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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 22/02/2012 22:08
Regala una estrella
Bautiza una estrella y haz un regalo original.
Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
8 Llena
23 Nueva
Siguiendo con el patron de Rosh Hashanah el 8 de marzo (DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER)
21 de marzo/ (14 de Nissan osea Pascua)
1 de mayo/25 de Ishar
13 de mayo/8 de sivan (Exodo 19)
20 de mayo/15 de sivan/(conjuncion de las pleyades con el sol/caida del mana/Exodo 16)
21 de junio/17 de Thamus
4 de Julio/29 de Thamus o 1 de Av (Verdadero Pentecostes en el dia numero 118/119 desde el 8 de marzo/1 de NISSAN. El 4 de julio fue la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ¿Sera este el MENSAJE QUE ESTA DETRAS DEL 911? SOLO DIOS LO SABE)
15 de Agosto /13 de Elul (Dia numero 161 del calendario luni-solar hebreo interrelacionado con el numero de oro phi. Tambien tenemos una referencia con el comienzo del calendario maya en el 13 de agosto o 13/6. El calendario LUNI-SOLAR GREGORIANO de origen EGIPCIO esta DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO/ISIS/MARIA MAGDALENA. El 15 de agosto esta en UNA POSICION DE ORO en funcion al 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre, entre el 13 de mayo y 13 de octubre primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen en FATIMA, entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre que fue el 911. El arca de Noe, la gran piramide, el arca del pacto, el universo, la naturaleza integra, etc, etc fueron diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO. La CONSPIRACION PATRIARCAL y MISOGENA, que demonizo a la mujer, IMPLICITAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO NEGO QUE LA CREACION FUE HECHA POR DIOS. En realidad la creacion es una cualidad femenina, espiritu santo, de DIOS. EL PATRIARCADO, DETRAS DE LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN NEGO A DIOS/DIOSA COMO CREADOR/CREADORA. LA MUJER ES LA QUE TIENE Y PROCREA AL HIJO ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD?)
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.

15 de septiembre/15 de Tisri o Fiesta de los Tabernaculos
21 de septiembre/21 de Tisri (Oshanah rabbah o septimo dia de los Tabernaculos)
13 de Octubre/13 del Octavo mes hebreo (Curiosa es la analogia 13/8vo mes hebreo con el 13 de Octubre)
20 de noviembre/22 de Kislev

Asunción de María

La Asunción de la Virgen María a los Cielos
Imagen Asunción de María


Asunción de María o Asunción de la Virgen es la creencia, de acuerdo a la tradición y teología de la Iglesia ortodoxa y de la Iglesia católica, de que el cuerpo y alma de la Virgen María fueron llevados al cielo después de terminar sus días en la tierra.

Este traslado es llamado Assumptio Beatæ Mariæ Virginis (Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María) por los católicos romanos, cuya doctrina fue definida como dogma (verdad de la que no puede dudarse) por el Papa Pío XII el 1 de noviembre de 1950. La Iglesia Católica celebra esta fiesta en honor de la Virgen María en Oriente desde el siglo VI y en Roma desde el siglo VII. La festividad se celebra el 15 de agosto.



4:22 Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre.
4:23 Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa.
4:24 Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar.
4:25 Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud.
4:26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (Fijense que aqui PABLO dice que la JERUSALEN ES NUESTRA MADRE) 

4:27 Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido.
4:28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. (Pablo se esta incluyendo o igualando con ISAAC, OSEA EL HIJO DE ABRAHAM Y DE SARA. Pablo esta reconociendo que ISAAC ES TIPO DE LA IGLESIA)
4:29 Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora.
4:30 Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre.
4:31 De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
8:1 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos.
8:2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba.
8:3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio,
8:4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio.
8:5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? (La PIEDRA, en contexto a la RAMERA es una REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO, osea PEDRO, que en el contexto a la SEÑAL DE JONAS es irrefutable su NEXO CON EL PAPADO) 

8:6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo.
8:7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. (Esta es una alegoria espiritual con REFERENCIA A QUE NO TENEMOS QUE DEMONIZAR AL CATOLICISMO A PESAR DE SUS ERRORES. ¿QUE DENOMINACION NO LOS TIENE? El termino libre es un enganche con GALATAS 4:26 especificamente con la JERUSALEM DE ARRIBA, QUE ES LIBRE, Y QUE ES NUESTRA MADRE. JESUCRISTO, NUEVO ABRAHAM, ES NUESTRO PADRE Y MARIA MAGDALENA, NUEVA SARA, ES NUESTRA MADRE. HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE)
89. Gálatas 4:22: Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la LIBRE.

90. Gálatas 4:23: Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la LIBRE, por la promesa.

91. Gálatas 4:26: Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es LIBRE.

92. Gálatas 4:30: Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la LIBRE.

93. Gálatas 4:31: De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la LIBRE.

94. Gálatas 5:1: Estad, pues, firmes en la libertad con que Cristo nos hizo LIBREs, y no estéis otra vez sujetos al yugo de esclavitud.

8:8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra.
8:32 y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres.
8:33 Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres?

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Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2012 23:13
Luz y la Oscuridad

In previous essays, we have explored various aspects of the solar/lunar polarity: the contrast between the surety and consistency of tradition on the one hand, and the yen for flux, innovation and creativity on the other [3] ; the male/female dynamic, which imbues us with the passion to give and bestow on the one hand, and the capacity to accept and receive on the other. [4] On this occasion, we shall dwell on another aspect of this cosmic duality: the twinship of spirit and matter. En ensayos anteriores, se han explorado diversos aspectos de la polaridad solar / lunar: el contraste entre la certeza y la consistencia de la tradición, por un lado, y el yen para el flujo, la innovación y la creatividad, por otro [3] , el hombre / mujer dinámica, que nos impregna con la pasión de dar y conceder, por un lado, y la capacidad de aceptar y recibir en el otro. [4] En esta ocasión, nos detendremos en otro aspecto de esta dualidad cósmica: el hermanamiento de espíritu y la materia.

