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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 68 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/06/2012 21:18

Viking 1 y 2. Artículo de la Enciclopedia.

enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Viking_1_y_2En caché - Similares
Bloquear todos los resultados de enciclopedia.us.es
26 Nov 2011 – En 1968 se proyectó la misión Viking a Marte. Las dos sondas gemelas 1 y 2 se dividían cada una en un orbitador y un aterrizador. Este último ...
  • Viking 1 and Viking 2 Missions Information - Basic Informatin on the ...

    space.about.com/.../vikingmissions/p/vikinginfo....En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Like the Mariners 6 and 7 missions, Viking was a twin spacecraft mission as well, consisting of Viking 1 and Viking 2, launched within a couple of weeks of each ...
  • Viking 1 & 2 Spacecraft - Mars Explorers

    www.aerospaceguide.net/spaceprobe/viking.htmlEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    The Viking Spacecraft consisted of Viking 1 and Viking 2. Viking 1 was launched on 20 August 1975, and Viking 2 was launched on 9 September 1975.

    Historia de Dinamarca - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_de_DinamarcaEn caché - Similares
    Ir a Los vikingos‎: El pueblo que terminó siendo conocido como vikingo habitó Dinamarca entre el siglo VIII y el siglo XI. Presentaban una estructura ...
  • Los vikingos - Dinamarca VisitDenmark: La guía oficial para tus ...

    www.visitdenmark.com/spanien/es-es/menu/turist/.../vikingerne.htmEn caché - Similares
    De la misma manera que los vikingos dejaron su imponente señal sobre la historia europea, también dejaron su señal distintiva sobre el paisaje danés, y un ...
  • El museo de barcos vikingos de Roskilde Viaje a Dinamarca :

    www.viajeadinamarca.com/.../El-museo-de-barcos-vikingos-de-Roski...En caché
    El museo de barcos vikingos de Roskilde. Este museo conserva los restos de cinco barcos vikingos rescatados a finales del siglo XX de las aguas del fiordo.
  • fotografias de vikingos historia de dinamarca - Dinamarca - Por ...

    dinamarca.pordescubrir.com/fotografias-de-vikingos-historia-de-dina...En caché - Similares
    6 Mar 2009 – Varios países están muy relacionados con los vikingos como por ejemplo Dinamarca, aunque Noruega y Suecia tienen una estrecha relación ...
  • Los vikingos en Dinamarca | Absolut Dinamarca

    www.absolutdinamarca.com/los-vikingos-en-dinamarca/En caché - Similares
    11 Feb 2009 – Pequeños fragmentos de historia danesa Ya en época de los vikingos, la palabra Dinamarca aparece inscrita en la gran Piedra de Jelling, ...
  • Wikiloc - ruta Dinamarca Vikingos y Roskilde - Nyhavn, Capital ...

    es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=2164990En caché
    27 Oct 2011 – Viaje por el pais de los Vikingos. Su nombre proviene del nórdico antiguo víkingr . Es el principal de los nombres dados a miembros de los ...
  • Civilization V - Dinamarca: Los Vikingos [720p] - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7gmlORsAkM28 Abr 2011 - 3 min - Subido por VicioJuegosVideos
    Recreación de batalla, Vikingos en Rusiaby BaronSangre7775 views · Vickie el Vikingo - Episodio 78: El ...
  • Dinamarca: Los vikingos quieren una nueva hazaña « Publisport.tv

    deportes.publimetro.com.mx/.../dinamarca-los-vikingos-quieren-una-...En caché
    24 May 2012 – Una de las historias más increíbles del torneo continental tuvo como protagonistas a los daneses, quienes en la Eurocopa de Suecia 1992 ...
  • Historia de los Vikingos - Los guerreros del Norte

    vidasdefuego.com/a-civilizacion-vikingos.htmEn caché
    Se les llama Vikingos a la población de Escandinavia (Noruega, Suecia y Dinamarca principalmente) que aterrorizaron el territorio europeo alrededor del siglo ...
  • Lugares para visitar en Dinamarca | Interrailnet.com

    espanol.interrailnet.com/enes/countries/denmark/denmark-highlightsEn caché
    Un viaje a Dinamarca no estará completo sin pasar por Roskilde, en la isla de Zealand para visitar su famoso Museo de barcos vikingos. Vea cinco barcos ...

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 03:41




























    (Gen. 41); and hence Moses, when blessing the tribe of Joseph, i.e., Ephraim (Deu. 33:17), said, ‘his glory is that of the first-born of a bull.’ The golden splendour of the standard of Ephraim resembled that of the chrysolite, in which the name of Ephraim was engraved upon the breastplate. Towards the north, above the tent of Ahiezer the son of Dan, there floated a motley standard of white and red, like the jaspis (or, as some say, a carbuncle), in which the name of Dan was engraved upon the breastplate. The crest upon this was an eagle, the great doe to serpents, which had been chosen by the leader in the place of a serpent, because his forefather Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent, saying, ‘Dan is a serpent in the way, an adder (cerastes, a horned snake) in the path;’ but Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag.”32


    ROMANS 11:26


    And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:"The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.


    Hold this book even concealed, that the curse may not come on you, and you be banished from the earth. Act wisely and wait in patience. The blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will come to you, and God will fulfill the promise of Abraham.




    Michael killing Dragon/serpent

    Revelation 12.7-9

    Michael Defeats the Dragon



    Merovingians attach great importance to the Dead Sea Scrolls which prophesy that Michael the Archan

    gel as "The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek


    7 And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, 8but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 04:12

















    SEN / SON





















    Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 06:32

    ROMANS 11:26

    And so all Israel will be saved, as it is

    written:”The deliverer will come from Zion;

    he will turn godlesness away from Jacob.


    Satan’s plan was to occupy Canaan with “his own seed” in advance of Abraham’s seed.

    As soon as it was made known that the Seed of the woman was to come through ABRAHAM, there must have been another irruption, as recorded in Genesis 6:4 (see above), “and also after that” (that is to say, after the days of Noah, more than 500 years after the first irruption). The aim of the enemy was to occupy Canaan in advance of Abraham, and so to contest its occupation by his seed. For, when Abraham entered Canaan, we read (Genesis 12:6) “the Canaanite was then (that is to say, already) in the land.”

    Also in Genesis we see two more attempts by Satan to interfere with Abraham’s

    seed before the birth of Isaac, as told in both Genesis 12:10-20 and in Genesis 20:1-18.


    Genesis 6:4 (Original KJV):

    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which

    were of old, men of renown.


