Chodesh [new month]
Ps 81:3 "Blow the trumpet in the Chodesh [month], at the covered moon [dark moon phase],
on the day of our feast.”
Hebrew transliteration: Tiq`uw ba-Chodesh shophar bakeseh lyom chagenu.
The Hebrew word "keseh" Strong #3680 (kayin, samek, he) as covered/concealed/hidden/darkened.
Ps 81:4 “For it is a statute for Yisrael, an ordinance of the El of Yaaqob (Jacob)."
These verses explain that the day of our feast only comes to the Feast (Chag) of Unleavened Bread (Matzot), similary with the Feast (Chag) of Shavuot, and the Feast (Chag) of Sukkot. It happened when the children of Yisrael departed from the land of Egypt on the 15th of Abib (1st month). The covered/dark moon appears all the day of our feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th of Abib. The full moon only rules all the night,
not all the day.
The Pesach Lamb's blood washes our sins (works of death/darkness) so that His Love covers the multitude of sins because we repent from the kingdom of darkness, in order to restore back to His Kingdom of Light.
Colossians 1:13-14 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Acts 26:17-18 (He) rescues you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.
There are some of many examples of the same Hebrew word keseh (kayin, samek, he) in the Scriptures below:
Ps. 78:53 And He led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed (kissah) their enemies.
Ps. 147:8 Who covers (ham'kasseh) the sky with clouds, who prepares rain for the earth,
who makes grass grow upon the mountains.
Prov. 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers (t'kasseh) all sins.
Prov. 17:9 He that covers (m'kasseh) a transgression seeks love; but he that repeats a matter separates friends.
James 5:20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way shall save his soul from death
and shall cover (y'kasseh) a multitude of sins.
1 Pe. 4:8 And above all things have earnest love among yourselves: for love shall cover (t'kasseh) the multitude of sins.
The lunar (Hebrew) month looks like this with reading from right to left:
8 7 6 5 4 3 2
15 14 13 12 11 10 9
22 21 20 19 18 17 16
29 28 27 26 25 24 23
30 (when necessary)
* indicates either one- or two-day Full Moon monthly observation (1 Sam. 20:5-27) since there is calculated roughly about 29.53 days [29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.9 seconds] in a lunar cycle.
The 1st day of Chodesh (the new month) - head start is counted down to
the Shabbat days that always fall on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each lunar month.
If the New/Full Moon day falls on Wednesday, the four successive Wednesdays would be the lunar Shabbats. Why do those keep the sabbath days on certain days and ignore the new moon days which falls on different day like the sabbath day is from Friday evening to Saturday evening while the New/Full Moon could be on Wednesday, for example.
How did David know in 1 Sam 20:5, that tomorrow would be a new/full moon? Why did he continue for the observation again in verse 18? Because he was on the 29th day (Shabbat) of previous month knowing that the next day would be the new/full moon: If the full mature moon rises first after the sun sets, then it is only one-day Chodesh observation [1st day of next month] after the 29th of previous month, but if it still rises before the sunset, then it is a two-day Chodesh observation [30th day and 1st day of next month]. That is the case with David that kept the two-day Chodesh observation. The rising full mature moon after the sunset gives us the beginning of the new lunar month as it resets a new lunar weekly cycle within its month. As to Eze. 46:1-3; Isa. 66:22, it is understood that the day of Chodesh cannot be in the weekly cycle, but in the monthly cycle to show that the lunar Shabbat observance is true. Likewise, with the extra month added when necessary, this has to reset to the month of Abib (1st month) after the extra month for the new yearly cycle.
The full sun rises at the east giving us a new day so likewise the full moon rises at the east giving us a new month.
All the days of each month are counted when the moonrise comes before the sunset. Once the moonrise occurs after the sunset then the next day becomes 1st day of new month and starts counting the days again every month when the moonrise comes before the sunset.
For example: if the full/new moon is estimated to rise at 8:28pm CDT (Central Daylight Time) on April 9, 2009
after the sun sets at 7:50pm, then the 1st Chodesh (Abib) would be from the sunset of April 9 to the sunset of April 10.
based on the charts, but we do rather the Chodesh observation every month
to announce when the 1st day of the new lunar month begins
The six working days, the day of Shabbat, the day of Chodesh (new month):
Eze. 46:1 Thus says YHWH Elohim, The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the day of Shabbat and opened on the day of the Chodesh.
In this case, it has to be the renewed lunar weekly cycle starting after the 1st day of every Chodesh (lunar month), toward the Shabbat days on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. Every lunar month has 4 weeks of six working days and the day of Shabbat [4x7=28; from 2nd day to 29th day of month] plus a day of Chodesh or two if necessary [1st day, 30th day (necessary)]. Isa. 66:23 And it shall be from Chodesh (day of new month) to Chodesh (day of new month) and from (day of) Shabbat to (day of) Shabbat, all mankind shall come to bow down before Me, says YHWH. Amos 8:5 explains how to observe every Chodesh and its Shabbats separated from all the working days. Isa. 66:22 tells that there are two cycles: monthly cycle and weekly cycle. Eze. 46:1 obviously shows there are two different cycles because we know there is a weekly cycle of six working days and 7th day Shabbat. The day of Chodesh cannot be in the weekly cycle, but in the monthly cycle! Therefore it is a lunar month for all the Shabbat days are counted from the beginning of lunar month.
Also the gates are open for the days of feasts (moadim) in Eze. 46:9.
The Gregorian or Jewish calendar cannot follow month by month with what Eze. 46:1 and Isa. 66:23 command all of us to follow His instruction in keeping all those days that are only fit in the lunar month above! Even the Gregorian/Jewish calendar cannot follow His instruction of counting 7 Shabbats to the day of Shavuot (Pentecost)! Also read the Pesach article:
Bake the unleavened bread for two days on the sixth day (14th of Abib and 21st of Abib).
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Why do those continue to look after the cycle from the darkness (dark moon)
to the darkness (dark moon)?
Many observe the cresent moon (dark moon) in which is not the beginning of new lunar month at the east as YHWH has warned us not to look eastward when the sun rises: Eze. 8:16-18.
Beware: Isa. 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.”; Isa. 1:14 “I hate your Chodesh ("dark/cresecent Moon”) festivals and your appointed feasts, they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.”
Are we not the children of day keeping the instructions of His Light
since He separates the day from the night?
The 1st chapter of Genesis shows us that the morning is the beginning of the day and the evening is the end of the day.
John 11:9-10 Yahushua answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him."
1 Th. 5:5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness.
So why do those seek after the nightly observation of the tiny crescent moon? Beware of those who stumble in the teachings of blindness that dominates the fleshly minds for the sake of the traditions of men.
Remember that David (1 Sam. 20:5-27) saw the full moon rising and the sunset knowing that tomorrow came to be the day of Chodesh (new month), in contrary to many who do in the night locating the tiny crescent moon.
Rev. 22:13 I am the Aleph and the Tau, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
What the beginning (first) and the end (last) of His Light is that we follow His path of Light,
not of darkness. The full moon (Light) occurs on the first day (New Moon) and also on the last (30th) day.
Matt. 9:16-17 But no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment;
for the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.
Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst,
and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruined; New patch on
but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved. the old moon?
