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Réponse  Message 1 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 15/07/2015 23:43

Premier  Précédent  2 à 14 de 119  Suivant   Dernier 
Réponse  Message 2 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/07/2015 01:28

Réponse  Message 3 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/07/2015 01:33

64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube – Chris Dunn


DNA says so …

The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent.

On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes.

If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.


Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire.

Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.

The importance of the number 64

Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …
Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).

Net for the cubic representation of the genetic code by codons
according to all possible binary correlations of their I-Ching tables
Dotted circles are the rotational ‘poles’

File Compression and Expansion of the Genetic Code by the use of the Yin/YangDirections to find its Sphered Cube

Objective: The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the genetic code can be studied and represented in a 3-D Sphered Cube for bioinformatics and for education by using the graphical help of the ancient “Book of Changes” or I Ching for the comparison, pair by pair, of the three basic characteristics of nucleotides: H-bonds, molecular structure, and their tautomerism. Methods: The source of natural biodiversity is the high plasticity of the genetic code, analyzable with a reverse engineering of its 2-D and 3-D representations (here illustrated), but also through the classical 64-hexagrams of the ancient I Ching, as if they were the 64-codons or words of the genetic code. Results: In this article, the four elements of the Yin/Yang were found by correlating the 3×2=6 sets of Cartesian comparisons of the mentioned properties of nucleic acids, to the directionality of their resulting blocks of codons grouped according to their resulting amino acids and/or functions, integrating a 384 codon Sphered Cube whose function is illustrated by comparing six brain peptides and a promoter of osteoblasts from Humans versus Neanderthal, as well as to Negadi’s work on the importance of the number 384 within the genetic code. Conclusions: Starting with the codon/anticodon correlation of Nirenberg, published in full here for the first time, and by studying the genetic code and its 3-D display, the buffers of reiteration within codons codifying for the same amino acid, displayed the two long (binary number one) and older Yin/Yang arrows that travel in opposite directions, mimicking the parental DNA strands, while annealing to the two younger and broken (binary number zero) Yin/Yang arrows, mimicking the new DNA strands; the graphic analysis of the genetic code and its plasticity was helpful to compare compatible sequences, while further exploring the wondrous biodiversity of nature for educational purposes.

This is a great great article:

Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell
by Peter Turney


I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the ‘cut cube’ image on the right.
I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners.
I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the ‘truncated’ Great Pyramid.

5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26

But here is the real wow.
(I love coincidences)
After my neighbor John P. of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale.
I picked up a few items that belonged to John one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it.

His daughter had no knowledge of what the numbers meant.
I liked the plaque because the numbers added up to 26 and also because my badge #856 could be found plus magical #7.

It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life.

 After all John P. was a big city cop for 31 years so that does not surprise me, because as I found out working for the fire department, Freemasons are attracted to these occupations, or should I say are invited to the meetings after joining the force.
So maybe during an interview it helps to know how to give a good ole’ proper handshake when applying to become an ‘apprentice’.

Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

Drawing the Hypercube # 1

Tesseract Pencil Visualization

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

Réponse  Message 4 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/07/2015 01:33

Réponse  Message 5 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/07/2015 23:06

64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube – Chris Dunn


DNA says so …

The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent.

On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes.

If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.


Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire.

Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.

The importance of the number 64

Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …
Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).

Net for the cubic representation of the genetic code by codons
according to all possible binary correlations of their I-Ching tables
Dotted circles are the rotational ‘poles’

File Compression and Expansion of the Genetic Code by the use of the Yin/YangDirections to find its Sphered Cube

Objective: The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the genetic code can be studied and represented in a 3-D Sphered Cube for bioinformatics and for education by using the graphical help of the ancient “Book of Changes” or I Ching for the comparison, pair by pair, of the three basic characteristics of nucleotides: H-bonds, molecular structure, and their tautomerism. Methods: The source of natural biodiversity is the high plasticity of the genetic code, analyzable with a reverse engineering of its 2-D and 3-D representations (here illustrated), but also through the classical 64-hexagrams of the ancient I Ching, as if they were the 64-codons or words of the genetic code. Results: In this article, the four elements of the Yin/Yang were found by correlating the 3×2=6 sets of Cartesian comparisons of the mentioned properties of nucleic acids, to the directionality of their resulting blocks of codons grouped according to their resulting amino acids and/or functions, integrating a 384 codon Sphered Cube whose function is illustrated by comparing six brain peptides and a promoter of osteoblasts from Humans versus Neanderthal, as well as to Negadi’s work on the importance of the number 384 within the genetic code. Conclusions: Starting with the codon/anticodon correlation of Nirenberg, published in full here for the first time, and by studying the genetic code and its 3-D display, the buffers of reiteration within codons codifying for the same amino acid, displayed the two long (binary number one) and older Yin/Yang arrows that travel in opposite directions, mimicking the parental DNA strands, while annealing to the two younger and broken (binary number zero) Yin/Yang arrows, mimicking the new DNA strands; the graphic analysis of the genetic code and its plasticity was helpful to compare compatible sequences, while further exploring the wondrous biodiversity of nature for educational purposes.

