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From beaches to bridges, Apple has plenty of possible California-themed names for next OS X
By AppleInsider Staff Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 09:59 am PT (12:59 pm ET)
With Apple's next-generation Mac operating system expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference in June, AppleInsider looks at possible names the company might choose for its follow-up to the OS X versions dubbed Yosemite and Mavericks.
What's in a name? In the case of Apple's OS X, for years it was represented by big cats, ranging from Leopard to Lion.
But as Apple began to dig deep into the feline family tree with names like Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion, it switched to famous California locations, starting with the release of OS X 10.9 Mavericks two years ago. That name refers to the legendary surfing spot located in Northern California.
Apple's 2014 follow-up was dubbed Yosemite, a nod to the iconic U.S. National Park that calls the Golden State home.
With WWDC set to kick off on June 8, Apple has already said it plans to show "the future" of both OS X and iOS at the event. That means we'll probably get to see OS X 10.11, along with the choice of a new California landmark.
Some of California's most famous spots seem unlikely to make the cut for an OS X release. For example, Alcatraz and its role as a maximum security federal prison would not be suitable for a consumer electronics product lineup that aims to be friendly and approachable.
Alcatraz Island, via Wikipedia.
Similarly, the name San Andreas, in reference to the earthquake-prone fault line that runs through California, would likely give the impression of a crash-prone, unreliable operating system. And Death Valley, while beautiful, has not only a morbid name but an association with barren, dry lands.
In the realm of actually viable names, Apple may already have tipped its hand last year: The company has already filed for trademarks on names referring to a well-known city or geographic figure in California. They are:
- OS X Sequoia
- OS X Mojave
- OS X Sonoma
- OS X Ventura
Sequoia National Park, via Wikipedia.
The registrations, and names already used, suggest that virtually any feature, city or location in California is considered fair game for future OS X branding. With that in mind, here are some other options that Apple could choose:
- OS X Cupertino: Perhaps the most obvious choice for Apple is its home city, where the company's headquarters is located, and where its Campus 2 "spaceship" facility is rapidly approaching completion.
The Golden Gate Bridge, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Golden Gate: San Francisco's world-famous Golden Gate Bridge would make an excellent name for an OS X release, evoking thoughts of an impressive architectural feat, as well as an iconic design.
The Hollywood sign, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Hollywood: Located within Los Angeles, the glitz and glamour of the home of the motion picture industry would be appropriate for a big and flashy update to OS X.
Vineyards in Napa Valley, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Napa: California's Napa Valley is one of the premier wine regions in the world, and the name immediately conjures up images of high-class and good taste —two traits Apple would undoubtedly love to associate with a new Mac operating system release.
Ski slopes near Lake Tahoe, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Tahoe: This name is particularly interesting because of an iOS connection: Codenames for Apple's iOS have been based on ski resorts, and both iOS 1.02 Heavenly and iOS 3.0 Kirkwood are named after resorts located near California's Lake Tahoe.
Redwood National Forest, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Redwood: The tall trees of California's Redwood National Park stand strong and beautiful, which could symbolize the lasting power of Apple's robust OS X framework.
Long Beach, Calif., via Wikipedia.
- OS X Long Beach (or Hermosa, or Venice, Malibu, or Pebble): Synonymous with sun, fun and style, California's Long Beach would imply a "cool" factor for OS X. Other famous beaches could also be OS X candidates, such as the origins of skateboarding in Hermosa Beach, the tourist-friendly sands of Venice Beach or Malibu, or the stunning PGA golf course at Pebble Beach.
The Big Sur coast, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Big Sur: One of the most scenic driving routes on Earth, California's Big Sur is filled with dramatic visuals along the coast of the Pacific Ocean that, if nothing else, would make for gorgeous default wallpaper in a new OS X release.
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Message 3 de 74 de ce thème |
Así fue posible la fuga más famosa de la historia
Con la ayuda de unas cucharas y un maniquí, en 1962 tres reclusos se convirtieron en las únicas personas que lograron escapar de la prisión situada en la isla de en medio de la bahía de San Francisco
Durante los casi treinta años que permaneció en funcionamiento, la prisión de Alcatraz presumió de ser la más segura del mundo. A lo largo de ese tiempo, más de treinta reclusos intentaron sin éxito escapar de la isla. Hasta el 12 de junio de 1962, día en el que los hermanos John y Clarence Anglin y Frank Morris lograron lo que parecía imposible: fugarse de Alcatraz.
http://www.abc.es/tecnologia/redes/20141002/abci-fuga-historia-201410020959.htmlTanto los Anglin como Frank Morris habían sido condenados por atracar bancos y acabaron en Alcatraz a comienzos de los años 60 después de haber intentado escaparse de otras prisiones. Por ello, no era de extrañar que trataran de evadirse también de Alcatraz.