Those look at their new patch (crescent "New" moon) on the old clothing (dark moon). Also, their new wine (rest days) are put into their old wineskin (man's month) that will burst. The bursting of the man's rest days is resulted in their own calendars, without YHWH's instructions to follow. If we perceive that the new wine (Shabbat) are put into the new wineskin (full moon) where there is no oldness, blemish nor blackness in it, then both Shabbat and Chodesh (full Moon) are preserved! Which lunar phase is similar as visible as the sun goes from the east to the west? It is only the full moon (light) that goes wholly from the east to the west just like the sun goes visibly. Likewise, if we follow His instructions wholly, we are the children of Light, just like He is the Light! What likens those who follow the crescent moon? Little on the instruction of His Light, but much on the instructions of man (darkness).
New Moon is meant in fullness, freshness, purity, Light, and Old Moon is in emptiness, impurity, blemish, darkness.
Many would call it the dark moon "new moon", but it is nothing of receiving any part of sunshine. What is opposed to the full moon (all light)? It is a dark moon (all dark). As for the full moon, it is like to build a house fully in which we call a new house. As for the dark moon, it is nothing to build a house, can we call it a new house? Therefore the full moon is built fully by the sunshine (the Light builder) and it is new.
The 7th full moon is also known as the Harvest Moon. It is how we gather the production harvested from the beginning of the lunar month (full moon) in order to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles, which is at the dark/empty moon (15th).
2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in haMashiyach, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. We, the new things, are built together as a new house of Messiah which is come from His Kingdom of Light. We were the old things built on the old/empty/dark house of Satan which is come from his kingdom of darkness, prior to our repentance to transfer to His House of Light/newness! Col. 1:12-13 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the servants in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.
Matt. 8:22 But Yahushua said to him, “Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead." The dead buried belongs to the kingdom of darkness! We are His children of Light (purity) after His pure teachings, not after the teachings of men that will burst/fail! He commands all to repent from the cycle/dominion of darkness to the cycle of Light. The cycle of darkness tastes the death for all the fleshly minded! The cycle of Light never tastes the death for all the spiritual births! Therefore, we, the children of Light, are not in the cycle of darkness like of the womanly cycle, but are transferred to His cycle/Kingdom of Light!
Blow the trumpet on the 1st days of your months (Chodeshim) and days of appointed feasts:
Num. 10:10 Also in the day of your gladness and in your appointed feasts, and on the beginnings (1st days) of your months (rashi Chodesheykem), you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be as a reminder of you before your El. I am YHWH your El. Num. 28:11 Then at the beginning of each of your months you shall present a burnt offering to YHWH. Lev. 23:24 Speak to the sons of Yisrael, saying, In the seventh month on the first of the month (echad l'chodesh) you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
Deut. 16:16 Three times in a year all your males shall appear before YHWH your El in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of First fruits and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear beforeYHWH empty-handed.
Note: Your month is based on what you believe to start with, either according to His commandments or the traditions of men. It means that it is your month to observe, not their month to follow! Therefore we are responsible to present ourselves to YHWH when to observe His appointed days with our heart of wisdom as to His instructions!
Ps. 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
His dividing Lights (Sun and Full Moon) gives us the lunar cycle to begin with:
With the understanding of Gen 1:14-18, the two greater lights (the sun and the full moon) were divided to govern the day and the night, so that the sun shone daily and the full moon shone nightly but because of the violation of His Law, the man lost his power in charge of the living creatures, the woman was bruised to begin her monthly menustration like the full moon leaks its lights and has its lunar cycle around the earth. Prov. 8:22-29 "YHWH possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old. From everlasting I was established, from the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth..."; Ecc. 3:11; Isa. 40:21 "Do you not know? Have you not heard ? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?" His creation was at the beginning with the sun and full moon separated before He rested on the seventh day: Chodesh (Full Moon) and Shabbat were originally established for man, but after the fall of man, we have labor to restore back to the Chodesh (full moon) in order to keep the Shabbats within its lunar month.
Galatians 4:10 You observe days (yamim), months (chodeshim), and appointed times (moadim), years (shanim).
To observe the rising and setting times of the sun and the full moon (two great lights) is more honest than
to follow the instructions written on the paper by men based on their beliefs! It is referred by Genesis 1:14.
Rosh Chodesh:
"Rosh Chodesh” means the head of the month/moon that is the full moon.
ra'shim (heads) - Gen. 2:10
ro'sh (the head) - Gen. 3:15
ro'shak (your head) - Gen 40:13
ro'shi (my head) - Gen. 40:16
ro'sho (his head) - Gen. 48:18
ra'shey (the heads) - Ex. 6:14; Num 10:10; 13:3, 28:11; 30:1; 31:26; 32:28; 36:1; Deut. 1:15, 5:23; 33:5
ro'shah (her head) - Deut. 21:12
Rosh (#7218) in Strong's Hebrew concordance means head, top, leader, beginning. The shape of the letter resh in ancient Hebrew looks like the head of man. Chadashah in Hebrew means new. Many use Rosh Chodesh as “New Moon” at the dark moon phase (headless) is used instead of what is supposed to be the head of the moon as the full moon.
The head is the beginning or top of the body and the feet is the end or bottom of the body.
The saying 18 of the Gospel of Thomas: The disciples said to Yahushua, 'Tell us, how shall our end come?' 'Yahushua said, 'Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end shall be where the beginning is. 'Blessed to the one who stands at the beginning: that one shall know the end and shall not taste death.'
The Kingdom of Light (immortality) has no beginning and no end, for the beginning and the end becomes one cycle as the eternal cycle of Light: the beginning of the lunar month is at the full moon and the end of the lunar month is also at the full moon.
We, the repentant ones, have the beginning (Seed) of His Light sown in our sanctified hearts, so we come to the end when the Seed of His Light is harvested with our spiritual production at the end of our fleshly lives.
The kingdom of darkness (mortality) has the beginning and the end: the beginning of darkness and the end of darkness are the same, for those look for the dark moon at the beginning of their own month and the end is the same when the dark moon comes at the end of month. The fleshly birth comes in emptiness [out of the womb of darkness] so the fleshly death shall come in emptiness [in the burial darkness]
The fleshly minded are the children of backwardness and the followers of the words of darkness,
but the Spirit minded are the children of forwardness and the followers of the Word of Light.
1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to understand that the Mashiyach is the head (rosh) of every man,
and the man is the head (rosh) of a woman, and the Elohim is the head (rosh) of the Mashiyach (Hebrew NT).
We are the beholders of His Light, walk in His way, dwell in His eternal Life, do His perfect Word, for He is the Head of the Light.
8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of Shabbat every lunar month:
Lev. 23:6-7 Then on the fifteenth day of the same month there is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to YHWH; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work. Num. 29:12 Then on the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work, and you shall observe a feast to YHWH for seven days. Esther 9:18 But the Jews who were in Susa assembled on the thirteenth and the fourteenth of the same month, and they rested on the fifteenth day and made it a day of feasting and rejoicing.
The lunar Shabbat rest days are written in the whole Scriptures as the 8th and 15th days of the lunar months are known to many. The 15th day of 1st month for the feast of Unleavened bread, the 15th day of 7th month, the 15th day of 12th month for the feast of Purim (Esther 9:18) are known as the non-work Shabbat days every year. Even the second Passover for those uncleaned who were not prepared for 1st Passover, yet there is a fifteenth day of 2nd month as the non-work Shabbat day, for the Passover is the 14th day prepared for the feast of Unleavened Bread.
Isa. 66:23 reminds all of us that the weekly cycle (six working days and 7th day Shabbat [Eze. 46:1-3]) is reset by the monthly cycle (head of moon), in which we, the spiritual minded (keepers of His instrucitons), dwell restfully in the eternal Kingdom/cycle of His Light/Chodesh (full moon to full moon), in opposition to the fleshly minded (the lawless ones) that dwell in the cycle of the darkness (dark moon to dark moon) without rest. We always look at His Light and dwell in His rest, for He is our Light to behold and the Master of Shabbat.
