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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 15/07/2013 23:49


A stone carving in France not too far from the Rennes le Chateau mystery holds the secret of the cross and a land monument layout plan where the ground mirrors the sky, a secret associated with The Christ .. but where is this sacred place?
(Finding Ref - Wayne Herschel - The Hidden Records)
The Coumesourde stone carving found in 1928 is a finding that another well known group of researchers have made some breaking findings with... which lead to deciphering it as a land map... but of what and where?

Before following the work of Corjan de Raaf and Jean-Pierre d’Aniort on Andrew Gough's website... to the sacred land map they discovered matching this carving... what was not deciphered was the star correlation significance to fully decipher why the layout plan was built on a ground plan of massive scale... As Above So Below!

The ground plan fully deciphered goes to the next level in the next upload .. three churches built in a row mimic Orions belt in a valley named... The Valley of "Oriole"... Orion

Another parchment from the Priory documents tied to Pierre Plantard as followed in holy blood Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code shows the Egyptian Leg of the bull symbol, the circumpunct and that the map is ... upside down... but why?

...A field shaped into the Egyptian symbol of the leg of the bull and the 'x' monument fitting the X on the map as the ultimate star monument has just like Mars... a Face of stone!


The origin of the sacred cross and of the churches and Orion

The solar trinity:

Freemason star map and chronology of arrivals


A stone carving in France not too far from the Rennes le Chateau mystery holds the secret of the cross and a land monument layout plan where the ground mirrors the sky, a secret associated with The Christ ....
(Finding Ref - Wayne Herschel - The Hidden Records)
Here is the image of the land correlation that Corjan de Raaf and Jean-Pierre d’Aniort presented on Andrew Gough's website. I have just added more reasoning to:

1) The three churches built in a row that mimic Orions belt in a valley named... The Valley of "Oriole"... Orion

2) Why there is a face rock carved monument on the 'x' that marks the spot area where it is represented by a Face in the same Mars star map... http://thehiddenrecords.com/mars

3) The field of the Leg of the bull symbol... 
like Lalibela ... where it to chose to mark the x on the map with a church in an x shape... http://thehiddenrecords.com/lalibela.php

4) like the Washington DC star map at http://keyofsolomon.net/

5) The parchment clue having the leg of the bull and north pointing arrow down wards with the words SION upside down show the fact that this star map is... upside down? Why?... perhaps as it was the only site they could find that they could adapt in the legend As Above So Below.

6) in the parchment clue it also shows the land mark of the leg of the bull is not perfectly aligned because the circumpunct ... the symbol for the star of Ra/Bethlehem star is next to the leg!!! This was a big surprise.... as it is on the ground.


The stone map discovery

The land map discovery

The global collection of star maps:

The origin of the sacred cross and of the churches and Orion

The solar trinity:

Freemason star map and chronology of arrivals


An enigmatic priest of Rennes le Chateau called Berenger Sauniere left behind some substantial parchments to the new age. Thanks to researcher Ben Hammott who’s been studying the site extensively for years now he was able to find two old bottles hidden in caves, bottles with messages! The carbon date results verified the findings are indeed old. Although it’s still not exactly known what message the old papers cover it seems to have a connection to the the Bethlehem star secret and how it is found with the Holy Cross representing Orion! 
Ref - The Hidden Records - Wayne Herschel hypothesis

Particularly the 'key’ feature of the parchments hold the secret, no surprise it’s written next to it: "Occulttus EGO” ("I am hidden”) – a key shown with 3 crosses in a row leading towards a special star, Star of David! 

Ref - Márton Molnár-Göb

In the other version of the key a text is included above it as well: "La route que vous suivre est” which means "The route to follow”. Namely one has to follow the line of Orion’s Belt to locate the special star in a distance.

It seems it’s the very same star secret that the stone carvings of Rennes le Chateau hold shown in the previous blogs.