Para conseguir huir de la pequeña isla situada en medio de la bahía de San Francisco, los tres presos hicieron gala de un gran ingenio, tal y como recuerda la web “Diario las Américas”. Durante meses, Morris, los hermanos Anglin y un cuarto reo que finalmente no tomó parte en la huida emplearon cucharas y tenedores robados del comedor para excavar un hueco en la mampostería que rodeaba los conductos de ventilación de sus celdas. Tras agujerear un muro de 16,5 centímetros de ancho pudieron escapar por el sistema de ventilación.
Reconstrucción de la celda de Frank Morris en Alcatraz
Aun hoy, la mayor dificultad para escapar de la isla es atravesar la distancia que la separa de la costa, alrededor de tres kilómetros de aguas heladas y con fuertes corrientes. Para salvar ese trayecto, fabricaron una balsa y chalecos salvavidas con varios de los impermeables de algodón y forro de caucho que usaban los propios presos.
Sin embargo, uno de los elementos de la fuga que más llamó la atención de los investigadores fueron las cabezas que elaboraron con papel, pintura y cabello robado de la peluquería de la prisión. Estos maniquíes sirvieron a los presos para simular que dormían mientras preparaban la fuga, como la noche en la que llevaron a cabo su plan. En la actualidad, las réplicas de estas peculiares efigies constituyen uno de los principales atractivos turísticos de la prisión.
Aunque tras la huida, los responsables de Alcatraz aseguraron que los reclusos no consiguieron alcanzar la costa del continente y murieron ahogados en las frías aguas de la bahía, lo cierto es que los cuerpos de Morris y los Anglin jamás fueron encontrados.
Clint Eastwood dio vida a Frank Morris en la película «Fuga de Alcatraz»
Más de medio siglo después de la fuga que convirtió la prisión de "La Isla" en un mito e inspiró una famosa películaprotagonizada por Clint Eastwood, el caso continúa abierto y los investigadores reciben pistas del posible paradero de los prófugos, sobre los que aún pesa una orden de busca y captura, varias veces al año. Sin embargo, todo parece indicar que el destino de estos tres audaces prisioneros seguirá formando parte de la leyenda negra de la penitenciaría más famosa del mundo.
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Message 4 de 74 de ce thème |
Las fugas más famosas de la historia
El 11 de Julio de este año, todos nos quedamos sorprendidos con la fuga de un narcotraficante en una cárcel de Mexico, conocido como Chapo Guzmán, no era la primera vez, pues ya lo había hecho en el 2001. En esta ocasión, fue capaz de cavar un túnel de 1,5km, que lo llevaba desde las duchas de la cárcel hasta una finca cercana. No es, ni mucho menos, la primera vez que un preso, se fuga de una cárcel de máxima seguridad, a lo largo de la historia otras huidas han marcado un antes y un después en ciertos centros penitenciarios. Las fugas sin embargo no solamente se producen en las cárceles. En Detectives de la Historia, os queremos contar como se produjeron las fugas más sonadas, pero centrándonos en dos casos concretos: la fuga de Alcatraz, y la fuga de 76 aviadores pertenecientes al bando de los aliados, presos en un campo de concentración nazi, en el año 1944. La historia de cada una de ellas, fue llevaba de manera magistral al cine, con la película La fuga de Alcatraz, protagonizada por Clint Eastwood, y La gran evasión, protagonizada esta vez, entre otros, por Steve McQueen.
La fuga de Alcatraz
La prisión de Alcatraz, llamada también La Roca, se sitúa en una pequeña isla del mismo nombre, en San Francisco, California, y alberga (hoy convertida en museo) la prisión más dura y más segura de EEUU. La hazaña que llevó a tres presos a fugarse de ella, hace pensar que su sistema de seguridad no era tan estricto como se pensaba. La cárcel estuvo abierta durante más de 30 años y nadie había logrado escaparse de ella, aunque muchos lo habían intentado.
