En este capítulo, responderemos a la pregunta, "¿Qué es la llave de David?" En Revelación 3:7, Jesús dijo a la iglesia de Filadelfia que Él tenía la llave de David. En Revelación 22:16, Jesús envió a su ángel para dar testimonio a la iglesia que Él es la raíz y el linaje de David. En Hechos 13:22, encontramos que David era un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios.
¿POR QUÉ llamó Dios a David un hombre conforme a Su corazón? ¿POR QUÉ dio testimonio Jesús a la iglesia de Filadelfia que Él era la llave de David? ¿POR QUÉ envió Jesús a Su ángel a las iglesias para dar testimonio que él es la raíz y linaje de David? ¿POR QUÉ Dios mismo se identifica con David y POR QUÉ Jesús mismo se identifica con David? ¡¡La respuesta es la "la llave de David!!" La llave de Dios se encuentra en el Salmo 119. La razón por la que David fue llamado un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios y la razón por la que Jesús tiene la llave de David es que David AMÓ la Torá de Dios. ¡¡La llave de David es la Torá!! Examinemos esta verdad.
En los capítulos 2 y 3 de Revelación, se escriben cartas a las siete iglesias de Asia Menor. De las siete iglesias, la iglesia con la más alta alabanza de Dios, es la iglesia de Filadelfia. La iglesia de Filadelfia se puede reconocer como la iglesia modelo entre las siete iglesias del libro de Revelación. Jesús le dice a esta iglesia que él tiene la llave de David. En Revelación 3:7 está escrito:
"Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la llave de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre."
Una llave es absolutamente necesaria para abrir y cerrar una puerta. Si Jesús tiene una llave para una puerta, DEBE ser importante. Además, DEBE DE haber una importancia referente a QUÉ llave tiene Jesús. En Revelación 3:7, Jesús nos dice que el nombre de la llave apunta hacia David. Por lo tanto, debemos comenzar a preguntarnos por qué Jesús enfatiza y resalta a David.
Porque la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios, el último libro de la Biblia ha de ser importante para revelar el plan completo de Dios. ¡¡En verdad que lo es!! El libro de Revelación es la Revelación de Jesucristo que Dios dio para mostrar a Sus siervos las cosas que han de venir (Revelación 1:1). Si el último libro de la Biblia es importante, entonces, los últimos versículos han de ser importantes. Los últimos pocos versículos del libro de Revelación hablan del deseo de la segunda venida de Jesús y del deseo que la Novia de Cristo contraiga matrimonio con Él. En Revelación 22:16 está escrito:
"Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana."
Las iglesias son ya creyentes en Jesús como Mesías. Así, Jesús no podía estar recordando a las iglesias a través de Su ángeles que Él es el Mesías. Entonces, ¿Por qué Jesús envía a Su ángel para dar testimonio a las IGLESIAS y NO a los incrédulos de que ÉL es la raíz y linaje de DAVID? Una vez más, Jesús quiere que Su IGLESIA se identifique con David cuando ellos se identifican con Jesús, ¿POR QUÉ?
David en hebreo significa, "Amado.". Es la palabra de Strong 1732. Amada es un término para la Novia de Dios. El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón es un cántico poético entre Dios y Su Novia. En el Cantar de los Cantares 6:3 está escrito: "Yo soy de mi amado, y mi amado es mío... "
Por lo tanto, David es un tipo de la Novia de Dios. Consecuentemente, la Novia de Cristo DEBE identificarse con David, aun cuando Jesús nos dice que Él tiene la llave de David y es la raíz y linaje de David.
El versículo que sigue en el libro de Revelación siguiendo las palabras de Jesús que ha enviado Su ángel para dar testimonio a Sus iglesias de que Él es la raíz y linaje de David, es Revelación 22:17, según está escrito: "Y el Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: Ven…"
En los tiempos más recientes, el Espíritu de Dios está despertando a la iglesia en lo concerniente a sus raíces hebreas y al papel de la Torá de Dios en sus vidas. Este es el testimonio final de Dios a la iglesia por medio del derramamiento de Su Espíritu Santo para animar a los creyentes en Jesús como Mesías, a abrazar y comprender el papel de la Torá de Dios en el plan profético de Dios, antes de que Jesús vuelva a recoger a Su Novia.
