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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 12/10/2015 16:37

24 * 74 = 1776

HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)

Reply  Message 337 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/09/2015 13:41
Resultado de imagen para Raphael KEY 528 2012 2012forum.com

Reply  Message 338 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 01:50



6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:


37 * 24 = 888


Reply  Message 339 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Reply  Message 340 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Primer  Anterior  54 a 68 de 263  Siguiente   Último 
Respuesta  Mensaje 54 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/11/2015 15:45
The day of Jesus' birth is July 3rd or '73' according to a Vatican spokesperson. 
Would March 7th or 37 also have qualified? 

Arrow go to 4:30 of this video: 

art and life taking cues and clues from each other ALL the time... 
was it a Freudian slip up by the Father? 
IMHO it was... 

EL, LE, 73 and 37 are reflections and rotations of each other. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 55 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/11/2015 15:46
10 Commandments (the sum of 1-10=55) 

10 = 3 + 7 

1 3 7

Why was it mentioned in the bible that MoSeS stuttered? 
WHY bother saying that as part of the narrative...? 

Is it because 3000 years later science would find something out about our ASYMMETRICAL brains and stuttering, that would provide a valuable clue to where we are headed....? 

And what valuable clue would that be? 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 56 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/11/2015 15:48

Respuesta  Mensaje 57 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/11/2015 15:56
Hey Mo bro 
(good verk again comrade adding your two sense worth to the salvation operation, the RECOVERY of what we already know...) 
...follow your instincts IF your intent is true. 

well we know that 37 + 27 = 64 
and we know the RATIO of 37/27 = 1.37 x 100 = 137 
and we know the RATIO of 36/28 x 100 = 128.5 
and we know that 36 is associated to both the sun and the word HA found in the indo-aryan SS language called SanSkrit, hahaha, and the wyrd THA is associated to the number 28 and also to the moon. 

And many, a multitude of more than less, speculate that HATHA yoga is good for you because it aligns you and your DNA with the Sun and the Moon. 
YA think? 

and re: YHVH or JeHoVaH or ELI_YA-HU 
Some rabid rabbis also suggest to bob and weave like a butterfly whilst meditating...hahaha 

And we know that both RATIOs (based on a cube of 4x4x4 = 64) represents the fine structure constant RANGE
137 is the present value and 128.5 is a new value based on a former position of our solar system, related to time and/or space. (the experts are not quite sure) 

and we know that Dna Winter's work that focuses on the phi spiral is therefore based on RATIOs. 
and we know that DNA replicating is a study in geometry. 
and we know according to varied philosophies a GOLDEN RULE: 


and we know that 64 is central to our DNA and the BLOODLINE of the entire planet...that has been placed in our care...BTW 

and we also know that 37 and 27 are reciprocals of each other leading us to a 137 connection 


>>> and we also know that John Dee (who worked for ELIzabeth) and his Enochian alphabet was centered on 64 letters placed on an 8x8 grid... 
no I did not know that until... 

Which leads us to a fella called Vincent Bridges who has collaborated with Dna Winter (who loves the phi spiral). 

Enochian Alphabet and DNA

Dee was told that the Tablet represented the functional activity of the Trinity itself. The substance of the tablet, milky quartz mother of pearl, was attributed to God the Father. The circumference becomes God the Son, and the pattern or geometry of the Tablet represents the Holy Spirit.

My morning was fruitful: 
Arrow http://www.jwmt.org/v2n15/dna.html 

Meet another story teller, Vincent Bridges on youtube: 
Arrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1gD68LXYuI&feature=related 
and his work: The Complete Enochian Handbook 

Hey Mo and Optimist there are very few people in the world who are on the trail we are investigating at this time. 

Many are close but they fail to see the obvious, what has been vEILed in plain view. 

Mo remember that book I gave you? 
Amulets and Superstitions by E.A. Wallis Budge

You have a different edition, so your pages might be numbered differently than my edition? 
Go to the chapter 'Hebrew Amulets'. 
I found it online. 
Arrow http://books.google.com/books?id=woG1rgMddY4C&pg=PA212&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=true 

Go to page 235, it has a 17x17 amulet comprised of the 17 letters that comprise a statement. 

