البريد الإلكتروني

كلمة السر:

سجّل نفسك الآن

هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
الفقرة السابقة  الفقرة التالية
جواب  رسائل 1 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 25/05/2013 23:59

Geometrically, the swastika can be regarded as an irregular icosagon or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi swastika were fixed based on a 5 × 5 diagonal grid.[5]

Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of swastikas that are each other's mirror image.

A right-facing swastika might be described as "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise".

The mirror-image forms are often described as:

  • clockwise and anti-clockwise;
  • left-facing and right-facing;
  • left-hand and right-hand.

"Left-facing" and "right-facing" are used mostly consistently referring to the upper arm of an upright swastika facing either to the viewer's left (卍) or right (卐). The other two descriptions are ambiguous as it is unclear whether they refer to the arms as leading or being dragged or whether their bending is viewed outward or inward. However, "clockwise" usually refers to the "right-facing" swastika. The terms are used inconsistently in modern times, which is confusing and may obfuscate an important point, that the rotation of the swastika may have symbolic relevance, although ancient vedic scripts describe the symbolic relevance of clock motion and counter clock motion.[citation needed] Less ambiguous terms might be "clockwise-pointing" and "counterclockwise-pointing."

Nazi ensigns had a through and through image, so both versions were present, one on each side, but the Nazi flag on land was right-facing on both sides and at a 45° rotation.[6]

The name "sauwastika" is sometimes given to the left-facing form of the swastika (卍).[7]

[edit] Origin hypotheses

Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vinča culture of South-East Europe (see Vinča symbols).

More extensive use of the Swastika can be traced to Ancient India, during the Indus Valley Civilazation.

The swastika is a repeating design, created by the edges of the reeds in a square basket-weave. Other theories attempt to establish a connection via cultural diffusion or an explanation along the lines of Carl Jung's collective unconscious.

The genesis of the swastika symbol is often treated in conjunction with cross symbols in general, such as the sun cross of pagan Bronze Age religion. Beyond its certain presence in the "proto-writing" symbol systems emerging in the Neolithic,[8] nothing certain is known about the symbol's origin. There are nevertheless a number of speculative hypotheses. One hypothesis is that the cross symbols and the swastika share a common origin in simply symbolizing the sun. Another hypothesis is that the 4 arms of the cross represent 4 aspects of nature - the sun, wind, water, soil. Some have said the 4 arms of cross are four seasons, where the division for 90-degree sections correspond to the solstices and equinoxes. The Hindus represent it as the Universe in our own spiral galaxy in the fore finger of Lord Vishnu. This carries most significance in establishing the creation of the Universe and the arms as 'kal' or time, a calendar that is seen to be more advanced than the lunar calendar (symbolized by the lunar crescent common to Islam) where the seasons drift from calendar year to calendar year. The luni-solar solution for correcting season drift was to intercalate an extra month in certain years to restore the lunar cycle to the solar-season cycle. The Star of David is thought to originate as a symbol of that calendar system, where the two overlapping triangles are seen to form a partition of 12 sections around the perimeter with a 13th section in the middle, representing the 12 and sometimes 13 months to a year. As such, the Christian cross, Jewish hexagram star and the Muslim crescent moon are seen to have their origins in different views regarding which calendar system is preferred for marking holy days. Groups in higher latitudes experience the seasons more strongly, offering more advantage to the calendar represented by the swastika/cross.

Ancient Roman mosaics of La Olmeda, Spain.
Mosaic swastika in excavated Byzantine(?) church in Shavei Tzion (Israel)

Carl Sagan in his book Comet (1985) reproduces Han period Chinese manuscript (the Book of Silk, 2nd century BC) that shows comet tail varieties: most are variations on simple comet tails, but the last shows the comet nucleus with four bent arms extending from it, recalling a swastika. Sagan suggests that in antiquity a comet could have approached so close to Earth that the jets of gas streaming from it, bent by the comet's rotation, became visible, leading to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol across the world.[9] Bob Kobres in Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse (1992) contends that the swastika like comet on the Han Dynasty silk comet atlas was labeled a "long tailed pheasant star" (Di-Xing) because of its resemblance to a bird's foot or track. Kobres goes on to suggest an association of mythological birds and comets also outside China.

