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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 18/08/2011 00:38
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Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/11/2011 14:41

About this constellation, an Arabian astronomer named Albumazar (eighth century AD) is quoted as saying; "There arises in the first Decan (which means: "part," or, "associated constellation" and also a order of Priest from where we derive the name Deacons] as the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians, and the two Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman, whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy, having a Hebrew name, by some nations called IHESU , with the signification IEZA, which in Greek is called Christos.

VIRGO is represented as a woman with a branch in her right hand, and some ears of corn in her left hand. Thus giving a two-fold testimony of the Coming One.

The name of this sign in the Hebrew is Bethulah, which means a virgin, and in the Arabic a branch. The two words are connected, as in Latin--Virgo, which means a virgin; and virga, which means a branch (Vulg. Isa 11:1). Another name is Sunbul, Arabic, an ear of corn .

" The boy in the virgin's lap is widely recognized as symbolic of Christos - the anointed, the Messiah


Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2011 14:05


8. Mateo 26:26: Y mientras comían, tomó Jesús el pan, y bendijo, y lo partió, y dio a sus discípulos, y dijo: Tomad, comed; esto es MI CUERPO.
10. Marcos 14:22: Y mientras comían, Jesús tomó pan y bendijo, y lo partió y les dio, diciendo: Tomad, esto es MI CUERPO.

11. Lucas 22:19: Y tomó el pan y dio gracias, y lo partió y les dio, diciendo: Esto es MI CUERPO, que por vosotros es dado; haced esto en memoria de mí.
32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
1. Génesis 35:19: Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
2. Génesis 48:7: Porque cuando yo venía de Padan-aram, se me murió Raquel en la tierra de Canaán, en el camino, como media legua de tierra viniendo a Efrata; y la sepulté allí en el camino de Efrata, que es Belén.
 - La Virgen María es la constelación de Virgo. América está en Virgo. El antiguo símbolo de Virgo es una "m" cambió. Esto explica por qué el nombre de María como otras madres vírgenes, como la madre de Adonis, Mirra, o el de la madre de Buda, Maya, comienza con una M. Virgo (constelación de Virgo) también se conoce como la "Casa del pan", y la representación de Virgo es una Virgen que sostiene una gavilla de trigo. Esta "casa del pan" y su símbolo de trigo representa agosto y septiembre, cuando la cosecha. A su vez, Belén (Belén), es la traducción literal de "La Casa del Pan". Belén es también la referencia a la constelación de Virgo, un lugar en el cielo, no en la Tierra.

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2011 14:10

La Estrella de Belén

pesar de haber transcurrido unos dos mil años, aún se siguen haciendo hipótesis sobre si algún fenómeno astronómico pudo haber dado origen a la estrella de Belén. Los relatos del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento están repletos de simbolismos y muchos de ellos son adecuados para transmitir un mensaje determinado en el contexto de la época en que fueron escritos; seguramente no siempre hay alguna explicación científica para ellos y quiza lo más conveniente sea no buscarla. En este sentido, la estrella de Belén pudo no haber existido nunca y solo ser un condimento agregado a los relatos para darle más relevancia un hecho central de la religión católica como lo es el nacimiento de Jesús.

La aparición de la estrella de Belén podría responder a esta explicación pero tiene la particularidad de tratarse de un relato relacionado con un fenómeno celeste y hoy en día contamos con los medios para trasladarnos en el tiempo y reproducir el firmamento de aquellos días y ver lo mismo que hubiera visto cualquier habitante de Belén y sus alrededores. Esto sumado a la curiosidad y a la pasión por conocer los fenómenos del firmamento hace que nos animemos a sondear en la historia y llegar hasta los días del nacimiento de Jesús.

La intención no es pasar por alto el espíritu de lo que se celebra en ésta época del año con una fría explicación técnica sino indagar si uno de los relatos más conocidos de la religión católica tuvo verdaderamente su origen en un fenómeno astronómico y si su interpretación pudo haber derivado en la bella tradición de los Reyes Magos guiados por la estrella de Belén para asistir al nacimiento del Niño Dios. Una tercera interpretación es que la estrella de Belén haya sido obra de Dios con lo cual todas las conjeturas que se hagan no tendrán ningún interés para aquellas personas que lo entiendan de esta manera.

Nosotros nos centraremos en la hipótesis de que la estrella de Belén haya sido realmente un fenómeno astronómico y en este sentido veremos qué astros estaban presentes en el cielo del medio oriente en la fecha del nacimiento de Jesús, los cuales pudieron haber sido interpretados como una señal divina. Para iniciar esta investigación hay que tomar el Nuevo Testamento y comenzar a leer y tratar de reconstruir lugares, fechas y hechos lo cual es algo muy difícil después de veinte siglos.

El nacimiento de Jesús no fue el 25 de Diciembre del año cero, esta fecha fue determinada por un abad romano llamado Dionisio Exiguus en el año 525 DC. En los tiempos de Jesús el calendario que se utilizaba era el romano en el cual el año cero correspondía a la fundación de la ciudad de Roma (753 AC) y luego de su caída en el siglo V DC se dejó de utilizar. Un siglo después Dionisio Exiguus decidió hacer un nuevo calendario basado en la fecha de nacimiento de Jesús pero la determinación de esta fecha por parte de Dionisio tuvo algunos problemas. Lo primero que hizo fue utilizar un método muy común en el pasado que era contabilizar los años de mandato de los emperadores hacia atrás y así llegar hasta el nacimiento de Jesús. En esa época el emperador era César Augusto quien además gobernó 4 años bajo su nombre propio: Octavio y por alguna razón esto fue pasado por alto por Dionisio. Otra omisión fue la del año cero, según la cronología de Dionisio, se pasaba del año 1 AC directamente al año 1 DC. La explicación de esta omisión muy probablemente resida en el hecho de que la incorporación de la numeración arábiga tuvo lugar en el año 1000 DC a través del Papa Silvestre II con lo cual (asumiendo que no hubo otros errores de cálculo) Jesús habría nacido en el año 5 AC.

Otro dato sobre el año del nacimiento de Jesús surge del evangelio según San Mateo donde se señala que Jesús nació durante el reinado de Herodes el Grande quién murió, según datos históricos, entre la fecha en que se produjo un eclipse de Luna, que se pudo observar desde Jericó, y la Pascua Judía. Hoy en día sabemos que hubo un eclipse de Luna el 13 de marzo del año 4 AC y teniendo en cuenta que Herodes ordenó matar a todos los niños menores de 2 años muy cerca de su propia muerte, suponer que Jesús realmente nació aproximadamente 5 años antes no sería tan desarcertado.

El siguiente paso es el de determinar la ubicación de la estrella de Belén en el cielo, el evangelio según San Mateo tiene varias referencias al respecto:

"Después de nacer Jesús en Belén de Judea, en tiempos del rey Herodes, unos sabios llegaron de oriente a Jerusalén, preguntando. ¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido? Porque hemos visto su estrella en Oriente y venimos a adorarlo. .....Después de oir al rey, se fueron; y la estrella que habían visto en el oriente iba delante de ellos, hasta que vino a pararse encima del lugar donde estaba el niño."