"Der Herr Behüte Dich" 

It is a German rendering of the Hebrew words that mean: 

"the Lord watch over thee" 
google translate: "the Lord shall preserve thee" 

Note also that the best way to read this amulet is starting from the center. 
From the letter 'D' 

And note that when "Der Herr Behüte Dich" is read from the center letter outwards, in the 4 directions, i.e. E, S, W, and N, an interesting shape/cross manifests. 

Yes we have MO evidence Mo of the obvious...ULAM prime number spiral is connected to 'the LORD watch over thee'. 

Looking for a T-Shirt design promoting Good Luck, God and Truth? 
Laughing Laughing 


17 05 13 21 09 
04 12 25 08 16 
11 24 07 20 03 
10 18 01 14 22 
23 06 19 02 15
Swastika Magic Square 

And the 17 reminds me of the 5x5 Swastika Magic Square whose four arms are comprised of 16 numbers plus the centre makes 17, and the hooked cross includes all of the prime numbers between 1-25
Let us not forget we can connect the ULAM spiral (also prime magic) to the letter G or an angular spiral and most importantly to the 'SEED' PATTERN found in St. Brigit's Cross


ULAM prime number SPIRAL is a match for CHASE harvesting mo MONey Mo, and the Celts/Druids/pagans etc. and the cross of St. Brigit is connected to the harvest too. 


Why are all scythes RIGHT handed? 
Why do physicists prefer RIGHT handed rules? 

While energy can follow either the right hand or left hand rule, it has been observed that the energy in our region of the universe primarily follows the right hand rule. We live in a "right-handed" region of the universe. The fact that our region of universe is right-handed has perplexed scientists for years. 


Why do Messiahs and Popes clasp two of the fingers together re: benediction

Now by placing the physics 'right hand rules' NEXT to the 'benediction' suggests to me that at some point (during a crossover probably) the electric and magnetic fields, the y and z axis, 'come together'? 


And in a FU apocalypse the 'y' axis stands alone? 

actually, the swastika stands for the sun, when its magnetic field lines become too compressed as the outer layers turn at a different rate than the inner layers, causing them to bunch up like the spring in a wind-up toy, until boom! It quickly unwinds, sending out a massive coronal ejection in all directions. It is warning sign. For looking straight down on the sun while the fields are wound tight, it makes the shape of a swastika... More proof that the ancients had superior or contemporary technology at one time. 


Arrow COME TOGETHER? sounds like this: 

In conclusion
ALL of the BUILDING BLOCKS from the biggest i.e. AS ABOVE to the smallest i.e. SO BELOW are asymmetrical in nature. 

Thus the geometrical movement implied by the asymmetrical SWASTIKA can be directly associated to the PRIME numbers which are in fact the BUILDING BLOCKS of mathematics. 

BUILDING BLOCKS of the UNIVERSE are related to PRIME Numbers and ASYMMETRY 

It is clear that the ancients knew all of this. 
All I read after a while, it does seem to me as though I am merely remembering, accessing my limbic system memory fILEs, which could in fact be tuned into the EM fIELd. 

Both my INTUITION and primal spiderman senses or INSTINCT suggest that. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 58 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/11/2015 16:16
"This formula is a transcription into logically significant terms, as demonstrated, of a formula discovered by Mr. Iuliano and forwarded to the writer on August 29, 2000. Mr. Iuliano's formula relating the covalent radii of Rubidium and Lanthanum in nanometers is as follows: 

1082943.99305/(666×32)/102(37+24) = .215997356/.169. 

This formula should be compared to that first forwarded by Mr. Iuliano on February 23, 1999 (cf. on this web, 82944 & the Four Fundamental Forces & the God Particle). Mr. Iuliano also reminds the writer that the covalent atomic radius of Hydrogen (1) is 37 pm. Note also that 1082944/(37×242)/102(37+24) 8.25/3.25, the square root of the ratio of the relative length of the shortest diagonals in the logically outfitted triple cube to that of the diagonals in the triple-Rubidium-3-cube. The latter ratio is at once the ratio of the diagonal of the base to the height of the smallest square-based pyramid the area of whose face is a whole number not 1 and one half the area of the base of the pyramid, and the sum of whose ascending edge and one half the base of its face is to the height of its face as φ : 1 (cf., on this web, Thinking Creation Ex Nihilo; cf., also, Leahy, Foundation, Section IV.2). " 

-DG Leahy 



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 59 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 16:18
Missing the obvious here.