    Genesis 6:12 (Original KJV):

    And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

    Genesis 3:15 (Original KJV):

    And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and betweenthy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. also see Isaiah 7:14











    Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 06:42












    SER / PENT

    SIR / SER / SER/ IOUS /




    Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 06:59
  • La Dinamarca vikinga | VisitDenmark

    www.visitdenmark.es/es/denmark/historia/la-dinamarca-vikinga - En caché
    1000 años de historia marcados por los Vikingos, cuyos restos permanecen en
    Jelling y en sus piedras rúnicas.
  • Los vikingos en Dinamarca | Absolut Dinamarca

    www.absolutdinamarca.com/los-vikingos-en-dinamarca/ - En caché - Similares
    11 Feb 2009 ... Pequeños fragmentos de historia danesa Ya en época de los vikingos, la
    palabra Dinamarca aparece inscrita en la gran Piedra de Jelling, ...
  • El museo de barcos vikingos de Roskilde Viaje a Dinamarca :

    www.viajeadinamarca.com/.../El-museo-de-barcos-vikingos-de-Roskilde-250.html - En caché
    El museo de barcos vikingos de Roskilde. Este museo conserva los restos de
    cinco barcos vikingos rescatados a finales del siglo XX de las aguas del fiordo.
  • fotografias de vikingos historia de dinamarca - Dinamarca - Por

    dinamarca.pordescubrir.com/fotografias-de-vikingos-historia-de-dinamarca.html - En caché - Similares
    6 Mar 2009 ... Varios países están muy relacionados con los vikingos como por ejemplo
    Dinamarca, aunque Noruega y Suecia tienen una estrecha relación ...
  • Ribe: el pueblo más antiguo de Dinamarca -El sitio Web oficial de ...

    denmark.dk/es/datos-rapidos/mapa-de-dinamarca/ribe/ - En caché
    En Ribe, el pueblo más antiguo de Dinamarca, encontrará la Catedral de Ribe y
    los museos sobre los vikingos de Ribe. Desde aquí, puede ir de viaje por los ...
  • DINAMARCA - Caminos Vikingos

    www.caminosvikingos.net/servicios-y.../dinamarca-excursiones - En caché
    Palacio de Jægerspris Museo Vikingo Ayuntamiento Museo Statens for Kunst La
    Ciudad Vieja Museo al aire libre. Parque de Legoland. Sitios de Dinamarca: ...
  • Arqueólogos aficionados encuentran tesoro vikingo en Dinamarca ...

    spanish.ruvr.ru/2012_09.../Dinamarca-hallazgo-tesoro-vikingos/ - En caché
    20 Sep 2012 ... En Dinamarca tres aficionados a la arqueología encontraron un tesoro de la
    época de los vikingos que está relacionado con comienzo de ...
  • ***DINAMARCA: UNA HISTORIA DE VIKINGOS*** -Foro Viajar con Niños ...

    www.losviajeros.com/foros.php?p=2146525 - En caché
    DINAMARCA: UNA HISTORIA DE VIKINGOS En verano es un buen momento
    para conocer las costumbres de su PUEBLO ORIGINAL: LOS ...
  • Anuncio

    1. Dinamarca Vikingos

      Busca Dinamarca Vikingos Encuentra Resultados rápidos ahora!

    Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 07:01

    Ribe: el pueblo más antiguo de dinamarca

    En Ribe, el pueblo más antiguo de Dinamarca, encontrará la Catedral de Ribe y los museos sobre los vikingos de Ribe. Desde aquí, puede ir de viaje por los pantanos, al Mar de Wadden o a la pequeña isla de Mandø

    Catedral de Ribe y H. A. Brorson

    En el paisaje plano del sur de Jutlandia, la Catedral de Ribe, cuya construcción se inició entre 1150 y 1175, es visible desde muy lejos. La Catedral de Ribe tiene tres torres y es la única iglesia de Dinamarca con cinco naves. Cerca de la Catedral de Ribe, puede visitar la casa renacentista de Taarnborg, hogar del escritor de himnos H. A. Brorson.

    Ribe Cathedral. Photograph: Ribe Turist, VisitDenmark El catedrál de Ribe

    Los vikingos de Ribe

    Durante la era vikinga, Ribe fue un centro de intercambio comercial importante. Puede seguir el desarrollo de Ribe en el transcurso de los años en el Museo Vikingo de Ribe. En el Centro Vikingo de Ribe, puede pasear por una aldea vikinga reconstruida a tamaño real, poblada por vikingos con los que puede trabajar y hablar.

    Arte y el Mar de Wadden

    En la Galería de arte de Ribe verá arte danés de 1750 a 1950 con énfasis en la Edad de Oro, el Realismo, los pintores de Skagen, el Modernismo y el periodo entreguerras. También puede visitar el Centro Marino de Wadden o tomar el bus-tractor desde Ribe por el Mar de Wadden hasta Mandø, que tiene una gran riqueza ornitológica.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 07:03

    En verano es un buen momento para conocer las costumbres de su PUEBLO ORIGINAL: LOS VIKINGOS.

    Nuestra principal visita comienza en ROSKILDE para vistar el MUSEO DE BARCOS VIKINGOS, donde podréis ver cómo se construían y dar un paseo en reproducciones de barcos antiguos y después apuntraros a una EXCURSIÓN por el FIORDO DE ROSKILDE.


    Desde tiempos de los vikingos hasta el final de la Edad Media fue el centro religioso, cultural y político del país. Tiene catorce iglesias.

    Fue fundada por el rey vikingo Harald I Diente Azul en el siglo X y se convirtió en la primera capital del reino de Dinamarca. El papel que esta ciudad ha desempeñado en la historia de Dinamarca se debe a su posición estratégica en el límite del fiordo, lo que hizo que se convirtiera en una fortaleza vikinga.

    La CATEDRAL DOMKIRKE fue fundada en el siglo XII, y fue un centro religioso para la región y para la capital de Dinamarca hasta el año 1400. Todos los monarcas daneses han sido sepultados en la catedral de Roskilde desde el siglo XV, aún cuando la capitalidad se trasladó a Copenhague. En la actualidad hay 38 tumbas reales.

    Todos los atractivos de Roskilde se encuentran cerca unos de otros. Sus calles más importantes, flanqueadas por tiendas y cafés, son Skomagergade y Algade.

    El trayecto en tren de Copenhague a Roskilde dura unos 30 minutos, así que se trata de una escapada que no puedes perderte.


    La catedral gótica “Domkirke”, que data de 1170, ha albergado las tumbas de los reyes daneses durante aproximadamente 600 años, 38 tumbas en total.

    Esta Catedral de estilo gótico temprano ha sido declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Aparte de su interés arquitectónico, la Catedral tiene un gran simbolismo para los daneses, ya que desde alrededor del año 1400, alberga las tumbas de los miembros de la familia real fallecidos.

    Hay visitas guiadas a la catedral a determinadas horas del día, pero dependen de la época del año. Conviene consultar previamente los horarios para optimizar la visita.

    Desde la catedral nos dirigimos andando hacia el fiordo, en el que se encuentra el museo de barcos vikingos.


    Visitas guiadas

    Navegación por el fiordo

    Cinco barcos vikingos reconstruida

    Un astillero abierta y activa

    Demostración de la nave Viking

    Talleres para niños

    Museo de Barcos Vikingos es para niños de todas las edades.
    Conocer de cerca los 1000 buques años de edad, en la Sala de los Barcos Vikingos y encontrar su reconstrucción exacta del Puerto Museo Embárcate en esos dos ejemplares:. Un buque mercante cargado con mercancías de todo el mundo vikingo y un buque de guerra equipado para la batalla, que está acoplado en el embarcadero en el museo Ostrum. Aquí puedes conocer las guías del museo que cuentan historias interesantes sobre los vikingos, sus vidas y las redadas, así como visor de espada, casco, cota de malla, hachas, marfil de morsa, patines hechos de huesos y vasos para beber.

    Vestido como un vikingo en el abrigo y la chaqueta
    Escriba su nombre en las runas
    Gire la pesada espada
    Conviértete en una tienda de la moneda y el sello de su propia moneda de plata
    Decora tu escudos de madera con hermosos colores
    Batir los patrones en su martillo de Thor
    Hacer una cadena de perlas de vidrio árabes hermosa
    Siéntese a la cabeza de un paseo en barco por el fiordo de Roskilde
    Escribe el registro de su visita
    Ver películas en el viaje del Sea Stallion en la gran pantalla

    En verano se puede participar activamente en talleres sobre sintonizado o navegar y aprender a remar un barco vikingo.
    Ver programa y las actividades en el calendario.

