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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:22

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:29
July 2004


 July 28, '04   Glimpse of Future: Arnold vs. Obama?

A star was born yesterday, and his name is Barack Obama. This guy just may be the future of the United States. Well, at least that's what you would have found yourself thinking after witnessing his key note speech on Day Two of the Democratic National Convention. This guy was amazing. Both inspired and inspiring. Hell, it was almost enough to make Cheney want to vote for Kerry! If the speech were carried by all the broadcast networks, it could have been all but over for Bush-Cheney. Obama was that good - and this was his first speech on a national stage. I know for myself I almost felt hopeful for America for the first time in a long time after hearing him.

The buzz is already starting: people, after one speech, are already seriously envisioning 'President Obama'... Indeed, I too find myself wondering if, in a way, we just witnessed the birth of an 'anti-Schwarzenegger'. Both have that great, natural charismatic leadership aura; only Arnold appeals to the 'beast' part of of us and Obama to the 'soul' part of us. Within ten years - 2012? 2008? - we just may be looking at a 'Black Election' (both Arnold and Obama are 'black' though in different ways) that will be set up to determine how the US will end. But, although it may be a little too early for this, I already fear for Obama's life... because he has that rare ability to inspire people as did JFK and MLK. I know the elite will be watching him very closely.

At the convention, Teresa Heinz Kerry (Kerry's wife) coming after Obama also did surprisingly well, and I'm sure she got his husband many female votes with her somewhat woman-power speech.

So while Kerry is now accompanied by eloquent rising stars like Edwards and Obama appealing to young/swing voters and Teresa appealing to woman/swing voters, Bush has his robotic wife and his old, ugly and nasty Vice President Dick 'Go F**k Yourself' Cheney as his running mate. I think it's safe to say that the Republican officials now have their nervous fingers on the panic button. (Not pushing it yet, but it's getting there.) And this should mean that Cheney is now even more likely to be dumped.

The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

Recently in The Lucifer Time Code (Part 2) I talked about the remerging relevance of Nostradamus' Quatrain X-72 - timing-wise anchored by the space probe Cassini's arrival at Saturn earlier this month. Here I just want to point out that the quatrain's third line is rather suggestive of Rudolph Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC and a perceived 'hero' of 9/11, being picked to replace Cheney on the Republican ticket because 'Algolmois' can relate to NYC. Once, in the early days, the region of NYC/Manhattan was called 'Angoulême'. So the 'great King of Angolmois' that is said to be brought 'back to life' would be a very fitting title for Giuliani. The potential implication here is not hard to see. And I've been viewing the Cheney-Giuliani switch as likely since last winter.

There is of course another increasing possibility (which may offset the dump-Cheney scenario) - that of a terror event that will conveniently strike the US just in time to get that fear-driven pro-Bush nationalistic sentiment going again among the populace. X-72's line 2 mentioning a 'great king of terror' may be relevant here. It's important to realize that the US is not Spain. The mass psychology involved is very different. A horrific terror event will help Bush's reelection chances, not the other way around. So, knowing this, will the fanatics and/or financier-type Bush backers be able to refrain from staging such an event?

Recently there was a controversy over the news that the Bush administration was trying to put together a plan to postpone/cancel the election in the event of a big terrorist attack/threat in the US close to Election Day. Most people couldn't help but wonder if this was Team Bush trying to stay in power by exploiting the whole post-9/11 terrorism fear. But to me this speculation seemed a little too simplistic and perhaps misleading - because terrorism would actually be Bush-Cheney's best friend close to Election Day. It's more natural to think that they will want to go through the election process without any delay while the resultant sentiment of nationalism is still hot. So could it actually be that the 'possible election postponement' news was a piece of disinformation designed to establish a psychological climate that will ensure later on the non-postponement of the election even immediately after a 'shock & awe' terror event? Well, something to think about...



 July 21, '04   Into Firestorm
In this post I will present some of my thoughts on what we may be facing during the coming weeks.

First, as expected the news about present 'life on Mars' is beginning to leak out as the COSPAR conference is now underway in Paris (July 18-25) where such an 'official' announcement is anticipated as discussed before. We should be hearing more about it in the coming days. The conference will conclude on the same day as the final day of the Tour de France, also set to take place in Paris which is ritualistically very meaningful as we know.

For instance:

  • Paris and Mars currently share the prevalent 'Meridian' theme as Paris has the Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line' and NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has landed in and is currently exploring a region called 'Meridiani Planum' near the Martian Meridian.

  • The reigning champion of 'Le Tour' is Lance Armstrong. The name 'Lance' evokes the 'Spear of Destiny' of St. Longinus which/whom we have already associated with the Meridian theme. The name 'Longinus' alludes to longitude/meridian, and the Spear being comparable to the Holy Grail (= 'Blood Royal', messianic bloodline/'Rose Line') makes it analogous to the Paris Zero Meridian

  • The Tour officially began on July 4/Independence Day, symbolically embodied by the Statue of Liberty holding the torch of freedom.

  • On the same day Venus, the 'light-bearer' star representing Mary-Isis as is the torch-bearing Lady Liberty, crossed the Galactic Meridian very near yet another 'Torch-Bearer' star, Aldebaran. The name Paris is said to allude to Par-Isis ('near Isis') thus analogous to Venus-Sirius (Sirius = Isis-Mary = Venus). In Greek mythology 'Paris' was a figure associated with the torch.

And of course 2004 being the year of the Athens Olympic Games, the persistent 'torch' theme has brought our attention to the Olympic torch being carried around the world. We have observed that:

  • On July 4 (the 'torch' day), the national soccer team of Greece (the capital of which is Athens) won the European Championship in a historic upset.

  • The science-mission side of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers - Opportunity and Spirit - is called Athena, a goddess from whom the name 'Athens' derives.

  • The Athens Olympics begins on August 13 - the 225th day [from the first day of] 2004. Venus' orbit around the Sun takes 225 days.

We've gone through all this before. Now let's get into the new findings...

First, we've had a terrestrial version of the Meridian crossing (a la Venus), enacted through the Tour:

  • Tour-de-France cyclists crossed the Paris Meridian on July 15, the same day the BBC news story on current 'life on Mars' came out. They crossed the Meridian again on July 18, the day the COSPAR assembly began in Paris.

  • The cyclists crossed the Greenwich Meridian on July 9 and July 11/12. These dates closely coincide with Schwarzenegger visiting his home country to represent the US for the funeral of Austrian president Thomas Klestil who passed away ~July 7. The funeral - a ritualistic 'echo' of the Reagan one which also involved Arnold - was held July 10 (Arnie was still in Austria the next day). Schwarzenegger, 'The Olympian', is the central star of the global 'torch ritual' currently underway as has been discussed here for many weeks now.

It is also interesting that this coming July 30 will be Arnie's 57th birthday, meaning he will enter the 58th year of his life. '58', as explained in The Lucifer Time Code: Part 1, is a Venus-connected key number in the 'super ritual'.

Now, Venus is traditionally the star signifying the Mary-Isis-Venus goddess complex and particularly Mary Magdalene the supposed wife/lover of Jesus with whom she is said to have had children to perpetuate the messianic bloodline, i.e. the Holy Grail/Spear/Lance. The name Magdalene, as 'Magdala', denotes 'tower'. The WTC twin towers were destroyed in 2001, which was 225 years ('225' = Venus number) from the birth of the US in 1776. And the 'torch day' this year (July 4) witnessed the laying of the cornerstone for the 'Freedom Tower' at the site of the WTC towers. The Freedom Tower was reportedly designed to evoke the Statue of Liberty, i.e. the torch-bearing Venus-Isis-Mary.

Given the prominence of the Tour de France in the 'ritual', we wonder how the 'tower' theme applies to the sporting event held in France, the very land of Mary Magdalene (post-crucifixion). Well, a regular Etemenanki reader/poster 'Alfredo' - who gave us useful information before - again came up with an intriguing observation recently (July 11). He commented:

Tour de France can be seen as the Tower of France, and we have three interpretations here: the tower of France is 1) the Eiffel Tower 2) The Goddess Isis/Mary/Marianne 3) Both

While I knew the symbolic significance of the Eiffel Tower, I found his 'Tower of France' interpretation quite thought-provoking. At first, however, I was not quite ready to endorse this interpretation because I wasn't sure just how solid the Tour-Tower comparison was.

Did he mean that they just look and sound alike? I decided to do a little research on this. Well, soon I learned that the interchangeability was indeed there. The word 'tower' derives from Middle English 'tur, tour, towr', and the term 'tour' in French actually does include the meaning of 'tower'. So 'Tour of France' could in fact easily turn into 'Tower of France'! No wonder it was incorporated into the 'super ritual'...

And of course the 'Tower of France' would be a rather obvious reference to one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, the Eiffel tower standing in Paris near the Champs Elysees where the Tour racing will conclude on July 25. What's more, the tower even stands in a park called Champ de Mars - that is, 'Field of Mars'... to acknowledge the intertwined Martian connection!

All these links are pushing us more and more toward one of the Nostradamus quatrains that I have discussed before. I recently wrote that today's events are bringing 'my' Nosty quatrains from years ago back to the surface and that I was preparing to discuss them again. This, labeled II-48, is one such quatrain:

La grand copie qui passera les monts.
Saturne en l'Arq tournant du poisson Mars:
Venins cachez soubs testes de saumons,
Leurs chief pendu a` fil de polemars. 

The great army which will pass the mounts.
Saturn in the Arc turning of the fish Mars:
Poison hidden under the heads of salmon,
Their chief hung with cord of polemars.

Since 1999 I've been calling this the 'Paris quatrain' as I found it to be essentially a 'word map' describing the heart of Paris, the region around the Champs Elysees, the 'historical axis of Paris', closely associated with Sirius-Isis, Schwarzenegger, etc. Now that it's become a key feature of the ongoing 'super ritual', this quatrain too is increasing, or regaining, its significance.

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:30

First of all, the quatrain # '2-48' is already an allusion to Paris as it corresponds to the city's coordinates: 2.3 deg. E, 48.8 deg. N! As for the rest, let me go through my interpretation again which I first presented in the 1999: The Ark of Sirius article (1999).

