[...] My investigation has just uncovered a remarkable 'cosmic' design - 'signs in the sky' - revealing ~Oct. 25 to be a time of incredible significance. It is now my view that this is the 'Mars day' of 2003... well, at least comparable in symbolic importance to the Red Planet's closest approach to Earth on Aug. 27 this year. In term of temporal 'echo effects', however, Oct. 25 is a clear echo-date of the beginning of the Iraq war on March 20. [...]
Mars - having an approximately 2-year orbital cycle around the sun - came back to the exact position where it was on 9/11/01 in March 2003... More specifically, this planetary return occurred on March 7... which is about two weeks before the beginning of the war (March 20/spring equinox).
In my last update (Oct. 16) I showed how this slight discrepancy was [really] a coded deviation. As I wrote:
...the Moon's position on March 20 near the edge of Virgo was exactly where Earth would be situated on the other date, March 7, as viewed from the Moon! (In other words, the Moon and Earth have simply switched places.)
In a sense, the apparent 'glitch' was [designed to draw] our attention to the Moon - the very celestial object emphasized in the 'prophetic' film directly related to the year 2001, Kubirck's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
[The movie also visually stresses] the concept of celestial alignments, especially those involving the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth. Which brings us to October 25, 2003... just four days from today [when there will be just such an alignment] exactly at the spot where the Moon was positioned on March 20 and where the Earth was on March 7 in Virgo! (See image below.)

In other words, Oct. 25 is to be an 'echo' [of] the beginning of the Iraq war.
[This connection is made undeniable and much more significant by the following new discovery. It has to do with the causeway of the Great Sphinx. As I wrote previously]:
Even though the Sphinx itself faces due east, its causeway linking the monument to the middle one of the three great Giza pyramids is angled 14 degrees south of due east. As the southernmost sunrise position viewed from Giza is 28 degrees of east, which corresponds to the time of the winter solstice, we can infer that the Sphinx causeway is pinpointing the midpoint between due east (equinox) and the southernmost sunrise position (winter solstice). And it turns out that - chronologically speaking - the midpoint of the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice is... yes, November 8!

This was more or less an accurate inference... However, [technically] the causeway and sunrise will not exactly align on November 8 (not sure why... perhaps due to the elliptical orbital path of the Earth) [and the solstice angle of Giza sunrise] is actually slightly less than 28 degrees from due east (it's more like 27 degrees)...
So I fired up my astronomy program again and tried to ascertain [the exact timing of] the causeway-sunrise alignment... Based on the observation that the causeway was meant to pinpoint the midway point between the equinox sunrise and the solstice sunrise, I calculated that the sunrise angle... was 13.5 degrees from due east...
I was amazed to discover that this angle was produce on... you guessed it, October 25/26!
But that was not all. [I]n the very same time window (around Oct. 26), the rising of Mars on the Giza horizon would take place at the exact sunrise point on the horizon, i.e. 13.5 degrees south of due east! (The Mars rising comes several hours after sunrise.) Astronomically, the chance of this coincidence happening is very small.

...I felt quite satisfied that this was all by 'design' - that this was a significant 'sign'. But then came the next revelation, which put an exclamation on the whole thing.
It turns out that Mars' rising on the horizon will precisely coincide with the beginning of the [Sun-Moon] conjunction (i.e. Sun-Moon-Earth alignment) taking place in the sky...! There is only about a two-hour window for [such an] alignment, as the illustration below shows.

[So,] when Mars is on the horizon aligned with the causeway of the Martian monument (Sphinx) on Oct. 25, the Sun and the Moon just happen to be going through a conjunction at the very spot marked by the Moon on [the 'Mars day'] March 20. Well, this is almost too much...
But what does this cosmic 'sign' mean for the world below? This question is not easy to answer. A useful clue [is] the fact that the Oct. 25 celestial configuration is inseparable from March 20, 2003 - i.e. the beginning of a war. This is not to say that we'll see another war breaking out on Oct. 25. There are many possibilities... I'm not even saying that there will definitely be a big event on/around Oct. 25. But the potential is clearly there for a very meaningful event to take place at that time (Oct. 25-27). So... let's wait and see what happens.