The spiritual and the material are often equated with light and darkness. Lo espiritual y lo material a menudo se equipara con la luz y la oscuridad. Indeed, a number of religions and moral-systems regard the spiritual as enlightened, virtuous and desirable, and the physical-material side of life as belonging to the “forces of darkness.” The Torah, however, has a different conception of spirituality and materiality—a conception embodied by the solar/lunar model. De hecho, una serie de religiones y los sistemas de moral, de considerar lo espiritual como ilustrado, virtuoso y deseable, y el aspecto físico-material de la vida como perteneciente a las "fuerzas de la oscuridad." La Torá, sin embargo, tiene una concepción diferente de la espiritualidad y materialidad-una concepción encarnada en el modelo solar / lunar.

The sun is a luminous body while the moon is a dark lump of matter.Yet both are luminaries. [5] Both serve us as sources of light, the difference being that the sun's light is self-generated, while the moon illuminates by receiving and reflecting the light of the sun. El sol es un cuerpo luminoso, mientras que la luna es un bulto oscuro de matter.Yet ambos son luminarias. [5] Los dos nos sirven como fuentes de luz, con la diferencia que la luz del sol es auto-generada, mientras que la luna ilumina al recibir y reflejando la luz del sol.

Spirituality is a direct effusion of divine light. La espiritualidad es un derrame directo de la luz divina. When studying Torah, praying, or performing a mitzvah, we are in direct contact with Gd; we are manifestly revealing His truth in the world. Al estudiar la Torá, la oración, o la realización de una mitzvá, estamos en contacto directo con Dios, estamos claramente que revele su verdad en el mundo. But not every thought of man relates directly to the Divine Wisdom; not every word we utter is a prayer; not every deed we perform is a mitzvah. Pero no todos los pensamientos del hombre se relaciona directamente con la Sabiduría Divina, no cada palabra que pronunciamos es una oración, no toda acción que realizamos es una mitzvá. Gd created us as material creatures, compelled to devote a considerable part of our time and energies to satisfy a multitude of material needs. Di-s nos creó como criaturas materiales, obligados a dedicar una parte considerable de nuestro tiempo y energías para satisfacer a una multitud de necesidades materiales. By necessity and design, much of our life is “lunar,” comprised of the “dark matter” of non-holy pursuits. Por necesidad y el diseño, gran parte de nuestra vida es "lunar", compuesto por la "materia oscura" de la no-santos actividades.

Dark matter, however, need not mean an absence of light. La materia oscura, sin embargo, no significa necesariamente la ausencia de luz. It can be a moon—dark matter serving as a conduit of light. Puede ser una cuestión de luna oscura actúa como un conducto de luz. It's all a matter of positioning. Es todo una cuestión de posicionamiento. The moon is dark matter positioned in such a way as to convey the light of the sun to places to which it cannot flow directly from its source. La luna es la materia oscura posicionado de tal manera como para transmitir la luz del sol a los lugares en los que no puede fluir directamente en su fuente. Placed in the proper context, the material involvements of life can serve as facilitators of divine truth to places which, in and of themselves, are not in the “direct line” of spirituality and holiness. Situado en el contexto adecuado, las implicaciones materiales de la vida puede servir como facilitadores de la verdad divina a los lugares que, en sí mismos, no están en la "línea directa" de la espiritualidad y la santidad. The proceeds of unavoidable overtime at the workplace can be translated into additional resources for charity; the unplanned trip to the mechanic can be the start of a new friendship and a positive influence on a fellow man. El producto de las horas extraordinarias inevitables en el lugar de trabajo puede traducirse en recursos adicionales para obras de caridad, el viaje no planeado a la mecánica puede ser el comienzo de una nueva amistad y una influencia positiva en el prójimo.

A Complete Year Un año completo

Our lives include both a solar and a lunar track—a course of spiritual achievement as well as a path of material endeavor. Nuestras vidas deben incluir tanto la solar y lunar-una pista de un curso de realización espiritual, así como un camino de esfuerzo material. These orbits do not run in tandem—at times they clash, giving rise to dissonance and conflict. Estas órbitas no se ejecutan en paralelo-a veces chocan, dando lugar a la disonancia y conflicto. The simple solution would be to follow a single route, choosing an exclusively solar or exclusively lunar path through life. La solución más sencilla sería la de seguir una ruta única, la elección de un camino exclusivamente solar o lunar exclusivamente a través de la vida. But the Jewish calendar does not avail itself of the simple solution. Sin embargo, el calendario judío no recurrir a la solución simple.

Our calendar insists that we incorporate both systems in our time-trajectory: that we cultivate a solar self—thoughts and feelings, deeds and endeavors, moments and occasions of consummate holiness and spirituality; and at the same time develop a lunar personality—a material life which reflects and projects our other, spiritual self. Nuestro calendario insiste en que se incorporan ambos sistemas en nuestro tiempo-trayectoria: que cultivemos un solar auto-pensamientos y sentimientos, acciones y esfuerzos, momentos y ocasiones de la santidad consumada y la espiritualidad, y al mismo tiempo, desarrollar una personalidad, un lunar de materiales la vida que refleja y proyecta nuestro otro yo, espiritual.

This is also the lesson implicit in the 365-day duration of Noah's Flood. Esta es también la lección implícita en la duración de 365 días del Diluvio de Noé. The deluge of material concerns which threaten to overwhelm our lives can be mastered and sublimated. El diluvio de preocupaciones materiales que amenazan con abrumar a nuestras vidas puede ser dominada y sublimada. The Flood can be reconciled with the solar calendar and made part of a “complete year” in which lunar and solar time converge and the moon receives and conveys the light of the sun. La inundación puede conciliarse con el calendario solar y forman parte de un "año completo" en el que el tiempo lunar y solar y la luna convergen recibe y transmite la luz del sol.


