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General: EL MURO Y LA PLAZA, Daniel 9:25
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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 14/06/2011 23:48



"sabe, pues, y entiende,
que desde la salida de la orden para restaurar y edificar Yerushalaim
hasta la venida del Mesias-Principe habra 7 semanas y 69 semanas
Volverá a levantarse la plaza y el muro en los tiempos de angustia"

Daniel 9:25

1948 fundacion del Estado de Israel
+ 70 semanas de Daniel

= 2018

Los tiempos de angustia fue la mantanza de 6 millones de judios que hizo Hitler (hisler =muerte) bajo su caballo amarillento de supremacia racial rubia conocido como tercer Reich bajo la complacencia del obispo romano Pio XI, el faslo profeta, el dragón vestido de cordero.

Edificar es un eufemismo de revivir.

El muro al que se refiere Daniel 9:25 es el Muro de los lamentos con su plaza



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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/06/2011 23:49

Voy a cotejar la traducción popular, con lo que leo en el Tanaj en la porción Ketuvim donde se encuentra el libro "Daniel" que por alguna razón no se encuentra en la sección "Neviím/Profetas". Aunque yo rescato que el Rabino Nazaretano, Iehoshua Ben Iosef lo llame profeta.

כד שָׁבֻעִים שִׁבְעִים נֶחְתַּךְ עַל-עַמְּךָ וְעַל-עִיר קָדְשֶׁךָ, לְכַלֵּא הַפֶּשַׁע ולחתם (וּלְהָתֵם) חטאות (חַטָּאת) וּלְכַפֵּר עָו*ֹן, וּלְהָבִיא, צֶדֶק עֹלָמִים; וְלַחְתֹּם חָזוֹן וְנָבִיא, וְלִמְשֹׁחַ קֹדֶשׁ קָדָשִׁים. כה וְתֵדַע וְתַשְׂכֵּל מִן-מֹצָא דָבָר, לְהָשִׁיב וְלִבְנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלִַם עַד-מָשִׁיחַ נָגִיד--שָׁבֻעִים, שִׁבְעָה; וְשָׁבֻעִים שִׁשִּׁים וּשְׁנַיִם, תָּשׁוּב וְנִבְנְתָה רְחוֹב וְחָרוּץ, וּבְצוֹק, הָעִתִּים. כו וְאַחֲרֵי הַשָּׁבֻעִים שִׁשִּׁים וּשְׁנַיִם, יִכָּרֵת מָשִׁיחַ וְאֵין לוֹ; וְהָעִיר וְהַקֹּדֶשׁ יַשְׁחִית עַם נָגִיד הַבָּא, וְקִצּוֹ בַשֶּׁטֶף, וְעַד קֵץ מִלְחָמָה, נֶחֱרֶצֶת שֹׁמֵמוֹת

24. Setenta semanas están determinadas sobre tu pueblo y sobre tu santa ciudad, para terminar con la transgresión, para acabar con el pecado, para expiar la iniquidad, para traer la justicia plena[1>; para sellar la visión y la profecía, y para ungir el lugar santísimo.
25. Conoce, pues, y entiende que desde la salida de la palabra para restaurar y edificar Jerusalén hasta uno ungido (por) príncipe[2>, habrá siete semanas; y luego sesenta y dos semanas[3>; y volverá a ser edificada con plaza y muro, pero en tiempos angustiosos.
26. Después de las sesenta y dos semanas, será quitado uno ungido y nada de el quedará[4> y la ciudad y el santuario destruirá el pueblo de un gobernante que ha de venir, con cataclismo será su fin, y hasta el fin de la guerra está decretada la desolación.

justicia plena[1> "צֶדֶק עֹלָמִים", se lee "tzedeq olamim". Repare usted en la palabra "tzedeq" es un "singular" y luego "olamim" es un plural, ese es un indicativo de que se está frente a un plural intensivo, es decir, no es un plural numérico, en ese sentido "eterna/olamim" es un superlativo para "justicia" y no denota una indeterminada cantidad de tiempo pues como se ha demostrado es un plural intensivo y no numérico, por ende opera intensificando la calidad de "justicia"
Si fuera numérico (el plural), "justicia" estaría en plural.

uno ungido (por) príncipe[2> "מָשִׁיחַ נָגִיד" se lee "mashiaj naguid", no dice "hamashiaj hamaguid/el mesías príncipe" y en hebreo la ausencia de artículo (ha) indica la "presencia" tácita del "indefinido" por ende lo que dice textualmente es "un ungido príncipe" en la interpretación de arriba coloqué entre paréntesis "(por)" como una forma de señalar la "dirección" del texto hebreo.

y luego sesenta y dos semanas[3> "וְשָׁבֻעִים שִׁשִּׁים וּשְׁנַיִם" se lee "veshavuim shishim ushnaim" es decir "luego sesenta y dos" que indica que se habla de dos periodos de tiempos, por ende se habla de dos "ungidos" el primer periodo de 7 semanas y el segundo periodo de 62 semanas.

uno ungido y nada de el quedará[4> "מָשִׁיחַ וְאֵין לוֹ" se lee "mashiaj veéin lo" es decir "un ungido y nada de el" en el contexto se entiende que ese "ungido" sin nada quedará. Se observa una vez más la ausencia de artículo (ha) por ende no se está hablando de "El Mashiaj" sino de "un mashiaj" un gobernante, un rey, alguien con autoridad.

Es importante basar mi respuesta en las especificaciones que acabo de hacer.

Aclaración 2, sobre la expresión “mashiaj naguid”.

Ahora quiero dejar en claro que “mashiaj” no se usa únicamente como una alusión profética o escatológica para referirse al rey judío legítimo que gobernará Israel y que se ha difundido como “El Mesías”, “El Mashiaj”, sino que la expresión “mashiaj” se refiere a cualquier persona con autoridad como cuando se refiere por primera vez al sacerdote en levítico 4:3 donde incluso se usa la expresión “ha’mashiaj” pues es la forma como se estructura el hebreo, ya que previamente se refiere a “el sacerdote”; es decir, en hebreo para decir “el sacerdote ungido” se escribe “el sacerdote el ungido” y no se refiere a dos personas o dos “cargos” o “funciones”:

אִם הַכֹּהֵן הַמָּשִׁיחַ


Si el sacerdote ungido

Sin salirme del tema, ahora le presento una aparente coincidencia, que desde luego no lo es, sino que el Eterno guarda su propia Palabra, Isaías 45:1

כֹּה-אָמַר יְהוָה, לִמְשִׁיחוֹ לְכוֹרֶשׁ


Así dijo el Eterno a Su ungido, a Ciro

Precisamente es por eso que no es extraño que en el libro de Daniel 9:25 a Ciro se le llame “ungido”, pues como mencioné el texto habla de dos periodos de tiempo como se menciona en el versículo 25: “Habrá siete semanas y luego sesenta y dos semanas”; es decir, un primer periodo de 7 semanas que corresponde con 49 años y posteriormente un periodo de 62 semanas que corresponde con 434 años.

De manera que se habla de un “ungido” que ya identifique con Ciro. Ahora se debe identificar el momento en que se dio tal orden y para esto el Tana’’j tiene la información.

Sabido es que Ciro rey de Persia ascendió en el año 537 antes de la era común y se dice de el:

II Crónicas 36:22 En el primer año de Ciro, rey de Persia, y para que se cumpliese la palabra de El Eterno por boca de Jeremías, El Eterno despertó el espíritu de Ciro, rey de Persia, quien hizo pregonar por todo su reino, oralmente y por escrito, diciendo 23 Así ha dicho Ciro, rey de Persia: El Eterno, D’os de los cielos, me ha dado todos los reinos de la tierra y me ha comisionado para que le edifique un templo en Jerusalém, que está en Judá. Quien haya entre vosotros de todo su pueblo, que El Eterno su D’os sea con él, y suba.

La orden se dio en el primer año del ascenso de Ciro rey de los persas, eso ocurrió en el año 537 a.e.c entonces, desde esta fecha según la visión de Daniel trascurren 7 semanas, es a saber 49 años, la matemática simple hace llegar al año 586 a.e.c, exactamente el año en que el Templo de Jerusalém es destruido, por eso se habla en el mismo versículo (Dan. 9:25) de la necesidad de volver a restaurar Jerusalém.

Para recordar, estoy hablando de que la visión describe dos periodos y no un solo periodo, la visión habla de dos “ungidos” entre los dos periodos y no de “El Mesías”, estoy hablando de que esos “ungidos” se está refiriendo a personas dotada as de esa “unción” de D’os especialmente para llevar a cabo Sus designios, como se documenta en este caso de Ciro:

Isaías 44:28 Soy quien dice de Ciro: Él es mi pastor. Él cumplirá todo mi deseo al decir de Jerusalém: Sea edificada, y del templo: Sean puestos tus cimientos.

Es momento de referirme al segundo periodo

Las 62 semanas que traducido equivale a 434 años.
Tenga en cuenta el lector que los años se cuentan en reversa entre tanto se acerquen a la era común conocida como era cristiana.
De manera que sería un error sumar las cifras en este tema sino que debemos restarlas en tanto se refieran a fechas cada vez más proximas a la era común.

Repito para no perder la ilación, transcurrieron ya las 7 semanas, a saber 49 años desde que fue dada la orden de reedificar y restaurar Jerusalem y por eso se llegó al año 586, año en que el Templo fue destruido.

Ahora se debe partir de la fecha en que se dio la orden de reedificar y restaurar Jerusalem, es decir el año 537, año en que Ciro rey de los persas asciende y da la orden, Ciro quien además es llamado “ungido” por D’os en Isaías 45:1.

Dice en Daniel 9:25
Conoce, pues, y entiende que desde la salida de la palabra para restaurar y edificar Jerusalén hasta uno ungido (por) príncipe, habrá siete semanas; y luego sesenta y dos semanas; y volverá a ser edificada con plaza y muro, pero en tiempos angustiosos.