Porque la Novia de Cristo enseñará la Torá a todas las naciones durante los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica (Isaías 2:2-3), el Espíritu Santo ha de despertar a la iglesia al conocimiento y comprensión de la Torá, para que Dios pueda levantar un ejército de gentes que amen a Dios con todo su corazón, mente, alma y fuerzas, sean espiritualmente maduros, y tengan el conocimiento de la Torá de Dios escrita en sus corazones. Por lo tanto, este movimiento del Espíritu Santo de Dios es como una preparación para que la Novia de Cristo se prepare para su boda con Jesús, el Novio.
¿Quiere decir que todos los que abracen la Torá a través del despertamiento del Espíritu de Dios, serán la Novia de Dios? ¡No!! La razón es que la Novia de Cristo ha de ser espiritualmente madura Y tener el conocimiento de la Torá de Dios. Algunos creyentes que abracen la Torá serán espiritualmente inmaduros. Sólo Dios puede juzgar nuestros corazones y sólo Él puede determinar entre el Cuerpo de Cristo, quién es espiritualmente maduro y quién no lo es.
Siguiendo estudiando el 17 del septimo mes (Genesis 8:4) es curioso que desde el 1 de enero hasta el 17/7 tenemos 198 dias (la misma cantidad de dias que hay desde el 1 de Nissan hasta el 21 de Tisri). Otro dato contextual es que en el 17/9/1787 (17 de septiembre o septimo mes) dia que se impuso la CONSTITUCION DE LOS EEUU, en el contexto a LUNA NUEVA EN LUNA LLENA CAYO TAMBIEN EL 21 DE TISRI, OSEA OSHANAH RABBAH.
Temple of Isis at Philae
The temple was primarily dedicated to Isis but her husband Osiris and her son Horus were also worshipped there. Both Isis and Osiris are seen as deified rulers and so their names appear within a cartouche. The current Temple of Isis is a notably Ptolemaic structure. The main body of the building was built by Ptolemy II, (behind the ancient shrine of Amasis which was then demolished).
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1: Gate of Ptolemy II 2: First Pylon 3: Outer Courtyard 4: Colonnade and Storerooms 5: Mammisi (birth house) 6: Second Pylon 7: Inner Courtyard 8: Sanctuary if Isis 9: Temple of Horus the Avenger 10: Hadrian's Gate 11: Nilometer
To the north of the Kiosk of Nectanebo, there are two colonnades leading towards the first pylon of the Temple of Isis. The western colonnade is in better condition and still retains some of the original which used to offer a view of the island of Biggeh. It is around 90 metres (100 yards long) and thirty-one of the original thirty-two columns remain. Although all of the column capitals are floral, no two are exactly alike. Many of the columns depict Roman Emperor Tiberius making offerings to the gods, and there are two rows of bas-relief depictions of Tiberius and Augustus in the rear wall. The remains of the decoration of stars and vultures can still be seen on parts of the ceiling. At the north end of the western colonnade, there is a nilometer cut into the cliff. The eastern colonnade was never completed. At the south end it is attached to the small temple of Ary-hes-nefer (Arsenuphis or Anhur).
Gate of Ptolemy
The Gate of Ptolemy II Philadelphus lies between the Temple of Imhotep and the first pylon of the Temple of Isis. The gate is decorated with images of the Pharaoh being led forward by Isis.
In front of the main gateway to the first pylon stand two Roman style lions carved from pink granite. They would have originally been joined by two large pink granite obelisks constructed by Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II and Cleopatra III (his second wife). The base of one of these obelisks contains an inscription in which the priests of Isis at Philae complain to the pharaoh that they had to refund the expenses of civil and military authorities incurred during their stay on the island! Unfortunately, the obelisks were "liberated" by the British Consul Henry Salt and his colleague Giovanni Belzoni in 1918 and now stand in a garden in Dorset. The obelisks were used to help decipher hieroglyphs along with the famous Rosetta stone
The gateway was constructed by Nectanebo and so predates the rest of the first pylon. Nectanebo makes an appearance with a number of gods, but there are also post dynastic inscriptions on the gateway. Coptic Christians cut a number of crosses into the stone, and a French inscription records over the Mamelukes in 1799.
The first pylon consists of two 60 foot towers with a gate between them. There are grooves cut into each side of the pylon to support flag poles. Construction of the pylon was begun by Ptolemy II Philadelphus and finished by Ptolemy III Euergetes I, but decorations were also added by their successors.