Mark DEC 25 on your calender this year and every year.

Dec. 25 or 12/25 or 1+2/2+5 = 37

Laughing Laughing

And 37 on Card X of the Tarot is also 58

And 58 is a number associated with the head of St. John the baptist and the RATIO of 8/5 = phi


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 60 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 16:25
Hey Ralph

Your video game IDEA is also part of how I SEE the evolution of GOD Helmet. I had this IDEA in 2009 when I was reading DanIEL Winter's work. Although he SEES the coherence of mind & heart as an end to itself I sEE it as a means to an end. Let mi explain.

I see ascension as a part of CUbic enfoldment-unfoldment of 9 Levels over 3 Layers or Realms.

The 9 Levels each poses 3 Cubes = 9 x 81 dimension Specific Solfeggio Frequency CODES.

But how do we know which dimension WE are accessing and communicating with? How do we know that the RAndom Music being transmitted from your oversoul layers or you guardian angELs are infact the TRUE Music tuned for your healing and activation?

DanIEL Winter talks about Phire, Implosion, embedding and LOVE via coherence biofeedback.

I believe that by getting feedback regarding eeg and ecg coherence WE can KNOW that the music which is being created through RANDOM EVENT GENERATION as PINK NOISE is TRUE to one's heART or not. The goal is to monitor what sort of Solfeggio CODES are being generated @ the EDGE of CHAOS while at the same time maximizing coherence in MIND and heART. The Music is then modulated upon LIGHT LED and ELectromagnetic pulses as well as Infrasound. The magnetic coils are placed upon the tempolar lobes above the ears bilaterally. The Infrasonic transducer is placed upon the Crown Itself rattling the dome with BASS via 270 non-solfeggio freq.

There is much reasearch regarding the spiritual effects of Infrasound waves, talk about goose bump effects and BASS

The infinity sign @ the top of the Magician's head comes to MIND. 2 Sets of Fib seq.

This sort of Music can indeed do some exorcising and enabling 3D boxed fellows to talk to one's higher SELF. What would happen to churches, unholy scripts, and child molesting middle man?

So I like to get your feedback regarding the evolution of the God Helmet deSIGN.

Thanks regarding 1212 1215. Here is some interesting inPho from Tsarion regarding EL

“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL.

Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.”

Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’

"As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence EmmanuEl, GabriEl, BethEl, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”

The gods of ELohim are angELs, the messengers of god.

When witches cast a speEL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the ELites who run the world today. Elite comes from the “IsraElites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence IsRaEl.

So we have three types of CODE. Would this be a correct assumption?

Lunar 1212 or 1215
Solar 25811
Saturnic 1379 1376

Now back to the Cube.

"Jews and Muslims alike worship a huge black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is known as the “Tetragramaton” meaning their 4 letter (4 sided?) God. The “Kabballah” of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from KabbaAllah or “CubeGod” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles."

Thus it can be said they are “circling the square.” Masons are also constantly referring to “circling the square” and “squaring the circle.”

So whats the relationship between hexagonal numbers and their corresponding Cubes?

The sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, ...

The formula is an=3n²-3n+1.
There is 1, 1+7=8, 1+7+19=27, 1+7+19+37=64, ...
The series to the sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is the sequence of the cube numbers.

Now I like to better understand the old formula and the new formula

27 + 37 vs 26 + 38 and their aSSociation with the hexagonal numbers. Can you shed some Light Ralph.



