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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/06/2012 21:18

Viking 1 y 2. Artículo de la Enciclopedia.

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26 Nov 2011 – En 1968 se proyectó la misión Viking a Marte. Las dos sondas gemelas 1 y 2 se dividían cada una en un orbitador y un aterrizador. Este último ...
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    The Viking Spacecraft consisted of Viking 1 and Viking 2. Viking 1 was launched on 20 August 1975, and Viking 2 was launched on 9 September 1975.

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:43

    Dan, with the other Northern Israelite tribes, went into captivity and exile. A portion of Dan might have been exiled before the other Israelites. Part of Dan is to be identified with the Tribe of Dana in Irish tradition. These people went to Greece from the Middle Eastern region, then to Scandinavia, and from there to Ireland and Britain.

    In Scandinavia during the Bronze Age, there existed a highly developed civilization, rich in metallurgical and gold products of a high standard, which produced articles of furniture and implements similar to, or identical with, those known from contemporary
    Egypt, Phoenicia, and Mycenean Greece.

    Irish legends speak of the Tribe of Dana (Tuatha De Danaan), who were renowned metallurgists and very scientifically adept. They arrived from the “northern isles” after some disaster. The Bronze Age civilization in Scandinavia had come to an end between 500 B.C.E. and 400 B.C.E. because of a sudden climatic change, accompanied by upheavals and foreign invasions. Its population dwindled and finally almost disappeared. Eventually it would be re-populated by newcomers who emerged from

    The only “northern isles” to Ireland are those of Scandinavia. The Tribe of Dana had come from the region of Mount Lebanon, say these Irish sources, had sojourned in Greece, had been enslaved, fought with the “Philistines,” then fled north, after which it had come to Ireland. Welsh legends spoke also of the Children of Don, who paralleled the Tribe of Dana.

    Remember the connection of Dan with Phoenicia? Israelites from Dan and Nephtali were interconnected with Tyre and with crafts for which Tyre had a reputation. The Phoenicians were experts in the production of bronze as were the Danites in the
    northern Galilee. We know that Tyre (Phoenicia) had established a monopoly over the supply of tin to the Middle East. This tin was obtained from Tarshish (i.e., Spain and the British Isles).

    Mentioned earlier, excavations at the site of Dan in northern Galilee showed the existence of a well developed metallurgical industry which concentrated on the production of bronze. Analysis of this bronze showed the existence of gold in some specimens, a characteristic of British tin. This indicates that the tin used in Dan (in Israel) came from Britain. An Assyrian inscription from 879 B.C.E. lists part of the booty taken from Phoenician cities and includes walrus-ivory. This walrus ivory undoubtedly came from Scandinavia.

    Who were the Scythians? Different ancient writers spelled it in different ways: Scyth, Scot, Scotch, Sakai, Saka, Skuthai (Greek), and Scyth or Scythi (Latin). Strong’s Concordance #5521 is Heb. “Sukkah”- literally “dwellers in booths,” i.e., nomads or wanderers. The Feast of Booths/Succoth/Tabernacles is the only Holy day to be retained after the “restoration
    of all things.”
    It was instituted to commemorate Israel’s wandering in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:40-43; Zechariah 14:16; also Genesis 33:17). Scythians were none other than Israelites.

    The conclusion of the matter is that Phoenicia definitely was in Scandinavia, Dan was a part of Phoenicia, and wherever Phoenicia went, Dan went also. But there is even more evidence that Dan settled in Scandinavia.

    The island of Cyprus was known as Yadnana, meaning “Isle of the Dananu.” “Dananu” was the Tribe of Dan. An area corresponding in the descriptions to Scandinavia had also been called “Keftiu,” or "Kaptara,” both words meaning Cyprus. Since the Danites were connected with Cyprus of the Mediterranean, they might (on this point alone) also have been on “Cyprus of the Atlantic Ocean," meaning in Scandinavia. Dan disappeared at anearly date. Scandinavian culture at that time
    revealed the probable presence of a group hailing from the same Middle Eastern areas which the Danites had frequented shortly before. From this, we can surmise that these Danites (at least some of them) from the Mediterranean had migrated to
    Scandinavia. Irish legends identify the Children of Dana with the Israelite Tribe of Dan. The Irish accounts exactly fit what archaeological research has revealed.

    Another nail to hammer this point home is that the Assyrians, or their auxiliaries, conquered Scandinavia in about 700 B.C.E., and the Danites might have reached Scandinavia after or during that date. Scandinavian Bronze Age Civilization ended in about
    500 B.C.E., about which time Dana from Scandinavia came to Ireland.

    The conclusions of Yair Davidy are that the Tribe of Dan had broken up into several entities, one of which occupied the area of southeast Turkey and the island of Cyprus. Dan, like the other north Israelite tribes, went into exile and a portion of Dan might have been exiled before the other Israelites. Part of Dan is to be identified with the Tribe of Dana in Irish tradition, who, it was said, from the Israelite Middle Eastern region went to Greece, then to Scandinavia, and from there to Ireland and Britain.

    But there is more. Yair Davidy, in his book, The Tribes, says that a portion of the Tribe of Judah had been exiled with the other Ten Tribes. These particular Judaites (Jews) among the northern Ten Tribes are recognizable in the Jutes, who were
    associated with Dan of Denmark. We do know that Denmark was once called Juteland. Where did this name come from? At one time, both the Danites and the Yadi of Judah ruled over the same subject people called Mooshki, later known as Muski, and who are identified with the Phrygians (in Anatolia, or Turkey, today). There were periods when both the Dananu and Yadi were ruled by the same monarch. At some stage, though, they separated and warred against each other, enlisting foreigners to help them.

