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'G', the letter of 'God', the 'Great Architect', the 'Geometer', for G is the 7th letter -
The Square and Compass is aligned horizontally to revere the direction in which the Sun as well as the 'Sun behind the Sun' - the Star of Set, or Sirius which is also included in the layout as the White House is not only at the left side of the Compass, but it is at the bottom of the averse pentagram aligned with the North.
The Star Sirius is a binary star, and the lesser star - Sirius B - is depicted as the smaller star to the bottom left; 'The Pentagon'. Even the hieroglyph of Sirius contains the predominant elements of the architecture;
the Obelisk (Washington Monument), the 5 pointed star, and the Dome (The Capital Building).
11. Proverbios 25:11: MANZANA de oro con figuras de plata Es la palabra dicha como conviene.
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1. Éxodo 37:19 En un brazo, tres copas en forma de flor de almendro, una manzana y una flor, y en otro brazo tres copas en FIGURa de flor de almendro, una manzana y una flor; así en los seis brazos que salían del candelero.
2. Éxodo 37:20 Y en la caña del candelero había cuatro copas en FIGURa de flor de almendro, sus manzanas y sus flores,
3. Número 12:8 Cara a cara hablaré con él, y claramente, y no por FIGURas; y verá la apariencia de Jehová. ¿Por qué, pues, no tuvisteis temor de hablar contra mi siervo Moisés?
4. Deuteronomio 4:12 y habló Jehová con vosotros de en medio del fuego; oísteis la voz de sus palabras, mas a excepción de oír la voz, ninguna FIGURa visteis.
5. Deuteronomio 4:15 Guardad, pues, mucho vuestras almas; pues ninguna FIGURa visteis el día que Jehová habló con vosotros de en medio del fuego;
6. Deuteronomio 4:16 para que no os corrompáis y hagáis para vosotros escultura,imagen de FIGURa alguna, efigie de varón o hembra,
7. Deuteronomio 4:17 FIGURa de animal alguno que está en la tierra, FIGURa de ave alguna alada que vuele por el aire,
8. Deuteronomio 4:18 FIGURa de ningún animal que se arrastre sobre la tierra, FIGURa de pez alguno que haya en el agua debajo de la tierra.
9. 1 Samuel 6:5 Haréis, pues, FIGURas de vuestros tumores, y de vuestros ratones que destruyen la tierra, y daréis gloria al Dios de Israel; quizá aliviará su mano de sobre vosotros y de sobre vuestros dioses, y de sobre vuestra tierra.
10. 1 Samuel 6:11 Luego pusieron el arca de Jehová sobre el carro, y la caja con los ratones de oro y las FIGURas de sus tumores.
11. 1 Reyes 6:29 Y esculpió todas las paredes de la casa alrededor de diversas FIGURas, de querubines, de palmeras y de botones de flores, por dentro y por fuera.
12. 1 Reyes 6:32 Las dos puertas eran de madera de olivo; y talló en ellas FIGURas de querubines, de palmeras y de botones de flores, y las cubrió de oro; cubrió también de oro los querubines y las palmeras.
13. 1 Reyes 7:29 y sobre aquellos tableros que estaban entre las molduras, había FIGURas de leones, de bueyes y de querubines; y sobre las molduras de la basa, así encima como debajo de los leones y de los bueyes, había unas añadiduras de bajo relieve.
14. 2 Crónicas 2:14 hijo de una mujer de las hijas de Dan, mas su padre fue de Tiro; el cual sabe trabajar en oro, plata, bronce y hierro, en piedra y en madera, en púrpura y en azul, en lino y en carmesí; asimismo sabe esculpir toda clase de FIGURas, y sacar toda forma de diseño que se le pida, con tus hombres peritos, y con los de mi señor David tu padre.
15. 2 Crónicas 4:3 Y debajo del mar había FIGURas de calabazas que lo circundaban, diez en cada codo alrededor; eran dos hileras de calabazas fundidas juntamente con el mar.
16. Ester 2:7 Y había criado a Hadasa, es decir, Ester, hija de su tío, porque era húerfana; y la joven era de hermosa FIGURa y de buen parecer. Cuando su padre y su madre murieron, Mardoqueo la adoptó como hija suya.
