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هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
الفقرة السابقة  الفقرة التالية
جواب  رسائل 1 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 15/04/2014 19:32
Basílica de San Marcos
Basílica de San Marcos
SM 36.jpg
Arquitecto: Desconocido
Construido en: 828
Remodelado en: 1063-1094
Fachada : Románico-bizantina
Ubicación: Venecia, Italia
Coordinates: 45° 26' 5" N, 12° 20' 22" E
Ver en el mapa
BPOC 300x250 2.jpg





Construida en el siglo IX para albergar el cuerpo de San Marcos, fue la capilla del Palacio Ducal. Los dos edificios son el símbolo de Venecia y sus mil años de historia. Restaurada entre 1063-1094 en estilo románico-bizantino, la basílica fue ricamente adornada a lo largo del tiempo con mosaicos y decoraciones que reúnen los distintos lenguajes del arte Bizantino, Gótico y Renacentista. Desde 1807 ha sido la catedral de Venecia

La imponente construcción cubierta por cinco cúpulas fue construida en sus orígenes, año 828, para custodiar el cuerpo del evangelista Marco, robado por dos mercaderes de su Tumba en Alejandría, Egipto y traído a Venecia para donárselo al Duque. Actualmente la Basílica es considerada un patrimonio vivo de la cultura romana, bizantina y veneciana.


أول  سابق  60 إلى 74 من 149  لاحق   آخر 
جواب  رسائل 60 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/12/2015 18:06

Reply  Message 96 of 96 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/12/2015 14:09
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/10/2015 10:35
I C, the pillars are giving birth. /irgo's legs extend down to Libra's / Scorpio's balances were the pillars reside. 

The Babylonian "Chelae Scorpionis" is Libra's balances in sidereal Scorpio! 

For those wondering, yes, our astrological signs have been tampered with with as well, the degrees are way off. Eastern sidereal astrology is the truth! Is there anything they don't have there hands in? 

It's the same directly opposite side of the zodiac with the bulls horns & Cap El lA, with Capella being north of the horns. 

PerSeuS (Algol = negative feminine energy) is chasing CapELLA. (masculine positive energy = the lamb) Wink 

In-Between the bulls horns & capella is were we will find our 137 axis (F#4.5) or the nuclear axis. 

The light bends with the the sound !! 
1 black hole in the east, 1 white hole in the west, or we can rotate the ying yang 90 degrees. Wink 

There is a invisible white hole in Scorpio that the stinger is pointing to, it is the starting point of the west pillar. 
(at 9 on the major scale) Wink 

And that my friend is why Zuben EL chemali is the only star in the sky that is green, hydrogen green that is. Idea 

Here is the BRANE of the operation 

3 x 3 / 81 Permutations of the Lo Shu 

19.47 major (related to ADAM) 
25.52 minor (related to EVE) 

Those are two mirror numbers or mirror partners above & below G on the musical scale. Could note A on the scale be 19.47? 

Arrow http://www.bob-wonderland.supanet.com/journal_10.htm 

Hmmmmm, Zuben EL, Algol, & Scheat are all on the 19.5 degree mark with Capella at 20. Shocked 

The 19.47 degree angle is linked geometrically to the Mercury synodic hexagram circumscribed by the Earth's orbit. Idea 

22:7 = Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle (22 x 116 = 2552 : 2555 = 7x 365) 

Reply  Message 11 of 11 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/12/2015 14:02
Alcoseri  (Original message) Sent: 18/11/2015 11:27
El Planeta Venus  desde siempre ha despertado inquietudes entre los seres humanos, la Masonería no escapa a esta inquietud pues en los  Templos de la Masonería del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado , está representado en una estatua o pintura como una Mujer Desnuda , justo al lado del torno del Segundo Vigilante- Este segundo vigilante sería para nosotros el Vigilante Interno , el Interno  Yo Observante de nuestros actos. Venus está entre la órbita de la Tierra y el Sol y tiene fases como la Luna. Desde la Tierra, Venus es el objeto más brillante en el cielo después del Sol y la Luna, que aparece justo antes del amanecer, como Estrella de la Mañana, o poco después anochecer, como estrella de la tarde, los antiguos incluso pensaron que se trataba de dos estrellas diferentes,  y serían en si los anunciantes de la aparición de la Luz, dándole la bienvenida y otro dándole la despedida a la Luz . Debido a su proximidad a la Tierra, a pesar de que es un planeta, su luminosidad es 13 veces más fuerte que la estrella más brillante, que es Sirius o Estrella Sirio. Su atmósfera está llena de nubes que se encargan de reflejar el 75% de la luz que proviene del sol, formando un brillante planeta visto desde la Tierra.

Durante 11 meses, Venus se llama la estrella de la tarde o de noche de la estrella, ya que establece un máximo de tres horas después del Sol y los otros 11 meses que aparece en la mayoría de aproximadamente 3 horas antes de que el Sol, como Estrella de la Mañana o Estrella de David . Cuando él está cerca de la tierra, en la conjunción inferior, en las cinco semanas antes o después de que él se encontraba en la etapa de la "nueva", que tiene su imagen en el mundo aumentó en 6 veces y parece aún más brillante. Esto sucede una vez cada ocho años y este período fue conocido en el antiguo Egipto como el ciclo Sothis.

En Mesopotamia, el planeta Venus era conocido por varios otros nombres como Asera, Ashtart, Baalat, Ishtar, Shekinah, Baalat, Inanna, Anat y Astaroth. Al aparecer en diferentes momentos (atardecer o antes del amanecer) durante mucho tiempo fue considerado como dos estrellas diferentes, que se les dio el nombre de Lucifer y Vesper (en latín, Lucifer significa "portador de luz", y fue simplemente debido a un problema en la traducción de la Biblia, que se asoció con el mal). En el siglo III A-C Pitágoras descubrió que se trataba de una sola estrella, pero fueron los romanos quienes le dieron el nombre de Venus, que es la diosa romana del amor y la belleza.