Si asumimos que la estrella de Belén se trató de un fenómeno astronómico, debemos suponer que expresiones como la estrella “iba delante de ellos” y “vino a pararse encima del lugar donde estaba el niño” son totalmente metafóricas o fueron escritas así por ignorancia o desconocimiento de su autor. San Mateo dice acerca de los reyes magos “Porque hemos visto su estrella en Oriente” y habría que ver si se refiere a que vieron la estrella en el horizonte este o que la vieron desde sus tierras ya que “llegaron de oriente a Jerusalén”. La interpretación de que la estrella vino a pararse encima del lugar donde estaba el niño puede consistir en que desde el punto de vista de los Reyes Magos, que venían desde oriente, la estrella “visualmente” estuviera encima de Belén en el cielo pero en este caso la estrella no estaría hacia el oriente. Por esta razón quizá estemos ante otra metáfora empleada al confeccionar el relato.

Remontándonos cerca del año 5 AC, los hechos más relevantes y que pudieron haber llamado la atención son por un lado la aparición de una nova registrada por los chinos en el mes de marzo. Unos años antes, en el 7 AC se produjo una conjunción planetaria de Júpiter y Saturno la cual pudo haber sido interpretada como una señal ya que algunas hipótesis indican que los Reyes Magos provenían de la mesopotamia y tenían conocimientos de astrología.

Una tercera explicación que plantean otros investigadores es que la estrella de Belén se trataba simplemente de Spica (Espiga), la estrella más brillante de la constelación de Virgo. Esta postura se basa en el hecho de que esta estrella tenía su ocaso crepuscular en diciembre (en el calendario astronómico de aquella época que estaba retrasado más de dos meses del actual) y que coincidía con el comienzo de la fiesta de la recolección agrícola.

Antes del cristianismo se acostumbraba erigir ciudades o diversas construcciones en el lugar del horizonte donde un astro parecía posarse en su ocaso crepuscular visto a la distancia. Siguiendo esta línea de razonamiento, muy probablemente este fuera el caso del pesebre de Belén donde supuestamente nació Jesús y se encontraba justo en el sitio en el que para cualquier peregrino que hiciera el camino Jerusalén-Belén se producía el ocaso crepuscular de la estrella Spica en el mes de diciembre de aquella época.

En definitiva, seguramente nunca podremos saber con certeza qué fue lo que realmente sucedió en el cielo hace dos mil años y aunque los supiéramos esto no cambiaría el sentido que cada uno de nosotros le otorgamos a la celebración de la Navidad pero sí podemos conjeturar y que esto nos sirva como pretexto para conocer más acerca de la historia y de los fenómenos astronómicos que tanto nos apasionan.

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/01/2012 00:17
Rut 4:11: Y dijeron todos los del pueblo que estaban a la puerta con los ancianos: Testigos somos. Jehová haga a la mujer que entra en tu casa como a RAQUEL y a Lea, las cuales edificaron la casa de Israel; y tú seas ilustre en Efrata, y seas de renombre en Belén.
35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite.
35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el.
35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto.

35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo.
35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín.
35:19 Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
35:21 Y salió Israel, y plantó su tienda más allá de Migdal-edar.
35:22 Aconteció que cuando moraba Israel en aquella tierra, fue Rubén y durmió con Bilha la concubina de su padre; lo cual llegó a saber Israel. Ahora bien, los hijos de Israel fueron doce:
35:23 los hijos de Lea: Rubén el primogénito de Jacob; Simeón, Leví, Judá, Isacar y Zabulón.
35:24 Los hijos de Raquel: José y Benjamín.
35:25 Los hijos de Bilha, sierva de Raquel: Dan y Neftalí.
35:26 Y los hijos de Zilpa, sierva de Lea: Gad y Aser. Estos fueron los hijos de Jacob, que le nacieron en Padan-aram.
35:27 Después vino Jacob a Isaac su padre a Mamre, a la ciudad de Arba, que es Hebrón, donde habitaron Abraham e Isaac.
35:28 Y fueron los días de Isaac ciento ochenta años.
35:29 Y exhaló Isaac el espíritu, y murió, y fue recogido a su pueblo, viejo y lleno de días; y lo sepultaron Esaú y Jacob sus hijos.

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2012 01:59

Cabalá y Vida Moderna- Viviendo con el Tiempo

Un Mensaje de Torá para el mes de Elul

De acuerdo con el Sefer Ietzirá, cada mes del año judío tiene una letra del alfabeto hebreo, un signo del zodíaco, una de las doce tribus de Israel, un sentido, y un órgano controlador del cuerpo que le corresponde.

Elul es el sexto de los doce meses del calendario judío.

Es llamado "el mes del arrepentimiento", "el mes de la misericordia" y "el mes del perdón". Elul sigue a los meses Tamuz y Av, los meses donde tuvieron lugar los dos grandes pecados de Israel, el del becerro de oro y el de los espías.

Las cuatro letras de la palabra Elul son un acrónimo de las letras iniciales de la frase del Cantar de los Cantares (6:3): "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado es para mi". "Yo soy para mi amado" en arrepentimiento y deseo consumado de retornar a la raíz de mi alma en Di-s. "Y mi amado es para mi" con una expresión Divina de misericordia y perdón.

Este es el mes en el cual "el Rey se encuentra en el campo". Todos se pueden acercar a El, y El hace resplandecer Su semblante hacia todos.

Elul es el mes de la preparación para las supremas festividades de Tishrei En el cual Moisés ascendió al Monte Sinaí por tercera vez por un período de cuarenta días desde Rosh Jodesh Elul hasta Iom Kipur, cuando descendió con las segundas "tablas del testimonio". Estos fueron días en donde Di-s reveló gran misericordia al pueblo judío.

En "numeración pequeña", Elul = 13, aludiendo a los 13 principios de misericordia Divina que son revelados en el mes de Elul.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Color: rojo.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Letra: iud.

La iud es la primera letra del Tetragramaton, Havaiá, el Nombre esencial de Di-s, el de la misericordia. Es también la letra final del Nombre Adnut, el Nombre que incluye el Nombre Havaiá para revelarlo y expresarlo en el mundo. Así la iud es el comienzo (de la esencia de misericordia Divina, Havaiá) y el final (de la manifestación de misericordia Divina, Adnut)

Todas las formas creadas comienzan con un "punto" esencial de energía y fuerza de vida, el de la letra iud. El final del proceso creativo es igualmente un "punto" de consumación y satisfacción, una iud. "En el principio Di-s creó …" es el punto inicial, "y Di-s finalizó en el séptimo día …"es el punto final.

La palabra iud posee la misma raíz que "mano" (iad). Nuestros sabios interpretan el versículo: "Incluso Mi mano ha fundado la tierra, y Mi derecha ha desarrollado los cielos", como que "Di-s extendió su mano derecha y creó los cielos y extendió su mano izquierda y creó la tierra". La mano derecha es el punto de iniciación y la izquierda es el del final".