In Life's Other Secret (1999), Ian Stewart suggests the ubiquitous swastika pattern arises when parallel waves of neural activity sweep across the visual cortex during states of altered consciousness, producing a swirling swastika-like image, due to the way quadrants in the field of vision are mapped to opposite areas in the brain.[10]

Alexander Cunningham suggested that the Buddhist use of the shape arose from a combination of Brahmi characters abbreviating the words su astí.[3]

[edit] Archaeological record

Seals from the Indus Valley Civilization preserved at the British Museum.

The earliest swastika known has been found from Mezine, Ukraine. It is carved on late paleolithic figurine of mammoth ivory, being dated as early as about 10,000 BC. It has been suggested this swastika is a stylized picture of a stork in flight.[11]

In India, Bronze Age swastika symbols were found at Lothal and Harappa, on Indus Valley seals.[12] In England, neolithic or Bronze Age stone carvings of the symbol have been found on Ilkley Moor.

Swastikas have also been found on pottery in archaeological digs in Africa, in the area of Kush and on pottery at the Jebel Barkal temples,[13] in Iron Age designs of the northern Caucasus (Koban culture), and in Neolithic China in the Majiabang,[14] Dawenkou and Xiaoheyan cultures.[15] Other Iron Age attestations of the swastika can be associated with Indo-European cultures such as the Indo-Iranians, Celts, Greeks and Germanic peoples and Slavs.

The swastika is also seen in Egypt during the Coptic period. Textile number T.231-1923 held at the V&A Museum in London includes small swastikas in its design. This piece was found at Qau-el-Kebir, near Asyut, and is dated between AD300-600.

The Tierwirbel (the German for "animal whorl" or "whirl of animals"[16]) is a characteristic motive in Bronze Age Central Asia, the Eurasian Steppe, and later also in Iron Age Scythian and European (Baltic[17] and Germanic) culture, showing rotational symmetric arrangement of an animal motive, often four birds' heads. Even wider diffusion of this "Asiatic" theme has been proposed, to the Pacific and even North America (especially Moundville).[18


أول  سابق  72 إلى 86 من 116  لاحق   آخر 
جواب  رسائل 72 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 26/01/2016 04:16

The image on the RIGHT is a non-planar wing design that employs ASYMMETRY...these are the designs they are today studying in 'aero-dynamics.... 

Some things are just worth repeating. 

The ASYMMETRIC Swastika and the Maltese Cross represent LAWS of NATURE, together with phi and pi, representing other IRRATIONAL LAWS of NATURE connected to golden concepts, and all of the aforementioned are associated with ASYMMETRY.
And ASYMMETRY is the stuff this universe is made of. 
Matter and Anti-matter are ASYMMETRIC.

And the swastika and maltese cross can help explain the anomaly called wave/particle duality. 


And I have an ASYMMETRICAL magic carpet that I purchased in Santorini in 1985. 
I use the magic carpet to 'fly' around an archetypal fantasy land that has been built using asymmetry? 

What if vortex energy is somehow involved? 
We could call my magic carpet ride a RODIN RUG woven using VBM? 

Anybody want to take a gueSS where this next photo is from, what is the scene in question? 


What is the image on the RIGHT depicting? 

...we see two hands and an isosceles triangle and the familiar asymmetric design that conceals/veils the KEY of Universal Movement ... the swasti-KEY.

So what is that scene depicting? 
Oh my 
Oh my 
Oh my 


on the upper left is the ODAL rune. 
below it is the logo of VW known as the 'People's Car' ... which became the 'Sheeple Kar' which is being designed for the 21st century into the MerKAbaa! 

In the middle, amongst this SS vortex meSS is Marko Rodin's Enneatruth. 

Maybe this might help you see that we are being prodded to go in certain directions using these archetypal buttons I expose? 

Busted Again!!! 


give up? 
click for large image 
called the Donation of Constantine 
Arrow http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Garden%20Photos/DonationofConstantine.jpg 

Busted Again!!! 


The ASYMMETRICAL SwaSti-KEY opens so many doors. 
Don't leave home without it. 


A stepping stone found in the labyrinth designed to heal. 
Part of the hop, skip and quantum 'jump', a trinity of stone ages... 
Maybe the the milky way skips across the universal pond like a flat rock? 


part I
part II 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 73 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/02/2016 16:05
Originally Posted by grandsecretary View Post
Not true. The Gammadion is automatically produced as a bi-product of any design comprising a minimum of four squares within a square comprising the four squares. The square is the most useful regular shape used in architecture.

