Desde la Tierra, con la capacidad visual de nuestro cerebro, Saturno es el planeta más alejado que podemos ver a ojo desnudo. Sólo podemos verlo durante ciertos periodos desde la zona de Sombra del Planeta Tierra (la noche).
A comienzos de marzo de 2011 Júpiter acaba de llegar al culmen de su oposición con Saturno. Fue la mitad del ciclo sinódico de Júpiter visto desde Saturno. Júpiter está en una órbita interior a la de Saturno y por eso aquel se desplaza más rápido y de ahí que es el que "se acerca" a la oposición. Esta oposición ocurre cada 19,1 años. Durante estos meses ambos planetas, los más grandes del Barrio planetario, están circulando a lados contrarios del Sol. El 5 de marzo de 2011 se produjo el momento culmen de la oposición.
La Nave Tierra no estaba (y por eso no estuvimos) en la línea Júpiter-Sol-Saturno, aunque tampoco nos enteramos. A escala de la amplitud de las órbitas de ambos planetas y de la "lentitud" de su traslación (comparado con la "pequeña" órbita de la Tierra y la "rapidez" de traslación del planeta) podemos decir que tal oposición ha estado teniendo lugar durante meses. Es como si representáramos esos 19 años como un círculo de 360º, y a principios de febrero de 2011 sólo faltaran apenas 2 grados para que se completara la oposición (el 5 de marzo). A escala de 1 día es como si cada oposición ocurriera cada 24 horas y faltaran 19 minutos para la siguiente oposición. En esta ocasión, el 5 de marzo, desde la Isla flotante "Tierra" habríamos visto a las Islas flotantes "Júpiter" y "Saturno" cercanas a los dos puntos equinocciales la esfera celeste de la Tierra.
Durante los 2 meses anteriores al 5 de marzo (culmen de la oposición entre los dos grandes planetas del Barrio) Plutón aparece casi en ángulo recto con ellos. Han ocurrido en el planeta Tierra terremotos de importancia en Argentina, Chile, Pakistán, Nueva Zelanda, y 7 días después del culmen ha ocurrido el más fuerte en la isla de Japón el día 11 y un temblor en Chile el día 16.Sea real o no la relación entre la oposición de los dos grandes planetas del sistema y la agitación en el planeta Tierra, éste se mueve siempre, y no sólo estremeciéndose en su Corazón y su Piel ("interior" y "superficie") sino también girando y trasladándose en las 3 primeras dimensiones (Espacio) de la realidad. Como nosotros. El día 22 hay otra oposición entre la Tierra y Urano, la cual ocurre cada 369 días, aunque ésta es especial porque coincide con el equinoccio y esta coincidencia ocurre cada 84 años.
Se alinean al mismo lado del Sol cada 19,1 años de media (máximo 20,5 años y mínimo 18,7 años), o sea que la Tierra da 19 órbitas mientras Júpiter da 1,6 y Saturno da 0,6. En 3 alineamientos (57,3 años) marcan los tres puntos de sus órbitas con los que formamos el Triángulo. El Triángulo da una órbita al Sol cada 794 años (800 años, en cifras redondas) que son 794 órbitas de la Tierra, 67 de Júpiter y 27 de Saturno durante las que ambos se alinean 41 veces. 794 años son 290.000 días. Se alinearon ante las Pléyades en junio de 2000, y antes lo hicieron en abril del año 1.206.
Hace unos "10 años" -10 órbitas de la Tierra al Sol- lo contemplé y viví a través de mi primer y sencillo telescopio. Por primera vez establecí contacto íntimo con un cuerpo y energía celeste que no fuera la Madre (Tierra), la Luna o el Sol. Entonces el Planeta Saturno estaba inclinado en tal ángulo con respecto a la Tierra que nos permitía una perfecta visión sesgada de sus grandiosos anillos que le confieren su especial belleza. Toda una joya ensortijada y maravillosa flotante en mitad de la oscuridad del vacío del Sistema Planetario de la Estrella Sol. La contemplación de tal simple belleza "extramundana" -y no menor que la del Planeta que habitamos, sino diferente- me inspiró un poema a Saturno. Y llegué a ver su satélite principal como un puntito a cierta distancia.
Como curiosidades y datos del Planeta con nuestra historia y vida cotidiana, ya era conocido por los mayas o los sumerios hace 6000 años. Fue descubierto "recientemente" por el hombre moderno y bautizado con el nombre de un dios de la mitología romana heredera de la mitología griega y del nombre del dios representativo del tiempo cronológico, psicológico, lineal: Cronos, el Crono, el Reloj. En la mitología griega, Cronos era uno de los hijos de Urano (el Cielo) y Gea (la Tierra) que estaban fundidos en un perpetuo acto de fecundación. Cronos, con una hoz (la guadaña de la muerte), cortó los genitales a Urano y comenzó a devorar a los hijos de la Tierra; así ocurre igualmente con las personas y a las cosas que son consumidas por el tiempo cronológico o temporalidad (otra cosa es el tiempo espiritual o eternidad, tan existente y real como el cronológico). El pintor Goya retrató a Saturno devorando a sus hijos con una evidente literalidad y dramatismo. En la mitología romana, Saturno era una divinidad benéfica relacionada con la fertilidad de la tierra, y bajo su reinado la humanidad vivió tiempos de paz, prosperidad y felicidad, llamada Edad de Oro a la que aluden varias culturas. Se le asoció la guadaña como símbolo con el sentido de instrumento de recogida de la mies. Más adelante la significación que la cultura occidental fue dando a la guadaña derivó hacia lo mortal, de modo que terminó considerándose símbolo de la muerte que siega la vida hasta identificar al propio tiempo (cronos, saturno) con la muerte.
En el orden de los planetas del Sistema Solar, La Tierra y Urano están también separados por Saturno, como en la mitología griega. La Tierra está en la 3 ª órbita desde el Sol, y Urano está en la 7ª. Saturno queda en la 6ª.
Saturno también es el nombre del dios al cual está dedicado el sexto día de la semana de la cultura anglosajona: Saturday, Saturn Day o Día de Saturno, el "sábado" de la cultura judeocristiana. Para los israelitas, Saturno era el planeta santo y le llamaban "Sabaoth" que significa "cese" o "descanso". De tal nombre procede "Sabbath" que derivó como "sábado" en castellano, el día de descanso de trabajo según la tradición bíblica del séptimo día en que el Dios bíblico descansó de su trabajo de creación del mundo, independientemente de que "el descanso" como vivencia espiritual no tenga que ver con nombres de días de una estructura cronológica ni con la expresión "descanse en paz" asociada a la muerte o cesación de la vida. Con todo, Saturday y Sábado como nombres de días de la semana están relacionados.
Y por fin, como mera curiosidad y jugando con las letras y palabras, llamo al Planeta Saturno el "Señor de los Anillos" por una razón evidente. También es relacionable con un nombre tomado de la famosa historia de J.R.R. Tolkien en la que el Señor de los Anillos se llama "Sauron". Bien, pues la palabra "Saturno" es muy semejante a la palabra "Sauron". Si a "Saturno", siendo el dios de la cronología le quitamos la "t" de "tiempo" y ponemos el "no" al revés ( "on") da como resultado "Sauron". Mera curiosidad.
En la sexta órbita el Planeta que lleva el nombre "Saturno" da vueltas alrededor de la Estrella Sol. 6 es el número base de nuestro sistema horario. Para hacernos una fácil idea de la distancia y dimensiones de la órbita de Saturno, entre el Sol y la órbita de Saturno caben prácticamente 4 órbitas y media de la Tierra. Es la longitud del radio de la órbita de Saturno. En esta imagen a escala puedes observarlo fácilmente.
Como puedes observar, la longitud del Radio de la órbita de Saturno equivale 4'5 órbitas de la Tierra, si bien el número más exacto es 4'666. Esto supone que el diámetro de la órbita de Saturno equivale al doble: 9'333, y que en su circunferencia caben 29'3 órbitas terrestres. Y resulta que... Saturno tarda 29'5 años en completar su órbita. La media entre 29'3 y 29'5 es 29'4.
Otra forma de decirlo es que la órbita de Saturno mide 29'4 diámetros de la órbita de la Tierra mientras Saturno la recorre en 29'4 años. Sin duda una bella y armoniosa coincidencia entre el Planeta Agua y Saturno (no como vendrían a contar las historias mitológicas griegas) y entre los tamaños de sus órbitas, sus distancias y sus velocidades de traslación, todos ellos factores (además de otros) que contribuyen al mismo coctel.
Las armonías están ahí, a flor de piel espacial, listas para ser descubiertas a través de los números y simples operaciones aprendidas en casa (y en el cole). Un simple lenguaje universal, es decir, entendible por todas las razas, y conector de nuestro intelecto (cabeza) con nuestra intuición (corazón) a su vez conectora con el alma y espacio del universo en la que fluyen dinámicamente (sin conflictos) los astros, también seres vivientes, aunque la especie y dimensión humana (civilizada o natural) sean diferentes y dentro del abanico universal de formas de vida del Universo.
Si ahora nos montamos en un rayo de luz que rebote en la Piel de la Tierra y viajamos en él al Sol, y desde ahí nos montamos en otro rayo de luz hacia la órbita de Saturno tardaríamos, SEGÚN el SEGUNdo, 1 hora y 15 minutos (1'25 horas como dice en la imagen anterior). Imaginemos que hace 1 hora y 15 minutos comenzamos el viaje y ya estamos a la altura de la órbita de Saturno. Ya podemos comparar los tamaños del Planeta Tierra y de Saturno.
