising of the Nile led to the life-giving floods that in turn led to the promise of bountiful harvests. These people gave over their thoughts to the coming of the season, and their symbolism carried into their astronomy. At this time of year lions from the outlying deserts came down to the Nile Valley to seek relief from the heat. Lions, then, were associated with the coming of summer when the Sun was approaching the constellation we know as Leo. In mid-summer the Sun passed from the stars of Leo and into those of Virgo, the Virgin, representative of the harvest. These two star groups seemed to be in control of the Sun during the most crucial time of the year. And so, as the two signs of summer met, a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a woman was born—the Sphinx.

The star Regulus, the luminary of Leo, has been called the "regulator" of heaven. Marking the heart of the great lion in the sky, it gave the celestial creature life, and its association with the Sun moving through the zodiac was thought to regulate the seasons. From this, many have supposed that it regulated affairs on earth as well as ruling the heavens. For Persians it was one of four Guardian stars of Heaven. Regulus has been called the "Royal Star," and "Kingly Star," being associated in many ways with kings on earth. Thus, both the star and its constellation became a cherished symbol of royalty. Representing such a powerful animal, in addition to its symbolic representation of the Sun, Leo the Lion became the symbol found on royal arms in England and elsewhere.

To our ancestors, the qualities of the Lion were associated with rulership and divinity. Wherever this animal was encountered, its characteristics were attributed to gods and goddesses. For many cultures, the symbol of a lion serves as a guardian. Lion figures stand fast against darkness and evil intent in the doorways of palaces, temples, and in the rituals of the Chinese New Year.

In Greek mythology, the constellation of Leo is explained through the tale of Hercules and the Nemean lion. More than a lion, this beast was the sibling of the infamous Sphinx, whom Oedipus encounters. The creature had terrorized the countryside for years and all weapons were useless against it. Hercules was sent to kill the beast by Hera, who hated him as an illegitimate son of Zeus. However, Hercules proved successful in defeating the Nemean Lion and even went so far as to make a cloak and helmut from the creature's hide. In honor of this great feat, Zeus set the form of the fearsome Lion in the night sky.

The constellation Leo has been known as a Lion from nearly all the early lands of the Near East; certainly from Sumeria, Babylonia, Persia, and Syria, as well as from the Greeks and Romans. It was the tribal sign of Judah, and in the Middle Ages it was referred to as one of Daniel's lions. Its association with the Nile River is the likely reason that the heads of lions with open jaws were carved on the gates of canals used to carry off the flood water that irrigated the Nile Valley. Perhaps the many other lion heads with water spouting from their mouths, in so many medieval and modern fountains, might have derived from the Lion in the sky.

The principal star in the constellation is Regulus, the heart of the lion, or Cor Leonis. This was the first of the four Royal Stars of ancient Persia, with Antares, Fomalhaut and Aldebaran. These stars are separated by about six hours in right ascension, and so they well marked the four quarters of the sky. Regulus is a first magnitude star, although it is surpassed in brightness by 20 other stars. It lies almost exactly on the plane of the ecliptic, so that once a year, on about August 23, it is eclipsed by the Sun. Infrequently it is occulted by the Moon.

These are the strong hot days of summer. The Sun has now passed the Summer solstice. This is a time of strength when the Sun goes to the end of the growing season to the time of harvest. At the end of the growing season, food is plentiful, and seeds have to be stored for the next season.


I have always thought it strange that the Gospels depict the ministry of Jesus beginning with the meeting of Jesus with John the Baptist and then John the Baptist just disappears until mid-way through the same Gospel when he mysteriously appears and we find the account of his death. Nothing is said about John the Baptist till the Gospel record is half over. Then all of a sudden John the Baptist reappears and is beheaded.

Matt 14:2 2 And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him. (KJV)

First of all you should take note of the fact that we are chronologically progressing through the life of Jesus Christ as depicted in the New Testament. This is important when we realize that accordingly the Sun is making its progressive path through the Zodiac as well. According to the New Testament John the Baptist has been raised from the dead.

It is assumed that the reader is well familiar with what we learned in the beginning of this series when studying the path of the Sun through the constellation Aquarius and remembers the link to John the Baptist. That being so then the reader recalls how the constellation Aquarius moved below the western horizon at sunset as the year went from January to February and the Sun traveled from Aquarius to Pisces. Each Zodiac constellation in turn goes below the horizon at sunset as each month passes.

