137 ~ Itzhak Bentov ~ Mystical Friend of Mine and the Swastika
“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”
The best quote in the video can be found starting @17:40
“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”
BUT what did Itzhak write in his book A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness that he knew the mundane profane world was not ready to hear on TV? And it reveals the work of Itzhak more profound because Itzhak was Jewish too. He loved to meditate and this is what he ‘saw’ when meditating and it is central to his theory, his story recovered, part of the narrative recovered that effects you and me.
“This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.
It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.
In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”
bfc added by me Worth repeating one more time;
“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”

What kind of paradox would two opposed swastikas put onto the Emerald Round Table for discussion?
The Mystic Tower
1 Chamber 3 Chambers 7 Levels
My Guide with his wand touched a small and hidden door in the rugged walls of the triangular Tower, which opened and admitted us, then he turned to me and said:
‘The Tower is high and it containeth seven levels, and on each level are three Chambers, and above all lieth one Chamber, and the ascent thereto is long and wearisome.’
I replied:
‘My Master, thy footsteps will I follow …’
source: The Mystic Rose from the Garden of the King

Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths
The sun rises from the mound of creation at the beginning of time.
The central circle represents the mound, and the three orange circles are the sun in different stages of its rising. At the top is the “horizon” hieroglyph with the sun appearing atop it. At either side are the goddesses of the north and south, pouring out the waters that surround the mound. The eight stick figures are the gods of the Ogdoad, hoeing the soil.
Twenty-first Dynasty (c. 1075–945 BC)

Allow me to enter the evidence of a mystic/meditator/scientist/mediator/inventor/teacher and a guru to some. Evidence of an IDEA that seems to be connected to the evolution of our CONSCIOUSNESS.
Another JC mystic in fact. He was a Jewish Czech mystic. Itzhak Bentov’s name is a recognizable name in many, many circles. Those that knew him well simply called him Ben.
The following two images below were drawn by Ben and without a doubt the first one bears a resemblance to the above image from the Egyptian 21st dynasty on the left.

Can this be confirmed? Does God’s name in the original Hebrew text YHWH literally mean “He Causes to Become”
And the text that accompanies these images on pages 50-51 of Bentov’s book A BRIEF TOUR OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS states the following: (highlights in red have been added by me)
“This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.
It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.
In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”
Bentov died in 1979 in an air accident.
By no coincidence I turned 22 that year. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and this intuitive journey I find myself on requires I acquaint myself with the Hebrew alphabet…and the 22 chapters found in the last book of the bIbLE, Revelations and the 22 archetypes put on display as the Major Arcana in the Tarot, and the source of the Rotas Sator Magic Square is probably Hebrew/Jewish, not Christian.
“The front side of the Aleph is luminous and the back side is dark. This expresses two polarities. From the luminous side emerges a stream of twenty-two interference patterns of Hebrew letters, in the correct order of the alphabet, hovering in space; on the black side, the twenty-two letters are in a jumbled sequence. You are puzzled and wonder what this means.
The explanation comes … ” (refer to pages 49-54) -Itzhak Bentov
Bentov and me together could have written Part 3 of his book entitled A Brief ‘Tour of Higher Consciousness, we arrived at virtually the same conclusions, but through different entry points.
There are no coincidences…soon that will become apparent.
Don’t forget that in the MEME game of associations based on a Law of Associations, evidence of unity is everywhere. Evidence that time travels, it hops, skips and does quantum jumps and leaps of faith through Space and Time.
And using this Law of Associations has paid dividends in helping me conceptualize in my mInD, what cannot be put into words. But I do try anyway, with the assistance of much imagery. Don’t I?
If we remember, if our memory banks store data/info using images why do folks go on and on and on and on using wordy descriptions? Why are bIbLEs today lacking images? What happened to illuminated manuscripts?
Are images being ‘incepted’ as seeds into our fertILE minds?

Rosetta Mandala Fractal
Just recently I finally got around to associating this image that I photographed in 2006 in Peru, (a Kodak/Nikon moment that has changed my life forever) to the SQUARE or CUBE, which I am now associating with the numbers 137, placed between two GREEN pillars.
Is it because the number 137, referred to as a ‘dimensionless number’, which is associated with the two spectral lines** of a hydrogen atom, is also placed between two lines similar to the pervading archetype of two pillars flanking an entrance. (**spectral lines look like bar codes and reveals a unique fingerprint)
YES this association is so profound.
And right here in the HERE and NOW, I do declare, I finally realize WTF I have here. What we have is a powerful MANDALA, it is without a doubt an archetype that we can associate with both the macro cosmic zodiac and something ‘atomic’ beyond the molecular…the ‘microcosm’. A Model that can be applied to both the Big and the Small equally, with lessons learned with each application.
I feel what I have here, in this image, (circa 16th-18th century is a guess till I can authenticate) that I had nicknamed the ‘Rosetta Mandala Fractal’ (some time ago) is a MODEL for what befuddles the greatest mInDs today, certainly on the atomic level.
And it concerns the number 137 which the physicist has placed between two fine spectral lines. And though I can place the CUBE between these two spectral lines, which appear as GREEN PILLARS, along with the number 137, the next step is placing a tetrahedron with a 137 sphere packing inside the CUBE.
Please note in this demonstration re: the evolution of the MiNd that the cutting edge of humanity is usually considered crazy. The video gets interesting around 5 minutes.
Itzak’s demonstration in this video clearly illustrates why genius/crazy share the same space on the evolutionary curve, a convergence that is usually found not in the peaks but in the valleys of evolution.
Itzhak, or Ben as his friends knew him, is the fella who taught ME about …

137 sphere packing

note the 137 sphere packing model in the center
The above image was taken from The Kabbalah Unveiled translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
38. There are three qabalistical veils of the negative existence, and in themselves they formulate the hidden ideas of the Sephiroth not yet called into being, and they are concentrated in Kether, which in this sense is the Malkuth of the hidden ideas of the Sephiroth.
I will explain this. The first veil of the negative existence is the AIN, Ain = Negativity. This word consists of three letters, which thus shadow forth the first three Sephiroth or numbers. The second veil is the AIN SVP, Ain Soph = the Limitless, This title consists of six letters, and shadows forth the idea of the first six Sephiroth or numbers. The third veil is the AIN SVP AVR, Ain Soph Aur = the Limitless Light. This again consists of nine letters, and symbolizes the first nine Sephiroth, but of course in their hidden idea only. But when we reach the number nine we cannot progress farther without returning to the unity, or the Dumber one, fur the number ten is but a repetition of unity freshly derived from the negative, as is evident from a glance at its ordinary representation in Arabic numerals, where the circle 0 represents the Negative, and the 1 the Unity. Thus, then, the limitless ocean of negative light does not proceed from a centre, for it is centreless, but it concentrates a centre, which is the number one of the manifested Sephiroth, Kether, the Crown, the First Sephira; which therefore may be said to be the Malkuth or number ten of the hidden Sephiroth. (See Plate II.). Thus, “Kether is in Malkuth, and Malkuth is in Kether.”
Or, as an alchemical author of great repute (Thomas Vaughan, better known as Eugenius Philalethes) says, apparently quoting from Proclus: “That the heaven is in the earth, but after an earthly manner; and that the earth is in the heaven, but after a heavenly manner.” But inasmuch as negative existence is a subject incapable of definition, as I have before shown, it is rather considered by the Qabalists as depending back from the number of unity than as a separate consideration therefrom; wherefore they frequently apply the same terms and epithets indiscriminately to either. Such epithets are “The Concealed of the Concealed,” “The Ancient of the Ancient Ones,” the “Most Holy Ancient One,” &c
page 16 – paragraph #38
viola! things are getting magical
more, more, and more ‘137‘ coincidences that have piled up to become evidence of a numerical unity we fail to comprehend.

by James P. Crutchfield, J. Doyne Farmer, Norman H. Packard, and Robert S. Shaw
There is order in chaos: randomness has an underlying geometric form. Chaos imposes fundamental limits on prediction, but it also suggests causal relationships where none were previously suspected.
A good example of a dynamical system is found in the simple pendulum. All that is needed t.determine its motion are two variables: position and velocity. The state is thus a point in a plane, whose coordinates are position and velocity. Newton’s laws provide a rule, expressed mathematically as a differential equation, that describes how the state evolves. As the pendulum swings back and forth the state moves along an “orbit”, or path, in the plane. In the ideal case of a frictionless pendulum the orbit is a loop; failing that, the orbit spirals to a point as the pendulum comes to rest.