His Light (Pesach/Passover) delivers us from the bonds of darkness (dark moon):
Ps. 107:10-14 There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in misery and chains, because they had rebelled against the words of Elohim And spurned the counsel of the Most High. Therefore He humbled their heart with labor; They stumbled and there was none to help. Then they cried out to YHWH in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death And broke their bands apart.
Isa. 9:2 The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them.
Matt. 4:16-17 The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned. From that time Yahushua began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”; Luke 1:77-79 To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our El, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. John 8:12 Then Yahushua again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." Acts 26:18 to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Eph. 5:8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light inYHWH; walk as children of Light.
Our repentance is in His Paschal death to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness because we were the children of darkness, so we are now the children of His Light. He comes from the Kingdom of Light (full moon) to deliver all who cry for His salvation, so they are brought to serve Him in the Kingdom of Light. His death was on Abib 14 in which the dark moon was positioned to open His door to all who repent out of the kingdom of darkness that serve Satan to His Kingdom of Light.
His Word of Light turns us out of the darkness to serve Him in His Kingdom of Light.
Yahushua our Messiah has come from His Kingdom of Light (full moon) to the earth (kingdom of darkness) so He brings us back to His Kingdom of Light (full moon) by our repentance, for one reason is that Our Paschal Lamb died for our sins on the 14th of Abib (dark moon) so we can turn back to His Kingdom of Light. Col 1:13-14 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Acts 26:16-18 ...to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Matt. 4:16-17 speaks of our repentance out of the dominion of darkness to His Light.
The cycle of His Light (Full Moon) and the cycle of Rest (Shabbat) for His chosen ones to enter:
Isa. 66:23 And it shall be from Chodesh to Chodesh and from Shabbat to Shabbat, all mankind shall come to bow down before Me, says YHWH. It speaks of two different cycles: from Chodesh to Chodesh [29-30 day intervals] and from Shabbat to Shabbat [7-day intervals], since the one or two-day Chodesh is not included in the "from Shabbat to Shabbat" cycle.
From Shabbat to Shabbat is the cycle of forwardness to begin and to end at the sunset (westwardness) so is the same cycle of forwardness from the Chodesh (full moon) to Chodesh. The sunrise is the beginning of day (eastward) and the sunset (westward) is the end of day, so the rising of full mature moon is the beginning of month (night) at east, for the sun rules the day and the (full) moon rules the night.
The fleshly life is like between the waxing crescent moon and the waning crescent moon
and the spiritual birth is like to be sanctified at the full moon (purest and brightest of all):
What is like the waxing crescent moon to the waning crescent moon before it disappears? It is the fleshly birth as the waxing crescent moon appears and it is the fleshly death at the dark moon when the waning crescent moon disappears!
When is the spiritual birth during the fleshly life? It is at the turning point of acknowledging what is required to repent from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. The full moon is the purest of all phases and is illuminated as the heart is sanctified from all the works of lawlessness after the repentance is made out of the kingdom of darkness!
The law of lunar cycle begins with the full moon being seen, then the dark moon is unseen, and then the full moon is seen at the end. It is like the seed seen to sow, then it is hid in the dirt (unseen) in the little while, but it grows to the full that brings back the seed production. So the spiritual birth is the seed of His Light sown in the cultivated/repentant heart (ground) to grow full to the harvest time that is the spiritual production at the end of flesh that gives back to YHWH, our Father that is the sower and reaper of every seed of His Light in the repentant heart!
All the children of darkness are born from the dark womb to open to the world of light and also return to the dust (dark place) at their deaths. All the children of Light are born of His Light and never taste the works of death nor see the works of darkness!
Acts 26:16-17 commands all of us to repent from the cycle of darkness (backwardness/lawlessness) [dark moon to dark moon] to His cycle of Light (forwardness) [full moon to full moon]. Heb 3:10-11 "for those who do not know His ways or go astray in their heart, shall not enter His rest.”; 3:18-19 18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief." 4:1-11 "Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard....For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as Elohim did from His. Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience." John 8:12 "Then Yahushua again spoke to them, saying, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the Light of life'." Matt. 12:8 "For the Son of Man is Master of the Shabbat."
To find His Light of Life first is to enter His eternal Rest.
Parts of Moon light to increase and to decrease monthly:
Enoch in his ancient days kept the Chodesh (full moon) and the lunar Shabbats and all the lineage of Adam till the Messiah followed His instruction of the lunar observation and so do we keep it today.
Book of Enoch 73:3 3. And her rising and setting changes every month: and her days are like the days of the sun, and when her light is uniform (i.e. full) it amounts to the seventh part of the light of the sun. 4. And thus she rises. And her first phase in the east comes forth on the thirtieth morning: and on that day she becomes visible, and constitutes for you the first phase of the moon on the thirtieth day together with the sun in the portal where the sun rises. 5. And the one half of her goes forth by a seventh part, and her whole circumference is empty, without light, with the exception of one-seventh part of it, (and) the fourteenth part of her light. 6. And when she receives one-seventh part of the half of her light, her light amounts to one-seventh part and the half thereof. 7. And she sets with the sun, and when the sun rises the moon rises with him and receives the half of one part of light, and in that night in the beginning of her morning [in the commencement of the lunar day] the moon sets with the sun, and is invisible that night with the fourteen parts and the half of one of them. 8. And she rises on that day with exactly a seventh part, and comes forth and recedes from the rising of the sun, and in her remaining days she becomes bright in the (remaining) thirteen parts.
v3. It speaks of the lunar cycle to reset the beginning of every lunar month. The full moon is equal to the 1/7 of the sunlight.
v4. The full moon is visible on the 30th day (1st phase) to give its beginning of new moon on the next day (1st). It is understood that there are some 30 day months and some 29 day months. Both the sun and the moon can be seen in the opposition in the morning of 30th day together (sunrise before moonset), then in the night, the sun sets before the moon rises, giving us the new lunar month. The whole circumference of full moon is visible and the bright surroundings of its circumference can be seen in the night.
v5. Then the next day decreases 1/14 part of light from the full moon and loses its whole circumference because of the decreasing/waning of that part of light.
v6. The explanation of the moon light parts is to increase or to decrease daily. ½ of the 1/14 moonlight part is about 12 hours.
v7. The moon has the last half of the one part of light (½ of 1/14) in which it is a waning crescent moon on the 14th day when the sun rises, then the night comes, the moon becomes invisible (dark) on the 15th when the sun sets. The 14 ½ parts of light are disappeared when the moon becomes dark.
v8. The moon (waxing crescent) receives the beginning part of light received from the the rising of the sun on the 16th day.
The 13 parts of lights are added to her remaining days in which the moon becomes bright (full) on the 29th day.