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus is depicted on the eastern tower holding a number of enemies of Egypt by the hair while holding his mace high above his head in the traditional "smiting" pose. He is accompanied by Isis, Horus of Edfu and Hathor. There are two smaller scenes above this depiction; on the left the pharaoh offers the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt to Horus of Edfu and Nephthys; and on the right he offers incense to Isis and Horus the child.
The pharaoh is also depicted "smiting" his enemies on the western tower in the presence of Isis, Horus of Edfu and Hathor. Above this scene the pharaoh appears with Unnefer (or "wennefer" a form of Osiris) and Isis and also with Isis and Horus the child. These decorations were badly damaged by early Coptic Christians.
At the base of the first pylon a series of small personified Nile figures present offerings.
The First Pylon leads to an inner courtyard in which the Mammissi of Isis is located (on the west). On the eastern side of the courtyard there is a colonnade with access to a few small storerooms and in the north the Second Pylon provides access to the main structure of the Temple of Isis.
Behind the colonnade on the eastern wall of the courtyard there are five storerooms, each two stories high. Some of these rooms may have been used as storerooms and one at least seems to have been a library while another was used for storing and mixing the precious oils and incenses used in the temple. However, it is also suggested that they were used for ritual purification rites.
The birth-house is surrounded on three sides by a colonnade of floral topped columns each crowned with a sistrum and Hathor-headed capital. The walls flanking the columns depict the pharaohs Ptolemy VI, VIII and X and the Roman Emperor Tiberius along with a number of gods.
The Mammisi (birth house) was a common feature of Ptolemaic temples and the examplke on Philae is similar in layout and decoration to examples at Dendera and Edfu. In the sanctuary of the mammisi of Isis, Horus is depicted as hawk awearing the Double Crown and standing in a thicket of papyrus. Below that scene, Isis carries the newly born Horus in her arms, under the protection of Thoth, Wadjet, Nekhbet and Amun-Ra.
Second Pylon
The second pylon is approximately 105 foot wide and 40 foot high and (unusually) is not set parallel to the First Pylon. A series of small steps lead to the gateway between the two towers.
On the western tower, Ptolemy XII offers incense and animals to a number of gods including Horus, Hathor. There are two scenes above this which have unfortunately been quite badly damaged. One depicts the pharaoh offering a garland of flowers to Horus and Nephthys , the other depicts the king offering incense and pouring cleansing water on an altar in the presence of Osiris, Isis and Horus. A staircase in the western tower leads to the roof and the "Osirian Chambers". The eastern tower has very similar decorations but is in much better condition. Both towers have grooves for flagpoles just like those on the First Pylon.
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II and a number of gods make an appearance in the decorations on the passageway between the towers, but unfortunately the depiction has been quite badly defaced. On the east side of the doorway there is a later inscription dedicated to the Christian Bishop Theodorus.
Near the base of the eastern tower, a piece of the granite foundation of the original island protruded from the ground (and has been moved to the new island). Ptolemy VI Philometor had this outcrop of granite carved into a stele on which he appears with queen Cleopatra II standing in front of Isis and Horus. The inscription refers to the grant of land to the temple which placed the priests of Philae on a similar standing to those of Elephantine. The grant is known as the "Dodekaschoinoi" which is Greek for "twelve schoinoi" (in which a "schoinos" is a piece of land around seven miles along the riverbank).
Inner Courtyard
The gateway through the Second Pylon leads to a small open court and hypostyle hall. There was originally a colonnade on the east and west sides of the courtyard, but only ten columns remain. The pillars are beautifully painted and decorated to resemble a variety of plants and flowers. They are though to represent the first plants that grew from the primeval mound. The ceiling of the hypostyle hall is decorated with the twin vulture goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet (representing upper and lower Egypt) and the barques of day and night.
A number of reliefs in the courtyard have been defaced and replaced with Coptic Christian crosses and a Christian altar was erected in the courtyard at about 500 AD. There were, in fact, several Christian churches here, including those dedicated to the Virgin Mary (usurping Isis) and Saint Stephen (usurping the position of Horus. There is also another inscription by Bishop Theodorus on the doorway of a room on the right of the hall in which he takes credit for his "good work" in defacing the ancient monument. A similar inscription records the "archaeological" expedition sent by Pope Gregory XVI of 1841 during which further ancient reliefs were no doubt destroyed.