STATE SPACE is a useful concept for visualizing the behavior of a dynamical system. It is an abstract space whose coordinates are the degrees of freedom of the system’s motion. The motion of a pendulum (top), for example, is completely determined by its initial position and velocity. Its state is thus a point in a plane whose coordinates are position and velocity (bottom). As the pendulum swings hack and forth it follows an “orbit”, or path, through the state space. For an ideal, frictionless pendulum the orbit is a closed curve (bottom left); otherwise, with friction, the orbit spirals to a point (bottom right).

p.s. It is all part of the design by the master mathematician, and it is very very cool as it reveals itself to you … the inter-connectivity is full of aha and awe and aums.
I also want to point out that I believe the orientation of the swastika that Bentov shows is incorrect for the direction he has indicated…
UPDATE March 2013
However after studying the movement of the swastika on the NANO scale I AM convinced either swastika oriented to the left or right can rotate in either direction. And the direction that Bentov is indicating is probably correct. The direction he is suggesting is due to high frequencies.
Go to APPLICATION #6 found at this link:
Optical forces induced on a light mill motor by an illumination wavelength of 810 nm and 1700 nm. At 810 nm wavelength, light impacts the outer side of the arms, inducing a counterclockwise torque on the motor. At 1700 nm, light passes through the gaps and impacts the elbow of the motor, providing a clockwise torque. (Courtesy: Zhang group)
But in the image above take a look at the shadow that the swastika casts!
Does it look like the Hebrew letter aleph? Yes of course it does.
Now that we have acquired NANO Lightmill/Swastika insights recall what Itzhak Bentov had said earlier …
“The front side of the Aleph is luminous and the back side is dark”
“This expresses two polarities.
From the luminous side emerges a stream of twenty-two interference patterns of Hebrew letters, in the correct order of the alphabet, hovering in space; on the black side, the twenty-two letters are in a jumbled sequence…”
Leucippus and Democritus: atomist philosophers
The complex world is created by a whirling motion of atoms separated from the void. This motion is like an Anaxagorean or Empedoclean vortex – spinning in a centripetal and centrifugal process. Democritus took this accepted theory of the vortex and superimposed his atomic theory onto it so that the vortex would work in terms of atoms. The atomist theory creates a new mechanistic method at ground level. However, these theories of scientific processes (so close to modern atomic theory) were, for these philosophers, pure speculation without experiment. Amazingly, they were searching and postulating in the darkness of speculation.
A student then asked the question: How does Democritus explain the weight of things if atoms themselves have no weight?
Professor Hutchinson then said that Democritus answered that question in terms of centripetal and centrifugal forces.
UPDATE April 14, 2015
April 10 at 3:02pm : “worked with ben in boston and in italy- notes on his planet penetrating kundalini – physics”

source of image ~ Dan Winter
I have never seen Dan Winter mention the ‘swastika’ in any of his work. It appears his entire theory defaults to ‘phi’ and everything golden.
But let it be noted that in the theory recovered by ME+me building on the work of others, including Dan Winter and Livio Catullo Stecchini there exist at least two axis and Rene Schwaller de Lubicz identified three in the Temple of Luxor.

2B continued …
selah V

“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -A. Einstein
This thread is about a 'code' that is comprised of a 'dimensionless' number.
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Richard Feynman wrote the following about the number 137: ”It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” |
Well I want to suggest that we write 137 on a few other WALLs and ask WTF I37?
The QaBaLaH has a gematria (code) value of 137 thus Richard Feynman from the other side suggests we can write 137 on the western wall in Jerusalem and start worrying, and wailing.

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The Wall is the eleventh studio album by English progressive rock group Pink Floyd. Released as a double album on 30 November 1979, it was subsequently performed live with elaborate theatrical effects, and adapted into a feature film, Pink Floyd—The Wall. As with the band's previous three studio albums The Wall is a concept album, and deals largely with themes of abandonment and personal isolation.
...All contribute to his eventual self-imposed isolation from society, represented by a metaphorical wall. |
stand still laddie! coincidence or design when the album was released?
1 30197 9
911 and 1379 and the Wall is removed?
Hey mErLIn how far behind the collapse of the bErLIn Wall vill Wall Street and Wal-mart be?
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The number 137 in physics corresponds to the interaction between an electron and a photon or the probability of an electron absorbing a photon. In the language of Kabbalah, it means the interaction between the Vessel and the Light or how a Vessel can absorb/receive the Light. We know that we are distanced and disconnected from the Light when we are opposite in nature because in the realm of consciousness or spirituality, opposites repel. The only way for our physical world (electron) to absorb (receive) the Light is to imitate the Light, behave like the Light, and that stops repulsion. In turn, it causes attraction.
The missing puzzle piece for physics is: http://kabbalahstudentsspeak.com/the-magic-of-137/
Personally I feel the #1 position Endless World, is not the way out. Our way out could be the invisible 11th sephiroth called Daath. Daath is situated between 3 and 4 and 2 and 5 and 1 and 6 on the Tree of Geometric LIfE.
Between the 'Trinity' and the 'Quaternary'. Between the 3 and 4 exists no path however. Though we see the 'lightning bolt' associated with the Kabablah as it passes through 'DAATH'. (ponder that, because philosophical/scientific debates between the 'Trinity' and the 'Quaternary' have raged for aeons)
Between the 3 4 Between the 2 5 Between the 1 6 Notice the analogy to a die/dice.
Daath probably gets confused with Death?
  note: But like a game of chess where wise strategy is controlling the middle of the board, the mid-EL of the body/tempLE is where we find the treasure chest, here is where the heART is to be found.
And DAATH is associated with path 13 (connecting 1 and 6) and with the Hebrew letter/number 3 >> gImEL too.
And the MOST important anomaly concerning gImEL is the fact it is the only Hebrew letter NOT used in the 72 names of god.
‘Merlin tells King Arthur the 216 Secrets which are Fibs you need to know’
And if path 13 can be connected to the letter #13, i.e. the M, that would be sweet too. Intersecting with path #14 or the letter N would be a bonus.
XX _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
This thread is about a 'code' that is comprised of a 'dimensionless' number.
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Richard Feynman wrote the following about the number 137: ”It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” |
Well I want to suggest that we write 137 on a few other WALLs and ask WTF I37?
The QaBaLaH has a gematria (code) value of 137 thus Richard Feynman from the other side suggests we can write 137 on the western wall in Jerusalem and start worrying, and wailing.