En estos versos, la mano izquierda ("Mi mano, sin ninguna especificación de deracha o izquierda) aparece antes de la mano derecha. Esto concuerda con la opinión de Hillel que "la tierra precede [a los cielos]". La tierra representa la consumación de la Creación, "lo último en la acción es lo primero en el pensamiento".

La iud de Elul es, en particular, la mano izquierda, el controlador del sentido del mes, el sentido de acción y rectificación. Este es el punto final de la Creación que alcanza su propósito final, la iud de Adnut, reflejando perfectamente en la realidad creada la iud de Havaiá.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Mazal: betulá (Virgo - virgen).

La betulá simboliza la novia amada de Di's, Israel, la novia del Cantar de los Cantares quien dice a su novio "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado es para mi".

La palabra betulá aparece por primera vez en la Torá (y la única vez describiendo a una mujer específica, alabando a nuestra matriarca Rebeca, antes de su casamiento con Isaac.

En cabalá, la unión de Isaac y Rebeca simboliza el servicio espiritual de la plegaria y la devoción a Di-s. Isaac (Itzjak = 208) más Rebeca (Rivka = 307) = 515 = tefilá, "plegaria".

En jasidut el verso "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado para mi", hace referencia, en particular, al servicio de plegaria del mes de to Elul.

La "virgen" de Elul (Rebeca) da a luz (retroactivamente, con respecto al orden de los meses del año) a los "mellizos" de Sivan (Iacob y Esav, los hijos de Rebeca, como se explica arriba). Las primeras tablas, entregadas en Sivan, fueron quebradas (a causa del pecado), las segundas, dadas a Moises en Elul (el mes del arrepentimiento) están enteras. El arrepentimiento es identificado en cabalá con la "madre" (en general y Rebeca en particular). "Madre corresponde a la sefirá de biná = 67 = Elul.

En Cabalá la "madre" permanece por siempre "virgen" (en el plano espiritual). En un estado continuo de teshuvá y tefilá su "siempre nueva" unión con el "padre" nunca cesa - "dos compañeros que nunca se separan". Tal va a ser el estado de la novia y el novio de aquí abajo con la llegada del Mashiaj. "Padre" y "madre" corresponde a las primeras dos letras de Havaiá - "la unión superior"; "novio" y "novia" o "hijo" e " hija" corresponden al segundo par de letras de Havaiá - "la unión inferior").

La betulá simboliza también la "tierra virgen", la tierra de Israel destinada a casarse con el pueblo de Israel, como declara el profeta: "como un joven desposa a una virgen, así tus hijos te desposaran [la tierra de Israel]" (Isaias 62:5). Aquí vemos que los hijos desposan a la "madre tierra" que permanece "tierra virgen".

La tierra representa la rectificación de la acción, el sentido del mes de Elul, como se describe arriba.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Tribu: Gad.

Gad comparte su raíz gramatical con "campamentos", como en el versículo en que nuestro patriarca Iacob bendice a su hijo Gad: "Gad organizará [lit. campamento] campamentos [del ejercito], y volverá con todos sus campamentos" (Génesis 49:19). El talento especial de Gad es organizar una "compañía".

Gad se puede interpretar también como "buena fortuna". Es la verdadera "buena fortuna" de Israel de ser la novia amada de Di-s, y esto se revela por medio de nuestras buenas acciones, especialmente aquellas que intentan rectificar nuestras imperfecciones y embellecernos, como la novia para su novio.

La "buena fortuna" de Gad se relaciona en cabalá con los trece principios de misericordia que son revelados en este mes, para despertar el alma desde su raíz (su "buena fortuna") para que retorne a Di-s.

Gad = 7. Gad fue el séptimo hijo que le nació a Iacob. Mazal, la palabra más común para "buena fortuna" = 77. La letra del medio de mazal es zain = 7. Cuando las dos letras gimmel dalet que forman el nombre Gad (= 7) son substituidas por zain (= 7) de mazal, se forma la palabra migdal, "torre" Declara el versículo: "Una torre [migdal = 77] de poder [oz = 77] es el Nombre de Di-s, en la que marchará el tzadik y será exaltado". En cabalá, la "torre de poder" representa a la novia, la betulá de Elul, el alma-raíz y mazal del pueblo judío. El tzadik, el novio, marcha con todo su poder, para entrar a la "torre de poder".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Sentido: acción.

Acción es el sentido y "conocimiento" interior por el cual uno es capaz de rectificar siempre cualquier imperfección o estado de quiebre del alma por medio de actos devotos de bondad. Este es el sentido necesario para el servicio espiritualde Elul, el servicio de arrepentimiento y teshuvá verdadera hacia Di-s. El sentido de acción es así el de no desesperar nunca. Este es el "punto", la iud de Elul, del servicio Divino, sin el cual uno nunca puede empezar una acción o terminarla.

Este sentido es la inclinación a arreglar un objeto roto ("salvar" una situación) más que desecharla

Sumado a esto, es el sentido de organización y el de administración de sistemas complejos (como Gad, la tribu de Elul significa "campamentos" y "compañía").

Se dice de la iud de Elul: "Con sabiduría [el punto de la iud] Di-s hizo [rectificó] la tierra [el sentido de la acción]".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Controlador: la mano izquierda.

Como se mencionó anteriormente, Di-s estiró Su mano izquierda para crear la tierra, y "Con sabiduría Di-s creó la tierra" [Proverbs 3:19]).

La mano derecha (la más espiritual de la dos manos, que creó los cielos - "Eleva tus ojos y ve Quién creó esto" - la dimensión interna y espiritual de la realidad) controla el sentido de la vista, mientras que la izquierda (más física) controla el sentido de la acción.

La mitzvá (mandamiento de acción) de los tefilin shel yad (filacterías de la mano) se realiza en el brazo izquierdo, la mano derecha los coloca en la izquierda, es decir, "ve" sus acciones realizarse en la izquierda.

Es la mano izquierda la que toca el corazón, esto nos enseña que toda acción rectificada deriva de las buenas intenciones y emociones del corazón.

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/03/2012 18:35


43. Daniel 7:25: Y hablará palabras contra el Altísimo, y a los santos del Altísimo quebrantará, y pensará en cambiar los TIEMPOS y la ley; y serán entregados en su mano hasta tiempo, y TIEMPOS, y medio tiempo.