    The ultimate result was that both kingdoms were destroyed and the Yadi and the Dananu exiled. Centuries later the Jutes (from “Yadi”?) settled in Denmark, and a Danish tradition traced the Jutes to Judah and the Danes to Dan. The Danes of Denmark
    traced their origin to Dan the Great, and in an early historical work, the Danes are attributed descent from Dan of Israel, and the Jutes (who accompanied the Danes) ascribed Judah as their forebear. Apparently so many Jutes were in Denmark (the
    Cymbric Peninsula) that it became known as Juteland. In Northern European dialects and in Latin, variations on the names “Jute” (of Denmark) and “Judaean” (Jew from Judah) are sometimes interchangeable.

    In central northern Britain, Ptolemy records the city of Danum, and it was in this region that, after several centuries, Viking invaders from Denmark were destined to settle. In addition, the Tribe of Dana were amongst the early settlers of Ireland and came from the Israelite area of Lebanon, whence they were said to have gone to Greece and from there to the far north and from there to Ireland. The Irish claims regarding the Tribe of Dana are confirmed by archaeology. In Welsh versions, the Tribe of Dana are referred to as Sons of Don.

    Interestingly, the Tribe of Dan was represented by a snake (Genesis 49:17) and by a lion (Deuteronomy 33:22). Other symbols were a pair of scales (Genesis 49:16), an eagle, and a dragon. Many members of Dan settled in Denmark, in Ireland, in Wales, England, and the U.S.A., where 40-50 million people have Irish ancestry. The original Coat of Arms of Denmark depicts a lion. (
    “Dan is a lion’s whelp, he shall leap from Bashan” (Deuteronomy 33:22)). Denmark (literally “Mark of Dan”) was called Juteland at one time. Judah (the Jutes) was very prominent, along with the presence of other tribes, in Denmark. An
    interesting sidelight is that the Germans conquered Denmark in WWII and ordered all the Jews to wear the star of David as an identifying sign. The king of Denmark then proceeded to put one on himself and ordered all his subjects to do the same. The symbol of a snake was once worshipped in Ireland; Denmark (as mentioned) and England are represented by a lion; Wales has a dragon on its flag, and the U.S.A. has an eagle.

    The Coat of Arms of Iceland, historically associated with Norway and Denmark, includes a dragon, a vulture (which in Hebrew is given the same name as an eagle, “nesher”), a bull (which is a symbol of Joseph), and a giant (which might
    represent Dan and Samson, the national hero of Dan) (Davidy, p. 210).

    Another interesting sidelight, and perhaps a “proof” in and of itself, is the camping order of the Israelite tribes in the Wilderness. In The Tribes, Yair Davidy has an entire chapter on “The Order of Encampment in the Wilderness and Its Historical Significance.” He makes the point that some significance can be made from the tribal associations, which associations were commanded of them by the Eternal, even from the beginning of their forty-year sojourn in the Exodus from Egypt. The point has been made earlier that some Danites probably left before the main part of Israel was enslaved, who themselves were later released by their Egyptian overlords. The greater part, though, left with the others during the historical Exodus. Numbers 2 tells us that the tribes were encamped in a specified order around the Tabernacle while in the Wilderness. Similarly, they were to proceed in a specified marching order, with Judah going first and Dan bringing up the rear (Numbers 10)

    The camping order divided the twelve tribes into four groups of three, with the camping alignment having some parallelism to the familial order of Jacob and his wives. He asserts, and I agree that he makes a good point of it, that this might be a clue to their whereabouts in modem times, since their “required” association would have established an affinity for one another not broken by future events. The last grouping of three is that dominated by Dan, his other neighbours being Asher (Scots of today) and Naphtali (the Norwegians). Among all the other peoples and nations that Dan might have become (or greatly influenced), are the Danes. Naphtali became the Nephtali who migrated to Norway. Both Denmark and Norway produced the Vikings, who invaded and settled in northern England in an area previously belonging to the Angles and Varin (Vandals) and before them, to the Brigantes. (My note: both Dan and Naphtali were sons of Bilhah (Genesis 30:4-8)). He continues his line of thought by saying the Anglo-Brigantian inhabitants of northern Britain were most likely from the Tribe of Asher (called “Aseir”).

    These Aseir were considered ancestral gods by the Scandinavians, including those of Norway and Denmark. This same camping (living) alliance that had been theirs in the Wilderness, then, was retained in Scandinavia and in northern England.

    Briefly, the Naphtalites became divided by time, but the greater bulk went westward and became the Vikings of Scandinavia, especially of Norway. What about Sweden?

    “It was from Odin’s army, known as the ‘Svear,’ that Sweden takes its name. In their own language, the Swedes call their country ‘Sverige,’ — the ‘land of the Svear.’ The date of Odin is given variously as between C.E. 200 and 300. In the Herald’s College, London, there is a very ancient manuscript deducing the Saxon kings from Adam and from David. Odin is listed in the genealogy (as is also his wife, Frea) tracing the Royal House of Britain back to David.” Let it be understood that I have not gone into the detail that Yair Davidy has gone into, to wit, the names of the sons of Dan in the Bible being associated with peoples that invariably were, and still are, associated with Dan in the countries of Scandinavia and Ireland mentioned above. This includes names of tribes, place names, symbols, etc.

    Before closing this section, one other point should be made. Whenever the Bible mentions “the Isles,” many of us have, in the past, believed them to be the British Isles. Psalms 72:10, for example, says, “The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles...” Talmudic commentators explain that the “Isles” are those in the “Oceanic Sea,” meaning the Atlantic Ocean. The Talmud infers, too, that “Tarshish” actually means the Atlantic Ocean. We know that historically Tarshish was located on the southwest coast of Spain, and outposts of it were located in Britain and Gaul.