 Todo cambia el 12 de junio de 1962, cuando tres presos, los hermanos John y Clarence Anglin, y Frank Norris, delincuentes habituales expertos en atracar bancos, logran lo imposible: huir de La Roca. Hablemos un poco de cómo era la vida en Alcatraz. La cárcel es inaugurada en 1934. Antes había sido una zona militar. Se decide llevar allí a los presos más peligrosos, ya que su gran seguridad, entre otras cosas se debía a que estaba en una isla, por lo que cualquier intento de huida llevaría a los presos a las frías aguas de la bahía, donde además, había tiburones. Uno de los primeros presos que llegó a esa cárcel fue Al Capone.
Celdas de la prisión
Las reglas eran muy estrictas y las celdas y recuento de los presos se realizaba 13 veces al día; las comidas eran siempre a la misma hora y los presos con mala conducta eran trasladados a celdas especiales, de castigo, oscuras y encadenados al techo. Se dice que se infringieron terribles torturas allí, pero no tenemos constancia real, pues nadie lo ha confesado nunca abiertamente. Las celdas eran pequeñas e individuales. En el comedor no podían coincidir más de cuatro presos en una mesa, para evitar contacto. Las normas eran muy estrictas, al principio incluso una de ellas era la prohibición de hablar, que tuvo que ser abolida debido a que muchos presos caían en la locura. Estas condiciones no tardaron en pasar factura entre los presos.
En 1946, tiene lugar el primer motín, que se saldó con dos guardias muertos y once heridos, y por parte de los presos tres fallecidos. En otra ocasión, un preso intentó huir pero fue abatido a tiros cuando intentaba saltar el muro. Pero el 12 de junio de 1962, se produjo la fuga más famosa de la historia, esa noche, tres presos lograban salir de la prisión a través de un túnel, dejando en sus celdas unas cabezas que simulaban que allí seguían durmiendo, pero,
¿Cómo lo lograron? John y Clarence Anglin, y Frank Morris planearon una minuciosa fuga durante meses. Un cuarto preso que al final no participó en la huída los ayudó a tramar y desarrollar su plan. Robaron cucharas y tenedores del comedor, y con éstas, cavaron un huecoalrededor del sistema de ventilación de sus celdas, que daban a uno de los ventiladores del tejado.
 Habían fabricado unas máscaras con papel, y pelo que robaban de la peluquería, que les daban coartada por las noches mientras se introducían en el túnel, y que también les sirvieron la noche de la huida para simular que seguían durmiendo, cuando en realidad estaban saliendo del penal. Una vez fuera, unas balsas que habían construido con impermeables de los presos, les sirvieron para huir para siempre de las rejas que los encerraban.
 Sin embargo, aún a día de hoy es un misterio si lograron o no su cometido. Las autoridades penitenciarias se apresuraron a decir que habían muerto ahogados, pero la verdad es que nunca se encontraron sus cuerpos. La hazaña de llegar nadando hasta la orilla es factible, pues es un reto que logró por ejemplo David Meca, aunque ya sabemos que se trata de un nadador profesional, pero lo hizo sin ningún tipo de neopreno, por lo que las temperaturas del agua no habrían jugado en su contra.

No hace muchos años, investigadores de la universidad de Holanda, han hecho estudios y simulaciones de la huida basándose en las mareas de aquella, llegando a la conclusión de que si huyeron en el momento de menos corrientes, hubiesen llegado cerca del Golden Gate, logrando así su objetivo. El misterio sigue en pie, desde el año después de la huida la madre de los Anglin recibía un ramo de flores por su cumpleaños, siempre sin tarjeta, y los investigadores lo daban como una pista crucial de que quizás estuviesen vivos. Se dice que a la muerte de ésta, ellos acudieron al funeral disfrazados de mujer.
 Al no haberse encontrado los cuerpos y según las leyes estadounidenses, la investigación no se cerrará hasta que todos los presos cumpliesen 99 años. De seguir vivos ahora mismo, rondarían los 83 y los 87 años. Un año después de la huida, la prisión se cierra. Debido a lo costoso de su mantenimiento, pero sobre todo a que por culpa del salitre, las instalaciones se oxidaban, los cortes de luz eran continuos, y la mala fama además les precedía.