DANIEL 7:25 O 7:2+5 O 7:7 O 77. EL NUMERO 77 ES el numero de GENERACIONES DE NUESTRO SEÑOR SEGUN LA GENEALOGIA DE LUCAS (HIJO DEL HOMBRE). El numero 77 tiene conexion kavalistica con Washington D.C, en el estado de Columbia. La tierra de dicho estado fue donada por los estados de MARYLAND Y VIRGINIA. COLUMBIA ES LA PALOMA DE NOE EN EL ZODIACO. Washington con sus 7 colinas y en contexto a COLUMBIA/ARCA DE NOE tiene un fuerte NEXO CON EL MONTE DE ARARAT, OSEA CON LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN Y ESPECIFICAMENTE CON LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA. El MONTE DE ARARAT, ubicada en ANATOLIA/ASIA MENOR/TURQUIA EN CONTEXTO A LAS 7 IGLESIAS/PALOMAS/PLEYADES DE APOCALIPSIS 1,2 Y 3 tiene un fuerte nexo con la VIRGEN DE FATIMA POR SU FUERTE NEXO CON EL SURGIMIENTO Y CAIDA DE LA UNION SOVIETICA que justamente dicho MONTE estaba ubicada bajo su imperio. JERUSALEM CON SUS 7 COLINAS Y EL MONTE DE LOS OLIVOS TIENEN EL MISMO PATRON. Washington D.C incluso tiene un fuerte nexo con LA CONSTELACION DE VIRGO/GAD/MIGDAL/MARIA MAGDALENA E INCLUSO CON EL SANTO GRIAL. Sumando los 180 grados, considerando el meridiano de cambio de dia, tenemos que 180+77=257 grados. OTRO NEXO ESOTERICO CON DANIEL 7:25.  
Gad = 7. Gad fue el séptimo hijo que le nació a Iacob. Mazal, la palabra más común para "buena fortuna" = 77. La letra del medio de mazal es zain = 7. Cuando las dos letras gimmel dalet que forman el nombre Gad (= 7) son substituidas por zain (= 7) de mazal, se forma la palabra migdal, "torre" Declara el versículo: "Una torre [migdal = 77] de poder [oz = 77] es el Nombre de Di-s, en la que marchará el tzadik y será exaltado". En cabalá, la "torre de poder" representa a la novia, la betulá de Elul, el alma-raíz y mazal del pueblo judío. El tzadik, el novio, marcha con todo su poder, para entrar a la "torre de poder".
La reforma juliana-gregoriana (REFERENCIA A LA PROFECIA DE DANIEL 7:25) fue un 4 de octubre de 1582. El calendario en dicho año salto de un jueves 4 de octubre a un viernes de octubre de 1582. Concretamente fue salteado el 13 de octubre con fuerte nexo CON MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL GRIAL. El 13 de octubre tambien fue la ultima aparicion de la VIRGEN DE FATIMA. ENTRE EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 1582 Y EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 1917 hay 315 años LUNI-SOLARES EXACTOS. EL numero 315 tiene NEXO KAVALISTICO CON GENESIS 3:15. 315X4=1260 que es uno de los PERIODOS ASTRONOMICOS DEL PROFETA DANIEL. DAN BROWN, EL ESCRITOR DEL CODIGO DA VINCI, JUSTAMENTE TIENE UN NEXO CON DANI-EL (JUICIO DE DIOS). LA VIUDA DESPLAZADA PIDE JUSTICIA.
Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
1. Génesis 3:15: Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la CABEZA, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.
Esto confirmaria desde otra perspectiva el NEXO DE FATIMA, CON EL CAMBIO DEL CALENDARIO E INCLUSO CON LA POSICION DE WASHINGTON D.C, que insisto ES UNA REPLICA DE JERUSALEM Y DEL VATICANO. ¿ES ESTE EL MENSAJE DE LA LINEA ROSA DEL CODIGO DA VINCI? Recordemos que en la ultima aparicion de la virgen de Fatima el 13 de octubre hasta el 15/3 (anagrama de 315) tenemos 153 dias, dia de SAN LONGINO quien fue el romano que le CLAVO LA LANZA A NUESTRO SEÑOR EN LA CRUZ y que desde el 15/3 hasta el 15/8 (ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN QUE JUSTAMENTE ES DECLARADA EN CONTEXTO A LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA) tambien tenemos 153 dias. Osea que HAY UN NEXO MERIDIONAL/LINEA ROSA CON FATIMA.
 592. Juan 19:34: Pero uno de los soldados le abrió el costado con una lanza, y al instante salió sangre y AGUA.

El Paralelo Pi tiene 10.000 km de diámetro.
Para calcular el ángulo, la hipotenusa vale el radio terrestre Rt=6.366,19772 km
y el cateto contiguo vale 5.000 (es el radio del paralelo de diametro 10.000).


Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2012 19:53
LEON (LEON de la tribu de JUDA)
Busqueda para NARDO

Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
1. Cantares 1:12: Mientras el rey estaba en su reclinatorio,
Mi NARDO dio su olor.
2. Cantares 4:13: Tus renuevos son paraíso de granados, con frutos suaves,
De flores de alheña y NARDOs;
3. Cantares 4:14: NARDO y azafrán, caña aromática y canela,
Con todos los árboles de incienso;
Mirra y áloes, con todas las principales especias aromáticas.
4. Marcos 14:3: Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de NARDO puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.

Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 98 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2012 19:53


www.restorationnations.com/es/mostrar-articulos.asp?artID=175En caché
El Lugar Santo El Lugar Santísimo Con relación al Tabernáculo: El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (10 pies x 10 pies x 10 pies) Con relación al Templo: El Lugar ...

    forocristiano.iglesia.net/archive/index.php/t-48734.htmlEn caché
    14 Nov 2010 – La forma cúbica del lugar santísimo. Este era un cubo perfecto en todas las versiones del santuario terrenal, como si esta característica ...
    8. Mateo 16:18: Y yo también te digo, que tú eres PEDRO, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. 

    A regular square pyramid is determined by its medial right triangle, whose edges are the pyramid's apothem (a), semi-base (b), and height (h); the face inclination angle is also marked. Mathematical proportions b:h:a of 1:sqrt{varphi}:varphi and 3:4:5  and 1:4/pi:1.61899  are of particular interest in relation to Egyptian pyramids.

    Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
    Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
    .382    .618             1                   1.618                               2,618
    Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 02:15

    ORION – The Key To The Kingdom Of Heaven





    Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/08/2012 00:52

    Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2012 00:25

    In 1971, when I began work on my first film about Rennes-le-Chteau, I thought that I was introducing the English-speaking world to a fascinating, essentially unimportant, little local French mystery. Before that film was completed, I already knew that there was much more to the story of Bérenger Saunière and his little village. I had begun with Gérard de Sède’s account in Le Trésor Maudit and I soon began to realise that he was not telling the whole story.

    Geometry had begun to raise its head and it was ten years before I grasped the full significance of what I was beginning to uncover. Facts began to appear which were hard to accept and which took yet more years of careful work before I could show the world what I had found. Bérenger and his treasure remained a wonderful mystery, but behind it lay something else ... the extraordinary nature of the backdrop to his story.

    Now with the passing of another thirty years there remains no shadow of doubt and I find it strange that the truth is still uncomfortable for some people who insist that the geometry of Rennes-le-Chteau can be found anywhere and in any landscape. But this is a wilful misunderstanding of the special nature of the Rennes-le-Chteau phenomenon.

    Certainly, it is true that shapes can be traced ... hexagons, pentagons, triangles ... by drawing lines through churches anywhere. And the same can be done with public telephones – letter-boxes – even municipal rubbish tips. But these are arbitrary designs. They are not – like Rennes – controlled by a fixed, precise and repeated measure. (Those of you interested in looking for yourselves will find that on a map of scale 1:25000 the measure is an invisible fraction, less than .188 mm.)