Venus se ajusta a un tiempo tan predecible en todo el tiempo que ha servido como el estándar para establecer los relojes y varios ciclos se observaron:

- Cada ocho años que regresa al mismo punto en el cielo en la conjunción inferior, aunque las estrellas en el fondo son completamente diferentes.

- Cada 40 años se realiza un círculo completo, terminando donde comenzó, en un movimiento preciso en cuestión de segundos, aparece con la misma configuración de estrella en el fondo;

- Cada 480 años, es decir, 12 ciclos de 40 años, es la conjunción de los planetas Mercurio y Venus, que, visto desde la Tierra, parecen superponerse y una sola estrella roja, extremadamente brillantes, provocando sombras en el suelo.

- Cada 1440 años, es decir, 3 ciclos de 480 años, Mercurio y Venus se superponen en el mismo lugar en el cielo, con exactamente las mismas estrellas en el fondo.

El hecho de que el patrón de Venus es tan predecible que puede ser utilizado para el ajuste del reloj, sirve para conectar este planeta para Metatron, que es un indicador de tiempo también asociado con Enoc.   El primer nombre de Jerusalén era Urushalim - el prefijo uru significa "fundada por" y el sufijo o salem shalem es el nombre de dios cananeo de Venus, mientras que en su aspecto nocturno. Curiosamente, aunque el nombre de Jerusalén está dedicado a Venus en su aspecto nocturno, el Templo de Salomón se enfrentaba a la otra dirección - uno en el que Venus se comporta como la Estrella de la Mañana.- Alcoseri   Leer mucho más del tema en: https://sites.google.com/site/secretomasonico/diosa-venus
Reply  Message 37 of 37 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/12/2015 13:57
From: Alcoseri  (Original message) Sent: 19/11/2015 14:52

Los Secretos de  la Shekinah en la Masonería

Según algunos entendidos , el fenómeno físico o manifestado  de la Shekinah (estrella  flamígera) se repite cada 480 años, es decir, cada 12 ciclos de Venus de 40 años, y es causada por la conjunción de los planetas Venus y Mercurio, y que, visto desde la Tierra, y parecen superponerse  como una sola estrella, generando una luz extremadamente brillante y rojiza en el solsticio de invierno justo al amanecer . Este fenómeno se ha considerado siempre como una gran epifanía. Para ellos, este ciclo ha sido conocido desde los inicios  de la Masonería para  quienes residen en las Islas Británicas en el período neolítico, y que construyó Stonehenge (construcción con bloques de piedra de 280 toneladas, fechados en 3500 aC, donde el sol ilumina la  cámara central en el solsticio de invierno y tenía una apertura o  pasaje para permitir que la luz de Venus penetrara en una cámara interior, del solsticio de invierno cada 8 años.

El término Shekinah podría ser llamado sintéticamente como  "la gloria de Dios se manifiesta." Significa esplendor, la gloria visible o  la  "Divina Presencia" y es considerada el mismo  rostro femenino de Dios  y  la expresión maternal de la divinidad  y  es una transliteración de la raíz hebrea "shkn" = vivo, para habitar. 

La Shekinah (" Dios hizo morarda") aparece en la literatura rabínica en alusión a la presencia divina en Israel. En la Biblia, Dios le dice a su pueblo: Éxodo

Éxodo 25:8  Reina-Valera 

Y harán un santuario para mí, y habitaré en medio de ellos.


Éxodo 26,1: Y harás el tabernáculo de diez cortinas de lino torcido, azul, púrpura, y carmesí: y harás querubines de obra de arte.


 Los Cabalistas Judíos comenzaron a utilizar esta palabra a partir del siglo XIII, con el sentido de la gloria. En la Cábala esotérica, Shekinah es la esencia de Ain Soph (el Supremo  forma de Dios en la Kabbalah) que quedó atrapado en Malkuth (mundo físico), y corresponde a la Kundalini Shakti o la tradición esotérica oriental de Yoga.  El sentido  cabalístico plasmado en el  Zohar (Libro esplendores), la evolución del hombre es un proceso en el que el polo femenino de la Divinidad (Shekinah), presente en la creación y en el hombre (físico Malkuth) se une al polo masculino de la divinidad ( Kether- en manifestaciones que tienen lugar en otras dimensiones). La Shekinah siempre se tomó como una bendición de Dios.

Extrañamente, en la Biblia  muchos estudiosos muestran que el término Shekinah es una palabra hebrea que se usa para designar a la diosa mesopotámica LILITH-Inanna, es decir, una diosa de la fertilidad del misticismo judío, y por lo tanto el nombre de una "demonia cabalística ". Es una interpretación extraña que a Lilith se le asocie con la Shekina , son aspectos discutibles, pero cuya discusión llega a ser estéril en el campo religioso sea judío o cristiano , ya que tales aspectos están  encubiertos en un carácter religioso dogmatico para denigrar a la Mujer y presentarla en la Biblia como un algo negativo , así  los aspectos femeninos en la Biblia para los religiosos dogmáticos  que no admiten  un aspecto femenino de Dios y dicen que Dios no se puede presentar como un Algo femenino,  pero han pasado los años y estamos en pleno siglo XXI y la Religión dogmatizada ha perdido fuerz  y ya  " no tienen la Verdad única." De hecho, la Shekinah  y  su asociación con la diosa mesopotámica Lilith se deriva del hecho de que ambos aspectos  están asociados con la sabiduría y la luz del planeta Venus, pero no es razonable que el hecho de que los mesopotámicos han asociado en la antigüedad una diosa pagana al planeta Venus constituye evidencia suficiente para hoy demonizar cualquier tema relacionado a este planeta, aunque sólo sea porque está vinculada a Jesús como la Estrella de la Mañana.