Line 1: The great army which will pass the mounts

The 'great army' is the very name given to one of the 12 streets extending from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ('Place Charles de Gaulle'). In French the street is called 'Grande Armee'.  Not only is Grand Armee one of the 12 streets, it is the direct extension of the main street, Champs Elysees (Elysian Fields). The 'mounts' would be an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between Champs Elysees and Grande Armee.

Line 2: Saturn in the Arc turning of the fish Mars

The 'Arc' is obviously a reference to the Arc de Triomphe. The is supported by the word 'turning' coming right after 'Arc' as it suggests a circular movement/shape - perfectly applicable to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe. The mention of 'Saturn' further reinforces this interpretation since the planet is most notable for its beautiful circular ring. Saturn is symbolically coherent also in that as the planet/god of death it relates to the fact that the Arc marks the 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier' and that the Elysian Fields (Champs Elysees) is mythologically a realm of the dead, analogous to the 'duat' underworld ruled by Osiris in ancient Egyptian mythology.

As for 'turning of the fish Mars', it is a very clever allusion to the Eiffel Tower (which didn't exist in Nostradamus' time of course) standing in the Champ de Mars (marked by a red rectangle in the map below).

As you can see, the tower in the 'Martian' park is located on the opposite side of the Seine river from the Champs Elysees/Arc. The key hers is that the term 'Seine' means 'fishing net' - thus making the Champ de Mars park metaphorically comparable to a fish trapped in the 'net' represented by the river.

But what about the 'turning' part? Well, I couldn't quite figure it out back in 1999 but now the meaning has become quite clear, and it certainly corroborates the Paris-map interpretation.

The term 'tower' as well as 'tour' etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'. So 'turning of the fish Mars' would become 'tower of the fish Mars'. And since the 'fish Mars' has already been identified as the Champ de Mars, its tower would obviously be none other than the Eiffel Tower standing in the Martian park!

Line 3: Poison hidden under the heads of salmon
The first word, 'poison', seems to interact with the previous line in that the French word for 'fish' is 'poisson' which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to 'poison'. ('Poison' has the same meaning in French.) The original term used for 'poison' in the quatrain is 'Venins' which resembles Venus - a connection strengthened by the fact that Venus is a planet notable for having a poisonous atmosphere. And because 'salmon' subsequently mentioned in the line is a type of fish and fish in the previous line was associated with turning/tower, we can now link Venus with the notion of turning/tower.

This is symbolically very coherent since both Venus and tower are closely identified with Mary Magdalene, the biblical version of the Egyptian goddess Isis. And of course Paris is a 'city of Isis' (Par-Isis) whose 'historical axis', the Champs Elysees, is designed to align with the rising of Sirius, the Isis star.

Further, the concept of 'turning' and 'salmon' attached to Venus invokes the idea of the planet going retrograde, i.e. moving in the opposite direction a la salmon which is known for swimming against the current. As it happens, Venus was in retrograde from mid-May through early July this year (overlapping the Transit of Venus on June 8) and it was around July 4 that Venus turned around to go direct again. July 4, the 'torch day' already associated with Venus-Mary-Isis, was when the Tour de France began. The race ends when the cyclists rides through... yes, the Champ Elysees (July 25).

Line 4: Their chief hung with cord of polemars
'Polemars' appears to be a made-up/coded word.  Decoding here is not that difficult. We can split it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'; and we can easily infer that the 'pole' signifies the 'Eiffel Tower' in the Champ de 'Mars'. In other words, the Eiffel Tower is a 'Mars pole', or 'pole-Mars'.

It is also interesting to note that the polar regions of the planet Mars are where there is a lot of frozen water, and Earth's polar regions are where some Martian rocks have been found including one that was claimed in 1997 to contain fossils of microbial life forms. This connection is intensified by a NASA announcement made just hours ago on July 20 - a well known NASA 'ritual' date - saying that a meteorite found near the South Pole last year came from Mars.

As for 'their chief hung with cord', well, this is probably relevant to what is about to take place in the very near future and likely has much to do with the 'Babylon leader falling' theme we have going with the 'super ritual' (see the 'Time Code' articles).

In particular, I'd have to say, we're probably looking at here the exit of Pope John Paul II. Notice, for starters, that the reference to fish/salmon in the quatrain relates to the Papacy in that the pope is traditionally considered a 'fisher of men' and the strange head piece that the popes wear represents the head of fish. Correlate this with 'heads of salmon' and 'their chief/head hung with cord'...

This papal event is mixed with the Paris and the Tour via the quatrain probably because of the Paris-Isis-Mary association (Mary represents the female counterpart/opposition to the papal patriarchy) as well as the timing issue. While it is not clear the pope's exit will directly coincide with the Tour de France and/or the 'life on Mars' announcement in Paris, all the indications are that the anticipated high-impact event is to heavily interact with the Paris-Isis/Sirius-Venus/Mary complex. So the Athens Olympics in August is also a period we should carefully monitor for this. Indeed, it happens that there is a very old tradition known as Tricesimum (Thirty Day Devotion to Mary, also called Lady Month) which was originally held from August 15 through September 14...

In 1999: The Ark of Sirius, I put forward the view that the above quatrain (II-48) is to be seen together with Quatrain II-41 (as first intuitively suggested by a hypnotized subject in Dolores Cannon's Conversations With Nostradamus). In fact, II-41 is what I've been calling the 'Sirius quatrain'. Here it is:

La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

The first line alone is more than enough to make this a 'Sirius quatrain'. Sirius is a 'great star' (the brightest star, excluding the planets, in the night sky); its name is etymologically related to the notion of scorching/'burning'; and in ancient Egypt Sirius was called 'Sept' (Spd/Spdt) thus is relatable to 'seven' in that the term 'sept' does mean 'seven' as can be seen from the fact that Sept-ember was originally the seventh month.

The 'two suns' in line 2 relates to Sirius actually being a binary star system composed of Sirius A and Sirius B. And Sirius is traditionally the 'Dog Star', as alluded to by the 'mastiff' reference in line 3.

And then we have the final line which quite clearly refers to a major shift involving papacy. As explained above and in the Lucifer Time Code series, 2004 is a special year highlighted by the Venus-Sirius-Mars complex. The combination of Quatrains II-48 and II-41 therefore strongly suggests the exit of the Pope this year.

That 2004 is the year is also hinted (consciously or subconsciously) by this graphic displayed on what appears to be an official Vatican website, commemorating the '25th anniversary of Pontificate'.

As you can see, the metaphoric timeline of Pope JPII depicted in the image reaches the summit of the rocky hill after the year 2003. The year 2004 is apparently signified by the cross sounded by a cloud... as if to say that this is where he goes up into 'heaven'. I mean, it's pretty bizarre how nearly 'in your face' this encoded 'message' is.

The depicted juxtaposition of the cross/death, the cloud, and the Sun is even compatible with the second line of Quatrain II-41: 'The cloud will make two suns appear' because John Paul II is identified in St Malachi's famous prophetic list of popes as 'De Labore Solis' meaning 'of the Labor of the Sun' or 'of the Eclipse of the Sun'. John Paul II is therefore a 'Sun Pope' - a form of a 'Sun king' which is interchangeable with 'Babylon king'. Upon death, as he ascends to (let's just assume) heaven, he metaphorically becomes a Sun. So the cross in the picture also represents a Sun, thus producing the second Sun sounded by the cloud, a la the second line of II-41 - 'The cloud will make two suns appear'...

Intentional? Coincidence? Who knows...

Now, as early as 2000 I have been putting forward the idea that there is a parallel existing between papacy and American presidency. This is reflected in our 'Babylon leader falling' theme which involves both the Pope and the President along with some other characters. Bush, as a figure comparable to the radical ancient Egyptian 'Sun king' Akhenaten who tried to revolutionize the prosperous ancient Egyptian culture (18th Dynasty), is also a 'Sun king'. So it is intriguing that Election Day is coming up soon in November, which may well interact conceptually or timing-wise with the projected Pope event.

This spells trouble. As explained in 1999: The Ark of Sirius, the line 'the cloud will make two suns appear' can easily imply an inconclusive election, a theme already manifested through the 2000 US election which failed to decisively determine the winner. As I wrote in 1999:

To see the connection, we need to first look at the process of the [papal] election. The most common way to elect a pope is by ballot... Two votes are taken every morning and two every afternoon until a two-thirds plus one majority is obtained. The crowd in St. Peter's Square follow the bolloting by watching the smoke that comes from the chimney on the palace roof. The smoke is from burning all the ballots. If the necessary majority is not reached, the ballots are burned in a way that creates black smoke. When the majority is reached, the ballots are burned in a manner that creates white smoke to signal the election.

Now, the word Nostradamus used for 'cloud' was 'nuee' which actually implies a big/black cloud rather than a nice/white cloud. Therefore a more fitting translation would be:

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:31

'Black cloud will make double sun appear'

Next, the 'sun' appearing is symbolic of the successor to Pope John Paul II, because he is the 'pope of the solar eclipse' (JPII was born during a solar eclipse May 18, 1920...). [So] the 'sun appearing' would metaphorically refer to the pope who follows the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II.

But the line says there would be 'two' suns. When combined with the 'black cloud' part (which means unsuccessful vote), it's not that difficult to derive the meaning of the whole line; it would refer to a situation of 'pope vs. antipope'  (i.e. one elected or claiming to be pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen).  And the indications are that those two 'popes' will be the last popes. At least there are no more popes after them in Malachy's prophetic list of popes.

The coming of the final pope resonates with the Etemenanki interpretation that Schwarzenegger may well become the final US president in the near future. What does this 'two suns' interpretation mean for upcoming election and the potential exit of the Pope? Well, for papacy it may be quite literal - i.e. an imperfect election creating a pope vs. anti-pope situation. For the US presidency... well, it's not difficult to see that we will have a messy election process since the Bush White House is not the type to go down quietly. The already illegitimate presidency will do almost anything for survival. It's a really scary situation.