Saturno tarda menos de 12 horas en dar un giro o rotación sobre sí mismo. Prácticamente 10'23 horas. Es semejante al caso de Júpiter. Así que el número de giros de Saturno en su órbita ha de resultar muy diferente al de la Tierra en la suya. Quizá de tal cálculo salgan números que descubran más misterios. Por ejemplo, cálculos como esos nos vienen a decir que 69 giros de Saturno son proporcionalmente como 1 giro de la Tierra.
Y ésta es una comparación de los tamaños del Sol y de Saturno.
Mientras Saturno da 1 vuelta al Sol, la Tierra da 29 y media, lo que es lo mismo: mientras el Planeta Aire y Agua en el que estamos cumple su órbita al Sol y nosotros sumamos -o no, por no sentirlo- un año, Saturno cubre la 29'5 parte de su órbita. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver la animación.
Esto lo diríamos como que Saturno tarda 29 años y medio en dar la vuelta al Sol. Cada 29 años y medio que cumplimos, si es que lo conseguimos, Saturno da una órbita al Sol. Así, si tienes 29 años y medio, Saturno acaba de cumplir una órbita desde que naciste, lo cual quiere decir que tienes 1 año saturniano. Si tienes menos de 29 años y medio, Saturno aún no ha completado su órbita, de modo que aún no has cumplido un año saturniano. Y si tienes 88 años y medio, tienes 3 años saturnianos de edad.
Aquí puedes ver la órbita de Urano, para compararla con la de Saturno.
Como puedes ver en la animación, a cada órbita de la Tierra se marca un punto en la órbita de Saturno. Dos de esos puntos delimitan la sección de su órbita que recorre Saturno mientras la Tierra completa los 360 grados de la suya.
Si observamos a Saturno durante 29 años y medio desde el punto de vista central del Sistema planetario, desde el Sol, o desde la misma Isla Tierra, podemos verlo completando un movimiento de oscilación o bamboleo. Es el efecto ilusorio resultante del hecho de que los planetas están inclinados con respecto al plano de sus órbitas. Tal inclinación de Saturno nos permite verlo en todas sus facetas durante 29 años y medio, y por eso unas veces podemos ver los anillos y otras veces no. No los vemos cuando el plano de los anillos extendido al Espacio corta por la Tierra y coincide con nuestra línea de visión.
Así mismo, si el llamado "año luz" es la DISTANCIA que recorre la luz en 1 año, que es una órbita de la Tierra al Sol, se puede comprender fácilmente que la distancia de un "año luz saturniano" es 29'5 veces más larga, o dicho de otra forma, es un año luz terrestre estirado 29 veces y media. Así, si los astrónomos o astrofísicos desde la Tierra han calculado que alguna estrella está a 29'5 años luz de distancia del Sol, quiere decir que está a 1 año luz saturniano del Sol. Posiblemente no haya astrofísicos ni astrónomos humanos en Saturno (y quizá sí haya saturnianos en el Planeta Tierra), pero un año luz de Saturno es así.
Otro ciclo natural relacionado con el número 29'5 es el Ciclo Sin�dico de la Luna, su ciclo de fases, que es de 29'5 días. Y dado que 29'5 años son 365 partes de 29'5 días, quiere decir que mientras Saturno da 1 órbita al Sol la Luna cumple 365 de sus ciclos de fases, o que, si la Luna se trasladara por la órbita de Saturno y se mantuvieran las condiciones de su movimiento alrededor de la Tierra (lo cual no es posible), completaría 365 días sinódicos dando 365 giros sobre sí misma.
Aquí, por tanto, encontramos una misteriosa relación entre Saturno y la Luna. Igualmente 2 órbitas de Saturno son 59 años, y 59 días es la medida de un día de Mercurio.
El planeta Saturno es famoso por sus anillos, al menos en la Tierra. Aunque no es el único que los tiene. Sin embargo, sí es el único del cual podemos distinguirlos observando con un telescopio. Si volamos hasta Saturno y nos colocamos sobre él podemos ver su sombra proyectada en sus anillos, y su sombra daría una vuelta completa simultáneamente a la órbita de Saturno durante 29 años y medio. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver una animación.
La Nave Tierra circula por una órbita inmersa en la de Saturno. La Tierra se traslada mucho más rápido y cubre los 360 grados de su órbita (año) al tiempo que Saturno cubre sólo unos 13 grados de la suya. Esto hace que la Tierra pase entre el Sol y Saturno cada año y 13 días. Es una alineación o conjunción en la que ambos están al mismo lado del Sol. En el año 2011 esto ocurre el 4 de abril.
Durante las semanas anteriores y posteriores al 4 de abril de 2011 podemos ver a Saturno desde el lado de sombra de la Tierra (la noche). En la medianoche del 4 de febrero lo vemos justo hacia el sur (si estamos en el hemisferio norte), y hacia el norte (si estamos en el hemisferio sur).
Esta Firma del Firmamento en nuestro Barrio planetario ocurre cada 378 días, que es 1 año y 13 días durante los que la Nave Tierra realiza una órbita completa (360 grados) y unos 13 grados más (13 días) porque Saturno también cubre unos 13 grados de su órbita. Durante 1 segundo la Nave Tierra se desplaza 30 kms, y el Señor de los Anillos cubre 9,5 kms aunque en una órbita que es 9 veces más amplia que la de la Tierra. Tal periodo de 378 días es lo que técnicamente se da en llamar "Ciclo Sinódico de Saturno" medido desde la Tierra de un encuentro a otro emtre ambos planetas, de un sínodo a otro (y de ahí el término "sinódico") que son dos encuentros al mismo lado del Sol.
Si durante la alineación de ambos al mismo lado del Sol nos situamos imaginativamente a un lado y detrás de Saturno, contemplamos más o menos esta escena:
El año real de Saturno es de 29'5 años terrestres. Como se ve, la diferencia con 378 días es grande. Si hacemos el sencillo cálculo correspondiente podemos comprobar que durante una órbita de Saturno (29'5 años terrestres) la Tierra se coloca un número determinado de veces entre el Sol y Saturno. Tal número forma otro ciclo. Si tal número no nos resulta entero podemos sumarlo a sí mismo hasta "integrarlo" (o racionalizarlo como "integer") y crear así un ciclo sólido en el que pueden estar acoplados otros ciclos de otros planetas como compases dentro de compases mayores en una partitura... Tal es la naturaleza de los ciclos sin principio ni final y que pueden "reproducirse" indefinidamente como ruedas dentro de ruedas.
Cada planeta tiene su ciclo sinódico correspondiente, tanto la Luna como Mercurio, Venus, Marte o Neptuno. Entre tales ciclos de tales planetas pueden haber coincidencias y sincronías. Así mismo el propio Planeta Tierra tiene su ciclo sinódico si lo observamos desde los demás planetas, como de hecho desde el propio Saturno, pues la Tierra no es el centro del universo aunque tiene todo el universo a su alrededor, como cualquier punto.
Con el año 2011 de la era romana cristiana en nuestra memoria, el fin/inicio de Ciclo Sinódico de Saturno se produce el día 4 de abril (de 2011), 13 días después que el del año 2010. Y el siguiente, en el 2012, es 13 días después del 4 de abril: el 17 de abril, y será la última alineación de Gea con Saturno en el actual Gran Ciclo Maya antes de su final y reinicio el 21 de diciembre de 2012.
Las Triadas "que nos elevan" como acordes (11, 111, 1111) a través de sus ejes o colúmnas pitagóricas. Los puntos de corte de dos dimensiones. Aquí el el 3, 7 y 15 decimal, o 3, 13, 33 cuaternario. Puntos, entiendo, de la singularidad en tres planos diferentes. O como fusión de contrarios.
3 veces 3 que nos llevan hasta la eclosión del huevo -singularidad fecundativa-.
3 veces 3 como el PLATO (PI-LATO) de Giza. 3 pirámides grandes, 3 pirámides pequeñas (6) y 9 (3+3+3) en total. 369.
Lo que me lleva a relacionar esto del 3 veces 3 con los armónicos solfeggio y sus puntos de corte o frecuencias doradas, donde el "dragón se eleva"
Click para ampliar
Bettle-Juice, Beetle-Juice, Beetle-Juice. Veo ademas que la suma reducida es 3-6-9.
Click para ampliar
3 veces 3.
Viene de digitalización de primera semana de curso:
El concepto, que no es nuevo, es que los dieciséis primeros números decimales se pueden mostrar en un nibble binario (medio Byte) resultando 1111 como indicaba IM al representar las coordenadas de los vértices del cubo 4D...
Ahora viene el nuevo apunte...
Que pasa si mostramos esos mismo número decimales en un sistema en base cuatro o cuaternario:
¿Esta letra en base cuatro como se podría representar físicamente? Considero que lo mas adecuado sería un tetraedro regular (formado por 4 triángulos equiláteros), el primero de los sólidos platónicos. Donde cada uno de sus cuatro vértices se encuentran a distancias simétricas entre ellas.
Como para representar el 15 decimal (el 33 en base 4) se necesitan dos dígitos en cuaternario, la forma física de integrar ambas letras sería mediante dos tetraedros unidos en que su vórtices continuaran de forma simétrica.
Resumiendo se puede decir, que un hipercubo es lo mismo que lo que se suele representar como Merkaba
... .. .
Y que este simbolismo:
Es igual a este:
O al menos que debe representar un concepto muy similar...