Noah's Flood

www.meaningfullife.com/.../noah/NoahDIVs_Fl...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
8:13-14. The discrepancy between these two dates] represents the eleven days ... Noah's Flood commenced on the 17th of Cheshvan in the year 1656 from ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 01:42
Genesis 8:13-14
And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was dry. 14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.
   In verse 13 above, "the first month, the first day of the month" is not only recognized here for the drying of the flood waters, but also coincides with the birth of Christ on Tishri 1, millennia later in  3 BC, New Years Day in Israel, also known as Rosh Hashannah, the anniversary of Creation, in Hebrew tradition. Tishri became the 7th month after the change that the Lord directed Moses to undertake in the marking of the Passover [Exod. 12:2,14ff], fulfilled by Jesus, the lamb of God. This denotes a change in the calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs Administration, preserved under Noah, transitioning to the Old Testament Law Administration under Moses, and it also officially recognizes the start of the Jubilee cycle in Israel [Levi. 25:8]. Once Jesus fulfilled every "jot and tittle" of the Mosaic Law, the Law ended and we are no longer under its myriad dictates, which were too heavy a burden for mortal man to bear. Thus we are commanded by the Apostle Paul in Colossians to:

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 01:59
Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
Verse # = 188   |   Words = 11   |   Letters = 42
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And the ark תבה 407
rested נוח 64
in the seventh שביעי 392
month, חדש 312
on the seventeenth עשר 570
(untranslated) שבע 372
day יום 56
of the month, חדש 312
upon the mountains הר 205
of Ararat. אררט 410
Total = 3659
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ותנח 464
התבה 412
בחדש 314
השביעי 397
בשבעה 379
עשר 570
יום 56
לחדש 342
על 100
הרי 215
אררט 410
Gen 8:5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
Verse # = 189   |   Words = 13   |   Letters = 56
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And the waters מים 90
decreased חסר 268
continually הלך 55
until עד 74
the tenth עשירי 590
month: חדש 312
in the tenth עשירי 590
month, on the first אחד 13
day of the month, חדש 312
were the tops ראש 501
of the mountains הר 205
seen. ראה 206
Total = 3426
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
והמים 101
היו 21
הלוך 61
וחסור 280
עד 74
החדש 317
העשירי 595
בעשירי 592
באחד 15
לחדש 342
נראו 257
ראשי 511
ההרים 260

ראש ro'sh {roshe} from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; TWOT - 2097; n m AV - head 349, chief 91, top 73, beginning 14, company 12, captain 10, sum 9, first 6, principal 5, chapiters 4, rulers 2, misc 23; 598 1) head, top, summit, upper part, chief, total, sum, height, front, beginning 1a) head (of man, animals) 1b) top, tip (of mountain) 1c) height (of stars) 1d) chief, head (of man, city, nation, place, family, priest) 1e) head, front, beginning 1f) chief, choicest, best 1g) head, division, company, band 1h) sum


Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 02:00
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Verse # = 71   |   Words = 15   |   Letters = 61
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And I will put שית 710
enmity איבה 18
between thee and the woman, אשה 306
and between thy seed זרע 277
and her seed; זרע 277
it shall bruise שוף 386
thy head, ראש 501
and thou shalt bruise שוף 386
his heel. עקב 172
Total = 4266
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ואיבה 24
אשית 711
בינך 82
ובין 68
האשה 311
ובין 68
זרעך 297
ובין 68
זרעה 282
הוא 12
ישופך 416
ראש 501
ואתה 412
תשופנו 842
עקב 172

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 02:03
Daniel, the Magi and the Luni-solar Calendar of Israel

   An interesting aspect of the teachings of the Magi comes from their founder, Zoroaster whose writings in the Zend Avesta, uphold much of the depth of meaning we found in Numbers 24:17. The Magi may have also applied this prophecy to the return of the older Zoroaster. The ancient roots of the Zoroastrianism lie in the ancient Persian traditions, and share many common elements with Judaism and Christianity. The tenets of the Christian Faith were preserved by God and handed down to other faithful men via the oral traditions, even as the truths of the Biblical Patriarchs were. The historical record bears this out, relating to the important point of how the Babylonian zodiac of 12 signs each of 30 degrees was transmitted to ancient Greece. Many scholars are not certain, as to the process by which this occurred, thus its an engaging point of history that both the ancient Greeks and Babylonians came under the rule of the Persian empire initiated by Cyrus the Great in 539 BC. It was during the rule of Darius I "the Mede" that the Prophet Daniel presided over his Court Astronomers and Chaldeans. Drawing on the rich astronomical traditions of the Biblical Patriarchs not to mention, the famous astronomical expertise of the Persian Magi, Daniel's potent influence convinced Darius to adopt some salient principles of Biblical Astronomy in the period around 522 BC. Certain important aspects of Zoroastrianism agreed with the Biblical standard practiced by the Hebrews, carried on by Daniel. The Magi would certainly have been familiar with Daniel's prophecy concerning the 70 weeks judged on Jerusalem relating to the coming Messiah, [Dan. 9:2, 24-27]. Daniel's influence had the added effect of preserving the astronomical truths of the promised seed, contained in the form of the zodiacal narrative, which God put in the most capable hands of the time. To illustrate this point more robustly, let's look at the practice of the Intercalation of months in the Hebrew Lunar Calendar, an important part of this practice of the Israelites in preserving their astronomical heritage.