62 semanas equivale a 434 años que debemos sumar con signo negativo(-) al año 537 en que se dio la orden de reedificar y restaurar Jerusalém.

537 + (-434) = 103

Es una cifra exacta y tiene estrecha relación una vez más, con la historia de Israel pues en el 103 antes de la era común asumió el gobierno de Israel el Kohen Gadol (Sumo Sacerdote) Alexander Ianai, conocido como Alejandro Janeo, rey Makabí.

Precisamente este rey, que no era del linaje Real de Judá estubo en constante fricción con los Jajamim de su generación y de el no quedó nada, es decir, se extinguió yeso coincide con:

Daniel 9:26 Después de las sesenta y dos semanas, será quitado uno ungido y no tendrá nada y la ciudad y el santuario destruirá el pueblo de un gobernante que ha de venir, con cataclismo será su fin, y hasta el fin de la guerra está decretada la desolación.

Es decir, Alexander Ianai Ha’kohen es ese segundo ungido (se ha visto que en lev. 4:3 el sacerdote es llamado ungido) y se dice que será cortado, es decir sufrió la pena de “karet” es decir, ser cortado de su pueblo, no es casualidad que el texto hebreo diga “יִכָּרֵת מָשִׁיחַ וְאֵין לוֹ/IKARET MASHIAJ VE’EIN LO”, es decir, y “será cortado un ungido y nada de el”
Es decir, extinto.

Hago notar aprovechando esta culminación que es una manipulación verter: “se quitará la vida al Mesías y no por sí”, es una completa manipulación ya que no corresponde con el original, no corresponde ni con el contexto.



Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 22:30
Esoteric and Occult Goddess worship has culminated in the design and purpose of Washington D.C.


Embodied as the Goddess Columbia, who is the new face of an old deity. According to this website (www.goddesscolumbia.com), the design in D.C. was meant to be fulfilled in recent time, and was not exactly aligned until now.


The great 'wonder in heaven' of revelations occurred in October of 2005.


According to the dates set forth in the book of Daniel, Mt. Zion will be in the hands of unbelievers for 2,300 years.

  • The Greeks conquered Israel in 333BC and 2,300 years later in 1967AD the Jews re-conquered it after the 6-Day War.

  • The two other periods linked with the abomination of the Temple are 1,290 and 1,335 years.

  • The Muslims turned the Dome of the Rock into a mosque in 677, and 1,290 years later in 1967 east Jerusalem was annexed by Israel.

  • The other period is 1,335 years after the Muslims captured the Temple.

  • And that is 45 years after 1967, or 2012.


Return to The Secret History of America's Capital - Washington D.C.

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/08/2012 03:20

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2012 21:42



"Porque todas las veces que comiereis este pan, y bebieres esta copa, la muerte del Señor anunciais hasta el venga." (1 Corintios 11:26)


El Santo Grial es otra reliquia conservada en España, concretamente en la catedral de Valencia. Es una antiquisima copa de ágata con la que, supuestamente, Jesucristo celebro la primera eucaristia en la que fue ultima cena.

Observen alli a la GRAN RAMERA BABILONIA LA GRANDE CON EL SANTO GRIAL. Vamos a apocalipsis 17:4

Y la mujer estaba vestida de purpura y de escarlata, y dorada con oro, y adornada de piedras preciosas y de perlas, teniendo un caliz de oro en su mano lleno de abominaciones y de la suciedad de su fornicacion;
Tenemos otro nexo de la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU con el 911. Entre la Independencia de EEUU, el 4 de Julio, hasta el 31 de diciembre tenemos 180 dias. Entre el 31 de diciembre y el 15/3 (San Longino) tenemos 74 (anagrama de 47) dias e insisto entre el 15/3 hasta el 4/7 tenemos 111=37X3 dias. Lo curioso es que si consideramos los dias entre el 4/7 y el 15/3 incluido tenemos 254 dias. SE REPITE EL PATRON 911 en el contexto a que desde el 1/1 hasta el 11/9 tambien tenemos 254 dias y desde este ultimo hasta el 31/12 tambien tenemos 111 dias. CONCRETAMENTE HAY UN NEXO MATEMATICO ENTRE EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE Y EL 15 DE MARZO (DIA DE SAN LONGINO). Si consideramos la cantidad de dias entre ambos tenemos 180 dias EXACTOS. ESTA TODO CALCULADO. YHWH MANEJA TODO Y LAS MATEMATICAS LO DEMUESTRAN. ¿QUIEREN CIENCIA? AQUI ESTA. LO MONSTRUOSO ES QUE ENTRE EL 4/7 Y EL 11/9 TENEMOS 69 DIAS. IMPRESIONANTE NEXO KAVALISTICO CON LA CONSTELACION DE CANCER (69=6+9=15 QUE EN SU EQUIVALENTE BINARIO EQUIVALE AL 1111. EN EL CONTEXTO A QUE 11=3 (DECIMAL) TENEMOS OTRO NEXO MATEMATICO ENTRE EL 1111 CON EL NUMERO 33 EN EL CONTEXTO A CANCER.


Jachin and Boaz construction from the rhombic dodecahedron state of the hypercube

6 + 9 = 15 = 1111 binary - the cubes of the hipercube crash in the pyra-midd-le through the s-piral-led axis.
Pira stands for Latin fire.

Mark 15.33 - Mark the Lion symbol of Judea

And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

15 = 1111
3 = binary 11 - 33 = 1111



"11:11:11: Activating the Mayan Stargate"
Full Moon in the Land of the Maya


Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2012 16:29

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:11
1776 - the number on the 'Great Seal', for a 'new order of the ages'. This is the exact height of the building they are making now to replace the twin towers of the WTC. This symbolises the pheonix rising from the ashes, a new 'race' of one from the two pillars that the twin towers represented. The two towers = the twin pillars of Solomon's Temple (revered by Freemasonic lucifer worshippers). The two pillars were a total of 23 cubits high - two pairs of 23 chromosomes in the temple that is our body. 23 + 23 = 46, and it was Psalm 46 that Barack Obama read out on the 10th Anniversary of the WTC destruction, and Psalm 23 that Bush read out when it happened. Coincidence? (I know Uncle Mikey has been hot on this).

So why start with the two towers, the 11? It relates to the world under the tyrannical rule of Nimrod (meaning, Rebel)to make a one world government:

Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Consider these numerics also relating to the twin towers:

* Built in 1968, destroyed in 2001 = 33 years (3 x 11) - 33 degrees of Freemasonry

* The towers physically looked like a number 11

* Both towers were 110 stories tall (11 x 10)

* The first tower was hit by American Airline number 11 (! - are you kidding me)

* 111 days left of the year from their destruction

* The 'Towers of Light' Memorial went from the 11th (11 again) of March to April 13 - 33 days (3 x 11 again)

And now they bring build one tower from the ashes to rise to heaven, just like in Genesis Chapter 11 which dealt with a one world order under a rebel! c'mon! They are rubbing it in our faces, but now the wall of lies is falling over and they are being exposed for the scum they are. Thanks to Pastor Mike Hoggard who is a bible numerics expert and researched this stuff, and of course the Lord who opened his eyes by a simple search in the bible for the word 'secret'. Amen.
Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

Amos 8:11  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

Ruth 1:1 Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land.

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 01:08

The Return from Babylon

The following 500 years were an unhappy period of decline for Israel. At the end of it the unbelievable happened. God, who cannot lie, had twice promised the land of Israel to Abraham as an ‘everlasting possession’ (Gen 17: 8 and 48: 4). That promise had been marvellously fulfilled. Israel had gone from being a rabble of slaves in a foreign land to being a powerful independent people in their own kingdom. Now again they became captives in a foreign land. What had happened to God’s promises?

This captivity was very different from the time in Egypt. It was a judgement and a consequence of sin. Most especially it was a judgement on the people of God for worshipping other gods. It was a judgement on religious sin.

Babylon in scripture is a picture of man’s religion. For centuries manmade, man-centred, man-controlled religion has held the true people of God in captivity.

Daniel and Nehemiah fasted and wept and confessed their sins and the sins of their people, and God granted deliverance. Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree that the Jews should return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (Ezra 1: 1-5).

This decree was issued at exactly the 70th jubilee from Adam. Once again we see the terms of the jubilee fulfilled. The captives were set free and returned to possess their inheritance.

The deliverance from captivity in literal Babylon is a picture of a much greater deliverance from a spiritual Babylon.

I have written a separately on Babylon.

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

490 (reckoned as 500) years on from the Jewish return from Babylon we reach the times of the New Testament. This time period is clearly described in Daniel’s prophecy: ‘Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy..’ (Dan 9: 24).

What happened to fulfil this prophecy? Nothing less than the greatest event in all recorded history: the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Appropriately this occurred at the 80th jubilee from Adam, the number 8 and its multiples being associated especially with Jesus and his resurrection.

The children of Israel were set free from Egypt at the Exodus. The Jews were set free from Babylon after their 70 years of captivity. Jesus at his resurrection was set free from death. We also read in Mat 27: 52, 53 that ‘The tombs were opened and the bodies of many saints who slept were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.’

This was an expression of jubilee that exceeded all previous jubilees. Jesus himself was set free from the ultimate imprisonment. He overcame death for himself and opened a way of deliverance for the whole creation.

Jesus began his ministry with a clear reference to the year of jubilee. In the synagogue at Nazareth he read these words from Isaiah: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ (Isaiah 61: 1, 2 and Luke 4: 18, 19). He spoke of freedom to the prisoners and releasing the oppressed and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour. What other year could this mean but the year of jubilee? After proclaiming it he went on to bring deliverance from sin, sickness and Satan to multitudes of those who were bound and afflicted. All this culminated with his own deliverance from the chains of death, and 50 days later the deliverance of his followers from all fear on the glorious day of Pentecost. They in turn proclaimed deliverance and release to captives wherever they went.