But the story doesn’t end here, as it was shown in the last post Oriole Valley near Rennes le Chateau also carries the star theme, the ground mirrors the sky "as above so below” where Wayne Herschel found that Orion’s belt is the three famous churches of Perillos placed in a row and the breakthrough comes here… the key in Sauniere parchments uses 3 crosses exactly in the same layout as in Perillos… and where one would expect to find the special place, the Star of David monument... is the mysterious circular hill, a very likely artificial mound!

Besides this another amazing connection emerges, this key with Orion and special Hebrew star… is the very same theme as the Hebrew key of Solomon – Orion, the route you have to follow and the star… forming a key visually! Ref - http://keyofsolomon.net/
ref sites:

Berenger Sauniere:


Ben Hammott website, it covers all the things mentioned, findings in bottles, carbon dating etc.:



Wayne Herschel found the star map repeated on a sacred stone that appears as if it was used in some Baptism ceremony with a small basin built into it. Herschel saw what look like a cluster of crosses as a group of stars in the heavens and one with a triangle... the 'x' star that marks the spot position. The cross at the bottom portion has three orbs next to it symbolic of the three churches in a row and the three crosses on the Key parchment seen here.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2013 01:00
Mars, Rennes-le-Chateau, and the Hall of Records
2005 10 03

By Beau Berger | Forums.AtlantisRising.com

Ed Comment: The pictures were added to this article afterwards.

The massive Secret Society that is at the heart of the Rennes-le-Chateau story (perhaps "conspiracy" would be a better word)is known as the Priory of Sion. Many identify it with the New World Order of conspiracy theorists, and some say that it was behind the Masonic foundation of America, which they wanted to be the "New Atlantis". This happens to be very close to the truth.

The Priory of Sion was said to have created the crusading Knights Templar who supposibly recovered the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy Lands. However, the Priory Documents state that the two orders broke away from one another in 1188, in an event called "Cutting of the Orm". This took place at Gisors, in France. "Orme" is another word for Elm, a sacred tree. Indeed, an important Elm tree at Gisors was destroyed in 1188 during a quarrel between Phillip Augustus and Henry II Plantagenet. Jean Markale believes, as he writes in The Templar Treasure at Gisors, that quarrel was a cover story for the event between the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar.

In a recent issue of Dagoberts Revenge magazine, there was a lenghty article entitled "The Cutting of the Orm: The Golden Age Calendar and the New English Cabala". This article linked the event of the "Cutting of the Orm" to an ancient cataclysm that started a lunar calendar. Indeed, there is more evidence linking the Cutting of the Orm to an ancient cataclysm.

Orm, or Orme, seems to close to be coincedence to the name of the founder of the Priory of Sion, named Ormus. When Ormus founded it, it was a gnostic group called the "Sages of Light". Ormus had been converted to Christianity by St. Mark, who appears in alot of the artist Poussin's painting (Poussin was a Priory of Sion grand master). Jean Markale points out that the "Sages of Light" seemed to be based on the Persian "Sons of Light", the so-called descendants from the God of Light Ahura Mazda. Ahura Mazda was also called Ormuzd! Coincedence?

In Priory of Sion documents, the M in Ormus was written as the astrological symbol for Virgo. Both M and Virgo are symbols of Mary Magdalene, who is extremely important to the Priory of Sion. With the M/Virgo dropped from the name of Ormus, we get "Orus", which seems to be a reference to the Egyptian Sun god Horus. Both Osiris and Horus became associated with Jesus, so the name "Ormus" seems to be a fusion of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. According to the Priory's documents, Mary Magdalene and Jesus married and had children, and their bloodline is the Holy Grail. Could this be what is invoked by Ormus?

Possibly, but let us not forget that there seems to be a link between Ormus/Orm and an ancient cataclysm. And of course, the Priory of Sion put layers of meanings into their symbolism.