This is a great great article:

Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell
by Peter Turney


I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the ‘cut cube’ image on the right.
I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners.
I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the ‘truncated’ Great Pyramid.

5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26

But here is the real wow.
(I love coincidences)
After my neighbor John P. of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale.
I picked up a few items that belonged to John one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it.

His daughter had no knowledge of what the numbers meant.
I liked the plaque because the numbers added up to 26 and also because my badge #856 could be found plus magical #7.

It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life.

 After all John P. was a big city cop for 31 years so that does not surprise me, because as I found out working for the fire department, Freemasons are attracted to these occupations, or should I say are invited to the meetings after joining the force.
So maybe during an interview it helps to know how to give a good ole’ proper handshake when applying to become an ‘apprentice’.

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

It might help before proceeding to the above link to have a quick look at this link first:

DNA is the common denominator that links the we are the 99% .
Even the 1% belongs to the 99% as defined by DNA.

note below the Friendship Knot that is made by 4 hands in an embrace.

… follow the forearm to the 4 bends in the 4 elbows >>> so what symbol that helps define CW or CCW movement comes to mind?

Does CHASE Bank want to be counted among your friends?

If you do not enjoy this documentary I will refund you your funny Freedom 55 CHASE the money.



Many AHA to be found among the ruins in that documentary.
Did you know that the first king of Egypt called Menes by the Greeks was know as King AHA! or Hor-AHA?

Relationship of both the great pyramid and the swastika to the squared circle

Go to 1:18:20 of that video.
listen carefully to what is being said about the two circles being drawn relative to a square pyramid with eight sides.

Is the speed of light mentioned along with pi?

These next mages were taken out of books printed in and around 1923.

Note in the first image, we have those 4 special constellations mentioned in the documentary, highlighted in the four corners.
i.e. The Man, the Eagle, the Lion, the Bull

…similar geometry. Is it difficult to connect the star of david to the square or cube?
Not at all.

And throughout the video we saw how they divided the Great Pyramid into eight sections, not four.

Go to 16:00 of that video for a discussion of the 8 sided pyramid.

Does the 8 sided pyramid whose 8 sides can only be seen briefly during the two equinoxes have any relationship to the BaB-iLu and the BiBLe?

BaB-iLu is similar to BiBle with the vowels removed…BBL….so is BaBeL, BiBLioS, BaRBeLoS, and the word QiBBLe which is the root of the word CaBaLa.

GeNeSiS is GNoSiS, or both can be written GNSS, if you remove the vowels.

I did promise you an aha or two.

Now you need to find the match to those hexagons/trapezoid in the next image.

Temple of Man Schwaller de Lubicz page 177 Serpents in the Sky by John Anthony West

WTF 911

WTC 7 is the same shape as the YHVH trapezoid?

YHWH = 26
QaBaLaH =137

Arthur I. Miller ends his book ‘137‘ discussing the ‘26‘ constants physics is currently using trying to formalize a ‘theory of everything’.

Yes 26 of course….and 137 is the most fundamental of them ALL encapsulating 3 other constants into ONE dimensionless constant.

Now would be a good time to introduce the work of engineer Tons Brunes and his insights into geometry.

Specifically ‘the Sacred Cut’.

And what shape do we see on those wheels/gears/cogs to the right of Chris Dunn?


Where have we seen this ‘offset Brigit’s Cross, the archetypal SEED PATTERN?
How important does it appear to be?
Well the money lenders and animal traders seem to know all about this sacred geometry.

That seems to be clear.

The SEED pattern was recognized in China long ago.

We find it referenced for a solution to the Pythagorean theorem for (3, 4, 5) triangle utilized by Chou Pei Suan Ching 500–200 BCE

Rustler’s or Friendship Knot

St. Brigid’s Knot

Do you see how the NAZI’s twisted vision tried to take possession of the universal SEED pattern in order to propagate Aryan SEED and eliminate the rest?

This medieval illustrated manuscript shows a banking scene.
I find it curious indeed that the background scene is  a series of Solomon’s Knot which my research has shown to be associated to the swastika, the Chase Banking logo , molecular knots, the Nano Light Mill, and indeed it is also a symbol for precession of the equinoxes too!