A Future Jubilee

We have considered 5 great jubilees that occurred in Bible times. The following table shows these jubilees with their equivalent number of Bible years from Adam. I have added one further jubilee which we will now consider.


Event Jubilee Years
Birth of Abraham 40th 2000
Exodus 50th 2500
Dedication of Solomon’s temple 60th 3000
Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem 70th 3500
Death and Resurrection of Jesus 80th 4000
Consummation 120th 6000

Are these 5 great jubilees that took place in Bible times the end of the story, or are there more jubilees to come?

The first 4 of these jubilees all pointed forward to the fifth jubilee which was the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each of the first 4 jubilees was an event in the natural order concerning the people of Israel, the natural people of God. They were shadows and types of what was to come. The resurrection of Jesus and the subsequent outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was their first fruit fulfilment. But even these great events of the new testament were not their complete and final fulfilment.

Jesus was the first fruit from the dead, and his resurrection pointed forward to a great harvest yet to come. So then just as the first 4 great jubilees of the past all point to the even greater fifth jubilee, so also the first 5 great jubilees of the past all point to the still greater sixth jubilee to come.

What is there in scripture that indicates that this is so? We will call 4 witnesses.

1. Paul’s specific prophecy.

Paul looked forward to an event, which in Romans 8 he described as the manifestation of the sons of God. He wrote, ‘The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the sons of God.’ When we look more closely at the context of these words, we find an exact parallel with the Exodus from Egypt. His words are filled with the language of jubilee. Rom 8: 18-23 reads as follows:

‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.’

The children of Israel groaned in their sufferings for more than 80 years in Egypt. They were crying out for deliverance and freedom. God was preparing Moses to be their deliverer. Moses was, I believe, the prototype of the manifested sons of God. For 40 years God had been setting him free from all that belonged to Egypt. After that preparation at last he was ready, in the mighty power of God, to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt and into their promised inheritance. (See Moses and the Path of Sonship.) Now I believe God has sons, like Moses, in the wilderness whom he is preparing for the deliverance of the whole creation. This time it will not just be one man delivering one people from a physical slavery. It will be a multitude of sons delivering a multitude of peoples from spiritual slavery.

2. Jesus said: "I will come again".

Many Christians all over the world have been taught to expect a literal fulfilment of these words. They expect Jesus to return physically in person and set up his kingdom on this earth. Further examination of the scriptures can lead to a very different view. Jesus is coming again in his people, just as he did at Pentecost. He will come with the clouds, and every eye will see him; but those clouds will not be clouds of physical water. Rather they will be a great cloud of witnesses who have been spiritually drawn up from the earth to reign with him in heavenly places. Every eye will see him when he is manifested in the many sons whom he is bringing to maturity.

I have written separately on this also under the title The Coming of the Lord

3. The Festival of Tabernacles.

As stated earlier, the Hebrew religious calendar had 3 great festivals, namely Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. These festivals have deep prophetic meaning. They speak of 3 stages of spiritual experience in the lives of the people of God, both as individuals and as a whole.

The church as a whole has experienced Passover and Pentecost and many individuals have celebrated these festivals in their personal lives. However the Festival of Tabernacles remains largely unfulfilled.

The Festival of Tabernacles was the climax of Israel’s religious calendar. Unlike the one day festival of Pentecost its celebration lasted a full 7 days. It was the final harvest festival of the year when all the crops were gathered. It was the festival of fullness and perfection.

This festival remains to be fulfilled and I believe it corresponds to the great sixth jubilee.

For more on this read The Festivals of Israel

4. The Sabbath.

The writer to the Hebrews wrote: ‘There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God’ (Heb 4: 9). He looked forward to a time that was yet to come. According to Peter, ‘With the Lord a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day’ (2 Peter 3: 8). 6000 years from Adam ended on the same day in 1933 that was also the 120th jubilee. The seventh millennium began.

When will this Jubilee Come?

When will this great jubilee come?

The normal Bible year is a lunar year of 354 days. Measuring on 1960 lunar years (counting as 2000 as I said earlier) from the death of Jesus we come to June 12th 1933. This date, as mentioned above, was the 120th jubilee or 6000 years from Adam. 3 other major Bible time periods ended on the same day, making this a very special day. It was, I believe, the official start date of the sixth great jubilee.

God marked this occasion in a remarkable way, as I have described in my writing on Bible Chronology. What happened then, however, was not an immediate and visible fulfilment of the manifestation that Paul spoke of in Romans. However I believe it was the official starting date.

The children of Israel came out of Egypt as I have described exactly on the 50th jubilee from Adam. However there was a lapse of 40 years before they set foot in the promised land.

Cyrus’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem fell exactly on the 60th jubilee, but again it took time for the exiles to leave Babylon and return to the Israel and rebuild Jerusalem.

At the 70th jubilee there were 50 days between the resurrection of Jesus and the great manifestation on the day of Pentecost.

So now I believe the trumpet of jubilee has sounded and we are waiting to see its great and glorious manifestation.


We have now entered the greatest jubilee in history. Previous great jubilees have been illustrations and foretastes of what is now coming.

The first historic jubilee was like the seed of a seed. The birth of Abraham was the barely visible beginning of a vast divine plan. Abraham did 2 essential things. He came out of Babylon by faith and he lived in the promised land. The first was a deliverance from slavery. The second was the possession (by faith) of his future inheritance. None of the further jubilees would have occurred if he had not obeyed God.

At the Exodus, the second historic jubilee, the Israelites came out of Egypt. Like Abraham they escaped from slavery and set out to claim the land that God had promised them for an inheritance. This jubilee was another birth, not just of one man this time, but of a nation.

The third great jubilee, the dedication of Solomon’s temple, was the fruit and fulfilment of the second. The liberated slaves have now totally possessed their promised land and completed the building of God’s temple. In grand consummation the power and presence of God descends and fills it.

The fourth, fifth and sixth jubilees in different ways re-enact the first 3.

The fourth, the return from Babylon, was like the first. A small group of pilgrims set out in the steps of their father Abraham to live again in the promised land. Like Abraham’s birth this might seem like a small and insignificant beginning. But they left Babylon and went to the land of Israel where alone God’s plans and purposes could be fulfilled. Without the return from Babylon Jesus could not have been born to a Jewish mother in Bethlehem.

The fifth great historic New Testament jubilee was the beginning of a completely new order in God. All previous jubilees were just types and shadows. Jesus came to fulfil the law and the prophets, and indeed the whole of Israel’s history. He brought the spiritual reality of which all those things were just shadows and pictures. This fifth jubilee corresponds most strongly to the second. Jesus like Moses comes to deliver a people from bondage. Jesus does in the spiritual realm what Moses did in the natural realm. The exodus was the birth of Israel, the natural people of God. This jubilee was the birth of the true church, the spiritual people of God.

The sixth jubilee is and will be the fulfilment and culmination of all previous jubilees. Like 4 of the 5 historic jubilees it is a new birth and beginning. It is the birth of the sons of God, and the beginning of a new order. For this reason, I believe, though it has already begun it is not yet widely and clearly visible.

As in previous jubilees this jubilee is a liberation. We will see liberation both from Egypt and from Babylon. The sons of God will have victory over both. For centuries the true people of God have been held captive by manmade religious systems. God is now calling them out of this captivity, and more and more people are hearing, understanding and obeying that call.

We have seen that whereas the Exodus was a birth and a beginning, the jubilee of Solomon was a climax and a culmination. Moses lead an undisciplined rabble of slaves out of Egypt. 500 years later they were a powerful people with a country, a capital and a king. In the centre of it was the newly built temple of God, and the glory of God descended to fill it. This occasion was far more glorious than the Exodus, but it owed everything to it. Without Moses there would have been no land of Israel, no Jerusalem and no temple.

In the same way this consummation jubilee will be far more glorious than the New Testament jubilee, but it will be wholly founded on the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. Without Jesus there would be nothing. Without Pentecost and Peter and Paul and the scriptures they wrote there would be nothing. What they all did was the foundation; this will be the completed building. Its glory will exceed everything that has gone before.

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (Anointed), and he will reign for ever and ever.’

May we be partakers of the glory that lies before us.


Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2012 21:47
23:1 Entonces habló Jesús a la gente y a sus discípulos, diciendo: (CAPITULO 23 ES UN NEXO CON LOS 2300 DIAS, JUBILEO, PENTECOSTES EN EL CONTEXTO A DANIEL 8 Y 9)

23:2 En la cátedra de Moisés se sientan los escribas y los fariseos.
23:3 Así que, todo lo que os digan que guardéis, guardadlo y hacedlo; mas no hagáis conforme a sus obras, porque dicen, y no hacen.
23:4 Porque atan cargas pesadas y difíciles de llevar, y las ponen sobre los hombros de los hombres; pero ellos ni con un dedo quieren moverlas. (Una referencia al shabbat/jubileo/Pentecostes. El dedo es una referencia al DEDO DE DIOS/TABLAS DE LA LEY DE LOS 10 MANDAMIENTOS)

23:5 Antes, hacen todas sus obras para ser vistos por los hombres. Pues ensanchan sus filacterias, y extienden los flecos de sus mantos;
23:6 y aman los primeros asientos en las cenas, y las primeras sillas en las sinagogas,
23:7 y las salutaciones en las plazas, y que los hombres los llamen: Rabí, Rabí.
23:8 Pero vosotros no queráis que os llamen Rabí; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo, y todos vosotros sois hermanos.
23:9 Y no llaméis padre vuestro a nadie en la tierra; porque uno es vuestro Padre, el que está en los cielos.
23:10 Ni seáis llamados maestros; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo.
23:11 El que es el mayor de vosotros, sea vuestro siervo. (Una clara referencia espiritual al SALMO 119 (ALFA Y EL OMEGA, EL PRINCIPIO Y EL FIN), APOCALIPSIS 1:8 Y 22:13))
23:12 Porque el que se enaltece será humillado, y el que se humilla será enaltecido.
23:13 Mas ¡ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque cerráis el reino de los cielos delante de los hombres; pues ni entráis vosotros, ni dejáis entrar a los que están entrando.
23:14 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las viudas, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación. (Una OBVIA REFERENCIA A LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA LA VIUDA/MARIA MAGDALENA en un obvio nexo con el SALMO 119)

23:15 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque recorréis mar y tierra para hacer un prosélito, y una vez hecho, le hacéis dos veces más hijo del infierno que vosotros. (Una referencia al TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION/TERCER DIA DE RESURRECCION ADONDE JUSTAMENTE CRISTO SE LE APARECIO POR PRIMERA VEZ A NUESTRA MADRE MARIA MAGDALENA. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO PARA GLORIA DE YHWH)
23:16 ¡Ay de vosotros, guías ciegos! que decís: Si alguno jura por el templo, no es nada; pero si alguno jura por el oro del templo, es deudor.
23:17 ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el oro, o el templo que santifica al oro? (EL ORO ES EL GRIAL)

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/10/2012 16:48
Jubilee Prophetic of Redemption and Judgment

Does the year of Jubilee, the 50th year have prophetic implications for the 20th and 21st centuries?