17. Proverbios 25:11 Manzana de oro con FIGURas de plata Es la palabra dicha como conviene.
18. Isaías 44:13 El carpintero tiende la regla, lo señala con almagre, lo labra con los cepillos, le da FIGURa con el compás, lo hace en forma de varón, a semejanza de hombre hermoso, para tenerlo en casa.
19. Isaías 52:14 Como se asombraron de ti muchos, de tal manera fue des FIGURado de los hombres su parecer, y su hermosura más que la de los hijos de los hombres,
20. Ezequiel 1:5 y en medio de ella la FIGURa de cuatro seres vivientes. Y esta era su apariencia: había en ellos semejanza de hombre.
21. Ezequiel 1:26 Y sobre la expansión que había sobre sus cabezas se veía la FIGURa de un trono que parecía de piedra de zafiro; y sobre la FIGURa del trono había una semejanza que parecía de hombre sentado sobre él.
22. Ezequiel 8:2 Y miré, y he aquí una FIGURa que parecía de hombre; desde sus lomos para abajo, fuego; y desde sus lomos para arriba parecía resplandor, el aspecto de bronce refulgente.
23. Ezequiel 8:3 Y aquella FIGURa extendió la mano, y me tomó por las guedejas de mi cabeza; y el Espíritu me alzó entre el cielo y la tierra, y me llevó en visiones de Dios a Jerusalén, a la entrada de la puerta de adentro que mira hacia el norte, donde estaba la habitación de la imagen del celo, la que provoca a celos.
24. Ezequiel 10:8 Y apareció en los querubines la FIGURa de una mano de hombre debajo de sus alas.
25. Ezequiel 10:21 Cada uno tenía cuatro caras y cada uno cuatro alas, y FIGURas de manos de hombre debajo de sus alas.
26. Ezequiel 17:2 Hijo de hombre, propón una FIGURa, y compón una parábola a la casa de Israel.
27. Ezequiel 43:11 Y si se avergonzaren de todo lo que han hecho, hazles entender el diseño de la casa, su disposición, sus salidas y sus entradas, y todas sus formas, y todas sus descripciones, y todas sus con FIGURaciones, y todas sus leyes; y descríbelo delante de sus ojos, para que guarden toda su forma y todas sus reglas, y las pongan por obra.
28. Mateo 17:2 y se transFIGURó delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz.
29. Marcos 9:2 Seis días después, Jesús tomó a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan, y los llevó aparte solos a un monte alto; y se transFIGURó delante de ellos.
30. Hechos 7:43 Antes bien llevasteis el tabernáculo de Moloc, Y la estrella de vuestro dios Renfán, FIGURas que os hicisteis para adorarlas. Os transportaré, pues, más allá de Babilonia.
31. Romanos 5:14 No obstante, reinó la muerte desde Adán hasta Moisés, aun en los que no pecaron a la manera de la transgresión de Adán, el cual es FIGURa del que había de venir.
32. Hebreos 8:5 los cuales sirven a lo que es FIGURa y sombra de las cosas celestiales, como se le advirtió a Moisés cuando iba a erigir el tabernáculo, diciéndole: Mira, haz todas las cosas conforme al modelo que se te ha mostrado en el monte.
33. Hebreos 9:23 Fue, pues, necesario que las FIGURas de las cosas celestiales fuesen purificadas así; pero las cosas celestiales mismas, con mejores sacrificios que estos.
34. Hebreos 9:24 Porque no entró Cristo en el santuario hecho de mano, FIGURa del verdadero, sino en el cielo mismo para presentarse ahora por nosotros ante Dios;
35. Hebreos 11:19 pensando que Dios es poderoso para levantar aun de entre los muertos, de donde, en sentido FIGURado, también le volvió a recibir.
Quantum theory, modern math, must take into account 'probabilities'. Conspiracy theories are far more probable than modern science wankers trying to time travel by building a time tunnel or a worm hole. Beam me up stevepenny? Don't ya think a land based terrestrial conspiracy probably exists? More than a celestial one based on aliens, ufos or messiahs?