What I will be closely monitoring in the coming weeks and months, however, is the possibility of the exit of Vice President of Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and some/many of their neoconservative minions who were behind the deceptive push for the Iraq invasion. As you probably know, this is something I've been projecting for quite a long time now - Cheney since last summer ('03), and Rumsfeld since spring.

These guys would effectively represent the 'war chief' who is to be (metaphorically) 'hung with cord' as per Quatrain II-48. After all Cheney is the real 'president' making all key foreign policy decisions and Rumsfeld is the head of the US military (the Pentagon). Rumsfeld is particularly intriguing in that the 'pentagon' is closely related to a pentagram (five-pointed star) which in turn happens to be a traditional symbol for Venus-Sirius. And the 'war' aspect of the Pentagon relates to Mars the planet/god of war.

There are so many scandals/wrongdoings surrounding these 'chiefs' at this point that it's becoming difficult to figure out which one would be directly responsible for their fall. (It is indeed absolutely ridiculous that they still haven't been put in jail, and I'm not exaggerating.) But I continue to closely monitor the Plame (CIA operative) outing investigation (for Cheney et al) and the Iraq prison torture scandal (particularly Abu Ghraib) for Rumsfeld.

In terms of timing, we should pay attention to the fact that we are apparently about to have a 'life on Mars' announcement coming from the Paris COSPAR conference. The regular Etemenanki readers will recall that Cheney's potential exit and the issue of life on Mars have been closely linked together from the very beginning, as demonstrated in my article The West Wing Cipher (Sept. 29, '03). And the latest news stories/rumors coming out on the Plame leak matter are suggesting that the investigation is getting ready to announce its conclusions within the coming weeks... An at the same time, the 'dump Cheney' rumor has recently gone mainstream (mid-July).

We may be dealing with a similar timetable for the Rumsfeld/Pentagon case. As we all know, the shocking Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse pictures that came out in April/May nearly brought the Bush administration to its knees. The scandal shattered the credibility of the United States in the eyes of the international community. Well, if you think it's no longer news, you're mistaken. The worst is yet to come on this horrific war-crime scandal. As the legendary journalist Seymour Hersh recently revealed at an ACLU convention, there is evidence - tapes - of Iraqi children being sodomized in US prisons there and this biggest story of the Iraq war has not yet been reported by the US mainstream news media. But when they do - and they will soon enough, they have to - this thing should prove quite deadly. We are talking bona fide war crimes here that almost certainly will be traced back to the highest leadership level. And I'd say Rumsfeld would rather quickly step down or be removed from his position. Hersh, along with others I'm sure, will be reporting on the story in the coming weeks...

To complicate the matter, however, it's uncomfortably likely that we'll have a 'shock & awe' event, perhaps even comparable in impact to 9/11, designed to distract people's attention away from the extremely damaging revelation...

At any rate, I have the following strange but thought-provoking stuff that will correlate the disturbing prisoner-abuse scandal issue with the 'two suns' prophetic theme.

Turns out, there is a site called 'Abu Ghurob' in Egypt occupying the northern region of Abusir known for its crude but almost Giza-like pyramid complex. The picture below shows Abusir pyramids with Giza pyramids seen in the background.

The name 'Abu Ghurob' caught my attention first because of its similarity to 'Abu Ghraib', i.e. the Iraq prison-abuse central. Then I was intrigued further  by the name 'Abusir' as it evoked 'abuser' as in 'prisoner-abuser'. It was almost as if I was detecting some kind of word-play 'game' set up just beneath the surface of the Abu Ghraib scandal.

Next, I found that Abu Ghurob is known primarily for its two 'Sun Temples'.

[In this illustration Abu Ghurob is spelt 'Abu Ghauob']

Two Sun temples... 'two Suns'. As implausible as all this was, my curiosity was definitely piqued. And it seemed the more I explored this angle the more 'coincidences' I would find, pulling me deeper in the rabbit hole... I'll be reporting on these findings along with other stuff in the near future.

Coincidence or not, synchronicity does usually seem to signify a 'nod'/'wink' from the 'reality matrix program', so for now I'll just state my view that Iraq prisoner abuse matter is indeed part of the 'script' signified by the 'two suns' theme and that I expect the 'war chief' like Rumsfeld responsible for the war crimes to be publicly 'hung' (so to speak).

It should be noted that the Abu-Ghraib torture scandal blew wide open and persisted during May, the 'Month of Mary'. May's traditional association with Mary derives from Tricesimum - Thirty Day Devotion to Mary (Lady Month) - which was originally observed from August 15 through September 14 as noted earlier. So this gives us more reason to suspect that the prison-abuse issue is to be 'echoed' in August/September, closely coinciding with the Olympics.

But for the more immediate future, we can look forward to the 'destined' winning of Tour de France by Lance Armstrong (and he's almost there). And here is something that directly links together the race/Lance and the star of the 'super ritual', Arnold Schwarzenegger. As 'Rick', an Etemenanki reader, has informed me, Arnie and Lance are already linked via last year's Tour. We learn:

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is following part of the Tour, returned the overall leader's yellow jersey to Armstrong when the 31-year-old Texan ascended the podium.

This meeting of the two champions took place last summer when Arnie's Terminator 3 film was in theaters and his rise in politics was just beginning in California...

Okay, let's see... Let me just note that tomorrow, July 22, is the Mary Magdalene day. Three days after that (July 25) comes the finale of Tour de France. July 30 coming after that will be Arnold's birthday which will coincide with the opening of the new film, The Manchurian Candidate, a story about a mind-controlled sleeper put into the White House (hmm...). And August 6 is of course an important Arnie/Paris/Antichristic day, followed closely by the opening of the Athens Olympics on August 13... etc. etc.

More later...

 July 13, '04   Ritual Pattern Confirmed
This is a quick update to address the matter of the forecast made in my July 1 post being confirmed. Here is what I wrote near the end of that post after a lot of multicontextual examination:

So I cannot help but infer that we're in for some event(s) comparable in impact or at least in concept to the Reagan [passing/funeral] ('Osirian resurrection' theme) around July 4. The window would be something like July 1 through July 7.

July 7 was significant in that it was a 'transposed' John the Baptist day (June 24) based on the fact that July 7 Gregorian (calender) corresponds to June 24 Julian. And the John Day was traditionally meant to mark the summer solstice (now ~June 21) which is historically inseparable from Sirius and the Osirian resurrection (= birth of Horus).

And the resurrection, signifying the rise of Horus, who is the son of Osiris and Isis-Sirius, has symbolically been embodied by the rise of Schwarzenegger since last summer - now one of the main themes tracked on this website. (See The LTC Part 2 for instance.) And just recently in June we witnessed a striking 'ritual' involving Arnold and Reagan's funeral that reinforced this notion.

It was this presidential funerary ritual that I pointed out as something that was about to be 'echoed' during the window of early July.

Near midnight on July 7 local time, i.e. the beginning of the transposed John the Baptist day, the president of Austria passed away. After I heard the news, I quickly posted a link in the 'New Watch' section as I could not help but smell symbolic 'echoes' in the event, even if subtle at the time. I noted that: 1) like Reagan, Thomas Klestil was the president, 2) Austria is Schwarzenegger's home country, and 3) Klestil himself was a friend of Arnold.

Then came the next development... Schwarzenegger was selected to go to Austria and represent the United States in Klestil's presidential funeral! And just like his last one in California for Reagan, Arnold received a lot of media attention there (~July 10).

This was a rather sneaky sequence of events since it wasn't given much media coverage in the United States. But if this wasn't an echo of the Reagan 'Osirian resurrection' ritual, I don't know what is!

A 'super ritual' was detected; it was closely examined; it was projected forward; and an anticipated 'echo' did come during the specified 'early July' window. This makes it harder to deny that the ritual pattern is... real.

There is much more to talk about regarding the 'super ritual'. It's still continuing as we speak - especially the Tour de France presently being held in France as discussed previously.

Stay tuned...


Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:32
July 09, '04   Follow the Torch
There is much to talk about regarding the 'early July window' discussed in the previous update and The LTC Part 2. I'm not sure where to begin, but I guess in this update I'll focus on events associated specifically with July 4 - i.e. Independence Day, representing a calendrically 'transposed' summer-solstice day (as there is a 13-day difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars) as well as the day when Venus, the star of Lucifer ('light bearer'), was crossing the Galactic Meridian (at the 'hyperdimensional' latitude of -19.5°) near the star Aldebaran ('Torch-Bearer').

This year's Independence Day was the ultimate 'torch bearer' day especially since, as discussed previously, the summer solstice - June 21, calendrically analogous to July 4 - is when the Sun becomes the 'torch' held up by the celestial figure - Osiris - represented by the Orion constellation a la the Statue of Liberty (the symbol highlighted on Independence Day).

Further, this July 4th was immediately preceded by the arrival of Cassini at Saturn and the ISS spacewalk around July 1. Saturn is a version of Osiris, both being the 'once and future king' god. And the ISS (International Space Station) evokes the sister-wife of Osiris, 'ISIS', the Egyptian goddess par excellence who is interchangeable with Venus the 'torch/light bearer' star. Isis-Venus is embodied by Lady Liberty holding the torch of freedom.

And as we have already seen, this is all neatly incorporated into the 'super ritual' going on right now involving the Olympic torch presently being carried around the world before arriving in Athens, Greece in mid-August. Indeed, the torch on July 4/5 was at the city of Kiev, directly to the north of Giza/Cairo/Nile, thus was crossing the esoteric Meridian, mirroring Venus' meridian-crossing above.

This 'super ritual' was highlighted by the 'foreshadowing event' of 2004 discussed in Part 2 of The Lucifer Time Code - i.e. the symbolic 'Black Madonna'/'Lady Liberty' role-playing done by Janet Jackson and Beyonce Knowles during the Super Bowl earlier this year. For Beyonce, it was the singing of the national anthem at the event and her appearance in a Pepsi commercial that debuted during the game. The theme of the Pepsi ad was three rebellious female gladiators in a Greek-looking coliseum overthrowing a Caesar-like 'king'. So we now realize that the ad certainly included among other things an allusion to the upcoming Athens Olympic Games in Greece, the homeland of the big sporting event.