In the year of Jubilee, biblical law required the land of Israel to lay idle, people who had become slaves were set free, and anyone who had lost their land due to economic conditions or had sold the land for any reason received their land back. Due to these requirements, the year of Jubilee represents redemption.

However, centuries after Moses lived, the year of Jubilee also came to be identified with judgment. Since Israel did not observe the years of Sabbath rest required by the law, and because the nation had drifted into idolatry, divine judgment came by way of Babylonian invasion in 588 to 586 B.C. After Jerusalem's destruction, the promised land laid desolate and observed the years of Sabbath rest during Israel's captivity in Babylon, divine justice being served. Jerusalem's destruction in 586 B.C. was a fulfilled prophecy of the prophet Moses.

"If you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, then . . . . I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. Then the land will enjoy its Sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies." (Lev 26:15, 33-34).

Therefore, the year of Jubilee is prophetic of both redemption and judgment. To this end, it would be ideal to know when the year of Jubilee occurs in the 20th and 21st centuries for modern Israel.


Cycles of Seven in the Bible

When Moses received the Levitical law, God gave the commandment to rest on the seventh day, the Sabbath. Moses also applied the cycles of seven to weeks and years. A cycle of seven weeks points to the 50th day, called Pentecost. And a cycle of seven sets of seven years points to the 50th year, the year of Jubilee. The year of Jubilee is based on letting the land rest every seventh year as follows:

"For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath to the Lord." (Lev. 25:3-4).

By adding together seven cycles of seven years, we count a total of 49 years. Therefore, the year of Jubilee is the 50th year as noted by the following verses.

"You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. You shall then sound a ram's horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement [Yom Kippur] you shall sound a horn all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family." (Lev. 25:8-10).

These verses show how the 50th year was a time of redemption. Since the year of Jubilee is so important, how do we count the seven year cycles and isolate the year of Jubilee?

Counting for the year of Jubilee requires us to find the starting year and add 49 years. The 50th year becomes the year of Jubilee, which starts on New Years Day and is declared through trumpet blasts ten days later on Yom Kippur, and then continues for a full year.


Timing the Year of Jubilee

When Moses led Israel out of Egypt, he told the people that counting for the year of Jubilee would begin when they entered the promised land.

"When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the Lord." (Lev. 25:2).

Israel entered the promised land under Joshua's leadership and began counting the year of Jubilee at that time. Centuries later, the people had drifted into idolatry and Moses' prophecies of devastation loomed over the land. The prophetic fasts came into being with Jerusalem's destruction, and counting for the year of Jubilee ceased as foretold by Moses.

"Then the land will enjoy its Sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies." (Lev 26:34).

In this verse, each year counted as a Sabbath rest for the land. Since each year counted as a year of rest, the counting for the seven year cycles and for the year of Jubilee had ended. In addition, these Scriptures also teach that counting for the year of Jubilee applies only when Israel resides in the promised land.

Since counting for the year of Jubilee ended at Jerusalem's destruction in 586 BC, when did the counting begin again?

Daniel's time-oriented prophecy of the seventy weeks shows that counting for the year of Jubilee started again with a legal decree to restore Jerusalem. In fact, Daniel's prophecy is based on cycles of seven years and ties directly to Moses' prophecies.


Cycles of Seven in Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy

At the time of Jerusalem's destruction in 586 BC, Jeremiah foretold that Jerusalem would lie desolate for seventy years. "When SEVENTY YEARS are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place" (Jer. 29:10).

Daniel knew about Jeremiah's prophecy of seventy years desolation and prayed that Jerusalem's penalty would end as noted by Daniel's prayer.

"I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last SEVENTY YEARS" (Dan. 9:2).

Keeping Jeremiah's seventy year prophecy in mind, let's return to Moses who also foretold of a sevenfold punishment at the time of Israel's judgment. "I will punish you for your sins seven times over" (Lev. 26:28).

When Daniel was praying about Jerusalem's seventy year desolation, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him and multiplied the seventy year prophecy seven times. Gabriel told Daniel:

"SEVENTY SEVENS’ are decreed for your people [Jewish People] and your holy city [Jerusalem]." (Dan. 9:24).

So Moses' sevenfold judgment was applied to Jeremiah's prophecy about Jerusalem's seventy year desolation. By examining Daniel's time-oriented prophecy, we see how a new year of Jubilee was conceived in Scripture through the prophet Daniel. Gabriel gave Daniel the prophecy in three segments (7, 62, & 1).

"From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem... there will be SEVEN sevens,’ and SIXTY-TWO sevens.’ . . . . He will confirm a covenant with many for ONE seven,’" (Dan. 9:25, 27).

The first segment of SEVEN 'sevens' pointed to a new year of Jubilee. I have mapped Daniel's time-oriented prophecy with the start of a new year of Jubilee as follows:


Daniel shows that the counting for the year of Jubilee started again with the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. This decree came from Persia along with the legal and financial blessings of the Medeo-Persian Empire and matched Moses' requirements for entering the land. "When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the Lord" (Lev. 25:2).

So Israel legally returned to the promised land in 445 BC and lived there until AD 135 when Rome completely devastated the land again. Why was Israel judged and dispersed throughout the world for a second time?

Israel's first dispersion came about due to the rejection of divine decrees given to Moses along with the nation's regression into idolatry. Israel's second dispersion resulted from rejecting its Messiah, Jesus. Daniel also foretold of the Messiah's rejection in AD 32, then of Israel's judgment through Jerusalem's destruction in AD 70.

"The Anointed One [Messiah] will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city [Jerusalem] and the sanctuary [temple]." (Dan. 9:26).

When Israel rejected her Messiah, counting for the year of Jubilee ended again at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Instead of the seventy years of desolation foretold by Jeremiah for the first dispersion, Gentiles nations trampled on Jerusalem for 1,897 years until June 7, 1967. Jesus foretold of Gentile control of Jerusalem and emphasized that Jewish conquest of Jerusalem would mark the final generation for the end times (See Luke 21:7,20-24, 29-33).


Modern Israel's Year of Jubilee

Since counting for the year of Jubilee ended when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70, when did the count for the year of Jubilee begin again?

We have already noted that counting for the year of Jubilee applies only when Israel resides in the promised land. Jewish migration back to the promised land began in the late 19th century. The return home led to Israel's Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948. Modern Israel's legal declaration parallels the requirement for a legal decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 445 BC. By counting forward 49 years from 1948, we come to the fall of 1997. Modern Israel's year of Jubilee, based on Levitical law, charts out as follows:

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 16:52

The Message of Cycle 23

Decoding the Mayan 'Double-Sun' Timecode

By Goro Adachi
May 24, 2002



Final Countdown

According to the incredibly sophisticated and accurate calendar of the Maya from Central America, one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations rivaling ancient Egypt, we are currently living in the 'fifth age of the sun' which began on August 12, 3114 BC -- a date designated the 'Birth of Venus'. According to Mayan tradition, the previous four ages ended in great cataclysms, leaving only a small number of survivors, not unlike the biblical tale of Noah. This arcane view certainly makes us curious and somewhat nervous about the projected ending date of the current, the fifth, age of the sun. When one finds out when this termination point actually is, the nervousness shoots up into the realm of worry. The Mayan calendar is now even beginning to enter the public consciousness at large, as this very subject was, for example, a key theme incorporated into the final episode of the popular 'paranormal' TV show The X-Files aired May 19, 2002. As we get closer to the ending date of the calendar, we are sure to hear a lot more about it from various sources.

On '9-11', the world -- and especially the US, the New World -- has realized just how a seemingly stable and proud system or world view can be made so fragile and overwhelmed in one day. The possibility of the world crumbling into total chaos is no longer a farfetched movie scenario but a uncomfortably realistic prospect. And just in time for this paradigm shift, the world is to be made aware that 'the end of the world' as foreseen by the Maya is rapidly approaching us. On December 22, 2012, about ten years from now, the timeline of the 'fifth age of the sun' will terminate. The redden sun has reached the western horizon and is about to go under.

What does this mean? Are we talking about a literal annihilation of human civilization or could it be more metaphorical? No one really knows. It is my view, however, and it is sensible, that the more insights we have into the situation/pattern, the more metaphorical the manifestation of the projected pattern will be. Or in simpler terms -- more preparation, less damage.

I am not writing this article out of fear or survivalist mentality, however. (I am not one of those who animalistically think survival is/should be our highest priority.) Instead, I was prompted to write this piece because I detected a significant pattern that coherently links the underlying esoteric themes of today's events discussed in my previous articles and the Mayan calendar. While I had originally been viewing the projected ending date as something conceptually akin to the equinoxes/solstices -- in that they astronomically yield specific dates but only approximately mark the change of seasons -- the new findings have pushed me to reconsider my position and theorize that the calendar is counting down to a specific event of profound importance.