Book of Enoch 78:6. And when the moon rises one-fourteenth part appears in the heaven: on the fourteenth day she accomplishes her light. 7. And fifteen parts of light are transferred to her after [not till] the fifteenth day (when) her light is accomplished, according to the sign of the year, and she becomes fifteen parts, and the moon grows by (the addition of) fourteenth parts. 8. And in her waning (the moon) decreases on the first day to fourteen parts of her light, on the second to thirteen parts of light, on the third to twelve, on the fourth to eleven, on the fifth to ten, on the sixth to nine, on the seventh to eight, on the eighth to seven, on the ninth to six, on the tenth to five, on the eleventh to four, on the twelfth to three, on the thirteenth to two, on the fourteenth to half of a seventh, and all her remaining light disappears wholly on the fifteenth (dark moon). 9. And in certain months the month has twenty-nine days and one twenty-eight (?). 10. And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun. 11. During all the period during which the moon is growing in her light, she is transferring it to herself when opposite to the sun during fourteen days [her light is accomplished in the heaven], and when she is illumined throughout, her light is accomplished in the heaven. 12. And on the first day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light rises upon her. 13. She becomes full moon exactly on the day when the sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the moon shines the whole night through till the sun rises over against her and the moon is seen over against the sun. 14. On the side whence the light of the moon comes forth, there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of light.
v6. The moon rises on 14th day in which it has 1/14 part of light then it disappears on 15th day.
v7. 15 parts of light are to increase on the Moon after (not till) 15th day (dark Moon) since the 15th that is at the dark moon phase.
v8. The 14 parts of light are to decrease after 1st day; all her light parts disappear wholly on 15th day (dark moon).
v11. The opposition of the moon to the sun when coming to the full moon phase.
v12. The first day of a lunar month is called the new moon at the full moon phase.
v13. The full moon rises when (after) the sun sets and reigns all the night.
v14. The moon wanes till all the light disappears as all the days of waning moon come to the end of its light (dark moon).
The cycle of darkness (from dark moon to full moon to dark moon) is NOT the work of renewal:
The cycle from darkness to light to the darkness is like from the beginning of the fleshly life (birth) to the increasing of its fleshly full life then to the decreasing to its death. Why do the fleshly minded delight after the cycle of darkness? The fleshly birth can be rejoiced to behold, but the fleshly death cannot be rejoiced to behold!
Therefore, the cycle of darkness cannot be renewed by itself, so it decreases your worthless values in your fleshly life!
The cycle of Light is to transfer from the cycle of darkness upon your repentance (point of reversal) so the spiritual one never tastes the cycle of darkness/death. All the fleshly births are of the womanly cycle that dies itself because of sin! We, the children of Light, are not in the cycle of darkness like of the womanly cycle, but are transferred to His cycle/Kingdom of Light!
We only behold His Light (Full Moon) and keep His Shabbats (sanctified from the Full Moon) always, nothing else!
The cycle of Light is always renewed by increasing your good values in your spiritual life!
His fixed lunar order for all to follow the cycle of Chodesh (new month)
and the cycle of Shabbat:
Jer 31:35-36 Thus says YHWH, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar; YHWH of hosts is His name: If this fixed order departs from before Me, declares YHWH, then the offspring of Yisrael also will cease from being a nation before Me forever. Amazingly, how forgetful many go astray from keeping His fixed order of moon, for the sake of keeping the Babylonian (Gregorian) calendar. Remember that the tribes of Yisrael were carried to the 70-year Babylonian captivity and kept their solar calendar of named planets and legends. Those, returned back to the land of Yisrael after that captivity, did work on the Shabbat days of its lunar cycle but were later corrected and restored back to His fixed order (Neh. 13:15-22). A few keep His fixed order of moon today but many go after the men's traditions of keeping what is fixed order of the sun. The Shabbat is easy to follow within a lunar cycle beginning with its first day of Chodesh (full moon), but it cannot follow within a solar cycle. It is understood that the sun is for the daylight, the stars is for the night light, and the moon is for the fixed order of lunar cycle that gives us the Chodesh and its Shabbats, and even its festival seasons within. The reason is why many are scattered in this world as the lost tribes of Yisrael that need to restore back to His fixed order and to make us a bond of His Nation of Yisrael!
His Lights separated:
As to Gen. 1:14 "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for appointed times and for days and years", only His times are to tell us when to observe the New/Full moon and Shabbats (four quarters of moon) when the LIGHTS ARE SEPARATED. If the lights are not separated, there is no tablet/calendar for us to observe His times like those create their own months (dark or headless Moons) and sabbaths (Saturday or Sunday). Isaiah 1:14 "I hate your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them." When the lights are separated, there is a full moon at the east and the sun at west to determine for us as the head the lunar month begins with its shabbat quarters (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th). Amos 8:5. Ps. 81:3 "Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day." as we see there is no "and" but it means the New moon day is at the full moon phase.
Why does the man start with the dark moon or crescent moon (borrowed from Egyptian calendar) if the lights are not divided? We are only allowed to observe His times when the LIGHTS are divided. All His times of both separated lights (sun and moon) are set for us to observe the seasons, days, years (beginning of months: Ex. 12:1-2). Remember that the Shabbats (His set times) are made for us, not we for man-made shabbats!
To begin with, let’s look at perhaps the most intriguing of recent discoveries. In the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, page 410 under the heading “Holidays”, I quote:
“1. Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Both date back to the nomadic period of Israel. Originally the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath; gradually it became less important, while the Sabbath became more and more a day of religion and humanity, of religious meditation and instruction, or peace and delight of the soul, and produced powerful and beneficent effects outside of Judaism.”
It is understood that from Eze. 46:1, the New/Full Moon has to be treated as a rest day.
Before the sin was invaded in man:
The sun was to govern the whole day daily and the moon (full) was to govern the whole night every night because the lights were divided. (Gen 1:14-16)
The man is to govern over all the creatures giving their names.
The woman is free from her blood flow (menustration).
The Shabbat is made for them because Elohim made all the things for them.
The foods were freely given to them out of the trees in the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden was watered from the rivers.
Note: both the full moon and Shabbat were there before the sin fell on man.
After the sin was invaded in man:
The sun does still govern the whole day daily, but the moon loses her power in governing the whole night nightly therefore she falls back [bleeds her lights] and goes around the earth monthly, so the full moon needs to be restored in order to bring back the days of Shabbat on the 8th day, 15th day, 22nd day, and 29th day of its lunar month and and it does repeat monthly.
The man lost his power in governing all the creatures as the serpent (hasatan) is the master of this world.
The woman is bruised to have her monthly menustration.
The Shabbat was lost because of sin so they need 6-day labor to restore back to the Shabbat day sanctified on the 8th day, 15th day, 22nd day, and 29th day of lunar month, then again in the new lunar cycle and so on.
They had labor for foods and clothing and housing needs like we do today.
They were put out of the Garden of Eden.
Many have tried to prove the 7th day of Gregorian dates back to the week of the Creation, although each Chodesh (full moon) has to be the head start as He divided the lights at the beginning so it can sanctify the four Shabbats within its lunar month.
Hebrew translitered examples of Chodesh (month) and Yom (day) in the Torah:
Gen7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noach’s life, in the second month (chodesh), on the seventeenth day (yom) of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. Gen29:14 Laban said to him, Surely you are my bone and my flesh. And he stayed with him a month (chodesh) of days (yamim). Ex 12:2 This month (chodesh) shall be the beginning of months (chodeshim) for you; it is to be the first month (chodeshi) of the year to you. Ex40:2 On the first day (yom) of the first month (chodesh) you shall set up the tabernacle of the tent of meeting. Much more!!
Ps 81:3 Blow the trumpet at the month/moon (Chodesh), at the full moon [phase], on the day (yom) of our feast. Numbers 10:10; 28:11 Ra'shey Chad'sheykem means the heads of months. New in Hebrew means chadash; head in Hebrew means rosh.