I stated earlier that the M (Mary Magdalene) was a symbol of Virgo. Let us not forget that Orus/Horus is identified with the constellation of Leo. Leo and Virgo are the beginning, and the end, of the Zodiac, which is said to represent the "Second Coming" of Christ (According to conspiracy theorists, the Second Coming is linked to the New World Order, which is indeed what the Priory is striving for). Check out these links:

These links discuss how Leo/Virgo is what is being represented by the "Sphinx" at Cydonia, Mars. Check out these links about Mars and Ancient Cataclysms:

Let us jump to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. The Priory of Sion was first uncovered through their dealings at Rennes-le-Chateau, the site closely related to Jesus and Mary Magdalene (Leo and Virgo) and the Holy Grail. Perhaps the most famous part of the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery is the massive pentagrams formed in the landscape.
http://www.section4.com (site seems to be down)

The pentagram is also found at Mars, in the now famed "D & M Pyramid":

From: http://www.mt.net/~watcher/martianpentagon.jpg

The pentagram was the symbol of the Pythagoreans, because they would cut a quince apple in half and reveal that the seeds made the shape of the pentagram. The scientific name for the Quince Apple is "Pyrus Cydonia"!! (Note the similarity between the words "Pyrennes", which are the mountains that Rennes-le-Chateau is located in, and "Pyrus")

Here is a link showing how the famous "Woods pentagram" from Rennes is also found at Mars:

From: http://www.vortexmaps.com/htmla/rennes.htm

The Priory of Sion had shown great interest in the Temple of Solomon, which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Of course, two cherubim appeared on the Ark. I might also point out that Solomon could be literally translated a "Sun-Man" (Sol-Mon), reminding us of Horus and Ahura Mazda/Ormus.

The mountain that Solomon built his temple on was called "Moriah", which many linguists say comes from "Meru". Meru was the Cosmic World Mountain of the Hindus. It just so happens that it was five sided, just like the Pentagram and D & M pyramid of Mars!

When Solomon built his temple, he called on help from the King of Tyre. Oscar has pointed out that Tyre was sometimes a reference to Mars. The King of Tyre sent Hiram, who is called in Masonic legends Hiram Abiff. His story is parrallel to that of Osiris, whom Horus is an important part of. Many say that the story of Osiris and Set is a representation of an ancient cataclysm! This theory is backed up by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in The Mars Myster.

Set is said to be the prototype christian Satan. However, many say that Satan comes from Ahriman, the evil foe of Ahura Mazda/Ormus. This whole connection with Satan brings to mind something Tracy R. Twyman wrote in an article for Dagoberts Revenge:


Many aspects of the Priory’s new claims in this magazine appear to be attempts at obfuscation. They want the Priory of Sion to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds once again, but they want to spread some confusion, to increase the intrigue. This series of Vaincre appears to have later morphed into Le Cercle, which was still subtitled Vaincre and still edited by Thomas Plantard. Its logo featured a cock crowing, a favorite motif often used by Cocteau, and one whose solar symbolism we have already discussed. Both Vaincre and Le Cercle are very queer in their phrasing, as all Priory documents are, and appear to contain many code words recognizable only to initiates, many of which are written in all caps for emphasis. And in one of these issues, a reprinted letter from Pierre Plantard purported to reveal the Priory of Sion’s main secret. Plantard writes:

“Our TREASURE, that of the PRIORY OF SION, is the SECRET of the BLACK ROCK (‘ROC NOIR’).
Revered since remote antiquity by those who believed in its immense power, it was confused with the DEVIL, and even LABOUISSE-ROCHEFORTE wrote, in a poem intended for the initiated:

‘The Angel of the bastard race,
In a tone at once dry and crazed,
Keeps constant guard over
This immense income...’
and only the initiated could understand that the treasure was not gold, but the considerable energy that the MASTER of the genie - he who knows the secret - has at his disposal.”