I wonder when Jesus cleared the temple in protest IF Solomon’s Knot was visible and part of the drama?
I wonder if the swastika was in plain sight back in the 1st century A.D.?

Jesus Clears the Temple Courts

13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.
15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”


p.s.  As some of the readers know part of my journey and this blog focuses on the numbers ‘137-6‘ and ‘137-9‘.

Shall we take a closer look at the numbers on the plaque and see how they add up?

5 + 8 = 13  (notice the Fibonacci series  i.e.  5, 8, 13)
6 and 7

Thus the plaque yields the numbers 137-6.
A sweet coincidence from my POV.

Dear John R.I.P.

Réponse  Message 6 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 19/07/2015 01:55
How many of these ‘ ~ ‘ notches can  we count on the circumference of this Celtic brooch?


source of image: Walter Russell

Recall that the two Platonic solids the octahedron and the cube share unique relationships with each other.

But in the Great Pyramid we encounter a 55 vs. 56 anomaly in the Grand Gallery.

Why 56?

The number 56 looks like it may have been significant to the architects:

1. 56 x 56 x 56 times the size of the Great Pyramid: Here the circumference of the earth = length of the pyramid base.
2. 1/56 of the pyramid is the size of the missing capstone described by several sources
3. 1/(56 x 56) times the size of the pyramid is the tiny one of Figure 1 with a base approx. 7 x 7cm.

Chamber and passage system of the Great Pyramid

Coinciding with the unprecedented height of Cheops’s Pyramid there is also an unprecedented feature in its inner layout,
the Grand Gallery.

The length of the Grand Gallery is 91.37 cubits or 47.877 meters.

The middle of the grand gallery is 13.79 cubits (7.22 meters) east of the pyramid’s centre axis.

The Grand Gallery has 7-step corbeled side walls, 2 RC wide at the top and 4 RC wide at the floor.

The floor has a central groove 2 RC wide, flanked by 1 RC floor-ramps on each side.
The Grand Gallery is about 18 RC high vertically, or about 16 RC high perpendicular to its floor.
It is about (200/sqrt(5)) = about 89 RC long.

The Grand Gallery contains two grooves, one in the east wall and one in the west wall. They are 7 inches high, 1 inch deep, and 5 inches up from the 3rd overlapping corbel. They run the entire length of the gallery. Click for a diagram

There are a total of 55 ramp-holes on both sides of the floor-ramps. 

Architectural Analysis of the Great Pyramid

Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid

by Piazzi Smyth (pdf)

Piazzi Smyth, Ramps, Ramps Holes, Well’s Upper Mouth

The absence of the twenty-eighth slot in the western banquette, whose place is now taken up by the opening of the ‘well’, serves to confirm the views expressed by Petrie; to wit, that the connection of the Grand gallery with the primitive shaft used by descending stonecutters, a hole drilled through the masonry, was a task undertaken after the pyramid had been built.

The details of the Grand Gallery are extremely important and have no parallel in any other structure on Earth*

Its geometric design predicts that sound originating within its space is focused through a passageway past the Antechamber and into the granite complex known as the King’s Chamber.
This phenomena has been noted by musicians, acoustical engineers, military scientist and laypeople alike.
Some of the more puzzling features of this architectural acoustical miracle, however, are not adequately explained by conventional literature or, indeed, in any other literature.

There are the 27 pair of slots that are cut into the ramps that traverse both side of the Grand Gallery.

* except this next image which contains 56 people of history.

School of Athens

In the center Plato (#1), holding the Timaeus and pointing to the heavens, speaks with Aristotle (#2), holding the Ethics and gesturing towards the earth. They are framed by the triumphal arch above as well as by barrel vaults and sky; they are also surrounded by the largest number of people (#3-10, 52-56). In addition, #11 is ascending the stairs, leaving the geometers and astronomers below, while #12 points out Plato and Aristotle to him. Figure #13 is intently writing while a friend (#14) looks on in interest. At the far right, others are coming in, the younger two (#17 and 18) looking curiously at those below. The old man (#16) is eagerly moving in a different direction, apparently towards Plato and Aristotle. Above the thoughtful old man (#15) who gestures downward like Aristotle, is the statue of Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war. She is dressed in military garb and on her shield is the terrifying face of the Gorgon. Below her is a relief of Virtue elevated upon clouds, holding one hand at her breast, the seat of valor, while extending the other toward the earth with the scepter of her empire.