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The Wall is the eleventh studio album by English progressive rock group Pink Floyd. Released as a double album on 30 November 1979, it was subsequently performed live with elaborate theatrical effects, and adapted into a feature film, Pink Floyd—The Wall. As with the band's previous three studio albums The Wall is a concept album, and deals largely with themes of abandonment and personal isolation.
...All contribute to his eventual self-imposed isolation from society, represented by a metaphorical wall. |
stand still laddie! coincidence or design when the album was released?
1 30197 9
911 and 1379 and the Wall is removed?
Hey mErLIn how far behind the collapse of the bErLIn Wall vill Wall Street and Wal-mart be?
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The number 137 in physics corresponds to the interaction between an electron and a photon or the probability of an electron absorbing a photon. In the language of Kabbalah, it means the interaction between the Vessel and the Light or how a Vessel can absorb/receive the Light. We know that we are distanced and disconnected from the Light when we are opposite in nature because in the realm of consciousness or spirituality, opposites repel. The only way for our physical world (electron) to absorb (receive) the Light is to imitate the Light, behave like the Light, and that stops repulsion. In turn, it causes attraction.
The missing puzzle piece for physics is: http://kabbalahstudentsspeak.com/the-magic-of-137/
Personally I feel the #1 position Endless World, is not the way out. Our way out could be the invisible 11th sephiroth called Daath. Daath is situated between 3 and 4 and 2 and 5 and 1 and 6 on the Tree of Geometric LIfE.
Between the 'Trinity' and the 'Quaternary'. Between the 3 and 4 exists no path however. Though we see the 'lightning bolt' associated with the Kabablah as it passes through 'DAATH'. (ponder that, because philosophical/scientific debates between the 'Trinity' and the 'Quaternary' have raged for aeons)
Between the 3 4 Between the 2 5 Between the 1 6 Notice the analogy to a die/dice.
Daath probably gets confused with Death?
  note: But like a game of chess where wise strategy is controlling the middle of the board, the mid-EL of the body/tempLE is where we find the treasure chest, here is where the heART is to be found.
And DAATH is associated with path 13 (connecting 1 and 6) and with the Hebrew letter/number 3 >> gImEL too.
And the MOST important anomaly concerning gImEL is the fact it is the only Hebrew letter NOT used in the 72 names of god.
‘Merlin tells King Arthur the 216 Secrets which are Fibs you need to know’
And if path 13 can be connected to the letter #13, i.e. the M, that would be sweet too. Intersecting with path #14 or the letter N would be a bonus.
XX _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Amazon.ca: Up to 37% Off Textbooks + Free Shipping
37 is everywhere once you start paying attention?
L0vE upside down read right to left becomes 3^07
PEACE in 37 Languages
This thread has a sister: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5916&highlight=
Collective Unconscious, the MiNd, the heART, the Labyrinth, the numbers 3 and 7 and 11. Is it a coincidence that the 3 most common labyrinths are the 3, 7, and 11 circuit?
3 Circuit Labyrinth:
Is 37 connected to a SEED PATTERN?
7 Circuit Labyrinth:
Did I make famous the IDEAS contained in the above images? No of course not. The collective unconscious decided long before I arrived on the scene i.e. 7/3/1957, @5:28 a.m. My gift to me is that I just happened to notice the same patterns that my ancestors did since the beginning of time and 'memory'. psst Sharing this gift has not been easy.
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The are two things which are particularly significant about this first and smallest prime magic square. Firstly, we note that the number 1 is included in the set. Secondly, the all-important figure at the centre of the square is 37. This prime number is without doubt the number of God and the most sublime of all numbers. The oldest name for God, an Aramaic word found only once in the Bible in the book of Daniel, has a gematria value of 37. Because 1 is included it means that the order numbers of these nine primes are different to what they would be if 2 were to be considered the first prime. In this case, the order numbers of the primes from left to right and row by row are 20, 1, 15, 7, 13, 19, 12, 22 and 5. The sum of these is 114 which is the exact difference between the 37th prime 151 and its order number 37. It seems therefore that this magic square by circumstance self-confirms the order of the primes. Be that as it may, we will investigate further to demonstrate that it is the number 37 that determines the order number of the primes.
worth the visit, scroll down the page. http://www.fivedoves.com/revdrnatch/Does_God_think_1_is_prime.htm
Please note in the above magic square each line *reduces* to 417. Interesting pattern of numbers, 147, along with 258, and 369. 4 1 7 4 1 7 4 1 7
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ata2-mVt0cA&feature=related go to 4:32 of this video.
was the reference to July 3, 7/3, a Freudian slip?
Did the priest let the cat out of the bag? IF we write 7/3 or 3/7 is there a connection to the IDEA that 37 is a prime number that represents the collective unconscious?
Have you seen the evidence? Where science and religion collide in the realm of the metaphysical quantum world?
Keep reading >>>
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The Egyptians considered 3, 6 and 7 most sacred numbers. Three represented the Triple Goddess, six meant her union with God; seven meant the Seven Harthos, seven planetary spheres, seven-gated holy city, seven-year reigns of kings, and so forth. Egyptians were obsessed with the conviction that the total number of all deities had to be 37, because of the number’s magical properties. This was because it combined the sacred numbers of 3 and 7; and, 37 multiplied by any multiple of 3 gave a triple digit or "trinity": 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. The miraculous number 666 is the product of 3 X 6 X 37.
So is trying to identify the collective unconscious with a NUMBER instead of with ?, words like GOD or the dEvIL? AM I naive trying to find TRUTH embedded in NUMB3R5 too and not just the wordy narratives that have been dispensed to each CULTure?
What if the number 37 is NOT just a number?
In the quote below I present the math re: 37 ...the 20 year work/pursuit of Jerry Iuliano...
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Concerning the collective unconscious constant which is any number when divided by the integer 37 creates the modulo decimal remainder , .891891891..., which is the link to the fine-structure constant: ( 10 ^ ( 143.9999879 / 37 )) / 37 / 18 = sqrt 137.035999701 ...there have been many numbers associated to the divisor 37 and the collective unconscious forms: Leahy's dream number .....2808 Van Halen's number..........5150 Hindu number ..................108 Druid number....................144 Hebrew number ................288 John of Patmos number.....1260 and 666 Leahy triple logic number....82944 Denglers number as name...1069 John Michell number...........1080+666 = 1746 Mayan/Aztec number ........2304 R.Tomes harmonic.............3456....etc. ...the key has always been the divisor number 37 .
The following is from an article in the Jan. 10 , 2009 , magazine , New Scientist, called , " Inside the Mind of a Autistic Savant ". The article goes on to talk about the savant Daniel Tammet , who is a human calculator of whose one of many feats , set a European record for the number of digits of Pi he recited from memory ( 22514 ). The article interviewer , Celeste Biever , interviewed D. Tammet and here is a portion of her interview concerning the number 37 and D. Tammet's fascination with this particular number:
Question: When did you realize you had special talents? Tammet: At the age of 8 or 9 , I was being taught maths at school and realised I could do the sums quickly , intuitively and in my own way--not using the techniques we were taught. I got so far ahead of the other children that I ran out of textbooks. I was aware already that I was different because of my autism, but at that point I realised that the relationship I had with numbers was different.
Question: To most people, the things you can do with your memory seems like magic. How do you do it ? Tammet: The response that people often have to what I can do is one of " gee whiz" but I want to push back against that. One of the purposes of the book I've written , " Embracing the Wide Sky " , is to demystify this, to show the hidden processes behind my number skills. I have a relationship with numbers that is similar to the relationship that most people have with language. When people think of words they don't think of them as separate items , atomised in their head , they understand them intuitively and subconsciously as belonging to an interconnected web of other words.
Question : Can you give an example? Tammet: You would'nt use a word like " giraffe " without understanding what the words " neck " or " tall " or " animal " mean. Words only make sense when they are in this web of interconnected meanings and I have the same thing with numbers . Numbers belong to a web. When somebody gives me a number , I immediately visualise it and how it relates to other numbers. I also see the patterns those relationships produce and manipulate them in my head to arrive at a solution, if its a sum , or to identify if there is a prime.
Question: But how do you visualise a number ? In the same way I visualise a giraffe ? Tammet: Every number has a texture. If it is a " lumpy " number then immediately my mind will relate it to other numbers which are lumpy--the lumpiness will tell me there is a relationship , there is a common divisor , or a pattern between the digits.
Question: Can you give me an example of a " lumpy " number ? Tammet: For me the ideal lumpy number is 37 . It's like porridge. So 111 , a very pretty number which is 3 times 37 , is lumpy but it is also round. It takes on the properties of both 37 and 3 , which is round. It's an intuitive and visual way of doing maths and thinking about numbers.
Question: Why do you think you treat numbers this way ? Tammet: When I was growing up, because of my autism , I didn't make friends. Numbers filled that gap. The numbers came alive. My mind was able to pick out patterns and to make sense of them. It was similar to how a child would aquire his first language....
Question: What can we learn from the way your mind works ? Tammet: The differences between savant and non-savant ability have been exaggerated. Savants are not freaks, cut off from the rest of humanity. The thinking of savants is an extreme form of the kind everyone has. The aim of my book is to show that minds that function differently such as mine , are not so strange , and that anyone can learn from them. I also hope to clear up some misconceptions about savant abilities and what it means to be intelligent or gifted ...( end of article quote )
Wolfgang Pauli knew through his mandelas and the collective unconscious parameters of Carl Jung that the fine-structure constant ( 1/137.035999701 ) , a primal number , has a connectiveness to the primal numbers of man.
This connectiveness number is the integer...37: Leahy dream number ....2808: ( 10 ^ (( 2807.9999879 / 37 ) - 72 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Van Halen's number ...5150: ( 10 ^ (( 5149.99999881 / 3.7 ) - 1388 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Hindu number....108: ( 10 ^ ( 107.999999879 / .37 ) - 288 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Druid , John of Patmos number ...144: ( 10 ^ ( 143.999987919 / 37 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 John of Patmos numbers ...1260 and 666: ( 10 ^ (( 1259.99978254 / 666 ) + 2 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Leahy's triple logic number ...82944: ( 10 ^ ( 82943.9930413 / 32 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Plato's number of the world soul...2592: ( 10 ^ ( 2591.99978254 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Dengler's name change number ...1069: ( 10 ^ (( 1068.99998792 / 37 ) - 25 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Mayan/Aztec number ...2304: ( 10 ^ (( 2303.99978254 + 288 ) /666 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Harlston's Hunab number ( Aztec) ...378 378 + 288 = 666 R.Tomes master harmionic number ...3456: ( 10 ^ (( 3455.999789 / 666 ) - 46 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701
The Works of Jerry Iuliano Ancient Numbers Revealed in Scientific Formula
But there is SO MUCH MORE re: 37 it boggles and toggles between the left and right hemispheres of the mind.
more inPHO about how inFO gets around the universe:
http://www.people.vcu.edu/~chenry/Jerry%20Iuliano.htm (the info at this link is good, but many of the links found listed are dead...go here for the work of DG Leahy: http://dgleahy.com/ )
update: Hebrew number ................288
Which reminds me of this formula found on a 17x17 Hebrew/German magic amulet that bears an inscription in German "Der Herr Behute Dich" which means "the Lord watches over thee".
The amulet is to be read starting from the center. Thus 1 (center) + 288 = 289 = 17 x 17
And would it surprise you to find out that when searching for the TRUTH, using primarily your heART and MiNd to assist, you end up at what has been vEILed in plain site?
LIEs are used to vEIL the FIBS? What if the FIBS are golden ones? i.e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ...
11 Circuit Labyrinth:

What if 3, 7, and 11 forms part of a cosmic mnemonic anagram telegram that has managed to withstand the test of time, space, and motion, and all for a very good reason? What if? It would help to explain why the word QaBaLaH was given an intentional value of 137 and why the maze at Chartres Cathedral was covered up.
A trinity of numbers suggesting to remember to remember. Richard Feynman suggested "all good theorists should write the number '137' on the wall and worry about it."
Well the ancients who left records and those who came before them that did not leave records, they were all good theorists, so why would it surprise us to find out they came up with the same numbers? Especially since the entire puzzle is embedded into the Great Pyramid?
How much evidence is accumulating re: '137' as having great significance to the SS, the Secret Societies?
p.s. U do not have to be a physicist to have a valid theory about the simple things in life. _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
These TWO RED SPECTRAL LINES represent the fingerprint of the HYDROGEN ATOM between which we can place the dimensionless number 137.
Okay here is what I am lead to beLIEve now.
Christ positioned between the TWO THIEVES (the two polarities) is the MIDDLE GROUND that we should all seek?
Christ I do not beLIEve but KNOW on one level of the smelly onion, represents the numbers 137 that we can place between the TWO THIEVES, i.e. or the TWO Spectral Lines of the Hydrogen atom...
137 has been called poetically by science: "the DNA of light" or "the fingerprint of an atom".
A discussion of 37 leads us eventually to 137 and this thread about the importance of SPECTRAL LINES, 137, and tweaking the EM field using our DREAMS and NIGHTMARES: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5916&highlight=
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
NEWTON and 37
Take a look at these numbers regarding our friend Newton.
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Only one book of Newton's about the Bible was ever published. In 1733, six years after his death, (3+6=9? resulting in 1739) J. Darby and T. Browne, published Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. In 1988, having learned of this book in the rare books card catalogue of the Library of Congress, I asked to read it. I was astonished when, a few minutes later, I was handed Thomas Jefferson's personal copy. (The book is in excellent condition and has Thomas Jefferson's initials on pages 57 and 137.
Two hundred and fifty years ago it was common practice for printers to label the page signatures with capital letters at the bottom of the actual text. Jefferson would turn to the "J" signature and add a"T" before the "J" and then turn to the "T" signature and add a "J" after the "T." In this way he identified his personal books.) |
gotta love these coincidences re: 137 YA sure coincidences wow what a design right down to every detail
Newton was 37 when his mother passed away...which happened to be 37 years after his father had passed away.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Last edited by Raphael on Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:27 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Joined: 20 Aug 2007 Posts: 1337 Location: SpaceTimeVibration
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:11 am Post subject: |
137 fits between the pillars Newton/Einstein and Adam/God
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
rustyh wrote: |
Raphael. I wish i was 5 years old. Your incredible work would be more sensical and simpler to interprate. Being 46, and wanting so much to understand precisely your writings is more of mind boggling experience that frustrates me, and really leaves me in awe of your information. I want so much to have a clear understanding of Raphaels wisdom and knowledge. It eludes me. One redeeming factor is that i was born on the 17th in 1965. 1+9+6+5=21 2+1=3 So 17 and 3 gives me a 137. 7-1-3 symbolize L-I-E ?
I feel i have a strong connection to what you say, as I have always been drawn to your writings, as perplexing as they are. Im just spewin i dont yet have the mental gymnastics to figure it out and have that light bulb moment of enlightenment.
Im OK with how you reply Raphael. Im tipping it frustrates you that people find it hard to recognise and understand your incredible work. I absolutely love your work, just pissed off I get lost in the translation of it all. Anyway, I super appreciate what you do and will continue to consume your writings Raphael. Thanks mate,
Rusty |
don't worry about it, I was 47 when I woke up, though I hit bottom around 42, that was the turn around. Still took me another 5 years before I even caught a glimpse of where I was headed.
More good news, Rusty now that you know you are taking part in a big I37 LIE, what are you going to do about it?
Hey dude down under, let me know when the activation takes place and you officially become a I37 true blue warrior, supporting a world rEaLIty that suggests the best way the herds of EWE, YOU, U and ME can all become WE is simply by altering our perspectives and tapping into the EM fIELd that can accommodate all aborigine serpentine dreams along with the EvIL snake in the judeao/christian dEvIL nightmares. (as science is suggesting we all meet and greet when we shleep)
Rusty thanks for acknowledging the obvious. It is a struggle for you and me both and apparently Jesus too?
"MY GOD, MY GOD, why has Thou forsaken me? -Jesus
your numbers are yours to suss out and get a feel for? maybe getting to know oneself who lives in a geometric matrix would involve getting to know yourself more intimately, using numbers, along with popping red and blue pills?
Learning all about your own inner angles which can be accessed by understanding and seeking the assistance of the Angels to help you with your math.
BTW angLEs and angELs have the same value in gematria.
I just picked up another book recommended by Einstein, (I did not know that till I picked it up), it was written for the layman like you and me. NUMBER The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig Maybe I can find the methods to help bridge the gap in this book?
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"...the most interesting book on the evolution of mathematics which has ever fallen into my hands." - A Einstein |
Some folks have it easy, the book fell into Al's hands, I had to pick it up.
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Tobias Dantzig (February 19, 1884 – August 9, 1956) was a Baltic German Russian American mathematician, the father of George Dantzig, and the author of NUMBER: The Language of Science (A Critical Survey Written for the Cultured non Mathematician) (1930) and Aspects of Science (New York, Macmillan, 1937).
Born in Latvia, Dantzig studied mathematics with Henri Poincaré in Paris. Tobias married a fellow Sorbonne University student, Anja Ourisson, and the couple emigrated to the United States in 1910. Working for a time as a lumberjack in Oregon, Dantzig received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Indiana University in 1917[1]. He taught at Johns Hopkins, Columbia University, and the University of Maryland. Dantzig died in Los Angeles in 1956. He was the father of George Dantzig, creator of linear programming.
Memorable Quotation:
"The harmony of the universe knows only one musical form - the legato; while the symphony of number knows only its opposite - the staccato. All attempts to reconcile this discrepancy are based on the hope that an accelerated staccato may appear to our senses as a legato."
The above quote is similar to what I mention to friends of mine in these the end of the daze, (those that still bother to tune into what I have to say, they are dropping like flies as the world goes for a shit, a paradox.)
I am simply trying to find the math in the poetry and the poetry in the math...
Which would for me result in a reconciliation of Science and Religion as the literal math and figurative poetry mesh into a literal figurative narrative everybody can buy into without being sold a cradle to grave slave trade called foreign aid.
What is LIfE? ... is it f you inserted between a LIE somewhere?
note: we find the note 'f' which looks like an 'S' scroll on all string instruments used in 'string quartets'. A 'string quartet' is a band that consists of four stringed instruments. A string quartet usually has two violins, a viola and a cello.
do Angels play harps? who else? who used the guts of the turtle to fashion a lute? And if I recall the elephant stands on the BACK OF the turtle, the turtle supports the elephant in creation hierarchy.
Did the 'f' note + I37 animate the claymation nations?
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"ELI ELI lama sabachthani"
"MY GOD, MY GOD, why has Thou forsaken me? -Jesus
MY GOD = ELI obviously
ELI - YA - HU and ELIisha Paracelsus the master aLchEmIst predicted the messiah would be revealed as ELIas the artist! Carl Jung's guides were first ELIjah (ELIyahu), KA, and then later phILEmon became his sole guide.
So what could I possibly say or add about who my guide in this I37 journey has been? Without a doubt my guide, once I recognized what I had stumbled and bumbled upon, has been the tetragrammaton, the swastiKA that is far far far too easy to associate with I37, KA, and ph-ILE-MON.
Hey what happens if we assign Noah's ARK a number? All boats have a name and a number registered.
Can I suggest we write '137' on the bow of this ship seeking a safe harbour?
But another most interesting fact regarding the design is that the Ark was 300 cubits or 450 feet or 137 MEters long in length. And onto this ARK were placed PAIRS of animals of every kind? A much more believable story, after etching 137 into the bow of the ARK is instead of using PAIRS of animals, would be to discuss the significance of ELECTRON COUPLING, one of the three constants that make up the fine structure constant. And a reminder is due that 137 represents the unique fingerprint for each of the elements on the periodic table. SOUNDs like a nice fit to the story of the ARK.
YES it should become yin yang clear that the BLACK RAVEN sent out to dry up the land was a reference to NEGATIVE and the WHITE DOVE returning with an oLIvE in its mouth was looking more POSITIVE all the time.
Can we connect the TWO birds, one BLACK and one WHITE, to the TWO thieves who flanked Jesus, both birds and thieves representing the TWO forces called negative and positive that keep us off the middle neutral path, (represented by Jesus)?
And then we point the ARK-137 like an arrow in a new direction, trying to thread the needle, get it between the TWO PILLARS or the TWO SPECTRAL LINES of the atom.
Remember that definition of 137 the fine structure constant. 137 is simply the 'dimensionless' number that we place between TWO SPECTRAL LINES or shall we say TWO PILLARS?
Another interesting aspect of this 137ARK theory is the FACT that the fine structure constant is comprised of TWO electrons and the coupling strength that exists between them.
No it is clearly all about POLARITY jack and jill, and how energy flows (fetch a pail of hydrogen economy wawa), well We have a north and south pole, that is a duality. But hey I see much activity and loitering about between the 2 POLES, a lot of potential and kinetic energy I would love to eXploit.
Its beginning to look a lot like CHRIST-MASS, a self deluded hospitable takeover once you add HD1080 and SS Surround Sound.
My friends think I am whacked because I appear so? WHY AM I the one who has lost it, when I point out that we celebrate Easter, Christmas, New Years, and Halloween but we never give any REAL THOUGHTS to why?
Well after doing some digging around, and then approaching those same friends (my former tribe?) with observations about getting ready for CHRIST-MASS in November, asking the obvious like "hey the Muslims and Jews openly worship the MOON in their festivals and have symbols recognizing both the SUN and the MOON. So I would love the Christians/Catholics to tell me where has the MOON gone in their beLIEf system, that also vary widely from CULTure to CULTure? Where is the MOON symbolism in St. Peter's Square ellipse? Why are there 16 Winds surrounding an Obelisk (stolen from eygpt) in St. Peter's Square?
What is the significance of both the number 16 to the X-stem Logic Alphabet and various math proofs, and to the 4x4 magic square of Jupiter, alongside the fact we can connect PRIME numbers which are the building blocks of NUMBERS to a binary code that converts prime numbers into an obelisk or jesUS phallUS common to all patriarchs.
So please share with me where is the MOON symbolism to be found in the New Testament Churches or scriptures? Wait I forgot about the day Jesus 'died'. This particular day moves around from year to year? WTF? And to add MOON intrigue, the date of Easter is determined by the dating of Passover, which is associated with the birth of the NEW MOON.
Oy vey, it is all so obvious that religious AND political divisions are based on our ancestors seeing the world through rosy celestial lenses. Why are there NO pictures in the various bIbLEs? Is it because IMAGES tend to 'date' the time, the age, whereas WORDS can undergo change and transition far better, words can be used to describe something that cannot be seen, would be another great reason to vEIL images and promote words.
And this is most important, LETTERS at the heART of it, the cruX of the matter and spirit is that LETTERS were always meant to represent SOUNDS.
This is the beginning of the End of HIS-story as we have known it, the End of the beLIEf that was SCRIPTed and put into the SCRIPTures, a stupid literal narrative that is 'breaking up' and becoming more fractal and farcical all the time.
Just like Jesus arriving in the middle east, he was an inevitable update to a 'theory of everything' called the Pentateuch. The christian jesus will also take his place alongside those that preceded him. i.e. the Pharaoh Moses, Kings David and Solomon, etc and the countless false prophets who will be upstaged by the brand new and improved beLIEf that has already been SCRIPTed for us to adopt. All we need to do is wait for those to come forward and fill the parts already SCRIPTed to help take us to the next level.
"To Be or Not to Be" So who do you want to be tonight when you drift off in fa la la land?
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
LET ME PRESENT the THREE GODS or THREE CONSTANTS that scientists use to define the FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT, which can be written as 0.00729 or 1/137 or simply abbreviated to the enigmatic dimensionless 137
What are the TRINITY or 3 CONSTANTS that make up the FINE STRUCTURE DIMENSIONLESS CONSTANT '137' referred to simply as ALPHA?
Allow me to use ALPHA = 137 = SUPERMAN as an analogy.