    Viking de laboratorio

    Sintonizado el marco de las actividades del museo y demostraciones de artesanía. A continuación se presenta el arte vikingos forjado, talla de madera, cordelería, cestería y arcos grandes vikingos fueron conocidos por el extranjero.
    En la temporada se puede visitar a los artesanos en sus talleres, y va a fondo con los temas de la vela, el textil, la ornamentación y la marina.

    Viking laboratorio demuestra la producción diaria y el uso de colores ricos Viking buques de guerra y la navegación fue pintado con.

    En la pintura Tunets y taller de joyería, usted puede decorar su propio escudo, menta un patrón en un martillo de Thor, hacer un collar con las copias de la joya de la época vikinga encuentra o golpear a su propia moneda de plata.

    Taller Arqueológico

    Películas en los cines:
    La película puede ser mostrado en danés, Inglés, alemán, francés, español e italiano, y el tiempo de vista puede ser solicitado a la llegada al museo. Por favor, consulte con el personal en el mostrador en el Hall de los Barcos Vikingos. El cine está ubicado en el sótano de la Sala de los Barcos Vikingos de descenso junto a la tienda del museo. Producir son libres y dura la película. 14 minutos.

    Armas y disfraces

    Museo de la tienda y la cafetería

    Museo de la tienda en la Sala de los Barcos Vikingos ofrece una amplia selección de joyas, textiles, juguetes y libros para grandes y pequeños.

    Bogafdelingen abastece tanto para los laicos, los profesionales y la necesidad de los niños por la literatura sobre los vikingos. Los libros se encuentran principalmente en Danés e Inglés, y de los aprox. 200 títulos con 30 de impronta propia del museo.

    Con réplicas de las joyas de la antigua a la medieval, todos los artículos que se encuentran en la historia escandinava. Hay un foco en la joyería de la época vikinga y los resultados de Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia y el norte de Alemania. Además de joyería de la reproducción, la tienda del museo tiene también una amplia selección de joyería contemporánea inspirada en el estilo vikingo y materiales escandinavos.

    Elementos decorativos y de utilidad
    Museo de la tienda también cuenta con una interesante selección de utilidad y objetos decorativos copiado por los hallazgos de la época vikinga, como vasos francos, vikingos juegos, cerámica, bronce y yeso de los dioses nórdicos y los héroes, así como joyas y monedas.

    El Comité también incluye el arte contemporáneo, con énfasis en diseño escandinavo.

    telas de la tienda incluyen el cuero, prendas de punto y de Islandia, las Islas Feroe y otros países escandinavos, así como bufandas y chales de materiales naturales como la lana, el lino y la seda.

    a cafetería del museo de verano en las acogedoras habitaciones de la Isla de los Museos puede saciar el hambre facilidad. El café se encuentra en las actividades al aire libre de sintonía y hay una oportunidad de disfrutar de refrescos en el interior y hacia fuera. El Comité se compone de bocadillos fríos y calientes, refrescos, café, té torta y helado.

    La cafetería está abierta todos los días a partir del 1 30 de mayo De septiembre a las. 10.00-17.00

    Restaurante Snekken
    En la Isla de los Museos se encuentra restaurante con vistas Snekken fiordo de Roskilde y el puerto deportivo. Gusano es un café por día, restaurante, sala de estar y un restaurante de sushi en la noche. Pero Snekken son también las empresas, conferencias, eventos, catering y comida para llevar.
    Aquí hay instalaciones para banquetes con capacidad para 70 personas, grupos tan grandes puede terminar el día en un bello entorno en el puerto de alimentos preparados.

    Horario: Todos los días menos. 11,30 a 23,00.
    La cocina está abierta desde la tarde. 11:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. y 18:00-21:30.

    El museo está abierto todos los días de 10.00 a 17.00.
    Hay Cierra en Navidad los días 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre.


    Mayo-septiembre Octubre a abril

    Adultos: 14,50 €
    Los estudiantes: 11,50 €
    Los niños y adolescentes a 17 años: GRATIS

    Los niños menores de 14 años sólo si van acompañados por un adulto
    El precio del viaje en barco kr/10 75.00, 85 euros, además de boleto de admisión
    Para el registro en el Museo de Barcos Vikingos amigos ' Entradas a la venta la temporada al museo.

    Libre de almacenamiento de equipaje
    En la taquilla del museo y en el sótano de la Sala de los Barcos Vikingos es capaz de almacenar las bolsas y maletas en cajas armario cerrado. Se es libre de pedir una caja contra un depósito de £ 10, -.

    Sillas de ruedas y cochecitos
    Hay un acceso limitado a la nave Viking Hall para cochecitos y sillas de ruedas a causa de las muchas escaleras. Las personas en sillas de ruedas tienen acceso gratuito al museo.
    Museo son bienvenidos para tomar prestada una silla de ruedas y silla de paseo. Pregunte en el Museo de Barcos Vikingos o en la casa de entradas en la Isla de los Museos.

    Los perros son bienvenidos en las áreas exteriores del museo, pero no están autorizados en el Salón de los Barcos Vikingos.

    Comida y bebida
    Restaurante y cafetería del museo Snekken adjunto es abierto todos los días de. Las 11.30 horas. El restaurante es libre de humo En verano también hay un pequeño café en la Isla de los Museos comida para llevar se puede disfrutar al aire libre:.. El porche de Isla de los Museos, en el jardín que rodea el museo y en las mesas en el sótano de Barcos Vikingos Hall.


    Volvemos a pie hacia el centro de Roskilde, ahora toca subir, ya que la ciudad se encuentra en una zona elevada con respecto al fiordo.

    Ahora toca descubrir las "famosas calles de Roskilde"


    Es la mejor conservada de Escandinavia. Aquí se recrea con más de 300 guerreros la gran batalla entre los reyes Harald Dientezaul y Svend Barbapartida, padre e hijo respectivamente, alrededor del año 980.

    El fin de semana del 17-18 de agosto se puede ver quién de los dos rivales gana el reino.

    Por último acercros a un mercado de la época.

    El 27-28 de julio se celebra en MOESGARD (Jutlandia) y los días 17-18 de agosto lo montan en JELLING


    Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 07:04
  • Los vikingos - Dinamarca VisitDenmark: La guía oficial para tus ...

    www.visit-denmark.dk/spanien/es-es/menu/.../vikingerne.htm - En caché
    De la misma manera que los vikingos dejaron su imponente señal sobre la
    historia europea, también dejaron su señal distintiva sobre el paisaje danés, y un ...
  • Wikiloc - percorso Dinamarca Vikingos y Roskilde - Nyhavn, Capital ...

    it.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=2164990 - En caché
    percorso Dinamarca Vikingos y Roskilde - Nyhavn, Capital Region (Denmark)
    Viaje por el pais de los Vikingos. Su nombre proviene del nórdico antiguo víkingr
  • Aalborg, un paseo vikingo al norte de Dinamarca

    www.diariodelviajero.com/.../aalborg-un-paseo-vikingo-al-norte-de-dinamarca - En caché
    21 Sep 2012 ... La ciudad Aalborg, situada al norte de la península de Jutlantia, es la cuarta
    ciudad en importancia de Dinamarca. Tiene la particularidad de ...
  • Crucero la tierra de los vikingos desde copenhague dinamarca 630