* and except this well … and its accompanying myth regarding ‘CR’

‘Well of Initiation’, into the interior of the earth; picture shows also the Rose of the Winds over the Templar Cross, the Rose Cross, in “Quinta da Regaleira”,SintraPortugal (built ca. 1904-1910).

According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among TurkishArab, and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism) ; returned and founded the “Fraternity of the Rose Cross” with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or “The House of the Holy Spirit”, was built.

The legend presented in the Manifestos has been interpreted symbolically (as were all hermetic and alchemical texts of those times). They do not directly state Christian Rosenkreuz’s years of birth and death, but in two sentences in thesecond Manifesto the year 1378 is presented as being the birth year of “our Christian Father”, and it is stated that he lived for 106 years, which would mean he died in 1484.[5] The foundation of the Order can be supposed in similar terms to have occurred in the year 1407. However, these numbers (and deduced years) are not taken literally by many students of occultism, who consider them to be allegorical and symbolic statements for the understanding of the Initiated. The justification for this relies on the Manifestos themselves: on the one hand, the Rosicrucians clearly adopted through the Manifestos the Pythagorean tradition of envisioning objects and ideas in terms of their numeric aspects, and, on the other hand, they directly state,

“We speak unto you by parables, but would willingly bring you to the right, simple, easy and ingenuous exposition, understanding, declaration, and knowledge of all secrets.”

from the year of Our Lord 1378 (in which year our Christian Father was born)“, in Confessio Fraternitatis

The significance of 1378 and 147 is best understood if NOT taken literally, I agree … allow me to illustrate.

The metaphorical nature of these legends lends a nebulous quality to the origins of Rosicrucianism. The opening of Rosenkreuz’s tomb is thought to be a way of referring to the cycles in nature and to cosmic events; and as well, to the opening of new possibilities for mankind consequent on the advances of the 16th and early 17th centuries. Similarly, Rosenkreuz’s pilgrimage seems to refer to the transmutation steps of the Great Work.

Similar legends may be found in Wolfram von Eschenbach‘s description of the Holy Grail as the “Lapis Exillis“, guarded by the Knights Templar, or in the Philosophers’ stone of the alchemists, the “Lapis Elixir“.


Here comes the AHA!!!

Important to note the following: Especially since I have a habit of suggesting LEvIturned upside down becomes I^37

The word EXILLIS rotated 180 degrees appears as:

SI77IX3 or 51771X3

51771 X 3

What is the significance of those numbers 157?

Jesus Mihi Omnia 157

Some occultists including Rudolf SteinerMax Heindel[3] and (much later) Guy Ballard, have stated that Rosenkreuz later reappeared as the Count of St. Germain, a courtieradventurer, and alchemist who reportedly died on February 27, 1784. Steiner once identified Rembrandt’s painting “‘A Man in Armour’” as a portrait of Christian Rosenkreuz, apparently in a 17th century manifestation. Others believe Rosenkreuz to be a pseudonym for a more famous historical figure, usually Francis Bacon.

Jesus mihi omnia

It is described that on the Sarcophagus in the centre of the Crypt of Christian Rosenkreutz were written, among other inscriptions the words, “Jesus mihi omnia, nequaquam vacuum, libertas evangelii, dei intacta gloria, legis jugum,” (being in translation, “Jesus is everything to me, by no means a vacuum/a vacuum by no means exists, the freedom of the good news/gospel, the inviolate glory of god, the yoke of the law”) testifying to the builder’s Christian character. Rosenkreuz’s crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, seems to be located in the interior parts of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto VITRIOL: “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem

“Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone.”

157 sources:


The evolution of man is divided into seven Periods:

  • involution: the Saturn Period, the Sun Period, the Moon Period;
  • the Earth Period (first half still involution, second half towards evolution);
  • evolution: the Jupiter Period, the Venus Period, the Vulcan Period.

We are presently in the second half of the Earth Period: we have just passed the end of our involution and are beginning our evolution, or the spiritualization of matter and our return to God our Father.

Note the associations above given by Rosicrucian doctrine.

What happens if we add the magic squares associated with each planet listed?