But since I feel the on-going 'decoding' in conjunction with X-72 and VI-97 is progressing into a new level, and X-72 is giving us a rare case of the time-frame being specified (summer/fall 1999), I decided to be less conservative here and present some specific, seemingly very unlikely predictions - as an experiment, and part of the learning process.
First, let me give some key dates...
Key Dates:
July 4, 1999
Independence Day - it correlates with VI-97/Mars (see 'Babylon Matrix')
During the epoch of 3000 BC (+/- ~1000, seemingly), at Giza, the sunrise and the rising of Sirius coincided on the eastern horizon on July 4th, and at the precise moment (more narrowly around 3000 BC) Al Nitak's (Great Pyramid's counterpart in Orion) altitude was 19.5 degrees.
I've discovered that at the sunrise of this date, Sirius is ~19.5 degrees below Giza's horizon.
July 20, 1999
This was the date of the summer solstice at around the time of Egypt's beginning. And this date coincided with the heliacal rising of Sirius and the inundation of the Nile, etc.
The date correlations to the key number 72, (7/20 => 720 => 72).
This date is also somehow closely associated with NASA's space missions (see 'Babylon Matrix').
July 25, 1999
July 25 is the summer solstice date of ~4000BC (beginning of 'history').
As seen from Giza, Sirius is right at the horizon at sunrise .
August 16, 1999
This was the originally planned date for Cassini's earth-flyby (now shifted to Aug. 18),
It is the the date projected to be when the cosmic collision would take place in the movie 'Deep Impact' (thus seemingly underlining the significance of the date).
I've also discovered that Aug. 16, '99 is exactly when the altitude of Sirius as seen from Giza becomes 19.5 degrees at sunrise. This greatly reinforces the importance of this date.
August 18, 1999
The 'grand cross' will be occurring in the sky astrologically/astronomically.
On this date, Cassini's earth-flyby, or earth-crossing, occurs.
The Sign of the Times:
Now, let me present some quite specific predictions. Keep in mind that I only consider the following to be potentiality and how physical/literal its manifestation will be is not clear to me. The following therefore represents one possible scenario based on what I've 'decoded' out so far.
To clarify the nature of the future events associated with X-72 and VI-97, we will add two more quatrains to the web of associations. Those quatrains are II-41 and II-48 which should be familiar to some of you as these are, just like VI-97, quatrains that I've repeatedly applied in the past (in 'CWN Analysis' material and 'The Elysian Fields') to this particular period we're living in. The fact that those two quatrains synthesize nicely with the new information derived from X-72, VI-97, etc. is quite amazing and confirms both the new interpretations and the relevance of II-41 and II-48.
It needs to be noted first that Quatrains II-48 and II-41 have always been considered to be linked (in my model) which was a notion initially suggested by a hypnotic interpretation presented in Dolores Cannon's 'Conversations With Nostradamus' from which I learned a great deal over the years. Here are the quatrains:
Century II - 41 La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera, Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir. The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will make double sun appear: The large mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes his abode.
Century II - 48 La grand copie qui passera les monts. Saturne en l'Arq tournant du poisson Mars: Venins cachez soubs testes de saumons, Leurs chief pendu a` fil de polemars. The great army which will pass the mountains. Saturn in the Arc turning from/of the fish Mars: Poison hidden under the heads of salmon, Their chief hung with cord of "polemars".
LINE 1: "The great army which will pass the mountains"
LINE 2: "Saturn in the Arc turning from/of the fish Mars"
Region surrounded by red = 'Field of Mars'
LINE 3:"Poison hidden under the heads of salmon"
LINE 4: "Their head hung with thread of 'polemars'
LINE 1:"The great star will burn for seven days"
LINE 2: "The cloud will make double sun appear"
LINE 3: "The large mastiff will howl all night"
"The mastiff that will howl all night refers to a secret branch of the priesthood in the Catholic Church that no one knows about except a few high priest members. This secret branch of the priesthood is like a private army, and the commander-in-chief is the pope. Their job is to fight for the church if the need should arise, similar to the way the Jesuits used to be the soldiers of Christ."
LINE 4: "When the great pontiff changes his abode"
LINE 1: "The great star will burn for seven days" LINE 2: "The cloud will make double sun appear" LINE 3: "The large mastiff will howl all night"
Look at II-41. It's incredible! This one should be called 'the Sirius quatrain'! The first line is already more than enough to make the connection - 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven'. Sirius, the "great star", has been closely associated with the notion of 'burning' and 'seven' (eg. Sirius = 'Sept' => seven) earlier. And "seven days" relates to Saturn through Saturnalia - the proto-christmas festival in December that lasted 'seven days'.
The "double sun" of Line 2 also correlates with Sirius A and Sirius B orbiting around each other. And the "mastiff" of course relates to Sirius the 'Dog Star'! I mean, this quatrain is screaming "Sirius!".
And II-48... Line 2 is enough to suggests the whole 'Sirius complex' - 'Saturn', 'Arc', and 'Mars'. But the most striking thing about quatrain II-48 is its correlation with Paris - which is of course part of the Sirius complex - and more specifically with the 'Elysian Fields' region of Paris where the Arc de Triomphe stands. (The connection is so striking that I feel this one should be called 'the Paris quatrain'.) This issue was discussed in Chapter 7 of 'The Elysian Fields' but let me go through it here again with some new additional interpretations:
The "great army" is precisely the name of one of the 12 streets that extend from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ("Place Charles de Gaulle"), which is called in French, "Grande Armee". 'Grand Armee' is not only one of the 12 streets but it's the direct extension of the main street, 'Champs Elysees' (Elysian Fields). The "mountains" is likely an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between 'Champs Elysees' and 'Grande Armee' Here are pictures showing the relevant region of Paris and the relationship of the Grande Armee avenue, Arc de Triomphe, and the Elysian Fields.
· Red region = Arc de Triomphe & Place Charles de Gaulle · Purple street = Grande Armee avenue · Blue street = Elysian Fields
The "Arc" is obviously a reference to the' Arc de Triomphe'. And the notion is strengthened by the word right after "Arc", "turning" - which implies circular movement/shape and nicely corresponds to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe (see the picture at right). The phrase "Saturn in the Arc" corroborates the Saturn-ark connection we've made.
The latter half, "turning/corner of the fish Mars" can be interpreted in a quite different and symbolic way, and it is necessary to use a map of the relevant region of Paris again:
As you can see, the Elysian Fields, the Arc de Triomphe etc. are placed right beside the Seine River. Interestingly, on the other side of the river, there is a garden called the "Field of Mars" ('Champ de Mars') in which stands Paris' landmark, the Eiffel Tower. This is reinforcing the relevance of Mars. Now, the word 'Seine' (name the river) means "fishing net". That metaphorically makes (the Field of) Mars the "fish" trapped in the net. This would also make the same region where the river is turning 90 degrees the "corner of the 'fish-Mars'" to fit Line 2.
The "fish" also correlates with Sirius because the Dogon tradition tells us that the "Nommos" that supposedly came from the Sirius system were fish-like (and yes, we're now getting into the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence). So the phrase 'fish Mars' again associates Sirius with Mars.
The very first word, "poison", creates an interesting connection with Line 2 because the French word for "fish" is "poisson" which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the word 'poison' which is also a French word for poison. Thus, combined with the last word of the line "salmon", the notion of 'fish' seems to be emphasized. Interestingly, the original French word used for 'poison' was actually 'Venins' which resembles Venus. It seems relevant, therefore, that Venus goes retrograde (i.e. reversing its apparent movement in the sky) during the key period of August 1999, corresponding to "salmon" (which is known to swim against the current) of the same line and also to the previous line's expression, "turning of the fish". This last line of the quatrain strongly reinforces the concepts put forward by the interpretation of the previous lines. The last word of the line "polemars" is not a real word, most likely it's a made-up word / anagram. Decoding is not that difficult - first we'll divide it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'. Continued from previous interpretations, it is not hard to see that the "pole" would refer to the 'Eiffel Tower' that stands in the' Field of Mars'.
To decipher the whole line, we need to take a closer look at the map of the region of the 'Field of Mars':
Notice that the park, the Field of Mars ("Champ de Mars"), seemingly crossesover the river. The Seine River can be viewed as dividing the park and there is a bridge connecting the two parts. Since the park area can be viewed metaphorically as "fish" based on previous interpretations, notice how the park left of the river can be viewed as the "head" of the fish barely 'hanging on' to the body, the Field of Mars, by the bridge or the "thread" from "polemars" / the Field of Mars. Thus it would fit Line 4.
Also, since the French word "fil", which I translated here as "thread", could also mean 'stream', the line could also interpreted like this: "Their head hung by the stream of the Field of Mars". This would still be metaphorically describing how the Seine River is dividing the Field of Mars and its "head".
And that's basically how Quatrain II-48 relates to Paris (and through which to the 'Sirius/ark complex')... but there is one last thing to add to all this. And this is my favorite part :) Well, we've looked at every line of the quatrain, so what's left? Ah, yes we left out the number of the quatrain 2 and 48. Why, of course, those numbers are the coordinates of Paris (Paris: 2.3 deg. E & 48.8 deg. N)!
Now let's shift our focus back to II-41 and do more in-depth study:
Century II - 41 The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will make double sun appear: The large mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes his abode.
Like earlier pointed out, 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven' relate to Sirius. Now we can associate the "great star" with the Place Charles de Gaulle (Arc de Triomphe + the surrounding circular "square") since it was originally called the Place d'Etoile or 'Square of theStar', further linking the two quatrains II-41 and II-48.