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    Cruceros la tierra de los vikingos desde copenhague dinamarca 630, OFERTA,
    Disfrute de La Tierra de los Vikingos a bordo del Costa Luminosa desde 836.10 ...
  • Dinamarca: la huella potente de los vikingos - DEPORTES - La Nación

    www.nacion.com/.../Dinamarca--la-huella-potente-de-los-vikingos.aspx - En caché
    7 Jun 2012 ... La selección danesa, que lidera el exjugador Morten Olsen, se clasificó
    campeona del grupo H y superó en la clasificación a Portugal y ...
  • El restaurante de los vikingos - Opiniones de viajeros sobre ...

    www.tripadvisor.com.ar/ShowUserReviews-g189544-d1224918-r137974070-Restaurant_Snekken-Roskilde_Roskilde_Municipality_West_Zeal... - En caché
     33 Comentarios
    Restaurant Snekken: El restaurante de los vikingos - 33 opiniones y fotos de
    viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Roskilde, Dinamarca en TripAdvisor.
  • Categoría:Vikingos de Dinamarca - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categoría:Vikingos_de_Dinamarca - En caché
    Beowulf‎ (2 cat, 5 págs.) Artículos en la categoría «Vikingos de Dinamarca». Esta
    categoría incluye las siguientes 81 páginas: A. Aelfgifu Aelfhelmsdotter · Anulo ...
  • Dinamarca pone el acento este año en su ruta de los vikingos ...

    paleorama.wordpress.com/.../dinamarca-pone-el-acento-este-ano-en-su-ruta-de-los-vikingos/ - En caché
    14 Mar 2012 ... Dinamarca, que junto con Suecia y Noruega fue el escenario del gran desarrollo
    vikingo, ofrece hoy un viaje en el tiempo sobre las huellas de ...
  • Crucero de los Vikingos con Holland America: Islas Feroe ...

    cruceroadicto.com/19902.html - En caché
    Crucero de los Vikingos con Holland America: Islas Feroe, Dinamarca.
    BARCOS ...
  • Vikingos, historia y naturaleza en Slagelse - Dinamarca

    serturista.com/dinamarca/vikingos-historia-y-naturaleza-en-slagelse/ - En caché
    15 Jun 2011 ... Slagelse es una ciudad en el oriente de Dinamarca en donde en una visita se
    puede ver su bello centro histórico, su fortaleza vikinga y su ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 07:10

    Viking 1

    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Viking I
    Sonda orbital y de aterrizaje
    Viking spacecraft.jpg

    Visión artistica de la Sonda.

    Datos de la(s) sonda(s)
    Nombre Viking I
    Organización NASA - JPL
    Coste $
    Cohete lanzador Titan IIIE
    Tipo de misión Orbitador y aterrizador
    Masa 3.257 kg (el conjunto con combustible)
    Lanzamiento 20 de agosto de 1975
    Llegada a Marte 19 de julio de 1976
    Fin de la misión 7 de agosto de 1980
    Viking Orbiter 1:
    1. Sistema de imágenes y vídeo
      (Visual Imaging System),
    2. Un radiómetro
      (Infra-Red Thermal Mapper),
    3. Un espectrómetro infrarrojo
      (Mars Atmospheric Water Detector.

    Viking Lander 1:

    1. Un analizador de potencial
      (Retarding Potencial Analyzer),
    2. Un espectrómetro de masas
      (Upper Atmosphere Mass Spectrometer),

    La sonda espacial Viking I es una de las dos sondas espaciales de exploración de Marte pertenecientes al programa Viking de la NASA, compuesta de una sonda orbital llamada Viking Orbiter I y una sonda de aterrizaje llamada Viking Lander I.



    [editar] Misión

    El conjunto fue lanzado por un cohete Titan III-E/Centaur el 20 de agosto de 1975, con trayecto hacia Marte, tardando para la tarea unos 10 meses. Tras cinco días después de la inserción orbital, el orbitador comenzó a retransmitir las primeras imágenes. La Viking Orbiter 1 alcanzó la órbita marciana el 19 de junio de 1976. El aterrizaje de la Viking Lander 1 fue retrasado del 4 de julio de ese mismo año al 20 de julio, ya que las primeras fotografías del lugar de aterrizaje mostraron que no era totalmente seguro.

    [editar] El Orbitador

    Los instrumentos de la nave se componían de dos cámaras para obtener imágenes vidicón (VIS), un espectrómetro de infrarrojos para la asignación de agua vapor (MAWD) y radiómetros infrarrojos para el mapeo térmico (IRTM). Las principales misiones del Orbitador Principal terminaron a principios de la conjunción solar el 5 de noviembre de 1976. La misión extendida comenzó el 14 de diciembre 1976 después de conjunción solar. Las operaciones incluyeron aproximaciones a Fobos en febrero de 1977. El perigeo se redujo a 300 km el 11 de marzo de 1977. Los ajustes menores de la órbita se hacen ocasionalmente en el curso de la misión, principalmente para cambiar la tasa de a pie - la velocidad a la que la longitud areocentric cambia con cada órbita, y el periapsis se elevó a 357 kilometros el 20 de julio de 1979. El 07 de agosto del 1980, el Orbitador Viking 1 fue quedando sin actitud de control de gas y su órbita se elevó de 357 × 33943 kilometros a 320 × 56000 kilometros para evitar el impacto con Marte y la posible contaminación hasta el año 2019. Las operaciones fueron terminadas el 17 de agosto 1980, después de 1485 órbitas.

    El módulo de aterrizaje y su aeroshell separado de la nave de julio UTC del 20 de ocho y cincuenta y uno. En el momento de la separación, el módulo de aterrizaje estaba orbitando a unos 4 km / s. El retrocohetes Aeroshell dispararon para comenzar la maniobra lander salir de orbita. Después de unas pocas horas a unos 300 km de altitud, el módulo de aterrizaje se reorientó para la entrada atmosférica. El aeroshell con su escudo térmico ablativo frenó la nave, ya que se hundió en la atmósfera. Durante este tiempo, los experimentos de entrada de la ciencia se realizaron utilizando un analizador de potencial retardador, un espectrómetro de masas, y los sensores de presión, temperatura y densidad. [2] A 6 km de altitud, viajando a aproximadamente 250 m / s, el diámetro 16 m aterrizador paracaídas desplegado. Siete segundos después, el aeroshell fue desechado, y 8 segundos después de que las tres patas del módulo de aterrizaje se ampliaron. En 45 segundos el paracaídas se había reducido el módulo de aterrizaje a 60 m / s. A 1,5 km de altitud, retrocohetes en el propio módulo de aterrizaje se encendieron y, 40 segundos después, aproximadamente a 2,4 m / s, la sonda llegó a Marte con una sacudida relativamente ligero. Las piernas tenían nido de abeja de aluminio amortiguadores para suavizar el aterrizaje.

    Este es el calendario de la misión de la Viking Orbiter I:

    20/8/1975 - Lanzamiento del conjunto VO-VL
    19/6/1976 0 Puesta en órbita elíptica sincrónica (1)
    Inicio de la Viking Primary Mission
    20/7/1976 92 Separación de la VL-1
    5/11/1976 132 Fin de la Viking Primary Mission
    14/12/1976 162 Inicio de la Viking Extended Mission
    12/2/1977 235 Sincronización de la órbita con el período de Fobos (2)
    24/3/1977 263 Reducción del periastro a 297 km (3)
     ?/3/1978 652 Fin de la Viking Extended Mission
    Inicio de la Viking Continuation Mission
     ?/2/1979 987 Fin de la Viking Continuation Mission
    Inicio de la Viking Completion Mission
    20/7/1979 1120 Aumento del periastro a 357 km (4)
    7/8/1980 1485 Fin de la Viking Completion Mission
    Fin del funcionamiento controlado desde la Tierra
    1. Puesta en órbita elíptica sincrónica: periodo 24 h; apoastro 33000 km; periastro 1513 km; inclinación 39º.
    2. Sincronización de la órbita con el periodo de Fobos: distancia 100 km.
    3. Reducción del periastro a 297 km (resolución de las imágenes: 20 m).
    4. Aumento del periastro a 357 km.