  • 369 is related to involution: Saturn 3×3, Sun 6×6, Moon 9×9
  • 58 is related to the Earth Period and Caput 58 the head of St. John the Baptist
  • (note Rosicrucian doctrine does NOT mention Mars 5×5 and Mercury 8×8)
  • 4710 is related to evolution: Jupiter 4×4, Venus 7×7, Vulcan 10  

 The above Rosicrucian cosmology bears a close resemblance to how those numbers are divided by concentric rings on the …


Réponse  Message 7 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/07/2015 00:57
1804 Napoleon Legion of honour
French Legion of Honour, knight insigna, Ist Empire, by order of 1804


newer version



Everything is Connected and there are no

Réponse  Message 8 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 28/07/2015 01:01
Knights of Columbus
Created in opposition to the Freemasons

on their logo is the Roman Fasces and the Anchor and sword
The fasces lictoriae ("bundles of the lictors") symbolised power and authority (imperium) in ancient Rome, beginning with the early Roman Kingdom and continuing through the Republican and Imperial periods

Pope John Paul II referred to the Order as a "strong right arm of the Church
The Grand Cross of the Knights of Columbus was established, but the only recipient was Cristobal Colón y de La Cerda, Duke of Veragua and descendant of Columbus, when he visited the US in 1893.

he Duchy of Veragua (Spanish: Ducado de Veragua) was a Spanish hereditary domain created in 1537 in the reign of King Charles I in a small section of the territory of Veragua (Gobernación de Veragua, which had been created in 1502 and extended along the Caribbean coasts of present-day Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama as far to the east as the Río Belén). The first Duke of Veragua was Admiral Luis Colón y Toledo, grandson and heir of Christopher Columbus. The establishment of the duchy was the resolution of a longstanding dispute between the Spanish Crown and the heirs of Columbus, who had claimed a greater area. Luis Colón was also made Marquess of Jamaica.
Fourth Degree Emblem


Colombian Squires emblem

The emblem of the Squires symbolizes the ideals which identify a squire. On the arms of a Maltese cross are the letters "P", which represents the physical development necessary to make the body as strong as the spirit; "I", which stands for the intellectual development needed for cultural and mental maturity; "S", which represents the spiritual growth and practice of our faith and "C", which stands for the development of citizenship and civic life.

Everything is Connected and there are no

Réponse  Message 9 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 09/08/2015 00:22
Busqueda para cerraduras

1. 1 Samuel 23:7: Y fue dado aviso a Saúl que David había venido a Keila. Entonces dijo Saúl: Dios lo ha entregado en mi mano, pues se ha encerrado entrando en ciudad con puertas y CERRADURAS.
2. 1 Reyes 4:13: el hijo de Geber en Ramot de Galaad; éste tenía también las ciudades de Jair hijo de Manasés, las cuales estaban en Galaad; tenía también la provincia de Argob que estaba en Basán, sesenta grandes ciudades con muro y CERRADURAS de bronce;
3. Nehemías 3:3: Los hijos de Senaa edificaron la puerta del Pescado; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos.
4. Nehemías 3:6: La puerta Vieja fue restaurada por Joiada hijo de Paseah y Mesulam hijo de Besodías; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y cerrojos.
5. Nehemías 3:13: La puerta del Valle la restauró Hanún con los moradores de Zanoa; ellos la reedificaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y mil codos del muro, hasta la puerta del Muladar.
6. Nehemías 3:14: Reedificó la puerta del Muladar Malquías hijo de Recab, gobernador de la provincia de Bet-haquerem; él la reedificó, y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos. (3:14=NUMERO PI=PI-RAMIDE =EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA= 22/7 (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA= PYRAMID= MARY)
7. Nehemías 3:15: Salum hijo de Colhoze, gobernador de la región de Mizpa, restauró la puerta de la Fuente; él la reedificó, la enmaderó y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y el muro del estanque de Siloé hacia el huerto del rey, y hasta las gradas que descienden de la ciudad de David.
3 curiosidades de Roma
308 × 400 - 31k - jpg
El elegante edificio situado
399 × 599 - 35k - jpg

el ojo de la cerradura.
2816 × 2112 - 1038k - jpg

El ojo de la cerradura de los
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cerradura sta maria priorato
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La cerradura misteriosa
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Información para visitar el
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la cerradura el vaticano
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Priorato de los caballeros de
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El Vaticano visto desde arriba
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Vista de San Pedro desde la
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la cúpula del Vaticano
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Ojo de la cerradura en Roma
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Una cerradura «mágica»
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Tres países en una cerradura.
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San Pedro en una cerradura
650 × 432 - 52k - jpg
Cerradura al Vaticano por
240 × 174 - 18k - jpg
827 × 859 - 254k - jpg

se ve el Vaticano desde el
1200 × 1600 - 144k - jpg

Réponse  Message 10 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 19/08/2015 03:41
Hypercube or Tesseract 32 sides encoding 32 paths of Masonic hierarchy before the invisible top 33 symbolizing breaking through the other side.