From a slightly different angle, the fragments of Comet SL-9 'burned' Jupiter for about '7 days' in July 1994 and caught the attention of the world. The dates of this 'light show' were July 16~22 which roughly coincides with one of the key 'Sirius dates', July 20, mentioned earlier. Moreover, the dates July 16~22 very closely matches the dates of the historic Apollo 11 mission - first ever manned landing on the Moon - which were July 16~24 (and the landing occurred on the key date, July 20). This is meaningful especially when you consider the fact that Apollo the sun god could be identified with Horus the sun god (the son of Isis, and earlier associated with Sirius and Mars). Recall also that July 20 was associated with the 'flood' (of the Nile) in conjunction with Sirius. In Greco-Roman mythology, the god who causes the Flood to punish mankind is Jupiter - the very planet Comet SL-9 crashed into. And Jupiter was mythologically associated with the 'eagle' - the very name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon on that exact flood/Sirius date, July 20 (1969)!
So, in various ways Line 1 corresponds to the Sirius complex.
Besides the 'double sun' reference to Sirius, this line still continues the allusion to the Jupiter-Comet SL-9 collision - the 'cloud' of the fragmented comet colliding with Jupiter to produce a great light show (becoming the 'second sun'). As previously stated, the "mastiff" alludes to Sirius the 'Dog Star'. But a new interpretation can be derived from this line when combined with the 'hypnotic interpretation' by 'Brenda' of this line presented in Dolores Cannon's 'Conversations With Nostradamus' material:
I must say that this sounds like it may relate to the Knights Templar after whose tradition the Jesuits are structured. This would be very congruent since the Templars are intimately associated with the ark/Grail and so also naturally with Sirius the 'Dog Star'. And the CWN hypnotic interpretation and my own converge nicely.
On another level of interpretation, the "private army" of the pope could be in reference to a military corps known as the Swiss Guard that the Vatican maintains and whose function is to protect the pope and his personal residence. Remarkably, here we again see a Switzerland connection (in the name). Remember that Switzerland has been linked with the Templars and the 'ark' earlier. But it gets even more interesting: it turns out that King Louis XIII of France also had a body of soldiers called Swiss Guards to protect him. But they all died on August 10, 1792 during the French Revolution while defending the royal palace in Paris. So, we meet Paris again. The date August 10 is intriguing too as it is only one day before a total eclipse over Europe (Aug. 11, 1999). And it is said (I haven't really checked) that the 'eclipse zone' passes exactly at Paris in the midday! Paris again... I feel there will be a 'resonance' of the demise of King Louis XIII's Swiss Guards manifested around that time. This likely correlates with the sudden dissolution of the Knights Templar on Oct. 13, 1307, when they were betrayed by the pope at the time. And here comes the last line of the quatrain...
Notice that this line shifts the focus from Sirius to the issue of the Church completely, even though the foregoing interpretations made this transition very smooth. And this line is relatively straightforward. The implication is that we may see the Church in upheaval in the summer/fall of 1999.
Incredibly, if we go back to Line 2, it appears to describe the nature of the upheaval in more detail:
LINE 2: "The cloud will make double sun appear"
This now can be interpreted to be referring to the next pope election. To see the connection, we need to first look at the process of the election. The most common way to elect a pope is by ballot. By lot, the cardinals choose from their group three who collect the ballots of the infirm, three who counts the votes and three reviewers of the results. Two votes are taken every morning and two every afternoon until a two-thirds plus one majority is obtained. The crowd in St. Peter's Square follow the bolloting by watching the smoke that comes from the chimney on the palace roof. The smoke is from burning all the ballots. If the necessary majority is not reached, the ballots are burned in a way that creates black smoke. When the majority is reached, the ballots are burned in a manner that creates white smoke to signal the election.
Now, the word Nostradamus used for "cloud" was 'nuee' which actually implies a big/black cloud rather than a nice/white cloud. Therefore a more fitting translation would be:
"Black cloud will make double sun appear"
Next, the "sun" appearing is symbolic of the successor to Pope John Paul II, because he is the 'pope of the solar eclipse' (JPII was born during a solar eclipse May 18, 1920; and he was given the name "De labore Solis" - 'of the eclipse of the sun' - by St. Malachy, an Irish bishop who visited Rome in 1139 and supposedly had a prophetic vision in which he saw all the popes that would sit in St. Peter's Chair. And he identified the future popes by two-word Latin mottoes which correspond to the most striking events of their reign or by their coat-of-arms. They appear to be surprisingly accurate). I don't think I need to point out its relevance to the solar eclipse of Aug. 11, '99. So, continuing, the 'sun appearing' would metaphorically refer to the pope who follows the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II.
But the line says there would be 'two' suns. When combined with the "black cloud" part (which means unsuccessful vote), it's not that difficult to derive the meaning of the whole line; it would refer to a situation of 'pope vs. antipope' (i.e. one elected or claiming to be pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen). And the indications are that those two 'popes' will be the last popes. At least there are no more popes after them in Malachy's prophetic list of popes. Perhaps it could be viewed that the dissolution of the Church is to begin in the summer/fall of 1999 with the next election.
Remarkably, it turns out, this Church issue is applicable to the other quatrain, II-48, and especially its second line:
LINE 2: "Saturn in the Arc turning from the fish Mars"
As mentioned earlier, the "Arc" can be applied to the Alps which forms a big nice arc at the northern end of Italy. And "the fish Mars" symbolically allude to the cardinals (from whom a pope is elected), because the cardinals wear a red dress and a red cap, the color of Mars; and St. Peter, the first pope, was a fisherman - and the role of a pope is referred to as a "fisher of men". Now, coincidentally, one of the cardinals considered likely to succeed Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Carlo Martini, is the archbishop of Milan, Italy which happens to be located right inside the Alps' "arc" at the northern edge of Italy. This suggest that Cardinal Milan will be involved in the coming trouble of the papal election
Amazingly, the very same line alludes to another participant in the schism. The key is to interpret the "arc" as the arcs of latitude/longitude (which are indeed 'arcs' drawn on the surface of the planet). And it just happens that the long./lat. "arcs"/ 'coordinates', based on the quatrain # '2-48', corresponds to Paris as explained earlier; and Paris happens to be the location of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, the archbishop of Paris, who is also regarded as a very strong candidate to succeed John Paul II! Cardinal Lustiger is also a Jew (but believes Jesus was the savior), which is interesting because the prophetic motto St. Malachy gave to the next pope is "Glory of the Olive (Tree)" and the olive tree is a common Roman symbol for Jedea/Palestine. Furthermore, this Christian-Jew mix can be compared to the "fish Mars" from the same line of II-48 because it can be taken to mean 'Pisces Aries' which corresponds to Christianity and Judaism. (Jesus represents the beginning of the Age of Pisces and Moses signified the Age of Aries.)
So, we seem to have found the candidates for the next two popes who will be involved in the destruction of the Church. The reason why "Saturn" ("in the Arc") would correspond to both Cardinal Martini and Cardinal Lustiger since both can be viewed to be "in the Arc" as we've just seen is perhaps because they together bring about the end of an era, or time, just as Saturn represents 'Time the destroyer'.
This concludes the discussion on the Church matter, but let us take another look at II-41 and interpret them on a different level.
First, let me mention that the hypnotic interpretations of the CWN material indicates that II-41 and II-48 relate to a "light display" associated with extraterrestrial intelligence (!). Looking at Line 1~3 of II-41, I can't help but theorize that this "light display" would have to do with Sirius:
Those lines just strike me as collectively describing how Sirius will be 'screaming' in the sky. It correlates strongly with X-72's second line "From the sky will come a great King of terror/appeasing King" (the "appeasing King" => Jason of the Argo/ark => Sirius). Of course there are many ways Sirius can "howl" (metaphorically), but let me present some especially intriguing possibilities.
Consider the following: Sirius was called the 'Arrow star', and the Sanskrit word for 'an arrow, 'ishu', also means 'ray of light', and the Dogon tradition tells us that the ray of Digitaria (i.e. Sirius B) sweeps the Earth once a year. This imagery of an arrow-like ray of light that periodically 'sweeps' the Earth strongly reminds me of one particular type of star - a 'pulsar'. A 'pulsar' is a virtually dead star, a neutron star, that rotates rapidly and causes electromagnetic beams to be emitted like a lighthouse (i.e. rotating light beams). The unique thing about pulsars is that their light emission is focused into 'arrow-like' beams and not omni-directional like most light sources in the sky. Therefore, the visibility of a pulsar depends on the geometry involved between the pulsar and the observer. So it is possible that a pulsar that's been invisible to us for a long time suddenly appears in the sky due to some slow-shifting geometric relationship.
What I'm getting at, is that there may be a pulsar in the Sirius system that's about to be observable for us on Earth. And this would make the "double sun" of Sirius. But will it be Sirius B? I'm not sure. Sirius B is considered to be a 'white dwarf' and 'white dwarfs' are not known to develop into pulsars, so scientifically it's unlikely, but science is always revising itself so I won't rule out the possibility of some unknown mechanism that lets Sirius B become a pulsar.
But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp44-45). These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! I mean, what other celestial bodies "throws pairs of... beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 (also the date for Cassini-earth 'crossing') and the cross of christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius.
So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.
If the Sirius "light display" of this kind and the Church schism are to occur, they will likely coincide with each other timing-wise. And the key period seems to be the summer/fall of 1999. Keep in mind, however, that those two are not the only projected events - for example, we have the Mars/Cydonia/Atlantis issues (still Sirius-related though). Notice that the quatrain # of II-41 we just looked at contains the Cydonia/NYC latitude number '41'.
Also, we're also likely to experience some unexpected events that will fit the quatrains and interpretations nicely - and we'll learn from it.
