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24 * 74 = 1776
HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
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Message 337 of 350 on the subject |
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Message 338 of 350 on the subject |
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
37 * 24 = 888
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Message 339 of 350 on the subject |
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Message 340 of 350 on the subject |
Re: Card X Tarot Code 1376 or 37 and 16
There exists a controversy regarding the birth date of Jesus. Some claim that until it was moved to Dec. 25, Christians at one time (some still do as in Eastern Orthodox) celebrate on Jan. 6 or the 'vision of god' blah blah day....
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The observance had its origins in the Eastern Christian Churches and was a general celebration of the manifestation of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. It included the commemoration of his birth; the visit of the Magi ("Wise Men", as Magi were Persian priests) to Bethlehem; all of Jesus's childhood events, up to and including his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist; and even the miracle at the Wedding of Cana in Galilee.[12] It seems fairly clear that the Baptism was the primary event being commemorated.[13][14] Christians fixed the date of the feast on January 6 quite early in their history. Ancient liturgies noted Illuminatio, Manifestatio, Declaratio (Illumination, Manifestation, Declaration); cf. Matthew 3:13–17; Luke 3:22; and John 2:1–11; where the Baptism and the Marriage at Cana were dwelt upon.
So it fits the 1379 code. Jan. 6 = 1 and 6
And Dec. 25 = 3 and 7 Dec = 12 = 3 25 = 7
Thus the date 3761 AM (date of beginning of Hebrew calender) reflects the split between EAST 16 and WEST 37.
Exactly how Card X is divided up BUT reversed!
EAST: 1 = MAN = 11 6 = BULL = 2
WEST: 3 = EAGLE = 8 7 = LION = 5
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
The number 512 has alot to do with 256. Could they connect to 137? 512 does look like SIN when rearranged to letters. In number theory 512 is a Leyland number.
In the Hellenistic period, the ratio 256:153 was used as an approximation of the square root of 3. If the number 153 represents the width of the vesica pisces of the net, then the value is 256 for the height of the vesica pisces. http://omegafoundation.siriuscomputing.net/Education/John21.htm
It also in an important triangular & cubical number. 512 channel's in the cube each with 256 setting's
256+256=512 Cube 8 x 8 x 8 (64x8) = 512 cubes
There are 24 cubes organized into 3 groups of 8 that get cut perpendicular among themselves.
The I Ching is a chess board that is 8x8, divided in 64 smaller cubes with each consisting of 6 bits. If we multiplied another 8 into this board, then it becomes 8x8x8, 1 cube divided in 512 smaller cubes.
Each cube is conformed by 6 faces & each one recorded with 6 bits, then we have 6 faces/cube x 6 bits/cube= 36 bits/cube. 512 cubes x 36 bits a cube = 18432 bits
Relating this to Mahavairocana's mandala, we have the 36 human figures surrounding Mahavairocana. There are 24 petals organized in 3 groups of 8 surrounding Mahavairocana.
8+8+8= 24 CranIEL nerves (12 for each hemisphere of the brain) Gold nano clusters don't get any larger than 24 atoms. http://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/pub/2871.php?from=89175
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Using Pythagoras' ratios of 2:1, 3:2, and 5:4, you can tune most of the notes on a scale. 256 Hz for middle C (which is how some computer speakers are tuned) Then an octave above middle C is 2 * 256 Hz = 512 Hz, and an octave below middle C is 1/2 * 256 Hz = 128 Hz |
512 is the cube of 8x8x8 with 6 sides & 8x8x8 triangles each of 36 (6x6x6) = 512
Going back to Ifa divination, there are 16 major books in the Odu Ifa literary corpus. When combined there are total of 256 Odu. (a collection of 16, each of which has 16 alternatives (16^2, or 4^4)
Could 512/256/64 be a larger picture of our cos mos & our internal structure
256 characters max in all aplications
The number of 'Jesus' & 'Logos' is 888.