Réponse  Message 11 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 22/08/2015 00:21

Paolo Uccello antes del descubrimiento de America ya nos indicaba la forma de Toro

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Click para ampliar

Torta del Rey o roscon de Reyes

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El templo de Salomon o Sol-o-mon que esta inspirado en esto-

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La molecula de azufre octogonal utilizada en alquimia y las tantas Iglesias Romanicas y Templarias que hemos visto.

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Como se arreglan las moleculas de S8 rombico ?

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Jardines del Taj Mahal

Click para ampliar

Aljibe octogonal en el Taj Mahal- agua - Acuario

Tumba Taj Majal

En fin los indicios estan alli para el que los busque, solo restaba atar los cabos.
Por ejemplo con la granada del Cristo de Da Vinci, vamos a buscar la forma de la granada y resulta que sus semillas forman un rombododecaedro, se llama granada por analogia del cristal de granate que tambien tiene esa forma, continuando con las analogias tenemos la granada explosiva por que es en esta forma que la galaxia explota.
Buscando formas del hipercubo encontramos el rombododecaedro, por lo cual tenemos el indicio de que esta forma es especial.
Descomponemos esta figura en dos cubos, y asignamos las coordenadas binarias y tenemos el diagrama, vemos que el 6 y el 9 que son espirales geometricos coinciden en un punto medio lo cual indica un claro choque o rebote ya que hay contacto.
Nos falta entonces interpretar el eje w sobre el cual se mueven los cubos, que es el espiral que se come la cola, me llevo unos meses descifrarlo, pero el codigo esta por todos lados como hemos visto.
Superponemos la figura al Zodiaco y tenemos un mapeo, ademas en base a su construccion podemos descifrar el siginificado de la gran Piramide, el obelisco, que surgen de los ciclos pentagonales y heptagonales.
Atando cabos, vamos armando el puzzle, sin mas misterios.

The Six Cornered Snowflake

En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos

Ensayo de Kepler, "En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos", es considerado como el primer trabajo que analiza y describe la estructura de los cristales.

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 14-abr-2012 a las 04:31

Réponse  Message 12 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 20/09/2015 17:07
vision-master wrote:
an the twin serpents of Creation are nothing more than the Snake of Good and Snake of Evil intertwined to form DNA. :D

Is that why we speak with forked tongues?

there are also the two 'serpent constellations'
Draco in the north and Hydra (WATER snake...flood?) in the south.... :wink:


And the Atlantis Cross based on the constellation Crux, used by the southern ocean navigators, like the Polynesians who may have been in contact with the Phoenicians, and South Americans and who else had they come into contact with?


Mattang and the Knights Templar Magic Square found to be used in Pompeii 1000 years BEFORE the Knights came together and formed a ROUND TABLE Conference / Conspiracy.

I formed the two red croSSes by joining the 4 A's and the 4 O's.
A = Alpha
O = Omega

I added the TWO BLUE lines to show the ASYMMETRY, that I noted on this ancient Navigation Tool.
In the north and the x-axis are extra palm ribs.
TWO distinct differences that are extremely important.
(the initiate must post that to memory for now, it is important to remember for later discoveries... :wink: )

Why does the navigation tool known as the MATTANG match up nicely with the palindrome known as most famously as the Knights Templar MAGIC square?
And the Melanesians were sailing the oceans 3000-5000 BC?

So I do find it interesting that a navigation tool also called a survival tool, with its ancestry in the waters of an ancestral mythical the Pacific.
In the ruins of Pompeii we find the Knights Templar Magic Square....a 5x5 grid containing 25 letters, noted to be in existence at least 1000 years before the original NINE Templars formed their allegiance...and became the self-appointed protectors of some SECRET?
A secret to the 4 AGES?
A secret to the 4 AEONS?


This time I joined the letters AEON x 4.
Here is a good exercise for both of you/ewe.
Join the letters TAO.
More proof of universality.
More proof that the Vatican is run by a bunch of patriarchal MANipulators.
:lol: :lol:

This info is hot off the AKAshic PreSS.
All the TRUTH that needs to get advertisements, no commercials, no sponsors.

The Knights Templar and the Mattang are separated by at least 3000-5000 years of seafaring history, btw.
Would a navigation tool serve a purpose in building a Godly Dominion or EMPIRES?
Having an advantage over a COMPETITOR?

The MATTANG would have been such a tool, to help the western E-go go colonize the world.
To bring disorder to an order by eventually inventing the wheel, accompanied by the 18-wheelers?
And the wheelers and dealers who have us believing we ain't happy till we get a hummer, by the babe who got a ride in our Hummer?
We have it all backwards, our own history is proof.
We think that by taking the earth apart, and using our intellect to put it back together again, we are creating an order?
Nope...we are creating disorder when you take the ordered oil reserves, distill it, put it into vehicles and thus create energy/pollution and most importantly we ALSO increase/accelerate the ENTROPY within the SyStem.
And the scientific/empirical mind thinks this is how the UNIVERSE is supposed to be ORDERED?
The modern scientist is LOST in SPACE.
Big Time.