I have to admit, the most disturbing connection upon doing the research for this article was finding this site. Extensive research by the author of the site gives me time to wander its content and read. At first other material was what led me to the site, but upon finding this…I was shocked.
Freemasons today don’t mind admitting that the Compass and Square symbol is also a disguise version of the Hexagram shape, if you put two horizontal lines across the points of the compass and square. So why did the Freemasons in the past, need to disguise its shape? Although in the last 200 years the Hexagram has gained reasonable respectability as the Star of David in Judaism, in pre-Christian times it was used by Pagan religions. So back in medieval times it would have been seen as a pagan symbol which would warranted a visit by the Inquisition, for anyone who dared to displayed it.
The Hexagram consists of 6 sides, 6 points and 6 smaller triangles, thus 666. Before Revelation in the Bible was written, 666 stood for the Triple Goddesses as 6 was a sacred number, and is still as holy number in Hinduism and Buddhism.
So the story of the Beast 666 in Book of Revelations was an attack on Goddess worship as 666 was also used to represent the Triple Babylonian Goddess Ishtar whom Revelation called, “The Great Whore Of Babylon”. Hex is also associated with Witchcraft as it is another name for a Witch’s spell and in German a Hexen is a Witch.
1. En el mes séptimo, a los veintiún días del mes, vino palabra de Jehová por medio del profeta Hageo, diciendo: (OSHANAH RABBAH, OSEA EL SEPTIMO DIA DE LA FIESTA DE LAS CABAÑAS, TIENDAS O TABERNACULOS. FUERTE RELACION ISHTAR GATE)
2. Habla ahora a Zorobabel / ZORRO hijo de Salatiel, gobernador de Judá, y a Josué hijo de Josadac, sumo sacerdote, y al resto del pueblo, diciendo:
3. ¿Quién ha quedado entre vosotros que haya visto esta casa en su gloria primera, y cómo la veis ahora? ¿No es ella como nada delante de vuestros ojos?
4. Pues ahora, Zorobabel, esfuérzate, dice Jehová; esfuérzate también, Josué hijo de Josadac, sumo sacerdote; y cobrad ánimo, pueblo todo de la tierra, dice Jehová, y trabajad; porque yo estoy con vosotros, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
5. Según el pacto que hice con vosotros cuando salisteis de Egipto, así mi Espíritu estará en medio de vosotros, no temáis.
6. Porque así dice Jehová de los ejércitos: De aquí a poco yo haré temblar los cielos y la tierra, el mar y la tierra seca;
7. y haré temblar a todas las naciones, y vendrá el Deseado de todas las naciones; y llenaré de gloria esta casa, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos.
8. Mía es la plata, y mío es el oro, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
9. La gloria postrera de esta casa será mayor que la primera, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos; y daré paz en este lugar, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
10. A los veinticuatro días del noveno mes, en el segundo año de Darío, vino palabra de Jehová por medio del profeta Hageo, diciendo: (EL 24 DEL NOVENO MES ES JANUKAH, OSEA EL MISMO JUAN 10:22. JANUKAH TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON EL LIBRO DE LOS MACABEOS EN EL CONTEXTO A LA LIBERACION DEL PUEBLO JUDIO, DE LA ABOMINACION DE ANTIOCO EPIFANES)
11. Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: Pregunta ahora a los sacerdotes acerca de la ley, diciendo:
12. Si alguno llevare carne santificada en la falda de su ropa, y con el vuelo de ella tocare pan, o vianda, o vino, o aceite, o cualquier otra comida, ¿será santificada? Y respondieron los sacerdotes y dijeron: No.
13. Y dijo Hageo: Si un inmundo a causa de cuerpo muerto tocare alguna cosa de estas, ¿será inmunda? Y respondieron los sacerdotes, y dijeron: Inmunda será.
14. Y respondió Hageo y dijo: Así es este pueblo y esta gente delante de mí, dice Jehová; y asimismo toda obra de sus manos; y todo lo que aquí ofrecen es inmundo.
15. Ahora, pues, meditad en vuestro corazón desde este día en adelante, antes que pongan piedra sobre piedra en el templo de Jehová.
16. Antes que sucediesen estas cosas, venían al montón de veinte efas, y había diez; venían al lagar para sacar cincuenta cántaros, y había veinte.
17. Os herí con viento solano, con tizoncillo y con granizo en toda obra de vuestras manos; mas no os convertisteis a mí, dice Jehová.
18. Meditad, pues, en vuestro corazón, desde este día en adelante, desde el día veinticuatro del noveno mes, desde el día que se echó el cimiento del templo de Jehová; meditad, pues, en vuestro corazón.
19. ¿No está aún la simiente en el granero? Ni la vid, ni la higuera, ni el granado, ni el árbol de olivo ha florecido todavía; mas desde este día os bendeciré.
20. Vino por segunda vez palabra de Jehová a Hageo, a los veinticuatro días del mismo mes, diciendo:
21. Habla a Zorobabel gobernador de Judá, diciendo: Yo haré temblar los cielos y la tierra;
22. y trastornaré el trono de los reinos, y destruiré la fuerza de los reinos de las naciones; trastornaré los carros y los que en ellos suben, y vendrán abajo los caballos y sus jinetes, cada cual por la espada de su hermano.
23. En aquel día, dice Jehová de los ejércitos, te tomaré, oh Zorobabel hijo de Salatiel, siervo mío, dice Jehová, y te pondré como anillo de sellar; porque yo te escogí, dice Jehová de los ejércitos. (NEXO SATURNO, SEÑOR DE LOS ANILLOS, TOROIDE, PLEYADES, ETC,ETC, OSEA UNA CLARA REFERENCIA AL "EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA)
Los actuales hábitos navideños provienen de unas antiguas costumbres babilónicas registradas, aproximadamente, 2600 años ante de la era actual. Fueron algunos gobernadores romanos, en sus constantes afanes de sincretismo religioso, quienes la trasladaron como fiesta cristiana.
La tradición de aquellas costumbres relatan que existó una reina llamada Semiramis, en cuyo vientre crecía su hijo Tamuz, a quien habría concebido virginalmente. No cabe duda que las costumbres de Babilonia trascendieron las fronteras romanas, asentándose con mucha fuerza en el politeísmo del imperio. Así, cada 25 de diciembre se conmemoraba alumbramiento de Tamuz (Saturno para los romanos), el dios sol encarnado.
Esa festividad iba acompañada de orgías, desenfrenos y una gran inclinación hacia el valor de la amistad, que se ratificaba con intercambio de regalos y presentes. También había surgido la costumbre de adornar las puertas de cada casa, con coronas de flores y hojas verdes, y por cierto, la práctica de adornar un árbol con frutas y decorativos alusivos al dios sol.
La celebración se realizaba durante el solsticio de invierno, fenómeno natural que constituye el origen de toda celebración navideña, aún más remota que las costumbres babilónicas. Durante este solsticio se produce un acontecimiento cósmico que vivifica la naturaleza con su luz y su calor, razón por la cual, para todas las culturas antiguas, representaba el auténtico nacimiento del sol y, con él, toda la naturaleza comenzaba a despertar lentamente de su letargo. Los humanos veían en esta manifestación natural la renovación de sus esperanzas de supervivencia gracias a la fertilidad de la tierra.
La fiesta giraba en torno a grandes festejos caracterizados por la alegría general y el protagonismo de las hogueras, alrededor de las cuales se concentraban los lugareños, con el fin de manifestar su alborozo y esperanza mediante ceremonias colectivas centradas en cantos y danzas rituales, y en la recogida de ciertas plantas como el muérdago. Las grandes hogueras, al margen de simbolizar el gran acontecimiento, tenían la función de excitar el calor y la fuerza de los rayos de un sol recién nacido que encaraba su curso hacia la primavera, inundando la tierra con su poder regenerador.
Siglos después, cuando fue establecido el catolicismo romano, bajo las falsas pretensiones religiosas de Constantino aproximadamente hacia el 325, la mezcla de la celebración solsticial, el paganismo babilónico y romano, fue introducido deliberadamente al cristianismo, a modo de contener el avance infiel. Así, la antigua Semiramis pasó a llamarse virgen María y la encarnación del dios sol Tamuz, Jesús.
El festival del solsticio de invierno, celebrado el 25 de diciembre de cada año, pasó a ser la fecha oficial del nacimiento de Jesús, y la antigua costumbre de la entrega de regalos y presentes fue acomodada en función de la experiencia que, según la doctrina cristiana, tuvieron los magos al visitar al niño Jesús, al entregarle obsequios por su advenimiento. El antiguo árbol que la religión de Babilonia adornaba en celebración del nacimiento de Tamuz pasó a llamarse "el árbol de Navidad". Con esta genealogía de la navidad podemos entender que el cristianismo no es otra cosa que un paganismo reformado.
The tower erected in 1889 by freemason Gustave Eiffel (who also designed the inner structure of the Statue of Liberty) remains to this day the tallest structure in Paris. The Eiffel tower served as the entrance to the World’s Fair, opening out onto the Champ de Mars. The Mars Field is named after the Campus Martius in Rome, which honors the Roman god of war.
I’ve been using the most popular depiction of a man’s body ever made – Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man – to uncover embodied urban symbolism, see Astana and the Olympics.
The Roman Vitruvius’ Ten Books of Architecture explained how effective temples are based on the human body. I have found just such a temple resonating with Mars in the heart of Paris.