Examples of days of Chodesh (new month) and days of Shabbat in the Hebrew Scriptures:
2 King 4:23 He said, Why will you go to him today? It is neither Chodesh nor Shabbat. And she said, It will be well. 1 Chr. 23:31 and to offer all burnt offerings to YHWH, on the Shabbats, the Chodeshim and the fixed festivals in the number set by the ordinance concerning them, continually before YHWH. 2 Chr. 1:4 Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of YHWH my El, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant incense before Him and to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on Shabbats and on Chodeshim and on the appointed feasts of YHWH our El, this being required forever in Yisrael. 2 Chr. 8:13 and did so according to the daily rule, offering them up according to the commandment of Moshe, for the Shabbats, the Chodeshim and the three annual feasts: the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Booths. Isa. 66:23 And it shall be from Chodesh to Chodesh and from Shabbat to Shabbat, all mankind will come to bow down before Me, says YHWH. Eze. 46:1 Thus says YHWH Elohim, The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the Shabbat day and opened on the day of the Chodesh. 46:3 The people of the land shall also worship at the doorway of that gate before YHWH on the Shabbats and on the Chodeshim. Amos 8:5 saying, When will the Chodesh be over, So that we may sell grain, And the Shabbat, that we may open the wheat market...
The unity of sun (father) and moon (mother) is needed to create the Chodesh (new month at full moon) and Shabbat (8th day):
Full Moon: Like the sun gives its lights upon the moon wholly, the man gives his whole love to his wife who loves him, so that their love brings forth their new child. The man cannot give his love if the woman does not love him, so likewise the dark moon hides from the presence of the sun. It was similiar with the nakedness of Adam and Chauwah (Eve) hidden from His presence.
The full moon receives the sunlight fully to create a head start of new lunar month.
Had it not for the sin invaded for Adam and Chauwah (Eve), the full moon would rule the night (Gen. 1:16) every night, just like Adam would rule over all creatures (Gen 1:26). But when the sin invaded, all were in chaos like the moon lost her control as well as Adam lost his powers in controlling all the creatures.
When the dark moon occurs eastward, there is the sunrise vs.
when the full moon occurs westward, it is opposite to the sunrise:
Eze. 8:16-18 “Then He brought me into the inner court of YHWH’s house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of YHWH and their faces toward the east; and they were prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun....”; Ps. 104:19 “Thou hast made the moon to measure the year and taught the sun where to set.” (The New English Bible).
YHWH our El (Eloheynu) has warned us that many observe the sunrise service eastward, for He commands us to observe the Shabbat service westward at the evening as Gen. 1:5 speaks of the new day beginning at the evening and then the morning comes. Many observe the "so-called " New moon (dark moon) that is always eastward when the sun rises. We, the children of His Light observe the full moon westward at the first evening as the first day of new lunar month is announced at the New/Full moon phase. We repent from the kingdom of darkness (Acts 26:16-18) observing the dark moon (crescent moon) in the cycle of the backwardness, to His Kingdom of Light observing the Full/Light moon in His cycle of forwardness (east to west).
Where would the cresent (dark) moon be observed when the sun rises?
Do not be like the 25 men that looked eastward toward the sunrising!
The full moon (His temple of Light) is always westward when the sun rises!
Upon our repentance, we turn from the dominion of darkness to His dominion of Light! Matt. 24:27: His Lightning (Word of Light) comes to us from the east (backwardness) to the West (forwardness), we follow His way of forwardness (westwardness)!
Chodesh (day of new month at Full Moon/Purity):
Num 10:10 “Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings...”; 1 Sam 20:5 “...Behold, to morrow is the Chodesh...”; 2 Chr. 31:3; Ezra 3:5; Ps 81:3 “Blow up the trumpet in the month, at the covered moon [phase], on our feast day. For it is a statute for Yisrael.”; Amos 8:5 “Saying, When will the Chodesh be gone, that we may sell corn? and the Shabbat, that we may set forth wheat....”
Col. 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the Chodesh, or of the Shabbat days.”; Acts 26:16-18 “…to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to Light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.” Our repentance out of the kingdom of darkness where many fleshly minded observe the things of darkness is the true reverence to His Kingdom of Light to observe His things of Light. It is understood lightly that from Chodesh (full Moon) to Chodesh (full moon) [Isa. 66:23] is renewed daily/monthly in the spiritual mind/heart seeking the things of His Light during the shortened days till the ends of fleshly ages.
The pure in the heart (Full Moon/no blemish) can enter YHWH’s eternal Shabbat. No blemish in the heart (Dark Moon) can enter Kingdom of Light.
Beginnings of your months - Spiritual birth in the Light (Full Moon) [I am the Light], purifying from all blemishness, freedom from the slavery of darkness/kingdom of Satan, restoring to the full knowledge of Light/Righteousness from ignorance of deceit/wickedness.
From the full moon (Light) to the dark moon (darkness) to the full moon (Light):
Isa. 66:23: “And it shall be from Chodesh (Full/New Moon) to Chodesh (Full/New Moon) And from Shabbat to Shabbat, all mankind will come to bow down before Me, says YHWH.”; Acts 26:18 “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.”
Yahushua the Master of Light only descends from the Kingdom of Light for those who come to repent from the kingdom of darkness (illuminated dark moon) so that they remain in this world for the shortened days till the ends of their fleshly ages before He comes back to draw them up to His Kingdom of Light. We are all commanded to repent out of kingdom of darkness (dominion of Satan) to serve Him in all His things of Light. John 3:16 “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.” The eternal cycle of His Light comings to those repenting out of the kingdoms of darkness is for all the mortal ages to come in and go out just like the sun of righteousness shines upon both daily. Matt. 5:45 “So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”; 1 Th. 4:4-8 “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.”
Full Moon (body being full of light) vs. Dark Moon (body being full of darkness):
Luke 11:34-36. “The lamp of your body is your eye: when your eye is sound, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is evil, your body is also full of darkness. Look therefore whether the light that is in you be not darkness. If therefore your whole body be full of light, having no part dark, it shall be wholly full of light, as when the lamp with its bright shining does give you light.” We are the children of Full (New) Moon seeing all things of Light, not the children of Dark Moon which are of the things of darkness. 1 Th. 4:4-5 "But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness."
The words of opposition are identified in both phases/kingdoms: Full Moon has the characteristics: full, love, warmth, all, light, life, pure, unblemishness, clothed, perfect, new. Dark Moon has the characteristics: emptiness, hate, coldness, nothing, darkness, death, impurity, blemishness, naked, imperfect, old.
Luke 11:33-36 "“The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. If the eye is clear (brightened sun) then the body (full moon) is brightened, but if the eye is bad (darkened sun), then the body (moon) is darkened."
Spiritual birth in the Light (Full Moon) [I am the Light], purifying from all blemishness/filthiness, freedom from the slavery of darkness/kingdom of Satan, restoring to the full knowledge of Light/Righteousness from ignorance of deceit/ wickedness.
Exodus 16:1 question on 15th of 2nd lunar month departing from Egypt:
Exodus 16:1 And they journeyed from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the Wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after they departed from the land of Egypt.
It is because YHWH did not give His instructions to the children of Yisrael that came out of the land of Egypt till He gave His instruction (Ex. 16:22-23) when giving manna (on the 16th day) to the children of Yisrael to eat as to test them of their obedience of His instrucitons of keeping His Shabbat or not, when to locate the manna on the 7th day Shabbat (the 22nd day). It is because they did not keep His Shabbats in the days of their slavery in the land of Egypt so they learned to keep His Shabbats from the 16th day of that month of deliverance from Egypt. Likewise with our spiritual births, we come to learn of His instructions to keep!