Originally Posted by stevepenny ![View Post View Post](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif)
What is the mathematical construct of a swastika, i.e. how is it described mathematically. Can it also be described on a 'fractal' basis using Chaos theory?
chaos theory? is it connected to fractals in any way? Yes I can find the swastika inside the Mandelbrot Set. ![Wink](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/smilies/wink.gif) Shall we take a psychedelic trip with the SWASTIKA, herr Mandelbrot, LSD, DMT and the 4 Evangelists? go here: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11002Can we also connect the swastika to the world's largest megalithic stones ever quarried in a place called Baalbek?And to the magnificent Roman Temple of Jupiter? Go here: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...postcount=2271So what did I just do Steve? Did you notice what I just accomplished? Why I believe the swastika symbol is the MISSING LINK, the real Lost Symbol, that Dan Brown never even found? Any potential theory of everything, to be considered must accomplish what I just did...show profound connections between the MACROCOSM and the MICROCOSM. please note: I just linked the swastika to the first 4 lines of the Emerald Tablet.
Sir Isaac Newton's interpretation of the Emerald Tablet.
1. Tis true without lying, certain most true. 2. That which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing. 3. And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. 4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet |
Tis true without lying, certain most true, I have just linked the two versions of the swastika to that which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing. Have I not illustrated that the biggest MACROCOSMIC stones ever quarried by man can be linked to the same processes, meditations and adaptions of this one thing given birth by the infinitesimal small MICROCOSMIC fractal? The Sun is its father and it rotates clockwise or sunwise, and the Moon its mother, rotating counter-clockwise or ANTI.![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Arecibo_message_part_4.png) ![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/barberpole10.gif) ![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/dna.gif) And archetypes can be translated as you move from one dimension to another. We can use the same definition for the two interlaced helices of DNA that are rotating in opposite directions. Could the Holy Grail have something to do with our DNA? http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/Thus the SWASTIKA continues to prove itself the KEY to Universal Movement(spinning vortex) being veiled by both biblical and scientific scholars. Any connection between the Emerald Tablet, LSD, 4 leaf clovers and little green men is souly by design. ![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:QnRlOqAokN0WuM:http://www.faqs.org/docs/factbook/flags/da-lgflag.gif) ![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:--wlKf0siyipwM:http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/templerscrosses.gif) Maybe one of the Freemasons can offer why the barbershop spiral is RED and WHITE? Any connection to Satan, err I mean the red and white coca cola promotion depicting Santa? Is there a connection to red and white flags? Red crosses on White backgrounds or is it White crosses on Red backgrounds? namaste
Last edited by raphael; 14-11-2009 at 04:18 PM.
Originally Posted by orslah ![View Post View Post](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif)
I kept looking at the Fibonacci Numbers;
Love Debbie
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewto...er=asc&start=0Debbie I am not sure if you have seen this link. it is a compilation of FIBONACCI sources that connect to the pattern detected by moi, regarding the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8 AND some folks in their holier-than-thou IGNORANCE, (and there are many on these forums) seem to believe that only *experts* can see divine patterns? Back to remembering... later I found out the Masonic cipher is 3. (because of its association to gimel and gamma, the two languages that used similar forms of gematria long ago, among other reasons....) so when we add the cipher 3 to 11, 2, 5, 8 the FIGURATIVE FIB that is being VEILeD by the big LITERAL LIE called jesus reveals itself. So I am suggesting that the advertising camPAIN called jesus was used to VEIL LAWS of NATURE from the pagans that the Church was trying to convert? Occams Razor applies here folks, in a very big way...why delude yourselves with HIS-story based on the LITERAL LIE called jesus, born 2000 years ago.
An archetypal FIGURATIVE jesus was born 6000 years ago.