Answer for yourself: Why is this 6 month notation very important? Well we saw as well that when one sign of the Zodiac rises in the East then one correspondingly sets in the West. If you look at the picture you see that{short description of image} opposite the sign of Leo (just count to 6 more signs) we find the sign of Aquarius (John the Baptist). That being the case then after six months following the setting of the constellation Aquarius then the same constellation of Aquarius begins to rise on the eastern horizon at sunset as Leo is now setting. Thus the relationship between these two constellations in the Biblical account and the Gospel depiction of the "Jesus Story".

Answer for yourself: Why again is this important? Well here is the uniqueness of it. Recall at the beginning of the allegory in our article on Aquarius how Aquarius moved below the western horizon at sunset as the year went from January to February and the Sun traveled from Aquarius to Pisces. Each Zodiac constellation in succession goes below the horizon at sunset as each month passes. As far back as Egypt we see that this setting of a constellation in the Western horizon was considered as it's "death". That is why Egypt buried their dead west of the Nile river. The Heavens keep moving and after six months the constellation of Aquarius begins again to rise on the Eastern horizon as the constellation Leo sets at sunset, and it appears that the head of Aquarius is cut off by the horizon. This celestial phenomena became the story about John the Baptist (in the form of the constellation Aquarius) rising from the death, the dead being those who are below the earth. So we not only find that John the Baptist rises from the dead but also the position of the stars that make up the head of this "waterbearer" become very important. This event, when the head of Aquarius, the waterbearer, rises just above the eastern horizon, is said to be the beheading of John the Baptist by the personified Darkness in the form of King Herod. Herod remember is a type of personified Darkness which reigns supreme at night. When Aquarius rises on the Easter horizon it appears that the head of Aquarius is cut off by the horizon. Aquarius is down there in the {short description of image}underworld as seen in the picture slipping into "death" below the Western horizon, where the dead are, or is figuratively "put in prison". Some 6 months later after the setting of Aquarius in the Western horizon, if you wait a few hours after sunset, you'll see Aquarius 2 stars (head) poking its head up above the eastern horizon, rising from the underworld, and it appears as if Aquarius is being beheaded by the horizon once its 2 stars emerge above the horizon. This is nothing more than the movement of the Heavens and the Zodiac. Aquarius figuratively "rises from the dead" and is beheaded by the night's horizon as Aquarius rises. Aquarius is close to disappearing below the horizon at the end of August. At this time, the Sun exits Leo and enters Virgo. Aquarius has two faint stars on its head which can barely be seen; it almost looks headless. This produced the tradition that Aquarius, as John the Baptist personified, had his head cut off by Leo (personified royalty in the form of Herod the King).

Answer for yourself: Why is Leo chosen to be King Herod? Simply because Leo is connected with royalty and is opposite the sign of Aquarius (6 months separate these signs).

There is some inference that John somehow survives this beheading and "rises from the dead" intact.

Mark 6:16 16 But when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead. (KJV)

And sure enough as the night progresses we see all of Aquarius rising intact from below the horizon.

This explains why John the Baptist just vanishes from the pages of the New Testament and surfaces half-way through it again. It does so 6 months later since again the Synoptic Gospels teach that Jesus, in the "Jesus Story", has a one year ministry. No wonder that we go along reading about John the Baptist and then he just "vanishes" from the pages of the New Testament. You now see that he has "set" in the West and it will be some time before he "rises" again in the East and when the constellation does then we have his head emerge above the horizon and it appears as if it was cut off thus giving us the myth of John the Baptist being beheaded.

But we are not through yet.

Answer for yourself: Who is responsible for beheading John the Baptist? Herod.

Answer for yourself: What have we already learned about Herod?

Regulus, the star of kingship, is the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Leo was the constellation of kings, and it was associated with the Lion of Judah. But it was also associated with Herod.

We saw that the story of the child who threatens the reign of a ruling monarch is a common motif found in many ancient religions. It is also found in the Old Testament with Moses as a baby being placed in a basket and sent down the river to avoid the mass slaughter of all the children. Herod, as the personified darkness, hears a child will be born that will overthrow him. Indeed when the Sun rises it will conquer the darkness. So darkness orders all the stars extinguished. Allegorically all the children of the land are to be killed. What better way to insure darkness rules than to murder all those little points of light. All the stars are killed, but the Sun survives the slaughter and rises anyway, conquering the darkness.