There are three small antechambers with small rooms set off them and then the sanctuary itself. The sanctuary is a small chamber with two small windows. It still contains the pedestal installed by Ptolemy III Euergetes I and his wife Berenice which would have supported the image of Isis in her sacred barque. This statue of the goddess would have been carried out in processions from the temple on her ceremonial barque to make the short crossing to the island of Bigeh to visit the tomb of her husband, Osiris.
http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/isisphilae.html |
Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa, el Orión y las Pléyades,Y los lugares secretos del sur; (¿9/11 O 9 DE NOVIEMBRE?)
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
3. Amós 5:8: buscad al que hace las Pléyades y el Orión, y vuelve las tinieblas en mañana, y hace oscurecer el día como noche; el que llama a las aguas del mar, y las derrama sobre la faz de la tierra; Jehová es su nombre;
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.

 Overlay of Osborn’s diagram of the Great Pyramid with the US version of ‘The Lost Symbol’ (Taken from http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/thepyramidcode.htm)
The base of the pyramid sits atop the text and the ‘tears’ follow the slope of the Pyramid quite nicely, enough to hint at it anyway. Notice how the very apex of the pyramid is perfectly in-line with the top of the ‘33’ pyramid in the seal. Notice also how the red ‘Equator’ line runs through both King and Queen’s Chamber to the very top left corner of the cover. The red line bisecting the ‘33’ pyramid happens to point to the opposite corner. The blue lines highlight the obvious 23.5 degree slant of the font. There are more clues as well. This is an obvious allusion to the overall message being handed down and possibly in Brown’s book. . . . Precession.
We can tell that the building is the US Capitol, but from what side? There is the genius of Mr. Brown; the clues have been given but in two differing covers!
‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version

In Rome, there are a total of 8 Egyptian and 5 Roman obelisks. In the context of this article, we will focus on four obelisks that were re-erected by Pope Sixtus V. Around 1587, all of Rome’s obelisks were toppled down and it was Pope Sixtus V who started re-erecting four of the fallen obelisks in Rome. Pope Sixtus V also redesigned the Piazza in front of the Saint Peter Basilica that was itself under construction at the time. The current oval shaped piazza with the obelisk at the Vatican was designed and built at the orders of Pope Sixtus V. It was part of an overall urban redesign of the city of Rome in which four of the obelisks were given new locations. These four new locations were centered around the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square which became the focal point.
The first Egyptian obelisk was originally shipped by Emperor Augustus in 10 BC from Heliopolis, Egypt (dedicated to Seti I/ Ramesses II) to the Circus Maximus in Rome. Circus Maximus was a Roman hippodrome used for chariot racing. The obelisk was moved by Sixtus V from Circus Maximus to Piazza del Popolo where it still resides today.
The second Egyptian obelisk was originally shipped from Thebes (temple of Amun, Tuthmosis IV) to Circus Maximus in Rome by Constantine II the son of Constantine the Great. The initial plans to ship the obelisk to Circus Maximus (Latin for the greatest circus) in Rome however were made by Contantine the Great who didn’t have the facilities to actually ship the largest of the Egyptian obelisks (32.18 m tall) to Rome. Eventually, his son succeeded in carrying out his father plans. Both obelisks were placed on the Spina of Circus Maximus. The Spina (backbone) is a 217 meter long wall in the centre of the hippodrome. This obelisk was moved by Pope Sixtus V from Circus Maximus to Piazza di San Giovanni (Laterno) next to the Basilica of San Giovanni.
It’s important to realize that both obelisks of Circus Maximus aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun at sunrise, since the Spina on which they were placed also aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun at sunrise! (see Vatican Alignment calculations)
The third Egyptian obelisk was originally moved to Rome in 37 AD by Emperor Caligula and situated at the Vatican Circus. The origin of this obelisk is unclear. It’s the only obelisk without hieroglyphs. This obelisk was again relocated by Sixtus V to St. Peter’s Square where it is seen today.
The fourth and last obelisk is a Roman obelisk that originally stood in Mausoleum of Augustus and was moved by Sixtus V to the piazza in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore at the Piazza del Esquillino.
What is interesting in the context of this article are the before and after locations of these obelisks in the overall urban redesign plan of Pope Sixtus V.