888 = HHH 8x8x8 = 8Fold Path of Buddha (Dharma)
http://gnosticteachings.org/books-by-samael-aun-weor/the-aquarian-message/1181-the-seven-vials-are-poured.html _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
Great post, lets not forget that 4x4x4x4=256 In binary 256(mother) is 100000000 (9) and 511(father) is 111111111 (9). And once again, we need to add 1, 511+1= 512 (SIN) 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512..... that makes 9 sequences!! They say cats have only nine lives. 8x8x8=512 If the universe were a computer, it would be a DMX512 omniverse. The 512 cube has 13x13=169 visible parts and hides 343 aka 7x7x7 non visible parts.
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Cube 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 cubes 24 plain parallels squares organized into three groups of eight, that get cut perpendicular among themselves, they conform the figure here shown. The I Ching's Board conforms a square map 8x8, divided in 64 little squares, where each little square have engravings 6 bits. If we multiplied for eight this board, that is 8x8x8 becomes a cube divided in 512 little cubes; As each little cube is conformed by 6 faces each one recorded with 6 bits, then we have : 6 faces/cube x 6 bits/cube= 36 bits/cube. Now 512 cubes x 36 bits cube = 18432 bits. Relating this to Mahavairocana's mandala we have that 36 human figures surrounding Mahavairocana. 24 petals organized in 3 groups of 8 surrounding Mahavairocana. ( see figure in the Home ) We have seen that with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching Board its possible to form a tridimensional cube-shaped perfect figure conformed by 512 little cubes. Now if we take as reference a side of the cube to form a 8 x 8 plane would have that this plane will get divided in 64 squares where each square in time will be divided in 64 little squares. If we want to form a tridimensional figure based of this plane, we will have a great perfect cube of dimensions 8x8x8 containing inside 512 cubes and each cube containing 512 small cubes. Repeating this process indefinite times we always will obtain a final cube-shaped perfect figure. In conclusion it can be said: This is a hologram whose basic unit of the interwoven is a small cube obtained from the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. Apply this to the structures of chips and to the hadron's structures interface. Note : The binary organizational force of the Universe moves itself in Hologram shape , this is holomovement. http://www.lavozdelseptimoangel.com/eng/structureII.html |
It's a catch 22..... sorry, I meant 22/7. 11+11=22..... 1111 in binary is 15 15 Behenian stars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behenian_fixed_stars We must add 1 here as well to make 16.
Raphael wrote: |
37+27=64 37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 28 + 36 = 64 36/28 = 1.285714285714 to infinity We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios.
I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Raphael wrote: |
Raphael wrote: |
37+27=64 37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 28 + 36 = 64 36/28 = 1.285714285714 to infinity We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios.
I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. namaste |
The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game. In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999 There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure.
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REPITANS 1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54 + / - SEQUENCES 1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72 |
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The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid. The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose. It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines. When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear. The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here. The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units). There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross). http://reocities.com/capecanaveral/hall/3324/neferspyramidofwonder.htm |
Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units) Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27) 729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA) 9 x 9 x 9 = 729 27/37 = .729729... hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 5(E)12(L) is the 10th octave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UWtcSvtiQw (note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing) _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
Thanks for that link, I now believe the sun square of 729 is very important to 137. The number 3 cubed is 3*3*3 = 27, then squared is 27*27 = 729. This is Plato's magic number for measuring the interval between two extremes. The ratio of an augmented fourth is 729:512, or exactly 1.42382813. When we double that cube we get 1458:1024, which is the Pythagorean tritone. When divided is 1458 ÷ 1024 = 1.42382813, just as 729/512. Doubling again we get 2916 ÷ 2048 = 1.42382813. It just keeps on going, the more we square it, the more it stays the same within it's balance. 9*729 = 6561 (9 to the 4th power), 6561 is the square of 81 ex: 3*3 = 9 9*9 = 81 81*81 = 6561 Physicist John Jakob Balmer discovered a series of spectral lines in the visible red spectrum of hydrogen with 6561 Angstroms. The Balmer Series of Hydrogen also has has 34 spectral lines, connecting to the Fibonacci sequence 6561's square root is 81, the square root of 256 is 16. The square root of 256*6561 is 1296 (36=9), a harmonic of half the precession cycle. In star trek, "warp 9" was 9 cubed times the speed of light or 729 times the speed of light. Might 729 be the cubesquare of light that is operating from 729 x 2 = 1458 + 270 = 1728 frequencies within the 64 cubes of space? But I'd rather be in touch with the 270 if you ask MI Ernest McClain has much to say on 729 as well. Don't you just love that number 27. The moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth while the sun takes 27 days to revolve once on it's axis. It also takes 27 days for a human cell to re-grow. 9 and 27 are indeed married. We need Mo to come around and enlighten us further on the importance of the Horus eye number 64 and 1728. P.S. The square root of the Pythagorean comma ratio # 531441 is 729, and the square root of 524288 is 512 x 2 Divide 531441 by 3 and 524288 by 2 and we get the wolf fifth 177147:262144! _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
MihrYazd wrote: |
I sure appreciate all your hard work, Ralph. It was eating mi resources with confusion, now WE definately have Clarity with this decipher, Knights Templar Treasure, The 3 Bagua, and the asymmetry's origins.