The MATTANG would have been a navigation tool used by survivors of a cataclysm, as intended because it was bequeathed also as a SURVIVAL tool.

Long ago there existed a SPACE Race.
Before the SPACE race in OUTER Space took place...there was a SPACE race that took place INSIDE the bubble...down here on terra firma.

And the MATTANG would have been a tool, that would have given an edge to those who were involved in a RACE to CONTROL the SPACE.

By the vay comrades, all up in arms, holding on to your remotes, some of EWE are noticeably upset about my insights and my choice of a delivery SyStem, BUT this is very important, did EWE know that the MATTANG was an ancient GPS!
Yup I can prove it....not now....too much...too soon...makes the sheeple wanna turn me off and turn their ewetube boob tube TVs and RADIOs on.
So would this Knights Templar MAGIC Square be a secret worth keeping close to your CHEST?
Would a navigation tool be useful to an EMPIRE wanting to expand to the FOUR corners, spreading a Christian meSSage?
600 years before LONGITUDE was invented by the LEFT BRAINED scientific wankers?
Yup the MATTANG was a tool utilized by the RIGHT BRAINED heathen...who IN FACT sees the much bigger picture better than today's particle physicist/scientist/mathematician.

Obvious to me and mi.

And the fact I can connect the ancient MATTANG to the ancient swastiKA, suggests my intuitive journey is about a TRUTH mostly.
Not as it has appeared too many.

These images suggest I have found the KEY(s).

What's behind the Door?
Still don't understand do ewe.
As you pass through the doorway WTF does a EWE expect to find?

Truth will set you free.

All the bickering I do with EWE and YOU,
As I discover me and mi,
Is all part of the proceSS,
Eye now understand that,
Oh why, oy vey,
Why KAn't ewe see?



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Réponse  Message 13 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 25/11/2015 19:21
vision-master wrote:
an the twin serpents of Creation are nothing more than the Snake of Good and Snake of Evil intertwined to form DNA. :D

Is that why we speak with forked tongues?

there are also the two 'serpent constellations'
Draco in the north and Hydra (WATER snake...flood?) in the south.... :wink:


And the Atlantis Cross based on the constellation Crux, used by the southern ocean navigators, like the Polynesians who may have been in contact with the Phoenicians, and South Americans and who else had they come into contact with?


Mattang and the Knights Templar Magic Square found to be used in Pompeii 1000 years BEFORE the Knights came together and formed a ROUND TABLE Conference / Conspiracy.

I formed the two red croSSes by joining the 4 A's and the 4 O's.
A = Alpha
O = Omega

I added the TWO BLUE lines to show the ASYMMETRY, that I noted on this ancient Navigation Tool. 
In the north and the x-axis are extra palm ribs.
TWO distinct differences that are extremely important.
(the initiate must post that to memory for now, it is important to remember for later discoveries... :wink: )

Why does the navigation tool known as the MATTANG match up nicely with the palindrome known as most famously as the Knights Templar MAGIC square?
And the Melanesians were sailing the oceans 3000-5000 BC?

So I do find it interesting that a navigation tool also called a survival tool, with its ancestry in the waters of an ancestral mythical the Pacific.
In the ruins of Pompeii we find the Knights Templar Magic Square....a 5x5 grid containing 25 letters, noted to be in existence at least 1000 years before the original NINE Templars formed their allegiance...and became the self-appointed protectors of some SECRET?
A secret to the 4 AGES?
A secret to the 4 AEONS?


This time I joined the letters AEON x 4.
Here is a good exercise for both of you/ewe.
Join the letters TAO.
More proof of universality.
More proof that the Vatican is run by a bunch of patriarchal MANipulators.
:lol: :lol: 

This info is hot off the AKAshic PreSS.
All the TRUTH that needs to get advertisements, no commercials, no sponsors.

The Knights Templar and the Mattang are separated by at least 3000-5000 years of seafaring history, btw.
Would a navigation tool serve a purpose in building a Godly Dominion or EMPIRES?
Having an advantage over a COMPETITOR?