Respuesta  Mensaje 61 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 16:45
hey Mo

re: ELohIm

by definition in Hebrew
ELoh is feminine
Im is masculine


EL = negative
I = positive


We need a 9 or a 6?
Take a look at the two pillars in this next image re: 271 and 37


2 + 7 = 9 and 1 on the LEFT and 37 (a.ka. the collective unconscious) is on the RIGHT?

seems to fit the LEFT/RIGHT Brain modEL and the numbers 1379?


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 62 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 17:02
Hey Ralph

Take a look at the two pillars in this next image re: 271 and 37

271 vs 37

Both are hexagonal Numbers

the hexagon 271, the core of 541, Israel. (Israel= =30+1+200+300+10=541) In Israel God places the Light.

So is this suggesting that 37 vs 271 are aSSociated with Jachin & Boaz?

Hey Mo, I invited mIchaEL to join in on the IEL I37 fun.

MichaEL vs mIchaEL (iEL vs IEL) ON/ OFF . I SenSe this has to do with DNA switches , binary and amino acid coding...as you suggest, I SuSpect the theory of additive colors vs subtractive colors is also tied in... I am getting excited...I think we are close to a breakthrough



Respuesta  Mensaje 63 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 17:08
Hey Ralph

Take a look at the two pillars in this next image re: 271 and 37

271 vs 37

Both are hexagonal Numbers

the hexagon 271, the core of 541, Israel. (Israel= =30+1+200+300+10=541) In Israel God places the Light.

So is this suggesting that 37 vs 271 are aSSociated with Jachin & Boaz?

Hey Mo, I invited mIchaEL to join in on the IEL I37 fun.

MichaEL vs mIchaEL (iEL vs IEL) ON/ OFF . I SenSe this has to do with DNA switches , binary and amino acid coding...as you suggest, I SuSpect the theory of additive colors vs subtractive colors is also tied in... I am getting excited...I think we are close to a breakthrough


140. Josué 15:37: Zenán, Hadasa, Migdal-GAD,
Busqueda para HADASA

1. Josué 15:37: Zenán, HADASA, Migdal-gad,

2. Ester 2:7: Y había criado a HADASA, es decir, Ester, hija de su tío, porque era húerfana; y la joven era de hermosa figura y de buen parecer. Cuando su padre y su madre murieron, Mardoqueo la adoptó como hija suya.

One World Trade Center

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
One World Trade Center
One WTC 6.1.13.jpg
One World Trade Center en junio de 2013.
Coste USD 3.800 millones (estimado, enero de 2012)[1]
Localización Manhattan, Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, Flag of the United States.svg Estados Unidos
Uso(s) Oficinas, observación, comunicación
Coordenadas 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135Coordenadas: 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135 (mapa)
Inicio 27 de abril de 2006
Estimación de finalización 2014
Altura máxima 541 m (1776 ft)
Altura de la azotea 417 m (1368 ft)
Altura de la última planta 386 m (1268 ft)
Número de plantas 104
Número de ascensores 71
Ingeniero estructural WSP Cantor Seinuk
Contratista Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Promotor Silverstein Properties, Inc.

El One World Trade Center, conocido anteriormente como la Freedom Tower o Torre de la Libertad, es un rascacielos que se está construyendo en Lower Manhattan, Nueva York, Estados Unidos por los arquitectos Thomas Boada y David Childs. Este edificio, con un costo de 2000 millones de dólares, será el mayor rascacielos del nuevo complejo del World Trade Center, en reemplazo de las antiguas Torres Gemelas, destruidas por un atentado terrorista el 11 de septiembre de 2001.

Cuando sea inaugurado, en 2014, tendrá una altura de 541 metros, siendo la séptima estructura más alta del mundo, después del Burj Khalifa, de 828 metros de altura, Tokyo Skytree de 634 metros, la Torre central de Shanghái de 632 metros, las Torres Abraj Al Bait de 601 metros, la Torre de Television de Canton de 600 metros y la Torre CN de 553,33 metros. La altura del edificio tendrá una característica simbólica muy particular, pues sus 541 metros equivalen a 1.776 pies, cifra que resulta ser el año de independencia de los Estados Unidos (4 de julio de 1776). Además, la azotea del edificio estará situada a 417 metros de altitud, la altura exacta de las antiguas Torres Gemelas. El 30 de abril de 2012 la torre se alzó oficialmente como el rascacielos más alto de Nueva York a una altura de 387 metros, superando al Edificio Empire State con 381 metros de altura.[2]

Originalmente denominado Freedom Tower (cuya traducción al español sería Torre de la Libertad), el 26 de marzo de 2009, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey hizo público el acuerdo con el que será el primer inquilino de la Torre, Vantone Industrial Co., que ocupará seis plantas del edificio, desde los pisos 65 al 71 y comunicó el cambio en el nombre del edificio por ser un nombre más vendible comercialmente.