First mention of Full Moon:
First mention of Full Moon is recorded in Genesis 1:16...The lesser light to govern the night. The first lunar month starts when bleeding the light out of the Moon just like the woman’s period begins (Gen. 3:15-16) because of the sin (bleeding of life/blood). It requires the law of purification to restore back to the Full Moon (Light/Perfection) so every one is commanded to repent from the dead works of Kingdom of darkness and restore to the Kingdom of Light thru the law of purification otherwise there is no light in the heart of impurity. The ripen fruit/mature seed like the Full/New moon. Because of the sin of man, the full moon bleeds to the darkness/nakedness, for Adam and Chauwah (Eve) were in shame of their nakedness. Many (mature) seeds fall from the Tree into the ground (darkness) after the harvest time and they do nothing in the winter season but start to grow in the spring time to their fullness/ maturation (end of summer time), in which they restore back to the fullness. Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus 39:12 “......
I (Yahushua) am filled as the moon at the full.”; 50:6 :He was as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full.”
Behold, tomorrow is the Chodesh (day of new month):
1 Sam 20:5 So David said to Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the Chodesh, and I ought to sit down to eat with the king. But let me go, that I may hide myself in the field until the third evening. 18-20 Then Jonathan said to him, Tomorrow is the Chodesh, and you will be missed because your seat will be empty. When you have stayed for three days, you shall go down quickly and come to the place where you hid yourself on that eventful day, and you shall remain by the stone Ezel.
What David knew about the Chodesh (full/new moon) that came tomorrow (verse 5) was because he observed the Shabbat on the 29th of the month. Again, verse 18 says there is another tomorrow for the Chodesh observation, because the full moon still rose before the sunset (verse 5), therefore it continued for 2nd day of Chodesh so the full mature moon did rise after the sunset, that tells it needed a two-day Chodesh observation to come to the maturity of the next lunar month. Some lunar months need 29 days and some lunar months need 30 days that is determined by the rising of the full mature moon after the sunset. Verse 19 mentions David stayed for three days in which means the Shabbat on the 29th of the previous lunar month and 1st and 2nd day of Chodesh.
When will the Chodesh (day of new month) be over....the (day of) Shabbat (be over)?:
Amos 8:4-6 Hear this, you who trample the needy, to do away with the humble of the land, saying, When will the Chodesh be over, So that we may sell grain, And the Shabbat, that we may open the wheat market, To make the bushel smaller and the shekel bigger, And to cheat with dishonest scales, So as to buy the helpless for money And the needy for a pair of sandals, And that we may sell the refuse of the wheat?; Isa. 66:23: “And it shall be from Chodesh (Full/New Moon) to Chodesh (Full/New Moon) And from Shabbat to Shabbat, all mankind will come to bow down before Me, says YHWH.”
When the Chodesh will be over depends on the 4th (last) Shabbat that is on the 29th of lunar month. The 4 Shabbats (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th) are within its lunar month. Therefore there is only one lunar calendar mentioned in the whole Scriptures! Why they need to know when the Chodesh is over because it may needs one or two day Chodesh observation depending on the rising of the mature full moon after the sunset.
Impurity/falsehood in heart (Dark Moon):
Isa. 1:14 “Bring your worthless offerings no longer, incense is an abomination to Me. Chodesh and Shabbat, the calling of assemblies---I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. I hate your Chodesh festivals and your appointed feasts. They have become a burden to Me. I am weary of bearing them.”; 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.”; Hosea 2:11 “I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her Chodeshim, and her Shabbats, and all her solemn feasts.”; Deut. 4:2 “You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHWH...”
Today many honor the man-made days and festivals more than His moadim/festivals (Passover and the Unleavened Bread days, Shavuot (Penetcost), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and His Shabbats and Chodeshim.
Conception from the full moon to the full moon:
Ps. 58:1-3 “Do you indeed in silence speak righteousness? Do you judge uprightly, O you sons of men? No, in heart you work wickedness; You weigh out the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb: They go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.”; Isa. 66:23 “And it shall come to pass, that from one Chodesh to another, and from one shabbat to another, shall all flesh come to worship me, saith YHWH.”
It is understood that all men fall into the slavery of darkness as soon as they are born in the earth. In order to restore back to the purity of heart, the repentance of his iniquities (dead works) is required. YHWH sent His son out of Kingdom of Light to search those in the kingdom of darkness that they may return back to His Kingdom of Light. The prodigal son was original at home (the kingdom of Light), then was lost (in the kingdom of darkness) to his foolish acts, but was found in the kingdom of Light [Luke 15:11-32].
The concepts on from the full moon to the full moon cycle on our life has been spiritually revealed: Adam was perfect (Full Moon) at the beginning then he listened to the words of lawlessness (sin conception) before he fell in transgression of His Law (Waning Moon) to his death (Dark Moon). As he knew there was no hope, he cried for the salvation to deliver him out of the darkness (spiritual birth/Waxing Moon) and restored back fully to Elohim (Full Moon) thru the maturation of spiritual life like the pruning the dead fruits/ works daily in the process of spiritual life.
Eccl 39:12 tells that Yahushua is of Full Moon whereas Satan is of Dark Moon. All the sons of Adam like us were created in the image of Elohim (Perfection/Light) and we fell in transgression after our fleshly birth thru the foolish acts (dark works) so all of us are required to repent and be baptized by the Holy Spirit (receive the Light for the spiritual birth and levels of maturation). (Ps 58:3) While the uncircumised sinner is waning to his death, he has a chance to repent while in life but if he does not repent before his death, he has no hope. Lukewarmness is the double-minded like the half moon. To enter the kingdom of Light, we must repent and become the children of Elohim (Perfection/Light) (Matt 18:2-6). What characteristics of the little child (infant) are shown? They are lovable, gentile, humble, innocent, fearless, happy, patient. That is what Our Father wants from us. Be perfect as He is perfect! Before our repentance, we were full hate, greedy, impatience, self-righteous, selfish.
Yahushua was crucified on the 15th day which is at dark moon phase to put away our sins and restore us back to Him. The firstfruit (the first appearance of the cresent moon) on the 16th of Abib (Day of Wave Sheaf) is understood as the Day of Resurrection from the dead.
Man’s conception from the dark moon to the dark moon:
The thought of men on the so-called “New Moon” (dark moon) is the fleshly conception from the birth of a baby in the world and his growth to his full strength (full moon) of life and, then his fleshly decay coming to the end/death (dark moon). The conception of dark moon to dark moon in the physical mindset is that we born empty, labor vain for riches/glory of man/powers, die empty. The conception of full moon to full moon is that when we repent from our foolishness/glory of man/vanity/powers of death/Satan to the glory of YHWH/powers of Light/wisdom/eternal life thru the burial of Yahushua to destroy our sins/old temple and deliver us from the bonds of darkness/death/ignorance/ Dark Moon whereas He cleanses us from our sins/uncleanness and also arose on the third day (day of Wave Sheaf - first appearance of sky/firstfruit of all - cresent moon) for the new temple of His Body. As to where is the beginning there is an end, it is a cycle of darkness to those who believe in the dark moon at the beginning that shall be the same at the end.
The cycle from darkness to light to the darkness is like from the beginning of the fleshly life (birth) to the increasing of its fleshly full life then to the decreasing to its death. Why do the fleshly minded delight after the cycle of darkness? The fleshly birth can be rejoiced to behold, but the fleshly death cannot be rejoiced to behold! Therefore, the cycle of darkness cannot be renewed by itself, so it decreases your worthless values in your fleshly life!
The cycle of Light is to transfer from the cycle of darkness upon your repentance (point of reversal) so the spiritual one never tastes the cycle of darkness. We, the children of Light, only behold His Light (Full Moon) and His Shabbats (sanctified from the Full Moon)! The cycle of Light is always renewed by increasing your good values in your spiritual life!
