This post explores why numbers do count and are relevant markers in our lives.
THE NUMBERS & THE WORDS OF THE BOOK OF THE LAW (LIBER LEGIS) above link is rife with references to the swastika.
...Now Kether is the beginning of whirling motion, and this is represented by the whirling activity of the Holy Swastika.
...These seem to further suggest that the Solar Logos of Horus is the Chief Mystery signified by these numbers & words of Liber Legis. This Solar Logos is symbolized by the Holy Swastika.
...thus Aleph (= Swastika) is a symbol of the Solar Logos.
...Swastika is a Weapon of War. But note, however, that 111 results from the addition of the letters which spell the word LOVE. Thus the Weapon of the Solar Logos is Love,
...Mystery of the Solar Logos (X); and thus the numbers & the words, which reveal the mysteries of the Solar Logos, are proclaimed in His chapter. The numbers 4 6 3 8, which conceal the significance of the Swastika (X)
That link helps confirm my journey that began 4 years ago with a simple thought.
A simple thought from which there was no turning back.
A thought that became an obseSSion.
An obseSSion I continue to nurture into a paSSion.
A paSSion that SeekS a truth in the paradox of life and death.
The thought was simple enough.
God = Energy
I then took my god = energy thoughts, using the swastika as mediator, and proceeded to get banned from a few forums and ridiculed in others, but I feel my ideas share common ground here, plus the fact in 3-4 years I have gathered quite a bit of historical evidence to dispute the scripted HIS-story.
And both time and effort have granted mi the result of reducing the entire theSiS to asymmetry.
And by showing how asymmetry transcends SPACE, TIME and MOTION...I have thus found an apt universal archetype.
Not to mention that a mirror produces chiral asymmetrical images.
Not to mention that a mirror represents the same paradox in regards to how the universe we inhabit has been veiled to us.
Asymmetry is the veil that separates us from the 'other side', and produces the paradoxes necessary to produce the 'illusions'.
So here I am 4 years later, ranting and raving about a divine symbol being able to connect ALL in the cosmos.
(do read the above article re: all = al)
What do you want to know about the swastiKA?
What do you want to know about the number 4?
What do you want to know about the numbers 1258?
What do you want to know about the mirror and mi-ra?
Enough about mi, what do you want to know about yourself?
Why do we always use words to describe our personal experiences...?
Words are based on letters which derived from numbers which came from images/pictograms/geometric pixels.
Therefore the 'ewe' should be able to tell mi about themselves in numbers and pictures...
Right, of course I am right, because that is where the bull-shit meter is activated.
In the right hemisphere of the brain, this is where left brain paradoxes can be reconciled.
But it seems the mainstream herd of sheeple have been primarily concerned with counting money while they shleep and then bleat about their dreams the next morning using vords...
Jesus Salvator = $
It is through the simplicity of connecting through numbers (1-9) that a person can also connect to the transcendent....IM not so HO
I.e. psychologists suggest there are only 9 personality types that can be placed on the enneagram.
Vords just get in the vay.
Ja way
The swastiKA is still revered in the 'east'.
The swastiKA was killed in western consciousness.
If the swastiKA is resurrected...
Would not east meet west?
The swastiKA MUST be resurrected, for humanity to even have a chance in reaching their potential.
That other symbol that is battling the swastiKA for the hearts and minds of humanity can be shown to be, behind the suppreSSion of the swastiKA.
That other symbol is of course the CRUCIFIX.
Yup the fix is in.
In vogue apparently.
Have you had your fix today?
What kind of daily fixs do the ewe fill their crucibles with?
Holy Grail was a cup or crucible...long before Dan Brown exploited an archetype into a literal translation of an archetypal Mary's womb.
The holy grail is your body...your body is an alchemy vessel.
You are the alchemist put in charge of a particular body.
What are you going to do with this veSSel?
What kind of desires do ewe fill yer' holy grail with?
It is obvious to mi, why there has been a plan, planned with an intent to distort, maim and marginalize the profound significance of this divine symbol, the swastika, and to put others in charge of what you fill your veSSel with.
An archetypal symbol of great significance capable of representing quite a bit of the life that goes on around us.
A symbol that is anchored to each of our (right brain hemisphere) unconsciousness', representing the swirling archetype that sets life itself into motion.
Swastika >>> vortex energy >>> helices >>> DNA >>> a helix when unwound is like a scroll or a Torah representing a linear Life and Death cycle, however linear it is plotted on a circular plane wrapped around a toroid or a torus?

And the swastika is also the Star Gate we paSS through upon dying.
But a gate or door or mirror always has two sides.
Suggesting Elvis HAS left the building but he and the Doors became stars elsewhere.
I imagine that all the sheeple one day will become people... may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one...