Circus Maximus, for instance, was built in a bend on the bank of the River Tiber, and on a Winter Solstice day the Sun would be seen rising over the Tiber River in line with both obelisks at the Spina when viewed from the Vatican. Pope Sixtus V could have restored Circus Maximus and placed the obelisks at their original locations. It’s interesting to notice that viewed from the St. Peter’s Square these obelisks would be aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun! This is because St. Peter’s Square lies exactly in line with Circus Maximus and the Winter Solstice Sun. Instead, Sixtus had chosen to relocate one of the obelisks of Circus Maximus to the Piazza del Popolo.
The obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo, however, aligns with the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square and the summer solstice Sun at sunrise! (See Vatican Alignment calculations)
Like the Equinox Sun, the summer solstice Sun is seen rising over the River Tiber from St. Peter’s Square since the obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo is situated only two blocks away from the river.
The other obelisk of Circus Maximus was Rome’s tallest obelisk and was moved to the Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterno (in southeast direction from the Vatican) which resides at an azimuth of 114° 0’ which is 9 degrees off the Winter Solstice sunrise azimuth of 123° for Rome. While both obelisks in Circus Maximus originally aligned to the Winter Solstice, Pope Sixtus V deliberately altered these alignments and made sure that one of the obelisks now aligned with the Summer Solstice Sun. The other obelisk that previously aligned to the Winter Solstice Sun was now deliberately misaligned.
It’s obvious that the alignment of both the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square and the obelisk at Piazza del Popolo must have been intentional since both obelisks were put there by Sixtus V. While he could have chosen for a Winter Solstice alignment of St. Peter’s Square obelisk by erecting the other obelisk at Cricus Maximus itself, he chose otherwise.
It’s beyond any doubt that Sixtus V was well aware of these alignments since he designed St. Peter’s Square to be a giant sun dial. In 1817, circular stones were set marking the tip of the obelisk’s shadow at noon. Since the Sun moves in between the tropics during a solar year, it enters all of the signs of the zodiac in one solar year, and the marks set out in stone therefore make a gnomon of the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square. But there’s more …
We surmise that Pope Sixtus V was also well aware of the significance of the Great Celestial Conjunction around 2012 and its association with the biblical End Times.
To enhance this argument, it’s interesting to realize that the coat of arms of Pope Sixtus V contained an eight-pointed cross above four stacked mountains (or hills). The coat of arms of Sixtus was sometimes also depicted with three instead of four hills.
As explained before, in ancient Egypt and freemasonry mountains, pillars and clouds all represent the Milky Way. The four mountains in Pope Sixtus coat of arms could therefore represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions or the four Milky Way Equinox/Solstice alignments that occur in a Great Year!
Santa Maria Piazza del Popolo (coat of arms of Pope Sixtus V), eight-pointed cross over the four mountains.
Pope Sixtus V used the eight-pointed cross in abundance in architectures and; in many cases he even placed the four-pointed Christian cross on top of an eight-pointed cross! The obelisk at Piazza di Giovanni, for instance, was adorned with both a four and eight-pointed cross by Pope Sixtus V. It was also a reference to this coat of arms!
The four Great Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year are the four mergers of the two superimposed four-pointed crosses (Earth Cross and Galactic Cross) to form a single four-pointed cross!
Obelisk at Piazza di Giovanni, four-pointed cross on top of the eight-pointed cross! Although a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction, this obelisk no longer aligns with the Winter Solstice Sun as viewed from the Vatican.
We therefore suggest that the eight-pointed cross at St. Peter’s Square symbolically represents a Great Celestial Conjunction.
It’s the alignment of the Earth Cross with the Galactic Cross that is being symbolized at St. Peter’s Square. Notice that there is a small four-pointed cross in the center around the obelisk (the Sun) that is aligned with the outer eight-pointed cross. The eight-pointed cross is the superposition of the Galactic Cross and the Earth Cross. This is why Pope Sixtus V placed a four-pointed cross on top of the eight pointed cross! The crosses are recognized as follows:
- The axis on which the two fountains at St. Peter’s Square reside is the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way since the Milky Was is associated with water.
- The cardinal direction of this Galactic Equator axis corresponds with the Milky Way that straddles the East horizon from North to South.
- The Earth Cross aligns closely (but not perfectly) with the two solstice axis
The esoteric significance of the Summer Solstice alignment of St. Peter’s Square obelisk with the obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo is that it symbolizes a Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment. Since the sky chart over St. Peter’s Square with the Pleiades residing over the Seven Hills symbolizes the Silver Gate, we postulate that the Vatican alignments represent a Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment at the Silver Gate. This alignment occurs right now in era 2012!