Sin incluir el 1 World Trade Center, el nuevo World Trade Center contará con otros tres rascacielos de oficinas y el National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Una vez terminado, el One World Trade Center será el edificio de uso exclusivo de oficinas más alto del mundo.


El One World Trade Center en construcción, en junio de 2013.


Comparación de edificios de Nueva York.

La azotea (incluyendo el parapeto de 10,16 metros) del One World Trade Center será de 417 metros, la misma altura de la torre 1 del World Trade Center original. Con la altura de la antena, el edificio se alzará a 1.776 pies (541 m), una figura simbólica del año de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos.

Con 541 metros, el One World Trade Center sobrepasará los 509 metros del Taipei 101 para convertirse en el edificio de oficinas más alto del mundo y el rascacielos más alto del continente americano, sobrepasando a la Willis Tower en Chicago. Sin embargo, la azotea del edificio estará 25 metros por debajo de la azotea de la Willis Tower, y será el tercer edificio más alto del mundo, por debajo del Burj Khalifa y de las Torres Abraj Al Bait.

Respuesta  Mensaje 64 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 17:50
Hey Ralph

Here is some really cool aSSociation.

recall that site biblewheel:

3D CUBE to 2D Hexagon. So I found out whats the significance of 217.

217 = 7 x 31.

217 is the ninth centered hexagonal (hex) number.

217 is aSSociated to 729. I am already excited!!

Now to our next clue

Hexagon 217, with an internal Hexagon/Hexagram Pair

Hexagon 217 has an internal hexagram/pair of 121/61 units (the pair making a Star of David). By counting the individual units in each of the three coloured zones we discover that these three numbers are the ordinal values of the individual words in the phrase ‘Christ’s Second Coming’!

Christ’s (o) = 96 = units in outer rhombii
Second (o) ..= 60 = units in outer triangles
Coming (o) .= 61 = units in inner hexagon

Hexagon 127 encapsulates hexagram 73, 73 being the reduced value of the phrase ‘The Second Coming’.

The first few centered hexagonal numbers are: 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, ...

The first few star numbers are: 1, 13, 37, 73, 121, 181, 253, 337, 433, 541, 661, 793, 937, ...

And here are the first 100 Cube Numbers:

So i SEE a clue between the Cube Numbers, Hexagon Numbers, Hexagram or Star Numbers. I wish there was a chart so we could study the patterns



Respuesta  Mensaje 65 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 18:05
A connection between the octave and the greek fret found on many textILEs.

I am lost Bro. I SEE a Laby Model of BRAIN Maze based upon the octave but the greek fret Symbols vs Laby I see not... So please elaborate.

Here is my latest find:


Some numbers can be represented by two or more regular shapes. These are known as polyfigurate numbers. If two shapes can be created, the number is bifigurate. A very few numbers, such as 37 and 91, are trifigurate.

Trifigurate, eh? Must be important...I think that angELs create angLEs by being able to Polyfigure themselves in manifestation.


Here is the Key Chart I was seeking. Corespondent Cube, Hexagonal, and Star Numbers side by side aSSociation. The Key to Cubic Polyfiguration of angLEs. The ELohIms. 1234567890




Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 18:24
17 seems to be the theme. 153 is the 17th triangle number: (17² + 17)/2 = 153. It is a truncated triangle number, too, as 1 and 15 are also triangle numbers. The reverse 351 is the 26th triangle number: (26² + 26)/2 = 351.