La palabra Shekinah se menciona seis veces en el Corán, que representa la garantía de la paz, la calma y la tranquilidad. El Cap.2, aleya 248 dice:  Su profeta les dijo: «El signo de su dominio será que el Arca volverá a vosotros, llevada por los ángeles, con sakina de vuestro Señor y reliquia de lo que dejaron las gentes de Moisés y de Aarón. Ciertamente tenéis en ello un signo, si es que sois creyentes».-

1) La Shekinah apareció cuando Dios sacó a Israel de Egipto, y protegido por una columna de nube y fuego

Éxodo 19:16Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy (NBLH)

La Majestuosa Presencia del Señor

16 Y aconteció que al tercer día, cuando llegó la mañana, hubo truenos y relámpagos y una densa nube sobre el monte y un sonido tan fuerte de trompeta, que hizo temblar a todo el pueblo que estaba en el campamento.


2) La Shekinah se refiere a la nube que rodeaba a la gloria

Éxodo 40,34: 

 Entonces una nube cubrió el tabernáculo de reunión, y la gloria de Jehová llenó el tabernáculo.

Éxodo 40,38

 Porque la nube de Jehová estaba de día sobre el tabernáculo, y el fuego estaba de noche en él, á vista de toda la casa de Israel, en todas sus jornadas.


3) La Shekinah reapareció con Cristo  en  Mateo 17,5:  Mientras él aún hablaba, una nube de luz los cubrió; y he aquí una voz desde la nube, que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien tengo complacencia; a él oíd.

El profeta Isaías (Is 60: 1,3,6) escribió 60  Levántate, resplandece; porque ha venido tu luz, y la gloria de Jehová ha nacido sobre ti.

Porque he aquí que tinieblas cubrirán la tierra, y oscuridad las naciones; mas sobre ti amanecerá Jehová, y sobre ti será vista su gloria.

Y andarán las naciones a tu luz, y los reyes al resplandor de tu nacimiento.

Alza tus ojos alrededor y mira, todos éstos se han juntado, vinieron a ti; tus hijos vendrán de lejos, y tus hijas serán llevadas en brazos.

Entonces verás, y resplandecerás; se maravillará y ensanchará tu corazón, porque se haya vuelto a ti la multitud del mar, y las riquezas de las naciones hayan venido a ti.

Multitud de camellos te cubrirá; dromedarios de Madián y de Efa; vendrán todos los de Sabá; traerán oro e incienso, y publicarán alabanzas de Jehová.

El Profeta Isaías hablo acerca del futuro mesías, sin duda  basado en la Shekinah: La importancia del profeta Isaías, los primeros cristianos trató de enmarcar a Jesús esta profecía, la incorporación de los Reyes Magos y los dones mencionados.

En el antiguo templo de Salomón , no había necesidad de que la luz de la Shekinah penetrara  en el tabernáculo  o Sanctasanctórum y, por esto, se orientó hacia el oriente, con el fin de que algún día  se pudiera permitir el acceso de la Shekinah a la cámara de en medio , iluminado con una gran luz,  y eclipsando todo  lo profano   allí.

Según la tradición esotérica en relación ,al  "sello" de Salomón  que se creó con la figura de una estrella (estrella de seis puntas)  y que en realidad consiste en un pie de pirámide y una pirámide invertida, derivado de los ángulos creados por las sombras al amanecer y al atardecer en los dos solsticios en Jerusalén para formar un símbolo de la Shekinah.

En Escocia en  la Edad Media, la familia Sinclair (que significa: la luz brillante  y sagrada)

El apellido Sinclair tiene orígen normando y procede de la localidad francesa de Saint-Clair-sur-Elle, estableciéndose la familia en Escocia en 1162 (siglo XII), cuando Henry de Saint-Clair de Roslin (o Rosslyn) obtuvo tierras y feudos en Lothian.

En 1455, William Sinclair, 3er Conde de Orkney, recibió de la corona escocesa el condado de Caithness y fundó anteriormente la tan famosa Capilla de Rosslyn en 1446. En 1470, el conde de Orkney y de Caithness fue obligado a ceder el condado de Orkney al rey Jacobo I, a cambio del castillo de Ravenscraig en Fife. El por qué del intercambio en el cual perdía el conde, venía de los tremendos celos que sentía hacia él el rey, por poseer y gobernar casi como un monarca el condado de Orkney, que los Sinclair habían heredado de los reyes del Mar del Norte.

Sinclair proviene desde las leyendas merovingias cuando María Magdalena se vio obligada a huir por toda Europa ya que quedo embarazada de Jesús y los católicos extremistas y radicales con sectas ocultas deseaban asesinar la desdecía directa de Jesús.


La Shekinah tiene asociaciones claras a eventos como : la construcción de Rosslyn  que comenzó en 1440 después del nacimiento de Jesús (es decir, después de tres ciclos de Shekinah); Jesús nació 1440 años después de Moisés y su Éxodo;y el Templo de Salomón comenzó 1440 años después del Diluvio. El Templo de Zorobabel comenzó 480 años después de que el Templo de Salomón (un ciclo de la Shekinah) y 1440 años después de Abraham (entonces 75 años de edad) hasta llegar a Canaan. Por otra parte, Enoc (3382 AC) que precede en Abraham acerca de tres ciclos de la Shekinah. Como se puede ver, todos estos eventos ocurrieron en los tiempos de ocurrencia del fenómeno Shekinah (o lo que la historia fue cambiado a colocarlos en esas fechas, lo que indicaría también la intención de iniciar la construcción de Rosslyn exactamente ese año ).