Then, in another article called “The Dubosc Affair”, it was claimed that a mining shaft was sunk through the “Roc Noir”, the true purpose of which was to “re-establish a communicating ‘way’ between the old underground passages of the former Celtic sanctuary known as the TEMPLE ROND (Round Temple).” According to Pierre Plantard himself, the real “secret of the Priory” pertains to an underground temple beneath Rennes-le-Chateau which is associated with the Devil: the “angel of the bastard race” and “MASTER of the genie.”

The idea of the Underground chamber of Rennes-le-Chateau reminds me of the possible underground Hall of Records at Giza. Here is an image of the Wood Pentagram (also found at Mars) at Giza (scroll down to find it):

(The pictures regarding the above link are not loading) I can not locate similar pictures at this time but there are countless other references to the geometry relating to Mars/Cydonia-Earth/Giza. Here are a few link:

http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue4/ar4hallrec.html connects the Cherubim (the Sphinx) to the Hall of Records, which ties into what we said about Mars earlier:

Ever since two centuries ago when Sir Isaac Newton took a special interest in the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid, and speculated that its inner labyrinth of tunnels and chambers was a prophecy calendar in stone, a host of scholars who have attempted to elaborate on this idea, and crack the Pyramid's prophetic code.

In correlation with the prophecy inside the Great Pyramid, the nearby Sphinx may hold its own symbology of past and future happenings. According to ancient Egyptian and Coptic traditions, one of the earlier forms of the Sphinx, before it was carved into its present configuration, is that it had the front paws of a lion, the back legs and tail of a bull, the face of a human, and along its sides where today one can see the remains of stone incendiary boxes, fires were lit at night to give the Sphinx the appearance of having the flaming wings of an eagle.

Lion. Bull. Human. Eagle. We have here not only the Four Beings before the throne of the Divine as described in the Books of Ezekiel and the Revelations, but we also have here the four Fixed signs of the Zodiac, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio.


From: http://www.mt.net/%7Ewatcher/newun.html

Most significantly, in the Precession of the Equinoxes, the distant Age of Leo 12,000 years ago saw the burial of the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx's front paws. Recent archaeological and geologic surveys conducted by John Anthony West and Robert Schoch have demonstrated that the Sphinx does indeed date to such a remote time period.

Today we have just entered the Age of Aquarius, and the face of the Sphinx symbolizes the face of global humanity joined in one mind and one heart, the goal of evolving Aquarian civilization.

Another 6,000 years into the future will complete the Sphinx's prophecy in the distant Age of Scorpio, when perhaps humanity's spiritual evolution will be complete. The flaming wings of the Sphinx may be more than just that of an eagle; they may signify the fire of the Phoenix, the higher form of Scorpio that epitomizes its central themes of death and transfiguration. It is striking to note that the Pyramid's time line ending in the 83rd century will also fall in the Age of Scorpio.

Another theory sees the Sphinx embodying not only the four Fixed signs, but more specific astrological locations which Philip Sedgwick in his book Astrology of Deep Space identifies as the Four Points of Avatar, found at 14 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio. There are those students of the Egyptian Mysteries who believe that when all Four Points of Avatar will be triggered by planetary configurations, this may be a cosmic key for opening the doorway into the Sphinx's forgotten secrets.

Significantly, the next occurrence will take place on August 6, 1999. Will this presage the opening of the hidden Hall of Records? After that, the only other Four Points of Avatar hits to take place in the foreseeable future will be from May 4-14, 2003; November 6-11, 2005; and January 2-10, 2006.
Look at this image of the Wood's Pentagram:
http://www.consciousevolution.com/Rennes/method8.gif (Site Down)

Ed Comment: I noticed the above site was down so I went looking around and found the below picture at: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/orbit/april/serpents.html
(I think it is the same picture):

Go here for more: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/orbit/april/serpents.htm

When I showed this image to fellow researcher, he informed me that the Cresents where a symbol of the Hall of Records!