    When the discovery was first made, I was obliged to calculate that distance laboriously, using my utterly inadequate knowledge of mathematics. Only much later did I discover that the measure is already defined by the mountains. It is repeated many times between structures marked upon our local map. It is, for example, the distance between the churches of Arques and Terroles; of Arques and Peyrolles; of Esperaza and Coustaussa; of Esperaza and Granès – and many, many more.

    So how was this astonishing discovery made? To answer this question, I must return to the beginning of my quest. In 1971 I was intrigued to find that, behind the curious writing of the famous parchments supposedly discovered by Saunière, lay hidden another mysterious layer ... a five-pointed star. It was my first glimpse of geometry.


    And it meant nothing to me. I could do no more than note the oddity and file it in the back of my mind.
    At the same time I was trying to make sense of the Poussin painting, The Shepherds of Arcadia. Once more I found geometry – and it was Prof Cornford of London’s Royal Academy of Art who proved that, again, we were confronting the five-pointed star.


    We were both astonished - and puzzled. And then Prof Cornford suggested that I look in the landscape. It was thus that the awe-inspiring pentagon of natural mountain peaks was discovered ... Blanchefort, La Soulane, Bezu, Serre de Lauzet and Rennes-le-Chteau with La Pique marking the centre. But still there remained the question: What can be the significance of this amazing wonder?

    The answer lay in yet another aspect of Rennes-le-Chteau’s mystery. The answer to another question. Why was Saunière’s church dedicated to St Mary Magdalene?

    In centuries past when that dedication was made, Mary Magdalene, the first to see the risen Christ, was looked upon as the “Medium of the Secret Revelation” and she was honoured with a symbol in the Heavens. That symbol was the planet Venus.

    Yet another question: why Venus? And here lay the secret. Venus is special. She conceals a marvel in her movements across the firmament.

    Each planet, as it circles, traces a pattern in the sky. A pattern formed by the number of times that it creates an alignment of Planet ... Sun ... Earth. Mars shows us an irregular four-sided figure in its four alignments. Mercury traces a great irregular triangle. Each planet aligns a different number of times and so forms an irregular geometric figure. But Venus is different.

    Alone among the circling planets, Venus creates a perfect, regular and powerful symbol in the Heavens. In exactly eight full years she aligns five times. A pentacle. The five-pointed star ... the embodiment of the Divine Proportion. Professor Cornford said of this geometric figure, that ... ‘it enjoyed immense prestige and (has) excited nothing short of reverence ... since very ancient times.’

    As Above – So Below

    The Magdalen – whose symbol is Venus – the goddess who traces that magical shape across the sky. The shape traced by Rennes-le-Chteau’s Pentacle of Mountains.
    Terribilis est Locus Iste ... Truly, This Place is Awesome.
    The wonder in the Heavens is reflected here upon the Earth. For our ancestors this was indeed a Holy Place.

    And for us ... ... ... ?

    Quote directly from Henry Lincoln's website.

    In my opinion this is the key to the whole mystery.

    When you view the last 30 minutes of Henry Lincoln's DVD The Secret in particular the section on Bornholm, you realise precisely what this is all about.

    You will of course notice that in the first picture of the irregular pentacle on the Dagobert Parchment right in the centre is the word


    SPICA is the alpha star of the constellation of Virgo.

    Perhaps Steven can explain this for us.


    It's a stained glass window one of twelve, this one dipicting VIRGO. It's from the JEWISH MUSEUM in FLORIDA.

    The Hebrew אלול says Elul which is the twelfth month August - September. The Sun is in Virgo at this time.

    But why the Five-Petal Rose in the JEWISH MUSEUM OF FLORIDA Steven?

    You call yourself The Seeker. What say you on this?

    "Know then, O my Son, that there be many Crosses and that the Symbolism of these varieth according to the Art of the Wise which giveth them due Proportion; so, too, are to be found Roses whose Petals signifie a Five-fold, and a Twenty-two-fold, and a Forty-nine-fold Order. These, again, may seem to be united or divided, in whole or in part; yet each Symbol concealeth its aspect of the One Secret most perfectly, The One Secret according to the Understanding of the true Seeker after L. V. X."

    MARI-DEI - Goddess Mari

    Churches 4.75" out

    Knights Templar

    320 poles = 1mile 198" = 1 pole
    320/198 = Golden section

    681 poles by 681 poles makes square with diagonal 3 miles

    Last edited by roscoe on 31 Jul 2009 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 18:15

    Virgo and Libra

    The Garden of Eden — Images

    The three actors in the Garden of Eden are Adam, Eve and the Serpent, represented by Bootes, Virgo and Serpens respectively. They do not appear on the scene in the same sequence they are on the zodiac, so I am going to treat Libra and Virgo as one unit.

    1. God created the man.

    7then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.(Gen. 2:7)

    Bootes the Herdsman represents Adam.

    2. God made the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and he put the tree of knowledge of good and evil there too.

    9And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.(Gen. 2:9)

    The middle of the garden would place the two trees at the north pole.

    3. Eden had a river that divided into four rivers.

    10A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.(Gen. 2:10)

    The zodiac has two rivers, the Milky Way and the constellation Eridanus. The Milky Way's size and length easily qualifies it as the main river with Eridanus a tributary. The other two were the named Tigress and Eupthrates.

    4. God formed beasts and birds, and brought them to the man to be named.

    9So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.(Gen. 2:9)

    The task wasn't immense as it sounds. They were the animals of the zodiac. The word "zoo" has the same etymology.

    5. God took a rib from the man and used it to create a woman.

    21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh;
    22and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:21)

    Bootes has his arm raised towards Virgo, exposing his rib cage.

    6. The serpent and the woman have a conversation.

    1Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" (Gen. 3:1)

    Serpens head is facing Bootes and Virgo as if they are engaging in a conversation.

    7. The woman ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to the man to eat.

    6So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. (Gen. 3:6)

    Virgo has in her outstretched hand what is usually interpreted as a corn stalk. It is not much of a stretch to think of it as the forbidden fruit she is offering to the man.

    8. In the year 2750 BCE the star Thuban was almost exactly in the North Pole position. Two things qualify if as the tree of good and evil. One, it is located in the constellation Draco when is associated with evil. Two, from the years 2750 on, Thuban descended from its pole position to be replaced by Polaris. The plucking of the forbidden fruit represents the star's descent.

    9. The serpent was cursed above all the wild animals.

    14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; (Gen. 3:14)

    The statement refers to the constellation Draco which lays on the North Pole above all the other constellations.

    10. "He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel."

    15I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."(Gen. 3:15)

    One foot in the constellation Hercules lies on top of Draco's head. Over the course of a year the constellations rotate around the pole. Thus at one time the foot is on top of the head, and at another the head is on top of the foot. This is what is meant by bruising.

    11. He drove out the man. At the east of the garden he placed a cherubim and a flaming sword.

    24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)

    Bootes and Virgo leave the garden when they descend below the horizon. At the same time, Perseus (next to Aries) rises in the east as if to be driving them out of the garden with his sword.

    When Ezekiel describes a cherub as having the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle, he is describing the four cardinal constellations in the Age of Taurus. (See the chart at the top of this page.)