Así las normas para la reapariciones Shekinahs y por lo tanto no es sorprendente que el Antiguo Testamento refleja una visión cíclica de la historia judía, con un estándar compatible con el ciclo de Shekinah. Implícita en esta es la visión que Dios decreta las leyes que rigen  la naturaleza que puede ser descubiertas  por  los masones a través de las señales proporcionadas.

Curiosamente, el término de búsqueda "480 años" en Google trae 126.000 resultados, que muestran que este ciclo es bien reconocido, pero menos de 0,5% de ellos asociado con la aparición de la Shekinah. Por otra parte, la búsqueda de "Shekinah" resultados de Google trae 3,8 millones, menos del 0,02% del ciclo asociado con la aparición de"480 años", lo que demuestra que la Shekinah y el ciclo bíblico de 480 años son conceptos bien conocidos, pero la asociación explicadas por la masonería del fenómeno Shekinah con el ciclo bíblico de 480 años, aún está lejos de conocimiento  profano común.

En efecto, con la construcción de la Capilla Rosslyn, se inició el ciclo de la Shekinah,  y era una copia del Templo de Salomón y debe haber sido construido para hacer la voluntad de Dios en la tierra. Muchos masones están  convencidos de que en Rosslyn  tiene un sótano oculto y en él se esconden los supuestos pergaminos encontrados por los templarios en el Templo de Salomón, pergaminos con importantes y profundas verdades, que aún no son conocidos por todos.

Además,  muchos rechazan que la masonería fue originado los  gremios de los albañiles, creyendo que era durante la construcción de Rosslyn que se construyeron los cimientos de la masonería, se encontraron con fuertes conexiones con diversos grados de la masonería moderna.   Si Observamos la Capilla  Rosslyn  desde una nueva perspectiva es un Libro de Piedra en si , y debe ser considerada un templo con mensajes encriptados ,  no debe sorprendernos  el simbolismo masónico dentro de  esta capilla de Rosslyn. - Alcoseri

جواب  رسائل 61 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 24/12/2015 15:07

جواب  رسائل 62 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 04/01/2016 20:10

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 30/05/2016 00:55

جواب  رسائل 64 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 31/05/2016 01:24

جواب  رسائل 65 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 02/06/2016 20:21

جواب  رسائل 66 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 04/06/2016 16:40

جواب  رسائل 67 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/06/2016 02:55

جواب  رسائل 68 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/06/2016 18:28
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جواب  رسائل 69 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 23/06/2016 22:43

جواب  رسائل 70 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 19/07/2016 17:02
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 16/07/2016 23:07

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/07/2016 00:16

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/07/2016 00:21

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/07/2016 15:37

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/07/2016 15:39

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/07/2016 15:40

جواب  رسائل 71 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/07/2016 20:17
1 DE REYES 10:14=666="RELOJ MASONICO" (24HORAS=2+4=6-60 MIN.=6+0=6-60 SEG=6+0=6)
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:11
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:09
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:08
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:08
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:07
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 17:05
El Secreto Ancestral del Número 666- 3.142857
Alcoseri 20/07/2016 17:00
BARILOCHENSE6999 20/07/2016 16:56

جواب  رسائل 72 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/07/2016 00:08

666, Venus, and influences on The Human

11 September, 2013 


Yalarm has given a message … from the Angelic Realms, where the Hierarchy reside. The number 666 is said to be evil. It is not; it is related to the movement of stars and planets, and in particular, the planet Venus. The Humans are enchristed with the Crystal Energy; a work that was done with the majesty and collaboration with the Creative Source of All. At this time – a very serious time on planet Earth, – this planet is very subsceptible to influences. Humans have a choice and it is up to them how they will use the energy of this influence. Read more of this message from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy, as given by Yalarm.


Message received from Jalarm on
Tuesday, 9th September, 2013 at Werai, N.S.W. Australia.

‘It is I, Yalarm, and I am pleased to be here with you and to know that you are so competent and so professional in the way you work with us, and I/we appreciate that.

For there are many that are actually observing what is taking place with you. You ladies are on an important Mission and I do not want you to get carried away with that but it is important.

And so … the message I have is connected to ‘6’. The 666 is said to be Evil … but it is not. It is actually related to the movement of stars – the movement of planets within the Cosmos. And it is connected to the planet Venus. There is what is called a 6 pointed star which is connected to the Ancient Indians and what is called the ‘Shaktona.’

It is symbolic of movement … and it is an important beginning of human upon this Earth. And so the number 666 is referring to the human. The elevated Man – the Man that holds theChrist Consciousness and when I say Christ – I mean Crystal.

The energy is the same structure that the Crystal holds and is – is also in you and every individual being upon this Earth. Because when they are born when they are born they are enchristed with this energy which makes them human – part of the human race. And this has happened at a time before Atlantis Fell.

This was a creation from the influence from the Beings from Venus who hold the majesty and the Law of what is to take place upon this Earth. This planet you call Earth.

We have known it as Mu – but whatever you call it – it is the planet that is part of the Solar System to your Sun. Your Sun is you could say is like a Soul to this planetary system. Just as that has been played out in each individual because they have a Soul which is a Sun that is a planetary system with all the energies and influences that come from those planets. This knowledge was known in what you call Astrology and people upon the Earth are influenced by the different planets upon this Solar System and it infiltrates into each being and their journey upon this Earth. For as I have said before their journey on this Earth is limited. You come, you live, and you leave and you move on.

And so I would like you to think about that – the message is 6. 666 is the Aspect of the different layers of the God Force that is within you. There are 3 layers and they influence you all the time. The Ancient Indian traditions taught of the 3 aspects of God the Creative Source and this is what I am meaning when I am say it is influencing you all the time. So in a way, you are a creation of a planetary system – and I would like you to remember that and think about it.