Namaste, Mo |
A possession can be fun.
Mo remember after taking a look at the Lo Shu and the Mystic Tablet I concluded we could alter our VECTORS by flipping either the3 with the 7 or the 1 with the 9?
Well this site links 37, along with 27 to holograms. http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/GR_Creation_Set.asp
This site is a must read, IMHO, 37 and 19 are woven together nicely. http://freespace.virgin.net/vernon.jenkins/Symb.htm#H1
And and and Mo. It gets better. The ole MNEME plate has revealed another level. This plate, along with being able to place it 'over' the Sator Square is the ultimate MEME MNEMonic dude.
It reveals that E = m Hey Einstein, which side of the equation do we place the c^2? Because it can go on either side of the equal sign, in fact.
UV Mapping used in computer graphics illustrates this, converting the FLAT MNEME plate OR the FLAT 5x5 Sator grid into 3D shapes is really no problem.
That FLAT WORLD MODEL, the clay MNEME plate can be viewed as if looking into a MIRROR.
37 and 19 And then Mo the next step. How do we take the numbers 37 and 19 and place them into Einstein's formula E = mc^2 and eventually onto the MNEME clay plate and onto the Sator Square?
37 is clear BUT I have an idea mind if I take 19 = 1 and 27
So now. How do we place the numbers 1 27 37 into the Sator grid or on the plate? stay tuned.
What made E = mc^2 so beautiful was its simplicity.
That 7000 year old clay plate and the 2000 year old Sator Square suggest we can reduce the formula to the following.
E = m Now on which side of the '=' do we put the c^2? How does it incorporate into the Sator Square and the MNEME plate?
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
37/73 and 19/91
In the above posts I showed how I arrived at the numbers 37 and 19 as being vital to flipping polarities and altering a vector or direction.
But that was 'yesterday'.
Today my mother gave me my birth certificate, she is apparently cleaning house, getting ready to move, on.
I wondered what 'numbers' I might find on my birth certificate as she handed it to me.
I had a feeling it could be quite profound.
Like WOW MOM, to say the least. My life as recorded in numbers, at the time of my birth, registration, etc, seems to match my road less traveled journey quite nicely these past 6 years.
note the division registrar registration number 1152
1152 = AAHB
AAHB is not quite right ... but it is an anagram of BAHA or ABHA, which is what MARKO RODIN used to construct his RODIN COIL. AHA!
But the Official Registrar General number recorded 073190 is far more indicative of what I was born to bring forth? WHAT IF?
73 and 19
Why do the numbers 73 and 19 suggest I am full on, on track re: present journey? How cool is this next connection to my Birth Registration?
This entire post discusses the Mystic Tablet, the 3rd Bagua I recovered, and the numbers 37 and 19 and 1152.