 Las cárcel había contado con presos tan famosos como Al Capone, o Robert Stroud, conocido por ser un criminal sanguinario, que amaba a los pájaros llegando a convertirse en un afamado ornitólogo, siempre sin salir de prisión. Fue llevada la historia al cine también, protagonizada por Burt Lancaster en El Hombre de Alcatraz. El último preso de la cárcel, Frank Watherman, afirmó a la prensa mienstras era trasladado: “Alcatraz nunca hizo ningún bien a nadie”
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Message 6 de 74 de ce thème |
22 de julio es el DIA DE MARIA MAGDALENA
www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0f-LugkXts14 May 2009 - 10 min - Subido por kewserx Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Koran, it is the high time for Divine Secrets ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD2323zkQUM20 Abr 2009 - 10 min - Subido por HighFlyingDutchman Presenting the clear scientific facts that the 'holy' city of Islam is in the Golden Ratio point of the world. It ...
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THE PORTALS OF HEAVEN THE GOLDEN AND SILVER GATES A Study of their Cosmic and Prophetic Significance
by Luis B. Vega vegapost@hotmail.com www.PostScripts.org for PDF illustration online in Chart section
‘And to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is Holy, who is True, who has the Key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: 'I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an Open Door [Gate] which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’ – Revelation 3:7-8
The purpose of this study is to consider the concepts of the Golden and Silver Gates of the Cosmos. In light of the many assertions pertaining to the opening of ‘Gates’ or doors by CERN lately one has to appreciate the conceptualization of what the Golden Gate and Silver Gate alludes to. The Ancients knew that Gates or portals existed into other dimensions. One such knowledge is the concept of what the Golden Gate and Silver Gate are apparently in relation to the known Universe from Earth’s perspective. This conceptualization of such portals or Gates goes back to the pre-Flood annals of history. It is well documented that the ancient civilizations were keener to celestial observations. Such were more in tune with their significance and meaning of the Cosmos.
In the known Cosmos from Earth’s perspective there are only 2 nodes or points of time, matter and space references that are known as ‘meeting places’. Such points in time and space are where a convergence occurs. This pertains to when and where the Sun and the Cosmic Meridians of the Universe converge on the Solstices. It was said that such were the time and place where and when one could pass through such a ‘Gate’ into other realms. In this aspect of matter, space and time, what is needed to enter such portals or Gates is to know how to acquire the energy required and how to operate its keys; this is what CERN is really all about. Such realize that it takes levels of energy never before harnessed by Humanity to even attempt this feat. This is one of the main purposes why the Hadron Collider is fused with meta-physics and sorcery.
If the Cosmos is configured as a sphere, it would correspond to the north and south poles for a more familiar conceptualization. The Earth’s ecliptic with respect to the Galactic Plane has a 120˚ tilt. The Ecliptic is the plane on which the Sun appears to traverse the constellations from Earth’s vantage point. The planets also approximately travel near this Ecliptic as they oscillate above and below this line in various degrees of light, speed and frequency. There are a total of 12 recognized constellations along this ‘ring’ with each having subsets. What is unique about the constellations that configure the Cosmos is that the Golden and Silver Gates correspond to the possible portals or ‘Gates’ that are said to lead into other dimensions such as Heaven itself. These Gates have Sentinels guarding the way where the Creator resides perhaps.
The Guardians of the Galaxy The 2 Gates of the Cosmos are depicted in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth as a ‘man’. These celestial anthropomorphic constellations are Orion and Ophiuchus on the opposite sides of the Cosmos. These can be seen as the Sentinels or Guardians of the Gates. This is Biblical as the Book of Revelation describes the Pit as having a ‘Gate’ or portal with a Sentinel, Abaddon and a corresponding Star and key. There are also 2 corresponding Stars that act as the keepers and are associated with the respective Gates. Antares, the super-giant red Sun is the keeper of the Golden Gate. The other giant Sun Aldebaran in Taurus is the keeper of the Silver Gate. What this amounts to is like a ‘front’ and ‘back’ door to Heaven or a beginning and an end. What is astonishing to ancient beliefs is that such Stars or Suns also function as entry and exit points. According to the theories of quantum physics, it requires inordinate amount of energy to travel though such Gates into different dimensions and time. Such hypotheses were proven in theory by Einstein.