    ‘Ships of Tarshish’ means primarily those plying the Atlantic Ocean and therefore the ‘Isles’ mentioned in association with Tarshish and Israelites are presumably those of Britain, America, and the coastline of Northwest Europe (Bold type mine) since the term ‘Isle’ in Hebrew sometimes may be extended to include places by thecoast. Even so, PRIMARILY — ‘EY’ in Hebrew means Land surrounded by water, i.e. an ‘isle’ or island.

    “The term ‘Yarech’ in Hebrew means coastline whereas ‘ey’ nearly always means island. And Jeremiah uses the word ‘yerech’ coastline when speaking of the ‘North Country’ (Jeremiah 31:8-10). The expression ‘North Country’ could
    apply to the whole of the Northwest European Coastline (including the British Isles) as well as to North America.”

    To the early oceanic travelers, the North Americancontinent would undoubtedly appear on maps as an “island.” That Scandinavia, whether the coastline only or the entire peninsula, would also be included in those prophecies concerning “the Isles,” seems conclusive. Later, the reader will see that North America’s being included definitely would seem to be a reasonable assumption.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:52
    #7 Tribe of Dan = Denmark, Greenland, Netherlands 
                      (Holland), AND a part of Canada 
    16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 
    17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that 
    biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. 
    18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD 
    Why is the Tribe of Dan the nations of Denmark, Greenland, Holland, 
    and part of Canada?
    First, you must remember that the Tribe of Dan is NOT one of the 
    tribes that receive 12,000 of the 144,000 (Revelation 7:5-8). 
    Second, notice that Greenland does NOT have a large population and 
    that Denmark settled Greenland. Denmark is very similar to the 
    Netherlands (Holland) by location, culture and people. How easy 
    is it to confuse someone who is Dutch or Danish?
    Third, we must answer through some prophetic interpretation why a 
    part of Canada is included in the Tribe of Dan. The Danish 
    exploration route ends in Canada, and there is a (minority) 
    Dutch / Danish population in Canada. This ties in with 
    verse 17; “serpent by the way, an adder in the path”. 
    When Gog, Magog, and Meshech and Tubal (who are Russia and China) 
    go “NORTH” to attack ISRAEL, and ISRAEL IS EPHRAIM (not Judah), 
    and EPHRAIM IS the UNITED STATES. . .on the way to attacking the 
    United States, Dan IS THE serpent by the roadside and a viper 
    along the path. 
    Here, God stops the armies of Gog, Magog, and 
    Meshech and Tubal and causes them to “stumble backwards” back 
    through Alaska / North Pole to where they came from. 

    Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:56

    Israel's Emblems - Then and Now


    Banner and Ensign of DanBanner and Ensign of Dan The Tribe of Dan

    Dan was the fifth son of Jacob and the firstborn of Bilhah (Rachel's maid). It can be reasoned from several sources that Dan adopted four, possibly five, tribal emblems. For the purpose of this article, our concentration will centre on the horse emblem.

    Israel, the father of Dan (remember Jacob's name was changed to Israel) passed on this blessing: "Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horses heel, so that his rider shall fall backward" (GENESIS 49:16-17).

    During their sojourn in the wilderness the tribes were instructed to camp by the ensigns of their father's house. Considering his father's blessing, Dan was entitled to use a serpent, horse or even scales (symbolising judgement) on his standard. However, Moses' blessing to Dan before his death stated: "Dan is a lions whelp (a rampant young lion): he shall leap from Bashan" (DEUTERONOMY 33:22).

    A silver coin struck by the Celts in Hungary in the second century B.C.A silver coin struck by the Celts in Hungary in the second century B.C. As each tribe camped around the tabernacle (circa 1400 B.C.) they gathered under four main brigade emblems. Judah in the east, Reuben (south), Ephraim (west), and Dan to the north.

    In a vision applicable to God's kingdom, both Ezekiel and John described four living creatures that supported the throne. They were the man, lion, ox and eagle, which also represented the brigade emblems encompassing the tabernacle (See EZEKIEL 1:10; REVELATION 4:7).

    Reuben was identified with the man, Judah the lion, Ephraim the ox (or bullock) and Dan the eagle. The completion of the camp was established with two other tribes camped under these emblems also.

    It is satisfactory to say that Dan has five emblems associated with its tribe - the horse, serpent (snake), lion's whelp, scales and the eagle. Each of these devices will enable the seeker of God's truth to identify Dan in these last days (GENESIS 49:1).

    The arms of Scotland (left) and EnglandThe arms of Scotland (left) and England During the Israelite's invasion of Canaan, a census was conducted of their fighting strength and Dan was found to have 62,700 men, second only to that of Judah (NUMBERS 1:39). Despite this large contingent, Dan experienced great difficulties in removing the Philistines. Success only came through the actions of courageous leaders like Samson, though the initiative was short lived (JUDGES 15:20).

    Finally they established themselves far from the coastline, up in the hills, to eventually move away from this region altogether. "And the coast of the children of Dan..." we read in JOSHUA 19:47, "...went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it... and called it Dan, after the name of Dan their father."

    In JUDGES chapter 18 it is recorded that the Danites took Kirjath-Jearim, "...wherefore they called that place Mahaneh-dan unto this day..." (JUDGES 18:12).

    At this point of history the fighting prowess of Dan was reduced to only 300 (See JUDGES 18:11). An interesting question must be asked at this stage, what has happened to the remainder? Fortunately there are a number of scriptural references that give some clue to the whereabouts of the tribe.

    One colony lived on the sea coast of Palestine. They were principally seamen, and it is recorded that they "abode in ships".

    Deborah, a prophetess and judge of the tribe of Ephraim, resided over the defeat of the Canaanites under Sisera. In the book of Judges we read one of the oldest poems in the Bible which is a commemoration of that victory. She lamented Dan's inactivity in this battle: "...the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty... and why did Dan remain in ships?..." (JUDGES 5:13,17,1-31).