The MATTANG would have been such a tool, to help the western E-go go colonize the world.
To bring disorder to an order by eventually inventing the wheel, accompanied by the 18-wheelers?
And the wheelers and dealers who have us believing we ain't happy till we get a hummer, by the babe who got a ride in our Hummer?
We have it all backwards, our own history is proof.
We think that by taking the earth apart, and using our intellect to put it back together again, we are creating an order?
Nope...we are creating disorder when you take the ordered oil reserves, distill it, put it into vehicles and thus create energy/pollution and most importantly we ALSO increase/accelerate the ENTROPY within the SyStem.
And the scientific/empirical mind thinks this is how the UNIVERSE is supposed to be ORDERED?
The modern scientist is LOST in SPACE.
Big Time.

The MATTANG would have been a navigation tool used by survivors of a cataclysm, as intended because it was bequeathed also as a SURVIVAL tool.

Long ago there existed a SPACE Race.
Before the SPACE race in OUTER Space took place...there was a SPACE race that took place INSIDE the bubble...down here on terra firma.

And the MATTANG would have been a tool, that would have given an edge to those who were involved in a RACE to CONTROL the SPACE.

By the vay comrades, all up in arms, holding on to your remotes, some of EWE are noticeably upset about my insights and my choice of a delivery SyStem, BUT this is very important, did EWE know that the MATTANG was an ancient GPS! 
Yup I can prove it....not now....too much...too soon...makes the sheeple wanna turn me off and turn their ewetube boob tube TVs and RADIOs on.
So would this Knights Templar MAGIC Square be a secret worth keeping close to your CHEST?
Would a navigation tool be useful to an EMPIRE wanting to expand to the FOUR corners, spreading a Christian meSSage?
600 years before LONGITUDE was invented by the LEFT BRAINED scientific wankers?
Yup the MATTANG was a tool utilized by the RIGHT BRAINED heathen...who IN FACT sees the much bigger picture better than today's particle physicist/scientist/mathematician.

Obvious to me and mi.

And the fact I can connect the ancient MATTANG to the ancient swastiKA, suggests my intuitive journey is about a TRUTH mostly.
Not as it has appeared too many.

These images suggest I have found the KEY(s).

What's behind the Door?
Still don't understand do ewe.
As you pass through the doorway WTF does a EWE expect to find?

Truth will set you free.

All the bickering I do with EWE and YOU,
As I discover me and mi,
Is all part of the proceSS,
Eye now understand that, 
Oh why, oy vey,
Why KAn't ewe see?



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

Réponse  Message 14 de 119 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 12/12/2015 02:33

One very unusual feature of the Great Pyramid is the concavity of its four faces, which makes the monument an 8-sided figure, rather than 4-sided like most of the pyramids. In other words, the four sides are hollowed to the inside. This concavity is executed to such an extraordinary degree of precision as to complement the mystery of the structure. From any ground position, it is invisible to the naked eye and only noticed from the air; indeed it was discovered by accident by a British air force pilot flying over the Giza Plateau in 1940 during the Spring Equinox (21 March). He did not miss had the opportunity and took a photograph. Petrie had already voiced a similar observation when he noticed a hollowing in the core masonry in the centre of each face such that the courses of the core had dips of as much as 1®. The concavity was presumably to prevent the casing stones from sliding, i.e. to better bond the nucleus to the casing. Another possibility was an aesthetic one: concave faces are more pleasing to the eye. The value of Phi, which is equal to the secant of the face angle of the inner triangle, is the same as the ratio between the slant height of the pyramid and half its base-length and this applies to every one of the 8 right-angle triangular faces. Each of the 8- sided faces confirms with the Golden Ratio proportion so that it is inscribed into a Golden Rectang le in which the height/base = Phi.

click for larger image:

Thus it is revealed that the Maltese Cross and the Great Pyramid have a subtle, sublime relationship, that goes back to when this pyramid was built.

Also I just noticed another coincidence to go along with all of the other 'coincidences' that I continue to observe as I pull back the archetypal veils, a language unto itself.

The center 9 squares are comprised of the numbers 157.

I was born July 3, 1957.

Okay that is the first coincidence 9 + 157 = 1957.

Now add up the value of all 9 squares containing the numbers 157.
I arrive at 37.
Those who know their gematria know how important 37 is.

But recall I was born on the 3rd of July = 37

It gets even more bizarre.
(for me...)
Really it does.
My facts, based on my life these past 5 years is stranger than Dan Brown fiction.

Watch this clip of Bill Maher from his film 'Religulous'

see what I mean?
bizarre I say...


still not convinced that I was awoken and that the Maltese Cross forms a part of my own personal legacy in the here and now...?

Badge 1258

The Maltese Cross is associated internationally with firefighters.
I did not quite complete 25 years.
I fell short.

Instead my focus changed to the number '25' and Marko Rodin's cosmic blender that he associates with '25'


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

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