As noted, the Silver Gate has Orion as the ‘Sentinel Guardian’. What is unique about Orion is that on the Winter Solstice, usually on December 22, the Sun exactly intersects this Gate. Only twice per year on the Solstices will have the shortest and largest span of light for the day. Orion is south of the Silver Gate and has one of his arms extended up to this intersection. It makes for an amazing depiction of a light-bearer. Orion’s depiction thus has a ‘torch’ on his hand corresponding to when the Sun literally intersects this Silver Gate of Man. In Biblical interpretations, Orion is a depiction of Jesus Christ at His 2nd Coming. This will be the time where the Overcomer comes in the bright radiance of His light that will destroy His enemies at His appearing.
Esoterically, many attribute this imagery as a depiction of Lucifer on one hand that sought and seeks to ‘illuminate’ and grant Humanity the forbidden secrets of Heaven’s fire, eternal life of immortality and sacred knowledge. At the Golden Gate of God, there is Ophiuchus. What is unique about Ophiuchus is that on the Summer Solstice, usually on June 20, the Sun exactly intersects this Gate. He is the Man wrestling with the Serpent attempting to usurp the Crown of Heaven. Ophiuchus is not considered part of the Zodiac conventionally, but considered by many to be the 13th sign of the constellations. The discrepancy comes into play as the 13 Zodiac signs are connected to the lunar cycles. Why is this the case? The Moon goes around the Earth 13 times during the time it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun once; a 1 to 13 ratio. This is why in most ancient calendars there were 13 months in a solar year.
This constellation is above the Silver Gate and alludes to the 1st coming of Jesus as the 2nd Adam to wrestle and overcome the Serpent of the Garden by taking the sting of Scorpio in His heel. This amounted to being subjected to the ‘sting of death’ that the Apostle Paul speaks about that now because of Jesus, this ‘sting of death’ will never visit a Believer in Jesus Christ. On one level the Bible attributes Jesus to being the Creator and knows the end from the Beginning. Orion is ascribed to being the End as much as Ophiuchus is the ‘Beginning’. In a Biblical interpretation, Jesus was able to declare Himself, the Alpha and the Omega. This is the duality of the risen Jesus Christ, the true light of the World. Jesus came to overcome the false light-bearer, Lucifer along with sin and its consequences of eternal death and separation from the Creator YHVH.
As Above So Below When one studies the esoterical knowledge of the Ancients in tandem to the Bible, one quickly realizes that there is present the concept of a duality of being and law of opposites clearly operating in the laws of the Universe. Conversely, the Sun reaches the halfway mark at the Equinoxes or its ‘balance’. As ancient civilizations know of such knowledge, they attributed such an understanding to Beings, i.e., Fallen Angels that in some cases divulged such information to Humanity. Many monuments throughout the world have been built to correspond to these 2 Gates and their corresponding colors. For example the most prominent landmarks of a ‘Golden Gate’ would be in San Francisco with the bridge that acts as a ‘Gate’ to the city and nation for that matter. Its corresponding Silver Gate is thus situated in New York with the Brooklyn Bride that is silver in color and completes the symmetry and nodes of the nation.
This pattern is also seen in Europe with a similar pattern of Lisbon have a ‘Golden Gate’ color bridge and Istanbul having a silver colored bridge spanning the Bosporus as the Silver Gate. This esoteric principle is in keeping with the ‘As Above, So Below’ mantra of the ancient knowledge the rulers of this fallen world seek to tap into. These nodes are portals, gates that go beyond the physical but the supernatural that involves the spiritual dimensions that are disclosed in the Bible for example. This principle of a door or ‘Gate’ of entry and an exit on Earth are seen in the Dimensions of Paradise study where the Silver Gate corresponds to the Pillars of Hercules in Spain with the Rock of Gibraltar and Ceuta on one side of the Strait. The ‘backdoor’ would be the Strait of Hormuz that would thus then correspond to the Golden Gate. This order is the reverse to that of North America bridge-gates as well as on Europe itself; a beginning and an end.
This pattern is also seen in Jerusalem where there is the Golden Gate on the Temple Mount. It was this Gate that Jesus entered on a donkey. Corresponding to the opposite side is the Silver Gate by the Tower of David which is now called the Joppa Gate. Of interest, on September 25, 2015 for the first time in modern history, a white bridal dress was stationed on this tower. It signaled the desire of Israel for the Messiah, the Groom to come take His City, His Bride. On another level of meaning and interpretation of these celestial ‘Gates’ is that they have been attributed to not only a geographical location in time and space in the Cosmos but they have been elevated to have a corresponding divine significance. The Bible teaches that Heaven itself has Gates or portals.