Similarly, a gammadion is also a natural bi-product in basket weaving, which is why it is a symbol used in all civilisations where basket weaving was prevalant.

It's use dates back many, many, thousands of years.

It is because of CONSTANT references to Hitler and Nazi Germany that it prevents intelligent discussion of this subject.

I am not sure what 'not true' is referring too.
The gammadion deals with 4 armed swastikas, there are also the infamous 3 (triskele), 5, and 6 armed swirls too, etc...

I want to suggest that the swastika is an ancient symbol for the Milky Way.
As this blog attempts to illustrate:
The ancients said we lived in a flat world, and the modern physicist/astronomer agrees.
Our solar system is in the flat spiral milky way.


Situated on Woodhouse Crag on Ilkley Moor in the UK, the stone has a double outline of a swastika with ten cups fitting within the five curved arms.

Courtesy of TJBlackwell.


Last edited by raphael; 29-10-2009 at 02:50 PM.

جواب  رسائل 74 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/02/2016 16:20

Samarra Iraq 5000 BC

can we ignore this evidence from 5000 BC...
from Samarra Iraq...

yes the same place the US rushed into looking for WMD when invading Iraq.

more info about how swastikas/maltese cross are symbols re: light and sound.


Last edited by raphael; 14-08-2009 at 03:06 PM.

جواب  رسائل 75 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/02/2016 16:22
There are a number of different theories about this. Your post hyperlinked above is a very complex theory. Often the most simple solution to a complex problem is the closest the truth.

Ancient alchemists believed that there were essentially 5 elements in creation, and that four of these elements were simply emanations (effects) of the one element. This is still widely held by Neopagans today, and in fact most Neowiccan and Neodruidic rituals I have attended over the years are a celebration of the 5 elements.

The Swastika is simply an image which shows the 4 elements rotating around a single element. The symbol is alchemically "descriptive" and thus it is neither a malefic of benific symbol; unfortunately it's use by the Nazis has given it other ideological connotations; however it is a symbol one finds all over India in Hindu and Buddhist iconography and art.

More in my essay: On the 5 Elements. On Luciferianism. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61712

See also the theory of the Holographic Universe:http://www.crystalinks.com/holographicuniverse.html which argues that the universe as we perceive it and the 4 elements are ulitmately the effect of "information (which presupposes "intelligence" or Spirit") and that our minds are simply a "receiver" for the reality of the universe, which perceive reality in a certain way.

Love (all of metaphysics) and Light (All of Physics).

There are a number of different theories about this. Your post hyperlinked above is a very complex theory. Often the most simple solution to a complex problem is the closest the truth.

Ancient alchemists believed that there were essentially 5 elements in creation, and that four of these elements were simply emanations (effects) of the one element. This is still widely held by Neopagans today, and in fact most Neowiccan and Neodruidic rituals I have attended over the years are a celebration of the 5 elements.

The Swastika is simply an image which shows the 4 elements rotating around a single element. The symbol is alchemically "descriptive" and thus it is neither a malefic of benific symbol; unfortunately it's use by the Nazis has given it other ideological connotations; however it is a symbol one finds all over India in Hindu and Buddhist iconography and art.

More in my essay: On the 5 Elements. On Luciferianism. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61712

See also the theory of the Holographic Universe:http://www.crystalinks.com/holographicuniverse.html which argues that the universe as we perceive it and the 4 elements are ulitmately the effect of "information (which presupposes "intelligence" or Spirit") and that our minds are simply a "receiver" for the reality of the universe, which perceive reality in a certain way.

Love (all of metaphysics) and Light (All of Physics).


جواب  رسائل 76 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/02/2016 16:45
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جواب  رسائل 77 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/02/2016 17:56
Originally Posted by dodeca View Post
Dave Smith. 

For the newcomers here I have a tip: Everything you want to know about Saturn and it's myth you go to Jno Cook.This guy is twenty years ahead of everybody.Even the guy's above do take a peek regularly at this mind blowing site that is ahead of everybody. Here the link of Jno's site:http://saturniancosmology.org/
dave smith?
the fella is a Herr Talbot robot.

would it surprise you if I told you, that I was ejected, rejected from the Dunderbolts website?