It is possible for people to live a life and receive a reading, from those who are gifted and able to read the system and influences upon different people.

However, they need to be very careful and very educated about the influences. And so I would advise those people who are listening to the ‘readers’ or clairvoyants – and keep their mind open – but always refer the information to your own Inner Sun, which is in your heart. For it is what keeps your heart beating – as soon as it STOPS the Life Force leaves you. And the Life Force is what is given to you in your heart – the same way that the Life Force from your Sun of your planetary system – your Solar System that gives Life to the interaction of the planets that evolves or revolves around your Sun.

I have said before, this Sun is connected to the Galaxy and The Galactic Sun is very large – that is aligned to many suns and many planetary systems. Your scientists are beginning to be aware of the many planetary systems that exist. Many are very similar to the one that you live in at this time.

My message is for you to be aware of influences – sometimes the influences of evolving planets have a favourable influence upon everything that happens upon this Earth. And sometimes it is not so favourable. It is nothing to do with evil. It is nothing to do with death in the sense that everyone should be afraid – far from that – it is still the movement and influence only.

And my message is – that there is an influence coming onto this planet this time that is not favourable and I would ask everybody to connect to your Inner Sun – realising that it connects to the Galactic Sun and the core of Suns that links back to the Creative Source of All.

This influence, if they connect to it, will help them through the heavier energy that is influencing in a negative way. I would say negative in that it is up to everybody upon this Earth to decide which way they want to be influenced.

This is something they need to understand within them.

They have a choice.

Everybody on Earth has a choice and they can make decisions that are good for themselves and those around them – always for the good of All. This is important at this time.

For at the moment – the planet – your planet is very vulnerable and I do not have to explain it or spell it out … in the dangers that can happen upon your planet at this time – but if everybody is positive and sends the positive energy from The Sorce of Creation of All that is Love – they can change outcomes …

And so this is my message—this is the message that I want to speak of this day—it is important; and it is a special transmission that is coming from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy that works in a positive way to help and oversee what is taking place upon your planet. Not just now but always.

So I hope you will listen and consider where your thoughts go and how you focus them. The focus is needed upon LOVE and CONSENSUS – Talking to people to help understand how they think and what motivates them into taking actions that are not good for All.

And so I ask people to think carefully – very carefully – about the decisions that they make at this time.

I send this message – I give this message – with great love – for the 666 is not evil I can assure you – it is coming from the influence of Venus your planet known as the Venus of Love. And so it is.

You can listen to this transmission from Yalarm:



جواب  رسائل 73 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/07/2016 00:08

666, Venus, and influences on The Human

11 September, 2013 


Yalarm has given a message … from the Angelic Realms, where the Hierarchy reside. The number 666 is said to be evil. It is not; it is related to the movement of stars and planets, and in particular, the planet Venus. The Humans are enchristed with the Crystal Energy; a work that was done with the majesty and collaboration with the Creative Source of All. At this time – a very serious time on planet Earth, – this planet is very subsceptible to influences. Humans have a choice and it is up to them how they will use the energy of this influence. Read more of this message from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy, as given by Yalarm.


Message received from Jalarm on
Tuesday, 9th September, 2013 at Werai, N.S.W. Australia.

‘It is I, Yalarm, and I am pleased to be here with you and to know that you are so competent and so professional in the way you work with us, and I/we appreciate that.

For there are many that are actually observing what is taking place with you. You ladies are on an important Mission and I do not want you to get carried away with that but it is important.

And so … the message I have is connected to ‘6’. The 666 is said to be Evil … but it is not. It is actually related to the movement of stars – the movement of planets within the Cosmos. And it is connected to the planet Venus. There is what is called a 6 pointed star which is connected to the Ancient Indians and what is called the ‘Shaktona.’

It is symbolic of movement … and it is an important beginning of human upon this Earth. And so the number 666 is referring to the human. The elevated Man – the Man that holds theChrist Consciousness and when I say Christ – I mean Crystal.

The energy is the same structure that the Crystal holds and is – is also in you and every individual being upon this Earth. Because when they are born when they are born they are enchristed with this energy which makes them human – part of the human race. And this has happened at a time before Atlantis Fell.

This was a creation from the influence from the Beings from Venus who hold the majesty and the Law of what is to take place upon this Earth. This planet you call Earth.

We have known it as Mu – but whatever you call it – it is the planet that is part of the Solar System to your Sun. Your Sun is you could say is like a Soul to this planetary system. Just as that has been played out in each individual because they have a Soul which is a Sun that is a planetary system with all the energies and influences that come from those planets. This knowledge was known in what you call Astrology and people upon the Earth are influenced by the different planets upon this Solar System and it infiltrates into each being and their journey upon this Earth. For as I have said before their journey on this Earth is limited. You come, you live, and you leave and you move on.

And so I would like you to think about that – the message is 6. 666 is the Aspect of the different layers of the God Force that is within you. There are 3 layers and they influence you all the time. The Ancient Indian traditions taught of the 3 aspects of God the Creative Source and this is what I am meaning when I am say it is influencing you all the time. So in a way, you are a creation of a planetary system – and I would like you to remember that and think about it.


It is possible for people to live a life and receive a reading, from those who are gifted and able to read the system and influences upon different people.

However, they need to be very careful and very educated about the influences. And so I would advise those people who are listening to the ‘readers’ or clairvoyants – and keep their mind open – but always refer the information to your own Inner Sun, which is in your heart. For it is what keeps your heart beating – as soon as it STOPS the Life Force leaves you. And the Life Force is what is given to you in your heart – the same way that the Life Force from your Sun of your planetary system – your Solar System that gives Life to the interaction of the planets that evolves or revolves around your Sun.