Summer and Winter Solstice alignments as viewed from St. Peter’s Square. The white arrows show the displacements of the obelisks from Circus Maximus by Pope Sixtus V.
25:1 Entonces el reino de los cielos será semejante a diez vírgenes que tomando sus lámparas, salieron a recibir al esposo. (COLUMBIA/LA PALOMA DE NOE/ISTAR CON LA LAMPARA. No es ninguna casualidad que Washington D.C. esta en el estado de Columbia)


25:2 Cinco de ellas eran prudentes y cinco insensatas. 25:3 Las insensatas, tomando sus lámparas, no tomaron consigo aceite; 25:4 mas las prudentes tomaron aceite en sus vasijas, juntamente con sus lámparas. 25:5 Y tardándose el esposo, cabecearon todas y se durmieron. 25:6 Y a la medianoche se oyó un clamor: ¡Aquí viene el esposo; salid a recibirle! (El 15 de septiembre o 15/7 aparentemente tiene un nexo con el 15 de Tisri en contexto a Fatima y la secuencia lunar del 2012, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, primer dia del primer mes, fue en un 8 de Marzo. En este contexto el 15 de septiembre nos cae 15 de Tisri (cuasi anagrama de ISTAR). ¿PORQUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ALLI HACE REFERENCIA A LAS VIRGENES CON UN CANDELABRO, estatua de la LIBERTAD o COLUMBIA, en el contexto a la medianoche? EL 15 de septiembre ORION (ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE) SALE POR EL ESTE JUSTO A LA MEDIANOCHE). LA SIMBOLOGIA DE LOS REYES MAGOS TIENE NEXO CON ORION (APARENTEMENTE ES LA ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE EN CONTEXTO A LA MEDIANOCHE-FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS)
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
25:7 Entonces todas aquellas vírgenes se levantaron, y arreglaron sus lámparas. 25:8 Y las insensatas dijeron a las prudentes: Dadnos de vuestro aceite; porque nuestras lámparas se apagan. 25:9 Mas las prudentes respondieron diciendo: Para que no nos falte a nosotras y a vosotras, id más bien a los que venden, y comprad para vosotras mismas. 25:10 Pero mientras ellas iban a comprar, vino el esposo; y las que estaban preparadas entraron con él a las bodas; y se cerró la puerta. 25:11 Después vinieron también las otras vírgenes, diciendo: ¡Señor, señor, ábrenos! 25:12 Mas él, respondiendo, dijo: De cierto os digo, que no os conozco. 25:13 Velad, pues, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre ha de venir. 25:14 Porque el reino de los cielos es como un hombre que yéndose lejos, llamó a sus siervos y les entregó sus bienes. 25:15 A uno dio cinco talentos, y a otro dos, y a otro uno, a cada uno conforme a su capacidad; y luego se fue lejos. 25:16 Y el que había recibido cinco talentos fue y negoció con ellos, y ganó otros cinco talentos 25:17 Asimismo el que había recibido dos, ganó también otros dos. 25:18 Pero el que había recibido uno fue y cavó en la tierra, y escondió el dinero de su señor. 25:19 Después de mucho tiempo vino el señor de aquellos siervos, y arregló cuentas con ellos. 25:20 Y llegando el que había recibido cinco talentos, trajo otros cinco talentos, diciendo: Señor, cinco talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros cinco talentos sobre ellos. 25:21 Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:22 Llegando también el que había recibido dos talentos, dijo: Señor, dos talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros dos talentos sobre ellos. 25:23 Su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:24 Pero llegando también el que había recibido un talento, dijo: Señor, te conocía que eres hombre duro, que siegas donde no sembraste y recoges donde no esparciste; 25:25 por lo cual tuve miedo, y fui y escondí tu talento en la tierra; aquí tienes lo que es tuyo. 25:26 Respondiendo su señor, le dijo: Siervo malo y negligente, sabías que siego donde no sembré, y que recojo donde no esparcí. 25:27 Por tanto, debías haber dado mi dinero a los banqueros, y al venir yo, hubiera recibido lo que es mío con los intereses. 25:28 Quitadle, pues, el talento, y dadlo al que tiene diez talentos. 25:29 Porque al que tiene, le será dado, y tendrá más; y al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene le será quitado. 25:30 Y al siervo inútil echadle en las tinieblas de afuera; allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes. 25:31 Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga en su gloria, y todos los santos ángeles con él, entonces se sentará en su trono de gloria, 25:32 y serán reunidas delante de él todas las naciones; y apartarálos unos de los otros, como aparta el pastor las ovejas de los cabritos. 