So is it just a coincidence that Greece just made big news on July 4th as its national soccer team won the European Championship in what is called 'one of the biggest upsets in soccer history'? This was quite clearly one of the ritualistic events leading up to the Olympics in Greece next month. As far as the year 2004 is concerned, 'all roads lead to Athens'...

As for the depicted fall of the 'king', it directly correlates to our long-running 'Babylon leader falling' theme. I'd particularly watch for the fall of Team Bush/Cheney and the Pope. It will be interesting see if this 'fall' will directly coincide with the period of the Olympics.

On July 4, '04, another big sporting event (officially) began - the Tour de France. Not only does France represent the land of Mary Magdalene/Black Madonna, a biblical version of Isis-Venus, the biggest bicycle racing event in the world traditionally ends in Paris, the city of Isis-Sirius ('Par-Isis'), which has the esoterically important Paris Zero Meridian! In fact, the race will end at the Champs Elysees - none other than the 'historic axis of Paris' that pinpoints 1) the 'Antichristic' sunset of August 6 (associated with Schwarzenegger) and 2) the rising of Sirius, the star of Isis. (See Part 1 of The LTC for more detail.) Oh, and in Greco-Roman mythology, 'Paris' is a figure whom the pregnant mother foresaw as... a torch!

It will be interesting to see if Lance Armstrong will win the race again on July 25 at the 'axis of Paris'. Certainly the name 'Lance' is fitting for instance as it evokes the 'Spear of Destiny' of St. Longinus. We've already discussed how the spear and the name 'Longinus' (=> longitude) relate to the Meridian. In light of the ongoing 'super ritual', I'd say Armstrong is 'destined' to become the champion.

Now, Paris also happens to be the site of the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly that will be held July 18 through 25, closely overlapping the Tour de France. The significance here is that the 'life on Mars' announcement I projected in the LTC series (and before that) may be realized to some extent there based on the interview Linda Howe did with Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D., Principal Investigator of Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) which detected methane in the Martian atmosphere. Based on the methane detection on Mars, he's getting ready to more or less declare that there is present life on the Red Planet. Here are excerpts from the interview:


Absolutely, yes, and I hope in the future to be able to say something more.


I don't know. Possibly at COSPAR which is at the end of July in Paris." [...]

We agree with Dr. Mumma and Dr. Krasnopolsky on the average value of methane in the Martian atmosphere... [T]hanks to the spectral resolution sensitivity of the PFS instrument that I have produced, the data we are collecting are the best available to search for other molecules and to give an answer to the question that you were also raising previously.


Which is obviously the most important, interesting question: Is life present on Mars today?


You want me to give an answer now? I prefer to give an answer in September.


Or July maybe, yes.

'Life on Mars', as expounded many times before, is symbolic of the 'birth of Horus' (Mars was 'Horus the Red' in ancient Egypt) which in turn signifies the 'resurrection of Osiris' - the biggest symbolic theme going in this '9/11' epoch. Indeed, the heliacal/dawn rising of Sirius - 'rebirth' of Isis - in ancient Egypt signaled the beginning of the annual inundation of the Nile, symbolizing the resurrection of Osiris/birth of Horus. So Paris, the city of Sirius-Isis, would be a very fitting place for the revelation of life on Mars.

And of course Mars is even very much part of the 'Meridian' symbolism. As I wrote on March 26 (also in The LTC Pt. 2):

...I saw the name of the area where [NASA's latest Mars rover] Opportunity landed - 'Meridiani Planum'. That is, 'Meridian Plane' - so called because the site is near the Prime Meridian, or longitude zero, of Mars! Very unexpected, but this certainly seems to confirm my symbolic interpretation regarding Longinus, i.e. the relevance of longitude zero/Prime Meridian/Rose Line.

It seems that this idea is subtly detectable in the logo of COSPAR conference. As you can see, there is a prominent vertical/meridional line and along which is written 'Paris, France' as if to allude to 'the Paris Meridian/Rose Line'. Curiously though, the line does not go through Pars; instead the 'meridian' together with a latitudinal line pinpoints... Israel.

It could have emphasized the Nile/Giza meridian nearby. After all, the esoteric Egyptian Prime Meridian is directly linked to the Osirian resurrection theme through the Sirius/Nile connection. (The Nile embodies Osiris.) We've detected the Martian meridian association, so why not a ritualistic allusion to the Nile here?

Well, the Nile has already been incorporated into the 'super ritual' ltc2-torch-nile.gif (32789 bytes)in conjunction with the Reagan/Schwarzenegger event on June 11, as the torch traveled southward along the Nile just as Arnold was ritualistically receiving the 'torch of kingship' from the former president. (See LTC Pt. 2 for detail.) And as already mentioned, 'Paris' is mythologically analogous to 'torch'.

But there is more to the Paris-Nile link, a link that those not familiar with my Time River Theory may be finding strange - as the underlying 'Nile code' stuff is still a 'big secret', so much so that I'm practically the only one talking about it so far. In any case, turn out that the length of the Tour de France racing course going around France, ending in Paris, is 3390 km - which is very close to the latitudinal length of the Nile. Taking the Nile as flowing directly northward from the equator to 30°N latitude (which it essentially does), it can be calculated that the length between the river's two extreme latitudes (i.e. southernmost and northernmost points) is 3330 km (2050 miles)! The difference is mere 60 km (37 miles)... Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. It warrants further examination...

So what's the relationship between Paris and Athens? Seemingly there should be one since both cities figure prominently in the 'super torch ritual'. Well, sure enough we find that the goddess 'Athena', from whom the name 'Athens' derives, is a version of Isis-Sirius! As Robert Bauval recently noted:

Minerva was, of course, the Athena of the Greeks. Both these goddess are traditionally associated to the more ancient goddess Neith of the Egyptians, and some scholars even suggesting that the name 'Neith' was the root for 'Athena'. But also in the Neith=Athena=Minerva equation comes the goddess Isis.

So both Paris and Athens are a 'city of Isis'!

As if this weren't enough, we find next that the scientific instruments/mission attached to NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) are collectively called... yes, Athena! And of course, Opportunity is at the Martian Meridian ('Meridiani Planum') to mirror the Paris Zero Meridian.

Finally, there was another significant event on July 4th last Saturday - the laying of the cornerstone for the 'Freedom Tower' at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers.

First of all, the notion of a 'tower' is inseparable from Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus) as the name/title 'Magdalene', as 'Magdala', denotes 'tower'. Secondly, the other building attacked on 9/11, the Pentagon, the five-sided structure, quite directly relates to the traditional symbol for Sirius-Venus, i.e. the five-pointed star. Thirdly, 2001 was the 225th year since the birth of the United States (1776) - '225' matches the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun.

Curiously, the groundbreaking day for the construction of the Pentagon was September 11 (1941). And calendrically 'September 11' corresponds to the day of Sirius' heliacal rising signifying the resurrection of Osiris:

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:33

The date September 11 in the Gregorian calendar used today almost always coincides with the New Year's Day for the Ethiopian and Coptic or Christian-Egyptian calendars. The ancient Egyptian New Year's Day ('1st of Thoth') was originally set to mark the heliacal rising of Sirius which today takes place around August 6 Gregorian (as viewed from Giza/Cairo). So it can easily be said that August 6 is September 11!

At the time of ancient Egypt, the Sirius heliacal rising and New Year's Day also coincided with the summer solstice. Recall that July 4th is calendrically interchangeable with June 21, i.e. summer-solstice day!

Okay, so when was the groundbreaking day for the twin towers? The answer is: August 5, 1966. The date Aug. 5/6 is when the Sirius heliacal rising takes place today at Giza/Cairo! (Note that Aug. 5 US time largely overlaps Aug. 6 Egyptian time.)

As you can see, July 4th was a perfect day, in terms of the continuation of the symbolic pattern, for laying the cornerstone of the next incarnation of the 'Isis-Venus' tower. (Remember: Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian on July 4', '04 very near Aldebaran, the 'torch-bearer' star.)

The Sirius/Isis-Venus connection is reinforced by the fact that the new Freedom Tower is designed to reflect the essence of the Statue of Liberty, the torch-holding Isis-Venus-Mary. We learn that:

The unique geometrical torque of the building's tower, located on the northwest corner of the site, gives the tower its asymmetrical form meant to evoke the Statue of Liberty. Its soaring offset spire echoes the profile of the Statue of Liberty's arm holding the Torch of Freedom, and the top of the spire, reaching to 1,776 feet, is symbolic of America's freedom and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

So the beginning of the 'resurrection' of the twin towers on Independence Day this year signified the resurrection of Osiris (through the 'womb of Isis'). Horus, Osiris' son by Isis, is being born. This notion was also astronomically expressed by the Sun - embodying Horus the sun-god - being positioned right at the center of the constellation of Gemini, The Twin, on July 4th.

The catch here is that the Freedom Tower likely doesn't represent 'freedom' - but the very opposite... i.e. tyranny/oppression... or the establishment of the 'New World Order'. As you know, in the post-9/11 world, peace means war, patriotism means treason, etc. etc. Freedom would therefore mean enslavement.

This is where figures like Schwarzenegger - aka 'The Olympian' - come in. As I've been saying for nearly a year now, Arnold is a form of Horus and this was ritualistically demonstrated again recently on June 11 at the presidential funeral ceremony (see LTC Part 2). It should also be noted that Arnie played a genetically-engineered guy in the movie 'Twins'. (Shades of the Nazi 'superman'... Could this be literally true for Arnold?)

Schwarzenegger, along with the 'NWO Tower', is rising... The Tower is scheduled to be finished in 2008 - an election year in the US.

It may well be that the period around the Athens Olympics this summer/fall, emphasized by the 'super ritual', is to give rise to something dramatic that will pave the way for the further rise of 'The Olympian'. And chances are that it will involve in some way, if not directly, the US presidential election coming up in November. This year's election should probably be viewed as a key stepping stone set up for what's coming next. Bush is already old news. And Kerry might as well be. The next leader will only function as a temporary 'bridge'... between the old order and the coming new world order.

 July 1, '04   Celestial Fire Sequence 

On Monday, 'Gary' gave me the following information in email:

The Sun will align along the meridian with Sirius on Thursday (July 1)...