I have said before, this Sun is connected to the Galaxy and The Galactic Sun is very large – that is aligned to many suns and many planetary systems. Your scientists are beginning to be aware of the many planetary systems that exist. Many are very similar to the one that you live in at this time.

My message is for you to be aware of influences – sometimes the influences of evolving planets have a favourable influence upon everything that happens upon this Earth. And sometimes it is not so favourable. It is nothing to do with evil. It is nothing to do with death in the sense that everyone should be afraid – far from that – it is still the movement and influence only.

And my message is – that there is an influence coming onto this planet this time that is not favourable and I would ask everybody to connect to your Inner Sun – realising that it connects to the Galactic Sun and the core of Suns that links back to the Creative Source of All.

This influence, if they connect to it, will help them through the heavier energy that is influencing in a negative way. I would say negative in that it is up to everybody upon this Earth to decide which way they want to be influenced.

This is something they need to understand within them.

They have a choice.

Everybody on Earth has a choice and they can make decisions that are good for themselves and those around them – always for the good of All. This is important at this time.

For at the moment – the planet – your planet is very vulnerable and I do not have to explain it or spell it out … in the dangers that can happen upon your planet at this time – but if everybody is positive and sends the positive energy from The Sorce of Creation of All that is Love – they can change outcomes …

And so this is my message—this is the message that I want to speak of this day—it is important; and it is a special transmission that is coming from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy that works in a positive way to help and oversee what is taking place upon your planet. Not just now but always.

So I hope you will listen and consider where your thoughts go and how you focus them. The focus is needed upon LOVE and CONSENSUS – Talking to people to help understand how they think and what motivates them into taking actions that are not good for All.

And so I ask people to think carefully – very carefully – about the decisions that they make at this time.

I send this message – I give this message – with great love – for the 666 is not evil I can assure you – it is coming from the influence of Venus your planet known as the Venus of Love. And so it is.

You can listen to this transmission from Yalarm:



جواب  رسائل 74 من 149 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/07/2016 00:27


Before getting into this fascinating topic, it is important to look at the significance of the Babylonians using the sexagesimal (base-60) number system from which comes 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 (60×6) degrees in a circle and 60 degrees in each angle of an equilateral triangle etc. 360 divided by 10 = 36 (more on this number soon) and 6 * 6 = 36. It is from this that this mysterious number 666 being the number of the beast came from, which was directly linked with the worship practices of ancient Babylon from around the time of Daniel. See also Daniel 3:1.

The Babylonians worshiped gods that were associated with the sun, moon, planets and stars involved with astrology. Babylonians were also the principle developers of astrology as we know it today and it is because of this that the pagan priests wore amulets called “Sigilla Solis” or “Sun Seal” which symbolized 36 constellations. See also the origin of Babylon and sun worship.


In this system of worship, they had 36 supreme gods, which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods and so was supreme over all. The Babylonians believed that numbers had power over their gods they worshiped so they assigned numbers to their gods so that they could have power over them. They did this by counting their gods and assigning a consecutive number to each of the 36 lesser supreme gods, and then added up these numbers (from 1 to 36) and assigned the sum to the sun god. The sun god was assigned number 1 as it was the father of all gods and thus was also the male deity. The moon god was assigned number 2 and of course was the female deity. The gods numbered from 3 through 36 were considered the children of the sun and the moon god, which included the various stars and constellations that these gods were associated with. I am sure that you have already guessed by now that the sum of the numbers from 1 to 36 totals 666, which they also assigned to the god associated with the sun as being the father of all their gods. The calculation is simply this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666

Scholar and Secret Society expert Murl Vance commented the following in his book “Trail of the Serpent.”

In the astrological religion of Babylon, every god had his sacred number or numbers which were often used in place of the god's name. These numbers indicated the god's place and power among the astrological gods...

Going deeply back into Babylonian astrology we find the real reason for the sanctity for the number 36. The Babylonians divided each of the 12 houses in the zodiac into three rooms, making 36 in all. They then divided the entire remainder of the sky into 36 constellations, and appointed the ruling god of each constellation to rule over one of the 36 rooms of the zodiac. Since the spirits of the departed were believed to go to and dwell in the stars - a teaching still much alive today, there was therefore not a spirit in the heavens, not a star in the sky which was not represented in the 36 rooms of the zodiac, and to swear by the number 36 was to swear by every god in the heavens above, as well as by all the spirits of the departed. The 36 gods were called decans because each ruled over 10 degrees of the zodiacal circle and over 10 days of the 360-day year.

The seven planets or the 7-headed astrological dragon ruled over the 36 decans and over them all, as we have noted, ruled the sun, 'the father of the gods.' It was natural and inevitable that since the summary number of the numbers from 1-36 is 666, this number (called the Grand Number of the Sun), should have been assigned to the sun-god as the cosmic god who not only ruled over all the other gods but also was their heavenly parent. Herein lies the reason for the 'Solar Seals' in use before the time of Christ as amulets to ward off any evil that might come from the 36 decans.” (Vance, pp. 26, 27)

Because the Babylonians saw their gods as being predominantly evil, they feared that one of them may strike them down sometime. This is why they made these amulets with a 6 * 6 matrix with the numbers 1 through 36 on them, which are called numeric matrixes magic squares today. Some positive qualities were credited to some of their gods and particularly the sun god, but overall their gods were seen as being evil rather than good.