   We know the Hebrew practice of Intercalation of months dates back at least to the time of Moses, who instituted the sacred observances of the Old Testament Law during Israel's wanderings in the wilderness in the mid-second millennium BC. This preceded Meton of Athens who is given credit for discovering the saros in 432 BC, by at least a thousand years. The roots of the word "saros," and its practices however are much older. The Calendar of Israel is governed by the 354-355 day lunar year with twelve months of 29 or 30 days. The named months of the Israelite year coincide with the Babylonian months, including Adar Sheni, the extra 13th month which was added to keep the solar year aligned with the seasons. The practice of Intercalation of months kept the holidays of Passover, Pentecost and Rosh Hashanah, just prior to the Feast of Tabernacles in the month of Tishri, in their proper seasons of early Spring, the beginning of summer and at summer's end. The "11-day gap between the solar & lunar years expands to a period of seven months over this 19-year lunar cycle. In the Calendar of Israel a total of seven years (3rd 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th) during this 19-year lunar cycle, would normally contain an extra month of Adar Sheni."1
   With every 19 solar years plus two hours, the Sun and Moon return to meet each other at the same appointed time and place in the sky. The saros, however, consists of 19 eclipse years, which is only 18 solar years plus eleven days. An eclipse year thus consists of 346.62 solar days, which is equal to 11.738 lunations. When we divide the saros by 11.738, we get 1.618, (or phi),2 accurate to 4 digits! Since the Sun intersects a lunar Node two times every 346.62-day eclipse year, we find the cycle of the celestial rendezvous of the Sun and Moon also governed by the phi ratio. The Hebrew calendar also unifies these luni-solar cycles according to phi, in concert with Israel's sacred fifty-year cycle of Jubilees. This is evident because there are 618 lunations in any given 50-year Jubilee cycle. Thus, as the Hebrew calendar shows the perfect correlation of the sacred and secular celestial cycles, governing the rhythms of a myriad terrestrial and cosmic cycles, we find more evidence of the signature of God the Creator and His rulership of light reflected in the heavens, the Source behind all kingdoms of earthly life. This exhibits the perfect relation between the civil [lunar], and sacred [solar] years of the Calendar of Israel, in the larger context of precession. These related standards of the sacred and secular are also unified in the promised seed, Jesus Christ as the Priest--King of Israel, and light of the world presiding over all circadian rhythms and other aspects of the kingdoms of terrestrial life.
   As we briefly mentioned earlier, the roots of the word for saros are much older than Meton's application of the term. In fact it goes back at least as far as ancient Sumeria, because the Sumerian name for the great lunar eclipse cycle was also called the saros. This word traces through to the basic Babylonian unit of measure, also called a "sar," showing ancient elements of the sacred celestial rule of measure. This period of lunation consisting of 18 years & 11, (10.96) days, was utilized by the Chadean priests to predict eclipses. Wallis Budge supported this notion when he stated; "the Babylonians were a nation of stargazers observing the appearances of the moon, eclipses, & planets etc." This was the culture that produced the Magi, and speaks volumes on not only their astronomical expertise, but also their focus while watching the heavens for the celestial signs revealing the birth of the promised seed. The Chaldeans also had a period of 3600 (60 x 60) years that they called a saros. Here again we see the Sexegesimal pattern behind the organization of the heavens, including the cycle of the Moon joining Saturn and Jupiter every 60 years in their celestial dance. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions exhibit the essence of this "base 60" numerical system as part of its function as a cornerstone of Biblical cosmology, providing the context of the Celestial Prelude marking the birth of Christ. Additionally, it gives us a window on the "celestial mechanism" that frames all Creation, the precession of the equinoxes. This will be fully explained in the Specific signs of the Celestial Prelude. Both of these planets frame the ancient solar system as its two outer-most naked-eye planets, while opening a window on precession. It also shows a unity of Saturn's 29.5-year orbit with the 29.5-day lunar cycle on a year-day basis. This is half the Sexegesimal order of the solar system, formatted in the orbits of these two gas giants, the other half being Jupiter's near 12-year cycle spending a year in each zodiacal sign, even as the Sun spends a month in each of the 12 signs. The solar half of the order is based on a division of 60, by twelve: (12 x 5), and the lunar half by 30 [30 x 2], both multiples of sixty. This is part of the numerical order of the solar system as it was patterned by the Creator according to the phi ratio.
   The Babylonian "Sar" is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; "prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head." The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, "Aesar" is a word for "God" in both, Icelandic and Irish, "Osar" in Egypt like "Osiris" was the prince. The English word "sir" and the Roman "Ceasars" are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel's prayer. In Isaiah 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the promised seed, it is used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.

   According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; "Zer," meaning "to encompass" gives us not only the English basis for: "Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans," but also Zero; "the seed." Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the "woman's promised seed" was "Zero-ashta," that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman's promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:

"In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One." 3

   This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially when we view the supernova in this child's head [pictured below from the Dendera zodiac] who was the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: "As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; "the circle," and zero; "the seed" was easily established."4


   The Biblical references to Christ associated with the Sun as the "light of the world," the "Sun of Righteousness" [Mal. 4:2] and in Psalm 19:4-6, are only a few of many such references. Thus, in the case of the promised seed, Zero-ashta, the religion of the Magi served as a vessel for many principles and astronomical precepts, that led Mankind to the realization of the promised seed.