Mars’ phallus obviously maps to the Eiffel tower, his navel power chakra maps to the fountain at the center of the paths, his heart chakra is on the cross axis with Mitterand’s ancient Egyptian-themed 1989 French bicentennial Monument of Human Rights, and the obelisk at Place Fontenoy is his pineal gland/third eye chakra. Incidentally, this same obelisk forms part of the solar alignment discussed in Secrets In Plain Sight – Volume 1.
Notice also that the Military School itself forms a collar to the Vitruvian man’s head and UNESCO forms a kind of helmet, horn, or Martian antenna.
The red and white fields resonate with the two hemispheres of the brain, the colors of upper and lower Egypt, the two springs at Glastonbury, or blood and semen. The lattermost pairing resonates with the killing and rape associated with war. You could say Mars is embodied at the scale of this famous linear urban complex. Is his power somehow magically transferred to the military school?
I find it fascinating that the Comte de Saint-Germain reorganized the Ecole Militaire in 1777. St. Germain is one of the most interesting persons in history.
Myths, legends and speculations about St. Germain began to be widespread in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and continue today. They include beliefs that he is immortal, the Wandering Jew, an alchemist with the “Elixir of Life”, a Rosicrucian, and that he prophesied the French Revolution. He is said to have met the forger Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London and the composer Rameau in Venice. Some groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called an Ascended Master. -Source
Synchronicity: St. Germain is one of the main characters in a book I’m currently reading to my son, The Magician by Michael Scott.
Napoleon attended the Ecole Militaire in 1784 and is entombed very close by in Les Invalides.
Being familiar with David Wood’s book GenIsis (1985), I see a connection to the Mars linear complex in Paris. Before I tell you what that is, let me show you the structured landscape that Wood discovered 660 kilometers due South in the region of Rennes le Chateau.
When I first saw this geometry I dismissed it because it is not a regular pentagram but a pentacle. However I was far too hasty. After having recently read Wood’s follow up book that he wrote with Ian Campbell called GeneSet (1994), I see incredible wisdom in the diagram that wasn’t open to me until I grew to have eyes to see it.
If the green circle has a radius of 1 then its circumference is exactly 2 Pi. The amazing thing is, the golden triangle also has a perimeter of 2 Pi (99.8% accurate). So in a sense this diagram is every bit as important as Squaring the Circle is in sacred geometry. I think of this as Triangulating the Circle.
The key to Triangulating the Circle is dividing the circle into 15 parts as was done with the gray 15 pointed star. This 15 part division was suggested by the placement of the towns around Rennes le Chateau and that is how Wood chanced upon this geometric discovery.
In GenIsis Wood mentions the Osiris story and how it is usually reported that Set cut Osiris’ body into 14 pieces and threw his phallus into the Nile. He claims there were therefore a total of 15 pieces rather than 14 as is usually reported. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. There really are 15 parts to the male body if you count them. The 15th part would be the pointy extension in the diagram that penetrates the circle. It has a 36 degree internal angle just like the regular pentagram.
I noticed another intriguing layer embedded in Wood’s diagram. In John Martineau’s A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System he mentions that Saturn’s and Earth’s sizes (99%) and mean orbits (98%) are given by a 15 pointed star such that the inner circle represents Earth and the outer circle represents Saturn.
Immanuel Velikovsky equated Saturn with Osiris in his book In the Beginning.
Wood and Campbell pointed out in GeneSet how Phi is also embedded in the diagram. I made a piece of art that shows these connections and more. To learn more about how the Sun and Saturn relate, watch David Talbot’s Thunderbolts of the Gods.
Sacred Marriage by Scott Onstott
Today using Google Earth I drew a circle that hits Rennes le Chateau, Cassaignes, Serres, Bugarach, and Saint-Just-et-le-Bezu (see enlarged diagram) and noticed that its area is 66,666,666 square meters. Amazing. This is the circumcircle in Wood’s diagram, shown in blue in my Google Earth image.
Then I copied the longitude of the center of this circle and flew back to Paris where I created a placemark along the Eiffel tower- Champ de Mars axis. Guess where this exact center point is: the center of la Place de Breteuil. This point is therefore perfectly due north of the center point of the same sized circle in the Languedoc. It is the intersection point of the Eiffel tower- Champ de Mars axis with the axis of Les Invalides where Napoleon was entombed. Breteuil was the Minister of War twice under Louis XV.
Drawing a circle with an area of 66,666,666 square meters from la Place de Breteuil has a resonance with Leonardo’s Vitruvian man because the center point is at the top of the circumcircle around the urban body of Mars and the corners of Leonardo’s page are touched by the circle itself.
The red line from the obelisk at Place Fontenoy traces the central axis of embodied Mars straight through the Eiffel tower at a heading of 314 degrees, recalling Pi.
Extending this line across the earth it goes directly to the center of Danebury iron age hill fort in the UK. Built in the the 6th century BC, Danebury is an intriguing place for the Paris Mars axis to end up for several reasons.
The Meteoritical Society lists the ‘first British meteorite find’ from the Danebury hill fort site. -Source I’m going to hazard a guess that this meteorite came from Mars.
Just a stone’s throw from the “hill fort” was a Roman villa or country farmhouse whose central floor mosaic has survived and been recently installed in the Museum of the Iron Age in nearby Andover. The Fullerton Mosaic depicts Mars at the center of the main room.
In the book Two-Thirds: A History of Our Galaxy (1993), the author David P. Myers tells an amazing story of an extra-terrestrial human civilization that colonized Mars eons ago and after a great war, they eventually came to our planet which they called…wait for it…Danebury. So perhaps the Danebury ring actually depicts the Earth. If so then the Paris Eiffel-Champ de Mars axis represents the colonists coming from Mars to Earth! All written out on the ground in plain sight.
Myers also goes on to draw a parallel between Cydonia on Mars and the Avebury/Silbury Hill complex. He claims the Martian colonists actually built Avebury ring and Silbury Hill as a mirror of their destroyed settlement on Mars. Here I’ve overlaid Google Mars imagery over Google Earth imagery and you can see the large crater and conical mound do match Avebury ring and Silbury Hill. The face on mars isn’t represented on earth (it’s a field) nor is the 5 sided pyramidal structure.
On August 5th 2012, Curiosity, NASA’s next Mars rover is scheduled to land on the red planet. August 5th just happens to be the date when a very special astronomical event occurs. An equilateral triangle (eye of God) forms with Mars, Saturn, and Spica in the constellation Virgo. All 3 are first magnitude objects and this arrangement will be easy to spot almost everywhere on Earth. Thanks to Daniel White for posting this intriguing video on my facebook wall.
Curiously Mars, Saturn, and Spica resonate with Set, Osiris, and Isis respectively. That’s quite a love triangle. In a few days Curiosity will land on Mars looking for life. As NASA says at the end of the above video, “The real show is about to begin.”
Copyright 2012 – SIPS Productions Inc. – All Right Reserved
Tyrone Sandalphon posted the following comment on my Hexagons post:
I could not help but notice the empty space left at Ground Zero during the “clean up” of the world trade centre in 2002. On a huge electric billboard facing the site, were the Roman numerals for 9 11 written as “IX XI” with the two numbers being separated by a space.
First off the Roman numerals remind me of a Red Ice interview with Santos Bonacci where he explains how over the past two thousand years the Roman cult/empire has set up a system of ownership of all property and souls that exist on this Earth through their Papal bulls and trusts.
I did a bit of research and was amazed at what came up. The Jesuits made IXXI rings in the 17th century:
Hundreds of these Jesuit rings were recovered from the wreck of La Belle, Louis XIV’s ship that left La Rochelle (the Templars’ port) in 1684. It was La Salle’s ill fated expedition, the same man who two years before claimed the Mississippi River valley for the Sun King, naming the territory Louisiana in his honor.
La Salle’s Expedition to Louisiana in 1684 by Theodore Gudin (1844)
Ian Le Cheminant says the following: “It may be implied but you don’t expressly mention that the two XXs (Dos Equis, muy buena cerveza) form a square and compass between the pillars in the IXXI diagram. This is particularly apparent in the first Jesuit rings you show.”
Some of the Jesuit rings have I’s (ones) that look more like towers, emphasizing the connection with the Twin Towers:
However the horizontal line running through this ring has led some to speculate that it is a schematized A over an M. A over M means Auspice Maria, or Under the Protection of Mary (Isis). Chris commented on this post and says the “Auspice Maria” symbol uses the two pillars from the visions of St. John Bosco. Note that not all the Jesuit rings have the horizontal line, but if you buy into the A over M theory then take a look at the emblem of the Jesuit Society of Saint Sulpice:
The Society of Saint Sulpice is named for the Church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris that featured prominently in the Da Vinci code. It’s the place where the Priory of Sion villain Silas killed a Nun and pried up a stone in the floor near the obelisk, searching for the keystone. Interesting fiction but the Dossiers Secrets do mention Saint Sulpice. It’s the only church I’ve heard about that has solar alignments and an obelisk inside. The best fiction is a vehicle for truth.
Image courtesy Daniele Raffo under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
If you bring the IX and XI closer so that the X’s cross the symbol appears very much like the following logo that I wrote about in Arsenic and War:
Interestingly enough, Daniel Liebeskind, the master plan architect for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site, designed the Imperial War Museum North in the UK.
Tyrone had more to say in his intriguing comment:
I got the strangest feeling that some kind of message was being relayed. I looked at the sign and wondered what it could mean. At first I thought of “X marks the spot” or “spots” in this case as the “X”s could represent the Twin Towers viewed from above. The “I” reminded me of “pillars” the towers acting as a symbolic doorway, but what really drew my eye in, was the vacant space between the two “X”s. This space forms an invisible “hexagram” and for some reason I felt that this was symbolic of an incredibly dark and foreboding place, something suppressive and imprisoning.