Ancient civilizations also understood that these celestial points of references not only had divine beings such as Angels traverse back and forth from Heaven to Earth but such heavenly beings took the souls and spirits of the dead on Earth. One such civilization that highlighted this concept was the Egyptians. They attributed the Great Pyramid with such coordinates to Orion in one case where the soul of the Pharaoh would ascend through the Silver Gate that corresponds to the Gate of Man near Orion that to many is a Gate to Heaven. This is where humans would enter the realm of mortality on Earth and at the point of death, that is the separation of the body from the soul and spirit would enter Heaven by way of the Golden Gate. Later on this religious notion was incorporated in the very emblems of the Roman Catholic Papal seals.
The Coming Opening of Portals These 2 Gates are currently symbolized by the Golden and Silver Keys of the shield of the Vatican. Biblically speaking the Gospels do depict Jesus Christ as a ‘door’ or Gate. In fact Jesus Himself attributed that part of His mission was to be that ‘Gate’ or door by which Humanity could enter into and be saved only. He came to rescue and lead the sheep to Heaven metaphorically but perhaps also metaphysically. This concept alone would negate that there are not ‘many ways to get to heaven’ as even celestially there is one Gate to enter Heaven. The Luciferians believe that they can pierce these Gates or portals from Earth. This is what CERN is really all about. Lucifer will attempt to scale the Gate of Heaven one last time before he is thrust down to the Earth. His minions on Earth seek to release the Titans that are bound before their time to aid Lucifer in his army against his final assault into Heaven and at the 2nd Coming of Jesus.
They seek to release or make a jail break for Apollyon to come up before his time. Such refuse to accept that it will actually be the LORD that will send the Angel with the key to open their ‘gate’. YHVH is sovereign and has reserved these Fallen Ones to be part of the agents to incur the wrath upon the Earth as they are let loose from their imprisoned dimension. In part, this will be the coming deception that will be part of the ‘lie that will be believed’. This ‘lie’ may indeed involve the Alien equation of the discloser that now even the Roman Catholic Church is at the forefront of not only anticipating their arrival but welcoming their presence as part of a coming revised plan to alter the Gospel. The Bible teaches that on the contrary, these unholy or Fallen Angels that were led by Lucifer in an attempt to overthrow YHVH were cast down to the 2nd Heaven.
This realm is the atmosphere around the Earth, the clouds. According to the Book of Enoch, there were other Fallen Angels that made a pact to defile themselves and Humanity by mingling their seed in an attempt to deface the Image of YHVH in Humanity out of spite. These are the so called Titans that waged war against the Olympians where the Titans were cast into prisons below the Earth and await to be release in the End of Days before finally being cast into the Lake of Fire. This notion is echoed in the mythology of Tartarus. Amazingly the Bible teaches that in Heaven there is not matter, space nor time. Thus when one dies, the acceleration of time is competed and one is able to delineate the beginning from the end instantaneously.
Some studies have even suggested that the body is constituted by a spiritual tetrahedron type of constitution that can transcend time, matter and space…if one only knows how to harness energies and the key to travel through such ‘Gates’ or portals at certain places and times. How many who purport to do this is that the energy required to operate this endeavor is provided by the Fallen Angels, demons, etc. In fact some schools of magic purport to understand just that. Such espouse bodily astro-travel and contact with the spiritual realm. In part this can be done through drugs for one and sorcery is another way. On the other hand this transcendence can be done, will be done for example at the point and time of the Rapture. The Bible is nonetheless replete in instances where such a transportation and transformation occurs with the energy provided by the LORD Creator Himself. The difference and signature is seen in the purpose for such an endeavor. The LORD’ purposes will always be holy.
The Vessels As far as the celestial Gates are concerned, the Luciferians have also incorporated masculine and feminine attributes to the Gates and the constellation attributed to them. For example regarding the Silver Gate of Man, it is Orion the masculine that is paired with Taurus the feminine. In one mundane aspect, it is the celestial ‘bull fight’ in progress that depicts the celestial battle between good and evil, wickedness and righteousness. More than that, the ruling planet of the Silver Gate is Venus found in Taurus. In ancient Egypt, this is why Isis, another version of Venus is often depicted with the horns of a bull, i.e., Taurus and the Sun in-between them. Nonetheless, at least celestially, the 2 Gates are a perfect mirror of each other. They represent the cosmic end nodes of the Sun reaching its ‘balance’ during the 2 Equinoxes of a given year.