The '9-11' event, it now appears, was only a part of the sequence of events leading up to a culmination in/around 2012.

Two Suns, Two Years

It was prophetic Quatrains X-72 and II-41 of Nostradamus, curiously enough, that helped me 'see the light'.

As explained in depth before in my previous articles (The Labour of the Sun and Rex Deux), X-72's infamous line, '1999 seven months', could actually denote '2001 September' for certain calendrical reasons, and the whole quatrain, when decoded, would directly relate to the '9-11' attacks. (See Labour for detail.)

Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

The curious 2-year offset between 1999 and 2001 observed here was found to be nicely reflected by various other aspects. For instance, we had the huge 'II' shape (i.e. '2') of the WTC twin towers, and the twin nature of Hercules, the mythological character associated with the antediluvian/'Atlantean' pillars which in turn were discerned to be analogous to the WTC towers. Hercules in particular was found to be of great metaphoric significance for 9-11 -- because just as '11' was a key number encoded in the whole event (i.e. an airplane Flight 11 crashing into a 110-story towers visually forming '11' on the 11th day of the month, etc.), it was during Hercules' '11th labor' that he directly interacted with Atlas (the first king of Atlantis) in Greek mythology -- thus reinforcing the view that the 'Pillars of Hercules' (= 'Atlantean' pillars) represent the archetypal WTC towers. Hercules being a personification of the sun, moreover, resonates well with the fact that the Egyptian death-god Osiris was both associated with the black sun and described as the 'Lord of Terror' as in the 'King of terror' of X-72. The correlation becomes stronger when added that there was a major total solar eclipse (i.e. a 'black sun') in August of 1999 (= '1999'+'7 months', as per X-72). Also, similarly, the Great Sphinx represented both the embodiment of the sun and the 'Father of Terror'.

From these associations, it was inferred that Hercules was both a 'twin' and the 'sun'. And this brought us to the next phase of interpretation involving Quatrain II-41. First, it was determined that Hercules represented, at least in our context, a form of 'double sun'. This was supported by the sphinx, associated with Hercules, traditionally found in pairs -- thus signifying 'two suns'. And 'two sun' could be reasonably interpreted as 'two years' to corroborate the '2-year offset scheme' of X-72. After this, we were naturally led to II-41, one of the quatrains I had personally considered applicable to our own era, long before 9/11. Line 2 of the quatrain reads 'the cloud will make two suns appear'.

Century II - 41 
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

Lines 1 and 2 complement the correlation as these strongly evoke the 'great star' (the brightest star) Sirius. It is commonly known as the 'Dog Star' as in 'the large mastiff' (Line 3), and in ancient Egypt the star was called Sept, which in turn would denote 'seven' as in 'seven days' (Line 1). Also, as explained in Labour, Sirius' heliacal rising -- an extremely important astronomical event for the ancient Egyptians -- signified 'the 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth', which was the New Year's Day of the ancient Egyptian calendar. During the early Christian times this special day took place on the Gregorian September 11th, and this caused the Coptic/Christian-Egyptian (as well as Ethiopian) calendar to fix its New Year's Day on September 11 (Gregorian), and this is the case to this day. Sirius, alluded to by II-41, is therefore very much linked to what has now become a date of infamy, '9-11'. This consequently implies that the initial 'double sun' correlation was indeed valid.

As for Line 4 which indicates a change of the papacy, it was pointed out that the current pope, John Paul II, is given the motto 'De Labore Solis' ('From the Labor of the Sun') by St. Malachy's prophetic list of popes. (I personally tend to agree with the view that this remarkably accurate prophetic list was actually composed by Nostradamus.) Needless to say, the motto not only conforms to the underlying 'sun' theme, but it even resonates specifically with the aforementioned 'labor of Hercules' (since Hercules = sun) the 11th of which was found inseparable from the 9-11 event! Moreover, the motto has also been interpreted to denote 'Of the Eclipse of the Sun' (indeed, JPII was born during an eclipse) -- in which case, it would again congruently conform to the 'black sun' theme and the total solar eclipse of August 1999. So, it was confirmed on multiple levels that there was a strong connection between II-41, X-72, and the 9/11 terrorism.

The prophetic implication of this was that Pope JPII would be replaced by a new pope in the very near future to coincide with the aftermath of 9-11. And seemingly as a foreshadow, the Church, especially in the US, suddenly found itself in serious trouble as we entered the year 2002 (i.e. the sexual abuse scandal). At first, I was just amused to see the apparent manifestation of the projected pattern and wondered how it would culminate in the exit of JPII. Then, something got my attention and it caused a shift in my perspective. I began to see a bigger picture as well a more focused context and pattern for the on-going world events.

Seeing the Light

The more I looked into the 9-11 event, the more 'prophetic' it became -- both in the sense that it strongly interacted with 'prophecies' made in the past and the sense that the event itself was a coded 'prophecy' for the future. And as I became more aware of the latter implication, I noticed something that I felt I should have noticed long time ago. This was that by adding '11' -- the encoded key number of 9/11 -- to the year of the event, 2001, one would get '2012', which is none other than the ending date of the Mayan calendar.

Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But consider the following. Just as the number '11' is found to be inseparable from the sun, so is the Mayan calendar which, as ingeniously decoded by researcher Maurice Cotterell, essentially represents a time-keeping system for the sun, the sunspot activity, which is known to have an 11-year cycle! The fact that the Mayan calendar was also used to calculate and predict solar eclipses adds to the coherence as we have already noted the prophetic significance of the 1999 total eclipse.

In The Mayan Prophecies (1995), Cotterell revealed his remarkable theory that the strange rhythm of the Mayan calendar, which had perplexed all other investigators, actually corresponded with the complex cycles of the solar magnetic fields which in turn would produce 'sunspots', the dark spots on the surface of the sun.

It is scientifically known that those sunspots spew out a lot of ions (charged particles) and affect the magnetic field of the earth. More sunspots means more electrical stuff/'solar wind' (solar flares and coronal mass ejections) emitted outward to bombard the earth's magnetosphere. (The most visible effect of this would be the aurora lights). Every 11 years, the sun reaches a 'solar maximum', which is when the number of sunspots peaks, or when the sun is the most active. Presently, in fact, we are undergoing the solar maximum of 'Cycle 23' -- though the peak was 'officially' reached in mid-2000. This means that the next solar maximum will be around 2012, the Mayan 'end date'!

What made the correlation even more satisfying was the fact that the Mayan calendar was intimately linked to the planet Venus -- as evidenced by the fact that the starting date of the Calendar (Aug 13, 3114 BC) is called 'the Birth of Venus'. In esoteric tradition, Venus (along with Sirius) is symbolized by a pentagram (five-pointed star). The pentagram is obviously related geometrically to the pentagon -- and the 'Pentagon' is of course none other than the third building hit in the 9/11 attacks.

What about the 2-year/'double-sun' offset scheme that has been prophetically linked to 9/11? Remarkably, we learn that the nature of the current solar maximum perfectly echoes this strange theme. First, astronomers have noted that Cycle 23 active at the present has a rare double-peak maximum. It was initially observed that the solar intensity crested, rather prematurely, in April 2000 or so. And then, in early 2002, astronomers started to notice that the sunspots were increasing again seemingly to a equally (if not more) pronounced second peak, almost exactly 2 years after the first peak. So, not only is it a 'double sun' maximum, the twin peaks are even 'two suns' (2 years) apart! This is a strong sign that we are onto something here.

Actually, as if these weren't enough, we also find that there was a clear 'spike' in the sunspot activity in the month of '9/11' as the graph (right) shows.

The more we look, the more we realize that there is a close relationship between the 'prophetic' events of our time and the changing conditions of our sun.

What could all this mean?

It wasn't long before I began to see further patterns and specific implications. I was to be exposed to a very clear 'signal', a 'message', that could show us what would likely transpire in the immediate future.

The Equidistant Sequence 

I made a simple timeline on a sheet of paper and then drew in the two 'double-sun' schemes -- that is, the pair of X-72 (~Aug. 1999) and 9/11/01 separated by 2 years, and the Cycle 23 maximum peaks similarly separated by 2 years (Apr. 2000 and ~Apr. 2002).


This helped me visualize better the chronological mismatch between the two periods. Although I had inferred that the two 'double sun' events were connected, these overlapping periods were offset by 8 months. Why? Was this some unintended distortion in the 'design' or was this a directive misalignment leading us to the next revelation? I had to explore the latter possibility as I knew from experience that this approach would often lead to productive results. It was warranted especially in this case as there was still a sense of intelligent design in the offset -- '8 months' was exactly one third of '2 years'. And so I studied the timeline closely to see if there was a further pattern just beneath the 'surface'.

After some thinking, I recalled that there was another major event that I had already interpreted to be part of the 'double sun' theme. This was the 2000 US presidential election -- an event that produced two winners or two 'suns'. The designation of the 'sun' here was supported by the fact that, for example, the eye of the storm that was the 2000 election was Florida, the 'Sunshine State'. Also, in a previous article I identified Clinton as a version of Amenhotep III (historical Solomon) which made his successor a version of Akhenaten (the Egyptian king who followed Amenhotep III), often called the 'Sun King'. (The 'two presidents' therefore had become analogous to 'two suns'. See The Two Suns of Election MM for more details.)

Subsequently, I realized that the timing of this event was right in the middle of the combined timeframe of the other two 'double sun' events. In fact, it was placed at the dead center. To visualize it better, I marked it on the timeline -- and immediately emerged a great sense of order. Then it hit me: this third 'double sun' event (Dec. 2000) was offset ~8 months from the nearest marked events on both sides. This meant, in other words, that all of the events in the combined sequence, five in all, were equally distanced, 8-month apart!