The void between the X’s reminds me of the architect’s Cesar Pelli’s statement on the unveiling of his Canary Wharf Tower (aka One Canada Square) that I talked about in my Red Ice interview:
“According to Lao Tse, the reality of a hollow object is in the void and not in the walls that define it. He was speaking, of course, of spiritual realities. These are the realities also of the Canary Wharf Tower. The power of the void is increased and… with its supporting structure creates a portal to the sky … a door to the infinite.”—Cesar Pelli (1991)
Tyrone tuned into the same thing I did when I wrote my post on Hexagons. Here is what I wrote:
We have seen how the hexagonal shape represents limitation, structure, and authority. If used positively these qualities can help one strengthen willpower, discipline, and perseverance.
If used negatively these same qualities can imprison.
Saturn teaches a hard lesson.
What do governments, the justice system, and religions have in common? They all strive to control the human mind in various belief systems.
Martin wrote a comment on this page revealing how the freemasons use a six-sided coffin in the Third Degree. Incidentally this ritual is the origin of the phrase “stop giving me the third degree”:
Third degree tracing board by Brother John Harris (1845) Source
Incidentally IBM unveiled its neurosynaptic core that mimics the function of neurons in the human brain. Not only does the shape of the chip mimic the logo of the Knights Templar of the York masonic rite (see my Bolton post), but my friend Rick counted the pins and noticed that there are 33 on each side. In addition the voids between each side seem to have the hexagonal masonic coffin shape (like in the above image).
Image by IBM
The hexagonal coffin is the ultimate prison of the body. Note the skull and crossbones as we will see this symbol again later in this post. Remember Saturn itself has a hexagon on its North pole:
Image courtesy of NASA
Roman Saturn is the Greek Cronus.
Cronus had been conflated with the name of Chronos, the personification of time in Classical Antiquity. In the Renaissance, the combination of Cronus and Chronos give rise to “Father Time” wielding the harvesting scythe.
Rik Clay’s research on time and numerology was outstanding. Here are some of the facts he brought to light:
In the Mayan calendar, it was said that there would be 20 years of no-time. A period of unrest where the planet is making a transition from one age to another. 9/11 stood 9 years from the start of this no-time and 11 years from the end.
The World Trade Centre stood like an 11; 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is 111 days until the end of the year
The first plane to hit the World Trade Centre was Flight 11; total crew on Flight 11 was 11
9/11/01 stands 11 years from 2012
The World Trade Centre took 11 years to build
On 9/11/90 at 9.09PM, 11 years prior to 9/11/01, George Bush Senior made a speech to Congress entitled Toward A New World Order
On 9/11/41, 60 years prior to 9/11/01, the soil was broken and the foundations set for “The Pentagon” in Washington DC
A book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called “The Birth of Christ Recalculated”. The author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ’s birth based on the celestial charts for that era. The date of Christ’s birth, based on the famous Star of Bethlehem, is calculated to be September 11, 3 B.C.
According to Hebrew Scriptures 9/11/99 was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam’s creation, and year 1 on the Hebrew calendar.
Saturn rules not only over 9/11 but over all illuminist time codes. There are precisely 66 years between these dates:
29 April 1945 Adolph and Eva were married in the Führerbunker
29 April 2011 William and Kate were married in Westminster Abbey
Goro Adachi is a master at decoding illuminist time signatures. The Royal Wedding began precisely at 11:11 Universal Time. At that precise moment looking due South from Westminster Abbey, the center of the Phoenix constellation reached culmination just below the surface of the horizon in the underworld and the planet Venus simultaneously reached culmination directly above.
In Latin from which the English word is derived, Lucifer means “light-bearer” (from the words lucem ferre). It was the name given to the dawn appearance of the planet Venus which heralds daylight. For this meaning, English generally uses the names “Morning Star” or “Day Star”, and rarely “Lucifer”.
Prince William resonates with rising Lucifer energy at his wedding. William was born of the moon goddess Diana on the summer solstice. See my post on Egyptian Royals.
The end of the Mayan Calendar ends on 21 Dec 12 at 11:11 Universal Time. Coincidence?
Image courtesy Goro Adachi
Hexagons also represent cubes in isometric view. What does Reflecting Absence actually reflect? The Black Cube in Mecca. See my post on the Freedom Tower for background.
Image courtesy Mark Gray
“The Cube” in Astor Place Manhattan is yet another black cube in isometric emphasizing the connection with the hexagon. Astor Place is named for John Jacob Astor, at one time the richest person in the United States.
Image courtesy “I, DavidShankbone” under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Saturn is many things but the correlation many don’t want to see is with Satan. His scythe identifies him as the grim reaper. Don’t be afraid to look into the shadows or the people in the shadows will only get stronger.
Painting by Franklin LaVoie (1992)
George W Bush read The Pet Goat to a bunch of kids on the morning of 9/11/01. Here is the scene when the White House Chief of Staff whispered in his ear that the second plane had just hit the World Trade Center:
GW continued reading The Pet Goat to the kids for 7 more minutes before concluding the story and getting up. I recently read a fascinating article by Nila Sagadevan on this very subject:
“Sir, let’s for a moment say you were president of your country. One morning you find yourself in a classroom reading to a group of little children a story about a pet goat…I continued, “Your Chief of Staff rushes up to you and whispers in your ear, ‘Mr. President, terrorists have flown a plane into the Parliament Building; the nation is under attack.’ Now, I ask you, sir, how would you respond?”
Intending the question to be rhetorical, I continued with barely a pause. “I’ll tell you what my reaction would not be: It most certainly would not be the reaction demonstrated by the president of the United States on the morning of 9/11. I would be concerned for the thousands of my fellow citizens burning to death in an inferno. But I suspect before I would have a moment to react, my highly trained security detail would be whisking me out of that school to my limousine to put as many miles between the school and I as possible.
“Why? My location that morning common public knowledge, it was widely televised. So I — and my security team — would be very concerned these clearly well-organized ‘terrorists’ would be targeting me next by diving one of their aircraft into the school where I was located. But on 9/11, the President sat in that classroom for the next ten minutes narrating a tale about some pet goat — even after he was informed again, for the second time, that a second building had been hit.
What does the Commander-in-Chief then do in the midst of what is clearly a full-blown attack on the country? He stands up and casually drifts around the classroom taking advantage of a photo op by posing with some of the teachers, smiling as if he didn’t have a care in the world.”
I slowly surveyed my audience before continuing. To a man they were riveted.
“Gentlemen, that’s what I call confidence — confidence not for this President’s ability to remain calm under fire, but confidence that he wasn’t a target of the terrorists! Mr Bush, his staff, and his entire security detail had to have known with a good deal of certainty that the president was safe, because no effort whatsoever was made to get him out of that classroom in accordance with standard emergency procedures. And when he did eventually leave the school, the presidential motorcade casually drove back to the airport along the pre-determined route — also televised and widely known in advance — instead of following standard emergency procedure and taking an alternate route. I ask you, gentlemen: How could the president have been so absolutely sure he wasn’t a target when the nation was under a massive, concerted, clearly well-planned and ruthlessly executed attack?”
Everything with these people is symbolic.
Baphomet at a Freemason Session by Eliphas Levi (1890s)
Here’s another cube in isometric, this time red with a hole through it. Isamu Noguchi’s Cube is located in front of 140 Broadway, across the street from 33 Liberty (home of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). See my post on 33.
Image courtesy Corn Fed Chicks under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
140 Broadway has a leasable area of 111,000 square meters. It is reported as being approximately 688 and then 677 feet in height in the same article. I submit that this building is likely to actually be 666 feet in height.
The building’s main tenant is Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) which leases 40,000 square meters of the building. The firm has 40 partners and 4,000 staff globally. BBH is the oldest and largest private bank in the United States. -Source
This reminds me of the Canon of 400 I discussed in my Paris Part 3 video. Here’s a quote from it:
For example, consider a solar eclipse. When one happens the Moon completely covers the Sun disc. The only reason this can occur so precisely is because the Moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the Sun and happens to be 400 times closer than the Sun during the eclipse.
Also the moon rotates at a rate of 400km per earth day and the earth rotates 40,000km a day.
On January 1, 1931, Brown Brothers And Company merged with Harriman Brothers & Company, an investment company started in 1912 with railway money. When TIME magazine announced this merger in its December 22, 1930 issue, they noted that of the company’s 16 founding partners a total of 11 were graduates from Yale University. Eight of the ten initial partners were members of Skull and Bones. -Source
The logo of Skull and Bones
Prescott S. Bush (George W. Bush’s grandfather) was one of BBH’s 10 initial founding members.
Prescott S. Bush was also one of seven directors of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank controlled by the Thyssen family (one of Germany’s leading industrial families). In October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. -Source
Just an interesting coincidence, the Totenkopfring (“Death’s Head Ring”), was an award of Heinrich Himmler’s SS. It was not a state decoration, but rather a personal gift bestowed by Himmler. The ring shows skull and crossed bones – the SS symbol – on its top.
It is always wise to follow the money:
A German real estate fund has paid a whopping $465 million for 140 Broadway, giving a huge vote of confidence to the downtown market. The sale of the fully tenanted building last week ranked second to the record $610 million sale of 60 Wall Street in 2001. -2004 article
See my post on the Stars of Lower Manhattan for my bit on 60 Wall Street. Of course the sale of 666 Fifth Ave for $1.8 billion in 2006 blew away the aforementioned records. See my post on 666.