The lunar calendar only found in the whole Scriptures:
Let us see what the lunar calenar, which is made by YHWH, does in the whole Scriptures while the solar/Babylonian/ Gregorian is made by the hands of men and is not recorded in the whole Scriptures. The study of the lunar month is similar to the cycle of the womanly period month. At the beginning, Chauwah/ Eve was clean, full of life before the commandment of life is violated, then according to Gen. 3:16, she first experienced the bleeding of blood/loss of life to her first cycle of womanly period to purify the uncleanness in 7 days to become clean on the 8th day according to the law of Moshe. It is similar to the full moon which is first mentioned in Gen. 1:14 to govern all the night, but because of the cursings made wholly visible, the moon lost her power equally with the sun in the cycle of orbit and starts bleeding her full light just like the womanly blood bleeds, the first lunar calendar is made with the Full Moon/Chodesh for the first day of the month.
Also there is more full moon and calendar article:
Apocryphal books on full moon:
Not relying heavily on the apocryphal books, but for your own information:
Ecclesiasticus 43:6-7 “He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world. From the moon is the sign of feast, a light that decreaseth in her perfection (full moon).”; Eccl 39:12 “...I am filled as the moon at the full.”; 50:6 :He was as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full.” The Lamb is worthy to receive full glory of Light forever (Rev 5:12).
Nicodemus 8:1,2,3,9-10 speaks of the solar eclipse at 15th day of Abib, showing that the full moon is the first day of Abib (Luke 23:44-45 speaking of the darkened sun).
Some written words chosen for the chapters 73 and 78 of Book of Enoch speaking of the cycle of full moon to full moon: “....And her first phase in the east comes forth on the thirtieth morning: and on that day she becomes visible (full moon)....all her remaining light disappears wholly on the fifteenth (dark moon)....”
The Legends of the Jews by Louis Gingberg, The Creation of the World The fourth day, pages 23-24. “...Thou hast created the sun and the moon, and it is becoming that one of them should be greater than the other.” Then spoke Elohim to the moon: “I knew well, thou wouldst have me make Thee greater than the sun. As a punishment I decree that thou mayest keep but one-sixtieth of the light.....Elohim relented: “In the future world I will restore thy light, so that thy light may again be as the light of the sun.”
The Gospel of Bartholomew of N.T. Apocrypha v. 1 page 495 written by R. Mel. Wilson. “...Was not he formed first and then Chauwah/Eve? Look at the sun. It shines like Adam. Look at the moon. It is full of clay, because Chauwah transgressed the commandment. For Elohim placed Adam in the east and Chauwah in the west, and he commanded the two lights to shine, so that the sun with its fiery chariot should shine on Adam in the east, and the moon in the west should shed on Chauwah its milk-white light. But she defiled the commandment of Yahuwah, and therefore the moon was soiled, and its light does not gleam...”. If it had not been for her transgression, the two lights (Sun and Full Moon) would always shine and there would be always Shabbat (rest)/perfection for there is no cursing/conflict/darkness or no need for labor (6 days) for restoration. Look at the example of pillar of cloud by day (Sun) and pillar of fire by night (Full Moon) [Ex 13:21-22] daily after Yisrael was baptized at Red Sea from the defilement of Egypt/kingdom of darkness, continual burnt offering evening and day in the Temple of YHWH. Likewise, Holy Spirit is the guide of His Light continually in our hearts/temple after our release from the wickedness.
Writings of Soncino Zohar and Midrash Rabbah on the full moon:
This text from the Zohar appears to support a belief that at the time Israel came out of Egypt , it was a ‘concealed moon’ [15th day of the month] and that we remember this event each year on a ‘concealed moon’ during the first month of the year.
So the TRUE 15th day of the first month of the Jewish year is a ‘concealed moon’ for the festival day of Passover and it is a picture of our being illuminated by the sun ‘Yahushua’ who causes us to keep the accurate Sabbaths, which begin to be called from the FULL MOON, which is the first day of the month.
Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 40b
Observe that when the Israelites were about to enter the Holy Land, Moses described it as a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness (Deut. VIII, 9), in contrast to the bread of misery, of poverty, which was their food in Egypt, when the moon did not derive blessing and light from the sun, when she was not illumined by the Jubilee. And because they did not carry out the peritah in Egypt , the unification and harmonization of the Divine attributes was not manifested in its fulness. Why they continued to eat the bread of poverty in the land of Israel was in remembrance of Egypt .
This appears to say that Israel could not consecrate the true new moon until they were sanctified in Egypt and then they were given the first month for the beginning of months:
Midrash Rabbah - Exodus XV:25
If a secular vessel becomes sanctified when it became filled with anything holy, then how much more do Israel , who are themselves holy, sanctify the new moon? God said: ' I am holy, do I then need sanctification? But I will hallow Israel, so that they may sanctify Me; for this reason does it say: And ye shall be holy unto Me; for I the Lord am holy, who made you holy.4 David also says: Yet Thou art holy, O Thou that art enthroned upon the praises of Israels (PS. XXII, 4). When did Israel begin to consecrate the new moon? In Egypt ; hence it is written: THIS MONTH SHALL BE UNTO YOU. (XII, 2). It is written: He declareth His word unto Jacob (Ps. CXLVII, 19)-this refers to the Torah. His statutes and His ordinances.
Exodus 12:1-2 And YHWH spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt , saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
So it looks like YHWH brought the children of Israel out of Egypt on a ‘dark moon’ and that they were to ‘remember that event’ every year on the dark moon, to remember that He brought them out of darkness and into His light. It looks like Israel being in Egypt was not keeping the right Sabbaths and then they went into bondage of the Egyptians and then He sanctified them on the dark moon – the 15th day of the month. Then He told them that the 1st day was the beginning of the months which was the FULL MOON.
The Head of the lunar month:
Concerning the concepts of the head of month, we have seen many examples in the scriptures: From full moon to dark moon is outward, veteran, mature, independent while dark moon to full moon is inward, young, immature, dependent. Gen 2:24: A man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife where they become one flesh. I Cor 11:3 "But I want you to understand that haMashiyach is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and Elohim is the head of haMashiyach." : A man becomes a head of woman/house. The head to head cycle of manship is like the full moon to full moon cycle. The veteran/father teaches the words of Light/ wisdom to his son to his maturity, then his son is ready to leave his parents and cleave to the wife and becomes a new head/father (the beginning of cycle). The mother (seen/ outward) nourishes the word of light to the child (inward/unseen/dependence) growing to the full within its cycle prior to its delivery of head/independence. For the marriage of the Lamb, the Messiah is the head of His bride/all chosen servants in the eternal perfection. Also it is understood from 1 Cor. 11:3 regarding the head position, in which the Elohim illuminating the Sun is the head of the Messiah (full moon), then the Messiah is the head of every man (child of His Light). 1 Th. 5:5 "for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness."
The First Shabbat of lunar month:
When the 8th day is purified for the woman's period, she becomes clean so it is likewise with the 1st quarter or 1st phrase of Chodesh is sanctified as the Shabbat at its 8th day. These Shabbat days are often mentioned as 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in the Torah books and other Bible books. The announcement of the beginning of Chodesh (Full Moon) and its Shabbat is noteworthy at Amos 8:5 asking when the celebration of the Chodesh is over and its Shabbat is over? Normally the Levites blows the horns announcing when the 1st day begins then it is determined when is the 1st Shabbat of its month started, when the ripen Full moon arisen at the east when the sun is at sunset (west).
Also Psalms 81:4 says "Blow the trumpet at the Chodesh at the full moon phase, on our feast day." Isa. 66:23 speaks of the Shabbats within its Chodesh. Also 1 Sam. 20: 5,18,27,34 speaks of the keeping the feasts of Chodesh.