His astronomical observations have proven useful before, as has this one. It opened up a path to a new string of significant 'signs'.

As explained in Part 2 of the Time Code series, the notion of a meridian (i.e. a longitudinal line) has emerged as a key part of the 'ritual' currently underway, symbolically linked to the 'foreshadowing event' represented by Janet Jackson's Super Bowl stunt earlier this year (Feb. 1). It has much to do with the recent Transit of Venus which coincided with the week-long funerary proceedings following Ronald Reagan's passing. The transit took place on June 8 at the edge of the Milky Way and very close to the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°).

Few days later on June 11 Venus actually crossed the Meridian, coinciding with the funeral/burying of Reagan down on earth which also simultaneously signaled the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.

Thanks to Gary's observation, I have now found additionally that Venus' position in the galactic grid on the day of Reagan's demise, June 5, was also meaningfully aligned... with Sirius - an 'alter ego' of Venus (both embodying the Isis-Mary-Venus goddess complex). Sirius' galactic latitude is -8° 53' and that's exactly where Venus was found on June 5.

Now fast forward to July 1... today. Here is what we find:

  • The Sun's galactic latitude, approximately 5 pm EDT July 1, is +8° 53', thus numerically matching Sirius' (-8° 53'). (The difference is Sirius is south of the galactic equator/Milky Way while the Sun is to the north.)

  • The Sun at the same time is meridionally aligned with Sirius in the equatorial grid (RA 6h 45m).

Added to these are: 1) the original date for the so-called Iraq handover being June 30 (a day before July 1), 2) NASA's Cassini probe arriving at Saturn on July 1, 3) which is immediately preceded by a spacewalk by the ISS astronauts (International Space Station). Saturn is analogous to Osiris the god of the dead, who in turn was symbolically embodied by Reagan as discussed before. The ISS on the other hand would be 'Isis', the sister-wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus (embodied by Schwarzenegger). Not only do the names look and sound very close, the ISS is already symbolically intertwined with the Venus transit, as was pointed out at spaceweather.com:

SPACE STATION TRANSIT: Transits of Venus are rare, but this is unprecedented: The International Space Station (ISS) will cross the Sun four times during the 6-hour transit of Venus on June 8th. The double transit, Venus + the ISS, can only be seen from inside a narrow corridor about one mile wide. Four of these corridors criss-cross Europe, Africa and Asia.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 07:34

So this tells me that the 'ritual' is continuing with the same underlying 'Lucifer' (Venus) themes. But it is July 4 or so that may see some unexpected fireworks. First, here is what I wrote in The LTC Part 2:

...Venus will be crossing the galactic meridian in early July again. (Venus is going back and forth in that region during this period.) The meridian crossing will occur on July 4 - Independence Day. This could be viewed as a key date especially when added that the crossing point's galactic latitude will be -19.5 degrees, an angle said to be the 'Holy Grail' message found geometrically encoded on the surface of Mars (Cydonia).

And here are further clues found since then:

  • The Sun and Sirius will be meridionally aligned (104° 8') in the ecliptic grid the next day (July 5). [Not noted in the illustration.]

  • Venus' crossing of the Galactic Meridian will take place very near the star Aldebaran, the brightest star of Taurus known as 'Bull's/God's Eye'. The star was also the 'Torch-Bearer' (according to Ptolemy) as well as the 'Messenger of Light' (Akkadian 'Dil-gan'). Aldebaran in other words can be viewed as an alter ego of Venus since Venus is traditionally Lucifer the 'light bearer'.

  • Independence Day (July 4) would be most fittingly symbolized by the Statue of Liberty - which is a form of Isis-Mary-Venus and obviously a 'torch-bearer'!

And of course there is a Olympic torch currently going around the world and it was passing through Giza/Cairo on June 11 when Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian and the day of Reagan's funeral, moving on southward along the Nile tracing the esoteric/ancient 'Prime Meridian'. Indeed the Nile has often been considered the terrestrial Milky Way (i.e. the galaxy). And as discussed in the LTC Part 2, the Olympic torch is a significant part of the 'ritual' and closely linked to the 'rise of Horus/'Antichrist'/Schwarzenegger'.

On July 4/5, in fact, the Olympic torch will be at Kiev, a city situated directly to the north of Giza/Cairo. (Those who have read The Time Rivers would know that Kiev is the 'transposed' Giza/Cairo.) In other words, the torch will again be marking the esoteric Prime Meridian.

What's more, the Athens Olympic Games itself, the destination of the torch, will begin on the 225th day of the year 2004 (August 13), designed to numerically match the orbital period of Venus which takes 225 earth-days.

Finally, July 4 is 13 days away from June 21, the summer-solstice day. As repeatedly stressed in the Time Code series, Sirius and summer solstice are calendrically inseparable: in ancient Egypt Sirius' heliacal rising coincided with midsummer, with the beginning of the annual Nile flood (symbolic of the Osirian resurrection), and marked the New Year. The Julian calendar had derived from this Sirius-based calendar system of ancient Egypt, and it is now 13 days behind the modern Gregorian calendar. This means July 4 is calendrically analogous to June 21/summer solstice! And it should also be noted that subtracting 13 days from June 21 gives us June 8, the very date of the Transit of Venus.

Notice that the position of the Sun on the summer solstice makes Orion, the constellation representing Osiris, look like the Statue of Liberty holding a bright torch (see image right).

So I cannot help but infer that we're in for some event(s) comparable in impact or at least in concept to the Reagan death ('Osirian resurrection' theme) around July 4. The window would be something like July 1 through July 7.

There is other stuff like Mars, Paris, etc.... but that's for later.




Jan-Feb | March | April | May | June 
| Apr-July | August | Sept | Oct | Nov-Dec
Jan-Sept | Sept-Dec

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2013 05:03

Robert Bauval Adds to The "9-11" Mystery


A few days ago writer and sometimes partner of Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, posted a note on Hancock's web site concerning the September 11th attacks and the various "coincidences" around that date. Many of these we had already noted in our own story on the subject, "Who's the Enemy, Really?", but since Bauval added a few new twists to the tale, we decided to reprint the post and include a link to the original.

We have continued to watch with some amusement as Bauval and Hancock continue to parse words and dance around the obvious connections between various Masonic/Templar mysteries and many prominent modern day figures and events. They continue to deny the obvious, refusing to make the same kinds of connections in modern day events that they so willing assert into interpretations of ancient events and historical figures. It is our opinion that neither will ever truly figure out the truth of they have uncovered unless they are willing to think the unthinkable.

Still, some of these recent statements have added useful information to the debate, and for that reason we will continue to cite their work where it is applicable and encourage them to expand the basis of their belief systems.

C'mon guys, you're almost there ...

From: http://www.grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=75176&t=75176

By Robert G. Bauval

Time and Place

Historical events are fixed by the time and place they occurred. And this, as we all know, is expressed in a calendar date and the name of location. On face value, this appears obvious enough. After all, I was born on the 5th March 1948 in the city of Alexandria, as officially recorded on my birth certificate. No discussion, period. Ah, but what about much earlier historical events such as, say, the famous battle of Kadesh between the army of Ramses II and the Hittites, as depicted on the pylon walls of the Rameseum near the city of Luxor in Upper Egypt? In this case there are as many ‘dates’ ranging from c.1280 BC to c. 1298 BC depending which textbook you pick up. Even the exact location of this battle is a matter of some contention, and there are disagreement as to whether the battle was a ‘victory’ or a ‘defeat disguised as a victory’ for Ramses II. But there is worse. When it comes to such popular historical events such as, for example, the Biblical Exodus, well, forget it. Historians can’t even agree if it happened at all, let alone give us an exact date or the exact route taken by the Jews. The problem with historical events such as these is that they are ‘dated’ i.e. recorded, on different calendar systems or by the ‘reigns’ of such and such a kings and suchlike methods, presenting a nightmarish confusion for the chronologist. As for the location’s name, that, too, is given in different languages often leading to totally wrong conclusions. Think of the Arc of the Covenant or Noah’s Ark and you’ll get the picture. There is, too, the possibility that certain locations are, in a sense, chosen for symbolic reasons. Think of the terrorist attacks on the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which were almost certainly masterminded by Ossama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda organisation. In the minds of the terrorists these bombings were, of course, attacks on the ‘United States’ and thus, in a sense, projected elsewhere to geographical locations either arbitrarily or for strategic convenience. But wait, this surely does not apply to the 11th September attacks on American soil? These attacks were clearly aimed at the United States. Well, yes…and no. Let’s look at this more closely.

Firstly the 11th September of the year 2001 AD (Anno Domini) is based on the Gregorian calendar. For the Islamic calendar this date fell on the 23rd Jumaada Al Thani of the year 1422 A.H. (Anno Hegira); for the Ethiopian calendar it was the 1st Meskerem of the year 7501; in the Coptic (Christian Egyptian) calendar it was the 1st Thout of the year 1725, and according to the Jewish calendar it was the 23rd Elul of the year 5761. Confused? There’s more. The Ethiopian 1st Meskerem and the Coptic 1st Thout are the New Year’s Day for both these calendars. The Ethiopian and Coptic ‘New Year’, in fact, always fall on the 11th September of the Gregorian calendar (except on leap years, where an extra day is added). But check this. In the year 1999 of the Gregorian calendar, the “11th September” marked not only the Coptic and Ethiopian ‘New Year’ and also the Jewish New Year (which fell on 1st Tishri 5760). This is because the Jewish ‘New Year’, which is a bit like the Christian Easter, is not fixed by changes because of the complex way it is determined such as the sighting of the new moon and also that it must not fall on certain days of the week. The Jewish ‘New Year’ can fall anywhere between the first week of September and the first week of October and, statistically, more than often somewhere in the middle like, for example near or on 11th September. The historical roots of all these ancient calendars are to be found mostly in ancient Egyptian going as far back as 3000 BC. The ancient Egyptian civic calendar, probably established in the forth millennium BC, was made up of 12 months of 30 days with each month having 3 ‘weeks’ of ten days called Decans. But to keep up with the (approximate) solar year of 365 days, the Egyptians also added 5 extra or epagomenal days, known as the Birth of the Neters (divine principles or ‘gods’), which included the celebrated mythological couple, Osiris and Isis. The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well as a small variance the sidereal year and the tropical year, this after all man-made calendar slowly ‘drifted’ away from both the heliacal rising of Sirius and the summer solstice, such that by the early Christian times the 1st of the month of Thoth had drifted to the 11th September Gregorian, which is why the Egyptian-Coptic ‘New Year’ i.e. 1st of Thoot, starts on that date.