1st GOD/CONSTANT is the SPEED OF LIGHT which we sign with 'c' So what is faster than a speeding bullet? Could Superman travel as fast as the SPEED of LIGHT? Faster in one film actually, he was able to REVERSE TIME, remember how he saved his LOVE Lois Lane? Love Lois Lane = 777
2nd GOD/CONSTANT is PLANCK's CONSTANT which is recognized as the 'h'-bar or with a stroke What can LEAP over two tall buildings called the twin towers in a single quantum indiscreet LEAP? The SPECTRAL LINES are the twin towers, re: the Planck Constant
3rd GOD/CONSTANT is the Charge of Electron written as 'e^2' What is stronger than a LOCOMOTIVE? The ELECTRON charge squared over an infinite distance?
To summarize the fine structure constant is involved in ELECTRON COUPLING, and the ability of electrons to EMIT or ABSORB photons/phonons in order to MOVE up or DOWN energy levels.
DUH here i$ MORE de$ign ... the $ign of the Chri$tian Fi$h = ALPHA = 137
BTW a rELIgious person who denies science could refer to this Red/Blue/Yellow SUPERMAN GOD as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. What if?
It all adds up to the NEVER ENDING STORY that has lasted 13.7 billion years.
13.7 = 137 = ELI = my GOD?
Is it OBVIOUS? Not really? Not my problem really.
JESUS = SUPERMAN = 137 placed between the TWO THIEVES , shall we nickname those two thieves that keep us off the middle path (jesus) Yin and Yang?
Y not? JESUS is a ROYAL PURPLE because purple is a mix of RED (positive) and BLUE (negative).
Duh could it be that simple? DUH behind all the complexity when you get down to it....it comes down to 'polarity' represented by THREE PILLARS and NOT the propaganda called duality.
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"ELI ELI lama sabachthani"
"MY GOD, MY GOD, why has Thou forsaken me? -Jesus
MY GOD = ELI = I37 as an underlying IDEA portrayed as both numbers or letters that give rise to shape and form, obviously.
my GOD = ELI = I37 and tapping into the EM fIELd representing all of our dreams and nightmares?
SO THE TRUTH HAS BEEN LAID OUT RATHER SIMPLY? Micheal Persinger claims we can be unified in 10 minutes using the EM fIELd as mediator between 6+ billion people.
But the same old problem still exists, how to get 6+ billion sheeple on the same page, this continues to plague the IGNORANT, the PROFANE, the MUNDANE, and the VULGAR who do not realize that IGNORANCE is also a plague that haunts us, it is a hunger for the TRUTH that starts on the inside and eats away at you.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Hey Mo bro (good verk again comrade adding your two sense worth to the salvation operation, the RECOVERY of what we already know...) ...follow your instincts IF your intent is true.
well we know that 37 + 27 = 64 and we know the RATIO of 37/27 = 1.37 x 100 = 137 and we know the RATIO of 36/28 x 100 = 128.5 and we know that 36 is associated to both the sun and the word HA found in the indo-aryan SS language called SanSkrit, hahaha, and the wyrd THA is associated to the number 28 and also to the moon.
And many, a multitude of more than less, speculate that HATHA yoga is good for you because it aligns you and your DNA with the Sun and the Moon. YA think?
and re: YHVH or JeHoVaH or ELI_YA-HU Some rabid rabbis also suggest to bob and weave like a butterfly whilst meditating...hahaha
And we know that both RATIOs (based on a cube of 4x4x4 = 64) represents the fine structure constant RANGE, 137 is the present value and 128.5 is a new value based on a former position of our solar system, related to time and/or space. (the experts are not quite sure)
and we know that Dna Winter's work that focuses on the phi spiral is therefore based on RATIOs. and we know that DNA replicating is a study in geometry. and we know according to varied philosophies a GOLDEN RULE:
and we know that 64 is central to our DNA and the BLOODLINE of the entire planet...that has been placed in our care...BTW
and we also know that 37 and 27 are reciprocals of each other leading us to a 137 connection
>>> and we also know that John Dee (who worked for ELIzabeth) and his Enochian alphabet was centered on 64 letters placed on an 8x8 grid... WHOA no I did not know that until...
Which leads us to a fella called Vincent Bridges who has collaborated with Dna Winter (who loves the phi spiral).
Enochian Alphabet and DNA?
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Dee was told that the Tablet represented the functional activity of the Trinity itself. The substance of the tablet, milky quartz mother of pearl, was attributed to God the Father. The circumference becomes God the Son, and the pattern or geometry of the Tablet represents the Holy Spirit. |
My morning was fruitful:
Meet another story teller, Vincent Bridges on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1gD68LXYuI&feature=related and his work: The Complete Enochian Handbook http://www.john007dee.com/handbook.html#B
Hey Mo and Optimist there are very few people in the world who are on the trail we are investigating at this time.
Many are close but they fail to see the obvious, what has been vEILed in plain view.
Mo remember that book I gave you? Amulets and Superstitions by E.A. Wallis Budge?
You have a different edition, so your pages might be numbered differently than my edition? Go to the chapter 'Hebrew Amulets'. I found it online.
Go to page 235, it has a 17x17 amulet comprised of the 17 letters that comprise a statement.
"Der Herr Behüte Dich"
It is a German rendering of the Hebrew words that mean:
"the Lord watch over thee" google translate: "the Lord shall preserve thee"
Note also that the best way to read this amulet is starting from the center. From the letter 'D'
And note that when "Der Herr Behüte Dich" is read from the center letter D outwards, in the 4 directions, i.e. E, S, W, and N, an interesting shape/cross manifests.
Yes we have MO evidence Mo of the obvious...ULAM prime number spiral is connected to 'the LORD watch over thee'.
Looking for a T-Shirt design promoting Good Luck, God and Truth?
17 05 13 21 09 04 12 25 08 16 11 24 07 20 03 10 18 01 14 22 23 06 19 02 15 Swastika Magic Square
And the 17 reminds me of the 5x5 Swastika Magic Square whose four arms are comprised of 16 numbers plus the centre makes 17, and the hooked cross includes all of the prime numbers between 1-25. Let us not forget we can connect the ULAM spiral (also prime magic) to the letter G or an angular spiral and most importantly to the 'SEED' PATTERN found in St. Brigit's Cross.