Easily proved, based on this zodiacal CODE that folks should start their end of daze with ... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5228&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 I love coincidences that reveal patterns... take a look at the post number assigned to that thread I just linked you too. #5228 or 11, 2, 5, 8? ![Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif) random? or design? design of course, based on certain patterns, just ask the Mann who supplies the NOBEL GEL, the glue that binds all of EWE to YOU using a U? ![](http://www.gosai.com/krishna-talk/graphics/swastica-cross-picts/good-luck-swastika.gif) And the U looks like a magnet or cosmic good luck horseshoe to me. lol lol lol And please note that the horseshoe shape fits nicely into St. Peter's Square.... ![](http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/media/png/Omega.png) 2 versions of OMEGA, man AND please note that the U used as a horseshoe in the image above resembles an upside down OMEGA symbol too? OR that the Masonic cipher 3 can look like an omega symbol too if rotated 90 degrees through space?![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Garden%20Photos/SwastikaontheChestofApollo-2.jpg) Mind if I ask a rhetorical question Debbie based on the above image? Why oh why was the Temple of Del phi and the letter/shape/glyph 'E' attributed to Apollo who we see has a swastika on his chest, just like the Buddha? 2 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD = Marko Rodin's cosmic blender concept re: 25Betcha... ![](http://photos.travellerspoint.com/172034/_DSC5082.jpg) Courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication where the miracle of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish took place, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. I love patterns...Am I being lead back to the source? By what? right click and take a look at the url # of this image that I posted off the web...OBVIOUSLY the Church of the Multiplication is to be a part of the narration I am supplying. i.e. this is the photo url. http://photos.travellerspoint.com/172034/_DSC5082.jpg You need to know, that before I was lead to 11, 2, 5, 8, I was exploring the numbers 528....re: the solfeggio frequency that heals DNA, as some researchers claim. I was born at 5:28 am? regarding the Church of the Multiplication I want to ask the following questions... a/ does it look like an OMEGA symbol? YES b/ does it fit into st. peter's square? YES c/ is it a mnemonic/shape/temple design pointing toward the Holy Grail, the ARK, our DNA? YES d/ does this 'omega' temple shape fit the binary (1 and 0 ) representation, of what we find in St. Peter's Square Ellipse, as seen from above? YES lordy lordy lordy do ya see it dude? ground control to major tomtom the pope is sending you a message... go here>>> HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Messagehttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Arecibo_message_part_4.png) ![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/vatican2.jpg) namaste
Last edited by raphael; 29-06-2010 at 03:31 PM.
Originally Posted by dodeca ![View Post View Post](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif)
Dave Smith. For the newcomers here I have a tip: Everything you want to know about Saturn and it's myth you go to Jno Cook.This guy is twenty years ahead of everybody.Even the guy's above do take a peek regularly at this mind blowing site that is ahead of everybody. Here the link of Jno's site: http://saturniancosmology.org/
dave smith? the fella is a Herr Talbot robot. would it surprise you if I told you, that I was ejected, rejected from the Dunderbolts website? Why? Because I started introducing information that questioned Dave Talbot's Saturn theory or at least gave those fellas, like Dave Smith something brand new to think about. Even Talbot, intervened in one of my discussions and said the 10,000+ year old SWASITKA is a non-issue when trying to put the pieces together .... ![EEK!](http://forum.davidicke.com/images/smilies/eek.gif) What a fucking egotistical jerk, eliminating the swastika, so his theory, has no glitches? Poor Dave seems to have invested far TOO MUCH of himself in his bullshit theory, and closed his mind to other factors. dodeca the site above that you suggested I go to, says the following.
What is most important about all this is the cultural and psychological reaction of the people of Earth to these events. The last 1000 years of this period (4200 BC to 3100 BC) was remembered as the "Age of the Gods" and subsequent human history has been a singular effort to regain the Paradise of that time. This period was followed by a series of adjustments in planetary orbits, many of which also had significant effects on Earth and on human history. |
Samarra Iraq, 5000 BCJno suggests 4200 BC as a turning point? I do agree that the northern cultures (where most swastikas are found) looked toward the pole star and the circumpolar constellations. But ask the Freemasons or Hitler what the pole star represented, that is directly above? Also I find it interesting that Talbot's theory, like MOST politically correct theories, lacks a swastika component to it. Want me to show you how both the big and small dippers that rotate around the central pole star = SWASTIKAs? So this plate from 5000 BC is possibly depicting SATURN, and maybe its rings too? Maybe. Or maybe it is a model for the Milky Way, or maybe it can it be used as a model for both? >> http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...the-milky-way/Or maybe we can use it for a model of precession too? Or maybe we can use this plate as a model for the path of an electron? Or maybe the swastika really is the KEY to Universal Movements, as it was once referred to in Mesoamerica. I presented all kinds of information like that plate, that predates Saturn theory. The Dave Talbot bots were all over me like white on rice. ![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Bab-IluGateofGod.jpg) And after one day reading about Herr Talbots drivel about 8-pointed stars, blah blah blah ... I presented this information about the Bab-Ilu. Again the fellas on Dunderbolts who have invested many years on their bullshit, did not want to entertain ole' Raphael and his findings. SOUND and 369 = Bab-Ilu = the Gate of Godhttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...e-gate-of-god/I am not at all disputing the Electric Universe aspects of the Saturn Theory.As a matter of fact...these images suggest Talbot and Co. are on the right path. ![](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/5-44.gif) But to ignore the 10,000+ year old Swastika and the Bab-Ilu is plain FUCKING STUPID and egotistical. Because the swastika is still in the building. Not Saturn... namaste
Last edited by raphael; 21-11-2009 at 06:57 PM.