    Ezekiel's lament for Tyre, describes Dan's association with that city: "Danites and Greeks from Uzal bought your merchandise..." (EZEKIEL 27:19-36). The commerce of the Phoenicians as sea traders is well documented; Tyre being their main sea-port. Joppa was also a well known sea-port of the tribe of Dan (See JOSHUA 19:46).

    Dan, like all of the tribes, became an idolatrous people erecting idols in their land, including one of Jeroboam's golden calves (1 KINGS 12:28-29) which was steeped in pagan worship from Egyptian days.

    With Amos, God declared that he was going to judge his unfaithful, disobedient, covenant-breaking people: "And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it" (AMOS 8:12).

    When Assyria captured Israel the tribe of Dan struck out in their ships and sailed west through the Mediterranean. David had declared of Dan, "Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind" (PSALM 48:7). An east wind travels westward. Along the shores of the Mediterranean they have left their trail in Den, Don and Din. In the peninsula of Spain their waymark names such as Me-din-a, and Si-don-ia, remain to this day.

    Irish annals and history show that the new settlers of Ireland at this time were the Tuatha de Danaans, which translated means, "Tribe of Dan". We find many of these waymarks are still remaining, and Dun-sowar ("Dan's resting place"), and Dun-sobairse ("Dan's habitation") are placenames on the Irish coast. The name "Dunn" in the Irish language means the same as the Hebrew "Dan" - Judge.

    Dan's appearance in ancient Ireland is also confirmed in Ptolemy's ancient map of Europe. Other waymarks of Dan throughout Europe are too numerous to mention, although, best known of these are Dan-mark, Mace-don-ia, the Dan-ube, Scan-din-avia, Dun-kirk, E-din-burgh and Lon-don, to name but a few.

    With the aforementioned evidence, we would expect the emblems of Dan to be found among the people of Europe, the horse in particular. An example of an early European people carrying a horse emblem is the Celts, considered by many historians to be the forefathers of the British people.

    The white horse emblem is found carved into the hillsides of southern England, revealing the white chalk under the surface. The two most important are found in Wiltshire at Bratton Hill and Berkshire at Uffington. In view of the impermanent nature of chalk, the Uffington Horse is one of the most remarkable ancient monuments of Europe (Chambers Enc. Vol.14).

    In Denmark, the horse appears on the shield of the Royal Arms, and it also appears in the Netherlands, and in the crest of various families throughout Scotland.

    The evidence is once again conclusive, Dan, one of the tribes of Israel, did move through Europe and settle in northern Europe and the British Isles.


    Emblems are signs the Bible uses to identify various nations, and although names and places may change their emblems seldom do. In this way it is still possible to identify people and their origins. Bible promises and prophecies still influence the affairs of nations today and in this way history can be a vehicle to help understand past events.

    The Israelites in the wilderness of Sinai were instructed: "Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house: far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch" (NUMBERS 2:2). It is not possible to know exactly what these standards looked like, but we can imagine an Egyptian influence having recently left this rich and ancient culture. It is possible to uncover the designs of standards from various scriptural sources. The Bible states, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter" (PROVERBS 25:2). The Bible also says that spirit-filled believers are kings and priests to serve God (REVELATION 1:6).

    Let Our Search Begin

    There were three main blessings given to the children of Israel through Jacob, Moses and Balaam. All confirm the Israelite leaders as having qualities associating their characters with that of an animal (See GENESIS 49; DEUTERONOMY 33; NUMBERS 24). We will now investigate the references to Naphtali and follow with the other tribal emblems in future articles.

    Banner and Ensign of NaphtaliBanner and Ensign of Naphtali Naphtali was the sixth son of Israel by Bilhah the handmaid to Rachel and his tribe escaped to the north of the congregation of Israel in the Sinai, next to Asher (GENESIS 30:8; NUMBERS 2:29). At his deathbed Jacob said of his son: "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words" (GENESIS 49:21).

    Moses shortly before his death also described Naphtali: "And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and south" (DEUTERONOMY 33:23). A hind is the Middle-Eastern equivalent of the European deer. In heraldic associations the hind can be likened to other animals from the deer family.

    Fox-Davies book on heraldry says - "The stag in the generic sense, under various other names of deer, buck, roebuck, hart, doe, hind, reindeer or springbok, and other varieties, is constantly found in British armoury." ('Complete Guide to Heraldry' p.208).

    Naphtali is given the characteristic of an animal that is vigorous, active, and let loose, and is displayed as rampant or rearing up.

    A curious fact that should be pointed out is that Naphtali did not possess the southern or western territories of Canaan, but rather the north, as it also did around the tabernacle. What did Moses mean when he said, Naphtali should possess the west and south? Where is Naphtali in these last days as intimated by Jacob's blessing? The mystery broadens when we read in the scriptures that the Israelites would always exist, but would become Gentilised (JEREMIAH 31:36).

    Reconstruction from fragments of Scottish stones and the Book of KellsReconstruction from fragments of Scottish stones and the Book of Kells Part of the mystery is unravelled in the Bible. The children of Israel lost God's favour because of idolatry. They were punished seven times (the equivalent of 2520 years), chastised by God, who used enemy nations, and then scattered them among the heathen, laying waste their cities (See LEVITICUS 26:28-33). This is the story of the Assyrians when they took Naphtali captive and deported them back into Assyrian territories (2 KINGS 15:29).

    We should not expect the tribe of Napthali to maintain its name because the Israelites would lose their name and identity during their wanderings through the Gentile nations (HOSEA 1:9; 8:8).