In any case 140 Broadway was designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Bunshaft had originally proposed a monolith type sculpture to go in front where Noguchi’s Cube ended up, but it was deemed to be too expensive. -Source
Image from 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick changed the location of the monolith to Jupiter in the film version of 2001 because the rings of Saturn were too hard to make with the special effects of 1968. Never mind that he was too busy filming the Apollo 11 moon landings.
Strangely enough the Millenium Hilton’s tower reminds me of a black monolith. It’s at 55 Church St. and has 55 floors.
The distance from the center of Noguchi’s cube to the corner of the building attached to the Millenium Hilton (195 Broadway) is 666 feet.
Thank you to Martin Schoket who sent me this photo on Facebook:
I identified the Millenium Hilton and 195 Broadway as being part of the Orion Nebula star map in my post on the Stars of Lower Manhattan. Google Street View reveals the logo of 195 Broadway is a star symbol. No surprise there.
Es la ley de lo irrefutable, la ley de gravedad, “Cronos”: el paso del tiempo. Muestra la ... Excepto el período del de 15 octubre de 2000 al 20 de abril de 2001.
5 Ene 2015 ...Saturno – Cronos, el señor del tiempo. ... Compartir Aries del 21 de Marzo al 20 de Abril Recibes propuestas interesantes en apariencia, pero ...
Toma su nombre de Urano, padre de Crono (Saturno) en la mitología griega. ... Es la constelacion que rige los nacidos desde el 21 de marzo al 20 de abril.
Rige a las personas nacidas entre el 21 de Marzo y el 20 de Abril. ..... En la antigua Mitología Romana, Saturno (y su equivalente griego, Cronos) es el padre de ...
El siguiente es un resumen de los Anillos de Saturno: ... W. Herschel 1789 Tetis III 530 7.55e+20 294,660 G. Cassini 1684 Telesto XIII 17x14x13 ? ... Pioneer 11 - USA Júpiter/Saturno - 259 kg - (Abril 6, 1973 - Noviembre 1995) Pioneer 11 ...
13 Abr 2012 ... de circulosolar en Uncategorized Etiquetas:saturno, sistema solar. Saturno o Cronos(su nombre para los griegos) se le considera el dios de las cosechas y el tiempo. Sus padres ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ...
14 Dic 2010 ... Pero, me gusto la historia del Dios Saturno y hoy quiero compartirla con ustedes. ... cuando se casa Cronos o Saturno, tuvo muchos hijos y le exigía a su mujer que le entregara los recién nacidos ... Anónimo 18 de diciembre de 2010, 8:20 .... julio (30). ▻ junio (25). ▻ mayo (27). ▻ abril (29). ▻ marzo (20) ...
Con él, tuvo la inmensa alegría de ver los cuatro satélites de Saturno descubiertos por Galileo. ... y hermanas de Crono (el nombre griego para el dios romano del tiempo Saturno) para .... Noticia del 20 de abril de 2012, publicada por la ESA.
Sin duda, "2001 Una Odisea en el Espacio" es una de las películas más enigmáticas de la historia del cine, que ha calado en el inconsciente de muchos de nosotros. su escena de la desconexión del superordenador Hal es realmente inolvidable.
Kubrik, gran conocedor del simbolismo masón, expresa la idea de que una inteligencia no humana ha intervenido en la evolución de la humanidad y larepresenta con un monolito negro, la misma figura que el cubo negro de la Meca, es decir Saturno, el planeta del eclipse. Además, la película incluye diversas imágenes de eclipses para que no pueda haber ninguna duda acerca del significado. Otros detalles significativos, como que el monolito siempre aparece acompañado de diversas conjunciones planetarias o que la cápsula de los astronautas usa un agujero de gusano para viajar, redundan en explicar como esos anunnakis llegaron y se fueron de la Tierra.
<<<< El símbolo del Eclipse de Saturno (Sol Negro) en la película 2001
Cronos devora a sus hijos
Cronos (Saturno) era el más jóven de los Titanes, hijos de la Madre Tierra y Urano (la tierra y el cielo). Urano, odiaba a sus hijos y los escondió en la Madre Tierra causándole gran dolor. Como venganza fabricó una hoz para Cronos y le convenció de que diese muerte a su padre. Cuando cumplió sus deseos, se desposó con su hermana Rea, pero temeroso de que sus propios hijos se levantasen en su contra, se los tragaba en cuanto nacían: primero Hestia, luego a Deméter, Hera, Hades y Posidón. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus, su sexto hijo, estaba por nacer, Rea lo alumbró en el silencio de la noche y lo confió a los cuidados de su madre, la Madre Tierra. En lugar de entregarle al bebé, le dió a Crono una piedra para que se la comiera. Cuando Zeus creció, pidió ser el copero de Cronos.. le preparó pues a su padre una poderosa sustancia que le hizo vomitar a la piedra y a sus otro cinco hijos mayores. Zeus, luego condujo a sus hermanos a la guerra contra los Titanes, a los que vencen y destierran al Tártro, en el mundo subterraneo. En adelante, Zeuz reinaría como el jefe supremo de los dioses.
El primer círculo de las cosechas de tamaño considerable del año ha aparecido en Hod HIll, cerca de Hanford, condado de Dorset, como no, en Inglaterra. Las primeras imágenes nos exponen un interesante diseño similar al aparecido en el fenómeno en los años 90 en su parte principal y que teorizamos que podría representar el próximo eclipse entre la luna y el planeta Saturno. Veamos las imágenes:
1. La vista cenital nos deja una figura aparentemente perfecta. Vemos un círculo rodeado de un anillo arriba. Ese anillo está conectado por una línea recta con otro círculo de mayor tamaño rodeado de una serie de anillos. De uno de esos anillos va saliendo el siguiente.
2. Podemos identificar y teorizar que el primer círculo pequeño en la tierra y la órbita de la luna. El grande y los tres anillos es Saturno. El día 10 de Junio se producirá un eclipse luna-saturno.
3.También es interesante comprobar que según esa teoría se habría determinado exponer a Saturno con mayor diámetro que la tierra. Existe un cuarto elemento. El cuadrado.
4. Existe un doble cuadrado sobre saturno, que podríamos identificar como el famoso cuadrado de Saturno, un juego matemático en el que todas las filas y todas las columnas suman 15. Fue fotografiado el día 2 de Junio de 2014. 2+6+2+0+1+4 =15.
Evidentemente, seguirán apareciendo nuevas fotografías del terreno y nuevas teorías.
09 de Junio, 2014
Desde la parte sur de Estados Unidos, la mitad superior de Centaurus, el centauro, se dirige hacia el sur al caer la noche. La estrella más brillante en esa parte de la constelación es Menkent, el hombro del centauro.
10 de Junio, 2014
Hermoso planeta anillado Saturno aparece cerca de la Luna casi llena esta noche. Si se mira al Sur aproximadamente a las 21:30 UTC (22:20 BST) ambos deben ser fáciles de encontrar.
Eclipse de Saturno por la Luna, sólo visible desde las Islas Kerguelen al sur del Océano Índico. La Luna cruza por el meridiano celeste en el que está en planeta Saturno y lo eclipsa. Sólo es visible desde las Islas Kerguelen al sur del Océano Índico. La relación sincrónica entre la Luna y de Saturno es que mientras la Luna cumple su ciclo de fases en 29,5 días en torno a la Tierra, Saturno cumple su órbita en torno al Sol en 29,5 años ó 1 año saturniano, lo que significa que en 1 año saturniano la Luna realiza 365 ciclos de fases y 365 giros en torno a su eje de rotación.
Conjunción de la Luna creciente con Saturno (9,04 UA) en Libra.
El planeta Saturno, el cual se ve como una estrella brillante dorada, está cerca de la Luna, hacia su derecha superior al caer la noche. Hoy se cumple el décimo aniversario de la llegada al sistema de Saturno de la nave Cassini. Cassini continúa estudiando al sistema hoy en día.
11 de Junio, 2014
La Tierra pasa al otro lado del Sol respecto a la constelación de Orión (el Sol encima de Orión).
Conjunción de la Luna creciente con la estrella Antares, en Escorpión; tiene magnitud 1,05 y está a 604 añoz luz de distancia.
Antares es una de las estrellas más impresionantes en la galaxia: por lo menos 15 veces tan masiva como el Sol y decenas de miles de veces más brillante. La anaranjada estrella se encuentra hacia la derecha inferior de la Luna esta noche y se acerca aun más hacia la Luna durante la noche.
12 de Junio, 2014
Luna Llena en Sagitario, frente al centro de la Vía Láctea.
13 de Junio, 2014
La Luna Llena en el cielo hoy también a veces se conoce como la Rosa de la luna, la luna de Lotus o la Luna de Caballos.
14 de Junio, 2014
Plutón a 1.93 grados al Sur de la Luna en la constelación de Sagitario. Elongación del planeta: 160.5 grados. Configuración observable unas dos horas después de la medianoche hacia el Sureste.
15 de Junio, 2014
La Luna llena Luna está en perigeo hoy a una distancia de 362.060 kilometros (224.974 millas), el punto más cercano de su órbita a la Tierra.
La Tierra entre Saturno y Venus.
¿Cuántas veces te detienes a observar lo que el cielo cada noche coloca en cartelera?… Recuerda el axioma que dice “Como es arriba… es abajo”… El cielo y las estrellas no son un adorno… son una realidad.
Observar nos conecta en un 30% con la energía del Universo. Imitar lo observado nos conecta en un 70% con la energía del Universo… Emular lo observado nos convierte en la energía.