    [editar] Aterrizador marciano

    Puesta de Sol fotografiada desde la VL-1.
    Imagen de la Viking (con color alterado) donde pueden verse las marcas de la pala mecánica de recogida de muestras.

    Calendario de la misión de la Viking Lander I:

    20/8/1975 - Lanzamiento del conjunto VO-VL
    20/7/1976 0 Aterrizaje en Marte
    Inicio análisis biológicos y moleculares del suelo y atmósfera
    Inicio análisis inorgánicos
    Inicio de imágenes (modo continuo)
    Inicio observaciones meteorológicas (modo continuo)
     ?/5/1977 307 Fin de análisis biológicos y moleculares del suelo y atmósfera
    20/11/1978 841 Fin de análisis inorgánicos
    Inicio modo Survey (envío automático de datos semanalmente)
     ?/2/1979 9?? Envío de imágenes en modo automático semanal
    Observaciones meteorológicas en modo automático semanal
    13/11/1982  ??? Fin de operaciones del VL-1 por un fallo humano
    durante una actualización del software


    Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2012 07:13

    Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:26

    The Flag or Mark of the Tribe of Dan (The Mark of the Beast?)

    ro-jo-yo.hubpages.com/hub/Tribe-of-DanEn caché - Traducir esta página
    10 Dec 2012 – When researching on the history of the tribe of Dan, it is said that they were a sea faring people. And that they left their mark where ever they ...

    "The Serpent's Trail" -- The Mysterious Tribe of Dan

    www.hope-of-israel.org/i000035a.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    History reveals some fascinating facts about the powerful tribe of Dan and their .... The very streams of Europe mark their resting places, and in the root of nearly ...

    Was Danmark Related to the "Tribe of Dan" one of the 12 tribes of ...

    10 respuestas - 24 Mayo 2008
    The Mark bit of Danmark may be related to "Mark Antony" of Rome Lon"don" as a Refrence to the takeover from danmark and the Establishment of ...

    Nordic Israelism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_IsraelismEn caché - Traducir esta página
    Henry Spelman, who in 1620 connected the Danes to the Tribe of Dan ... in 1620 had further claimed that the Danes were the Israelite Tribe of Dan, based on the apparent similarity in name. .... 130 and Suhm: Critisk Historie af Danmark, Vol.

    Tribe of Dan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribe_of_DanEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    The Tribe of Dan, also sometimes spelled as "Dann", (Hebrew: דָּן, Modern .... Dan: an exegetical study of a biblical city, tribe and ancestor", Mark W. Bartusch.

    Tribe Of Dan=Modern Day Illuminati Nations. | Prophecy In The ...

    prophecyinthemaking.blogspot.com/.../tribe-of-d...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    25 Aug 2010 – Tribe Of Dan=Modern Day Illuminati Nations. In Genesis3:15, let us always recall who it is that is sent to crush the head of the serpent. Tribe of ...

    Serpent Seed Tribe Of Dan | johnthewitness

    johnthewitness.wordpress.com/.../serpent-seed-tri...En caché - Traducir esta página
    14 Jan 2012 – Introduction The tribe of Dan is one of the 12 tribes of Israel. ... It is no surprise to see that Dan seems to have left their mark many places in ...

    Tracing Dan

    www.ensignmessage.com/.../tracingdan2.htmlEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    The tribe of Dan was prophesied to leave way marks along their trail and this is our ... I have mentioned my belief that some of the Tribe of Dan left Egypt many ...

    Freedom Fighter ... VIKINGS - Tribe of Dan ...

    www.freedomfighter.co/sixkings.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
    The tribe of Dan, Hebrews, of the 'Twelve Tribes', dispersed from Israel and joined together in a ... The Country of Denmark literally means 'The Mark of Dan' ...

    Are the Melungeons the Lost Tribes of Israel?

    melungeons.com/articles/danitesisrael.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
    The tribe of Dan was the fifth child born of Jacob. Each tribe had certain ... Then finally settling in Denmark (Dan mark), or Mark of Dan. The southern Danites ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:29

    Serpent Seed Tribe Of Dan

    Posted on January 14, 2012 by


    The tribe of Dan is one of the 12 tribes of Israel. They are named after their Ancestor “Dan” who was one of the sons of Jacob or Israel. Dan means to “judge, govern or rule.” There are a couple hints and cryptic prophecies that seem to provide warning about this tribe. These prophecies seem to imply that Dan will eventually become mixed with the fallen angels. These also seem to imply this tribe will play some important and possibly nefarious role in the End Times deceptions. The tribe of Dan is also left out of the sealed 144,000 of all tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-8). This implies that the tribe of Dan will no longer be considered Israelites.

    The Idolatrous Tribe of Dan

    The Danites seem to be the black sheep of the Israelite family. The Danites, from the very beginning, had problems occupying their inheritance in Canaan. They instead went to Leshem and attacked it. They renamed it Dan. In the days of Judges, the tribe of Dan was still left with no inheritance. They sent out five men to search the land for a place to dwell. The five men departed and came to a place called Laish. They saw that the land was good and that the people who dwelt within were unsuspecting. 600 men from the tribe of Dan, prepared for war, set out from Zorah and Eshtoal. On the way to their destination they stopped by the house of Micah (Judges 18:13). They asked Micah’s priest to join with them and be priest to the whole tribe of Dan. This priest was an idolater and possessed carved and metal images as well as household gods (Judges 18:17). The Danites made war against the people of Laish and seized their territory and renamed it Dan.  Laish was very close to Mt. Hermon which is where the pagans would sacrifice to Baal. This might be why the Danites chose to settle there. Later the other tribes would go into the tribe of Dan’s territory to worship the golden calves (1 Kings 12:28-30). They also were very close to the Phoenicians. Their territory was close to Tyre and Sidone. They intermarried with these Phoenicians (2 Chronicles 2:14). Which was a practice that was outlawed in Israel (Deuteronomy 7:3, Leviticus 21:14).

    Leap from Bashan

    And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan. (Genesis 32:22)

    The tribe of Dan had problems with their land inheritance from the very beginning (Judges 18:1). After Samson died, the tribe of Dan was forced to move to the north because they were unable to cope with the Philistines (Judges 19:47). It would seem that they, like the rest of the tribes of Israel, would eventually go further and further north (Jeremiah 31:8). Dan is compared to a serpent (Gen. 49:17). A serpent leaves a trail that is trackable as it slithers through the dirt or sand. Dan likewise leaves trackable signs as it traveled and settled in new places. Dan renamed every place that it settled after their ancestor.

    When the territory of the people of Dan was lost to them, the people of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and after capturing it and striking it with the sword they took possession of it and settled in it, calling Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their ancestor. (Joshua 19:47)

    But the people of Dan took what Micah had made, and the priest who belonged to him, and they came to Laish, to a people quiet and unsuspecting, and struck them with the edge of the sword and burned the city with fire. And they named the city Dan, after the name of Dan their ancestor, who was born to Israel; but the name of the city was Laish at the first. (Judges 18:27,29)

    The tribe of Dan was skilled at sailing, assumedly many of the places that they traveled they reached by ship.