Fine so far. But what does all this have to have with the 11th September attacks?

Peace Treaty

In September 1999 a long-awaited peace treaty, known as WYE II, was signed between the PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The signature, which had taken place on the 4th September 1999 at the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sham El Sheikh, was, in fact to become officially effective seven days later i.e. on the 11 September 1999. The actual wording on the Wye II treaty reads "This Memorandum will enter into force one week from the date of its signature. Made and signed in Sharm El Sheikh, this Fourth day of September 1999." The WYEE II agreement was so named because it followed the so-called Wye I negotiations that begun on the 9th and 10th September 1993 by an secret exchange of private letters between PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. These letters revealed that the two bitter enemies had, in fact, been engaged for many months in secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway. In Rabin's letter it is confirmed that the PLO, which so far had been unofficially represented in the Palestinian Delegation established under the so-called Madrid formula, was to be recognised by Israel as the only representative of the Palestinian people. Rabin's official recognition, which is dated 10th September 1993, came in reply to a letter from Arafat dated 9th September 1993, in which the PLO also recognised the State of Israel and further pledged to delete certain articles in the old PLO Charter which had denied the existence of Israel. These negotiations ended in the so-called ‘Declaration of Principles’ signed on the 13th September 1993, and finally led to the WYE II peace treaty that came into effect on the 11th September 1999. To many radical Islamic fundamentalists and, to be fair, to many radical Jewish fundamentalists, the peace treaty was seen as a terrible betrayal of the worse possible kind and it probably was the main cause of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. Not surprisingly, many regarded the date of “11th September” as the 'Day of Infamy' when their historical religious cause was finally sold out by Arafat and Barak. Ironically, this ‘Day of Infamy’ also happened to be in the year 1999, when the ‘New Year’ of the Jews and also the ‘New Year’ of the Egyptian Copts fell on the 11th September. The Jewish ‘New Year’ is generally known as Rosh Hashanah (which means ‘Beginning of the Year’), but itt is also called Yom Hadin (the Day of Judgement); Yom Hazikaron (the Day of Memorial) and is thought of as ‘The Day of Penitence’ when starts a period of ‘ten days of penitence’ leading to Yom Kippur (Passover) ‘The Day of Atonement’. But the Jewish ‘New Year’ has a much deeper meaning to orthodox Jews. It is associated to the Messianic Age, and many Jews today actually believe that it will be on that ‘Feast of Trumpets’ that their long awaited Messiah will come and make his appearance on the ‘Temple’ at Jerusalem. This day, it is said, will be the ‘ultimate redemption’ of Israel. Curiously, in recent years fundamental Christians have also associated the 11th September with the Second Coming of Christ, probably to conform with the ‘Rosh Hashanah’ Judaic prophecies but also, apparently, because some believe the true ‘star of Bethlehem’ appeared to the Magi on the 11th September 3 BC in the east, when a bright light was seen at the conjunction of the ‘star of kings’, Regulus, and the ‘planet of kings’, Jupiter, and when the sun, Venus and Mercury were in Virgo.

Pentagon, Pillars and the Temple of Jerusalem

Eerily, the date of September 11 is also actually incorporated in the construction history of the US Pentagon, one of the terrorists’ most coveted targets in 2001. Any self-respecting employees of the US Pentagon will quickly tell you these days that ‘ground breaking’ ceremony took place on 11th September 1941 during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This ‘dual’ dating tag that is now forever locked in the annals of the US Pentagon is too much of a coincidence to be simply ignored. Could the terrorists have intended to draw attention to the year 1941 or, more specifically, to the year 1941 and something to do with President Roosevelt? But why? Let’s take a closer look. 1941 was, of course, the year that the US entered World War II. September 11, 2001 is an attempt to drawn the United States into a ‘World War III’. So far, there seems to be some ‘sense’ in making this link. But how does President Roosevelt himself fit in this ‘message’? What has Roosevelt got to do with the present PLO-Israeli conflict?

Roosevelt was sworn in on the 4th March 1933 as the 32nd President of the United States. Coincidence would have it that he was also a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite. His Vice-President was Harry Truman, who was a 33rd Degree Freemason. In 1945 Truman became America’s 33rd President. But so what? Surely these are just coincidences? Perhaps; but, perhaps they are not seen as ‘coincidences’ by Anti-Masons and religious fundamentalists in view of what these two man participated in ‘creating’: the modern State of Israel. In this respect, the “32nd and 33rd degrees’ bear a curious relevance to all this. Let us see why.

The Scottish Rite, which belongs to an elite branch of Freemasonry known as the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, was founded in 1801 at the city of Charleston in South Carolina. Its origins are obscure, but it is generally agreed by Masonic historians that it started in the 1740s in the city of Bordeaux, France and brought to the American Colonies soon after. The idea was to link the normal or ‘craft’ Freemasonry with the elitist medieval order of the Knights Templar, a powerful political and financial organisation that originally was formed to protect the Holy Land --and especially Jerusalem-- from the Muslims. The Knights Templar, in fact, got their evocative name from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where had once stood Solomon’s Temple, and where these Christian knights had established their first camp during the Crusades. Jerusalem had been wrenched from the Muslims in the 11th century AD, and was the ‘Kingdom of Jerusalem’ was placed under the protection the Christian knights, mostly Knights Templar, who had sworn solemn oath to protect it. But in 1187 AD the Holy Land was lost again to the Muslims, when the army of Saladin crushed a Knights Templar’s army at the battle of Hattin on the 4th July. The Kingdom of Jerusalem eventually surrendered to Saladin on the 2nd October 1187, and from this time onwards, it remained in Muslim hands until modern times. Not surprising then, the rituals of Scottish rite Freemasonry are Judeo-Christian and those of the top degrees between the 30th and the 33rd are intensely ‘Templar’ in as such as they advocate the symbolic ‘rebuilding’ of the Temple of Solomon. Today, where once stood this much-fantasised Temple of Solomon, are to be seen the Mosque of Omar and the Mosque of Al Aqsa, two very sacred Muslim shrines and where the Prophet Mohamad is beleived to have ascended to heaven. To put it mildly, the Temple Mound in Jerusalem is Islam’s most venerated place, some saying even more sacred than the Kaaba at Makka. By a terrible twist of fate it is also the most haloed place in Judeo-Christian tradition and, mostly, to neo-Templar secret societies such as the Scottish Rite. Central to the Scottish Rite rituals are the so-called Masonic ‘Tracing Boards’, which are usually cloths placed on the floor of the lodge on which can be seen symbols representing the Temple of Solomon, usually two tall pillars, called Jachin and Boaz, and in the centre a five-pointed star, pentagon known as the ‘Blazing Star’. The ‘Blazing Star’ is identified s ‘Lucifer’, but not in the malevolent sense that this name generally has today, but to the classical ‘Lucce-Ferre’ or ‘Morning Star’ of the Romans i.e. Venus, which in the Bible is associated to Messianic events. But it can easily be seen how, to terrorist groups such as Hamas and Al Qaeda, such and elitist and secret society in America might be perceived as ‘Satanic’, hence the crude name allocated by radical Arabs of ‘Great Satan’ to describing the United States and it leaders. But to be fair, all this is not altogether surprising. In 1881, for instance, a huge scam was mounted against the Scottish Rite Freemasons of Charleston by a French author called Leo Taxil, who ‘exposed’ the ‘Satanic’ rituals of this fraternity and named many senior politicians and clerics as being involved. The ‘Leo Taxil Hoax’, as it is know in Masonic circles, caused much bad press for the Masons, and brought a wave of anti-Masonic attacks from the general public and the Church. Now the 32 degree rituals of the Scottish Rite (the 33rd is a title an not a ritual) are said to be related to the 32 Paths of Wisdom of the Sephiroth or Tree of Life found in the Judeo-Christian Kabala. The Kabala is a mystical system of learning or initiation based on the idea that the Holy Scriptures, such as the Torah, the Talmud and the Old Testament, are somehow encoded in the ‘language of God’ the key of which (Kabala) was handed to Moses and passed on to the Jewish sages and Rabbis. Apparently the secrets of the Kabala are in the mystical understanding of the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet. These letters, which are seen as ‘paths’ or ‘roads’, link up the 10 ‘emanations of God’ that make up the Sephiroth, and thus together make up the 32 Paths. The same idea, interestingly enough, is also found in the modern esoteric Tarot Cards which was invented by a Scottish Rite Freemason, Court de Gebelin. Even more interestingly, the 31th, 32nd and 33rd degrees, which are the most crucial to the ‘rebuilding’ of the Temple of Solomon, also are found in the actual geographical latitudes or parallels that encompass the modern State of Israel. The 32 parallel passes, in fact, just a little south of the city of Jerusalem. It has often been remarked that the ‘Mother Lodge’ of the Scottish rite Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree was fixed at the city of Charleston in South Carolina because the 33rd degree parallel passes almost right through it. Also on some certificates of the Scottish Rite 33rd degree, the actual geographical latitude in degrees of the issuing lodge is given alongside the name and location of the lodge, indicating some sort of mystical connection between this ritual and the geographical location of the lodge. One can easily see, therefore, how radical fundamentalists might perceive the creation of the State of Israel which was encouraged by F.D. Roosevelt and ‘recognised’ in the 14th May 1948 by Harry Truman.