I'll post more later on how all this ties into the founding of America!

Regards, Beau Berger

Article from: http://forums.atlantisrising.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000822.html

Related: Washington: District of Cydonia

The Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders

Rennes-le-Chateau terraglyphs


The "Age of Horus" Dawns

The Zodiac, Cherubim & The Sphinx

Stargate Cipher 2012 - Athens Olympics, Contact, Life On Mars, Holy Grail, Ultra Technology & Mayan Calendar

Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chteau and the Prieure du Sion

The Merovingian Dynasty Satanic Bloodline of the Antichrist & False Prophet

Stone of Scone - Stone of Destiny - Jacob's Pillow Stone, Jacob's Pillar Stone - BabyLond(don) & Rennes Le Chateau


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 27 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/07/2013 03:38

La condición de sefardí dará derecho automático a la nacionalidad española | Política | EL PAÍS

La condición de sefardí dará derecho automático a la nacionalidad española
Bastará acreditarlo con un certificado de la Federación de Comunidades Judías

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 02-mar-2013 a las 17:07

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 27 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/07/2013 04:11

Basel Minster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Georgsturm and Martinsturm - St Martin Tower

The main front which points at the west is bestrided by two towers. The northern tower is called Georgsturm (64.2 m) and the southern tower is called Martinsturm (62.7 m). The towers are named after Georg and Martin, saints of the knights. Copies of both saints are portrayed by corresponding equestrian sculptures next to the main entrance upon high pilasters below the particular towers. The statue of Holy Martin originated from the year 1340; today, the archetype can be found in the Klingentalmuseum. A mechanic clock and a sundial are located above the archetype. It is remarkable that the sundial of the *Basler Münster* shows the “wrong time” due to the *Basler Zeit*. Below the Georgsturm a monumental picture (1372) can be found which shows knight Georg fighting against a remarkably small dragon.
After a heavy earthquake in 1356 the *Münster* which originally had five steeples was reconstructed with only two steeples remaining. At the older Georgsturm the lower brighter part that has remained untouched can still be seen. In 1500 a gorgeous finial was put on top of the Martinsturm. By using the steep spiral stairs in the southern steeple it is possible to see the old church clock from 1883. The belfry is situated in between the two steeples which are connected through a gallery. Georgturm and Martinsturm can both be accessed by 242 stairs. From there you get an overwhelming view of the city of Basel and the foothills of the Black Forest and the Jura Mountains.
Both of the steeples consist of three lower, undivided storeys and several Freigeschosse. The two lower storeys are simple and block-like. The steeples’ upper storeys soar up the tracery gallery. As those were not constructed simultaneously, they differ slightly in their outer appearance. In contrast to the southern steeple, the octagonally cross-sectioned steeple and the steeple topping attach only over a rectangle storey at the northern steeple. Comparable to the *Freiburger Münster, lank Fialentürme* project at the corners of the octagons.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 27 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:16

Funny you should ask Davinho, this is from my friend Christian Mace in San Tropez.

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 27 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:24



8/13/13 Wiltshire.


This reminds me of the Coumesourde stone (but the alignment isn`t quite right, check it with a straight-edge).

that is a interesting observation Renne
Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:31
Queen of Heaven ....Ishtar

The eight-pointed star, a symbol of Inanna/Ishtar, who is identified with the Morning and Evening Star (known to us as the planet Venus)


The Cross on Henry Sinclair Tombstone has the Ishtar Star (Queen of Heaven) star in the middle of which he writes he is a
Templar Knight
The Star is the same that is on Tour Magdala floor

Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:43
Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:52
Ison and anagram for Sion ....Comet Sion


Another comet occurred this year the Pann Star


is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs

With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring.
March heralds Spring
passed closest to Earth on 5 March 2013
Leo XIII heraldry is at Rennes and sport a comet
a picture from the Wombat

Leo XIII had a vision of 100 years of evil in the Church
he was an advocate for the Mediatrix

and so was Pope John the XIII
Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 01:58
Roundway Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 1st August.

http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2013 ... 2013a.html

A connection to

Gothic Cathedral in France dating back to the Crusades
Magdalene was said to come from Migdal

there is a rose petal flower used at Migdal where one of the oldest Synagogues has been found

The symbol is likely to have been a part of a Jewish tradition dating to the Second Temple period.