There is something odd about the number 153. It was already mentioned on this page as being the closest approximation to √3 as 153:265. On this page you will find another odd calculation: if you take numbers dividable by 3, like 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27...etc..., you will find when you cube (n * n * n) each digit and add the results, and if necessary repeat that, you finally gain 153 in all cases. Lets take for example the number 27:

(2x2x2) + (7x7x7) = 8 + 343 = 351 (now take that answer (351) and do the calculation again)

(3x3x3) + (5x5x5) + (1x1x1) = 27 + 125 + 1 = 153

This is always true, on this page I demonstrate that for the first 50 numbers

Another odd thing about 153 is this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153

Prime numbers through number 17 would be: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,17. (a prime is a number what you only can divide to itself and 1). 17 is the SEVENTH prime number.
The "birth" year of the USA is 888 x 2 = 1776, or 4 x 444 GREEK GEMATRIA Jesus = 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 = 888
Now apply the trinity function 83+ 83 + 83 = 1536, applied again it becomes 369, then again 972, then 1080 then 513 and finally 153.

153 is special. The trinity function reveals that 153 is a self resurrecting number.

1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153

The very important number 153 is not on the list, but its "mirror number" 351 is listed. Adding 153 to 351 gives 504, another significant Gematrian number on the list. The Pope and the Omphalos Stone at Delphi are related to 153. The number 54 is the first in-between number to have the 666 tangent. The numbers 6, 10, 36, 55, 66, 78, 153, 351 and 666 are among the "Triangle Numbers." They can be arranged in even rows like bowling pins. With the above listed numbers, the number of rows for each is 3 (6), 4 (10), 8 (36), 10 (55), 11 (66), 12 (seventy eight), 17 (153), 26 (351) and 36 (666). This also means that adding from 1 through the row number gives the total number. For example, the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153.

Archimedes (287-212 B.C.E), in his treatise On the Measurement of the Cycle, uses the whole number ratio 153:265 to accurately approximate the irrational ratio square root of 3, "the measure of the fish" or the vesica piscis. Moreover, Archimedes uses this value in such a manner as to suggest that this approximation was well know to his contemporaries: it required no word of explanation at all.

This ratio, 153:265, precisely relates to the dimensions of the 153 "fish" in the unbroken net, for it defines the height and width of each rhombus in "the net." Figure 52. Since 153 was known in the time of Archimedes as "the measure of the fish" or the vesica, ancient readers skilled mathematics would have immediately recognized the allegory of the 153 fish in the net for what is it: a geometrical "story problem."

153 = 3x3x17, 153 = (12x12) + (3x3)

153 => 1x1x1 + 5x5x5 + 3x3x3 = 153 (Trinity, No Quad !!)

June 3rd is the 153rd day of the year. Very Happy


This "153 triangle" forms the base, or foundation, that is spoken of concerning the New Temple of Yeshua. This is the 153 fishes caught by Peter, through the direction of Christ Himself, (the Chief Cornerstone of the New Temple). So then, knowing that the Temple we are currently searching out by the scriptures is to be pyramidal in nature; it is not a stretch to concede that which will now be explained as the prophecy of Methuselah.

Methuselah lived to be 969 years according to the scripture quoted above from Genesis. It is no mistake, nor coincidence, that the number 969 is here related concerning Methuselah, and that surely 969 is the correct number; which number (969) we know to be true because the flood occurred in the 1656th year from Adam.

Therefore with this number, 1656, only the Hebrew Masoretic text is correct, for we know that 276 carries an ominous denotation throughout scripture: 276 x 6 = 1656 The Year of the Flood.

Jesus rose from the dead on the 17th in order for us to resurrect (symbolized in 153) from the dead when He comes the second time. This is eternal life (symbolized in 969), promised before, enjoyed by us now, and fully realized in four aspects (spirit, mind, soul and body / Quarternity) in the future.

153 represents the base of the Temple of Yeshua, the Temple is pyramidal in shape and the Chief Cornerstone, or Capstone, is Yeshua. A tetrahedron with a triangular base.