    The hind emblem of Naphtali is easy to trace through artefacts of the La Tene Celts of Europe and Ireland. In John Sharkey's book called 'Celtic Mysteries' there is an illustration of a hind carved into a rock. He states, "The art and literature of the Celts contains a rich bestiary, the most favoured animals being the stag, bull, boar, and horse... part of the very old Indo-European tradition suggests that animals were identified with the ancestral spirit who presided over the fortunes of the tribe." Could this ancestral spirit be the blessing and adopted standard of their ancestor Jacob, transcribed into mythology, when the people became further embedded in paganism? It is quite easy to identify many of their pagan artefacts, but not necessarily their stories, for they were passed down from generation to generation orally.

    The arms of Northern IrelandThe arms of Northern Ireland Generally speaking, the Children of Israel moved in a westward direction across Europe, but it is also known that some moved southward into India and would become known as the Aryian people. Could this be Moses' meaning when he said Napthali would possess the west and south? Perhaps this prophecy could be taken chronologically, when they moved west, first into Britain, then south into the colonies of Britain.

    Finally, Jacob tells us that various signs (markings) would identify his sons in the last days. The Arms of Ireland display a rampant stag and in the family charts of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, too numer­ous to mention, we also find this animal being used.

    This is not to suggest that these families are direct ancestors of the tribe of Naphtali, rather these emblems have been adopted by a people with particular reference to the promises of God.

    The coincidence becomes even more profound when we trace a further nineteen or more emblems of the lost tribes of Israel in subsequent issues.

    Source: 'Voice of Revival'


    Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:58

    Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 05:08
    Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
    Verse # = 71   |   Words =15   |   Letters = 61
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
    And I will put שית 710
    enmity איבה 18
    between thee and the woman, אשה 306
    and between thy seed זרע 277
    and her seed; זרע 277
    it shall bruise שוף 386
    thy head, ראש 501
    and thou shalt bruise שוף 386
    his heel. עקב 172
    Total = 4266
    Original Text
    Hebrew Value Inc
    ואיבה 24
    אשית 711
    בינך 82
    ובין 68
    האשה 311
    ובין 68
    זרעך 297
    ובין 68
    זרעה 282
    הוא 12
    ישופך 416
    ראש 501
    ואתה 412
    תשופנו 842
    עקב 172

    Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 05:58
    7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
    Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
    Verse # = 71   |   Words =15   |   Letters = 61
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
    And I will put שית 710
    enmity איבה 18
    between thee and the woman, אשה 306
    and between thy seed זרע 277
    and her seed; זרע 277
    it shall bruise שוף 386
    thy head, ראש 501
    and thou shalt bruise שוף 386
    his heel. עקב 172
    Total = 4266
    Original Text
    Hebrew Value Inc
    ואיבה 24
    אשית 711
    בינך 82
    ובין 68
    האשה 311
    ובין 68
    זרעך 297
    ובין 68
    זרעה 282
    הוא 12
    ישופך 416
    ראש 501
    ואתה 412
    תשופנו 842
    עקב 172

    Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 275 de 275 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 02:12
    seed in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 ( s
    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 6 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 02:30
    Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
    En el mismo termino caballo es sinonimo de guerra en la BIBLIA.
    Everything is Connected and there are no

    Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 17:31

    Capítulo 7 

    Incredulidad de los hermanos de Jesús
    7:1 Después de estas cosas, andaba Jesús en Galilea; pues no quería andar en Judea, porque los judíos procuraban matarle. 
    7:2 Estaba cerca la fiesta de los judíos, la de los tabernáculos;Levitico 23. 34Deuteronomio 16. 13
    7:3 y le dijeron sus hermanos: Sal de aquí, y vete a Judea, para que también tus discípulos vean las obras que haces. 
    7:4 Porque ninguno que procura darse a conocer hace algo en secreto. Si estas cosas haces, manifiéstate al mundo. 
    7:5 Porque ni aun sus hermanos creían en él. 
    7:6 Entonces Jesús les dijo: Mi tiempo aún no ha llegado, mas vuestro tiempo siempre está presto. 
    7:7 No puede el mundo aborreceros a vosotros; mas a mí me aborrece, porque yo testifico de él, que sus obras son malas. 
    7:8 Subid vosotros a la fiesta; yo no subo todavía a esa fiesta, porque mi tiempo aún no se ha cumplido. 
    7:9 Y habiéndoles dicho esto, se quedó en Galilea. 

    Jesús en la fiesta de los tabernáculos 

    7:10 Pero después que sus hermanos habían subido, entonces él también subió a la fiesta, no abiertamente, sino como en secreto. 
    7:11 Y le buscaban los judíos en la fiesta, y decían: ¿Dónde está aquél? 
    7:12 Y había gran murmullo acerca de él entre la multitud, pues unos decían: Es bueno; pero otros decían: No, sino que engaña al pueblo. 
    7:13 Pero ninguno hablaba abiertamente de él, por miedo a los judíos. 
    7:14 Mas a la mitad de la fiesta subió Jesús al templo, y enseñaba. 
    7:15 Y se maravillaban los judíos, diciendo: ¿Cómo sabe éste letras, sin haber estudiado? 
    7:16 Jesús les respondió y dijo: Mi doctrina no es mía, sino de aquel que me envió. 
    7:17 El que quiera hacer la voluntad de Dios, conocerá si la doctrina es de Dios, o si yo hablo por mi propia cuenta. 
    7:18 El que habla por su propia cuenta, su propia gloria busca; pero el que busca la gloria del que le envió, éste es verdadero, y no hay en él injusticia. 
    7:19 ¿No os dio Moisés la ley, y ninguno de vosotros cumple la ley? ¿Por qué procuráis matarme? 
    7:20 Respondió la multitud y dijo: Demonio tienes; ¿quién procura matarte? 
    7:21 Jesús respondió y les dijo: Una obra hice, y todos os maravilláis. 
    7:22 Por cierto, Moisés os dio la circuncisión (no porque sea de Moisés, sino de los padresGenesis 17. 10); y en el día de reposo circuncidáis al hombre(22/7=3.14 (Numero PI). increiblemente tenemos un NEXO DE LA PI-RAMIDE TRUNCADA (SIMBOLO FALICO CIRCUNCIDADO) INTERRELACIONADO INCLUSO CON EL DIA DE REPOSO)

    illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
    7:23 Si recibe el hombre la circuncisiónLevitico 12. 3 en el día de reposo, para que la ley de Moisés no sea quebrantada, ¿os enojáis conmigo porque en el día de reposo sané completamente a un hombre?Juan 5. 9
    eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)

    Dan Brown
    Dan Brown bookjacket cropped.jpg
    Nombre completo Dan Brown
    Nacimiento 22 de junio de 1964 (48 años)
    Nuevo Hampshire, Estados Unidos
    Ocupación Escritor
    Género Novela

    6. Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.

