Maria Louise von Franz also demonstrated that terminally ill people dream about plant world archetypes prior to death.
And most interestingly … ayahuasca used by the shamans … is a vine …
Jack (overheard): Hey Jill … ewe wanna climb my beanstalk?
But let us Z/Soom in on the vine for a moment.
Jeremy Narby …. Now here is an anthropologist who I highly respect … he actually takes the time to make amends, and apologizes for ALL of the self-serving western anthropologists of the past, present and future, who attach a western bias to the indigenous cultures…how wrong is that?
He wrote The Cosmic Serpent and has noted: why is it a ‘drug’ taken from this vine, an hallucinogen that takes you into the realm of florescent dragons and serpents, winding staircases and stairways to heaven, also not look like DNA filaments unraveling?
If the ewe answered NO.
Check pulse…
Actually when I was a FireFighter … the command given from the defibrillator was … “Check Patient Check Patient”.
Wait there is more.
Anybody read Latin?
The ayahuasca vine looks very much like the asymmetrical pillars that we find in all Freemason lodges and in Rosslyn Chapel.
Here we have another great clue overlooked by Danny Brown Shoes who danced with Pope Dorothy wearing the Red Shoes.
Dan Brown was promised fame if he printed lies and being a ewe he didn’t know the damage he has done to the TRUTH.
And he probably just does not realize it, being a very successful ewe takes ewe to a higher plateau, this is true.
But consider this…ewe are still grazing, ewe are still not getting the best view from your new vista….
Ewe are not wise like this fellow…represented by the number nine.
Just a coincidence to a ewe.
Dan Brown suggested the Holy Grail is in fact Mary’s Womb…eh?
Too funny…could have been…but I think the archetypes that serve ALL of humanity should be learned from and not just one self-serving story of Biblical Babel…
According to Dan Brown, Jesus’ descendants are alive and well and the fate of the world now rests in the hands of Dan Brown and his next self serving script?
I want to know something…has Dan Brown become the new Vatican spokesperson?
…oy vey….fly him off to MIaMI…he knows the me, me tune quite well.
It is called the Solfeggio frequency 528 = MI = and science has proved this frequency HEALS DNA and strengthens the cell wall.
Enough with the hysterical heretical scripted HIStorical %$#@ bullshieSSe.
Please, HIStory, it is very painful to observe…
Now let me show the EWE some symbols that represented Jesus or Iesus Salvator in the middle ages.
IS = light
IS = ‘Jesus Saviour’
ISIS = Ish Ish = Light Light = in Egyptian
What we see above is a hand reaching for three symbols.
A circle, the letter Z and the $.
But obviously the Vatican have domesticated the sheeple people into reaching for the wrong gold.
But obviously the Vatican have domesticated the sheeple people into reaching for the wrong gold.
Can I make it any more obvious?
Ever noticed that the $ and the number 4 share the same KEY on your Qwerty keyboard in the 4th dimension?
Let’s take another look at the images you posted.
When looking at these symbols humanity uses based on old, ancient knowledge, interpretation is best achieved if we attach what we know about mushrooms, what even a child should know and can understand.
Why is their ‘energy’ considered magical, mushrooms and children?
Why is their ‘energy’ different and used in potions and spells … ?
Mushrooms grow in the Dark. Children grow best in the Dark too.
The Pope obviously only presents an illusion to the sheeple people.
He is veiled.
Without a doubt.
This blog explores the Red on White vs. White on Red symbolism. … -and-time/
What is Dan Brown’s next book about…rumor has it that the Knights Templar are the focus.
Betcha the info is limited and lame in its scope?
Mi goal is too see him, the Pope Emperor who wears the frock of the goddess he deposed, riding naked on a horse through the town square, called St. Peter.
The ewe will be fed only lies as Dan Brown is led by the dark lords through the catacombs of the Vatican feeding his soul…makin’ him feel good about his SucESSES.
The ambiguous ISSI, YSSE, ISSE, or ISSA is related to ESSE, the Latin verb “to be”, and from the eSSe is derived the word eSSence, a philosophic and poetic synonym for the Soul or “Light within”.
-Harold Bayley from the Lost Language of Symbolism
Have you read my SS = Sanctus Spiritus = Holy Spirit thread?
The ewe should.
Go diva go!!!
Go diva go!!!
Ra Ra Ra!!!
SiS Boom…sssss
Go the Baa!!!
KEY 528=Swastika=LUX Polarizer=Precession of the Equinoxes=DNA
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”