    10As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man in front; the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle at the back. (Ezek. 1:10)

    14And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. (Ezek. 10:14)


    Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:19

    Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:26


    Space does not permit the full disclosure of what we have to share but let me address some things in summary fashion as we begin our study. First of all, in ancient times, there were certain things which obviously mystified the early people and the were certain apparent features of the landscape which were difficult to ignore. Of course I mean the Sun for ancient mankind looked upon the Sun as their "Savior". If the sun, which is the source of all life fails to come up the next morning the ancient people would not have lived long and they knew this. The Sun energizes you with it's energy and causes the crops to grow through the process of photosynthesis. The Sun gives up it's life force which is its energy to provide us with warmth, food, and protection and many other things. So it could be said, and we find that the Ancients did say and believe, that the Sun of God gives it's life up for mankind and it is the TRUE SAVIOR for it has risen (daily). The Sun was mankind's "Risen Savior".

    Now before you go and say "they were sun-worshippers" you need to understand their religion and that cannot be done when reading Christians who write of it as I found but when you do your independent study from the hands of scholars and historians then you see that these peoples did not worship the actual Sun but the Sun was but a SYMBOL of the Divine God and Creator to them. When the ancient people would track the Sun on the "Sun dial", as some still do today, they saw that the Sun travels South until the Winter Solstice when it cold and harsh, representing darkness and death and the Sun would stop "ON THE SUN DIAL FOR THREE DAYS and on December 25th, the Sun would be said "To be BORN AGAIN" or be "BORN FROM THE DEAD" as it was on the CROSS OF THE ZODIAC" after having died for three days in which it had remained motionless on the southwestern horizon when it set in the same place for 3 days in a row. The Ancients reasoned in this dead of winter when the days were the coldest and possessed the shortest amount of light and when food was the scarcest that "the Sun had died". But glory to God; on the 3rd day, on December 25th, on the Winter Solstices, the "Sun was risen" and had been raised from the dead and began to set northward of this fixed 3 day position once again on it ascension back toward the soon coming Vernal Equinox of Spring when nature brought forth the fruits of its new "birth". December 25th is when the Sun begins it's annual journey back to the Northern Hemisphere with its promise of salvation through the medium of heat and light and the promise of a bountiful harvest to come and this was recognized and celebrated in the Spring at the Vernal Equinox (Easter) when the manifestation of this "prior birth" was fully realized with the new greenery and food and Harvests of Spring.

    Now this gets a little more technical. The Ancient calender also started at a different time. Some began their calendar when the Sun entered into the constellation Virgo (the constellation of the virgin) and ended it in Leo (the constellation of the Lion), that is why some believe the Sphinx has the head of a Virgin and the Body of a {short description of image}Lion. When the Sun of God was re-born, the Sun was in the Constellation of Virgo, so it was said to be "Born of a Virgin".

    Answer for yourself: You mean we get the concept of the Virgin Birth from the star and the path of the Sun through a constellation in the sky? Yes we do.

    The Sun was thought by the Ancient Egyptians to be the "Eye of God" or as called "Eye of Horus". Ra was the Sun God in Egypt. His full name {short description of image}was Amen Ra.

    Answer for yourself: Who was Amen? Do we as Christians end our prayers with the name of an Egyptian god?

    Well stop right here and understand how I used the word "god" for it refers to an Egyptian concept of God called the "neteru". Stop right now and read the article on the "neteru" please.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 98 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 02:22


    Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

    Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




    We have been following the path of the Sun through the Constellations and we left off in the previous article with the passage of the Sun through the constellation Leo. We saw that this was the time of the Sun's greatest strength when the Sun goes to the end of the growing season to the time of the harvest. We noticed as the {short description of image}texts of the New Testament progressed revealing the life of "Jesus Christ" that there were abundant teachings concerning this "harvest" and much "harvest terminology" was evident at this stage of the life of Jesus in the "Jesus Story". Notice with me if you will that since the Sun passed through Cancer the Sun has crossed a major divide and darkness is beginning to increase and light is beginning to diminish ever so slowly. But be not mistaken the Ancients noticed this being expert Astronomers. We have seen the Sun "stand still" for 3 days at the Winter solstice as well as 3 days at the Summer solstice and now the Sun is moving to its soon coming death once again on the wheel of the Zodiac as it passes through all 12 houses. But before we get to this part of the solar year and the corresponding part in the "Jesus Story" we saw the Sun in all its glory typified by the "transfiguration" of Jesus as the "personified Sun" on the top of the mountain (meaning the top of the sky at the Summer solstice).

    Summer is passing as we watch the Sun recede slowly in its path across the sky as it passes its zenith and as the days get shorter once again. We eventually come to the end of Summer, the month of August, and it's harvest time! We must understand that harvest time is the best time of the year not only for the farmer but for everyone. Harvest time is the time that everyone has been anxiously waiting for. In August the Sun has moved out of Leo, the strong lion of summer, and into a new constellation that represents the harvest since that food which grows out of the virgin soil of the earth. Hence the constellation for harvest time is a female virgin holding a sheath of wheat. The constellation the Sun enters in August is Virgo, the eternal celestial virgin, holding a sheath of wheat representing harvest time. Farmers who till the fields are said to be wedded to this celestial virgin for which they wait for each year. Thus they are known as "husbandmen," and their tools such as hoes and tractors are known as implements of husbandry. Harvest time comes about three quarters of the way through the year, and it is the happiest time of the year. And about three quarters of the way through the Jesus story is his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, which is the happiest part of the story (Mark 11:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-16). Everyone knows him and is happy to see him. Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is an allegory for the Sun’s triumphant entry into the constellation of Virgo, because that means it’s harvest time, the best time of year. Harvest time is "The Kingdom of Heaven" time which Jesus refers to in earnest as coming soon throughout the story up to here.

    Virgo is the only female among the zodiacal constellations, and other than the twins, Castor and Pollux (Gemini), she is the only human figure. Virgo is depicted as a maiden, holding a palm branch or grain stalks in her right and a single ear of wheat in her left. The alpha star is named Spica, “ear of wheat” which is also known as the "star that comes out of Jacob".Virgo is one of the oldest constellations and over time has been equated with every important feminine deity, including Ishtar, Isis, Demeter, Persephone, Medusa, Artemis, and Urania. Allen says, “Those who claim very high antiquity for the zodiacal signs (15,000 years ago), assert that the idea of these titles originated when the Sun was in Virgo at the spring equinox, the time of the Egyptian harvest. Virgo is also the Greek Sophia, goddess of wisdom, and in the Gnostic tradition, she is the Black Madonna, mysterious guardian of feminine wisdom.

    This is the time of the year when the harvest is turned into food. As the Sun descends below its peak at its zenith, this is also a time when troubles start to emerge for the "personified Sun" in the form of Jesus in the "Jesus Story". Let us not forget that the Sun is on the move; constantly moving as we find Jesus depicted as a peripatetic Rabbi. As the "darkness" begins to threaten the Sun likewise here we find that the very same adversity manifested by the people who welcomed Jesus in his home town of Nazareth who were suspicious of his wisdom and power.