    1. Génesis 3:15: Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu SIMIENTE y la SIMIENTE suya; ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.


    seed in Simple Gematria Equals: 33
    ( s

    7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.

    171. Deuteronomio 33:22: A DAN dijo: DAN es cachorro de león Que salta desde Basán.

    NUMERO 33
                               PARIS, LA CIUDAD LUZ DE LA ILUMINACION (NEXO CON

    La conexión francesa

    En 1666, Luis XIV de Francia autorizó la construcción de un observatorio en París para medir la longitud. Este fue el comienzo del Meridiano Cero de París. El meridiano es una línea imaginaria que forma la mitad de un círculo máximo y une los polos norte y sur. Los meridianos son, por tanto, líneas de longitud; la latitud y longitud se utilizan conjuntamente para situar puntos en el globo terráqueo a través de coordenadas esféricas.

    ¡Aunque usted no lo crea, de acuerdo con «El Meridiano Cero de París» el monte Hermón y el territorio antiguo de Dan, están localizados a 33 grados de longitud de este mismo meridiano y a 33 grados latitud norte del Ecuador! El grado 33 se convirtió en una parte importante de la francmasonería, probablemente debido a la historia que se remonta a los caballeros templarios, la dinastía francesa Merovingia y su familia que tiene vínculos con los descendientes de Dan, el hijo de Jacob.

    Sin embargo, los británicos serían superados. En 1675, el primer astrónomo real de Inglaterra Sir Flamsteed, estableció un primer meridiano en Londres que rivalizaría con ese en París. En 1725, Edmund Halley, el segundo astrónomo real estableció un segundo meridiano. A mediados del siglo XVIII, otro astrónomo real James Bradley, estableció un tercer meridiano. Y en 1851, otro astrónomo real Sir George Airy, instaló un nuevo equipo para medir, en una habitación al lado del equipo original de Bradley, justamente a unos cinco metros de distancia, el cual finalmente se convirtió en la base para el tiempo internacional.

    Bien pronto llegó a ser claro que el mundo necesitaba adoptar una hora standar mundial para el Meridiano Cero, por lo tanto en 1884, 25 países se reunieron en Washington, DC, y votaron para aceptar el meridiano de Airy en el observatorio de Greenwich en Londres como el principal meridiano. Francia se abstuvo de votar. Hasta 1911 los franceses consideraron el Meridiano Cero como un rival de Greenwich para propósitos de mantener un registro del tiempo, y en 1914 para propósitos de navegación. Hasta este día los cartógrafos franceses continúan marcando el Meridiano de París en algunos mapas.


    En el idioma original en que fuera escrito este folleto la palabra «Sion» se deletrea con «Z», pero en el folleto aparece con «S», indicando obviamente su conexión con el monte Hermón.


    seed in Simple Gematria Equals: 33
    ( s

    Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/01/2013 00:41

    Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 04:57

    Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/01/2013 16:22
    El Malleus Maleficarum (del latín: Martillo de las Brujas) es probablemente el tratado más importante que se haya publicado en el contexto de la persecución de brujas y la histeria brujeril del Renacimiento. Es un exhaustivo libro sobre la caza de brujas, que luego de ser publicado primeramente en Alemania en 1486, tuvo docenas de nuevas ediciones, se difundió por Europa y tuvo un profundo impacto en los juicios contra las brujas en el continente por cerca de 200 años. Esta obra es notoria por su uso en el período de la histeria por la caza de brujas, que alcanzó su máxima expresión desde mediados del siglo XVI hasta mediados del XVII.

    Se remitían constantemente a la autoridad del Malleus Maleficarum los principales autores y grandes demonólogos como el inquisidor Bernardo Rategno da Como, el jesuita español Martín del Río y el jurista francés Jean Bodin.[1



    Martillo de las brujas
    Malleus 1669.jpg
    Portada del Malleus maleficarum en una edición de 1669.
    Autor Heinrich Kramer y Jakob Sprenger
    Género Religión Derecho
    Edición original en latín
    Título original Malleus Maleficarum
    País Flag of Germany.svg Alemania
    Fecha de publicación


    Sir Leigh Teabing, un apasionado de la leyenda del Santo Grial, lo arroja al experto en simbología Robert Langdon –interpretado por Tom Hanks– en el film El Código Da Vinci. Dan Brown, en cuyo libro del mismo nombre se basaron para rodar este film, dice de éste que es responsable de la muerte de cinco millones de mujeres. Michael Baigent, un reputado historiador religioso, dice que es «uno de los libros más infames de la historia», tildándolo de «un ejemplo destacado de erudición al servicio de la locura»[1]. The Malleus Maleficarum o “El martillo de las brujas” es, sin duda, uno de los tratados que más sangre ha derramado en la historia de la humanidad. Fue utilizado como manual de cacería de brujas en toda Europa y es causante de miles de muertes. Lo tengo en mis manos, en la misma edición que aparece en la película, la de 1971, publicada en Nueva York, con el título y las imágenes en fondo rojo que transmitieron cierto temor reverencial al público espectador. Escrito, según Baigent, en 1486 por dos dominicos alemanes muy cultos[2], Heinrich Kramer y James Sprenger, bajo la protección de la Bula del Papa Inocencio VIII, el Malleus Maleficarum, llevó a la hoguera, al decir de Brown, «a las mujeres que tenían estudios, las sacerdotisas, las gitanas, las místicas, las amantes de la naturaleza, las que recogían hierbas medicinales y “cualquier mujer sospechosamente interesada por el mundo natural”»[3]. Es un libro, pues, desdichado que tuvieron los inquisidores al alcance para arrancar a sus víctimas, por medio de la tortura o la confesión inducida, su condición brujeril. Dice cosas increíbles.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2013 07:13
    Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar

    http://www.sott.net/article/195685-Myst ... ts-Templar

    A mysterious carved stone has been uncovered alongside a 12th-century church associated with the Knights Templar.

    What appears to be the carved top of a sarcophagus was unearthed when builders were excavating and reinforcing a wall alongside the old ruined church in Temple, Midlothian.

    "The symbols at the bottom look like Viking sun compasses, while the dials at the top look a little bit like a Celtic cross but with notches carved on them."

    Expert David Connolly, of Connolly Heritage Consultancy, said he believed the stone was from the 13th or 14th century.

    "It is a significant site because it was the Templar Preceptory for Scotland," he said. "I think from the condition, it may once have been set inside the church - which was once much bigger," he added.

    the Knight's heraldry is unusual

    However historian and author Michael Turnbull said he doubted the find was significant: "There were certainly Templars there but this might be a fake."

    I have Turnbull's book and I remain skeptical of the stone

    I will say that the two circles touching ....make the number 8

    Some Templar churches are octagonal and represents 8 angles of the cross patee
    8 for Judgement of the Lamb and the King of Justice

    According to local legend some of this treasure still lies buried in Temple: "Twixt the oak and the elm tree/You will find buried the millions free."


    Everything is Connected and there are no

    Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2013 23:03


    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Thor en la batalla contra los gigantes, de Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872.

    Thor es el dios del trueno en la mitología nórdica y germánica. Su papel es complejo ya que tenía influencia en áreas muy diferentes, tales como el clima, las cosechas, la protección, la consagración, la justicia, las Lidias, los viajes y las batallas.[1]

    Era el dios más venerado de las tribus germánicas al menos desde los primeros registros escritos hasta los últimos bastiones del paganismo germánico en la época vikinga tardía. La mayoría de los mitos germánicos lo mencionan o se centran en sus hazañas y en los relatos de las Eddas cumple el papel de protector del Midgard, el mundo de los hombres.[2]

    Su arma es el martillo de guerra arrojadizo, llamado Mjolnir, del cual se hicieron réplicas en miniatura como amuleto que luego se convirtió en un símbolo desafiante de los paganos nórdicos durante la cristianización de Escandinavia.[3]

    Durante y una vez que el proceso de cristianización fue completado, la figura de Thor fue demonizada por la creciente influencia de misioneros cristianos. Después de que el cristianismo se cimentara, restos de su fe se conservaron de forma clandestina principalmente en áreas rurales,[4] sobreviviendo así hasta tiempos modernos en el folclore germano y más recientemente reconstruido bajo diversas formas en el neopaganismo germánico.




    Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/01/2013 05:14


    Trelleborg es un nombre colectivo para seis fortificaciones circulares de la época vikinga emplazadas en Dinamarca y sur de la moderna Suecia. Cinco de ellas datan del reinado de Harald Blåtand (m. 986). La fortificación de Borgeby en Suecia está fechada hacia el año 1000 y es posible que también corresponda al mismo reinado.

    Se bautizó como Trelleborg a estas fortificaciones al descubrir el primer ejemplo en la población del mismo nombre, cerca de Slagelse, (las excavaciones se efectuaron entre 1936 y 1941).

    Todos los fuertes trelleborgs tienen una forma circular perfecta y su estructura podía comportar la existencia de un terraplén exterior avanzado, pero no necesariamente circular.

    Listado de trelleborgs ;

    • Aggersborg cerca de Limfjorden, Dinamarca. N56 59 43, E9 15 171
    • Borgeby al norte de Lund en Lödde Å en Escania, Suecia.
    •  Fyrkat cerca de Hobro, Dinamarca. N56 37 23, E9 46 132
    • Nonnebakken en Odense, Dinamarca.
    • Trelleborg cerca de Slagelse, Dinamarca. N55 23 39, E11 15 553
    • Trelleborg en Escania, Suecia.

    Tradicionalmente, el nombre Trelleborg se ha definido como una fortaleza construida por thralls (nórdico antiguo del danés træl, esclavo), pero la palabra “trel” (plural trelle) es más plausible y se refiere a los postes de madera que cubren ambos lados de los muros protectores circulares.

    Otras fortalezas circulares contemporáneas de menor tamaño encontrados en Selandia y Lolland, difieren de las encontradas de la época vikinga. El modelo trelleborg está construido sobre un plan estrictamente geométrico y calculado en pies romanos. El fondo del foso es otro elemento prestado del Imperio Romano.

    Las cinco fortalezas tienen diseños parecidos, “perfectamente circulares con puertas que coinciden con los cuatro puntos cardinales terrestres, y un patio dividido en cuatro áreas que mantenían grandes casas de forma cuadrada”.


    No se han encontrado paralelismos en el resto de Europa. En las costas de Holanda y Bélgica hay fortalezas circulares con cierto parecido y en la isla de Walcheren hay restos de un castillo con puertas enfocadas a los cuatro puntos cardinales, en combinación con callejuelas. Fortificaciones similares se han encontrado en Inglaterra, un claro ejemplo es Warham.