Nice confirmation, acknowledgment re: 37/73 and 19/91 and the Mystic Tablet that I coincidentally recovered.
no coincidences only design
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Q. Why would a creator god that some folks suggest could be the equivalent of the collective unconscious working behind the scenes, chose the numbers 1379 with which to work its magic?
A. 1379 are called psychologically random numbers, a number that is perceived as being more random than others.
thus 13, 17, 19, 37 are included as part of this group as is easily understood.
We tend to see PATTERNS in even numbers or multiplies of 5, that is why 5 is not included with the other odd numbers 1379
therefore numbers ending in 1379 are considered psychologically random, which is rather fantastic considering all I posted re: 1379 here: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=66815#66815
1379 info or should I say inPHO is arriving via PHOtons and PHOnons that abound...and the MEMEs get out from command central to the outer regions of the federation using a language you can sail the seven seas or levels with...PHOenician scripts, so what do PHOnetics and i-PHOnes and PHOtographs and PHOnographs and telePHOnes have to do with getting the data or inPHO out to the outer reaches of the universe?
And how EASILY do we use 1379 to connect the I Ching, Kabbalah, Fine Structure Constant and and and so much more: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=404894#p404894
The importance of 37 as a number to represent the collective unconscious: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24452
please discuss on this forum. the other forum is filled to the brim with ignorant trolls who are content with who they are
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Rajastani 18th century painting has the 1376 CODE embedded Not the 1379 which would indicate 180 degree out of phase position to the norm...
do you see it...count the dots....reduce to single digits.
1, 16, 24, 29, 30 becomes 1, 7, 6, 2, 3
note the 6 vs. 9 switch and also note the 6s and 9s in the painting. (more on that later)
also for my eyes only JAINism and '37' re: Hell
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Did you ever notice how often Eli occurs as a prefix or iel as a suffix as names in the bible, the prophets and main players, along with all those angels and archangels? I started to.
ELI and IEL and EL too?
The priestly tribe of LEvItes positioned around the tabernacle, surrounded by the other twelve tribes.
But please notice the simplicity of what I suggest using a MIRROR?
LEvI rotated 180 degrees, i.e. as in an out-of-phase wave, looks like I^37
there are many many occurrences of 'eli' or 'elijah' scroll down the left margin >>> http://topicalbible.org/naves/e/eli--high_priest.htm
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Elieli (1 Occurrence in bible)
Matthew 27:46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a great voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why didst Thou forsake me?' |
therefore ELI ELI = my god my god
ELIjah (104 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/e/elijah.htm
LEvI (79 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/l/levi.htm
dEvIL (58 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devil.htm
dEvILs (48 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devils.htm
EvIL (1503 Occurrences) whoa!! http://bibletab.com/e/evil.htm
like I thought....language is the prime moover of the herd...
EvIL = LEvI = I^37 >>> is it a number or an idea?
I37 is the age of LEvI, IshmEL, and later aMraN
shall we take a look at the number 37 one fella claims that the number 37 represents the collective unconscious.
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Concerning the collective unconscious constant which is any number when divided by the integer 37 creates the modulo decimal remainder , .891891891..., which is the link to the fine-structure constant: ( 10 ^ ( 143.9999879 / 37 )) / 37 / 18 = sqrt 137.035999701 ...there have been many numbers associated to the divisor 37 and the collective unconscious forms: Leahy's dream number .....2808 Van Halen's number..........5150 Hindu number ..................108 Druid number....................144 Hebrew number ................288 John of Patmos number.....1260 and 666 Leahy triple logic number....82944 Denglers number as name...1069 John Michell number...........1080+666 = 1746 Mayan/Aztec number ........2304 R.Tomes harmonic.............3456....etc.
...the key has always been the divisor number 37. The following is from an article in the Jan. 10 , 2009 , magazine , New Scientist, called , " Inside the Mind of a Autistic Savant ".