Comparative Religion shows that all the ancient religions were forms of Sun worship. The story of Jesus is just another allegorical personification of the Sun as will be shown here. Herod is personified darkness in this tale and this is substantiated in that there exists not one piece of writing or evidence that such a design to kill all the infant male children of the historical Herod ever existed or was carried out. We have seen this in the article on Herod and how Darkness is the original evil. There is no historical record of this mass infanticide slaughter ever actually happening or being ordered. It never really happened on Earth. Our whole story takes place in the starry night sky. Paul says,

"For our conversation is in heaven [i.e. the stars above] from whence also we look for the Saviour [the Sun], the Lord Jesus Christ." (Philippians 3:20)

The ancient religious stories personified the evil Darkness and gave it names. In this case the name for "Darkness" is Herod. Darkness reigns supreme at night until overpowered by the rising Sun (personified Jesus) in the morning. The Sun rising in the morning is figuratively a form of the Sun being born. Just before the Sun rises all the stars disappear. Figuratively this is Darkness trying to save itself by killing all the stars. What better way to keep things dark than to kill all those little points of light. But Darkness fails to kill the Sun. The Sun rises, overpowering the Darkness, the darkness dies, and its reign is ended.

But now we are past the Summer solstice and the powers of Darkness are slowly increasing since the days are getting shorter and less light appears with each one of them. The Sun is now resided that it will die and sets its face to travel to its death.

Matt 16:21 21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. (KJV)

We have already discussed the importance of this "third" day in relationship to both the Winter solstice and the Summer solstice where the Sun remains still for 3 days as if "dead" only to be presented "alive" the following day. Such is the allegorical symbolism behind this Astronomical phenomena. The war and struggle between light and dark intensify as the days get shorter as the Sun recedes from the Sky following the Summer solstice. The Sun is still strong, but the forces of evil are gaining power and the power of the Sun is{short description of image} beginning to diminish. The Sun finds itself in the sign of Leo. Again we must remember that the Sun is personified as Jesus in the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and was understood as such by the Ancients. That may seem strange to us today only because we have been far removed from the traditional Ancient understanding of these religious texts. Being on the other side of the rise of fundamentalism at the beginning of this century we should not wonder at the loss of this earlier knowledge. It amazes me when I read books from the 1700s and the 1800s how plentiful is this Astrotheology in many, many books when today we have to look long and hard to find and restore these Ancient truths. The picture to the right reveals the personification of the Sun in the sign of Leo taken from the fifteenth century. This is but one example of the loss of these Ancient understanding of the Gospels as "allegories" and not as "literal truths".

So we see that this "Jesus Story" is as Thomas Payne said: "The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun."

Understanding this eternal struggle between Darkness and Light then we should not be surprised to find Jesus encouraging one to be strong against adversity and you will be saved. Again this is nothing more than an allegory with little historical truth.

Mark 13:11-14 11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. 12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. 13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: (KJV)

Rispondi  Messaggio 11 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 01/09/2012 01:52

But we are not through yet.

We need speak of the harvest and its connection with Leo. In discussing the constellation Leo in relationship tot he seasons (late July through mid August) it was a time of relaxation, play, a kind of “lull” in the year before harvest. Thus we need speak of the harvest and its connection with Leo. Through the ages, Leo has signified the coming of the high growing season and thus reflects the abundant generosity of life (the latter harvest). In this aspect Leo is seen as the ordained provider. We should expect to see "harvest terminology" connected with the "Jesus Story" at this time of the year and path of the Sun and that is exactly what we find:

  •  Beginning with Matthew 13:1-23 where Jesus is speaking on establishing the Kingdom of God he speaks of it as a place where the harvest will be stored.
  • Later in Matthew 13:24-30 we see the Christ's teaching on the "Weeds among the Wheat" parable.
  • Next we follow with the Parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-33.
  • Again he follows up with the parable of the weeds in Matthew 13:36-52.

Well we were not disappointed to find numerous account of "harvest" as related to the Sun in its path through the sign of Leo as Jesus is depicted as the personified Sun.


We have seen repeatedly how the early Gentile Church adopted for the birth of "Jesus"December 25th as the Winter solstice and we have seen repeatedly how this was connected with the Ancient's understanding of the birth or "rebirth" of the Sun from the dead.

But throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world (most likely in the East) there exists a brotherhood, or order of initiates, secretly guiding the destiny of mankind. Towards the end of the last century a number of intrepid explorers, mostly Russians and including such well-known esotericists as Madame H.P. Blavatsky, Alexandra David-Neale, P.D. Ouspensky and G.I.Gurdjieff scoured the East in search of these "Masters of Wisdom". Today modern scholarship has found traces linking this lost brotherhood with the Magi story of Matthew's Gospel. Evidence suggests that the Magi were expecting the birth of a King/Messiah not on our so-called Christmas Day of 25th of December, (which is in any case based on the old pagan festival of the Birth of Mithras) but rather on 29th July 7 BC. On this day there was a special configuration in the sky. Each year at that time the Sun would rise in the "King's Birthday" position: conjunct with the "Little King" or "Lion Heart" star of Regulus in Leo. At the same time, just prior to the dawn, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, would make its first appearance after a period of invisibility. According to the mythology of Egypt, Sirius was the special star of the goddess Isis. Her reappearance represented the goddess coming out of confinement to give birth, at dawn. to her son Horus, represented by the Sun-conjunct-Regulus.

The mythology behind this arrangement of stars was Christianized by the early church so that Sirius now represented Mary giving birth not to Horus but to her own son, Jesus, symbolized as the dawn Sun. Other stars visible at dawn on that day are also significant. Orion, which in Egypt represented Osiris, the consort of Isis now became Joseph. The star Procyon, which like Sirius rises after Orion, had probably represented Isis's sister Nephthys. It now became the ‘mid-wife’, who also appears in some of the Nativity stories. Adrian Gilbert in his Magi: The Quest for a Secret Brotherhood has interesting insights for the interested student that I highly recommend.

Rev. Robert Taylor believes states in his Devil's Pulpit that there are the four royal stars, as they were through eternal ages of by-gone time, located in the visible heavens, to mark the place which the Sun nears or approaches, as he annually divides to us the four seasons of the year. Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars of the ancient Persians. The other three are Aldebaran, Antares and Fomalhaut. There are four because there are but four seasons of the year, over which these four royal Stars preside. Many scholars believe the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the names derived from these 4 royal stars since their names are never found in the language of any Jewish nation upon earth and only surface connected with the Gospels that bear them today after 180 A.D. Out interest is with Regulus in the constellation Leo. Regulus is believed to be the origin for the Saint Matthew, or Cor Leonis, the heart of the lion, which the Sun enters about the 2nd of July, and leaves about the 23d of August, when the earth begins to give her fruits; and thence this Star gets the name of Saint Mat Thew, which is, most literally, the Sun, the gift, the God, the most expressive designation of the Sun's bounty, and of the heat at that season. And here is Matthew, not only with his lion, but in his lion, the very heart of the lion.

After Leo comes Virgo the virgin of the harvest season. Summer passes, the story of Jesus’ journeys continues. We eventually come to the end of Summer, the month of August, and it's harvest time! Harvest time is the best time of the year, the time we’ve all been waiting for. In August the Sun has moved out of Leo, the strong lion of summer, and into a new constellation that represents the harvest, that food which grows out of the virgin soil of the earth. Hence the constellation for harvest time is a female virgin holding a sheath of wheat. The constellation the Sun enters in August is Virgo, the eternal celestial virgin, holding a sheath of wheat representing harvest time. Farmers who till the fields are said to be wedded to this celestial virgin for which they wait for each year. Thus they are known as "husbandmen," and their tools such as tractors are known as implements of husbandry. It is time we move on to the study of Virgo and trace the movement of Jesus in the "Jesus Story" as we further find that he is the personified Sun in its path through the Zodiac.

Answer for yourself: What have we seen? I think it is becoming rather certain by now that the "Jesus Story" is actually an allegory for what would naturally be the oldest and most important story humans would notice and write down, that of the annual passage of the seasons of the year and the Sun through its path through the various constellations of the Zodiac as well as the influence of other stars upon it throughout its yearly cycle.

Let us continue with the next article in this series.


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!


  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • Home: 972-496-4238
  • Cell: 972-480-7690
  • E-Mail:

Rispondi  Messaggio 12 di 72 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/09/2012 22:17

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