Because I started introducing information that questioned Dave Talbot's Saturn theory or at least gave those fellas, like Dave Smith something brand new to think about.

Even Talbot, intervened in one of my discussions and said the 10,000+ year old SWASITKA is a non-issue when trying to put the pieces together .... 

What a fucking egotistical jerk, eliminating the swastika, so his theory, has no glitches?
Poor Dave seems to have invested far TOO MUCH of himself in his bullshit theory, and closed his mind to other factors.

dodeca the site above that you suggested I go to, says the following.
What is most important about all this is the cultural and psychological reaction of the people of Earth to these events. The last 1000 years of this period (4200 BC to 3100 BC) was remembered as the "Age of the Gods" and subsequent human history has been a singular effort to regain the Paradise of that time. This period was followed by a series of adjustments in planetary orbits, many of which also had significant effects on Earth and on human history.

Samarra Iraq, 5000 BC

Jno suggests 4200 BC as a turning point?
I do agree that the northern cultures (where most swastikas are found) looked toward the pole star and the circumpolar constellations.
But ask the Freemasons or Hitler what the pole star represented, that is directly above?
Also I find it interesting that Talbot's theory, like MOST politically correct theories, lacks a swastika component to it.

Want me to show you how both the big and small dippers that rotate around the central pole star = SWASTIKAs?

So this plate from 5000 BC is possibly depicting SATURN, and maybe its rings too?
Or maybe it is a model for the Milky Way, or maybe it can it be used as a model for both?

Or maybe we can use it for a model of precession too?
Or maybe we can use this plate as a model for the path of an electron?
Or maybe the swastika really is the KEY to Universal Movements, as it was once referred to in Mesoamerica.

I presented all kinds of information like that plate, that predates Saturn theory.
The Dave Talbot bots were all over me like white on rice.

And after one day reading about Herr Talbots drivel about 8-pointed stars, blah blah blah ... I presented this information about the Bab-Ilu.

Again the fellas on Dunderbolts who have invested many years on their bullshit, did not want to entertain ole' Raphael and his findings.

SOUND and 369 = Bab-Ilu = the Gate of God

I am not at all disputing the Electric Universe aspects of the Saturn Theory.
As a matter of fact...these images suggest Talbot and Co. are on the right path.

But to ignore the 10,000+ year old Swastika and the Bab-Ilu is plain FUCKING STUPID and egotistical.

Because the swastika is still in the building.
Not Saturn...


Last edited by raphael; 21-11-2009 at 06:57 PM.

جواب  رسائل 78 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/02/2016 18:13
Originally Posted by dodeca View Post
We have seen that the coma of Jupiter (zeus) after defeating saturn/kronos looks like a keyhole.

This keyhole plays a big role in symbology.

looks like the image I photographed in peru eh?
exactly the same shape as your Chinese symbol and it employs the colors of alchemy.

dodeca what colors were the 3 BULLS in the Book of Enoch? 
dodeca what 3 colors were used in alchemy before 'yellow/gold' was added as a 4th color?

dodeca needs to read MORE of what I offer. 

as a matter of fact dodeca your KEYHOLE looks very similar to this whorl recovered by Henry Schliemann in Troy...

Take a look at the image on the right.
Take a look at your KEYHOLE...
Go take a look at the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbeck...
Tell me if you find LIONS and SWASTIKAs...

EWE folks do not like to use the 'S' word eh?

Because it is powerful.
The SWASTIKA or the 'S' word cuts like a knife.
the swastika, the western 'S' word = SWORD?

Again I ask dodeca
Do you think like Dave Talbott who supports your Saturn crap, that the SWASTIKA is a non-issue?

so stop looking for missing 'T's on talbot or maybe I forgot to dot my eyes?

This in fact could be your 'problem', what is holding you back from going deeper down the hole?
Folks seem to avoid the doors with swastikas on them...

They beckon me, I know they VEIL the truth.


Last edited by raphael; 04-03-2010 at 12:58 PM.

جواب  رسائل 79 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/02/2016 18:14

I find the Hilarri hilarious!!! 
Nice KEYHOLE finds dodeca.

BUT to understand how the swastika evolved, how and why it is KEY...we must study the evolution of the KEY pattern, known also as the greek meander or fret.