   Ignatius, one of the Church Fathers and the Bishop of Antioch, in about 69 AD, records that, "At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all other stars." If we are careful not to confuse this reference with the planet Jupiter, we can deduce that this supernova was still visible almost 200 years after it was first seen as the celestial marker of the general timeframe of Jesus' birth. Seiss has some viable historical references on this point:

   "Hipparchus about one hundred twenty-five years before Christ, observed it [Coma supernova] as a new star, and was led by it to draw up his catalogue of stars. Ptolemy, about one hundred and fifty years after Christ, refers to it as having been observed by Hipparchus, but as having become so faint as hardly to be any longer discernible."5 (parenthesis and emphasis mine)

   A point of interest here regarding Hipparchus is that he is generally credited with the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes, by modern science in about 134 BC. He reportedly came upon this discovery while studying the star Spica, on a celestial map produced by his predecessor, Timocharis. He noticed that Spica was about 2 degrees away from its location on the star map, and decided that it was moving an average of 1 degree every 75 years: [close to the actual 72 years]. This is a key to remember in our study of Dendera's zodiac related to Spica, and this general sign later in this study. Also during this same period referred to by Ptolemy above, shekels from Judea struck during the period of the second revolt, [132 AD.] bear the design of a bright star over the Jerusalem Temple, called Bar Kaukab, or Son of the Star. This would have also been a logical reference to the supernova that appeared in the head of the woman's son in Coma's lap, the desired of the nations, perhaps even a providential reference to Jesus as the true temple. The decan of Coma is pictured below as the three bright stars forming the inverted "L" shape, which significantly contains the North Galactic Pole, located 5 degrees west of Beta Coma. This is interesting in light of the original star picture associated with this decan, as seen in the Denderah zodiac, of a mother holding her Son in her lap, known as "the Desired of the Nations," [pictured above]. The close proximity of the Northern Galatic Pole, recalls the imagery of Cepheus "the crowned king" who regally sits astride the Celestial Pole star polaris, picturing Christ seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Heavenly Father [Eph. 1:20-23].    


   The Magi would have witnessed both this new star shining brightly in Coma, a decan of Virgo, while Jupiter was in retrograde, standing still on the Meridian in Virgo, in December of 2 BC. The general sign of our Celestial Prelude thus harmonizes with the specific signs, as the Magi headed south from Jerusalem, their visit with Herod just concluded, towards Bethlehem in search of the promised seed. This also explains why the Magi were the only group to recognize these specific celestial signs of the Messiah's birth, because the general sign was a fixture in Coma for about 200 years prior to this period. The typical person wouldn't have noticed anything out of the ordinary in the heavens, because it would not stand out unless coupled with the knowledge of the specific signs, which brought the Magi to Israel in the first place. This is another reason why the Magi were so joyful when they saw "his star," Jupiter over Bethlehem. This scenario of what the Magi beheld in the skies over Bethlehem in December of 2 BC, is depicted in the banner of this article above. In Numbers 24:17, when Jacob is referred to in Balaam's prophecy, it bears reference not only for the seed of Jacob, but also in the land promised to him as an inheritance, in his covenant with God [Gen. 15:18]. Rolleston has an interesting remark regarding this:

      "The forewarned that the star must appear over Jacob, over his inheritance, would see that star in Coma passed over the center of that inheritance: but as it would also appear to pass vertically over every part of it that was nearly in the of Jerusalem, they could not at once fix on the spot of the Messiah's birth, therefore they went to inquire; the , as it were, being given by the star, the by the prophecy.MagiLatitudeLatitudelongitude"6

   Here we see the witness of the stars, and the Scriptures, working together to bring the to the toddler Jesus, because their alert observation of "his star" brought them to Jerusalem and the scribes declaration from Micah 5:2, when Herod questioned them, sent the to Bethlehem. While en route they witnessed the heavens come alive with the proof that their historic journey was not in vain, because they saw both the Coma , and Jupiter in Virgo in the same skies over Bethlehem. 
   In summary then, the key points regarding the general sign of the celestial prelude are first, that this in Coma, set the timeframe in which the were to expect the specific signs surrounding the birth of Christ. Secondly, that when this general sign is separated from the set of specific signs of Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions, the confusion clouding the "Star of Bethlehem," for the most part dissolves.


1 Symbols of Judaism M.A. Ouaknin p.12.

2 Sun, Moon and Earth.  Robin Heath, p.28

3 The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 59

4 The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 18

5 Gospel in the Stars, Joseph Seiss. P.161.




Mazzaroth; The Star of Bethlehem, Rolleston,
*Strong's Concordance word definition for H8269, H2233, etc.

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 02:09
I'm not sure how the Golden Ratio applies to all of this, though, except for this info I just now found concerning lunar cycles and the Hebrew Jubilee year (50th lunar year)

The cycle of Sirius "B" is a fifty-year cycle, a fact which has been verified by modern astronomers. Thus it is interesting to see how half this fifty-year cycle of Sirius "B" reflects the luni-solar relationship inherent in the 50-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees, according to the golden section, or phi ratio. As we have found, the Hebrew Jubilee figures into the timing of Christ’s birth, and is distinct in the celestial events making up the great wonder of Revelation 12. As the archaic angel of light we would expect to find celestial associations in the Sirius cycle that agree with the cadence of the Biblical Patriarch’s calendar, if our thesis holds true. The following calculations from John A. West show the coordination of the luni-solar cycles according to the golden section, or phi ratio, with a split of the fifty-year cycle into 2 x 25 years. According to West: The twenty-five year solar cycle corresponded to 309 lunations.

The calculations are: 25 x 365 = 9125 days, and 9125 = 29.5307 days per lunation 309= 29.5307

days per lunation 309 This in itself reveals extremely accurate observations. Modern Astronomy reckons the lunation as 29.53059 days, a difference of about a second. But Schwaller de Lubicz notes the intriguing equivalence of twenty-five years to 309 lunar months. 309 = (f - 1) x 1000 and its choice as the number determining the cycle cannot have been accidental. 2

(A double cycle, which would express the Golden Section, comprises fifty years:
618 lunations = (f - 1) x 1000.

Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 218 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 03:05

Magi - Welcome to Try-God.com

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This is evident because there are 618 lunations in any given 50-year Jubilee cycle. Thus, as the Hebrew calendar shows the perfect correlation of the sacred ...
  • Noah's Calendar - Welcome to Try-God.com

    try-god.com/view_page.asp?id=189En caché - Traducir esta página
    As we have seen already the luni-solar year was harmonized according to the 50 -year Jubilee via the phi ratio, with 618 lunations in each 50-year cycle.

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 03:31

    Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2012 04:08

    The Da Vinci Code - PHI

    I know, I've been talking about this book for the last week. It's absolutely engrossing. I love mysteries, and this one keeps you turning the pages right to the end.

    Robert Langdon is a Harvard symbologist on business in Paris. Sophie Neveu is a young cryptologist who works for the French police. Sophie's grandfather, Jacques Sauniere, is the curator of the Louvre. The story opens with Sauniere being stalked and shot in the museum. In his last moments, he leaves clues for his granddaughter and Langdon to solve, to prevent the loss of the secret of the Priory of Sion.

    The author, Dan Brown, has done an incredible job of fashioning a work of fiction based on fact. It's difficult occasionally to tell the dividing line between the two, and that sent me surfing the Internet for information. The page before the Prologue states that "All descriptions of artwork, architechture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate." It also confirms that the Priory of Sion, a secret society founded in 1099 is a real organization, and that Opus Dei, is truly a Catholic sect with headquarters in New York City.

    One of the first subjects Brown introduces in discussing the works of Da Vinci is the number PHI. (Clues in Da Vinci's work lead the way to resolving Sauniere's death, so Brown presents facts about the work to move the story forward)

    As a musician, I never had the chance to take classes in other forms of art, so I've never been introduced to the concept of PHI in art class. The number 1.618 is PHI. It's also known as the "Divine Proportion." Brown writes "PHI is generally considered the most beautiful number in the universe."

    PHI is derived from the Fibonacci sequence (more on this later). It turns out that PHI has a role as a natural building block of nature. Plants, animals, and even humans possess dimensional properties which adhere to the ratio of PHI to 1.

    For example, in a honeybee community, the females outnumber the males by 1.618 to 1.

    The ratio of each spiral to the next on a chambered Nautilus' shell is 1.618 to 1.

    "Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals." The ratio of each spiral to the next is PHI to 1. This is also true of spiraled pinecone petals, leaf arrangement on plant stalks and insect segmentation.

    Da Vinci studied corpses and discovered the Divine Proportion in human bone structure. The distance from the tip of your head to the floor, compared to the distance from your navel to the floor is PHI to 1.

    The distance from your shoulder to your finger tips, divided by the distance from your elbow to your fingertips will give you PHI. You'll find the same ratio with hip to floor divided by knee to floor, finger joints, toes, and spinal divisions.

    Brown presents all this information in a classroom setting, and it's infinitely more interesting than my dry recitation of facts. I responded the same way as the fictional class, enjoying each example he provided.

    The point of this, is that we find that it's not limited to nature, but it's been used by artists and architects. The Parthenon, the pyramids in Egypt and the United Nations Building all use the Divine Proportion. Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Durer and many other artists used the proportion in their paintings, and Beethoven, Mozart, Bartok, Shubert and Debussy are just a few musicians who have also used it in their compositions.

    Fascinating, isn't it? Get the book, and see how Dan Brown carries it through his story.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2012 01:46

    The Stars of Noah's Ark

    www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi146.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    11 Mar 2004 – The building of the ark began with the setting of the star Aldebaran and the neighboring star cluster Hyades (= Noah). Aldebaran (and ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2012 01:49
    Noah's Ark
    The Stars of Noah's Ark
    This is highly speculative - but a possible explanation.

    . Noah's Ark in the Stars
    in Cubits - based on the Biblical Description


    Building the Ark

    The building of the ark began with the setting of the star Aldebaran
    and the neighboring star cluster Hyades (= Noah).
    Aldebaran (and
    the Hyades) was the node to the first star of Scorpio (beta-Scorpionis)
    rising, representing the nodes of the ecliptic with the equator of the
    celestial sphere - hence, the "heavenly" water line, so to speak.

    The ARK of Noah in the Stars

    The tip of the ARK were the two end stars
    of Monoceros setting. From thence the ark continued
    Monoceros to the head of Hydra setting and from thence
    along the length of Hydra setting, with the door, Corvus
    (Latvian DURVIS = door, Caurvejs = opening)
    , at the
    side of the ark, to Libra, then Scorpio (beta-Scorpionis and
    Antares) and from thence until the rising of the lower left corner
    star of the Great Square
    , Adam, noding with the first star of
    Capricorn setting, which is 300 days. The length of the ARK,
    as stated in the Holy Bible, was 300 cubits
    . Ararat is the
    lowest star on the keel (underside) of the ship, signifying the
    outer world. This is now a part of Hydra (from hydro- = water)
    the water serpent. The keel of the ship more or less marks the
    "water line" of the ecliptic to the celestial equator. The
    constellation Aquila is Noah's dove and the times given match
    those in the Bible. Here are the data in full:

    The Flood Begins

    According to the Bible, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
    in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the
    same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
    and the windows of heaven were opened."

    In 2340 B.C. the celestial equator was marked by the star
    beta-Scorpionis at the tip of Scorpio and at the other side by
    Aldebaran and the Hyades (Noah). From the rising of Aldebaran
    to the rising of Scorpio and the setting of the chosen folk of Orion
    (Pleiades, Aldebaran, Hyades, Orion) below the waters, twice around,
    is 600 days. Beta-Scorpionis rising is the node star
    to Aldebaran and the Hyades setting.

