The Main Penny
long thought by historians that it was a British penny
The Maine State Museum describes it as "the only pre-Columbian Norse artifact generally regarded as genuine found within the United States"
n 1978, experts from London considered that it might be Norse. Kolbjorn Skaare of the University of Oslo determined the coin had been minted between 1065 and 1080 AD and widely circulated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The Goddard site has been dated to 1180-1235, within the circulation period of pennies of this type. The people living there at the time are generally considered to be ancestors of the Penobscot.
The identity of the Maine Penny as an Olaf Kyrre silver penny is not in doubt.
Dating to around the year 1000, L'Anse aux Meadows is the only site widely accepted as evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact
L'Anse aux Meadows is the only confirmed Norse site in North America outside of Greenland. It represents the farthest-known extent of European exploration and settlement of the New World before the voyages of Christopher Columbus almost 500 years later. The first mention of North America was by the German cleric, Adam of Bremen in 1073. He wrote that
"He [i.e. the Danish king, Sven Estridsson] also told me of another island discovered by many in that ocean. It is called Vinland [reference to North America] because vines grow there on their own accord, producing the most excellent wine. Moreover, that unsown crops abound there, we have ascertained not from fabulous conjecture but from the reliable reports of the Danes."[9]
This excerpt is from a history Adam had composed of the archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen who ruled over Scandinavia (the original home of the Norse people) at the time.
Historians have speculated that there were other settlement sites, or at least Norse-Native American trade contacts, in the Canadian Arctic.[10] In 2012, possible Norse outposts were identified in Nanook at Tanfield Valley on Baffin Island, as well as Nunguvik, Willows Island and the Avayalik Islands Arch Bishop of Hamburg .....knew about Vinland
The Penobscot Nation, formerly known as the Penobscot Tribe of Maine, is the federally recognized tribe of Penobscot people.[3] They are part of the Wabanaki Confederacy, along with the Abenaki, Passamaquoddy, Maliseet, and Mi'kmaq nations. had a force stay in Orkney for the winter.
Orkney is connected to the Saint Clairs