Silver Gate feminine
Orion/Osiris masculine Taurus feminine
Golden Gate masculine
Ophiuchus/Isis feminine
Scorpio masculine
In terms of the cosmic coordinates, the Silver Gate of Man corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way plane or the Galactic plane which it is also called. As noted, what is amazing to ascertain is that in order for entities to travel through these Gates, it requires a vessel and extreme amounts of energy. In recent observations from the SOHO telescopes, there have been unusual anomalies that appear to be objects coming into and out of Sun perhaps for such purposes. Some have gone as far as to attribute these anomalies to ‘massive space ships’. There are those that believe that the UFO space crafts are what the ‘Aliens’ use to traverse such portals. The ancient Egyptians typified this assertion of traversing the Cosmos by a barge of boat.
Many in the esoteric crowd call these vessels the Merkavahs or the ‘chariots of the gods’ in another sense. Pertaining to the human beings, the body can be likened to it being a Merkavah to travel to and from in this mortal dimension. There is a concept of a beginning and an end that requires space, matter and time at least on this side of the Gates. Recognize then that the essence and requirement to be able to live or be sustained in such a dimension on either side of these Gates thus requires a body. It is the physical body in the case of human beings that is required to live in the mortal state constituted by matter, space and time.
Those within the Heavenly realms have a spiritual body, but body nonetheless. In terms of the incarnation of the SON of GOD, it is said of Jesus the Messiah that ‘a body was prepared’ for Him when He traversed Heaven to come to Earth in His hypostatic union and essence. As it is there are now various levels of altercations done by the Fallen Angels since the 1st humans were created have sought to interfere with the ‘prime directive’ of YHVH concerning Humanity mainly that they were to be left alone genetically. The Fallen Angels mixed with humans according to Genesis 6 to produce the Nephilim.
As in the Days of Noah One of the purposes of the Flood of Noah was to destroy these interdimensional beings. Their spirits however became the Remphan or demons that wonder around and seek a body. Other genetic manipulation of humans by these Fallen Angels has produced various types of ‘Greys’ that abduct humans for further DNA experimentations. These Grays are the ones that use vessels or UFO ‘disks’ for travel as they are interdimensional beings. To reiterate, according to the Bible, beyond the ‘Cosmic Gates’ lies the 3rd Heaven where the Creator YHVH resides with all the Holy Angels and the souls of the departed Righteous. The Bible from the onset reveals that Lucifer has sought, currently seeks and will seek to overtake this place beyond the Gates. All the while he has done the same in defacing the Creation and Humanity in the Cosmos and here on Earth away from the true intent and purpose of Humanity’s calling.
Their plans and the concepts of the Golden and Silver Gates are etched in stone in various monuments, buildings and writings. Orchestrated events are timed to the convergence of celestial time-keeping as the Sun, Moon and the Starts were designed to convey. Why this information is important is that it is Biblical to study the enemy’s schemes. The Bibles states in 2 Corinthians 2:11, ‘Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.’ Sadly the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days has neglected to teach such schemes of how the enemy works in such realms. Does the Bible speak of such ‘Gates’ for portals? The Bible does speak of piercing the dimension of Heaven. The prophets Daniel and Ezekiel for example were transcended to see the King of Glory, etc., as the veil or portal was drawn back.
There is Jacob’s ladder and the prophetic promise of an Open Door for the Church of Philadelphia for all those that will be kept from the time of the world’s testing. There is also the notion of how the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation was ushered in to the Throne Room of YHVH. It was a portal or Gate to a time and place when he was called up or ‘raptured’. It is as a typology to be shown the breaking of the Seals of judgment that would constitute such a time of testing for the world, Israel and Lucifer. Based on the activities of what is transpiring at CERN it would appear that ‘Gates’ or portals are perhaps being opened in anticipation for the Bottomless Pit to be opened. Until such a time, the door that will perhaps open first is that of the Rapture door. The door to the Ark was opened for all those decades and none but Noah and his family entered in.