    Part of the tribe of Dan split from the rest of the tribes during the exodus from Egypt. The 4th century B.C. Greek historian Hecateus of Abdera (quoted by Diodorus Siculus) wrote this:

    ” The worship of the Gods having been neglected on account of the foreigners in Egypt, the Egyptians were warned by a pestilence to drive away the pollution.” … “The most distinguished of the expelled foreigners followed Danaus and Cadmus from Egypt; but the greater number were led by Moses into Judæa.”

    The Lost Tribes of Israel, who are the white peoples, were scattered to the north of Caanan (Jeremiah 31:8). It is no surprise to see that Dan seems to have left their mark many places in Europe. The Hebrew alphabet lacked vowels so rather than looking for the name Dan within a location name, we should be looking for the combination of D and N. The Danites left their names on the rivers that they passed as they traveled north over the Caucasus mountains, passed the DarDaNelles and then west into Europe. The DoN, DoNets, DNieper, DNiester and the Danube rivers are all seemingly named after the tribe of Dan. Dan who was said to “leap from Bashan” continued leaping further north into ScanDiNavia and DeNmark (Dan’s mark). Before traveling further west into Ireland. One of the earlier groups to inhabit Ireland were the Tuatha De Dannan (Tribe of Dan). In Ireland we find the same habit of leaving their name on the areas that they settled. According to The Essential Teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Dans left their names at “Danslaugh,” “Dansower,” “Dundalke,” “Dundrum,” “Donegal Bay,” “Donegel City,” “Dunglow,” “Londonderry,” and ” Dingle,”

    Herodotus revealed that some of the ancient Greeks actually came from Egypt. He claimed that DaNae, the daughter of Acrisus, was  the ancestor of the Dorian princes in southern Greece (Herodotus, VI, 1, iii). Diodorus said the following: “They say also that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews, which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country . . .” (Diodorus, Bk. I, xxviii, 1-5).

    “Jonathan the high priest of the Jewish nation . . . to the ephori and senate and the people of the Lacedemonians, send greeting:

    “When in former times an epistle was brought to Onias, who was then our high priest . . . concerning the the kindred that was between us and you, a copy of which is here subjoined, we both joyfully received the epistle . . . because we were well satisfied about it from the sacred writings, yet did not we think fit, first to begin the claim of this relation to you, the glory which is now given us by you. It is a long time since this relation of ours to you hath been renewed, and when we, upon holy and festival days offer sacrifices to God, we pray to Him for your preservation and victory . . . . You will, therefore, do well yourselves to write to us, and send us an account of what you stand in need of from us, since we are in all things disposed to act according to your desires” (Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, 5, 8).

    The SharDaNa were an ancient peoples who lived in SarDiNia. Perhaps these were Danites. The term Sar in ancient Hebrew means “chief or ruler.” The SharDaNa settled in SarDiNia 1500 BC. Perhaps a group of Danites split off from Moses after leaving Egypt and traveled to SarDiNia.

    Dan is the serpent seedline?

    Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward (Gen. 49:17)

    Comparing Dan to a serpent is a refererence to Dan’s future miscegenation with the fallen angels. This seems to state that Dan will remain largely hidden from sight and will attack indirectly or by proxy. This miscegenation is perhaps further alluded to in Jeremiah.

    “The snorting of their horses is heard from Dan; at the sound of the neighing of their stallions the whole land quakes. They come and devour the land and all that fills it, the city and those who dwell in it. For behold, I am sending among you serpents, adders that cannot be charmed, and they shall bite you,” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 8:16-17)

    And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan. (Genesis 32:22)

    Bashan is linked to the Nephilim. Og was king of Bashan and he was described as being 9 cubits (14 feet) tall.

    For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. (Deuteronomy 3:11)

    I destroyed the Amorites, though they were as tall as cedars and as strong as oaks. I destroyed the fruit on their branches and dug out their roots. (Amos 2:9)

    The sons of God are angelic beings (Job 38:4-7), often linked with Satan (Job 1:6, 2:1). This gigantism was caused by these fallen angels breeding with humans.

    And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:14-15)

    That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:2,4)

    And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children. (Enoch 6:1-2)

    The area where Dan settled is located near Mt. Hermon. This is the area that the book of Enoch says the fallen angels landed on earth and took human wives.

    2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’ 3. And Semjz, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ 4. And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ 5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6. And they were in all two hundred; who descended ⌈in the days⌉ of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. (Enoch 6:2-6)

    Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards. (Song of Solomon 4:8)

    Genesis 32:22 states that Dan was referred to as a Lion who would leap from Bashan, we previously connected Bashan with the Nephilim (Deuteronomy 3:11, Amos 2:9)

    Mystery Babylon the Great is Israel link. Mystery Babylon the Great will have “mingled” people in the midst of her (Jeremiah 50:37). Could this mingling be the same sort of mingling spoken of in the last End Times kingdom spoken of in Daniel Chapter 7?

    “(Referring to the fallen angels mating with humans)…they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Daniel 2:43)

    We previously identified this last End Times kingdom as being mixed between fallen angels and humans link. These fallen angels will pose as aliens link.

    As we covered earlier, the tribe of Dan is the serpent seed (Genesis 49:17, Genesis 32:22), obviously therefore the tribe of Dan is mingled. Could the tribe of Dan be living in Israel amongst the Synagogue of Satan? Could the mingled people living in Babylon be referring to the tribe of Dan?

    Samson’s riddle

    Samson was a Nazarite from the tribe of Dan. He was given a riddle that may be relevant for these Last Days.

    5Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him. 6And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what he had done. 7And he went down, and talked with the woman; and she pleased Samson well. 8And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion. 9And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the honey out of the carcase of the lion. 10So his father went down unto the woman: and Samson made there a feast; for so used the young men to do. 11And it came to pass, when they saw him, that they brought thirty companions to be with him. 12And Samson said unto them, I will now put forth a riddle unto you: if ye can certainly declare it me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty sheets and thirty change of garments: 13But if ye cannot declare it me, then shall ye give me thirty sheets and thirty change of garments. And they said unto him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may hear it. 14And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle. (Judges 14:5-14)

    The Philistines figure out the riddle though we are not told what the answer is. Instead we are given the Philistines reply to Samson, which was another riddle.

    And the men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, “What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?” And he said to them, “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle.” (Judges 14:18)

    • Bees are used to represent the Amorites (Deuteronomy 1:44). We previously linked these Amorites to the Nephilim (Amos 2:9, Deuteronomy 3:11).
    • A Lion is used to represent Dan (Genesis 32:22).
    • A Lion is used to represent Israel (Numbers 24:9, Numbers 23:24).
    • A Lion is used to represent Judah (Genesis 49:9).

    Obviously there are a couple interpretation of the prophecy. Since Dan was earlier compared to a Lion, and considering Samson is a Danite, I think the appropriate symbol for Lion in this instance is Dan.

    Samson killed the Lion (Danites killed themselves). The bees (Amorites or Nephilim) were within the carcass of the Lion (Dan). Seems like the riddle is referring to the serpent seed.

    Dan will judge his people

    Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel (Genesis 49:16). What does this passage mean when it states that Dan will Judge his people?

    Judge (1777)
    to judge, contend, plead
    a) (Qal)
    1) to act as judge, minister judgment
    2) to plead a cause
    3) to execute judgment, requite, vindicate
    4) to govern
    5) to contend, strive
    b) (Niphal) to be at strife, quarrel

    It looks like Dan will be used as some sort of disciplinary force that punishes the Israelites for their lack of belief during the tribulation. Maybe God lets Satan uses this tribe of Dan, who seems to be living in the nation Israel, to punish the rest of the Israelites. Perhaps this is why Dan is left out of the sealed 144,000 from all tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-8). God will use this tribulation to get the Israelites to turn back to them. “In their adversity they will seek me earnestly” (Hosea 5:15).


    Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:33


    After the Crucifixion, Jewish revolt broke out against the Roman Rule . The roman soldiers destroyed solomans temple, burned jerusalem and eventual renamed the land of Israel, 'Palestine'. The tribe of Dan, Hebrews, of the 'Twelve Tribes', dispersed from Israel and joined together in a ferocious force of brutal seafaring warriors.

    They named themselves after their six great ancestors, the six greatest Hyksos Kings who once ruled Egypt.

    TRIBE of DAN

    The Tribe of DAN (of the Twelve Tribes of Israel) became pirates, looting their way from Greece, along the mediteranean leaving evidence of their migration route. Like sign posts they incorporated the name of DAN into everything like the names of mountains, rivers and dams like the mighty river Danube.

    They raided their way up through Europe and built settlements in the British Isles and Scandinavia. The Country of Denmark literally means 'The Mark of Dan'

    Eventually, their King Canute was crowned 'KING OF ENGLAND, DENMARK' NORWAY and SWEDEN' in 1016 ad. and so the Tribes of Israel had found a new homeland and the throne of Israel had found a new throne.. ENGLAND.

    Danish Royalty from the Tribe of Dan inter-married and and became related to almost all the monarchies of Europe including Queen Elizabeth of England.

    The bloodline of the Tribe of Dan was and is firmly established in royal power circles.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:43

    Dan, with the other Northern Israelite tribes, went into captivity and exile. A portion of Dan might have been exiled before the other Israelites. Part of Dan is to be identified with the Tribe of Dana in Irish tradition. These people went to Greece from the Middle Eastern region, then to Scandinavia, and from there to Ireland and Britain.

    In Scandinavia during the Bronze Age, there existed a highly developed civilization, rich in metallurgical and gold products of a high standard, which produced articles of furniture and implements similar to, or identical with, those known from contemporary
    Egypt, Phoenicia, and Mycenean Greece.

    Irish legends speak of the Tribe of Dana (Tuatha De Danaan), who were renowned metallurgists and very scientifically adept. They arrived from the “northern isles” after some disaster. The Bronze Age civilization in Scandinavia had come to an end between 500 B.C.E. and 400 B.C.E. because of a sudden climatic change, accompanied by upheavals and foreign invasions. Its population dwindled and finally almost disappeared. Eventually it would be re-populated by newcomers who emerged from

    The only “northern isles” to Ireland are those of Scandinavia. The Tribe of Dana had come from the region of Mount Lebanon, say these Irish sources, had sojourned in Greece, had been enslaved, fought with the “Philistines,” then fled north, after which it had come to Ireland. Welsh legends spoke also of the Children of Don, who paralleled the Tribe of Dana.

    Remember the connection of Dan with Phoenicia? Israelites from Dan and Nephtali were interconnected with Tyre and with crafts for which Tyre had a reputation. The Phoenicians were experts in the production of bronze as were the Danites in the
    northern Galilee. We know that Tyre (Phoenicia) had established a monopoly over the supply of tin to the Middle East. This tin was obtained from Tarshish (i.e., Spain and the British Isles).

    Mentioned earlier, excavations at the site of Dan in northern Galilee showed the existence of a well developed metallurgical industry which concentrated on the production of bronze. Analysis of this bronze showed the existence of gold in some specimens, a characteristic of British tin. This indicates that the tin used in Dan (in Israel) came from Britain. An Assyrian inscription from 879 B.C.E. lists part of the booty taken from Phoenician cities and includes walrus-ivory. This walrus ivory undoubtedly came from Scandinavia.

    Who were the Scythians? Different ancient writers spelled it in different ways: Scyth, Scot, Scotch, Sakai, Saka, Skuthai (Greek), and Scyth or Scythi (Latin). Strong’s Concordance #5521 is Heb. “Sukkah”- literally “dwellers in booths,” i.e., nomads or wanderers. The Feast of Booths/Succoth/Tabernacles is the only Holy day to be retained after the “restoration
    of all things.”
    It was instituted to commemorate Israel’s wandering in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:40-43; Zechariah 14:16; also Genesis 33:17). Scythians were none other than Israelites.

    The conclusion of the matter is that Phoenicia definitely was in Scandinavia, Dan was a part of Phoenicia, and wherever Phoenicia went, Dan went also. But there is even more evidence that Dan settled in Scandinavia.

    The island of Cyprus was known as Yadnana, meaning “Isle of the Dananu.” “Dananu” was the Tribe of Dan. An area corresponding in the descriptions to Scandinavia had also been called “Keftiu,” or "Kaptara,” both words meaning Cyprus. Since the Danites were connected with Cyprus of the Mediterranean, they might (on this point alone) also have been on “Cyprus of the Atlantic Ocean," meaning in Scandinavia. Dan disappeared at anearly date. Scandinavian culture at that time
    revealed the probable presence of a group hailing from the same Middle Eastern areas which the Danites had frequented shortly before. From this, we can surmise that these Danites (at least some of them) from the Mediterranean had migrated to
    Scandinavia. Irish legends identify the Children of Dana with the Israelite Tribe of Dan. The Irish accounts exactly fit what archaeological research has revealed.

    Another nail to hammer this point home is that the Assyrians, or their auxiliaries, conquered Scandinavia in about 700 B.C.E., and the Danites might have reached Scandinavia after or during that date. Scandinavian Bronze Age Civilization ended in about
    500 B.C.E., about which time Dana from Scandinavia came to Ireland.

    The conclusions of Yair Davidy are that the Tribe of Dan had broken up into several entities, one of which occupied the area of southeast Turkey and the island of Cyprus. Dan, like the other north Israelite tribes, went into exile and a portion of Dan might have been exiled before the other Israelites. Part of Dan is to be identified with the Tribe of Dana in Irish tradition, who, it was said, from the Israelite Middle Eastern region went to Greece, then to Scandinavia, and from there to Ireland and Britain.

    But there is more. Yair Davidy, in his book, The Tribes, says that a portion of the Tribe of Judah had been exiled with the other Ten Tribes. These particular Judaites (Jews) among the northern Ten Tribes are recognizable in the Jutes, who were
    associated with Dan of Denmark. We do know that Denmark was once called Juteland. Where did this name come from? At one time, both the Danites and the Yadi of Judah ruled over the same subject people called Mooshki, later known as Muski, and who are identified with the Phrygians (in Anatolia, or Turkey, today). There were periods when both the Dananu and Yadi were ruled by the same monarch. At some stage, though, they separated and warred against each other, enlisting foreigners to help them.

    The ultimate result was that both kingdoms were destroyed and the Yadi and the Dananu exiled. Centuries later the Jutes (from “Yadi”?) settled in Denmark, and a Danish tradition traced the Jutes to Judah and the Danes to Dan. The Danes of Denmark
    traced their origin to Dan the Great, and in an early historical work, the Danes are attributed descent from Dan of Israel, and the Jutes (who accompanied the Danes) ascribed Judah as their forebear. Apparently so many Jutes were in Denmark (the
    Cymbric Peninsula) that it became known as Juteland. In Northern European dialects and in Latin, variations on the names “Jute” (of Denmark) and “Judaean” (Jew from Judah) are sometimes interchangeable.