    Matt 13:54-58 54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? 56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? 57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. 58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. (KJV)

    Answer for yourself: Did you notice the term "carpenter" which is an Ancient term for an astronomer/astrologer as well as the reference to "in his own house"? Do you recall that the term "houses" refer to signs and constellations of the Zodiac? Recall that Jesus says "in my Father's house is many mansions" and we saw that phrase this has hidden Astronomical meanings in a previous article.

    On a more literal level we are taught not the "Inner Mystery" but only the "Outer Mystery" in the form of its "literalization" as it were a real historical story. We are made to believe that those who one welcomed this Jesus and looked to him to be their Messiah are the same people in his home town of Nazareth who were now suspicious of his wisdom and power in the above verses from Matthew 13:54-58. Of course this fits right into our symbolism of the Sun and its waning power following the Summer solstice so this has to happen if we are to be true to the path of the Sun through the Heavens and the Zodiac. We are on a circle or circuit as we saw in the terms for Galilee before in an earlier article. We have just moved past the Summer solstice, when the Sun is at its zenith, and we saw that at this time the Sun is on its throne at full power. As the Sun starts to descend, the dark forces are starting to edge their way back with increasing opposition. As the days get progressively shorter, the Sun is still strong, but its strength is being sapped by all this constant tribulation and adversity. The same "conflict" and "tribulation" against the Sun is personified in the attacks against the "personified Sun" in the form of Jesus in the "Jesus Story". This explains why at one time he is "loved" and then in only a short time the same people who love him now "oppose" him. I always wondered about this in the texts and never really understood until I found the astronomical keys to the "Jesus Story". This part of the "Jesus Story" is nothing but an Astronomical allegory expressing the Sun having passed the Summer solstice and the opposition to it as it begins its downward path in the Sky on its way to its annual death at the Winter solstice. We saw earlier that Jesus, personified as the Sun, continues on his way into "Galilee". Let us not forget that "Galilee" means "circuit" and the Sun is moving full circle through the Solar year.

    The Strong's Concordance for the word "Galilee":

    1056 Galilaia- Galilee="Circuit" the name of a region of northern Palestine, bounded on the north by Syria, on the west by Sidon, Tyre, Ptolemais and their territories and the promontory of Carmel, on the south by Samaria and on the east by the Jordan. It was divided into Upper Galilee and Lower Galilee. The word "Galilee" literally means "circuit".

    Answer for yourself: What is a "circuit"? A circuit is a closed, usually circular path. The ecliptic, as we saw for our astronomy terminology page, is the circuit the Sun travels along during the year. The ecliptic is a great circle inscribed on the celestial sphere. The ecliptic is also a circle on a planisphere. If Jesus Christ is truly the personification of the Sun then it makes perfect sense allegorically that the Sun continues on his way along the ecliptic, or "went into Galilee". We see the same thing here as the Sun moved past the Summer solstice and is descending in the Sky moving to its soon coming death at the Winter solstice.

    We have just seen in the previous articles how John the Baptist’s life ends with his head being cut off. We saw that John the Baptist in the form of the rising constellation Aquarius reappears on the Eastern horizon 6 months after Aquarius moved below the Western horizon at sunset as the year went from January to February as the Sun moved from Aquarius to Pisces. We saw that after 6 months the constellation of Aquarius begins to rise on the Eastern horizon at sunset and it appears that the head of Aquarius is cut off by the horizon. This we saw was believed by the Ancients to be John the Baptist rising from the dead, the dead being those who are below the earth. This is the beheading of John the Baptist by King Herod, a personification of darkness, which reigns supreme at night. We saw that this coincides with the Sun crossing the Equinox at the Summer solstice and the rising of Aquarius without its body on the Eastern horizon.

    Matt 14:1-12 1 At that time Herod (personified Darkness) the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, 2 And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen (Aquarius on the Eastern horizon) from the dead (from the underworld beneath the western horizon); and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him (resurrection from the dead). 3 For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison (personified death) for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife. 4 For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. 5 And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet. 6 But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. 7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. 8 And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head (2 stars of Aquarius) in a charger. 9 And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. 10 And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison. 11 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother. 12 And his disciples came, and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus. (KJV)

    Answer for yourself: Did you notice that once again one passage after another in sequence in our New Testament uniquely follow the course of the Sun in the Heavens and through the Zodiac when tracing the supposed life of Jesus Christ in the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament? Think on that for awhile. Is it not rather astonishing that for the most part we move from a group of passages in the New Testament to the next following group of passages and are able to maintain perfectly our "Jesus Story" in the Stars?

    If that is the case then we should expect to find more Astronomical symbolism in the next passages which just happen to be Jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish and find a connection to Virgo.

    Answer for yourself: Does the following events in the "Jesus Story" follow the pattern of the path of the Sun moving into the house of Virgo? It sure does. That is exactly what we find.

    Matt 14:13-21 13 When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. 15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. 16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. 17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. 18 He said, Bring them hither to me. 19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. (KJV)

    Jesus feeds five thousand with five loaves and two fish. Its harvest time again and we must not forget it for the texts remind us repeatedly. Let us look at the bread for a second.

    Answer for yourself: What is the true meaning of the word "Bethlehem"? Well if we interpret it literally it means "House of Bread." Before you go out and grab your maps to try to find this city on them know that you should be looking for a place known as the "House of Bread." This might not make sense to you yet but this is necessary if you ever hope to see the allegory behind the "literal" story we have read our whole lives. There has always been a place known as the "House of Bread," except it's not a place on Earth, it's a time of the year!

    Notice we are following the path of the Sun through the constellation Virgo and it is now the month of August. So with Virgo being depicted as a woman with a shaft of wheat in her hand signifying the theme of harvest then it is not a stretch to connect the term "House of Bread" with the month of August, which is harvest time. As mentioned above this is a time of great excitement for all peoples in all civilizations for they all looked {short description of image}forward to gathering the foods that sustain life. The term "house" as taken from "Bethlehem-house of bread" refers to one of the 12 houses of the Zodiac, which is like a big calendar in the stars. You can tell what time of year it is by observing the stars as they come out just after sunset and then determining where the Sun is in relation to the stars. You determine which constellation or "house" the Sun is in. It's no different from looking and flipping a wall calendar to determine what month you are in. When the Sun is in the "house of bread" it's August - it's harvest time!

    The Sun moves out of Leo and into the constellation Virgo. In the "house of bread" is the constellation Virgo, the virgin. Hence in Bethlehem, the House of Bread, you will find a virgin, the constellation Virgo. Jesus was made to be born in Bethlehem because in Hebrew it means “house of bread”. The house of bread is in Virgo who is pictured above with grain stalks in her arms.

    Matt 2:1-2 1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. (KJV)

    Virgo is always depicted as holding either a sheaf of wheat or an ear of corn. She represents harvest time. As the Sun moves through the Zodiac on it's yearly journey, it eventually passes out of the House of Bread and moves on to the next house. The Sun moves out of the constellation Virgo. Virgo, the eternal Virgin, figuratively gives birth to the Sun, as the Sun passes out of Virgo the Virgin.