Also found in Pompeii



Da Vinci

Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2013 17:28
I don't know who is responsible? I know some crop circles are made by men and women. I have seen them make them on TV
they go out of the way to bend the wheat and make their designs before the light rises ...it takes a lot of work
Some people have taken credit for some of them so perhaps it is men creating beautiful designs It hasn't stopped over the years
I still think there is a mystery here...why do they do it and what makes them choose their designs?
What are their intentions?....

the big ones well they are amazing
and many of the designs are based on geometry

It is sacred geometry that is made for without profit or recognition and destroyed after its production returning the next spring
a whole message of death and regeneration ...like the Tibet monks sand painting

If you were a Druid then this would be your church ....Nature ...not a church with walls and a roof

Rennes Chateau Magdalene chapel uses sacred geometry and it is amazing
up above your head on the ceiling are stars in the sky
there is a connection with the heavens

Sauniere demonstrates through geometry the dimensions ...the black and white checkerboard floor like the Freemasons temple
two dimensions
then he has the cube like structure which demonstrates the third dimension

but then I think it can represent the elusive fourth dimension
the tesseract

and if you unwrap a tesseract you get Salvator Dali's cross

on the answer WHY
I believe it is to open our awareness and consciousness ....when you understand why these patterns are placed in a church
then you understand the majesty of a crop circle created under the stars....the crop circle maker's church is not a church of walls but of nature
Nature's design has many examples of geometry
like this
honeybees make a honeycomb hexagonal cells
The belief that God created the universe according to a geometric plan has ancient origins. Plutarch attributed the belief to Plato, writing "Plato said God
geometrizes continually" (Convivialium disputationum, liber 8,2).

mankind builds incredible things
the geometric pyramids

the pyramid of the moon

the crop circles are unique because they are created and destroyed and then created again
there is quite a spiritual aspect to it

lets take the Hour glass crop circle ...the Hour glass is seen in Freemason symbolism indicating time
Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future

now the fascinating part of the design is do we have lots of time or do we have hardly any....it depends on the angle your looking at that determines the answer

Its the VIEWER who chooses which angle :wink:
Which view do you have Davinho....is the hour glass running out or is it just starting
Is the age coming to an end and another just starting ....Age of Aquarius is coming and the Age of Pisces is coming to an end

Teniers used the hour glass in his paintings as a symbol ...Teniers hold the key

Time is a dimension and the hour glass is man's attempt to measure time
Man has been trying to measure time for a long time
There is an appointed time (zman) for everything. And there is a time (’êth) for every event under heaven–
A time (’êth) to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing.
A time to search, and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep, and a time to throw away.
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace. – Ecclesiastes 3:1–8

I could go on and on for a long time :D

so for the short answer of all of this I don't know but I'm using my time to try to figure it out
Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/09/2013 18:09

Sauniere Magdala Tower Asmodeus doomsday fire code - Cain arms

Spiraled stairs symbol of the spiral of time W axis of the hipercube, the 8 pointed star hypercube symbol can be found on the tiling, the stairs has 22 steps disposed in two sectors of 11, clear 1111 = 15 symbol
Above the chimney a symbol of fire we find and equilateral triangle, the 60 degrees magnetic component of the rhombic dodecaedron pomegranate Da Vinci's hypercube code.
The equilateral triangle sight points towards Pech Cardou were a shaft with and 8 pointed star was found 15 =1111 meters below.
Uranus seventh planet mon-key 1-7 mirror, component already confirmed by Voyager outside our solar system

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