Number of the beast amuletThe design of the amulets was to protect them from a god striking them down using his magic power so the amulets had to be as powerful as possible. In order to increase its power, they arranged these numbers in such a way that the sum of any given row, column or diagonal was 111, and therefore the sum of all six rows or all six columns was 666. This was supposed to provide extra protection including from the sun god since this god's sum was present on the amulet. The one above has the god of the sun standing on the lion. This indicated the sun's position in the constellation of Leo during the hot days of August. The back is inscribed “Nachyel,” meaning “intelligence of the sun” and the numbers 1 to 36. The second illustration is also a solar seal, but it honours the star Solar seal amulet with the number of the beastBasilisco, which was the diminutive form of the Greek basileus (king), thus meaning the same as the Latin regulus. Regulus is the only first magnitude star in the constellation of Leo. The sun and the moon are again clearly seen on this amulet and on the reverse side is the same arrangement of numerals with the actual figure 666 given as the total.

This statement from Murl Vance further explains the need for a person to carry the amulets with them:

…as to why anyone should use the number 666 lies in the very nature of pagan idolatry, which is … nothing but disguised demon worship. The principle behind all demon worship is fear, and the worship is nothing more than an effort to placate the evil one. Since in the fear religions, all misfortune, sickness, and death are the result of the operation of evil spirits, the worshiper, knowing by his conduct that he is not on God's side and therefore cannot expect, as long as he continues in open rebellion, to have his prayers for help addressed to God answered, turns to the only other supernatural power available to him, Lucifer himself.

One characteristic stands out in any of these fear religions: the worshiper ever tries to stay in the good graces of his god by revering or wearing some symbol representing that god. Not only does he offer his most cherished possessions - perhaps his own children - he must ever, to avoid disaster, have on his person some object in which the spirit of his god dwells, he must carry his god around with him. This is the principle behind all charms, amulets, and magical objects ever found in pagan idolatry.” (Murl Vance, Trail of the Serpent. Pages 108-109).

These amulets were usually made of gold being like the colour of the sun or baked clay tablets and were carried in yellow silk or hung around their neck, which they believed provided protection as long as they carried it with them.

6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31

This table as illustrated has the same arrangement of numbers as the above images in a 6 x 6 matrix and is also referred to in numerology as the magic square of the Sun. There are similar magic squares for Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, all of which have been known for centuries.

The creating of amulets with this number arrangement that belongs to astrology appears to have continued well past the time of Christ. Archaeologists have found amulets with Latin inscriptions, so we know that the Romans were indulging in this practice. Therefore, the number 666 came about from pagan worship practices of the Babylonians and their practice of astrology. The symbolism of sun worship is still used in many areas of the Catholic Church today, not always particularly obvious but often packaged discreetly as to not be noticed by the untrained eye. After the Church became the state religion of the Roman Empire, possessing a 666 solar seal, magic square could get you burned at the stake!

In a very real sense, the numbers representing each god carried by the holder was believed to give them power that they would not ordinarily have. To the worshiper of the Babylonian gods, anyone having such an amulet on himself with the sum reaching to 666 was seen as having power over all the gods and 666 magic squarewould likely have been regarded with some awe and respect. This power would be seen as great because the person had the sum of 666 on them, which gave that person power over even the highest supreme god, the sun god. A person would want authority over even the highest god so that he could control his own destiny and protect himself from evil that any of the gods might do to him. This particular magic square is a baked clay tablet and is written in Arabic.


Note that the numbers 36 and 666 are called summary numbers because they “summarize” the sum of the numbers of the gods. 36 is the summary number for the god numbers 1 through 8, while 666 is the summary number of the god numbers 1 through 36. They are more commonly called triangular numbers, which was an important concept to the ancient Babylonians.

Each god had one or more numbers assigned to it as the sun god not only had the number 666 assigned to it as the sum of the numbers of the 36 gods, but it also had the number 1 assigned to it, which went towards creating the sum of the 36 god numbers. The moon god was assigned the number 2 as it was considered the wife of the sun god, so their most important son was assigned the number 3 and typified all new life, whether plant or animal. The summary number of all three of these gods was 6 because 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. As Murl Vance put it, “As the summary number of the father, the mother, and the son, 6 therefore 'embraced all the powers of the three gods.'” (Murl Vance, page 26) Logically, to swear by the number 6 was to swear by the power of all three of these gods. This was the pagan origin of the trinity doctrine. While speculative, it is possible that this may have something to do with the choice of having 36 gods because 6 * 6 = 36.


When the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon in 539 B.C., they came with their own religious practices and gods, so had no need of the priests of the Babylonian religious system. Although the Persians were sympathetic towards the Babylonian god Marduk and did accommodate the priests of this god for a while, it appears from history that they eventually fired the priests and used their own. The Babylonian priests left Babylon (probably because they were out of work) and most of them went to Pergamum and some to Egypt where they taught their religious practices to the Egyptians. The Egyptians readily picked up these Babylonian religious concepts and further extended and developed some of the ideas that we find in astrology today.

The teaching of the Babylonian religious practices by the Babylonian priests and their direct descendants went on in the city of Pergamum for centuries afterwards. They taught astrology and making the amulets with the numbers 1 to 36 on them in the special arrangements they commonly used. This continued until about the year 133 B.C. when the last king of the Attalid Empire, (Eumenes’ son, Attalus III) who had his capital at Pergamum, died without an heir and bequeathed his kingdom to Rome. Rome accepted the kingdom and set up the province of Asia, which included Ionia and the territory of Pergamum by 129 B.C. When Alexander the Great came through the region, much of the knowledge of astronomy and astrology that the Babylonian priests possessed was also passed on to the Greeks.

Sometime soon after this, the priests who were still teaching the Babylonian religious practices saw their opportunity and went to Rome. The Romans often adopted the religious practices of other cultures, which also helped the empire survive as long as it did. The Babylonian priests rightly calculated that the Romans would be very willing to learn and follow their teachings. Soon all of Rome filled with their religious teachings and practices. It eventually became so pervasive that people called Rome the “New Babylon.” Early Christians also used the term Babylon as a veiled code word for a particular city to avoid persecution from that pagan power. That city as you have no doubt concluded was also Rome. See also 1 Peter 5:13.