Yahushua indicates the Moon:
Yahushua indicating the Moon, says: No one comes to My Father indicating the Sun, but Me. We were lost but now is found likewise we were in ignorance/darkness but now in His light. Know where the beginning is, there is the end: The full moon is started at the beginning so it should be the full moon at the end of its cycle where we will live perfectly forever with YHWH when the good and bad fishes are separated at the end of harvest time likewise unleavened (flat/whole) bread of truth/Light is restored while the leavened bread of darkness/falsehood were thrown to the lake of fire. Notice today's solar calendar of headless months is more loved than the lunar calendar. We serve the true Master of the lunar calendar of purifications of our sins.
Concepts of Light and darkness:
Speaking of the concepts of Light and darkness, we know that evil tree cannot produce good fruits while the good tree cannot produce the evil fruits. Can the good fruit (cresent moon/light) come out of the evil tree (dark moon/dead) as the first day of month? Satan knows his kingdom comes to an end because of unproductuion/corruption. Life/light only come out of the good tree (of Elohim/Full Moon) for the reproduction. But with our transgression by breaking the Law of Righteousness, our flesh body is to die, our rebirth is raised after His resurrection/death. To keep growing in the spiritual life, we prune all the unrighteous fruits continually, otherwise we would be choked with the teachings of falsehood.
To build the concepts of Light:
To build the spiritual concepts of the teachings of Light, we have to come to the understanding of the principles of two forces of nature (light vs. darkness, life vs. death, love vs. hate, law vs. lawlessness, cleanness vs. uncleaniliness, righteousness vs. wickedness, wisdom vs. foolishness, perfection vs. imperfection) as we have seen them daily in this world. Blessed are the chosen ones that build on the foundation of Light to eternity.
Backwardness of Temple of YHWH:
Read Ezekiel 8:16-18 “Then He brought me into the inner court of YHWH’s house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of YHWH and their faces toward the east; and they were prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun....”; Ps. 104:19 “Thou hast made the moon to measure the year and taught the sun where to set.” (The New English Bible).
What do we see toward the west while the (physical) sunrise is at the east? The temple of YHWH! It is full of Light, honesty, holiness, righteousness.
The full moon sets in the west opposing to the sun rising at the east. That is when the Levites blow the trumpets for the announcement of the new month coming after the observation of the mature full moon.
Where is the dark moon at when the sunrise is at the east? The answer: the dark moon is in the same orbit with the sun at the EAST. The thin waxing moon (the first appearance after the dark moon) may be first seen one day or two. The time of dark moon appearing is between the 13th and 16th of the lunar month. Yahushua (Passover) delivers us out of the bonds of darkness when we cry for the Light. Noteworthy: the lanthers and torches were used to seek Yahushua in the no-moon night of Passover (John) 18:3... Powers of darkness (Luke 22:53).
Observe East vs. West:
Eze. 8:16-18 “Then He brought me into the inner court of YHWH’s house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of YHWH and their faces toward the east; and they were prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun....”; Ps. 104:19 “Thou hast made the moon to measure the year and taught the sun where to set.” (The New English Bible); Isa. 66:23 "And it shall be from Chodesh to Chodesh And from Shabbat to Shabbat, All mankind will come to bow down before Me, says YHWH."
It is also known to the gentiles observing the EASTer service at the sunrising (at the EAST). The Sun-day morning service is at the eastward (sunrising), while the Shabbat service is toward the temple of YHWH westward when the morning comes.
Why does the evening at the sunset (in the WEST) have to be started in the Biblical verses before the day (EAST) comes? We first throw our fleshly works or dark sayings (leavened bread of malice and wickedness) at the evening (works of purification), before we can receive the spiritual things (unleavened bread of sincerity and truth) in the morning. 2 Cor. 5:17 “...if any man be in Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The Dark Moon is passed away, for old things are impure. Full Moon becomes “New Moon” for all things are pure.
Full month - yerach:
As to yerach (#3391), it is a full month consisting 29 or 30 days to revolve once around the earth, not full moon (one day). See the plurality of yerach: Exodus 2:2 “…she hid him three months (yerachim).
I hate your Chodesh festivals and your appointed feasts:
The passage of Isaiah 1:14 “I hate your Chodesh (so-called “New [dark/crescent] Moon”) festivals and your appointed feasts, they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.” becomes a testimony to all who come to know His appointed times, because many come to the spiritual birth and still carry the traditions of men such as the Saturday/Sunday worship, Gregorian months or dark moons to observe, the unscriptural feasts like Christmas and Easter.
From Chodesh (day of new month) to Chodesh and from (day of) Shabbat to Shabbat:
Isa. 66:23 "And it shall be from Chodesh to Chodesh And from Shabbat to Shabbat, All mankind will come to bow down before Me, says YHWH."; Eze. 46:1 “Thus says YHWH Elohim, The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the Shabbat day and opened on the day of the Chodesh.”; Gen. 1:5 "And there was evening and there was morning, one day." If the Shabbat observance begins at the evening westward, it is likewise with the Chodesh observance at the evening, with the understanding of the new day or month that begins at the evening. On only the Shabbat day and the day of Chodesh the gate is opened, aside from all six working days, where the sun rises at the east (morning service) till the evening service.
Rosh Hashanah:
Where does the Rosh Hashanah “Jewish new year” beginning in 7th month come from? It is the Jewish theological concept on the fall of Adam when the cursings were on everything to fall before the winter came. It is contrary to what the beginning of the months (Ex. 12:2) at Abib (1st month) starts. Likewise, the Rosh (New) was added with Chodesh (month) to make it so-called “New Moon” unjustly at the beginning of Dark Moon, changing from Full Moon. We see many man-made traditional customs added in conflicts or contrary to the Biblical teachings. Isa. 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.” Let us not change YHWH’s words to the words of vanity, for they are the abomination to YHWH. One deed of error can reverse everything in the opposition of YHWH’s teachings like the disease spreads the whole body of a man to destroy the foundation of Life. For example, impatience (blemish) can reverse everything against the deeds of righteousness. James 2:10 “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”
Half-Moon phase:
James 1:7-8 “For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of YHWH; a double minded man, unstable in all his ways.”; 4:8 “Draw near to YHWH, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.”; Rev. 3:15-18 “I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot: I would rather you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of My mouth. Because you say, I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked: I counsel you to buy of me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich; and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness not be made manifest: and eyesalve to anoint your eyes, that you may see."
Half-Moon phase has half Light and half dark indicating the double-minded, serving two masters. Matt. 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. You cannot serve YHWH and mammon.” Blessed are those who increase the knowledge of Light in their hearts to the full (the waxing Moon to the Full Moon), but woe to those who neglect (decrease) the knowledge of Light to the darkness/emptiness (the waning Moon to the Dark Moon). [Luke 11:34-36]
In your Chodeshim (new months at full moon):
From Chodesh (full moon) to the next Chodesh (full moon), you shall keep its day holy on the day of Chodesh when the full moon is full Light separating from all other phases where there are parts of darkness in them. Yahushua is the Light fully so we all are the followers of His Light always knowing the Light never associates with the works of darkness.
In your Chodeshim (new months at full moon) ye shall present a burnt-offering to YHWH:
When the Light (Yahushua our Messiah) comes fully in your body, it is full Light that can be seen everywhere for the burnt-offering is a consuming fire to keep the Light from all the works of darkness. We are to keep the Chodeshim (full moons) holy where there is full Light apart from all the phases mixed with light and darkness (the lukewarm deeds) or the phase of darkness (works of lawlessness) what is opposite to the phase of the Light.
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