The article goes on to talk about the savant Daniel Tammet , who is a human calculator of whose one of many feats , set a European record for the number of digits of Pi he recited from memory ( 22514 ). The article interviewer , Celeste Biever , interviewed D. Tammet and here is a portion of her interview concerning the number 37 and D. Tammet's fascination with this particular number:
Question: When did you realize you had special talents? Tammet: At the age of 8 or 9 , I was being taught maths at school and realised I could do the sums quickly , intuitively and in my own way--not using the techniques we were taught. I got so far ahead of the other children that I ran out of textbooks. I was aware already that I was different because of my autism, but at that point I realised that the relationship I had with numbers was different.
Question: To most people, the things you can do with your memory seems like magic. How do you do it ? Tammet: The response that people often have to what I can do is one of " gee whiz" but I want to push back against that. One of the purposes of the book I've written , " Embracing the Wide Sky " , is to demystify this, to show the hidden processes behind my number skills. I have a relationship with numbers that is similar to the relationship that most people have with language. When people think of words they don't think of them as separate items , atomised in their head , they understand them intuitively and subconsciously as belonging to an interconnected web of other words.
Question : Can you give an example? Tammet: You would'nt use a word like " giraffe " without understanding what the words " neck " or " tall " or " animal " mean. Words only make sense when they are in this web of interconnected meanings and I have the same thing with numbers . Numbers belong to a web. When somebody gives me a number , I immediately visualise it and how it relates to other numbers. I also see the patterns those relationships produce and manipulate them in my head to arrive at a solution, if its a sum , or to identify if there is a prime.
Question: But how do you visualise a number ? In the same way I visualise a giraffe ? Tammet: Every number has a texture. If it is a " lumpy " number then immediately my mind will relate it to other numbers which are lumpy--the lumpiness will tell me there is a relationship , there is a common divisor , or a pattern between the digits.
Question: Can you give me an example of a " lumpy " number ? Tammet: For me the ideal lumpy number is 37 . It's like porridge. So 111 , a very pretty number which is 3 times 37 , is lumpy but it is also round. It takes on the properties of both 37 and 3 , which is round. It's an intuitive and visual way of doing maths and thinking about numbers.
Question: Why do you think you treat numbers this way ? Tammet: When I was growing up, because of my autism , I didn't make friends. Numbers filled that gap. The numbers came alive. My mind was able to pick out patterns and to make sense of them. It was similar to how a child would aquire his first language....
Question: What can we learn from the way your mind works ? Tammet: The differences between savant and non-savant ability have been exaggerated. Savants are not freaks, cut off from the rest of humanity. The thinking of savants is an extreme form of the kind everyone has. The aim of my book is to show that minds that function differently such as mine , are not so strange , and that anyone can learn from them. I also hope to clear up some misconceptions about savant abilities and what it means to be intelligent or gifted ...( end of article quote )
Wolfgang Pauli knew through his mandelas and the collective unconscious parameters of Carl Jung that the fine-structure constant ( 1/137.035999701 ) , a primal number , has a connectiveness to the primal numbers of man.
This connectiveness number is the integer...37: Leahy dream number ....2808: ( 10 ^ (( 2807.9999879 / 37 ) - 72 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Van Halen's number ...5150: ( 10 ^ (( 5149.99999881 / 3.7 ) - 1388 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Hindu number....108: ( 10 ^ ( 107.999999879 / .37 ) - 288 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Druid , John of Patmos number ...144: ( 10 ^ ( 143.999987919 / 37 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 John of Patmos numbers ...1260 and 666: ( 10 ^ (( 1259.99978254 / 666 ) + 2 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Leahy's triple logic number ...82944: ( 10 ^ ( 82943.9930413 / 32 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Plato's number of the world soul...2592: ( 10 ^ ( 2591.99978254 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Dengler's name change number ...1069: ( 10 ^ (( 1068.99998792 / 37 ) - 25 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Mayan/Aztec number ...2304: ( 10 ^ (( 2303.99978254 + 288 ) /666 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Harlston's Hunab number ( Aztec) ...378 378 + 288 = 666 R.Tomes master harmionic number ...3456: ( 10 ^ (( 3455.999789 / 666 ) - 46 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701
...hard to track down this Jerry Iuliano
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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