Masculine/Feminine, 55, Boaz/Jachin, right hand/left hand, ying/yang

If we take the 153 "pebble count" triangular base with 17 "pebble count" sides and build up to the final cap-stone: The total pebble count is 969 and it builds, not a pyramid, but an equilateral tetrahedron: A four sided object with three equal triangular sides meeting at an apex and a fourth equal side as its triangular base.

This is the equilateral tetrahedron which represents the New Jerusalem Temple: "The 17, 153, 969 Qodesh-Temple of Yeshua."

153 base with 17 layers to the capstone = 969

P.S. Great theory about the magnetic field lines, it is definitely possible.
7 lines/layers/steps on jacob's ladder to 2701?


Respuesta  Mensaje 67 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 18:48

Ralph thanks for decoding 47. Here is my analysis

47 = 4 x L
47 = 4 x 7 = 28

28 is related to DNA (64) via the NUMBER 110.

I have been able to rediscover only 5 PALINDROMIC PAIRS THAT EQUAL 110
110 / 2 = 55

These are the Pairs:
19 + 91 = 110
37 + 73 = 110
46 + 64 = 110
55 + 55 = 110

Now there is the Fifth Pair....

28 + 82 = 110 Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:39 pm    Post subject: Re: NUMBER 110 - THE YOKING NUMBER Reply with quote

MihrYazd wrote:

Ralph thanks for decoding 47. Here is my analysis

47 = 4 x L
47 = 4 x 7 = 28

28 is related to DNA (64) via the NUMBER 110.

I have been able to rediscover only 5 PALINDROMIC PAIRS THAT EQUAL 110
110 / 2 = 55

These are the Pairs:
19 + 91 = 110
37 + 73 = 110
46 + 64 = 110
55 + 55 = 110

Now there is the Fifth Pair....

28 + 82 = 110 Wink


Remember I did suggest we could place the number 137 between WTC1 and WTC2, the twin towers which would represent the two spectral lines of the hydrogen atom.

AHA the WTC twin towers were 110 stories each.

So how many stories does that make?

There are 223 stories.
There is still ONE more story to be told about 911.
...the TRUTH Laughing


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 68 de 263 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2015 18:50
Take a look at this site MichaEL. Wink It seems to support what I was suggesting about the two pillars or gates or lions or cherubs that define or guard a gateway or passage way....two pillars or hydrogen spectral lines of the HYDROGEN atom between which we can write the number 137.

God and Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the component of any new star or sun.

Thus suns were formed by the aggregation of hydrogen.

Our soul's journey back to the Creator could indeed involve the hydrogen atom, the progenitor of all other atoms, which were designed by our Creator to be the building bricks of the human's perceptive world, because hydrogen, the initial ingredient of all original stars (suns).

HYDROGEN in the MATERIAL WORLD is the nearest step BACK to the BEGINNING to our Creator.



Okay now we both agree that HYDROGEN is central to 'star' formation.
You could say that it is the SEED of the Sun.

So would it be a coincidence or part of the design that the very important first letter of the Hebrew alphabet 'aleph' is shaped like the very famous Hertzsprung-Russell diagram which documents the evolution of 'stars'?

...please NOTE the confirmation re: the root suffix EL

What if, can we conclude we have a 'match' made in heaven?

Yod = Blue/Red Giants
Heh/Heh = Main Sequence
Vav = White Dwarfs

EL is connected to 37 and the entire 'structure' is a narrative about our DNA.
Thus the opening chapter of the bible called Genesis is really about a gene thesis, involving us, and the stars in concert.
>>> http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=368443#p368443

The first letter, , of the Hebrew alphabet. It is sometimes used to denote certain different types of infinity.

Re: last image
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing the main sequence as a black line and various other areas where variable stars of different types are found. The green lines indicate the paths of evolution followed by typical stars in the solar mass range when they have exhausted their hydrogen supply in the core. They migrate into the region M type stars and long period variables of the Mira type (farthest right). After spending some time in this region, they ultimately shed their outer layers as planetary nebula and the stars enter into the white dwarf region.

note: our sun's position is on the main sequence the band of green-yellow spectrum bounded by blue and red. 528 hertz is a pale green.

stay thirsty my friends


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

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