ULAM prime number SPIRAL is a match for CHASE harvesting mo MONey Mo, and the Celts/Druids/pagans etc. and the cross of St. Brigit is connected to the harvest too.
Why are all scythes RIGHT handed? Why do physicists prefer RIGHT handed rules?
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While energy can follow either the right hand or left hand rule, it has been observed that the energy in our region of the universe primarily follows the right hand rule. We live in a "right-handed" region of the universe. The fact that our region of universe is right-handed has perplexed scientists for years. http://www.grandunification.com/hypertext/The_Big_Bang.html

Why do Messiahs and Popes clasp two of the fingers together re: benediction?
Now by placing the physics 'right hand rules' NEXT to the 'benediction' suggests to me that at some point (during a crossover probably) the electric and magnetic fields, the y and z axis, 'come together'?

And in a FU apocalypse the 'y' axis stands alone?
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actually, the swastika stands for the sun, when its magnetic field lines become too compressed as the outer layers turn at a different rate than the inner layers, causing them to bunch up like the spring in a wind-up toy, until boom! It quickly unwinds, sending out a massive coronal ejection in all directions. It is warning sign. For looking straight down on the sun while the fields are wound tight, it makes the shape of a swastika... More proof that the ancients had superior or contemporary technology at one time.
COME TOGETHER? sounds like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCpODFwR7U4&feature=related
In conclusion: ALL of the BUILDING BLOCKS from the biggest i.e. AS ABOVE to the smallest i.e. SO BELOW are asymmetrical in nature.
Thus the geometrical movement implied by the asymmetrical SWASTIKA can be directly associated to the PRIME numbers which are in fact the BUILDING BLOCKS of mathematics.
BUILDING BLOCKS of the UNIVERSE are related to PRIME Numbers and ASYMMETRY
It is clear that the ancients knew all of this. All I read after a while, it does seem to me as though I am merely remembering, accessing my limbic system memory fILEs, which could in fact be tuned into the EM fIELd.
Both my INTUITION and primal spiderman senses or INSTINCT suggest that.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
hey I took that image and rotated it (see below) to help illustrate another 'basic' IDEA we can associate to a division of two hemispheres in a NORTH and SOUTH, and the EAST and WEST....making a quarternity.
the basic IDEA behind polarity that we can apply to the asymmetrical brain. the reason for the asymmetry becomes clear.
What we refer to as space and time appear to be reciprocals of each other, based on RATIOS. And the Egyptian method of building pyramids was based on RATIOS, base to height. And in regards to the GOLDEN MEAN is essentially a RATIO, and everything it touches turns into golden spirals. And now is a good time to remind the reader of the ancient RATIO re: Sun/Moon or 36/28.
This RATIO of the SUN/MOON based on a CUBE of 64 = 36 + 28 and in fact yields a gem, because it is an anomaly. It predicts what we are finding out today about the metaphysical relationships we cannot see, only theorize, using mathematical models that seem to predict with an accuracy.
At one time the smartest theoreticians believed that both the speed of light and the fine structure constant/alpha = 1/137 were etched in stone. AHA evidently they are not. (speed of light is one of the three constants used in alpha) Some now theorize that the fine structure constant or alpha was once a larger number. i.e. 1/128.5
Which can be arrived at using the SUN/MOON RATIO of 36/28 x 100 = 128.5
Now what is amazing is how new fangled brain science suggests a RATIO exists between the barrier that divides the brain into two, and the brain itself. A RATIO that exists between the corpus callosum (cc) and brain's ability to communicate with itself consciously. And the MAIN job of the cc is to inhibit the other hemisphere.
So the cc reveals itself as an analogy to the bErLIn wall dividing the west and east.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Raphael wrote: |
72 names+42 names+14 names = 128 names of god 128+9=137 http://www.psyche.com/psyche/lex/qbl/42letter_name.html 128 + 16 =144 http://www.greatdreams.com/sacred/144.html
I'm thinking 36 is to 37 as 42 is to 43. The sri yantra contains 43 triangles, the connection between the 4 forces that came out of the 2 forces, expansion and compression, heaven and earth.
EL(16+1=17) O(1) kah(25) = 43 Take away the 0 or 1, then we have 42.
Light is refracted into a rainbow at 42 and on the tree of life into spheres ranging in color and intelligence.
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42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in Kabalistic tradition. In Kabbalah, the most significant name is that of the En Sof (also known as "Ein Sof", "Infinite" or "Endless"), who is above the Sefirot (sometimes spelled "Sephirot"). The Forty-Two-Lettered Name contains four combined names which are spelled in Hebrew letters (spelled in letters = 42 letters), which is the name of Azilut (or "Atziluth" "Emanation"). While there are obvious links between the Forty-Two Lettered Name of the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah's Forty-Two Lettered Name, they are probably not identical due to the Kabbalah's emphasis on numbers. The Kabbalah also contains a Forty-Five Lettered Name and a Seventy-Two Lettered Name.
Elokah = 42 (2 times 21, the value of God's Name Ekyeh which appears as a pair in God's words to Moses: "Ekyeh asher Ekyeh"). As the world was created with the power of God's 42 letter Name, the Name Elokah implies the power of creation. The Name Kel in at-bash = 420 = 10 times Elokah.
One of the secrets of 42 in Kabbalah in relation to the creation of the universe is that the Divine act of creation begins with God's saying yehi ("let there be...") = 25, and concludes with God's seeing His creation to be tov ("good") = 17. 25 (the beginning of the creative process) plus 17 (the conclusion of the creative process) = 42 (the all-inclusive power of creation). |
Connections seem to be flowing smoothly these days.
P.S. I recently bought Bernadette Brady's astronomy program (Starlight) that Monk had back on the 2012 forum. I came to the conclusion that he was telling the truth with his work, and also from my natal reading which was amazingly accurate to say the least. I am having a blast applying your work to the stars, all the connections fit like a glove.  _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS |
Psalm 137 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. 2 There on the poplars we hung our harps, 3 for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” 4 How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? 5 If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. 6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy. 7 Remember, LORD, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. “Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!” 8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Zion = 2012? Lets unvEIL the dEvIL @ ROME come 2012 Lets pick up our Harps and sing the Solfeggio come 2012 Lets be FREE come 2012 Merry X137X Mo
Them boyz is cooking over on the 2012 forums.
Quote: |
God's Numbers = 137 (english)
137 = The Golden Mean -->1.618 "The Golden Mean" -->1.618 minutes = 1:37 (min/sec)
137 = The Messiah Yeshua/God -->13.7 minutes = 822 seconds -->8/22 (AUG 22) = 234th Day Yeshua's Numbers = 190 (english) -->19.0 minutes = 1140 seconds -->11:40 PM = 23:40
The Number of the Messiah = 234.0 (english) -->8:22 PM = 20:22 -->The Value of the Messiah = 222.0 (english) -->2:22 is opposite 10:38 on a clock face -->1038 seconds = 17.3 minutes -->Yehoshua HaMashiach = 173 (english)
173rd Day (JUN 22) = 193 Days Remain/leap year -->193 seconds = 3:13 (min/sec) -->Yehoshua HaMashiach = 313 (reverse) 173 (english)
173rd Day (JUN 22) = 192 Days Remain -->The Numbers of the Most High God = 1092 (jewish) -->www.gematrix.org (jewish gematria calculator) -->Yehoshua's Number = 1209 (jewish)
6/22 =173rd/174th Day --->(the day of 'IMMINENT THREAT/WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK') --->FAA Circular (keyword search)
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (english) 333 (reverse eng.) 1,7/4 = 2,3/4 1,7/3 = 3.33 173rd/174th Day = 6/22
622 seconds = 10:22 (min/sec) 10:22 PM = 22:22 Isaiah 22:22 "THE KEY"
Why 222, 22:22?
2:00 forms a Hexagon Star (Star of David/60 degrees) -Lord Jesus Christ = 200 (english) -200 seconds = 3.33 minutes
1/333 = 0.0300300 3:00 (min/hr hand at 12/3) Lord Jesus Christ = 205 (english) 20.5 minutes = 1230 seconds
The Number Three Hundred Thirty-Three = 1904 (jewish gematria)
19:04 = 7:04 PM Yeshua = 704 (jewish) Jesus = 74.0 (english)
Who is the Most High God? = 1533 (jewish) 15:33 = 3:33 PM
hr/min/sec hand at 3/3/3 (3:15:15) PM? = 15:15:15 15 = 5+2+8 Yehoshua = 528 (Hebrew)
152 (RE:137)