Many ‘Founding Fathers’ of the United States were, in fact, Freemasons. A year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, Benjamin Franklin, the most famous of the signatories, was sent to Paris to obtain funds and military support for the American War of Independence against the British. Franklin, too, was a Freemason, and he immediately joined the famous and very influential Nine sisters Lodge in Paris. Also members of this lodge are said to have been the famous hero the marquis de Lafayette, the future US President Thomas Jefferson, and the future leaders of the French Revolution, Danton and Marat. Also at the Nine Sisters lodge were registered the inventor of the Tarot cards Court de Gebelin, the celebrated astronomer, Gerome de Lalande, and the mathematician, Gaspard Monge. Interestingly, the last two were largely responsible for the creation of a new ‘Republican’ calendar based on 12 months of 30 days, with each months divided into three ‘decanis’ or ‘weeks’ of ten day, giving a total of 360 days. Five extra days, known as the ‘5 days of virtues’, were then added to make up 365 days of the solar year. This calendar was almost certainly based on the ancient Egyptian prototype and was probably masterminded at the Nine Sisters lodge. It was at that time that Court de Gebelin made the link between the ‘Blazing Star’ of the Freemasons with the five-pointed star symbol of Sirius, the ‘star of Isis’ (on which the original ancient Egyptian calendar was based). More intriguing, Court de Gebelin identified this star to the Tarot card No. 17, known as ‘The Star’, which depicts a woman wearing a large star on her head. Court de Gebelin, as well as other scholars at the time, knew very that at the Egyptian calendar had originally been fixed on the first dawn rising of Sirius i.e. the ancient Egyptian ‘New Year’, which takes place at the summer solstice, 21 June on the Gregorian calendar. But at the time of Gebelin’s ‘discovery’, the Gregorian calendar had only recently been introduced to replace the old Julian calendar established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The conversion of the Julian calendar into the Gregorian calendar had, in fact, been imposed by Pope Gregory XII in 1582 but had not been adopted until 1752 in the American colonies. According to the old Julian calendar the 21 June was no longer the summer solstice but, instead, fell on the 4th July of the new Gregorian calendar. It was then customary during those early transitory years of the two calendars to include both the Julian and the Gregorian date on official documents. Interestingly, Freemasons consider their own ‘New Year’ to begin at the summer solstice, which in the old Julian calendar would be the ‘4th July’. Was the Declaration of Independence signed on that date for ‘Masonic’ reasons? Who knows.

Shangri La
It has been seriously suggested by the US Pentagon that one of the aborted targets of the 11th September 2001 attacks may have been Camp David, in Maryland. ‘Camp David’ is, to say the least, very evocative of ‘Camp Temple Solomon’ of the original Knights Templar. And to the Arabs ‘Camp David’ is, above all else, the place where the Egyptian President. Anwar Al Sadat, signed the first peace treaty with Israel with Prime Minister Menahim Begin on the 17th September 1978. The original name of Camp David was, in fact, Shangri La, and was first established by President F.D. Roosevelt in 1941-2. It was subsequently renamed ‘Camp David’ during the administration of President Eisenhower in 1953, apparently after his grandson, David Eisenhower. Camp David is the traditional place of retreat of US presidents since F.D. Roosevelt created the ‘camp’ and where many of had come to ‘see the whole world very clearly during times of conflict and strife.’ To Arab and especially Egyptian fundamentalists, however, Camp David is thought of as the place where Sadat ‘betrayed’ the Muslim people. So much was Sadat’s action vilified by the fundamentalists, that it caused him his life in 1981. Camp David was, quite obviously, a very hot target for 11th September terrorists.

But could there have been an undetected ‘fifth’ target other than the twin towers of the WTC, the Pentagon and the aborted Camp David targets? And if so, what would the terrorists have selected? Again, we must resort to the same symbolic ‘language’ made up from the strange Kabalistic-Judeo-Christian-Templar brew that appears to be the trade mark of the 11th September attacks.

The Woman with the Star

We have seen how the so-called 32 Paths or ‘degrees’ of enlightenment were associated with the ‘rebuilding’ of ‘Solomon’s Temple’ as well as with the idea of the Masonic ‘Blazing Star’ or pentagon. We have seen how this ‘star’ was also linked to the Egyptian five-pointed symbol of Sirius, especially in the Tarot card called the ‘Star’ and represented by a woman wearing a seven-pointed star on her head. Often the Kabalistic Sephiroth or Tree of Life, with it’s distinct 22 ‘paths’ and 10 ‘emanations’ is also shown next to the woman with the star. ‘The Star’ is card numbered 17 and is preceded by cards 16, known as ‘The Tower’, and then card 15 known as ‘The Devil’. ‘The Tower’ card, which is thus in the middle of this series, depicts a gruesome scene showing a very tall building whose top part has been struck by lightning and has caught fire, and with people falling off the building. Often next to this burning tower is shown the Sephiroth. Card 15, ‘The Devil’, shown the ‘goat of Mendes’ (Satan) fronted by a five-pointed star or pentagon. In view of the striking imagery of these series of Tarot cards to the actual targets of 11th September, as well as the connection of the Tarot to the Scottish Rite, we cannot be blamed to wonder if the terrorists had the Tarot in mind when they planned the attacks? For when we project these Tarot images on the actual geographical landscape of the 11th September attacks, we can easily identify two of the target areas: the ‘Tower’ with the WTC, and the ‘Pentagon’ (Devil), the latter the ‘Great Satan’ of the terrorists, with the US Pentagon. But if we are reading this grusome ‘message’ correctly, there should also be the ‘women with the star’ in this scheme, and more precisely somewhere on the ‘other side’ of the WTC towers. And when we look for her, there she is: the Statue of Liberty, a ‘women’ wearing a tiara or crown in the form of a ‘star’. Less known to the general public is that the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony in 1884 organised by the Masonic lodges of New York. Again, if we are reading the ‘message’ correctly, there should be some association between the Statue of Liberty and the ‘Blazing Star’ or Tarot ‘Star’. We recall that the latter were identified to Sirius, the star sacred to the Egyptian goddess Isis. But how could there possibly be a connection with this Egyptian icon and the Statue of Liberty? Odd enough, there is. For the Statue of Liberty, which was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi and actually built by the French Engineer, Gustave Eiffel (both well-known Freemasons), was not originally a ‘Statue of Liberty’ at all, but first planned by Bartholdi for the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt in 1867. Bartholdi, like many French Freemasons of his time, was deeply steeped in ‘Egyptian’ rituals, and it has often been said that he conceived the original statue as an effigy of the goddess Isis, and only later converted it to a ‘Statue of Liberty’ for New York harbour when it was rejected for the Suez Canal. The ‘star’ on the head of the Statue of Liberty might, therefore, be seen as the star of Isis, Sirius, who rising marked the ‘New Year’ of the ancient Egyptian calender and which now had ‘drifted’ to the “11th September” of the Coptic-Egyptian calendar …and by a fluke of destiny to the ‘Date of Infamy’ of PLO-Israeli peace treaty when it coincided with the Jewish and Coptic ‘New Years’. Bearing in mind that Anwar Al Sadat was attempting to bring together the three major religion, Islam, Christianity (Copts) and Judaism, this date now takes a particular sinister meaning in the wake of the terrible 11th September attacks.

But could the terrorists have known all this? Mystical Kabala has been practiced by Muslim mystics for centuries. As for Knights Templar mysticism, these are said to have originally derived from the contact of the Christian knights with Muslim sages and Sufi mystics during the Crudades and even after. In short, for any self-respecting Muslim mystic like many found in organisation such as Al Qaeda, all this is, quite clearly, is kids’ stuff.

The question is: who’s talking to whom?…

Far fetched? But so was the 11th September attack.

Only ‘Time’ will tell.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2013 05:34

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Nayrouz, Happy Coptic New Year

Today marks the Feast of El-Nayrouz, the Coptic New Year 1726 (dated from 284 CE the beginning of the Diocletian Persecution).

The name 'Nayrouz' is clearly borrowed from the Persian 'beginning of the year.' It was undoubtedly brought to Egypt around the time of the Islamic conquest. Nevertheless Egyptians still maintain their ancient calendar from the time of the Pharoahs with a curious beginning of the year timed to the flooding of the Nile.

In ancient times the beginning of the year was timed with the rising of Sirius the dog-star. In recent times the date has been fixed to September 11.

In the feast of El-Nayrouz the Copts claim to behold the opened gates of Paradise. They see Christ coming to carry us on the clouds, together with those who already entered the Paradise. All of them will enjoy the divine throne in heaven.

The following is a prayer for the feast.

O Lord, grant us to celebrate El-Nayrouz,
So that we may ask for a blessed year for all mankind.
And that every believer has the experience of Your marvelous Day.
Thus, all will enjoy the brightness of Your glory.

Yes, Come quickly O Lord Jesus.
Our hearts are enflamed with Your love.
Our hearts ask for none except You.

Let me, O God, celebrate the Feast of El-Nayrouz unceasingly.
Let me experience this joyful gospel, the gospel of everlasting unity with You.

Wondrous is the Son who paid the price of my trip to Your divine bosoms,
And Your Holy Spirit who forms me to become a heavenly bride,
Carrying me as if with the wings of a dove that heaven may celebrate my wedding!

I see You my beloved Christ, coming to me personally,
You have chosen me to share in Your glory,
You offered Yourself, a joyful sacrifice of love.

Grant me to become an icon of You,
With a big heart, full of love to all humans,
That, I may become a source of joy to everyone.

Your dwelling in me, O Holy Spirit renews my nature,
He transforms my dark tomb into a holy sanctuary,
He converts my darkness into exceeding brightness!

Grant me with all my brethren, to fly and be with You in heaven!
Let me celebrate the feast of the martyrs as fit, that I may practice witnessing for You.
Change my life to be full of joy with You, even at the moments of my daily repentance.

You see me my Lord rejoicing in You, and You become delighted in me.
The heavenly angels see me coming to You, and they welcome me.
They receive me with exceeding joy to join them in praising You.

The sinners see me full of joy, and they get filled with hope.
They see me rejoicing, and they join me in my continuous repentance.

The prophets and the apostles and all the martyrs see me.
And they praise You for letting me accompany them in Your kingdom!

What a wonderful thing, You delight in me,
And so do all Your creation, in heaven and on earth!

But the devil runs away in front of me
As he sees Your divine joy enlightens me and shines upon my face!

Glory is to You, the source of joy and victory.