    In central northern Britain, Ptolemy records the city of Danum, and it was in this region that, after several centuries, Viking invaders from Denmark were destined to settle. In addition, the Tribe of Dana were amongst the early settlers of Ireland and came from the Israelite area of Lebanon, whence they were said to have gone to Greece and from there to the far north and from there to Ireland. The Irish claims regarding the Tribe of Dana are confirmed by archaeology. In Welsh versions, the Tribe of Dana are referred to as Sons of Don.

    Interestingly, the Tribe of Dan was represented by a snake (Genesis 49:17) and by a lion (Deuteronomy 33:22). Other symbols were a pair of scales (Genesis 49:16), an eagle, and a dragon. Many members of Dan settled in Denmark, in Ireland, in Wales, England, and the U.S.A., where 40-50 million people have Irish ancestry. The original Coat of Arms of Denmark depicts a lion. (
    “Dan is a lion’s whelp, he shall leap from Bashan” (Deuteronomy 33:22)). Denmark (literally “Mark of Dan”) was called Juteland at one time. Judah (the Jutes) was very prominent, along with the presence of other tribes, in Denmark. An
    interesting sidelight is that the Germans conquered Denmark in WWII and ordered all the Jews to wear the star of David as an identifying sign. The king of Denmark then proceeded to put one on himself and ordered all his subjects to do the same. The symbol of a snake was once worshipped in Ireland; Denmark (as mentioned) and England are represented by a lion; Wales has a dragon on its flag, and the U.S.A. has an eagle.

    The Coat of Arms of Iceland, historically associated with Norway and Denmark, includes a dragon, a vulture (which in Hebrew is given the same name as an eagle, “nesher”), a bull (which is a symbol of Joseph), and a giant (which might
    represent Dan and Samson, the national hero of Dan) (Davidy, p. 210).

    Another interesting sidelight, and perhaps a “proof” in and of itself, is the camping order of the Israelite tribes in the Wilderness. In The Tribes, Yair Davidy has an entire chapter on “The Order of Encampment in the Wilderness and Its Historical Significance.” He makes the point that some significance can be made from the tribal associations, which associations were commanded of them by the Eternal, even from the beginning of their forty-year sojourn in the Exodus from Egypt. The point has been made earlier that some Danites probably left before the main part of Israel was enslaved, who themselves were later released by their Egyptian overlords. The greater part, though, left with the others during the historical Exodus. Numbers 2 tells us that the tribes were encamped in a specified order around the Tabernacle while in the Wilderness. Similarly, they were to proceed in a specified marching order, with Judah going first and Dan bringing up the rear (Numbers 10)

    The camping order divided the twelve tribes into four groups of three, with the camping alignment having some parallelism to the familial order of Jacob and his wives. He asserts, and I agree that he makes a good point of it, that this might be a clue to their whereabouts in modem times, since their “required” association would have established an affinity for one another not broken by future events. The last grouping of three is that dominated by Dan, his other neighbours being Asher (Scots of today) and Naphtali (the Norwegians). Among all the other peoples and nations that Dan might have become (or greatly influenced), are the Danes. Naphtali became the Nephtali who migrated to Norway. Both Denmark and Norway produced the Vikings, who invaded and settled in northern England in an area previously belonging to the Angles and Varin (Vandals) and before them, to the Brigantes. (My note: both Dan and Naphtali were sons of Bilhah (Genesis 30:4-8)). He continues his line of thought by saying the Anglo-Brigantian inhabitants of northern Britain were most likely from the Tribe of Asher (called “Aseir”).

    These Aseir were considered ancestral gods by the Scandinavians, including those of Norway and Denmark. This same camping (living) alliance that had been theirs in the Wilderness, then, was retained in Scandinavia and in northern England.

    Briefly, the Naphtalites became divided by time, but the greater bulk went westward and became the Vikings of Scandinavia, especially of Norway. What about Sweden?

    “It was from Odin’s army, known as the ‘Svear,’ that Sweden takes its name. In their own language, the Swedes call their country ‘Sverige,’ — the ‘land of the Svear.’ The date of Odin is given variously as between C.E. 200 and 300. In the Herald’s College, London, there is a very ancient manuscript deducing the Saxon kings from Adam and from David. Odin is listed in the genealogy (as is also his wife, Frea) tracing the Royal House of Britain back to David.” Let it be understood that I have not gone into the detail that Yair Davidy has gone into, to wit, the names of the sons of Dan in the Bible being associated with peoples that invariably were, and still are, associated with Dan in the countries of Scandinavia and Ireland mentioned above. This includes names of tribes, place names, symbols, etc.

    Before closing this section, one other point should be made. Whenever the Bible mentions “the Isles,” many of us have, in the past, believed them to be the British Isles. Psalms 72:10, for example, says, “The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles...” Talmudic commentators explain that the “Isles” are those in the “Oceanic Sea,” meaning the Atlantic Ocean. The Talmud infers, too, that “Tarshish” actually means the Atlantic Ocean. We know that historically Tarshish was located on the southwest coast of Spain, and outposts of it were located in Britain and Gaul.

    ‘Ships of Tarshish’ means primarily those plying the Atlantic Ocean and therefore the ‘Isles’ mentioned in association with Tarshish and Israelites are presumably those of Britain, America, and the coastline of Northwest Europe (Bold type mine) since the term ‘Isle’ in Hebrew sometimes may be extended to include places by thecoast. Even so, PRIMARILY — ‘EY’ in Hebrew means Land surrounded by water, i.e. an ‘isle’ or island.

    “The term ‘Yarech’ in Hebrew means coastline whereas ‘ey’ nearly always means island. And Jeremiah uses the word ‘yerech’ coastline when speaking of the ‘North Country’ (Jeremiah 31:8-10). The expression ‘North Country’ could
    apply to the whole of the Northwest European Coastline (including the British Isles) as well as to North America.”

    To the early oceanic travelers, the North Americancontinent would undoubtedly appear on maps as an “island.” That Scandinavia, whether the coastline only or the entire peninsula, would also be included in those prophecies concerning “the Isles,” seems conclusive. Later, the reader will see that North America’s being included definitely would seem to be a reasonable assumption.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 68 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2012 04:52
    #7 Tribe of Dan = Denmark, Greenland, Netherlands 
                      (Holland), AND a part of Canada 
    16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 
    17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that 
    biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. 
    18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD 
    Why is the Tribe of Dan the nations of Denmark, Greenland, Holland, 
    and part of Canada?
    First, you must remember that the Tribe of Dan is NOT one of the 
    tribes that receive 12,000 of the 144,000 (Revelation 7:5-8). 
    Second, notice that Greenland does NOT have a large population and 
    that Denmark settled Greenland. Denmark is very similar to the 
    Netherlands (Holland) by location, culture and people. How easy 
    is it to confuse someone who is Dutch or Danish?
    Third, we must answer through some prophetic interpretation why a 
    part of Canada is included in the Tribe of Dan. The Danish 
    exploration route ends in Canada, and there is a (minority) 
    Dutch / Danish population in Canada. This ties in with 
    verse 17; “serpent by the way, an adder in the path”. 
    When Gog, Magog, and Meshech and Tubal (who are Russia and China) 
    go “NORTH” to attack ISRAEL, and ISRAEL IS EPHRAIM (not Judah), 
    and EPHRAIM IS the UNITED STATES. . .on the way to attacking the 
    United States, Dan IS THE serpent by the roadside and a viper 
    along the path. 
    Here, God stops the armies of Gog, Magog, and 
    Meshech and Tubal and causes them to “stumble backwards” back 
    through Alaska / North Pole to where they came from. 

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