God's Numbers = 152 (reverse english)
152nd Day = 6/1 -->God = 61 (jewish)
min/hr hand at 6/1 (6/05) 6/05 = 156th Day
Yeshua = 156 / God = 156 -->156 seconds = 2.6 minutes -->God = 26 (english) What is Yeshua's Number? = 251 (english) -->25.1 minutes = 1506 seconds
The Golden Mean (as follows)
1 + sq.root of 5 divided by 2
216 days remain = 150th Day (5/30 -leap year) 5:30 PM = 17:30 Yehoshua HaMashiach = 173.0 (english) 313 (reverse english)
1,7/3 = 3.33 3.33 (written as 3,1/3 -three and one third)
@ 11 Aquarius. 3 Gemini, 7 Libra
11:37 PM = 23:37
23.7 minutes = 1422 seconds 14:22 = 2:22 PM 2:22 is opposite 10:38 on a clock face
1038 seconds = 17.3 (minutes) Yehsohua HaMashiach = 173 (english)
The Value of the Messiah = 222 (english) |
http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=26341 _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS |
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God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes Oh God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes |
Daniel = DANIEL = DNAI37
So my claim that DNA is the name of the game when discussing Holy Grails, is getting closer and closer to a truth.
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A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is a change to a single nucleotide in a DNA sequence. The relative mutation rate for an SNP is extremely low. This makes them ideal for marking the history of the human genetic tree. SNPs are named with a letter code and a number. The letter indicates the lab or research team that discovered the SNP. The number indicates the order in which it was discovered. For example, M173 is the 173rd SNP documented by the Human Population Genetics Laboratory at Stanford University, which uses the letter M.
yes that coincidence does not really amount to much on its own. but when we factor in what I AM is also *promoting* the idea that 37 is the prime integer that represents the collective unconscious best, well the coincidences become rather astonishing. Because apparently the number 37 can be used to check to see how far back you and me go.
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The test results are then compared to another project member's results to determine the time frame in which the two people shared a most recent common ancestor (MRCA). If the two tests match perfectly on 37 markers, there is a 50% probability that the MRCA was fewer than 2 to 3 generations ago, 90% probability that the MRCA was fewer than 5 generations ago, and 95% probability that the MRCA was fewer than 7 generations ago
But the problem is the expert wankers who take all of this bible code literally when in fact it is a numerical code too. They think they can trace the lineage of the Levite Priests back to Aaron:
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Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesised most recent common ancestor of many of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim (singular "Kohen", "Cohen", or Kohane). In the Torah, this ancestor is identified as Aaron, the brother of Moses. The hypothetical most recent common ancestor was therefore jocularly dubbed "Y-chromosomal Aaron", in analogy to Y-chromosomal Adam.
Duh it does not work that way.
LEvI = I^37
LEvI turned upside down = out-of-phase wave or the reciprocal
i.e. 137/1 is the reciprocal of 1/137 (fine structure constant)
Therefore Genesis is a gene-thesis involving LEvI blue genes that everybody can wear. Especially the blue collar workers. The upper tier (level) of tier (animals in german) wear the SS uniforms. Like St. Peter and St. Paul. Nazi and Nazirite uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.
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Hugo Boss started his clothing company in 1924 in Metzingen, a small town south of Stuttgart, where it is still based. However, due to the economic climate in Germany at the time Boss was forced into bankruptcy. In 1931 he reached an agreement with his creditors, leaving him with 6 sewing machines to start again. The same year, he became a member of the Nazi party and a sponsoring member ("Förderndes Mitglied") of the Schutzstaffel.[11] He later stated himself that he had joined the party because of their promise to end unemployment and because he felt "temporarily" withdrawn from the Lutheran church.[11] He joined the German Labour Front in 1936, the Reich Air Protection Association in 1939, the National Socialist People's Welfare in 1941.[11] His sales increased from 38,260 RM in 1932 to over 3,300,000 RM in 1941, while his profits increased in the same period from 5,000 RM to 241,000 RM.[11] Though he claimed in a 1934/1935 advertising he had been a “supplier for Nazi uniforms since 1924”, such supplies are probable since 1928/1929 and certain since 1934, when he became an Reichszeugmeisterei-licensed (official) supplier of uniforms to the Sturmabteilung, Schutzstaffel, Hitler Youth, National Socialist Motor Corps and other party organizations.[11] To meet demand in later years of the war, Boss used about 30 to 40 prisoners of war and about 150 forced laborers, from the Baltic States, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the former Soviet Union.[11] According to German historian Henning Kober, the company managers were “avowed nazis”, “the Boss were all great admirers of Adolf Hitler” and Hugo Boss had in 1945 in his apartment a photograph of himself with Hitler taken in the latter's Obersalzberg retreat |
History is stranger than fiction.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Raphael wrote: |
Raphael wrote: |
37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity
28 + 36 = 64
36/28 = 1.285714285714 to infinity
We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios.
I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used.
The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega.
namaste |
The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game.
In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999
There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure.
Quote: |
1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54
1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72 |
Quote: |
The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid.
The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose.
It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines.
When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear.
The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here.
The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units).
There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross).
http://reocities.com/capecanaveral/hall/3324/neferspyramidofwonder.htm |
Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer
The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units)
Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27)
729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA)
9 x 9 x 9 = 729 27/37 = .729729...
hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 5(E)12(L) is the 10th octave
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UWtcSvtiQw (note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing) _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
Last edited by Optimist777 on Wed May 23, 2012 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Raphael wrote: |
Raphael wrote: |
37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity
28 + 36 = 64
36/28 = 1.285714285714 to infinity
We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios.
I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used.
The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega.
namaste |
The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game.
In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999
There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure.
Quote: |
1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54
1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72 |
Quote: |
The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid.
The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose.
It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines.
When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear.
The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here.
The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units).
There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross).
http://reocities.com/capecanaveral/hall/3324/neferspyramidofwonder.htm |
Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer
The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units)
Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27)
729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA)
9 x 9 x 9 = 729 27/37 = .729729...
hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 5(E)12(L) is the 10th octave
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UWtcSvtiQw (note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing) _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
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