    The Waters Prevail 150 days

    And the water prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.
    One hundred and fifty days from the rising of the first star of Scorpio
    to the rising of the star Aldebaran and the Hyades is 150 days. These
    are the stars of the upper ecliptic, when "dry land" is again reached.

    Noah's Ark Rests on Ararat

    And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth
    day of the month, upon the mountain of Ararat.
    From the rising
    of the lower left corner star of the Great Square, Adam, the first day
    of the first month, to the lowest star of the Ark, the "keel star" of the
    ship, which sits on the mountain of the space of the world (Ararat,
    Sumerian Aruru, Latvian ARA=outer, outside), thus nearly noding
    the star Arcturus , is 227 days. Seven months of thirty days (as in
    Chaldea and Pharaonic Egypt) plus seventeen days is 227 days.

    The Waters Decrease
    to the Mountain Tops

    And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month;
    in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the
    tops of the mountains to be seen.
    From the rising of the lower
    left corner star of the Great Square, Adam, the first day of the first
    month, to the rising star beta-Scorpionis, noding with the setting of
    the folk of Orion (Pleiades, Aldebaran, Hyades, Orion and Sirius),
    i.e. the tips of the mountains, is 300 days.
    Ten months of 30 days is 300 days.

    Noah Opens the Window of the Ark
    and sends out the Raven and Dove

    And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah
    opened the window of the ark, which he had made.
    From the rising of the star beta-Scorpionis to Aquila, the bird of
    Heaven, is 40 days. Noah sends out a raven first (Cygnus) and
    then Aquila, the dove. The bird goes out three times for 7 days
    each. The two large stars of Aquila are separated by seven days.
    From Aquila to the extreme outer star of the Great Square is seven
    days. From there to the right upper corner star of the Great Square
    is seven days.

    The Flood Ends

    And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year,
    in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters
    were dried up from off the earth....
    The flood started in the
    600th year of Noah's life and ends with the left lower corner star
    of the Great Square, the start of the 601st year.

    The Earth Dries

    And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day
    of the month, was the earth dried
    . From the left lower corner
    star of the Great Square to the star Aldebaran and the Hyades,
    Noah, is 57 days. One month of 30 days plus 27 days is 57 days.

    The Life of Noah

    Noah lived 950 years. From the star Aldebaran and the Hyades,
    Noah, thrice around to the star beta-Scorpionis (by Antares) is
    950 days. Beta-Scorpionis (by Antares) rising is the node star
    to Aldebaran and the Hyades, Noah, setting. This position of the
    stars defined the nodes of the ecliptic to the sphere of the celestial
    equator in 2340-2300 B.C. See
    Sumerian Stars. Since all but Noah
    and his family passed away in the flood, the major stars are now
    named anew. Go to the Biblical Patriarchs now starting with
    Noah's son, Shem by clicking

    Sumerian-Akkadian Utna-pishtim "Noah,Gilgamesh" = Latvian Udena Puisitim
    Sumerian-Akkadian Ziusuddu or Ziusudra "Noah" = Latvian Zens-udena (Zens-udra)
    Both variants are synonyms in Latvian and mean "Son of the Flood"



    Near East

    Origins of


    Prehistoric Art


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    Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2012 02:18
    8:1 Y se acordó Dios de Noé, y de todos los animales, y de todas las bestias que estaban con él en el arca; e hizo pasar Dios un viento sobre la tierra, y disminuyeron las aguas.
    8:2 Y se cerraron las fuentes del abismo y las cataratas de los cielos; y la lluvia de los cielos fue detenida.
    8:3 Y las aguas decrecían gradualmente de sobre la tierra; y se retiraron las aguas al cabo de ciento cincuenta días.
    8:4 Y reposó el arca en el mes séptimo, a los diecisiete días del mes, sobre los montes de Ararat.
    8:5 Y las aguas fueron decreciendo hasta el mes décimo; en el décimo, al primero del mes, se descubrieron las cimas de los montes.
    8:6 Sucedió que al cabo de cuarenta días abrió Noé la ventana del arca que había hecho,
    8:7 y envió un cuervo, el cual salió, y estuvo yendo y volviendo hasta que las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra.
    8:8 Envió también de sí una paloma, para ver si las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la faz de la tierra.
    8:9 Y no halló la paloma donde sentar la planta de su pie, y volvió a él al arca, porque las aguas estaban aún sobre la faz de toda la tierra. Entonces él extendió su mano, y tomándola, la hizo entrar consigo en el arca.
    8:10 Esperó aún otros siete días, y volvió a enviar la paloma fuera del arca.
    8:11 Y la paloma volvió a él a la hora de la tarde; y he aquí que traía una hoja de olivo en el pico; y entendió Noé que las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la tierra.
    8:12 Y esperó aún otros siete días, y envió la paloma, la cual no volvió ya más a él.
    8:13 Y sucedió que en el año seiscientos uno de Noé, en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra; y quitó Noé la cubierta del arca, y miró, y he aquí que la faz de la tierra estaba seca.
    8:14 Y en el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra.
    8:15 Entonces habló Dios a Noé, diciendo:
    8:16 Sal del arca tú, y tu mujer, y tus hijos, y las mujeres de tus hijos contigo.
    8:17 Todos los animales que están contigo de toda carne, de aves y de bestias y de todo reptil que se arrastra sobre la tierra, sacarás contigo; y vayan por la tierra, y fructifiquen y multiplíquense sobre la tierra.
    8:18 Entonces salió Noé, y sus hijos, su mujer, y las mujeres de sus hijos con él.
    8:19 Todos los animales, y todo reptil y toda ave, todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra según sus especies, salieron del arca.
    8:20 Y edificó Noé un altar a Jehová, y tomó de todo animal limpio y de toda ave limpia, y ofreció holocausto en el altar.
    8:21 Y percibió Jehová olor grato; y dijo Jehová en su corazón: No volveré más a maldecir la tierra por causa del hombre; porque el intento del corazón del hombre es malo desde su juventud; ni volveré más a destruir todo ser viviente, como he hecho.
    8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche.
    9. Cantares 1:15: He aquí que tú eres hermosa, amiga mía;
    He aquí eres bella; tus ojos son como PALOMAs.