When the Christian Church came along, the practices and beliefs of the Babylonian religion followed right into the Church. Historians have said that it seemed almost the entire city of Rome converted virtually overnight to Christianity, but what actually happened is that the Babylonian religion was simply brought into the Church and the three supreme gods of the Babylonian religion were simply renamed as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Lesser gods became saints of the Church. Their pagan Babylonian religious practices came into the Church right along with it. This made it easy for the followers of the Babylonian religion to convert to Christianity, but it certainly was not a genuine conversion. God condemns these pagan practices, but they brought them into the Church anyway.

History also fully supports this. The pagan Babylonian priests had a chief priest who held the title Pontifex Maximus (translated to Latin meant that he was head pagan priest or literally the Greatest Pontiff). Most have heard the word “Pontiff” applied to the Pope and history explains where that term comes from. Originally, the king of the Attalid Empire held the title of Pontiff, and he passed it on to the Babylonian Priests before he died and they went to Rome. This title was given to Julius Caesar in 63 B.C. thereby making him the supreme priest of the Babylonian Religion and its gods. (This shows that the Babylonian priests arrived in Rome before the time of Julius Caesar or this event could not have happened.)

This meant that the Babylonian religion literally moved into Rome and took it over, becoming head of the Roman government. This title passed from emperor to emperor, all of whom served as chief priest of the Babylonian Religion from then on until 367 A.D., where the Roman Emperor Gratian became the first since Julius Caesar to refuse the title Pontifex Maximus. Before Gratian refused the title Pontifex Maximus, the young Emperor bestowed it upon Pope Damasus I, who became the first Pope in history to hold the title. This made him head of the Babylonian religion when he took the title of Pontifex Maximus. Damasus I was the head of the Christian Church in Rome, and took the title as head of the pagan Babylonian Religion and its collection of pagan gods. Did the Babylonian Religion move into the Christian Church? History says most definitely YES. So why does God call the Papal Church Babylon? The answer should now be becoming clear.

Some dispute that Church leaders brought Babylonian pagan religious practices into the Catholic Church but even Catholic historians admit it. Cardinal Newman in his Development of Christian Doctrine, pages 372, 373 says that the Church incorporated many pagan religious practices into the Church. He claims that the Church sanctified them and that made it safe to bring these practices into the Church. Every year Catholic Pilgrims kiss the feet of the Roman god Jupiter thinking they are kissing the image of Peter. God condemns idolatry, the making of images for worship, and even bowing down before images as part of an act of worship. Yet many images are in Catholic Churches and they teach people to bow down before them. They may be praying to someone else but the act of bowing down before the image, regardless of what or who one is actually worshipping at the time is plainly what God condemns in Exodus 20:4-6.

God condemned the Catholic Church in Revelation by referring to it as Babylon. They brought many pagan religious practices into the Church despite God condemning these idolatrous practises. The Church in Rome seems to believe that it can bring things into the Church that are pagan in origin, make them holy and therefore make them acceptable to God. However, the Bible teaches that only God is holy and only he can make things holy. Here is what Vance said about this:

Though the early church leaders showed themselves strongly opposed to Gnosticism, many scholars point out that it was later embraced by the Church. Montfaucon [a Catholic scholar quoted by Vance] tells us that demon worship was carried on in the early church by those claiming to be bishops of Jesus Christ, and the Gnostics, as we have already seen, combined the worship of the serpent with the worship of Christ, they combined elements from the Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Hebrew, and Christian religion into the universal or catholic system which embraced all others. It is but natural that they should take over, also, the summary number which includes in its mystic embrace the whole circuit of the heavens and all its gods, the number 666, the secret and most sacred number, we believe, in all paganism.” (Vance, page 113)

Papal throne with zodiacHere is just one example of pagan religious beliefs being incorporated into the very heart of the Papacy. Look at the picture of the artist’s painting of the Papal throne (from the Vatican Museum) and note the zodiac symbols above the throne. Why are these symbols present above the Pope's throne? During Medieval times, the zodiac symbols were carved into the Papal throne (Vance, page 22). One has to wonder why the zodiac, which are clearly pagan symbols, would be carved into the throne of the ruler of the Catholic Christian Church?

There is no evidence that I know of that the Papal thrones have the zodiac on or around them in modern times, but there is clear evidence that they once did have such signs associated with them. The Papacy itself has verified this (Vance, page 89, quoting from the frontispiece of Di Fortuna, published under the auspices of Pope Clement VII). See more on Catholic Church paganism.

The reason the Bible speaks so negatively about 666 is that it symbolizes the power of the person who has this number to have power over all the other gods, which in the case of the Papacy is their claim to be God and to have authority over God and his law, which are false claims. Because the Popes claim both to be God and to have authority over God, they believe that they can change the law of God to suit their own purposes. This is extremely serious to God and He knows it will also lead many to be lost for all eternity. So the above evidence links 666 with ancient sun worshipping pagan Babylon and the Papacy of the Catholic Church, which is dominated by pagan practices and solar images and referred to as Babylon in the book of Revelation. This is just a small part of the evidence that makes this relationship apparent.

Two things came from 666 and this pagan sun worship which is Sun-day worship and the Trinity doctrine. Both come from Babylon and both were brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church whom God calls Babylon. See the pagan origins of the Trinity doctrine for detailed information.

To find out why the number of the beast that originated with sun worship has now been given to the head of the Papal Church, I highly recommend reading how sun-day worship actually began around 2000 B.C. and was Satan worship that took place on Sunday. This is essential eye opening reading.

Reply  Message 161 of 161 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/07/2016 21:21

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