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Message 543 of 543 on the subject |
WTC7 similarities? Note primes 23, 47 and 71 ALL share the same axis. All prime numbers with the exception of 2 and 3 fall into the pattern as mentioned by Peter Plichta. Both 2 and 3 are used to compose all music as I mentioned earlier. Coincidences?
A final aha for those who have persevered through quite a lengthy post.
I just want to connect that upside Vitruvian Man, to what his ARMS and LEGS are apparently suggesting. Tell me you don’t get a tingle.
![](https://i0.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Goseckcircle.jpg) ![](https://i1.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/vitruvian-man-prophecy-rotated.jpg)
GOSECK circle is German Woodhenge … circa 4800 BCE
![](https://i0.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Bab-ilu3soulgatesrotated.jpg) ![](https://i0.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/MI5_logo-1.png)
Image on the left is known as the 3 Soul Gates, and the image on the right is the logo of the brand new and improved SS, the Secret Service called Mi5.
Mi = 528 hertz and is associated with middle ‘C’, the 3rd note of the sacred Solfeggio frequencies. Ask Len Horowitz.
![](https://i2.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/4sacredsitesvatican2.jpg) ![](https://i0.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/4sacredsitesBeginningstheSacredDesi.jpg)
St Peter’s Square looks elliptical and please note that the Heelstone in Stonehenge is located near the Black Door in the Vatican. The Black Door is where the Popes are given their last rites. The Black Door is the Sphinx. The Black Door is the Moon, and the Old Testament says this is where your soul passes through after you die. Fintan you have seen this image before.
![](https://i2.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/enneatruth_anim.gif) ![](https://i1.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/BalanceVitruvianMan.jpg) ![](https://i1.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/BalanceMoonEarth.jpg)
![](https://i1.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/RodinCoilSineWaveGeneratorVATICAN.jpg) ![](https://i0.wp.com/i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/ARKitecturevatican.jpg)
Image on the left is the Rodin Coil, and the image on the right is well … you know. ![Twisted Evil](https://i0.wp.com/breakfornews.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif)
So the analogy I suggest is that St. Peter’s Basilica is the Sine Wave Generator? Suggesting the Black Door in the Rodin Coil would be?
So who in interested in attending the party, the aWAKEning happening in Room 1258, there is much too discuss?
A meeting of the minds needs to take place. Left with Right. If you watched that video featuring Jill Taylor Bolte, you know what I am hinting at.
And I used the above mandala photographed in a Peruvian Catholic Monastery in 2006 to help in unlocking ALL of the above. I added the swastika to help illustrate why this symbol was coveted by Hitler…it is a direct link to the Philosopher’s Stone.
I call it the Rosetta Fractal. An image that suggests a fractal progression similar to the Fibonacci sequence. Which brings us back to numbers and their intrinsic value to the ‘composition’ of the matrix.
Quote: |
…the Philadelphia Experiment that aimed to turn military naval boats invisible during times of war, did you know that the science behind it was purely working with the Fibonacci Numbers. |
Fintan, in Canada we have a donut chain called Tim Horton’s which reminds me of Dr. SeuSS’ Horton Hear’s a Who…which reminds me of the Owl, which reminds me of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna / Ishtar / Venus which reminds me of…SOUND of Venus?
An intrepid seeker of the truth would have noticed another coincidence regarding those 4 numbers 1258 and the Transit of Venus cycle, the cycle takes about 120.5 (+ or – 8 yrs) A cycle of celestial planetary movement that forms a pentagon/pentacle in the heavens. A pentacle circumscribed by a circle contains ‘phi’ and ‘Phi’.
Hello hello can anybody hear mi? Mi or Key 528 hertz it is rumored heals DNA. According to Dr. Len Horowitz.
Back to donuts. Marko Rodin’s torus looks like a donut. My 25 cent binary Two Byte Two Bit Theory of Everything suggests we ate God. God was the Hole in the center of the Donut that we need to continually FEED and also get our nourishment from. Going back to the well, is going back to the hole in the center for more nourishment and a REST.