What made this more remarkable was the fact that the rotation period of Venus, the planet intimately associated with the Mayan calendar, is 243 earth-days -- that is, almost exactly 8 months! (30x8=240.) Even Venus' orbital period around the sun turned out to be 225 earth days (7.5 months), very close to 8 months. [Update: the number '225'  reinforces the the 9-11 connection in that 2001 was the 225th year from the birth of US, 1776!] Additionally, there was the complementary fact that the 'tzolkin' cycle of 260 days was an essential element of the Mayan calendar -- actually corresponding to the cycle of the interaction between the polar and equatorial magnetic fields of the sun (as pointed out by Cotterell).

These correlations strongly suggested to me that I was on the right track, and encouraged me to proceed further.

Contextual Resonance

To find more encoded patterns, I turned my attention to the first of the 'double sun' sequence composite taking place circa Aug. 1999. This was a conceptual 'preview' of its 'second peak' 2 years later, namely the 9/11 attacks. And this was not only in terms of X-72. Recently in May 2002, it was revealed that the first of the warnings about the coming major terrorist attack, i.e. '9/11', emerged in September 1999, exactly 2 years before 9/11.

So I naturally wondered if this same concept could be applied to the twin peaks of Cycle 23.

First, I had to refresh my memory regarding the world events at the time of the first solar peak in the spring/summer of 2000. Internationally, the major news around that time was the successive collapses of the critical Israel-Palestine peace talks in Israel and later at Camp David (US) mediated by Clinton and Albright (viewed as "the last chance for peace"). Semi-internationally, dominating the news in the same timeframe was the saga of the 'Cuban boy' Elian Gonzales in US who was eventually returned to Cuba. And Cuba was also a significant place esoterically in the summer of 2000 as it was then that the enigmatic underwater 'city' off the west coast of Cuba, widely speculated to be the ruins of 'Atlantis', was first discovered (investigation still continuing). So, it appeared that the first Cycle-23 peak was very 'Cuban' in nature and related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Now it was time to see if the second sunspot peak reflected, or actualized, the 'warning' of the first. Since the second peak is taking place right now (spring/summer of 2002), we can actually just look around to see if this may be the case. Though the time 'window' is still open as of this writing, we have already witnessed a political focus suddenly placed on Cuba in May. First, there was the historic visit of ex-President Carter to Cuba, which was then closely followed by President Bush addressing the Cuban-Americans in Florida, giving a speech on US-Cuba relations. And then the March and April of 2002 saw a major crisis in Israel, which was so severe that the rest of the world was also polarized and a lot of violence ensued. And we can also add that investigators are returning to the Cuban-"Atlantean" underwater city for more data in the same timeframe, and strangely the captured Taliban/Al Qaeda members are being held at 'Camp X-Ray' in Cuba.

So, it appeared to me that there was indeed a conceptual echo effect between the two sunspot peaks. But what about the current crisis of the Church coinciding with the second peak? It turns out that this does have important 'prophetic' implications, as we will see.

Extended Projection

Based on the empirical observations, it may be inferred that the 2000 US presidential election will have an 'echo' exactly 2 years later and this is scheduled to take place at the end of 2002.

What can this anticipated event be? Obviously, the implication is that there is to be some kind of election/voting that involves a major leader, or simply a change of leadership. One possibility is that the US will have a new president at/around the end of 2002.

[Update: In December 2002, Republican Senate majority leader Trent Lott, i.e. the leader of President Bush's political party, stepped down unexpectedly amid a big controversy that erupted after he made a seemingly racist statement in the same month. By vote, Bill Frist was quickly elected as new leader of the Republican party.]

Another possibility, which I consider more likely, is that we will see the exit of Pope John Paul II and the election of the next pope. This derives from the close parallel detected between US presidency and the papacy at this moment in history, as discussed in the Two Suns article -- after all, both are inseparable from Quatrain II-41. And especially because the last line of II-41 states: "When the great pontiff changes his abode".

[Update: Indeed, in accordance with the suspected parallel, the same period of December 2002 also saw the resignation of Cardinal Law of Boston Archdiocese (who is specifically named in this article below). It is very interesting that although the US President and the Pope survived the 'December window', the leaders just below them (Lott and Law) did make their exit concurrently. Certainly, then, we did indeed experience "a change of leadership" in the US and the Church in this December.]

It should also be pointed out that the prophetic motto assigned to Pope JPII, 'of the Labor of the Sun', directly associates him with the current solar maximum which indeed is a 'labored' state of the sun. Combined with the pronounced twin peaks of Cycle 23 (i.e. 'double sun'), it seems inevitable that JPII comes to be involved in the current cycle... probably by making his exit.

There is another reason why the papacy/Church is likely to 'fulfill' the 2-year offset 'echo' of the 2000 presidential election. For this, we need to project the sequence backwards just one step toward the past. By subtracting '8 months' from the first event, Aug. 1999 (X-72), we arrive at December 1998. Importantly, this is exactly two years away from the presidential election -- thus effectively making it a 'reverse-echo' event. So what happened in December 1998? The answer is: the historic impeachment of President Clinton. Needless to say, there is strong resonance here; after all, the impeachment was conceptually close to the presidency ending. This was the little 'preview' of the succeeding events in the 2-year cycle.

Now, what is important here is what led to Clinton's impeachment. It was, of course, the president's sexual misconduct (involving a young intern, Monica Lewinsky), the news of which broke in January of the same year (on Drudge Report). Therefore, if we are to expect an amplified 'echo' in/around December 2002 of the 'impeachment', it is reasonable to theorize that it is also to be preceded by a similar (but more serious) development, i.e. a serious sexual scandal. Could it be just coincidence that we are currently having the developing story of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests? The current scandal even began in January when Father Geoghan was convicted of sexually abusing a boy on January 18 (the news of Clinton's sex scandal broke on Jan. 19, '98). This strongly suggests that things are moving toward the 'impeachment' (i.e. the end) of the leadership of the Church, i.e. the Pope, near the end of 2002. (Although it is also possible to interpret the 'leader' as an American Cardinal namely Cardinal Law of Boston).

[Update: As already mentioned, Cardinal Law, named above, did step down in December 2002, in precise accordance with the projection! In retrospect, it appears that the 'echo effect' in this December window was not an 'amplified' but downgraded (by just one step) event. Did the number of people aware of the pattern reached a critical mass to slightly alter the pattern?]

Personally, I find it very unlikely that Pope JPII will stay in his office beyond 2002 (spring of 2003 at the latest), because as the 'Labor of the Sun'/'Solar Max' pope, it won't be symbolically very coherent for him to make his exit when the sun has become quiet. As he came into this world during a solar eclipse (another manifestation of the expression 'labor of the sun'), it would be symmetrically sound for him to exit in a similar symbolic context. My bet, therefore, is on the current development leading directly or indirectly to the pope leaving the office later this year. And it is very possible, as explained in my previous articles, that the subsequent papal election will produce 'two suns', either by ending up with two contenders claiming to be the pope, or something else similar in concept.

'It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine.'

Looking back, the controlled demolition of the Russian space station Mir in spring 2001 was eerily prophetic in that the name Mir means 'peace' and thus the end of Mir symbolically denoted the 'end of peace', which indeed was to be the case just several months later on 9/11. I was actually very much aware of this doomy symbolism of the planned destruction of Mir as early as 1999. In the Two Suns article, for example, I wrote: "since the name Mir means 'peace', the end of Mir has the ominous symbolic implication of the 'end of peace'". And I had also noted that "the name Solomon, deriving from salaam, [also] means 'peace'". This is important for in the same article I conceptually equated both Clinton and Pope JPII with Solomon (or Amenhotep III). Hence the 'end of peace' predicted by Mir and realized on 9/11 was also hinting at the imminent 'end of Pope John Paul II'. And congruently, we have earlier compared the pope's end to the 'end' (i.e. impeachment) of the other 'Solomon', Clinton.

Even more ominously, the term 'Mir' can also denote 'world', which means that the destruction of Mir was also the 'end of the world'. Perhaps this implication is applicable to the next solar maximum (Cycle 24) in 2012, when the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. It may be inferred that the sequenced events of the Cycle 23 solar max represent the 'watered down'/metaphoric preview of what is take place with the next peak of the sun that will in effect end the world.

My take on the coming 'end of the world' is this. Based on the 'message' of Cycle 23, it is possible to infer that what is to end in the next solar cycle, 24, would be the United States and the Catholic Church -- the two that have come to parallel each other in a prophetic context. In line with this interpretation, the pope list of St. Malachy has only two (possibly one) more popes to go after the current one. And as for America, I have other tangible data (which I won't discuss here) that strongly suggests that the United States' time is up at the beginning of the 21st century. Basically here is how I tend to look at the situation: the United States and the Church hit the iceberg during the peak of Cycle 23 (2001 +/-2 yr) and are now taking on water; and by the time of the peak of Cycle 24 around 2012, these titanic 'ships' will have gone vertical, sinking straight down to the bottom of the abyss. I'm not saying that these systems will cease to exist completely, but I would say at least their 'essence' will not be in existence soon after the end of this decade.

There is, however, a little light of hope in all this. The function of Mir did not simply cease to exist; it was smoothly passed on to a new space station, the ISS (International Space Station) which is currently under construction and orbiting the earth. In other words, the symbolic message seems to be that this is a time when the 'old world' ends and the 'new world' begins. This is a time of transition, not the end. It is certainly fitting that the name 'ISS' is reminiscent of 'ISIS', the Egyptian goddess of rebirth and the personification of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Indeed, as already mentioned, the day of the 'rebirth' (heliacal rising) of Sirius would correspond to the symbolic 'end date', 9/11. Like the phoenix, then, from the ashes of destruction is to rise the next incarnation to usher in the new age. (Here we come, Mars!)