Similarly it is now only through Jesus, the only Door to Heaven that is now open. More than the importance of such an opening to YHVH’s door is the closure of such a door. The Church Age of grace and mercy is about to close. Once the Ark door closed, it meant doom and gloom for the inhabitance of the world. In a typology, likewise, once the Rapture door is shut, it will mean that the Wrath of the Lamb commences. The Church Age has been a time of testing for the Bride through much suffering and tribulation. The end of such a dispensational Gate will be an agent of judgment upon the world thereafter. In essence the Rapture, yet to be determined, will be a door closing of the Ark. When the Rapture does happen, it will be a sign to the Jews, the AntiChrist and Lucifer that their time is sort and as it will be the beginning of their judgment and their testing.
Some Sources Recreatingbalance1.blogspot.com Stellarium.org Wikipedia.com
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From beaches to bridges, Apple has plenty of possible California-themed names for next OS X
By AppleInsider Staff Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 09:59 am PT (12:59 pm ET)
With Apple's next-generation Mac operating system expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference in June, AppleInsider looks at possible names the company might choose for its follow-up to the OS X versions dubbed Yosemite and Mavericks.
What's in a name? In the case of Apple's OS X, for years it was represented by big cats, ranging from Leopard to Lion.
But as Apple began to dig deep into the feline family tree with names like Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion, it switched to famous California locations, starting with the release of OS X 10.9 Mavericks two years ago. That name refers to the legendary surfing spot located in Northern California.
Apple's 2014 follow-up was dubbed Yosemite, a nod to the iconic U.S. National Park that calls the Golden State home.
With WWDC set to kick off on June 8, Apple has already said it plans to show "the future" of both OS X and iOS at the event. That means we'll probably get to see OS X 10.11, along with the choice of a new California landmark.
Some of California's most famous spots seem unlikely to make the cut for an OS X release. For example, Alcatraz and its role as a maximum security federal prison would not be suitable for a consumer electronics product lineup that aims to be friendly and approachable.
Alcatraz Island, via Wikipedia.
Similarly, the name San Andreas, in reference to the earthquake-prone fault line that runs through California, would likely give the impression of a crash-prone, unreliable operating system. And Death Valley, while beautiful, has not only a morbid name but an association with barren, dry lands.
In the realm of actually viable names, Apple may already have tipped its hand last year: The company has already filed for trademarks on names referring to a well-known city or geographic figure in California. They are:
- OS X Sequoia
- OS X Mojave
- OS X Sonoma
- OS X Ventura
Sequoia National Park, via Wikipedia.
The registrations, and names already used, suggest that virtually any feature, city or location in California is considered fair game for future OS X branding. With that in mind, here are some other options that Apple could choose:
- OS X Cupertino: Perhaps the most obvious choice for Apple is its home city, where the company's headquarters is located, and where its Campus 2 "spaceship" facility is rapidly approaching completion.
The Golden Gate Bridge, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Golden Gate: San Francisco's world-famous Golden Gate Bridge would make an excellent name for an OS X release, evoking thoughts of an impressive architectural feat, as well as an iconic design.
The Hollywood sign, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Hollywood: Located within Los Angeles, the glitz and glamour of the home of the motion picture industry would be appropriate for a big and flashy update to OS X.
Vineyards in Napa Valley, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Napa: California's Napa Valley is one of the premier wine regions in the world, and the name immediately conjures up images of high-class and good taste —two traits Apple would undoubtedly love to associate with a new Mac operating system release.
Ski slopes near Lake Tahoe, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Tahoe: This name is particularly interesting because of an iOS connection: Codenames for Apple's iOS have been based on ski resorts, and both iOS 1.02 Heavenly and iOS 3.0 Kirkwood are named after resorts located near California's Lake Tahoe.
Redwood National Forest, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Redwood: The tall trees of California's Redwood National Park stand strong and beautiful, which could symbolize the lasting power of Apple's robust OS X framework.
Long Beach, Calif., via Wikipedia.
- OS X Long Beach (or Hermosa, or Venice, Malibu, or Pebble): Synonymous with sun, fun and style, California's Long Beach would imply a "cool" factor for OS X. Other famous beaches could also be OS X candidates, such as the origins of skateboarding in Hermosa Beach, the tourist-friendly sands of Venice Beach or Malibu, or the stunning PGA golf course at Pebble Beach.
The Big Sur coast, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Big Sur: One of the most scenic driving routes on Earth, California's Big Sur is filled with dramatic visuals along the coast of the Pacific Ocean that, if nothing else, would make for gorgeous default wallpaper in a new OS X release.
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