Like the Eye of the Hurricane, the center spot is the most quiet. But we seem to have it backwards in how we go about our lives…we sit on the edge and give others in the center all the attention. The archetypal stadium is a valuable clue to human nature.
All modern stadiums are archetypal of the torus. We the spectators sit on the rim of the donut/stadium and direct our energies onto the playing field…thus the home team is given a 3-point advantage in the contest…even the bookies realize and honor this metaphysical advantage. Action at a distance… Because both bookies and Einstein knew ‘God does not play dice’… The archetypal God has the Emerald Table rigged…we can’t see under the table…
In conclusion, the so-called ineffable name of god is a non-electromagnetic sound wave…and it follows that the left and right hands of the creator alchemist are connected to the electro-magnetic light waves…the creation is BOTH a SOUND and LIGHT show, created using alchemy.
Inanna / Venus set her EAR to the Heaven Above and Heaven Below too.
Love 2 the 9s
Love 2 the 9s
God said to Haggai (2:18, 2the9)
“From this day on – from this twenty fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought: Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until this day the vine (bride of Christ) and the fig tree (Israel – bride of God) the pomgranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. From this day on I will bless you.” |
In verse 12 God says to Israel:
“Return, faithless Israel, declares the Lord. I will frown on you no longer, for I am merciful, declares the Lord. I will not be angry forever. Only acknowledge your guilt – you have rebelled against the Lord your God, you have scattered your favors to foreign gods under every spreading tree, and have not obeyed me.” |
The Dawn of Earth's Great MillenniumMagnificent Evidences that the New Day is Dawning!http://www.sonstoglory.com/millenniumgematria.htm“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, (the dawn of the Millennium) he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.... The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death. Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord... I will give thanks for you answered me; you have become my salvation.... This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. O Lord, save us; O Lord grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." 21 12 (20+1) 12onOFFonOFF http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifix_(Michelangelo) 3.6. 9 = 1 + 8
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 29-07-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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Message 51 of 51 on the subject |
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 12-12-2012 at 08:43 PM.
![Justin Timberlake et le signe 666](http://www.bibleetnombres.online.fr/images66/Justin-Timberlake-sexe_entre_amis.jpg)
Index de Justin Timberlake pointant sur le 666...
Au cas où le spectateur n'aurait pas compris ce qu'il fallait décoder!
Un sexe pointant vers un orifice? non!
![Justin Timberlake et le signe 666](http://www.bibleetnombres.online.fr/images65/justin_timberlake.jpg)
Et toujours Justin Timberlake et le signe 666...
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' G', the letter of 'God', the ' Great Architect', the 'Geometer', for G is the 7th letter -
![Para los mapuches Venus era y es Guñelve, la blanca estrella solitaria de ocho puntas, y en el kultrún aparece dibujada en lados opuestos, para explicar su presencia tanto como “estrella de la mañana” y como “estrella de la tarde”. Al igual que los...](http://65.media.tumblr.com/6c50cc85f3a90cd9280d9794935574c5/tumblr_mnvwi4Az811sqr0izo1_1280.jpg)
Para los mapuches Venus era y es Guñelve, la blanca estrella solitaria de ocho puntas, y en el kultrún aparece dibujada en lados opuestos, para explicar su presencia tanto como “estrella de la mañana” y como “estrella de la tarde”. Al igual que los mayas, los mapuches conocían tan bien el desplazamiento de Venus en el firmamento, hasta el punto de calcular con bastante exactitud su “período sinódico” el cual se completa en cerca de 583 días. Solían dibujarlo como una estrella de ocho puntas y su símil terrestre era y es la blanca flor del foye (canelo).Para los mapuches Venus era y es Guñelve, la blanca estrella solitaria de ocho puntas, y en el kultrún aparece dibujada en lados opuestos, para explicar su presencia tanto como “estrella de la mañana” y como “estrella de la tarde”. Al igual que los mayas, los mapuches conocían tan bien el desplazamiento de Venus en el firmamento, hasta el punto de calcular con bastante exactitud su “período sinódico” el cual se completa en cerca de 583 días. Solían dibujarlo como una estrella de ocho puntas y su símil terrestre era y es la blanca flor del foye (canelo).
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