Last edited by raphael; 05-03-2010 at 12:15 PM.

جواب  رسائل 80 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 23/02/2016 17:54
Originally Posted by dodeca View Post

We have seen that the coma of Jupiter (zeus) after defeating saturn/kronos looks like a keyhole.

This keyhole plays a big role in symbology.
I do agree.
As a matter of fact the keyhole often takes the shape of a 'lightbulb'!!

looks like the image I photographed in peru eh?
exactly the same shape as your Chinese symbol and it employs the colors of alchemy.

dodeca what colors were the 3 BULLS in the Book of Enoch? 
dodeca what 3 colors were used in alchemy before 'yellow/gold' was added as a 4th color?

dodeca needs to read MORE of what I offer. 

as a matter of fact dodeca your KEYHOLE looks very similar to this whorl recovered by Henry Schliemann in Troy...

Take a look at the image on the right.
Take a look at your KEYHOLE...
Go take a look at the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbeck...
Tell me if you find LIONS and SWASTIKAs...

EWE folks do not like to use the 'S' word eh?

Because it is powerful.
The SWASTIKA or the 'S' word cuts like a knife.
the swastika, the western 'S' word = SWORD?

Again I ask dodeca
Do you think like Dave Talbott who supports your Saturn crap, that the SWASTIKA is a non-issue?

so stop looking for missing 'T's on talbot or maybe I forgot to dot my eyes?

This in fact could be your 'problem', what is holding you back from going deeper down the hole?
Folks seem to avoid the doors with swastikas on them...

They beckon me, I know they VEIL the truth.


Last edited by raphael; 04-03-2010 at 01:05 PM.

جواب  رسائل 81 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/02/2016 00:52
Originally Posted by lived live View Post

I hate arguing too!! now im going to have to reply to your shitty rant coming next- so do whats good for us all and try not to comment.

clearly your VBM fascinations about expressing perfection have taken you on a circular ride?
a ride that goes around and around, extolling the virtues of perfect symmetry, a ride that ignores the OBVIOUS? 

hey when Lee gets off his ride, the fork in the road that has long been discussed at the highest levels are 
which road do we take next?

Which path?
The one that suggests asymmetry or the one that points toward symmetry?
DUH if Lee were a philosopher he could wear the next crown and understand that is what the fork in the Furka suggests.
But Lee is not a philosopher that is clear in his response.

Why does Lee quote Drunvalo as EWE attack me, as though I quote him?
show me my flower of life rants?

duhhhhhhhhh same ole' crap those wankers on the Graham Hancock site did, mis-quote me, and then attack the mis-quote along with the messenger......duh what IGNORANT nonsense...duh it is not like I do not give folks quotes to quote, eh?
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can see since my ban from that site, Lee has learned more from the sheeple than he has from me.

cannot do that Lee, I cannot "try not to comment"

because all I see is that your EGO has been exposed?
what if that is the exercise here, lost on ewe?

all I ask is show how your work matches ED Witten's and the SATOR SQUARE dude? 

at this point I respect BOTH Ed Witten and the enigmatic SATOR/ROTAS Square FAR more than the IGNORANT LEE B?
DUH of course, no contest fella.
Should I follow Lee over the rainbow, down the yellow brick road, Lee, whose ego has been placed front and center for all to see?

YES of course I respect Mr. Ed and the SATOR puzzle more than the Lee Shu square.
I betcha LEE B cannot give me a satifactory definition for symmetry vs. asymmetry?
how about chiral vs. achiral?
how about chiral asymmetry vs. achiral symmetry?

Lee please show everybody how your WORK correlates to Ed Witten or the SATOR SQUARE dude?
Simple fucking challenge from me to you?

If you did, pardon me, it was lost on me, can you try another approach mr. teacher preacher?

HERE IS a fact of life LOST ON IGNORANT LEE AND ALL OF HIS LO-SHU, I CHING RANTS baa baa, look at me twirl and swirl, and this is a FACT OF LIFE dude...easily illustrated once you crawl out from under your LEE SHOW rock.

see the 'G' scroll LEE...traced to 10000 BC...?

and then we find the same angular 'G' scroll in the development of all your Lo Shu/I Ching crappola, the development of the KEY FRET PATTERN?
I wonder where this knowledge stems from dude?