Perhaps we are to learn from the 'message of Cycle 23' so that the 'end of the world' that the coming peak of Cycle 24 is scheduled to bring about will not necessarily have to be so literal. The more we become aware, the less physical/literal the manifestation of the pattern becomes. [Update: Was this concept demonstrated in December 2002?] Mankind, as is the sun, is in labor, and the best we can do is to properly prepare - mentally, physically, emotionally, and intellectually - for the inevitable. The pain will grow in intensity, but it won't have to be deadly. It's just that it's darkest before dawn.


Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/12/2012 03:21
G-D=4/7 O 7/4 (INDEP. DE EEUU)
Éxodo 20:8-11 8  Acuérdate del sabado para santificarlo. 9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra; 10 mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas. 11Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, el mar, y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día; por tanto, Jehová bendijo el día de reposo y lo santificó. (RV)
15=6+9 (69 CANCER)=1111 (BINARIO)
1111 EQUIVALE A 33
buttons between 1111 rolling stones.JPG

Sun -15 - mon-key
Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2013 16:51

On the ship Argo were 50 'Argonauts' and the leader of whom was 'Jason'.  Here we have our first breakthrough.  The name 'Jason', according to Robert Temple ('Sirius Mystery') means 'appeaser'.  In '1999: Final Solution', if you recall, it was mentioned that even though it is almost always translated as "King of terror", the original French words of X-72's second line may well have been "Roy deffraieur", instead of "Roy d'effrayeur", in which case the meaning changes to something like 'appeasing King'!  Whichever the original French words may be, both are so similar that I'd say both "appeasing King" and "King of terror" were meant.  (As we will see, punning is a serious method of communicating esoteric knowledge.)

Next, let us examine the etymology of the word, 'ark'.  According to Temple, the words 'ark', 'Argo', etc. are likely derived from the Egyptian words, 'arq' and 'arqi'.  It is, then, intriguing that the Great Sphinx which the Arabs call the 'Father of Terror' (thus relating to the 'King of Terrors' of X-72 as discussed in '1999: FS'),  is also called 'arq ur' (7/1 Update: this may not be accurate information) - making another link with X-72.  Furthermore, 'arki' and some other 'arq'-related words refer to Saturn, the most significant interpretive element applied to X-72 in '1999: FS'.

The next development, which will add a whole new dimension to the issues being discussed, is the connection between Argo/ark and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky and the celestial counterpart of Isis (the relevance of Isis was brought up in '1999: FS').  Temple does a very extensive exposition on how the myth of Argo/ark relates to Sirius, mainly through the number '50' and the notion of 'weight'.  For example, as mentioned earlier, the Argo held '50' Argonauts.  It also carried '50' daughters of Danaos.  The reason '50' is important is because the orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius is 50 years.  Sirius B is a dark, small, and "heavy" 'white dwarf' that is a great contrast to its very bright companion, Sirius.  As Temple shows in his book, this 'invisible' Sirius B somehow seems to be as important as Sirius, if not more important, to some unclear 'source' that gave us mythological stories which apparently are a secret information passed down through history in 'coded' forms.  Sirius B should not have been known to ancient people, yet there appear to be many coded references to Sirius B in myths.  But in the case of the Dogon people in southwest Africa, their tradition preserved information about our solar system and the Sirius system not metaphorically but literally - which prompted Temple to investigate the matter originally.  And the Dogon literally claimed that Sirius B, which they called 'Digitaria', had a 50-year orbit around Sirius when they shouldn't have even known that there is a dark companion to Sirius.

We are also told that the Anunnaki, the Sumerian 'gods' who were discussed in '1999: FS', were also 50 in number and called 'the fifty great gods' thus also associated with Sirius also.  Moses' Ark of the Covenant, too, comes to be involved with 50, thus Sirius also, as it was to Moses that "God" commanded to establish the 50-year cycle of 'year of jubilee - strengthening the link between Noah's ark and the Ark of the Covenant.  Temple further points out that the "foot race" which was the origin of the Olympic Games was held at the end of the 50 months or 49 months in alternate years.  The switching between 50 and 49 is intriguing since Sirius B's orbital period is somewhat less than 50 years and the alternate counting can be seen as a way of adjusting to match Sirius B's orbit.  At any rate, again there is a connection with X-72 as the Olympics was a key theme in '1999: FS'.

The incorporation of Sirius behaves likes a big piece of the puzzle and yields more and more connections.  For example, Sirius B was in some ways compared to Mercury - and Mercury/Gemini is of course one of the big themes in '1999: FS'.  Also, Anubis, a mythological character Temple associates with the orbit of Sirius B, happened to be identified with Saturn - again a major element derived from X-72, etc.  'Seven', also a major theme derived in '1999: FS', is not left out as Sirius was known to Egyptians as 'Sept' which in French (and probably in other languages too) means 'seven', the 'lucky' number.  So, the first line of X-72, "1999 and seven months ('sept mois')", could be seen as '1999 and the month of Sirius'... but it would point to July anyway as July was the month of Sirius' important 'heliacal rising'.  It's all coming together.

It is carefully and convincingly illustrated by Temple that Sirius is related to the idea of 'weight/heavy'.  Interestingly, the Egyptian word, 'tchens', also meaning 'weight/heavy', resembles 'chance' which is almost synonymous with 'luck'.  I feel it's possible that there is a connection there.  But more significantly, the notion of 'weight' connects Sirius and Argo as the main/brightest star in the Argo constellation, Canopus, is also known as 'Wazn', 'Weight'.  And it is said that Enki, the Sumerian Saturn, ruled Canopus.

7/1/99 Update :


Canopus was also known as 'the Rudder' (of the Argo), i.e. the stern of the ship.  Interestingly, this relates to the movie 'Titanic' as the 'stern' of the Titanic plays a key role in the movie - it is where Rose and Jack first meet as Rose tries to jump into the ocean, and it is also where Rose and Jack end up being as the Titanic finally sinks into the ocean.  Note also that there are a number of references to 'weight/heaviness':  Seeing Rose's engagement ring Jack says to her (paraphrasing) 'wow, look at this, you'd have gone straight to the bottom of the ocean!' (referring to the size/heaviness of the ring).  Also both the young Rose and the 100-year old Rose felt the 'Heart of the Ocean', the blue diamond pendant, to be a "heavy, dreadful thing", and the old Rose throws the pendant into the ocean from the 'rear end' of the ship she was on, and if you're observant you'd see in the scene that at the rear of the ship there is a big 'arc'-shaped structure enclosing Rose.  By the way, Rose being 100 years old in the movie is also a 'hint' for '100' is also closely associated with Sirius B (its orbit was somehow counted 'double', i.e. 100).  This also nicely explains why I came up with '100' as one of the key numbers in 'Babylon Matrix'.

If you've seen the movie, you'd also notice that the 'prow' of the Titanic plays a big role also.  It is where Jack leans forward, spreads his arms and screams "I'm the king of the world!", and where Jack lets Rose extend her arms like a bird also and "fly".  Temple identifies Dodona, where the Greek ark is said to have descended, as the geodetic prow of the Argo.  And I noticed that Dodona happens to be at about 39.5 degrees N. latitude which happens to be the exact angle of one of the Great Pyramid's so-called 'air shafts' that specifically targeted the star Sirius.  As if to confirm the significance of the angle/latitude, ~39.5 N also happens to be the latitude of Mt. Ararat where Noah's ark is thought to have landed.  Jack and Rose extending their arms sideways forming a 'cross' with the body is also meaningful to the 'Sirius complex' as the Dogon reports that there is another star, Sirius C, in the Sirius system which supposedly has a satellite they call 'star of Women' and it is represented by the sign of a 'cross' in their tradition.  It may not be a coincidence that there is to be a astrological 'grand cross' on/around Aug. 18, '99 - the exact date of Cassini's earth-flyby.
Another interesting point regarding Sirius is that the hieroglyphic sign for Sirius (triangle) is identical to the sign for 'thorn' (or 'teeth').  Notice how 'thorn' is relevant to a 'rose' - Titanic's Rose, NY's state flower being a  rose, and rose as a symbol of knowledge, etc.  Congruently, not only was Isis, Sirius' counterpart, considered the goddess of 'wisdom', Sirius B was associated with the description, 'two stars of knowledge'.

Sirius could also be associated in various ways with the 'serpent', the ancient symbol of hidden wisdom and secret knowledge.  A good example is the serpent in the story of Genesis which lets Eve east the fruit from the tree of knowledge.  Interestingly, it's been suggested that the name 'Eve' relates to words meaning 'serpent' and 'life'.  Also, Eve is sometimes viewed as the ancestral mother of the Nephilim, and the Nephilim themselves were described as 'serpents'.  The Nephilim are the "fallen angels" that parallel the Anunnaki who were earlier associated with Sirius.

It should also be mentioned that Jason, the leader of the 50 Argonauts earlier associated with Sirius, is associated with the 'teeth of a dragon'.  This is interesting because 'teeth' as explained before can also refer to Sirius, and so the expression, 'teeth of a dragon', links Sirius to a 'dragon', i.e. 'serpent', as Temple points out.  Furthermore, the cobra hieroglyph, 'ara', means both 'serpent' and 'goddess', as in Isis the goddess.

The Mars Connection
    So what about Mars to which both X-72 ('1999' quatrain) and VI-97 ('45 degrees' quatrain) have been closely linked in 'Babylon Matrix' (VI-97) and '1999: Final Solution' (X-72)?  As we will see, it appears that there is a definite Sirius-Mars-ark connection.