Grant me O Lord that I may celebrate the feast of the martyrs all my life,
That, I may witness to Your joyful gospel,
That, I may always be in touch with Your tremendous fatherly love,

I see You anticipating with longing for me too.

Happy Nayrouz!

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Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2013 06:01

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2013 06:10
  Hit return key after entering data in any text field.

sun checkbox check the applet box to plot the altitude of the Sun entered in the text field "Sun Alt."

Click to get the date, time, azimuth of the star, and the times of rise and set of the star (altitude as in "Star Alt." :

rise set

Drag to get a time interval (days) between mouse down and mouse up:

The "heliacal rising" (morning first):
is the first day of the year when the star (after a period when it was invisible) rises in the morning before the Sun and the Sun is still far enough below the eastern horizon to make it briefly visible in the morning twilight.

The "acronychal rising":
is the last day of the year when the star (after a period when it was visible at night) rises in the evening after sunset and the Sun is already far enough below the eastern horizon to make it visible in the evening twilight.

The "heliacal setting" (evening last):
is the last day when the star (after a period when it was visible) sets after sunset and the Sun is already far enough below the western horizon to make the star
briefly visible in the evening twilight.

The "cosmic setting":
is the first day when the star (after a period when it was visible) sets before sunrise and the Sun is still far enough below the eastern horizon to make the star
briefly visible in the morning twilight.

The visibility of the star depends on several faktors:
 - the light pollution
 - the altitude of the star above the horizon (for instance 3°)
 - the depression of the Sun (
for instance -7°)
 - the brightness (magnitude) of the star
 - the difference between the azimuth of the star and of the Sun
 - the color of the star
 - the transparency/extinction of the air

An important variable is the "arcus visionis", the vertical distance between the sun and the star (
for instance av=3°+7°=10°).

Example: Sirius
Heliacal rising: Aug 26, heliacal setting: May 1

Sirius rising           setting

Select "Data Window" from the Detals menu:

heliacal rising           and setting
Web Links

Heliacal Rising (Wikipedia)

Heliacal Rising & Setting of Sirius

B. E. Schaefer: Heliacal Rise Phenomena

R. D. Purrington: Heliacal Rising and Setting: Quantitative Aspects

The star Sirius in ancient Egypt and Babylonia

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2013 06:13

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/05/2013 00:12
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/04/2013 02:00
saludos navegante
Te queria hacer otra pregunta. ¿En que dia del año, si se puede saber, SIRIO , sale por el ESTE A LA PUESTA DEL SOL, y se pone en el OESTE a la salida del sol? ¿O en otras palabras en que dia del año SIRIO se mueve en todo el cielo de horizonte a horizonte en toda la noche?
Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 28 en el tema 
De: navelegante Enviado: 15/05/2013 10:37

Durante la noche que en el calendario gregoriano es la del "día 1 de enero".

Pero hay que tener en cuenta que el eje de rotación del planeta está inclinado y en las fechas en torno al 1 de enero -12 días después del solsticio- el extremo sur del eje está descubierto al sol de modo que en cierta franja del hemisferio sur (unos 40º al sur del ecuador) las noches duran 9 horas y por eso en la noche del 1 de enero no se podría ver a Sirio asomar por el horizonte oriente ni se llegaría a verla ponerse por el occidente, pero sí ocurre.

Desde la Tierra vemos a Sirio en un punto de una línea que es proyección de las tres estrellas del cinturón de Orión. Si observas la siguiente imagen, la zona de Noche de la Tierra está encarada a Orión el 19 de diciembre, de modo que el 1 de enero (12 días después) el planeta está un poco más adelante en su órbita, ya entre Sirio y el Sol.

Respuesta Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 28 de 28 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/05/2013 21:01
Gracias por la respuesta. La verdad que es muy grafica.

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2013 20:41

Lucas 4

1. Jesús, lleno del Espíritu Santo, volvió del Jordán, y fue llevado por el Espíritu al desierto
2. por cuarenta días, y era tentado por el diablo. Y no comió nada en aquellos días, pasados los cuales, tuvo hambre.
3. Entonces el diablo le dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, dí a esta piedra que se convierta en pan.
4. Jesús, respondiéndole, dijo: Escrito está: No sólo de pan vivirá el hombre, sino de toda palabra de Dios.
5. Y le llevó el diablo a un alto monte, y le mostró en un momento todos los reinos de la tierra.
6. Y le dijo el diablo: A ti te daré toda esta potestad, y la gloria de ellos; porque a mí me ha sido entregada, y a quien quiero la doy.
7. Si tú postrado me adorares, todos serán tuyos.
8. Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: Vete de mí, Satanás, porque escrito está: Al Señor tu Dios adorarás, y a él solo servirás.
9. Y le llevó a Jerusalén, y le puso sobre el pináculo del templo, y le dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, échate de aquí abajo;
10. porque escrito está:
A sus ángeles mandará acerca de ti, que te guarden;
11. y, En las manos te sostendrán, Para que no tropieces con tu pie en piedra.
12. Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: Dicho está: No tentarás al Señor tu Dios.
13. Y cuando el diablo hubo acabado toda tentación, se apartó de él por un tiempo.
14. Y Jesús volvió en el poder del Espíritu a Galilea, y se difundió su fama por toda la tierra de alrededor.
15. Y enseñaba en las sinagogas de ellos, y era glorificado por todos.
16. Vino a Nazaret, donde se había criado; y en el día de reposo entró en la sinagoga, conforme a su costumbre, y se levantó a leer.
17. Y se le dio el libro del profeta Isaías; y habiendo abierto el libro, halló el lugar donde estaba escrito:
18. El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
Por cuanto me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas a los pobres; (JUBILEO/DIA DE LA EXPIACION/DIA DEL JUICIO/LEVITICO 25)
Me ha enviado a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón;
A pregonar libertad a los cautivos,
Y vista a los ciegos;
20. Y enrollando el libro, lo dio al ministro, y se sentó; y los ojos de todos en la sinagoga estaban fijos en él.
21. Y comenzó a decirles: Hoy se ha cumplido esta Escritura delante de vosotros.
22. Y todos daban buen testimonio de él, y estaban maravillados de las palabras de gracia que salían de su boca, y decían: ¿No es éste el hijo de José?
23. El les dijo: Sin duda me diréis este refrán: Médico, cúrate a ti mismo; de tantas cosas que hemos oído que se han hecho en Capernaum, haz también aquí en tu tierra.
24. Y añadió: De cierto os digo, que ningún profeta es acepto en su propia tierra.
25. Y en verdad os digo que muchas viudas había en Israel en los días de Elías, cuando el cielo fue cerrado por tres años y seis meses, y hubo una gran hambre en toda la tierra;
27. Y muchos leprosos había en Israel en tiempo del profeta Eliseo; pero ninguno de ellos fue limpiado, sino Naamán el sirio. (Sirio, tambien en el paralelo 33. Hay algo que me llama la atencion. Sabemos que el CALENDARIO GREGORIANO, en el contexto a que CAPRICORNIO, diciembre y enero, incluye EL AÑO NUEVO GREGORIANO QUE ESTA EN FUNCION DE SIRIO. ¿PORQUE LA RELACION DEL CHIVO EXPIATORIO CON SIRIO E INCLUSO CON CAPRICORNIO? OBSERVAMOS incluso, que el 911, que fue en el DIA DE LA EXPIACION, tambien tiene una REFERENCIA A SIRIO EN ESTE CONTEXTO. ¿CUAL ES EL SECRETO?)
28. Al oír estas cosas, todos en la sinagoga se llenaron de ira;
29. y levantándose, le echaron fuera de la ciudad, y le llevaron hasta la cumbre del monte sobre el cual estaba edificada la ciudad de ellos, para despeñarle.
30. Mas él pasó por en medio de ellos, y se fue.
31. Descendió Jesús a Capernaum, ciudad de Galilea; y les enseñaba en los días de reposo.
32. Y se admiraban de su doctrina, porque su palabra era con autoridad.
33. Estaba en la sinagoga un hombre que tenía un espíritu de demonio inmundo, el cual exclamó a gran voz,
34. diciendo: Déjanos; ¿qué tienes con nosotros, Jesús nazareno? ¿Has venido para destruirnos? Yo te conozco quién eres, el Santo de Dios.
35. Y Jesús le reprendió, diciendo: Cállate, y sal de él. Entonces el demonio, derribándole en medio de ellos, salió de él, y no le hizo daño alguno.
36. Y estaban todos maravillados, y hablaban unos a otros, diciendo: ¿Qué palabra es esta, que con autoridad y poder manda a los espíritus inmundos, y salen?
37. Y su fama se difundía por todos los lugares de los contornos.
38. Entonces Jesús se levantó y salió de la sinagoga, y entró en casa de Simón. La suegra de Simón tenía una gran fiebre; y le rogaron por ella.
39. E inclinándose hacia ella, reprendió a la fiebre; y la fiebre la dejó, y levantándose ella al instante, les servía.
40. Al ponerse el sol, todos los que tenían enfermos de diversas enfermedades los traían a él; y él, poniendo las manos sobre cada uno de ellos, los sanaba.
41. También salían demonios de muchos, dando voces y diciendo: Tú eres el Hijo de Dios. Pero él los reprendía y no les dejaba hablar, porque sabían que él era el Cristo.
42. Cuando ya era de día, salió y se fue a un lugar desierto; y la gente le buscaba, y llegando a donde estaba, le detenían para que no se fuera de ellos.
43. Pero él les dijo: Es necesario que también a otras ciudades anuncie el evangelio del reino de Dios; porque para esto he sido enviado.
44. Y predicaba en las sinagogas de Galilea.

Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 75 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2013 19:03

new hamp stonehenge

The Oracle Chamber
It too bears a striking resemblance to altar stones found at megalithic sites in Europe. And we do know that blood sacrifice and altars such as these were connected firmly to Neolithic religions.
Another frequently occurring megalithic structure familiar to all readers is the stone circle. We know of the great Stonehenge complex in England with its huge Sarcen (meaning “heathen stones” and derived from the word Saracen) stones found there and the many calendrical alignments they delineate. But there are ancient stone circles in New England as well.



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