HEY LEE, a.k.a. VBM Marko groupie?
Can you step outside of your little self-imposed cubicle and find Marko's 1251 in the above FRET PATTERNs

All of the above that your mind defaults to Lee B. is in FACT the ORIGIN of the SPECIES is the KEY of UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT, the 12,000 year old SWASTIKA predates ALL OF THE ABOVE LEE Shu nonsense.

So Lee, sometime between 10,000 BC and what point in history? the Lo Shu was developed?...and somewhere since Raphael lit the spark (your words expressed the same idea), a spark which turned Lo Shu wisdom became LEE SHU gospel?

HEY Lee I am sorry for planting the seed and releasing your inner demons dude...lead by EGO.


blow another gasket LEE
I will be impressed with your work IF you can merge it with the SATOR/SQUARE and Ed Witten's SuperSymmetry.
Then all three of you will be using the same *blueprint*, but LEE B wants me to learn LEE B language?


Lee, dude the OBVIOUS is lost on you, simply SHOW ME how your TRUTH merges with the TRUTH I see before me in the SATOR SQUARE, then I shall bow down to you, ewe and u Lee.
Everybody will as a matter of fact...
You wanna be seen as the Lo Lee Shu god....then MERGE the TRUTHs into a language that TRANSCENDS your pathetic Lee Shu world.

But if ewe just a big mouth fraud, a clever VBM groupie who is a failure because he cannot show how his VBM reality is connected to ED and the SATOR Square?
What future has a false profit?

Hey Lee I see another PATTERN on this thread.
Folks do not like it when I attack their egos, simply by asking them to show how their BELIEFs fall into line with other BELIEFS?

duh I am not the problem
but I see it all the time coming at me from all directions. 
the same ole' problem identified...here on this thread discussing VBM.

no matter the 'MEDIUM' being discussed, the IGNORANT whether they use scientific or religious tools, they always resort to the same ole' tactics in ignoring the other messages in the medium.

What is the essential message of the medium Lee.
Everybody is being served the same essential alphabet soup that illustrates the xyz rotations and reflections, floating about in a medium, stirred by the creator, the Zoup NAZI.

what is the UNIFYING message not getting through?


Last edited by raphael; 01-08-2010 at 05:14 PM.

جواب  رسائل 82 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/02/2016 01:12
FERMAT's SPIRAL = 2 5 S Z and N

how many spirals are there fellas, that all of YOU, EWE, and U must take into consideration when applying your VBM to frequencies and TRANSITIONS?

can we reduce the number of potential spirals into several distinct types?
Which ones?


I like FERMAT's for OBVIOUS reasons?
Because it matches up PERFECTLY with the Greek Fret KEY PATTERN. 
And the greek fret KEY PATTERN can be traced to 10,000 BC and the swastika. 

I LOVE THE 'S' or 'N' or 'Z' or '2' or '5' we find in the SS, the Sweet Spot, the center.


The pattern of florets produced by Vogel's model (central image). The other two images show the patterns for slightly different values of the angle.

...r is the radius or distance from the center, and n is the index number of the floret and c is a constant scaling factor. The angle 137.508° is the golden angle which is approximated by ratios of Fibonacci numbers.

Shall we look at the numbers 137 and 58 separately to see what we can learn?
Duh obviously this exercise would be lost on the IGNORANT VBM fanatics who are proving themselves to be, no better than the IGNORANT sheeple who cling to a religious dogma.

go ahead follow IGNORANT Lee who fails to acknowledge the ORIGIN of his species called the I-Ching.

Duh the swastika is the SEED, that gave rise to the Lo Shu.
and the Lo Shu gave birth to the I-Ching.

Why do the sheeple have a problem following the PATTERNs?
Why do the IGNORANT deny which came FIRST?


Last edited by raphael; 02-08-2010 at 01:18 PM.

جواب  رسائل 83 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/03/2016 14:18
Also, upon a bit of investigation, it seems others have tried to connect the FOUR CARDINAL DIRECTIONS but some of the evidence doesn’t add up?
I view the cardinal directions as having 9 main points, 8 vectors ( the 8 winds) and 1 center ( the center churn, mount meru, window on eternity, the center of the milky way).