    First, NYC/Long Island can be associated with 'knowledge' through the symbolisms of 'apple' ("Big Apple"), 'rose' (state flower),  'fire' (Statue of Liberty, its connection to Paris/'torch'), etc. and as we've seen in foregoing sections it's part of the 'ark' complex via VI-97.  Furthermore from the 'apple' connection follows the notion of the 'serpent'.  Now, all those 'knowledge'/Sirius connections of NYC can be transferred to Mars because, as illustrated in 'Babylon Matrix', NYC is also related to Mars, especially the Cydonia region with all the potentially artificial structures.  Mars being red and circular is associatable with the 'apple', the red and round 'Big Apple' (NYC).  Now, some might argue that the fruit Eve ate was not necessarily an 'apple', but we generally thought of it as an apple today and that has to count in symbolism.  But there is a much more precise connection -  the latitudes of NYC and Cydonia are exactly the same, 40.5~41N.

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2013 03:56

The Sirius Mystery

Posted on April 15, 2010 by

Sirius mystery

Robert Temple
wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery – which deals with Earth’s connection to the Sirius star system.

To Egypt, the 23rd of July, when Sirius starts to rise the waters of the Nile begin to flood. Then it meant fertility, that is one reason, for she was Isis. Sirius, Isis, the great mother of the gods. Even the Swiss celebration day, is the 1st of August. This is a Sirius relative.

    Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis , is made of iron (radio astronomy has shown). The iron of Sirius b, is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion. The iron in our blood comes from Sirius, its position in the sky, could thus be considered to resonate to Sirius’s position of influence. Iron is the only true magnetic element.


    Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau. When comparing the mean base side of the Cheops Great Pyramid to the Mean base side of the Khephren pyramid, the larger Cheops measurement is 1.067 that of the Khephren’s.

    When this is then compared to the equation of Sirius B and our sun, the Great Pyramid being Sirius, and the Khephren pyramid our sun, as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead indicates (in fact the hieroglyph for Sirius is the Hieroglyph of the pyramid) they share a difference 0,01, which is very precise, scientifically. However, there is an extra digit 0.014, that doesn’t sound so perfect anymore).

    But this turns out to be an essential key in harmonic theory, the phenomenon of resonance itself. For 0.014 is actually the Pythagorean comma. The Pythagoreans were those ‘mystic’ mathematicians, who loved mathematics as the mystery of the ages. But what is the Pythagorean comma?

    It is the difference between the mathematics of the octave and the 5th. 0.0136 is that precise discrepancy between the mathematics of the fifth and the octave, and it is rounded off as 0.014, and as Sir Arthur Eddington relates: there is 136° of freedom of the electron. theory is 0,.036. And furthermore 136 + 1 equals the Fine structure Constant of physics, the universal natural constant. Fractal harmonics, in the resonance of the Sun Sirius Pyramids equation, or interstellar neuron holography.
    This is also evidenced, historically as having been implicated in the ancient “Mystery Schools” within the Archaic Esoteric Arkana of the Arcane Wisdom, as a precise wisdom, or the Isis Mysteries, and her mathematics. The astronomer and mathematician Macrobius, at the end of the fourth century mentioned the sacred fraction 256/243 which is 0.053 (Sirius b mass to Sun), and describes its use in harmonic theory by peoples which already to him were “ancients”.

    This harmony of the Sphere is accurate within 3 decimals of each other, and it is also the difference between perfect mathematics (the ones that work theoretically) and the actual mathematics of the universe, 0,014. What that means is that Sirius is no coincidence. It is really resonating to our sun. It is connected to our sun like a neuron, because they have this major mathematical relation in size to each other, harmonic resonance, that is likened to holography, a kind of Virtual Neuron Internal Net, as we may call it, or as Astronomer Royal, Robert Temple, has dubbed it: “The Anubis Cell”.

    Since such a long distance resonance is now demonstrated to occur between Sirius B and our sun 8.7 light years from each other, these are two solar systems whom are inhabiting the same cell of space, which enacts the “Complexity theorem” which has “instantaneous communication” occurs in such cells as a form of ordered self regulation. Instant communication harbored in this macro region of space, which acts as if the elements are not separated by any temporal distance. It is a macro region cell that turns disorder into order, called a “dissipative structure”. Such an onset of “complexity”, according to Nobel prize winner Professor Ilya Prigogine, can result in the instantaneous extension of long-range order by a magnitude of more than 10 million. That is like a fifth of the people of France speak the same sentence at the same time.

    So Sirius is Sirius business in terms of resonance. No wonder the Egyptians placed so much significance on it. It is the iron in the blood, it is the Earth’s iron, it is in the same holographic virtual neuron of order. What happens there, instantly is mirrored in equivalence, here, by harmonic resonance, that utilizes “complexity theory”, yielding “instantaneous communication”, without subscribing to a speed of light limit. Do you imagine that the alignment of our solar system at 90° to the galactic plane is not noticed in the resonance of Time and Space of Sirius. This is a cross to a cross.

    Furthermore, Sirius C, has now been detected, as relate by astronomers Daniel Benese and J.L. Duvent in Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in 1995. When Sirius C is mapped by the pyramid capstone, and its mass is 0.005 of our sun, the capstone was 0.00643 of the Great pyramid. Hence 0.001° of accuracy.

    August the 11th, 12th and 13th are the Isis days, that are very important to us. Isis sings in our blood at a high point then. That is why it has been so much used by Napoleon, the magicians and the “time travelers”.

    August the 13th is also the day when Quetzalcoatl was born, ruling the serpent of illumination, the fusion of bird with serpent, Horus with Set’s Sata snake, Gurudas with Nagas. It is also the higher Venus cycles, the top of the pentagrams cycle of the order of Venus in our skies during one year. So August the 13th has a Venus-Sirius connection. The cycle of Sirius B is exactly 49 years cycle, alternating to 50 years. That is the Jubilee, so there is a Sirius/Isis Jubilee now.

    The alignment of the Holy Cross happens every 12,901 years. The whole zodiac, from Aquarius to Aquarius, Ptah to Ptah (the Water Bearer and Phoenix) – it just happens two times. Only at one time it happens in-between Zodiacal Alpha and Omega.

    For the Egyptians Aquarius was the water bearer Ptah, the first man. So we are coming in the age of the first man, NeferAtum, again, the water bearer. The interesting thing is, that it is always before the water bearer, that we have this alignment of the Holy Cross. In between the age of Leo (the Sphinx) has that alignment, about 12,901 years ago.

    The Egyptians, like the Greeks and Vedic astrologers, had Aquarius apart from being Ptah (the water bearer), as the ”>Phoenix. And the Phoenix has the same hieroglyph as the Pyramid, and Sirius. In that sense we could say that this cross is doubled up as a double cross, in that we are entering the age of the Phoenix, which is Sirius, by a 90° cross.

    The same Hieroglyph is also used for the Pyramidion, the capstone, and the vehicle of ascensions. The first sperm of Atum Ra, of the NTR gods. This sperm of the gods, was also eaten as the Spirit and the Bread Of Light. Made from super conducting elements, found in meteorites, which are rich in Iridium and Rhodium, and which were processed at Mount Serabit, Sinai, where the White Powder, the Sperm of the Gods, was discovered. The Stone from the stars, Bija, was also a meteorite to the ancient Egyptians: Sperm = Bijah; Meteorite; Bread; Pyramidion. Which in turn equals: Sirius, Pyramid, Phoenix from the Iridium Ashes, and Water Bearer of the Aqua Vitae, the Arcanum of Immortality.

    This alignment is important and does not happen very often. We have this massive, enormous rotation. When one spins a bicycle wheel and holds it, the faster it spins the heavier it gets and the more it pulls you.

    When you have a solar system, it is like an enormous gyroscope of inertia. That is an enormous rotation that affects everything, and you have a galaxy. Imagine a gyroscope galactic wide, making a cross to one that is solar system wide. A 90 degree angle is an ortho plane, that is a way that information exchange and translation, and compression of one holographic continuum into another, galaxy into solar system, into Earth, and solar system into galaxy.

    But what this also means is that the two planes in their middle, have a still point. From June/July to May 2000 there is this stillpoint of focus, gravitational vortex compression, with potential magnetic coherent implosion. That is why our colleague Daniel Winter dubbed it a burp: the compression of planes, and then the expression of the digested gravitational bubble into a new creation, in anticipation of the 2012 galactic full conjunction and maximum concrescence of novelty.

    The “Anubis Cell” (which Emmanuel called Oversoul Sun), as Dr Robert Temple has suggested, is stating that there is such a major resonance relative of Sirius and our sun, that perhaps what ever happens on Sirius effects us in a mathematical sense. So that we are maybe even a part of a holographic show designed at Sirius. Horus is shown pictographically as a crocodile with a falcon head and a dog on its tale, illustrating the knowledge of coherent holography between the two systems.

Sirius rises just before the Sun once a year. In fact, it was the herald of the new year for the early Egyptians and also marked the time of the annual flooding of the Nile.

Sirius has an “invisible twin” which is a highly compacted “white dwarf” with an unimaginable density. An African myth (The Dogon) holds that there is a third partner, however, no third body has yet to be discovered. I suspect that the “third component” is what we call a “black hole” because the Orion Constellation is a virtual nursery when it comes to producing stars.

The Great Pyramid (like Sirius) too has an “invisible twin”! The height of the Great Pyramid is exactly one half pi (22/7) in relationship to the sum of the sides of its base! The 1/2 pi gives “the big clue” regarding the pyramid’s “other half”.

The Great Pyramid is the bottom pyramid representing “dense earth” (the lower portion of Orion) and its “etheric twin” is the inverted pyramid on top. Together they represent Pi. This juxtaposition is also a “representation” of Orion with Orion’s Belt at the exact spot where the two pyramids meet. The place where the physical meets the spiritual is at the “capstone” of The Great Pyramid or at Orion’s Belt which divides his upper nature and lower nature.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 45 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2013 05:36


The Zend Avesta is suggestive that Sirius “dark companion” is a wormhole, and the astronomers have found that this invisible companion is revolving around Sirius every 50 years.  That is evidence to me that something very interesting is going on around the star of Sirius. (A jubilee is every 50 years.)


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