    10. Cantares 2:14: PALOMA mía, que estás en los agujeros de la peña, en lo escondido de escarpados parajes,
    Muéstrame tu rostro, hazme oír tu voz;
    Porque dulce es la voz tuya, y hermoso tu aspecto.

    11. Cantares 4:1: He aquí que tú eres hermosa, amiga mía; he aquí que tú eres hermosa;
    Tus ojos entre tus guedejas como de PALOMA;
    Tus cabellos como manada de cabras
    Que se recuestan en las laderas de Galaad.

    12. Cantares 5:2: Yo dormía, pero mi corazón velaba.
    Es la voz de mi amado que llama:
    Abreme, hermana mía, amiga mía, PALOMA mía, perfecta mía,
    Porque mi cabeza está llena de rocío,
    Mis cabellos de las gotas de la noche.

    13. Cantares 5:12: Sus ojos, como PALOMAs junto a los arroyos de las aguas,
    Que se lavan con leche, y a la perfección colocados.

    14. Cantares 6:9: Mas una es la PALOMA mía, la perfecta mía;
    Es la única de su madre,
    La escogida de la que la dio a luz.
    La vieron las doncellas, y la llamaron bienaventurada;
    Las reinas y las concubinas, y la alabaron.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2012 03:40

    Israelite Months The Jubilees 364 Day Calendar

    www.eharper.nildram.co.uk/pdf/calendars.pdf  - Traducir esta página
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    P. 7:13 On the very same day Noah entered the ark,. 27/3/600 6 Fri. 40 days. P? 7:17 The ... the month, the ark came to rest on Ararat ... 227 days after 17/2/600 ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2012 03:45



     Circles of women have gathered through the centuries to  support one another with various tasks and needs, including prayer circles, sewing, knitting, and quilting circles. My "14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine," co-authored with Joan Norton, includes suggestions for setting up circles of people wishing to use Magdalene's story as a template for their own spiritual journey.

    Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Geometry of Circles have deep connections that connect her to our human circle gatherings in a special way.

    Mary Magdalene’s feast day since the 7th century in the West, borrowed from the Orthodox Eastern rite church, has been set on the 22nd of July.

    July is the seventh month of our Western calendars, so we sometimes write the date as 22/7.  This strikes me as more than just a simple accident, because 22/7 is also the ratio used to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. We teach this to students in junior high and we call the ratio “pi,” the Greek letter that corresponds to our letter “p.”

    In case you’ve forgotten what they taught you in junior high school, any circle that has a diameter of 7 units will have a circumference of 22 units.  The fraction reduces to 3 1/7, which means that whatever the diameter is, the circumference will always be slightly more than 3 x the diameter. 

    So Magdalene’ feast day – 22/7 – is very interesting to those of us who know how important the principle of circles is for women sharing and relating to one another…the “family circle,” the “circle of love,” the circle of influence, quilting circles, prayer circles. A circle often represents community.

    We know that “7” is symbolic of the “feminine” as “Complete in herself.” It is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it is the sum of the masculine “3” and the feminine “4.”

    Using the “7” from Magdalene’s feast day as a number symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, I’d like to show you how she embodies the human person as “sacred vessel filled with the Spirit.” 

    1.  Draw a circle and place a dot in the very center.

    2.  Now draw a line from the center dot to the edge and label it “7.”  That line is called the “radius.” Any line drawn from the center to the edge of a circle is called its "radius" or one "ray."

    3.  To figure out the circumference of the circle, you must double the radius, so draw a straight line to the opposite side, creating a straight line across the entire circle. That line is called the diameter (value of 14 if the radius is 7 units) and can be multiplied by 22/7 to give the circumference “44."

    In the ancient world, the Greek gematria "4" was a feminine number related to matter and the earth (4 corners of the earth, 4 cardinal directions, 4 winds, 4 elements). The phrase “flesh and blood” had a value of  444, so numbers that relate to 4 in any order of magnitude have a symbolic connection with earth/humus and human life…our shared humanity.   In this diagram, the “44” of the outer edge suggests the “earthen vessel,” the human person of "flesh and blood," filled with the Spirit (“7”). The image represents the sacred marriage of flesh and divinity, earth and heaven, embodied in each individual person. So, ultimately, each person IS that marriage. Mary Magdalene presents us the archetype of the "earthen vessel filled with the Spirit" and her feast day, 22-7 reflects that understanding of her importance.

    Now we will do the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49).   22/7 x 49 is 154.  If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86 is even more obviously connected to Mary Magdalene, because the Greek gematria of her title “H Magdalhnh” actually adds up to 153. So, using principles of sacred geometry in use at the time the Gospels were written, by virtue of her feast day (7/22) and the gematria of her honorific (153), she is shown to be the “Model” or embodiment of the human person as “sacred partner” of the Divine.

    The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers. It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica piscis" ()--the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish." This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other.

    Among the ancients, this shape was called the "Mother of all forms, " the "Matrix," the "Doorway to Life," the "Womb" and the "Bridal Chamber." It's meaning is that of the "Source" or "vessel of creativity," and the symbol was universally associated with the Goddesses of love and fertility in the ancient world.  It's no accident that the epithet coined for Mary has gematria (153) that irrevocably associates her with the Goddess. 

    Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 218 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/02/2012 01:31
    En Genesis 8:14 tambien tenemos un nexo con el numero 227 o 2/27 o 27/2.
    8:14 Y en el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra.

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