Each point on the circle is separated by 45 (9) degree's, it is the classical compass, or compass rose ( which is further sub-divided into 32 points )

One and and same...Dharma wheel

With the 8fold path along the spokes:

Marie-Louise von Franz considers it the "hole through which 'eternity breathes into the the temporal world', or the hole where heaven and earth succeed in meeting, and where creation occurs".

The point (hole) is where the doubling circuit/double mandala/mirror overlap and seemingly rotate around, it is the only place with no double, a singular, what Marko sometimes refers to as "Spirit Emanator". This is also related to Penrose and the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis ( )

The Ergosphere, the black hole reality sphere where these events occur, according to Penrose and others, actually looks like a torus http://www.valdostamuseum.org/hamsmith/BlackHole.html ( scroll down)

The milky way represents temporal time , or cyclical time , while the doubling is heavenly time ( the rhythm), intersecting at the center ( or in Marko's version off-center, though this is difficult to fully understand in the context of a 2-d drawing).

The heavenly order - Ho-T'u
The temporal order - Lo-Shu

The Lo-Shu on the cardinal directions, 

ps. An interesting read, Marie-Louise von Franz ( lots of great books including a relation between I-ching and DNA published in the 60's)

Double ps. The magic lo-shu compass image is from this site http://tap3x.net/EMBTI/archives.html

Triple ps: Besides the quantum theory's of singularity ( a la Einstein/Penrose/Hawkins) we also have a more relevant human singularity, maybe Ray Kurzweil is onto something,http://www.viceland.com/int/v16n4/ht...rzweil-800.php

Interview from his book "the singularity is near".

A quote from the article,
the point where the perpetual doubling of technological growth skyrockets and negates the linear models of progress that people like economists have relied on for so long. Kurzweil says we’re just about to start rounding this bend and that the rate of progress will be so great it will “appear to rupture the fabric of human history.” In other words, we will trump nature and take control of our own evolution.

Last edited by theflow; 04-09-2010 at 11:39 PM.

جواب  رسائل 84 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 12/03/2016 00:40
Reply  Message 10 of 10 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/03/2016 18:54
Reply  Message 21 of 21 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/03/2016 21:11


Map of The Constellation of Draco
Star Data
Top-Astronomer ID 3616
Right Ascension 19h 46m 44.7s
Declination +68° 26 18"
Magnitude 6.34
MK Spectral Class F0III
Henry Draper No. (HD) 187764
Smithsonian No. (SAO) 18530
Fifth Fundamental (FK5)  
Draco, or the Dragon, is a constellation in the northern hemisphere. It was first charted by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. In ancient Egypt, the constellation was called Tawaret, after the vigilant, protective goddess of the northern sky, whose body was depicted as part-human, part-lioness, part-crocodile and part-hippopotamus.

In Greek mythology, the constellation Draco was identified with the dragon Ladon, which had a hundred heads and was in charge of guarding the Garden of the Hesperides, the orchard of the goddess Hera where golden apples that gave immortality grew. When Hercules was given the task to steal the apples, he enchanted Ladon with music and put him to sleep before stealing the apples. Hera later placed the dragon among the stars.

Draco is also associated with the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece and was killed by Jason, as well as with the dragon killed by the Phoenician prince Cadmus before he founded the city of Thebes in Boeotia in Greece. In early Christian mythology, Draco was identified with the serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.

The constellation Draco occupies an area of 1083 square degrees and contains five stars with known planets. It can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -15° and is best visible at 9 p.m. during the month of July. For many observers in the northern hemisphere, Draco never sets below the horizon.

The brightest star in the constellation is [3438] gamma Draconis or Eltanin ("the serpent"), an orange giant 148 light-years distant. It lies close to the point directly over London and is sometimes called the "zenith star."

[3445] alpha Draconis or Thuban ("the basilisk") is not a very conspicuous star in comparison. It is a binary star consisting of a white giant with an apparent magnitude of 3.65, more than 300 light-years away from Earth, and a companion that is believed to be either a red or white dwarf. In ancient times, between the years 3942 and 1793, Thuban was the pole star, the closest visible star to the North Pole. It will reclaim that status in the year 20346.

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BARILOCHENSE6999 27/06/2012 17:35
Reply  Message 30 of 30 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/03/2016 16:39

جواب  رسائل 85 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/04/2016 01:56

جواب  رسائل 86 من 116 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/05/2016 16:47
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