    We have seen over these last ten or so articles abundant evidence that Jesus allegorically represents the Sun.

    Remember Jesus says,

    John 8:12 12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (KJV)

    John 9:5 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (KJV)

    The last time I looked the light of the world is the Sun. This is so simple but we never see this because of being conditioned since childhood to interpret the "Jesus Story" literally instead of allegorically as did the Ancients before Rome came along and "literalized" it and gave us a book with this "literal" account inscribed within it.

    We have already seen that the Synoptic Gospels teach that Jesus had a one year ministry and this makes all the more sense when you consider that Jesus said that he came only to preach one year in the first place (symbolic for the Zodiac and the passage of the Sun through the Zodiac for one complete cycle).

    Luke 4:19 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (KJV)

    To a "thinking believer" who has paid attention to the prior articles in this website then it appears without a doubt that the "Jesus Story" is the story of the year, of the seasons, of the Sun passing through the Zodiac. The whole story of Jesus is just an allegory of the Sun passing through the houses of the Zodiac during the year. That's why Jesus' ministry lasted One Year.

    Actually if you read the Bible it says King Herod made a careful search of "Bethlehem", the House of Bread, where the Sun is in August, and didn't find him there.

    Matt 2:1-11 1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. (KJV)

    Answer for yourself: Why did Herod look in Bethlehem? Because the Sun is in the house of Virgo and because it is harvest time. That's the time of year we all wait for with great anticipation of the harvest. But yet Jesus is born December 25 at the Winter solstice after the Sun lays dead for 3 days in the Sky. The Sun, in December, isn't in Bethlehem, the House of Bread, Virgo the Virgin. Not yet anyway. The Sun is in Capricorn - the goat, or sheep, or lamb. Jesus is born in a barn with a bunch of animals - the starry night sky is full of constellations of animals. Jesus is the "Lamb of God." Capricorn is the lamb.

    Now this might be a little confusing since we began our studies in Capricorn but bear with me. Many of these Middle Eastern cultures recognized Virgo as the year’s beginning- hence the Sun was born from the Virgin, the Sun’s corona is a ‘crown’, the Sun is the “Light itself’, the Sun’s 12 helpers are the Zodiac, the Sun’s light can walk upon water, the Sunrise saves Man each day, etc. Many similarities as you can see exist from nation to nation but some nations begin the solar year with the Virgo instead of Capricorn. In ancient times the ancient calendar and the new year did not start in January, it started when the Sun was in the constellation Virgo (the virgin) and ended in Leo, therefore, the Sun was always "born of a virgin"=Jesus being born of a virgin.

    In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the Sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin." Later when the Sun was personified as "the Son" then you have the "Son of God born of the virgin". It is all astronomical in origin.

    Answer for yourself: Are you aware that the Hebrew texts have been altered concerning Isaiah 7:14 and where it says "young woman" it is later changed to say "virgin" when the Hebrew texts were translated by Essenes into Greek in the 3rd century B.C.E.? Of course this was done in Alexandria, Egypt, where we could expect the Hellenized Jews of Egypt to incorporate a synthesis of the solar aspects of the Egyptian religion with Judaism as that is exactly what we find. Thus the "Sun is born in the Virgin" and the "personified Son of the Sun" is made to do the same as we find with Jesus in the solar "Jesus Story" in the New Testament.

    Since the new year and calendar of the Ancients began in Virgo and ended in Leo then this explains why the Sphinx has the{short description of image} head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion. When the Sun of God was re-born to begin anew its cycle through the Heavens it was in the Constellation of Virgo, so it was said that it was "Born of a Virgin". The Sun is the "Eye of God" or "Eye of Horus". Ra was the Sun God in Egypt. His full name was Amen Ra. That is why we say "A-men" after our prayers. The Egyptians knew this and all of the Egyptian beliefs and customs are built into our society secretly and few are aware of this today. In fact the backbone of Judeo-Christianity is thoroughly Egyptian and hardly anyone knows of it today.

    Throughout much of its history, the Christian Church has taught that Jesus was conceived by the Virgin Mary by the action of the Holy Spirit, without sexual intercourse. This doctrine is usually called the virgin birth, although the term virgin conception would seem to be more accurate. This has long been one of the church’s {short description of image}foundational beliefs, along with the indisputable truth of the Bible, the atonement, resurrection, and the second coming of Jesus. Now if we logically look at the allegories and origins of Virgin Births in all myths and religions we discover that the prototypes of Mary are the sister-wives of Sun-gods. Notice in this early depiction of Mary and Jesus not only the solar halos or nimbus but the symbols for the twelve constellations that surround her. It is in this context that we must understand much of Christian theology and symbolism as well as certain virgin goddesses such as the Egyptian Isis, and the Greek Artemis whom are both sisters of the Sun gods, Osiris and Apollo respectively.

    The Virgin Mary is the Constellation of Virgo and the story of virgin births is the timeless allegory of Virgo giving birth to the Sun on the darkest night of the year, the 24th of December. If we follow the path of the Sun we discover that towards the end of August the radiant Sun enters the celestial Virgo and places the seed of the new Sun in her to germinate the embryo of the new Sun, Horus, Apollo or Christ.

    This phenomenon, which takes place every year in August, gave rise to Christmas, a festival which still exists, and in which it is supposed that the Mother of Christ, disregarding her earthly life, is associated with the glory of her son, and is placed by his side in the heavens. We know that the sign of the celestial virgin rose over the horizon at the moment assigned to the birth of Jesus the Christ. Christians may be reluctant to recognize Virgo as the Blessed Virgin. Yet Virgo’s stars descend after harvest below the horizon, and the Sun of the winter rises from the same point.

    Answer for yourself: What is the importance of the fact that as the stars of Virgo descend below the horizon{short description of image} that the Sun of the winter rises from the same point? It appears that the Sun rises in Virgo as is the case if superimposed and the Ancients understood this as the Virgin holding the baby Sun in her arms. From this we find the multiple examples from antiquity of the Virgin goddess holding the Sun from the times of Isis and Horus which we later find borrowed by Christianity for their Mary and Jesus. In Numbers 24:17, it is declared "There shall come a star out of Jacob," etc. This is a text often quoted by Christian writers as having a prophetic reference to the Christian Messiah. But the same text declares further, "It shall destroy the children of Seth," a prediction which no rational interpretation can make apply to Jesus Christ. And then we find this star of Jacob or Judah (the same) represented on astronomical maps as a prominent star in the constellation Virgo (the Virgin), fancifully termed by the Hebrew Ephraim. This star is known in the Syrian, Arabian and Persian Systems of astronomy as Messaeil (suggestive of Messiah), and was considered the ruling genius of the constellation. The "star of Jacob," then, was simply a figure borrowed from the ancient pagan systems of astronomy, in which they fancifully represent a virgin rising with an infant Messiah (Messaeil) in her arms. Messaeil is, when analyzed, Messaeh­el (Messiah­God), and is found in the constellation Virgo, which commences rising at midnight, on the 25th of December, with this "star in the east" in her arms ­­ the star which piloted "the wise men." The whole thing, then, is evidently an astronomical legend.

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