25:33 Y pondrá las ovejas a su derecha, y los cabritos a su izquierda. 25:34 Entonces el Rey dirá a los de su derecha: Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. 25:35 Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis; 25:36 estuve desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; en la cárcel, y vinisteis a mí. 25:37 Entonces los justos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, y te sustentamos, o sediento, y te dimos de beber? 25:38 ¿Y cuándo te vimos forastero, y te recogimos, o desnudo, y te cubrimos? 25:39 ¿O cuándo te vimos enfermo, o en la cárcel, y vinimos a ti? 25:40 Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis. 25:41 Entonces dirá también a los de la izquierda: Apartaos de mí, malditos, al fuego eterno preparado para el diablo y sus ángeles. 25:42 Porque tuve hambre, y no me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y no me disteis de beber; 25:43 fui forastero, y no me recogisteis; estuve desnudo, y no me cubristeis; enfermo, y en la cárcel, y no me visitasteis. 25:44 Entonces también ellos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, sediento, forastero, desnudo, enfermo, o en la cárcel, y no te servimos? 25:45 Entonces les responderá diciendo: De cierto os digo que en cuanto no lo hicisteis a uno de estos más pequeños, tampoco a mí lo hicisteis. 25:46 E irán éstos al castigo eterno, y los justos a la vida eterna.
Virgin of the pillar - Boaz Black Madonna - Virgin - black sun son - Christ 8 pointed star - galactic center hypercube  Chartres - black Madonna - Virgin - black sun son - Christ  Rhombic key - spade dragon killed  Virgin of the pillar - double head eagle - Ordo ab Chao 33 - omphalos - Delphi oracle - delphinus constellation - door of Aquarius 60 degrees cross _________________ E.T.A.E
Antonio Banderas and his mother in law Tippi Hedren Shambalah Cats and death ravens nigredo secrets   Tippi Hedren cat -tiger ready to eat you over her purple shirt - leopard skin - Shem priest - pool of transformation  Raven - death - fire - regeneration - Goddess code  Putrefaction - fermentation - black sun - 9 spiral coming to us - Ven-us - pentagonal cycle of the ages - transit over the bull Taurus horns - birth of Christ.  Virgin of the pillar - Boaz Black Madonna - Virgin - black sun son - Christ 8 pointed star - galactic center hypercube  Chartres - black Madonna - Virgin - black sun son - Christ  Rhombic key - spade dragon killed  Virgin of the pillar - double head eagle - Ordo ab Chao 33 - omphalos - Delphi oracle - delphinus constellation - door of Aquarius 60 degrees cross _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
 O - I - K O = 15 =1111 I = 9 K = 11 At the right the Arch TT - Pi -cis - vesica  Traffic film 2000 - Scorpio Scorpion 911 Mithra scorpion - cosmic egg code - bull sacrifice - Taurus in El-even coordinates, God El -even, symmetry of Gemini and the Gem. Mithra is Venus, transit of the sun on 6-6 and birth of sun Christ, end of the pentagonal cycle of the ages towards the galactic center regeneration fire, black sun and Jesus crucifixion and resurrection on Christmas.   33 key encrypted behind - pyra-middle and 3 = 11 binary 33 =1111  In ancient Roman religion and mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions,[1] thence also of gates, doors, doorways, endings and time. He is usually a two-faced god since he looks to the future and the past. The Romans dedicated the month of January to Janus. The function of 'god of beginnings' has been clearly expressed in numerous ancient sources, among them most notably perhaps Cicero, Ovid and Varro.[22] As a god of motion he looks after passages, causes actions to start and presides over all beginnings, and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolised in his two headed image.[23] He has under his tutelage the stepping in and out of the door of homes,[24] the ianua, which took its name from him,[25] and not viceversa.[26] Similarly his tutelage extends to the covered passages named iani and foremost to the gates of the city, including the cultic gate called the Argiletum, named Ianus Geminus or Porta Ianualis from which he protects Rome against the Sabines.[27] He is also present at the Sororium Tigillum, where he guards the terminus of the ways into Rome from Latium.[28] He has an altar, later a temple near the Porta Carmentalis, where the road leading to Veii ended, as well as being present on the Janiculum, a gateway from Rome out to Etruria.[29]
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