    Estos últimos, no obstante, están fechados de un periodo comprendido durante la conquista romana en la Britania céltica, unos cientos de años anterior a la construcción de los emplazamientos vikingos. Los cálculos en dendrocronología encontraron que la madera usada para la construcción del trelleborg (cerca de Slagelse) fueron cortados en otoño de 980 y se usaron posiblemente en la primavera de 981.

    Se necesitó poco tiempo para la construcción de los edificios y también muy poco uso, quizás cinco años pero en el mejor de los casos no superó los veinte. Las otras fortalezas más o menos siguen las mismas pautas, aunque Fyrkat puede ser un poco más antiguo. No obstante, no hay datos precisos para calcular el tiempo real pero la disposición y construcción de los trelleborgs en Slagelse, Fyrkat, Aggersborg, Nonnebakken y el sueco son tan parecidos que es muy probable que fuesen concebidos por una sola persona.

    Hacia el año 974, el rey vikingo Harald Blåtand perdió el control de Danevirke y algunas partes del sur de Jutlandia que conquistaron los alemanes de Otón II. El completo y complejo sistema de fortificaciones, puentes y carreteras que se construyeron hacia 980 es presumiblemente una tarea del gobierno del rey Harald, parte de un sistema de defensa mucho más grande. Otra teoría es que estas fortalezas circulares eran un tipo de campamentos lanzaderas usadas por las tropas de Svend I de Dinamarca para sus ataques a Inglaterra. Svend y sus hombres saquearon Londres en 1013.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/01/2013 05:31

    ¿ Pensáis que "las 10 TribusPerdidas de Israel" en realidad son las actuales naciones europeas y occidentales?

    Según Steven M.Collins varias de las naciones de Europa han sido pobladas por los israelitas huidos de Israel cuando la invasión del imperio Asirio.De hecho los Sajones en inglés Saxons parece que vienen de Isaac-sons , es decir hijos de Isaac.Isaac , por supuesto que sin ser una de las tribus era el abuelo de cada uno de los líderes de las 12 tribus.

    Dinamarca en danés es Danmark , es decir , "marca de Dan".Dan era una de las tribus perdidas.También se dice que Iberia viene de Heber o Eber que fue otro antepasado de los hebreos o Israelitas.También Hibernia, que era el nombre de la actual Irlanda , parece que tienen el mismo origen.Igualmente as Islas Hébridas o el río Ebro.

    Los judíos que pueblan el actual Israel no son de "las Diez Tribus Perdidas".Ellos vienen de la tribu de Judá que no fue cautiva cuando la conquista Asiria.

    Además British vendría del hebreo Brit (convenio) e Ish (hombre o pueblo). Incluso México sería una palabra del hebreo: Mexiko, Mexika, Meshikha (Meshija), Meshiakh (Meshiaj), Mesiah.

    En la época del rey Salomón Israel era un gran reino aliado a los fenicios.Ellos tenían contacto con la actual España y con las Islas Británicas.Según Steven M.Collins una descendiente del rey David fue llevada a las Islas Británicas y dieron origen a la actual Casa Real Británica y de ahí al resto de monarquías europeas. El rey Juan Carlos, como el resto de monarcas europeos sería judío de Judá : http://debates.coches.net/showthread.php… En el Escorial están klas estatuas de los supuestos antepasados de los reyes españoles: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Mon…

    Steven M.Collins también dice que antes de Cristóbal Colón (1492 d.C.) e incluso de los vikingos (1000 d.C.) , este imperio Israelita-Fenicio del rey Salomón tenía contacto e incluso comercio con algunos de los habitantes de la antigua América.

    No os confundáis de blog , hay otro Steven M.Collins.Ahí os dejo un artículo de su blog: http://stevenmcollins.com/WordPress/?p=3… La pega es que es en inglés sólo.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 66 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/01/2013 06:26
    De la esclava de Raquel, Jacob tuvo otros dos hijos:
    10.10) Dan, Dã.
    Escorpión: «serpiente junto al camino, víbora junto a la senda, que muerde los talones del caballo».Forma abreviada de Daniel «Dios me ha hecho justicia».[22]En su Bendición, Dan hijo de Jacob es llamado serpiente (nachash, según la concordancia Strong, 5175;) y víbora (shephiyphon, 8207).Dan, se dice, morderá los talones de un caballo y hará a su jinete que se caiga hacia atrás en el camino. La palabra utilizada para jinete, rakab (pronunciado rakáb), es un juego de palabras con Rahab (pronunciado rajáb), un epíteto de la Diosa Madre.
    y a su raza, y es caracterizado como un agresor despreciable y venenoso que no permitirá que una criatura más avanzada le pase por encima sin ser molestado. Como una víbora, se mueve por la tierra lentamente. Rahab cabalga velozmente en su gran caballo.En fenicia y Siria, al dios sol se le llamaba Dan-El.Su tribu ocupaba inicialmente la franja mediterránea de Canaán, junto a los filisteos; luego se trasladó al Norte de Israel (Jueces 18). Según el canto de Débora (Jueces 5) se enfatiza sus orígenes marineros.[23] Los filisteos efectivamente se identifican con uno de los llamados «pueblos del mar», pero no era el único. Los Danuna eran otro de los pueblos, siendo como un vestigio de los danois griegos. En el 1.190 aparecen por primera vez en los registros egipcios, bajo el reinado de Ramsés III (fecha anterior al Canto de Débora). Pareciera como si efectivamente hubieren llegado conjuntamente con los filisteos y luego se hubieran distanciado de ellos, hubieran sido perseguidos y se hubieran radicado al norte de Israel, acogiéndose a la confederación israelita (¿buscando seguridad y protección?)[24]. Otra pista, un famosos danita fue Sansón, quien efectivamente pasaba su tiempo con filisteos.

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